"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst CySA+ (CSA+): Practice Exam" |
"This Practice Test is specially built to prepare you for taking on the CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst CySA+ (CSA+). This Practice Test will help you see how well prepared you are for the exam.In this practice test set, well cover all the topics included in Cybersecurity Analyst CySA+ exam objectives such as: Threat Management Vulnerability Management Cyber Incident Response Security Architecture and Tool SetsMake sure you are ready to pass the CySA+ exam by using this practice test, This Practice Test has been developed to provide you with the requisite knowledge to not only pass the CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst CySA+ (CSA+): certification exam but also gain the hands-on experience that required in a real-world environment."
Price: 44.99 |
"AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty Practice Exam" |
"This Practice Test is specially built to prepare you for taking on the AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty Exam. This Practice Test will help you see how well prepared you are for the exam.This course is a study guide for preparing for AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty exam. Focus is on hands on learning.The AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty examination is intended for individuals who perform complex Big Data analyses. This exam validates an examinees technical skills and experience in designing and implementing AWS services to derive value from data. It validates an examinees ability to:Implement core AWS Big Data services according to basic architectural best practicesDesign and maintain Big DataLeverage tools to automate Data AnalysisThis Practice Test has been developed to provide you with the requisite knowledge to not only pass the AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty certification exam but also gain the hands-on experience that required in a real-world environment."
Price: 44.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Latest Exam" |
"This course is the ultimate preparation guide for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certificate ExamThis Practice Tests help students to be mentally prepared for the actual certification exam. Practicing several times through AWS mock tests before the certification exam, makes you better prepared for the real one.This Practice Test has been developed to provide you with the requisite knowledge to not only pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certification exam but also gain the hands-on experience that required in a real-world environment."
Price: 44.99 |
"Logistics and supply chain management (Masterclass Gold)" |
"Logistics and supply chain structures can be found in virtually any system. In this course you will learn methods that are used for supply chain, forecasting demand and also structuring your entire supply chain and logistics system. Many of the lecture will be taught using illustrations and real life data...by the end of this course, you will be able to better control and master your organisation's logistics aystem like and expert."
Price: 34.99 |
"Curso de Ingls elemental nivel A1" |
"El nivel A1 corresponde a usuarios bsicos con el idioma, es decir, aquellos capaces de comunicarse en situaciones cotidianas con expresiones de uso frecuente y utilizando vocabulario elemental. Es importante recordar que el Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) es el sistema que define y explica los diferentes niveles de expresin y comprensin oral y escrita para lenguas como el ingls. Comprende 6 niveles de referencia: tres bloques (nivel bsico o A, independiente o B y competente o C), que se dividen a su vez en dos subniveles, 1 y 2.Cules son los objetivos del curso 1 del Nivel Bsico?Al final del curso 1 del Nivel Bsico el alumnado ser capaz de:Comprensin auditivaComprender conversaciones breves sobre asuntos cotidianos o personales (saludos, despedidas, presentaciones, agradecimientos y disculpas), instrucciones e indicaciones sencillas.Comprender lo ms relevante de lo que se dice en gestiones bsicas (hacer compras, inscribirse en un curso, ordenar en un restaurant).Captar lo ms relevante de anuncios y mensajes breves.Comprensin lectoraComprender notas,mensajes personales cortos (SMS, correos electrnicos, postales) y anuncios pblicos.Comprender y extraer la informacin global y especfica predecible de textos breves con un vocabulario frecuente.Comprender indicaciones bsicas para rellenar fichas impresas.Comprender informacin, instrucciones e indicaciones bsicas breves y frecuentes en lugares pblicos (letreros y carteles en calles, tiendas, restaurantes y medios de transporte).Expresin oralUtilizar frmulas habituales de cortesa (saludar, despedirse, presentarse, agradecer, disculparse, interesarse por personas).Pedir y ofrecer objetos, favores y objetos cotidianos.Pedir y dar informacin personal (nacionalidad, residencia, actividades, intereses, familia, amistades, tiempo, etc.).Realizar presentaciones y descripciones sencillas de personas, lugares, actividades e intereses.Expresin escritaEscribir notas con informacin, instrucciones e indicaciones bsicas relacionadas