"Git y GitHub Completo Desde Cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar dos herramientas muy extendidas en los ltimos aos de gran ayuda para cualquier programador.Git es una herramienta con la que podrs controlar los cambios que se hacen en un proyecto de modo que puedas volver atrs en el historialsi lo necesitas.Y luego aprenders a exprimir al mximo GitHub, un sitio web que te permite almacenar en la nube tu cdigo, compartirlo con los dems y sobre todo trabajar en equipo mediante las caractersticas que el sitio web te ofrece.Entre todos los temas del curso quisiera destacarte los siguientes que podrs aprender:Usando GitHub desde la lnea de comandos. Trabajando con otras personas. GitHub Pages. Qu es Git. Qu es GitHub. GitHub y los repositorios. GitHub Desktop. GitKraken. Creando un proyecto. Clonando el repositorio en tu ordenador. Realizando cambios. Subiendo los cambios a GitHub. Bifurcaciones. Cerrando bifurcaciones. Cerrando bifurcaciones con conflicto Los issues. Cmo crear un issue en GitHub. Responder y cerrar issues. Organizar las categoras de un issue. Haciendo forks. Realizando un pull ruques. Creando una versin GitHub es social. Crear un proyecto con varias personas. Administrar y revocar permisos en un repositorio. Administrar los usuarios de una organizacin. GitHub Pages. Cmo agregar archivos a tu pgina. Instalar Jekyll y crear un blog nuevo. Crear una pgina fija. Cmo subir el sitio de Jekyll a GitHub Pages. Utilizando un dominio personalizado. Solucin de problemas comunes en Jekyll Agregando una clave SSH."
Price: 34.99 |
"Programacin de Android desde Cero +35 horas Curso COMPLETO" |
"Actualizado en Junio de 2019Aprende a crear aplicaciones para android desde cero y de forma sencilla con Android Studio y las herramientas ms profesionales del momento. En este curso aprenders:Java necesario para el desarrollo en AndroidDesarrollo de Aplicaciones nativas para AndroidDesarrollo de Juegos para AndroidInterfaces con Material Design y Responsive DesignAdministracin del hardware de los dispositivos (cmara, memoria, sensores...)Administracin de Base de Datos para las appsControl de Versiones con Git y GitHubDiseo y UsabilidadSoporte Multilenguaje de una appGPS, Google MapsExtrasTe animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del cursoA lo largo del curso tendrs varias horas de ejemplos prcticos para que captes bien el sentido de cada concepto y sepas aplicarlo en tus propios proyectos. Tendrs el desarrollo de una app como ejercicio por cada seccin del curso, as como el cdigo de los ejemplos mostrados en los videos. El curso est estructurado de forma modular, as que t decides en qu orden ver las secciones, sin necesidad de seguir una secuencia obligatoria. Tienes ms de 20 horas de videos que irn aumentando con el tiempo, ya que est curso estar en constante renovacin y ampliacin.Adems te transmitiremos nuestra experiencia para que seas un profesional en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android. Al final este curso sers capaz de crear una app moderna, funcional y atractiva sin ningn problema :)Permteme explicarte por qu debes tomar este curso:Entre todos los tutores que hemos participado en este curso reunimos ms de 15 aos de experiencia tanto como profesores, como tambin programador profesionales. El formato de mis videos es muy didctico y ameno. En mi caso me vers a m insertado dentro del pantalla, como si estuviera frente a t explicndote cada punto. Te acompaaremos desde el principio, haciendo ejercicios juntos y ayudndote con tus dudas.El equipo de TutoresAlejandro Lora: Desarrollador Senior de Software. Trabaja en Irlanda dedicndose nicamente a la programacin en Android con Android Studio. Aunque tambin domina otras reas del desarrollo de software ajenas a la creacin de apps.Daniel Rodrguez: Desarrollador Senior de Software. Maneja una gran variedad de campos, especializado en entornos web y java. Experto en desarrollo de juegos para Android.Jos Javier Villena (un servidor): Desarrollador Senior de Software. Tengo experiencia en varias tecnologas. He trabajado para organismos del Gobierno de Espaa tanto en Educacin impartiendo cursos, como en la produccin de software. Aprende a crear apps nativas para Android con Android StudioSi quieres ser un verdadero profesional en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android es esencial que sepas escribir tu cdigo de forma nativa. Muchos de los programadores de apps hbridas no conocen realmente el funcionamiento interno que se produce en un sistema Android, y eso hace que el rendimiento sea peor, perjudicando la experiencia de usuario. En este curso aprenders a crear apps nativas con Java. Ademas utilizaremos la herramienta oficial de Google, Android Studio, para que ests para trabajar con la herramienta ideal para la produccin de software en dispositivos mviles de Android.Creacin de apps modernas con Material Design y Responsive DesignSer un verdadero profesional no es slamente saber hacer una app, hoy en da es necesario que la experiencia de usuario sea la mejor, y que el diseo sea