"Hochwirksames Faszientraining" |
"""Was wre, wenn es einen Weg gbe, wie Du in nur 30 Minuten am Tag, in sehr kurzer Zeit Deinen Krper neu erschaffen knntest? ......wie viel besser ginge es Dir?""Das bringt dir dieser Kurs:-> Du wirst dich Fitter fhlen-> Deine Krperhaltung wird sich verbessern!-> Du wirst deinen Krper ""neu erschaffen""!-> Du sorgst im Vorfeld dafr, Gesund zu bleiben! Ich zeige dir in meinem Kurs wie hochwirksam das Faszientraining ist. Du lernst hier alles Wichtige rund um das Thema Faszien!. In meinen Videos zeige ich dir detailliert, wie du am effektivsten rollst, und ich gebe dir Tipps wann und wie du die bungen machen solltest."
Price: 29.99 |
"QiGong - Ausgleichsbungen fr deinen Alltag" |
"Lerne jetzt die Fhigkeiten und Jahrtausend alten Techniken um dich Fit zu halten!Qi Gong ist eine aus China stammende Bewegungskunst. Ziel ist es die eigene Lebensenergie zu vermehren und zu harmonisieren. Durch dieses Training, kommt es auch zu einer Entspannung des Nervensystems. Dieser Kurs ist ein perfektes Training zum Abbau von Stress, aber auch um die eigene Vitalitt und Gesundheit nachhaltig zu strken.-> Du wirst dich Fitter fhlen!-> Du sorgst im Vorfeld dafr, Gesund zu bleiben!-> Du wirst deinen Krper neu erschaffen!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Effektives Training fr deinen Arbeitsplatz und Zuhause" |
"Dieser Kurs eignet sich fr alle, die auf der Suche nach bungen fr ihren Arbeitsplatz sind. Da wir den grten Teil unseres Lebens in der Arbeit verbringen sollten wir gerade dort ansetzen und fr mehr Gesundheit sorgen! Die bungen werden einfach angeleitet und sind somit fr jeden gut nachzuvollziehen und nachzumachen!"
Price: 19.99 |
"RckenFit -Mehr Beweglichkeit, mehr Kraft, weniger Schmerzen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die wichtigsten bungen um deinen Rcken-Fit und frei von Schmerzen zu halten!Dieser Kurs ist so aufgebaut, das die bungen vllig ohne Zusatzgerte auszuben sind und dieser somit die wirkungsvollsten bungen im funktionellen Training bietet! Lerne die korrekte Ausfhrung der einzelnen Bewegungselemente und bringe Deinen Krper in Form.Die Videos sind so gestaltet das du die bungen ganz einfach von zuhause nachmachen kannst!Falls du noch keine Trainingsmatte besitzt, solltest du dir noch schnell eine besorgen... und los gehts! Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 19.99 |
"VitalCoach - Effektives Training fr zu Hause und Unterwegs" |
"Dieser Kurs vermittelt dir in 5 verschiednen Modulen das Wissen aus ber 25 Jahre Erfahrung mit dem Thema Gesundheit und Fitness! In seinen Instituten konnte Mario immer wieder beobachten, dass die meisten Menschen erst dann ins Handeln kommen, wenn sie bereits von Krankheiten und Verletzungen geplagt werden. Darauf hin hat er den Entschluss gefasst einen Kurs ins Leben zu rufen, der die Menschen bereits im Vorfeld mit den ntigen bungen, Wissen und Motivation versorgen soll damit sie erst gar nicht in diese Situationen kommen, also Prventiv handeln!Die unterschiedlichen Module liefern dir Lsungsanstze fr bestimmte Themen die alle Samt Bausteine der Gesundheit darstellen.Im 1. Modul lernst du bungen und Dehnungen welche du direkt in deinen Arbeitsalltag integrieren kannst.Im 2. Modul lernst du alles wichtige zum Thema Faszien und wie du diese mit den richtigen Hilfsmitteln behandeln kannst.Das 3. Modul bietet dir Anhand von jahrtausendenalten QiGong bungen und Meditationen die Mglichkeit deinen Energiehaushalt und somit deinen Krper in Balance zu bringen und zu halten.Mit dem 4. Modul hast du die Mglichkeit deinen Krper mit Hilfe von aufeinander abgestimmten bungen Fit zu haltenAnhand von Interviews mit Experten, bekommst du im 5 Modul Einblick in verschiedene Gesundheitsthemen.bernimm jetzt selbst die Verantwortung fr deine Gesundheit und sichere dir den Vital Coach!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Trauma Release and Awakening Program" |
"This program will help each of us fully experience and identify traumas, signs, blockages, and the physical effects that these traumas store within our emotional bodies. This program allows us to release traumas using Day Seven Wellness Centers faith-based methods and guided meditation, emotional freedom therapy, thought field therapy, and so much more! Here I introduce how social psychology ties into the interactions we hold on a daily basis and how and why they materialize the way they do in our relationships. This program will empower you with strategies to aid healing in your emotional body giving you space to overcome your personal triggers and further help provide aid to our loved ones and peers helping them overcome triggers to emotional instability as well. Please join us in unlocking the maximum potential of your wellness journey, allowing space to manifest the life of your dreams and holding a clear conscious space for your emotional wellness... Namaste"
