"Certified Deep PEAT processor training" |
"Deep PEAT is a technique for personal and spiritual development. With the help of this method, you can free yourself from burdening thoughts and emotions tied to various life situations. During this seminar you will learn to integrate all polarised perceptions you have, what leads you to free yourself from the dualistic perception of reality into unified consciousness-as one, whole and integrated being. You can apply this method for all situations in life and relationships you are challenged with."
Price: 164.99 |
"Real Spanish with Movies: Arrugas" |
"(Spanish below)The 5 lessons of this course are based on clips from the prizewinning animated film Arrugas.As you work through these lessons you can:improve your comprehension of colloquial Spanish spoken at normal native-speaker speed;learn at least 15 new words, as well as 10 useful expressions, in each lesson;become familiar with various Spanish accents;improve your command of several grammar points that come up in the lesson;expand your historical and cultural understanding of Spain and the Spanish-speaking world.Las 5 lecciones de este curso estn basadas en la premiada pelcula animada Arrugas.Con este curso puedes:Mejorar tu comprensin auditiva del lenguaje coloquial hablado a un ritmo normal;Aprender al menos 15 palabras, adems de 10 expresiones tiles que surgen en cada leccin;Familiarizarte con varios acentos de espaol;Mejorar tu dominio de algunos puntos de gramtica que surgen en cada leccin;Aumentar tu conocimiento de la historia y el contexto sociocultural de Espaa y del mundo hispnico."
Price: 19.99 |
"Como HIPNOTIZAR pessoas" |
"Muito prazer! Meu nome Renan Moura, sou Hipnoterapeuta, Professor de Hipnose pelo Porta da Mente, Palestrante, Practitioner em Programao Neurolingustica , produtor de contedo para o Youtube e dono do MAIOR aplicativo de hipnose do Brasil, o Porta da Mente.Costumo dizer que aprender hipnose vou um divisor de guas na minha vida. Antes disso, trabalhei muito tempo com Marketing, minha primeira formao, e conheci a hipnose por curiosidade, acreditava que tudo aquilo era to impressionante que parecia mentira. Como sou uma pessoa que quando duvido de algo vou estudar, descobri a hipnose e a partir dali, conheci melhor minha mente e minha vida mudou totalmente. Me tornei hipnoterapeuta, ajudando pessoas no tratamento de depresso, ansiedade, sndrome do pnico, fobias, vcios, emagrecimento, enfim, tudo relacionado a mente, usando a hipnose como principal ferramenta de mudana.Se voc uma pessoa que est buscando autodesenvolvimento, querendo entender melhor como sua mente funciona ou simplesmente est buscando uma ferramenta que possa fazer voc ter um conhecimento que poucas pessoas tem e utiliza-la para fazer a diferena na vida das pessoas, esse curso o seu primeiro passo.Ministro cursos de hipnose j fazem 3 anos, tenho mais de 30 turmas presenciais formadas com pessoas das mais diversas reas, desde terapeutas, advogados, at mesmo veterinrios. Se engana que somente terapeutas devam aprender hipnose, adquirir esse conhecimento ir fazer voc se aprimorar seja qual for sua rea, pois entendendo melhor sua mente e usando ela a seu favor, voc vai melhorar em diversos aspectos da sua vida, seja na questo da autoconfiana, motivao, ou at mesmo para te aproximar mais de seus objetivos.Hipnose basicamente comunicao, e saber se comunicar faz toda a diferena.Esse curso era um contedo exclusivo para alunos do Porta da Mente, mas resolvemos disponibilizar aqui para vocs. Nesse curso voc ir aprender do zero a como hipnotizar uma pessoa. Se voc uma pessoa que j tem conhecimento da rea, recomendo comprar meus cursos mais avanados. Esse curso para quem est comeando e quer ter um primeiro contato com a ferramenta, aprendendo as tcnicas para conseguir hipnotizar uma pessoa do zero.Esse curso ainda conta com a participao do meu amigo Thiago Ruiz, hipnoterapeuta que possui grande conhecimento e experincia na rea.Se voc quer fazer a diferena na multido, d agora esse primeiro passo."
