"Diseo de Sistemas de Drenaje Urbano" |
"A lo largo de este curso no slo revisars conceptos que ya conoces sino que aprenders a aplicarlos y a conocer la metodologa bsica utilizada para el diseo de sistemas de captacin y conduccin de aguas pluviales en urbanismos.Empezaremos revisando la Aplicacin del Mtodo Racional, enfocndonos en aspectos tales como la determinacin del Tiempo de Concentracin, Clculo del Coeficiente de Escorrenta Ponderado y Seleccin del Perodo de Retorno en funcin del Riesgo Aceptable, entre otros aspectos.Daremos un repaso a los aspectos relacionados con el Flujo a Superficie Libre y la Ecuacin de Manning, as como a la determinacin de parmetros como las alturas de agua en canales trapezoidales, rectangulares y circulares,resaltando la aplicacin de la Frmula de Izzard para el Clculo de la Capacidad Hidrulica de Calles y Avenidas.Estudiaremos la forma de captacin de las aguas utilizando Sumideros.Conocers aqu la Conceptualizacin general del Sistema de Captacin, estudiando los criterios de ubicacin de los sumideros de Ventana y de los de Rejilla en sectores Urbanos. Aprenders a determinar el Caudal Captado en funcin de la Eficiencia del Sumidero y de sus caractersticas. Vers, a travs de un Vdeo Interactivo, lospasos y clculos realizados para el clculo del Sistema de Captacin de un sector UrbanoPor ltimo Estudiaremos los Aspectos relacionados con la Definicin Planimtrica y Altimtrica de las Tuberas destinadas a la Recoleccin de las Aguas de lluvia, conociendo los aspectos hidrulicos a ser tomados en cuenta al momento de determinar pendientes y dimetros para la red."
Price: 59.99 |
"Aprende a Seleccionar Bombas Centrfugas" |
"El enfoque del curso est orientado a el proceso de seleccin de bombas centrfugas tal como lo hara algn ingeniero o profesional de la ingeniera civil, es decir, uno que no se dedica al diseo hidromecnico de estos equipos; se pretende dar los conceptos y aspectos prcticos relacionados con el clculo hidrulico en sistemas que conducen agua pero a partir de la informacin disponible del equipo de bombeo a travs de las curvas de operacin que suministran sus fabricantes."
Price: 59.99 |
"Diseo de Redes de Abastecimiento de Agua" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Diseo de Sistemas de Abastecimiento de Agua del aula virtual de tutoriales al da.El curso consta de 25 clases, en formato de video y con una duracin media de 10 minutos cada una para un total de ms de 4 horas de contenido en las que aprenders los detalles del diseo de los componentes ms importantes en los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua: la Aduccin, El Estanque y la Red de Distribucin. De una forma prctica y directa irs conociendo a travs de los diferentes mdulos del curso los aspectos necesarios para tener a tu alcance la metodologa que te permitir Calcular las demandas de agua potable por distintos criterios, pues estudiaremos los mtodos de proyeccin de poblacin, la asignacin y uso de dotaciones por tipo de edificacin, por persona y dotacin global. Te presentamos un ejemplo de clculo de demandas a partir de las densidades de poblacin y usos de suelo especificados en planes de desarrollo urbano. Conocers el efecto que tienen las variaciones de la demanda urbana como un primer paso para la definicin de los caudales de diseo de los componentes de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua. Aprenders a realizar el diseo hidrulico y por presin interna de aducciones abastecidas por gravedad y por bombeo, y a realizar el estudio preliminar del golpe de ariete en ellas. Vers cmo se Realiza el diseo del Estanque de compensacin desde el punto de vista hidrulico: definiremos su volumen til incluyendo las capacidades requeridas para compensacin del consumo, reserva de incendios y gastos de bombeo y, ms importante an te enseamos a definir la ubicacin altimtrica del estanque para que la red opere a las presiones adecuadas. Por ltimo, slo el mdulo del diseo de la red de distribucin comprende ms de dos horas de clase en las que se detalla el proceso, paso a paso, para su diseo a travs de un ejemplo real de un sector urbano y en con el que especficamente aprenders: A realizar la Definicin de la geometra en planta de la red, ubicacin de vlvulas de sectorizacin e hidrantes. Estudiaremos y aplicars varios mtodos para la asignacin de demandas a los nodos de la red. Definirs los dimetros de las tuberas de la red en base a los caudales de diseo. Vas a Conocer la interfaz de EPANET programa que utilizaremos como herramienta de clculo de las presiones y caudales en la red. Aprenders a utilizar esta verstil herramienta computacional en tus diseos pues vers cmo vamos ajustando la red de clculo para ir logrando satisfacer los valores normativos de presiones y velocidades. Vers con qu facilidad es posible con EPANET evaluar distintas hiptesis de demanda, como la de ocurrencia de incendio en la red. Vers cmo terminamos el diseo de la red estableciendo alternativas de ubicacin de vlvulas reductoras de presin, todo de forma muy prctica utilizando al programa EPANET.Y finalmente estudiaremos alternativas de solucin a el control de presiones elevadas en parte de la red definiendo la ubicacin, para distintas opciones, de vlvulas reductoras de presin. El contenido del curso va ms all de la teora, en todo momento el instructor te presenta comentarios y recomendaciones que junto a tus conocimientos y criterio te permitir dominar fcilmente el diseo de sistemas de distribucin de agua potabla en urbanismos. Podrs descargar diversas guas de diseo y mejor an hojas de clculo que te facilitarn enormemente tu trabajo."
Price: 94.99 |
"30 Ways to Transform Your Life" |
"*The course price increase each day until it reaches regular price*What will this course do for you? You CAN change your life in one month! Spend 30 days, one day at a time, doing the exercises and activities in this course and you will find your mind, body and spirit refreshed, renewed and strengthened. What value is this course adding to your life? This course is giving you information, instruction, techniques and skills that will empower you to significantly transform your life in only four weeks. You can choose to change your life. And because you will have lifetime access, you can transform your personal life through habits of excellence. In that same time we will journey together through best practices that empower your professional success. Your personal and professional relationships will improve. Your professional efficiency, effectiveness and results will deepen, expand and increase. What specific life areas will be addressed? This personal transformation course will cover the mind, body and spirit. It has inspiration and motivation as well as practical activities for integrating them into your life. It is a holistic approach to creating excellence. Do each step, each day, while continuing with the steps of the previous days and adding the new step for that day, your life will dramatically change and improve in 30 days. If TRANSFORMATION is your goal, this is your course! Materials: For this course you will want to get some 3-hole punched loose paper a 3-ring folder (not necessarily a binder, just something for up to 20 pages) pens/pencil scissors 1-2 sheets of posterboard a few markers a glue stick old/favorite magazines a journal of your liking"
Price: 59.99 |
"Turning 40: Opportunity For Success" |
"TAKE YOUR LIFE TO THE NEXT LEVEL. This course will empower you in your professional and personal life as you enter early midlife.If focuses on people between ages 37-44 (currently GenerationX) ,This is the age when we stop to assess what we have where we are and were we are going. It explores the four journeys we take in early midlife, as well as the changes and challenges we undergo. Most importantly, it address the three things we need at that time of life to be POWERFUL, RICH and HAPPY which is the true definition of success.This course is for YOU if you want something more than power and money in your life -- if you are seeking a more balanced lifestyle. This course is for YOU if you want to attain and maintain wealth -- to attain financial freedom and abundance. This course is for YOU if you want take your life to the next level."
