"Udemy Crie um Site para vender seus Cursos Udemy -unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Oi, meu nome Diego Davila, sou um instrutor de sucesso na Udemy com mais de 17.000 alunos espalhados em 152 pases!Ento, vamos direto ao pontoAt o final do curso, voc vai aprender a Criar um site WordPress para comercializar seus cursos Udemy (no necessrio ter conhecimentos de programao).Criar um funil de marketing e um plano com estratgias que eu utilizo diariamente e funcionam muito bem!Aumentar (talvez duplicar ou triplicar!) as tuas vendas na Udemy.Vamos comprar um domnio para seu Site (investimento aproximado de R$7) e assinar o servio de hospedagem para o seu Site (pago inicial de $0.01!!!). Com isso estaremos prontos para construir o teu site!Quem deve fazer este curso? Quem no deve?Instrutores que tem cursos na Udemy e querem aumentar as vendas e ganhar mais dinheiro.Futuros instrutores que ainda no tem um curso na Udemy mas planejam criar um curso para comear a ganhar dinheiro online.Pessoas que tem um emprego de tempo integral mas gostariam de aumentar significativamente os ingressos mensais trabalhando somente algumas horas por semana. Lembra que devemos desenvolver a pacincia e disciplina e saber que o sucesso no ocorre da noite para o dia, mas uma coisa certa, se voc investir o seu tempo e seguir os passos deste curso, o sucesso chegar, isso certo!Da uma olhada no currculo do curso, e tem algumas Aulas que da para visualizar Gratuitamente, te convido a ver as 3 primeiras Aulas do currculo (gratis) para conhecer o site que vamos construir e ver como a tua vida financeira pode mudar a partir de hoje! Vamos comear!"
Price: 354.99 |
"Alibaba The Complete Guide to Import from Alibaba to Amazon" |
"This is the best and most completed Alibaba course in Udemy, that also includes a Complete Guide to Start your Business using Amazon andAmazon FBA. Why should you take this course? If you want to start a Home base business and create an additional source of income by using the power of two of the biggest online companies, Amazon & Alibaba, you should definitely take this course. What would you be able to do after taking the course?You will be able to find profitable products in Alibaba, negotiate with the manufacturers in China (to get the absolute best price), import products into your country, have an online store in the Amazon website reaching millions of customers, create irresistible offers for Amazons customers and collect profits growing your home business. Here are some ofthe new abilities you will learn during the course:Identify profitable products in Alibaba.Identify great and trustable Manufacturers in China.Negotiate with Manufacturers to get the absolute best deal (copy of all the emails for negotiation will be provided in the course).Identify market opportunities in the Amazonmarketplace.Open and establish your online business in the Amazon Seller Central and reach millions of customers.Calculate final prices, fees, and other cost to be able to identify the final profit.You will learn how to run your business from your Smartphone and how to use the Amazon seller App effectively.Rank your products higher in Amazon to increase sales.Set up your business in automatic to have more freedom to invest your times in other thing while your business keep generation revenue every month!Do you need to have any prior knowledge in order to succeed?The only required knowledge is Basic Email and Browsing, in other words if you know how to check and send emails, and if you know how to perform a basic Google Search you have all thats necessary to succeed with this course, all the other abilities and strategies Ill be teaching you in the videos inside, all step by step. How do I increase my chances to Succeed inthis course?Great question! In order to guarantee that you will succeed with this course, I prepared 7 Challenges. After each session you will find one challenge that will help you to take action in all the new things you just learned on that session. Thats the absolute best way to make sure you take action and you get the results you are looking for, which in most cases is more money every month! More than 16,000 students of my other Amazon courses are using the challenges every day to grow their business and their monthly income. And now you are one of them. Each Challenge will guide you step by step to the end goal. So, if you are looking ways to create an extra source of income, working from Home and partnering with Alibaba & Amazon, where you will have more freedom, and more time to do what you really like. This is the right course for you!Keep in mind that all Udemy courses have 30 days money back guaranteed! No question ask!I invite you to Enroll in the Course Now! Remember, you need to take action if you want better results. So, Enroll Now! And lets start building your Alibaba & Amazon empire right now! See you in the first Lecture!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Crie Uma Loja Virtual com WordPress e WooCommerce" |
"Crie sua Loja Virtual Com WordPress e WooCommerce.Mais de R$41Bilhes de Reais foram faturados no ano passado por lojas Virtuais no Brasil.Os nmeros provam que o volume de vendas online ja supera o de lojas fsicas.A cada dia mais e mais empresas e empreendedores esto comeando lojas virtuais online.Uma loja virtual fica aberta 24 horas por dia, todos os dias do ano e tem um custo de praticamente ZERO para comear.Mas, como criar uma Loja Virtual?Como aproveitar o poder da Loja Virtual para atingir mais pessoas e vender muito mais produtos?Como evitar perder horas e horas tentando criar a sua loja e tentando entender toda a parte de tecnologia, pagamentos, integraes, inventario, etc.Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer, e as coisas que voc deve evitar?No tendo uma loja virtual, voc esta perdendo dinheiro e clientes a cada dia. E evitando que os seus produtos e suas ideias se espalhem pelo Brasil e pelo mundo.Pelo contrario, Com uma loja virtual bem otimizada voc poder aumentar as suas vendas, atingir milhares de novos clientes e pegar a sua parte nos R$41 Bilhes de Reais que lojas online faturam a cada ano!Neste curso voc vai aprender como Criar um Loja Virtual passo a passo comeando do Zero e utilizando Ferramentas gratuitas como o WordPress e o WooCommerce.E vai aprender como Personalizar a sua loja virtual para deixa-la com a cara da sua empresa, com um look super profissional que vai garantir mais vendas e clientes satisfeitos.E tambm vai aprender como criar um sistema de pagamentos online para aceitar cartes de credito, debito, boleto bancrio, transferencia online e tambm como integrar a sua loja com o PagSeguro da Uol e com o Paypal. Dessa forma os seus clientes tero todas as opes de pagamento disponveis no mercado ali na sua loja.E como um bnus, eu vou compartilhar com voc a principal estratgia, que eu utilizo para aumentar as vendas na minha loja virtual.Eu tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que no final vai ter a sua loja virtual super otimizada e rentvel.Mas se por qualquer motivo, voc no gostou do curso, pode solicitar a devoluo do seu dinheiro nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda esta garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se no curso agora e vamos comear a criar uma loja virtual poderosa e otimizada que vai gerar vendas a cada dia!Te vejo l!"
