"The Collection of 3D Digital Content for BIOLOGY PART - 3" |
"The complete content is developed in High Quality 3D animations, that will help you to understand the critical concepts which cannot be able to watch in the real world such as REPRODUCTION, HUMAN ANATOMY, BACTERIA, ETC.*The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech,* If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos,* The average video duration is 3 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later,After completing this course the student get knowledge on below topics:Reproduction in organismsSexual reproduction in flowering plantsHuman reproductionReproductive healthPrinciples of inheritance and variationMolecular basis of inheritanceEvolutionHuman health and diseaseStrategies for enhancement in food productionMicrobes in human welfareBiotechnology principles and processesBiotechnology and its applicationsOrganisms and populationsEcosystemBiodiversity and conservationEnvironmental issues"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Collection of 3D Digital Content for BIOLOGY PART - 2" |
"The complete content is developed in High Quality 3D animations, that will help you to understand the critical concepts which cannot be able to watch in the real world such as REPRODUCTION, HUMAN ANATOMY, BACTERIA, ETC.*The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech,* If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos,* The average video duration is 3 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later, After completing this course the student get knowledge on below topics: Neural control and coordination Chemical coordination and integrationLocomotion and movementExcretory products and their eliminationBody fluids and circulationBreathing and exchange of gasesDigestion and absorptionPlant growth and developmentRespiration in plantsPhotosynthesis in higher plantsMineral nutritionTransport in plantsCell cycle and cell divisionBiomolecules"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Collection of 3D Digital Content for PHYSICS PART - 3" |
"The complete content is developed in High Quality 3D animations, that will help you to understand the critical concepts which cannot be able to watch in the real world such as Solar system, Magnetism, Electric Current, Sound waves, ETC.. A good understanding of principles in Physics will help you to analyze problems, reason logically, and to discriminate between important and irrelevant concepts.*The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech,* If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos,* The average video duration is 3 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later, The course is about Magnetism and matterElectromagnetic inductionAlternating currentElectromagnetic wavesRay optics and optical instrumentsWave opticsDual nature of radiation and matterAtomsNucleiSemiconductor electronics materials, devices and simple circuitsCommunication systems"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Collection of 3D Digital Content for PHYSICS PART - 2" |
"The complete content is developed in High Quality 3D animations, that will help you to understand the critical concepts which cannot be able to watch in the real world such as Solar system, Magnetism, Electric Current, Sound waves, ETC.. A good understanding of principles in Physics will help you to analyze problems, reason logically, and to discriminate between important and irrelevant concepts.*The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech,* If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos,* The average video duration is 3 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later, The course is about Electric charges and fieldsElectrostatic potential and capacitanceCurrent electricityMoving charges and magnetismMechanical properties of solidsMechanical properties of fluidsThermal properties of matterThermodynamicsKinetic theoryOscillationsWaves"
Price: 199.99 |
"Android SQLiteDatabase, Repeating Notification, Pick Contact" |
"Aims To learn the development of an Android Application which utilizes an SQLite Database, Repeating Notification (Reminder), Pick from Android Contacts List and Shared Preferences and know how to publish the app to the Android Play Store. Learning Objectives Learners will know how to create a new Android Application and publish to Play Store Learners will know how to create layouts: Linear layouts and Scroll Views Learners will know how to add TextViews, EditTexts and Buttons to layouts Learners will know how to find views in android activities Learners will learn how to change the look and feel of a Button Learners will learn how to get texts from TextViews and EditTexts Learners will learn how to validate user inputs Learners will know how to dynamically add TextViews to a Linear Layout Learners will be able to add values to the application resources: strings and colors