"JLPT N4 - Japanese Language Proficiency Test Course" |
"Are you taking level N4 of JLPT? Are you worried you might fail? Well, don't be. We take you by the hand and show you how it is done with three practice tests and over 6 hours of video tutorials showing you how to answer each test question.How would you like to:Save hours and hours of study time Look forward to the test rather than fear the day Walk into the test room full of confidence knowing it is in the bagSmile as you watch your fellow students desperately cram study on breaks between each test section while you enjoy the momentHave the pleasure of knowing that you are answering each question correctly Amaze yourself when you finish the test with minutes to spareGet the highest score in your classWin praise and recognition from your Japanese friendsN4 JLPT RequirementsAccording to The Japan Foundation level N4 is reached after approximately 300 hours of study. Examinees should know around 300 Kanji and 1500 words, and be able to take part in everyday conversation and have the ability to read and write simple sentences.Our JLPT Program Takes You By The Hand And Shows You How to PassPassing the JLPT is all about preparation - the right preparation. Whether you are months, weeks or even days away, the way you prepare for the test will determine how well you pass it, or how badly you fail it.The best preparation you can do is to take the test. We have written the test for you and we will show you how to pass it question by question. In fact, we have written 3 practice tests for you. And to explain all the questions and answers in the these 3 practice tests we have recorded over 40 videos. That's more than 6 hours of screen capture video lessons!What am I going to get from this course?3 Practice tests - Kanji, Grammar and Reading sectionsIndispensable advice on how to approach the test questions6 hours of screen capture video of myself and Kaoru showing you how to answer each question. A total of 30 videosHints on things to watch out for with the multiple choice questionsA reference list of all the vocabulary you need to know for JLPT 3300 Kanji with their ""On"" and ""Kun"" readings, and meanings Over 200 test questions explained in real time videoA test survival guide for the big dayHow is this course different to other JLPT study programs?Gives you real practice under test conditions.Explains the test questions and how best to approach them.Is written and recorded by someone who has passed the test and by a Japanese native who tutors Japanese for a living.Takes you step-by-step and empowers you with proficiency in the Japanese language in hours.Is the only product that shows you how to answer the test questions with screen capture videos - this is not just an e-book."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ukulele Lessons For Beginners - Fast Track Your Learning" |
"If you want to learn how to play ukulele fast, then this course isfor you. Short punchy single-focused-outcomelessonsto get you strumming fast.No 10 minutes videos on music theory orexplainingthe parts of the ukulele - we dive in and get you playing chords so you can start playingsongs in no time.If you are time poor and don't care for too much theory orinstructors whowaffle on, then this course will benefit you. Bythe end of the course you'll be able to play the chords tomany popular songs and also the Blues.This course was designed for theabsolute beginners andguitar players keen to quickly learn the ukulele."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hiragana Lessons: Read and Write Hiragana Fast" |
"Read and WriteHiragana Fast is a Step-By-Step Online Coaching Method That Will Take You By The Hand And Show You How To Read and WriteHiragana in Less Than a Month. Here is a quick preview of what you will achieve by talking our course:Read the entire Hiragana syllabary in less than a weekLearn the stroke order of each Hiragana characterDramatically improve your understanding of grammarLearn hundreds of new Japanese wordsSave hundreds of hours of study timeOur philosophy is you need to place more emphasis on actually reading rather than memorizing kanji . For sure you need to know some kanji to get the ball rolling, but you shouldn't spend hours trying to memorize all the readings of individual kanji.Most teaches will tell you that you need to learn Kanji in order to read Japanese. Our Approach is ""Read Japanese In Order To Learn Kanji"""
Price: 19.99 |
"Ingls para el da a da 1: job interview, airport and hotel" |
"Este es un curso de Ingls que aborda su parte ms prctica. En esta primera ocasin aprenders a desenvolverte fcilmente en una entrevista de trabajo, en un aeropuerto o en un hotel. Te lo enseo a travs de frases sencillas y vocabulario que aprenders fcilmente gracias a mis videos. Slo tendrs que escuchar y repetir, interiorizar y practicar. Este es slo el principio de toda una andadura gracias a la cual podrs comunicarte en ingls en menos de lo que piensas. Seguro que ya has tenido un acercamiento al ingls pero te apetece ir al grano, sin perderte en la gramtica y explicaciones tediosas. Este es el curso perfecto para ti y te permitir conocer aquellas frases clave que debes dominar con soltura. En lo sucesivo encontrars ms cursos de esta misma serie que podrn ayudarte a seguir creciendo en tu relacin con el ingls. Echa un vistazo.Prctico, sencillo, til, entretenido y adems gratis!, alguien da ms por menos? No hay tiempo que perder, get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Taller de redaccin y escritura en ingls" |
"Te encuentras ante un curso realmente novedoso y nico.Una de las destrezas que necesitamos dominar al aprender cualquier idioma es la escritura. De hecho el ""writing"" suele ser con frecuencia un apartado obligado en los exmenes de ingls. Pero, cmo se hace una redaccin? existen tcnicas para mejorar esta habilidad? En este curso aprenders todas las herramientas necesarias para aprender a escribir desde un punto de vista muy prctico, utilizando un mtodo nico que se adapta a tus necesidades y nivel.Conocers gran cantidad de recursos y trucos para poder realizar redacciones como un experto que podrs aplicar no slo en la escritura de textos en ingls, sino para cualquier idioma y situacin. Bienvenid@ al taller de redaccin y escritura."
