"Como Possuir um Perfil Campeo - Currculo e LinkedIn" |
"Aps o trmino do curso voc saber como elaborar o seu currculo de forma a chamar a ateno dos recrutadores;Quais campos acrescentar no currculo e quais informaes devem conter em cada um deles;Principais pontos para deixar o seu perfil do LinkedIn mais atraente aos recrutadores;Fornecemos um modelo de currculo (em formato WORD) para que voc possa elaborar o seu currculo j com uma base;Entre outras informaes."
Price: 54.99 |
"Microsoft PowerApps" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de creacin de aplicaciones empresariales con Microsoft PowerApps.En este curso usted aprender los conceptos bsicos para la creacin de aplicaciones de lienzo, frmulas de guardado filtro bsqueda, elementos para mostrar los datos como galeras, tablas.Etiquetas de texto como Label, entradas de texto.El aprendizaje en el curso ser mediante la practica creando una aplicacin de reporte de incidentes.se inicia el curso con breve descripcin de que es Microsoft PowerApps y se explican los contralores disponibles en la plataforma seguido se explicara que son las listas de SharePoint y se crearan las primeras tablas de SharePoint con las que se iniciara la creacin de una aplicacin para manejo de incidentes tcnicos.En este curso aprender:1. creacin de aplicaciones con Microsoft PowerApps.2. primeros pasos en Power FlowEl objetivo del curso que disponga las herramientas generales para iniciar con la creacin de aplicaciones empresariales se explicaran herramientas adicionales como Microsoft Flow como complemento, pero este no es un curso enfocado en esas herramientas."
Price: 19.99 |
"Gdzie pozyskiwa klientw do MLM: 30 strategii online" |
"W szkoleniu ""Gdzie pozyskiwa klientw do MLM przez internet: 30 strategii online"" przeka Ci moje najlepsze metody rekrutacji klientw i partnerw, do wdroenia natychmiast! Strategie, ktre Ci przedstawiam, s moim wasnymi pomysami, ktre ""odkryam"" w trakcie dziaania i rozwijania swojego biznesu MLM. Metody te, zapewne przypiesz rozwj Twojego biznesu, poprzez zorganizowan zorganizowan i strategicznie dostosowan prac online, atw do powtrzenia, przez kadego nowego czonka Twojego zespou. Dziel si najlepszymi strategiami z mojego osobistego dowiadczenia, ktre pozwoliy mi osobicie zbudowa zesp online od pierwszych dni mojego dziaania, dziki czemu zostaam uznana za ""Rekordzist rekrutacji"" spord wszystkich osb w aktualnym zespole.Przebyam drog, ktr Ty teraz podasz.To szkolenie ma charakter bardzo praktyczny, co znaczy, e bdziesz mg natychmiast dosownie ""skopiowa"" moje strategie do swojego dziaania, by rozwija swj zesp przez internet.Dziki wiedzy nabytej w tym szkoleniu, nauczysz si rekrutowa ludzi do MLM przez internet, wykorzystujc jego peen potencja, i nigdy nie bdziesz mia problemu z koczc si ludzi kontaktw oraz nie bdziesz si zastanawia ""skd bra ludzi do MLM?"".Otrzymasz informacje, jakimi nigdzie wczeniej si nie dzieliam! To piguka wiedzy, dla kadego kto chce oszczdzi czas na rekrutacji do zespou drog offline, i chciaby przypieszy rozwj swojego biznesu, drog online.Ca wiedz, ktr przedstawiam w tym 3 godzinnym szkoleniu, czerpi z wasnych dowiadcze budowania zespou, gwnie przez internet. Dziki tej wiedzy budowanie, zarzdzanie i duplikacja w zespole, bdzie uporzdkowana, a Twj biznes natychmiast nabierze tempa rozwoju. Unikniesz bdw, jakie popenia wikszo osb, zaczynajcych swj biznes w Marketingu Sieciowym.Dziki temu szkoleniu:unikniesz 95% bdw, ktre popenia wikszo osb dziaajcych w MLMpoznasz narzdzia rekrutacji online, ktrych nie stosuje 95% osb w branyotrzymasz narzdzia do skutecznego pozyskiwania klientw i liderw w Twoim biznesie MLMpoznasz 30 konkretnych strategii, do znajdywania ludzi w internecie, ktre bdziesz mg zastosowa natychmiastotrzymasz sam konkret! zero zbdnej wiedzy, ""lania wody"" czy niepotrzebnej teorii. Poka Ci wszystko co zastosowaam osobicie w praktyce, i co pozwolio mi zarejestrowa w pierwsze 3 miesice, ponad 40 osb do mojego zespou OSOBICIE (tym samym osigajc rekordowe awanse)odkryjesz sposoby komunikacji, dziki ktrym bdziesz wiedzia jak zapocztkowa relacje, i jak wprowadzi temat oferty biznesowej lub produktowej (podam Ci konkretne skrypty, jakie ja stosowaam przy danej strategii)poznasz najwaniejsze zasady dziaania w internecienauczysz si, jak pracowa na Facebooku, by dobrze wykorzystywa swj czaspoznasz narzdzia, ktre osobicie ""przetestowaam"", i dziki nim zdobyam tysice nowych kontaktw!dowiesz si, jak budowa list kontaktw i umawia konkretnie spotkania, z ludmi na Facebooku i Instagramieodkryjesz metody, ktre z atwoci zastosujesz w praktyce ju po skoczeniu ogldania szkoleniaotrzymasz ""gotowce"" do pobrania: Przewodniki, PDF-y, Checklistynauczysz si, jak skutecznie inwestowa swj czas w internecie, by rozwija swj zesp w MLMwzniesiesz swj biznes na kolejny level i przypieszysz swj sukces!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Permaculture Design Course" |
