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"Bernina Software 7 Free Standing Lace Neckline Insert"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about FSL (Free Standing Lace) using Bernina Software 7.This course is 189 min of Bernina Software 7, and the first course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain the Free Standing Lace using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 20 lectures of not more than 10 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section of the FSL neckline.Section1:Introduction to FSL (Free Standing Lace ) Lecture1:Introduction to Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about FSL (Free Standing Lace) using Bernina Software 7.Section2:Welcome to Free Standing Lace with Bernina Software 7 Lecture2:Introduce to basic rules that needs to apply for Free Standing LaceLecture3:Test a new screen to make sure settings we need will be available without redoLecture4:Copyright protection and prepare the artwork in artcanvasLecture5:Create the first stitches and edit until satisfiedlLecture6:Pullcompensation settings is vital, work different groups in different colorsLecture7:The stitch and the parameters use with a different fill tool work order explainLecture8:Overlapping of different objects, and pull compensation needs to be checkedLecture9:As you go, your order is so important as well as jump stitch eliminationsLecture10:Product needs to be done in blocks and the overlapping of stitches holds all welLecture11:Start and end needs to be checked with every object and with every step you takeLecture12:Satin fill or satin outline this whole project needs it, I show you allLecture13:Object Properties settings for every part of the design needs to be checked.Lecture14:You will understand why a mono design first gets digitized in different colorLecture15:Start and End needs to be checked with every objectLecture16:Satin stitches are mainly used some fill stitches help to give unique outcomeLecture17:The order of the next object needs to be changed and the effect will explainLecture18:The final object for the one side brings the whole design together as one objectLecture19:Placement of design on garments is what will finish and brighten up your designLecture20:Enlanrge the design and objects for a bigger designLecture21:Finalize and show off your amazing designed garment.Section3:Conclusion and Downloads Lecture22:Start and End needs to be checked with every objectPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7 Trapunto Monogram advance class"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Monogramming and Trapunto using Bernina Software 7.This course is 140 min of Bernina Software 7, and the first course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain the Trapunto using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 12 lectures of not more than 12 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section of the Trupunto and Monogramming.Section1: Welcome to Bernina Software 7 Trapunto Monogram courseLecture1: Introduction to Trapunto and show samplesusing Bernina Software 7.Lecture2: Show stitch samples to understand what will follow nowLecture3: What can go wrong, and how to prevent it before you send to the machineLecture4: Let the actual digitizing begin. Explain all steps.Lecture5: A peak into Corel draw by sending from design to convert in CorelLecture6: Planning all the steps and preparation to do my monogramLecture7: Use the Monogram option under Digitizing to set my main design, and the orderLecture8: More about Monogram. using font and what to know plus borderLecture9: continue with the digitizing and editing of objects, add holes in the backgroundLecture10: Organize all objects to allow perfect stitching order.Lecture11: Preparing fabric layer where needed and outlines where neededLecture12: Show the applique part and where to layers of applique apply not workingSection 2: Conclusion and DownloadsLecture13: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7:#4 Quilt as you Go Manual Multihooping"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about quilting and multiple manual hooping using Bernina Software 7.This course is 109 min of Bernina Software 7, and the forth course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain manual multiple hooping and Quilt as you go using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 9 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section of the Trupunto and Monogramming.Section1: Welcome to Bernina Software 7 manual multiple hooping and Quilt as you go courseLecture1: Introduction to manual multiple hooping and Quilt as you go and show samples using Bernina Software 7.Lecture2: Show stitch samples to understand what will follow nowLecture3: What can go wrong, and how to prevent it before you send to the machineLecture4: Let the actual digitizing begin. Explain all steps.Lecture5: A peak into Corel draw by sending from design to convert in CorelLecture6: Planning all the steps and preparation to do my manual multiple hooping and Quilt as you goLecture7: Use options under Digitizing to set my main design, and the orderLecture8: More about manual multiple hooping and Quilt as you go. Lecture9: continue with the digitizing and editing of objects, add holes in the backgroundSection 2: Downloads and ArtworkLecture10: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7 : #5 Stump work Digitizing and concepts"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Stumpwork using Bernina Software 7.This course is 129 min of Bernina Software 7, and the fifth course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain stumpwork using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 11 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section of the Trupunto and Monogramming.Section1: Welcome to Bernina Software 7 stumpwork courseLecture1: Introduction to stumpwork and show samples using Bernina Software 7.Lecture2: Show stitch samples to understand what will follow nowLecture3: What can go wrong, and how to prevent it before you send to the machineLecture4: Let the actual digitizing begin. Explain all steps.Lecture5: A peak into Corel draw by sending from design to convert in CorelLecture6: Planning all the steps and preparation to do my monogramLecture7: Use options under Digitizing to set my main design, and the orderLecture8: More about Stumpwork. using font and what to know plus borderLecture9: continue with the digitizing and editing of objects, add holes in the backgroundLecture10: Organize all objects to allow perfect stitching order.Lecture11: Preparing fabric layer where needed and outlines where neededSection 2: Downloads and ArtworkLecture12: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software Ver 7: Class 7 Cutwork"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Stumpwork using Bernina Software 7.This course is 129 min of Bernina Software 7, and the fifth course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain stumpwork using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 8 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section of the Lecture 3: Where to start, and where and when to use the close curve vs open curve Check hoop selection, choose the correct size, twist the hoop for horizontal creation. Explaining where the cutting will take place and how to support my design in hoop..........................................................Lecture 4: The support of the non-cut area so it remain solid in