Price: 29.99 |
"Simulation using ANSYS - Fluent level 3 English version" |
"(Note: THIS COURSE INCLUDES level 1 + level 2 + level 3 )the course requires you to have very basic knowledge on fluid dynamicsthe course is split into 3 parts:1. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS CAD software 'space claim' (we start from the beginning till we can make assembly, and import parts from other CAD software ).2. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS meshing tool, and measure the mesh quality.3. learn how to work professionally on CFX and Fluent , and view the results on CFD-postin every program, we understand its GUI, all the options they have, and the physics behind every value or option we usethe course contains 34 projects (10 projects in space claim , 6 in meshing tool , 3 in CFX , and 15 in Fluent)in every project, we learn new tools and get more familiar with the programsthe instructor will be available with you through the entire course, and ready for any technical questions you havethis is the course content:Session 1: -intro to FEA -intro to Space Claim (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D drawings ) Session 2: -more on Space Claim: Importing drawings from other CAD software Drawing flow domain for a 3D wing Using pattern tool in drawing blades Working on Assembly (assembling parts drawn on space claim, and parts drawn on Solidworks) Session 3: -intro to Meshing -GUI of ANSYS meshing tool -Meshing three main parts (Global settings, Meshing methods, and Local settings) -Pipe model mesh (structured mesh) -Car flow domain mesh -Aerofoil flow domain mesh -Aerofoil structured mesh-2 rectangle blocks domain structured mesh (2D) -2 rectangle blocks domain structured mesh (3D)-Mesh quality Session 4: -intro to CFD -GUI of CFX -Turbulence models, and Boundary conditions -Solving flow in pipe (comparing different cases) (CFX) -Solving flow over a car model (CFX) -Solving flow in a Convergent Divergent nozzle (CFX) (supersonic flow) Session 5:-GUI of Fluent -Solving flow in pipe (comparing CFX and Fluent results)-Solving flow over aerofoil (Fluent) -Solving supersonic flow over a wedge (Fluent) -Solving supersonic flow over a wedge (Fluent) -Solving a combustion chamber case (Fluent)Session 6:-GUI of CFD-post -Using CFD-post to view results with all Fluent and CFX projects-Solving a water filling in a tank case (Fluent)-heat exchanger- heat transfer (Fluent)-Solving Rotating Cylinder case (Fluent)-Simple FSI Fluid Solid interaction case (Fluent)-Boiling water in a tank case (Fluent) -Solar load and radiation case (Fluent)Session 7:-VAWT (vertical axial wind turbine) (Fluent)-Pipe in a wall heat transfer (Fluent)-Car in a garage case (Fluent) -Gate in a pipe (UDF + dynamic mesh) (Fluent) -Centrifugal Compressor (Fluent)-bullets race Advanced FSI case (Fluent)"
Price: 69.99 |
"simulation using ANSYS - Fluent level 2 English version" |
"(Note: THIS COURSE INCLUDES level 1 + level 2 )the course requires you to have very basic knowledge on fluid dynamicsthe course is split into 3 parts:1. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS CAD software 'space claim' (we start from the beginning till we can make assembly, and import parts from other CAD software ).2. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS meshing tool, and measure the mesh quality.3. learn how to work professionally on CFX and Fluent , and view the results on CFD-postin every program, we understand its GUI, all the options they have, and the physics behind every value or option we usethe course contains 31 projects (10 projects in space claim , 3 in meshing tool , 3 in CFX , and 15 in Fluent)in every project, we learn new tools and get more familiar with the programsthe instructor will be available with you through the entire course, and ready for any technical questions you havethis is the course content:Session 1: -intro to FEA -intro to Space Claim (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D drawings ) Session 2: -more on Space Claim: