earn-money-2020 |
" "
Price: 19.99 |
"Power Query para Excel" |
"Curso para quem quer iniciar no mundo do BI e aprender sobre uma das principais ferramentas de self service BI do Excel, a Power Query. Voc aprender a automatizar processos repetitivos e transformar horas de trabalho em minutos, alm de poder utilizar o conhecimento adquirido neste curso para trabalhar no Power BI, ferramenta lder de mercado quando o assunto anlise de dados."
Price: 39.99 |
"Brushes and Filters in Photoshop:2 Courses in 1" |
"This is a package of two courses:Brushes in Photoshop:Once you have a better understanding of brushes in Photoshop, you'll have more freedom when working on your creative projects. This course is a quick introduction to working with brushes in Photoshop, no prior experience with brushes is required. Some of the major topics that will be covered include an overview of the brush tools and settings, creating a custom brush library, brush types and techniques, and we're even going to be talking about using tablets when working with brushes. By the end of this course, you'll know how brushes work and how to use them in your particular workflow. Before beginning the course, you should be familiar with layers and the basic user interface of Adobe Photoshop.Filters in Photoshop:The filters in Photoshop are powerful tools that help you transform a basic image into some amazing creations with your own personal style. In this course, we're going to cover the basics on how filters work and how to use them. Some of the major topics that we're going to cover include one, the smart filter workflow and its advantages, two, the latest filters to make it into Photoshop, and three, filters that have lasted the test of time. By the end of this course, you'll know how the basic controls work and when to use specific filters to achieve your desired look. Before beginning this course, you should be familiar with the basics of working with layers and smart objects."
Price: 29.99 |
"Aprenda a Vender Mais no Mercado Livre." |
"Quer aprender a vender mais no mercado livre? Ou voc nunca vendeu e esta comeando agora.No perca mais tempo.Aprenda agora a montar um anuncio no Mercado Livre de sucesso.Neste Curso Vamos aprender algumas tcnicas e montar uma boa discrio do seu produtoContedo do Curso:Introduo ao Mercado LivreConhecendo a plataformaPoliticas Mercado LivrePesquisa de ProdutosSeoKeywordtollSondagem de annciosColocando a mo na massa MercadoShop"
Price: 99.99 |
"Java - the easy way" |
"Programming is a fascinating activity and, like for me, can be not only a job but also a hobby. In my course I offer an insight into the programming language Java. The motto of the course is ""Learning by Doing"". For me the practical work was the most important part of learning Java.Have fun with my course!"
Price: 19.99 |
"ASP .NET Core, building REST APIs" |
"The .NET Core platform is the latest tool from Microsoft enabling the creation of cross-platform applications, including web and web APIs. Due to its high performance, open source code and the possibility of implementation on various systems, it is becoming more and more popular.The course presents how using ASP.NET Core a web API application is created, which ultimately can be consumed by SPA (single page application), mobile applications, IoT applications or any application where communication takes place via the HTTP protocol. First of all, the course will show you how to build applications in accordance with the REST architecture. Good practices will be discussed, such as: dependency injection, auto-mapping, error logging, model validation, use of object-relational mapping.During the course you will: create an application that according to the REST architecture will: read, create, modify or delete data from the serversend database queries from code using ORM (Entity Framework Core) create an MS SQL database based on classes in C # validate incoming models and return appropriate messages in case of incorrectness use the auto-mapper use the built-in container to inject dependencies log errors or specific information to a text file create documentation (using the Swagger tool) configure NLogger use the Postman to consume the web API"
Price: 19.99 |
"Projeto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos com PVSol" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a utilizar o software PVSol para dimensionar, projetar e realizar anlises de sistemas fotovoltaicos.O PVSol um dos softwares mais renomados mundialmente no projeto de sistemas de energia solar.Voc ir aprender com diversos exemplos prticos, e os recebero como material de apoio, incluindo:1 - Casa Telhado Cermico Google Earth Aprenda a fazer o dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos utilizando imagens de satlite.2 - Exemplo Calculo ICMS Ferramenta exclusiva desenvolvida pela Elektsolar para o Calculo de ICMS na energia injetada no PVSol.3 - Telhado em Galpo Modelagem em 3D de galpes no PVSol.4 - Estrutura Triangular Autocad Aprenda a realizar projetos no PVSol a partir de plantas do Autocad, alm disso faa projetos com estruturas triangulares de telhado.5 - Casa Telhado Ceramico Sketchup Aprenda a importar modelos 3D do Sketchup diretamente para o PVSol, para um projeto rpido e fcil.6 - Modelagem Drone 3D Aprenda como importar arquivos 3D montados a partir de fotos de Drones para o PVSol.7 - Usina de Solo Aprenda a dimensionar Usinas fotovoltaicas em Solo, para assim calcular a Taxa de Desempenho e as perdas de sombramento do sistema.8 - Carport Google Earth Aprenda a dimensionar Carports, estruturas para o estacionamento de veculos no PVSol.9 - Escritrio Autocad Aprenda a fazer o dimensionamento de sistemas fotovoltaicos a partir de plantas do Autocad, e assim visualizando o melhor posicionamento dos mdulos no telhado, devido ao sombreamento.10 - Usina de Solo 1 MW Aprenda a fazer o dimensionamento de grandes usinas fotovoltaicas, simulando em detalhe sua taxa de desempenho.APRENDA A FAZER PROJETOS E DIMENSIONAMENTO COM O CURSO SOFTWARE PV SOL! possvel baixar a verso teste do PVSol por 30 dias"
Price: 354.99 |
"Mastering Product Marketing for Medical Devices" |
"Are you interested in working with products that can improve, and sometimes even save people's lives? All while being paid a high salary to do so? Then a career in marketing medical devices may be for you. This course will teach you everything you need to know about being an effective product marketer in the medical device industry. "
Price: 29.99 |
"The Science of Brain Disorders" |
"This course offers the latest information on the symptoms and causes of brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia Nervosa, Sleep Apnea, and others. The specific types of neurons that are affected, and the molecules that cause their death, are described in an effort to portray the search for cures for these disorders"
Price: 19.99 |
"Anlise tcnica" |
"Curso voltado para pessoas que tem interesse em entrar no mercado financeiro, e fazer suas negociaes diriamente ou, a longo prazo. O curso que tem o objetivo de mostrar conceitos para as pessoas que desejam aprender sobre anlise tcnica, e aprender a ler grficos de preos, para assim, poderem fazer seus investimentos e, conseguir atuar da melhor fora na bolsa de valores."