atractivo. Por eso en este curso aprenders a implementar Material Design y Responsive Design a tus aplicaciones para crear una mejor experiencia. As tus apps estarn a la ltima en cuestion de diseo.Veremos algunas herramientas online para implementar Material Design en Android, ensearemos como incluir Floating Action Buttons, cuadros de dilogos basado en este diseo...Es muy importante que cualquier aplicacin Android desarrollada se vea correctamente en los diferentes dispositivos de diferentes tamaos de pantalla. Ensearemos las mejores prcticas y formas de implementarlo desde Android Studio.Creacin de juegosEs de sobra conocido que la industria del juego est en pleno auge. Pues... en este curso tambin aprenders sobre el desarrollo de juegos!! A travs de algunas liberas que sabrs usar, podrs crear juegos para la industria del entretenimiento. Concretamente vers como hacer un clon del famoso juego Geometry Dash.Administracin de Bases de Datos para apps y APIsEn la seccin de persistencia de datos, el alumno aprenders a guardar datos en un dispositivo Android de diferentes formas y con diferentes tecnologas, como Shared Preferences o SQLite. Para que tu aplicacin permita interaccin entre varios usuarios de forma simultnea y segura es necesario que sepas usar servicios externos webs como APIs donde acceder a los datos y trabajar con toda la informacin que almacenen.Administracin del hardware del dispositivoSi quieres optimizar tu app para que gestione de forma eficiente los diferentes elementos de hardware con los que cuente el dispositivo en el que se ejecute tu app, ste curso es ideal para t. Aprenderas a controlar la memoria, sensores, cmara, gps, etc. De esa forma podrs crear apps ms atractivas al usuario. Te haban enseado a gestionar bien todos esos recursos para que el hardware del dispositivo no sufra? En esos detalles es donde se diferencia un autntico desarrollador.Aprende a trabajar en equipo y control de versiones con Git y GitHubPara ser un verdadero profesional, no basta que con que sepas realizar tus propios proyectos, tienes que saber administrar las diferentes versiones del mismo, o trabajar en equipo junto a otros desarrolladores que tambien estn participando en el mismo proyecto que t. Para ello es esencial en el desarrollo moderno aprender Git y GitHub para colaborar en desarrollos en grupo. En este curso tendrs una seccion muy completa, prtica y verstil de Git y GitHub, no es el tpico temario de comandos y cosas bsicas...encontrars cosas que hasta ahora yo no he visto que tenga ningn otro curso de Git y GitHub, el sistema de control de versiones ms extendido y valorado en el mbito profesionalUn Curso Diferente y en Constante RenovacinEl temario de la gran mayora de cursos sobre Android que encontrars en internet es muy similar, y al mismo tiempo es muy bsico. Este curso no te ensear solo a saber insertar botones en una pantalla, aprenders a crear de forma profesional una aplicacin. Encontrars una gran variedad de contenidos. Y te guiaremos hasta un nivel de programacin realmente alto. Adems el temario se ir ampliando progresivamente, de modo que no se quedar estancando.Existen algunos conceptos extras que se abordarn en el curso, y tambin en sto hay cierta flexibilidad, por lo que se pueden evaluar algunas algunos tems del inters de los alumnos,teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de aadirlos al curso bajo dicha demanda. Verdad que es genial? Pues lo mejor de todo es que est a tu alcance. Compra el curso y disfruta de todo lo que te est esperando. Nos vemos!Jos Javier Villena"
Price: 199.99 |
"Microsoft Office Essential Skills" |
"In this Microsoft Office essential skills course I share with you the real-life skills people need to get the best from the software in the workplace, gathered over many years as a Microsoft Certified Trainer. By taking this course you will be able to: Confidently use the core Microsoft Office programs in the workplace Learn the skills employers expect you to have in Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint Apply best practices to your work Achieve confidence and job satisfaction through practice Who should take this course? You should take this course if you use Microsoft Office at work but have never been trained Anyone who wants to become more confident, achieve progression at work or find a new job Anyone who wants to update their skills if returning to work after a career breakWho should not? This course is not intended as a comprehensive guide to Microsoft Office, it is intended to teach the essential skills employers look for It does not cover advanced topics but does cover all you need to get started plus lots of cool shortcuts to make your day fly by What will students need to know or do before starting this course? This course requires no previous knowledge, but assumes that students will have access to a PC and a copy of Office 2010 or later. Most of the principles can also be applied to Office 2007 and to Office 2013, but as the 2010 version is the most commonly used, this is the version I have chosen for the tutorials. When appropriate, the actual files used in the tutorial are provided for practice and I encourage students to download them and follow along. You will learn faster and be more confident when you try it yourself!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Excel Basics the Ultimate Beginners Course" |
