SzG2020 |
"Szkolenie Inwestycyjne Online w nowej formie! Zestaw 14 lekcji, ponad 24 wykady na temat inwestowania pienidzy na giedzie papierw wartociowych w Warszawie. Kurs przeznaczony dla osb chccych indywidualnie inwestowa na rynkach finansowych, przy uyciu rnych instrumentw inwestycyjnych. We odpowiedzialno za swoje finanse!Szkolenie Inwestycyjne Online w nowej formie! Zestaw 14 lekcji, ponad 24 wykady na temat inwestowania pienidzy na giedzie papierw wartociowych w Warszawie. Kurs przeznaczony dla osb chccych indywidualnie inwestowa na rynkach finansowych, przy uyciu rnych instrumentw inwestycyjnych. We odpowiedzialno za swoje finanse!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Channels and Layer Masks in Photoshop" |
"You may have heard the term Channels in Photoshop before. You've probably even seen that there's a Channels tab that lives right next door to your beloved Layers tab. But do you really know what Channels do in Photoshop? Do you realize how directly related they are to color, selections, and even Layer Masks? In speaking of Masks, you've probably heard that term too, but have you ever wondered about the difference between the various different types of Masks in the program? In this course, you will learn exactly what both Channels and every type of Mask is for and how to use them in your own projects. In this course, we're going to dig around under the hood of Photoshop and see exactly what's going on with the Channels, Masks, and how they relate to one another. Some of the major topics we'll cover is understanding Channels, understanding Layer Masks, how to use Channels and Masks together, and exploring the Vector and Clipping Masks. By the end of this course, you'll know exactly what Photoshop Channels are for and how that knowledge can benefit your digital workflow. You'll also have a firm grasp on all three different types of Masks in Photoshop and know how and when to use each one. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop CC."
Price: 59.99 |
"Build an AirPods finder app in Swift - iOS 13 - Xcode 11" |
"With over 35 million AirPods sold in 2018 alone, you as a developer have a great chance to publish an amazing iOS app that will help millions of people to find their lost devices.This course offers you more than knowledge, it will include a full iOS app with the icon and everything you need in order to publish it on the App Store."
Price: 19.99 |
"Small Business Series: Getting Started" |
"Want to start your own business, but don't know where to start? Then this course is for you. You will learn to develop absolute clarity of your business idea; how to choose the perfect name for your business; choose the most beneficial business structure; step by step directions for obtaining a Federal ID number; and learn some of the state and local requirements as well as miscellaneous items most people don't even think of."
Price: 24.99 |
"Naked Dieting" |
"The Naked Dieting course is everything you need to know about how to lose weight, keep it off, and live a healthy life. The course includes videos with accompanying PDF handouts for notes and reference on many topics you need to use food to your advantage, and still enjoy life.The videos have been broken down into primary learning points based on 35 years experience helping people achieve health and the body they want.After the introduction, Dr. Willey delves into the basic healthy principles of eating. These principles give you a basic understanding of the how to eat which can be as important as the what to eat. Then Dr. Willey helps you understand the Basics of Food. Now this may sound somewhat simple however, a good review of the different qualities of food, and how the body utilizes them can never be reiterated enough.We then review the Power of Protein and how determining protein content in your diet should be the first step towards optimal health.Dr. Willey then goes into a very controversial topic now with the ketogenic diet fads and the belief by true followers that everyone should be doing low carb. As we certainly do not agree with this, the next video asked the question and allows you to determine - Are you low-carb or low-fat?As calories are important in long-term weight loss and weight loss maintenance, physique development, longevity, and good quality of life, we spent some time on both direct and indirect ways to control calories without having to sit with a calculator to do it.As the world of connectivity has allows travel quite easily and frequently, the Naked Dieting course spend some time on how to eat while on the road. We also discuss how to shop and read labels and surviving the holidays, parties, and office goodies.The next video is unique in the weight loss arena. It discusses how to get your doctor involved in your goals. We review that conversation with your physician as well as discuss and review several of the potentially beneficial medications to use both short-term and long-term for weight loss success.We get into the behavioral aspects of eating as your mouth and your brain are very connected. You might as well learn how to make them work together!Finally, we review in a fun and enjoyable way, the dangers of sugary drinks. Soda pop, fruit juices, energy drinks can cause all sorts of issues in long-term health goals. You would never give your seven-year-old daughter a glass of vodka, but we readily give her a glass of orange juice. Once it crosses her lips, there is no difference in the way the body must respond to it... Learn all about it with the final video in the Naked Dieting series called CHEW IT!"