"Why should you study the Permaculture Design Course?Everyone can benefit from learning about Permaculture and how to apply Permaculture design principles to your life. You can apply these design principles to your garden, community spaces or to the larger environment. This course will allow you to broaden your understanding of Permaculture theory, building your knowledge of all the necessary aspects (like growing food, enriching soils and using waste as a resource) to become fully conversant with Permaculture design. By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently create your first Permaculture design plan.This course not only provides you with the theory and practical knowledge to create design plans, it allows you to take a step into the world of Bill Mollison, one of the co-founders of Permaculture. Bill's global experience in sharing the principles of Permaculture design, along with his entertaining story telling, will captivate you and challenge you to think critically about how we can all apply the principles of sustainable land use design to our lives and communities.What exactly is Permaculture and why is it applicable to everyone?The concept of Permaculture was first presented by Bill Mollison and his student, David Holmgren, in the mid 1970's. Permaculture is sustainable land use design, based on ecological and biological principles, often using patterns that occur in nature to maximise effect and minimise work. Permaculture aims to create stable, productive systems that provide for human needs, harmoniously integrating the land with its inhabitants. The ecological processes of plants, animals, their nutrient cycles, climatic factors and weather cycles are all part of the picture. Inhabitants needs are provided for using proven technologies for food, energy, shelter and infrastructure. Elements in a system are viewed in relationship to other elements, where the outputs of one element become the inputs of another. Within a Permaculture system, work is minimised, wastes become resources, productivity and yields increase, and environments are restored. Permaculture principles can be applied to any environment, at any scale from dense urban settlements to individual homes, from farms to entire regions. Who is the Permaculture Design Course delivered by?This Permaculture Design Course was first convened in 2005 through collaboration with Tony Walkins and Lisa Mollison, Tagari Publications. Tagari Publications' primary function is to support the work of The Permaculture Institute by publishing educational materials on sustainability, with Lisa Mollison fulfilling the role of Managing Director since 1997. All lectures available in this course are a recording of the live delivery of the course in 2005 and feature presentations by Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton. Throughout your participation in the digital course, you will be supported by Lisa Mollison, who has been teaching Permaculture design principles to students, volunteers and 'Wwoofers' at Tagari Garden Farm (the home of The Permaculture Institute) since 1996. Lisa Mollison is furthering Bill Mollison's vision to spread Permaculture design principles and ethics across the globe by offering the Permaculture Design Course to a wider audience.Lisa Mollison, Tagari Publications and The Permaculture Institute, is the copyright owner of all course content and resources. Please note, although unintentional, there is a possibility that some content presented in this course may contain references to deceased people, sacred or secret material and terminology or language which some people may find inappropriate or offensive.About Bill MollisonBill Mollison was the Founding Director of the Permaculture Institute, the first and longest running Permaculture institute in existence, and taught and developed projects from the Arctic through Sub-tropic and Equatorial regions of the planet. There are few countries left in the world where he did not personally plant the