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"Marketing Planning for Solopreneurs"
"Are you a solopreneur or small business owner?Do you get caught up in the urgent, day-to-day activities of your business?Are you ready to plan for success? Set the stage now for a successful year!In this course, you'll learn small business marketing fundamentals and create your own marketing plan! you deserve to learn from an expert who has both academic and small business experience. I've walked both MBA students and small business owners through these steps to creating an effective marketing plan.I'll explain successful goal-setting; You'll set your goals!I'll teach you how to really nail your target market(s) & positioning. You'll write a powerful positioning statement to get and keep the clients you really want.I'll walk you through the key elements of the marketing mix. You'll walk away with step-by-step actionable plans to grow your revenues and profits. Plus in addition to the discussion group, I offer a free 15 minute consultation via phone, Skype or Google Hangout. Get your marketing questions answered by an expert. Get your marketing mojo going! Enroll now!************************************************************I bring a combination of academic research and the hands-on experience of working with hundreds of small business owners to teach you how you can learn it, do it and profit! in your business.About this course:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!Worksheets and checklists so you can easily and quickly implement this approach for YOUR business."
Price: 64.99

"Guia de alongamentos e flexibilidade completo"
"Se voc tem pouco tempo, mas muita vontade de fazer a diferena no seu dia a dia, ento esse o seu curso! Pois com apenas 20 minutos por dia voc tem a chance de melhorar asua sade e bem-estar geral.O meu curso est pensado para as pessoas que desejam melhorar a mobilidade, flexibilidade, ter um corpo mais gil e solto. Com apenas 20 minutos por dia voc alcanarresultados espetaculares.Os msculos precisamser alongadospelo menos 4 vezes por semana. Quando eu era criana ouvia muito que a minha av tinhaencolhido.Sabe, a vov no encolhe, isso no existe, simplesmente vamos nos contraindo e os msculos vo mirrando. Alongue para ser saudvel.Com o meu curso voc vai""endurecer"" a musculatura do corpo, sem perder a flexibilidade. Corpo firme, forte e elstico.Corpo saudvel tem que ser flexvel e solto. Imagine se ocarrono tivessemolas e fosseduro, com os movimentos quebrava-se todo, o corpo igual.Temos que manter as articulaes eligamentos saudveis.O que voc ter aose inscrever no meu curso.Contedo exclusivoExerccios motivantesMtodo comprovadoVdeo aulas 100% prticasDicas essenciais para ter uma coluna saudvelMais de 120 minutos de vdeo aula de altaqualidadeUsufruir dos meus 25 anos de experincia.Possibilidade de fazer em qualquer lugarGarantia de resultados com segurana+ de 3 horas em vdeoInscreva-se e quero te encontrar do outro lado e ajudar voc a alcanar o bem-estar.Boa aulas.Prof. Andr Oliveira."
Price: 144.99

"Treino HIIT - O guia definitivo para mudar o seu corpo"
"Quer perder de trs a cinco quilos de gordura em apenas6 semanas?No milagre, comprimidos ou cremes caros!Trata-se de um das maiores descobertas da cincia do esporte, o Treino Hiit.Elimine gordura e ganhe um condicionamento fsico excelente, fazendoum treino simples, rpido e eficiente. Este o principal resultado do High-Intensity Intermittent Training ou simplesmente HiiT. Ele trs benefcios em curto espao de tempo, desde que feito da forma correta e como proponho nesse curso completo para iniciantes. O HiiT tem fundamentao cientfica para emagrecimento e condicionamento, que consiste em estmulos de alta intensidade com pequena durao e tempo total de treino que pode variar de 10 a 20 minutos.Queime 6 vezes mais gordura -Um estudo australiano comprovouque mulheres que seguiram o programa HIIT de 20 minutos, consistindo de corridas de 8 segundos seguidas de 12 segundos de descanso, perderam seis vezes mais gordura corporal que o grupo que seguiu o programa de exerccios aerbicos de intensidade constante de 60% da taxa cardaca mxima.Aumente o seu metabolismo -Estudosde 1996 da Baylor College of Medicine (em Houston, Texas, EUA) comprovouque indivduos que seguiram o treinamento HIIT queimaram bem mais calorias durante as 24 horas ps-treino do que aqueles que pedalaram em intensidade moderada e constante. Isso acontece por que o seu corpo continua queimando gordura mesmo quando vocestiver dormindo ou mesmo no sof.Os estudos so conclusivos, o Treino Hiit muito eficaz na queima de gordura. Ento eu reuni os melhor exerccios para iniciantes nesse curso completo que ir ajudar voc alcanar o corpo que deseja.Eu sou especialista em exerccio fsico, com 25 anos de experincia e com diversos cursos online, que j mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas, por isso convido voc a fazer esse curso que elaborei com muita dedicao e profissionalismo.Inscreva-se hoje mesmo.Prof. Andr Oliveira"
Price: 144.99

"Barriga Chapada - Guia completo de Abdominal para iniciantes"
"Voc quer ter o abdominal trincado? Tem feito exerccios errados e sem sentido?Ento voc tem que fazer o meu curso, um guia completo para ajudar voc alcanar o abdominal que deseja.O que voc ter aose inscrever no meu curso.Contedo exclusivoExerccios motivantesMtodo comprovadoVdeo aulas 100% prticasDicas essenciais para ter um abdominal mais forteVdeos aula de altaqualidadeUsufruir dos meus 25 anos de experincia.Possibilidade de fazer em qualquer lugarGarantia de resultados com seguranaEu sou especialista em exerccio fsico, com 25 anos de experincia e com diversos cursos online, que j mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas, por isso convido voc a fazer esse curso que elaborei com muita dedicao e profissionalismo.Abrao.Prof. Andr Oliveira"
Price: 89.99