Price: 39.99 |
"SensoriMotor Retraining Technique" |
"This course provides the foundational knowledge to enter the In-Person Workshop or One-on-One Program.Please Note: This course will not provide you with the SensoriMotor Protocol. This information here simply prepares the student to enter the in-person segments of this course. Wondering if you can take this and not the in-person??? Well, sure but I would love to see you. If you take this course alone, expect a little anatomy review regarding general ligament locations and some cool info about these structures you may not know. You will also learn the role of breathing in developing core stability and a breathing drill for allowing people to better access their deep core. Not the full meal deal, but some CE hours if that's what you're looking for."
Price: 119.99 |
"Reduction of Stress and Anxiety" |
"This course will teach my clients techniques for daily stress and anxiety reduction, identifying and changing negative thinking, setting boundaries and managing negative intense emotions, such as anger. Course explains how to identify primary and secondary emotions, decrease those and reduce reactivity, how to let go easier of things that are out of your control and obtain more content, teaches communication techniques."
Price: 24.99 |
"HP 12C Matemtica Financeira sem mistrios !" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender como utilizar a HP 12C de uma forma dinmica e bem pratica, desde as operaes mais simples at clculos financeiros , anlises de projetos e estatsticas.Se voc esta cursando faculdade de contabilidade , economia ou administrao ou trabalha no mercado financeiro a HP 12C lhe ajudar muito no dia a dia.Venha conhecer um pouco dessa ferramenta maravilhosa !!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"No sabes como elegir un fondo de inversin de entre los miles que te ofrecen? Entonces este es tu curso.En l podrs conocer las herramientas bsicas para identificar los mejores fondos de inversin y desechar los peores.Despus del curso podrs dar un paso adelante en tus conocimientos financieros y tus ahorros darn un salto cualitativo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Electric Circuits I (EE101)" |
"This course takes you through the basics and fundamentals of electric circuits. It starts with introducing the field of electrical engineering and electric circuits. After that, we go through the main electrical quantities and how are they related to each other. When we clearly have this, we move to the circuit basic analysis techniques such as Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL). More concepts will build up from there. The following list sums the contents of this course: Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Electric Circuits. Basic Analysis Techniques of Electric Circuits.Advanced Analysis Techniques of Electric Circuits.An Intro on how to read Schematics and Simulate Circuits in Pspice.An Intro to AC Circuits.The Course is still under developing and it will include the following points as well: Advanced Analysis Techniques of Electric Circuits- Nodal Analysis- Mesh Analysis- Thevenin's Theorem- Norton's Theorem- Concept of Linearity and Superposition- Concept of Source Transformation- How to Maximize the Power to a load - Concept of Max. Power Transfer- Difference between Max. Power Transfer and Max. Voltage TransferHow to read a Schematic and Simulate circuits in Pspice- What is Schematic and how to read it?- Other alternatives for a schematic- Simulating Circuits using PspiceAn Intro to AC Circuits- AC Sources - AC-Circuit elements - Phasors MeaningConclusion and what can be next?Interview Questions: I will pack my courses with real interview questions based on what I personally had from my experience. IC Design Track: The course is part of the IC Design Track that I am working on. This track aims at covering all circuits basics, analog-IC design basics, digital-IC design basics. Circuit-Designers IQ Questions: This course contains some of these questions. This type of questions is challenging and you will be intrigued by it to think out of the box!. Style of the course: We start by going over the theory or theoretical analysis. After building a concrete understanding, we move to the examples and real applications part. For examples, we have examples for each concept.Simulations: Pspice simulations are included in this course. I believe practising on Pspice, circuit simulations