seeds of Permaculture. The Peoples of the Pacific, South East Asia, South Africa and seven Amazonian language groups have been inspired by and acted on his teachings, embracing Permaculture as a dynamic tool. He also gave courses in the drylands and developed projects with Native Americans, Indigenous Australians, tribal women of the Deccan, Kalahari, San groups and Pima people of the Sonora. In the USA, Europe and Scandinavia, Bill lectured and helped to develop ecological designs for urban and rural properties, including many city farms and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture). Bill Mollison was vitally concerned with the environment for over forty years. His many roles included: scientist, naturalist and university professor. Later, he became a vigorous campaigner against environmental exploitation which led him to develop Permaculture as a positive solution. Bill devoted his energies towards designing sustainable systems, writing text books and articles on Permaculture, and most importantly, teaching. Permaculture now laps the globe, resulting in thousands of independent associations involved in the areas of sustainable agriculture, reforestation, education and village economics. True to his vision, throughout the world, Permaculture is becoming an everyday part of life."
Price: 194.99 |
"How To Build A Professional Corn Hole Set" |
"Ever thought about making your own cornhole set, or maybe a set for you and a great gift for someone else? Well you can spend hundreds paying someone else to make them, or you can teach yourself how to make them just like you see on ESPN. You will have the best set around, and become the best gift giver ever by learning how to make elite level cornhole boards. Maybe you would like to make $500 plus extra each week and make and sell cornhole boards from your garage or shop! I have designed this course to give you all the tools to I wish I had when I started making cornhole sets five years ago. I will show you all the tools, supplies and materials needed to make a set, and then show you how you will make them from start to finish. I spare no detail on how to make a beautiful stripped stain set. *NEW* I went ahead and added two new videos to help you take pictures I supply and use them to advertise to your friends and family to make some sales and use that to buy everything you need so all you would have to purchase with your own money to get started is this course!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Freedom from Anxiety Mastery" |
"Hi, I am Gaurav Naik, Happiness Re-Imprinting Coach and NLP Practitioner from IndiaI have made this course for every individual who is facing an anxiety.In this course I am sharing some techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which can help you to break patterns of anxiety and remove anxiety from your mind and body"
Price: 1920.00 |
"The Ultimate Success Formula" |
"This Course Will Help You Design A Life Of SUCCESS.? Building Blocks Of A SUCCESSFUL Life? Self-Discovery Process To Attaining SUCCESS? Knowing Your Mental Health, Body Image And Self- Esteem? Proven Goal Setting Formula? Money Management Skills Of The Successful? Career Clarity - Job, Freelancing Or Entrepreneurship? Become A Personal Brand? Setup Your Profile In Less Than Ten Minutes? Developing a Growth Mindset? Top 5 Skills Required To Master This Game? What To Expect On This Journey"
Price: 9920.00 |
"Lucro presumido na prtica" |
"Curso sobre o regime de tributao no Lucro Presumido, totalmente prtico, onde os temas abordados envolve clculos, cdigos de Darfs, vencimentos, obrigaes acessrias, regime de clculos tanto pelo regime de competncia quanto pelo regime de caixa, alquotas, regras de opo, Empresas que podem e que no podem optar, enfim um curso onde o aluno ir aprender completamente como dominar esse regime de tributao do incio ao final.O curso e composto por aulas on line, SLIDES, material disponibilizado em PDF, alm de uma planilha em excel, com todos os clculos mostrados nas aulas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Interview Skills for Success" |