Learners will know how to use the android spinner Learners will know how to import an image into the resources folder Learners will know how to insert an image view and assign a resource to it Learners will understand how to implement a Date Picker within an Android Application Learners will learn how to implement a Spinner and add drop down menu to it from an array using Array Adapter Learners will learn how to create and use a Constructor Construction of Objects Learners will know how to pick a contact from the Android Device Contacts List into the application Learners will learn how to create an SQLite Database Learners will learn how to save data to the SQLite Database Learners will learn how to get data from the SQLite Database Learners will learn how to delete data from the SQLite Database Learners will learn how to use Content Values and Cursor in the SQLiteDatabase Learners will know how to use the arrayList data structure to store and retrieve data Learners will learn how to use the Alarm Manager to set a repeating alarm Learners will learn how to implement a repeating Notification Learners will learn how to implement a Broadcast Receiver within the application Learners will learn how to maintain notification on reboot of the application Learners will know how to change the icon launcher of the application Learners will understand how to change the style of an activity"
Price: 49.99 |
"Tcnicas de Meditacin MINDFULNESS" |
"Quieres aprender a meditar? Muchos de nuestros alumnos a nivel presencial nos haban solicitado una formacin online tanto para repetir el curso como para que otras personas pudieran acceder a lo que ellos haba conocido. Muchos de nuestros usuarios estn repartidos por todo el mundo, en los pases ms lejanos y gracias a internet, todos somo uno. Todos sabemos meditar, siempre hemos sabido, unicamente en este momento no somos capaces de recordar como hacerlo. Con una acceso a internet y este video curso, volvers a recordar que es MEDITAR y conseguirs todos los beneficios que aporta la meditacin. Tcnicas mindfulness, relajacin, trabajo con la respiracin, relajacin esttica... ejercicios guiados, tanto de meditacin como de relajacin te permitirn acceder desde el primer momento a las sensaciones nicas de bienestar que te aportan la relajacin y la meditacin. Aqu tenis a vuestro alcance una forma sencilla, divertida y amena de aprender a meditar, mas de 10 videos en un formato audiovisual de calidad, donde se utilizan las denominadas tcnicas mindfulness junto a un trabajado conjunto sensorial de imgenes, color y sonido. Se han utilizado apoyo hipnticos mediante sugestiones cinestsicas para permitir el acceso de forma gradual y placentera a la meditacin a travs de los ejercicios guiados. De esta forma podrs desde el primer momento disfrutar de los beneficios que nos aporta la meditacin, relajaros y conectar con vuestro interior, estrs, ansiedad, atencin plena, toma de decisiones, capacidad para centrar la atencin, mejora en los estudios... todo lo que de deseas est a tu alcance. Trabajaremos la relajacin, la respiracin y tcnicas de automeditacin, entre muchas otras. El curso se compone de varios ejercicios con una duracin total de cerca de 2 horas. Lo recomendable es realizar estos ejercicios durante un perodo de 2 meses a razn de unos 15 minutos diarios. El alumno tendr acceso al curso durante 2 meses, un tiempo en que el alumno realizar las prcticas correspondientes e ir realizando su formacin con el material que se pone a su disposicin."
Price: 59.99 |
"Super-Curso de Guitarra Prctico Para Principiantes" |
"Curso PRCTICO de guitarra para principiantes paso a paso. Destinado a aquellos que no tienen nociones previas o que ya saben algo de guitarra. Aprende a tocar la guitarra de la mano de un guitarrista y profesor de guitarra especializado con muchos aos de experiencia. Probablemente el mejor curso de guitarra para principiantes. Hemos diseado un programa para que aprender a tocar la guitarra sea divertido. La nica forma de aprender es tocando lo que ms te gusta y no practicando ejercicios aislados como encontrars el la mayora de cursos de guitarra. Este curso est diseado para aprender tocando la guitarra, y todo lo que veamos lo trasladaremos a la guitarra... TOCAR, TOCAR y TOCAR. Si realmente quieres aprender a tocar la guitarra este curso esta hecho para ti. Al final de curso te sorprenders de lo que eres capaz de hacer con una guitarra entre las manos. Aprenders ms en unas pocas semanas que la mayora de la gente que lleva aos tocando la guitarra. El curso est estructurado en secciones y vers lo siguiente :Acordes mayoresAcordes menoresAcordes sptimaAcordes menores sptimaAcordes sin cejilla y con cejillaPower Chords y Acordes de QuintaGran cantidad de cancionesDiferentes estilos musicalesAfinar la guitarraConceptos bsicosLas notas en el mstil de la guitarraComo usar el Metronmo InteligntementeDivisin del tiempoRitmoTcnicaLa escala pentatnicaLa