con actividades cotidianas.Escribir correspondencia personal sencilla (postales) a partir de modelos. Escribir pequeos textos sobre temas conocidos con frases sencillas relacionadas con conectores bsicos.Metodologa:El curso ingls nivel A1 se desarrolla en modalidad E-learning.Se realizarn clases tericas en base a los ejercicios de la plataforma digital.Contenidos multimedia del curso en formato Web. Se realizarn los ejercicios de la plataformadigital; en estos ejercicios se abarca tanto las habilidades orales (listening), como las escritas(reading, writing). Se realizarn casos prcticos de las distintas situaciones lingsticas.Ejercicios extra de repaso. Apoyo tutorial activo y personalizado.Evaluacin:La evaluacin se har a travs de una prueba de 25 preguntas con alternativa, en la misma plataforma con el fin de lograr la nivelacin requerida para este curso.El curso de INGLS NIVEL A1 consta de las siguientes reas de conocimiento:Unidad 1Objetivos lingsticosSaber saludar y presentarse.Preguntar la edad.Deletrear palabras (el alfabeto).Contar.Calcular.Preguntar por las distintas nacionalidades.Pedir y dar informacin personal.GramticaLos pronombres personales.El verbo TO BE en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Respuestas cortas.La preposicin de lugar from.El orden de las palabras.VocabularioSaludos.Adjetivos calificativos.La familia.Los nmeros.La edad.Frases hechas para las presentaciones.Las nacionalidades.Los pases.Las profesiones.Unidad 2Objetivos lingsticosExpresar posesin.Indicar cercana o distancia.Hablar de uno mismo.El articulo indefinido a/an.El artculo definido the.Los adjetivos demostrativos this/these, that/those.Los plurales.Los adjetivos posesivos.Pronombres posesivos.Los pronombres interrogativos.El genitivo.VocabularioLos nmeros ordinales.Los das de la semana.Las partes del da.Unidad 3Objetivos lingsticosHablar sobre nuestra rutina.Expresar frecuencia.GramticaEl presente simple en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Adverbios de frecuencia.VocabularioVerbos relacionados con acciones habituales.La casa.Repaso nmeros y alfabeto.Unidad 4Objetivos lingsticosExpresar que algo o alguien existe o no.Expresar cantidades imprecisas o incontables.There is, there are en sus tres formas: afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Respuestas cortas con there is/ there are: Yes, there is, No, there arent.Cuantificadores some, any.Adverbios de frecuencia.VocabularioLa casa.Verbos .Unidad 5Objetivos lingsticosExpresar habilidad.Pedir permiso.Expresar posibilidad.Expresar prohibicin.Comparar cosas y lugares.Expresar una localizacin.GramticaEl verbo modal can en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Adjetivos: grado positivo, comparativo y superlativo.Preposiciones de lugar: in, on, at y to.VocabularioLos colores.La ropa.Lugares.Unidad 6Objetivos lingsticosExpresar posesin.Expresar obligacinEl verbo have (got) en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Respuestas cortas con have / have got.Usos de have got to para expresar obligacin.El caso posesivo (repaso).VocabularioObjetos cotidianos.Unidad 7Objetivos lingsticosExpresar acciones que estn sucediendo.Expresar acciones habituales o en curso.GramticaPresente continuo en sus tres formas: afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Ortografa de los verbos en gerundio (ing).VocabularioVerbos que suelen ir en presente continuo.Excepciones (verbos que no se suelen expresar en presente continuo).Unidad 8Objetivos lingsticos:Expresar acciones en futuro simpleExpresar acciones en futuro continuo.GramticaEl futuro simple en sus tres formas: afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.El futuro continuo en sus tres formas: afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.Unidad 9Objetivos lingsticosHablar sobre el pasado.Preguntar sobre el pasado.GramticaEl pasado simple de los verbos regulares en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa einterrogativa.El pasado de los verbos irregulares en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa einterrogativa.El pasado del verbo to be en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.El pasado continuo en sus tres formas, afirmativo, negativo e interrogativoVocabularioLas partes del cuerpo.Vocabulario relacionado con la comida (verduras y hortalizas, carne, pescado) y labebida.Unidad 10Objetivos lingsticosPedir y dar la hora.Hablar sobre precios.Ir de compras.Pedir comida en un restaurante.Descripcin fsica.Dar rdenes e instrucciones.Expresar avisos.Descripciones personales en pasado.Expresar localizaciones en pasado.Contar historias en pasado.Preguntar por cantidades.Expresar intenciones o planes de futuro.GramticaAlso, too.El imperativo en sus dos formas; afirmativa y negativa.Los cuantificadores; a few, a little, plenty.Frases negativas + EitherThere was/There were.How much/How many.El pronombre objeto.By + transport.Presente continuo vs presente simple.To be going to (futuro) en sus tres formas; afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.Lugares de inters; el Banco, la Plaza.Once, twice...Los muebles (partes de una habitacin).El verbo to have + shower, dinner...Get +VocabularioComprar ropa; size, to try on, to cost.Las estaciones.Los medios de transporte.Las fechas."
