"Rhino Grasshopper Creating a Structure Using Image Sampler" |
"Are you interested in Grasshopper and want to learn how it works? Don't be intimidated and give it a try! My name is David Copete and I will make sure to guide you through the exercise steps so you can learn the interface. Once you get through the initial learning stage, it will become one of your most useful design tools.In this class you will learn how to create an Image Sampler Structures using Grasshopper for Rhino. Grasshopper is a bit intimidating at first, but with some experience it can become one of the most useful tools. These tutorials are great for students who are trying to expand their design arsenal. They will allow you to create some complex and impressive designs in a quick amount of time. The steps in this tutorial are useful for many other applications. So make sure to follow me for future lessons, and let me know if you have any questions, or ideas for future videos. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of how Parametric Design works and how you can apply it to your specific use case.I highly recommend this lesson! Why?It is simple and straightforward with full explanations of the process of parametric design using Grasshopper.I will show you a real world example. By the end of the lesson you have a useful script that you can use to share with your firm, or impress your friends and teachers.Who can benefit from this lesson?Designers who want to learn Grasshopper and Parametric DesignArchitectsEngineersDesign students3D modelers interested in parametric design.3D Print designers"
Price: 19.99 |
"Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) Certification Practice Exam" |
"Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE)The VMCE certification is documented proof that an administrator or engineer has the necessary level of expertise to deploy, configure and manage Veeam Availability Suite.The exam tests knowledge provided in the Veeam Certified Engineer training course, product release notes and user guides. It is recommended that exam takers have a minimum of six months professional experience prior to sitting the exam.Attending the Veeam Certified Engineer training course is required prior to sitting the VMCE exam.Overview of Veeam products Veeam Hyper-Availability Platform Key Concepts VMCE evolution: VMCE, VMCE-ADO and VMCA Preparing for exam What to study? Your Individual Training Environment Components Veeam Backup & Replication Components Mandatory Components Optional Components Non-Configurable Additional Components Components Example Data location tagging General Options Backup I/O Control Global Notification Settings Managing Data Transfer Connections Setting Network Traffic Rules Preferred networks Creating Virtual Machine Backups 3-2-1 Rule Backup Methods Changed Block Tracking Data size optimization Storage integration Creating VM/File Copy Jobs Scheduling Creating Restore Points with VeeamZIP Creating Restore Points with Quick Backup Creating Agent Backups Why Agents? Veeam Agents for Microsoft Windows Veeam Agents for Linux Veeam Agent Management Protection Groups Agent Jobs Recovery from Backup Instant VM Recovery Full VM Recovery VM File Recovery Extract UtilityObject Recovery Application-Item Recovery o Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange o Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Sharepoint o Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Active Directory o Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SQL Server o Veeam Explorer for Oracle Guest OS File Recovery Instant File Level Recovery Creating Replicas Insight into Replication Reducing Amount of Transferred Data Resume on Disconnect Recovery from Replicas Recovery from a Replica Failover Failback Failover Plan Planned Failover Creating Backup Copies Backup Copy Job Functionality Backup Copy Process Backup Copy Architecture Retention Policy GFS Description GFS Illustration Additional Options Creating Tape Backups Send Files and Backups to Tape Backup Options Tape Server Organization in Tape Infrastructure Virtual Synthesized Full Backup for Tapes Tape Parallel Processing GFS Media Pools Backup Repository Functionality Impact of File Systems Impact on Destination Storage Scale Out Backup Repository o Performance Tier o Capacity Tier Support for Deduplicating Storage SystemsAutomated Recovery Testing SureBackup Recovery Verification SureReplica Recovery Verification On-Demand Sandbox Staged Restore What is Staged Restore? How does Staged Restore Work? Requirements and Limitations Secure Restore What is Secure Restore? Transport Modes Data Retrieval Direct Storage Access Virtual Appliance Mode Network Mode Storage Integration Cloud Connect Client Side What is Veeam Cloud Connect? Architecture Deleted Backup Protection Start using Veeam Cloud Connect Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Optional Components: VBEM vSphere Web Client Plug-in Veeam ONE What is it? Components Deployment Veeam ONE Monitor Veeam One Reporter Veeam ONE: Use as an Assessment Tool Configuration Backup and Restore Performing Configuration Backup and Restore Creating Configuration Backups Restoring Configuration Data Common Issues and Support Performing Configuration Backup and Restore Creating Configuration Backup"
Price: 19.99 |
"Converge Course" |
"When you choose not to follow the crowd and after you have already been on a short-term Christian mission, that's when you realize you need to do more. You want to really make a difference. With the Converge Course, you will prepare to do a personalized missions project. Hi, Im John Henry. Welcome to Converge where we know that everyone has a calling, following the crowd will not bring transformation, and a personalized missions project is the best way to discover your purpose.The Converge Course is required for all approved participants with the official YWAM Converge Internships program. However, if you have not been applied with YWAM Converge, you can take this course on your own. Whether you are an individual, or part of a group, preparing for a Christian outreach, this course will help you and your group make a difference. This is an advanced level discipleship and leadership development course. Let's go make a difference."