Price: 34.99 |
"Whatsapp Marketing: The new way to reach your customers!" |
"Whatsapp is quickly becoming a powerful tool for businesses to reach their customers in a new way. With over 1 Billion active monthly users and one of the most used apps, businesses need to learn the strategies of how to jump on and take advantage of this network. This course teaches you how to leverage the power of Whatsapp to quickly grow, multiply and expand your business!The course has easy to follow case studies and examples that allow you to take immediate action so that you can get started quickly! The course is organized into 8 sections with videos and pdf's that will guide you step-by-step through the lessons. You will complete the course in an hour and be on your way to being a Whatsapp Marketing pro!Don't miss the opportunity to jump on this platform while your competitors aren't there yet!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Career Success Roadmap" |
"This course will help you discover and get into the career you want. It's a step-by-step process designed to allow you to figure out what you want to do in your career and take action on that vision.Taken from my own experience of transitioning from musician to marketer, the course will show you how to transition your career or help you down the path you are already on. Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you want. You'll dive deep into what success looks like for you and make a plan for what you want to do now, and into the future.Once you have that roadmap set, the course will then show you how to go about preparing and moving forward on your journey to career success. Along the way, you'll learn best practices for networking, building a resume and interviewing. You'll even learn some tips for using LinkedIn to your advantage.If you want to gain more clarity on your career and where you want to go this course is for you. It's an easy to follow method and all it takes is for you to start learning today."
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML5 y CSS3 para principiantes: la gua definitiva" |
"Aprende los conceptos y herramientas bsicas para desarrollar una web con los nuevos estndares HTML5 y CSS3.Obtn unos conocimientos slidos en HTML5 y CSS3 con este curso para principiantes.Sintxis, etiquetas semnticas, layouts, etiquetas nuevas, modificadas y obsoletas, soporte de los navegadoresSelectores, pseudo-elementos, media queriesWeb Fonts, propiedades de caja, sombras y fondos mltiplesTransparencias y gradientes de coloresTransformaciones, transiciones y animacionesTodo el poder de la maquetacin con HTML 5 y CSS 3 ahora a tu alcance, con nuestra gua definitiva y en vdeo.HTML 5 y CSS 3 son los nuevos estndares de la web. Mediante HTML 5 obtenemos una mayor sofisticacin de cdigo que con HTML 4, y podremos construir las estructuras de formas nuevas y ptimas.En cuanto a las hojas de estilo con CSS 3, tendremos disponibles gran variedad de opciones para hacer cosas que antes eran impensables sin mucho cdigo. Tendremos opciones como sombreados y redondeados, pero tambin funciones avanzadas de movimiento y transformacin.Este es un curso nicamente en vdeo. Vers la imagen de nuestra pantalla y escuchars al profesor hablando mientras ves lo que hace en su pantalla. Muy til y didctico.Adems, te ensearemos a utilizar herramientas fundamentales para hacer la vida mucho ms fcil al programador, como generadores de cdigo que harn las delicias de quin los use.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de crear pginas web utilizando HTML 5 y darles vida con transformaciones, animaciones e incorporando increbles efectos grficos con CSS 3 y sin apenas esfuerzo."
Price: 79.99 |
"Mastering Outlook 2016 - Basics" |
"Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.This Course Is The First Step In Becoming An Outlook Master!This course is the first step in Mastering Outlook once youve completed this course youll want to continue learning about the Outlook Calendar, Tasks, People, and more in our ADVANCED course.Over a hours worth of high quality HD content in the Uniquely Engaging TM Bigger Brains Teacher/Learner style!"