and design using computer tools is a must from the early stage of learning how to build circuits. Exciting Real applications and Life-Hacks!: We are dealing with electric and electronic circuits every day or even every hour. In this course, I will share some really good life-hacks and analyze some everyday applications.Get special Coupons only for enrolled people: by taking this course, special coupons for other classes in the ""IC Design Track"" will be provided as a thank you for enrolling in here.One-On-One Assistance: You can ask all your questions in the Q&A section at any time, I usually answer within two days.Regularly updated: This course will be regularly updated. I will keep adding basic concepts from the same level to it. I will keep this course at the elementary level to make it to the beginners level or people who want to review the basics again. For IC design, It is super important to have very-good established fundamentals of Electric-Circuits. That is it, see you in the Q&A area!Mostafa"
Price: 19.99 |
"Bioprinting for Beginners" |
"This course covers fundamental concepts in bioprinting and is a great resource for anyone new to the field and interested in learning more about bioprinting. You will discover how different techniques maybe used to incorporate cells and various biomaterials to create cell-laden structures for tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Additionally, this course discusses the current state of the art and its applications and explores future potential of the technology. This course was originally created by the team at SE3D. The contributors include Dr. Prashanth Asuri from Santa Clara University, Vignesh Krishna, Oliver Lai, Cecilia Wong and Jeremy Lee.Finally, because of our continued passion in supporting education, we have decided to donate 15% of all proceeds from this course to the Malala Foundation. Thank you as well for your support."
Price: 19.99 |
"Confidence and Success, with Ancient-Egyptian Wisdom" |
"Hi everyone! My name is Dr Charles Kos, Ancient-Wisdom Philosopher and Self-Help teacher. I offer you this course, distilled from ancient Hermetic Wisdom, in which you will learn secret knowledge known only to very few:Ancient Egyptian WisdomBecome a natural speaker instantly! (I have taught this technique in speaking classes!)There are many inner voices but only one is your true intuition. Learn to tell the difference!Unlimited Confidence, now!Why focus is so important, and how to get it!How to manifest objects by becomming an AvatarHow to have the mental resources and abilities of your hero!Napoleon Hill's Secret is fully explained and why it will make you confident in every action you take!Habits you can follow to make you more lucky!How to change your past to change your future!Thank you and Good luck! I know that this course will help you.Regards, Charles."
Price: 39.99 |
"How To Get Motivated Seller Leads On Facebook For Investors" |
"A simple, easy-to-follow online course designed specifically to help real estate investors attract motivated seller leads using the power of Facebook Ads.Its perfect for all investors because all the steps are explained in a simple & very easy-to-follow steps even for the non-techie person.Inside Our Brand New Course You'll Gain Instant Access To Step-By-Step Training Tutorials Walking You Through Building Your Own Facebook Ad Campaign For Motivated Seller Leads!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Essential Hypnosis and NLP Training Certification" |
"Curious about hypnosis and nlp?This course is for the beginner! Starting with the basics and easily helping you advance to hypnotist.Whats on offer:* What is hypnosis? What is NLP? How do they differ* The history of hypnosis and NLP* The responsibility of the mind* Structures of reality explained* Levels of trance and vibrations* Waking hypnosis* Body Language* Inductions* Convincers and deepeners* Suggestibility Tests (can this person be hypnotised?)* Metaphors* Post Hypnotic Suggestion (PHS)* Awakening Techniques* Hakalua learning state* Hot, cold and warm reading* Script setups* Ideomotor Response* Somnambulism* Introductions that sell* Dealing with difficult clients* Booking clients* Referrals, ethics and fallacies* Your own hypnosis scripts"
Price: 74.99 |
"Learn Spanish with a spanish teacher" |