Price: 29.99 |
"Pitch Perfeito - O elevator pitch de impacto" |
"Aprenda como montar um pitch que ir atrair um ou mais investidores para a sua Startup. O curso Pitch Perfeito aborda os principais pontos de um pitch, da estrutura, passando pela forma e como se posicionar, com vrios exemplos e contando com a experincia de um instrutor que j assistiu centenas de pitchs como investidor, e j faz milhares de apresentaes."
Price: 174.99 |
"Data Science Interview Questions and Answers" |
"Welcome! If you're interested in the exciting world of data science, but don't know where to start, then this is the beginning for you.Data Science course description:Hands-On Data science and Machine learning course designed to impart the training to understand the scientific techniques to extract meaning and insights from data. A data scientist requires skill sets spanning mathematics, statistics, machine learning and knowledge of data analytics software like Python, R and SAS. This course designed to introduce participants to this rapidly growing field and equip them with some of its basic principles and frequently used tools as well as its general mindset. Participants will learn concepts, techniques and tools they need to deal with various facets of data science practice, including data collection and integration, machine learning exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, descriptive modeling, Algorithm techniques, Linear algebra, evaluation, and effective communication. Emphasis placed on integration and synthesis of concepts and their application to solving real life problems. To make the learning contextual, case studies from a variety of disciplines used in this course.Machine learningTo automate analytical model building we use Machine learning. Machine learning is a field of research that enable computers to learn from data. ML uses to recognize objects in images, to identify meaning in text and trends in data involving a variety of useful techniques that can be applied to big data.SoftwareIn the field data science Python, R and SAS are the three most popular languages. Let me explain you about these three languagesR - R is the common language of statistics. R is a free and open source programming language used to perform advanced data analysis tasks.Python Python is very powerful and multi-purpose language, free and open source programming language which has become very popular in data science due to its active community and data mining libraries.SAS SAS has been the global analytics leader in the enterprise analytics space. It offers a huge array of statistical functions. Easy to work with a good GUI for people to learn quickly and provides excellent technical support.If you are looking to start a career in data science or to gain the skills to be able to transition to this field in the future. Then you are probably doing some research on which of these three programming languages you should learn first to maximize your chances of landing your dream job. Should you focus on mastering R? Or would be it better to make SAS a priority? Or should you learn Python?This program will help to develop all the required skill to become a successful data scientist."
Price: 12800.00 |
"Natural Language Processing/Sentiment Analysis" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar python para analizar textos. Comenzaremos con grficos de dispersin de palabras, Distribucin de Frecuencias Relativas de palabras, distribucin de longitud de palabras, Tokenizar, y algunas funciones para encontrar hapaxes. Igualmente les ensear a usar loops y condicionales (ifs y fors) que son conceptos de programacin bsica en python que nos ayudar a procesar distintos tipos de texto; desde novelas como Moby Dick hasta discursos presidenciales."