escala mayorArpegiosRutina de Prctica de xitoPa alterna y Sweep PickingHammer On y Pull OffTcnicas como Palm Mute, Stoccato...Y mucho ms No importa que tipo de guitarra te guste tocar, podrs seguir el curso de guitarra con una guitarra elctrica, acstica, espaola o criolla. Sistema exclusivo de doble cmara y cmara area: El curso est realizado en vdeo HD de alta calidad con doble cmara, una de ellas es una cmara area para que no pierdas detalle de lo que sucede en el mstil. Archivos en pdf: Dispones de archivos en pdf para que seguir las clases sea an ms sencillo. En estos archivos viene escrito todo lo que vemos en las clases en vdeo. Archivos de audio y backing tracks: Utiliza los audios y backing tracks para tocar encima de ellos. Ser como tocar con una banda de msica completa. Hemos creado estas pistas de audio para que aprender a tocar la guitarra sea ms divertido y aproveches mejor el tiempo de prctica. Es un curso de guitarra prctico, por lo que pondrs en prctica todo lo que aprendamos en el curso. Empezars aprendiendo las nociones bsicas; como leer los acordes, como afinar la guitarra, como localizar todas las notas en el mstil de la guitarra sin dificultad, como leer tablatura, divisin del tiempo... Despus pasaremos directos a la accin. Aprenders acordes, a continuacin un ritmo base y despus seguiremos con una cancin que utilizar los acordes y ritmo que has aprendido. Continuaremos aprendiendo nuevos acordes, nuevos ritmos y de nuevo aprenderemos una nueva cancin para ponerlos en practica. Increble verdad! Lo pasaremos en grande ! Utilizaremos las clases de ritmo y las canciones para ir incorporando diferentes estilos musicales y distintas tcnicas para llevar tu forma de tocar al siguiente nivel. Sin darte cuenta aprenders a tocar la guitarra de forma rpida y fcil y acabars siendo un maestro de la guitarra. Mis aos de experiencia como profesor me permiten ofrecerte clases dinmicas y divertidas para que aprender a tocar la guitarra sea una fiesta. Despus tienes diferentes secciones como las de Tcnica, La Escala Pentatnica, La Escala Mayor... Has dado con el mejor curso de guitarra, aprovecha esta oportunidad, te espero dentro del curso. No esperes ms. Inscrbete Ya !"
Price: 84.99 |
"Guitarra Desde Cero - PARTE 1" |
"Este es el mtodo de guitarra que todo principiante debera realizar. Clases fciles de seguir en vdeo con material de apoyo en pdf y audio para practicar que te proporcionan una experiencia nica y de primer nivel. Sigue las clases una por una y vers un gran progreso en tu forma de tocar en poco tiempo, lo nico que necesitas es una guitarra y ganas de aprender. Podrs seguir las clases con cualquier tipo de guitarra, guitarra elctrica, acstica, espaola o criolla. Uno de los mejores profesores de guitarra online te ayudar a superar todas las dificultades con las que se encuentra el guitarrista principiante. Guitarra desde Cero es un mtodo efectivo desarrollado tras aos de experiencia con cientos de alumnos y personas como t que se inician a la guitarra. Caractersticas de las clases: Vdeo HD Doble cmara con cmara rea Pdf descargable Audios y Backings Track de prctica Las clases estn realizadas con doble cmara de alta definicin, uno de ellas area para que no te pierdas detalle de lo que sucede en el mstil. No hay mejor manera de aprender guitarra que tocando, y por ello las clases vienen acompaadas de audios y backing tracks sobre los que practicar lo que aprendes en clase. Empieza hoy mismo GRATIS"
Price: 34.99 |
"Email Marketing Deliverability 2017" |
"Todays reality demands that you center your marketing around the customer by orchestrating messages that are relevant to each individuals preferences and behavior. You will learn : How to avoid Junk/Spam folder How to increase your sending volume How to inbox How to clean your lists How to keep subscribers engaged I designed the course from the ground up so it's easy to implement everything you're learning as you go... Inside this fast-paced, fun, instantly-accessible training program, were going to quickly sweep away all the confusion, insecurities, and frustration youve felt in the past about Email Deliverability"
Price: 19.99 |
"Build Your Own Successful CPA System with Instagram" |
"Amazing Breakthrough System Reveals Unfair CPA Secrets for Leveraging 100% FREE Traffic and Cranking Out Profits as Fast as TODAY! You could say that I started online just like you. Its true, and maybe you can relate to the painful situations I felt on a daily basis: I thought making money online was only for people with special skills. I thought people who made money online never revealed all of their real cash secrets. I had the impression that you had to spend an arm and a leg to make money online. And I always wanted to bang my head against the wall in frustration. Theres a good chance youve felt most of these emotions just like I once did. The good news is that you are exactly where you need to be right now."
