"Crie sites do zero com HTML5 & CSS3" |
"Voc est procurando iniciar sua carreira como Desenvolvedor WEB? Quer aprender a utilizar as ferramentas mais utilizadas para WEB?Com este curso voc ir aprender HTML & CSS para iniciar uma carreira de sucesso como desenvolvedor WEB.Um curso repleto de exemplos prticos, voc ir aprender criado projetos, voc ir criar dois sites completos!!!!No curso voc ir aprender:Estruturas e tags bsicas de uma pgina webComo utilizar bem CSS para deixar seus sites mais elegantesOs novos recursos do HTML5 & CSS3Tudo isso criando projetos reais!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de desenvolvimento iOS 10 - Aprenda a criar 15 apps" |
"T cheio de ideias de aplicativos e no sabe como comear? Quer iniciar sua carreira como desenvolvedor de aplicativos para IOS 10? Este curso de desenvolvimento IOS 10 vai te ensinar na prtica como criar e programar seus aplicativos para IOS 10, usando a linguagem Swift.Esse um curso completo que te transformar em um desenvolvedor IOS 10 em 6 semanas comeando do zero! O curso 100% prtico e orientado a projetos, voc vai aprender criando apps de verdade!Esse curso de Desenvolvimento IOS 10 um dos cursos mais bem avaliados da Udemy, testado e aprovado por mais de 6,8mil alunos!Resumo do curso:Aprenda como instalar e configurar o XcodeAprenda fundamentos da programao Swift, a linguagem utilizada para desenvolver para o IOS 10Entendaarrays, loops, orientao a objetos e estruturas condicionaisConstrua 15 aplicativos durante o cursoAprenda a publicar os seus appsConstrua 15 apps reais!Nesse curso de desenvolvedor IOS 10 voc aprender a criar apps parecidos com os que voc j usa: Pokemon GO, SnapChat e muito mais!Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Junte-se a mais de 6,8mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram esse curso! Comece agora mesmo esse curso de desenvolvimentoIOS 10!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso Completo de Design de Interface" |
"Apresentao do CursoO que esperar deste curso?O objetivo deste curso introduzir conceitos de Design de Interface e prticas atuais de criao de layouts para sites, sistemas e aplicativos mveis, capacitando profissionais de diversas reas que desejam iniciar carreira de Web Designer, UX Designer, UI Designer ou Desenvolvedores Web/Mobile, profissionais de TI e Gestores que desejam aprender novas prticas ou buscam atualizao sobre o assunto.Programao Completa do CursoMDULO 1 - Conceitos GeraisApresentao;Como Aproveitar ao Mximo este Curso;O que umLayout?O que soGrids?O que soWireframes?AI, UX, UIque onda essa?O que Usabilidade?Sobre oMercadoAtual;O benditoBriefing.MDULO 2 - Fundamentos de AIPara qu serveArquitetura de Informao?Fundamentose Sistemas deOrganizao;Sistemas deNavegao;Sistema deRotulao;Sistema deBusca;Exerccio de Fixao.MDULO 3 - UsabilidadeFundamentos deUsabilidade;HeursticasdeNielsen;8Regrasde Ouro;ScapineBastien;Dicas deSiteseLeitura;Exercciode Fixao.MDULO 4 - UX DesignPara que serve o Profissional deExperincia do Usurio?Fundamentosda UX;Elementosda UX;Ferramentasde UX;Padresde Interface;Exemplos deVisual Guides;Formulrios, Animaes e Simplicidade;Tipos deWireframes;Documentaode UX;Exercciosde Fixao.MDULO 5 - UI DesignLendo oWireframe;Definindo aPaleta de Cores;Tipografiapara Projetos Web/Mobile;Margens,Espaamentoerea em branco;MensagenseNotificaes;Definindo oGuia de Estilo;Exercciode Fixao.MDULO 6 - Design Web / SistemasPadres de Interfacepara Web;Guia de Estilopara Web;Wireframepara Web;Gridspara Web;Frameworks;Design responsivo;Mobile First,Projetando paraDiversas Telas;Exercciode Fixao.MDULO 7 - Design MobilePadresde Interface Mobile;Aplicao Nativa;Projetando para AplicaesNativas;Wireframes para Apps;Exercciode Fixao.MDULO 8 - PrototipagemO que umProttipo?Ferramentasde Prototipagem;Criandoum Prottipo;Exercciode Fixao.MDULO 9 - Bnus!!!Gerao de Validao de Ideiaspara Apps;Definindoo Pblico-alvo;CriandoPersonas;Journey Map;MoodBoard;QuebrandooBloqueioCriativo;Dicasde Mercado;Quanto Cobrar?Metodologiade Trabalho;Atuar comoFreelancer;Desconstruindoum site.MDULO 10 - Hora dos Desafios!Criar proposta de site para um Restaurante Japons(Seguindo todas as etapas contidas no curso, anlise do Briefing, UX, UI, prototipagem, oramento e apresentao em PDF para o cliente) - Briefing disponibilizado pelo Instrutor;Criar proposta para um Sistema de Gesto de Drogarias(Seguindo todas as etapas contidas no curso, anlise do Briefing, UX, UI, prototipagem, oramento e apresentao em PDF para o cliente) - Briefing disponibilizado pelo Instrutor;Criar proposta de Aplicativo de Pedidos para um Restaurante Japons(Seguindo todas as etapas contidas no curso, anlise do Briefing, UX, UI, prototipagem, oramento e apresentao em PDF para o cliente) - Briefing disponibilizado pelo Instrutor;"
Price: 384.99 |
"Build an Amazon clone: Nodejs + MongoDB + Stripe Payment" |
