"Como Tener Buena Voz: Perfeccinate + Ebook + Audition 2018" |
"TE DOY LA MS CORDIAL BIENVENIDA AL CURSO DE PERFECCIONAMIENTO!En este videocurso, iremos directamente al grano de lo que quieres aprender:Mejorar Diccin, Tono y Timbre de Vozrpidamente.Si ya has adquirido en el pasado nuestro anterior curso, ste ser una herramienta fundamental ya que perfeccionars lo aprendido entorno al uso de la voz, con nuevos ejercicios y centrndonos especficamente en dos puntosfundamentales:-MODULO 1:VOZ Y DICCIN: 7 VIDEOS-MODULO 2:TONO Y TIMBRE DE VOZ: 6 VIDEOS-MODULO 3: LECTURA ORAL VELOZ Y PROFESIONAL: 10 VIDEOS- MODULO 4: GRABANDO Y EDITANDO CON ADOBE AUDITION CC 2018: 6 VIDEOS- MODULO 5: EBOOK PARA TRABAJAR CON TU VOZ. 55 PGINASEn estas 30 lecciones, que suman ms de una hora y media de contenido visual, con algn material adjunto para continuar practicando, te contar y practicaremos juntos los mismos ejercicios que me ensearon hace 12 aos, y que me han servido especficamente para adquirir lo que usualmente se conoce como Voz de Locutor/a o Voz de Radio.MI EXPERIENCIA PERSONALCuando estudiaba locucin, era muy aplicado, sin embargo, haba algunas trabas que no me dejaban avanzar Al finalizar el curso, tena cualidades de locutor; Haba adquirido el don de la simpata, de leer como un profesional, de volverme un comunicador nato y ser ms sociable en un plano interpersonal, crear emociones a travs de mi voz, y mejorar muchsimo mi diccin. Pero an estaba muy lejos de en lo que quera convertirme, que era poder crear el impacto de hablar y que se dieran cuenta que era locutor slo al pronunciar unas pocas palabras Eso an no suceda Slo cuando los minutos pasaban Pero a veces no hay segundas oportunidades para una primera impresinMARCANDO LA DIFERENCIAEs por eso que, al terminar el curso, tom unas clases particulares de perfeccionamiento para locutores, que no fueron ms de 8 o 10, y que me sirvieron para darle cuerpo, resonancia y vibracin a las cualidades que mi voz haba adquirido con el anterior curso Al inicio sin confiar mucho en los resultados que poda llegar a obtener, haca los ejercicios por hacerlos Pero llego un da en que al atender el telfono con un simple hola me confundieron con mi padre, y eso me impact, porque era un familiar que me conoce perfectamente Es all que me di cuenta que quizs algo diferente estaba ocurriendo en mi voz, pues las confusiones continuaronEs un poco como compararlo a cuando una persona va al gimnasio, sin esperar muchos cambios, pero, un da se encuentra con alguien y le dice estas como ms delgado? ms grande ests haciendo algo? quizs uno sonre y dice no, no pero sabe que la rutina est comenzando a dar resultadosPERFECCIONAMIENTOCon mi voz empez a pasar ms seguido, incuso en el supermercado, al encontrarte con personas, al hablar por telfono (que te dan ms edad), es una realidad que la autoestima se dispara por las nubes En familia y amigos me hacan bromas como no te hagas el locutor deja de hablar como locutor etc. Sin embargo, yo no poda evitarlo, es que en realidad no estaba haciendo nada para que ocurriese de forma intencional en ese momentoEl secreto fue el aprender a respirar correctamente y activar los resonadores naturales de nuestro cuerpo Fue all cuando comenc a prestar atencin, grabarme y comparar mi resonancia natural, con el funcionamiento de un instrumento de viento como es una Guitarra: Sus cuerdas, su boca y como acta su caja de resonancia para hacer vibrar el sonido, y como poder aplicar ese principio para mejorar lo que haba aprendido en esas lecciones tan valiosas de perfeccionamiento para locutoresLo que viv me hace recordar a aquella fabula del Ingeniero y el Tornillo donde en un momento de mi vida de aprendizaje, encontr a ese ingeniero que supo realizar en m, pequeas afinaciones en mi voz y respiracin que trajeron, cambios contundentes en la proyeccin e impostacin vocal. Sin embargo, nada hubiese sido posible por la formacin previa que haba obtenido en locucin...MISIN Y OBJETIVOSPretendo con este videocurso, ir al grano de esos secretos que trajeron en mi un cambio contundente en la voz y que lo considero en gran secreto de los profesionales Ganar proyeccin, resonancia, tono ms vibrante y perfeccionar la educacin de la voz con detalles de diccin y pronunciacin que debemos trabajar de forma constante, en bsqueda del acercamiento a la perfeccin.LECTURA VELOZ Y PROFESIONAL / APRENDE A LEER COMO LOS PROFESIONALES DE LA RADIO Y ORATORIAComo algunos de ustedes saben, me dedico a la locucin profesional desde hace 15 aos. Y algo que es imperante en este campo es tener una lectura correcta, precisa y sobre todo entretenida. Las equivocaciones son normales, pues no somos especies de contestadores, donde aprietan un botn y comenzamos a hablar o leer. Sin embargo, es muy importante tratar de disminuir los errores al mnimo posible ya que de eso depende la claridad del mensaje a transmitir sin importar cul sea.En este nuevo mdulo no se trata de aprender memorizacin, ni tampoco mtodos de estudio que faciliten recordar lo ledo. Sino trataremos los fundamentos entorno a la lectura:- Fluidez, Velocidad y Claridad.- Interpretacin e Intencin del mensaje a travs de la lectura.Fluidez, Velocidad y Claridad: Para que nuestro mensaje llegue de forma exacta, sin ningn tipo de ambigedad. Recordar que nosotros tenemos el texto, pero los oyentes, los presentes o el pblico, no lo tiene. Solo cuenta con nuestra voz para decodificar el mensaje que le transmitimos. Y pero aun, solamente una oportunidad para entenderlo, mientras tu continuas leyendo y la otra o otras personas siguen recibiendo informacin a travs de tu palabra. Todo esto ocurre en fracciones de segundo, y si tu mensaje es ambiguo o confuso, dalo por sentado que ya perdiste el inters de la otra persona.Interpretacin e Intencin del Mensaje: Sin importar si es un discurso, una presentacin o solamente un pequeo concepto, la connotacin que le imprimas, se relaciona directamente con la percepcin que la persona, o el grupo presente va a tener no solo del mensaje, sino tambin del transmisor, que en este caso eres t. Es muy importante la redaccin y claridad del discurso, por ejemplo, pero ms o igual de importante es la forma de transmitirlo. Vamos a trabajar juntos para dejar que suene ledo, e imprimirle naturalidad y ganar credibilidad. Este nuevo mdulo (lectura oral veloz y profesional) conforma mas de una hora de duracin, repartidos en 10 videolecciones, que adems cuentan con 8 repartidos adjuntos para practicar conjuntamente con los videos.AHORA T ERES EL QUE TIENES LA POSIBILIDAD DE PERFECCIONAR LA DICCIN, PRONUNCIACIN, TIMBRE Y TONO DE VOZ! ADEMAS: INCLUYEGRATIS EL EBOOK DE 55 PAGINAS PARA TRABAJAR CON TU VOZ"
Price: 29.99 |
"Como Grabar Cursos o Videos Con Adobe Audition y Vegas Pro" |
"Tus videos tienen ese feo eco y resonancia inadecuada?Tu voz suena baja en los videos que grabas?Sientes que tu voz no tiene brillo en las grabaciones?Quieres parecer un profesional en tus videos de Youtube?Quieres tener credibilidad en tus videos?Con este curso podrs mejorar la voz e imagen en tus videos hasta alcanzar la calidad profesional que has estado buscando pero no la obtienes por mas pruebas que realices... Se lo importante que es el audio en un video. Te ayudar de forma fcil y rpida a tener calidad de audio cinematogrfica en tus videos... Para eso utilizaremos dos programa de edicin profesionales: Adobe Audition 3.0 y Vegas Pro que previamente debes tener instalado en tu computadora... La palabra hablada es una de las formas de comunicacin mas utilizada desde siempre, ya sea por telfono, mensajes de voz, radio, o JUSTAMENTE EN LOS VIDEOS...En la enseanza en linea o video-tutoriales, no tenemos la intercomunicacin con el estudiante en el momento, pues necesitamos motivarlo desde el inicio. El se puede encontrar en su hogar, pero tambien en lugares abiertos y que te escuche de forma clara es esencial para ampliar y aumentar tus posibilidades de llegar a mas audiencia. Ya sea como profesional, profesor e instructor sobre un determinado tema...Ademas tambin te ayudare a mejorar la calidad visual de tus videos a traves de Vegas Pro.No lo dudes, este curso har crecer tu audiencia y ganar confianza en tus alumnados, ademas de mostrarte mas profesional en el tema que dictes. Recuerda que tienes competencia. DESTACATE!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Grammar Essentials" |