Price: 19.99 |
"High Yield Biology Questions for the MCAT and DAT Part 1" |
"This course will cover topics in biology including immunology, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain, embryology, genetics, vasculature, and evolution. The test banks included in this section are adjusted regularly to include high yield information on the MCAT and DAT. The questions and explanations were constructed to ensure quality and to help you get the most from your studying."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ryo's Drum Lesson" |
"Do you like Rock music? Do you want to play drums? Then, this course is the best for you. You can learn about Rock drums from ""How to hold a drum stick"" to ""Complicated odd meter groove"". Every lessons come with pdf music sheet so you can refer what exactly you are learning. Fro the professional experience, every lesson is made as practical-base so you can use any of them in the real situation. Playing instruments is the best way to make your life richer! Let's enjoy music!!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Eight Easy Steps to Writing Short Stories" |
"Take the guessing out of writing short fictionLearn a unique method to go all the way from Title to The EndNot sure how to approach writing a short story? Ever feel like youre taking blind stabs at it? Is it down to you and the blank page, and the blank page is winning? Dont struggle alone. This step-by-step course is just for you.In this course youll learn:What makes a short story powerful and how to harness that to your advantageHow to come up with endless story ideas or use the ones you already haveHow to develop interesting characters and interactionsHow to follow your characters all the way to a satisfying endingHow to self-edit your work and prepare it for publicationWith 62 minutes of video containing 12 lessons and 8 missions, plus a bunch of super-helpful bonus materials, weve got you covered throughout the creative process. Enroll now and lets get started!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to communicate better at work" |
"This course focuses on improving the most important part of any work conversation: The First Minute.This course is not a general how to communicate course, there are plenty of those already available online. 99% of all business communication does not involve public speaking or giving presentations, it happens in conversations, meetings and emails. This course teaches you how to start those work conversation clearly, how to summarize any topic in three lines, and how to make sure youre your audience receives your message and knows what you want them to do next.What youll get out of this course?You will immediately be able to improve the clarity and efficiency of any meeting or work-based discussion.The result will be less confusion, fewer misunderstandings and greater clarity when communicatingYou will have more confidence when communicating because you will know you are delivering a clear and concise messageAbove all, these techniques will save you time when communicating almost anything. And if there is one thing we would like more of but cannot buy, it is time!This may seem like a bold claim, that the first minute of any meeting or discussion can have such significant impacts, but by the end of this course I am confident that you will agree with me.In this course:You will learn how to orientate your audience to get them in the right place to hear your message and how to frame the topic you will be talking about so the audience understands the contextYou will learn how to apply a simple structure that can summarize your message so your audience is never confused.We will cover lots of examples to provide context from multiple situations and industries"
Price: 19.99 |
"Manipulate with Curves in Photoshop" |
"Have you ever tried to manipulate or color-correct an image in Photoshop and wondered if there was a tool that could pretty much do it all with highly-detailed accuracy? In this course we're going to learn about how make adjustments using the Curves palette in Photoshop. Some of the major topics that we will cover include a basic understanding of color theory and different color models, an in-depth overview of the curves Adjustment palette, and how to batch process and automate adjustments using curves. Finally, we'll use curves to create a pixel-perfect channel mask for compositing. By the end of this course, you'll know all about how to manipulate image color values using curves. Before beginning this course, you should be somewhat familiar with Photoshop. From here, you should feel comfortable diving into Photoshop courses on masking and compositing."
Price: 59.99 |
"Grundlagen des Krisenmanagements" |
"Oft kann man Krisen nicht verhindern, aber man kann sich mglichst umfassend auf sie vorbereiten. Arbeitsunflle, Cyberangriffe, ein Grobrand oder der Ausfall einer Produktionsstrae: Krisen lauern berall und knnen jedes Unternehmen treffen. Und dann geht es meist sehr rasch: Mitarbeiter erwarten eine Erklrung, Behrden nehmen die ersten Untersuchungen auf und in den sozialen Medien machen Gerchte und Halbwahrheiten die Runde. Nun muss rasch und gezielt geplant und entschieden werden, um die Existenz des Unternehmens zu sichern.Aber was macht eine Krise berhaupt zu einer Krise? Wer ist im Ernstfall zustndig? Und wie reagieren Sie, wenn das berleben Ihres Unternehmens davon abhngt, dass Sie mit unzureichenden Informationen rasch Entscheidungen treffen knnen?"