Price: 114.99 |
"Enriquea sua Harmonia e domine o brao da Guitarra" |
"Fundamentos da Ttrade um curso totalmente on-line voltado para estudantes de violo e guitarra j iniciados e de nvel intermedirio. O curso conta com aulas em vdeo e material de apoio em PDF.O curso abordar os seguintes assuntos:Intervalos - Definio e ClassificaoMapeamento Intervalar no Brao da GuitarraAcordes - Definio, Estrutura e TipologiasTipologia dos Acordes TradesAcordes Trades nas 5 Regies do Brao da GuitarraTipologia dos Acordes TtradesAcordes Ttrades nas 5 Regies do Brao da GuitarraInverses dos Acordes Ttrades X7MInverses dos Acordes Ttrades X7Inverses dos Acordes Ttrades Xm7Inverses dos Acordes Ttrades Xm7(b5)Aplicao de Ttrades InvertidasAo final do curso o aluno ser capaz de fazer um mesmo acorde ttrade, de doze formas diferentes, o que possibilitar um aumento exponencial no seu vocabulrio de acordes."
Price: 69.99 |
"How to Make 4 Types of Sugar Succulent" |
"In this course you will learn a variety of different sugarcraft techniques to create 4 types of succulents. Including; hand forming, using cutters, wiring and making your own reusable, food safe moulds. You will learn how to take inspiration from real plants to match your colours and ensure a realistic final outcome. The succulents vary in difficulty but all work well together on a cake or cupcakes."
Price: 59.99 |
"Learn to Edit Video Like a Pro in Vegas Creative Software" |
"This class is a recreation of my college introduction to editing course but updated to include Vegas software and common internet standards for video. You will learn editing theory as well as how to use Vegas Creative Software Products Movie Studio and Vegas Pro. You only need Movie Studio (the cheaper consumer version) to complete this course. You may use Vegas Pro as well. This course is great for anyone from a beginner to a more seasoned hobbyist looking to learn editing theory and Vegas software."
Price: 49.99 |
"Estratgia Secreta Opes Binrias/Forex Que Ningum Ensina" |
"A estratgia no to simples mas muito eficaz, por isso ela to lucrativa.A estratgia mostra um dos lados do mercado financeiro que nenhum outro curso mostra, e um dos lados mais lucrativo do mercado.Est estratgia rara e no vende em nenhum outro lugar.So 5 vdeos aulas completos com todas as informaes nessesrias para finalmente voc ter bons resustados e lucros neste mercado.Bons Estudos :)"
Price: 39.99 |
"Easy Statistics: Linear Regression" |
"Learning and applying new statistical techniques can often be a daunting experience.""Easy Statistics"" is designed to provide you with a compact, and easy to understand, course that focuses on the basic principles of statistical methodology.This course will focus on the concept of linear regression, specifically Ordinary Least Squares.This course will explain what regression is and how Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) works. It will do this without any equations or mathematics. The focus of this course is on application and interpretation of regression. The learning on this course is underpinned by animated graphics that demonstrate particular statistical concepts.No prior knowledge is necessary and this course is for anyone who needs to engage with quantitative analysis.The main learning outcomes are:To learn and understand the basic statistical intuition behind Ordinary Least SquaresTo be at ease with regression terminology and the assumptions behind Ordinary Least SquaresTo be able to comfortably interpret and analyze complicated regression output from Ordinary Least SquaresTo learn tips and tricks around regression analysisSpecific topics that will be covered are:What kinds of regression analysis existCorrelation versus causationParametric and non-parametric lines of best fitThe least squares methodR-squaredBeta's, standard errorsT-statistics, p-values and confidence intervalsBest Linear Unbiased EstimatorThe Gauss-Markov assumptionsBias versus efficiencyHomoskedasticityCollinearityFunctional form Zero conditional mean Regression in logsPractical model buildingUnderstanding regression outputPresenting regression outputThe computer software Stata will be used to demonstrate practical examples."
Price: 24.99 |