Importing drawings from other CAD software Drawing flow domain for a 3D wing Using pattern tool in drawing blades Working on Assembly (assembling parts drawn on space claim, and parts drawn on Solidworks) Session 3: -intro to Meshing -GUI of ANSYS meshing tool -Meshing three main parts (Global settings, Meshing methods, and Local settings) -Pipe model mesh (structured mesh) -Car flow domain mesh -Aerofoil flow domain mesh -Aerofoil structured mesh -Mesh quality Session 4: -intro to CFD -GUI of CFX -Turbulence models, and Boundary conditions -Solving flow in pipe (comparing different cases) (CFX) -Solving flow over a car model (CFX) -Solving flow in a Convergent Divergent nozzle (CFX) (supersonic flow) Session 5:-GUI of Fluent -Solving flow in pipe (comparing CFX and Fluent results)-Solving flow over aerofoil (Fluent) -Solving supersonic flow over a wedge (Fluent) -Solving supersonic flow over a wedge (Fluent) -Solving a combustion chamber case (Fluent)Session 6:-GUI of CFD-post -Using CFD-post to view results with all Fluent and CFX projects-heat exchanger-heat transfer (Fluent)-Solving a water filling in a tank case (Fluent)-Solving Rotating Cylinder case (Fluent)-Simple FSI Fluid Solid interaction case (Fluent)-Boiling water in a tank case (Fluent) -Solar load and radiation case (Fluent)"
Price: 54.99 |
"Simulation using ANSYS - Fluent level 1 English version" |
"the course requires you to have very basic knowledge on fluid dynamicsthe course is split into 3 parts:1. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS CAD software 'space claim' (we start from the beginning till we can make assembly, and import parts from other CAD software ).2. learn how to work professionally on ANSYS meshing tool, and measure the mesh quality.3. learn how to work professionally on CFX and Fluent , and view the results on CFD-postin every program, we understand its GUI, all the options they have, and the physics behind every value or option we usethe course contains 21 projects (10 projects in space claim , 4 in meshing tool , 3 in CFX , and 4 in Fluent)in every project, we learn new tools and get more familiar with the programsthe instructor will be available with you through the entire course, and ready for any technical questions you havethis is the course content:Session 1: -intro to FEA -intro to Space Claim (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D drawings ) Session 2: -more on Space Claim: Importing drawings from other CAD software Drawing flow domain for a 3D wing Using pattern tool in drawing blades Working on Assembly (assembling parts drawn on space claim, and parts drawn on Solidworks) Session 3: -intro to Meshing -GUI of ANSYS meshing tool -Meshing three main parts (Global settings, Meshing methods, and Local settings) -Pipe model mesh (structured mesh) -Car flow domain mesh -Aerofoil flow domain mesh-Aerofoil structured mesh -Mesh quality Session 4: -intro to CFD -GUI of CFX -Turbulence models, and Boundary conditions -Solving flow in pipe (comparing different cases) (CFX) -Solving flow over a car model (CFX) -Solving flow in a Convergent Divergent nozzle (CFX) (supersonic flow)Session 5:-GUI of Fluent -Solving flow in pipe (comparing CFX and Fluent results)-Solving flow over aerofoil (Fluent)-Solving supersonic flow over a wedge (Fluent)-Solving a combustion chamber case (Fluent)"
Price: 44.99 |
"Essential Customer Accessibility Requirements for Businesses" |
"The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is not covered by building departments. Building departments are state entities whereas the ADA is federal law. This gap means that property stakeholders must comply on their own.This course is for commercial property stakeholders (business owners, building owners, commercial realtors, architects, and contractors) to learn the principles of ADA compliance.One major difference between the ADA and building code is that the building code is about the building itself. The ADA is determined by access to goods and services. This means that even an ADA compliant building can be made in-compliant by the placement of furniture, signs and the location of goods and services.This course covers foundational principles, that is, the common elements for commercial property including small strip malls, parking lots, small restaurants, small retails shops and offices. This course does not cover hotels, showers, bathrooms, theaters, auditoriums, golf courses or other specialized uses."