"(First part) Primera parte del curso para practicar el Pretrito Indefinido (cant, beb, viv) en espaol (Past simple). In this curse you re going to learn the Past Simple in Spanish. You will learn: The regulars verbs and irregulars. Typical dialogues for practice this past in situationsImages with pictures for practice in conversation this pastA lot of videos with grammar explications Exams and exercises onlineFor example:Ayer com en un restaurante (Yesterday i ate in a restaurante)Nac en 1989 en Barcelona (I was born in 1989 in Barcelona)Fui a la playa el domingo (Sunday i went to the beach)"
Price: 19.99 |
"7 semaines pour apprendre le Tantra, seul(e) ou en couple" |
"Profitez d'un cours audio UNIQUE pour apprendre le Tantra. Un cours o vous aurez seulement besoin de fermer les yeux et de vous laissez guider par ma voix.Donnez un nouvel lan votre vie sexuelle !Retrouvez une vraie complicit dans votre couple Vous allez apprendre un art qui vous libra de vos blocages, qui remdiera aux dysfonctionnements sexuels et qui augmentera votre potentiel orgasmique.Ce cours de 21 leons s'adresse aux personnes seul(e)s ou en couple qui souhaitent en apprendre plus sur leur sexualit.Grce a la mditation, vous exprimentez lunit de votre corps et de votre me avec vous mme puis avec votre partenaire. Vous ferez remontrer vos nergies gnitales jusqu ce que cette extase vous irradi complment.Semaine 1Durant les premiers jours de votre formation, nous allons decouvrir ensemble les bases essentielles qui constituent la discipline tantrique ; ensuite nous installerons un rituel pour que vous puissiez pratiquer votre tantra dans un lieu qui vous ressemble. Puis nous mettrons en place un journal pour vous aider a voir votre progression au cours des semaines et qui servira a maintenir votre motivation.Les cls du TantraLe rituel et la cration d'un sanctuaire Limportance du journalSemaine 2Durant les jours suivants, vous allez comprendre, au travers dateliers, comment faire naitre la confiance en vous, puis entre vous et votre partenaire. Nous verrons que la sexualite englobe beaucoup plus de domaines que lacte sexuel classique. Enfin, je vous donnerai les cles pour construire une sexualite qui vous ressemble, loin de linfluence de la societe et de la famille.Comment se crer une vraie intimit ?La sexualit ce nest pas que du sexeLa sexualit cest personnelSemaine 3Quest-ce quun chakra ? A quoi peuvent-ils bien servir ? Vous en apprendrez plus sur votre corps et sur celui de votre conjoint pour vous diriger vers lunion de votre masculin et de votre feminin. Puis, grace a des exercices de meditation tournes vers le sexe, vous ferez circuler une nouvelle energie qui illuminera vos chakras.En apprendre plus sur les chakrasAccepter le Yin et le YangL'veil des sensationSemaine 4Durant votre 4e semaine, nous apprendrons ensemble a ne plus fuir le regard de lautre pour faire naitre en vous une nouvelle confiance basee sur le regard de votre partenaire. Nous verrons aussi comment activer le canal sexuel pour que vos orgasmes vous transportent dans lirreel.Le regard de l'autre dans le TantraPourquoi saimer ?Le canal sexuel et comment l'activer Semaine 5Durant votre 5e semaine, je vous proposerai differents exercices pratiques dans le but de renforcer votre concentration, mais aussi de maitriser vos orgasmes puis de les intensifier.La meilleure positionPourquoi faire travailler le muscle pubo-coccygien ?Bloquer une jaculationSemaine 6La 6e semaine est la plus importante, vous allez pouvoir appliquer les differentes methodes vues durant les cours precedents en meme temps. Preparez-vous a experimenter des sensations jamais vues. Vos sens ne vont plus rien comprendre.Connecter canal sexuel et muscle PCL'importance de la masturbation chez la femmeL'importance de la masturbation chez lhommeSemaine 7Cest la derniere semaine de notre periple, et bien sur, je vous ai garde le meilleur pour la fin. Nous verrons comment entrer dans lautre pour leduquer a notre propre sexualite. Nous verrons aussi le massage tantrique, grand classique de la discipline.Le rle du diaphragmeCrer la symbioseLe massage tantrique"
Price: 49.99 |
"Csikung Start Tanfolyam - magyarul" |
"8 leckn keresztl ismerheted meg a csikung alapjait. Megtanulod a helyes lgzst s bemelegtst. A csikung gyakorlatok vgzsnek lnyegt, azaz miknt hangold ssze a lgzst a mozgssal s a kpzelettrstssal. Megtanulod az Aranygmb, 8 brokkttekercs, az telem gyakorlatokat. Kapsz egy rvidebb s egy hosszabb csikung gyakorlatsort, valamint elmleti anyagokat, amiben a csi, a meridinok, a yin s yang s az t elem elmlett ismerheted meg."