Price: 34.99 |
"DIY Your Own WordPress Website" |
"What Ive got here for you is a step-by-step do-it-yourself program.Technically, this is going to impact my business. Because instead of having me build and design your website, you are going to do it yourself.And if you find you like it you might start doing it for other people.But Im totally okay with that. Because there is more than enough work out there for everyone. AND not everyone was meant to work with me. Maybe they are meant to work with you.Heres what youll find inside:MODULE 1 WEBSITE OVERVIEWHow to choose and purchase your domainHosting what is it, and how do you get itLinking your domain to your hosting accountWhat is ftp and how to use it (because sometimes you need to)Why WordPress is your best option + how to install itMODULE 2 WORDPRESS OVERVIEWWordPress Dashboard IntroImportant SettingsPluginsWidgetsPages & PostsTheme InstallationMODULE 3 WEBSITE PLANNINGWebsite PlanningChoosing the right themeIdentifying your audienceMODULE 4 STYLE + FORMCustomizing your themeCustom home pagesPage BuildersCSSChoosing colors + fontsMODULE 5 FINAL TOUCHESGoogle AnalyticsSEO (search engine optimization)Mobile-friendlyEmail MarketingOpt-ins and autorespondersBelieve me, I know Im not the only one who offers a program like this.But this is what sets mine apartA few of the other programs offer you preset themes and designs that you can use straight out of the box.Thats great, very kind of them and all.But its also crap.Because you are a unique individual, and your website should be unique too.Everyone who buys those other programs are getting the same ten or fifteen layouts/designs. Which means that if ten people choose the same one you do (or God-forbid, 100 of them) that you all have websites that look virtually the same.And we both know you are better than that.I dont want to just empower you to create your own website. I want you to create a website that is wholly and completely you.This isnt just a how-to-build-a-website program. This is a program that helps you find yourself and your voice and deliver it via the internet."
Price: 99.99 |
"Planificacin Exitosa de Metas - Metas Sin Limites" |
"En el cursoMetas sin Limites - Como Lograr tus Metas sin fallar en el intento!!,aprenders los conceptos y principios la planificacin exitosa de metas,administrar eficientemente el tiempo y a desarrollar planes bien fundamentados de acuerdo a tus metas y sueos para poder hacerlos realidad.Tendrs una gua-resumen del curso como material de apoyo y ejercicios a tener en cuenta para poner en practica todo lo aprendidoEn este curso vers los siguientes mdulos:MODULO 1:La Verdad Acerca de las MetasMODULO 2:5 Razones de por que la Gente Falla al Establecer sus MetasMODULO 3:El Poder de las MetasMODULO 4:2 Tcnicas Efectivas de Fijacin de MetasMODULO 5:La Importancia de las MetasMODULO 6:Las Metas InteligentesMODULO 7:Identificando tus MetasMODULO 8:Seguimiento y Monitoreo de tus MetasMODULO 9:Cumplimiento de las MetasMODULO 10:Por que es importante conseguir tus metas uobjetivo.Bono 1:Gua Resumen del CursoBono 2:Gua - ""Que es la Procrastinacin"" No dejes para otro da lo que puedes hacer hoy."
Price: 79.99 |
"Law of Attraction: Manifest & Attract Your More Ideal Life" |
"Would you like more Clarity? Power? Direction? Affluence? You are uniquely designed to Become UNSTOPPABLE. And you have been trained to stay small, learn how to unlock your pure potentiality and align your life with your higher self. I am so happy to be able to offer you this Law of Attraction and Positive Alignment course and want to help people like you have the life you deserve. I will walk you through the step by step process of positive alignment. Im accessible through e-mail if you have any questions, and happy reply with any assistance I can offer. Join my other students and become UNSTOPPABLE and start ATTRACTING YOUR PERFECT LIFE with the Law of Attraction and Positive Alignment course. People just like you are using this system for positive energy alignment to attract a new quality of life, on that they never thought was possible, simply by following this step by step guide. How would it be, if the very next thing you chose to decide changed your life positively forever? Imagine, now you beginning to attracting whatever you desire Can you picture being able to experience unlimited wealth, happiness and abundance? How would it be to become unstoppable Can you picture being able to position your energy and attracting your ideal life? How would it be if you could experience clarity, power and success? In this course, Expert Trainer, Coach and author Wenda ONeill introduces you to the step by step process for clearing your energy and creating the positive alignment required to step into the real secret of the law of attraction. This new positive energy mindset is used by the top 2% high achievers and top earners and its a skill that you can use to change your life for the better and unpack more abundance and affluence living. Learn about your unconscious mind and the power you have within you to create anything you desire Experience the shifting magnetic pull of the law of attraction as you learn to put it to work for you instantly High quality video and recordings step you through and unpack your personal development This is a new course by energy specialist Wenda ONeill and to celebrate the grand opening the discounted price is provided to make this course available to everyone interested in changing the course of their life and stepping into more of what they want right now. If anything were possible, would you walk away from your perfect life, or walk towards it? Follow the step by step training and join me and people just like you and me change their vibration in ways that will attract your perfect life. Starting right now. What are the requirements? Students need to be ok with attraction more health, abundance and happiness. Students need to believe that if its possible for anyone else, then it is possible for them. Students need to imagine more, that they are enough to receive more. What am I going to get from this course? This course will introduce students to various ancient and modern methods for influencing their unconscious mind and will recognize how to create new patterns of behavior. Discover whether the story youre currently using on yourself and everyone is serving your higher purpose. Investigate your unique talents and gifts and step into a place of celebration and the best possible highest vibration The truth about rituals, affirmations and maintaining consistent positive energy to attract more exceptional moments in our lives. What is the target audience? Anyone that at any level has the belief that there is more, perhaps just out of reach, or simply behind a closed door. This course is for anyone open minded enough and willing to open the window. Anyone willing to experiment to attract more should take this course and being to attract a more positive outcome in all areas of their life."