Price: 199.99 |
"Easy Guide to Brush Pen Calligraphy" |
"HEY! Been wanting to get started on modern calligraphy? This course is a great starter pack for you!""Easy Guide to Brush Pen Calligraphy - Get Started, Write Away!"" is armed with all the necessary information you'll need as a beginner calligrapher, from beginner's supplies to the basic strokes of each letter.It covers BOTH the uppercase and lowercase alphabet (yay!), as well as THREE ways to shake up your lettering style!So get started, write away, and create some insta-worthy art for yourself and your loved ones! *throws confetti*About the course creator:Seow Ting has been delving in modern calligraphy since 2016 using various mediums - the brush pen, pointed pen, as well as watercolour."
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn to Play Clarinet for Beginners" |
"Learn to play the Clarinet the right way from the beginning. This is an hour long course to start you off playing and learning the basics about how to play the Clarinet well. It features instructions on playing as well as basics on scales and your first notes. You will learn the right basics from the start as well as start to play after only a few lessons."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Play Clarinet Intermediate lessons" |
"This is a course that caters to students wanting more information on how to Play the Clarinet. It continues where the first course left off with more tips and tricks on how to Play the Clarinet well.You will learn more of the fundamentals as well as music theory and practical application of the course derived from playing and practising."
Price: 19.99 |
"Podstawy marketingu dla brany kosmetycznej / beauty" |
"Planujesz otwarcie wasnego salonu kosmetycznego? A moe ju go masz i samodzielnie prowadzisz dziaania marketingowe? Szkolenie kierowane jest to brany kosmetycznej i porusza podstawowe zagadnienia z dziedziny marketingu, niezbdne do prowadzania swojego salonu kosmetycznego.Z marketingiem jest jak z make up`em. Niby to nic trudnego i kady wie o co chodzi, ale nie kady potrafi go dobrze zrobi. Efekt bdzie zadowalajcy, jeli posiadasz wiedz z tej dziedziny. Wanie dlatego wiedza ma moc i warto w ni inwestowa. Kiepskim marketingiem nie przycigniesz klientw, tak jak kiepskim makijaem nie podbijesz serca mczyzny. Zgadza si? ;-) Lekcje prowadzone s w formie wykadw wideo z wykorzystaniem prezentacji lub dziaania omawianych narzdzi i rozwiza marketingowych. Szkolenie moesz oglda w wolnych chwilach w salonie, w domu albo na awce w parku dokadnie tam, gdzie i kiedy masz na to ochot."
Price: 99.99 |
"React-Redux Project Architecture" |
"This course will give you basic idea on how to make a project structure and it will let you understand concepts, so that you can make your own decision while enhancing the project structure.What youll learn Create a project architecture with React JS and Redux. Master fundamental concepts behind structuring application.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? Basics on React JS concepts.Who this course is for: Programmers looking to learn React Project Architecture. Developers who want to create a project from scratch."