"Learn the basic concepts of spreadsheet design, formulas and functions that will enable you to build fully working models using the worlds most popular spreadsheet software.Build a strong foundation in spreadsheet software with this Excel beginners course taught by a Microsoft Certified Trainer Workbooks and Worksheets Formulas and Functions Sorting, Filtering and Tables Charts and Graphs Page Layout, Formatting and PrintingA Powerful Skill Employers Want Learning to use Excel puts you in a very strong position in the workplace. Employers in many different fields need people who are skilled at using the immense power of Excel to manipulate data. When you understand the basics you can move on to more advanced topics like data analysis, using Excel for forecasting, building financial models and summarizing business activity via a dashboard. Content and Overview I designed this Excel course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. Even if you are self-taught, in this comprehensive course we will cover together the right ways to use a spreadsheet efficiently and quickly. We start with the basics of the Excel workbook and learn how to become confident in moving around quickly. We continue with Inserting, Hiding and Deleting and then look at the right method of performing Calculations. Ever wonder why your formulas are not consistent? Well learn how to make them reliable and work every time youll be amazed at just how easy it is. You will be able to choose how much you see by using Filters, and impress your peers by adding a Chart in a couple of clicks. We finish up with a clear method of ensuring you only print what you want. By the end of the course you will be confident in using any version of Excel and capable of harnessing the power of this amazing software. You will be able to make Excel do what YOU want, not be a slave to what IT wants! Complete with the actual working files I use, you'll be able to work alongside me and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 39.99 |
"Time Management & Productivity" |
"Time Management:Wasting time sucks. Stop doing it! Get an action plan, a time management system, and STARTGETTINGTHINGS RIGHT.2019 is almost here. Get prepared! In less than hour, learn how to start managing your priorities and intentionally engage in your own life. To-do lists may be daunting (and sometimes even useless), but managing your time doesnt have to be hard.With 15+ years of experience, we help make time management easier. Take this course, and discover a SIMPLE TOOL thousands of individuals around the world are using RIGHT NOW to get more of the RIGHT THINGS DONE!Course Highlights:4 Concise, Easy-to-Follow LessonsVerifiable Certificate of CompletionGrowing Course Knowledge BaseCommunity of 9,900+ Students with 400+ reviewsCustomizable Excel Templates, PDFs, and Examples24/7 Access to Instructor via Course Discussion & Udemy MessagesStudent Testimonials:With more than 9,900 students enrolled and 400+ reviews, here is what some people are saying about the course:Logical, concise, inspiring and easy to comprehend...Great course! Making time management + productivity simple! I will be using the Eisenhower method from here on out. One of the most exceptional courses I have ever taken in my life.Take Action:Join us, and get your tasks under control TODAY!Click the green button, and enroll now.See you in class! Ryan & Tolan Co-founders of Splativity********************Origins of the Eisenhower Decision Matrix:The Eisenhower Decision Matrix (or EDM for short) was developed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and then popularized by time management expert Stephen Covey.At its core, the Eisenhower Decision Matrix is a simple tool that helps individuals differentiate between whats important and whats urgent.********************"
Price: 49.99 |
"Unity 5 + Javascript + C#: Complete Course" |
"In this series of educational courses Unity we'll know how to use the main functions of software when we'll create our first game.During this course I make an effort you'll play the first game in 3D simpler using the most fashion and easy sources of Unity 5.We start with studying how to make a new project in Unity 5 and how to operate assets in our game. Then we are going to make the complete level using the instruments of place. It begins super strange interesting things!We'll learn to tune up a play character and to move an animation in our level. Also, we'll learn to work with the collisions, the capture elements, particles and sound effects.So, we'll learn to make a new game in Unity 5 and we'll share with our friends to the end of the studying course. It will be the grand course and the knowledge to start a great adventure in Unity 5."