Price: 24.99 |
meaninful_document |
"30% : MEANINGFUL_DOCUMENT (~02/14/2020 15:02 PST (GMT -8)) 1/200 1. (Why) 200 , ., 200 . . . 1/200 ( ) . . .1 . . pdf 12 """" .2. (Where) . F/W .3. 1 (What)6 . 1) F/W SWOT 1 . 2) As-is, To-be (+6) . 3) , .4. (How) + 1:1 5. (IF) F/W ! ! ! ! 6"
Price: 22000.00 |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Cleopatra, Queen and Networker" |
"The life of queen Cleopatra still inspires our imagination. Who was she, and how did she become queen of the most powerful civilization in the ancient Mediterranean? Most of all, how did she manage to become a sovereign monarch in a world full of enemies of Egypt? Cleopatra was a creative networker who used her intelligence and knowledge to create valuable connections with her people, with the thousands years old legacy of Egypt, and the other empires of the ancient world."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 49.99 |
"Gravida: Do Pregnancy and Postpartum Preparation Like a Pro" |
"If youve ever had a baby, youll know that the time is filled with no one ever told me that.No one ever told me that I wouldnt have abs postpartum and would need help sitting up for weeks. No one ever told me that Id shake uncontrollably right after giving birth, not a hallmark moment.No one ever told me Id need to pump at work as often as my baby eats. New moms have trouble returning to jobs they love because of a mountain of no one ever told me's that they need to navigate while returning to work postpartum.Gravida addresses the root of the problem of why so many women find it hard to heal from postpartum and return to lives they love: the mountain of things that they dont expect and need to figure out in inopportune moments again and again and again.Gravida provides the heads up of what to expect and how to deal with it like a pro.Morgan Michalowski, CNM, WHNP, IBCLC has spent the last decade helping woman heal better, grow stronger, and get back to work more engaged and productive than ever."
Price: 104.99 |
"5 Dynamic Dance Lifts" |
"In this course, you will learn 5 standing dance lifts. You will assign different roles in your partnership. 1 participant will be the ""base"". This person will keep their feet on the ground and help their partner become airborne. The second person is the ""flyer"". The flyer, as the name entails, gets to leaves the ground and perform some kind of acrobatic movement with the support of the base. You can incorporate these dance lifts into any style of partner dance that you currently practice. If you don't already have a dance background, these moves can be performed all on their own. At the end of the course, you will learn to link the 5 moves together in a smooth sequence."
Price: 29.99 |
"Generations in the Workplace" |
"Generations in the Workplace! Unlock the secrets that make different generations tick. Learn why & where generations clash. Recruit, Retain, and Engage team members from all generations - build a generationally-inclusive culture and live large! Learn these tips & tidbits + more in this 70 Minute 'Fun Learning' program! Become your companies Generation Guru and join the GenJunkie world!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Create Google Adsense Account without articles" |
"Hello and welcome to this course where i'm gonna show you in 7 videos how to create a google adsense account and get it approved with my secret method which i used to approve more than 100 website successfully so all what you have to do is to follow all steps and approval is guaranteed Nb : you don't need any previous knowledge about website creation or design all what you have to know in the videos well explained Nb2 : all links on the course are attached Nb3 : for any question don't hesitate to message me i would be so happy to assist you , thanks !"
Price: 19.99 |
"Plant based Whole Foods Workshop" |
"Anyone can develop good cooking skills!This course is about improving your ability to learn new cooking skills and an authentic source of information that benefits the body's system. We will provide you with simple, easy techniques that provide maximum nutrition from all your meals.When you're used to using convenience products every day, it can be challenging to change your food habits for the better. Did you know there are countless ways to make easy fresh meals, rich with minerals and nutrients. It would be a missed opportunity not to take a little time out of your busy day to do your body a good turn.In this program you will learn some core principle Meues when working with whole foods, which you will be able to use to create an immediate new whole foods circle, that will replace any food circles or diets that your not currently happy with. These dishes are so packed with minerals and nutrients, they will help you maintain good body functions that promotes all round well being.In this program Lisa, the german student, will prepare all these dishes for the first time under the instructions and mentoring from WholeFoods Expert Chef Ristard O Corragain. Ristard runs all his programs and classes from his AirBnB Wicklow, Ireland.Testamonial from one of the recent students of Ristard's AirBnB: ''January 2020So me and my Gifirend from Korea arrived here just for a nights rest , but Risteard place took us by surprise. He is a fantastic host, above and beyond not because he has to, that's just the way he is down to earth outstanding person. He is a chef so we decided to take the cooking class the next day as we had time. Money well spent an outstanding experience. Learned so much. It's what learing in school should have being like. Highly recommend this place if you are travelling around. Blaine''You will not only know different recipes after this program, but you will understand the concept of food and the impact it has on your body. So you will be able to create your very own recipes, using only these basic lessons we will teach you in this cooking guide. We operate with practical demonstration as well as verbally descriptions, so you have a well-adjusted learning experience guaranteed."