Price: 119.99 |
"Photoshop and 3D Dimension" |
"Photoshop is usually associated with photo retouching and image manipulation. Pushing pixels is what made this product a household name, but did you know that Photoshop also has some limited 3D capabilities? It's much more than just simple 3D text. If you've ever been curious about what you can accomplish with the 3D features in Photoshop, then this course is for you. In this course we're going to dig into exactly what the 3D features in Photoshop can accomplish. We'll walk through everything from basic 3D concepts to using the 3D interface to creating our very own complex 3D scene. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include basic 3D terms and concepts, creating 3D text and shapes, how to craft custom 3D elements, and how to use external 3D models. We'll take a look at Adobe Fuse, an exciting new preview technology, and we'll finish with texturing, lighting, and rendering. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of what Photoshop's 3D features can and can't do. Before beginning this course you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 59.99 |
"How to improve pronunciation skills with phonics - English" |
"You will learn with a UK qualified, experienced teacher.Because pronunciation is probably the most difficult skill to master when learning a foreign language, this course will teach you how to use Phonics to improve your pronunciation and your speaking skills. In this course you will learn each sound separately and get a lot of practice to apply the sounds in speaking. Your pronunciation will become clearer with each lesson and you will become more aware of different sounds in writing, reading and speaking.You will be on your way to English fluency before you know it!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Deploy Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations On premise" |
"The deployment process of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations On Premise Edition is very delicate and error prone, that pushed me to record the steps to make easier for you to have this tutorial by at your side while deploying.Learn how to correctly deploy Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations On Premise Edition: From installing the prerequisites, setting up the virtual machines, installing and configuring Service Fabric to deploying AX from LCS."
Price: 99.99 |
"Photoshop and Age Manipulation" |
"In this course we'll be learning some techniques on how to add age to the appearance of a person's face by using various textures, combined with digital painting, cloning, and the use of Photoshop's Liquify filter. So we'll begin by using Liquify to reshape some key facial features, followed by several lessons where we'll incorporate textures from various images to achieve believable wrinkles and skin pores, and we'll wrap up by learning how to thin out and add some gray to the hair, along with some age spots as well. This is a great course if you're a concept artist, for example, working on a movie where you want to visualize what an actor might look like at a different age. So after watching this course you'll have a strong understanding of the process and the techniques used to create a photo manipulation of someone who appears much older."