the hoop and allow trellis to be built without any bundling of stitches. Long term stable stitches that will support.How to plan the trellis work. Start and end to give me the best stitch out......................................................Lecture 5: The stitch types needed for this project, and the order I need to use the different types are explained and used to get the design going........................................................Lecture 6: Planning my stitch types and order to eliminate jump stitches and have a well planned stitch out.Satin outline stitch: what to do to reshape without re-do. ...............................................................Lecture 7: The satin stitch is the final stitches to complete the project,. As the trellis stitches has no fabric support, planning and connection is of utmost importance. I show you all.....................................Lecture 8: Checking, and double checking all stitch connections needed for a freestanding effect are in order. Zoom out and work with each object for final round up so the project will be ready for stitch out...............................................Section 2: BonusLecture 9: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina software 7 Advanced Class 8: Flower Bouquet"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Class 8: Flower Bouquet: using Bernina Software 7.This course is more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the fifth course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain Class 8: Flower Bouquet: using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 6 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section of the Trupunto and Monogramming.Section1: Welcome to Bernina Software 7 Class 8: Flower Bouquet:Lecture1: Introduce how to digitize with various fill stitches, planning the final orderand the set up of settings...............................................................Lecture 2: Backdrop preparation, and order to start and why Working in stitch view vs design view. How and why to use it................................................................Lecture 3: Use normal step fill, or use creative fill types. I show you how to create with more decorative and less densed designs. Mirror-Merge will be used a lot in this class, I introduce it to you in this step................................................................Lecture 4: Start and end selections is very important, specially to manage and reduce jumps. Object orders can be time consuming but not if you plan and follow it from the beginning.I show you how in this class....................................................................Lecture 5:Open fill stitches is very creative, quick to stitch, and very users friendly. Shading and underlays does not apply here, and it truly looks very beautifull..................................................................Lecture 6: Fill stitches, underlay, shading and outlines.Yes we show you all of these steps in this class.Section 2: Bonus SectionLecture: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7 Advance Class 9 Outline perfection"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Stumpwork using Bernina Software 7.This course is more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the nineth course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain pull compenastion and outlines using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 6 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section Section1: Welcome to Bernina Software 7 0: This is a problem solving class. Outlines, stitch angles, and pull compensation are very well explained and shown................................................................1: Outline to perfection steps is what we work with in this class. Thanks to hide stitches or various viewing options we can get the perfect outline from the word go.Know where to look, and what to do................................................................2: Stitch types and stitch angles: how to manage it to allow perfect outline.................................................................3: More about angles: just know how important that is.Outline options: how to test.................................................................4: wrap up the outline types, settings and tools.Section 2: Bonus SectionLecture: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7: Class 10: Install Zippers in the hoop"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Zippers are for many a nightmare! using Bernina Software 7.This course is more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the tenth course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain Zippers are for many a nightmare! using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 6 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a section Section1: Welcome to Bernina Software 7 Class 10:0: Zippers are for many a nightmare! They rather pay someone to do it for them. In this class I will not only show you how easy you can fit a zipper for most objects in the hoop, but also to finish a wristbag in the hoop................................................................1: Checking our settings before we start any project. For this project mostly default setting will be perfect................................................................2: The placement line for a zipper is the first step. I explain the steps, and show photos comparing each digitizing step with what is expected from you if you start stitching and ading the zip..................................................................3: It is not just fitting in the zipper. Also finish off the zipper and the stitches needed to finish the zipper, zipper tabs and start with ading the fabric. Again: photos added will explain the digitizing techniques very well.................................................................4: Finish all the steps and all that is needed to do the sideseams on your sewing machine. Enjoy ITH zipper project-------------------------------------------------------------------Section 2: Bonus SectionLecture: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7 Class 11 Crewel Embroidery Technique"
"This course is intended for Bernina Embroidery Software 7 owners who want to learn more about Crewel Embroidery Technique using Bernina Software 7.Crewel embroidery, or Crewelwork, is a type of surface embroidery using wool or Lana from Madeira or other thread brands. A wide variety of different embroidery stitches are used to follow a design outline applied to the fabric. The technique is at least a thousand years old.The origin of the word crewel is unknown but is thought to come from an ancient word describing the curl in the staple, the single hair of the wool. Crewel wool has a long staple; it is fine and can be strongly twisted. Modern crewel wool is a fine, 2-ply or 1-ply yarn available in many different colours.The tipical Crewel design will have long stitches as part of the designThis course is more than 60 min of Bernina Software 7, and the 11 th course that is more advanced techniques used where we will explain pull Crewel Embroidery Technique using Bernina Software 7.We have broken the course down into 6 lectures of not more than 14 min each for your convenience. In each lecture we will cover a sectionIn the last lecture ( Bonus Lecture ) you will find the download for the complete course as one videoPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 29.99