"The 8 essential leadership skills of great supervisors"
"Throughout this course, you will learn eight skills and shifts in thinking that are essential for being an effective supervisor.Being an effective supervisor requires different skills, behaviours and thinking to being an effective team member. A team will typically expect a new supervisor to demonstrate the skills, behaviours and thinking they associate with a leader. It can be challenging for a new supervisor to meet these expectations without some development and support, because the basic skills, behaviours and thinking are rarely acquired through life prior to taking on a leadership role.Based on experience helping thousands of new supervisors successfully make the transition from being a team member to being an effective leader, this course condenses the absolute essentials into eight short modules. Each module explains some of the core concepts and breaks them down into practical actions that can be immediately applied on the job.OutcomesAt the end of this course, you will have a working understanding of how to: Explain what is required to be accepted as the leader of a group.Explain motivation and employ some leadership strategies to create an environment where people are motivated.Set expectations of performance and behaviour with teams and individuals.Delegate tasks effectively.Facilitate a group decision making process where staff feel genuinely involved.Coach and develop staff.Use recognition to reinforce desired behaviours.Prepare for and hold a performance conversation.Duration2 hours (8 x 15 minute modules)."
Price: 24.99

"Speed Reading Mastery: Double Your Reading Speed In 30 Days"
"QUESTION: Do you want to DOUBLE, even TRIPLE your reading speed in the next 30 days? A month and a half ago, I created a reading course on How to Read 300 Non-Fiction Books This Year. I was blown away by the response. But there was one question I kept getting... What about fiction? Because that course is all about going through books to extract information from non-fiction books you can use in your life -- which means sometimes you'll be reading every word, sometimes you won't. But what about reading fiction books, or textbooks, or books you need to read every word in? Is there a system that works for that just as well as my system for non-fiction books?So I spent a month going through every speed reading book, video and article to answer that question for my students. And in the process, after going through a lot of fluff in most other courses, came up with what I believe to be the simplest, most direct system to permanently doubling or tripling your reading speed in the next 30 days.Although, you can take the techniques and instantly read more quickly, this is no magic pill. Because I'm more interested in teaching you the skill of speed reading which can last a lifetime, than teaching you to read just a little bit more quickly.Inside, I'll show you why we read slowly, and exactly what to do about it. And if you really want to reach your maximum reading speed, it will take 15 minutes of practice every day. For that reason, this is not for everybody.But if you are willing to put in a little bit of time every day for a month to benefit for years, here's exactly what we'll cover...1. How to make sure you read every day2. The 5 causes of slow reading we learned in school (and still do to this day)3. How to cure all 5 causes of slow reading4. The difference between reading and practicing speed reading -- and when to do each5. The 4 stages of reading you'll have to go through from learning to read to becoming a speed reader6. Four techniques you can use to reach your maximum reading potential7. The secret to understanding everything you read8. The two tools you can use to use to learn to read even faster in your spare time9. And more...There's no skill more valuable than reading. To learn to double, or even triple your reading speed in the next 30 days, click the ""Take This Course"" button in the top right. There's a 30 day money back guarantee, so there's nothing to lose, but a lifetime of faster reading to gain.To your success,Brandon"
Price: 94.99

"Email Marketing Mastery: Make More Sales By Sending Emails"
"We all want to build something BIG.But if you're not building an email list and building a relationship with that list, you're without a doubt leaving followers, and money, on the table.Why?Because email is the most powerful marketing tool available to us today -- so powerful even that Toby Fallsgraff who was Obama's 2012 email director gave a talk on ""How the right email fundraising strategy helped win an election"". That's not an understatement considering the fact that they raised over $690 million through email alone. But you don't have to be running for office to use it's power. Whether you have a small restaurant, an online business or a non-profit, email marketing is your key to growth and success.If you're looking for an in depth look at every aspect of email marketing, this isn't the course for you yet (because there are a lot of lectures yet to come). But if you want to learn the key principles to email success and how to get started, this is your course. Inside you'll learn: 1. The difference between BRAND BUILDING and DIRECT-RESPONSE MARKETING -- and why you NEED direct response2. Why email marketing is all about relationships (and not selling)3. The V+F+I+SR Relationship Formula to build powerful relationships through email4. How to set up your email marketing service and build your first listAnd much more...In fact, there are 6 full sections that will be added to the course in the weeks and months to come. And as a student, you get lifetime access to all of it when it's released. And as in all my courses, my goal is to challenge conventional wisdom and share with you a new way of looking at something important. This course is no different. To enroll, just click the ""Take This Course"" button.I'll talk to you soon.Brandon"
Price: 194.99

"Double Your Productivity By Tomorrow Morning: 12 Step Guide"
"If you go through this course today, you'll be at least twice as productive before you go to bed tonight. Sounds crazy.But chances are, you'll increase your productivity by even more than that.Because the truth is, most of us never learned the right way to manage our time. So we're only a fraction as productive as we could be. And my only goal in this course is to show you the counter-intuitive step by step time management formula you'll never learn in schoolso you canreach your time management potential. These are not hard, pie in the sky steps. They don't even take a long time to put into action. The truth is they're simple and easy.But the results they'll give you is anything but ordinary. The truth is that the world's most successful people know how to manage their time.What is not knowing these principles costing you in time, money, productivity and happiness?Here's what you'll learn inside the course:The difference between managing your time, and investing it (and why the key to being productive are investments) [Lecture 1] How to get that shoot out of bed, excited for the day mindset to be more productive in everything you do [Lecture 4] Why rituals are the key to productivity (and the key difference between a ritual and a habit) [Lecture 5] The key to doing what used to take three hours in a single hour [Lecture 7] Advice from the world's most famous management thinker on how to know what to work on in the first place [Lecture 8] What a Roman philosopher from 2,000 years ago can teach you about being more productive (and why it's more important than what anyone is saying today) [Lecture 10] The other 80/20 Rule (and why it's more important than the one everyone talks about) [Lecture 10] How to follow through on this step by step formula AND measure how productive you are (and improve it instantly) [Lectures 11- 12]And that's just the first 12 lectures!I've also included 24 more bonus videos with specific time management tricks and hacks to skyrocket your productivity. I think you'll get even more out of these, than from the first part of the course.These are the same principles I use every day and I'm so excited for you to go through the course and use them as well.Talk soon,Brandon"
Price: 194.99

