"Complete guide to being a Business English Teacher success" |
"In this course, you will learn the strategy behind making a good living as a freelance English teacher. Let's be honest for a second, the market is saturated with ""English teachers"" which means that language companies get to pay you pennies for your services and potential customers around your area can get someone off eBay and pay them minimum wage. So how can we still do something we enjoy and earn enough money? Well, that's what you will learn in this course. You will also learn to create a brand for yourself and set yourself apart from other teachers around your area. My goal is to help you transition from being an English teacher to being THE English teacher everyone wants to have. Are you ready to do things differently? Then congratulations, you have made the first step to achieving what you have been waiting for.How can your life change when you do the same thing over and over? Give yourself permission to evolve and grow as a business. Attention though, this course is not a get rich type of course. It took me a few months to achieve this so be aware that you need to put work into it and step away from your comfort zone because your results will depend on your effort. This course is suited for people starting out as well as teachers who have been in the field for a while yet are still having issues. I will also be updating this course with new resources and strategies as we go along. It is my first time giving my strategies to others and there is so much I'd like to show you but let's get you started. I am looking very forward to seeing you in my course and congratulations once again for taking your first step to making a change in your life. Sincerely,Jeury Tavares"
Price: 199.99 |
"Uygulamal Siber Gvenlik leri Seviye Hacking" |
"Kurs balag itibari ile ksaca network yapsn ve iletiimini , ardndan kriptoloji hakknda genel bilgi seviyesini arttrmay hedeflemektedir. Ardndan Linux komutlar ve linux dizinleri ve yetkileri hakknda bilgi vermektedir. Bu ksmlarn ardndan saldr evresinde kullanlan aralar ve saldrnn metodolojisi uygulamal olarak tm rencilerimize gsterilmektedir. Eitim Sonunda bir sistemin nasl hacklenebileceini, web uygulama saldr teknikleri ve zafiyetlerini, Network saldrlarn , Password saldrlarn, pasif ve aktif bilgi toplama evresindeki bilgiler ile nasl exploit ilemi gerekletirilir gibi sorularn cevabn bulabileceksiniz. Kurs ierisinde uygulamal olarak iki hedef makine zerinde bir ok hacking ilemi gerekletirilecektir."
Price: 49.99 |
"Private equity: Concept for financing like Hegde funds" |
"In this course you will be learning valuable financial markets concepts, rules and ways to find the value of a variety of Asset and financial securities. You will learn how to calculate the future value of an asset, understand the concept of compounding, IRR rule and the Gordon growth model, also you will learn how to find the value of a stock before investing in it."
Price: 34.99 |
"Turn your photo to cartoon using Vector art" |
"This course for all those people who are desired to learn how to create cartoon/vector art from any photo,This is the simplest course you will ever learn.This course containsHere in this course I am not only going to teach you the tools but also the skills that you need to create any art on Photoshop or any other software so in this course I will give you a proper knowledge about every part of the face and also detailed video about every part of the face from creating vector face nose or creating vector eye. This course is highly focused on the vector creation so after taking this course you will be able to create vector face art easily after doing a little bit practice.Why choose this choose this course??I am a professional vector art artist so i know what art the important part to cover while creating a vector and this course is fully detailed about everything about creating a vector from nose to hairs in this course you will learn the main fundamentals of the creating a face art in Photoshop and I will go step by step first I will teach you the most important tool that is the pen tool in Photoshop then we will understand the picture selection for vector art and base of vector art then we will start creating parts of face like nose and eyes at the end I will create 1 fully detailed vector to teach you how to complete a vector art.What you will learn from this course?After this course you will be able to make vector arts as per your choice, work for clients and even you can be a freelancer.Also you will be professional in using the pen toolWhere you can apply after learning vector artYou can apply on Freelancer, fiverr , upwork and many other freelancing sites.So why are you waiting for take this course and start learning today!If you feel any query you can ask."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Kids English" |
"Nowadays our kids need to listen to other people other than their parents. Although I am an English teacher, my kids enjoy doing things with other people.Children will start learning English as soon as they start watching our English lessons filled with animated cartoons, surprises and repetitions. Learning English for kids is easy with English learning lessons.If you want to learn the English language in the best way you must complete our courses carefully prepared for your esteemed side without skipping any one of them."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cyber Security for End Users -Absolute beginners course 2020" |