Price: 564.99 |
"YouTube SEO: How to Rank #1 on YouTube" |
"YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of all people on the Internet.Every day more and more of people and companies are using YouTube to share their ideas, their brands and products.Its a proven fact that using YouTube can revolutionize the way that you interact with your followers and can help you to exponentially grow your audience reaching thousand of people every day.But, with all this competition, how do optimize your YouTube Videos to Rank Higher?How can you improve your YouTube Channel so when people search for a specific keyword, your video comes first?What are the things you need to do and the things you need to avoid?Not having an optimized YouTube Channel will cause you to lose potential views, likes, and subscribers.A Super Optimized YouTube Video have the potential to reach millions of people, that right now, are looking for your products and ideas.In this course, you will learn a proven step by step strategy, that you can implement right now, to rank your videos on the first page of YouTube.And you will learn how to target specific keywords, so when a user search on youtube, your video comes first on the results.You will also learn, how to create stunning YouTube Thumbnails that will draw the attention of your viewers.And as a Bonus, I'll share with you a single strategy that is responsible for thousands of views on my YouTube Channel. A strategy that you can implement in only 5 minutes.Before we go any further, let me just say, I don't want you to be disappointed.If you don't like the course for any reason, you can request a full refund in the first 30 days, no questions asked.So join me on the other side and lets start applying all these powerful strategies to rank your YouTube Videos Right now!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Curso Completo de Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads" |
"Mais de 1 bilho de pessoas utilizam o Facebook diariamente, passando horas e horas navegando em grupos e pginas do Facebook. fato comprovado que os Anncios do Facebook podem te ajudar a aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de pessoas que voc atinge todos os dias. Aumentando tambm o numero de visitas no seu site, a quantidade de vendas e potencializando os resultados da sua empresa.Mas, como criamos um Anncio no Facebook otimizado que possa atingir muito mais pessoas?Como podemos garantir que seus anncios vo ser mostrado somente a pessoas que tem um real interesse no seu produto ou na sua empresa?Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer e as coisas que deve evitar?Um anncio no otimizado pode fazer voc perder dinheiro, perder clientes e potenciais seguidores no Facebook.Por outro lado, anncios super otimizados vo inspirar o seus seguidores e motiva-los a agir e comprar seus produtos ou servios.O QUE VAI APRENDER?Neste curso voc aprender como atingir centenas, milhares de pessoas no Facebook. Vamos definir o seu pblico Alvo para garantir que os seus anncios so mostrados somente para pessoas esto realmente interessadas nos seus produtos ou na sua empresa, assim economizando dinheiro em cada campanha de Annciosno Facebook.E voc vai aprender como utilizar Retargeting nos seus anncios. O Retargeting uma das ferramentas mais eficientes do marketing digital utilizada por grandes empresas como Submarino, Lojas Americanase Amazon.Voc tambm vai aprender como criar pginas no Facebook para uso pessoal ou da sua Empresa, paginas super otimizadas que os seus seguidores vo adorar!E como um bnus, eu vou compartilhar com voc a principal estratgia, que voc vai utilizar para aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de curtidas no teu Facebook.Eu tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso e que no final vai ter vrios anncios no Facebook e no Instagram, gerando vendas e trazendo clientes e seguidores para voc a cada dia.Mas se por qualquer motivo, voc nao gostou do curso, pode solicitar a devoluo do seu dinheiro nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda esta garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se no curso agora e vamos comear a utilizar todo o Poder do Facebook e do Instagram para gerar mais vendas, atrair mais seguidores e crescer exponencialmente a sua presena online agora mesmo!Te vejo l!"
