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"Advanced WordPress Gutenberg Blocks, Post Types & Taxonomies"
"Are you ready to take your WordPress skills to a whole new level?With Advanced WordPress Topics: Post Types Taxonomies & Metaboxes you will learn all these technologies with a 100% practical course.JUST ADDED WP REST API EXAMPLE!But you will learn more than that, in this course we're developing +10 DIFFERENT PROJECTS!! A Plugin for Custom Post Types and Taxonomies.A Plugin for Metaboxes.A Plugin for Upcoming Events with CMB2Filter Posts with Masonry Effect & WP AjaxAn Advanced Search Form with WP AjaxSubmit Posts from the Front End of our WordPress SiteInfinite Scrolling with Ajax and WP REST API Create your Custom Gutenberg Blocks.Gutenberg Block Development with wp-scripts ( 4 Custom Blocks included)This are complete, real world, develop from start to finish projects, each project contains between 8 and 13 videos, so they're in depth examples!What else i will learn in this course?We will use a lot of different techniques and integrate different technologies such as: jQuery, CSS3, WP Ajax, the Shortcode API, Custom Metaboxes 2 (CMB2), WP REST API, Gutenberg, Filterizr & a lot more!If you have some experience working with WordPress and you want to learn more advanced topics, this course is for you!Check the Preview Videos :) they will show everything that you will learn!START LEARNING, WITH THE MOST ADVANCED WORDPRESS COURSE IN UDEMY!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Bootstrap 4 The Complete Guide by Building 8 Projects"
"UPDATE AUGUST 2018:Just Added more than 100 videos and 7 Projects with the newest Bootstrap Version!Learn Bootstrap 4 The Complete Guide by Building 8 ProjectsWelcome to the course!! What makes this course the best about Bootstrap?In this course we will build 8 different projects (Beautiful and well Designed Websites)The projects included in this Bootstrap 4 Course:Spa WebsiteReal State WebsiteMusic Festival WebsiteAdmin PanelE-commerce DesignFiverr CloneArchitecture Studio WebsiteCuisine School WebsiteThis Course contains everything you need to know about the new Bootstrap 4 Version + Building a Complete Project from Scratch ( 7 Different Projects included also! & a WordPress Theme )The new version of Bootstrap contains a lot of new classes, helper utilities, a Flexbox powered gridand new componentswhich all will be covered in this new course.We're building a complete Website (with 6 internal pages) and i'm gonna show you how to integrate PHP /MySQL with Bootstrap 4.Also we're building the Homepage of 7 Different ProjectsAlso we will take our design and create an amazing WordPress Theme.You will also learn how to extend Bootstrap components with CSS to make them look the way that you need to.6 Photoshopfiles (PSD)are included in this course that are going to be converted intro a Bootstrap 4 Website, so if you're looking for a PSD to Bootstrap course, this is the course that you should take!"
Price: 199.99

"Desarrollo Web Completo con HTML5, CSS3, JS AJAX PHP y MySQL"
"Un curso paso a paso si deseas comenzar en el mundo de la programacin Web.En este curso aprenders 7Lenguajes y Tecnologas Web:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX,PHP y MySQLAdemsagregars a tus sitios las siguientes API`s,SDK`s, Frameworks, libreras y caractersticas.AdminLTE -Crearemos un rea de administracin segura y atractiva.Bootstrap -AdminLTE est construido sobre bootstrap, aprenders lo bsico del framework HTML5 y CSS3 ms popular del mundo.CRUD -Aprende a crear aplicaciones CRUD (Crear, Leer,Actualizar y Delete) con PHP, MySQL y AJAX!PayPal- Recibiremos pagos en lnea en nuestro proyecto finalGoogle Maps API - Para mostrar un mapa de ubicacinMailChimp - Para que los usuarios se inscriban a tu newsletterTwitter Feed - Mostraremos los tweets de una cuenta en nuestro sitio webAdems crearemos distintos Proyectos!Sitio Web para una conferencia de diseo donde los usuarios podrn pagar por sus entradas.Agenda de Contactos en Ajax, PHP, MySQL y JavaScript.UpTask - Administrador de Proyectos en Ajax, PHP, MySQL y JavaScriptEntre otros :) (estn habilitados para verse gratis)Este curso esta lleno detips y tcnicas, adems de la creacin de un sitio Web real con funciones muy avanzadas y un rea de administracin para hacer un sitio 100% dinmico.Adems de las tecnologas anteriores, crearemos galeras, formularios, validaciones, un carrito en lnea con cotizador, registros a la base de datos, sistema de inicio de sesin, agregar la informacin dinmicamente desde la Base de Datos MySQLy mucho ms!Si no tienes experiencia previa y es tu primera vez escribiendo cdigo para hacer una pgina web, debes tomar este curso, que asume nunca has escrito una sola lnea de cdigo(te mostrar desde como crear un archivo .html) hasta disear tu base de datos y recibir pagos por PayPal, paso a paso y sin asumir conocimiento alguno.Si ya tienes experiencia, aprenders de los temas ms avanzados, en los que creamos un proyecto final que comenzamos a construir desde los primeros videos y que incluye estas 7tecnologas y API`sAdems te mostrar como crear un rea de administracin segura, con password hasheados, loguear usuarios, sesiones y ms. As como una pequea aplicacin en VanillaJS y Ajax para guardar contactos telefnicos con PHPEn este curso aprenders lo bsico de cada tecnologa y despus integraremos todo junto para hacer diseos increbles, es decir: crearemos una base slida y luego veremos como utilizarla sin duda la que considero la mejor forma de aprender.Hoy en da aprender programacin web es uno de los empleos ms demandados y con mejor pagay he preparado este curso para que una vez que finalices tengas las armas necesarias para poder encarar cualquier proyecto."
Price: 199.99

"PC Motherboard Circuits for beginners"
"This course is about learning how to maintenance your pc and also fixing your motherboard in a great wayYou will learn how to fix and know your motherboard circuits and if you are an electronic engineer you will have lots of help about how to design one but mainly you will learn how to fix them and also knowing your motherboard in match different and new way and just by some small number of tools you can analyze and define lots of circuits problems so you don't have to just looking at it and don't know where to start.if you have an electronic workshop or you are an IT manger you will need this and want this because this is something you don't want to miss on since its very Mach about problems in the desktop so it will be importing for your computer area now if you are an electronic engineer this is a great way to have knowledge about the motherboard hardware basics build so you if you want build oneIn addition, the martial of this course is about the every main big motherboard circuit and how to fix their problem throw more than one lecture and one way of learning each circuit diagram and other hard ware problem more useful skill you will be lucky to haveThe course could be long for you but fast for some people but stall easy and I'm sure it very useful for anyone who in desktop motherboard or just PCsYou will spot a hull new ways of looking at your motherboard and its problem with a new set of tools and experienceFor electronic engineer this could be a great way for you to start your project on building motherboard I am not saying that the course will teach you how to build one but this course cover a lot of its hardware instruction"
Price: 19.99