Price: 19.99 |
"How I Make a Unity 2D Platformer - The Complete Course" |
"Most people believe that the development and successful progress of mobile gaming requires serious and difficult skills. By learning the process with Unity 2D, these perceptions will be smashed. 2D suits well for mobile platforms and due to its low power consumption can become an amazing project on large platforms.This course is for beginners and experienced designers of mobile games. You will create a dynamic Unity 2D game during the course, but the focus is made not on passing the game, but on mastering the art of game design through problem solving and experiments.You will start with importing models and textures before proceeding to the level design. To get started we'll learn how properly to set up our coins in order to collide with the player. This is a basis for the following steps: creating an animation that controls the actions of your player. You will end with creating an animation of collection and creating music for your games.By the end of this course, you will be able to create a complex Unity 2D game, starting with nothing but a blank screen. This course will give you a basis for understanding the development of the game, using the Unity 2D - powerful game engine. If you have never designed games before, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bailar flamenco - Fandango - Coreografa baile completo" |
"Te gusta el flamenco, su fuerza, su sentimiento? Aprender a bailarlo es muy fcil siguiendo mis pasos. El fandango flamenco es uno de los palos ms sencillos para comenzar a bailar y la coreografa que desmenuzamos en este curso es especial para introducirse en el flamenco.Este curso est especialmente diseado para poder realizar una coreografa de fandangos para un nivel inicial.Contiene ejercicios y pasos bsicos, se trabaja el comps de las palmas, diferentes marcajes y pataitas sencillas. Poco a poco desarrollaremos cada uno de los pasos descubriendo meticulsamente todos los movimientos del cuerpo tanto los brazos y manos como la cabeza, caderas, piernas y pies."
Price: 39.99 |
"Baile por Rumbas. Tema: ""De boca en boca"" La nia Pastori" |
"En este curso se explica paso a paso una coreografa completa sobre un tema especfico de flamenco.Est diseado para alumnos con o sin conocimientos previos del flamenco. Explicamos la tcnica de cada paso desde los pies a la cabeza, movimientos de brazos y manos, colocacin de cuerpo, movimientos de caderas y quiebros de costados, tcnicas sencillas de zapateadospara concluir en una coreografa completa por rumba.Con este curso te damos a conocer su comps, que es binario o de cuatro tiempos, realizars numerosos marcajes tpicos y tradicionales de este baile que una vez trabajados podrs adaptarlos a cualquier otro tema musical por rumba.La rumba flamenca, tienen su origen en la rumba cubana pero han adquirido entidad propia como gnero musical. Es interpretada por numerosos artistas, lo que ha hecho que el flamenco se d mucho a conocer a travs de este gnero. Es un baile muy rtmico que suena hoy da en cualquier evento. Apuntndote a este curso podrs realizar una coreografa completa y podrs utilizar lo aprendido para otro tipo de bailes con el mismo comps binario."
Price: 39.99 |
"Baile Flamenco - Tcnica Bsica" |
"Este curso va dirigido a alumnos sin previos conocimientos sobre el Flamenco que quieren comenzar desde los inicios a formarse desde la tcnica. Para bailar Flamenco correctamente son necesarios ciertos conocimientos bsicos que te ayudarn a coordinar movimientos e incluso a conocer mejor tu cuerpo.Primero explicamos con detalle como estirar tus msculos antes y despus de cada sesin de ejercicio. Adems, te damos trucos sencillos para la colocacin correcta del cuerpo. Te iniciaremos en los primeros ejercicios de zapateados que te llevarn a conseguir un buen sonido, fuerza y velocidad, y con el tiempo resistencia. Tambin te ensearemos las principales posiciones de brazos y movimientos de manos. Y por ltimo los ejercicios ms bsicos de cadera, quiebros y vueltas. Estos primeros pasos sern el comienzo de una gran formacin acadmica que te llevarn a ser capaz de realizar coreografas de un nivel bsico.Dependiendo del tiempo que dediques y tambin de tus cualidades personales, podrs conseguir los objetivos que se plantean y podrs aumentar poco a poco tus conocimientos y capacidades."