Price: 339.99 |
"Bookkeeping Job Search Guide" |
"You're Hired! Bookkeeping Job Search Guide Discover and learn the qualifications, qualities and soft skills employers require from a bookkeeper. Learn what bookkeepers do in the workplace for an exciting career makeover and be in control of your career path and be successful doing what you enjoy.Inside the course, complete the Bookkeeper's Hiring Test used by employers to screen candidates designed to honestly assess and measure your accounting and bookkeeping skills. Learn through this test what you need to learn or know that you're ready for that next job interview! Bookkeeping job opportunities are growing every day. You want to translate your skills towards a bookkeeping but don't know where to begin. This course is designed to make it easy for job seekers to learn what qualifications employers are looking for from candidates; the education, training, & experience requirements along with the qualities and soft skills needed to be successful on the job. You will also learn what and how to earn the 'functional expertise' you need to be successful. Given my professional background as your instructor, I will offer suggestions and insight from an employer's lens how your resume can stand out from the rest. I promote and encourage a lively class through the discussion forum. Expect me to respond to you within 24 hours or less. If you are considering a career in bookkeeping either as your first job, a career makeover or advance your career; this course is an excellent place for you to start.I'd be delighted to be your bookkeeping career coach on the inside!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Do It Yourself Immigration: Conditional Residence" |
"This course is intended to give an overview of Conditional Residence status in the United States. It will explain what Conditional Residence is, what restrictions are placed on Conditional Residents, and how to remove the conditions when the time comes without attorney assistance. This course may save you hundreds of dollars in attorneys' fees. By the end of this course, you will understand what conditional residence is and whether to remove the conditions via a joint or waiver petition with USCIS. Regardless of the type of petition, this course will walk you through, step by step, the USCIS Form I-751 required and the supporting documentation that you will need to prove your case and remove the conditions of your residence. This course is structured as a series of compact, narrated slides. Each slide contains the key points of the lecture, and the narration provides much needed color and practical guidance from an immigration attorney that has handled many cases precisely like yours!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Calculus 1 for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brought to you by the instructor of the successful courses Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers and Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers 2!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Awesome foundation!"" -- Michael Sinegar""Clearly delivered in digestible chunks"" -- Herman Leung========================================================================Would you like to learn a mathematics subject that is crucial for many high-demand lucrative career fields such as:Computer ScienceData ScienceActuarial ScienceFinancial MathematicsBiologyEngineeringMachine LearningEconomicsIf you're looking to gain a solid foundation in Differential Calculus, allowing you to study on your own schedule at a fraction of the cost it would take at a traditional university, to further your career goals, this online course is for you. If you're a working professional needing a refresher on calculus or a complete beginner who needs to learn Calculus for the first time, this online course is for you.Why you should take this online course: You need to refresh your knowledge of calculus for your career to earn a higher salary. You need to learn calculus because it is a required mathematical subject for your chosen career field such as computer science or electrical engineering. You intend to pursue a masters degree or PhD, and calculus is a required or recommended subject.Why you should choose this instructor: I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. I have extensive teaching experience: 6 years as a teaching assistant at University of California, Riverside, over two years as a faculty member at Western Governors University, #1 in secondary education by the National Council on Teacher Quality, and as a faculty member at Trident University International.In this course, I cover the core concepts such as:LimitsContinuityDifferentiationRates of ChangeRelated RatesOptimizationAfter taking this course, you will feel CARE-FREE AND CONFIDENT. I will break it all down into bite-sized no-brainer chunks. I explain each definition and go through each example STEP BY STEP so that you understand each topic clearly. I will also be AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS you might have on the lecture material or any other questions you are struggling with.Practice problems are provided for you, and detailed solutions are also provided to check your understanding.30 day full refund if not satisfied.Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. I, and your peers, are here to help. We're waiting for your insights and questions! Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Discrete Mathematics: Open Doors to Great Careers" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The prerequisite to the course Discrete Mathematics: Open Doors to Great Careers 2.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn a mathematics subject that is crucial for many high-demand lucrative career fields such as:Computer ScienceData ScienceActuarial ScienceFinancial MathematicsCryptographyEngineeringComputer GraphicsEconomicsIf you're looking to gain a solid foundation in Discrete Mathematics, allowing you to study on your own schedule at a fraction of the cost it would take at a traditional university, to further your career goals, thisonlinecourseis for you. If you're a working professional needing arefresheron discrete mathematicsor acomplete beginnerwho needs to learn Discrete Mathematicsfor the first time, this online course is for you.Why you should take this online course: You need to refresh your knowledge of discrete mathematicsfor your career to earn a higher salary. You need to learn discrete mathematicsbecause it is a required mathematical subject for your chosen career field such as computer science or electrical engineering. You intend to pursue a masters degree or PhD, and discrete mathematicsis a required or recommended subject.Why you should choose this instructor: I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. I have extensive teaching experience: 6 years as a teaching assistant at University of California, Riverside, fouryears as a faculty member at Western Governors University, #1 in secondary education by the National Council on Teacher Quality, and as a faculty member at Trident University International.In this course, I covercore topicssuch as:Propositional LogicPredicate LogicProofsMathematical InductionAfter taking this course, you will feelCARE-FREE AND CONFIDENT. I will break it all down into bite-sized no-brainer chunks.I explain each definition and go through each exampleSTEP BY STEPso that you understand each topic clearly. I will also beAVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONSyou might have on the lecture material or any other questions you are struggling with.Practice problemsare provided for you, anddetailed solutionsare also provided to check your understanding.30 day full refund if not satisfied.Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. I, and your peers, are here to help. We're waiting for your insights and questions!Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers 2" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The sequel to the course Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn a mathematics subject that is crucial for many high-demand lucrative career fields such as:Computer ScienceData ScienceActuarial ScienceFinancial MathematicsCryptographyEngineeringComputer GraphicsEconomicsIf you're looking to gain a solid foundation in Linear Algebra, allowing you to study on your own schedule at a fraction of the cost it would take at a traditional university, to further your career goals, this online course is for you. If you're a working professional needing a refresher on linear algebra or a complete beginner who needs to learn Linear Algebra for the first time, this online course is for you.Why you should take this online course: You need to refresh your knowledge of linear algebra for your career to earn a higher salary. You need to learn linear algebra because it is a required mathematical subject for your chosen career field such as computer science or electrical engineering. You intend to pursue a masters degree or PhD, and linear algebra is a required or recommended subject.Why you should choose this instructor: I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. I have extensive teaching experience: 6 years as a teaching assistant at University of California, Riverside, over two years as a faculty member at Western Governors University, #1 in secondary education by the National Council on Teacher Quality, and as a faculty member at Trident University International.In this course, I cover the core concepts such as:Inner Product SpacesLinear TransformationsEigenvalues and EigenvectorsSymmetric Matrices and Orthogonal DiagonalizationQuadratic FormsSingular Value DecompositionAfter taking this course, you will feel CARE-FREE AND CONFIDENT. I will break it all down into bite-sized no-brainer chunks. I explain each definition and go through each example STEP BY STEP so that you understand each topic clearly. I will also be AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS you might have on the lecture material or any other questions you are struggling with.Practice problems are provided for you, and detailed solutions are also provided to check your understanding.30 day full refund if not satisfied.Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. I, and your peers, are here to help. We're waiting for your insights and questions! Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Discrete Mathematics: Open Doors to Great Careers 2" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The sequelto the courseDiscrete Mathematics: OpenDoorsto Great Careers.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn a mathematics subject that is crucial for many high-demand lucrative career fields such as:Computer ScienceData ScienceActuarial ScienceFinancial MathematicsCryptographyEngineeringComputer GraphicsEconomicsIf you're looking to gain a solid foundation in Discrete Mathematics, allowing you to study on your own schedule at a fraction of the cost it would take at a traditional university, to further your career goals, thisonlinecourseis for you. If you're a working professional needing arefresheron discrete mathematicsor acomplete beginnerwho needs to learn Discrete Mathematicsfor the first time, this online course is for you.Why you should take this online course: You need to refresh your knowledge of discrete mathematicsfor your career to earn a higher salary. You need to learn discrete mathematicsbecause it is a required mathematical subject for your chosen career field such as computer science or electrical engineering. You intend to pursue a masters degree or PhD, and discrete mathematicsis a required or recommended subject.Why you should choose this instructor: I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. I have extensive teaching experience: 6 years as a teaching assistant at University of California, Riverside, fouryears as a faculty member at Western Governors University, #1 in secondary education by the National Council on Teacher Quality, and as a faculty member at Trident University International.In this course, I covercore topicssuch as:Set TheoryFunctionsRelationsPartial Order RelationsAlgorithmsAlgorithm EfficiencyAfter taking this course, you will feelCARE-FREE AND CONFIDENT. I will break it all down into bite-sized no-brainer chunks.I explain each definition and go through each exampleSTEP BY STEPso that you understand each topic clearly. I will also beAVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONSyou might have on the lecture material or any other questions you are struggling with.Practice problemsare provided for you, anddetailed solutionsare also provided to check your understanding.30 day full refund if not satisfied.Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. I, and your peers, are here to help. We're waiting for your insights and questions!Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Basics for the Simple Beginner" |
"Do you or someone you know understand little to nothing about how to use a computer? Ever wonder what computer terms like virus, mouse, keyboard and antivirus mean? What about all of this downloading and the internet? If you are not sure about those terms or think you may want to know more, this is for you! You hear people talking about all of these weird terms like the Windows Desktop, the start menu and the dreaded virus! You will learn what all of that means in simple, easy to understand terms and actual demonstrations. We will learn the basics of using a computer bit by bit. Each section will be a different computer topic and there will be several lessons in each section. We will learn about using your computer, computer parts such as the mouse, monitor, keyboard, USB and Ethernet as well as topics such as computer security, the internet, problems and troubleshooting as well as a few more advanced topics!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Direct and Produce Animation" |
"Make your ideas come true by knowing how people can help.You are reading this because you either have an idea for a short film or full-length animation project for yourself, orBecause you are just curious and wanted to know what was all that hype of Direct and Produce Animation. Well, give me a couple of seconds to see if I can get you more curious. Everyone has ideas. Right? Well, that's the good part. The bad part is that most of those ideas live only inside the mind of the holder. Never making it to born into reality.Why? Because people prefer to scratch their heads or their bellies because it feels good.Think about it, most don't know that they can produce them without sitting on a computer or knowing anything about animation. Yes. That's a fact. There are successful producers running big studios who don't know how to draw or animate and yet, they materialize ideas because they know how the different departments work. They know how to guide people.So, I ask youWhat does it take to get your idea realized? To have it come true? And how can you do it in less time?Animation is a very long process that can be shortened if you know a little weird secret: People want to help.But the big question is: Do you know how they can help?What If one of your friends, loves to work with sound and likes your project? How can he help?And artists? Or photographers? I bet you know a photographer, and until now, you didn't know a photographer could help with animation. How? Well, by applying composition principles of photography to your shots and a bunch of cinematography concepts. That photographer can make your animation look awesome.When you have an idea for a project and you know how to animate, you can do what most people do.Go SOLO mode. YEAH! RIGHT ON!I don't know if it's to show off all their abilities and say: I did it all by myself! Or if they just didn't know that people around them wanted to help, but neither any of them knew it could be done faster.Imagine you have this idea for a story, or even a quick joke or gag that you want to transform into animation, into a living and breathing thing that could go viral on the internet.You say to yourself: Hey, this joke could be an awesome 30 second short film and could make many people laugh. Ha! Making people laugh is one of the most generous things anyone can do for someone else. But we are not talking about comedy, we are talking about that idea of the joke and the possibility of creating an animation out of it.If you don't know how to use a computer or don't know how to walk and talk, you will definitely think deep inside you: Oh man I wish I could walk and talk so I could learn how to use a computer to then make this animation.Well, good news, I bet you can use a computer and can walk and talk (or at least you know how to communicate.) Knowing how to communicate and how each department works in an animation feature film production, is what can make this Idea a reality.Or maybe you just read all that and said: Hey Mr. Bald (because I'm bald AND I'M LOVING IT!), I'm an animator, stop preaching on what I can or can't do.Well, then I have something to tell youBeing an animatorKnowing how to direct and produce your projectsAnd how to find and work with people who is waiting for a chance to helpCan make your life easier. You could cut in half the time it takes to finish on your own.And not only that but you also get THE BEST VERSION OF YOUR STORY.And that, my friend it's priceless.You: Hey, we are not friends, ok? Me: Of course we are, we just don't know each other(Drum roll please prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRR PPSSS!)So anyway, knowing how to direct and produce can make any idea come true. And the cool part is, you don't even need to know how to draw or animate. How cool is that!Enroll today and start making your ideas a reality in half the time.Check the free lessons so you can have a taste of it. If you like it, enroll, and if you don't like it after you enroll Hey. Chill out. $H^% happens. Just kidding! You can have your money back with no questions asked!You have 30 days to decide. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now!Or check the free lessons NOW!Or don't do anything NOW!Whatever you feel like doing DO IT NOW!(I'm crossing my fingers to have you as my new student thinking C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon.)Whatever you decide I hope you have a nice day. Cheers! : D"