"Introduzione alla programmazione con R"
"In questo corso di base per R, trattiamole basi di questo linguaggio diprogrammazione, uno dei pi conosciuti e utilizzati nel campo dell'analisi dati e data science. Questo non significa che una volta finito questo corso sarai in grado di analizzare grossi dataset, ma avrai comunque delle buone basi per creare, manipolare e gestire dei dataset e delle strutture dati pi semplici. Se hai gi delle basi di R, o sei ad un livello pi avanzato, questo corso non ti serve, ti consiglio quindi di andare a vedere i miei corsi pi avanzati, ad esempio su machine learning, manipolazione dati e text mining.Questo corso R ti spiega per prima cosa come creare degli oggetti: R si basa su alcune strutture che necessario conoscere, come vettori, matrici, liste e dataframe: in questo corso R imparerai a crearle e manipolarle.Una volta create queste strutture dati, imparerai a manipolarle, salvarle sul computer ed estrarne degli elementi. In questo corso R ti insegner anche le basi di creazione di una funzione.Nella sezione successiva del corso R imparerai una serie argomenti utili: come impostare una cartella di lavoro, come installare e richiamare un pacchetto, come ottenere delle informazioni sui dati, dove trovare dei dataset per i test, come rimuovere degli elementi duplicati, come iterare un'azione e come gestire le date.Quando si analizzano dei dati ci si imbatte prima o poi nei dataframe cosiddetticasi x variabili. In questo corso R imparerai come si importa un dataframe dal computer, o da internet, su R. Esistono molte funzioni adatte allo scopo e molti pacchetti che ci sono utili per importare dei dati che sono in alcuni formati particolari, come ad esempio i formati per Excel oppure quelli per altri software di analisi, come SPSS.Un altro argomento importante cha affrontiamo in questo corso R come gestire i dati, come manipolarli, modificarli, aggregarli, ordinarli in maniera orizzontale e longitudinale.Per fare questo utilizzeremoalcuni pacchetti e funzioni specifiche, come dplyr o reshape2.R un linguaggio molto importante anche nell'ambito della statistica. Impareremo quindi alcune delle funzioni di base, come calcolo delle medie per riga o per colonna, e le funzioni statistiche pi comuni.Quando si parla di analisi dati,ci troveremo spesso a creare dei grafici per spiegare i nostri dati e le nostre analisi. Per questo motivo dedichiamo una sezione del corso R a vedere come creare dei grafici sia con le funzioni della libreria di base, sia con il pacchetto ggplot2.Nelle ultime sezioni del corso R vediamo come creare e esportare dei report e delle slide, riepiloghiamo gli argomenti visti e le funzioni utilizzate, e vediamo il materiale di supporto."
Price: 144.99

"Manipolazione dati avanzata con R"
"In questo corso intermedio sulla manipolazione dati in R, ci occupiamo di gestione e manipolazione dei dati. Cominciamo il corso con un ripasso sulle strutture dati e manipolazione di base, per poi passare ad argomenti pi complessi. Tratteremo dei vari pacchetti per la manipolazione dati, come dplyr e data.table. Ci occuperemo di varie tematiche relative all'imputazione dei missing values, tramite tecniche come la regressione, il knn e pacchetti ad hoc, come mice e Amelia. Tratterremo della manipolazione di stringhe e testi, tramite le funzioni base e i metodi per estrarre e modificare stringhe o parti di esse tramite le espressioni regolari e funzioni qualigsub() e strsplit(). Vedremo in dettaglio gli operatori condizionali per la creazione e gestione di funzioni e vedremo come esportare dei modelli in XMLper la condivisione con altri software.***Attenzione, questo corso al momento non comprende una parte relativa agli esercizi, che sar aggiunta a breve con modalit che saranno chiarite nella Bonus Section"
Price: 144.99

"Guida completa al Machine Learning con R"
"Questo corso dedicato a chi si avvicina al mondo del machine learning per la prima volta, pur avendo delle basi di programmazione e analisi dati con R. Non si tratta di uncorso prettamente teorico o divulgativo egenerico sul machine learning, ma diun corso che vuole spiegare le tecniche pi semplici di machine learning con il linguaggio di programmazioneR.Se non sai ancora programmare con R, purtroppoquesto corso non fa ancoraper te, ma puoi dare un'occhiata al mio corso introduttivo sempre qui su Udemy.Se stai cercando qualcosa di divulgativo e per niente tecnico che ti spieghi tramite esempi cos' e a cosa serve il machine learning, ti consiglio di dare un'occhiata ad esempio al libro di Eric Siegel, che tradotto in italiano.Se non hai voglia di sentire 7ore di registrato, non ami i corsi, conosci gi bene il linguaggio R ma vuoi approfondire il machine learning, puoi dare un'occhiata al mio sito, dove trovi il codice e del materiale aggiuntivo.Se invece stai cercando esempi e casi per capire in maniera semplice le tecniche base del machine learning con R, sei nel posto giusto. R uno dei linguaggi di programmazione pi diffusi quando si parla di analisi dati, e comprende una serie di pacchetti e funzioni che possono aiutarci a predire dei dati.Il machine learning comprende una serie di tecniche, alcune statistiche, come la regressione, altre categoriche, supervisionate e non supervisionate. Le tecniche supervisionate si appoggiano su dei dati pregressi. Immagina di voler far partire una campagna pubblicitaria per un prodotto: per prima cosa raccoglierai i dati sui clienti che hanno acquistato quel prodotto in passato. A questo punto il machine learning pu aiutarti a costruire un profilo di persona potenzialmente interessata all'acquisto di quel particolare prodotto (ad esempio, donne tra i 30 e i 40 anni, che abitano in piccoli centri ed entrano in libreria almeno una volta al mese). Una volta che hai chiaro il target a cui rivolgerti, pi semplice pianificare una campagna basandoti sui dati che hai e su come raggiungere i tuoi potenziali clienti!Facciamo un altro esempio: hai un'azienda ben affermata, che per sta perdendo un po' di clienti negli ultimi tempi: magari un concorrente ha appena aperto, oppure la tua clientela invecchia e non ci sono sostituzioni tra le persone pi giovani. A questo punto, costruisci sempre un dataset, dove avrai una serie di dati sui tuoi clienti. In fondo al dataset, una colonna indicher per ogni cliente se questi ancora fedele all'azienda oppure se l'ha abbandonata. In base a questo dataset possiamo prevedere il profilo tipo di un cliente che a rischio di abbandono, capire i motivi e tentare di recuperarlo, grazie alle tecniche di machine learning. Quando abbiamo una colonna nel dataset che ci indica per ogni cliente se questi fedele o ha abbandonato l'azienda, allora parliamo di metodi supervisionati.Le tecniche di machine learning non sono tutte di tipo supervisionato. Alcune tecniche di machine learning, come ad esempio il clustering, ci aiutano a creare dei gruppi in un dataset, dove gli appartenenti a un gruppo sono simili tra loro e dissimili rispetto agli appartenenti a un altro gruppo. Altre tecniche non supervisionate vengono usate ad esempio nei supermercati, per capire quali prodotti vengono acquistati insieme, e quindi programmare delle promozioni.In questo corso vedremo vari tipi di tecniche di machine learning con R, sia supervisionate che non supervisionate, e imparerai a predire, a partire da un dataset etichettato (ti ricordi quando abbiamo scritto per ogni cliente se era fedele o aveva abbandonato l'azienda?) le appartenenze per un dataset simile ma che non contiene le etichette. Per fare questo utilizzeremo delle tecniche basate sulla probabilit, tecniche algebriche basate sulla distanza, gli alberi di decisione, e i network neurali. Imparerai a misurare la precisione di una predizione, a ripulire i dataset in caso ci siano problemi o casi non completi, come valutare ed effettuare sostituzioni se hai molti valori mancanti, come distinguere in maniera automatica un'email di spam da una che non lo , come rappresentare graficamente i dati, come esportare un modello di analisi e come utilizzare delle tecniche ensemble per migliorare la predittivit.***Attenzione, questo corso al momento non comprende una parte relativa agli esercizi, che sar aggiunta a breve con modalit che saranno chiarite nella Bonus Section"
Price: 174.99