"Find Your Life Purpose and Maximize Your Impact"
"In this course, I'll show you the entire, step-by-step framework I took from some of history's most successfulto help you find your life purposeso you can make an impact on the world.Inside, I'll share with you the mindsets, principles and action behind finding your purpose. We'll go through the ""2 Part Purpose Mindset"", the ""8 Purpose Principles"" and the ""3 Step Purpose Action Plan"", and I'll share with you lessons from history's greats throughout.Here's a sample ofwhat you'll learn inside the course:1.Why you need to discover you purpose now [Lecture 3]2.What Exactly is a life purpose?[Lecture 4]3.The absolutely essential mindset you need to adopt to find your purpose [Lecture 7]4.Whatyou can learn from Mozart, Obama, Spielberg, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Einstein and more to find your purpose[Lectures 11-18]5.3 scientifically-provenaction steps to achieving anything (and how to use it to find your purpose) [ Lecture 19]6.If you don't take this stepfirst,chances are you won't find your purpose [Lecture 20]7.5 Tools you can use to get the answers you need [Lecture 24]And more...These are the same principles many of the world's most successful people used. What I want to do is share them with you here.So if you want to start finding your purpose and making an impact on the world,just click the""take this course""button and I'll see you inside.To your success,Brandon"
Price: 144.99

"CompTIA Project+ Exam Prep"
"We are a PMI Registered Education Provider:Instructingcom, LLC #4082CompTIA Project+ Exam Prep; Activity ID 79632012627 PDU hoursYou need to pass the CompTIA Project+ exam and you need quality training that'll help you in your role as a project manager. You also want to learn from an authority in project management, in an online environment with plenty of exercises, videos, and concise explanations. This course provides 35-contact hours of project management education and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips.Yes, we are a PMI Registered Education Provider! Our provider number is 4082.Our Project+ Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the exam objectives CompTIA Project Exam PK0-003. Start today, invest in your career, and begin working to clear your exam. Here's what's included in our Project+ Exam Prep Online Seminar:Complete coverage of the entire PMBOK Guide, fifth editionComplete coverage of the entire Project+ exam objectives35 contact hours of project management education400 practice exam questions and answers on all exam objectives14 module exams (280 practice questions) covering every project management knowledge areaVideos of all concepts, formulas, theories, and project management practicesLectures on the entire Project+ exam objectivesMath and concept worksheets for Project+ exam formulasWorksheet of the 47 processes and their ITTOs24 x 7 Web and mobile accessFlashcards of every term used in the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition, and this courseProject+ Memory Sheets (PDF document) for printing, review, and on-the-go learningAll exams are distributed in PDF format for easy printing and studying on-the-goCourse discussions with the Instructor and peers30-day satisfaction guaranteed"
Price: 149.99

"Goals: The Lifelong Project - 8 PDUs"
"The Lifelong Project; Activity ID 930157318 PDU hours for leadershipWhat would you do if you had one year to complete the largest project of your life? Where would you begin? What questions would you ask? What resources would you rely on? What processes and procedures would you want to use to ensure that your project was successful?Now ask: What if you treated the next year of your life as a project?A few years ago I was at the lowest point in my life: deep in debt, just out of a divorce, and a single dad. My business was failing along with the economy and I didnt know how Id ever recover from my self-created mess.I needed something, anything, to back away from the edge and get my life moving in a new direction. I believed that all I had was project management. I held that assumption because Id written five books on project management, delivered project management seminars for over a decade, and consulted for organizations across the globe.So I asked: What if you treat the next year of your life as a project? It was a challenge to press on, an opportunity to learn and to grow, and a commitment to try just one more time.Im not a psychologist, a Zen guru, or some New Age zealot. Im a man thats learned and applied some universal truths to get what I want into and out of my life. If I can do it, you can too. Let me show you how.In this hands-on course you will learn how you can treat your life as a project. Youll create requirements, project plans, discover immediate actions to execute, identify the constraints that are anchoring your ambitions, and much, much more."
Price: 99.99

"Master Microsoft Project 2016 - 6 PDUs from a PMI REP"
"We are a PMI Registered Education Provider:Instructingcom, LLC #4082Mastering Microsoft Project 2016; Activity ID MSPRO20166 PDU hoursEffective project managers know that project management is about getting things done. No piece of software can replace the project manager, but Microsoft Project 2016 assists the project manager in effective management of the project endeavors. In this course you will:Explore Microsoft Project 2016Build a new project from scratchOpen new Microsoft Project templatesManage and control project resourcesCreate Gantt charts, project network diagrams, views, reports, and much, much more Project management is the orchestration of the correct processes at the correct time to achieved the desired result while balancing time, cost, scope, quality, and risk. In this course you will learn how Microsoft Project 2016 can help you be a better project manager. This course is a hands-on course; you can watch the exercises, pause the videos, and learn Microsoft Project 2016 by experiencing Microsoft Project 2016. All of the files that I use in the lectures are included as resources for you to follow along and experiment with throughout the course - and after the course. My company, Instructingcom, LLC, is a Project Management Institute Registered Education Provider (PMI REP #4082) and this course qualifies for 6 Professional Development Units for certification maintenance.Lets get started today learning all that you can, all that you need to, about Microsoft Project 2016."
Price: 99.99

