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"All about bushcraft and servival course 2"
"This course is a lot on bushcraft and survival in my understanding I come to understand that in this world crises can take place it may never happen but if it doe's we got to be prepared remember those in the 3rd world or 2nd or 1st world wars or floods so on many where left homeless I am glad that I studied and practiced this course for around 15 years now and now I know so much on it I am ready to face any crises situation that may come my way what is more better is I can also help my family and those around me who can face the same problem and teach you all here on the net so we stand a better fighting chance in a survival situation for more information see the 1st course also on all about bushcraft and survival this course and my knowledge is a lot, therefore, there will be other courses continuing from here as this course is stay tuned so on"
Price: 19.99

"Creating GraphQL APIs with ASP.Net Core for Beginners"
"GraphQL is a language for APIs that enables you to query and manipulate data easily through an intuitive and flexible syntax.GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs.GraphQL was developed internally by Facebook in 2012 before being publicly released in 2015.It is used in many server-side languages like Java, Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, and obviously dotnet too. And APIs created using GraphQL can easily accessible by almost languages like JavaScript, Android, Swift, Python, PHP, Java, and dotnet.In a GraphQL request, you specify how to structure the data when its returned by the server. This makes it possible for you to query only the data you need, in the format you need. This results in better network utilization and performance, especially on mobile devices.The course outline includes:Introduction to GraphQL. And understood how its different from RESTful APIs.Create basic GraphQL queries. As well as with Arguments and aliases.Using fragments and inline fragments on the type to select specific fields.Using variables for passing data via query variable, and directives to obtain fields based on condition.Use paging to retrieve data as page wise and with sorting order.Understood what schema is and learn about each type supported by GraphQL.Use of Introspection for obtaining schema or type related details.Create a server-side project with Entity Framework core and GraphQL dotnet library.Use mutation for insert, update, or delete operation.Using subscription for creating an event stream.Implement Authentication for queries based on JWT Identity.Validation of query and Exception handing from the server-side.And executing queries and mutations from client-side project using C#."
Price: 29.99

"Apis Robustas com C#, MediatR, DDD, Entity Framework"
"Neste treinamento em vdeo, voc aprender se tornar um profissional BackEnd completo!Iremos abordar como criar um projeto do absoluto zero!DESCUBRA como criar APIS ROBUSTAS em ASP.NET CORE usando padres de projeto como:- Mediator Pattern- Repository Pattern- Notification PatternNosso desenvolvimento segue os princpios do DDD, onde aprenderemos focar no Domnio do cliente.Voc aprender como configurar o ENTITY FRAMEWORK CORE e gerar seu BANCO DE DADOS atravs do MIGRATIONS do ENTITY FRAMEWORK.Sero apresentadas tcnicas para BLINDAR SEU CDIGO!Estarei apresentando teclas de atalhos e darei dicas que podero aumentar e muito sua produtividade.Alm de construir uma API, voc aprender criar segurana atravs do JWT. Sabemos que uma API fica disponvel na web e no podemos permitir que qualquer um possa consumi-la sem a devida autorizao.Todos os requests sero baseados em Commands um conceito muito utilizado no mercado.Finalizando este treinamento voc estar apto para o mercado de trabalho!"
Price: 99.99

"SSL Certificate & Key Based Security"
"In this course your Manager has tasked you with the following:Setup SSL Certificate for Apache WebServer [ Self Signed ]Setup HSTS [ Http Strict Transport Security ] in ApacheSetup Auto Redirection from http to https siteAlso your CEO has tasked you to setup a security mechanism for the Webserver such as of banks and financial institutions that user's requires a key in order to access the Website.By Completing the Course you would be able to demonstrate all of the above.Don't miss this opportunity to learn a unique and must have skill."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Restful Api's with .Net Core"
"Welcome to this course Learn Restful Api's with .Net Core. I'm Asfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the First Xamarin University Most Valuable Professional at Udemy and in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of real world Restful Api development with .Net Core. Yeah I know there're lot of courses over internet but there's never a single guide that teaches you how to create a real world web api from start to finish. And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own Real world Rest Api with your favorite C# programming language . The main focus of this course is on the Restful Web Api via Asp.NET Core and C#. So if you're familiar with C# , Asp.Net and Entity Framework Or if you want to create the Restful web api's in Asp.Net then this is the right course for you.If you don't have any idea about Rest Api then don't worry because in this course we'll cover all the Rest Api concepts.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'm always happy to make the helpful content for the students.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How to create a Rest Api via Entity Framework Code First Approach with all the advanced functions.Implement Status CodesAdding Migrations in Web Api'sAdding Content Negotiation Implement Validation in Web Api'sHow to add the Routing and Custom MethodsImplement Authentication and Authorization and secure your Api with JWTCreate SQL Database on Microsoft AzureDeploy Web Api on Microsoft AzureCreate A Real World Vehicle Selling Api From Scratch to End (No Copy paste code I'll explain you each and every single line of code so that you can create a complete Real World Apis in Asp.Net Core happily)Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos courses. Or instructors who you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. In this course you'll get a best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful outline and proper structured material and learning by doing. I'll explain you each and every single line of code. I've been in your shoes and every time copy and paste is not a solution and that's why I've tried to create everything in front of you so that you can learn how to solve the errors. We'll learn every thing from scratch. And before this course you don't need my other courses. If you're a C# developer  then you should go ahead with this course.After this course you'll be very much familiar with Asp.Net Core Web Api's and you'll be able to create any kind of real world web api's in quite easily as well as efficiently.Sign up today, and look forward to:Building a Real World fully-fledged Web Api's including ones that use Rest Api Architecture , Access Token , Authentication , Authorization and much more.All the knowledge you need to start building any api you wantRemember...After this course you'll get all the  Source Code and along with this I'll also share  the links and helping material for the Rest Api's with you but you need your personal Azure Portal where you can launch your web api. I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's First Complete Rest Api's Course with Asp.Net Core and C#."
Price: 199.99