"Guida al text mining e alla sentiment analysis con R"
"Questo corso dedicato a chi si avvicina al mondo del text mining e della sentiment analysisper la prima volta, pur avendo delle basi di programmazione e analisi dati con R. Nonsi tratta di un corso divulgativo generico sul text mining e sulla sentiment analysis, ma diun corso che vuole spiegare le basi dell'analisi dei testi tramite il linguaggio di programmazione R.Se non sai ancora programmare con R, purtroppoquesto corso non quello giusto per te, ma puoi dare un'occhiata al mio corso base.Se invece stai cercando esempi e casi per capire in maniera semplice le tecniche base per effettuare un'analisi di text mining o scoprireil sentiment dei tuoi testicon R, sei nel posto giusto. R uno dei linguaggi di programmazione pi diffusi quando si parla di analisi dati, e comprende una serie di pacchetti e funzioni che possono aiutarci sia nel text mining descrittivo che nel text mining predittivo.Il text mining descrittivo ""descrive"" un testo a partire dalle parole che lo compongono, mentre il text mining predittivo utilizza le caratteristiche di un gruppo di testi per effettuare delle predizioni, ad esempio se un'email spam o no, oppure se un testo stato scritto o meno da un autore, oppure, per tornare alla sentiment analysis, se un commento positivo o negativo.Per prima cosa partiamo capendo come mai il text mining e la sentiment analysis sono tanto importante, e quali sono gli usi che se ne fanno, e le lingue pi analizzate (spoiler: c' anche l'italiano).Analizzare un testo non come analizzare un dataset: il testo va prima trasformato in qualcosa che il computer possa capire: imparerai quindi le tecniche pi importanti per sintetizzare un testo, preprocessarlo, normalizzarlo e rappresentarlo.Imparerai poi a importare un documento o un corpus in R, preprocessarlo e analizzarlo, creando anche delle rappresentazioni grafiche.Oltre al pacchetto base ci sono molti pacchetti per il text mining: il pi importante per le analisi di base di sicuro tm.Una volta chiarite queste parti introduttive, ci dedichiamo alle tecniche di machine learning applicate al text mining, che ci permettono a partire da un corpus o da un testo, di effettuare delle predizioni.Uno degli strumenti per l'analisi pi interessante Twitter: in questo corso imparerai a estrarre dei tweet e ad analizzarli. Oltre ai pacchetti per il trattamento testi, come tm, e per l'estrazione dati, esistono ancora moltissimi pacchetti per il text mining che imparerai a utilizzare con questo corso, non solo per il text mining ma anche per la sentiment analysis. Vedremo quindi, dato un testo, come predire in maniera automatica tramite varie tecniche di machine learning, se il testo positivo o negativo, tramite metodi supervisionati e non supervisionati.Il corso si chiude con una parte sulla rappresentazione grafica dei testi e alcuni cenni sui metodi di analisi qualitativa CAQDAS.***Attenzione, questo corso al momento non comprende una parte relativa agli esercizi, che sar aggiunta a breve con modalit che saranno chiarite nella Bonus Section"
Price: 184.99

"Use Excel Conditional Formatting to Enhance Data Analysis"
"Join my community of over 6,700 students learning my courses! What is conditional formatting and why is it useful for you? Conditional formatting allows the user to format a group of cells based on one or multiple criteria. This means that you do not have to format the cells manually and you can let Excel do all the work for you! Also, if there is change in the data Excel will automatically change the formatting, if the cell will now meet a different criteria. Most frequently I use conditional formatting to allow me visualize the data, meaning that I can start analyzing the data before even looking at the values themselves. This means that you can increase your productivity working with Excel to a high degree using conditional formatting. You can preview the introduction lectures in order to see some of the applications of conditional formatting in order to get a better understanding how it can be used. About this course: In this course I show everything step-by-step, meaning that I will be showing each single button that I press. By doing this I want to make sure that you memorize all the steps and can apply conditional formatting in your own Excel spreadsheets. This course is designed for a beginner/intermediate level. You need to have Excel fundamentals, meaning that you will have to know how to open an Excel file, save it and other similar fundamentals. However, you do not need to have an advanced knowledge of Excel. The most advanced part of this course is when I will be teaching you to use formulas to make a condition. However, I will explain each formula in depth, meaning that you do not have to worry that you will not understand it. However, if you are an advanced Excel user, you might still want to go through the course in order to refresh your knowledge and possibly learn a couple of new tips. By the end of this course you will be able to: Become more productive with Excel and save time Enhance the data analysis capabilities with conditional formatting Learn how to use conditional formatting Perform multiple conditional formatting rules to the same group of cells Use conditional formatting to highlight group of cells Use conditional formatting top and bottom rules Use conditional formatting icons to highlight cells Use conditional formatting based on text rather than simply numbers Learn how to use formulas in conditional formattingCreate various custom rules using formulasEdit existing conditional formatting rules Impress your manager, colleagues and clients Other benefits from taking this course: You will get lifetime access to this course This course is frequently reviewed and you will get access to the new lectures for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! My help is available to you, if you get stuck or have a questionI will provide you discounted coupon codes for my other Excel courses Click the Take this course"" button at top right corner. Without the knowledge of conditional formatting you are missing awesome opportunities."
Price: 199.99