"Bernina Software 7 Class12 From Embroidery to Quilting"
"Creating quilting with an embroidery machine?In this Bernina software 7 course we will start by using our Bernina Embroidery Software to create applique designs for our quilt block.In this class I show you from planning applique and quilting stitch choices, to creating it in you Bernina Embroidery Software 7 or any version.Easy downloadable video can be saved on your computer to use whenever you wantEach step is so easy to follow, and pause the recording, complete it, and then come back is made easy for your enjoymentQuilt as you go a unique technique without strips for joining quilt blocks doneComplete layers, embellished and quilt stitch out so a complete block with minor trimmings are readyAny Quilter, Embroiderer and digitizer will have so much benefits using this.I am sure you will, like me enjoy your Bernina Embroidery Software 7 and would use it for a lot more than just organising your embroidery designs"
Price: 29.99

"Class13 BerninaEmbroiderySoftware Trapunto quilt"
"In this Bernina software 7 course we will start by using our Bernina Embroidery Software to create trapunto designs for our new trapunto quilt block.Planning before you do anythingDigitize steps to follow Stitch settings and typesEmbroidery steps to match the digitize stepsStabilizers: how and whenBatting: why specific types needed in this projectTrapunto: what is it? Trapunto: How to achieve itFinal finish off stepsQuilt blocks created in next to no timeStep by step you will follow to create your ownVideo recording that can be paused and re-windedSave your video on your computer and use it over and overQuilting will never be boring, and never be the sameEnjoy a perfect outcome by following this steps.I am sure you will, like me enjoy your Bernina Embroidery Software 7 and would use it for a lot more than just organizing your embroidery designsI hope you will enjoy this course as much as I did when playing with my Bernina Embroidery Software 7."
Price: 29.99

"Class 14 Quilt borders and corners ITH Digi techniques"
"Creating quilting borders and corners with an embroidery machine?In this Bernina software 7 course we will start by using our Bernina Embroidery Software to create quilting borders and corner designs for our new quilt block.Your Embroidery machine can be your quilt machine. Just follow these steps, you will finish your quilts with a professional look. You can use various stitches that will show off perfect as if you have done so with a quilt machine. Awesome is the keyword. Layer quilt blocks and borders with fabric, batting and backing all in the hoop.The secrets of what size and why will be revealed.I you always wanted to quilt, but lack the knowledge then this one is for you.All you need is your Bernina Embroidery Software and any Embroidery machineYou can digitize, cut fabric and batting and stitchout in no time.Every single quilter should take this course.I am sure you will, like me enjoy your Bernina Embroidery Software 7 and would use it for a lot more than just organizing your embroidery designs"
Price: 29.99

"Digitizing Corporate Logos Bernina ver 7 Class 1"
"This course is intended for Bernina Software 7 Editor plusowners who want to learn more about DigitizingCorporate Logosusing Bernina Software 7, and more to the point the Bernina Software 7 Editor Plus.This Digitizing for corporate embroiderycourse is more than 90 min of Bernina Software 7 Editor Plus, and the firstcourse in Corporate Logo Digitizing and it is usingmore advanced techniques.We will explainCorporate Logos!using Bernina Software 7 Editor Plus.We have broken the course down into 28lectures and 3 sectionsof not more than 14 min each for your convenience.In each lecture we will cover a parts of the Bernina software and icons that will help you understand the use of the software plus where to look for the best high quality logos.We have included the logo, as well as the design in the download sectionLecture: Download LinksPlease feel free to try our introduction course as well."
Price: 19.99