"Level two Reflexology (for couples class)"
"Managing stress positively can lead to a more enjoyable life.  Stress, tension and pressure can build up over time and eat away at your relationships.  Whether this is you loved one who is overworking, or you suffering sleepless nights from worry about all the issues life hurls at us stress is at the core of the problem.The answer to stress is more self-care and sharing nurturing times with our loved ones particularly our partner.  And this course has couples in mind; to help reduce stress, tension and pressure you can share Reflexology with your loved one.  This natural method will aid relaxation, release deeply held tension and create more warmth in your relationship.  This method can be shared with family and friends too, to help them release that tension and restore feelings of well-being.This course is also a great next step to learning for students who are interested in a progressive path to a professional course of training that can lead to a career as a professional Reflexologist.This course provides video recordings, demonstration videos and a pdf document that helps you learn to provide a great Reflexology and foot massage.  Don't waste time pondering if this course is for you, join today and develop your relaxation skills...If you have any questions, or feel confused about anything, you can contact me in the platform or send me a message. Im here to help. So lets take the next step, sign up and download (30 days after completing this course students can apply for a certificate of completion from us, they will also obtain a pdf document that supplements this course, this is to safeguard our copyright and revenue)"
Price: 59.99

"Excel: Guia Rpido para Iniciantes no Mercado de Trabalho"
"Est pensando em mudar de emprego, ou procurando o primeiro emprego? Nunca fez um teste de Excel e agora est com receio de no ser aprovado?Com o ""Guia Rpido para Iniciantes no Mercado de Trabalho"", voc aprender na prtica e com testes reais, tudo o que precisa para perder o medo e ir preparado para o teste.No deixe que algo simples como o Excel se torne um problema na sua vida profissional, invista em voc, invista no seu futuro!Este curso foi criado para ajudar voc a perder o medo na hora de realizar um teste de Excel durante um processo seletivo.Todo o curso foi criado pensando em proporcionar a melhor experincia para voc.No curso so abordados diversos conceitos, tcnicas e funes que iro te ajudar muito na hora do teste.Funes Aritmticas;Funes Condicionais;Funes de Pesquisa;Segmentao de Dados;Validao de Dados;Construo e Edio de Dados;"
Price: 69.99

"Diseo de UX para videojuegos"
"Curso de diseo de UX para videojuegos (y enfocado desde y para el diseo de videojuegos). En el presente curso, los estudiantes aprendern las bases tericas del UXD (diseo de experiencia de usuario), uno de los pilares ms importantes (seguramente el que ms) de todo el proceso de diseo de un videojuego. Tanto si sois diseadores de juegos que queris profundizar en el mundo del diseo de experiencia de usuario, como si sois desarrolladores clsicos interesados en entrar en este nuevo mundo, o si sois entusiastas de los videojuegos, este curso es para vosotros."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Reaktor 6 en espaol - SNTESIS SUSTRACTIVA"
"Este curso contina con la intencin de ser una excelente capacitacin para: - dar a conocer el sofware Reaktor- le invita a experimentar con configuraciones nuevas- avanzar en el domini de este gran software para diseo sonoroReaktor 6 tiene una inagotable paleta de posibilidades para que puedas crear el equipo musical que siempre has soado (virtualmente por su puesto) y lo mejor de todo, es que puedas usarlo en tus propios trabajos musicales o sonoros.Este primer curso te ensear progresivamente sobre:- COMPONENTES- CONEXIONES- MDULOS- CREACIN DE INTERFACES- PARMETROSMetodologaTe ofrezco videos explicativos que con claridad te mostrarn paso a paso la forma como construir tus equipos para usarlos en tus prcticas musicales. Como msico profesional y profesor universitario que soy, te garantizo un nivel un aprendizaje progresivo en un lenguaje claro y directo, adems de orientaciones en temas que no tengas claros.Si REAKTOR 6 te ha parecido una herramienta dificil, te invito a cambiar esa percepcin tomando este curso con el que seguramente vers resultados prontamente."
Price: 24.99

": : . () . .- . .- . .- . ."
Price: 19.99

"Create a YouTube Thumbnail in CorelDraw"
"In this class, I will walk you through the process of creating an engaging thumbnail for a YouTube video using only CorelDraw. By the end of this class, you will have created a thumbnail for a YouTube video using CorelDraw and will be encouraged to use what you learned to create a thumbnail of your own design.I designed this course for people like me who dont learn well when they are overloaded with information but find it easy to learn when they are doing and having fun.The ideal student for this course is anyone who wants to learn CorelDraw.I use CorelDraw X8 in this course but most everything can be accomplished with previous versions too.Introduction - About the class.Planning - we will look up the specs we need to follow for YouTube thumbnails.Create the Background - We will create an eye-catching background and learn how to create a halftone effect.Take a Selfie - We will use our cell phone to capture a selfie to use for the thumbnail.Add and Edit the Selfie - We will add the selfie to the project and edit it to make it fit in and stand out.Text Layout - We will add the text to the project and make it stand out.Create the Logos - We will get the logos off the web and use the trace feature in Corel to make them into vectors.Exporting for YouTube - We will export the thumbnail using the specs we found in the earlier lesson.Conclusion - Thank you more to come."
Price: 49.99