Price: 39.99 |
"PHP & MySQL course for absolute beginners Become a PHP pro" |
"Welcome to the course PHP For Beginners In this course we will go step by step to digest all the basics topics in PHP, so if you are looking for a quick and understandable way to become a master in PHP, this is a perfect course to start with. Most of the sections will have programming exercises and at the end of every section, I will be making the exercises to show you the solutions! The reason why I think its important to make the exercises is because you can only learn PHP by DOING IT!We will also be looking at the basics of MySQL Database since the final section of this course is inserting data in a table, then we will be outputting the data from the table in the browser, and then we will be creating our own login and register script!In the beginning years when I started programming, I came across so many videos and tutorials where tutors wouldve just create the code without explaining it and I always wondered why are you doing it this way? Therefore, I try to give you examples why you should use this method instead of another method and I try to give you real life examples.This course is created in a logical order to make you a PHP hero in on time! The course has been divided into the following main sections:1. Introduction2. Variables and Data Types3. Operators in PHP4. Control structures5. Functions in PHP6. Build-in functions in PHP7. How to work with superglobals in PHP8. Introduction to databases9. Using a database to create a register/login scriptWhy you should learn PHPAnything that you can do on a web server, you can do with PHP. Do you read blogs? Well, blogs are created in PHP! Do you order stuff online? Well, thats also created with PHP! What Im trying to say it: PHP IS EVERYWHERE!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Corso Usui Reiki Livello 1,2 & Master" |
"Questo corso multimediale fornisce le conoscenze e gli strumenti adeguati per poter essere Reiki Master e poter essere operatore Reiki ma anche insegnarlo, se lo desideri.Avrai a tua disposizione video-lezioni con dimostrazioni pratiche sulle tecniche Reiki oltre che ad una dispensa da scaricare e poter avere come riferimento.L'attivazione, che ti faro' a distanza, ha lo stessa valenza di quella fatta di persona. Sar' sempre a tua disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento."
Price: 199.99 |
"How to become a successful entrepreneur by Maciej Kuran" |
"Hey ! :) Are you ready to go through the course with me?My name is Maciej Kuran and I am 26 year old successful entrepreneur from Poland. In my videos I share my life and experiences.It doesnt matter how old you are ! What matters is what you have gone through in your life. MY LIFE WAS VERY MISERABLE BUT IT CHANGED ONE DAY ...I have a recipe how to turn your life from miserable to successful gaining so much confidence in terms of entrepreneurship and personal life.Are you ready to change your mindset ?After this course you will be ready for success and real happiness. You will get the necessary tips based on real experiences. NO MORE WHINING AND LIVING IN FEAR !I just want you to be successful and we are giving you our best of the best TIPS.Through the course YOU WILL LEARN:How to become successful - based on my experienceDefining the word ""success"" as a business person beyond just the financialGenerating fresh ideas and turning problems into opportunitiesHow an upstart business person might keep their motivation and enthusiasm up through tough timesHow one can be professionally successful and still have the time for a fulfilling personal lifeCharacteristics that someone has to have to be a successful entrepreneurKinds of achievable goals might a young entrepreneur set for themselvesTypes of preparations that people should make before opening a business, considering things like finances, time commitments, expectations etc.A few of the common mistakes that new entrepreneurs makeWe all can make our lifes better. It's never too late for you to change. Join my course now ! Thank you :)"
Price: 94.99 |
"Photoshop Retouching Masterclass" |
"Do you want to learn an Advance Retouching Workflow from a Professional Expert? Are you ready to upgrade your skills and improve your work to the next level and find bigger clients? Then this Masterclass will help you improve your work to the top level of Photoshop Retouching.Your instructor on this journey will be Samuel Zlatarev - an award winning portrait and beauty photographer and a High End Retoucher published by FStoppers, 1X, Dark Beauty Magazine, Elegant Magazine and other dozens of creative content distributors around the world.Samuel has an experience as a professional commercial retoucher and he was involved in projects for some of the biggest companies in the World like Mercedes, Audi, Adidas, FC Bayern, OTTO, Heine, Peter Hahn, Lacoste and others - companies worth billion of dollars in total and he is going to share his knowledge of Portrait and Beauty Retouching with you to apply it in your work.This course will help you achieve results worthy of Global Quality Standards of Retouching by teaching you everything you need to know about Portrait and Beauty Retouching to improve your skills and become top specialist in your creative field and win bigger clients or start your company and start living your dream as an artist.This course will lay down a solid understanding about the techniques used by the people working for some of the biggest retouching companies and will show you not only how to use the techniques but also the philosophy behind the techniques and why to do the things in a certain way to create a much greater visual impact.The Photoshop Retouching Masterclass contains lessons from every stage of the retouching process and begins with the fundamentals and everything we need to get started and then we will gradually move towards full advance retouching on two completely different images from start to finish, where you will learn the full advanced retouching workflow to apply it in your work.We will go through various retouching techniques, compare them and find out why some of the methods others teach you don't always work. Everything you will learn is the real process used by Samuel on his images to create the WOW Effect.You will learn different techniques methods of work to deal with the problems, that every professional faces in his career.You will also also get a BONUS lecture with the help of which you will learn how to create Black and White images and get results that cannot be done with any of the automatic tools or menus built into Photoshop.We will talk about different types of images, compare different retouching techniques, compare different methods of splitting images in texture and color and working them separately, we will also look an advanced ways of selecting various parts of the images, talk about ways of manually create contrast in the images and much more.We are very exited to share everything with you today, so let's get started. Enroll Now."