"This course teaches you the basics of Cyber Security, as an absolute beginner. We have assumed that you are not a technical person, so all knowledge has been broken down to the simplest form for you to understand sophisticated acts of Cyber Crime in the year 2020 and beyond! Topics taught are the following: 1 - IntroductionUnderstanding Malware2 - What is Malware3 - What is a Virus4 - What is a Worm5 - What is a Trojan6 - What is a RAT7 - What is Ransomware8 - What is Bitcoin9 - Ransomware Cryptography10 - What are Botnets11 - Botnets and Internet of Things Devices12 - What is Spyware13 - What is Adware14 - What is a Rootkit15 - What is a KeyloggerUnderstanding the Mind of the Hacker Part 116 - How Malware is spread part 117 - How Malware is spread part 218- Avoid visiting pirate sites19- Use genuine and updatable software20 - The HR Problem21 - Social Engineering22 - Anti viruses23 - Emails from Unscripulous SourcesUnderstanding Modified Files24 - Software Advise25 - Modified Executable Applications26 - Modified Music and Photo Files27 - Installing Modified Executable Applications28 - Opening a Photo Trojan29 - Opening a mp3 TrojanLive Attack Lab30 - Lab - Attacking a Computer with Ransomware31 - Lab - Attacking a Computer with Ransomware continuedUnderstanding the Mind of the Hacker Part 232 - Watering Hole attack33 - Managing Passwords34 - Backing Up35 - DNS36 - Search Engines37 - Dating Sites38 - Social MediaThe Underground Economy39 - The Underground Economy40 - Need for Risk Management41 - Outro"
Price: 104.99 |
"Luxusuhren Investment" |
"Uhren sind lohnende Investments. Freilich nicht alle Uhren, sondern nur bestimmte, besondere, ausgewhlte.Aber auch nicht so besonders, dass man sie nicht einfach kaufen knnte. Einige davon wenigstens. Wie Sie erkennen, welches Investment in diese Anlageform sich lohnt, dazu dient dieses Buch.Wie alle Luxusgter muss eine Uhr selten und nachgefragt sein, um im Preis zu steigen. Daher fallen alle Konsumgter in ihrem Wert nicht aber Luxusgter: Luxusgter sind selten, nicht in Massen verfgbar, knapp, haltbar, zeitlos, damit wertstabil und somit gefragt.Dieses Buch wird Ihnen alle Details des Investments in Luxusuhren knapp und auf die entscheidenden Informationen fokussiert prsentieren, sodass Sie, nachdem Sie es gelesen haben, unmittelbar ihre Erste Uhr als Investment kaufen knnen."
Price: 99.99 |
"Be creative- Design,Develop a website from scratch" |
"Featured here in this course- A quick brush up section that contains explanation about - All the essential Html tags used in the course -Different types of CSS styling (Inline,Internal,External)with examples -Different ways of applying style properties(Tag ,Id selector,Class selector)with examples-Background: Different types of backgrounds explained (Simple,Partition,Fixed,Changing)-Navigation: Different types of navigation explained(Text,image,button,navigation with co-ordinates)-Button: Explanation on -How to design a simple button to animated button, -How to apply different style properties for a button, -How to get code from button generators online, -How to design a vertical and horizontal navigation bar with button properties-Audio and video: Explanation on -How to include audio and video files -How to include background music and background video -Video background ExplainedEmbedding features: Explanation on -How to embed essential widgets (For ex: Clock, Calendar,Weather,Calculator,Dictionary etc.,) -How to link external website -How to add text animations -How to embed pdf and mapsWebsite Layout: Explained -Logo Positioning -Div styling -Div PositioningResponsive Design: Explained View port elements and ways to create website that fit to different display size.Sample Website 1: Curriculum vitae websiteSample Website 2: Portfolio websiteSample Website 3: Event WebsiteSample Website 4: Text animated websiteResources: Copies of all the code used during the session has been uploaded for reference."
Price: 19.99 |
"3 Combo Strategy - Forex Price Action Swing Trading Strategy" |
"3 Combo Strategy Video Course - SWING TRADINGGet 86 step by step videos and Master Price Action TradingThis is COMPLETE fully working Forex Swing Trading Strategy!!!Myfxbook verified 100%86 step by step videos12 hours of contentStep by step analysis process (explained)Simple Entry Check List30+ Live Trading Examples - Indepth WalkthroughComplete Traders TOOLKIT.pdf (downloadable)About Strategy:Forex Market (all major & minor pairs)Pure Price Action TradingSwing Trading StrategyDaily, 4 hourly, 1 hourly timeframeAdvanced Price Action TechniquesOne trading setup strategy (pure clarity, no confusion)Pending orders (no active screen time)Secure consistent profits each month (no get rich quick)Strategy is suitable for busy people who can check charts 1 - 3 times per day.Enroll and get 86 Step by step videos Today!Master Price Action Swing Trading Today!See you inside of the course :)Take care!"