Price: 19.99 |
"UX Design pe intelesul tuturor" |
"De multe ori nu stim de unde sa pornim sau ce sa facem in cariera noastra. Poate ai fost pus in situatia de a conduce activitati de UX si cercetare a utilizatorilor, dar nu stii care ar fi primul pas - de la recrutarea participantilor, la procesul folosit pana la analiza si aplicarea rezultatelor. Poate acest domeniu de UX este unul complet nou pentru tine si nu stii unde sa incepi sau ce sa intrebi pe utilizatori pentru ca sa poti crea screenuri si flow-uri. Poate ai inceput sa faci sarcini UX si cercetare, dar intampini dificultati in analiza feedback-ului pe care il primesti si nu conteaza cantitatea de dovezi pe care le ai, nu pari sa ai incredere in rezultat. Poate faci tot ce iti sta in putinta sa intelegi problemele utilizatorilor, te gandesti la o solutie si incerci sa comunici ceea ce ai gasit. Dar oamenii cu care lucrezi si care sunt obisnuiti cu metoda veche de lucru te ignora. De ce sunt ignorat ? Fac lucrurile gresit ? Am inteles eu gresit asteptarile lor? Am interpretat eronat cerintele? Nu stiu sa comunic? Nu e sfarsitul lumii asa cum pare. Pentru depasirea acestor obstacole nu este necesar sa ai niste abilitati de mentalist sau sa poti vraji lumea cu un discurs deosebit, desi nu ar fi rau sa ai aceste super puteri care te vor transforma intr-un erou al universului UX. Ai nevoie de ceva mult mai practic. Aceasta este intentia mea cu acest curs."
Price: 24.99 |
"Animacin del logo de Netflix" |
"Vamos a recrear esta famosa animacin con solo usar After Effets y sin usar plugins. No es necesario usar un programa de 3D porque tenemos a nuestra disposicin el raytraced 3D que viene junto con After Effects.Aprenderemos a crear un texto en 3D, trabajaremos con luces y sombras para finalmente aprender a ignorar luces en materiales y solo quedarnos con las sombras."
Price: 19.99 |
"Awakening The Strength Of The Sensual Woman" |
"Embracing the strength of you as a sensual, succulent woman is essential to so many aspects of your happiness and life.We have this dis~ability in western society of holding ourselves back from our fullest potential by believing and keeping our sensuality and sexuality for relationships, babies and the bedroom.Your sensuality keeps your life :flowing,creative.vibrant,inspired,grounded,juicy,alive,fresh,abundant,youth~full,honest,Curiousand totally in tune with your woman~ness.Your sensuality keeps you in love and relationship with your body and your life.This is a beautifully unique 14 day online course.Michelle gently guides and supports through simplistic methods that can be integrated into the busiest of daily life, effortlessly.Together she explores with you creative expression, body love and tantric meditations in unravelling, witnessing and letting go of any armour that you may have built to protect your femininity or even hidden your glow behind.Michelle holds a warm and simple space for your womb and sacral to awaken,your heart to open and connect so you may immerse deeply into your skin in new ways and remember the majestic beauty of you as a sensual woman.What you will need:Journal and pen.The gift to self of some rich oil or body cream.A strawberry, mango, kiwi or melon.Sacred time for you. No phone, No internet. Just you.No experience required, just a brave, courageous heart and a longing to connect with your true sensual nature."