Price: 49.99 |
"Cinematography for 2D Animation Essentials" |
"NOTE: This Course is for Beginners. It covers basic cinematography.The most common problem with amateur animations is that everything is covered from only one camera angle.That is because they either don't know other options, or because drawing the different angles of a character can be challenging.One thing is certain:Good cinematography pulls the audience into the story.The objective of having awesome shots in your animation is to MAKE THE AUDIENCE FEEL. How can you call yourself an artist if you're not making your audience feel?There are basic cinematography concepts ignored by many animators, and that is because in animation, the priority is to make a character come to life, which is the foundation, but once you have that, you need to be able to communicate in another level, a level that makes people happy if you want them to, or sad, or angry, or scared.Good cinematography can make a dramatic scene even more dramatic, or a strong character look even stronger, or a weak character look weaker.You can help to create tension between two characters, and also, you can help the audience feel more attached to one character than the other.This 30 min course will explain the different concepts in cinematography.Frame Compositions Rule Of Thirds Camera Angles Blocking Your Characters Dialogue Coverage Panning and Tilting in 2D Camera Movements ParallaxAnd at the end of the course, you will learn how to bring everything together to improve a scene. You will see 3 versions of it.The amateur version A More sophisticated version, which includes Over The Shoulder Shots The Best version that includes camera movements like push and pull.This course will help animators improve their shots, making the audience feel something when they see the animation. All thanks to the basic cinematography language that any animator should know."
Price: 29.99 |
"2D Animation With No Drawing Skills in AE" |
"This course is divided in 3 parts: Theory (Secrets to do awesome animation with no drawing skills, and how to make interesting characters no matter how simple they look) Rigging (A series of tutorials that teaches you how to rig a character step by step) Animation (Another series of tutorials that teaches you how to animate body language for simple characters) There are a couple of things you need to understand to achieve simple animations. Shapes Body Language Emotional Expression Character Relationships What makes a good story And for your character, you only need a Body, Arms, Legs and a Mouth. Eyes are optional.If a simple circle has personality, people will watch it.Our personal purpose is to help anyone interested in Animation to start practicing with little projects, simple Characters, and most of all, explore the expressiveness of their Body Language and Character Acting.Many people seldom to start learning 2D animation because they are convinced that you need to know how to draw. While drawing skills can help you to improve, that is not the essential skill to do animation. For animation you need to understand the most basic principles in animation, like timing, anticipation, pose to pose.Concepts that Thomas and Johnson, 2 of the animation masters in Disney talk about in their famous book, Illusion of Life.This course puts those basic concepts into practice and also explains step by step how to achieve great body language when a character is talking.What you will get: Lifetime Access to all the Lessons: This is not a membership course. We offer a 1 time payment to have full access to all the lessons, and if you claim your spot, you will have everything for free. Downloadable Project Files: You can download the project files to follow along with the tutorials and practice on your own. Heck! You can even skip the Theory and start with Animation! Access to Student Discussions: In here you will be able to share any ideas or projects you are currently working on with other fellow students, and even ask for help when needed. Step by Step In Depth Explanations: The course covers everything from Theory to Practice. You will learn how to set up your characters and why; with tutorials to help you animate them. Printable Workbooks: Thanks to all the feedback from all the students in our other courses, we decided to add Practical Guides that will help you set your characters easier. Full HD Video Tutorials: All the lessons were recorded in Full HD so you can see every detail and every step of the process. Every click and every keyboard stroke is shown."
Price: 49.99 |
"Body Language in Character Animation" |
"Take your character Animation to the Next Level in 30 daysInterested in taking your character animation to the next level?NO? Stop reading this.YES? Continue...How cool would it be to learn how to Express Emotions with your characters by learning the different gestures in the next 30 days?In this Step-by-Step course Sydney walks you through how to go from knowing nothing about body language, to becoming an expert in expressing emotions in your character animation.""I'm a busy person, how much time a day do I need available?""This course was designed for busy people.Maybe you are learning animation in your spare time, or maybe you are a busy animator with a lot of projects at hand.Well, we are happy to announce thatYou can learn Body Language by spending 5 mins a day.And of course, if you have time, you can learn all the secrets from the first day by watching all the lessons the same day.Learn at your own pace.""Who is this course for?""If you are convinced that Knowing about Body Language is not important in animation, then this course isNOT FOR YOUIf you think that knowing about the different Bogy Gestures improve character animation, then this course isFOR YOU""What will I get from this course?""You will know how to express emotions in character animationYou will be able to show charisma and personality from any poseYou will know how to have the audience interested, before your character says a word.""What will I learn in those 30 days?""CHAPTER 1Getting StartedDay 1 - Introduction to Body LanguageDay 2 - Language and CommunicationDay 3 - Words, Voice and BodyDay 4 - Body Language in depthDay 5 - Review of chapter 1Day 6 - Quiz to reinforce concepts learnedCHAPTER 2Animation PrinciplesDay 7 - Staging and Body LanguageDay 8 - Exaggeration and Body LanguageDay 9 - Appeal and Body LanguageDay 10 - Review of chapter 2Day 11 - Quiz to reinforce concepts learnedCHAPTER 3Unconscious behaviourDay 12 - The Limbic System in Cartoon CharactersDay 13 - Get Into vs Get AwayDay 14 - Relaxed vs AnnoyedDay 15 - Review of all the concepts from section 3Day 16 - Exam to reinforce the concepts learned on section 3CHAPTER 4Body Language GesturesDay 17 - Facial GesturesDay 18 - Head GesturesDay 19 - Hand GesturesDay 20 - Arm GesturesDay 21 - Shoulder GesturesDay 22 - Torso, Chest and Hip GesturesDay 23 - Leg GesturesDay 24 - Feet GesturesDay 25 - Review of all the concepts from section 4Day 26 - Exam to reinforce the concepts learned on section 4FINAL CHAPTERBody Language Final ChallengeDay 27 - Observational ChallengeOn the last day, you will need to invest around 15 to 20 mins to complete the challenge.So if you are a busy person, please consider this time frame.Are you ready to learn how to express the feelings of your characters?Enroll today."