"Are you a blogger, freelancer, small business owner or social media influencer? Promoting your personal brand and business goals requires writing on a variety of platforms. Writing that sells. Writing that keeps audiences engaged and wanting more. Good writing starts with good grammar. How comfortable are you with your grammar skills? Will your writing seem professional and polished or clumsy and elementary?""Grammar Essentials: Boost your writing skills"" gives you the tools you need to quickly improve your standard English grammar and overall writing skills. Learn the grammar rules you absolutely need to know to immediately improve your writing for personal and business success. Remember, good writing starts with good grammar!Grammar Essentials uses exercises, quizzes and practical examples to quickly improve your grammar in just minutes a day: Grammar Pre-TestParts of Speech ReviewPrepositionsFragmentsRun-onsComma SplicesSubject/Verb AgreementDangling & Misplaced ModifiersHomonyms & HomophonesFinal Grammar Test"
Price: 79.99 |
"Proofreading Power Basics" |
"Before You Enroll: You must at least have intermediate grammar skills to successfully complete this course. You must already be a pretty good writer in order to catch mistakes.Please note, this class will not qualify you to launch a proofreading business, or certify you as a proofreader. Your certificate simply means that you have completed all of the lessons.Proofreading Power Basics is a unique online class that offers practical application with hands-on exercises and quizzes to master the fundamentals of proofreading. This is an introduction to proofreading fundamentals for people with keen grammar and writing skills who want an extra skill challenge. Producing error-free writing is important to your personal and professional goals. Regardless of the loose use of language on social media and electronic messaging, error-free writing is expected in the workplace, in educational settings, in business correspondence, websites, resumes and advertising copy. This is particularly critical for small business owners or anyone entering today's workforce. "
Price: 64.99 |
"LESS de cero a experto" |
"Al finalizar el curso obtendrs un certificado por parte de LESS.No podrs escribir CSS sin preprocesadores despus de hacer este curso. Los preprocesadores CSS han entrado con fuerza en el desarrollo front-end y cualquier profesional que trabaje con CSS debera utilizarlos, o por lo menos conocerlos. Este curso te proporcionar, en tres horas aproximadas, los conocimientos necesarios para ganar precioso tiempo en tu da a da y en cada proyecto, por pequeo que sea. Para todos los profesionales que se dedican al front-end hay una cosa cierta: antes o despus acabarn necesitando usar los preprocesadores. Te garantizo que al acabar este curso no querrs volver a escribir CSS sin un preprocesador."
Price: 29.99 |
"Financial planning for Indians" |
"Course descriptionLearn how to manage your personal finance, build an emergency fund, save for retirement, and save for personal goals (house, wedding, childs future etc.)Let the money work for you while you focus on enjoying your life.Course ObjectivesAfter taking this course, youll be able toCalculate your net worth.Create a monthly budget.Create a personal savings plan.Understand specific investment strategies.Have your questions answered about investing.Know how much and where to save for various goalsGet an Excel model for your future reference as well.What are the requirements?You must be willing to develop good money habits.Who is the target audience?Those who are saving for their childrens college education.Those who are currently investing for retirement and want to learn more.Those who want to learn the real cost of working.You should not take this course if you want to get rich quickly.You should not take this course if you think I can guarantee the same results Ive accomplished."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Fabulae Faciles: Hercules" |
"This series of lectures picks up after the Perseus stories, as represented in the textbook, A Junior Latin Reader. It's advisable to run through those stories first (also available on Udemy) before approaching these Hercules passages. Your experience with Perseus will not only build up the basic vocabulary and syntax you'll need for the Hercules stories, but you'll also learn how best to use the materials on this site."
Price: 19.99 |
"German for Travelers" |
"The content of this course includes: - In what countries is German spoken worldwide- 13 Reasons to learn German- 19 Strategies to improve your German- Basic Grammar- Conversational German for day to day situations:* Greetings* Talk* Changing Money* Spending Money* Airport* Customs and Passports* Asking for directions* Bus* Underground* Train* Taxi* Boat* Driving a car* At the petrol station* Car problems/Breakdown* Hiring a car* Shopping - Holiday* Clothes Shopping* Food Shopping* Sightseeing* Beach* Sport* Skiing* Nightlife* Hotel* Self Catering* Camping & Caravaning* Children* Special Needs* Exchange Visitors* Problems* Complaints* Emergencies* Health* Business* On the Phone* Email/Fax* Numbers* Days & Months* Time* Eating out* Ordering Drinks* Ordering Food* Special requirementsThere are 55 video sessions. You will learn how to write and speak/pronounce certain phrases in German. I also provide the English translation to everything. You will hear the German parts twice and the English parts once, that will help you to remember it easier. The duration of the course is 3 hours.An additional benefit of this course is that you will also get to know how different things work in Germany. "
Price: 19.99 |
"Job Interview Guide 2020" |
"Job Interview is the best way to showcase your inner potential and knowledge. It is a known fact that too many job looking aspirants jump right into a full-scale job search without any preparation other than putting together a resume. A serious mistake! Although your resume may get you several job interviews, but to win job offers, it is important that you must prepare yourself further. The current job market is becoming more competitive, and many interviewers are flooded with too many applications for the available positions. Hence you need to know the basic rules of the job interview: what to wear, what to say, and what to do when it's over.It's extremely important to distinguish yourself from other candidates in some positive way to make sure you are in the top priority.Preparing for a job interview isn't difficult, but you need to be aware that it does take time and effort. The two important points you need to remember, and know thoroughly, are: what they want; and what you've got.So, the basic question in any job interview arises when interviewers say they're looking for 'competent' candidates, what exactly do they mean?This course Job Interview Guide 2020 answers the basic question ""How To Prepare For An Interview"" by providing several tips and insights which every candidate should understand before attend any job interview. This course also helps students who are looking for Job Interview Tips along with several insider secrets which the Interviewers use to assess the required candidates.This course Job Interview Guide 2020 explains the following important conceptsJob Interviews & TypesHow To Prepare For Any Job InterviewKnowing Your Strengths To Face Any Job InterviewHow To Research About The Company & also details various waysDress Code For Any Job InterviewBody Language For Any Job InterviewLearn Different Job Interview PhasesHow To Approach Any Job Interview & The Important Subjects( Be Prepared)How To Answer Ice Breaker Questions EffectivelyHow To Answer Tough Questions In Any Job InterviewHow To Answer Questions Related To Long Term UnemploymentLearn To Convert Simple Answers To Effective AnswersHow To Answer Questions Related To Salary CleverlyLearn About Questions Which You Can Ask In Any Job InterviewLearn About Questions Which SHOULDN'T BE Asked In A Job InterviewJob Interview ClosureTop Job Interview Questions - Several Important QuestionsJob Interview Tips& lot more..This course Job Interview Guide comes with a 30 days money back guarantee and also life time updates. So what are you waiting for? Join this course today."