Price: 24.99 |
"Copywriting masterclass for SuperAffiliate and marketers" |
"More Money Has Been Made By This Blueprint Than Any Ive Ever CreatedNow You Can Learn It From Me LiveThe only copywriting course that shows you how to write words that entertain, persuade, & sell like hell in such simple terms, a brain dead monkey could do it , How to turn any bland, boring and ordinary thing into an exciting new mechanism that will basically FORCE your prospect to open their wallet and give you their credit card."
Price: 199.99 |
"Business Communication Skills: EQ Intelligent Interactions" |
"This Business Communication Skills course is essential for anyone wishing to learn the innovative techniques in becoming an effective communicator.Push your levels of communication to the highest heights utilizing the powers of Emotional Intelligence & NLP.Learn the techniques and science behind the communication processIdentify and rectify the noise that can disrupt communication flowBuild bridges to attain Congruent CommunicationLearn the Universal Truths & Behavioral Principles that we all abide byBuild Emotionally Intelligent Communication into your everyday lifeLearn about: Flight, Fight and Emotional Triggers that Influence CommunicationGain understanding on the limiting beliefs of F.E.A.R in conversationDevelop Emotional Control in Conversation MasteryJason is an experienced corporate skills trainer with over 18 years in the field of communication.Previous trained companies include: Cisco, Huawei, Haier, China Eastern Airlines, Michelin, Marriott, Tencent and many more.This seamless and structured course will guide you through the essential steps of becoming a world class communicating maestro.Who this course is for:ENTREPRENEURS: Looking to expand their business and increase their skillsCEO'S, LEADERS & MANAGERS: Looking to recruit and manage with effectivenessCONSULTANTS: Professionals in the product sales or service industries.SALES PEOPLE: An essential resource for anyone in Sales, or Key Account Manager Positions.HUSBANDS & WIVES: Communication skills learning to build on relationships.STUDENTS: Ideal for graduates and students looking to develop strong bridges.EVERYONE: Interested in becoming a strong and efficient communicator."
Price: 174.99 |
"Divine Dragon Connection" |
"Welcome to this Divine Dragon Connection course. I am so excited that you are here and that you will be joining me in learning all the things you need to know about connecting with the amazingly powerful dragon energy. Like Angels, dragons are ethereal beings who really want to help us in our lives. They can however only do this if we ask them to intervene as they will never override our own free will. These amazingly powerful beings not only act as planetary guardians but can empower us, protect us, heal us if we allow them to. Connecting with your dragon is actually a very safe and gentle process and this course will provide you with very effective tools and techniques to make your connection with you own personal or guardian dragon. There are so many benefits to connecting with your dragon and this course gently guides you through the process of connection. This course includes a very powerful guided meditation where you will connect with your own guardian dragon."
Price: 24.99 |
"Teste prtico certificao Azure AZ-900 (Portugus & Ingls)" |
"***ATENO: CUPOM DE DESCONTO EXCLUSIVO PARA OS 5 PRIMEIROS***UTILIZEM O CUPOM: AZURE2020O teste prtico AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals foi desenvolvido em Ingls e Portugus para ajudar os usurios a se prepararem e passarem no exame Microsoft AZ-900. O exame AZ-900 foi desenvolvido para candidatos que desejam demonstrar conhecimento bsico dos servios em nuvem do Azure. Diferentemente da maioria dos exames da Microsoft, o AZ-900 tambm destinado aos candidatos no tcnicos, como aqueles envolvidos na venda ou compra de solues e servios baseados em nuvem ou que tenham algum envolvimento com solues e servios baseados em nuvem. Apesar disso, essencial que os usurios tcnicos iniciantes ou experientes tenham conhecimentos slidos presentes neste teste para se desenvolverem na trilha de carreira Microsoft Azure.A maioria das questes possuem explicao da resposta, ou seja, este teste tambm serve como fonte extra de aprendizado"
Price: 19.99 |
"Practice Test Exam - Exin Blockchain Essentials" |
"Use FIRSTOFF code - *limited, enjoy! :D This is the EXIN Blockchain Essentials alternative practice exams for certificationThe tests consists of 20 questions. The maximum number of points that can be obtained for this practice test is 20. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. You need 13 points to pass the exam. The time allowed for this exam is 30 minutes. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Practice Test Exam - Exin Blockchain Foundation" |
"This is the EXIN Blockchain Foundation alternative practice exams for certificationThe tests consists of 40 questions. The maximum number of points that can be obtained for this practice test is 40. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. You need 26 points to pass the exam. The time allowed for this exam is 60 minutes. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Taste Of Pakistan Dish - Authentic Pakistani Recipe" |
"Hi, I learn your Pakistani cooking recipes in easy steps. It is a very famous recipe in Pakistan Punjab, you learn my course.In my course all Authentic Pakistani Recipe. The dishes would be comprised of Lunch or dinner meals as well. In my course, the cooking method is very easy simple to cook. I will teach you how to make delicious dishes in your own kitchen and at your own pace. If you are a beginner, then I will show you how to master Pakistani cooking. If youre an expert cook, the techniques and methods I have shown here will let you cook smarter, faster, and healthier."