Price: 49.99 |
"Engage Your Audience with Animated Presentations in AE" |
"If you are worried about your audience, and want them to have a good time when they see your videos, then this course might get your interest.The problem I see in a lot of training online, is that they only use a simple PowerPoint presentation, and that its pretty boring to watch.So, what if you offered that same information, but in a more entertaining way? Well, you would get more customers, more viewers, more students, and that could mean, more money.Hey, people go to where the fun is. Right? It's the Law of Human Nature.Its true, delivering an amazing product can take you some time, but, if you are willing to do it, you will be able to offer the same information everybody is giving, but they will choose you because of the way you present it.Sounds nice?And because I know, for experience, that time is of the essence, I decided to include some lessons explaining my personal workflow to get things done more efficiently and faster, maintaining great quality.That is, by producing a lot of videos at the same time, using a process called ASSEMBLY LINE.Interested?Buy with confidence. After buying, if for any reason, you decide that this course is not helpful for you, no worries, you can get your money back with no questions asked thanks to the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.So enroll today!In this course you will:Learn how to create Dynamic and Engaging PresentationsLearn how to Create and Animate Texts and Images in the popular Visual Effects software Adobe After EffectsHave access to the Project Files so you can follow alongAccess to 2 very powerful and useful plug ins FOR FREEEnroll Now!Or check the free lessons!"
Price: 99.99 |
"2D Animation Essentials in Moho & Anime Studio" |
"UPDATE 1/17/2016 - The course is live and we are so excited! We have a lot of great content that we will be adding in the next week. McCoy is finishing the exercises for you to do after each lecture to make learning Moho & Anime Studio easy! We will also have a trailer shortly for the course as well. Can't wait to see you there!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Try to remember the last time you tested some 2D animation software and you just didnt like it, or didnt understand it.Probably the first step to start your journey is be deciding which animation software that you can master in a couple of days. Truth be told, mastering something takes years. But in this course we will have you mastering the essentials in days!The problem is that, once you have the software, what happens if you don't understand how to use it?Think about it, one of the main reasons beginners stop trying is because they just dont get how the software works.You can check tutorials on the internet, but most of the time, they are not presented in a sequential order, or maybe, they are either too advanced or too specific.So what you need to do is: Learn how to use the software. In this case, we are inviting you to give Moho & Anime Studio a try, learn the essentials and discover its power.This is your first step to learn how to make an animation.After you know the basics, you will have a stronger idea when deciding what to do next.And because Anime Studio is so easy to use, we know you are going to love it.It has been proven more than once that when people understand something, they make better decisions.So give yourself this opportunity and take thisAnimation Course today.How can this course help you?This course is an introduction to Anime Studio Pro, it covers how to draw using the Add Points Tool, Curvature Tool, Transform Tool and Shape Tools.Than we will learn about working with layers, and doing animation for a scene. To enhance the shot we will go through how to work with a camera in Anime Studio.You will have the foundations to make your own animation.You will learn with Video Training, and if you want, you can download the project files to follow along.The course also comes with quizzes and exercises to help the student really learn all the techniques and tools covered in the course.The course is about 1 hour of video tutorials, but the exercises can take you from a couple of minutes to maybe a whole hour, depending on your learning skills, and how well you remember the lessons.The Course is divided in 3 sections: The first is the Introduction Section, which covers a brief overview of the interface and how to set the project settings.The second section is the Drawing Tools Section, which covers the different tools used to draw in Anime Studio as well as techniques to manipulate and transform the drawings.And thirdly, the Animation Section, in which we will go through how to make an animation of a scene.Anyone wanting to learn how to animate should give Moho & Anime Studio a test Drive and who knows maybe this is the software that can get you to make your own animation, make your ideas become a reality."
Price: 49.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator Essentials for Character Design" |
"Do you want to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to Design and Present your characters?Well, what can I say, you are reading this, and that means that you are interested in learning Adobe Illustrator. It also means that probably you looked for free tutorials on the internet on how to use it, and picked up some tips here and there, but you are looking for an organized course that guides you through this awesome software step by step. This course is for either character designers or animators who want to learn the basics of this software to use the new set of skills on their projects. You will learn all the essentials you need to trace images, turn paper drawings into presentable products that you can sell, and everything you need for character design. If you are a beginner, you will love it, you will go from zero to hero if you follow along practicing the exercises. And if you are a savvy user, then you might as well benefit from some secret gems here and there, missed tools and techniques that you probably knew they existed. How do I know that? Because of the reviews from early testers, my designer friends who checked this course to give it the thumbs up, who have been using Illustrator for years, and they confessed they didnt know about 30% of the techniques covered in this course. You will learn: All the basic interface, and navigations.All the essential panels.Then the drawings tools.What tools to use if you have a Wacom Tablet, or for those who dont have a drawing tablet, then what tools to use when designing with a mouse.All the basic drawing tools in detailHow to create a color paletteHow to paint your work using the live paint featureHow to add shadows and highlights easilyThis course has many exercises that you can follow to understand every bit of knowledge. Enroll today and start developing a new skill that can help you sell your work and get some extra income."