Price: 199.99 |
"SAP S/4 HANA: An Insight" |
"SAP S/4HANA, the next generation business suite designed to help Business run simple in the digital economy. This is built on advanced in-memory platform, SAP HANA, and offers a personalized user experience with SAP Fiori.SAP S/4HANA is built to drive instant value across lines of business and industries with the ultimate in sophistication but with utmost simplicity. Course named SAP S/4 HANA an Insight from Global Learning Labs gives complete view of this reimagined suite to reimagine business and Re-think boundaries and definition of Enterprise Software.Course structured in such a way, it gives detailed end to end view of new generation enterprise software and coved in 11 sections with 26 well presented lectures, quizzes at the end of each section and few external materials for reference.Course centaines over an hour of lecture and another hour for attending quizzes.Those who are in to dealing with technology, enterprise software consultants, business end users, business analysts and one who has an intent to get a feel of new developments in the enterprise software area in this digital world. SAP is registered Trademark of SAP AG., Germany.This Course is created purelyfor educational purpose to shareknowledge.This isnot created by SAP and we are not SAP associates."
Price: 179.99 |
"SAP Big Data Predictive Analytics : An Overview" |
"Big data analytics is the process of examining large datasetsto uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends,customer preferences and other useful business information. The analyticalfindings can lead to more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities,better customer service, improved operational efficiency, competitiveadvantages over rival organizations and other business benefits.Theprimary goal of big dataanalytics is to help companies make more informedbusiness decisions by enabling data scientistspredictive modelers andother analytics professionals to analyze large volumes of transaction data, aswell as other forms of data that may be untapped by conventional businessintelligenceprograms. That could include Web server logs and Internetstreamdata, social media content and social network activity reports,text from customer emails and survey responses, mobile-phone call detailrecords and machine data captured by sensors connected to the Internet ofthings.Big datacan be analyzed with the software tools commonly used as part of advancedanalyticsdisciplines such as predictive analytics,Datamining,Text analyticsandStatistical Analysis.Potentialpitfalls that can trip up organizations on big data analytics initiativesinclude a lack of internal analytics skills and the high cost of hiringexperienced analytics professionals. The amount of information that's typicallyinvolved, and its variety, can also cause data management headaches, includingdata qualityand consistency issues. In addition, integrating Hadoopsystems and data warehouses can be a challenge, although various vendors nowoffer software connectors between Hadoop and relational databases, as well asother data integration tools with big data capabilities.SAP has whole range of solution for taking care of entire analytics scope.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAP is a registered trademark of SAP A.G, Germany. We have no association with SAP."
Price: 189.99 |
"Project Integration Management" |
"Project Integration Management is a knowledge area as defined inPMBOKGuideincludes the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.This course exclusively deals with Project Integration management. Project Integration management is a key knowledge area which has a primary role in the Project's success.This course has 10 sections with 29 video lectures close to 3 hours along with very exhaustive 6 quiz sections containing over 100 questions.This course is structured in a systematic way completely aligned to Project Management institutes'sPMBOK GuideThis course is very relevant to practicing project managers to enhance their knowledge gaps and make their approach much stronger. This is relevant to project managers in making and pursuing PMP examination in near future.This is delivered by a practicing andPMPqualified Project Manager keeping in mind all practical aspects of every area. The practical experiences and challenges encountered while exercising these project management techniques are well included in this lecture. This is a valuable feature of this course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PMP and PMBOKGuide are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.This course is not created by or endorsed by Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99 |
"Project Scope Management" |
"Project Scope management includes the process required to ensure that the Project includes all the work required, and only the work required to complete the project successfully. Managing the project scope is primarily concerned with defining and controlling what is and what is not included in the project. Project scope management deals with every aspect of this and visits all the processes involved to ensure, scope is tightly kept under control and if there is any deviation, appropriate action is initiated at the right time.Audience can useProject Management as key words to find this course and have great benefits out of this.This course is included close to 3 hours of lecture content and quiz after every section. Quiz is multi choice questions with justification for the right and wrong answer.Course martial contains 'Dynamic' presentation though Video which keep you engaged throughout the course.Scope is an important parameter in Project management, throughout the life cycle. Any scope creep will come heavy for the Project prospects. This course makes you aware and gives all the necessary inputs to manage the scope.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PMP and PMBOKGuide are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.This course is not created by or endorsed by Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 49.99 |
"Business Analytics with Big Data : A Complete Guide" |
"This course is all about Business Analytics which gives exposure to various types of Business analytics, types of data, data sources, understanding ofBigdata and Big data analytics and Social Media as well as Social Media Analytics.While going through this course student often find Business terminologies, several technical aspects, Big Data as well as Social Media related details.This course contains 8 Sections covering various topics with 35video lectures and several quiz sections for testing your knowledge. Curriculum is systematically arranged in such a way that student will feel the flow of the subject making understanding easy.Entire course is close to 3 hours of engaging lectures. Every video has graphical representation which keeps students engaged to the topic.Course is structured in a flawless manner. Starts with a brief about course provider. That followed by reasons why student should take this course. Post explaining this newsection starts with Introduction, significance of Business Analytics to Business, Data and understanding of Data, Big data concepts and details about Social media analytics.One has to take this course as huge volume of Data brings endless opportunities with it . Data is an asset with enormous Insights hidden within it . To bring value out of Data and to transform it to Information and knowledge we need to understand Business and Data analytics along with tools associated with it.According to a 2015MIT Sloan Management Review, 40percent of the companies surveyed werestruggling tofind and retain the analytics talent. And the picture is starting to look evenbleaker.International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts aneed by 2018 for 181,000 people with deep analytical skills in the United States aloneand a requirementfive times that number for jobs with the need for data management andinterpretation skills.Regardless of your industry or profession, youll walk away from this course confident in your ability to: understand exactly what is Business Analytics, what kind of data you are dealing with in your role; what are the benefits how can you convert the data into knowledge for informed decision making within a Business.This course prepares you for the career of tomorrow!"
Price: 189.99 |
"Chatbots for Multiple Platforms with No Coding" |
"UPDATE: Two new bot building platforms have been added which allow for exciting new powerful bots to be built. Both are free to use and require no coding experience. Check them out and join the bot revolution.This course will help you to gain the skills to use one of the fastest growing mobile technologies, Chatbots. Now you too can learn to build sophisticated Chatbots for your customers all with NO Coding.This course is for those in Web design, marketing and graphics, who want to be able to offer their clients something new and exciting.I will cover Chatbots for Websites, for Facebook, for KiK, and for Slack - although the bots created can be used also on many other services. I will show you examples of travel bots, entertainment bots, productivity bots, and retail bots.Comejoin us for what is a fun course to learn a technology with a lot of profit potential."