Price: 270.00 |
"MasterClass Algoritmos de MACHINE LEARNING" |
"Neste curso o aluno entender afundo todos os conceitos matemticos e estatsticos por trs de cada algoritmosaindo capaz de implementar solues prprias para resolver diversos problemas tanto pessoais quanto profissionais.Domine algoritmos como:ARVORES DE DECISOSVMREGRESSO LOGISTICA KNNREGRESSO LINEARREGRESSO LINEAR MULTIPLAEleve sua carreira para o proximo nvel e se torne um especialista em algoritmos inteligentes Oportunidades no surgem. voc que as cria Chris Grosser"
Price: 579.99 |
"VeriSM Foundation - Material y Test de Practica" |
"VeriSM Foundation - Material y Test de Practica - Certifcate este 2020VeriSM describe un enfoque de gestin de servicios desde el nivel organizacional, teniendo en cuenta a toda la organizacin en toda su extensin en lugar de centrarse en un solo departamento. Basado en el modelo VeriSM, el mismo muestra a las organizaciones cmo pueden adoptar una variedad de prcticas de gestin de una manera flexible para entregar el producto o servicio correcto en el momento adecuado a sus consumidores. VeriSM permite un enfoque personalizado en funcin de su tipo de negocio, el tamao de su organizacin, las prioridades de su negocio, su cultura organizacional e incluso la naturaleza del proyecto o servicio individual en el que est trabajando. En lugar de centrarse en una forma de trabajo prescriptiva ayuda a las organizaciones a responder a sus consumidores y entregar valor al integrar prcticas de gestin de servicios. VeriSM le muestra cmo encajar sus actuales y efectivas formas de trabajo dentro de un contexto organizacional global y adoptar de manera flexible diferentes prcticas de gestin para cumplir con las diferentes situaciones de gestin de servicios.Este curso incluyeDocumentos de estudio para preparar la certificacin en PDF. Gua de Preparacin. (Espaol)FAQ (Ingls)Basic Concepts Simulador de 40 preguntas de seleccin mltiple de apoyo para la certificacin, en la cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al examen real, marcando tu respuesta y ver al final el puntaje obtenido, en cada intento las preguntas se ordenan aleatoriamente, de esta forma puedes ejercitar todas las veces que estimes conveniente.ImportanteLuego de comprar este curso debes indicarme tu correo electrnico va mensaje interno para enviarte el material.Curso Avalado por empresa de capacitacin y certificacin Partner de EXIN.Promocin AdicionalPor el hecho de comprar este curso, puedes solicitar por interno la compra de tu VOUCHER de la certificacin VeriSM Foundation en espaol con un descuento. De manera que puedas certificarte desde cualquier computador conectado a Internet."
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Security: A Hands-on Approach" |
"This course focuses on a variety of attacks on computer systems. Some of them are classical attacks, and some are quite new, such as the recently discovered Dirty COW, Meltdown, and Spectre attacks. The course emphasizes hands-on learning. For each attack covered, students not only learn how the attack work in theory, they also learn how to actually conduct the attack, in a contained virtual machine environment. The hands-on exercises developed by the instructor are called SEED labs, and they are being used by over 1000 institutes worldwide. The course is based on the textbook written by the instructor. The book, titled ""Computer & Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach, 2nd Edition"", has been adopted by over 120 universities and colleges worldwide."