Price: 19.99 |
"Goal Setting: How to Achieve Goals Using a SMART Goals Plan" |
"Updated March 2018: Videos have been updated and reordered to follow a more logical flow. New worksheets have been added to make your goal setting easier. Activities have been added to guide you through the goal setting process.How would you like to live the life of your dreams? In order to achieve success, you must have a plan. Setting goals is not as difficult as it seems. This class will take you through a proven goal setting process. It is designed for anyone who wants to realize their dreams and live a successful life. Here is what you will learn: Why you need to create goals How to create goals How to write a SMART goal How to break your goals down into manageable pieces How to manage your life so that each day you are moving closer to your goals While each lecture is short, most of the lessons have action tasks that will need to be completed. By the end of the class, you will have created a goals list and learned a method of completing a daily task list to help you attain those goals. To help you unlock your potential, you are provided a workbook and worksheets on which you will complete the action tasks. You will also need a calendar that you will use exclusively for goal setting. You will begin by writing down your hopes and dreams. Then, you will move from long- and short-term goals to daily tasks. Finally, you will use the calendar to write down your goals and their deadlines. You will get to see specific examples as we walk through the goal setting process. Completing the lectures and the exercises should take you between two and three hours. You can complete this all in one day or over a few days. Just be sure to take some time each day to focus on your goals. If you have a desire to make all of your dreams come true, follow these steps and you, too, can have the life you've always wanted!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Business Writing Skills: The Basics of Written Communication" |
"In most businesses, good communication is one of the most important skills that you can have. And you need excellent writing abilities to clearly convey ideas. How well you communicate could even have an effect on the jobs you are offered.In order to be seen as a professional communicator, you must be able to write effective emails, memos, and letters. What You Will Learn Here's what you'll discover in this course: Why good communication is so important (by completing a fun exercise!) Hints and tips to make writing easier How to stand out from the crowd by keeping your writing simple, clear, and concise Which words are commonly misused (by many people!) and tricks to help you choose the correct wordEVERY TIMEHow to stop making those embarrassing mistakes when you write Lots of Practice A workbook is provided so you can follow along with the exercises. You will begin with the basics of good business writing, including how to keep your business writing concise. You will practice proofreading sentences. You will learn which words are commonly misusedand some tricks to help you choose the correct word. You will then learn how to properly construct each type of document. You will complete a quiz at the end of each section to test your knowledge. At the end of the course, you will know how to effectively write basic business documents. Why YOU Should Take This CourseJust think about having more effective writing skills. Think about how impressed your boss will be. Whether you are new to business writing, or just need a refresher, this course will help you.Take Action Now!Enroll now by clicking on the ""Take This Course"" button above!"
Price: 124.99 |
"Productivity Hacks: Secrets of Successful Time Management" |
"Time management is one of the most important skills that you can have. Its also the hardest to master. But having good time management skills will help you achieve more in your career, your business, and in everyday life. It will help make you more productive and keep you motivated. Why This Course Will Help You By now, you've tried everything to keep yourself motivated, but every night you are exhausted and feel like you didn't getenough done.Lets face it you need to be MORE PRODUCTIVE and you need to STAY MOTIVATED!Time management is a myth. We cant actually get more time in our day. We all have only 24 hours with which to work. This course is designed to show you how to use your time wisely and get more accomplished during the day. You will quickly develop new effective time management habits. Learn the Habits of Effective Time Managers You will learn: - What effective time managers do and how you can use these habits to your advantage - Why writing a to-do list every day can help you become a good time manager - How to properly prioritize your to-do list so that you can get more accomplished each day Contents and Overview You will start off by setting a baseline of your current time management skills. You will create an activity log and learn how to analyze this log and take steps to become more productive. You will learn what things good time managers do and how you can incorporate these skills into your daily life. We will discuss some common time management challenges and how they can be improved. And, finally, you will learn the most important tip for good time management that you MUST add to your skill set. And, no, it is not working more hours. Take Action Now! If you want to get more done every day, you need good time management skills. Learn what these skills are and how to use them in this course. Every minute you delay is wasted time. So clickthe Take This Course button above to join us and start living a more productive and motivated DREAMLIFE!"