Price: 59.99 |
"Bugn ngilizce renin - Okuduunu Anlama ve Metin Analizi" |
"Bu derste; ingilizce metinlerin adm adm zmlemesi yaplmaktadr. Bu ders sayesinde okuduunuzu ok kolay bir ekilde anlayabileceksiniz. YDS, TOEFL, IELTS gibi snavlarda "reading" blmleri nemli bir yer tutar. Paragraflar anlayabilmek iin nasl bir yaklam gelitirmemiz gerektii, hangi cmle elerine dikkat edilmesi gerektii, ve karlalan gramer yaplar zerinde bilgiler verilmektedir. Ayrca paragraf baznda nemli ve bilinmesi gereken kelimelerin listesi de karlm ve renciye e zamanl olarak sunulmutur. Ders sonunda bu kelimelerle ilgili mini testler bulabileceksiniz. Bu kurs kullanlan okuma metinlerini, videolar, metinde geen kelimelerin listesini ve kelime quizleri iermektedir. Kurstaki dersler birbirinden bamsz olduu iin istenilen sra takip edilebilir."
Price: 24.99 |
"Wing Chun 116 Dummy Training" |
"The Master Wong Wing Chun 116 dummy training course is a complete guide through the Dummy training. These EASY TO UNDERSTAND training videos are GUARANTEED to teach you everything you need to know to further develop your Strength, Power and sharper Technique. Dummy Training is a practical way of improving your hand to hand skills, this instrument is a useful replacement for a partner when you are unable to train together. By practicing through a variety of movements from the Dummy Form, the student can improve their Reaction Time, Body Positioning and Body Conditioning; all these invaluable skills practiced under one roof. Mastering the 116 Dummy Training, will naturally improve and reinforce the student's ability, allowing them to transfer these skills into the Self- Defence and Street Fight Training. Working in the close range with the Dummy, stimulates the real distance in a fight as well as correct Body Positioning and Body Conditioning. Master Wong is your personal guide through the world of the 116 Dummy. Directing you, step by step to ensure you reach your full potential. The user-friendly style of this production makes Master Wong your real life personal trainer! He will be with you through out each training exercise to coach and guide you, helping you to complete each task. Not all Dummy Training is created equal! This modern realistic approach to training provided in HD brings you the secrets of the ancient art of war applied to 21st Century Training.This is your interactive step-by-step course, provided by Master Wong, making it easy for anyone, anywhere to learn 116 Dummy and gain confidence and awareness. Master Wong welcomes comments and questions from students and is constantly working to improve the quality of this Instructional material. New videos will be regularly updated. So if there are any questions you would like Master Wong to cover, contact us. You may well find this question is included in our up coming content."
Price: 44.99 |
"Wing Chun Biu Jee" |
"The Master Wong Bui Jee course is the complete foundation in the Master Wong Wing Chun system. This is the first of 4 Modules, each featuring over 100 EASY TO UNDERSTAND training videos GUARANTEED to teach you everything you need to Master the foundation level of this exciting Close Quarter Fighting Art. The course begins with the absolute basics. This basic level training helps you develop core skills and the discipline required to use Wing Chun. Here you learn the basic hand and leg techniques. Learning to position and move your body correctly so you can effectively apply the movements in combat. Once you have the basic skills. The next element of your training will be to develop your sensitivity and flow of your movement with the Energy Drills. The user-friendly style of this production makes Master Wong your real life personal trainer! He is with you throughout each moment, every rep, every stance and exercise helping you to complete each task. Not all Wing Chun is created equal! This modern realistic approach to training provided in HD, brings you the secrets of the ancient art of Wing Chun. This is your interactive step-by-step course, provided by Master Wong, making it easy for anyone, anywhere to learn Wing Chun."
Price: 44.99 |
"Wing Chun Street Fight Advanced" |
"The Master Wong Wing Chun Advance Street Fighting training Course is a complete guide to protecting yourself on the street. These EASY TO UNDERSTAND training videos are GUARANTEED to teach you everything you need to get yourself out of a difficult, maybe even life-threatening situation if you are attacked while you are outside the safety of your home.Advance Street Fighting training is practical, filmed out on the street, in the environment you will encounter and works on applying techniques face to face with your partner. By practicing through a variety of scenarios and using drills to improve your reactions you will be able to act instinctively when you are under threat and do what needs to be done to protect yourself or those you care about.Master Wong is your personal guide through the world of Street Fighting and will put himself in dangerous spots and explain how to escape and make sure your attacker cant continue to bother you and will probably never want to bother anyone ever again.The user-friendly style of this production makes Master Wong your real life personal trainer! He will be with you through out each scenario and training exercise to coach and guide you, helping you to complete each task. Not all Advance Street Fighting is created equal! This modern realistic approach to training provided in HD brings you the secrets of the ancient Art of War applied to dangers you are likely to face today. This is your interactive step-by-step course, provided by Master Wong, making it easy for anyone, anywhere to learn Advance Street Fighting and gain confidence and awareness when the are out on the street.Master Wong welcomes comments and questions from students and is constantly working to improve the quality of this instructional material. New videos will be regularly updated. So if there's a scenario you would like Master Wong to cover, contact us. You may well find this scenario included in our up coming content."