Price: 44.99 |
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Price: 49.99 |
"Mastering Small Product & Jewelry Photography" |
"LATEST: Course Update - April2019 Do you know that great looking photos can dramatically make a difference in what the perceived value is of the item you are photographing? Yes, its true. Several years ago I started helping my wife build her eBay business while creating the photos of jewelry and small products that she was selling. Over and over again I saw her sell her items on eBay for many times more than what she paid for them. Her items sometimes would sell for 35 or 50 times more than what she paid. Sometimes even more than that. Whats the difference between the items? Nothing, except the photos that she showed were beautiful. They were lit and composed beautifully, had interesting backgrounds and overall, had the look that you might see in the photographs displayed at high end jewelers and department stores. As the result, this gave them a much higher perceived value and her customers were willing to pay more for these items. You are probably wondering, whats the big deal? What makes these photos look so great? Can anyone learn to take photos like these? Yes, I absolutely believe anyone can? Heres why: I have been a professional photographer for many years. Our studio specialized in portrait & wedding photography and we were quite busy. When she asked me to help her take her photos of jewelry and small products she started selling, I started doing so in a simple, easy and quick way since I didnt have too much time to spend on her photos, I was quite busy taking my own photos and running the studio. What started as a simple and quick photo session of her items, has evolved through the years. I was able to fine tune the lighting, the set-up and overall way we photographed her items. Our method has remained simple, quick, easy to learn, and consistent. We step into our small studio room we have designated for taking these photos, turn on the lights, and begin the photography. If you would like to learn how you can take photos of the small products or jewelry you are selling, consider enrolling in this course. Instead of photographing your items on a carpet or bed spread with bad lighting. Say NO to bad photos and start making more money. Whether you are selling your own products on your own website or small products on eBay, I truly believe this course can help you. Heres whats covered: 1. Course Introduction 2. iPod / iPhone / Smart Phone 3. Point & Shoot Camera 4. DSLR & Lens of choice 5. Window Light 6. Fluorescent Lighting 7. Studio Flash in Soft Box & Kicker Lights 8. Electronic Flash & Umbrella 9. LED Lighting 10. Lighting Accessories 11. The Magic of Backgrounds 12. Table & Background 13. Props for Jewelry 14. Tripod, Brackets & Accessories 15. Focusing Secrets - Let Me Make It Perfectly Clear 16. Photographing Pearls Using Softbox Lighting 17. Photographing Pearls Using Fluorescent Umbrella Lighting 18. Photographing Pearls Using Window light 19. Photographing Pearls Using LED Lighting 20. Photographing Pearls Using Electronic Flash Umbrella Lighting 21. Pearls Photoshoot In Review 22. Starfish Bracelet Photoshoot 23. Earrings Photoshoot 24. Keychain & Charms Photoshoot 25. Hummel Figurines Photoshoot 26. Pins & Brooches Photoshoot 27. Adding Composition To Your Photoshoots 28. Creating Background Blur 29. Creating Rustic Brushes & Star Effects 30. Creating Moon Brush Effects 31. Creating Heart Brush Effects 32. In Conclusion Plus -Special Bonuses and Light Tent Photography Course added andmore.... It really doesnt take any more time taking outstanding and professional looking photos. I even show you several lighting methods and techniques you can use. Some of them cost very little and some of them are free. Theres even a pretty good chance that you may already own a camera that is more than adequate and has the potential to produce these amazing photos. The only thing that may be missing is the knowledge you need to start taking more professional looking photos by using the methods I show you, step by step, in this course. Enroll today, say NO to bad photos and start making more money."
Price: 174.99 |
"Outdoor Engagement ""Love Story"" Portrait Secrets" |
"LATEST: Course Update - September, 2018Photographing people in love has been a passion of mine since getting started in the business of photography. The Outdoor Engagement ""Love Story"" Portrait is my favorite portrait session and can also be a lucrative part of your business. The same principals also apply to doing ""Lifestyle"" portraits.This course covers my approach to documenting this important part of their lives. While too many photographers think of an Engagement Portrait as a single portrait from a session, I think of it as a ""Love Story"". It is a story of romance at a special time and needs to be told in a storybook fashion.This course reveals the techniques that I used in the many years of my photography career. I would like to share these techniques with you, so that you may be able to not only enjoy the passion of photography but also earn a good income as you do something you truly love.If photographing people is your passion, this style of portraiture can be a huge market for you. Not only does this course cover the photography aspects that helps you build the foundation for creating beautiful portraits but also includes a ""Bonus Section"" on how you can properly sell your portraits.With over 5 hours of instruction, here's some of what is covered:Course Introduction - An introduction to what the course will cover along with a detailed slide show of many engagement portrait sessions that shows the variety and some of the possibilities you can implement when planning your session.Why the Engagement ""Love Story"" Portrait Session - Several good reasons why making an engagement portrait a ""Love Story"" and how this can benefit your business. I also reveal several different ways for you to offer this session to your top clients.Show Passion in Posing Techniques - Part 1 - There are several things you can do to add and show passion in your photographs. Learn how posing techniques can be refined to add that romantic touch.Show Passion in Posing Techniques - Part 2 - Part 2 continues with more examples on how to add even more passion when couple is kissing. A close-up technique is also revealed.Use Fun & Variety to Tell Your Story - Part 1 - Learn how you can use variety to not only make the engagement portrait an adventure resulting in a fun experience for the couple but also how you can create a story of beautiful images that they will end up wanting just about all the images that you present to them.Fun & Variety in Using Special Techniques - Part 2 - Here I show several more techniques you can use to set you apart from your competition. One of these techniques is known and used by top professional photographers.Fun & Variety with Different Focal Length Lens Techniques - Part 3 - See the different effects you can achieve using different focal lengths and lenses, plus important information in techniques on focusing that I use to get sharp subjects while getting nice background blur.Fun & Variety When the Sun Goes Down - Part 4 - When the sun sets, don't put your camera down. Here we look at several ways you can add even more variety for an exciting addition to their engagement story.Impact, the Number 1 Element in Outstanding Photography - Part 1 - Learn several ways you can add ""impact"" to dramatically make your photos stand out from the competition.Impact, Using B&W Infrared Photography - Part 2 - Black & white infrared photography is a sure way of adding impact while creating images having surreal effects. Another way to add dramatic impact is with post processing. In this segment, I discuss how using both of these methods can drastically make your images stand out.Best Use of Lighting - Part 1 - If there were only 1 lighting accessory that I could use, this would be it.The Art of Posing Without Posing - Using this technique, you'll learn of ways to take many images in a short amount of time.Finding The Light - Look for This First - Part 1 - As soon as you arrive at your outdoor destination, you need to know how to find the best lighting for the time of day you are shooting. This segment starts with what I look for and how to enhance the light even more.Camera Settings Part 1 - Save Time & Get Sharp - Here we start by taking a look at the one setting that can save you a bunch of time when getting the images ready for post production. Also discussed are the ""Guidelines"" on shutter settings that can help get you sharper images.Telephoto Zoom Lens of Choice - In this segment I discuss my favorite lens for engagement portraits and how to get the most from this lens.Budget Lens of Choice - Anyone on a tight budget should take a look at this lens. Then, I end this segment with a look at what I think is the best prime lens to use for outdoor engagement ""Love Story"" portraits.Final Touches & Enhancement - What are some of the different enhancing techniques used by professional photographers in producing their images? Here I show you several techniques that you can also use to help improve your final images and take them to the professional level.Preparing For The Sales Process - Preparing for the sales process begins with having the belief in yourself that you can sell. Learning proper sales techniques can make the difference between a photo enthusiast that remains a hobbyist or someone being able to derive an income from their photography.Bonus Section - Portrait Selling TechniquesBonus Section - Step by Step Sales ProcessAnd much more. Enroll in this course today, it could possibly move you from hobbyist status to pro level photography and earnings."