"Interview Skills for Success Interview Skills for allInterview Skills is the most important skills to master among other when it comes to Job & Career. This skills can be mastered very easily if one take proper guidance & training. For getting job to get promotion in company, one needs this skills.During your career you must have heard/faced many incidences where you might have felt the importance of Interview Skills. Many People, in spite of having cleared aptitude, Group Discussions and other initial rounds, yet just because of poor interview skills, have lost golden opportunities of placements. Whether you are negotiating, giving first interview or 3rd or 4th interview, interview skills play an important role. After taking this course, you will be equipped with all the essential techniques, knowledge and right attitude for getting much awaited & well deserved success.Sumit Udaygiri is a corporate trainer, Employability Consultant & Life Coach. He is nationally acclaimed speaker and widely appreciated trainer on such skills. His students have achieved success right from top Government Jobs to many blue chip companies. His students have fetched packages up to 26 lakh INR / annum. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused with Sumits unique style.He covers everything you need to know about interview skills. It starts with attitude, Dressing, files, knowing company, job profile and covers 10 most important interview questions with a thorough explanation.The course overview includes: Attitude towards Interview Interview Checklist Company Checklist Resume Writing New Age Resumes Video Resume Reading Job Profile Dressing & Appearance File & Documents Frequently Asked QuestionsThis course comes with a 30 day money back guaranteeWhat youll learn Thorough understanding about Interview & its science Present yourself effectively in interview Be confident in giving Interview Use tactics to increase possibilities of success New age perspective towards interview Highly updated resume types Combat common questions with apt answersAre there any course requirements or prerequisites? There are no software or materials needed Willingness to learnWho this course is for: Job Aspirants Those who are willing to switch job People who are due for their promotion"
Price: 4800.00 |
"Plan Mindfulness y Yoga para recuperar tu salud y bienestar" |
"Plan Mindfulness y Yoga para recuperar tu salud y bienestar.Ejercicios de Yoga, Ejercicios y herramientas mindfulness, meditacin, plan de alimentacin, recetas saludablesEste plan de un mes es ideal para controlar tu peso de una manera amorosa y constante, en donde vas a recuperar tu salud, energa, vitalidad, fuerza y flexibilidad. Pero adems vas a reconocer que es importante para vos en este momento, por qu no podes lograr tus metas de salud y como trasladar estos aprendizajes al da a da.Este curso consta de 15 lecciones.Esta compuesto de casi 3 de horas de vdeo con rutinas de yoga que incluyen: tonificacin de los distintos grupos musculares y cardio para regular el peso.Contiene pdfs: con ejercicios mindfulness para que conectes profundamente con vos mismo/a desde el primer momento, estableciendo metas claras y reales. Y sobre todo consiguiendo de manera natural la motivacin para lograrlas.Plan modelo de alimentacin de una semana, con las 4 comidas principales y con videos de las recetas! Ideal para que lleves una dieta balanceada, con nutrientes completos, de fcil digestin que no sobrecarguen tu organismo.Seccin especial con consejos para hacer de tu prctica de Yoga un momento ideal para poder revelar tu mejor versin y mantener motivada/o para lograr tus objetivos de saludSeccin especial para combinar las rutinas de la manera mas efectiva para conseguir tu peso ideal, mantenerte fuerte, sana/a y llena de energaPodrs realizar en curso siempre que quieras y a tu propio ritmo, consiguiendo en un mes, resultados asombrosos.El curso est estructurado en secciones para que puedas ir avanzando con conciencia y 100% conectada con tu espiritualidad y tu mejor versin.Por qu realizar este curso? Porque vas a lograr un impacto positivo a nivel fisco, mental y emocional, consiguiendo no solo mas salud y armona, sino tambin mayor autoestima y felicidad."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel - praktyczny kurs" |
"Szkolenie wideo zobacz 7 godzin filmw instruktaowych.96 stron skryptu oszczd czas i cignij gotowe notatki po kadym module. Pliki Excel na moim szkoleniu nie jeste biernym suchaczem. Do kadej lekcji doczyem plik excela, ktry umoliwi Tobie samodzielne wykonanie wicze.Niezbdnik analitykw naucz si szybko analizowa i prezentowa dane.Excel praktyczny kurs to 30 lekcji wideo penych wskazwek, ktre pomog Ci zaoszczdzi czas spdzony na analizie danych.Oswoisz Excela, poprawisz efektywno pracy i osigniesz wysze zyski."