Price: 79.99 |
"UNIX/Linux Operating system - Beginner to Advanced" |
"Thought of learning Linux then you are in the right place. These lectures teaches you all the fundamentals of UNIX/Linux for a beginner and guides you to be advanced user of UNIX/Linux Operating systems. The course is meant for those who are eager to learn UNIX/Linux technology and wants to make a career in IT industry be it a UNIX administrator , Data Base Administrator or DevOps professional. If you are a SAP/ OracleDB/ MSSQL Administrator on Microsoft Windows knowing UNIX/Linux will be a great deal. If you are an entrepreneur running websites on hosted wordpress, learn Linux you can host your own wordpress server on a low cost Linux server."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn How to Foam Roll to Prevent and Alleviate Injury" |
"****$15 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!**** There is no need to suffer from chronic aches and pains. And simply taking time off isn't enough to get rid of the pain. While rest is important, self massage or foam rolling is another important part of recovery. Any good workout program should start with foam rolling because it inhibits the tight muscles and gets them to relax so you can stretch them. Self-myofascial release or foam rolling allows you to relax muscles, reduce pain and restore muscles to their normal length-tension relationships and function. Self-myofascial release (SMR) does this by autogenic inhibition. Basically what that means is that the pressure you apply with your hands or a foam rolling tool (roller, ball or such) on the tight muscle forces the muscles own receptors to relax it. Not sure you need to include foam rolling in your routine? Check out these benefits: Corrects muscle imbalances by loosening tight muscles to restore a proper length-tension relationship Improves joint range of motion because no muscles are tight and causing restriction Relieves muscle soreness and joint stress Increases extensibility of musculotendinous junction, giving you more flexibility and a full range of motion Improves neuromuscular efficiency aka a better mind-body connection so that you can recruit the correct muscles Maintains normal functional muscular length, muscles are at their proper length and not tight or short The basic guidelines to foam rolling are find areas of tightness and hold on those areas until pain lessens a bit and use the smallest hardest tool you can to dig out those areas. In this course, you will learn techniques to roll out from head to toe. You will learn how to use different SMR tools so that no matter what you have on hand, you can always roll out and loosen up. We will also teach you which tools are best to use to reach certain areas of tightness. After this course, you will be able to start alleviating those minor aches and pains!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Full-Body Mini Band Training Program" |
"You don't need to have access to a gym or even a ton of equipment to get in a great full-body workout. All you need is your own bodyweight and a $3 Mini Band. With a $3 Mini Band you can work your body from head to toe. And the Mini Band is easily transportable and storable so you can keep it anywhere and take it with you when you travel. In this course, we will show you how to use a Mini Band to get in a great full-body workout anywhere - at home, in a dorm or even a hotel room! Included in this course are 20 moves using the Mini Band as well as 5 workouts combining the Mini Band Moves. We will show you how to get in a great workout anywhere even when you are short on time. No matter your fitness level, these Mini Band Moves will challenge you and help you build full-body strength as well as burn fat. These moves are very core intensive, which is great for anyone looking to lose weight or simply alleviate aches and pains from sitting at a desk hunched over a computer screen all day. Use these simple moves to workout anywhere and start getting stronger today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Java with hands-on examples - Completely from Scratch" |
"This course will introduce you to Java. You'd be able to complete this course in no time and in the most proficient and efficient way. You don't need to have any prior knowledge of programming before getting started with this course. If you are a complete newbie to the world of programming then you can surely kick start this course. This course covers all the essential stuff which is required in order to make you understand Java in the easiest way ever. After this course , you would be completely familiar with Java in no time. This course covers all of the easiest methods and techniques with tricks to make you learn Java. You just have to sit and watch the video lectures and in no time with practice examples you would be at the top of Java. People often ask question , ""What makes this course special ? "" , Well the answer is that I have used ""hands-on"" examples in this course , that are playing key role in this course. And no other course in Udemy would have taught such examples ever. Java is nowadays a very important programming language to learn as almost every third mobile device is using Android which runs Java. Most of the Web Applications are now targeting Java. This course covers Encapsulation , Inheritance , Methods , Variables , Classes, Object Oriented Programming and Polymorphism quite in detail. So whether you are a complete newbie or intermediate one , you can take this course to polish your skills with Java programming. If you are seeking a Java developer job but don't know how to deal with Java then you must grab this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Facebook Application Development completely from scratch" |