Price: 199.99 |
"Selling Techniques For The Portrait Photographer" |
"Photography is a wonderful hobby that gives us the creativity and freedom while creating beautiful images. If you are a people person and enjoy photographing people whether it's family, lifestyle, engagement or bridal portraits and you'd like to make an income in photography, then you have to be able to sell your portraits.You can be the best photographer in your area, but if your images do not sell, you will remain a hobbyist or photo enthusiast. You will have fun taking photos but will not reap the financial rewards you could be earning.Whether you are still a student of photography or are already an established portrait photographer, nothing happens until something is sold. Will you be the one making the sales or will you give it up to your competition?Sales is not rocket science and not even difficult, if you follow certain steps. In fact, selling beautiful portraits to someone who absolutely loves the portraits you took for them, I believe, is one of the easiest things there is to sell. Knowing the proper sales technique can maximize your sales and help you earn a good income selling portrait photography.Don't miss out! Enroll in the ""Portrait Selling Techniques"" course right now. Become a part of the portrait photography adventure as you start making a good income from the sales of your portraits while doing something you truly love."
Price: 94.99 |
"A Guide to Running a Successful Wedding Photography Business" |
"My passion is photography and I've been in the photography business for a long time now, over 4 decades. And in this course, I'd like to share with you the many things that I've learned and experienced in my great wedding photography adventure. And it really has been an adventure.And just in a nutshell, so you know where I'm coming from, and please understand, I am saying this not to brag but, just so you know that I've been there and not someone who just read a book, took a course, did some research on the business of wedding photography and try and tell you how to do it.As they say, I've walked the talk for many years and I've built a very successful wedding and portrait photography business. And along the way I've won many accolades and earned my degrees for my photography, along with many ribbon & trophy awards and Epcot displays.But, enough about me. You can read by full bio in the profile section.So, youre probably wondering, what this course can do for you. Well, since I've been involved in the many aspects of running a wedding photography business starting part time in our apartment, then built a home studio that was very successful that we expanded into a commercial shopping center location for 20 more years.Then to make a long story short, sold my PA studio, moved to NC and pretty much started over on a smaller scale and came full circle as we renovated a home studio, that included a camera room, sales room and office. So, Ive been there & back.And now that I've recently retired from the business of wedding photography, I'm able to devote my time to train other photographers who also have the passion and share some very valuable information with you.This course is about making money in the business of wedding photography, not f stops, or apertures. Much of the information in this course will not be found in text books or photography classes.With over 2.5 hours of instruction, here's some of what I reveal to you:1. Getting Starting With No Experience / NO Experience! No Problem - Every great photographer started somewhere. In this segment I reveal how you can start even with no experience.2. Start Your Business, Virtually Stress-Free - Once you gain experience, consider this as your next step in the business of wedding photography.3. Taking Your Next Step As A Shooter - This method may be for those who want to be paid reasonably well, without major hassles and big demands on your time.4. A Look At Two Ways For You To Run Your Business - Here we discuss the two possible ways for you to build & run your business.5. Using Leverage In Your Business - I reveal the method I use to attract people who are looking to learn photography in exchange for their assistance.6. What's Expected of Assistants - Learn what your assistants need to do to make you look good.7. Your 2nd Shooter/Main Photographer Sub-Contract Agreement - Here we discuss some of the things you need to look at legally that can also help run your photo operation more smoothly.8. Building Your Foundation - Use these Low Cost Methods/Promotions to Build Your Business.9. Building Your Foundation For a Great Business (Part 1 Logos & Low Cost Advertising Pieces)10. Building Your Foundation For a Great Business (Part 2 A Look at More Advertising Pieces)11. Using Smartphones & Tablets for Advertising - Use your smartphone or tablet as a way of getting FREE advertising.12. Let The Public Know You Exist - Here we discuss more opportunities of getting your name in front of potential clients.13. A Story & Lesson in Loyalty - Why loyalty is another factor in building a business with a solid foundation.14. An Important Lesson I learned in Starting Over - After selling my PA studio, we moved to NC. We decided to buy a home in Cary, NC and renovate it to include a home studio with a camera room, office and sales room. This is where I want to share with you an important lesson I learned in starting over in the wedding photography and portrait business.15. Book More Brides Using This simple Sales Method - Here I discuss how I came across a way to book more weddings using this simple technique.16. Sales Letters That Book Weddings - In this segment I share with you the sales letters I used to book weddings when we moved and started over in North Carolina. You can spend thousands of dollars to hire a copywriter to write letters like this or you can use the letters I'm about to show you.17. An Introduction To Packaging But First! - First we start off with what to do if you are new to wedding photography and how to book your first wedding or two if you feel uncomfortable charging big bucks for your services. Then we flow into wedding packages and the psychology behind them.18. Packaging & Perceived Value - Here we explore what value a name has on your wedding photography packaging and how to make it work to your advantage.19. Extending Your Packages to New Levels - Here's a look at what I discovered when I extended my packing line even further. Then we take a look at two different scenarios you may run into with bookings and how it relates to your packaging.20. Packaging Design & Pricing - A look at how we design our packages - Here's where we start off with a certain amount of profit, then build the package around that.21. High End Package Design & Pricing - Packaging Your High End Services To Clients - As we continue with designing our packages, we take a look at Packaging & Pricing Your High End Services To Clients.22. Contract Wording and Payment Policies - Here we take a look at what information you may want to put into your contract. Then we also talk about using payment policies that insures you get paid for your services.23. Putting Studio Policies In Your Contract - By putting these studio policies in our contract, it helped to make our operation run more smoothly.24. Handling Wedding Cancellations - Sooner or later it's going to happen, a wedding cancellation. Here's what you can do about it.25. Show Your Appreciation - There are several things you can do to show appreciation to your clients. Here are some of the ways I say ""thank you"".And much more.Even if you have some experience in running a wedding photography business, one or two good ideas from this course can help make you many times more than what you paid for this course.And if your new to wedding photgphy and would like to earn a nice income doing just a small number of weddings per year, then this course could save you years of frustration and aggravation with trial & error and put you on the path to making a good income quickly.I truly believe that wedding photography is still very much an art form and a very good income can be derived if one knows how to properly run it as a business. Whether you plan on doing just a few weddings per year or many, consider taking this course to help you get started in the exciting and adventurous business of wedding photography. Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Startup Hackathon 101" |
"Who is teaching it? Andrew Magdy Kamal is the winner of the two out of three prizes in the first ever 10*10 Virtual Hackathon along with his mentor Olivera. He was been building his online presence since 2007 and been coding as well as inventing for many years now. What you can get? Andrew will be telling you of personal techniques he has been doing in order to build a presence and work on a startup. He will be sharing insights on how to figure out your passion, things to consider, getting started, different ways to go about making a site, marketing techniques, the power of collaboration, and doing good for others through a startup. How is the Course Structured? The course is structured through a microlearning format that way the students can learn in their free time while still being able to keep up with the lectures and stay informed. This technique have been proven more engaging based on the type of course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Business Networking Basics: Successful Strategies to Connect" |
"Business Networking can be an often daunting experience. You may not know who to meet, or how to meet them, let alone what to say when you do finally meet them! You may not have or know what tools to use to make your networking more effective.These days are no more!In this crash-course, bestselling author and global networking authority Tim Houston will teach and show you, step-by-step some of the basic fundamentals of meeting people while networking . Andrew Magdy Kamal, author, app expert and developer (with over 1 Million+ downloads) will provide you with productivity and database apps that will help you make your networking (and your business) more effective. All this included in one course that will take you less than 1 hour to complete!The Lecture Format is:Easy, small, simple quick videosPresentation Packages and ListsMostly Talking HeadThis course doesn't require a complicated terminology knowledge and is best suited for beginners and those who want a refresher of the basics."
