"Ready, Set, Go Weight Loss Jumpstart" |
"This is itThe most effective and effortless way to rev up your weight loss and say goodbye to those stubborn 5 (or 10...or 20) pounds without giving up your daily Starbucks or your midnight snack or your life.Youre busy. You need a pain-free way to solve your weight loss needs without creating more stress and work for yourself.Enough with the growing collection of tips, tricks, torn out magazine articles, or news segments to reach your weight loss and health goals.You need action that you'll want to take.Imagine if you could always know exactly what steps to take to lose weight.No worrying about whether something is another dead end or if its just a bunch of hooey (hint: lots of weight loss advice is).This version of you is a determined, focused woman with a plan that fits her needs. Birds will sing, rainbows will guide your path...okay, maybe thats too far.What youll get in these 10 days is a complete action plan that puts you on a proven path to weight loss without the time-wasting extras.No detoxes. No cleanses. No extreme diets or intense exercise plans. No B.S.This plan is not only proven, but its an exact match to what you want and need - because tailored just for you! No more mysteries. Wouldnt that be nice?Through this course, Im going to teach you exactly how to use my framework, that, by the way, Ive used myself to lose 20 pounds and with hundreds of others to accomplish weight loss goals and beyond, like healthy eating, improved fitness, and habits for a healthy, happy lifestyle.You will follow my simple, step-by-step process to:Set goals that are important to you and that youre likely to accomplishLearn what you need to jumpstart your weight loss - AND PUT IT INTO IMMEDIATE ACTIONReadjust your plan in the future. You can use this jumpstart over and over again whenever you need a little tune-up!Ive used this framework with hundreds of clients and students for a near 100% success rate.These are some of these things theyve said about working with me and using my framework:Kelly really cares! Shes so patient and interested in making this work for me. - T.M.Thanks for helping me with this weight loss goal. Im going to wear a bikini for the first time when I go to the beach this summer! - K.K.I didnt think I could do it. I almost quit a few times. You were right about making sure my plan fit in with my schedule because I would have completely failed otherwise. - S.M.I hated how embarrassed I was of my body. You helped me understand that getting stuck in that thinking isnt helpful and wont get me to my goals. - L.T.I cant believe I lost 17 lbs and it didnt suck. Thank you! - R.A.Are you my next success story?"
Price: 44.99 |
"Skuteczny Rekruter IT" |
"Kurs online zawierajcy 9 godzin wideo, dodatkowe materiay, zadania praktyczne oraz testy wiedzy. Ten kurs poprowadzi Ci za rk, krok po kroku. Nauczysz si wszystkiego, aby zacz swoj karier w brany IT.Co zawiera kurs:9 godzin filmw szkoleniowychPraktyczne zadania domoweDodatkowe materiay i prezentacjeDostp do czatu z uczestnikami kursuSkrypty oraz przykady ofert, postw, wiadomoci do kandydatwMoliwo zadawania pyta w trakcie nauki oraz wsparcie merytoryczneTesty wiedzy oraz test kocowyLista najbardziej przydatnych narzdziCertyfikat ukoczenia3-miesiczny dostp do kursu"
Price: 594.99 |
"The Ultimate Google Shopping Course" |
"This brand new course is going to walk you through the steps and processes you need to take to setup your Google Shopping campaigns in your Google Ads account. We cover your Google Merchant Center account, shopping feed, conversions tracking in your Google Ads account and what optimizations you can do once you launch your shopping campaigns.I walk you through the most important parts of Google Shopping and how you get your products from your Shopping store to your Google Ads account. You don't need any experience but you do need a great attitude and an interest in learning a new skill set.I'm going to share with you everything I have learned over the last decade and make sure you don't make the same mistakes I did when starting out. Thank you for taking my course and I wish you tons of success."
Price: 49.99 |
"Written Information Security Program for Businesses" |
"Businesses need the proper policies and programs in place to protect data from getting into the wrong hands. This course is a guide to developing and drafting a Written Information Security Program. It is applicable to businesses of all sizes. The course begins with short video summaries of the sections of a Written Information Security program including: defining the scope, establishing a security coordinator, risk assessment, policies, safeguards, and enforcement of the program. Lastly, the final exercise is a screen cast explanation of an actual Written Information Security Program."