"Estatstica Bsica e Linguagem R: Domine Estatstica"
"O CURSO DE ESTATSTICA BSICA Esse curso permite que o aluno tenha uma base terica slida, bem como desenvolva as habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas na prtica. Ele foi preparado por um instrutor com mais de 15 anos de experincia em sala de aula no ensino mdio e superior e instruo online, tendo j publicado 3 cursos na rea de Estatstica na plataforma Udemy. Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Estatstica Bsica:Introduo ao Curso de Estatstica Bsica, Conceitos Bsicos de Estatstica, Grficos Estatsticos, Grficos Estatsticos no Microsoft Excel, As Medidas de Tendncia Central, As Medidas de Disperso, Percentis e a Frequncia Acumulada, Prova Final do Curso de Estatstica Bsica e Concluso do Curso.Em cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, uso de tecnologia para visualizao dos conceitos ensinados, listas de exerccios, links para recursos online e muito mais.  Ao final, voc poder testar seu entendimento da Estatstica Bsica resolvendo a prova final do curso para testar os conhecimentos adquiridos.Ao final desse curso, voc ter um excelente conhecimento da Estatstica Bsica e ter a base necessria para acompanhar o curso de Linguagem R.O CURSO DE LINGUAGEM R Se voc chegou at aqui por que deseja aprender a Linguagem R. Voc j percebeu que a grade do nosso curso muito extensa e que o contedo super rico. Temos certeza que esse curso vai atender as suas expectativas.O Curso de Linguagem R tem MATERIAL PRPRIO, textos explicados passo a passo, nico e bem articulados. O objetivo principal desse curso permitir que aspectos bsicos com nfase no entendimento da linguagem R, como sua estrutura e a forma de operao, sejam compreendidos. O curso foi preparado e estruturado para que o aluno, desde o iniciante at o mais avanado em tcnicas estatsticas, aprenda a trabalhar com a ferramenta R. O material pode ser acompanhado utilizando o R instalado em diversos sistemas operacionais, tais como Windows ou Linux.Durante o curso de Linguagem R, sugerimos que o aluno assista as videoaulas praticando as atividades diretamente no seu computador. Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Linguagem R: O que a Linguagem R, Instalao da Ferramenta, Aprimoramento do Uso do R-Studio, Entendimento do Uso dos Objetos no R (Vetor, Matriz, Data Frame, Lista e Funes), Uso de Pacotes no R, Leitura de Arquivos no R, Sumarizando Dados, Grficos com o R, Anlise Estatstica e o Uso Geral da Estatstica, Uso de componentes como Minerao de Dados e o GOOGLE VIS.Junte-se aos seus colegas e aprimore seu conhecimento da Linguagem R.VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 189.99

"Super Academia Estatstica"
"O CURSO DE ESTATSTICA BSICA Esse curso permite que o aluno tenha uma base terica slida, bem como desenvolva as habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas na prtica. Ele foi preparado por um instrutor com mais de 15 anos de experincia em sala de aula no ensino mdio e superior e instruo online, tendo j publicado 7 cursos na rea de Estatstica na plataforma Udemy. Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Estatstica Bsica:Introduo ao Curso de Estatstica Bsica, Conceitos Bsicos de Estatstica, Grficos Estatsticos, Grficos Estatsticos no Microsoft Excel, As Medidas de Tendncia Central, As Medidas de Disperso, Percentis e a Frequncia Acumulada, Prova Final do Curso de Estatstica Bsica e Concluso do Curso.Em cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, uso de tecnologia para visualizao dos conceitos ensinados, listas de exerccios, links para recursos online e muito mais.  Ao final, voc poder testar seu entendimento da Estatstica Bsica resolvendo a prova final do curso para testar os conhecimentos adquiridos.Ao final desse curso, voc ter um excelente conhecimento da Estatstica Bsica e ter a base necessria para acompanhar o curso de ORANGE Data ScienceO CURSO DE ORANGE DATA SCIENCE  O ORANGE, uma ferramenta totalmente construda em Python, uma das poucas ferramentas de mercado que permite ao analista de dados trabalhar de forma completamente visual, com um amplo aspecto de atendimento s diversas demandas na rea de minerao de dados por meio do uso de  algoritmos de Machine Learning.ASPECTOS PRESENTES NESSE CURSO:Aprendizado de mquina de cdigo aberto e visualizao de dados para iniciantes e especialistas. Fluxos de trabalho de anlise de dados interativos com uma grande caixa de ferramentasExecute anlise de dados simples com visualizao inteligente de dados. Explore distribuies estatsticas, grficos de disperso ou mergulhe mais fundo com rvores de deciso e agrupamentos hierrquicos. At seus dados multidimensionais podem se tornar sensveis em 2D, especialmente com classificaes e selees inteligentes de atributos.Explorao interativa de dados para anlise qualitativa rpida com visualizaes limpas. A interface grfica do usurio permite que voc se concentre na anlise exploratria de dados ao invs de codificao, enquanto padres inteligentes tornam extremamente fcil a criao rpida de prottipos de um fluxo de trabalho de anlise de dados. Coloque widgets na tela, conecte-os, carregue seus conjuntos de dados e colete os insights!Use vrios complementos disponveis no Orange para extrair dados de fontes externas. Este curso inclui o ROADMAP ONE, que contempla a base para iniciar os seus projetos de minerao de dados e o ROADMAP TWO, que contempla a parte final, dando nfase aos algoritmos de Machine Learning mais complexos.O CURSO DE LINGUAGEM R Se voc chegou at aqui por que deseja aprender a Linguagem R. Voc j percebeu que a grade do nosso curso muito extensa e que o contedo super rico. Temos certeza que esse curso vai atender as suas expectativas.O Curso de Linguagem R tem MATERIAL PRPRIO, textos explicados passo a passo, nico e bem articulados. O objetivo principal desse curso permitir que aspectos bsicos com nfase no entendimento da linguagem R, como sua estrutura e a forma de operao, sejam compreendidos. O curso foi preparado e estruturado para que o aluno, desde o iniciante at o mais avanado em tcnicas estatsticas, aprenda a trabalhar com a ferramenta R. O material pode ser acompanhado utilizando o R instalado em diversos sistemas operacionais, tais como Windows ou Linux.Durante o curso de Linguagem R, sugerimos que o aluno assista as videoaulas praticando as atividades diretamente no seu computador. Ementa sumarizada do Curso de Linguagem R: O que a Linguagem R, Instalao da Ferramenta, Aprimoramento do Uso do R-Studio, Entendimento do Uso dos Objetos no R (Vetor, Matriz, Data Frame, Lista e Funes), Uso de Pacotes no R, Leitura de Arquivos no R, Sumarizando Dados, Grficos com o R, Anlise Estatstica e o Uso Geral da Estatstica, Uso de componentes como Minerao de Dados e o GOOGLE VIS.Junte-se aos seus colegas e aprimore seu conhecimento da Linguagem R.O CURSO DE WEKA - MINERAO DE DADOSAs grandes empresas esto em busca de profissionais que saibam tratar e trabalhar dados, permitindo que novos insights sejam descobertos e aplicados ao seu negcio. Atualmente, a minerao de dados se mostra fundamental para a descoberta de novas informaes e conhecimento, formatados em regras e padres, a partir de grandes bases de dados. Nesta perspectiva, torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de um raciocnio crtico acerca dos principais conceitos, problemas e algoritmos relacionados rea de minerao de dados. Esta abordagem visa uma sintonia com as tendncias empregadas atualmente no mercado no uso desta tecnologia de modo a preparar o futuro profissional a avaliar e, sobretudo, facilitar seu entendimento no  emprego de metodologias e tecnologias avanadas.O curso aborda o tema Minerao de Dados, atravs de aulas prticas e tericas, utilizando-se de tcnicas avanadas de descoberta de conhecimento, os quais provm a capacidade de descobrir novas informaes, formatadas em regras e padres, oriundas da anlise de grandes bases de dados. Nesta perspectiva, o desenvolvimento de um raciocnio crtico acerca dos principais conceitos, problemas e algoritmos relacionados a rea de Minerao de Dados a principal habilidade adquirida por quem conclui o curso.Todo o contedo visto praticado na ferramenta WEKA, que gratuita e de fcil entendimento.  So 6 laboratrios totalmente prticos que voc pode realizar durante o curso, detalhados e explicados passo a passo. Voc entender os algoritmos e poder praticar com suas bases de dados, sejam arquivos texto ou banco de dados. Contar com um Framework integrado que apresenta os resultados estatsticos.Venha e confira!VOC AINDA GANHA Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso; Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy; Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador; Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro; Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana aos instrutores atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas.SEJA MAIS UM ALUNO DESTE CLUBE QUE NO PARA DE CRESCER!"
Price: 204.99