Price: 119.99 |
"iPhoto for photographers the missing manual" |
"iPhoto comes with most Mac computers. Unfortunately they do not come with a user manual which makes it very frustrating for beginners to understand and use the iPhoto software. iPhoto is a simple yet advanced program that anyone who is getting started with photography should have hands on knowledge. Upon completion of this course you will be able to edit pictures like a professional. This course is structured in simple video tutorial lessons to help you master iPhoto at the convince of your home.In this course you will learn the following plus much more:* How to organize your pictures* Basic and advanced editing* Creating photobooks* Using iPhoto for photographyTaking this course will help you become a better photographer. With this knowledge you will be able to make nearly any image and make it look amazing. No more need to delete bad photos. With simple edits you can rescue most pictures and give them a makeover. Take this course or give it as a gift to anyone interested in becoming a photographer. ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************OFFICE HOURS & EXTRASWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 24.99 |
"Unity 3D Demo: Create a game fast no coding required" |
"Unity 3D Demo: Create a game fast no coding requiredNote this is a lite version of the full course here you get a taste what the full course is all about for free and therefore no source code will be included. Once you purchased the full course we will also include a section how to market your course once it is published. If you enjoyed this course make sure to get the full course which will include the lectures here plus a lot more content. This course assumes you know nothing about making games, and you will publish your very own game to the apple app store without coding not even a single line of code,The full course will include the following....The game comes with multiple advertising channels to bring your passive income.Teaches you how to market by using social media such as Facebook and twitterHow to get virtual assistants to outsource some of the tasks for creating the gameAs a bonus show you how the game also works on Android phones not just macsAll it takes is one afternoon to have your very own game join the fan today************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 |
"eBay tricks and tips for beginners" |
"eBay tricks and tips for beginners (Newbies course)This course is designed to teach you new ways to make money on eBay. It will cover a lot of basic and advanced concepts in simple short lectures, and teach you a few ways you can profit. This course includes practical examples as well. As an eBay Powerseller, I have significant experience with everything to do with eBay. This course will give you a taste of some of my methods for how to make money on eBay. In this course, I will cover some of those methods. To learn more, you have to buy the full course.************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 |
"Art of Photography: Photography composition made simple" |
"Freshly updated with three times as much content Do you want your photos to look better? Do you want to learn how professional photo editors edit their own photos? take this course and learn many new skills in this unique courseArt of Photography: Photography composition made simpleCourse Overview:Learn to edit photos in iPhotoMake portrait photos look better by using many different techniquesAdjust brightness exposure, contrast, color, saturation, and compositionLearn how to edit specific styles of photography like nature, food, and portraitsOrganize your photos with different rating methods New section includes:Take amazing pictures with your smart phone DSLR hands on essential tips and techniquesPhoto Editing for Photographers is your one-stop course to learn how to professionally edit photos using iPhoto. Whether you are using a PC or Mac, this course will teach you the exact steps to editing your photos like a pro!Photography is an art not a science that said a few guidelines exist to help guide you to make amazing pictures. This course will cover all you need to know and how to use it to make amazing composition pictures that will impress any onlooker. I have been taking pictures since the age of 7 my first camera that my grandpa gave me unfortunately did not survive the journey to America. I dropped it as we landed in the United States. I always been really into photography when I took my first photo course in high school I was so advanced the teacher gave me permission to experiment and submit project for a grade.Pictures is an art not a science it is a lifelong journey. This course will start by you viewing some of my best work and I will teach you how I used theory to construct each image. As a professional photographer who is completely self taught I want to show you the art of photography and theory combined creates amazing breathtaking images.No course on composition is perfect unless it teaches you essentials about the gear you are using. Therefore I had added two new section one focuses on getting amazing images with your smart phone and another gives you essential tips and techniques for your DSLR.The final section of the course will feature case studies that show how the theory goes into application with remarkable results. After taking this course you should be able to compose pictures equal or better I highly suggest you complete entire course for best results. See you on the inside.Enroll inside to learn...How to take amazing picturesUse theory to compose breathing imagesLearn how I create some amazing picturesHow to take amazing pictures with your phoneDSLR Hands on essential tips and techniquesApply case studies for practical applicationsUse iPhoto for mac for editing pictures************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 59.99 |
"How learning The 12 Universal Laws will change your life" |
"How to become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own life.Everything in this Universe, including you,boils down to energy, frequency and vibrations. And within thisUniverse there are Universal Laws dealing with energy, frequency and vibration. These laws are as real as the laws of physics. Once you know how these laws work you will know ""The rules to the Game of Life"". You will know how to change your personal frequency so that you are in harmony with these laws.Most people are ignorant of the universallaws and as resultthey are unconscious creators of their own reality. This course will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. Anything is possible once you know these laws.You will be introduced to The Bigger Picture of Reality where you will see the underlying deep-rooted mechanisms running this Universe. Knowing these mechanisms will help you succeed.Do YouWant Good Things To Happen To You And Have Opportunities Come Your Way?Do You Want To Know Why Successful People Are Successful?Do You Want To Know The Playing Rules To The Game We Call Life?Do You Want To Know How You Communicate With The Universe?Do You Want To Know And See The Bigger Picture Of Reality?Do You Want To See Cutting Edge Research On How The Universe Really Operates?Do You Want To Learn More About How Certain Universal Laws Are Governing Your Life?If you answer yes to any of these questions you should join our program. It will giveyou the answers to these questions. Check out what other students are saying. Already more than 1500 people enrolled.1. This course will show you how the Universe is set up and how The 12 Universal Laws work.2. The course is based on live video recordings with stunning 2D & 3D graphics added in addition professional 3D animations. It is probably one of the most comprehensive and complete personal development program available online today.3. You will learn by watching the videos for each law.You will alsobe given actions steps you need to take for each law helping you become a conscious creator of your own reality.4. The course material is divided into two main section. Section one cover important background information needed in order for you to understand how the Universe operates with energy, frequenciesand vibrations.Section two cover each of the 12 universal laws. Both sections also contain a summary of all the lectures. 5. You will also get access to Supporting Material in the form of audios, extra videos and ebooks. This extra material will help you integrate the Universal Laws into your everyday life. Once you do your life will change for the better. It has to. Its the law. 6. After completing this course you will know ""the rules to the game"" we call Life and that makes all the difference. Most people are completely unaware that these laws exist and how they govern our lives. By taking this course you will become aware of how this Universe operates- You will become a conscious creator of your own reality and a conscious co-creator of the world."