"Bored at Work? Have a Blast with Microsoft Excel Games!"
"Join over 600 successful students are already having fun by playing Excel games!Start having fun playing Excel games immediately. There are no knowledge requirements and the Excel files are downloadable, meaning you can play them on your own computer! You only need to have Excel 2007 or newer.About this courseHave you ever been bored in the office? If yes, then this course is perfect for you, as it contains many different games that you can play in Microsoft Excel. They include games such as 2048, Monopoly, finding an exit out of a maze and more. You do not need any additional software to play, only Excel 2007 or newer. This course explains how each game works, what the objective of is and what the controls are. Most importantly you can download the Excel files, which you will use to play the games on your own computer!This course is divided into sections for each game. At the beginning of each section I explain, what the objective is and how to play the game in Excel. The last lecture in each of the sections contains links to free downloadable material, which are the Excel files containing the games. By downloading these Excel files you will be able to play the games on your own computer. While playing some of these games, you can pretend that you are actually working in your office. For example there is one Excel file for the game called 2048"", which looks like a financial statement. This means that your boss could be fooled that you are working, while in reality you are playing the game. Contents and overviewLearning about the objective of each game Learning the controls of the games in each Excel file Being able to download the Excel files to your own computerAdditional Benefits: In addition to the curriculum and the things you will learn in the course, you will also get the following benefits by taking this course: Have fun playing games in ExcelFull and lifetime access to the courseAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee- that is my personal promise of your success and fun you will have!My help is available to you, if you get stuck or have a questionI will provide you discounted coupon codes for my other Excel coursesClick the Take This Course"" button at the top right, since every day you do not play the games covered in this course, you potentially lose out on some fun!"
Price: 199.99

"Gain Unlimited Amounts of Kindle Reviews For Your Ebooks"
"Join my community of over 6,700 students learning my courses!Listen to what students are saying:""This is a good course for the writer who has never sought out reviews before. The methods are honest and basically can help you on the path to getting some reviews as opposed to no reviews. There's an explanation as to why reviews are important, as well as to how to go about getting the reviews. All in all, this is a helpful course."" - Jeff Gilbert""This course will teach you how to get Amazon reviews and how these reviews can increase your sales! Take this course and get your own reviewers now!"" - Joan Cielo Rublico""I like that he tells how to get reviews from scratch for free and also not asking friends and family. He gives several ideas o how to do it and goes into detail."" -Melody JacksonStart growing your Kindle business by gaining some reviews for your e-books. No prior knowledge is needed and you do not need a list to start gaining Amazon reviews. 61% of customers read online reviews before making a purchasing decision and research has shown that reviews increase the sales on average by 18%. This is 18% more sales for free, as you do not need to write additional books, you simply need to get more reviews.About This Course:Many people will say that you need to ask for reviews from your friends and family members or asking your list. However, this course is made for people who do not have a following and you do not have a list of people, who could review your e-book. If you follow all of the steps in this course, you will create a list of your own reviewers!It can be hard to gain organic reviews, if you have 0 reviews. Therefore, this course focuses on the initial reviews for your Kindle e-books, because they are the hardest to get. After getting the initial reviews, people will start to purchase your e-books more and you will see a flood of organic reviews. Hence, the tactics taught in this course are perfect for using straight after launching a new e-book, but it can be used for older e-books as well!Contents and Overview:Understanding the benefits of having Amazon reviewsLearning two different methods how to collect email addresses of any potential reviewersContacting the reviewers and email templates are provided what you can write to themBuilding a list of your own reviewers that you are working withLearning the difference between customer and editorial reviewLearning how to get editorial reviews for freeA downloadable audio version of the course in MP3 formatAdditional methods of gaining free Amazon reviews, which I think are less effective, but you can still try them out.Additional Benefits:In addition to the curriculum and the things you will learn in the course, you will also get the following benefits by taking this course:Full and lifetime access to the courseAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee - that is my personal promise of your success!My help is available to you, if you get stuck or have a questionEnrol now by pressing the Take This Course"" button at the top right, since every day you do not use the techniques covered in this course, you potentially lose money as having more reviews has been proven to increase your sales!"
Price: 199.99

"Amazon Sales Rank Explained: Choose Your Next Kindle eBook"
"Join my community of over 6,700 students learning my courses!Listen to what students are saying:""I like this course! It was well laid out and contained helpful data. This was very helpful."" - Rick Kohler""quick and concise information about how the Amazon BSR system works :)"" -Kym RobinsonThis course is designed for authors and publishers, who are considering writing a Kindle eBook. By the end of this course you will be able to understand how Amazon Best Seller Rank works and how you can use it in order to select profitable niches. No prior knowledge is needed.About This Course:Many people are confused, which niches are profitable and which ones are not. Therefore, it becomes very difficult to choose, what your next Kindle eBook should be written about, if you want to run a successful and profitable Kindle business.At the end of this course you will be able to evaluate your competition and use Amazon Best Seller Rank in order to determine, which niches are profitable and which ones you should stay away from.Contents and Overview:Understand what is Amazon Best Seller RankKnow where you can find Amazon Best Seller RankBe able to convert Amazon Best Seller Rank to an approximate amount of eBooks soldKnow how to choose a niche, which will be profitableA downloadable audio version of the course in MP3 formatAdditional Benefits:In addition to the curriculum and the things you will learn in the course, you will also get the following benefits by taking this course:Full and lifetime access to the courseAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee - that is my personal promise of your success!My help is available to you, if you get stuck or have a questionGet discounts to my other Kindle coursesEnrol now by pressing the Take This Course"" button at the top right, as you will be able to evaluate, which categories are the most profitable for you to write the next Kindle eBook."
Price: 99.99