Price: 189.99 |
"Praticando Tape Reading" |
"*** PARA INICIANTES ***Este curso foi criado com o intuito de ajudar Voc que est querendo iniciar, ou j est na Bolsa de Valores, a Bmf B3.Mostro aqui em detalhes, passo a passo, como fazer com poucos Pontos, usando o Tape Reading e juntamente com o Grfico, para ter uma boa Leitura do Prego, fazer um resultado muito bom e tambm ter o Controle de Risco.No me preocupei muito em explicar no Curso sobre Teoria. Para isso, tenho um Ebook (grtis) onde falo sobre isto e algumas palavras mais usadas no dia a dia da Bolsa.Foi deste modo que sai de uma Situao de Perdas para uma de Vencedor, e se Voc fizer exatamente o que explico, tambm poder, com o tempo de treino e observao da Movimentao do Mercado, dar a Virada de Chave e alcanar a to almejada Consistncia. ** Esta uma Operao de Risco. Esteja Consciente de que Possa tambm Suportar possveis Perdas **"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso Completo de Loja Virtual do Zero Direto as Vendas" |
"Curso completo do zero at as vendas com sua loja virtualVoc adquiriu um curso fantstico que vai te ensinar passo a passo como criar seu negocio com uma loja virtual do zero at as vendas, incluindo o marketing em redes sociais, se voc no conhece nada de programao no se preocupe vamos juntos criar uma loja virtual at o final.Este curso mostra todo o processo para criao do seu negocio , desde a criao da identidade da empresa at de fato colocar o site no ar e criar fan page e vincular as redes sociais ao seu negocio.Voc aprender tambm como adicionar os produtos, como gerir o estoque da sua loja virtual e tambm como gerenciar os pagamentos e entrega.Usaremos os melhores recursos para manter seu site seguro e protegido e com um alto desempenho de navegao.Vamos criar sua fan page e pagina oficial no instagram com dicas de como engajar as vendas do seu negocio.Vamos criar no s uma loa virtual mas tambm todo o seu negocio no contexto geral.O que voc aprenderCrie uma loja virtual completa com wordpress e opes de frete e pagamentos diversos.Adicione cupons e produtos recomendados para aumentar suas vendasSaiba como monitorar sua loja dia a dia , para ter informaes de quem acessa e os horarios com maior numero de visitantesAprenda tcnicas que comprovadamente aumentam a chance vendas para sua lojaCriar um negocio rentvelH algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso?Conhecimento bsico de informtica apenasPara quem este curso:Todos os profissionais que querem criar sua loja virtual para produtos feitos em casa ou lojas ja estabelecidas"
Price: 39.99 |
"Want to learn how to become a professional makeup artist at home? Then our ""BECOME MASTER MAKEUP ARTIST"" course will help you to get necessary soft skills to become professional artist.Over 4 training units, youll learn makeup foundations such as highlighting and contouring, precision blending, corrective makeup, matching skin tones, and use these skills to create full makeup applications. Then, youll move on to daytime, evening, and bridal makeup and learn advanced techniques including editorial makeup, makeup for the entertainment industry, and much more! Youll get tons of hands-on practice in this highly interactive course:- Skin Preparation- How to Get High Cheekbones with Makeup- How to Apply Lipstick Perfectly- Eye MakeupStart here and get essential makeup training that will prepare you for a long and diverse career and everyday self care."
Price: 19.99 |
"Digital Portrait: From Sketch to Finish NO Time-Lapse" |
"Don't just view the course, DO the course. Sketch and paint in real time, no time-lapse at any moment during the course.This complete course takes you through a Digital Portrait Painting from beginning to end. Everything you will need to know in order to kick-start the learning process with step by step, fully narrated, real-time instructions.Follow me at your own pace as I explain IN-DEPTH methods for drawing and digitally painting a female portrait.I will highlight my mistakes along the way, my breakthroughs and how to overcome the hurdles you will face. I supply the reference photo and you follow along, it's as easy as that.At the end of the course you will have a solid foundation in portraiture.In this tutorial I use Photoshop, although any digital painting program will suffice. You will need a drawing tablet for this course. These can be purchased rather inexpensively and are a great investment.So join me, Jorge Jaramillo in a step by step and super-easy to follow painting process. Follow my channel for weekly or monthly uploads, classes and new courses."