Price: 49.99 |
"Dance Music Production in FL Studio (EDM)" |
"This Course will provide you all information needed to make your own EDM Track in just 5 minutes or 1 hour depends how good you want your track to be. I will provide you information about plugins, effects, sound packs for start, then I will explain standard usage of FL Studio, then I will teach you how to create each element inside EDM Music such as kick, cymbal, snare and more. After that I will provide you information for your own track. So to wrap it up, I will teach you step by step from complete beginner to Pro!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Adobe After Effects 101 Pro motion graphics with easing" |
"Have you ever wondered how professional motion designers make those smooth and polished animations? Well, sometimes it all comes down to their ability to work with time and accelerations. If you have the basics knowledge of Adobe After Effects (have a look at my other courses if you don't), it's time to step up the game and give your animations that professional look and feel everyone wants to see.Lessons1. Introduction to the course2. How the world moves3. Linear and bezier keyframes4. The Graph Editor5. A bouncing ballPrerequisitesAdobe After Effects 101 From newbie to your first video (see my profile)."
Price: 29.99 |
"Hubspot For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020" |
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.Hubspot For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Hubspot For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Account Plans and Pricing2 - Account Plans and PricingSection 3: Courses and Certifications3 - Courses and Certifications4 - Account OpeningSection 4: Managing Your Contacts5 - Importing Contacts6 - Managing Contacts and Companies7 - Connecting TeamsSection 5: Manaing Your Hubspot8 - Manaing Your Hubspot Inbox9 - Creating a Chatflow for Messenger - Part 110 - Creating a Chatflow for Messenger - Part 2Section 6: Snippets & Templates11 - Creating Snippets12 - Creating Templates13 - Broadcast E-Mail and TrackingSection 7: Ad Accounts & Leads Capture14 - Connect Ad Accounts15 - Creating Lead Capture Forms16 - Managing Client DealsSection 8: Contacts & Analytics17 - Managing Team Activities18 - Engage Your Hubspot Contacts19 - Reports and AnalyticsSection 9: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 109.99 |
"Curso Completo de Microsoft Access (todas las versiones)" |
"Curso Completo de Microsoft Access (todas las versiones). Con este curso se aprender a crear una Base de Datos en Microsoft Access de inicio a fin, tanto a nivel particular, como a nivel profesional. Desde el paso 1, creacin de las Tablas, hasta el ltimo paso, cifrado de contrasea a la BBDD."
Price: 199.99 |
PR-Premiere2020- |
"Premiere+++PRPR 2020PRAdobePRWindowsMac1PR2PRPR3PR4PR"
Price: 24.99 |
"VCE Chemistry Units 3/4: Interactive Course" |
"VCE CHEMISTRY 3/4 ONLINE INTERACTIVE COURSE - LIMITED OFFER LAUNCHING PRICEHave you ever been struggling with a topic taught poorly by your teachers or tutors and then you come across a magical YouTube video that actually helps you completely understand the topic? Well imagine that but a magical video for every concept in VCE Chemistry!While you may normally pay $30/hour for weekly lessons (or even more for some money-hungry tutors), that adds up to over $1000 a year. This course has the exact same content, presented in a much more concise and exam focused manner for almost $1000 LESS!This is a comprehensive NO BS VCE Chemistry course designed and created through 100s of hours of hard work, background of 3+ years of privately tutoring VCE Chemistry and seeing the common struggles and pitfalls of students. What does it include?50+ SHORT AND CONCISE VIDEOS covering Unit 3 and 4 guided by the 2016-2021 study design5 X WRITTEN PRACTICE SACs with worked solutions for every area of study.COMPREHENSIVE SET OF WRITTEN DOWNLOADABLE NOTES (100 + pages) for every topic to accompany video lessons.EXAMS TIPS & TRICKS from someone who has achieved highly (49 RAW) and spent the last 3 years mastering how to equip students with the skills to do the same. EXPLAINED PRACTICE QUESTIONS all throughout lessons with worked solutions to reinforce knowledge.How it works?Created on UDEMY (The largest and most professional online course platform) with online and offline access.PAY ONCE AND OWN FOREVER: making it more accessible and affordable for students (30-day refunds are available if you are not happy with the course)Watch the videos at your own pace coming back to them whenever you want. Download, print and complete the comprehensive set of 100+ pages written notes parallel to the video to consolidate knowledge.Is this for you?If want an affordable but a high-quality tutoring experience for VCE Chemistry accessible anytime at your finger tips. If you often struggle with concepts being taught by teachers or inexperienced tutors and tend to forget things as soon as you leave the classroom. If you prefer to learn at your own pace whether that be going ahead of your school or slowing down and revising concepts. If you not only want to learn the concepts, but also learn how to answer exam and SAC style questions to achieve a high study score. If you dont want to pay for absurd hourly rates to private tutors with no skill or experience and just their study score to show.Click the link above to purchase or view the 4 FREE trial videos to see if the course would be beneficial to you."