"Have you ever wondering on how to build your next Revolutionary Ecommerce Web application?This course will teach you step by step on how to clone an Amazon website with the latest cutting edge technology and that is Node.jsYou will use Javascript on both the backend and frontend of the web application. Live is too short to depend on someone else, if you are still waiting for that one amazing technical co-founder to help you on building your web app, then I suggest you instead of waiting , its better for you to do it yourself.Every code that will be written by me, will be explained in details. So you do not need to worry about not understanding certain algorithm.If you are ready to embark on this journey on building an Ecommerce web application, then what are you waiting for? Lets get into it!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Node.js by building Udemy: Stripe + MailChimp + Wistia" |
"Have you ever wondering on how to build your nextRevolutionaryE-learningWeb application?This course will teach you step by step on how to build an elearning web application like Udemywith the latest cutting edge technology and that is Node.jsYou will use Javascript on both the backend and frontend of the web application.Live is too shortto depend on someone else, if you are still waiting for that one amazing technical co-founder to help you on building your web app, then I suggest you instead of waiting , its better for you to do it yourself.Every code that will be written by me, will be explained in details. So you do not need to worry about not understanding certain algorithm.If you are ready to embark on this journey on building an Elearningweb application, then what are you waiting for? Lets get into it!"
Price: 109.99 |
"The Complete Productivity Course: Do More With Less Effort" |
"INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY BY 100 TIMES IN JUST 2 HOURS FROM NOW! IF YOU HAVE EVER WONDERED WHAT ARE THE TRICKS THAT SUCCESSFUL 7-FIGURE MARKETERS AND BIG CEOS USE - HERE IS THE ANSWER! These mind hacks have been tested by University & High School Students as well - the results were OUTSTANDING! These are MUST HAVE information, no matter which school you study or industry you work in.Bring Out Your Inner Genius And Outperform Everyone Around:Easily and InstantlyUsing 100% FREE Tools & ResourcesWhile Having FunYou are failing at time management & productivity, by missing these little known secrets ... and yet you probably don't even know that you are failing!Do you ever find yourself multi-tasking?After a busy day, do you wonder what in the world you got done that day?Are there tasks on your to-do list that you hate to do or are just not fun to do?Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the things you need to get done?Have you ever procrastinated something in the past 7 days?Do you ever have trouble focusing your work?Do you ever get distracted while working? If you answered "Yes" to one or more of the above questions, you NEED this course RIGHT NOW!Think of all the things you're trying to juggle and get done on your to-do lists. You have big projects, important things, hard things, high skill things, low fun things; all tasks that are subject to procrastination and a myriad of interruptions that kill YOUR productivity! By the end of THIS course, you'll turn all of that that completely upside-down. In just 2 hours from now... you'll multiply your productivity: This Course Gives You All The Tools, Training & Focused Discipline To Be Gifted And Productive On A Genius Level, No Matter Which Industry You Work Or School You Study In. You'll NEVER procrastinate again and you'll OUTPERFORM EVERYONE around you. Whatever your goals are, whatever your dreams are, NOW YOU WILL ACHIEVE them, by putting into action everything you get from this outstanding, Multiple Award-Winner Training System.When less of your time is spent in distractions, clutter, multi-tasking, delegation dilemmas, procrastination, overload and stress, YOU'LL HAVE MORE TIME to get actual work done. All with less effort!Highly successful Project & Time Management has never been easier to implement. So discover productivity the way you want it to be... because what's fun, get's done!And I STILL Haven't Gotten To The Best part... You will get INSTANT, LIFETIME access to everything I mentioned - the 20 training videos that show you everything from A to Z!LIFETIME UPDATES with NO ADDITIONAL costs, which includes more lectures, bonuses and special reports.SUPRT FAST & UNLIMITED SUPPORT, if you have any questions or need help in something, we are always here to help. Our support is LEGENDARY in Udemy!Oh, and just to make this a complete no brainer... I'm removing all the risk! The Complete Productivity course comes with a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee! If you aren't blown away by the information inside it, you'll get 100% of your money back!Start changing your life NOW!"