Price: 69.99 |
basics_meditation_ar |
". . :------------------ - - : - : - - - - - :------------------ - - - - - - - -. ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso para Manicures Delivery" |
"Quem pretende trabalhar como manicure e pedicure, a pessoa necessita ter interesse em esttica e ter agilidade com trabalhos manuais. Para trabalhar nessa rea, indispensvel conhecer os vrios cuidados com a higiene dos instrumentos de trabalho, sabendo esteriliz-los de modo correto e conserv-los de maneira adequada para evitar a transmisso de doenas. Com esse curso de manicure & pedicure o(a) aluno(a) aprender todos os tpicos importantes para trabalhar na rea, tais como:Como cuidar das unhas e identificar doenas;Como preparar o ambiente de trabalho;Como atender o cliente;Os principais instrumentos e materiais necessrios para trabalhar;e muito mais!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Impara ad usare i Fogli Google: da Base ad Avanzato" |
"Conoscere il funzionamento dei fogli di calcolo una competenza fondamentale non solo per trovare lavoro, ma anche per pianificare i propri progetti, gestire le finanze personali e tanto altro.Questo corso nasce da un'esperienza decennale nell'insegnamento dei fogli di calcolo (Excel e Fogli Google) all'universit, nei master e nelle aziende. Partendo dalle basi ti insegner concetti e trucchi per lavorare in modo efficiente (e furbo) con i tuoi dati.I concetti del corso valgono sia per chi usa i Fogli Google sia per chi usa Excel.Non sono richieste competenze specifiche, ma consiglio di svolgere gli esercizi insieme alle lezioni (o subito dopo): come tutti i software non c' modo migliore per imparare che fare pratica!"
Price: 29.99 |
"How to Make Hanging Art Mobiles" |
"Do you love kinetic hanging modern art mobiles like the ones popular mobile artist Alexander Calder has made? Ever thought how cool it would be to have a playful zen-like Calder mobile in your home, kid's room or work-space? If so then please join me, artist Richard John Jenkins - your mentor and guide leading you on a fun journey we will take together to learn all about mobiles and making your very own in this fun course! In this beginners no experience required course I will lead you down a path teaching you mobile making fundamentals, share with you mobile making design tips, help you ""shop"" for inexpensive mobile maker materials and much more. You'll even learn about and use a few basic mobile making hand tools - most likely tools you already own! You'll learn all about mobile making supports, elements, jump rings and how to balance your mobile - even make it move! Best of all plenty of fun easy to follow along step by step hands on sessions!You'll even learn a bit about one of Calder's all-time favorite mobile making tools you can purchase today and use making with your own mobiles! The goal of this hands on mobile making journey is to have you walk away from this course with a wonderful kinetic art mobile you made yourself and are proud of!Click the Add to Cart/Buy Now button to start your mobile making journey!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Your Path To Writing a Page-Turner" |
"Welcome! You've come to the right place to learn how to create a captivating novel in any genre and gain the confidence that ""Yes, I can do this!""If you're at the beginning of your writing journey, you'll find inspiration and a clear path forward. If you're an emerging writer, you'll discover empowering skills to move up from writer to author.If you're a seasoned writer, you'll learn how to boost your writing to the level of the bestsellers.Create the Kind of Novel that Excites Publishers and Thrills Readers. A Page-Turner.Enjoy learning successful techniques of writing craft from an award-winning author whose novels have topped sales of over half a million copies. You will finish this course with a deep understanding of how to develop, focus, and enrich your story, and the confidence and skills to complete the book.The video lectures are packed with 4.5 hours of instruction, insights, and inspiration covering the essential skills for creating a compelling novel all presented with entertaining examples from popular books and movies. Learn what agents and publishers really look