Price: 59.99 |
"Tapas (Espaolas)" |
"Con este curso quiero inspirar a los amantes de la cocina. En l podemos encontrar variedad de tapas, donde aprenders a cocinar recetas ricas, fciles y que resultar a la vez muy entretenido. Vamos a aprender a cocinarlas, degustarlos y divertirnos. Vamos a ello!!!!Espero que disfruten y aprendan mucho del curso.GRACIAS"
Price: 29.99 |
"DEV-401 Sales Force Building Applications with Visual Exam" |
"174 UNIQUE practice questions for DEV-401 Sales Force Building Applications with Visual ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : DEV-401 Sales Force Building Applications with Visual ExamTotal Questions : 174Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (130 of 174)"
Price: 164.99 |
"PMI-ACP Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"144 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-ACP Agile Certified Practitioner Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-ACP Agile Certified Practitioner Practice ExamTotal Questions : 144Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (108 of 144)"
Price: 149.99 |
"Certified Cloud Security Professional - Mock Test" |
"Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)The CCSP is ideal for IT and information security leaders responsible for applying best practices to cloud security architecture, design, operations and service orchestration, including those in the following positions:Enterprise ArchitectSecurity AdministratorSystems EngineerSecurity ArchitectSecurity ConsultantSecurity EngineerSecurity ManagerSystems Architect(ISC) and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) developed the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) credential to ensure that cloud security professionals have the required knowledge, skills, and abilities in cloud security design, implementation, architecture, operations, controls, and compliance with regulatory frameworks. A CCSP applies information security expertise to a cloud computing environment and demonstrates competence in cloud security architecture, design, operations, and service orchestration. This professional competence is measured against a globally recognized body of knowledge. The CCSP is a standalone credential that complements and builds upon existing credentials and educational programs, including (ISC)s Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and CSAs Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK).The topics included in the CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of cloud security. Successful candidates are competent in the following 6 domains:1. Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design 17%2. Cloud Data Security 19%3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security 17%4. Cloud Application Security 17%5. Cloud Security Operations 17%6. Legal, Risk and Compliance 13%Experience RequirementsCandidates must have a minimum of 5 years cumulative paid work experience in information technology, of which 3 years must be in information security and 1 year in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning CSAs CCSK certificate can be substituted for 1 year of experience in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning (ISC)s CISSP credential can be substituted for the entire CCSP experience requirement.A candidate that doesnt have the required experience to become a CCSP may become an Associate of (ISC) by successfully passing the CCSP examination. The Associate of (ISC) will then have 6 years to earn the 5 years required experience.CCSP Examination InformationLength of exam - 3 hoursNumber of questions - 125Question format - Multiple choicePassing grade - 700 out of 1000 points"
Price: 19.99 |
"Yeni Balayanlar in Portre izimi" |
"Portre izimi ile ilgili temel bilgileri renmek, yzn ayrntlarn kolay ve kalc tekniklerle izmek, glgelendirme, l alma ve modelleme gibi nemli izim yntemlerini uygulayabilmek, iyi bir portre izimi iin nemli ipularn yakalamak,model ve ressam ilikisinin nanslarn bilmek,karakalem tekniklerini daha etkin kullanmakiin siz ressam adaylarna faydal olmas adna zenle hazrlanm bir yetenek kursu"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fondamenti di Microsoft Excel" |
"In questo corso inizierai dalle basi del software in modo che, se non hai mai usato Excel, tu possa comunque essere in grado di seguire le lezioni.Dopo aver appreso le basi il corso ti fornir gli strumenti per aumentare il tuo grado di preparazione e di utilizzo sul software attraverso lezioni specifiche sui vari argomenti.Le lezioni si svolgeranno su argomenti specifici attraverso teoria ed esempi pratici sul campo per meglio illustrare gli argomenti."