Price: 59.99 |
"Dropshipping in Europe: How to Launch an eCommerce in the EU" |
"With my course, you will learn how to successfully launch a dropshipping business in the European Union (and yes, this course is perfect for both EU citizens and foreigners willing to break into the EU market)In the USA this location-independent business model is already well established: here in Europe it is still brand new, hence there are lots of opportunities.But it is also challenging and the entrance barrier is highIf you don't pay enough attention to my course, you'll probably waste time dealing with skeptical suppliers, no pricing regulation and so much more.Listen to me and you WILL overcome these difficulties and you might become one of the very few truly successful dropshippers in EuropeA few important notes:1. Forget the China-Alibaba-Oberlo-Shopify model every ""guru"" talks about2. I won't show you any technical procedure: Internet is filled with people showing you how Shopify's and WooCommerce's backends work3. If you like this course and my style please let me know: I might decide to create another course regarding technical procedures3. This course is about the Do's and Don'ts too many people ignore while trying to launch a dropshipping business in the EU 4. Enjoy my thick Italian accent, I hope you'll find it at least hilarious :) Have fun and enjoy the course!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Getting Started with Google CloudSQL" |
"This course enables the students to learn the methodologies and best practices for effectively and efficiently using Google's relational database Cloud SQL. This helps the users who are enthusiastic in exploring new cloud offerings and are keen in exploring Google's database offerings. We start by introducing the students to relational concepts following which we take an hands on journey of Cloud SQL where in we cover development using the database and management of the database instance in an actual environment where we cover important pointers for managing the instance and look at the ways the same can be achieved in GCP. Finally we talk about best practices which a user must be aware of when using Cloud SQL."
Price: 1600.00 |
"Real-world-:Xss Attack:-beginner to advanced 100% practical" |
"Cross-site scripting is one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities in modern web applications.its permits an attacker to inject code into contents of a website Without the attacker's control.it is one of OWASP's top 10 vulnerabilityThis course is fully practical.Real-world XSS Attack course is divided into two parts.Thank You , Everyone !"
Price: 94.99 |
"Il corso rivolto a tutti coloro che amano viaggiare e produrre un bel ricordo del proprio viaggio. Che tu sia un aspirante youtuber o un viaggiatore stanco di mostrare agli amici solamente le foto, questo corso ti insegner a realizzare un prodotto audiovisivo di qualit superiore. Alla fine del corso saprai capire quale tipo di video realizzare, che attrezzatura portarti in viaggio e quali sono le migliori piattaforme dove condividere il tuo video travel."
Price: 54.99 |
"Java Programming: Complete Beginner to Advanced" |
"Would you like to learn real world programming skills that will help you get your first java programming job?Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine.So its your time now to take advantage of a loads of jobs and freelance opportunities that are available for java programmers out there.This course is provided by CodeIn Academy Instructors who are Oracle Certified professionals with many years experience in java programmingThe course is very comprehensive and will be constantly updated. Once you have gone through this course you will be able to understand Java 8 features very easily. So, this course covers each topic in details and is focused to break down topics with simplified examples. Thus, it is for anyone who wants to learn java programming and no previous programming experience is required.Enroll in this course now because its your time to get these highly paid and very on-demand skills."
Price: 199.99 |
"Basic Grammatical Rules for Beginners/Elementary students" |
"This course is all about basic and simple grammatical rules with the the auxiliary ""Be"" ( present simple/past simple forms), the present simple (positive, negative and question forms), the past simple ( positive, negative and question forms), the present continuous ( positive, negative and question forms) and the use of Can and Can't. Students will see and understand the various forms of the tenses mentioned above and the specific uses of can/can't.At the end of this course, students will be able to make positive and negative sentences, ask questions using the interrogative forms of Be, present simple, present continuous and past simple. Students will also learn the use of can and can't( ability and possibility). Moreover, this course provide simple and clear examples that will help students to understand and to apply the benefits of this course in their real lives. Finally, this course comes with one exercise per lectures that will help students to understand better.Aside videos, each lecture has a power point presentation which will enhance students' understanding. "
Price: 19.99 |
"MasterClass - Fix your mind + Start a business with a team" |
"In this course I will help you to fix your mindset and to not make mistakes, after the motivational introduction, I will explain some marketing stuff like building a micro-brand to validate your idea.Another big aspect that I will cover is about understanding how team works because every course will explain to you how to manage a team and not how to keep your work up.Understanding how people work, what kind of people you need in your team will help to open your eyes."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Essentials to Build a Startup" |
"In my experience, most founders feel the rush to find investment but they fail to deliver their product to the right audience.In this course, I will explain the common rules of a startup and based on my experience all the mistakes to avoid during the journey.Are you able to manage your product?Are you able to deliver results?Are you able to find investment?You can find a lot of answers everywhere but the most valuable way is to listen to a founder like me."