Price: 19.99 |
"COUR DE CLAVIER POUR LES NULS. Apprenez les accords de base." |
"A/ Je vous enseigne reprer la note Do et vous montre clairement comment positionner vos doights.B/ Je vous montre les accords complmentaires des mineurs/majeurs suivis des exercises.Cette mthode vous permettra de jouer galement sur les autres notes en adoptant les mme principes en DO.C/ Je vous enseigne par une mthode simple comment jouer l'oreille ?"
Price: 54.99 |
"Examen mental bsico" |
"En este curso aprenders los elementos bsicos del examen mental, el cual, es el primer paso en la evaluacin del paciente psiquitrico. Para poder acceder a este curso es importante que te encuentres realizando estudios de pregrado o posgrado en medicina o psicologa. Los temas a considerar en este curso son los siguientes1. Psicopatologa descriptiva y fenomenologa 2. Afecto y nimo3. Psicomotricidad4. Pensamiento, curso y contenido, incluye a las ideas delirantes, suicidas, obsesivas y catastrficas 5. Sensopercepcion y sus alteraciones, particularmente el estudio de las alucinaciones 6. Juicio y Funciones Mentales superiores7. Sndrome Psiquitricos"
Price: 420.00 |
"Learn How To Sell On Ebay" |
"You will learn how to sell on eBay utilizing tactics described in this course. Tactics including: Account Setup, How to Operate a Store, Product Research, Product Listing Skills, Scaling, Finding a Virtual Assistant, Tips for a VA, Fulfillment Process. You will also be able to join the private Facebook group for all eBay course students!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Flutter ve Flask (Python) Kullanm (Beta)" |
"Trkiye de ilk defa olan ders...Bu Derste Flutter ve Flask (Python) ikilemi kullanlarak byk projeler gerekletirebilirsiniz...Bu dersin ierii olarak derste kodlarn anlamlar anlatlacaktr ve ara ara kodlar eklenerek anlatlacaktr...Flutter ve Python ile alarak Pythonun nimetlerinden Faydalnarak Bir Web Server Yapabilme Yetenei ile isteinize gre bu Web Server in Makine renmesi Entegre ederek istediniz bir Botlu Mesaj Uygulamas Yapabilirsiniz... Dersin Sonunda ise Yaptmz Bir Web Server ile Telefona anlk olarak Kameradan bilgi ekebiliyor olabileceksiniz (IP Camera)..."
Price: 149.99 |
"MicroPython ile Mikroilemcilere Kod Yazmaya Balayn" |
"Bu kursta MicroPython ile nasl Microilemcilere veya Mikro Kontrolclere kod atabileceksiniz gibi konulardan bahsettik bu derste ki ama daha nce Trkiye de olmayan bir dersi Trkiye'ye getirerek artk Szde MicroPython ile Kodlama yapabilecek hale geleceksiniz...Kursta kendinizi daha ok gml sistemlerde Python ile alarak ayr bir uzmanlk alan yaratabilir veyahut direkt olarak Makerclk ile kendinizi ufak projelere vererek Tek bir dil ile yapamayacanz ey olmadn fark ederek Machine Learning gibi baz eyleri Kontrolcnze ykleyebilirsiniz..."
Price: 69.99 |
"Learn Xactimate in less than 4 hours" |
"In this course, you will learn or improve your cost estimation knowledge using Xactimate software to build accurate estimate for a construction project. Whether you are an Adjuster, Construction Contractor, Estimator or a Student, this course will help you understand and use Xactimate to estimate total cost for a complete design of a two-storey woodframe house from the foundation to the roof."
Price: 34.99 |
"Como se Legalizar em Portugal de maneira Rpida !" |
"Nesse curso, mostrarei tudo o que voc precisa saber e fazer para morar em Portugal legalizado, com toda a documentao necessria e sem ter dor de cabea ficando ilegal. Tudo sobre: quem tem direito a nacionalidade portuguesa e como consegui-la; quais os Vistos necessrios para quem no tem direito nacionalidade, mas sonha em ter uma qualidade de vida muito melhor morando em Portugal. Quais os documentos necessrios para cada situao especfica, como e onde solicit-los. E uma aula especial de como fazer para se legalizar em Portugal, da forma mais Rpida, sem nenhum tipo de Visto e sem a necessidade de ter um Contrato de Trabalho. No perca essas informaes pois elas so essnciais para a realizao do seu sonho de morar em Portugal, mas da maneira correta e dentro das leis. Te vejo no curso !"