"WordPress Plugin Development -> Deep dive discovery!"
"Developing WordPress plugins is hard and youll get CONFUSED and LOSTYou may THINK that is true - and this is exactly what I thoughtBut - you know what I found?Developing your own WordPress Plugins is EMPOWERING. Using plugins you can now bend the WordPress platform completely under YOUR command!When I first started looking into what plugins are available I was disappointed I STRUGGLED with finding usable plugins.Many of them dont work and those that DO work often dont deliver to the exact demands me or my CUSTOMERS haveThen it got worseI spent a LOT of time and effort trying to hack my way through the WordPress codex WAY too much time!Finally I have discovered simple STEP by STEP methods to create a highly USABLE plugin - methods that you can use in YOUR OWN projects or even put on the market!Ill be your tour-guide throughout this FUN adventure - I will WALK with you through the methods that I use to build fully integrated WordPress Plugins!I am EXCITED to see that you have started your own journey into the world of ADVANCED web site development!In this course Ill lead you - step by step - focusing on the most IMPORTANT and difficult tasks you need to complete!My promise to you is this:Discover the 5P step-by-step method to PREPARE - PLAN - PROTOTYPE - PRODUCE - and finally PROFIT from a solid pluginCreate a fully working WordPress Plugin using PHP and MySQL.Take the ready made plugin and CUSTOMIZE as you like. Use for your own website or sell as part of a BIGGER solution to local clients where you can charge hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars!This How-to course is fast-paced - so hold on as we SPEED ahead. If you feel I am going too fast - just rewind the video and watch it again :)By following the lectures carefully, you can get a job as a web developer or even sell full featured websites to high-paying customers.Does this sound exciting? ...So - Lets get startedEnroll now!There is absolutely no risk when purchasing with the full 30 day money back guarantee.And - Ill throw in these bonuses:Download the full code for the working plugin we developGet the WordPress plugin Cheat Sheet - with tips and tricks for the most used functionsInvitation to a live Q&A where you can dive even DEEPER Just hit the BIG BLUE take this course button and get started!I cant wait to see those AMAZING WordPress plugins that youll create using these methods! IMAGINE having your own Plugin up and running TODAY, right after going through this course - and be EARNING big - soon after that!Dont get left behind - ENROLL NOW and invest in your futureFeel the power this NEW skill set will give you. Take this course now!"
Price: 39.99

"*Global Course* Real World Tips to Managing your Finances!"
"LATEST: Course Updated Again for January 2018*Bonus Lecture shows how to get a Free Share of Stock!*Let's face it, we go to high school and college and have some of the best years of our life! While there, we are required to take courses in Math, Science, English and many other subjects, some of which we will never use again! Why is it that Personal Finance, which is arguably the most important subject that we will ever need to know, is rarely taught to us in school?In this course, through entertaining stories and examples, you will be guided through important lessons that School Didn't Teach Us About Personal Finance. The ultimate goal of this course is to teach you practical lessons that will allow you to Earn, Save and Budget more money!This Course Reveals Things Like: Proven methods to improve your Credit Score! Ways that you can use your passion and talent to generate extra income. How to create a Budget that will help you to grow your wealth without sacrificing your quality of life. A step-by-step guide for opening an Investment account and making your first Stock purchase. Tips on purchasing your first home and navigating through the home buying process. And a whole lot more!Whether you want to learn how to Earn Additional Income, Budget, Save, Invest, Buy a Home, Buy Stocks, Increase your Credit Score, Pay Down Student Loans or find out more about a Retirement plan, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you make more money in your life!"
Price: 199.99