Price: 49.99 |
"Tai Chi Chen Style" |
"The Master Wong Tai Chi Chen Style Course is the next stage of learning within The Master Wong Tai Chi System. Chen style is much more physically challenging due to the continuous variations of speed, power & body positioning from high to low.This style of Tai Chi can be used to improve health, as well as used for Combat. Over 70 EASY TO UNDERSTAND training videos GUARANTEED to teach you everything you need in order to master the first stage of this Ancient Chinese Art for health and Combat. The course further develops your understand of the concepts of Yin and Yang for meditation and moves on to the basic movements and the form. By the end of this course you will have learned the 1st & 2nd Cannon Fist Form of Tai chi. You will also cover basic combat application.The user-friendly style of this production makes Master Wong your real life personal trainer! He is with you throughout each moment, every rep, every stance and exercise helping you to complete each task. Not all Tai Chi was created equal! This modern realistic approach to training provided in HD, brings you the secrets of the ancient art of Tai Chi. This is your interactive step-by-step course, provided by Master Wong, making it easy for anyone, anywhere to learn Tai Chi."
Price: 49.99 |
"Women Self Defense" |
"Master Wong is known for his directness, no messing around and effective techniques. And thats what this women self -defence course is all about. In this course you learn to use simple and very effective techniques to overcome common attacks or to deal with unpleasant situations. Its not just about the emergency techniques youll get to learn, but also learn to prevent and avoid these situations where possible from happening. I think we can all agree that prevention is defiantly much better then cure. You dont need to be an experience martial artist or a fitness freak to be able to learn the techniques from this course, however the bonus of this course is, it comes with basic exercise that will enhance your technique and get you fit at the same time. Its like getting 2 for the price of 1! This course is suitable for people at all levels, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advance learner, you will find this course very enjoyable to do. We insure our cars, our pets and homes, but why dont we put some insurance on ourselves? Life insurance is only valuable when your dead, so why not have something valuable when youre alive. Theres nothing better then self-help. Learning self -defence may possibly save your life one day. You dont know when you need it, but when the occasion arises you have it.In this course you'll learn to deal with people in your personal space, escaping unwanted situations, dealing with grabs,strangles etc. plusmanymore!If you like to know more about this course visit our Facebook page: womenfightbackTheres plenty more videos and information provided."
Price: 49.99 |
"NCLEX Simplified: Cardiac, Circulatory, and Musculoskeletal" |
"NCLEX Simplified has helped over 100 students to achieve their dream of passing the NCLEX. Some students even failed the test once or multiple times before. Achieve their success by studying hard in this course! This course specifically covers cardiac, circulatory, and musculoskeletal topics that are essential to the test. If you've ever been confused about the differences in crutch gaits or what a p wave looks like, you need this course!Anyone who is interested in nursing is welcome to sign up, but it is most applicable if you are a graduate nurse or a nursing student. If you like the course, check out the textbook called NCLEX Simplified that it is based on.Lisa is a calm, enthusiastic lecturer who delivers the essential information with humor. Enjoy the lessons and contact her if you need further help with your study plan!"
Price: 19.99 |
"NCLEX Simplified: Respiratory and Endocrine" |
"NCLEX Simplified is a method that teaches in informational chunks that better prepare the test taker by instilling confidence over raw question strategy that is based on things like... the Decision Tree (ugh). This course covers the Endocrine and Respiratory sections in full detail. Learn about ABGs and SIADH, Diabetes and orthopnea. The list goes on and on, but the info is actually short and sweet. In fact, that's the point of NCLEX Simplified. It's all the information you need and none of the stuff you don't!This course is best paired with the other NCLEX Simplified lectures on this web site. By watching all of them (repeatedly if necessary) to absorb the information, you will go into your NCLEX well-prepared. For even more preparation, contact the author of this course, Lisa Chou, and ask what tutoring options are available.Good luck and study hard!"