Price: 149.99 |
"How I Build a Profitable Website in 1 Day" |
"I made over $117,000 with my very first website in my first 3 months using my little known methods for making websites super profitable in record time. I now have websites that average much more than $1,200 a day. And I'll show you how you can use my methods to make a 6 figure income with your own profitable websites. Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you immediate returns. .... results that feel remarkably good in your bank account and your wallet.This course consists of 6 hours of training and 78 coaching sessions that will teach you step-by-step how to create highly profitable websites from scratch in 5 days or less. This will enable you to achieve all the things you've dreamed of whether that's buying your dream car or dream house, investing in property, sending your kids to college, or donating money to charities. Whatever your dream is, money helps you get there! This course will provide you with the tools to make as much money as you want, whether you are a novice or an experienced web developer. There are no limits when it comes to web based business profits. Ever since creating my first 6 figure website, I've been making amazing amounts of income every day since I started to experiment with what really works. And that includes everything from site design, customer management, to massive targeted wallet waving traffic, and even set and hands free forget automation.And these experiments and tests have really paid off. And only what really works is now being revealed here for the first time. I now have websites that average much more than $1,200 a day. Typically my brand new sites start off at about $100 a day, but with 2 - 3 months, most generate $500-$600 a day. And that's net to me. This is real serious spendable cash in my hand. And I'll show you how I set these up to run hands free once you set them up.Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you immediate returns. .... results that feel remarkably good in your bank account and your wallet.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.As with all my courses:the initial low price will increase shortly - the course is currently $197, but will increase to $499you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in UdemyAs well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next few hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself for not learning this sooner as you see how easy it is to do and realize how you' have been missing out on fabulous potential earnings.Enroll now, if you want my personal "insider" information showing you how to do exactly what I've been doing - remember I've earned $117,000 in the first 3 months for minimal work. And recently I earned a net profit of $27,000 in November and over $39,000 in December and now over $43,000 in January, (and I now work for no more than 2-3 hours a day) - you need to get this course now ... right this minute.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money ....Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Understanding Children and Technology" |
"This course is going to revolutionize the way you relate to children and the way you approach technology in the life of a child. Anyone working with children in any capacity should consider taking this course. Elizabeth Smith and Alin Vrancila join their efforts in this course in order to provide you with the best of the two worlds: human development and technology. Besides getting very practical working knowledge, you get to join the discussion and a community that gathers people from all over the world around this topic. Even more than that, you get direct access to these two professionals. Feel free to sample some of the lectures in this course. What have others said about the course:""EXCELLENT COURSE. This course is an incredible course for anyone who has any interaction with children in this day and age of technology. Both Elizabeth and Alin are engaging and compelling teachers who show a genuine interest in their subject matter and the students taking the course. If you are looking for a greater understanding of your child and how all of the technologies around affect them, look no further. I highly recommend taking this interesting and informative course."" A.B.Topics covered in this course:HUMAN DEVELOPMENTOne Size Does Not Fit AllOn being a kid keeping things in ContextWho AM I?Children's spiritual formationCognitive Development PreschoolLanguage Development of ChildrenPhysical Development in preschoolPsychosocial Development Middle ChildhoodSelf-Definition and Self-esteemSelf-regulationAdults and children togetherChildhood vs AdolescenceAdolescent development and globilizationVARIOUS OTHER TOPICSTips for DadsTips for MomsScreen TimeHelping Navigate-1ADD ADHDThe Brilliance of an Excellent QuestionUsing Skype to CommunicateResources plus a Bonus Webinar!See you all in this course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Visualization Mastery 201: Turn Thoughts to Things Today" |
"Have you been usingvision boards,goal setting, and lots of mental effortto create more of what you want in life, with little to no results?Let me guess, you've got imageson your phone you look at several times a day, mind movies on your desk top, andthink about your dreams and aspirations constantly. You even feel guilty when you don't because you onceheard an expertthat if you don't hold your visions in your mind, nothing will happen.So, what gives? Why can't you make your dreams turn intorealities, faster?Turning thoughts to things, specifically your visions into experiences, isn'taboutintellect fortitude. It's not about how creative you arein your thoughts or how disciplinedin your mental habits.Visualization is an intellectual faculty, yes,butone that begins on a much more basic, simpler level. Visualizationhas been massively misunderstood for centuries. It's time to change that, clearing up misunderstandings, rumors,and myths.In VM201, you're learning how to use the innate tool of visualization, also known as imagination,to assist you in creatingmore of the good stuffin life. Using the 3 most effectivelearning tools of audio, video, and text,you'll discover what visualization truly is, how it works, andwhy visualization success isnot about thinking harder or dreaming bigger. You'lllearn why it'sdifficultto mentally envision the unforeseeable future, why attempting this slows your results,and what you can do to soften your angst.VM 201 is foradvanced, self-motivated students who thriveon taking their learningwhat to do and when to do it, into their own hands. Because of the unique design of this class, the transformational activities are strategically interwoven directlyinto the text. This is not a step-by-step, or ado this and then that and you'llget XYZ result,class. It caters to the creative student who's an independent decision maker.Students are requiredto choose the rightactivitiesfor them, independently integrate the ideas in real life, and SEEKGUIDANCE when they have questions or concernsabout anything.If after reading this description, watching the free preview videos, and doing yourresearch (google is a fantastic tool), you're excited to enroll, I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE YOU IN CLASS!For those who still have reservations after doing what Ijust suggested, keep in mindthere's a 30 days money back guarantee.I encourage you to go through as much of the material as you can before that offer expires. It's not that I don't want you to stayin class, butthis might not be the correct courselevelfor you. I'm willing to help you learn the material and integrate it as best as I can, but truly ... only inspired students who arereadyto do this mind-blowing, reality shiftingwork should enroll!PLEASENOTE: As of December 1, 2016, this course is under renovation ... meaning I'll keep correcting errors in the PDF's as Ifind them."