Price: 129.99 |
"Create a Character in Blender3D - Vol.3.5 Cycles Renderer" |
"In this condensed training course, Greg Zaal (taking the reins from Lee Salveminis finished Ninja character in Volume 3: Texturing) shows you everything you need to know to create your own realistic and physically accurate Cycles materials.Not only will you learn how to use the Cycles render engine, youll also learn the core principles of physically based shading. Using the ninja character as an example, well go through all the various kinds of surfaces and study how and why they look the way they do, and then replicate that using node-based materials.Cycles can often seem slower than traditional renderers, due to the fact that its a brute-force path tracer (meaning that instead of trying to fake or approximate light, it calculates it exactly as it behaves in reality), giving us the best possible image quality by default. For this reason, well also cover several ways to optimize our scene and speed up the render without losing image quality.This courseis aimed at Blender users who have previous experience with the old Blender Render engine and would like to begin their adventures with the modern path tracer, Cycles. But if youre new to materials and textures in general, dont worry, all the basics are explained thoroughly."
Price: 19.99 |
"Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification" |
"Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by a internationally recognized the Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 20 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 20 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 150,000 happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Are you ready to learn and teach proven entrepreneurship skills? Do you want to coach your clients towards entrepreneurship so that they can make money doing what they love, start a business, get more clients, or take their business to the next level? Become a Certified Entrepreneurship and Business Coach! Self-employment though Entrepreneurship is the ultimate form of self-empowerment, and by coaching clients to create a thriving business, you are handing them the key to their freedom to determine their destiny and fulfill their lifes purpose. This program is designed to for life coaches who want to work with those that want to improve their entrepreneurship skills such as indiepreneurs or solopreneurs, such as contractors, independent practitioners, life coaches, or small business owners with only a handful of employees. These can be business start-ups or those that are new to entrepreneurship or existing businesses who want to implement a new idea, make changes, get more clients, or expand their business. In this entrepreneurship and business life coach training and certification course, you will learn a proven step-by-step process for helping your clients: Find clarity about the business and lifestyle they truly want to create and what they need in order to get there Turn their fantastic entrepreneurship and business idea into a concrete plan of action so they can stop spinning their wheels and KNOW what action to take next Get unstuck by identifying current or possible roadblocks, whether theyre skills, resources, or mindsets, and strategize solutions for overcoming them Quit wasting time and laser focus on INCOME PRODUCING RESULTS The best part is youll be using a PROVEN entrepreneurship system because we are giving you the exact process that we have used over and over again to start our own businesses, each in only 6 weeks, and that we have implemented with our business and entrepreneurship coaching clients for almost a decade! Youll receive a complete entrepreneurship blueprint that includes all of the life coaching activities and tools you need to create your own entrepreneurship coaching program using our 6-week quantum leap your business model or custom designing your own entrepreneurship and business coaching process based on your unique passions and experience and your clients needs. Youll learn powerful entrepreneurship coaching processes and tools for helping your clients in 6 key areas of their business: Discover their tribe of ideal clients and conduct market research in their niche Write epic marketing copy and know exactly how to sell their product or service Setting an ideal price based on the true value of what they offer Increasing their revenue by creating new revenue streams Establishing actionable short and long term goals and the action plans to get them there Cultivating sustainable motivation that will keep them moving toward their goals Plus, a bonus section that will teach you how to help your clients master their mindsetwhich is often the biggest thing that holds people backincluding their beliefs about money, excuses, procrastination, doubt, and failure.So if you are ready to transform lives by giving the gift of entrepreneurship and helping others fulfill their purpose than enroll now. We