Price: 19.99 |
"MEI - Microempreendedor Individual" |
"Nosso objetivo oferecer contedos, servios e solues para o microempresrio a fim de facilitar o seu dia a dia e permitir que tenha mais tempo para focar naquilo que realmente sabe fazer, alm de apresentar as vantagens de ser um profissional legalizado.Este curso foi criado com o objetivo de ajudar o microempreendedor individual que ainda no se formalizou perante o governo a fazer a sua inscrio no MEI e como manter esta inscrio sem a ajuda de um contador, alm disso apresentaremos os benefcios e vantagens de ser MEI, os cuidados que deve ter antes de fazer a inscrio e os impedimentos de fazer o cadastro. O curso est divididos em 9 aulas: 1. INTRODUO2. BENEFCIOS DO MEI3. QUAIS OS CUIDADOS ANTES DA INSCRIO4. IMPEDIMENTOS PARA FAZER INSCRIO5. COMO FAZER A INSCRIO6. COMO FAZER A MANUTENO APS A INSCRIO7. COMO FAZER O CANCELAMENTO8. TRANSFERNCIA PARA ME OU EPP9. AULA BNUS: LICENA MATERNIDADEAproveite nosso contedo.Bom cursoChristiane ZanolliZ2D Foco e ResultadoConsultoria Contbil e Financeira"
Price: 39.99 |
"Film Production & Marketing Essentials" |
"Taught by expert and lecturer Carolina Duarte, this course will give you an accurate introduction to indie film marketing.Starting with an insightful overview of the independent film industry, it will take you through what an ideal production system looks like and why digital marketing, content marketing and lean thinking are so important to an effective film marketing strategy. Plus, you will learn about how marketing and audience development can help you create profitable projects in the independent sector."
Price: 39.99 |
"Audience Development and Marketing Strategy" |
"The key to building an efficient strategy for your audiovisual projects is to design an accurate audience development strategy beforehand.Taught by expert and lecturer Carolina Duarte, this course will teach you a complete step by step guide to building an effective audience development strategy, giving you all the tools and strategies to then create an ideal marketing and communication strategy for your creative projects.This is ideal for anyone in the entertainment, media and creative industries that wants to learn essential skills and develop their career."
Price: 59.99 |
"blockchain e criptovalute : il corso completo per tutti" |
"Benvenuto all' interno del corso: blockchain e criptovalute : il corso completo per tutti.Questo corso e' stato pensato per tutti, inizieremo con le basi e partiremo con che cos'e' la blockchain, vedremo qual'e' la blockchain piu' importante e andremo a vedere nel dettaglio che coe'e' il bitcoin ( andremo a vedere come trasferire vendere e comprare criptovalute)Andremo a vedere la sezione delle altcoin: quindi andremo a vedere ethereum, monero,ripple,vechain,eos Vedremo come creare portafogli sicuri per queste criptovalute ( vedremo quindi il paper wallet, il software wallet, il wallet su cellulare, l' exchange, e il leadger)Andremo a vedere come avviene una transazione, qual'e' il ruolo del miner ( e come possiamo guadagnare delle criptovalute facendo mining)Ci sara' poi una sezione sul trading ( andremo a vedere come fare analisi tecnica e fondamentale, come fare lo studio delle candele, andremo avere il MACD E RSI, vedremo i pattern armonici gartley bat e Abcd pattern e vedremo come fare degli investimenti a breve medio e lungo termine )Andremo a vedere poi degli esempi pratici dei miei investimenti!!!!!Ti aspetto all' inetrno del corso!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Como criar Nuggets de vdeo para IGTV e Instagram." |
"Comece a trabalhar hoje mesmo na internet, criando Nuggets de Instagram.Com as mais de 28 aulas deste curso, voc vai aprender a criar nuggets de Instagram profissionais e trabalhar com isso. Se voc quer lucrar com essa tendncia em alta no mercado, esse o curso para voc.Quer economizar tempo? As 9 aulas do mdulo 2 te deixaro pronto para criar um Nugget simples. Assim voc termina o seu primeiro Nugget hoje mesmo. Aprenda tcnicas para criar nuggets que trazem resultados reais.Vai muito alm de edio de vdeo, voc ter uma vantagem competitiva nica. Vou te ensinar a usar as tcnicas de experts como o rico Rocha para gerar mais engajamento no Instagram com seus Nuggets. Por isso esse o curso perfeito para Freelancers, Criadores