Price: 19.99 |
"NCLEX Simplified: Neurology, Senses, and GI" |
"NCLEX Simplified is a method that teaches in informational chunks that better prepare the test taker by instilling confidence over raw question strategy that is based on things like... the Decision Tree (ugh).This course covers the Neurology, Senses, and Gastrointestinal sections in full detail. Learn about shingles and epistaxis, ulcerations and ostomies. The list goes on and on, but the info is actually short and sweet. In fact, that's the point of NCLEX Simplified. It's all the information you need and none of the stuff you don't!This course is best paired with the other NCLEX Simplified lectures on this web site. By watching all of them (repeatedly if necessary) to absorb the information, you will go into your NCLEX well-prepared. For even more preparation, contact the author of this course, Lisa Chou, and ask what tutoring options are available.Good luck and study hard!"
Price: 19.99 |
"NCLEX Simplified: Renal, Reproductive, Maternity" |
"NCLEX Simplified is a method that teaches in informational chunks that better prepare the test taker by instilling confidence over raw question strategy that is based on things like... the Decision Tree (ugh).This course covers the Renal, Reproductive, and maternity sections in full detail. Learn about pyelonephritis and uterine fibroids, weekly markers and babies with HIV. The list goes on and on, but the info is actually short and sweet. In fact, that's the point of NCLEX Simplified. It's all the information you need and none of the stuff you don't!This course is best paired with the other NCLEX Simplified lectures on this web site. By watching all of them (repeatedly if necessary) to absorb the information, you will go into your NCLEX well-prepared. For even more preparation, contact the author of this course, Lisa Chou, and ask what tutoring options are available.Good luck and study hard!"
Price: 19.99 |
"NCLEX Simplified: Neonate, Pediatrics, and Genetics" |
"NCLEX Simplified is a method that teaches in informational chunks that better prepare the test taker by instilling confidence over raw question strategy that is based on things like... the Decision Tree (ugh).This course covers the Neonate, Pediatrics, and Genetic sections in full detail. Learn about hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, down's syndrome, milestones, and much more. The list goes on and on, but the info is actually short and sweet. In fact, that's the point of NCLEX Simplified. It's all the information you need and none of the stuff you don't!This course is best paired with the other NCLEX Simplified lectures on this web site. By watching all of them (repeatedly if necessary) to absorb the information, you will go into your NCLEX well-prepared. For even more preparation, contact the author of this course, Lisa Chou, and ask what tutoring options are available.Good luck and study hard!"
Price: 19.99 |
"NCLEX Simplified: Autoimmune, Psych, and Herbs" |
"NCLEX Simplified is a method that teaches in informational chunks that better prepare the test taker by instilling confidence over raw question strategy that is based on things like... the Decision Tree (ugh).This course covers the Autoimmune, Psychiatric, and Herbal sections in full detail. Learn that herbals cause bleeding, about Guillain-Barre and OCD, and much more. The list goes on and on, but the info is actually short and sweet. In fact, that's the point of NCLEX Simplified. It's all the information you need and none of the stuff you don't!This course is best paired with the other NCLEX Simplified lectures on this web site. By watching all of them (repeatedly if necessary) to absorb the information, you will go into your NCLEX well-prepared. For even more preparation, contact the author of this course, Lisa Chou, and ask what tutoring options are available.Good luck and study hard!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende T-SQL orientado a negocios" |
"SQL es un lenguaje de acceso a bases de datos que explota la flexibilidad y potencia de los sistemas relacionales permitiendo gran variedad de operacionesEs un lenguaje declarativo de ""alto nivel"", que gracias a su fuerte base terica y su orientacin al manejo de conjuntos de registros, y no a registros individuales, permite una alta productividad en codificacin. De esta forma una sola sentencia puede equivaler a uno o ms programas que se utilizaran en un lenguaje de bajo nivel orientado a registros.El curso es terico prctico lo que permite que el alumno pueda conocer las ventajas de manejar una SGBD dentro de proyectos reales.El curso tiene como objetivo aprender la sintaxis T-SQL para el manejo de informacin y aplicarlo en empresas, creara una base solida de las sentencias sql."