"Read and Download Amazon Kindle eBooks for Free"
"Join my community of over 6,700students learning my courses!Listen to what students are saying:""Great tutorial and easy to understand ! Thank you.""- Vo Cong Chinh""If you want to have access to amazon kindle books for free then this is the course to take. The instructor explains various way of getting the free books and I have tried them and they all work well."" -Rudolf FletcherThis course is designed for anyone wanting to read Amazon Kindle eBooks completely for free! By the end of this course you will be able to understand why authors are giving away their Amazon Kindle eBooks for free and how they benefit. More importantly, I provide you with different resources, how you can find free Amazon Kindle eBooks. By taking this course you will quickly save hundreds of US dollars, as you will be getting thousands of eBooks for free! About This Course: Many people are buying on Kindle eBooks on Amazon and do not realize that they could save hundreds of dollars by getting them for free. In this course I teach you different ways how you can find eBooks that are free for a limited period of time. Furthermore, by getting these eBooks you are not only saving money, but actually also helping the author out as well. This course is designed for anyone that has a passion to read eBooks. This means that there are no prerequisites to take this course, as I go through everything in detail. The only requirement is for you to have access to a computer and Internet to be able to watch this course. Contents and Overview: Learning how authors benefit from giving away their Amazon Kindle eBooks for freeLearning how to find free promotions on AmazonLearning how to find free promotion on Amazon using external resourcesAdditional Benefits: In addition to the curriculum and the things you will learn in the course, you will also get the following benefits by taking this course: Full and lifetime access to the courseAll future extra lectures and upgradesare always includedfor freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee- that is my personal promise of your success!My help is available to you,if you get stuck or have a questionGet discounts to my other Kindle coursesEnrollnowby pressing theTake This Course""button at the top right, as you will be able to save hundreds of US dollars by getting free Amazon Kindle eBooks."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube SEO: Rank Your Videos Higher Using YouTube Subtitles"
"Join my community of over 6,700students learning my courses!Listen to what students are saying:""This is good course for all, who want to get some useful information.Thanks"" - Jagjit Singh""Great course."" -Sina HoeurnThis course is designed to improve your YouTube video search result rank (SEO) by the use of subtitles & closed captions (CC). By the end of this course you will be able to understand the benefits creating subtitles & closed captions and learn various ways of creating them. By taking action with the newly gained knowledge, you will be able to improve the SEO rank of your videos and thereby your YouTube videos will gain more exposure. About This Course: Many people are not using subtitles and closed captions, when they are creating YouTube videos. You can take advantage of this fact and improve the search results of your YouTube videos. In this course I show you at least 4 different ways how you can create subtitles and closed captions for your YouTube videos. You can select the easiest and most effective one that suits your needs. I explain the benefits and drawbacks of each method. In addition, I also share my own personal experience what has worked most effectively for me. This course is designed for anyone who has a YouTube channel with uploaded videos. However, all of the steps how to create subtitles and closed captions will be explained in great detail within this course, meaning that you do not require any knowledge about transcription before starting the course. Contents and Overview: Know the benefits of transcribing YouTube videosDiscover how easy it is to create transcription for your YouTube videosLearn how to edit transcriptionsLearn how to let others transcribe for youUpload transcription files directly to YouTubeAdditional Benefits: In addition to the curriculum and the things you will learn in the course, you will also get the following benefits by taking this course: Full and lifetime access to the courseAll future extra lectures and upgradesare always includedfor freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee- that is my personal promise of your success!My help is available to you,if you get stuck or have a questionGet discounts to my other YouTube coursesEnroll nowby pressing theTake This Course""button at the top right, as you will be able to improve your YouTube videos search results rankings."
Price: 199.99

"Aprovecha la Magia de tu Vida y Haz que las Cosas Sucedan"
"Conoces El Secreto, la Ley de la Atraccin o las Leyes Espirituales del xito? Todas ellas se basan en un mismo principio que ha sido explicado de diferentes maneras. Esa es la Magia de la Vida.Si hay cosas que no suceden como te gustara, este curso te ayuda a averiguar por qu y cmo reorientarlo.Aprende a hacer que las cosas sucedan!De manera prctica, real. Basado en mi propia experiencia sobre lo que funciona y lo que no y en cmo estoy creando yo mi vida desde esa Magia.El curso de Introduccin a la Magia es un proceso de auto-reconocimiento donde descubrirs qu implicacin tienes en lo que ocurre a tu alrededor y cmo puedes influir en ello.Somos seres mgicos por naturaleza. Seres creadores. En este curso aprenders a reconocer desde dnde creas, cmo lo haces y a elegir de nuevo conscientemente.Conoces El Secreto o la Ley de la Atraccin? Pues se basan en los principios de la Magia, que son los que rigen este Universo. Quieres aprender a crear tu realidad conscientemente y de forma prctica? Entonces est es tu curso!Bienvenido/a a la Escuela de Magia del Bosque de Xana.La Escuela de MagiaEl objetivo principal de la Escuela de Magia es que te reconozcas como el Creador, la Creadora que eres.Este reconocimiento es un proceso personal que comienza en un punto diferente para cada persona.Segn nuestra educacin, creencias, experiencias y forma de ser, creamos un camino diferente, pero sobre las mismas bases.En este taller de Introduccin a la Magia hacemos un repaso de todas esas bases, desde la prctica, y empiezas a reconocerte como Mago/a y todo lo que puedes hacer.1. El Juego ConscienteRealidad y MagiaCreencias generales y personalesTraspasar los lmites2. Mundo MgicoMundo MgicoMi Personaje MgicoCreacin Consciente3. Arte y ExpresinExpresin de tu Ser MgicoMaterializacin"
Price: 49.99