Price: 199.99 |
"eBay mini newbies bootcamp: Become a Powerseller fast" |
"eBay mini newbies bootcamp: Become a Powerseller fastThis course been designed to fast track you to become a Powerseller. In this mini newbies bootcamp you will learn the theory and foundation you need to be a successful seller on eBay. Upon graduation you will be ready to take a more advanced course learning how to be successful on eBay. The class will cover a lot of basic knowledge you need so you can be ready to be a professional eBay seller in no time. Dive in this course right away to get exclusive content that took me years to learn as an eBay seller why learn from me? I have sold thousands of items on eBay and I am an active PowerSeller on eBay.What is eBay? eBay is the world's online marketplace; a place for buyers and sellers to come together and buy or sell almost anything! Here's how eBay works: A seller lists an item on eBay, from antiques to cars, books to sporting goods.Why sell on eBay?eBay is the best way to supplement your income it is one of the largest online market place anyone can get paid and make spare or even fulltime income on eBay. With eBay you do not need to find buyers all you need to do is list the item and if the price and description is right you will get paid fast. This course will include...How to correctly ship and pack a productWhy get better Camera & which to chooseWhere to gather merchandise to sellPlus much more..!************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 |
"Conversational French 1: Master Spoken French for Beginners" |
"Would you like to finally be able to speak French? Have you taken normal French courses and been bombarded with French grammar?This conversational french class focuses on learning the language and speaking the language, rather than learning the grammar. After all, the goal of learning a language is to be able to speak right? That's why, this course will have you speaking French from the very first lesson. As a college French professor, I love French. I want to share this beautiful language with the world and help people all around the globe learn French. This course is designed for people who want to learn to speak French and who like a conversational approach to language learning.WHY IS THIS COURSE UNIQUE?Each lesson is designed like a conversation between me and you, simulating a real-life interaction.Each unit has a vocabulary summary with all of the key words from that unit.All the vocabulary is words you will actually use while in France, no useless phrases and sentences, like you may encounter in other courses.You get exclusive access to an online French learning community, where you can practice with other students and myself.This carefully-constructed course slowly teaches you key phrases by building on small sentences. At the beginning of the course, you will learn how to say hello, introduce yourself, and ask questions about personal details. By the end of the course, you will be able to purchase tickets at museum, purchase clothing in French, and event check in/check out at a hotel.As with all my courses, you can purchase this course risk free with my 30-day money back guarantee.Go ahead and click ""Register"". You have nothing to lose and so much to learn from this course.I look forward to getting to know you and working with you."
Price: 199.99 |
"SDF: Memory Forensics 2" |
"Learn to script Volatility and conduct a malware compromise assessment.This class provides you with hands on training working with a memory image in order to find evidence of compromise. Step-by-step the course teaches students how to automate memory forensic processing as well as how to interpret the findings. By the end of the course students will have an efficient forensic tool and methodology that may be used for any windows memory forensic exam. This class teaches students how to conduct memory forensics using Volatility.Learn how to use & combine plugin results to identify malwareLearn how to create a script to automate running plugins and post-processing data refinementLearn how to run and interpret pluginsHands-on practicals reinforce learningLearn all of this in about one hour using all freely available tools."
Price: 149.99 |
"Self-Publish Like a Pro" |
"DIY Self-Publishing Like a Pro makes your self-publishing journey easier and faster. In addition to step-by-step video lessons, youll get specific instructions on how to write, format and upload a manuscript to the on-demand publisher of your choice. This class shows you how to create a book you can be proud of and that others will buy! DIY Self-Publishing Like a Pro starts from the beginning of the process. Youll receive detailed information on: Print On-Demand Publishing Writing your book Editing your book Typing your manuscript in Microsoft word Formatting the interior pages Create your own book cover Creating and saving PDF files Book Business Details Proof and editing your galley Essential marketing activities Selling your books through your own website The course creator, producer and instructor, Ashan R. Hampton, has eliminated the guess work and done all the research for this class through her own trial and error experiences as an independent author. After having successfully published books for little to no money or upfront costs, she wants to share her process with you. Before spending thousands of dollars on self-publishing your book, you must take this course! Enrolling now will save you time, money and frustration! So, go ahead and get registered today. We look forward to having you in class."