"*Global Course* Personal Finance Concepts for All Ages"
"***Over 1400 Students currently enrolled!***LATEST: Course Updated Again for January 09, 2018- Added 3 new ""Need Money Now!""Lectures in Section 2, detailing how to make money right away by Driving Uber, Finding local background acting gigs or Finding Local Focus Groupcompanies that will pay you cash to participate in Focus Groups.- Added 1 new ""Budgeting Worksheet"" Lecture in Section 3, which includes a worksheet developed by the FTCto help consumers with creating their monthly budget!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This online personal financecourse will teach you the principles that it takes to make more money, create/manage your budget, improve your credit and much more. Regardless of where you may live in the world!Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to make good money decision?Are you ignoring phone calls from bill collectors?Are you coming home to zero balancebank statements, turn-off notices and bills that you can't pay?Do you just wish that you could ""reset"" your finances?Are you struggling with a low credit score and a bad credit report?Do you want to learn how to invest so that your money can begin working for you?Are you ready to take the first step towards controlling your finances, but you just need to know where to start?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the course for you!We have all been at a point when we owe more than we make. It feels bad, but we encourage you NOT to give up. Managing your finances is within your control and all it takes is a little knowledge and little discipline and you can begin turning your financial life around, today!Let's face it, we go to high school and college and have some of the best years of our life! While there, we are required to take courses in Math, Science, English and many other subjects, some of which we will never use again! Why is it that Personal Finance, which is arguably the most important subject that we will ever need to know, is rarely taught to us in school?In this courseyou will be guided through important lessons thatSchool Didn't Teach Us About Personal Finance. The ultimate goal of this course is to teach you practical lessons that will allow you to Earn, Save and Budget more money!This Course Will Show You: Ways to begin making money now, through our ""Need Money Now!"" series, that finds quick ""Side Hustles""that can begin earning you money right away. How to read, understand andimprove your Credit Score/Credit Report Ways that you can use your passion and talent to generateextra income over the short and long term. How to create a Budget that will help you togrow your wealthwithout sacrificing your quality of life. A step-by-step guide foropening an Investment accountand making your first Stock purchase. Tips onpurchasing your first homeand navigating through the home buying process And a whole lot more...Whether you want to learn how to Earn Additional Income, Budget, Save, Invest, Buy a Home, Buy Stocks, Increase your Credit Score, Pay Down Student Loans or find out more about a Retirement plan, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you make more money in your life!"
Price: 199.99

"Personal Finance 101"
"Let's face it, we go to high school and college and have some of the best years of our life! While there, we are required to take courses in Math, Science, English and many other subjects, some of which we will never use again! Why is it that Personal Finance, which is arguably the most important subject that we will ever need to know, is rarely taught to us in school?In this course, you will learn the basics on Buying a Home, Purchasing Stocks, Student Loans and Retirement.This Course Reveals Things Like:How to Buy a HomeHow to Purchase a StockHow to find Scholarships and GrantsHow to Pay down Student LoansHow to Prepare for Retirement And a whole lot more!If you didn't learn about buying a home, purchasing a stock, paying down student loans and retirement in school, then, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you make more money in your life!"
Price: 199.99

"Games Tester How To Become A Professional"
"Having spent 2 years in the games industry as games tester & been Credited In Over 4 third generation console titles (has revealed a lot to me) when I first started out there is still a distinct lack of knowledge out there -- especially on what a games tester actually does & for that reason I was compelled to create this course.In this course I will share with you The Cumulation Of All My Knowledge I have acquired as a games tester & there will be nothing held back from you.Understand what Games Testing is & what will be required of youGain a deeper understanding of the games industry Unmask the Secret Games Testing ProfessionFind out how to Earn Real Money doing what you loveDownload the resources you need to find where the REAL Games Tester Jobs are foundLearn the different types of games testing jobs & Which Will Suite YouIf you are serious about becoming a games testers & want to know if your up to the task, then whats a better to learn all about it than from Someone That Has Actually Been In The Profession."
Price: 19.99

"Paint your own Christmas Cards"
"Ive designed 8 different cards that are simple to paint and quick to do. They are all in different watercolor styles and Ive included ideas for variations on the theme and for further inspiration. Each card is fun to paint, and you will learn some interesting watercolor techniques as you do them.So now you can send your own handmade and hand-painted Christmas cards to those special people in your life.The 8 different styles of card have full written instructions to download, and videos to show you how they have been painted, so you can follow along easily. And it doesnt matter if you have little painting experience - they are easy to do and very effective.A great way to personalize Christmas."
Price: 19.99

"Paint Landscapes in Watercolor Part 1"
"This course will show you step by step how to paint quick and easy landscapes that really capture the atmosphere of a scene. The course is divided into four sections covering skies, backgrounds, foregrounds and trees. You can work through the course section by section, as each one builds on the one before, and you can then use it as a reference tool for the future. Each video comes with an accompanying pdf which shows you step by step how to paint the various elements. If youare a complete beginner in painting landscapes in watercolor, then this courseis for you. And if you already paint landscapes, but you want to loosen up abit and become more expressive, then this course will help you to do that. So join now and come with me on an adventurethat may just change the way you paint forever!"
Price: 24.99