Price: 199.99 |
"Photoshop Fundamentals" |
"""Photoshop Fundamentals"" is a New Course created by respected professional photographer and retoucher with several years of experience in a retouching company where our instructor had the change to work for some of the biggest and well known companies in the world.This course is designed to help you learn Adobe Photoshop in the easiest and most accessible way while saving you time. Most people often give up before they even start, and the main reason is that the software is too extensive and it is really difficult to learn everything in one go, we are here to change that and help you learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop and get you ready for real Photoshop, taking you on a journey with an Expert.This course will help you learn the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop by showing you how to edit and correct any image so you can start using these software on your images and correct anything you want.The course will help you learn the tools you need to know to get started learning the serious Photoshop workflow and techniques.Your will grow your knowledge through an innovative teaching methodology by entering the World of Photoshop and learning one of the most widely used software in the world.With this video course you will get for free all the pictures that will help you with the learning process to learn modern techniques and tools used by the experts to create and enhance their work.With the help of this course, you will make amazing progress by making the change from total beginner to an advanced Photoshop user in less than a weekend. After taking this course you will be able to do some very interesting things which you may apply in your images and have fun while doing it.You will learn different tools, options, menus, filters and so much tips and tricks which you will be able to apply in your work and become a creator and you will be able to correct anything you want as you want it.You will be able to have a true Expert as your guide and help you with the learning process and ask anything you want and get professional help.We are very exited to introduce our new course ""Photoshop Fundamentals"" specially designed to deliver great quality videos and grow your knowledge and in the same time saving your time.We can't wait to have you on board, Let's dive in right now in the World of Photoshop. Enroll Now."
Price: 69.99 |
" Temel ve ileri seviyede renmeniz gereken konularn ounu kapsayan bir kurstur. Her blmn sonunda konu testleriyle rendiklerinizi pekitire bileceksiniz. Kolay anlalabilir ve sade bir anlatm iermektedir. Korece cmle kurmay renebilecek ve konuulanlar anlayabileceksiniz. Her dersin sonunda gnlk tekrarlar ile pratik yaplmas tavsiye edilmektedir. Bunun dnda ise dizi ve film izleyerek sk sk dinleme pratii yaplmaldr."
Price: 109.99 |
"B-school Placement Interview Coaching" |
"Mudit has coached hundreds of MBA students clear their placement rounds. All his lessons and learnings have been summarised in this course.You get unlimited access to all 30 recorded lectures on how to ace interviews, group discussions, resumes and negotiation. Learn from Mudit's expertise of having coached executives at Fortune 500 companies, practice leaders at consulting firms and hundreds of B-school to ace their interviews."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Aprende Catia Desde Cero ACDC" |
"Saludos!!!Mi nombre es Javier y te doy la bienvenida a este curso de Aprende Catia Desde Cero ""ACDC"".Me gustara que respondieses primero a tres preguntas:Te gustara crear tus propios diseos 3D con CATIA?Te gustara descubrir cmo plantear y abordar tu diseo?Te has preguntado si t puedes ser capaz de manejar esta herramienta?Si la respuesta a esas preguntas es un SIIIII! ROTUNDO, te encuentras en el lugar correcto.En este Curso Online, vas a DESCUBRIR:Cmo realizar la configuracin bsica de Catia V5Trabajar con el Mdulo Part DesignTrabajar con el Mdulo Assembly DessignRealizar una SimulacinAplicar MaterialesRenderizar el Modelo...Vamos a realizar juntos un proyecto totalmente desde CERO y lo ms importante, no necesitas tener conocimientos previos.Te explicar con vdeos sencillos cmo realizar todas las funciones y vamos a ir de la mano durante todo el camino,as que DALE PLAY! porque EMPEZAMOS!"