Price: 89.99 |
"Crash course: Data analytics in Python using Pandas" |
"The demand for data engineers is greater than ever. So, there is no better time to upskill; learn Python and specifically data engineering.I'll take you through the core concepts of dataframes, which are a key data structure within Pandas. We'll learn to ingest, clean and analyse the data and by the end of the course, you'll be in a position to use Python & Pandas on your own data to extract valuable insight.For this course, you'll need some basic Python knowledge, which you can gain from my FREE No Nonsense Python course here on Udemy.You will need to have Python installed and the Pandas library installed - which you can do using 'pip install pandas'."
Price: 19.99 |
"(HINDI) Manifest Love With The Law Of Attraction" |
"Change your Life In 21 Days- Law Of Attraction CourseLearn What is Law of Attraction and How to Use It.Manifestation Using Law Of Attraction and Guided MeditationLearn Practical Techniques and methods Of Shrimad Bhagwad geeta for Law Of AttractionLearn How to Grow Business or how to Attract Money into your life Using Law Of AttractionLearn how to Solve relationship or Love related Issue Using Law of AttractionLearn Manifestation with Practicals.About The Trainer:Rishabh Gautam is a Law of Attraction and Guided Meditation Coach and Motivational Speaker From India.He is Devoting his Life Towards Educating and Empowering Youth To achive Their Goals into their Life.With The Vision To change the View of Mis-Beliefs Rishabh is Working to Transform and create a Successful MindsetSYLLABUSHow to Attract How to Attract Love Manifest Anything You WantReprogram Your Subconscious Mind.Affirmation and VisualizationMeditation For Healthy Mind,Body and SoulFor all Problem One solution:Law Of Attraction"
Price: 6080.00 |
"Confidence Booster Formula" |
"Exams are fast approaching. So obviously students are under high stress as well as their parents. Under this situation they will loose their confidence and concentration in their studies. It is common amongst the student to have lack of confidence and exam phobia. Through my course, one can come out of this situation and gain confidence which will help them to achieve their goal. This course will help you to remove hurdles of confidence. My course consists of simple techniques, easy to follow and practice. This shall boost the confidence very quickly."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Mtodo 3M: Como sair das dvidas sem fazer emprstimo." |
"O Mtodo 3M um curso super completo para voc quer quer sair das dvidas mas no tem um passo a passo para seguir.Ele foi criado por mim aps tambm sofrer de preocupaes com as dvidas.Foram mais de 30 mil reais de prejuzo at eu entender de verdade como as coisas funcionam aqui no Brasil.O que voc vai aprender fruto de milhares de reais e anos em estudo para chegar a um mtodo que fosse simples mas que ao mesmo tempo tivesse o poder de levar tranquilidade financeira na vida das pessoas endividadas..Hoje, essa estratgia para sair das dvidas comprovada por dezenas e dezenas de pessoas, inclusive pessoas que j haviam fracassado anteriormente. um treinamento completo 100% online em vdeo aulas. Ele foi feito para voc que:Quer Quitar as dvidas e dar um basta nisso.Sonha Vivendo Sem Dvidas, Sem Ligaes de Cobrana, sem Nome Sujo, Sem Estresse e Preocupaes Ms a MsDeseja proporcionar qualidade de vida para voc, seu filhos e famlia para viverem sossegadosNo quer passar a vida toda precisando trabalhar s para pagar dvidas e deixar de aproveitar a vida.Quer pagar dvidas com descontos de at 90%Quer aprender a fazer renda extra.Quer ter um 2020 melhor do que 2019Alguns exemplos de resultados obtivos atravs do mtodo""Se somar tudo paguei 60 mil em dvidas""A gente est conseguindo pagar uma conta atrs da outra e para a gente uma vitria porque um tempo atrs a gente estava muito oprimido, recm casado e com vrias contas para pagar, a gente trabalha preocupado com as contas que tem que pagar e as vezes o dinheiro no dava. Graas ao seu mtodo, a gente conseguiu saldar vrias dvidas. A auto estima est l em cima. Obrigado""Hoje posso dizer que estou tranquila, durmo bem e que minha vida melhorou bastante, eu nunca tinha conseguido guardar dinheiro. J eliminei as duas dvidas do raio x das dvidas, hoje me sinto feliz e vou continuar aplicando o que aprendi. Obrigada.Benefcios do cursoO principal benefcio do curso aprender a estratgia completa, passo a passo para te fazer voltar a ter 100% do seu salrio disponvel para voc e no para as dvidas. Assim como aconteceu com vrios alunos e alunas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Modelando Serpente (Cinema 4D)" |
"Neste curso o aluno vai aprender a modelar uma serpente do inicio ao fim, usando o cinema 4D. Um programa completo para executar qualquer trabalho.Todo o projeto foi elabora dentro do cinema 4D onde abordaremos tcnicas de modelagem e modificadores. Este curso levar o aluno para para um nvel mais profissional no mercado."