Price: 49.99 |
"Create Certification Courses And Increase Course Enrollments" |
"""Loved this course. Dr. Cha~zay takes you through everything you need to know - what, how and why - of creating certificates and certification courses. I also appreciate the certificate template, which is a great bonus!"" Marilyn Caylor*********************************""Not only does Cha~zay help save you hours and headache of figuring it out on your own, she also provides priceless suggestions of resources you'll want to use . Some are so useful, you'll want them whether you are making cert courses or not! I highly recommend this course (or any of Cha~zay's for that matter). Information PACKED!!"" Heather Dempsey*********************************Let's face it, students love feeling accomplished after having made the effort to learning a new skill. This is where you come in - give them a certificate that leaves them feeling like a rock star!Creating Certification Courses has countless benefits, here are just a few:They create value for your students.They leave your students feeling accomplished.Your students may actually need a certificate for professional or insurance reasons.Certificates give your students an edge with their competitors.Your students feel closer to you as the instructor, when they receive a piece of paper with your name and signature on it.Students are will pay more for Certification Courses.Your courses stick out from all the others and if given the choice, students will always pick your Certification Course over the plain course.Certification Courses set you apart as an expert.Yes, this and other platforms issue a certificate of completion but that's not the same as receiving a certificate from their instructor with the instructor's signature and their logo! I know (because my students have told me so). Your students love you and receiving a piece of paper from you showing them a job well done means a lot to them!This course is for PC users, although Mac users can still learn how to create certification courses.This Certification Course teaches you how to create certification courses from beginning to end. We will examine various types of certifications, how to design your certificate, how to create tests your students must pass before receiving their certificate (if you choose to test them), and how to design your certificate using tools you probably already have on your computer.I'll also show you a free plugin to create tests or certification application forms that automatically alert you of a new certificate to be issued.SPECIAL BONUS:When you finish this course you'll get a special bonus - my certificate template. All you have to do is fill in your personalized info, your student's name and you're good to go.So act now, enroll right now and turn your courses into Certification Courses!*********************************""Great Course, you never leave anything out! I love the idea of turning my courses into certification courses and running my own school."" Pamela Jones*********************************""Clear and practical info. Content filled with easy to follow delivery."" Sal Granados*********************************""Excellent course!! Valuable course packed with information."" Kreed Revere*********************************Keywords:#free online certification courses, #free online courses with printable certificates, #free online courses with qualifications, #free online courses with qualifications, #free online computer courses with certificates, #best free online certification courses, #free easy online certifications, #best free online courses, #free online courses with certificates uk, #creating a certification program, #how to create a certification program, #what is a certification program, #what is a certification course, #create a certificate, #create your own certification program, #certificate of completion, #thinkific, #udemy, #issuing of certificates, #generate and issue course completion certificates, #certify your students, #how to certify a student,"
Price: 149.99 |
"The Foundation of Creating Passive Income Streams Online" |
"""This particular course is a fantastic place to start if you want to create a passive income stream. She walks you through the following: funnels, landing pages, email management systems, how to build an email list (even if you don't have a base yet) and more. I learned a lot and am excited to get started!"" Karen Kane************************************""I found the course super practical and it motivated me to block out one day in my calendar this month and to build a passive income stream for myself for the first time. thank you!"" Andrea Darabos************************************Are you tired of trading time for money?Do you want to get paid for your efforts, whether you are asleep, on vacation, eating your dinner or spending time with friends and family?Then you're in the right place!After a total loss in 2006 I reinvented the way I look at business. I bounced back from homelessness stronger than before (I'll share my story inside the course). Today over 80% of my income comes from streams that flow to me no matter where I am in the world today and no matter what I do from moment to moment. To me, freedom is to work when I want, with whom I want and from wherever I want.If you want to work from home or travel the world (like I do), then you are going to love this course.I will teach you the basic foundation of creating any and all of your online passive income streams. When you get this simple five-step process you can apply this cookie-cutter format to all subsequent passive income streams.If you want to say it once, set it and forget about it, then this course is for you. Once you've set up your foundation all you have to do is rinse and repeat.IMPORTANT: You do not need a website to take this course but in order to implement what you learn in this course you will need a website and you will need to get an email management system (I'll share some resources with you in the course).VERY IMPORTANT: This is NOT a course that will teach you ideas on how to make money online, this is a course that will teach you how to set up the foundation on what it takes to make money online. If you're looking for ideas or what your purpose is, this is NOT the course for you. ************************************""The instructor of this course is very experienced and her visual breakdowns of each section are very helpful. Not only was this a helpful road map to starting a passive income vehicle, but it also offered some ideas for valuable products and services."" Keith Dilliplane************************************""Love this information, and the way it is presented is so easy to understand! Cha~zay has me thinking about how to redirect the income I have now while I am preparing for the passive streams of income to start."" Janet************************************Keywords:#passive income, #residual income, #automatic income, #internet income, #online income, #passive income opportunities, #passive income strategies, #beginner passive income, #passive income definition, #passive income course, #residual income ideas, #residual income business, #how to make money online for free, #make money online fast, #how to make money online for beginners, #creative ways to make money, #how to earn money online, #make money online without investment, #how to make money online without paying anything, #make money from home online, #legitimate ways to make money online, #ways for females to make money online, #work from home jobs for moms, #real work from home jobs, #working from home online, #work from home part time,"
Price: 149.99 |
"Online Course Creation (No. 6) - Create Green Screen Videos" |
"""This is an excellent resource for Green screen recording. It's simple and very informative, it covers green screen set up, Lighting, Software, Video and Audio management. The instructor is experienced in the topic and also very engaging. Great quality course, recommended!"" Sebastian Cortes***************************""This course offers more than merely showing you how to create a green screen effect in videos. She covers personal look and presentation, copyright concerns (very important to know!) for video and music, and how to get good quality sound. The lectures are a good length - long enough to demonstrate what needs to be done, and not overly drawn out."" Susan Loy***************************Would you like to create best-selling online courses that has students longing for more?Would you like to spice up your current courses or PowerPoint presentations and give them that extra sizzle that keeps your audience' attention?Do you want to increase enrollments and increase your reviews?Then you're in the right place!This course is all about green or blue screen recording and replacing your background with moving videos or gorgeous static pictures that give your online courses that extra spice that keeps your audience glued to your educational material.In this course I will show you where to get your green or blue screen (well cover what the difference is as well). Well talk about all of the technology you need to create awesome online courses that will have students want to enroll in all of your other courses as well. Well talk about your camera, microphone, your audio and your video editing software. I will be using Camtasia for PC to show you how to edit your videos.We will cover where to get your royalty free videos and static background pictures and how to insert them behind your talking head to make your videos look dazzling. All students receive 5 free static backgrounds that I had my graphic designer create especially for you.Come on in and join me, a Udemy best-selling instructor, along with thousands of other students from over 90 countries all over the world, and learn how to set your videos apart from the masses by giving it that little extra that makes your clients and students want to enroll in all of your courses.***************************""This is a very thorough and informative course, and Dr. Cha~zay's delivery and expertise is second to none."" Sharon Stegeman***************************""I'm not very techie but this course is a step-by-step training that even I can follow. It's well organized with no fluff, so I can quickly review what I need to do to take the next step for my online courses."" Becky Cook***************************Keywords:""green screen videos, #blue screen videos, #green screen course, #blue screen course, #coursecraft, #how to develop an online course, #develop online training courses, #green screen background, #green screen software, #camtasia, #green screen photoshop, #chroma key, #chroma key courses, #create and sell online courses, #online course masters, #best-selling online instructors, #online course ideas, #build a course in 1 week, #online courses, #create an online course, #how to create an online course, #1 week to creating an online course, #become an online instructor, #Cha~zay,"