"Organiza a tu equipo y haz que sea ms productivo y eficaz"
"Hay diversos factores que influyen en el crecimiento de un proyecto: un buen producto, el diseo de planes de servicios adecuados a los clientes y un equipo tcnico preparado para llevarlo a cabo. Si tienes un buen producto base y buen equipo comercial, puedes vender mucho al principio, pero si tu equipo no est preparado para llevar a cabo los servicios que vendes o si no sabes escalarlo segn van creciendo las ventas, a largo plazo perders produccin y percepcin de calidad.Hace unos aos me pidieron que dirigiera un departamento tcnico en una empresa internacional. Queran separarlo de las otras reas tcnicas y darle entidad propia. 3 aos despus, se haba convertido en una unidad de negocio independiente que facturaba ya 1 milln de euros.En este curso te explico las pautas que utilizamos y los aspectos que tuvimos que cuidar y optimizar para conseguir nuestros objetivos y seguir el ritmo de crecimiento del proyecto.Tener un buen equipo de trabajo es imprescindible para que cualquier proyecto funcione. Las claves de este curso son las que he utilizado en mi labor como coordinadora y directora, no slo en el proyecto del ejemplo, sino en todos los que he dirigido y que me han dado siempre buenos resultados a la hora de organizar el trabajo y a las personas que forman el equipo.Ser lder de un equipo requiere tanto conocimientos y habilidades tcnicas como personales. Has de saber cmo aprovechar todo el potencial humano y profesional de las personas que lo componen.En el curso encontrars la frmula que a m me ha resultado ms eficaz y eficiente para combinar ambas cosas y conducir equipos con xito, tanto en empresas como en asociaciones. Lo que hago en cada caso es encontrar y mantener el punto de equilibrio entre esas dos partes, los intereses personales y los profesionales, a travs de la organizacin del trabajo, la claridad en el reparto de los roles y la transparencia en el desarrollo y la direccin del proyecto.Es un curso prctico, para ir aplicando lo que en l se incluye en tu trabajo diario. Contiene, en pocas palabras, importantes claves basadas en la experiencia sobre el trabajo real de coordinacin que te sern tiles en tu da a da."
Price: 34.99

"Los Mensajes de tu Infancia. Redefine tu valor y relaciones."
"Los mensajes que recibimos en nuestra infancia influyen en nuestro autoconcepto y en la forma en que nos vemos y actuamos ante otros. Se insertan en nuestro inconsciente como hbitos y automatismos que pasan a convertirse en nuestra forma ""normal"" de pensar, sin que nos planteemos siquiera que las cosas pueden ser de otra forma.Te exigen o autoexiges mucho?No te valoran como crees que deberan?No sabes si podrs realizar la prxima tarea o no ves alternativas?Lo que vemos que los dems nos dicen de adultos es un reflejo de la imagen que proyectamos inconscientemente ante ellos, y esa imagen la hemos asumido como lo que somos, en una parte importante, por los mensajes que hemos recibido en nuestra infancia y cmo los hemos procesado interiormente.Este curso te ayuda a traer esos mensajesa la superficie para que puedas identificar cundo te comportas o tomas decisiones basadas en ellos.Te ayuda a tomar conciencia de tus hbitos y te da pautas nuevaspara que puedas decidir cmo actuar en adelante.Identifica los 7 tipos principales de mensajes de la infancia que influyen en la Autoestima y cules han influido en ti.Comienza a cambiar los hbitos y comportamientos automatizados.Crea nuevas relaciones y situaciones.Contiene cuadernos didcticos para ayudarte con tus reflexiones y cambios de hbitos."
Price: 19.99

"Entrena tu auto-observacin y aprende a valorarte"
"La forma en la que vivimos las situaciones depende mucho de nuestra percepcin subjetiva. Y esta percepcin, de la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos y de nuestra relacin con el mundo.Hay una forma ms sana de vivir ciertas situaciones. Una forma que nos proporciona aprendizaje sobre quienes somos y paz interior.Puedes aprender a tratar cada situacin como un regalo que te catapultar ms all de lo que habras imaginado, si aprendes a observarla de otra forma y a valorarte en ella. Y, para eso, slo necesitas la informacin correcta.Las situaciones no son fortuitas. Son un reflejo de quienes hemos credo ser.Si te cuesta afrontar ciertas situacionesSi no comprendes algunas de las cosas que te pasanSi tienes patrones repetitivos, situaciones que se repitenO si, simplemente, deseas ampliar tu potencial a travs de los mensajes que tienes a tu alrededorEn estos casos, este curso te ser muy til.Aprende sobre la observacin disociada, los espejos, las proyecciones, la autoimagen,la imagen externa y la forma de cambiar tu propia realidadContiene vdeos y cuadernos de ejercicios."
Price: 19.99

"El Lenguaje Java. Las bases."
"El curso de referencia sobre el lenguaje Java, con ms de 100 vdeos y decenas de ejemplos y ejercicios ilustrativos.Aprenders a compilar y ejecutar programas sin necesidad de entornos de desarrollo y tambin usando NetBeans.Tienes toda la sintaxis de Java, por lo que puedes usar el curso tanto para aprender este tipo de programacin como para usarlo como referencia del lenguaje con ejemplos incluidos.Comienza con los conceptos bsicos sobre programacin yprogramacin orientada a objetos para quienes no han programado anteriormente o quienes vienen de otras formas de programacin.Despus se pasa a la creacin de clases y objetos y cmo entenderlos, definirlos e interconectarlos.Se revisa toda la sintaxis de propiedades, mtodos y clases, as como todas las formas de clase e interfaces.Tambin la sintaxis y uso de errores yexcepciones.E incluye tambin la entrada y salida bsica para poder comunicarse con el usuario."
Price: 19.99

"Java a travs de ejemplos: Una agenda de contactos"
"El curso se basa en un ejemplo completo para una agenda de contactos bsica.Con l, puedes AMPLIAR tus conocimientos sobre el lenguaje Java en un caso real (este curso NOexplica los fundamentos de Java o sus APIs,su utilidad est en la aplicacin prctica de estos conceptos en un ejemplo real - si deseas conocer el Lenguaje Java, AWT o Swing, tienes otros cursos especficos para ello).Contiene 3 versiones distintas, una por consola de comandos, otra con ventanas AWT y otra con Swing. Puedes ver las demostraciones en los vdeos abiertos.Podrs ver interfaces, las clases que los implementan, la configuracin decomunicacin con el usuario, el almacenamiento en archivos, eventos y oyentes y gestin de excepciones en la prctica.Tambin podrsdescargar los cdigos fuente para revisarlos y hacer pruebas, la aplicacin compilada y la documentacin.Si ya has realizado el curso de ""Lenguaje Java. Las Bases"", te servir para ver una aplicacin prcticade lo aprendido. Si an no sabes Java, puedes hacer este curso como una muestra de lo que puedes conseguir con este lenguaje, aunque s ser recomendable que te matricules tambinen el curso de lenguaje, con el que aprenders toda la sintaxis."
Price: 19.99