look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So who are we?We are joeel and Natalie rivera. We own a digital media publishing company and an online course and training company called Transformation Academy. Were serial entrepreneurs who have started businesses including a photography company, an import business, a holistic virtual office center, an adolescent coaching center for at risk youth, a book publishing company, a magazine, a life coach training institute, as well as running conferences, festivals and creating online courses. All of our programs are based on our decade of experience as coaches, speakers, and in social services, as well as my experience as a psychology instructor, my Masters in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology. STUDENTS WHO COMPLETE EVERY LESSON IN THIS COURSE WILL RECEIVE AN OFFICIAL LIFE COACH CERTIFICATION FROM TRANSFORMATION SERVICES, INC., AS WELL AS THE CERTIFIED ENTREPRENEURSHIP COACH LOGO TO USE IN HIS/HER MARKETING MATERIAL. SEE THE FINAL LESSON IN THIS COURSE FOR INSTRUCTIONS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REQUESTING THE OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE COURSE.CHECK OUT OUR OTHER LIFE COACH CERTIFICATION COURSES! "
Price: 199.99 |
"Electronics Engineering Technology Fundamentals-Updated-2020" |
" This course introduces fundamental principles and concepts in electrical and electronics engineering technology including Safety , Direct Current (DC), Alternating Current (AC), Digital, and Solid state electronic circuits. This course provides lecture notes, videos lectures and quizzes to test your understanding of the concepts presented. It takes about 2-3 hours to go through all 15 plus course lectures or approximately 15 minutes per lecture. The course presents a sequence of topics from simple concepts to intermediate ideas. If you always wanted to understand the fundamentals of applied engineering electronics, this course is for you. Now includes circuit design and computer simulation demos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hipoterapia en Neurodesarrollo/Neurorehabilitacin Nivel II" |
"La hipoterapia es una actividad teraputica que se enmarca dentro de la teora de la complejidad y como tal, involucra mltiples factores notablemente comprobados cientficamente, que han sido catalogados como neuro-estimulativos y deben hacer parte del plan integral de rehabilitacin de los pacientes en situacin de discapacidad relacionada con el neurodesarrollo y la Neurorehabilitacin.En este curso los participantes aprendern de forma avanzada como aplicar los conceptos de la neurorehabilitacin en el tratamiento de la hipoterapia,, de eta manera tendrn mejores oportunidades de desarrollo para sus pacientes en una tcnica con metodologa de la medicina basada en la evidencia."
Price: 99.99 |
"Unlock Creativity & Free Your Soul" |
"If you are super busy but are feeling creatively blocked or just generally stuck in life, these exercises in Art Journaling are for you! I too am a very busy gal. However, I have found various ways to add small meditative and experiential tools into my day that allow me to grow, expand and be more of who I am. This course takes you through a process of adding 15 minutes of creative exploration into your daily life. It is geared at forming a mindset around creating on your terms, without the limitations of the rest of the world influencing what you create. You do need to believe that you are capable of changing your world view through intention to get value out of this course. Just practicing them with an open mind will create opportunity for change. Using simple water color and mixed media options as our basis, we walk through various exploratory exercises geared towards working with our needs at the present moment. We can find and improve more about ourselves by getting it out of our minds and onto the paper.You do NOT have to consider yourself an artist or even a creative person to try this stuff out. (We all are creative artists, so its really just a matter of where you choose to express yourself in the world). Learning something new or trying something in a new way opens you up to all sorts of possibilities in your life. This course is packed with Experiential Exercises Including:Playsheet on Creative Freedom Breaks and establishing a You Art PracticeWatercolor basics materials and textures (giving you basic tools to unlock your creativity)Purpose of Existence = Creative Expansion Meditation geared specifically at the limiting belief systems that stop people from trying to create before they start. Explorative question prompts for you to further your internal dialogue after each exercise.Purposeful Mistakes Painting ExerciseInstruction on how to oscillate between expansion and restriction in your life, and why that matters.Expansion and Restriction Painting ExercisesInspirational words and quotes around art and spirituality for you to use as prompts as you get started in this work."