Price: 19.99 |
"Diseado aplicaciones de negocio con PowerApps" |
"La optimizacin de procesos analticos y operativos permiten definir estrategias sobre el negocio, estas se enfocan en el desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas que integran de la mano el diseo y la lgica asociada mediante PowerApps.Este curso est dirigido a las personas que desean conocer los conceptos de desarrollo de aplicaciones vinculadas a los modelos de datos empresariales, entender la importancia de la experiencia usuario adems de las correctas formas de gestionar aplicaciones para mltiples usuarios, evaluara la gestin de versiones y como la integracin de componentes definen el rendimiento de la aplicacin acompaado de flujos de trabajo."
Price: 199.99 |
"Negociador de Elite: Negociao prtica - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Nesse curso online vamos abordar desde os princpios bsicos de uma negociao (criao de rapport e gerao de influncia) at os conhecimentos avanados que te permitiro lidar com questes complexas que voc encontra no seu trabalho, como: negociao de contratos, propostas salariais e negociao com pessoas difceis, e tambm na sua vida pessoal! Este curso dividido em 3 etapas, de modo que a aprendizagem ocorra de maneira didtica e leve. As aulas so dividas por contedo, sendo cada seo identificada pelo nvel de conhecimento de negociao. Nelas, aprenderemos de forma explicada cada conceito e princpio importantes para avanarmos na curva de aprendizado.Ao final desse curso, voc vai se sentir muito mais preparado(a) para lidar com situaes do dia-a-dia e vai se sentir apto a negociar qualquer coisa. A melhor parte disso? Voc vai estar preparado para ter muito mais grana, seja porque vai negociar melhores salrios e/ou contratos (caso voc seja um empreendedor), ou porque voc vai economizar bastante renegociando muitos dos servios que voc consome! s o comeo de uma longa jornada!Sem mais enrolao, vamos l!"
Price: 369.99 |
"Chakra Work Certification and Cleansing" |
"In this course, you will learn about all of the 7 chakras. You will also recieve a free sound healing session to cleanse your chakras. These lessons can be used as a tool to improve your life, enlighten yourself, or for a spiritual business. This course dives into detail about the physical and mental connections the chakras have to the body. You'll also learn the key to balance. Enrich your life with this ancient practice and prepare yourself to transform."
Price: 19.99 |
"Your Financial Planning Essentials" |
"All you need to know about personal finance: the basics, the essentials, the practical. We have distilled the complexities of various personal finance topics into an easy-to-understand format and presentation. We offer you insights gathered from our research, as well as financial modeling and other content we have developed ourselves. Many of the topics have a quantitative emphasis. Join us to enrich your knowledge with this intensive course packed with information and insights!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Engineering Your Tax-Free Retirement" |
"Investment return/risk and tax efficiency, though not correlated factors, both affect the growth of investment assets and income. In investment planning, investment return/risk usually receives all the attention, but, in reality, when strategizing and planning for long-term asset growth, both factors are equally important. Even in todays historically low-tax environment, a single person (who is a CA resident and pulling at least 160K in retirement income) will pay 40 cents on the dollar in marginal tax rate when withdrawing from their 401k or traditional IRA account during retirement.But did you know that you can optimize your tax rate in retirement to nearly zero?In this course, we will establish a foundation for the goal of achieving optimal tax efficiency during retirement, and then we will take an in-depth look at investment options that work best in achieving this goal. In particular, we will look at investment options that mimic market growth, protect principal, scale performance to the risk incurred, and that provide a lifelong pension while also growing in value, and from which distributions may be taken tax-free.We will learn how inflation, taxes, compounded growth, and volatility each affects investment income and growth. We then look at a macroeconomic view at Social Security and Medicare. Based on our understanding of all these factors, we will develop a framework for how to optimally allocate your savings into various tax buckets. And we will again review investment options designed to generate tax-free stable income streams during retirement. As a practical exercise, using an engineer as a sample working professional, we will go through the investment profile of a work and retirement life, as it responds to various changes in income and expenses."