"Paint Landscapes in Watercolor Part 2"
"Have you ever had problems painting landscapes in watercolor? Have you struggled to paint water, buildings and people? Then this course will help you!I'll show you howto paint some of thesecommon elements of the landscape with confidence! I'll teach you how to paint water in a variety of ways and situations, aswe look at puddles, reflections and lakes, waterfalls and seas. I'll also show you how to paint simple buildings that will fit into any landscape and also how to put people in the picture.By the end of this course you will be able to paint all these essentialelements with ease. You will learn some simple techniques that will help you paint great landscapepaintings. No matter if you are a beginner or if you have a little experience of painting, this course will help you improve."
Price: 24.99

"How to Trade the Forex Weekend GAP like a Pro"
"This course is about trading one of the most reliable Forex trades of all time. Statistically over 80% of Weekend Gap close (Reach the Friday closing price levels on a Monday). So all you have to do is trade the Monday price back to the Friday price. Sounds so easy.To trade the Weekend Gap like a Pro, however, you need to be more thorough. You need to consider factors such as currency selection, normal spreads and widened spreads, Stop methods and sizes, Target methods and sizes, position/lot sizing and risk management, currency and market volatility, environmental factors and many more considerations that are covered in the course. There could be over 20 currencies experiencing gaps on a Monday morning. Trading so many currencies all at once can be done manually but this process is best automated using a MT4 Robot which is included free of charge to students who complete the course.All the information sources and robots used in the course are available for free. All you will need is a demo Forex trading account which you can also get for free from your favourite broker.The course is structured on a logical and easy to follow basis to enable you to start trading the next Weekend Gap opportunity with confidence immediately upon completion. It should take no longer than an hour to complete the course.It is presented by an experienced Forex trader who has been trading this trade for over 10 years.If you have been battling to find a Forex trading method that stacks the odds in your favour, this method should restore your confidence and belief in your own Forex trading. In essence this is a very simple Forex trade that must be traded with thought, knowledge, preparation and lastly respect for the Forex Market."
Price: 49.99

"How to Achieve Financial Success with Forex Trading"
"In this course the winner of a recent international Forex trading competition (860% return in 2 months) openly reveals and shares all the techniques, strategies, tools and approaches used that gave him the edge to nose ahead of the competition by almost 200%. He did not use rocket science, so after doing this course there should be no reason why your own Forex trading should not take a quantum leap forward in the next year. This course is presented by his mentor Alex du Plooy and the content comes from numerous email, Skype and Team Viewer conversation sessions. He has known and been mentored by Alex for over 5 years. The content of the course be simple and clear and should motivate and inspire you to achieve improved Forex trading results. It mainly consist of videos and quizzes. Many example and explanations are given as well as an analysis of the winning trading statement The winner takes you through the process of preparing himself mentally, psychologically for the competition. He knew the tools, rules, strategies to be used, currency to be traded even before the competition. After that is was a case of merely implementing his strategy using specific tools to guide and assist in planning deals. When sticky situations developed he worked his way out of them as his strategy and risk management was decided before the time. There are 100s of basic and advanced trading lessons scattered throughout this course. Major techniques and approaches you will learn are: How to select currenciesHow important it is to be psychologically prepared for Forex tradingHow important it is to be the master of your trading tools not their slaveHow important it is to have a very clear and complete strategy covering all eventualities before starting to trade.How easy it is to get the direction right most of the time with a free Trading techniqueHow to use a 3 dimensional view of the Forex Market to enter and monitor your trades.How to be use position sizing to leverage gains and reduce lossesHow to use Gap sizes to leverage gains and reduce lossesHow to manage trading risk by managing the number of open deals at any one timeHow to know when to stop trading and take a rest.How to know when to trade aggressively and take full advantage of trendsHow simple a successful trading strategy really can be..and much more The Course includes the Grid Trend Multiplier EA and the Multiple Moving Average strategy used by the trader to guide him as to which strategies to use during the competition. These tools along with other techniques helped him only trade of the markets major trends and to get out of the market quickly when this trends reversed or slowed down. Although the Forex trading competition required the use of a GTM EA the principles above apply to Forex trading in general and can be used for most Forex trading techniques. The beginner will get a good idea of what is required to succeed in Forex trading and the intermediate and advanced trader can use the course as a check list to find ways to improve their trading. You need to do this course.It has so many Forex trading and trading psychology gems that you will be filled with confidence and inspiration at the end."
Price: 49.99