Price: 54.99 |
"ncelikleriyle After Effects" |
"Bu kursta After Effects'i ncelikleriyle Beraber Kolayca renebilirsiniz!Tool'larn kullanm , Basit animasyon yapma, Template kullanm, Oto efekt ayarlar , Plugin'lere genel bak ve dahas!Kurs ierii yeni balayanlara yneliktir. Kademeli bir ekilde ilerleyerek video dzenleme bilginizi gelitirebilirsiniz.Kurs her hafta gncellenecektir. Yaplacak canl dersler ile de birebir eitim alabilirsiniz. 7/24 Sorularnz sorup canl destek alabilirsiniz :)Canl Dersler Her Hafta Perembe Saat 12:00'da ! Canl Ders linki iin mesaj atnz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Spiritual Journey using Critical Problem Solving" |
"Do you ever see the same issues keep reappearing? This could be caused by curses in your life. There are many curses that we are unaware of, some of which are generational. Dr. Dean developed tools while using critical thinking to guide you in turning curses to blessings. Join us to learn about Revelations in Bible Stories that will guide you into your own Revelation. This will give you an eternal mindset that will allow the Holy Spirit to unlock Blessings in your life."
Price: 54.99 |
"Plan Your Dream Wedding In Eight Months" |
"OMG! You just got engaged. Congratulations! OR maybe youve been engaged for a little and now youre ready to get this show on the roll. Either way- Im happy for you and I want to help. If youre like most, you dont even know where to begin. No worries- I got you covered. In this course Ill show you exactly how to piece it all together while not taking forever during the process. You will be walked through a month by month process to keep you on track with tips and other resources along the way. Lets hurry- 8 months will fly with all this fun planning! "
Price: 39.99 |
"Emprende tu negocio de servicios jurdicos" |
"EL CURSO #1 en Latinoamrica para emprender con tus servicios jurdicosDurante ms de 15 aos he asesorado a cientos de profesionales independientes, muchos dentro del sector jurdico, el cual vivir una total transformacin dentro de los prximos aos.Te gustara conocer las grandes oportunidades para apalancar tu profesin y lograr convertirte en una gran empresario dentro del sector jurdico?Este curso te llevar paso a paso para encontrar un nicho de mercado que pueda pagar correctamente por tus servicios as mismo te ensear tcnicas y herramientas para posicionar tu nombre como una marca personal reconocida de tal forma que atraigas clientes en vez de tu buscarlos a ellos.Aprende a construir paso a paso un negocio rentable dentro del sector jurdicoComienza en poco tiempo a emprender con un negocio dentro del sector jurdico y acelera tu crecimiento.La formula para encontrar los servicios ms rentables para venderPodrs aprender la forma de descubrir negocios rentables para ofrecer y poder diferenciarte de cualquier competencia del sector.Descubre las ultimas tendencias del sector jurdicoTe mostrar las tendencias que estn cambiando el sector jurdico y que harn ganar mucho dinero a los abogados del futuro.Vende tus servicios desde casa cualquier lugarTe ensear las herramientas de publicidad digital que te permitirn vender tus servicios desde casaAprende a cobrar ms por tus servicios jurdicosDescubrirs la formula perfecta para calcular el precio de tus honorarios para lograr que te paguen lo que te mereces.Posicinate como un expertoTe mostrar las herramientas y tcnicas para darte a conocer y atraer clientes sin importar tu experiencia."
Price: 199.99 |
Java |
"In this test series you can test your java knowledge and after that you will able to clear the certification exam.the main focus of the course is on covering latest pattern from 2020 onward with Java 8.After the test you will get the solutions as well, so that you will clarify your doubts."