"Technical Writing: Master Your Writing Career"
"Are you a technical writer? Are you a profitable, reliable, and successful technical writer? Would you like to earn more, get more writing assignments, and grow your business?I can help. Im Joseph Phillips, and Ive written hundreds of technical magazine articles and Ive published 33 books for companies like McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, and the American Management Association.In this course Ill guide you through the technical writing process not how to write, but how to write effectively, quickly, and accurately. I will show you my exact approach to technical writing that Ive developed over the past twenty years. You can adapt my technical writing system to your career to grow your technical writing demand.This isnt a gimmick, but an honest method that Ive used in my writing career. There are no shortcuts to good, effective technical writing, but this approach will help you to streamline your writing and editing time, every time. In this course well also examine the revision processes, working with editors, and the importance of writing well. We will also discuss how to promote the book through web sites, blogs, webinars, and press releases. Technical writing is more than just a nonfiction book. Technical writing is education through the written word. Readers look to technical books to help them achieve specific goals in their lives - and it's up to you, the technical writer - to write clear, concise directions for your readers.Lets get started today to begin growing your profitable technical writing career."
Price: 49.99

"Success: How to Set and Achieve Goals"
"Goals! Everyone talks about creating goals, but often these goals are impromptu New Years resolutions, empty promises, or simply good intentions without any thought or planning. No more! In this hands-on and precise course, youll walk through the process of defining exactly what you want and then youll discover and document the exact work it will take to create the goal. This seminar clearly defines how to make goals an actuality in your life. Take charge of your goals, take charge of your life, and get involved with this exciting course on achieving your goals. In this course you will: Complete your very first goalIdentify your hearts desiresManage successes and failuresUtilize the Japanese approach of KaizenCreate and manage SMART goalsBuild a Goal Breakdown StructureSchedule the work to complete the goalsMaintain excitement and motivation for your goalsAnd much, much more Joseph Phillips has taught goal setting for people in the United States, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Thousands of people have completed his course on goal setting and made their lives better. You can too. This course includes: Lifetime access to take the course over and over30-day money-back guaranteeA course handbook for notesExercise files and templates for goal managementInteraction with the Instructor, Joseph Phillips If youre ready to quit procrastinating and ignoring yourgoals, if you want to take immediate actions to improve your life, and if yourewilling to do the hard work success requires, lets get started right now inthis course."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Photography: A Simple System for Photography Starters"
"Are your photos boring? Blurry? Out of focus? Or just plain ol ugly? Are you getting frustrated with your cameras results being different than whats in your minds creative eye? I understand what youre experiencing and I can help I promise. This course will help you first build a rock-solid foundation of the photography basics. Then I will show you how to take control of your photography experience. Once youve mastered the fundamentals well dive into the really good stuff: how to compose your photos to make them more interesting, more likeable, and more enjoyable for you and all the people wholl look at your art. Youre going to shift from just another person with a camera to an accomplished photographer and youre going to love the process of getting from here to there. You are going to quit taking photos and youre going to start making great photos. In this course Ill show you how. Youre going to love my simple system for taking great photos and its easy to remember and apply. Finally, this course will ease into the technical jargon that scares many creative people away from photography: aperture, depth-of-field, shutter speed, exposure, and all those special settings away from the AUTO button on your camera. In this course Ill breakdown all the technical mumbo-jumbo into easy-to-digest and apply photography principles. In each section youll have experiments not exercises to practice, explore, and create new photographs on what youve just learned. And the best part? You can keep this course forever as a handy reminder of what youve learned. You can do this. Ill help! Lets get started right now."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Excel for Project Management - Earn 5 PDUs"
"Its been said that project management is 90 percent communication and it can certainly feel that way when you consider all of the people you have to communicate with everyday. Well, did you know that you can use Microsoft Excel to help you communicate more effectively, define your project charter, build out the project scope, and even the work breakdown structure? You sure can!Its paramount that project managers work with the project team to plan and define the project scope. Then, when the team is executing the project work, the project manager needs to monitor and control the work. Part of monitoring and controlling is to record whats happening in the project. Based on this work performance data, youll process the projects successes (and possibly failures) and report to the project stakeholders accordingly.Microsoft Excel can help you with so much of that! In this course were going to explore lots of things that Microsoft Excel can do for project management. Well dive into formatting, charting, conditional formatting, and building a custom dashboard and report. If you dont have a more advanced project management software, thats okay, you can do much of that business right in Microsoft Excel.This course is worth five (5) Professional Development Units with the Project Management Institute. Take this course at your leisure, learn more about Microsoft Excel and project management, keep your PMI certification going, and most importantly, manage your projects with better control and communication."
Price: 49.99

"PMI-ACP Agile Certified Exam Prep - PMI REP 21 PDUs"
"Looking for a PMI-ACP exam prep course with 21 PDUs? This is it!We are a PMI Registered Education Provider:Instructingcom, LLC #4082PMI-ACP Exam Prep; Activity ID PMIACP41621 PDU hoursNot all trainers on Udemy are part of the PMI REP program - we are! We have passed a quality audit, a business review, and we completely abide by the PMI REP program. You want to earn the PMI-ACP certification and you need quality training without all the nonsense and fluff so many courses offer. You do want to learn from an authority in project management thats also certified as a PMI-ACP and is a PMI Registered Education Provider. This is the course you want. This course provides 21 hours of Agile project management education and is taught by project management author and expert Joseph Phillips. You can claim these 21 hours as 21 PDUs for your continuing PMI education. Our PMI-ACP Exam Prep course provides complete coverage of the PMI-ACP exam objectives for the PMBOK Guide, Fifth Edition and the library of Agile resources PMI recommends. Start today, invest in your career, and begin working to clear your PMI-ACP exam. Here's what's included in our PMP Exam Prep Online Seminar: 21 Professional Development Units (PDUs) from a PMI REP Includes PMIupdates from July 2015 RDSComplete coverage of the entire PMI-ACP exam objectives 21 contact hours of project management education Practice exam questions and answers on all exam objectives Module exams covering every PMI-ACP exam objective PDF course workbook; entire course for note-taking and following along Videos of all concepts, formulas, theories, and agile project management practices Lectures on the entire PMI-Agile exam objectives 24 x 7 Web and mobile access Flashcards of the PMI-ACP terms you must know for exam success All exams are distributed in PDF format for easy printing and studying on-the-go Course discussions with the Instructor and peers 30-day satisfaction guaranteed"
Price: 199.99