Price: 194.99 |
"Online Course Creation (No. 5) - Your Course Outline" |
"""Such a helpful course in gathering all my scattered thoughts and ideas. Especially the mindmap part really is going to be of huge help for me. Thank you so much Cha-zay, you're really a star and your kind and helpful energy just makes it all even better."" Clairre Yochana Sommer**********************************""As someone who has been an ""in-person"" teacher her entire life, this course takes the best practices and strategies of the classroom and provides concrete tips for creating an engaging, meaningful online course for students. I found myself nodding in agreement at the suggestions as I further developed my understanding of the various approaches to online teacher using Udemy or other platforms. Dr. Cha-zay models her lessons to students by demonstrating each tip that she discusses. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is wondering if online teaching is for him/her."" Stacy Young**********************************If you know that online teaching is the right move for you but you dont know how to get started, this course is for you! If you have volumes of wisdom to share with a global audience and want to create online courses to spread your knowledge, this course is for you.Are you in the mind/body/spirit field working as a healer, coach or consultant and want to take your in-person business to an online platform?Are you tried of trading time for money and want to create passive income streams with online courses?Are you ready to start spreading your most-important message to a worldwide audience and get paid handsomely while youre at it?Then youve come to the right place!As a Reiki Master and Holistic Life Coach I know how hard it can be to see one client at a time and Im here to show you an easier way. One where you wont have to give up your private practice, if you choose to continue seeing one-on-one clients. With what Im about to show you, not only can you keep your in-person practice but I will show you how to create passive income streams while building your practice with even more clients that are willing to pay generously for your wisdom and knowledge.Its time to bring your knowledge to an online platform. Say it once, set it and forget it. Share your wisdom so what you have to teach is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and to a global audience. Or perhaps youre not currently seeing face-to-face clients and simply want to build an online practice with your healing and coaching techniques?I left the corporate world more than 12 years ago to become a consultant and later a coach and workshop leader. Ive been teaching small and large groups in person as well as online for over a decade. I have thousands of students and am one of Udemys best-selling instructors. I create and publish courses in 3-5 days and I still run a global coaching business. I look forward to helping you spread your message while helping you generate multiple, generous and passive streams of income.**********************************""Cha-zay provides thorough information and step-by-step details in this course. I am gaining more clarity about how to decide what to put into a course as well as when it's too much and should be split into more than one course. Recommended."" Chellee Chase-Saiz**********************************""Definitely worth the investment! Dr. Cha~Zay really breaks down the creation process for a course and walks you through each step in a very simple manner, I can't wait to get my first course published!"" Aiden Tyler Grossheider**********************************""Quick practical and actionable course to get you to your own course outline in a snap. Instructor has an amazing ability to simplfy a task that could otherwise be quite overwhelming."" Vernetta Sealy**********************************Keywords:#course outline, #online course, #online course instructor, #online course creation, #thinkific, #teachable, #udemy, #learnworlds, #skillshare, #podia, #ruzuku, #click4course, #digitalchalk, #pathwright, #zippycourses, #kajabi, #academyofmind, #learndash, #accessally, #coursecats, #lifterlms, #opensesame, #coursemerchant, #lmscheckout, #courseindex, #learnpress, #coursepresspro, #sensei, #wpcourseware, #goodlms, #namaste!lms, #masterstudylms, #create and sell online courses, #online course masters, #best-selling online instructors, #online course ideas, #build a course in 1 week, #online courses, #create an online course, #how to create an online course, #1 week to creating an online course, #become an online instructor, #Cha~zay,"
Price: 149.99 |
"Confident You - Skyrocket Your Confidence and Self Esteem" |
"""Excellent Course! Practical steps to achieve confidence and self-esteem. Deep and sometimes surprising things that affect confidence are clearly explained. Dr Cha~Zay, where have you been all my life?"" Sylvia Bryan*********************************""I am inspired by her rich content, compelling delivery and clarity of thought, and how she presents totally unique angles of subject matters that deserve a deeper look and study, such as confidence, making one realize how much more it can actually consciously be cultivated."" Sonja*********************************What Do Confidence, Self-Esteem and Success Have In Common? EVERYTHING! If youre looking for a confidence booster shot and a heavy dose of self-esteem, then this course is for you. Do You Know The Hidden Causes for Low Confidence? Let me show you how to unlock lasting confidence that is based on your authenticity, not some learned technique. Self-esteem and confidence are the keys to unlocking what you truly desire in this life. You may think that if you were just more beautiful, more handsome, had more money, were skinnier or more fit, then success would be yours, then the girl or guy would be yours, then the promotion would come to you, etc. While all these things are nice, they are not the key to skyrocketing confidence! Outward beauty and money are not the key to lasting confidence. In fact, some of the most confident people are not the most beautiful people, at least not according to the medias standards. So whats their secret? I grew up terribly shy and tongue tied. So much so that I was introduced as the shy one who doesnt speak much. Public speaking used to be my all-time biggest fear. So big in fact that I would have preferred to die. Perhaps you can relate? Thankfully, thats all in the past! Today I have over 60,000 students worldwide, over 30,000 YouTube subscribers, I have also spoken with Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) in front of thousands of people. Ive been a Learning Annex instructor for many years and Ive taught in-person workshops for the last 15 years. How did I make the switch from soft spoken and shy wallflower to confidence rockstar? Thats what this entire course is all about! If youre looking for more success in life, whether its personal or professional success, this course can help unleash the fearless you thats waiting to shine and sparkle.*********************************""I can say 100%, my confidence and self-esteem have greatly improved."" Allyria Lai*********************************""I loved this course. Cha zay is like the fairy godmother from the wizard of oz in the way she presents her lectures just full of reassurance in unlocking what we already process within. A really good value course, easy to watch and simple to understand."" Angela*********************************""Just excellent. There are many courses out there. I have never found one that talks about energy or exercises in the areas that you do. Exactly what I needed"" Yvette Guadalupe*********************************Keywords:#confidence, #self-esteem, #confident, #how to be a confident woman, #how to be confident at work, #how to be confident in school, #how to be more attractive, #how to be more social, #how to build confidence and self-esteem, #confidence building exercises, #self confidence test, #self confidence examples, #how to be confident, #raise your confidence, #raise your self esteem, #confidence in relationships, #confidence tips, #confidence definition, #confidence meaning,"
Price: 179.99 |
"Building Sacred Relationships That Stand The Test of Time" |