Price: 49.99 |
"Law of Attraction Bootcamp: Fundamentals, Tips, & Strategies" |
"Since the release of the movie, The Secret, in 2007, there has been a lot of talk about Law of Attraction. Some of it accurate, most of itnot.This course teaches how LOA reallyworks: the fundamentals,to help youincreaseyour success, abundance, self-confidence, and results.Law of Attraction Bootcamp: Fundamentals, Tips, & Strategies walks you through 7 steps that you need to know to create your ideal life. It contains the most up-to-datespiritual information regarding this universal law.LOA Bootcamp teaches youhow you create your own reality, beginning with how you're first and foremost, an infinite, expansive,vibrational being.Myths are debunked as we answer some of the most widely asked questions such as:What is the basis of howLaw of Attraction operates?How do I use LOA to create my ideal situations and circumstances and stop the ones I don't want from repeatedly showing up in my life?How do I stop worry and fear when it feels like nothing is changing in my lifeand instead,feel more relaxedabout everything?Am I attracting things because of negative subconscious beliefs? (NO!! FINDOUTWHY!)We'll answer these questionsand many morein this course. In order to create your ideal results in life, the things you truly want to do, be and have, you must understand how the process of turning thoughts to things works. IT'S A VIBRATIONAL ADJUSTMENT WE NEED, NOT MORE ACTION.However, you must alsobe willing to alter habitual ways of thinking, feeling, and acting in order to create positive change and allow LOA to do the heavy, creative lifting for you.Law of Attraction Bootcamp gives you most up-to-date, accurate informationandinstructions, on what to do to make your life better. It teaches you the unknown ways you're ALREADYcreating your own reality using LOA.By the end of the course, you're going to be crystal clear onhow intimately integratedLOAis inthis reality, and how helpful it is to our health,well-being, and empowerment,just like Law of Gravity.P.S.Make sure to take the, ""Is this the right course for me?"" less than 1 minute quiz right now, watch the available preview videos, and read the free previewPDF's before you enroll. This will give you a goodsense of my teaching style, how the course is organized and presented, and if it's the right class for you. If you resonate with what you see and read, enroll today. This course has a 30 days money back guarantee and lifetime access .... you always have anescape route. (;"
Price: 19.99 |
"An Abundance Mindset: How to Craft Yours" |
"Welcome to AnAbundance Mindset where you'll learn the mental strategies I believe are essential toexperiencingabundance in all it'sforms, from health, torelationships and evenfinance.This course wasformerlycalled:Mindset of a 6 Figure Income Earner: How to Craft YoursExamine the course image more closely. Notice how there are many different emotions? How you feel about money is a clue regarding your current mindset. Your mindset is effecting your results ... for better or worse.This course covers: 1) how (Ibelieve)an abundant mindset looks and feels. I'm giving you a pictorial representation of mindset (mindset is normally invisible) that's easy to work with, understand, and use to foster your mental changes.2) how to craft your own abundance mindset.3) what to do, and how to tell, when you don't know if you're mindset is changing.PLEASE LOOK OVER THE COURSE OBJECTIVESFOR MORE SPECIFICS ABOUT WHAT THIS COURSE COVERS.The information in this course is practical and applicable, immediately. I'm giving you the structure for our family money mindset which contains the same components, the same structure, that I'vediscovered to beamong manywealthy individuals. I explain the ""wealth money mindset"" in a simple way so you can see HOW it takes shape just by living a normal, everyday life. I teach you how an abundant mindset looks and FEELS.TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND WATCH THE FREE PREVIEWS RIGHT NOW TO GET AN IDEA REGARDING THE STYLE AND CONTENT OF THIS COURSE.Everything in this course can be applied immediately to help get on the abundant path you desire. It's specifically tailored for individuals with familieshow I speak in the lessons and how I approach this topicbecause this is how my husband and I work: partnership from the start. This is how I'm inviting you to enter this course ... as a partnership from the start (between you and I). If you're willing to put in the time and effort to create the results you want, I will be here to help you along the way. I am truly dedicated to your success!Consider this:A healthy, structured mindset is to success as teeth brushing is to nice smelling breath: ridiculously necessary. You're going to learn how to craft your strong, healthy and abundant mindset in this course.***I realize money is a sensitive topic for many people. I want you to know upfront that this course is not about spouting doctrineI do not follow myself. It's also not a promise that you'll earn six figures.***It's about coaching you to a strong mental foundation, on a very practical level, so you can progressively move toward earning the income you desire. Earning a sixfigure income, which my husband and I have achieved for over twelveconsecutive years, takes time and dedication. It takes being patient with yourself as you work out the kinks in your thinking, feeling, and actions.I know you understand when I say I make no promises of what you will ever earn. It's not up to me; it's up to you.Get excitedyou've found this course, if you're looking to create new outcomes this year for yourself and your family. You will love the simplicity of the ideas and exercises as you see the results in your own life unfold.I'm very glad to have you in class! Enroll today! What do you have to lose? ***This course is unique in that it's not just about earning a certain level of income.It's about learning to be the best version of yourself you can be in all areas of your life ... which translates to happy, health, and wealthy ... not JUST wealthy. Once you understand mindset in general, you can build a strong foundation around any topic you choose.***"
Price: 24.99 |
"SolidWorks 2014 Essential Training Ultimate Bundle" |
"In this SolidWorks 2014 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch, parts and drawing file using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in SolidWorks, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Drawing Essential training videos delivered to your desktop. 16.0+ hours of HD video tutorials Over 251 individual video lectures 4 online quizzes (120 questions)- to test what you've learned in SolidWorks Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2014 Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. 4 quizzes is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course. In this SolidWorks 2014 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. We will cover the following topics A. Sketch Interface and mouse Basic sketch tools Geometric relation and dimension Intermediate sketch tools Advanced sketch topics Work with 3D Sketch Making complex curve B. Part Sketch Based Feature Applied Based feature Mirror options Pattern tools Making references Curves tools Basic rule to make a part Evaluation Tools Configurations Advance capability of fillets Power of Sweep tools Advance capability of other important features Loft tools Working with multibody Advanced Pattern tools Making advanced references Understanding equation 3. Assembly Creating Assembly Mate type Working with sub-assembly Assembly level features Pattern type Advanced mate type Work with mate errors Assembly configuration Top down assembly 4. Drawing Basic view type in drawing Advanced view type in drawing Dimension type Basic annotation Advanced annotation Working with table Working with template"