Price: 94.99 |
"PowerBI Zero to Hero - Introduction to PowerBI Desktop" |
"Get up and running on PowerBI desktop in the shortest time possible! In this course we will look at importing your data. Once imported we will format and transform the data. We will create a data model through defining relation ships. Once we have our data model we will create visuals that will make sense of the data. "
Price: 29.99 |
"Discussing Your Compensation with Confidence" |
"In this course I'm going to cover *everything* you need to know to feel confident & ready for one of life's most uncomfortable conversations... asking for a raise at work (gasp!). If you have thought about having a conversation with your manager about your pay, but you aren't sure where to start or the idea of it gives you anxiety - I'm here to help. Together, we'll cover everything you need to know about how your pay is determined, what to consider before asking, and how to actually execute the conversation in a way that will help you be taken seriously."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Generate Positive Cash Flow Online In The Digital Era" |
"This course sheds light on how to generate positive cash flow online, explicates how to create multiple income streams in the digital era, and demystifies the formula for generating wealth to predict the future profitability outlook of a business. Moreover, how to save a declining business is delineated, the top business recovery strategies are elucidated, problems with poor customer service are revealed, and strategies for how to win back customers are expounded upon in this course. Additionally, this course also discusses the dark side of entrepreneurship and reveals why entrepreneurship can lead to depression."
Price: 49.99 |
"Endlich Ordnung im Papierkram" |
"5 Tage bzw. Lektionen zu deiner Ordnung im Papierkram.Schritt-fr-Schritt arbeiten wir uns zu deiner neuen Ordnung vor. Wir beschftigen uns mit dem was schon da ist, sortieren aus & sortieren neu. Dabei ist es mir wichtig, alles so einfach wie mglich zu gestalten und Schritt-fr-Schritt vorzugehen. Sodass du am Ende eine Ordnung hast, die bleibt & die einfach fortzufhren ist. Denn du hast dein System, das System des Master-Ordners."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduo geral Bblia" |
"Para quem esse curso?PregadoresFormadoresCatequistasOutros interessados que queiram conhecer um pouco da Escritura.O aluno vai aprender mesmo?Se ler e ter ateno as aulas, sim.Tem material para baixar?Sim, o instrutor vai disponibilizar alguns arquivos em PDF.Tem certificado?Sim.O acesso vitalcio?Sim, aps comprado o aluno pode acessar para sempre o contedo.O que vou aprender?Entender o que inspirao bblica e a diferena entre inspirao e revelao.Conhecer a formao da Bblia.Entender o processo de escolha dos livros do antigo e novo testamento.Conhecer a histria do texto sagrado.Entender o que Hermenutica.Qual a metodologia?O instrutor vai gravar a tela do comutador, mostrar o texto e fazer os devidos comentrios e explicaes."
Price: 39.99 |
"Make a Poster: Google Slides" |
"Design an awesome poster using the free online software Google Slides. This is a fun introduction to design and in the end I show you how to get it printed. The nice thing about this course is that you don't need to purchase any software because it's all online for free. You will need a google account."
Price: 19.99 |
"MINDSET TRAIL ist Deine tgliche Dosis Reflexion und MotivationWas erwartet Dich?19 spannende Etappen und natrlich die fr den Erfolg obligatorische Extrameile. 20 Kurz-Videos kompakt in 3 bis 6 Minuten mit je einem Erfolgs-Mindset, das Du individuell auf Deine Situation und Deine Ziele bertragen kannst.Starte JETZT auf Deinen MINDSET TRAIL und sichere Dir Deinen Online-Kurs fr einfach mehr Erfolg in Deinem Leben. Denn was vereint alle erfolgreichen Menschen und Unternehmungen?Es sind weder finanzielle Mittel noch Bildungsgrad. Es gibt erfolgreiche Menschen aus allen Bildungs- und Einkommensschichten. Was Sie alle vereint?Es ist Ihr MINDSET. Das Mindset der Gewinner!Erfolg folgt, wenn Du Deinen Weg gehst und weit wo Du hinmchtest. MINDSET TRAIL gibt Dir 20 Tage lang wertvolle Impulse und verrt Dir worauf Du auf Deinem Weg zum Gipfel achten kannst.So kannst Du aus Fehlern lernen, ohne sie selbst zu machen. Du erfhrst, wie Du schnell und sicher eine clevere Entscheidung triffst, wie Du schneller aus dem nchsten Motivationstief herausfindest. Oder gar keines mehr hast, weil Deine Ziele ab sofort Deinem Lebenstraum entsprechen. Du lernst wie Du Deine Krfte optimal einteilst, damit Du nicht nur mehr Erfolg, sondern auch mehr Zeit fr das Wesentliche und mehr Spa am Leben hast. Meine Leidenschaft neben der Bhne gehrt dem Ultra Trail Running. Ich laufe 200 km und mehr durch die Alpen, und das unter teilweise extremen Bedingungen. Was ich bei meinen vielen groen Laufabenteuern gelernt habe, gebe ich hier kompakt und anwendbar an Dich weiter. 