for in a manuscript Master the essentials of story structure, from Inciting Incident to Climax Discover how to create a ""storyline"" and why you need one Harness the power of deep character Maximize the energy of dynamic dialogue Understand the options in choosing the right point-of-view for your story Get practical advice on how to query agents and get publishedLearn how to craft a novel that leaves readers saying, I couldnt put it down!Ready to take your writing to the next level? These are the topics of the video lectures. Each one focuses on an essential aspect of writing craft. Together they cover the key elements of all compelling fiction: Anatomy of a Page-Turner Words: The Pulse on the Page Storylining: Building Your Book from Outline to Final Draft Characters: Inventing Lives Deep Character: Creating the Compelling Protagonist Making an Entrance: Spotlighting Your Main Characters First Appearance Essentials of Story Structure: Hook, Inciting Incident, Conflict, Reversals, Climax The Art of Crafting Dialogue: Subtext, Functions, Common Errors Scene Stealers: Secrets to Creating Powerful Scenes POV: Whose Story Is It? Setting: Your Characters World Getting Published: How to Write a Successful Query What Makes a Book Marketable?Plus, youll get these unique downloadable resources: 12 Practice Like a Pro exercises, each one focusing on an essential element of writing craft A handy how-to of correct manuscript format for submitting your manuscript to publishers Top 10 Picks: recommendations of the 10 best books about writingImagine this. Completing your novel and celebrating, because you know its the kind of book that can win an offer from a major publisher. Theres no satisfaction like that.This course is right for you if: Youve got story ideas but need help getting organized. You love writing, but fear you may not have what it takes to succeed. You feel youre toiling alone, without the expert guidance needed to achieve your writing goals. You struggle to find time to write while juggling work and family commitments, so youd benefit from a focused course to keep you on track. You want to identify possible weaknesses in your writing, with a plan for turning them into strengths. You feel energized by learning from a pro who respects your desire to grow as a writer and succeed.So, who is your teacher?Im an award-winning author. Creating engaging characters and crafting compelling plots is what I do for a living. My books historical novels and thrillers have been published by major New York publishers to wide acclaim, and over half a million copies have been sold worldwide. I also co-wrote the screenplay for the feature film Saving Dinah. Im represented by Writers House, one of the largest literary agencies in the world.So I speak to you as writer to writer, teaching the techniques you need to craft a book that can compete in the marketplace. I know what agents and publishers are looking for, what they want and dont want.Praise for my novels:Riveting Tudor drama USA TodayA classic historical novel sweeping, gritty and realistic. Historical Novel SocietyA haunting thrillerKyle keeps the cinematic action scenes and nail-biting suspense rolling throughout. Publishers WeeklyWonderfully intelligent, highly readable, and thoroughly entertaining. New York Times best-selling author Heather GrahamKyle is a master at her craft. RT Book ReviewsPraise for my book for writers, Page-Turner: Your Path To Writing A Novel That Publishers Want And Readers Buy:Kyle breaks down both the art and the craft of writing in a way that is entertaining and easy to understand. #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley ArmstrongBrings alive almost every tough issue a writer of fiction must confrontfriendly and fun to read."" Albert Zuckerman, Writers House literary agencyPage-Turner is the quintessential book for writing that breakout novel"" GoodreadsIm an acclaimed writing coach and a frequent presenter at international writers conferences. Through my master classes and online programs Ive launched many writers on the path to success, and nothing makes me happier than cheering the publication of their books:Barbaras wise words constantly guide my way. Bestselling mystery author Robert RotenbergI am forever