"QuickBooks Online Bank Feeds & Credit Card Feeds"
"This course will jump right into bank feeds and how to use them.Most QuickBooks courses will spend a lot of time talking about how a full-service accounting system works using QuickBooks. We do recommend spending time learning the full accounting process, and we do have a course that does this.However, many small businesses want to get right down to data input as fast as possible, and others already have a good understanding of the system and want to focus specifically on bank feeds.This course will do just that.For example, some small businesses may be perfectly happy using a cash basis system and will, therefore, not need some of the functions used in a full accounting cycle. Businesses that use a cash basis model can structure their data input to be much more heavily dependent on the bank and bank feed data.We will discuss types of businesses that fit well into a cash basis model as we work through the practice problems. We will also discuss some problem areas many businesses have and how to set up a system that works.This course will work through a practice problem and will provide test data that learners can use in their system to follow along if they choose.One obstacle to learning bank feeds is access to a clean QuickBooks file to practice with. Here are some options you can use along with this course:Intuit (the owner of QuickBooks) provides a free test drive available to anybody. You can find it by searching in your favorite browser (QuickBooks Test Drive).Intuit often provides (almost always) a 30 day discount period. You can use the 30 days to practice by starting the 30-day trial, practicing with the data we provide in the course, and then canceling after the 30 days.Intuit also provides discounts or a free version for students and educators.Check with your accountant or CPA firm, and they may be able to provide a discount on QuickBooks Online"
Price: 49.99

"Build Free Active Directory Lab in Azure For Ethical Hacking"
"I have created this course to help you getting started with security testing Active Directory Domain in Windows Server environment. Active directory is the dominant approach for managing the Windows domain networks. So, opponents of a business may get attracted to discover and exploit vulnerabilities within the Active Directory echo system.As an ethical hacker, pentester or a security tester, you should be able to test and defend against those types of attacks. So, this course is to practice offensive and defensive methodologies to defend attacks against Active Directory Domain services of an organization.I have preferred to build this lab in a cloud-based infrastructure, so I decided to build this free lab in Microsoft Azure cloud so that you can practice from anywhere and any device.In the lab, first I will show you how to sign up for free to Azure Cloud with free $200 credit, then I will create required resources such as virtual switch or the gateway and the private subnet. Then I will move ahead creating Windows Server 2019 as a VM in Azure cloud, install & configure Active Directory domain services, install active directory certificate services, configure SMB share and set up two windows 10 virtual machines as client machines.Then, I install Kali Linux and run some basic commands. I will be adding more videos as I think that will be helpful to you to step up in testing Active Directory in a defensive and offensive way.As this course is for all levels, from beginner to Advanced users, it doesnt require you to have any pre-requisite to learn and work with. I will teach you everything in detail to set up the lab.If you have any questions or concerns during the course, please know that I want to see you succeed. If you find anything confusing or you are stuck on anything, please write me on Question & Answer section or directly write a message to me. I will be happy to interact with you and will be happier to help you.I hope that you will enjoy this course, and I look forward to having you as my dear student."
Price: 29.99