Price: 19.99 |
"ManyChat For Business - Chatbot Marketing & Lead Generation" |
"Chatbots are changing the way business gets done ... Discover how to easily leverage this exciting new technology to generate leads on-demand, boost sales and increase engagement. If you're looking for an advanced (multi-channel) way to interact with your customers while saving time and making more money, a chatbot (and this course) is your answer.*** WARNING *** This course is NOT theoretical, it's PRACTICAL. You will quickly learn how to implement real-world examples of working chatbots and how to apply them to your business processes, social media, your website and more.Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to: Confidently implement an on-demand lead generating chatbot, Explain what a chatbot is and the different types available today, How to integrate a chatbot with your business functions, and ...How to create the conversation flows and automation processes for your ideal leads and perfect clients.For the complete list of what's included, please review the curriculum below. If you have questions, get in touch, I'm happy to help.Here's a little of what we cover in this course: Multi-Channel lead generation for your business (Website, FB Messenger, Email and SMS Text)Create awareness and social presence and build a list of engaged prospectsGenerate a real and measurable ROI on your Facebook and website marketingCommunicate with prospects automatically using chatbot conversation flows and sequencesIntegrate your chatbot marketing processes with external 3rd party apps and technologiesAnd much more ... PREVIEW THE FULL CURRICULUM BELOW.This course is perfect for SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, ENTREPRENEURS and ONLINE MARKETERS seeking a practical, hands-on, fast-track approach to learning how to leverage the power of chatbots today.ENROL TODAY"
Price: 199.99 |
"KNIME - a crash course for beginners" |
"KNIME Masterclass - a crashcourse for beginnersA case study the fun and easy way!You are interested in data analytics and business intelligence? Great! You have chosen not only a highly rewarding profession but also one of the most interesting ones of the future. Data is the oil of our century and getting the right insights at the right time will be the key competitive advantage for businesses.This is why you are here. Companies need highly skilled people to help them analyzing their data. During this process the data aggregation and cleaning is the most challenging part. 80% of the time of data analysts and data scientists are spend with data preparation. This can be cumbersome but is crucial to derive valuable insights. Because:""Trash in trash out!""This is why we need to explore fast and efficient ways to prepare our data which we then want to visualize in powerful tools like Tableau or Power BI.And now the most interesting question? How exactly can we achieve this? What are the best tools to do that, which do not require extreme programming skills?Meet KNIME! One of the best ETL / data preparation tools on the market. This awesome tool with an cool intuitive design and drag and drop functionality will help us to prepare and combine even the worst kinds of data sources in a smart and efficient wayHere we start from scratch and a fully functional version of the software can be downloaded for free. The only thing you need to bring with you is your personal interest and willingness to learn in a data driven age.We learn the tool in a practical way by solving a case study (which in my opinion is more interesting then just see the functionality without any business context). In addition to that we take a quick look on visualizing our results in Tableau and Microsoft Power BI Desktop (yes both of them!). Finally we take a quick glance at how to do predictive analytics with KNIME (aka Machine Learning /Artificial Intelligence capabilities of KNIME)If that sound like you then..Let's dive into the case study together right here right nowAre you ready? "
Price: 199.99 |
"Lunar Yoga - Yoga for the Moon Phases" |
"Calling all moon lovers!Connect to your inner wisdom and intuition with this month-long lunar yoga series.Each practice is associated with a moon phase to help you set intentions, find inspiration, practice gratitude and release what no longer serves you. Youll learn about the symbolism of each moon phase and how to work with it and harness its energy both on and off the yoga mat.Have you ever wondered how ? the cycles of the moon ? affect your lifestyle, your yoga practice, or both? If the answer is Y-E-S! then the new Lunar Yoga is here for you!The program includes:a detailed orientation video on the moon cycles and how they affect you and your practicea New Moon ? yin yoga practice to set intentionsa Waxing Moon ? slow flow for inspirationa Full Moon ? vinyasa practice for gratitude and celebrationa Waning Moon ? pranayama practice for releaseFind support for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being in this 5-class series. I love crafting Lunar Yoga practices and can't wait to share these ones with you."