Price: 29.99 |
"GNS3 le CCNA R&S Uygulamalar" |
"CCNA Snavlarna hazrlananlar iin uygulama videolar. GNS3 Program ile CCNA Snav uygulama videolarn gerekletirin ve snava hazrlann.Bu kurs ile kendinizi snava hazr hissedin.GNS3 Programnn kurulumundan Cisco Router temel yaplandrmalarn, Statik ve Dinamik Ynlendirme Protokolleri(RIP,OSPF,EIGRP) uygulamalarn,Eriim Denetim Listeleri ACL, IPv6 uygulamalarn ve btn Switching VLAN,VTP,Etherchannel) uygulamalarnGNS3 programnda uygulayn."
Price: 79.99 |
"IDREO Instructor Manual" |
"This is the reference manual used by IDREO Explorer Instructors. Completing this Online course you will get educated in what it takes to be an IDREO Explorer Instructor. The course is not only for Instructor candidates that wishing to know what it takes to become an IDREO Explorer Instructor and what is needed to be learn in order to be able to teach IDREO Training program. But also is highly recommended to very experience Instructors looking at perfection their teaching skills, understand better the IDREO Teaching Method, IDREO Instructor Playbooks as well as have access to the latest updates to the IDREO Training Materials in all diving topics and with student support files also in several languages available: English, Korean, German, Spanish, Nederlands and French. This is the one stop for all the materials use by IDREO Explorer Instructors and quite practical to be use as reference and Instructor Manual, right on your desktop, tablet or mobile phone."
Price: 199.99 |
"DPV Explorer" |
"This is a crash course for DPV owners and/or divers interested in getting involved in DPV diving, finding out what it takes to dive them from very basic planning to the most advanced way of using multiple units in miles long and several hours dives even in overhead enviroments.Expect Videos including Voiceover Powerpoint penetrations with detailed information, Topic Quizzes.This information is intended to be use by capable and qualified DPV divers, or for students soon to participate in a formal DPV course, including land drills and in water skills practice.We have include the following main DPV Course Topics :DPV HistoryDPV Planning SequenceDPV MathDPV FailuresAlso we review the Basic Diving Skill forDive PlanningBailout ConsiderationsNDLNOTICE : This Course is mostly included in the Become a Safe & Efficient Dive ExplorerWARNING: DPV DIVING IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU APPLY THIS INFORMATION UNDER DIRECT SUPERVISION OF A PROFESSIONAL"
Price: 49.99 |
"Harassment Free Culture 2018" |
"Harassment Free Culture is an interactive online training that was created in collaboration with senior managers, HR executives and attorneys from a cross section of Fortune 500 Companies. Fast-paced, entertaining, and to the pointimprov actors portray office workers in common workplace situations, an attorney relates case law to topic areas, and HR Executives relate true stories of harassment situations and tell how the managers involved helped or hurt the outcome by their actions. Meets and exceeds Californias AB1825 mandate for harassment-prevention training."
Price: 39.99 |
"Deep Explorer" |
"This is a Deep Explorer course for Deep Divers and/or Divers interested in getting involved in Deep Diving beyond the recreational No Decompression Limits, also called Technical Diving, find out what it takes to Deep Dive. The Deep Explorer course will take you thru clear & straight to the point techniques to be able to have the flexibility you need to explore deep enviroments.A Deep Explorer need to be able to modify the plan as need and adjusting decompression to whatever situation may arise. Choosing the right Mixes to breath by enriching them with Oxygen and/or Helium to reduce Gas Toxicty, requires mathematics calculations that are only as complex as the person who explain them, is reall y basic math in fact.Handelling the equipment to perform this dives is also a big part of the challenge, but if don't systematically is quite progressive and fast to learn, specially when you get an evolve technique based in Deep Diving applications worldwide in various enviroments for the last 20 years.Expect Videos including Voiceover Powerpoint penetrations with detailed information, Topic Quizzes.This information is intended to be use by capable and qualified Deep Explorers & Divers, or for students soon to participate in a formal DPV class, including land drills and in water skills practice.We have include the following main Deep Explorer Course Topics :Equipment Configuration & UseNitrox, Trimix and OxygenStandard MixesDecompression Exposures & RulesEmergency ProceduresAlso we review the Basic Diving Skill forDive PlanningBailout ConsiderationsNDLNOTICE : This Course is mostly included in the Become a Safe & Efficient Dive ExplorerWARNING: DEEP DIVING IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS, WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU APPLY THIS INFORMATION UNDER DIRECT SUPERVISION OF A PROFESSIONAL"
Price: 49.99 |
"Scuba Explorer Course" |
"Learn to Scuba Dive like an Explorer Today !Scuba Diving is an exciting and adventurous activity, that allows us to explore the magic underwater environment. Efficient and capable divers can minimize the risk through proper and innovative dive exploration procedures. Dive Explorer Foundation (DEF), an IDREO affiliate, has create a single and unique Scuba Explorer Course using the latest scuba diving techniques and technology available today, based on decades of worldwide dive training & Exploration.Of the main objectives during the DEF Scuba Explorer course is for non-divers to become truly independent and knowledgeable divers, respecting the environment and with safety as the most important goal.DEF Scuba Explorers don't touch the reef or sand, we never kneel down on the bottom of the dive site to learn/teach dive skills, advanced training techniques and superior dive equipment design allow our divers to enjoy the underwater environment with minimal impact and perfect buoyancy. A key feature in DEF scuba diving standards is the ""Out of Gas"" procedure, as we donate regulator from the mouth and switch to backup regulator in a necklace, just as explorers do..Find out what it takes, get your Academic portion done and the join the in-water portion with one of our worldwide recognized Instructors in Asia, Europe or America."