"PMP Exam Cram Session - 8 PDUs from a PMI REP"
"Ready to pass your PMPexam but need a final boost to get you there? This is the course for you.This short, but accurate, PMPcoursefocuses on the most important processes you must know to pass your PMP exam. Focus on these topics and youll be in great shape for earning those three wonderful letters: PMP. This coursecovers the most essential componentsof the PMIPMPexam. We'llalso reviewall of the project management processes you should know for your PMP exam. We've also included our popular PMPMemory Sheets to help cram more efficiently.The PMPExam Cram includes a test-passing strategy that focuses on what you'll be tested on - not just what's in the PMBOK Guide, fifth edition. We've pared down the fluff and drill down into the exam objectives. If you're serious about passing the PMP exam and need a final push for exam day - this is the seminar for you.In this PMPExam Cram session we include:A test-passing strategy for the PMPexamSpecific guidelines on what you need to know for PMPexam successIn-depth explanations for PMPtopics like float, EVM, and chartingEvery PMPexam topic explained and definedPMPMemory Sheets to print and memorizeComplete PDF of the course slides30-day satisfaction guarantee"
Price: 99.99

"Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One"
"Project management is an exciting place to be. Project managers help shape the success of organizations, implement new technology, change the business landscape, and have influence over all areas of a business. Project managers also earn a nice income and often move up the organizational chain into full-time management positions. In this course well examine the absolute basics of project management. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? In this fundamental course we will explore the big picture of project management and the project management life cycle. Youll finish this course with a great grasp of what project management is, what your roles and responsibilities as a project manager will be, and how to move forward in your career as a project manager. This course is designed for people that are new to project management. This course is structured to give you a solid foundation of project management and to help you speak the project management language. Dont worry this course is easy to follow, has a logical approach, and it has a fun, can-do attitude in its delivery. Projects use processes to move things forward. These processes are universal to all projects regardless of the industry you may work in. These processes are grouped into logical chunks and thats our primary focus of the course. Youll learn the major components of the project management lifecycle: Initiating the projectPlanning the projectExecuting the projectMonitoring and controlling the projectClosing the projectFinally, this course includes several templates you can download and begin using in your projects. Ill also show you how you can build many of your own project management documents. Lets get started right now on your project management career."
Price: 74.99