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Construct 2" |
"We are traveling on a journey to learn Construct 2 in Tutorial/Presentation style videos. You will learn in an organized manner everything from exporting objects to the overall UI aspect of it. Throughout this course you can go from a newb in Construct 2 to a pro, so enroll today!!! Together we can get started on a development journey!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Unreal Engine 4" |
"Through this course you will be introduced to Unreal Engine 4.0 (4.8.3) and will learn the basics of creating and compiling projects. You will learn about UI as well as Viewpoints in projects. Throughout this course you get a slight introduction by a game developer themselves through introductory level tutorials. By the time you finish this course you should be able to have a basic understanding of Unreal Engine 4.0 and are one point closer to becoming an Indie Game Developer. What are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to SoundForge Pro 11" |
"Sound Forge Pro 11 is one of Sony's most advanced sound editing suites and software. It is used for high end sound manipulation and sound editing. This tool can be fairly difficult to get used to its features and functionality which is why I want to create an introductory course to let you know the basics and nothing more. After this course, you should be familiar with the functionality of Sound Forge and being able to get started in a career for sound editing or manipulation. This tool is especially used a lot with audacity or other tools in the industry and can come in handy as a valuable skill set, even for graphics designers. This course is meant for beginners and is structured in short high quality HD videos to get you introduced to all you should know about the software in less then an hour. You will be introduced to basic terminology and the interface of the software as well and can use what you learned to practice or learn further on your own."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Corel x7 Like a Pro" |
"If you want to be a graphics designer or some sort of comic or poster artist, or just have interest in learning digital media, or tackling a new skill, Corel x7 is for you. What better way to accommodate your busy schedule then taking a course that teaches you the very basics in under an hour so you can get started on your learning journey? What this course teaches is everything from functionality, design implications, and user experience all set in short, straight to the point HD videos. With this course you will be sure to master a valuable skill and a fairly popular software in the Magna industry. What are you waiting for, unlock your inner creativity and start this course today. This course is intended for beginners and intermediate learners, so it is sure to accommodate the inexperienced. The target audience is definitely anyone who wants to be familar with this type of graphics design suite."
Price: 19.99 |
"Audio Engineering: Adjectives of Audio" |
"This course consists of the explanations of popular adjectives used to describe audio.Dark - this means the signal sounds vintage, to understand what vintage sounds like listen to some old recording and study the tone. Dark sounding also falls under colored.Bright - this means the signal has more high frequencies. If you want to make something sound brighter add some high frequency to it. Bright being the opposite of dark can be great on some vocals. Clean - clean means your signal is pure and accurate. This is a modern sound, the opposite of vintage. For example a clean mic pre means it doesn't change (or color) your sound. So what you put in is what you get back. Solid-state or transformerless is generally clean.Colored - this is the opposite of clean. Coloring your sounds means changing the tone from the original signal. Colored can be associated with vintage and sometimes dark. Different gear has different colors. If you listen closely you can hear differences between different pieces of gear. Muddy - this the second hardest term to explain, but here we go. Mud is a build of low mid frequencies (200-500hz) that makes the signal sound cluttered. Mud is not a positive thing and should never be taken as a compliment. It took me a long time to distinguish what mud was.Sterile - sterile means ultra clean. This is good for say orchestra where you usually want as little color as possible. Sterile can also come off sometimes as too clean", meaning its so clean it's boring. These type of pres are crystal clear though.Transparent - this another word for clean and it's mostly associated with compressors and eq's. A transparent piece of gear means its not going to impart any color on the original signal during its processing. If you're happy with the tone of your signal but need to further process it then you need to reach for something thats transparent.Smooth - this to me differs in compressors, eq's, and mics. For compressors smooth means its compressing but you can't really hear the compression, even at high gain reduction. Any compressor, except maybe aggressive ones (more on that next) can be made smooth with the right settings.Aggressive - in a mic pre this means in your face, very forward sounding. The API 312 and 512 have been described as an aggressive mic pre. In a compressor this means it really clamps down on a signal even with gentle settings. FET compressors are known for being aggressive and being capable of a very fast attack time.Warm - this is the one you all have been waiting for. Warmth is the most used word when describing the sound of a piece of gear. Its the hardest one to describe because people who have no idea of what warmth is use the term freely. So what warmth is to you and how you perceive it will be different from others because the term is used so loosely. Where bright deals with high frequencies, warmth deals with the low to low mid frequencies. Tubes are associated with warmth because they add harmonic distortion (the good kind of distortion) to the those frequencies. This is what people are referring to when they say tube warmth."
Price: 49.99 |
"Develop your Self-Awareness and Be More Successful" |
"This courseis all about being more successful in anything you want whetheryouwant to be.... more successful at work or business more successful as a leader more successful with people or more successful in lifeThis shortcourse is born out of many years of coaching business leaders and entrepreneurswho are often at the top of their game technically and have all the academicqualifications but are just not getting the success they deserve. In this course I will be sharing information and experience about the magicsauce connection between being self-aware and knowing yourself and how this isa magic key to unlocking more success for you.So if this sounds like you or if you want more success this is the coursefor you.By following the ideas and tips in this course and taking action I canguarantee you will be more successful whatever success means to you. By the endof the course you will Understand the connection between self-awareness and success Have assessed and analysed your self-awareness Appreciate the Johari Window model and it's helpfulness in understanding self-awareness Clarified what you could do to develop your self-awareness Have a plan of action to develop your self- awarenessTheprogramme is made up of short videos, downloadable worksheets and hand-outs.Although this is a short course, the exercises can take longer so remember youcan stop, start and replay the videos as many times as you want.The coursebegins by looking at success and what success means to you. Next welook at the connection between self-awareness and success and howself-awareness is the magic sauce of boosting success. You canthen assess your self-awareness before we go into the Johari Window to furtherunderstand self-awareness. We then explore tips to building self-awarenessbefore looking at what action you are going to take to build yourself-awareness.Let's getstarted."