"If you want to learn Facebook application development completely from the start and ground-up , then this is the course for you. It is a perfect course for beginners to start out with the best. In this course you will learn the best and innovative way to learn Facebook application development. Unlike other courses in the market, this course doesn't focus on quantity but quality with innovation. The course contents are simple and clear and will give you a good understanding scenario of Facebook application development In the current era of technology , if you want to earn money and want to be successful , then you can join this course which would help you to learn all the techniques and methods that are required to build an app for Facebook and then you would be able to earn money on the app you have created. This course contains how you can setup and configure a free way to create Facebook application unlike in other courses in the market which always show you the premium way of creating Facebook apps. This course would introduce you to Open Graph API , which is the core part of Facebook application development and would teach you how to access Facebook user's data via Open Graph of Facebook FQL is introduced in this course , which helps you out to select user's data from Facebook database and in this course it has been taught perfectly with examples. So don't think too much, you can always refund your money, if you don't like this course . Don't miss the chance and grab it."
Price: 19.99 |
"7 Secrets to HIT Songwriting" |
"When Clay Drayton instructs songwriters, he comes from a place of experience and longevity. He doesn't want you to be a 1 Hit Wonder. You will learn the secrets of writing songs that have the potential to become Classics. What many songwriters today are missing are mentors (Seasoned writers who have "Been there, Done that!") to help them develop their songs with tried and proven methods of creating Hit songs. Clay will give you examples, templates and tools to use in your songs. He will be your mentor. He will help you write songs that everyone will want to hear and singers will want to cover. Not only will Mr. Drayton instruct you, but he will consult with, critique and collaborate with his students."
Price: 49.99 |
"Swift Essentials - Learn Swift 2.1 Step by Step" |
"Course updated December 2015! Become one of the world's earliest Swift developers with this introductory course on Apples new programming language. Initial Setup and Swift Basics Ints, Strings, Classes, and Collection Types Control FlowError Handling A Modern Language Evolved from Objective C Swift is a multi-paradigm programming language developed by Apple for use with iOS and OS X. Designed to replace Objective C, work began on Swift in 2010 and the first mobile app was debuted in June 2014 at the Worldwide Developers Conference. Despite its goal of replacing Objective C, Swift is capable of working alongside the more dated Objective C language while using the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. Swift is built with the LLVM compiler included in Xcode 6 beta, and uses the Objective-C runtime, allowing Objective-C, Objective-C++ and Swift code to run within a single program. During its debut, Swift was described as Objective C without the C by Apples VP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi. Contents and Overview Through 140+ video lectures and 11 hours of content, you will be lead through setting up Swift locally, the basics of the language, how it compares to other common languages (including Objective C), and how to get started on new projects. The course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Swift, so that you can begin experimenting right away. Upon completion, you will understand the foundations of Swift code and will be able to develop custom applications. You will also get experience working with Xcode's new .playground file. By enrolling in this course you will be months ahead of other developers attempting learn the new Swift programming language by navigating Apple's 500-page instructional document. Course material is regularly refreshed to include all of the newest updates and information, and since youre granted lifetime access upon registering, you can rely on this course to keep your Swift skills on the cutting edge."