19 Etappen und einem Bonustrack. 20 Kurzvideos (3-6 min.) mit je einer Botschaft, die Dich auf dem Weg zu Deinem Ziel untersttzen. Denn, ganz ehrlich, es gibt ihn nicht, den einen Erfolgsweg. Doch das richtige Mindset, wird Dich auf Deinen Erfolgsweg fhren. Ganz sicher!Die Etappen: 1. Stay focused2. GLCK und Pech3. Silence4. Aufgeben ist (k)eine Option5. Motivation ist Luxus6. Luxus ist schn7. Do what you cant8. Strken strken oder Schwchen schwchen9. Dein Support-Team10. Keine 1/2 Sachen11. Kopf oder Bauch12. Physiologie der Atmung13. Be U nique14. Trittsicherheit15. Risikointelligenz16. Mentale Strke17. ORIENTierung18. Der Schmerz geht, der Stolz bleibt19. MUTBonustrack: Eins fehlt nochDu bekommst 19 spannende Etappen von 3-6 min. und am 20. Tag den Bonustrack.Ein letzter Tipp: Egal wie Du Dein Tempo whlst, lass Dir gengend Zeit, die Inhalte auf Deine Situation zu beziehen. Nur so erzielst du Wirkung. Absolviere also maximal eine Etappe pro Tag, jedoch mindestens eine pro Woche. Ich empfehle Dir zudem den Kurs nach ca. 3 Monaten zu wiederholen. Denn er kann Dich auf jedem Niveau Deiner Persnlichkeitsentwicklung individuell untersttzen.Viel Spa auf Deinem Mindset Trail!Annabel"
Price: 129.99 |
"Blogging With Balls Masterclass" |
"This course was previously only sold to private companies with teams of writers to train for a minimum of $4,000. I've made it more public and affordable, because I think every smart small business owner, or freelance writer, or dedicated writer needs to know this skill. It really does make the difference between just publishing words on the internet, and using the words you write to get the kind of attention from others you need to achieve your goals. When you're finished with the course, you'll have 1-2 months' worth of blog posts written and ready to publish. This course is broken down into four main modules, which include: Module OneChoosing topics & writing the kind of irresistible headlines everyone in your audience clicks on.Module Two Writing irresistible first sentences and introductions that hook readers and keep them on the page. (Instead of clicking off after being there for less than a minute, which is what happens on most websites. Module ThreeLearn how to keep the middle parts of your blog post as interesting as the introduction, and how to drive readers to an irresistible call to action at the end. Module FourLearn an easy-to-follow editing process to clean up your first drafts so your blog posts look as professional as possible. (And set you apart as a GREAT writer, instead of just a good one. Even if you don't consider yourself a writer.) Here are some testimonials from previous students & former clients on my blogging ability: ""Thank you! You are the best Chelsea, seriously."" -Laura V. ""I found it TRULY super helpful."" -Suzy C. ""[Our company] is officially Google page one! Thank you for all your help Chelsea!"" - Victor L. ""Ms. Chelsea has this sh*t down pat. She's the queen of copy. Just check out her website, you'll see what I mean."" -Harriette H. ""THIS TRAINING WAS INVALUABLE TO ME!!! THANK YOU!!!!"" -Jennifer C. ""If you have not had the chance to experience the magic of Chelsea Baldwin's writing workshops yet, your time is now! Chelsea will listen to what you do/make/sell, take a moment to wiggle her fingers above the keyboard, and pour forth the website copy you always wanted but never quite knew how to write. AND she'll show you how to do it for yourself! Don't miss this!"" -Lara L. ""You are amazingly informative, it's clear you know your stuff! I have taken several copywriting 'classes' and didn't get half from them what I learned in your videos."" -Lori R. ""You're doing so good at the workshop! Love the great energy in the room - people love your classes!"" -Bryan V. ""The post you wrote in the past for us is one of the best-performing articles of all time."" -Gaurav A."