"""Cha~zay makes a no holds barred approach to outlining relationships and how to get that ""once and for all"" partner. Instead of focusing on what the student might expect from another person, Cha~zay sets us on a path to identifying what most of us do, and then takes us through a journey within ourselves through the chakras to discover what is needed to get through the lower vibrations of most relationships to then really see the true goal. I found this course to be extremely enlightening, not only for a solid partnership, but also for building an understanding of myself to approach all my relationships in a more wholesome way. Thank you, Cha~zay! This course was simply awesome!"" Keith Gonzales**********************************************************I love all your scientific explanations about this topic."" LisMarys**********************************************************Your words have removed a veil."" Estelita**********************************************************You just saved me from repeating the same mistakes in falling for the wrong person. This is indeed a time of acceleration of evolution."" Olivia X.**********************************************************Are you tired of mediocre relationships?Is your soul longing for more depth and meaning in your relationships?Then this course is for you!This course is not for you if you are looking to collect phone numbers or want to find sexual partners.When you're done with this course, you will know exactly what you want from a relationship and what you can offer (it's not what you think). You will know what's realistic and what's pure fantasy. You will get grounded and practical advice so you can be a deliberate creator of a divine relationship that will be the example for all your friends to follow.You will learn about the importance of your chakra system and receive 'aha' inspiring insights as to why you've been attracting the partners you've been attracting until now.You will also learn about male DNA ending up in women's brains how to stop taking on other people's karma and what true, divine and sacred sexuality is.We are on an evolutionary path and each of us are called to higher ground, more purity, more purpose, transparency and more integrity in our relationships. Why then is it so hard to find a truly compatible partner?This course will examine the difference between twin flames (twin souls), soul mates, and divine relationships.There are four reasons and types of relationships, with the last one being the most coveted and most sought-after and most desired. But do you have what it takes to create such a divine relationship that will stand the test of time?Find out by taking this jam-packed course right now.This course features videos, audios, PowerPoint presentations, slide shows and several bonuses featuring other experts on the topic.**********************************************************""This information is vital to the evolution of all. Not only is it vital, but incredibly interesting and enlightening. I enjoyed this course very much and now realise how much responsibility I have."" Allyria Lai**********************************************************""All aspects of both twin flame and soul mate relationships are being unearthed. So many poignant points are causing me to evaluate who I am and what I want in a relationship. This curse thus far is a catalyst for change for me where I am realizing great choices that I make but also realize there is still further work to do."" Corinne D'Onofrio**********************************************************Keywords:#spiritual union, #marriage is sacred, #soul marriage, #divine relationship, #sacred relationship, #long term relationship stages, #long lasting relationships, #successful relationships, #how to keep a relationship strong and happy, #what is important in relationships, #twin flame, #twin soul,"
Price: 124.99 |
"Color Psychology, Make-Overs and Chakras" |
"""I found the course to be illuminating about colors and their influence on people. Since I did not know much about Chakras, this was good basic information on Chakras for me."" John Cotton********************************""This is a masterpiece of how to balance your life in colors and chakras. It is packed full of useful information for everyday life and how it all connects to your spiritual evolution as well. Cha~zay really shows her deep knowledge of metaphysics in a way anyone can understand and use."" Guy Girard********************************Do you want to achieve more success in life and business?Why are companies spending millions to brand their logos and choose specific colors for their websites?Feeling a bit blue or things are not going the way you want them to?Not sure why you can't quite attract a loving partner?The psychology of color is a fascinating one - especially given that it takes so little to make such a huge shift in our life; simply by making little tweaks here and there. If you want more success in your career, business or your personal or romantic life, then this course is for you!********************************If you've been sick for a while and you want to help your body shift into a frequency of self-healing, then this course is for you!There is a reason rainbows have 7 colors. There is a reason every body has 7 chakras (and more). We'll cover the 7 chakra colors in this course as well.We'll even talk about make-up, hair and skin color and how impactful a remodel or an accent wall or carpet can be.This course will help you think differently about colors, those you wear, those you surround yourself with and those you choose for your day-to-day business (websites, brochures, business cards, logo, and more).This course will undoubtedly elevate you to higher plateau in the field of personal development and spirituality while giving you a huge advantage in business. Know exactly why you are dressing the way you do. Know what colors to wear (and not wear) when you have an important interview, speech or presentation coming up (or even a date). In fact, I will even show you how businesses get a 20-60% conversion boost by making the tiniest little change to their website buttons. And how you can do the same.Dress for success! Design for success! Feel confident and empowered and in control!********************************""This class effectively explains the significance of the colours around us and with many practical tips how we can use colours to help balance our bodies/lives including food, clothes, make-up, home decor. I also appreciate that the instructor includes lots of pictures of colours in this class. This course enriched my knowledge and corrected some of my false impression toward colours... I recommend this interesting course to anyone."" Y.J.********************************""I got this course because I am interested in colors and because we will move into a new home soon. Now I feel more confident in choosing the right colors for the different rooms. I loved everything about the chakras. I thought I knew everything already, but I did learn new things. It also made me overthink my wardrobe. Very exciting."" Caroline Long********************************Keywords:#color psychology marketing, #color psychology blue, #color psychology red, #color psychology chart, #color psychology course, #colour psychology, #colour psychology course, #color psychology make-over, #chakra, #color psychology red, #color psychology brown, #color psychology gold, #color psychology silver, #color psychology white, #color psychology black, #color psychology grey, #psychology of color in advertising, #room color psychology, #color psychology yellow, ##color psychology orange, #psychology of colors in business, #color psychology purple, #chakras, #course about chakras, #chakras and colors, #make-over and colors,"
Price: 149.99 |
"Teleclass Leadership: Create a Business With Your Telephone" |
"This course is the missing link I've searched for years. This is one of the very best courses I've seen in a long time. Sergiu Funieru*************************************************Excellent, inspiring course! This course has inspired me with so many ideas that my head is spinning! It is packed full of information on why and how to use teleseminars to increase business and created passive streams of income - no detail is spared! Jessica Barst*************************************************Would you like to become a certified Teleclass Leader?Do you want to participate in telesummits as an expert?This class may just give you the edge you need to set yourself apart from others!This course has been my signature course for many years for countless reasons, one in particular: it's an easy-to-follow step-by-step plan that shows you how to work from home or anywhere on the planet with something you already use on a daily basis your telephone.In this course I will share with you the technology you need to record your teleseminar, how to structure them, how to price them, and where to market them all without extra additional cost to you!What's more important than you sharing your wisdom with the world?Now I will share with you how to capture that most important message of yours, how to set it up as a teleseminar and how to provide your audience with your wisdom for years to come. Not only to they benefit, but you have just created a passive income stream!Whether you want to create one teleseminar, a series of teleseminars or even an entire 3-month or 1-year mentorship program by telephone, I will show you how to put it all together.All tools recommended in this course are free, including your conference line.Please watch the free lectures available to you to get some of your questions answered.Special Notice: This is not a certification course. You will receive a certificate of completion from Udemy, but not from Dr. Cha~zay or the Core Freedom Academy.*************************************************This course far exceed my expectations and was well worth my time. I now have all the tools I need to begin recording teleseminars. I highly recommend this Udemy course. The best one I have taken so far. Angel Walker*************************************************Wow, this course is fun & informative. Even though I have experience in this area, Cha~zay really simplifies the steps and creates a brilliant picture of how to succeed from anywhere with a telephone line. If I had known ALL of this years ago... it would have saved me a lot of time! The instructor presents well-structured content with a caring tone that makes the material easy to follow and absorb. Great way to leverage expertise with larger audiences and tap even greater income. Bodhi Horn*************************************************Great course in every way! It is very well laid out and presented in a way that is very easy to understand. This is perhaps the best course - so far - that I have taken. Every area is fully covered and the author gets back to you quickly if you have any questions. The audio and video are both excellent. The author speaks very clearly and is easy to understand. If your desire to provide a service and make money through Teleseminars - then this is the course you will want to take. It is worth every dollar of the price. I would highly recommend this course. James Review*************************************************This is the best course I have ever taken anywhere! Dr. Cha~zay is an awesome teacher and this course is a masterpiece of years of experience and love for helping people succeed in life and she stands behind it above and beyond. Everything you need is included and if by any chance you find something that is not she will even help you with that as well. This life changing course can deliver your greatest dreams if you just believe in yourself that is all you need to bring and she evens helps with that too. Amazing. Guy Girard*************************************************Keywords:#teleseminar, #tele-seminar, #tele-class, #teleclass, #zoom, #webinar, #free conference call, #instant teleseminar, #how to make money with teleseminars, #grow your business with teleseminars, #profit from teleseminars, #why you should do teleseminars, #teleseminar marketing, #teleseminar training, #certified teleclass leader, #certified teleseminar leader, #udemy, #teleseminar course,"