Price: 19.99 |
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". . . . ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Be HAPPY today with the C.A.T.S Method" |
"Do you want to be happier, have more fun, more excitement and more joy in your life? Do you want to be focused, motivated and confident?Do you want to make changes in your life, but just can't seem to do it?In this course you will learn how to improve your life with simple changes in your thoughts and actions. The C.A.T.S Method is a simple but powerful 4 step process, easy to understand, to remember and implement into your life immediately for instant change.You will learn- The C.A.T.S Method- How to change your thoughts- How to overcome your excuses- Be motivated to take action- Became self-aware- Enjoy life and have more fun- Importance of celebrating your achievements, big and small- develop a positive mindset- look at your life differently"
Price: 69.99 |
"How to Design a Productivity System That Helps You Grow" |
"Learn how to build an effective productivity system that helps you reach your personal development goals in 30 minutes!Productivity hacks & tools are ineffective if they are not part of a comprehensive productivity system. In this class, youll learn how to design your productivity system to make the most out of your time. This class will teach you a basic & simple system to start with (using Notion, one of the best productivity tools) as well as guidelines to help you adapt it to your needs. This is not about being more productive at the workplace, its about freeing up time and knowing what to focus on!Whether youre a student or a working professional, everyone can benefit from implementing this simple and ready-to-use system in his or her daily lives. Watch the introduction video to better grasp what this class will be about!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Online business set up strategy for beginners with no capita" |
"This course will expose students to the possibility of setting up their business and stop procrastinating,it also comes with enough material,in this digital age everyone wants to be free and be their own boss but often times things like capital and emotional problems comes on the way but in this course we will be breaking everything down to the knowledge of a complete beginners to be able to set up their business and financial problems will be solved within a matter of period,all the lecture are from vast and current research on business setup and strive to pass every message down to the students"
Price: 29.99 |
"C# Dersleri ile Programlama Temelleri Visual Studio 2019" |
"Seluk niversitesi - Bilgisayar Sistemleri retmenlii mezunuyum. 2008 ylndan bu yana yaklak 11 yldr Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Liselerinin Biliim Blmlerinde, Halk Eitim Merkezi Mdrlkleri ve Belediyelere bal kurum ve kurulularda lise ve niversite rencilerine programlama ve robotik kodlama eitimleri verdim. Yaklak 3 yldr da ""Sen de Kod Yaz"" YouTube kanal zerinden lkemizin yazlm alanndaki geliimine katkda bulunmak iin programlama ve robotik kodlama eitimleri yaynlamaktaym. Hem mesleki bilgi ve becerilerimi hem de Youtube zerindeki eitimleri hazrlarken kazandm deneyimleri bir araya getirerek bu eitim serisini hazrladm. stisnalar kaideyi bozmaz. Her zaman ve her artta geerli olmasa da u sz ok severim ve ou kez yaayarak doruluunu test ettim. ""yi bir mhendis her eyi bilir, iyi bir retmen nasl reteceini bilir."" Sizlere programlama temellerini ve daha ileri seviyedeki konular reteceime inanyorum. Umarm sizlere mahup olmam ve takdirlerinizi hak ederim. Eitimleri hem sunu hem de uygulamal olarak anlatmaya altm. Uzun uralar sonucu hazrladm animasyonlarla glendirilmi sunular sayesinde soyut programlama kavramlarn zihninizde somut hale getirmeye altm. Dnya Yazlm Pazar ve TrkiyeDnya yazlm pazarnn 4.9 trilyon dolar seviyesine ulat gnmzde lkemizin bu yazlm pazarndan ald pay 7.8 milyar dolar civarndadr. Genlerimiz artk biliim teknolojilerinin nemini kavrayarak kendilerini bu alana ynlendirmektedir. Programlama renmeye karar verip harekete gemek isteyenler iin Visual Studio 2019 C# ile Programlama Temellerini eitimini hazrladm. Sen de kod yaz. Geleceini yaz! Unutma senin gelecein lkemizin aydnlk geleceidir.Programlama TemelleriKurs balnda Programlama Temelleri kavramn kullandm. nk btn programlama dillerinin konular ortaktr. Elbette her programlama dilinin gl ve zayf yanlar vardr. Ancak programlama dilleri arasnda tek deien komut yazm biimlerindeki basit sz dizim farkllklardr. Bu sayede her hangi bir programlama dili zerinden temel konularn rendiinizde yeni bir programlama diline adapte olmakta zorluk ekmezsiniz. Visual Studio Nedir?Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Community (Topluluk) versiyonunu cretsiz olarak kullanma sunulmutur. Microsoft tarafndan gelitirilen Visual Studio platformu ile birok programlama dilini kullanarak masast yazlm, mobil uygulama ya da web sitesi gelitirebilirsiniz. Visual Studio ile C, C++, Visual Basic, C#, F# programlama dillerinin yan sra Python, Ruby, Node.js ve M gibi programlama dilleri kullanarak uygulama gelitirebilirsiniz. ASP.NET web uygulama geliimi teknolojisi sayesinde Visual Studio ile web uygulamalar zerinde alabilirsiniz. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery ve benzeri yaplar web uygulamalarnzda kullanabilirsiniz. C# Nedir?C# programlama dili C/C++ ve Java dillerinin etkileimi ile ortaya kmtr. Gl, esnek, basit ve gvenli bir yapya sahip olan bu programlama dili .NET platformu iin sfrdan oluturulmutur. Orta dzeyli diller grubunda yer alan C# programlama dili ile hem alt dzey hem de st dzey yazlmlar gelitirebilirsiniz. Neden C#? C# programlama dilinin renilmesi kolaydr. Nesne ynelimli programlamay %100 destekler. Yksek verimli bir programlama dili olup kod yazm hatalarn nleyici bir ok nlemi yapsnda barndrr. Gelitirdiiniz yazlmlarn internet zerinde almasna olanak salayan ve baka sistemlerle etkileimini kolaylatran XML desteini salar. Biliim ve internet ann gerektirdii tm zellikleri destekler. Unity Oyun Motoru ile oyun gelitirmek iin mutlaka C# programlama dilini bilmeniz gerekmektedir. "
Price: 199.99 |
"Beginner English in 60 Minutes" |
"This course has been developed to help beginner, intermediate students to solve their comprehension issues, the live stories of Benny and Sandy are a real live situation of things you could encounter when you travel to an english speaking country, the videos are set at a natural pace so that the student gets used to a real scenario, there are lots of examples to help you understand english speakers whether they speak fast or slow, the vocabulary section is very rich providing you the student with a lot of time to master the pronunciation of some very common everyday words which are used everywhere from a hotel scene to a setting at a restaurant, my main interest in creating this course is not to make money but to help people who have a very hard time in understanding english at its natural pace, a lot of courses slow down the pace of students to make them understand what is being said, but think about it, when you are abroad you will hear english at its natural pace, so of course the course slows down at the vocabulary phase so you can go back and repeat and understand the pronunciation, but the stories of Benny and Sandy are at a slow to medium tempo, however you can go back as many times as necessary and listen to the videos over and over again to train your ear. This course is supposed to be fun and keep you interested on the way through, so enjoy yourself while you embark on this learning cycle with me."
Price: 19.99 |
"Experimenting with Paint" |
"Art making can be a very judgmental process. In this class, This class focuses on creating without expectation. Of having no idea what your series of A5 mini paintings will look like from one day to the next. Here, we work to set aside expectations and judgments, focusing on experimenting with paint, techniques, styles and materials.As creators we want to jump into creating before we truly understand how to create. We are then easily discouraged when our work doesnt turn out as we hoped.Instead we listen to our intuition as we play with paint. Making abstract art allows us to be present to our instincts and let go of needing a plan. You will learn several basic techniques, which you can combine and reorder in anyway your instinct and intuition suggests. We let go of being attached to the outcome and simply enjoy playing with process on multiple surfaces at once. This is a great practice for learning to trust yourself, your art practice and increase your creative confidence.You will learn about:Materials: gloss, gels, pastes, ink and moreTechniques: dragging, scraping, glazing, and moreBy learning the fundamentals of painting, using different techniques and styles, you will form a solid basis for creating. Add in a mindset for creating without expectation, and you will find yourself enjoying the freedom of using paint to express yourself. With regular practice, you will soon be unleashing your inner artist and creating works of art using your personal visual language."
Price: 24.99 |