"10 Day Yoga for Beginners and Detox"
"This 10 Days Course has been created by Catherine Ianytska to guide you to your yoga journey. These online Yoga Flow Classes have been developed to teach you, in only 10 days, how to live the yoga lifestyle to help maintain a calm mind and healthy body. Each lesson is about 20 minutes long so you do not need much time for practice. We will work on your flexibility, backbends and balance that can change not only your body but your mind. As a bonus to this course, you can find my smoothie recipes that can help you to detox your body. This course will be a valued resource anytime - long after your first 10 days leading to your yoga lifestyle!What am I going to get from this course?10 Yoga Flow Classes 20 minutes long each!Access anytime you want to your personal home yoga practiceStrength and FlexibilityA healthy body and a calm mindPeace and balance in your life"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete iOS Game Course Using SpriteKit And Swift 3"
"*****The Course Is Updated For Swift 3 And Xcode 8 ********** Enroll Now And Master 2D iOS Game Development *****We built an impressive game development course that teaches you all fundamentals so you can build your own games for iOS.The course is structured so that it begins slowly, giving you the basic stuff that you need to move forward, and after each video you will understand more and more fundamentals about developing games with SpriteKit.We take practical approach in teaching, so we are going to build real world games that you can play after you finish building it.You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issues that you are stuck with(I check Udemy forums every day if someone posts a question). Oh and all the students taking the course will also be there to help you!All project files will be included and you are free to use them for anything that you like, personal or commercial use!Lets take a look at the games that we are going to create inside of this course:- Jack The Giant -We are going to start with a simple game that I call Jack The Giant. In this game we are going to help Jack climb down the beanstalk, along the way we can jump on white clouds but we need to avoid dark clouds. Besides of creating our gameplay we are going to create menus, implement background music, save our game progress, and much much more.- Flappy Bird -The next game that we are going to create is Flappy Bird, and I know what you are thinking oh not another Flappy Bird clone, but this is not a regular Flappy Bird clone, oh no, I've added a lot of features that you can't find in any other flappy bird clone such as selecting a bird(choose between different flappy birds), using advanced features of SKActions and many other features that you will see inside of the course.- Cowboy Runner -After Flappy Bird we are going to create one of the most popular games out there - Infinite Runner!! In this game we are going to see how can we scroll our backgrounds, how can we use NSTimer to help us control our game and much much more.What You will learnBasic Swift ProgrammingIntermediate Swift ProgrammingAdvanced Swift ProgrammingImporting And Organizing AssetsAnimating SpritesCreating MenusCreating Cool AnimationsUnderstand And Use SpriteKit's Physics SystemSaving Game Data Using NSKeyedArchiver And NSKeyedUnarchiverUsing Game Controllers To Control The Workflow Of Your GamePlay Music In Your GameUsing Basic And Intermediate Features Of SKActionsThat And Much More Is Awaiting For You In This CourseThe course teaches everything from basic to more advanced stuff on how to plan, design and develop your game, however the course WILL NOT teach you every single aspect of SpriteKit and how to use it because it's impossible to teach everything. Using what you obtain in this course, you will be equipped with more than enough knowledge in order to continue improving yourself in the field of game development, using SpriteKit or any other game development framework.If You ever had an idea for an awesome game, then enroll in this course and learn the tools that you need to develop Your next hit game!!!What Is Your Risk By Taking This Course?Nothing!! If you are not satisfied with the course, I promise I will give you a full refund of your money NO questions asked!!Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!!"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete LibGDX Game Course Using Java"
"*** This Is The Only LibGDX Course That Teaches How To Make Complete Games From Scratch On Udemy!!! ***The course is completely project based, and we are going to create full featured games from scratch using LibGDX framework.We will start with simple things so you will be comfortable if you are using LibGdx for the first time.You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issue that you are stuck with(I check Udemy forums every day if someone posts a question). Oh and all the students taking the course will also be there to help you!All project files will be included and you are free to use them for anything that you like, personal or commercial use!Lets take a look at the games that we are going to create inside of this course:We are going to start with a simple game that I call Jack The Giant. In this game we are going to help Jack climb down the beanstalk, along the way we can jump on white clouds but we need to avoid dark clouds. Besides of creating our gameplay we are going to create menus, implement background music, and much much more.The next game that we are going to create is Flappy Bird, and I know what you are thinking oh not another Flappy Bird clone, but this is not a regular Flappy Bird clone, oh no, I've added a lot of features that you can't find in any other flappy bird clone such as selecting a bird(choose between different flappy birds), and many other features that you will see inside of the course.Using what you obtain in this course, you will be equipped with more than enough knowledge in order to continue improving yourself in the field of game development, using LibGDX or any other game engine.If You ever had an idea for an awesome game, then enroll in this course and learn the tools that you need to develop Your next hit game!!!What Is Your Risk By Taking This Course?Nothing!! If you are not satisfied with the course, I promise I will give you a full refund of your money NO questions asked!!Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!!"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete iOS 10 And Swift 3 Developer Course"
"So you want to learn how to create apps for iOS?Well you are at the right place!We have built an impressive course that teaches you all fundamentals so you can build your own apps for iOS or apply for jobs!The course is structured so that it begins slowly, giving you the basic stuff that you need to move forward, and after each video you will understand more and more about developing apps for iOS and what are best practices.We take practical approach in teaching, so we are going to build real world apps that you can use for your portfolio or upload to the app store.You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issues that you are stuck with(I check Udemy forums every day if someone posts a question). Oh and I have created a FREE live chat room where allthe students gather to help each other out so you will have help available to you 24/7.So what are you going to learn from this course:Basic And Advanced Features Of SwiftWorking With Table ViewsAuto LayoutObject Oriented Programming In DepthModel View Controller(MVC) ConceptTable ViewsAdvanced Features Of Table ViewsAnimationsPlaying AudioMaps And GeolocationSaving Data With NSCodingSaving Data With Core DataCore Data In Depth Such As Advanced Fetching, Sorting, NSBatchUpdateRequest, NSFetchedResultsController And Much MoreWorking With JSON And APIsDownloading Images From The WebSaving Images In Core DataWorking With FirebaseAnd Much Much MoreUsing what you obtain in this course, you will be equipped with more than enough knowledge in order to continue improving yourself in the field of app development and you can also use the same skills to create Mac OS Apps.If You ever had an idea for an awesome app, then enroll in this courseand learn the tools that you need to develop Your next number ONE App!!!What is Your Risk By Taking This Course?Nothing!! If you are not satisfied with the course, I promise I will give you a full refund of your money NO Questions asked!!Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!!"
Price: 99.99

"Marketing Tips for Group and Team Programs"
"Are you a coach, trainer or independent professional who wants to run their own group or team program? Perhaps you want to launch your own workshop, retreat, teleclass, webinar or Udemy program. The Marketing Tips for Your Group of Team Program provides more than a dozen practical, actionable tips and a dozen worksheets to support you in getting voices on the line" and bums in the seat". Group program success relies on you being able to bring a group together so marketing is just as important as a good design. That's why this program zooms into marketing, while design and implementation tips are covered in a separate program I offer here at Udemy in the 28 Tips for Your Group and Team Programs.Group and team programs are a valuable way to scale your impact and reach, while increasing revenue. The 2012 Global Coaching Survey from the International Coach Federation found that 94 % of coaches said they offer 1 or more services in addition to coaching. On average coaches offer almost three additional services on top of coaching. Services include: Consulting (62%), Training (60%), Facilitation (50%), Mentoring (34%), Teaching (29%). Many of these require marketing skills to bring larger groups of people together at one time. The Marketing Tips for Your Group and Team programs course addresses 7 key success areas for marketing, along with 9 tactical tips for filling your group and team programs. We also explore five promotional strategies commonly used to spread the word about programs and build your platform networking, blogging, article writing, speaking and social media. You will explore what strategies and approaches work best for you and your clients/students/participants.I'll also be challenging some of the commonly held myths about marketing group and team programs.By the end of the program you will be able to: Describe the needs, preferences, and other demographics of your ideal participantCommunicate the benefits of your group or team programUnderstand marketing foundations such as the 5 Ps You will also:Identify which promotional strategies you want to use in promoting your programsCreate a promotional calendar Explore opportunities facing you and prioritize them into immediate, medium and long term. Learn 9 tactical tips for filling programsConsider which approaches you want to use to boost your visibilityExplore at five vehicles used to market programs and build your platform video, blogging, article writing, speaking engagements and social mediaThe program includes almost 30 lectures, more than 12 worksheets, and several hours of video. Why reinvent the wheel? As your instructor I have successfully marketed hundreds of group programs including webinars, workshops, teleclasses, group and team coaching program, as well as corporate engagements.I've also trained, spoken to and connected with several thousand coaches, trainers and other professionals on group and team program issues, through my writing (I am the author of Effective Group Coaching), speaking and train-the-trainer and coach-the-coach work I undertake. Ready to amp up your marketing? Let's take a look at what you can tweak and do more consistently to strengthen your marketing efforts for your next team or group program, whether it is a workshop, retreat, webinar, teleclass or group or team coaching program. Enroll now to get practical, actionable ideas to support you in accelerating your results and reducing your learning curve. We also use the discussion board to enable you to share insights and some of your own weekly commitments."
Price: 19.99