"Entrepreneurship : Start Your Online Business Today"
""Do you think working at home online with your own business is possible but are not sure how to do it yourself?""Have you been going around in circles trying new things but not fully committed to making your own company online?""Would you like to have a career that allows you to work full time online in the comfort of your home based around doing what you are good at?"If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may get a LOT of value out of taking this course now! Get this course today! It is a road map to how you can EASILY build an online business selling the best products in the world.If you want a real and easy way to make money working from have found it."This course will take you by the hand and easily guide you step-by-step to creating your own online business empire."This course is your road map to success.Take my course Entrepreneurship : Start Your Online Business Today study it, implement it and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% no-questions asked" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this "100% money-back guarantee". So, you have absolutely no risk!So, take the next step and get this course.This is opportunity knocking on your door! Take advantage of it. Cash in on it."So, do not get left behind. Join the other successful students that are already cashing in start today!"To your success,Parth"
Price: 19.99

"Methods to Build an Online Business with Affiliate Marketing"
"**JOIN OVER 500 STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY SEEN REAL-LIFE RESULTS FROM OUR CONTENT**30 Days unconditional money-back guarantee, and a course fully updated for september 2015..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this training you will find a full scale, step by step video marketing course that will teach you how to build your own online business from the ground up. By following this proven formula, you will be able to build a business that makes money all year round, even if you're a complete newbie, with little money to invest, who is scared to death of technology...Ask yourselfIf this step by step formula has enabled me (a compulsive buyer with serious shiny object syndrome) to build a internet business in evenings and weekends, marketing in my second language...What's stopping you?You see, it doesn't matter where in the world you're based, how experienced you are or how much time you have at your disposal, by following The Proven 10 step formula, you can't fail with your online business...You have 2 choicesYou can keep jumping from idea to idea, buying products that fail to give you a real working action plan and consist of hyped up fluff that never really made the product creator a dime...Or...You can purchase a real, working, step by step blueprint that if followed, will enable you to change your life foreverThat video course is in front of you nowLook what some of the reviewers of this video course said about it:This is a comprehensive, detailed, no-holds barred training on starting from scratch and building income quickly. Dr. Bo's training is incredibly rich and not a single step is left outIt's an amazing training and if I were just starting out I would have paid 100x more for this information"" N.Z.This course is one of those products that I'd bookmark and go through whenever it's possible. It's got everything we needEven though, I've been in the market for a while now, there's a lot of golden nuggets that I picked from this course"" N.C.Dr. Bo's course is an amazing course. Perfect for newbies and advanced marketers alike. So if you are interested in getting into internet marketing, or you may be in internet marketing but not seeing the results you want, grab Dr. Bo's course and see success today"" E.L."
Price: 19.99

"Master Facebook Ads in 90 Minutes or Less"
"**BRANDNEWFORSEPTEMBER2016**Do Facebook Ads Have you Frustrated?Don't worry! I've built the only Facebook Ads course you will ever need - now updated as of September 2016!Why should you trust me with your Facebook Ads education? Well, I've worked with some pretty awesome clients like John Lee Dumas of, Target Corporation (yes, that Target), Leadpages, and over 30 smalle-commerce, infomarketing, consulting, and local service businesses in the last 2 years. I've also spent well over $1MM on the platform, so I've got a pretty good idea on what works and what absolutely doesn't.In this course you'll learn how to finally set up your Facebook Ads for success without any of the guesswork. The best part? I've designed the course to be completed within about 90 minutes. Do you have 90 minutes to skyrocket your leads and sales? Thought so.The course is taught almost entirely through video and will be updated as new developments and features arise with Facebook Ads. I'll also be adding links to useful resources including templates, swipe files, and blog posts I find to be super valuable."
Price: 134.99

"Develop Your Intuition in 5 Easy Steps"
"Imagine, being able to select what food to eat with ease without the worry.Imagine, moving out of ""life is hard"" and into ""life flows effortlessly"".Imagine, always being in the right place at the right time.. which means that new opportunities (work, relationships, love, money) would keep flowing into your life without the struggle, stress or strain.It's called INTUITION.And while we all have it, not many people use it or are taught how to access it.Until NOW..!This course will help to explain how intuition works and how to get established in our ""home frequency"" where there is flow, joy, ease and endless opportunities. This course aims to:Clarify what intuition is and how it works Show you how to recognise intuitive states Move you out of ""life is hard"" or, ""life is a struggle"" and into ""life flows effortlessly"" and, ""things are always working out for me""Show you how to access your higher potential and get established thereHelp you build sensitivity to what states that are helpful and what states are not helpfulHelp you feel more and think lessIncrease your ability to read signals and sense frequenciesIncrease awarenessAfter this course you will have a clear idea as to how intuition works and be able to apply it in a way that will help all aspects of your life. There is a way to live in this world that is fluid, graceful, fun and joyful!Bringing more clarity and ease into your life is easier than you think.Enrol today to get started!"
Price: 49.99