Price: 99.99 |
"DEF Scuba Explorer Instructor Manual" |
"This online class preapres candidates wishing to participate in a DEF Instructor Training, as welll as supports efficient and safe Dive training courses planning.This support tool keep DEF Instructor up to date with changes and the latest materials available for DEF Scuba Explorer training program such as :Workbooks your student needs to organize properly the training progression.DEF Scuba Explorer Program Outlines with content and requirements for each course.Playbooks with a detailed day to day schedule example to help Instructors efficiently organize DEF Scuba Explorer courses.In this Online course the candidates get an inside view of the DEF Origins highlighting the motivations and reasoning for creating the Scuba Explorer program.Philosophy behind the Scuba Explorer training program.Teaching Method developed and utilize by DEF Instructors."
Price: 199.99 |
"Autosugestion Subliminal Para Alcanzar el Exito" |
"Quien mas No Quiere Alcanzar el Exito y la Realizacion Personal?Revelado el Poder Ilimitado de tu Mente Subconsciente.....Desde mi escrito.Deseas Alcanzar el Exito y Lograr tus mas Preciados Deseos?Nuestra Mente Inconsciente es Ilimitada y Poderosa! sin embargo; alli yacen estructuras profundas debido a nuestro sistema de creencias, miedos primarios, condicionamientos, y comandos que RIGEN el CURSO de nuestros Comportamientos Conscientes e Inconcientes....La Clave consiste en Programar o Mejor Dicho: Reprogramar nuestro inconsciente de una manera RAPIDA y EFECTIVA para OBTENER RESULTADOS DIFERENTES y DESEADOS!Es Ineludible Asumir esta Responsabilidad Consciente de Autoprogramacion Mental pues de no hacerlo seguiremos siendo Programados para la Mediocridad y el Conformismo!Te Confieso un Secreto: Pase AOS! buscando obtener resultados positivos e inverti en muchisimos libros de Autoayuda y Superacion....Asisti ( aun asisto) a seminarios,eventos, etc....Y los resultados que obtenia eran muy frustantes....No me quejo! Realmente ha sido una Excelente Experiencia! PERO buscaba RESULTADOS MAS RAPIDOS! y en mi intensa busqueda me tope con:La AutosugestionLa AutohipnosisLos Mensajes SubliminalesLa Programacion Neurolinguistica....Y aplicandolo he VISTO esos Resultados Positivos Increiblemente Rapido! Por tanto; no pierdas mas tu Tiempo, El Secreto esta en tu Mente Subconsciente! Te Lo Puedo Garantizar Amigo!Obten este NUEVO, REPOTENCIADO y POTENTE PROGRAMA SUBLIMINAL-AUTOSUGESTION para ALCANZAR el EXITO y la REALIZACION PERSONAL........Esta 100% mas PODEROSO que todos los demas!"