"Sewing for children with an Italian teacher"
"The course proposes the creation of accessories and clothing for boys and girls. The video tutorials of the teacher will explain step by step how to get to the final product by introducing the necessary materials and the various steps of the work, including cutting and operations at the sewing machine. They will also be given the patterns of reference for the packaging of individual projects.Videos are in Italian with English subtitles. Resources and patterns are in English and show US measures.The course is structured in three sections:basic accessories, sewing a series of basic accessories for childrenclothing accessories, sewing a series of accessories that complete the wardrobe of the children , sewing two heads of basic clothing.The relative films have a total duration of about 2.5 hours.The course is recommended for anyone willing to give a personal touch to the wardrobe of the children."
Price: 19.99

"HIPAA Workforce Basics"
"This courseprovides annual HIPAA training for staff who come into contact with Protected Health Information (PHI). This short course focuses on pragmatic compliance with HIPAA and covers important breach avoidance strategies.Module titles within the course include:* HIPAA Basics* Understanding the HIPAA Privacy Rule* Understanding the HIPAA Security Rule* The HITECH Act* Regulations for Business Associates* HIPAA Documentation and Training* Applied HIPAA Security for Healthcare ProfessionalsAverage course length:1.5 hours"
Price: 34.99

"Credit Card Security Basics"
"This courseprovides convenient payment card security training for members of the workforce who come into contact with protected credit card information.Module titles within the course include:* An Introduction to Credit Card Security* Understanding Payment Cards* Best Practices for Payment Card Security* PCI DSS Compliance Levels for Merchants* PCI DSS Compliance Levels for Service ProvidersAverage course length: 1 hour"
Price: 34.99

"Mastering The Top Selling Gigs"
"Learn the methods , tools and strategies to submit, perform and selling your own services in freelancing websites . Master The Most Popular and The High Demand Gigs Website Themes & Template Designing ( No Programming Skill Required ) Turn 2D Designs into 3D Designs (No Designing Experience Need) Make Full SEO Reports Manage Facebook Pages Turn Articles Into Videos . Writing SEO Articles . Design Professional Logos .Fixing +301 Views on YouTube . What is inside ? In this course , I will teach you the secrets of the best selling and high demand services that people always look for in many pleases and they ready to pay money for someone can provide these service . After this course you will be ready to sell these services to the hungry market and make a good revenue from it. You will find video lecture and documents to tell you step by step how to perform these services in easy and effective way using the poweful tools in this course . Why You Should Invest in This Course This course will help you in two ways . Making Money : When you invest in this course , you will learn how to make money from providing the services in the course in websites like Fiverr or any other freelancing websites and make a good revenue . Saving Money : This course will save your money by teaching you the services that you also need, so you will not pay for any other person for doing these services for you and this means mor money in your pocket . What I need ? There is no required talent or experience , you just need the desire to work and you will find all materials and tools you need explained in the course and they are all free or have free trial to start with . If You Want , You Can In this course,I am trying to make every effort to teach you how to make money from selling gigs ,but there is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings differ by individuals , so if you do not want to work seriously , there is no course can help you . If you want really to work online , so this course for you ."
Price: 79.99