Price: 174.99 |
"SolarWinds Certified Professional Exam" |
"Everyone who wants to increase their knowledge in SCP should take this exam.Becoming a SolarWinds Certified Professional (SCP) helps ensure you have the technical expertise to effectively use and maintain SolarWinds network and systems management products. Earn a SolarWinds Certified Professional certificate to improve your marketability as an IT professional and stand out from the crowd."
Price: 199.99 |
"Cloud Technology Concepts" |
"The Cloud technology Concepts test or Cloud computing technology allows people to use the digital resources stored in the virtual space by way of networks - often satellite networks.It can allows people to share information and applications across the internet without being the restriction of their physical location . This course is highly recommended for everyone who wants to increase their knowledge in Cloud technology Concepts test."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fundamental Cloud Computing" |
"Cloud computing is a comprehensive solution that delivers IT as a service. It is an Internet-based computing solution where shared resources are provided like electricity distributed on the electrical grid. Computers in the cloud are configured to work together and the various applications use the collective computing power as if they are running on a single system.The flexibility of cloud computing is a function of the allocation of resources on demand. This facilitates the use of the systems cumulative resources, negating the need to assign specific hardware to a task. Before cloud computing, websites and server-based applications were executed on a specific system. With the advent of cloud computing, resources are used as an aggregated virtual computer. This amalgamated configuration provides an environment where applications execute independently without regard for any particular configuration"
Price: 199.99 |
uavamwgr |
"1: 2: 3: 5:() 6:() 7:() 8:() 9:() 10:() 11:() 12:() 13:14:"
Price: 3600.00 |
"Data Structures and Algorithms for EVERYONE" |
"This course explains the logic behind the data structures and algorithms. By using animation essential data structures and algorithms are explained. Regardless of knowledge level of programming, this course is for all students and all programmers who want to pass job interviews and get deep knowledge about how algorithms and data structures work. Topics Include.Part I - Data StructuresArraysListsLinked ListsStackQueueHast TablesHeapsBinary Search TreesPart II - AlgorithmsBubble SortSelection SortInsertion SortMerge SortQuick SortK meansLinear SearchBinary SearchBreadth First SearchDepth First SearchDijkstras Algorithm"
Price: 199.99 |
"vol.2 !!" |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Informtica Bsica desde Cero. Windows 10 y Office 2019" |
"QUIERES APRENDER COMPUTACION?En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para que puedas desenvolverte perfectamente frente al computador, ya seas un usuario sin conocimientos o un usuario intermedio.Iniciaremos con las partes del computador e inmediatamente con el Sistema Operativo Windows 10, el ms utilizado y actualizado en el mercado hoy en da.Aprenders a realizar todo tipo de documentos, desde los ms bsicos, hasta los ms complejos con Microsoft WordAprenders a utilizar Microsoft Excel, la hoja de clculo ms poderosa del mercado y que te abrir muchas puertas en el campo laboral.Crearas excelentes presentaciones con Microsoft PowerPoint, herramienta imprescindible para estudiantes, profesionales, empresas y ms.Tambin aprenders a mantener tu computador optimizado, rpido y libre de virus, lo que te permitir ahorrar mucho tiempo y dinero.El curso est diseado con las ltimas versiones de Microsoft, como lo son Windows 10 y Office 2019, son fciles de utilizar y con muchas ms prestaciones que las versiones anteriores.Abarcaremos un total de 6 temas, ms de 50 lecciones, vdeos de alta calidad y prcticas que te permitirn ir aprendiendo rpidamente.Contars con soporte Online donde podrs realizarme preguntas desde la misma plataforma, de esta manera te garantizo un aprendizaje exitoso.A quin va dirigido este curso?- Personas de todas las edades.- Personas que tienen muy pocos conocimientos de computacin o casi nulos.- Personas con conocimientos de computacin pero que desean profundizarlos y actualizarse.El curso es 100% Online, puedes acceder en cualquier lugar, desde tu computador, Tablet o telfono inteligente, sin restricciones de horario y avanzar a tu propio ritmo.Al aprobar el curso te otorgaremos un Certificado.Aprovecha esta excelente oportunidad y espero verte muy pronto!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Master Grammar by Learning from Sketch Comedy and Pop Music!" |