Price: 149.99 |
"Treinamento de Opes binrias Viva de Mercado" |
"Curso de Mercado financeiro na modalidade de Opes Binrias. Aprenda a operar e ter uma vida independente e com tempo para aproveitar o laser! Seja Livre e trabalhe o tempo que quiser e onde quiser!!!No treinamento vou lhe ensinar todo conhecimento adquirido em 6 anos de mercado.So 7 mdulos com aulas direcionadas para lhe ensinar todo passo a passo necessrio para que voc se torne um Trader Profissional.O Treinamento tambm possui aulas ao vivo onde voc vai operar em Conta Real junto com o professor e poder tirar suas dvidas!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Wie du deinen Tinnitus loswerden kannst" |
"Dieser Kurs kann dir helfen den Tinnitus loszuwerden und zu verstehen. Dir werden meine Erfahrungen genau vermittelt, mit den ich positive wie auch negative Erfolge erzielen konnte. Aus Verzweiflung hatte ich ber die Jahre sehr viel Geld verbrannt, um irgendwie dieses Symptom loszuwerden. Genau das will ich dir mit diesen Kurs ersparen."
Price: 24.99 |
"Whatsapp Marketing" |
"Neste curso ensino um modelo de negcios para que qualquer pessoa consiga ter ganhos crescentes na internet apenas utilizando o WhatsApp como ferramenta de trabalho. Mesmo que voc seja iniciante, e ainda no tenha feito a sua primeira venda.Voc ir aprender como comear sem investimento, com investimento, como fazer as primeiras vendas, e tambm como escalar os ganhos aumentando a base de contatos diariamente.Assim criando um ativo poderoso para conseguir fazer vendas todos os dias AVISO: os resultados propostos nesse curso no so garantidos a ningum, cada pessoa pode obter um resultado diferente dependendo de vrios fatores, no temos a inteno de garantir ganhos especficos a nenhuma pessoa que adquirir o curso, mas sim de ensinar esta poderosa estrategia utilizando um dos maiores meios de comunicao da atualidade."
Price: 114.99 |
"Brushes and 3D in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:3D in Photoshop:Photoshop is usually associated with photo retouching and image manipulation. Pushing pixels is what made this product a household name, but did you know that Photoshop also has some limited 3D capabilities? It's much more than just simple 3D text. If you've ever been curious about what you can accomplish with the 3D features in Photoshop, then this course is for you. In this course we're going to dig into exactly what the 3D features in Photoshop can accomplish. We'll walk through everything from basic 3D concepts to using the 3D interface to creating our very own complex 3D scene. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include basic 3D terms and concepts, creating 3D text and shapes, how to craft custom 3D elements, and how to use external 3D models. We'll take a look at Adobe Fuse, an exciting new preview technology, and we'll finish with texturing, lighting, and rendering. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of what Photoshop's 3D features can and can't do. Before beginning this course you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop.Brushes in Photoshop:Once you have a better understanding of brushes in Photoshop, you'll have more freedom when working on your creative projects. This course is a quick introduction to working with brushes in Photoshop, no prior experience with brushes is required. Some of the major topics that will be covered include an overview of the brush tools and settings, creating a custom brush library, brush types and techniques, and we're even going to be talking about using tablets when working with brushes. By the end of this course, you'll know how brushes work and how to use them in your particular workflow. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with layers and the basic user interface of Adobe Photoshop."
Price: 29.99 |
"3D and Filters in Photoshop" |
"This is a package of two courses:3D in Photoshop:Photoshop is usually associated with photo retouching and image manipulation. Pushing pixels is what made this product a household name, but did you know that Photoshop also has some limited 3D capabilities? It's much more than just simple 3D text. If you've ever been curious about what you can accomplish with the 3D features in Photoshop, then this course is for you. In this course we're going to dig into exactly what the 3D features in Photoshop can accomplish. We'll walk through everything from basic 3D concepts to using the 3D interface to creating our very own complex 3D scene. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include basic 3D terms and concepts, creating 3D text and shapes, how to craft custom 3D elements, and how to use external 3D models. We'll take a look at Adobe Fuse, an exciting new preview technology, and we'll finish with texturing, lighting, and rendering. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of what Photoshop's 3D features can and can't do. Before beginning this course you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop.Filters in Photoshop:The filters in Photoshop are powerful tools that help you transform a basic image into some amazing creations with your own personal style. In this course, we're going to cover the basics on how filters work and how to use them. Some of the major topics that we're going to cover include one, the smart filter workflow and its advantages, two, the latest filters to make it into Photoshop, and three, filters that have lasted the test of time. By the end of this course, you'll know how the basic controls work and when to use specific filters to achieve your desired look. Before beginning this course, you should be familiar with the basics of working with layers and smart objects."