"The Cranial Relaxation Technique: Clear Anxiety Fast"
"~RapidRelaxation in Your Fingertips ~If you suffer from a build-up of stress, worry and anxietyif you have trouble sleepingIf you experience regular headaches or crippling migrainesIf you have past experiences or traumas that are blocking your ability to move forward in your life with confidenceThen this courseis for you. Here's why...The Cranial Relaxation Technique is asafe, easy and powerful healing modality that helps to regulate the brain, balance the nervous system and process past trauma so that you can think more clearly, have more energy and experience a life with more confidence and flow.This course will teachyou how to give powerful, 10-minute cranial rebalancing treatments to yourself and to others.This course is suitable for absolute beginners into the world of natural healing techniques. It is also suitable formore experienced practitioners (massage, Reiki, acupuncture, energy psychology, EFT, yoga etc.) who are looking to add more powerful techniques to their healing toolbox.One of the most powerful things you will learn from this course is how to focus in on specific stress patterns and clear them from the system, for good!After completing this course you will be able to:- Rapidly diffuse anxiety & stress so you can experience more calm and relaxation- Relieve pain quickly from headaches and muscular tension (reducing dependence on medications)- Think more clearly & have more energy- Process & clear past traumas from the system so you can live more fully in the now- Enhance your capacity to learn and process new information so you can level-up in your business, life and relationshipsThe instructor,for most of his early adult life was in the grip of constant migraine headaches, lower back pain and crippling anxiety. After many years of studying and teaching traditional Chinese medicine, meditation & yoga he discovered the cranial relaxation technique as a powerful way to release tension from the system, helping to turn his, and hundreds of his students lives around.THISTECHNIQUEHASWORKEDFORHUNDREDSOFPEOPLE, ANDITWILLWORKFORYOUTOO!Now, its your turn!"
Price: 49.99

"The 5 Element Theory: How to Enhance Health and Healing"
"Have you ever considered studying natural medicine as a way to enhance your life and optimize your health?Have you ever wanted to know more about the theories used in Oriental and traditional Chinese medicine?Are you unsatisfied with the explanations given by modern day science in regards to health, psychology and well being?Then this course is for you!In this course we explore the one of the oldest and most field tested theories ever developed by the ancient Chinese - The 5 Element Theory. The 5 Element theory is a framework that helps us to explain health, disease, the relationships between our organs and the connection of our body to our mind. We will learn about:The history of 5 Element theory and where it came fromEach of the Elements, one by one, and how they express themselves in our environment, inside our bodies and how they influence our mental healthHow to support and nourish each Element for greater health and wellbeingHow to recognize early signs of diseaseHow to align with the flow of nature to support growth The 5 elements and the 5 body typesHow to work in harmony with your particular ElementAnd much more...Inside the course are a host of videos, quizzes and downloadable handouts to support and enhance your learning. At the end of this course you will have a good understanding as to the 5 elements and be able to apply this knowledge to treat any imbalances and/or signs of disease, as well as being able to apply the knowledge to increase overall health and vitality.*Please note, that all theinformation in this course does not substitute for medical information ormedical care provided to you by your medical doctor and/or your preferredhealth practitioner."
Price: 99.99

"How to Increase (Internal) Energy and Boost Psychology"
"Do you get tired easily?Do you struggle with motivation, focusand willpower?Can you get to sleepat night without taking sleeping medications?Do you have a tendency to over thinkThings?The good news is ~there is a 100% NATURALand SIMPLEway to trigger, increase and heal anyenergeticimbalance in your system.In this course, we will show you how to work with the Human Energy Field (HEF)to generate more ""Qi""energy inside the body,heart &mind.Many people are walking around in a deficient and weakened energetic state. The aim of this course is to bring more awareness to any parts of your body that may be deficient, and to show you how to ""charge up""and heal those important energy centres of the body.We will go into theTaoist yoga system by focusing on the 3 main energy centres of the body. Each of these energy centreshelps govern the physical, emotional andspiritual dimensions of the human being.When all 3 energy centres are strong, healthy and balanced, the being becomes""potentialised"".On the journey to such a state,most diseases and illnesses tend to dissolve.Doing the techniques and power moves explained in this course can effectively assist with:- Increasing Physical Energy- Boosting Confidence- ImprovingWillpower- EmotionalStability- Connecting with Others More Easily (Clearing Social Anxiety)- Getting Better Ideas- Working Smarter, Not Harder- Living and Working More Efficiently and Effectively- Building a MorePowerful Energetic Presence- Attracting the Opposite Sex- And Much More..."
Price: 49.99