Price: 39.99 |
"Overcoming Grief" |
"Life can become challenging after the loss of a loved one and obtaining joy feels nearly impossible at times. However, what if I told you that you can experience a life of joy forever? Would you believe me? Probably not, but it's true. You know how tragedy and loss have a tendency to change people's lives, well I help them embrace that change. I personally know and have experienced both ends of life which I'll share with you in detail throughout this course. After completing this course you'll walk away with a different perspective of life to ALWAYS WIN and no longer feel defeated. Your joy is waiting on you, your life is waiting to be lived. Discover what most experts don't know or won't tell you. In this eCourse you'll learn how you can shift your perspective to embrace the changes in your life. I'm not just another instructor, but I have also experienced the loss of many loved ones. The methods I share are tried and true. I'm going to teach you how to Begin Agin. This is completely overlooked, how to Unleash Joy, Peace, and Happiness for Your Newly Defined LifeAnd you can discover this method from the comfort of your own home.Whether you are a widow, child, sibling, relative or friend you cant go wrong with investing in your happiness.My goal is for you to look at life differently and discover what life is like for you now that your dynamics have changed.Our Approach:My teaching method can be summed up in three bullets:Ways to Accept Release EmbraceI take a practical approach to Overcoming Grief. These aren't tricks or gimmicks. They are steps based on years of experience and research on how everyday people can make the most out of their life without counseling.Although I have a lot of experience and knowledge, I have a simple way of breaking these methods down. So I promise, the course will support and motivate you.I kept this course concise, compact and actionable because you're busy and you want change NOW! I got you.The Modules include Steps to Reclaim Your Life:1. Understanding Grief2. Handling Unresolved Issues and Feeling3. Forgiving4. Coping With Insensitive People 5. Grief is Not The Same for Everyone6. Picking up the Pieces7. Managing Your Emotions8. Rediscovering Yourself9. Finding Closure10. Creating a New Normal11. Bonus LessonsI mean, come on...with titles like that how could you not take this course?How This Course Will Change Your Life:This course contains tools and information about the grief that comes from losing a loved one. It has the necessary information that one may need to know to handle and manage the pain caused by the loss of a loved one. After completing this course, you will be able to gain new knowledge that will be very helpful to you someday, when the need arises or as you currently recover from your loss.Let's Banish: Depression Anger Loneliness Regret ApprovalWhat People Are Saying About Us:"" I have learned so much. It has really opened my eyes to many things that are going on in my life personally. I feel God has led me to your work to help me understand the things that I have to address and change..""-- Alisa J. ""Great course for our difficult time. Thank you""-- Karen S. "" You will feel motivated and ready to take on the world.""--Celeste S."" Very helpful and comforting. Many good suggestions which I will use in the coming months."" --Sarah L.""I was not ready to move on... I have read and done many things to try to live again... but nothing was going to change the memory I held so deep inside... This was the eye-opener, realistic and true...One of the best educational tool I could have taken... And I will be passing it to others who don't feel life will ever be any different... Life starts today, and it is only going to get better... Thank you Marita Kinney, you are fantastic with your words, thoughts, and hopes... I suggest anyone dealing with loss take this course...What are the requirements?What am I going to get from this course? Support Confidence Strength Coping Mechanisms Gratitude Journal Guidance Closure Healing Peace Renewed Mind MotivationInstructorMarita KinneyAuthor and Publisher Dr. Marita Kinney is a best-selling author with over 57 books published. As a published author, life coach, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur, Marita has inspired thousands of people to overcome adversity with triumph through faith and perseverance. Capturing the true essence of what it means to turn lemons into lemonade, she has taken the harsh lessons of life and developed a plan for successful living. "
Price: 29.99 |
"Master the Google Docs Word Processor 2020 G Suite Updates" |
"Our video courses use a Question & Answer format. No need to sift through 8 hours of long lectures looking for a single piece of information.Similar to Microsoft Word or Apple Pages, most people use Google Docs for writing simple documents, never realizing all the time-saving ins and outs of the free online productivity software. In addition to simple functions like saving a document locally as a PDF or adjusting your Google Drive storage plan, this course will show you how to fully use the cloud-based software to quickly create slick, professional documents by utilizing the following:Little-Known FeaturesEnable voice typingAccess the script editor section for computer programmersPlace an automatically-created table of contents into the documentTranslate a full documentAdd letters with accents or special characters Save headings as a default style from templatesTransition between editing and suggesting modesFind the word countDocument Format & StructurePlace a page number on every page but the title pageCreate bullet-point listsFormat text into columnsCheck the document's spelling & grammarTables & ChartsInsert tables with adjustable border color, size, styleUtilize the chart editor in Google Sheets to customize chartsAdd donut holes and border strokes to pie chartsSlant the labels on the X-axis of a bar chartAdjust a chart's gridline count and colorCreate additional rows and columnsMerge cells in a tableStorage Management & PermissionsSelect a new document from a templateAdjust sharing privileges to prevent editors from changing access and adding new peopleDisable download, print, and copy options for commenters and viewersChange storage plansAND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!With over 100 lessons on very focussed topics, this course will save you plenty of time by specifically answering each and every question you could possibly have about this ubiquitous professional software."