Price: 29.99 |
"3D and Age Edit in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:3D in Photoshop:Photoshop is usually associated with photo retouching and image manipulation. Pushing pixels is what made this product a household name, but did you know that Photoshop also has some limited 3D capabilities? It's much more than just simple 3D text. If you've ever been curious about what you can accomplish with the 3D features in Photoshop, then this course is for you. In this course we're going to dig into exactly what the 3D features in Photoshop can accomplish. We'll walk through everything from basic 3D concepts to using the 3D interface to creating our very own complex 3D scene. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include basic 3D terms and concepts, creating 3D text and shapes, how to craft custom 3D elements, and how to use external 3D models. We'll take a look at Adobe Fuse, an exciting new preview technology, and we'll finish with texturing, lighting, and rendering. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of what Photoshop's 3D features can and can't do. Before beginning this course you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop.Age Manipulation in Photoshop:In this course we'll be learning some techniques on how to add age to the appearance of a person's face by using various textures, combined with digital painting, cloning, and the use of Photoshop's Liquify filter. So we'll begin by using Liquify to reshape some key facial features, followed by several lessons where we'll incorporate textures from various images to achieve believable wrinkles and skin pores, and we'll wrap up by learning how to thin out and add some gray to the hair, along with some age spots as well. This is a great course if you're a concept artist, for example, working on a movie where you want to visualize what an actor might look like at a different age. So after watching this course you'll have a strong understanding of the process and the techniques used to create a photo manipulation of someone who appears much older."
Price: 29.99 |
"3D, Channels and Masks in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:3D in Photoshop:Photoshop is usually associated with photo retouching and image manipulation. Pushing pixels is what made this product a household name, but did you know that Photoshop also has some limited 3D capabilities? It's much more than just simple 3D text. If you've ever been curious about what you can accomplish with the 3D features in Photoshop, then this course is for you. In this course we're going to dig into exactly what the 3D features in Photoshop can accomplish. We'll walk through everything from basic 3D concepts to using the 3D interface to creating our very own complex 3D scene. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include basic 3D terms and concepts, creating 3D text and shapes, how to craft custom 3D elements, and how to use external 3D models. We'll take a look at Adobe Fuse, an exciting new preview technology, and we'll finish with texturing, lighting, and rendering. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of what Photoshop's 3D features can and can't do. Before beginning this course you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop.Channels and Layer Masks in Photoshop:You may have heard the term Channels in Photoshop before. You've probably even seen that there's a Channels tab that lives right next door to your beloved Layers tab. But do you really know what Channels do in Photoshop? Do you realize how directly related they are to color, selections, and even Layer Masks? In speaking of Masks, you've probably heard that term too, but have you ever wondered about the difference between the various different types of Masks in the program? In this course, you will learn exactly what both Channels and every type of Mask is for and how to use them in your own projects. In this course, we're going to dig around under the hood of Photoshop and see exactly what's going on with the Channels, Masks, and how they relate to one another. Some of the major topics we'll cover is understanding Channels, understanding Layer Masks, how to use Channels and Masks together, and exploring the Vector and Clipping Masks. By the end of this course, you'll know exactly what Photoshop Channels are for and how that knowledge can benefit your digital workflow. You'll also have a firm grasp on all three different types of Masks in Photoshop and know how and when to use each one. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop CC."