Price: 149.99 |
"Solidworks 2015 Drawing Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Drawing Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create drawing file using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks drawing topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Drawing Essential training videos delivered to your desktop. 4.0+ hours of HD video tutorials Over 68 individual video lectures An online quiz (30 questions)- to test what you've learned in SolidWorks drawing topics Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 Drawing Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course. In this SolidWorks 2015 Drawing Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. We will cover the following topics Basic view type in drawing oDrawing overview oCreate drawing oUnderstand drawing file user interface oModel view oSheet properties oStandard 3 view oProjected view oAuxiliary view oSection view Advanced view type in drawing oSection view in assembly level oDetail view oBroken-out section view oBroken view oCrop view oAlternate position view oExploded view oWorking with alignment oScale in drawing sheet oDisplay style oInsert custom type view in the drawing oPre-defined view oConvert view to sketch or block o3D drawing view tool oSection view advanced option Dimension type oDriving dimension vs driven dimension oDriving dimension oDriven dimension oDimension properties oControlling dimension style oOrdinate dimension oBaseline dimension oChamfer dimension Basic annotation oCenter Mark oCenterline oHole callout oNote tool oBalloon and auto balloon oMagnetic line Advanced annotation oSurface finish oDatum feature oDatum Target oArea Hatch-Fill tool oWeld symbol oLayer Working with table oBOM table oModify BOM table oGeneral table oHole table oRevision table oRevision cloud oBend table Working with template oCreate custom template oCreate and apply custom properties oWhat is sheet format mode Drawing zone oLocation label oHow drawing zone works oDefine a drawing zone oAuto zone location in revision table"
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2015 Weldment Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Weldment Essential training course, expert author,expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to work in the SolidWorks weldment environment. This course can be used to help you prepare for the Weldments Certification, and is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of SolidWorks. You will start by learning how to create a structural member, then jump into learning about 2D and 3D layout sketches. From there, Asif will teach you how to add plates, create end caps and gussets, and use symmetry. This video tutorial will also cover managing cut lists, creating a bounding box, and adding weld beads and weld bead tables. You will also learn how to create sub-weldments and custom structural member profiles. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks 2015 Weldment Essential training videos delivered to your desktop. 1.5+ hours of HD video tutorials Over 26 individual video lectures An online quiz (20 questions)- to test what you've learned in SolidWorks weldment topics Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 Weldment Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to create weldments in the latest version of SolidWorks. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks 2015 Weldment Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications. We will cover the following topics Working with weldment structural member Create a basic weldment structure Group in structural member tool Basic corner treatment Advanced corner treatment Locate profile and rotational angle Use multi profile in one weldment structure Trim/Extend tool 3D sketch Combination of 2D and 3D sketch to make layout sketch Making 3D sketch quickly Practice example Add extra parts to weldment structure Add plate Add End cap Add Gusset Cut list management Adding cutlist to BOM Other cutlist features Create bounding box Add weld Weld Bead Basic options Weld Bead Advanced options Weld table Using sub weldment simplify weldment structure Weldment profiles Add additional weldment profile from Solidworks content Modify weldment profile from part Create custom weldment profile"
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2015 Sheet Metal Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Sheet Metal Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to work in the SolidWorks Sheet Metal environment. This course can be used to help you prepare for the Sheet Metal Certification, and is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of SolidWorks. You will start by learning how to create a Sheet metal part, then jump into learning about essential feature such as base flange, edge flange, miter flange, bend table, and bend allowance and so on. From there, Asif will teach you how to convert solid body to sheet metal part. This video tutorial will also cover how to make custom design library feature such as cut, forming tools etc. You will also learn how to control bend note and export DXF or DWG format of flat pattern.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks 2015 Sheet Metal Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.3.0 + hours of HD video tutorialsOver 49 individual video lecturesAn online quiz (20 questions) - to test what you've learned in SolidWorks Sheet Metal topicsExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 Sheet Metal Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to create Sheet Metal parts in the latest version of SolidWorks. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks 2015 Sheet Metal Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2015 Surface Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Surface Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to work in the SolidWorks Surface environment. This course can be used to help you prepare for the Surface Certification, and is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of SolidWorks. You will start by learning how to create a simple surface part, then jump into learning about essential feature such as extrude, revolve, sweep, loft and so on. From there, Asif will teach you how to convert surface body to solid body part. This video tutorial will also cover how to edit surface using replace face, delete face, trim, untrim etc. You will also learn how to control surface using powerful tools such as freeform, surface flatten etc. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks 2015 Surface Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.2.5 + hours of HD video tutorialsOver 60 individual video lecturesAn online quiz (20 questions) - to test what you've learned in SolidWorks Surface topicsExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 Surface Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have an in-depth understanding of how to create Surface parts in the latest version of SolidWorks. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks 2015 Surface Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2015 Parts Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Parts Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create parts using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks parts topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Parts Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.5.5 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 89 individual video lecturesAn online quiz (30 questions) - to test what you've learned in SolidWorks Parts topicsExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks Parts Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videosYou will start by learning basic and intermediate 3D features, such as extruded and revolved features, lofts, circular patterns, reference geometry and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to make configuration in part level and teach you what is design intent and what is the best way to design a 3D part. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as face fillet, variable fillet, full round fillet, multi-body etc. Then, you will learn how to work with advanced tool such as dome, wrap, indent, intersect, boundary boss. Finally, this course will cover few advanced topic such as advanced pattern type, advanced reference type, equation, advanced loft type, advanced swept type etc.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own 3D models using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks Parts Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following topicsSketch Based Feature such as extrude, revolve, sweep etc.Applied Based feature such as fillet, chamfer, shell etc.Mirror options with advanced capabilityPattern tools such as linear, circular, varying, curve driven, fill etc.Making references such a plane, axis etc.Curves tools such as composite, project, intersection etc.Basic rule to make a part including design intent conceptEvaluation Tools such as measure, mass properties tools etc.Configurations in a part using 3 different wayAdvance capability of fillets such as variable fillet, face fillet etc.Power of Sweep tools using advanced optionAdvance capability of other important featuresUsing Loft tools to create more complex shapeOther useful features such as wrap, dome, indent etc.Working with multi-bodyAdvanced Pattern tools such as sketch driven, table driven etc.Making advanced references such as axis, plane point etc.Understanding equation"
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2015 Assembly Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Assembly Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks assembly topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Parts Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.4.5+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 76 individual video lecturesAn online quiz (30 questions) - to test what you've learned in SolidWorks assembly topicsExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 assembly Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.You will start by learning basic and intermediate topics in assembly such as create assembly, positioning parts, apply mate and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to apply basic mate and different types of mate option. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as advanced mate type, handling sub-assembly, apply assembly level features and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advanced tool such as linear, circular, sketch driven pattern and so on. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as assembly configuration, fixing mate error, top down assembly etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own assembly and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2015 Assembly Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following topicsCreating Assembly Making new assembly Add multi parts Positioning parts Add mate to all parts Apply different type mate Mate type Concentric Parallel mate, Tangent mate and perpendicular mate Distance Angle Smart Multiple mate mode Working with sub-assembly Create sub assembly inside another assembly Make sub assembly in flexible state Add empty part to the assembly Create virtual assembly Create folder to organize assembly Assembly level features Extrude Cut Feature scope of Extrude Cut Revolve Cut Fillet Chamfer Weld bead Hole series Create smart component Apply smart component Belt chain feature Swept cut Regular exploded view Radial exploded view Interference detection tool Pattern type Linear component pattern Circular component pattern Pattern driven component pattern Sketch driven component pattern Curve driven component pattern Mirror component Advanced mate type Profile center mate Symmetric mate Limit distance and angle by mate Width mate Path mate Linear coupler mate Cam mate Slot mate Gear mate Screw mate Hinge mate Work with mate errors Mate Reference Capture mate Reference from assembly level Solve common mate error Solve mate problem using MateXpert Replace mate entities Copy with mates Assembly configuration Making new assembly level configuration Control feature in the assembly level configuration Advance option in configuration properties Parent-child option in configuration properties Design table Speedpak Top down assembly What is top down assembly Top down design environment Visibility option for part mode in assembly Power of in-context feature In-context feature in depth Create new part in assembly Virtual part vs external part External reference oRemove external reference"
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks sketch topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks sketch Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.3.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 48 individual video lecturesExercise filesto help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.You will start by learning basic and intermediate sketch tools, such as line, circle, rectangular tool, arc and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to apply geometric relation and dimension and make fully defined sketch. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as polygon, ellipse, partial ellipse, spline, mirror entities, offset entities and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advanced tool such as rapid sketch, path dimension, ordinate dimension, sketch picture, dynamic mirror entities and so on. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as 3D sketch, spline on surface, face curve, equation driven curve, helix and spiral curve through XYZ point etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own 2D and 3D sketch using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following topicsSolidWorks user interfaceView manipulationBasic tools such as line, rectangular, Arc circle tool etc.Geometric relationDimensionsOver defined, under defined and fully defined sketchSketch fillet and chamferAdvanced tools such as polygon, ellipse, parabola etc.Mirror toolsOffset toolsSketch pattern typeTrim toolsConvert entities toolRapid sketch toolAdvanced dimension typeSketch text toolSketch pictureDynamic mirror entitiesUnderstanding 3D sketchWorking in depth with 3D sketchEquation driven curveFace curveCreate helix and spiral and so on."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing using the variety of essential tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in SolidWorks, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Drawing Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.8.5+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 146 individual video lectures11 practice exercises - to test what you've learned in SolidWorksExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. 4 quizzes is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2016 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 194.99 |