grateful for Barbaras wise, pragmatic, and gracious mentoring. Debut novelist Christine HigdonBarbara, what a tremendously positive impact you had. Cant thank you enough. Award- winning historical novelist Bruce GardnerIf you are looking for a writing mentor, Barbara Kyle would be at the top of my list. Urban fantasy writer T.K. ThorneA fabulously productive investment. Thank you. Debut author H.M. MillerWorking with Barbara is like having a secret weapon in your writing arsenal. Award -winning author Nancy Raven Smith""Barbara, your course helped me believe in the story I want to write, and your clear presentations filled me with enthusiasm. The videos offer a wealth of examples for story development. Your course was the boost I needed. Thank you. Linda SieversThere are no rules in writing. Well, except this one: Thou shalt not bore. But although there are no hard rules, there are principles that have shaped the art of storytelling for centuries. I apply these time-tested criteria about plot, character, and style (which led to the international success of my own novels) so you can strategically apply them to your writing.Writing a novel is a fulfilling adventure. If you have a story to tell, Ill help you tell it and share it with the world.Enroll today and start on the path to writing a page-turner!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Tarot" |
"Este curso foi criado para aprender Tarot.Est estruturado de uma forma simples e concisa para que qualquer pessoa consiga facilmente aprender Tarot para uso pessoal ou profissional.Aps concluir o curso, estar apto/a a fazer leituras de tarot e de criar o seu prprio negcio a partir de casa.O curso est dividido por mdulos e de linguagem simples e fcil aprendizagem."
Price: 119.99 |
"Deutsch Fr Mediziner German For Doctors" |
"With ""German for doctors"" I continue to show my commitment as a physician to provide the future generation of doctors working in Germany the most useful up-to-date preparation guide for the Fachsprachenprfung. This course will help you with your preparation for the German Medical Language Exam (Fachsprachenprfung/FSP) - that gives you the possibility to work as a physician in Germany. The course offers you the possibility to go trough all the different scenarios that you could encounter during your exam.The lectures show you how to communicate with patients, how to ask for, translate and intonate lab values, how to write doctor letters and how to make a case presention to another doctor. The letters are adjusted and made by doctors, working in Germany since years.Additional to that, the course will offer you real patient documents, collected from multiple hospitals in Germany, which will help you to get more familiar with the reading and writing of a medical paper during the exam. The complete course has audio. This way you can read, write and listen in the same time.You can practice, using the exercises attached to the videos. The course will be continuously updated with new content. I invite students and physicians to share their thoughts and ideas to help with the continuous improvment of ""German For Doctors"". Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Empreender Transforma - Alavancando seu negcio do 0" |
"O Empreender Transforma surgiu depois que me tornei empreendedora e entendi as inmeras dificuldade que passam todos aqueles que escolhem esse caminho.20% do PIB e mais de 40% das carteiras assinadas do nosso pas vm de pequenas e mdias empresas. Mesmo assim, mais de 50% das empresas que abrem no Brasil fecham em menos de 2 anos. Porque no somos um pas impulsionado pela inovao*.Todas essas informaes querem dizer que a maior parte dos empreendimentos por aqui abrem por necessidade (desemprego, crise) e no por oportunidade. Dessa maneira, acabam crescendo sem estruturas para continuar.Mas isso est prestes a mudar.O Empreender Transforma um curso online que vai te ajudar a estruturar o seu negcio, seja ele novo ou j existente no mercado:So 5 mdulos de contedo completo para voc que j tem um negcio ou para voc que quer comear um negcio do 0Voc vai encontrar contedo terico (para te dar a base) e prtico para terminar o curso com sua empresa decolando.Ferramentas utilizadas nas maiores startups do momento."