Price: 29.99 |
"3D and Curves in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:3D in Photoshop:Photoshop is usually associated with photo retouching and image manipulation. Pushing pixels is what made this product a household name, but did you know that Photoshop also has some limited 3D capabilities? It's much more than just simple 3D text. If you've ever been curious about what you can accomplish with the 3D features in Photoshop, then this course is for you. In this course we're going to dig into exactly what the 3D features in Photoshop can accomplish. We'll walk through everything from basic 3D concepts to using the 3D interface to creating our very own complex 3D scene. Some of the major topics that we'll cover include basic 3D terms and concepts, creating 3D text and shapes, how to craft custom 3D elements, and how to use external 3D models. We'll take a look at Adobe Fuse, an exciting new preview technology, and we'll finish with texturing, lighting, and rendering. By the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of what Photoshop's 3D features can and can't do. Before beginning this course you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop.Manipulate with Curves in Photoshop:Have you ever tried to manipulate or color-correct an image in Photoshop and wondered if there was a tool that could pretty much do it all with highly-detailed accuracy? In this course we're going to learn about how make adjustments using the Curves palette in Photoshop. Some of the major topics that we will cover include a basic understanding of color theory and different color models, an in-depth overview of the curves Adjustment palette, and how to batch process and automate adjustments using curves. Finally, we'll use curves to create a pixel-perfect channel mask for compositing. By the end of this course, you'll know all about how to manipulate image color values using curves. Before beginning this course, you should be somewhat familiar with Photoshop. From here, you should feel comfortable diving into Photoshop courses on masking and compositing."
Price: 29.99 |
"Brushes and Age Edit in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:Brushes in Photoshop:Once you have a better understanding of brushes in Photoshop, you'll have more freedom when working on your creative projects. This course is a quick introduction to working with brushes in Photoshop, no prior experience with brushes is required. Some of the major topics that will be covered include an overview of the brush tools and settings, creating a custom brush library, brush types and techniques, and we're even going to be talking about using tablets when working with brushes. By the end of this course, you'll know how brushes work and how to use them in your particular workflow. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with layers and the basic user interface of Adobe Photoshop.Age Manipulation in Photoshop:In this course we'll be learning some techniques on how to add age to the appearance of a person's face by using various textures, combined with digital painting, cloning, and the use of Photoshop's Liquify filter. So we'll begin by using Liquify to reshape some key facial features, followed by several lessons where we'll incorporate textures from various images to achieve believable wrinkles and skin pores, and we'll wrap up by learning how to thin out and add some gray to the hair, along with some age spots as well. This is a great course if you're a concept artist, for example, working on a movie where you want to visualize what an actor might look like at a different age. So after watching this course you'll have a strong understanding of the process and the techniques used to create a photo manipulation of someone who appears much older."
Price: 29.99 |
"Brushes, Channels and Masks in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:Brushes in Photoshop:Once you have a better understanding of brushes in Photoshop, you'll have more freedom when working on your creative projects. This course is a quick introduction to working with brushes in Photoshop, no prior experience with brushes is required. Some of the major topics that will be covered include an overview of the brush tools and settings, creating a custom brush library, brush types and techniques, and we're even going to be talking about using tablets when working with brushes. By the end of this course, you'll know how brushes work and how to use them in your particular workflow. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with layers and the basic user interface of Adobe Photoshop.Channels and Layer Masks in Photoshop:You may have heard the term Channels in Photoshop before. You've probably even seen that there's a Channels tab that lives right next door to your beloved Layers tab. But do you really know what Channels do in Photoshop? Do you realize how directly related they are to color, selections, and even Layer Masks? In speaking of Masks, you've probably heard that term too, but have you ever wondered about the difference between the various different types of Masks in the program? In this course, you will learn exactly what both Channels and every type of Mask is for and how to use them in your own projects. In this course, we're going to dig around under the hood of Photoshop and see exactly what's going on with the Channels, Masks, and how they relate to one another. Some of the major topics we'll cover is understanding Channels, understanding Layer Masks, how to use Channels and Masks together, and exploring the Vector and Clipping Masks. By the end of this course, you'll know exactly what Photoshop Channels are for and how that knowledge can benefit your digital workflow. You'll also have a firm grasp on all three different types of Masks in Photoshop and know how and when to use each one. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop CC."