de contedo e Empreendedores Digitais. O que voc vai aprender:Como criar Nuggets de InstagramComo fazer vdeos para o Instagram que geram resultados.Como criar nuggets para o IGTV.Como fazer nugget incrveis em menos tempo.Como escrever headlines que trazem resultados reais.O que voc precisa saber para trabalhar com nuggets na Internet.Ao final desse curso voc estar aplicando sua habilidade com confiana, e assim como eu, poder criar nuggets de Instagram para grandes players do mercado.Voc tambm vai receber:Acesso biblioteca de Nuggets, atualizada e com instrues na descrio.Acesso vitalcio s atualizaes do curso.Suporte rpido na seo de perguntas & respostas.Certificado de Concluso da Udemy, pronto para download.No perca a chance.Cada segundo que voc espera est te custando clientes e oportunidades valiosas.Este curso vem com uma garantia de 30 dias, ou seja, no h risco nenhum ao comear.Clique em ""comprar agora"" para comear e torne-se em pouco tempo um profissional nico!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Mole, stoichiometric and Redox with NOTES for Year 5-6" |
"This mole concept course is serve as an introductory to advanced course for students who are learning to recap mole concept and solving higher order thinking questions related to stoichiometric calculations. Students who are taking AP chemistry, junior high school (Year 5,6), GCE A'level, GCE O level examinations students, Pre-university students or students who wish to have a refreshment of the mole concept will find it most beneficial and rewarding. Numerous worked examples and checkpoints will be provided in the lectures to help students to have sufficient practices in order to gain mastery of the topics. Detail notes (37 pages of notes) will be available for download from lecture 2. This is where students will learn the concept in a very clear and systematic manner.The course consist of a total of 19 lectures and is classified into 3 different levels (Basic to advanced levels):Basic Concept:1. Introduction - Content outlines and what to expect from the course2. Learning how to calculate isotopic abundance level3. Basic mole concept - Calculating Ar, Mr, Molar mass, mole and number of molecules / atoms. 4. Empirical and Molecular formula calculation (Basic to advance questions)5. Limiting reagent concept - How to recognize and solve it6. Diluting samples and solving questions with concentration units such as mol/dm3 and g/dm3Intermediate Concept : 7. Solving basic combustion types of questions 8. Solving complex combustion questions 9. Basic titration question - How to write equation to solving 10. How to solve complex titration question - Back titrationAdvanced Concept: 11. Double indicator experiments - Concept12. Solving Case 1 - Double indicator experiment13. Solving Case 2 - Double indicator experiment14. Solving Case 3- Double indicator experiment15. Basic Redox concept 16. Learning how to solve and write redox half-equation Part 117. Learning how to solve and write redox half-equation Part 218. Solving Unknown oxidation states 19. Complex redox calculation questions After going through the 3 levels of concept (Basic, Intermediate and advanced) and the practices in the exercises provided, students will gain mastery of the topic and should be able to tackle questions in school."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS networking solution overview with detailed diagrams" |
"Understand AWS network solutions with clear pictures and diagrams rather than long and verbose documentation. In this series, you will learn 5 main network scenarios and the corresponding network solutions for each of them. 1. Internet Solutions2. Internal Solutions3. Inter-Region and Inter-Account Solutions4. Simplify the AWS network Architecture for easy management5. AWS network On-Premises to AWS Network Solution"
Price: 1200.00 |
"Oracle Forms and Reports 12c" |
"Oracle Forms and Reports 12c is a product of Oracle that interacts with an Oracle database. It is a RAD (Rapid Application Development) Tool that uses PL/SQL programming language. Oracle Forms and Reports is a long-established technology to design and build enterprise applications quickly and efficiently. Many mid-to-large size enterprise applications across industries are built on Oracle Forms and Reports."
Price: 1600.00 |