"Ever wish you were actually taught the grammar you needed to know to do well in high school, in college, or in your professional lives thereafter? Ever try to start to Google it but realize it's too boring and inaccessible because you never even learned what a preposition or a pronoun was? If you're like most people, you never got the knowledge you deserve. The knowledge you need to up your game and crush it in your work, no matter what you do. Well, we at Prepmedians want to help you get to that next level.In this comprehensive course, the Prepmedians, prep comedians, will lead you through all the grammar fundamentals you need to know to be able to write confidently with masterful grammar. The course takes the curriculum that Kalyan Ray-Mazumder developed during his time coaching students for the SAT/ACT/GMAT and helped the majority of them earn 95th+ percentiles on their English sections regardless of where they started. He realized the following during his time tutoring:There's a system to learning the English language in the most efficient and effective way possible: one must start with the building blocks (the parts of speech), then learn how they connect into clauses, then learn how clauses can connect into sentences with punctuation, and then learn how sentences can work with one another to convey meaning.Learning all of this content can be really fun and hilarious, especially when taught through sketch comedy and pop music videos with Broadway singer-actors and sketch comedians. Indeed, our program (for the full SAT/ACT at our Prepmedians site) consistently receives mostly 5/5s on entertainment and education and has been trusted by major national nonprofits and school systems.Making it fun actually makes learning the system more effective and longer-lasting. Imagine if you never learned the alphabet song; how much more difficult would it have been to memorize those 26 letters if not for it? We teach grammar from A to Zangling modifiers in the same research-backed edutainment style, so that when your emotions are engaged, you pay attention, learn, and retain at a much deeper level.So come on in and join the club: we have no doubt that you'll laugh. You'll learn. You'll crush it.Specific grammar mechanics you'll master: *Parts of speech*Independent versus dependent clauses*Punctuation rules (learn how to finally use a semi-colon, colon, em-dash)*Pronouns (subject, object, reflexive, relative)*Verb tenses (simple, perfect, pluperfect etc.)*Subject-verb agreement*Idioms*Possessives*Comparatives/superlatives*Parallelism*Dangling Modifiers*So much more!Includes 275+ questions (pre-video and post-video quizzes to immediately test your comprehension and two comprehensive practice tests to prove mastery) with complete answer explanations!It's time to seize the knowledge you deserve."
Price: 69.99 |
"SAP Abap (C_TAW12_750) Certification Practice Tests/MCQ" |
"Exam Questions similar to actual SAP Certified Development Associate -(C_TAW12_750) ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50 Certification.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts.After taking the practice test you can at-least get 70 to 80% on the actual Sap exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual SAP Certified Development Associate -(C_TAW12_750) ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50 Certification. Topic AreasABAP Programming > 12%ABAP Dictionary > 12%Data Types and Data Objects 8% - 12%Classical User Interfaces 8% - 12%SQL Statements including Update Strategies 8% - 12%Enhancements and Modifications 8% - 12%ABAP Objects 8% - 12%Web Dynpro for ABAP < 8%SAP NetWeaver Overview < 8%Internal Tables < 8%ABAP Tools < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Development Associate -(C_TAW12_750) ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 59%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePractice ExamTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 240Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePassing Score : 70%"
Price: 39.99 |