Price: 69.99 |
"Poder Emocional" |
"Un Curso diseado para que abras tu consciencia sobre las emociones y aprendas como a travs de su conocimiento puedes desarrollar un poder nico que te llevara a ser y alcanzar todo lo que deseas.Aprenders lo bsico de la emocin, su naturaleza, cuales son las principales, como se sienten, como son expresadas y cmo puedes a travs del reconocimiento llegar a manejarlas y gestionarlas.Aprenders sobre las emociones ms toxicas y enfermizas, esas que no son naturales y que son creadas por la mente como una manera de auto sabote, igualmente aprenders a reconocerlas, comprenderlas, detenerlas y as poder eliminarlas.Aprenders como se crean nuestra propia configuracin emocional que es la manera personal en la que funcionamos emocionalmente, cuales son nuestros patrones y cdigos emocionales.Aprenders como se crean nuestra propia configuracin emocional que es la manera personal en la que funcionamos emocionalmente, cuales son nuestros patrones y cdigos emocionales."
Price: 69.99 |
"Total Time Management for Working Professionals" |
"Are you frustrated or overwhelmed? Do you feel like nothing seems to get done and more work keeps piling up? Are you exhausted? Stressed? Need to make time for yourself? Do you feel trapped by your hectic schedule and are constantly working overtime? Do you have tasks still waiting to be checked off your to-do list at the end of each day, week or even month? The key to achieving your goals is to uncover the behavioral barriers that block you from getting things done. Transform your day from out of control to super productive in 3 hours or less!"
Price: 19.99 |
"3Ds MAX & Vray - Design 3D Modern Shop Project in 4.5 hrs." |
"for who want to learn how to make a 3D project design from A - Z in a Professional and advanced way .We Will Make This Sweets And Donut Shop Design From A - Z Using The Autocad , 3D Studio Max , V-ray , And Adobe Photoshop Software .This Course Will Begin With Drawing The Shop Plan Using The Autocad , Design it Using The 3D Max, Use The HDRI Sky And Vray IES Lighting, Use A free Models From The internet, Customize The Render Setup, Render The Perspectives Using The Vray Software, Then Adjust The Final Renders Using Adobe Photoshop Software."
Price: 74.99 |
"How To Start Your Own Pet Business" |
"If you have always wanted to work with animals and really didn't know where to start you are in the right place! I have owned and operated a 6 figure pet business for the last 12 years and I am going to share with you how to get started, daily operations, how to get clients and so much more! This industry is growing like crazy and animals make the best clients!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduction to SQL Databases - Data Dweeb Chronicles Vol 1" |
"Structured Query Language (SQL or ""Sequel"") is the way we communicate with a relational database. It's an intuitive and powerful language and mastering it is rapidly becoming a prerequisite for career paths outside of software development.SQL has been one of the most common skill sets required by employers for software developers for years, according to research published by Indeed. That fact is not likely to change any time soon, as businesses have woken up to the reality that the data they capture, generate, and store has tremendous business value to improve performance and efficiency and uncover new paths for growth.If you're a software developer just getting started, a Business Analyst, a Test Engineer, Project Manager looking to augment your technical skill set, or a data or financial analyst who works primarily with spreadsheets, you'll benefit from taking this course to learn how you can power up your data skills. We start from the ground up to teach you what a relational database is, how to plan and build a database structure, how to get data into your database, and then how to work with it to retrieve meaningful insights using SQL."
Price: 44.99 |
"Make Money Online 2020: An Updated Business Plan." |
"Do you have a burning desire of earning money online or you started before and stopped in middle?YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE!Learn the tactics I use in my online money making methods.Want to know how I did it?I will go through 10 methods where you can earn money using 15 websites. NOT JUST THAT..After a deep analysation I have discussed about Common Mistakes that people do when they get started just to make sure you don't repeat any of them.I have also attached a Business Plan document which has a list of tasks to be done after course completion. So you don't have to worry about implementing these methods in real time.The methods presented in this course allow us to make thousands of dollars remotely per month and live the lifestyle we always wanted.I guarantee that using these methods in the way the business plan doc says you will change your life to better in no time.This year is going to be great with no procrastination."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Maquiagem com Nanny Faria - Com Certificado" |
"Curso de maquiagem com 20 aulas completas com as mais modernas tcnicas e uma aula bnus super especial.Esse curso suficientemente detalhado para voc que est iniciando no mundo da maquiagem, possui uma escala crescente de grau de dificuldade de forma a atender a voc que j tem alguma experincia e traz as novidades, dicas e truques para voc que j um(a) profissional do ramo.Enfim! um curso perfeito para todos os nveis."
Price: 54.99 |