Price: 19.99 |
"Front-End Design Essencial - HTML, CSS e JS Completo do Zero" |
"Neste curso voc comear uma jornada a partir do zero absoluto, desde o HTML, passando pelo CSS e se aprofundando no Javascript. Tudo muito bem explicado, com teoria e prtica, para que voc aprenda do jeito certo ao invs de s ficar copiando cdigo por a na internet sem entender direito o que est fazendo.Neste curso com mais de 48 horas, iremos passar por todos os estgios de se criar um website e voc aprender no s HTML, CSS e JS, mas tambm inmeros conceitos que permeiam o mundo do desenvolvimento web.Com certeza este um dos cursos mais completos que voc vai encontrar sobre HTML, CSS e Javascript.Depois de teoria e exerccios, faremos um Projeto Final que consiste em um website do tipo portfolio, onde aplicaremos praticamente tudo o que foi ensinado nos mdulos anteriores.Este curso foi elaborado com foco em interfaces web. Em outras palavras, o curso explora ""Como desenhar interfaces e interaes com cdigo"". Por isso o nome Front-End Design foi escolhido.Bora aprender uma base slida em front-end e comear com o p direito?Te espero nas aulas!Abs.Bruno."
Price: 399.99 |
"How to Find Your Soul's Mission / Life's Purpose" |
"In this Master Class you will learn how to find your soul mission and/or purpose in life through spiritual self discovery and personal development. I have created a winning formula called the ""4 Stages of You."" We will go through and identify several stages of a spiritual awakening that are key to cultivating your personal development and spiritual growth through self awareness and personal discovery. We will identify the symptoms to an awakening. We will identify why you are experiencing a spiritual awakening and the processes of gaining clarity and understanding to each phase of an awakening and what your soul is seeking to do on this earthly plane. You will be provided with the tools and exercises for your own personal growth and development to take your power back in your life!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Stress Liberation - How to Manage Stress from Emotions" |
"Everyone has been hurt in relationships. Few people are able to let that pain go so they can move on with their lives without the past mudding their joy.People have a tendency to get caught in their anger and pain after they've been hurt. There are mental, emotional, and physical reasons why itis difficult to release this pain.One area that can make it difficult to release the past is the misunderstanding of what forgiveness is. People often think forgiveness absolves the other person of anything that happened. Youll discover this is incorrect.Strategies and exercises to release the past range from recognizing your personal power, nurturing yourself, changing your thoughts, and discovering how to manage your feelings.In this course, youll learn: Why forgiveness is crucial to your mental, emotional, and physical health How childhood beliefs can interfere with releasing the past You have the power within you to release the past Forgiveness brings freedom Strategies to assist you in forgiving and letting go"
Price: 29.99 |
"CorelDRAW de Zero a 100km! David Logam" |
"Ol!Bem vindo ao curso de CorelDraw ministrado, por mim, David Logam!O curso foi desenvolvido com base na minha experincia pessoal como professor de informtica ao longo dos anos, onde, tive o prazer de utilizar diversas verses do CorelDraw, assim como, lecionar de vrias maneiras diferentes para centenas de pessoas.Em alguns casos, de forma individual, dentro e fora da sala de aula, e contribuindo tirando dvidas de amigos e clientes.Ao longo deste perodo, notei, que existia uma forma mais eficiente de ensinar corel,respeitando a ordem correta da apresentao dos recursos e ferramentas.Com o adjunto do EAD, comecei a desenvolver - sem pressa - um roteiro que respeita os passos, somando e instruindo sem perder a qualidade.Junto a isso, separei alguns exemplos de vetorizao, criando harmonia para no dificultar o aprendizadoPortanto, com o meu curso, a tendncia do aluno crescer com qualidade, respeitando a curva do ensino padro.ALM, fiz questo de separar dicas de ouro para um trabalho excelente, usando uma srie de comandos e atalhos que so constantemente incentivados durante as aulasPara concluir, adicionei um bnus PREMIUM!Entregando ao meu aluno um contedo exclusivo, que lhe abre portas para ganhos imediatos, utilizando o corel como ferramenta de trabalho."