"Autodesk Inventor 2016 Essential training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor 2016 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, (Autodesk Inventor Expert) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Autodesk Inventor is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Autodesk Inventor, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Autodesk Inventor Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.7.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 125 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex Autodesk Inventor 2016 essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this Autodesk Inventor 2016 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following essential topics Sketch Part Assembly Drawing"
Price: 194.99 |
"Siemens NX 10 Essential Training" |
"!!! The latest version of NX course is available. Please search ""Siemens NX 1847 - Essential Training"" !!!In this Siemens NX 10 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, (Siemens NX Expert) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in Siemens NX. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Siemens NX is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Siemens NX, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Siemens NX 10 Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.8.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 139 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex Siemens NX 10 essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.After completing this course you will be able to - Make any simple and intermediate 3D CAD model in part environment. Create assembly from parts and use all essential tools in assembly environment.Create drawing for manufacturing or presentation.You will get depth idea about parametric CAD system.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Siemens NX 10 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following essential topicsSketchPartAssemblyDrawing"
Price: 194.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Template & Properties in Depth" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Template & Properties in Depth course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create part, assembly and drawing templates using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for all SolidWorks user meaning previous experience with SolidWorks is required. After completing this course you will be able to - Get depth idea about SolidWorks part, assembly and drawing templates.Make templates from scratchMake custom properties and link to proper locationCreate templates package for a company Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own template and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Sketch Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Sketch training course, expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketchusing the advanced sketch tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for beginnerand intermediate user If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regardingSolidWorks advanced sketch topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor inthis training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks AdvancedSketch training videos delivered to your desktop.2.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 35 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with thematerial.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks sketchsubjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videosYou will start by learning intermediate sketch tools, such as parabola,slot, sketch pattern, style spline and so on. This video tutorial will thencover how to make conic, text, spline on surface, and teach you what is 3dsketch and what is the best way to design in 3D sketch environment. Then thiscourse will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as intersection curve,project curve, equation driven curve etc. Then, you will learn how to work withhelix, spiral, composite curve etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own 3D models usingthis 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to followalong with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks Advanced Sketch training video tutorialseries, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Part Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Part training course,expert author Asif Ahmed, CertifiedSolidWorks Expert (CSWE)willteach you how to create complex part using the advanced part tools inSolidWorks. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. Ifanyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks advanced part topic,then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor inthis training course to get:Concise,informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Advanced Part training videosdelivered to your desktop.4.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 74 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficientwith the material.Theability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quickgrasp of even the most complex SolidWorks part subjects because they're brokeninto simple and easy to follow tutorial videos.You willstart by learning intermediate part tools, such as advanced extrude, advancedfillet, swept, loft and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to make complexpattern, and teach you what is multibody part and what is the best way todesign in 3D part using multibody part environment. Then this course will alsocover lots of advanced topics such as boundary, dome, wrap etc. Then, you willlearn how to create and manage configuration and many more advanced topics etc.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex 3D partusing this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you tofollow along with the author throughout the lessons.In thisSolidWorks Advanced Part training video tutorial series, you'll quickly haverelevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training course,expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE)will teach you how to manage complexassembly using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed forintermediate users, meaning previous experience with SolidWorks assembly isrequired. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks assemblytopic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor inthis training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-qualitySolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training videos delivered to your desktop.4.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 66 individual video lecturesExercise files to helpyou become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 AdvancedAssembly Training subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to followtutorial videos.You will start by learning top down assembly method topics suchas in-context feature, external reference, virtual parts and so on. This videotutorial will then cover how to apply assembly level features including weldbead, hole series, belt chain etc. Then this course will also cover lots ofintermediate topics such as advanced mate type, handling sub-assembly, applymechanical mates and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advancedpattern tool such as curve driven, chain driven, sketch driven pattern and soon. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as assemblyconfiguration, fixing mate error etc.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex assemblyand get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files areincluded, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training videotutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-worldapplications."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Drawing Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Drawing Essential training course,expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE)will teach you how to create drawingfile using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the beginnerand intermediate users, meaning little experience with SolidWorks is required.If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks drawing topic, thenthis is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training courseto get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks DrawingEssential training videos delivered to your desktop.3.0+ hoursof HD video tutorialsOver 52individual video lecturesExercisefiles to helpyou become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 DrawingEssential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorialvideos.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and getcontrol perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included,allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks 2016 Drawing Essential training videotutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-worldapplications."
Price: 124.99 |
"SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training course,expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE)will teach you how to create, modify and manage pipe and tube routing using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for intermediate users, meaning previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks pipe and tube routing topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast- SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training videos delivered to your desktop. 3.0 hours of HD video tutorials Over 52 individual video lectures Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own routing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99 |
"Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essential training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essential training course,Expert author Asif Ahmed,(Autodesk Inventor Expert)will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Autodesk Inventor is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Autodesk Inventor, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Autodesk Inventor Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.7.5+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 126 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex Autodesk Inventor 2017 essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Autodesk Inventor 2017 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following essential topicsSketchPartAssemblyDrawing"
Price: 194.99 |
"Introduction to PMP - Project Management Professional Exam" |
"Updated August 2018! - This is what Students say about this Course:""What I like the most is the way you present information, especially the Secret Tips&Tricks where even I had learnt new things (and I've been active in this field for a long time now!) - If I weren't a PMP already I would look forward to your Upcoming Course for my Exam Prep for sure!"" - Markus K.""Very Good Guide for people who want to start with their PMP!"" - BrunoIf youre looking for an Introduction to the Project Management Professional - PMP Exam, youve come to the right place! This is NOT a Prep Course, but its an amazing first step if you want to know what the PMP Exam is about, what you can expect from it, what the best resources to study are, and how you can set up a Personal Study Plan to fit your current knowledge and your precious schedule.PMP Certified Project Managers earn 20% more than their Non-Certified Peers. Companies get more of their Projects done when they have PMPs on board...Do you work in a Project Management environment and want to give a Twist To Your Career?The PMP Certification will be the Turning Point of Your Professional Life!In this Course I share with You my Experience as a PMP, a PMPInstructor, and as a Member of the Project Management Institute to Guide You through the Most Essential Steps needed to get you in the right direction and become soon aPMP credential holder!With Engaging and Dynamic Lessons and with Quizzes that serve as ""Clarification Checkpoints"", we'll navigate through PMP Eligibility Requirements, Contact Hours, PMP Applications, Audits, Exam Scheduling, Setting up an Agile Study Plan... and more!The Course is targeted at both experienced Project Managers who want to understand if they still need to fill some gaps before applying for the PMP Certification, and at Project Team Members who want to know what steps they can start taking, right now, to become PMPs when they will have accrued the required project management experience.My teaching style here on Udemy is already known for the High Level of Interaction with my Students. Ask questions, open discussions, send me private messages... I'll be happy to help you find out the right answer and support your decisions!Enroll Now, Start with the Basics, and Be Ready to Rock Your PMP Exam! See You Inside!PS: Everything To Gain, Nothing To Lose - I'm so confident that you'll get so much tremendous Value from the Information inside(that no other Introductory Course will ever tell you!) that I offer my own Personal 30-Days Guarantee - If you're not 100% happy with the materials, feel free to ask a full refund and get your money back. No. Question. Asked. Enjoy!DISCLAIMER: This course is based on material officially released by the PMI (Project Management Institute, Inc.), but it is not endorsed by the PMI. All registered marks (PMP, CAPM, PMBOK, Pulse of the Profession) are trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 19.99 |