Price: 34.99 |
"Descifrando el Bienestar: Lo que nadie te ense" |
"Preprate para descubrir un conocimiento nico y revolucionario que cambiara tu percepcin acerca de ti mismo. Llevo ms de diez aos indagando en la mente humana a travs de de la neurociencia y las ciencias milenarias. Despus de aos de bsqueda, encontr la respuesta definitiva para desarrollar los pilares del bienestar como la autoestima, las relaciones plenas, el propsito de vida y la sabidura. Cultivar el bienestar es similar a cultivar una planta, del mismo modo que es necesario atender las races ocultas para hacer que crezca, es necesario atender nuestras emociones para hacer crecer el bienestar. Gracias a un innovador mapa voy a mostrarte las claves necesarias para comprender tu naturaleza interior y como desarrollar tu potencial interior. A travs de una viaje de auto descubrimiento vamos a descifrar las claves del bienestar y entender como deshacernos del malestar como la ansiedad, las adicciones y la insatisfaccin de una vez por todas. Me acompaas?"
Price: 59.99 |
"Formation service la clientle" |
"Pourquoi le service la clientle- Pourquoi un bon service la clientle- Le client compare plus quavant- Un client qui se plaint en parle beaucoup- La pyramide inverse- Tout le monde est client de tout le monde- Les deux dimensions du service la clientle- Le rle de lagent de serviceComment satisfaire un client- Dfinition dun service la clientle : cart entre attente et perception- tonnez le client- Le systme HTH- Le systme SOS- Motivations dun client- La promesse client- Les mesures de lorganisation : KPIsLes tapes du service la clientle- Les tapes- Prparation journe- Prparation matrielle- Prparation mentale- Prise de contact ou accueil- Comment prendre contact- Dcouvrir les attentes du client et empathie- La dcouverte SOS- Comment couter- coute active- Les questions alterner- Ce quil faut viter- Contrler la longueur du contactLa reformulation- ReformulerLa solution- Solution : informer- Solution : conseiller- Persuader avec choix- Les expressionsObjections rclamations attaques- Cas difficiles- Rclamation- Objections- Techniques de rponse aux objections- Client agressifConclusion et suivi- Conclusion du contact- SuiviTravail pratique- Vido dun service, quen pensez-vous ?- Les erreurs par tape : prise de contact- Erreurs de dcouverte- Erreurs de solution- Erreurs de conclusion- Vido dun autre service, quen pensez-vous ?- Prparation- Prise de contact- Dcouverte- Reformulation- Solution- Objections- Conclusion- Suivi- En rsum, un bon service"
Price: 49.99 |
"Savoir se vendre" |
"Principes- Acceptez de vous vendre- Discours adapt- Pitch de vente- Les 3 motivations de vos interlocuteurs- Les trois styles- Dveloppez votre charisme- Les positionnements de personnalitPrparation- Prparation mentale- crivez une unique selling proposition- Visualisez le recruteur positivement- Prparation matrielle- Pitch de vente- Entrainez-vous votre pitch de vente- Bonne image numrique- Connaissez lorganisationPrise de contact- Dans la salle dattente- Crez une bonne image- La communicationDcouverte des besoins- Pourquoi faire parler avant- Comment- Comment couter- La dcouverte SOS- Questions poserSe vendre- Argumentaire de vente- SOS simple- SOS comparatif- Comment parlerQuestions et objections- Pourquoi se prparer- Questions habituelles- tapes pour traiter une objection- Techniques- Vos questions complmentairesConclusion- Rsumer les avantages- Points clsLe suivi de lentretien- Suivi- Conclusion"
Price: 39.99 |