Price: 459.99 |
"Richest You Mastering Money Mini Course" |
"Why should you become the master of your money?Money is the tool that makes value exchanges in the world simple and easy. Would you ever try to change a flat tire on your car without a lug wrench? Would you ever try to cook a meal without a kitchen? Would you ever try to cross the ocean without a boat? No. You wouldnt, and not because it cant be done, but simply because its unnecessary to make doing the job so difficult. All the people on the planet have agreed to give money value and use it for exchanging goods and services...everyone. Why make your life more difficult trying to build your dreams without the right tools? Money is the single most important tool for anyone to master as quickly as possible in their life.Thats why you NEED this course. You have finally realized that you cant put it off anymore, and youre determined to become the master of money. Once you do, youll be able to tell money to go make more money for you...even when youre sleeping.Here are a few keys to truly understanding and mastering money that I will teach you in the Richest You course. RU ready?1. You dont REALLY want money (say you do/talk like you do/but your bank account says otherwise)2. Anything can be money3. Money is ALIVEENROLL TODAY and become the MASTER of YOUR MONEY!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Getting Started with Procreate 5" |
"I have created a course teaching the basics of Procreate and aim to add to this course, along with releasing future courses on other applications. If you have completed the course and have made something truly amazing, please tweet it to me! It is great to see what people have created using Procreate."
Price: 24.99 |
"Mocha para after effects" |
"Bem vindo!!Neste curso vamos aprender a como fazer rotoscopia usando varias tcnicas dentro do mocha, como conseguir um planar tracking de qualidade, fazer inserts de telas em celulares, troca de logos, estabilizao de vdeo e uma infinidade de coisas usando um dos principais softwares de tracking e rotoscopia do mercado, com o auxilio do after effects.Se voc quer aprender todas essas tcnicas esse curso para voc!"
Price: 294.99 |
"Get Out of Debt + Start Building Wealth" |
"In this course, you will learn our 5 step strategy to accelerate your path to financial freedom. We also break down the true key to building wealth. We used these steps to pay off all our debts and acquire two out of state investment properties in a little over 2 years. Come and learn how we went from six-figure debt to a six-figure net worth and how you can do the same."
Price: 54.99 |
"Fire Up Your Websites Traffic: A Beginner's Guide On SEO" |
"Digital marketing has slowly taken over all other forms of marketing in the world we live in today. Even if your business runs through brick-and-motor outlets, and you still use billboards or cold calling to advertise your services, you cannot deny the fact that having an online presence for your brand is of utmost importance.Having a website is easy, but driving traffic to it can be a real challenge, especially if you come from the old school of marketing.On top of that, Google and other giant search engines and social media keep on changing their algorithms, making it harder for any ordinary businessperson to understand the intricacies and benefit from them.Thus, there is dire need for digital marketing specialists to be deeply involved with any business that wishes to grow. Unfortunately, anyone you hire for this position would not have the relevant experience you need.Digital marketing is a relatively new professional field, and specialists in this field are well aware of that. They know that their demand is high. Hence, if you get a candidate who has the right experience, they might charge you a fortune to dedicate their services for you.In this situation, the best choice for businesses these days is to develop the skills and knowledge of digital marketing themselves. And thats the purpose this course will serve for you. It will help you to master the art of firing up your sites traffic like a pro!The whole point of digital marketing is actually to bring traffic to your website. Its not about making sales from your site right away. Its about slowly and steadily penetrating into your potential customers minds and lives, so that they always have a reason to keep coming back to your brand and your site.Its about creating awareness of your brand in a way that your customers cant resist, by making your content available to anyone in the world who has access to Internet.In this course, I will guide you step by step to build a network of connections for your site in a way that not only Google bots would start crawling your site like crazy, but also your audience will be mesmerized to engage with your brand and buy whatever is it that youre selling.And the best part is, they wont even know what actually hit them, because you wont be using the cheesy, pushy and irritating means of advertising. They wouldnt realize why they are suddenly crazy about your site, your products and/or your services.Not only that, I will also teach you how to put the whole SEO process on autopilot, so that after setting it up, you can sit back and focus on actually running the operations of your business."
Price: 99.99 |
"Scratch Bsico para Professores" |
"Voc um professor que gosta de utilizar novas ferramentas para ajudar seus alunos na busca pelo conhecimento?Se sim, ento esse curso destinado a voc. Aqui voc ter noes bsicas de como utilizar a plataforma scratch com seus alunos e fazer o gerenciamento de suas turma. Esse curso foi criado a partir das minhas experincias em sala de aula.Aqui vou de repassar contedo de:Como solicitar conta de Educador no Scratch.Como criar turmas e adicionar alunos.Entender os conceitos bsicos de Animao e Jogos. Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 |