Price: 29.99 |
"Manipulate with Filters and Ages in Photoshop" |
"This is a package of two courses:Filters in Photoshop:The filters in Photoshop are powerful tools that help you transform a basic image into some amazing creations with your own personal style. In this course, we're going to cover the basics on how filters work and how to use them. Some of the major topics that we're going to cover include one, the smart filter workflow and its advantages, two, the latest filters to make it into Photoshop, and three, filters that have lasted the test of time. By the end of this course, you'll know how the basic controls work and when to use specific filters to achieve your desired look. Before beginning this course, you should be familiar with the basics of working with layers and smart objects. Age Manipulation in Photoshop:In this course we'll be learning some techniques on how to add age to the appearance of a person's face by using various textures, combined with digital painting, cloning, and the use of Photoshop's Liquify filter. So we'll begin by using Liquify to reshape some key facial features, followed by several lessons where we'll incorporate textures from various images to achieve believable wrinkles and skin pores, and we'll wrap up by learning how to thin out and add some gray to the hair, along with some age spots as well. This is a great course if you're a concept artist, for example, working on a movie where you want to visualize what an actor might look like at a different age. So after watching this course you'll have a strong understanding of the process and the techniques used to create a photo manipulation of someone who appears much older."
Price: 29.99 |
"Filters, Channels and Masks in Photoshop" |
"This is a package of two courses:Filters in Photoshop:The filters in Photoshop are powerful tools that help you transform a basic image into some amazing creations with your own personal style. In this course, we're going to cover the basics on how filters work and how to use them. Some of the major topics that we're going to cover include one, the smart filter workflow and its advantages, two, the latest filters to make it into Photoshop, and three, filters that have lasted the test of time. By the end of this course, you'll know how the basic controls work and when to use specific filters to achieve your desired look. Before beginning this course, you should be familiar with the basics of working with layers and smart objects. Channels and Layer Masks in Photoshop:You may have heard the term Channels in Photoshop before. You've probably even seen that there's a Channels tab that lives right next door to your beloved Layers tab. But do you really know what Channels do in Photoshop? Do you realize how directly related they are to color, selections, and even Layer Masks? In speaking of Masks, you've probably heard that term too, but have you ever wondered about the difference between the various different types of Masks in the program? In this course, you will learn exactly what both Channels and every type of Mask is for and how to use them in your own projects. In this course, we're going to dig around under the hood of Photoshop and see exactly what's going on with the Channels, Masks, and how they relate to one another. Some of the major topics we'll cover is understanding Channels, understanding Layer Masks, how to use Channels and Masks together, and exploring the Vector and Clipping Masks. By the end of this course, you'll know exactly what Photoshop Channels are for and how that knowledge can benefit your digital workflow. You'll also have a firm grasp on all three different types of Masks in Photoshop and know how and when to use each one. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop CC."
Price: 29.99 |
"Manipulate with Ages, Channels and Masks in Photoshop" |
"This is a package of two courses:Age Manipulation in Photoshop:In this course we'll be learning some techniques on how to add age to the appearance of a person's face by using various textures, combined with digital painting, cloning, and the use of Photoshop's Liquify filter. So we'll begin by using Liquify to reshape some key facial features, followed by several lessons where we'll incorporate textures from various images to achieve believable wrinkles and skin pores, and we'll wrap up by learning how to thin out and add some gray to the hair, along with some age spots as well. This is a great course if you're a concept artist, for example, working on a movie where you want to visualize what an actor might look like at a different age. So after watching this course you'll have a strong understanding of the process and the techniques used to create a photo manipulation of someone who appears much older.Channels and Layer Masks in Photoshop:You may have heard the term Channels in Photoshop before. You've probably even seen that there's a Channels tab that lives right next door to your beloved Layers tab. But do you really know what Channels do in Photoshop? Do you realize how directly related they are to color, selections, and even Layer Masks? In speaking of Masks, you've probably heard that term too, but have you ever wondered about the difference between the various different types of Masks in the program? In this course, you will learn exactly what both Channels and every type of Mask is for and how to use them in your own projects. In this course, we're going to dig around under the hood of Photoshop and see exactly what's going on with the Channels, Masks, and how they relate to one another. Some of the major topics we'll cover is understanding Channels, understanding Layer Masks, how to use Channels and Masks together, and exploring the Vector and Clipping Masks. By the end of this course, you'll know exactly what Photoshop Channels are for and how that knowledge can benefit your digital workflow. You'll also have a firm grasp on all three different types of Masks in Photoshop and know how and when to use each one. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with the basic features and interface of Adobe Photoshop CC."
Price: 29.99 |