"Applied Mechanics MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Engineering)"
"Applied mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences and the practical application of mechanics. Pure mechanics describes the response of bodies (solids and fluids) or systems of bodies to external forces. Some examples of mechanical systems include the flow of a liquid under pressure, the fracture of a solid from an applied force, or the vibration of an ear in response to sound. A practitioner of the discipline is known as a mechanician.Applied mechanics describes the behavior of a body, in either a beginning state of rest or of motion, subjected to the action of forces. Applied mechanics, bridges the gap between physical theory and its application to technology. It is used in many fields of engineering, especially mechanical engineering and civil engineering. In this context, it is commonly referred to as Engineering Mechanics. Much of modern engineering mechanics is based on Isaac Newton's laws of motion while the modern practice of their application can be traced back to Stephen Timoshenko, who is said to be the father of modern engineering mechanics.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Applied Mechanics Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 257 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99

"Hydraulics MCQ Practice Questions (Civil Engineering)"
"Hydraulic engineering as a sub-discipline of civil engineering is concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water and sewage. One feature of these systems is the extensive use of gravity as the motive force to cause the movement of the fluids. This area of civil engineering is intimately related to the design of bridges, dams, channels, canals, and levees, and to both sanitary and environmental engineering.Hydraulic engineering is the application of the principles of fluid mechanics to problems dealing with the collection, storage, control, transport, regulation, measurement, and use of water. Before beginning a hydraulic engineering project, one must figure out how much water is involved. The hydraulic engineer is concerned with the transport of sediment by the river, the interaction of the water with its alluvial boundary, and the occurrence of scour and deposition. The hydraulic engineer actually develops conceptual designs for the various features which interact with water such as spillways and outlet works for dams, culverts for highways, canals and related structures for irrigation projects and cooling-water facilities for thermal power plants.These questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Hydraulics Practice questions for Civil Engineering.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 289 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side."
Price: 19.99

"Give Your Career a Makeover"
"This course will not change your career, but it will change the perception of your career! The perception of your career is the way in which you see your career. It is also the way in which others see your career through their own lens. It is what others talk about when they talk about your career. And this perception of your career is responsible for the job satisfaction you're enjoying at work!This course will change the perception of your career."
Price: 29.99

"You want to study genetics and you don't know where to start? You want to learn the basics of DNA and genetic related concepts? Then this is the videocourse for you! Learn genetics from scratch and get the basic knowledge easily without too much of an effort. When it comes to learning genetics, what could be possibly better than a videocourse where you get the basics of genetics in one single course? Let's get started and let's study genetics!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP S/4 HANA Purchase Order"
"1. Business Processes: If you have little or no exposure to a functional area, you first want to start with understanding the business processes that flow through SAP. Also keep in mind that most processes are cross-functional and go end-to-end, meaning they pass through many departments in an organization. Even if you are in a technical role, you need a general understanding of what business drivers are behind your role. Michael Management courses provide a functional understanding as you learn about SAP. You may also find it valuable to invest in business/or SAP textbooks specific to your functional area. As you dive in to SAP, remember to always focus on how technology drives the business. Focusing on streamlining business processes can avoid creating unnecessarily complex technical design and avoid creating waste in the system.2. SAP Acronyms: Secondly, understanding SAP acronyms and how you fit in the overall SAP project is important in quickly providing value. As a beginner, youre probably finding the world of SAP to be filled with intimidating acronyms. Before you get too overwhelmed, realize that there is probably only a subset of acronyms and terms that will actually be relevant to your role in SAP. As you meet people in your project or organization, you can start to build a mental list of which areas you will integrate with and hone in on those terms and acronyms."
Price: 29.99

"SAP S/4 HANA Basic for Beginners"
"SAP Basic for BeginnersThis is intended to anyone who wants to start their career in SAP. This is a very basic course on some tips and Tricks this you will use in your everyday of SAP career SAP has the largest market share of all ERP systems & commands unparalleled premium in the ERP & IT market. These basic tutorials will introduce the SAP ERP, Business suite, SAP Modules, GUI and process to become a SAP consultant.Starting your SAP career is an exciting time, but it can also be very overwhelming. Like any technology or new career, there is a steep learning curve that can feel insurmountable. The goal of this blog is to concisely give you three major concepts to focus on when starting your career.As a SAP beginner, you need a basic understanding of business processes, SAP acronyms and project concepts. I first learned about SAP and ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning systems) while in school at Grand Valley State University. The SAP Alliance business program included a mandatory ERP course. Before fumbling through SAP transactions, we were given a framework of common business processes. For example, to understand how to process an invoice, you must first understand the purpose of invoices and where this step fits in the overall order to cash process. We also needed some key SAP and project terms to get a foundational understanding of whats involved in a SAP project and the key components of the system."
Price: 19.99

"SAP S/4 HANA Vendor Invoice Management Basic Level"
"VIM is nothing but management of invoices of vendors. To overcome all the drawbacks (mentioned below) automated process is developed which is VIM.Existing Process for processing / Posting invoices is as follows :Internal Requirement.Purchase Requisition.Requesting for QuotationPurchase Order creationMIGO Goods receipt number (GRN)MIRO Invoice created / postedDrawbacks in (above mentioned) existing process are as follows:Manual communication processing like if any invoice got misplaced then vendor needs to ask to buyer and do the communication which is time consuming process to invoice processing.In MIGO need to enter data manually which is time consuming process.Attachment of files to email like if that file is of large size then it consumes more space so memory allocation problem occurs and cause of which performance degraded."
Price: 19.99

"SAP S/4 HANA ABAP Workflow Basic for Beginners"
"WorkflowWorkflow is a tool for the automation of the business process, consisting of sequence of steps, tasks or event.One similar example to workflow is the automated lines in the manufacturing industry with station points or loading points.You can arrange and manage the dependency of tasks. Users can be sent notification for the task waiting in the SAP inbox for approval or action. Users can be informed of milestones in the process.By automating the process, you free the users from having to know what to do when. Work items are sent to the participants notifying them of what they have to do, and a single click on the notification calls the correct transaction and navigates to the relevant screen.WebFlow is the internet functionality of SAP Business Workflow."
Price: 24.99