Price: 199.99 |
"CONFIDENCE: 21 Days To Double Your Confidence & Potential" |
"**NEW: Alain's work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, CW and 300+ of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.** 3 REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW:OVER60'000+ happy studentsfrom179 countrieshave enrolled in my courses and have left1'500+ TOP ReviewsPresented by theexpert, Alain Wolf, who is arecognized expertin the field of confidence and communication skillswith over 15 years of experienceThere is a30 day money back guarantee. Iam 100%confident that this course will help you communicate better with people sotry it at risk FREE!Unleash Your Potential, Become More Confident, Transform Your Dreams Into Reality & Reclaim Your Personal PowerThis 21 Day challenge will help you accomplish your wildest dreams, breakthrough any of your obstacles and limting beleifs and create an extraordinary life for you and those around you.Here is what you will be get in the course:Define your goals and what you want out of life:Define your life on your own terms so that you can attract and create your superior destiny.Set bigger goals so you can become an exceptional human being and unleash your confidence.Connect with what you really want deep inside you and get the results that today you can only dream about.Discover what drives you and get massive improvement in the areas of your life that matter most.MotivationSupercharge your goals with meaning,purpose and confidenceso that you can create massive results.Condition yourself mentally and emotionally so that everything will be possible for you.Discover your inner power to shape your destiny and transform your dreams into reality.Destroy your fears:Achieve what you have always dreamt of by removing the obstacles and limiting beliefs that hold you back.Transform problems into new opportunities to help you get what you want.Stop caring what people think of youDestroy the fear of failurelove the fear of the unkownConfidence:Unleash Your Confidence & Self-EsteemHave The Courage ToBe Who You Really AreThis course is for everyone who is hungry for life, who want more out of life. The only requirement is a willingness to take action to improve your life.Welcome to the transformation!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso Cypecad Bsico Online na Prtica - Clculo Estrutural" |
"Nesse curso de CYPECAD Bsico Online na Prtica abordaremos os principais passos do projeto estrutural de um edifcio de 9 andares em concreto armado pautados nas NBRs regulamentadoras como a NBR6118 2014. Voc aprender todas as Etapas do Projeto Estrutural como: - Concepo Estrutural- Dimensionamento- Modelagem- Detalhamento- Anlise Estrutural- Montagem Das Pranchas FinaisVeremos lanamento de pilares, vigas, lanamento, cargas, fundao, desenhos, relatrios, estruturas integradas, aps o dimensionamento de todos os elementos estruturais ser realizada a anlise estrutural das armaduras e relatrios de erros para que haja, caso necessite, alguma alterao na dimenso ou na armadura para otimizao da estrutura. Os MDULOS DO CURSO SO:MDULO 1 - INICIANTE - (PROJETO EDIFCIO 5 ANDARES) CYPECAD 2013/2014 OU SUPERIORMDULO 2 - ANLISE ESTRUTURALMDULO 3 - DETALHAMENTO DAS ARMADURASMDULO 4 - FUNDAOMDULO 5 - DESENHOSMDULO 6 - RELATRIOSMDULO 7 - ESTRUTURAS INTEGRADAS COM PROJETO DE ESTRUTURA METLICAAps o dimensionamento de todos os elementos estruturais ser realizada a anlise da armadura para que haja, caso necessite, alguma alterao na dimenso ou na armadura para otimizao da estrutura. Adquira j o nosso curso cypecad na prtica e d os primeiros passos no mercado de engenharia estrutural por um custo simblico."
Price: 129.99 |
"Microsoft Outlook 2016 - Top 50 Super Tricks within 2.5 Hrs" |
"Before you read what I have to say, see what my students are saying about my courses:""I would like to tell you that I amvery impressedwith your courses so far - I particularly like theshort videosthat allow me to get to a topic quickly and then move on (your competitors mostly offer 20-30 min videos which is a bit much to keep one's attention span). The other gem in your training are the shortcuts, I foundno other course with the same insights.""byPeter Klugsberger, Australia, ex-McKinsey & Co., served various senior roles (CEO, COO) in various companiesAnyone who wants to exceedthe expectations set by himself / Seniors / peers. It is very important to convey theRight ideas in a right formatthrough a right medium. Guns don't kill as much as PowerPoint bullets.I made my mind to be a Subscriber of all of his courses after seeing his free videos which makes me think that I am actually in a real class and learning it by practicingit. by Biswajeet Pattnaik , M&A Specialist (Finance and Petrochemical industry), SABIC , Saudi Arabia.""The courses are really helpful whether in terms of saving time, improving your presentation skills or getting to learn new features. The videos give you the feeling ofone to one attention. Moreover, their constant attachment by emailing new tricks is highly appreciating. #thankyouteamyoda"" by Arundhati Raychaudhuri, Finance Professional, India------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you wish you could save time by managing your email more effectively? Do you wish you could become more organized and keep better track of all your appointments and the things you need to do? Would you like to manage your email, calendar, tasks and contacts more effectively? If so, this is the course for you!Theshort videos will give you a visual overviewand provide step by stepinstructions.Here'sWhat we got in store for you in this course:Workspace NavigationContactsEmail: Speed & Formatting TricksSearch Tools & TechniquesEmail related TasksCalendarWe have 53videos of duration 2.5Hours. Through practical examples, You'll learn advancedapplication on Outlook for increasing productivity.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Guided practiceworksheets included for immediate practiceAccess to all videos 24 x 7 - learn online from anywhereA 30-day money back guarantee (we want you to be 100% satisfied)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have read this far, next action isJOINING this course. Invest2.5 Hoursfor a benefit of lifetime throughMicrosoft Outlook 2016 - Top 15 Tricks for Pro"
Price: 19.99 |
"Outlook Top 10 Tricks Advanced Microsoft Outlook 2016" |
"Before you read what I have to say, see what my students are saying about my courses:""I would like to tell you that I amvery impressedwith your courses so far - I particularly like theshort videosthat allow me to get to a topic quickly and then move on (your competitors mostly offer 20-30 min videos which is a bit much to keep one's attention span). The other gem in your training are the shortcuts, I foundno other course with the same insights.""byPeter Klugsberger, Australia, ex-McKinsey & Co., served various senior roles (CEO, COO) in various companies-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outlookhas some great features! But most of us just send and receive emails without bothering to fully manage our office with Outlook.The short videos will give you a visual overview and provide step by stepinstructions.Here'sWhat we got in store for you in this course:Workspace NavigationEmail: Speed & Formatting TricksEmail related TasksWe have8videos of duration 35mins(in one sitting). Through practical examples, You'll learnapplication on Outlook-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question- Why should I take this mini-course on Outlook?Our Response-The course is structured suchthat you can find your most immediate need and start right there. Take this course as an organizational and productivity exercise. And when you are finished, you'll notice yourself spending less time digging around for lost emails and contacts, and more time doing your real job.Prepare to get Organized!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Question So will I learn All Outlook?Our Response No. This course covers 3 small areas of Outlook, they are Workspace Navigation, Email: Speed & Formatting Tricks and Email related Tasks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""The courses are really helpful whether in terms of saving time, improving your presentation skills or getting to learn new features. The videos give you the feeling ofone to one attention. Moreover, their constant attachment by emailing new tricks is highly appreciating. #thankyouteamyoda"" by Arundhati Raychaudhuri, Finance Professional, India-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you join:Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Guided practiceworksheets included for immediate practiceAccess to all videos 24 x 7 - learn online from anywhereA 30-day money back guarantee (we want you to be 100% satisfied)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have read this far, next action is JOINING this course. Invest 35mins(in one sitting) for a benefit of lifetime throughOutlook Top 10 Super Tricks"
Price: 54.99 |