Price: 29.99 |
"Six Sigma Black Belt: Phase 0 & 1 Practice Tests" |
"Start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification journey today from Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE). The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification is a gold standard for Process Improvement, with over 10,000 open Six Sigma jobs in the US alone.In this course you get 60 Six Sigma Black Belt Practice Questions for Phase 0 (Pre-Define) and Phase 1 (Define). These 60 questions are divided into two tests of 30 questions each. At the end of each test you can see your total percentage score for the test, as well as get an explanation for each question, explaining why the right answer is the right answer.You can review each question and sort them as correct answers, wrong answers, skipped questions and questions marked for review.Do multiple Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (Phase 0 and 1) practice tests like this one to see how the grasp of your knowledge on the course material. You can take this Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (Phase 0 and 1) practice test as many times as you want, the questions and the answer order is randomized. I would suggest 60%+ of right answers consistently on all Six Sigma phases using multiple practice tests before applying for the certification exam.Click the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button to start your Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Journey today!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Innovation 2020: Learn To Think Creatively Like Walt Disney" |
"What would Walt Disney think?Although Disney has been gone for long, you know that his company is still at the forefront of technological evolution. Frankly speaking, it was his marketing genius that set him and his company apart from everybody else in the planet. Now, I would like to re-incarnate Walt Disney into this course and put forth ideas from his perspective, imagining him to be your business coach, after all. What ideas Walt Disney would bring to your table, if he lived now?Yes, truly it started with a mouse and marketing.Walt Disney may have created Mickey Mouse - but none of his success would have been possible without his marketing ingenuity. With the genius in him, he filled up movie theatres, theme parks and sold tons of Disney merchandise.Why enrol for this course?(Your content marketing campaign is vital to your success of your organisation. You will know that the way you present your company's brand shapes people's view of your organisation.)Times may have changed since Walt Disney's days but his marketing ideas are still an element of brilliance. Let's take a look at a few tactics from Walt Disneys angle to push your business idea to success.)In the course, you will learn how Walt Disney would think about any idea about a product/service. We will be focussing on Disneys creative strategy which has the root cause of success of the company and of course, Walt Disney, the man, the myth and the legend.I guarantee that this course is unlike any course youve ever taken. It definitely helps in showcasing the most fantastic and absurd ideas as possible from Disneys perspective and also focusses on how you can apply the same principles of Walt Disney to enjoy renewed and continuous business success.Welcome to My Class and Evoke the Brilliance of DisneyEnrol now."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Artificial Intelligence for Civil Engineers (Part 1): Tamil" |
"We all know that Artificial intelligence (AI) has made an impact in almost every industrial sector, and civil engineering is now joining the stage as well. According to a report by McKinsey, the civil construction sector has a net worth of more than $15 trillion a year, and while it has one of the largest consumer bases, until 2020, the industry had been relatively under digitised. This is because civil engineering is one of the few fields in which basic practices of bricklaying and pouring concrete have remained the same over the century leveraging traditional methods. However, the construction sector is set to undergo yet another industrial revolution, one powered by technology, particularly artificial intelligence for that matter.Artificial Intelligence technologies are now being used by practicing engineers to solve a whole range of problems. Future advancements in Artificial Neural Network (ANN), fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms will mean that civil engineering and construction industry will benefit in terms of optimisation that is the foremost factor, speed of processes and cost reduction, while young inexperienced engineers will be replaced by AI robots & technologies.When one mentions artificial intelligence in civil engineering, a picture of robots driving trucks and laying bricks may come to your mind. On the contrary, these techniques have more sophisticated applications in construction management, design optimisation, risk control, and quality control. This part 1 course in tamil will teach you basic and advanced concepts for civil engineers that will provide significant value-adds to their career. It will also help to make any construction business more lucrative through the usage of tools, practical concepts and techniques. As technology evolves, one can expect, along with the computer technology, the genetic algorithm in civil engineering application will be more general and more effective.Enroll now and let's start learning this mind-blowing course and change your career with the power of technology."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Ultra-Speed 3D Game Development using GameGuru -" |