"SAP S/4 HANA ABAP Preparation"
"ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the default programming language for SAP applications. This course will teach you basic to advance ABAP programming.ABAP is one of the many application-specific fourth-generation languages (4GLs) first developed in the 1980s. It was originally the report language for SAP R/2, a platform that enabled large corporations to build mainframe business applications for materials management and financial and management accounting. ABAP establish integration between independent software.ABAP used to be an abbreviation of Allgemeiner Berichts-Aufbereitungs-Prozessor, German for ""generic report preparation processor"", but was later renamed to the English Advanced Business Application Programming. ABAP was one of the first languages to include the concept of Logical Databases (LDBs), which provides a high level of abstraction from the basic database level(s),which supports every platform, language and units.The ABAP language was originally used by developers to develop the SAP R/3 platform. It was also intended to be used by SAP customers to enhance SAP applications customers can develop custom reports and interfaces with ABAP programming. The language was geared towards more technical customers with programming experience.ABAP remains as the language for creating programs for the client-server R/3 system, which SAP first released in 1992. As computer hardware evolved through the 1990s, more and more of SAP's applications and systems were written in ABAP. By 2001, all but the most basic functions were written in ABAP. In 1999, SAP released an object-oriented extension to ABAP called ABAP Objects, along with R/3 release 4.6.SAP's current development platform NetWeaver supports both ABAP and Java.ABAP has an abstraction between the business applications, the operating system and database. This ensures that applications do not depend directly upon a specific server or database platform and can easily be ported from one platform to another.SAP Netweaver currently runs on UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux), Microsoft Windows, i5/OS on IBM System i (formerly iSeries, AS/400), and z/OS on IBM System z (formerly zSeries, S/390). Supported databases are HANA, SAP ASE (formerly Sybase), IBM DB2, Informix, MaxDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server (support for Informix was discontinued in SAP Basis release 7.00).[4]"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Bootstrap 4.1: Criando Projetos Reais"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender o que precisa para utilizar o Framework CSS mais famoso do mundo, o Bootstrap, muito utilizado por sua curva de aprendizagem fcil, hoje todas as grandes empresas do mercado como: Netflix,Google, Microsoft e muitas outras utilizam Bootstrap para criar front-end.Ponto forte sua responsividade, todo o design se adapta muito bem ao tamanho das telas, seja celular,tablet ou desktop. Isto facilita na hora de desenvolver para web.Neste curso iremos criar one page, tela de login, footers,headers, uma gama de cdigos que voc vai aprender passo a passo e tambm algumas sugestes de plugins em javascript para incrementar seus projetos. Com estes mdulos prontos, atravs de uma estrutura voc capaz de criar muitas variaes de pginas com as dicas deste curso completo para quem quer comear a trabalhar com design na internet.No perca tempo, comece hoje aprender Bootstrap neste curso atualizado semanalmente"
Price: 39.99

"Interface Grfica para Apps feitas em C com GTK e Glade"
"Interface grfica, tambm comumente abreviada como GUI (Graphical User Interface) o modelo de interface do usurio que permite a interao com os dispositivos digitais por meio de elementos grficos, podendo selecionar e manipular cones e smbolos visando realizar tarefas com tais dispositivos. Um ambiente grfico um programa criado para tornar mais fcil a utilizao do computador por meio de representaes visuais do sistema operacional. O Linux, por exemplo, possui vrios ambientes grficos; dentre os quais podemos destacar o Gnome, que construdo utilizando o GTK (GIMP Toolkit). Por sua vez, GTK o kit de ferramentas originalmente desenvolvido para o GIMP (programa para criao e edio de imagens) e escrito em C, podendo tambm pode ser utilizado para a construo de aplicaes para Windows e macOS.Os desenvolvedores que utilizam a linguagem de programao C geralmente encontram algumas dificuldades para a criao de interfaces grficas para suas aplicaes. Isso ocorre devido ao fato de que apesar de existirem diversos kits de ferramentas, comumente estes vm acompanhados de pontos negativos que acabam deixando o trabalho mais lento. Alguns exemplos so: falta de componentes grficos, componentes grficos com visual precrio, falta de documentao organizada e de fcil compreenso, problemas de mau desempenho, bugs, travamentos, difcil aprendizagem e ferramentas pagas com custos elevados.Baseado nesses pontos negativos que surgiu a ideia deste curso, ou seja, voc vai aprender passo a passo como construir interfaces grficas para seus programas escritos em C. Desenvolveremos quatro exemplos principais:O famoso ""Ol Mundo"" para testarmos os recursos mais bsicos das ferramentasInterface para calcular o ndice de massa corporal baseado no peso e na alturaUma calculadora com todas as operaes bsicas funcionaisSimulao de um sistema de cadastro e listagem de usurios em memria, com janela de login e senhaO objetivo do curso ser rpido e prtico para que voc possa resolver seus problemas o mais rpido possvel. As interfaces grficas sero construdas utilizando o GTK+ 3, o qual usado em um grande nmero de aplicaes e no ambiente de desktop Gnome do Linux. Para agilizar o desenvolvimento, tambm abordaremos o Glade, que um construtor de interfaces grficas RAD (Rapid Application Development) para o GTK. O GTK gratuito, rico em componentes grficos, possui uma tima documentao e por ser escrito em C, seu desempenho excelente. Alm disso, o GTK multiplataforma; ou seja, as aplicaes funcionam no Windows, Linux e MacOS. Tambm usaremos o construtor GtkBuilder, que permite a construo dos objetos GTK em vrias linguagens de programao, como por exemplo: C, C++, C#, Vala, Java, Perl, Python e outros.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso :)"
Price: 39.99

"Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis: The Complete Keto Course + Ebook"
"Learn How Use The Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis For Weight Loss, Building Muscle, Healthy Eating, Meal Planning, Nutrition & Dieting Hi, I'm Kevin Kockot, Master of Arts in Prevention & Health Promotion, Amazon Author and Udemy Teacher with more than 32.000 students. My new Course ""Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis: The Complete Course For Beginners"" is designed for anyone who wants to understand the ketogenic diet in dept and practically appying the knowledge, no matter if you're male or female, joung or old, want to build muscle or loose fat. This course is not a simple copy of some blog articles and Youtube-Videos on that topic that are already well know. Instead you will get a step-by step guide how to understand the ketogenic diet answering the most frequently asked questions on the keto diet. The course is based on my book on the Ketogenic Diet that you can find on Amazon.Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about the keto diet that you can find in forums and videos, causing a lot of unsecurity for the people that are interested in that topic. There are a lot of myths about the ketogenic diet. This course will help you to see clearer and understand what to expect of the ketogenic diet in terms of weight loss, diabetes, building muscle mass, the right amound of carbohydrates, fats and protein in the diet and many more! Overall that are substantial informations to live a healthier life and have more energy overall! These are the questions I answer in this course:WHT I THE KTGENIC DIET?WHT I KETOSIS?WHO INVENTED THE KETOGENIC DIET?HOW CAN I START A KETO DIET OR LOW CARB DIET?WHT R THE BNFIT OF A KETOGENIC DIT?IS THE KETOGENIC DIET SAFE?7 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT EAT A KETOGENIC DIET ON A LONG TERMWHAT KIND OF FOODS CAN YOU EAT DURING KETOGENIC DIET?WHAT KIND OF SUPPLEMENTS SHOULD KETO DIETERS CONSIDER?CAN I T FRUITS N A KTGNI DIT?WHAT ARE THE TOP 10 KETO FRUITS TO EAT?WHAT ARE THE FRUITS TO AVOID ON A KETO DIET?HW N I MUR KTI IN MY BD?DOES THE KETOGENIC DIET MAKE ME ALKALINE?CAN I U TH KETOGENIC DIET FR WIGHT L?CN I U A KTGNI DIET AS A DIBTI?CN I U A KTGNI DIT A RN WITH NR?CAN I U A KTGNI DIT A RN WITH IL?CN I USE A KTGNI DIT A PERSON THAT HAS HRTNIN?CN I USE A KTGNI DIT IF I WANT TO BUILD MUSCLE M?CAN THE KETOGENIC DIET CAUSE HAIR LOSS?HW MN CARBS CAN I FIND IN A KETOGENIC DIET?CN THE KTGNI DIT CAUSE LVTD LIVR NZM/ FATTY LIVR ?WH R THE L WH HULD STAY W FROM TH KTGNI DIT?WHT R GOOD RI FR TH KTGNI DIT?WHAT IS A GOOD KETO MEALPLAN FOR A WEEK?WHAT ARE GOOD KETO SNACK OPTIONS?PS: Beyond that - if you have any additional questions you can always message me and I will reply the best answer I can! :)All In All The Course Includes 80 Videos, Recipe Ideas, A Mealplan For A Week, A List Of Additional Information & My E-Book For You! - That makes ""Ketogenic Diet & Ketosis: The Complete Course For Beginners"" the most comprehensive course on that topic you can find here on Udemy!So If You Want To Understand The Ketogenic Diet, Boost Your Mental Performance, Have More Energized & Live A Health Concious Life:This Is The Right Course For You! PLEASE NOTE: There is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee here on Udemy. There is no reason to hesitate any longer! Enroll now and learn more about the topic so you can start using the ketogenic diet the right way today!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Master YOUR Mental Health in 5 Days - Certificated"
"""I suffered from severe depression, stress and anxiety as a result of financial problems. This ended my 16 year marriage and caused me health problems resulting in 14 operations over a 7 year period on my vocal cords. Often I was unable to speak. I hit rockbottom, so I took my myself on a journey and I discovered how to solve all my mental health issues. Now I am in control of my life and know the secrets to mastering mental health.  All my problems have gone and my life is now brilliant. I am now sharing my secrets to help over 100,000 people get control back over their lives and master their mental health. I hope this includes you."" marc****** IF YOU HAVE DEPRESSION OR ANXIETY OR ANOTHER MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE IT FEELS LIKE YOU LIFE IS STUCK ******                                   *******  THIS COURSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO KICK START YOUR LIFE  *******This course has been specifically designed to help all those people whose life is being ruined because of stress, depression, anxiety or any other mental health condition.            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  THIS COURSE WILL WORK FOR EVERYONE IF YOU DO WHAT I SAY  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>However, this course is NOT for everyone. This is because I take a no nonsense approach, I am brutally honest and tell you exactly what you must do to master your mental health. I will tell you that your problems are actually an illusion, I will prove it to you and you will see for yourself that I am right. The tools and techniques I give you take less than 60 seconds and you will quickly see your perceived problems just disappear.Having helped 1,000's of people, I have learned there are three types of people.Type 1 : Those who do what I say and they master their mental health, and their lives are great.Type 2 : Those who say they will do what I say, but in the end do nothing.  Their lives remain crap.Type 3 : Those who like moaning about their problems, worrying and feeling crap.     <<<<<<<<   IF YOU ARE A TYPE 1 PERSON, YOU WILL LOVE THIS COURSE AND IT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE AMAZING  >>>>>>>>>If you are type 2 or 3 person, don't buy this course because you are wasting your time and money.This course is built on three simple principles :PRINCIPLE 1 : CONTROL - the reason why so many people suffer mental health issues is because they have given away control over different aspects of their lives - relationships, health, money, confidence etc. In this course you will learn that you were given control over your life when you were born, but due to bad experiences and bad decisions you have lost confidence resulting in you giving that control to other people.I put you back in CONTROL of your life with an incredibly powerful technique in under 60 seconds.This is important because it means you can then feel the difference between your life now which can be 'crap', and feeling STRONG AND AMAZING after my technique.PRINCIPLE 2 : CHOICE - it is impossible for the two opposite things to exist in the space at the same time - like being warm and cold. I will teach you the power of choice and because you have control back over your life, you will be able to make choices that totally benefit you. For example, you can choose to feel sad and down or great and excited.When you choose to be 'excited' it is impossible to feel depressed.  I will give you my personal secret tools to give you the strength to make CHOICES that make you life amazing.PRINCIPLE 3 : PURPOSE - when you have mental health issues, it often feels like you have no direction in life. This is principally because all your perceived problems mean you have lost sight of your purpose. Its like getting lost in the woods and unable to find the path out. In this course I will show you your purpose in life and how to build that purpose back into your daily life. This means from when you wake up, your life will feel great because you have a purpose and a direction to that day.THE COURSEThe course is structured in to the following sections :KNOWLEDGE - if you are going to build a house, you need a solid foundation or it will fall over. So to master your mental health, you need valuable knowledge as that foundation on how life works. Therefore I will tell you :Your purpose in life and why you are hereHow the spiritual world wants to help you 24/7 make your life amazing5 DAY MASTERING PLAN - every day comes with the a valuable 'mastering' lesson, a powerful exercise you must do and a programme for that day. The 5 days cover the following valuable lessons :WANT - know the 50 things you want in life, instead of focusing on everything that you don't wantCONTROL - powerful technique that puts you back in control of your lifeCHOICE - giving you the inner strength to make the choices that really benefit youEXCITED - this is the key that unlocks the door to eternal happinessPURPOSE - define yours and suddenly your life has meaning, direction and wonderful things happen11 COPING TECHNIQUES - because every one is different, I have created 11 different coping techniques that you can use to deal with anxieties, stresses, depression moments or times when you feel down and want to feel great again.Each technique is short (like 60 seconds) and powerful. You pick the one(s) you like and feel the difference immediately.21 DAY HABIT PLAN - when you have mental health problems, it also means you have developed bad habits like focusing on problems or looking for the worst in situations. I have created a daily plan that is simple, easy , makes you feel great and puts you back in control of your life.When you do this plan for 21 days, you develop habits that support a fabtastic life where you have no mental health problems. Its just like re-programming your life, but doing it in just 21 days.DAILY SUPPORT - all my students are able to join my facebook page where you receive daily support, inspiration, motivation and training to make sure your life is amazing each and every day.                                      *******    YOU MUST KNOW MAKE A CHOICE  ******* DO NOTHING AND YOUR LIFE WILL REMAIN CRAP     or      BUY THIS COURSE AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER""I do hope you can join me on a fantastic journey where I am able to help you master your mental health and make YOUR LIFE totally amazing (like mine).'Stay excited.""marc"
Price: 109.99