Price: 49.99 |
"Boost Your Career Success by Developing Your Soft Skills" |
"This course helps you to besuccessful in work and in your career. It helps you to assess your strengths anddevelopment areas and create a plan of action to be more successful in work.Self-assess using the Success@Work Model, explore personaldevelopment quick tips and create a personal development plan so you can developyourself to be more successful.This course is ideal for you if youWant to be moresuccessful and confident at workWant to developyourself to be in the best possible position for new job roleWant to assess yourstrengths and development needs to be more successfulWant to take actionto improve yourself after feedback from someone at workRecognise that youkeep making mistakes at work and want to take actionThere are three main sections to the course1.Self-assessment using the Success@Work Model2.Quick Tips Development for Success at Work3.Creation of a Success@Work Personal Development ActionPlanThis course is made up ofvideo lectures taking you on a journey of self reflection. It will be a goodidea to get a pen and pad to jot down your thoughts as you go through thelectures. The great thing about video lectures is that you can stop, start andreplay as often as you like so you can learn at your own place. On top of thisif you have questions or want to discuss anything than you can message me inthe course or privately.The one thing which iscertain though is If you action the learning from the course you WILLBE more successful at work"
Price: 49.99 |
"Self-coach Your Success Using the GROW Coaching Model" |
"This course helps you to be successful at problemsolving and goal setting using a personal life coaching formula.Learn how to life coach using the GROW Model whilstworking on and moving forward a real personal problem or work issue.What are students saying about this course?From thevery first lecture you feel you're in highly competent hands. Denise has anapproachable style and I can already see many potential applications for theGROW model in my life. I'm excited about setting and achieving some goals! - Clare I'm goingto be coming back to this course time and time again I can see I can use it formany things- DennisThis is awell laid out course - straight to the point with explanations and tips. Ienjoy the to the point coaching - BridgitThis course will help you Understand what wemean by coaching yourself Understand thebenefits and downside of coaching yourself Learn about theGROW coaching model and how it can help solve issues Work through a realproblem so putting the learning into practice as you go through the course soreal coaching yourself Learn the power ofquestionsThere are three main sections to the course1. The GROW Model andhow it works2. Working through areal personal problem or work issue3. The magic ofcoaching questionsThis course is made up of video lectures taking youon a journey of self coaching. It will be a good idea to get a pen and pad tojot down your thoughts as you go through the lectures. The great thing aboutvideo lectures is that you can stop, start and replay as often as you like soyou can learn at your own place. On top of this if you have questions or wantto discuss anything than you can message me in the course or privately.The one thing which is certain though is If you action the learning from this course youWILL solve a personal problem or work issue or start to move it on towards asolution"
Price: 99.99 |
"Get Things Done! Stop Procrastinating, 3X Your Productivity!" |
"Do you find yourself often putting things off till tomorrow? That email youre supposed to send? Tomorrow. That project you said youd start yesterday? Tomorrow. Packed with twenty-three tools on how to stop procrastinating, get motivated and start getting things done, this course will prove to be an indispensable resource for busy professionals who want to get the most out life. Inside this course, you will learn how to: --- set your priorities --- manage your energy and focus --- deal with disruptions and distractions --- use your time effectively to get more done in less time --- stop procrastinating and start getting things done Specifically, you will learn how to: Tackle any task using the solar-flaring technique Trick yourself into working on any project using the five-minute technique Instantly increase your motivation using two simple words Beat procrastination using Dan Arielys simple trick Create positive new habits using the Seinfeld calendar. Instantly eliminate disguised procrastination using the Pareto principle Use the if-then technique to triple your chances of success. Triple your productivity using a simple time-management technique and a kitchen timer 30-Day No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee! This course comes with a full 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee! If, for whatever reason, you're not satisfied with this system, you will receive a full refund. Every minute you let slip by is costing you! If you're ready to achieve more at work and in your personal life in the next 15 days than you did in the last 15 months, then enroll NOW and let's get started.."
Price: 19.99 |
"Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers" |
"Youve just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth Java programming course online. With over 260,000students enrolled and tens of thousands of 5 star reviews to date, these comprehensive java tutorials cover everything youll ever need. Whether you want to:- build the skills you need to get your firstJava programming job- move to a more senior software developer position- pass the oracle java certification exam- or just learn java to be able to create your own java apps quickly....this complete Java Masterclass is the course you need to do all of this, and more. Are you aiming to get your first Java Programming job but struggling to find out what skills employers want and which course will give you those skills?This course is designed to give you the Java skills you need to get a job as a Java developer. By the end of the course you will understand Java extremely well and be able to build your own Java apps and be productive as a software developer. Lots of students have been success with getting their first job or a promotion after going through the course.Here is just one example of a student who lost her job and despite having never coded in her life previously, got a full time software developer position in just a few months after starting this course. She didn't even complete the course!""Three months ago I lost my job, came to a turning point in my life, and finally made the drastic decision to completely change course. I decided to switch career path and go into coding. My husband found and gave me your Complete Java Masterclass at Udemy as a gift, and I wholeheartedly dove into it as a life line. Following your course has been absolutely enjoyable (still working on it, not yet finished), and has been a great way of keeping on course, dedicated and motivated. Yesterday, three months after starting the course and honestly to my surprise, I received (and accepted!) a job offer as a full-time developer. I wanted to just drop you a line to say thank you for doing this work, for being such a dedicated teacher, and for putting all this knowledge available out there in such an approachable way. It has, literally, been life changing. With gratitude, Laura""The course is a whopping 76 hours long. Perhaps you have looked at the size of the course and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of finding time to complete it. Maybe you are wondering if you need to go through it all?Firstly, Laura's story above shows that you do not have to complete the entire course - she was yet to complete the course when she accepted her developer job offer.Secondly, the course is designed as a one stop shop for Java.The core java material you need to learn java development is covered in the first seven sections (around 14 hours in total). TheJava Basics are covered in those sections. The rest of the course covers intermediate, advanced and optional material you do not technically need to go through.For example section 13 is a whopping 10 hours just by itself and is aimed at those students who want to build desktop applications with graphical user interfaces. JavaFX(which is the technology used in this section) is something that most java developers will rarely or never need to work on. So you could skip that section entirely. But if you are one of the few that need to build user interfaces, then the content is there and ready for you. And there are other sections you can completely avoid if you wish.If you want to know absolutely everything about Java, then you can go through the entire course if you wish, but it's not necessary to do so if you are just looking to learn the essential information to get a java developer position.Why would you choose to learn Java?The reality is that there is a lot of computer languages out there. It's in the hundreds. Why would you choose the Java language?The number one reason is its popularity. According to many official websites that