"(- 3 ) , "" "" "" "" . 3D , 3D . ... ! , , .. , , 2 3 . , .Welcome to the most awesome tamil course on GameGuru (Ultra-Speed 3D Game Development), game making for everyone taught by digital marketing legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" & Civil Engineering Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"". We will teach you this mind-blowing software that will help you to create the easiest and most enjoyable game ever in 3D. Imagine creating a fantasy world that you and your friends come together and play... and creating it could be a matter of minutes with no technical or coding knowledge needed at all! Of course, you can happily spend hours, days..even weeks creating your masterpiece using other complex programs, but the great thing about using GameGuru is, you won't be held up by learning strange alien languages or using complex 2D or 3D modeling tools. The time you spend with learning and using GameGuru is all about creating and having fun whilst doing it. We will train you with providing you easy tutorial in this course on using the dashboard, the various tools associated with this software that includes the character creator, zoom, shape and asset tools etc to create your beautiful game in 3D at the fastest time possible. When you first launch GameGuru, it may appear to be a simple level editor, but it's actually crammed with lots of knowledgeable tools you will need to make your own game, including a character creator, model importer, building maker, complete scripting language and of course, over 6GB of complimentary game assets to get you started with. The fact it's as easy as any in-game level editor is a plus, and unlike level editors, you get to save out what you've made and even sell your game, after you learn this course in a marketplace we recommend selling. What's more? We will also create a sample 3D game in this course, walk you through and play it too.So, enroll now, let's start booming the show. The wait time is over. Special Note: Access to GameGuru software from Steam is a must to practice the lessons taught from the course."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Superminds: Artificial Intelligence in 2019-2025 Markets" |
"Artificial intelligence was once the dream of science fiction writers - the most famous ones.In todays day, AI research is constant and continues to grow day by day. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a hand in everything from what we see on a Facebook-like social media platform to actually determining what the best treatment will be during a hospital stay. Over the last five years AI research has grown exponentially by 19.9% annually worldwide, according to technology writers and researchers.Smarter or High-end technologies in our factories and workplaces and connected machines that will interact, visualise the entire production chain and in fact - make great decisions autonomously is just a couple of the methods that the Industrial AI Revolution in 2019-25 will cause advancements in business.Within the next six to seven years (by the year 2025), China is predicted to become the biggest global source of artificial intelligence (AI), taking over the United States (US) second lead in 2004 and it is quickly closing in on Europes number 1 spot. After China and the United States, India is the third largest country in terms of AI research output and this is a brilliant fact.This course ""Superminds: Artificial Intelligence in 2019-25 Markets"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" will highlight the key factors of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in different sectors like Digital Marketing, Education or Training, Corporate industry etc. with practical examples provided at the end of the course.It will also go a step further into exploring the topic of whether humans and Artificial Intelligence machines could think alike. Finally, by 2025 or beyond, AI can be used to automate what would otherwise be a mindless, menial task or in fact all tasks done by a human.AI is definitely evolving and one day - it may become conscious autonomously and help us carry out or perform better decisions in every field of study.Let's try to envision AI in the next 6 years - but now try to focus on the current needs.Why wait?Enrol now and get ready to explore a smarter world with the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Practical Interview Secrets that will get you the Job" |
"You're new to the workplace scenario and you don't feel ready?Are you able to go to the next stage with your interview skills?Would you ever like to seek your advice from an experienced interviewer without being judged?This is your career.No one else can do it for you.Attending an interview is stress for many. Maybe you've been there. You saw a job that you feel you could really want, and then you read the summary of the job. You know that you're not eligible, that you don't have the experience, and that you're playing out of your league. Then, you decide to attend the interview for that job role and you just couldn't make it or get hired. No problem. This happens to almost everyone and that's why the idea of this amazing course was born. ""Practical Interview Secrets that will get you the Job"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" could change the world of attending interviews forever. By learning this mind-blowing course, you will discover many secrets and understand the how to approach to ace your next interview with confidence. Through demonstration of your professional knowledge, abilities and quality, you can persuade the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job and be hired. The tips or secrets taught here will also make you understand how to you stand out among the crowd as ""the one."" to let the interviewer be pleased to have you on the squad. The steps taught inside are formed by taking the practical experience of students or job candidates into consideration. Why wait?Enrol now and let's start booming. Your dream career awaits in 2020."
Price: 1280.00 |