Price: 199.99 |
"Inteligencia de negocios en SQL SERVER" |
"El curso de Inteligencia de negocios, nos servir para poder crear proyectos de BI en las organizaciones utilizando las herramientas que nos proporciona microsoft como es el SQL SERVER y el EXCEL.Explicaremos en que se diferencia las base de datos tradicionales con las bases de datos de inteligencia de negocios.Explicaremos la estructura de los proyectos de BI, el moldeamiento Dimensional y como usar la herramienta del SQL serverCon la herramienta del SQL server podremos crear proyectos ETL con integration Services, proyectos de Cubos con Analisis Services y proyectos de Reportes con Reporting services,Ademas explicaremos como mostrar la informacin de los cubos a travs del excel con sus nuevas herramientas como power pivot y power view con esta ultima implementaremos dashboards.Se agrego una actualizacin en el curso(21/10/2016), ahora hay una seccion sobre reportes usando el reporting services"
Price: 199.99 |
"Create Your Own Spiritual Practice" |
"This course has been created for those of you who are not strictly affiliated with any one specific religion or spiritual philosophy. This course is meant to help you create a spiritual practice which aligns with how you feel you can best care for your spirit.To accomplish this I'll take you through an easy, step-by-step method of creating your own spiritual mission, goals and action plan to provide you with a personalized spiritual practice from which you'll be able to experience tangible results.The course is approximately 30 minutes in length, however you'll want to take breaks between each lecture to thoroughly complete lecture assignments.The goal of this course is to show you that nurturing your spirit can be found in a variety of life activities. You don't need to strictly associate with any one religion or spiritual philosophy in order to successfully care for your spirit. All you need to do is take regular time to listen to what your heart desires and commit to a plan to fulfilling those desires to have a fulfilling spiritual practice.A PDF download of a Spiritual Mission & Goals Template is also included with the course to help you organize your spiritual mission and goals."
Price: 24.99 |
"Web Development with Flask" |
"Flask is a micro webdevelopment framework for Python. This course covers the web development with Flask from scratch. This course is meant for newbies. Each lecture guides you through step by step process to create a website. The course covers creation of login and logout pages and also storing data in the SQLite database. The course takes less than an hour to complete and is covered in two sections. The first section creates the website and the second sections deals with database queries. Take this course if you are a complete newbie to web development and Flask."
Price: 19.99 |
"Game development using Scratch" |
"Scratch is a visual programming language. Through easy to use drag and drop blocks, one can build games, animations and stories in Scratch. It is a great way to learn about programming and is generally used to teach kids basics of programming. But it can be used by anyone to develop games of increasing complexity. Scratch allows the use of event-driven programming with active objects called ""sprites"". In this course, we will go from the basics of scratch all the way to development of games in Scratch. Ever wanted to design a game but found programming too hard. Well Scratch makes game development easy to learn and fun to create. In order to take this course, you need Scratch installed on your machine and an interest in learning how to program and develop games/animations in general. By the end of this course, we will be able to build animations and games in Scratch. Learn and master this visual programming language in just over 13 lectures. This course was designed to be understood by absolute beginners with no/little experience in programming."
Price: 19.99 |
"Data Structures in C++" |
"Ever wondered how large amounts of data is stored in computers and still accessed efficiently? In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of organizing data so that it can be used efficiently.In this course, we will learn about these data structures. We will cover the most popular data structures used to store data which includes binary search trees, heaps, hash tables and graphs. Complete with code samples, you'll be able to learn alongside the instructor. This course is designed for programmers with some basic knowledge of C++.This course is broken down into easy to assimilate lectures and after each section there is problem set which challenges you to work on problems related to that section. The course provides comprehensive explanation of data structures binary search trees, heaps, hash tables and graphs. By the end of this course, you will be able to code these data structures and understand how to perform operations on these data structures."
Price: 19.99 |
"Basics of R" |
"R is a programming language and a software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a very popular language in areas of statistics and analytics. With this course, you will be able to build a strong foundation in R and can later branch out into other applications of R. The course will cover a range of topics ranging from basic data types in R to statistics and plots in R. You will be able to work alongside the instructor in each lecture. This course is designed for students who are completely new to R programming or those who need quick refresher in the basics of R. This course is broken down into easy to assimilate lectures and there are two quiz sections which test your understanding of the material. By the end of this course, you will be able to write programs in R, use basic statistics to analyze data and also build plots in R."
Price: 19.99 |
"Text mining with R" |
"Have you always wanted to mine twitter data? Then this course is for you. This course presents example of text mining with R. Twitter text of @pycon and @udemy is used as the data to analyze. It starts by extracting text from Twitter. The extracted text is then transformed to a corpus and then a document-term matrix. After that, frequent words and associations arefound from the matrix. A word cloud is used to present important words in documents.There are three important packages used in the examples: twitteR, tm and wordcloud. PackagetwitteR provides access to Twitter data, tm provides functions fortext mining, and wordcloud visualizes the result with a word cloud.This course is meant for people who have basic knowledge of R and are interested in learning about text mining, in particular about how to mine data from Twitter. At the end of this course, you will be able to build term-document matrix andword clouds for any user on Twitter.."
Price: 19.99 |