Price: 49.99 |
"Character Design For Animation in Illustrator" |
"You have an idea that you want to turn into animation, and now you want to create the characters that will move the story.How do they look? Are they friendly? Aggressive? Stubborn? You decide your character should look friendly, great! You draw what you have in your mind and you feel proud. Good for you. But what if what you designed gets criticized and people say With that smile, it looks naughty, not friendly. Why? How can you make your characters communicate the personality you intent for them? This is where this course will help. In here you will learn the theory behind character psychology, how to make characters with a soul, with personality. And not only that, but you will also learn how to communicate all those feelings and emotions through your designs. You will learn how to establish different attitudes by using different shapes, you will understand the meaning of having round features, or pointy features. And then, after you know the theory, we will practice the whole process of putting the character you have in your mind into paper, by first establishing a strong pose that communicates your characters personality. You will learn: How to create memorable charactersThe Theory behind character psychology4 Basic areas of personality that will make your character outstand all othersHow to define attitudeThe basics of concept artUnderstand shapes and meaningAnd then, once you have a memorable character with a strong personality, drawn on paper or on digital, what can you do with it? Well, because this course was created with animators in mind, we added a whole section covering how to prepare your character in illustrator and make it ready for animation. You will learn about the different angles needed to have what you need for your character, the importance of using a storyboard, and how to trace each part of the body so you have the character well connected and ready to be rigged in After Effects, or any other animation software you want. We will dive deep, step by step in a tutorial that will guide you how to ensemble the Character Brad, part by part. Learn how to design your characters and prepare them for animation. Enroll now!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Excel Course 3- Excel Charts And Tips To Make Better Charts" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. Want to learn how to make great charts in very little time (no matter what your skill level?)Want to know how to make those Excel reports even more better?Then take our short Udemy course in Excel charts.This Udemy Excel course is great if you want to add charts to the following:Presentations Dazzle your clients!Reports- Make your reports more meaningful and clearerDashboards- Most of these charts can be adapted to include in dashboardsThis course teaches you how to create charts in Excel to illustrate your work! Super handy charts! With this course you will learn how to:Make charts which show before and after changesCreate mini sparkline charts perfect for Excel dashboards!Learn the secret to why 3D charts are so badCreate thermometer chartsCreate super easy text based chartsLike with all our Udemy Excel courses made by us (Mach 42 Productions), full support is given via the discussion forums, all the workbooks are available for download and all lectures are full English CC enabled.What are you waiting for?"
Price: 29.99 |
"Excel Course 8- Advanced Excel Tips" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. Want to know how to stop one Excel workbook from crashing another Excel workbook?Forgotten your Excel password to your worksheet? Want to know how to still access the Excel sheet and copy it out?Want to know what those Excel error messages mean? And how to fix them?Want to know a quick and easy way to resize all your comments in your spreadsheet?Our Microsoft Excel course will teach you all this and more to help you work smarter not longer in Microsoft Excel. These tips are proven and tried and will work! Microsoft Excel is used worldwide and in almost every organisation. Learning Excel skills will help you increase your chances of a salary raise and give you better career prospects. This course will help you get there. Step by step we guide you in performing each tip. Perfect for those who have limited time.As with all our Excel courses by us (Mach 42 Productions), support is provided via the discussion forums and all workbooks are provided.You won't be disappointed. I look forward to seeing you on the other side."
Price: 29.99 |
"Excel Course 1- Step By Step Beginners Excel" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. Our beginners Excel course teaches you the basics of Excel and how to write formulas.Excel is one of the powertools of the world. Every business uses it. Microsoft Excel skills can boost your career. In todays economy, knowing basic digital skills like MS Excelcan boost your career prospects, help you cope in an existing job and give youaccess to more types of jobs.This MS Excel course is aimed at beginners and will teach you essential Excelconcepts to help you in your everyday work tasks. Each section includes quizzes or activities/tasks or both to help you fully grasp concepts. As an Excel beginner here is what youwill get from this Excel course: How to use the Excel Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar- andcustomise them to suit you How to add, delete, rename, copy and move Excel worksheets How to cut/copy and paste data - including the many optionsExcel gives you How to write Excel formulas- from ground up. How to fully format text and understand the many options Excelprovides How to make an Excel table in under 10 minutes and customiseit How to make an Excel bar chart in under 10 minutes andcustomise it How to use conditional formatting to customise your Excel work How to use data validation in your Excel workRemember this Excel course is backed by a 30 day money backguarantee so enroll today and I look forward to seeing you on the other side!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Excel Course 4- How To Make Waterfall Charts" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. This Excel 2016 only course for business users will show you how to make a waterfall chart (also known as bridge chart) in under 35 minutes. A waterfall chart is a chart where you start from the left hand side and as you go to the right, your figures get broken down until you reach your end data point on the chart. They are very easy to read and clearly show your figures. We will focus on two variations of this chart - for business and personal use.This course will walk you through using Excel 2016's waterfall chart feature along with some expert tips on how to make a perfect waterfall chart for your business/personal use.This course assumes a beginners to intermediate level use of Excel. Support is given via the discussion forums and all workbooks are provided.I look forward to seeing you on the other side!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel Course 7- Learn How To Use Excel Text Functions" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. This bite size Udemy Excel 2016 course will show you how to use Excel string functions that are frequently used to perform operations on strings for everyday tasks such as cleaning data.If you want to know how to use common Excel string functions then take this Udemy course. You will learn how to extract text from strings, how to search within strings, how to replace characters in strings and much more.Each lecture explains the Excel string function and gives examples. Excel is one of the most popular tools used today in businesses. Knowing how to use functions in it is necessary.As with this and our other Udemy Excel courses by us (Mach 42 Productions), support is given via the discussion forums and all the Excel workbooks are provided. Remember these Excel skills are for life and will help you do better.I look forward to seeing you on the other side!