"Build a Virtual Network to prepare for Microsoft MCSA exams"
"In this ""HANDS ON"" course you will learn to build an Adaptable Virtual Network in Virtual Box. This course is MCSA and job focused it provides the TOOL you need to get serious about configuring Microsoft Servers & Clients on a virtual network when a real network is not available to you.*As a new course - Some Issues and Details of recent Updates - Addressed below.***Just Added* Before we can do Microsoft Server & Microsoft Active directory domain services configurations. We need both a virtual network and to understand IP Addressing. I added an IP addressing Bonus section to this course. This is the actual material and Project that I created and use in one of my courses. Andrew1. Although approved by Udemy any audio problems are being reviewed and corrected by re-recording some videos as needed to improve sound quality.2. Regarding specs for the virtual or host machines. If you have a recent dual core or greater computer from the last few years you can run virtualization. The question is how many virtual machines you can run at the same time 4, 8, 12? This can be optimized but at some point you will run out of resources. You need a 64 bit machine to run windows server 2102 and later. When you download the ISO Image from Microsoft click on description and that will give you the requirements for the virtual machine. Keep in mind these aren't written in stone. I often run virtual machines with less than what is listed as min. I always start with 1 GB ram and 25 GB dynamically allocatable hard drive for a virtual machine. Then adjust RAM as needed the HD is ok. I demonstrate how to do this during the course. If you have any doubts you can google your processors to see if it can be used for virtualization. Of course almost all modern machines can.3. Regarding WSUS and the SCCM. For logical reasons this is an internal virtual network it is isolated from the host machine. This means the virtual machines on this network cannot reach the outside world. The only purpose of the shared folder created in this course is to pass files, from the host machine to the virtual machines and vise versa. Clearly the shared folder is not intended to ""drive"" updates to the clients. Only to allow the virtual machines access to the host machine via shared folder. For example if you want to download FTP and Python to a virtual machine, download it from the internet to the shared folder on the host machine this will put FTP and Python in the shared folders on the virtual machines.4. Be sure what you are getting. This is a complete course to build a virtual internal network, no information is lacking for this purpose however this is not a Microsoft configuration course, this is a course to Build an adaptable virtual network in virtual box to do the Microsoft configurations on, it is not a complete course on virtual box. There are many ways to build a virtual network in VIrtual Box and I have seen them all submitted by mystudentsthis is the best andeasiestway to get started. I designed this so my students can do their Microsoft course work on this virtual network at home. It has been tested successful many times for over a year. However you will need to go to Youtube, Microsoft webpage or another Udemy course for specific Microsoft server configuration details. This course shows you step by step in detail how to build a adaptable virtual network in Virtual Box that supports multiple servers and clients to do the Microsoft configurations on.5. The Value of this course is different to different people. Setting up a virtual network and configuring multiple servers and clients on a network is great for the MCSA exams. Although its certainly possible you can become a ""Paper Cert"" with little actual configuration experience. However its impossible to land a decent job with little actual experience. This course is for those that plan to earn a MCSA and then look for a job or for those already MCSA certified but lack the experience to pass the interviews. You can build this virtual network on your computer. Practice DNS, DHCP, AD/DS configs over and over on a network using multiple virtual machines all working together and ACE an interview. This is the next best thing to real job experience and certainly valuable. If you are primarily a Cisco Route and Switch Engineer and you just want to know a little overview about the Microsoft world this is not a valuable course for you. This course is job focused it provides the tool you need to get serious about configuring Microsoft Servers & Clients on a virtual network when a real network is not available to you. It takes much of the hardwork out of figuring outvirtualizationand lets you focus your time doing the MicrosoftConfigurations. That's very valuable to those looking for Certification and Employment as an MCSA. Maintenance of this course is ongoing coming soon as a bonus I plan to add:AD/DS server, DNS server, DHCP server configuration to the virtual networkand a Introduction to Powershell section.Disclaimer:Note: Like everything in Networking hands on is the key. It is intended that you build this virtual network hence the title. I will help you as needed in the shell. Everything is demonstrated step by step. So work along and have some fun.I am a University instructor, I teach Microsoft MCSA courses as well as other Tech courses. I have spent 100s of hours developing and documenting this system to create a virtual lab in virtual box so my students can practice MCSA configurations for certifications. From my experience, this is the Best, Easiest way to build an adaptable Virtual Network in Virtual box.What do I mean by an adaptable network? Your will learn to add and remove servers and clients from the virtual network very easily such that you can practice the required Microsoft configurations for both certifications and employment.In just under 3 hours, you will gain all the knowledge and ability required to build a great lab in virtual box to practice for the Microsoft MCSA and MCSE exams.Any student that wants to practice Microsoft Server and Client configurations on the free virtual box software should take this course because this takes the hard work out of using virtual box and configuring the network and allows you to focus on the Microsoft configurations to pass the exams, land a great job or improve your skills at work.I provide support in the discussion area to get your network working and adaptable. All I ask is that you follow my proven simple and effective method, watch all the videos and build the network according to the plans. After you become an expert, you may choose to add to or modify this method to suit your needs.*Note on host machineSome old processors do not officially support virtualization. Some examples of processors that do not support virtualization are: older Pentium 4s, Celerons, and AMD Athlons. Thus, you will not be able to activate processor virtualization effectively for a computer that does not have a processor with virtualization capabilities.For the most part, any newer processor with more than one core should be capable of running virtualization software. Some examples of processors that should support virtualization are: Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Intel Core i3, i5, i7, AMD Athlon X2, AMD Athlon X4, and AMD Phenom X4."
Price: 194.99

"Python Programming For Network Engineers"
"Don't leave your training to chance. Learn from a trained University instructor and Industry professional. This course introducesPython fundamentals as needed to control networks presented in layman's terms at an introductory level. After the fundamentals work through 3 Exciting and Challenging Python projects with me, this will cement all the basic programming concepts and skills needed to do basic networkprogramming in Python***Please be aware although challenging, this course is for beginning programmers and although not absolutely required itassumes that you have some networking knowledge.***After this course the: Non Network Engineer- will learn basic Python Programming and how to read write and do basic configurations to Networking equipment such as Routers and Switches. Network Engineer- Will learn how to read write and configure Routers and Switches using Python, your New Python programming skills coupled with your networking skills as found in CCNA will allow you to extend the read write and configure concepts and skills learned in this course to automate networking tasks and troubleshooting with Python.Get the edge, with this hands on course! 3 major programming projects and more for you to follow along! With Python Programming for Network Engineers. Want to harness the power of Python, to configure multiple Routers automatically? This will put you on top. I show you here, nothing is better than this anywhere period! I have 20 years engineering experience, I teach network engineering and programming at University level now for a living, I can teach you to be a star. Start learning only the Python fundamentals that you need for networks. Don't waste your time with some computer software guru babbling about weird stuff. I know how to focus Python for Network Engineers and I know how to teach it, follow me and I will take you to the top! Because this keeps Python simple anyone can learn introduction to Python with this course. Because networks are so important in our modern world non network engineers will benefit from the understanding they gain in this course by working through the projects.This is a new course, at a low introductory cost, I believe No value like this is available anywhere in the world! However I am aware the course is new, so I will be constantly working out issues over the next few weeks. I am adding and changing the material as needed.All software is free nothing else is needed follow me here to become a star! I show you Python fundamentals only as related to Network Engineers, Don't waste your time with nonsense. I keep it simple, on windows, learn the fundamentals on windows, then download GNS3, free and control routers like a God with Python!!!! I show you in the most simple possible way to establish connection to GNS3 with the host computer, don't like simple? Wanna reach for the stars I added an extra section and give you super power. I explain virtual networks like nobody every wanted to know. Come with me, folllow this course from start to finish and you will control routers with Python like a star!Here in Seattle the University students thatI train routinely land IT positions at Cisco, Microsoft, Costco, and College IT departments."
Price: 194.99