"Guitarra para principiantes - Nivel 1"
"Si eres alguien interesado en comenzar a tocar la guitarra y todava no te has animado a comenzar, o bien, ya empezaste a tocar y te trabaste en algn punto y necesitas otra perspectiva de como avanzar en el estudio de la guitarra.Esta es tu mejor opcin!Porque?Porque comenzamos con bases slidas cuidando cada aspecto para poder tocar la guitarra:PosturaPartes de la guitarraTipos de pua (plumilla) y cmo afecta el sonido. Adems de la tcnica correcta para que empieces a dar tus primeros pasos en la guitarra.Ejercicios de coordinacin entre ambas manos para que tengas mayor destreza y puedas empezar a tocar algunos acordes y melodas en el siguiente nivel.Primer acercamiento con el metrnomo, valiosa herramienta que te ayudar a tocar a tiempo y a interiorizar las subdivisiones rtmicas de: Redonda, blanca, negra, corchea y semicorchea.Lo que aprendas en este curso te servir para el siguiente nivel en donde podrs avanzar mucho ms rpido si dominas este curso."
Price: 19.99

"How writing changed my life for better?"
"How writing changed my life for better?I am Vathani Ariyam, the author of this online course How Writing Changed My Life for better, Just showing you how a writer starts the day of writing and continue to write from there. You will know the benefits of becoming a writer, how it grows helpful to improve your life, and at the same time, you can be of use to the others around you.Learning to write is not difficult if you become dedicated and develop a real passion for it. Here again, I have shown the ways to improve your writing skills, people like writing for various reasons, for happiness, to make money and maybe to become famous but that said the writers are also in a way teaching others as well.Writing job is one of the cost-effective positions to make money for you as you can do that job from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop. When you set up your writing business, you have an opportunity to make money without any start-up costs as you can start it from your bedroom. A writer has all these, but why do they fail?Writing well is right for your life in various ways. It makes you a happy and confident person, become creative and knowledgeable. You do not need a degree in your language if you want to become a writer. It might make you famous and bring in lots of money as well.Therefore, in this course have given the tips to write an attractive article, eBook, or some essays. If you want to make money, you cannot expect to make money with any topics. It would help if you researched first to find out the market for your niche. Then the problem that you are going to write will have to interest you. If you are happy with all that start, you are writing straight away. If you wait for inspiration, you will never do it.Now you are ready to start; you have to remember a few things to create an excellent article. Writing a piece that could be readable and enjoyable by people is essential. Then you have to choose between online or offline writing. In any case, I have given general tips to format your article. Say now you have done your item, but nobody knows about it.What is that you have to do it? Promote it by starting with the submission to review sites. Join the writing groups for collaborative writing and mixing around with other authors. It allows you to get yourself known to the writing community. People will have to know your work to buy from you. After all, you are doing this to make money and have a better lifestyle. Do not stay away from promoting your work"
Price: 29.99