"Ancient Voices, Sacred Stories: Sarah and Abraham"
"Our VisionReveal the timeless truths unfolding from the Bibles pages. Our Aim Through a unique blend of Bible study, performance, Biblical scholarship, discussion and personal reflection, we aim to present relevant historical background, provide understanding, offer emotional connection, and encouragement to live out the timeless truths of scripture.Our ApproachWe've designed each character study to begin with historical background for the character, thena basic Bible study for you to do, so youcan see for yourself what the text actually says.Then we'll show you an artistic concept--a performance--of that character, along with life application questions.The final piece is a lecture, wrapping up the study, and offering some thoughts on how to live out the wisdom you've gained.Each segment of the study includes a 10 to 20 minute video, with a written character study sheet, and a written Bible study sheet, which you can spend as much, or as little, time on as you would like.Our HopeThis study is designed for those new to the Bible, and for those who would like a more experiential approach to Bible study."
Price: 29.99

"American History and Donald Trump"
"Donald Trump is not the first candidate of his kind. While nobody had quite his celebrity or combover, Trump is partof a populist strain in American politics that is centuries old. Thisstrain of American politics goes back to the Lyndon Johnsons, WendellWilkies, and Huey Longs of the 20thcentury. It stretches back to the William Jennings Bryans or even theAndrew Jacksons of the 19thcentury. In fact, most historians and political aficionados whatever they think of the Donald think candidates like him areas old as the United States itself. In this course you will learn about other Donald Trumps in American history, such asAndrew Jackson, who fought over 100 duels and was hated by elite societyWilliam Jennings Bryan, the fiery populist who threatened to overturn America's financial systemHuey Long, the eccentric governor who promised socialism and gave his best speeches drunkThis course is divided into eight video lectures. It explains the reasons for Trump's campaign success, then finds other politicians in American history who fit that mold. By looking at their political fates we will be able to better guess the future of the Donald Trump campaign."
Price: 19.99

"Turn Your MA or PhD Thesis Into a Best Selling Book"
"PhDs and MAs have interesting research that the public needs to know about. That is why I have designed this course to help academics use their knowledge to write best-selling books and publish them on Amazon. Ive used these exact steps to start a publishing company while still a PhD student that has generated over six figures of income.I believe there is much more we can do with our research than simply producing the thesis itself. In this course, Ill show you how to turn your MA or PhD thesis into a popular book.What Will I Learn In This Course?How to transform your research into a best-selling book.How to take your research, repackage it into something anybody would want to read, upload it to Amazon, and begin selling it on the world's largest bookstore.The best-seller book launch sequence. Make your book dominate any Amazon category.The easy way to turn your book into a print-on-demand paperback. A physical copy of your book is the world's best business cardHow to translate your book into multiple foreign languages for free. Enter global book markets by partnering with translatorsHow toturn your book into an audio book for free. Find voice narrators to bring your book to audiobook marketsHow to create an online course of your book. Easily create a course that you can sell on Udemy, an online course marketplace with millions of customersHow to create a webinar and advertise your book for free to thousands of potential customersWhat Do I Get With This Course?35 video lectures totaling over five hours of content.10 pdf books totaling over 100 pages, featuring how-to guides. Print them out or read them onlineLifetime access to all the content"
Price: 24.99

"Lagrangian Mechanics"
"This is an introductory course in Lagrangian mechanics provided for college students and anyone who is familiar with Newtonian mechanics and calculus.In this course you will learn how to apply Lagrangian mechanics to the classical systems and find their equations of motion and their physical quantities. When applied to the classical systems, Lagrangian mechanics is equivalent to the Newtonian mechanics, but more easier than it, especially when you are dealing with more complicated systems. Register to this course and enjoy learning Lagrangian mechanics!"
Price: 19.99

"New SAT 2018 Video Solns to 464 Official Study Guide Math"
"Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this SAT Prep course. The # 1 question I get from students in our SAT Prep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this SAT Prep course with that question in mind, In this course you will learn how to start & completely solve the most commonly asked questions types on the SAT test by seeing how I breakdown 464SAT Math questions for the Newly re-designed SAT Test whichlaunched March 2016. You don't have to worry if you have forgotten 8th, 9th or 10th grade Math, in this course I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Checkout the free videos.Textbook required for this course :Official SAT Study Guide (2018 Edition) by The Collegeboard : availableon AmazonISBN-10:1457309289ISBN-13:978-1457309281Included when you buy this CourseI assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each questions carefully.464 SAT Math Video SolutionsFREE SAT Math formula Sheet PDF (available for download in Lecture 2)FREE SAT Math/Verbal Workbook PDF (available for download in Lecture 2)Study PlanDownload & work through FREE SAT Math/Verbal Workbook PDF in Lecture 2Take a timed practice test from the Official SAT Study Guide (2018Edition) Textbook then use the Math video solutions in this course as an instruction tool for whichever question you get wrong or if you need a different way to solve the question.Change video setting to ""1080p"" button at bottom right of Video for improved Video quality"
Price: 39.99

"GMAT Prep Course Problem Solving : 302 Solved Questions"
"Hi my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this GMAT Prep course. The # 1 question I get from students in our GMAT Prep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this GMAT course with that question in mind, In this course you will learn how to start & completely solve the most commonly asked questions types on the GMAT test by seeing how I breakdown 267 GMAT questions from the Problem solving section (starting from Pg 146) of The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018, 2019 & 2020.  I explain solutions to all math questions in both 2018, 2019 & 2020 edition Textbooks. You don't have to worry if you have been out of school for 5 months or 5 years, in this course I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Checkout the free videos.Textbook : The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 (starting from Pg 146)Buy on Amazon : ISBN-10: 1119387477  ISBN-13: 978-1119387473OR Textbook : The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019 (starting from Pg 146)Buy on Amazon : ISBN-10: 9781119507673 ISBN-13: 978-1119507673OR Textbook : The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2020 (starting from Pg 146)Buy on Amazon : ISBN-10: 1119576067 ISBN-13: 978-1119576068Included when you buy this CourseI assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each questions carefully.267 GMAT Problem Solving Math Solution Videos from The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018, 2019 & 2020 (starting from Pg 146). I explain solutions to all math questions in both  2018, 2019 & 2020 edition Textbooks.The videos progress from easy topics like Basic Arithmetic to more challenging topics like Probability & Word Problems.FREE GMAT Math formula Sheet PDF (available for download in Lecture 3)FREE 1 hr Skype Session on GMAT Math or General Business School admissions questions.Study PlanStarting on Pg 150 in The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2017 Textbook or Pg 146 in The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 Textbook or Pg 146 in The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019 Textbook.  I explain solutions to all math questions in both 2018, 2019 & 2020 edition Textbooks.  Attempt solving 5 or more questions in a roll in that section using the The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 or 2019 or 2020 then use the video solution as an instruction tool for whichever question you get wrong or if you need a different way to solve the question."
Price: 39.99