track popularity of languages, Java is either #1 or in the top 3. Popularity means more companies and their staff are using it, so there are more career opportunities available for you if you are skilled in the language.The last thing you want to do is pick a language that is not in mainstream use. Java came out in the 1990's and is still very popular today.What version of Java should you learn?Generally speaking you would want to learn the very latest version of a computer programming language, but thats not necessarily the case with Java.Until recently Java releases were infrequent (one major release in 3 years was common). Companies standardised on specific versions of Java. Right now most companies are still focused on Java 8, which is a relatively old version, dating back to 2015.Oracle (the owners of Java) are now releasing new versions of Java every six months, and when the new version comes out the old version is no longer supported.But to cater for most companies who tend to stick to specific versions of Java for a long time, they have marked the current version of Java - Java 11 as LTS- or Long Term support. That means that they guarantee to support this version for the long term - for a number of years at least.Companies will stick to versions of Java that are supported in the long term. For career purposes you should learn the appropriate versions of Java that your future employer will likely be using. Right now thats Java 8 and Java 11(Java 9 and Java 10 have been released and already been marked obsolete and are no longer supported).The good news is that this course is focused on Java 8, and has recently been updated for Java 11. Will this course give me core java skills?Yes it will. CoreJava is the fundamental parts of the java jdk (the java development kit) that programmers need to learn to move onto other more advanced technologies.Why should you take this course?It's been a best seller since it's release on Udemy, you would be joining over 260,000 students who are already enrolled in the course.There are close to 60,000 reviews left by students. It's rated as the best course to learn Java for beginners.What makes this course a bestseller? Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented Youtube tutorials or incomplete or outdated courses which assume you already know a bunch of stuff, as well as thick, college-like textbooks able to send even the most caffeine-fuelled coder to sleep. Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics and all-round confusing info presented in the wrong way. Thats why so many find success in this complete Java developer course. Its designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind through its content.This course assumes no previous coding experience and takes you from absolute beginner core concepts, like showing you the free tools you need to download and install, to writing your very first Java program. You will learn the core java skills you need to become employable in around 14 hours, and if you choose to, can take advantage of all the additional content in the course. It's a one stop shop to learn java. If you want to go beyond the core content you can do so at any time.Heres just some of what youll learn(Its okay if you dont understand all this yet, you will in the course)All the essential Java keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what youre coding and why - making programming easy to grasp and less frustratingYou will learn the answers to questions like What is a Java class, What is polymorphism and inheritance and to apply them to your java apps.How to safely download and install all necessary coding tools with less time and no frustrating installations or setupsComplete chapters on object-oriented programming and many aspects of the Java API (the protocols and tools for building applications) so you can code for all platforms and derestrict your programs user base (and potential sales)How to develop powerful Java applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! - Meaning you can code functional programs easier. IntelliJ has both a FREE andPAID version, and you can use either in this course.(Dont worry if youre used to using Eclipse, NetBeans or some other IDE. Youre free to use any IDE and still get the most out of this course)Learn Java to a sufficient level to be a be to transition to core Java technologies like Android development, the Spring framework, Java EE(Enterprise edition) in general as well as and other technologies. In order to progress to these technologies you need to first learn core Java - the fundamental building blocks. That's what this course will help you to achieve.AP-what?Don't worry if none of that made sense. I go into great detail explaining each and every core concept, programming term, and buzzwords you need to create your own Java programs.This truly is Java for complete beginners. By the end of this comprehensive course, youll master Java programming no matter what level of experience youre at right now. Youll understand what you are doing, and why you are doing it. This isnt a recipe book, youll use your own creativity to make unique, intuitive programs. Not only do these HD videos show you how to become a programmer in great detail, but this course includes a unique challenge feature. Each time a core concept is taught, a video presents a challenge for you to help you understand what you have just learned in a real world scenario.Youll go and complete the challenge on your own, then come back and see the answers which I then explain in detail in a video, allowing you to check your results and identify any areas you need to go back and work on.This is a proven way to help you understand Java faster and ensure you reach your goal of becoming a Java Developer in record time. Remember doing those old past exam papers in high school or college? Its the same concept, and it works. As your instructor, I have over 35 years experience as a software developer and teacher and have been using Java since the year 2000. Yes, over 18 years (Ive taught students younger than that). Meaning not only can I teach this content with great simplicity, but I can make it fun too!Its no surprise my previous students have amazing results...See what your fellow students have to say:""This course was a guiding light in my ""Becoming a developer"" path from the first step. It helped me become a much more educated developer comparing to my friend who learned to code from trial/error. It's still a guide for me. every now and then I will come back to this course to learn something new or to improve what I've learned somewhere else. A BIG Thanks to ""Tim Buchalka"" my Master."" - Sina Jz""I was an absolute beginner when I started this course, and now I can write some good small advanced clean codes. I wrote a code and showed it to a programmer, and he was shocked, he told me that I'm more than ready to start a programming career."" - Amirreza Moeini""I am taking this class in conjunction with a Java 101 college class. I have learned more in one afternoon of videos from this class than I have in 4 weeks of college class. Tim actually explains what things are and why they do what they do, as opposed to my college instructor that mainly said ""go make a program that does *whatever*"" and then I had to figure out a program that would meet those requirements but not actually learning why it worked."" - Stacy HarrisIts safe to say my students are thrilled with this course, and more importantly, their results, and you can be tooThis complete Java course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects, Is the course updated?Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning an older version of Java can be counter productive - you could will be learning the ""old way"" of doing things, rather than using current technology.Make sure you check the last updated date on the page of any course you plan to buy - you will be shocked to see some have not been updated for years. Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak). I've continued to do this since the original version of the course came out, and recently have been updating it to Java 11.With this complete Java Masterclass, you will always have updated, relevant content.What if I have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all). This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks. Thats just one reason why I was voted top 10 in the Udemy instructor awards (out of a whopping 18,000 instructors), and quickly became a top-rated, bestselling instructor on the Udemy site. Student Quote: This course is a great place to ask questions if you have them or find help if you become stuck in areas. - Blake S.Theres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and Ill refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with Java skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like it You literally cant lose. Ready to get started, developer?Enrol now using the Add to Cart button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Java brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you. See you on the inside (hurry, Java class is waiting!)"