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Excel Course 2- How To Use Excel Comments" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. This Excel 2016 tutorial course teaches you how to use Excel comments effectively to make better spreadsheets. Learn how to resize comments, change the colour of comments and delete all comments (very quickly).Course is filmed in Excel 2016 although the material will work in prior versions of Excel.This course serves as a refresher in Excel comments (under 1 hour!)This course also makes use of VBA to do uber cool things to comments!All Mach 42 Productions courses have full discussion forum support.What are you waiting for?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel Course 11- Spreadsheet Protection" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. Do you love Excel? Do you want to protect your work? Then take this Excel 2016 course. This course is intended to help the Excel user in protecting your spreadsheet from average office users. No protection Excel method is 100% secure so the best defense is basically to combine more than one method.Note this course will not teach you how to break passwords so please don't take this thinking it will. This short course will simply teach you how to use built in Excel features to protect your work.This Excel bite size course will help you to understand better how to use certain types of protection and walk you through how to activate them. All support is provided via discussion forums and like all our Excel courses a full 30 day money back guarantee is given. So don't just make Excel spreadsheets..but also learn to protect them and safeguard your work."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel Course 5- Advanced Excel Charts" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. This Excel 2016 course will teach you how to do 3 advanced Excel charts. These charts will really enhance your reports and can be used to illustrate your data effectively. They will also reduce the amount of time it takes for you to prepare your reports.A lot of courses teach the basic Excel charts built in but this Excel course uses a combination of Excel formulas and charts to really make some useful (and cool!) charts. All the workbooks are provided and full support is given via the discussion forum. Stuck? Well don't be shy! Ask a question!This course is also a bite size course. In less than one hour you will know these techniques. Give it a try. You have nothing to loose..but everything to gain."
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginners to Expert Excel and Excel VBA 38 Hours Mega Course" |
"This comprehensive 38 hours+ Microsoft Excel and Excel VBA course includes content from our Mach 42 Productions Excel courses 1 through 11 and our IT careers course, to take you from beginner to expert level:Excel Course 1- Step By Step Beginners Excel Excel Course 2- How To Use Excel comments Excel Course 3- Excel Charts And Tips To Make Better Charts Excel Course 4- How To Make Waterfall Charts Excel Course 5 - Advanced Excel Charts Excel Course 6- Automated Excel Charts And Tables Excel Course 7- Learn How To Use Excel Text Functions Excel Course 8- Advanced Excel tips Excel Course 9- Quick Excel Tips For Excel Reports Excel Course 10- Advanced Excel Skills And Career Tips Excel Course 11- Spreadsheet Protection 8 Ways to Further your IT CareerIf you are enrolled on any of our above courses, please bear this in mind before considering this one. Our in-depth Excel syllabus takes you from beginner level to advanced level in Excel and will help build you a solid understanding of Excel and use it effectively in your work. Over 38 hours of Excel content is provided in this course including: How to use the basics of Excel e.g. create new worksheets, copy, cut and paste, the Excel ribbon and how to print documents properly How to sort, find and replace Excel data quickly How to understand, write, use, audit formulas and coverage of Excel text functions, maths operators and advanced functions including vlookup via worked examples/case studies. We provide hours of material on this to build your confidence levels (11 sections) Coverage of Excel charts from beginner level to advanced automated charts. We cover charts such as bar charts, line charts, waterfall charts and funnel charts. We also provide tips on how to make better charts.A thorough grounding in Excel Pivot Tables- from scratch. This tool alone can save you a lot of time in your data work. Essential Excel tips to boost your work and help you make better Excel reports e.g. how to watermark Excel sheets How to protect your Excel spreadsheets using Excels security model.Excel VBA- We teach from ground up Excels powerful VBA programming language which can be used to automate tasks, clean up data (very fast) and overall increase your productivity. Our VBA learning culminates in building real life (and actually useful) programs/macros which you can use in your everyday work. Further the skills taught will enable you to build your own macros. All the source code is provided in our examples in addition to testing your knowledge with assignments and tasks. We have over 5 hours of lecture videos covering Excel VBA. Excel career tips- Advice on how to write Excel examples for your CV/ResumeFull support is given on this Excel course by means of our course discussion forum, lecture quizzes and tasks/activities are provided right from the start of the course. All Excel workbooks used in the lectures are provided too. Remember by picking up essential Excel skills, you can significantly increase your productivity, save time and money and furthermore be confident that you can use one of the most popular office business tools today."
Price: 19.99 |
"8 Ways to Further Your IT Career" |
"Please note:This courses content is also used as part of our 35 hours Excel course. If you are an enrolled student of the latter, please do not buy this individual course since the content will be the same. If you are not a student of the latter mentioned course and decide to buy this sub-individual course, please note this courses content is repeated in certain parts of our 35 hours Excel course. To get ahead in today's world in IT you need to constantly be on point and developing yourself. This very short course will give you several IT tips to further your IT career. The lessons can be applied to any IT field. These lectures are bite size but will give you enough leverage to use immediately. This course is not a magic booster. It requires constant dedication to the advice given and the benefits will come naturally. It is aimed at all levels of IT experience. The course does assume you have an awareness of technical terms and that you are already working in an office type environment.At the end of each lecture, tasks are given to help focus you on how to proceed next to further help you apply the tips given.Remember, IT is a competitive field and standing out from the crowd is more necessary now than ever. Don't get left behind. I look forward to seeing you on the other side."
Price: 19.99 |