"GMAT Prep Course Data Sufficiency : 221 Solved Questions"
"Hi, my name is Olu Sanya and I welcome you to this GRE Prep course. The # 1 question I get from students in our GMAT Prep Classes is, OLU how do I start the question? I have designed this GMAT course with that question in mind, In this course, you will learn how to start & completely solve the most commonly asked questions types on the GMAT test by seeing how I breakdown 201 GMAT questions from the Data Sufficiency section (starting from Pg 275) of The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2017 (starting from Pg 271) of The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 (starting from Pg 271) of The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019. You don't have to worry if you have been out of school for 5 months or 5 years, in this course I assume you know nothing so I take my time to break every question down as I start from the basics. Check out the free videos.Textbook: The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 (starting from Pg 271)Buy on Amazon : ISBN-10: 1119387477  ISBN-13: 978-1119387473ORTextbook: The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019 (starting from Pg 271)Buy on Amazon : ISBN-10: 9781119507673 ISBN-13: 978-1119507673ORTextbook: The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2020 (starting from Pg 273)Buy on Amazon : ISBN-10: 1119576067 ISBN-13: 978-1119576068Included when you buy this CourseI assume you know nothing, so I take time to breakdown each question carefully.174 GMAT Problem Solving Math Solution Videos from The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 (starting from Pg 271) or The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019 (starting from Pg 271) or The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2020 (starting from Pg 273) The videos progress from easy topics like Basic Arithmetic to more challenging topics like Probability & Word Problems.FREE GMAT Math formula Sheet PDF (available for download in Lecture 3)FREE 1 hr Skype Session on GMAT Math or General Business School admissions questions.Study PlanStart on Pg 271 in The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 Textbook or Pg 271 in The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019 Textbook or Pg 273 in The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2020 TextbookAttempt solving 5 or more questions in a roll in that section using The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2018 or The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2019 or The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2020, then use the video solution as an instruction tool for whichever question you get wrong or if you need a different way to solve the question."
Price: 29.99

"How To Get a Job in The Solar Industry"
"The #1 ranked solar career course on Udemy, this guide isdedicated to helping you get your dream job in the solar industry. Whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional looking to make a career change into the solar field, this online classis for you.Learn how you can make a difference in the world while making moneyby working in this exciting field. This course teaches:How solar PV worksWhich companies are hiringWhere the highest concentration of solar companies are locatedThe many different roles and positions available in the solar industryHow to build a job search plan to include networking, resume building, and interview tacticsHow to fast-track your application process to get the job you want in no timeMuch, much more!Contents and OverviewIn over an hour and a halfs worth of content, including lectures, quizzes, and resources, we covereverything you need to know to develop a career in the solar field. We'll go over solar industry trends, the most marketable skillsets, whos hiring and where theyre located, which roles are the best fit for your passions and skills, and how to go about landing the job of your dreams. Youll have access to a wide range of resources that would otherwise take years to accumulate, including industry-specific job sites, professional networking communities, and much more.Upon completion, youll be armed with all of the knowledgeyou need regarding how solar technology works, the types of organizations that are hiring solar professionals, and how to land your solar dream job.What my students are saying""Great course on getting a jobin the solar industry! Short but packed with information. Highly recommend it to those who want to be a part of the solar industry as well as those you want to represent a cleaner, brighter future."" - David Sanchez""This course condenses the information that would be found in many different books, lectures, or classes into a readily understandable format.""- Paul LeeWhat are the requirements?There are no entry requirements except for a passion for making a living while making a difference to the world!Who is the target audience?Students who are looking for internship programs in the solar industryRecent graduates from college or graduate programs focused on renewable energyExperienced professionals looking for a career change into a promising and interesting fieldWhat am I going to get from this course?Over 1.5 hours of contentA comprehensive understanding of solar technologiesInsider knowledge of the solar industryAn overview of available roles in the industryKnowledge of the top companies in the businessA how-to action plan for landing your dream jobWhat are you waiting for? Begin the course today to get the job of tomorrow!"
Price: 49.99

"Jump Start Success - Dropship Ship Lifestyle - Dropshipping"
"This private course is for members of Anton's Dropshipping Course and is intended as a supplementary guide to help jumpstart your success. This course is designed to take you through the entire 2 month journey from niche selection, knowing when you are ready to call suppliers and to getting your first sale.With easy to follow video tutorials, my goal is to make sure everyone who takes this course has a profitable dropshipping store by the end of your 8 weeks. Prerequisites: You must already be a member of Anton's Dropshipping Course (AntonMethod dot com)*If you're not yet a member please look at my website under my profile on the left and check out Anton's Dropshipping Course in my Recommended Resources Page or go to JohnnyFD dot comTake this course to get:Step by step guidance on starting a successful storeTips on Niche Selection Three bonus ways to find niches if you are stuckGoal setting worksheets and examplesA checklist to know when you're ready to call suppliersThe 80/20 rule to getting your first saleHow to optimize your store for more conversionsWhat to do after you've started making salesIncluded is an introduction and mindset video, niche selection help, how to check out the competition, the 80/20 rule to success in drop shipping, extra niche selection help, and a video to know when you are ready to call suppliers.See you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Affiliate Marketing for Courses: The Success Secrets!"
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Updated for 2016! Join the course to see step by step how I made over $1,000 in my first month as an Affiliate for Udemy. You already have what it takes to succeed. You have a desire to try, and you are determined to make things work.Now all that is left standing between you and your dream of making money with Udemy is getting the advice and guidance that you need to get you into the action!If that is what you're looking for something that can help you to gain a breakthrough in successfully making money as an Affiliate for Udemy you've put yourself in the right place!Join the course today! No prior web experience is needed, and best of all, this course isn't just for Americans, it works worldwide! Inside the course I show you step by step how I went from just signing up as an affiliate for Udemy to finding courses to promote, choosing your niche, getting free traffic without the use of complicated SEO, and how I made over $1,000 my very first month and become one of Udemy's top affiliates.In the course you get access to my uncensored dashboard where I show you exactly which courses I promoted, the traffic source, and even how much I made from each sale. This allows you to easily replicate my success and not waste time.I even share some of my own personal affiliate links with you inside the course so not only can I get credit for referring you to some of the products and services that I personally use, but so you can see first hand how to recommend affiliate products and courses in an earnest way that is truly a win/win for everyone involved! Join the course and hope see you inside! This course may be exactly what you need to build a profitable online business that you can run from your laptop like it has for me and hundreds of other students!"
Price: 149.99