Price: 149.99 |
"Learn Python Programming Masterclass" |
"Whether you want to:- build the skills you need to get your firstPython programming job- move to a more senior software developer position- get started with Machine Learning, Data Science, Django or other hot areas that Python specialises in- or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python apps quickly.then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.And Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need an expert knowledge of Python, and thats what you will get from this course.By the end of the course youll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers.Heres what a few students have told us about the course after going through it.I had very limited programming experience before I started this course, so I have really learned a lot from the first few sections. It has taken me from essentially zero programming skill to a level where I'm comfortable using Python to analyze data for my lab reports, and I'm not even halfway done the course yet. There are other courses out there which focus on data analysis, but those courses are usually targeted at people who already know how to program which is why I chose this course instead. Christian DiMaria I have been puttering through your Python course . In that time, though, and without finishing it yet I've been able to automate quite a bit at my work. I work in a school system and unifying data from our various student information systems can be incredibly frustrating, time consuming, and at times challenging. Using your course, I've learned enough to write applications that turn massive text files into dictionaries that get ""stitched"" together like a database and output to properly formatted CSV files and then uploaded via SFTP to various systems for secure processing. Our teachers, students, and the tech department have greatly benefitted from this automation. I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for helping me learn this skill. Keith Medlin This course was great. Within 3 weeks I was able to write my own database related applications. Theo Coenen And there are many more students who love the course check out all the reviews for yourself.Will this course give you core python skills?Yes it will. There are a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers. All of them require a solid understanding of Python, and thats what you will learn in this course.Will the course teach me data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence?No, it wont do that All of these topics are branches of Python programming. And all of them require a solid understanding of the Python language.Nearly all courses on these topics assume that you understand Python, and without it you will quickly become lost and confused.This course will give you that core, solid understanding of the Python programming language.By the end of the course you will be ready to apply for Python programming positions as well as move on to specific areas of Python, as listed above. Why should you take this course?There are a lot of Python courses on Udemy Your instructors, Tim and Jean-Paul are pretty unique in that between them they have around 70 years of professional programming experience. Thats more than a lifetime of skills you get to learn Python from.You can enrol in the course safe in the knowledge that they are not just teachers, but professional programmers with real commercial programming experience, having worked with big companies like IBM, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu and Saab in the past.As such you will not only be learning Python, but you will be learning industry best practices for Python programming that real employers demand. And if thats not enough take a read of some of the many reviews from happy students there are around 100,000 students who have left around 19,000 reviews.This is one of the most popular courses on Python programming on Udemy.Heres just some of what youll learn(Its okay if you dont understand all this yet, you will in the course) All the essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what youre coding and why - making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating You will learn the answers to questions like What is the Python For Loop, what is Python used for, how Python switch the traditional syntax of code, and more. Complete chapters on object-oriented programming and many other aspects of Python, including tKInter (for building GUI Interfaces) and using databases with Python. Although this is primarily a Python 3 course, a python developer will need to work with Python 2 projects from time to time Well show the difference in both versions to make sure you understand how things work differently in each version. How to develop powerful Python applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! - Meaning you can code functional programs easier. IntelliJ has both a FREE andPAID version, and you can use either in this course. PyCharm will also work just fine.(Dont worry if you want to use another IDE. Youre free to use any IDE and still get the most out of this course). Does the course get updated?Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge. A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning from an outdated course and/or an outdated version of Python can be counter productive and even worse it could teach you the wrong way to do things.For example if you apply some parts of Python 2 to Python 3 code, you will get completely different results.We cover differences like this in the course and also continually update the course as well.What if you have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all). This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks. Thats just one reason why Tim was voted top 10 in the Udemy instructor awards (out of a whopping 18,000 instructors), and quickly became a top-rated, bestselling instructor on the Udemy site. Student Quote: Tim and JP are excellent teachers and are constantly answering questions and surveying students on new topics they will like to learn. This isn't a Python course its THE Python course you need. Sean BurgerTheres no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let Tim or J-P know and they will refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.You either end up with Python skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like it You literally cant lose. Ready to get started, developer?Enrol now using the Add to Cart button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Python brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know youre 100% certain this course is for you. See you on the inside (hurry, your Python class is waiting!)"
Price: 149.99 |
"Android Java Masterclass - Become an App Developer" |
"Theres no getting around it.Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Nougat. That wont worry you because after completing this course, the apps you build will perform brilliantly on Android Nougat or any older Android operating system. Now thats something most courses dont teach you! So, you want to be an Android 7 Nougat programmer? Or you are interested in Android 8 Oreo?Well, Im Tim Buchalka, one of your instructors, and Ive designed the Android 7 Nougat App and Android 8 OreaMasterclass just for you! Yes one, course covering both version!Choosing a course thats perfect for you can be damn hard. You need Instructors: Who are passionate about what they do. Keep their courses continually updated. And most important, provide outstanding support and follow up to your questions. Thats what I do. And thats the reason why I made it into the Top 10 List of Outstanding Instructors in the 2015 Udemy Instructor Awards. Know that youre exactly in the right place to MASTER Android 7 Nougat app programming as well as Android 8 Oreo!Yes, we are in the process right now ofupdating the entire course to Android Oreo now it has been released by Google!In this course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. Youll also have a head start over other developers using obsolete tools and earlier versions of Android. Android is continually being updated, so OLD versions of the operating systems will have features from the latest version. It's called AppCompat, which is a set of support libraries used to make apps developed with newer versions, work with older versions. But it only works if the developer codes it a right way. It doesnt just happen by default. The way I teach you in this Masterclass course is the right way! With my course, you get the best of both worlds. Youre taught to write code for the latest version of Android Nougat with a strong focus on AppCompat. That way, the apps you build will also support older versions of Android. Most Android courses just focus on teaching app development for the current Nougat version. What that means is youre only taught to make apps for the latest version of Android, and that alienates a huge user base. With my course, thats not the case. Your skill level is maximized so your app reaches more users, which means more downloads, which means more money. Starting is easy because no previous programming experience is needed. NONE! If you do have it, great. Or maybe you just want to brush up on your Android development skills, and thats fantastic too. The course is presented using a combination of video, slides and diagrams, all designed to teach you everything you need to know. This is what youll learn in the course: Develop apps for the very latest version of Android 7 Nougat that also work on older Android devices running older versions of the Android operating system. Download, install and configure the necessary (free) software. Create your first app. Build a range of apps demonstrating key aspects of the Android framework. Test your apps on emulators or a real Android phone or tablet. Youll learn Java programming because Android app development requires knowledge of Java. Included are Java tutorial videos that will get you up to speed fast. Ensure your apps work with current and older Android versions on phones and tablets. Use Android studio 2.3, the newest version of Google's premier Android tool. Learn how to use databases, web services, and even get your apps to speak! Understand the all new Constraint layout, for ""drag and drop"" screen creation. Use powerful libraries of code to play videos, download website data, manipulate images, and a whole lot more! To reinforce what youve learnt during the course, there are numerous challenges designed to help you understand each concept being taught. Youre also shown the solution to the challenge so you know youre always on the right track. The course iscontinually updated and enhanced, and fully supports Android Nougat as it evolves. New content is added each week, guaranteeing what youre learning is relevant for you today and will never be obsolete. With many courses, its just set and forget. But not with mine! Ive got a PROVEN track record of continually updating and adding new content. An example is my Java Masterclass course which now has 65 hours of content and counting, and benefited a whopping 80,000 students. And if you have any doubts about the course, be blown away by the glowing reviews left by students on this page. Your instructors are me and Jean-Paul Roberts. Between us wehave a collective 60 years of commercial software development experience,meaning youre learning the right way to program to maximize your future development potential. Heres whats important. Therere a lot of people out there teaching Android Nougat who are not developers. Were developers with many years experience with the Android platform, who also teach Android Nougat. Importantly, our courses teach students the real-life skills needed to get those in-demand jobs or further your programming skills. Take this course in confidence today knowing you have just found the BEST Android 7 Nougat/Android 8 Oreocourse on Udemy! Don't delay. Every minute youre not learning Android 7 is a missed opportunity for that PERFECT high paying job. Click the BUY NOW button and start learning. The world needs your new apps! Testimonials ""Tim is a great Teacher and makes this stuff really easy to understand. He takes you from Zero to Expert in no time at all and always answers any questions I ask him almost right away. I started with Tim's other ""Complete Java Developer Course"" which gave me a great Foundation in the principals of the Java Programming Language and unlike other Teachers on Udemy, Tim is ALWAYS adding new videos to his courses. If your thinking of taking this Course, I can tell you that when you learn the things Tim is teaching here, your Job prospects will be well enhanced. Thanks Again Tim."" - Oliver Farren ""Excellent communicator. Videos are very well organized and Tim articulates the important information very well. As a software programmer for over 30 years he certainly knows his stuff!!!!"" - Dale Stewart"
Price: 99.99 |