Price: 64.99 |
"Youtube Marketing Video Marketing and SEO" |
"Is YourYoutube ChannelStruggling?Making Videos but Getting Few Views?Do You Want toGrow Your Channel, Your Subscribers and ultimately, your EmailList?Perhaps there is a reason WHYyou are not doing as well as you should?Perhaps, all this time, you have not beenOPTIMISINGyourYoutubeVideos?Discover what you have been doing wrong and find out how easy it is to put it right!This is the Course I wish I had taken whenI first started onYoutube in July 2010!Before Iuploaded over 200Videos toYoutube!If you have a Youtube Channel - You HAVE to TAKEthis Course!Discover:The importance of having a GOALfor your YoutubeChannelThe right way to PRODUCEyourVideoThe ESSENTIALELEMENTS of UPLOADING to YoutubeThe KEYSETTINGSwhich must be RIGHT before Your PublishHow to get the most out of ANNOTATIONS,CARDS andCLOSECAPTIONSStart Using Youtube as anEXPERTmarketer as part of your overallSocialMedia MarketingStrategy! Stop missing out on views from over 1 BILLIONactive Youtube Users!Improve your Videos,GetMoreViews! GetMoreSubscribers!Set and Achieve your primary GOALfor your Youtube ChannelStep byStep discover the process I use to OPTIMISEmy Videos for Youtube.Just a few extra minutes getting everything right will result in more views and subscribers in the days, weeks and months ahead.Once you know what to do its easy!Find out by enrolling in this course todayThis Course is launching as a FreeCourse but this will not be the case for ever so grab it while you can!Enroll Today!See you Inside!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Los Mantras Secretos de la Riqueza y mas" |
"Los Mantras de la Abundancia son:""El Antivirus Perfecto Para Elevar los Pensamientos y Clarificar tu Mente"". Permitiendote Autosugestionarte usando los mismos canales subliminal para Reprogramar Programas de Riqueza, Salud, Amor, Exito y Abundancia en tu Mente Subconsciente.Al Usar por un lapso de tiempo los Mantras de la Abundancia comenzaran a pasar cosas Positivas en tu Vida, te sorprenderas del Poder de estas Frases cuando las Repites constantemente y comienzas a atraer Dinero, Recursos, Personas Positvas, te Sientes mas Saludable y sales de Ciclos de Quejas, Estancamientos, Falta de Progreso para Impulsarte hacia una Nueva, Renovada, Prospera y Abundante Etapa en tu Vida."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn like a Superhero, with Accelerated learning." |
"Transform yourself into a super learner with this massive course deigned for every skill level. Learn how to optimise your strengths and build up your weaknesses. Improve your reading with real and simple speed reading skills that anyone can benefit from without requiring hours and hours of training. Boost your memory quickly and permanently with a selection of incredible techniques inspired by the worlds best memory champions.On top of all that you can become creative powerhouse with creative thinking techniques developed by Steve Jobs, Salvador Dali, Leonardo DaVinci, William and many more.This course will let you learn like a super hero and think like a super villain. Are you ready to accept the challenge to become the best you, you can?"
Price: 149.99 |
"How To Make A Scientific Research Poster" |
"Presenting a Research Poster at an upcoming Conference?Making a Scientific Research Poster doesnt have to be hard! In this video series Ill walk you through it step by step.Ill show you what software to use, and where to get professional templates for free that let you point and click to make your poster FAST.You'll learn whatHasto be on your Research Poster, and how tograb attention and get your poster noticed.You'll Learn:What Software To Use To Make Your PosterWhere To Get Powerpoint Templates for FreeAll About Poster Sizes, Colors, Fonts, and Image FormatsHow to Add Images, Charts, and Graphs to your PosterHow to Use Whitespace to Draw The EyeWhat the Sections of your Poster should Look LikeAll About Flow and TextWhat Makes a Poster Stand Out?How To Use An Elevator Pitch While PresentingWhere To Print Your Poster Cheaply and QUICKLYNo Design Skills orKnowledge are Needed, I'll show you everything you need to make a great poster."
Price: 199.99 |
"ServiceNow Kickstart: Basic Skills for CMDB Administration" |
"Note: This course was created on the pre-Eureka UI of ServiceNow (THATS A LONG TIME AGO!) As a result, you will see differences in the UI as well as supporting resources, for what is captured in this course and what is currently available in ServiceNow. With the release of Fuji, the UI changes are more apparent.However, fundamentally, ServiceNow works the same way. What that means is that it is intuitive to map the steps in the current ServiceNow UI and follow the course accordingly using your own free ServiceNow Instance via the ServiceNow Developer Portal!IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT ALIGNS WITH THE LATEST RELEASE OF SERVICENOW, THIS IS NOT THE COURSE FOR YOU.This course is what you need to Kickstart your ServiceNow knowledge as it aligns with the ServiceNow Administration to support the configuration of the CMDB. It includes a series of videos that cover various aspects of ServiceNow to get you going with the Basics of ServiceNow Administration and give you an overview of various aspects and features of ServiceNow. Take this course to: Understand the basic administration skills needed to support ServiceNow CMDB configurationsPrepare for your ServiceNow InterviewAdminister ServiceNowRefresh your SerivceNow SkillsGet familiar with ServiceNow"
Price: 19.99 |