Price: 149.99 |
"iOS 8 and Swift - How to Make a ""Freaking"" iPhone App" |
"We have a new class! Search ""iOS 9 Adventure"" for the most up-to-date material.Or you can scroll down to the very bottom of this page, and find my iOS 9 class in More From Nick Walter.This is the class I wish I had when I was trying to learn iOS development. I have a unique perspective to teach this class because I've been the newb that couldn't understand tutorials or blog posts. No prior programming experience is required. I will walk you through everything you need to start making apps. Getting Xcode (the program we use to make apps) setup and on your machine, making a developer account with Apple, and running the iPhone and iPad simulator on your mac. I firmly believe that the best way to learn is by doing. So we'll make a series of 8 killer apps, each app going into depth on teaching the most important iOS app development skills. Here is an overview of the apps we'll be making: Apps that... ...record audio with the microphone ...use the front and rear cameras on iOS devices ...leverage game principles (FLAPPY BIRD clone)...connect with Twitter ...use GPS information ...connect with PARSE to make a social network ...use Bluetooth...and more Once each of these apps are built, I'll teach you everything you need to know to submit these apps to the App Store. We'll also cover how to make money in iOS, and how you can continue to stay in the loop as an iOS developer and keep up with the latest and greatest. These topics could be a whole class in and of itself! What makes me the right teacher?I have 9 iOS apps in the App Store which total over 300,000+ downloadsI teach more than 17,000 other students in my conglomerate of highly rated Udemy coursesI use an energetic and engaging course style that involves students. I guess you could say, I'm far from a robot and it should be entertaining :)I have been doing iOS development for 4+ yearsWhen I was first learning iOS development, I was often confused by wordy blog posts and tutorials. I'll never talk over your head.I created the first Udemy Swift course and also teach the highly rated Apple Watch - Go From Newbie to Pro by Building 15 Apps"" course.Who is this class for?People who want to make apps. I will not be teaching wordy or complicated computer science philosophies. I will be teaching you how to make apps that you can play with, share with friends & family, and offer to the world!Beginners. You don't need any programming experience to take this class. I have been the absolute beginner before and I want to help you.Those programmers who are new to iOS 8 or Swift. Dive in with your prior experience and move more quickly, on to become an impressive iOS developer.Entrepreneurs who have an idea for an app. Don't pay somebody thousands to build your app. Do it yourself. Having the ability to create something you can think of is extremely powerful.Career development professionals who want to earn money professionally via contract work, consulting, full-time employment, and so forth"
Price: 199.99 |
"Apple Watch - Go From Newbie to Pro by Building 15 Apps" |
"The Apple Watch is out, and it's selling off the charts. It's on track to be in the hands of more than 25 million people year end. Take this course now and be one of the first to have your own apps available in this historic introductory year. I firmly believe that the best way to learn is by doing. So we go through everything step by step in the making of 15 different apps from scratch. From these 15 apps you will learn all the skills needed to make your own apps for the Apple Watch. The best part is that no prior programming experience is required. I've been the beginner that had trouble with complex tutorials, and will never speak over your head. If you've got some programming experience already however, you'll have everything you need to dive headfirst into Apple Watch's WatchKit and Swift so that you can work to an impressive skill level. We'll dive into a thorough explanation of all WatchKit SDK elements including actionable notifications, glances, general interface principles, interacting with the iPhone, and working with API's. What makes me the right teacher? I have 9 iOS apps in the App Store which total over 300,000+ downloads I teach more than 17,000 other students in my conglomerate of highly rated Udemy courses I use an energetic and engaging course style that involves students. I guess you could say, I'm far from a robot and it should be entertaining :) I have been doing iOS development for 4+ years When I was first learning iOS development, I was often confused by wordy blog posts and tutorials. I will never talk over your head. I created the first Udemy Swift course and also teach the highly rated How to Make a FREAKING iPhone App with Swift" course. Who is this class for? People who want to make apps. I will not be teaching wordy or complicated computer science philosophies. I will be teaching you how to make apps that you can play with, share with friends & family, and offer to the world! Beginners. You don't need any programming experience to take this class. I have been the absolute beginner before and I want to help you. Those programmers who are new to Apple Watch. Dive in with your prior experience and move more quickly, on to become an impressive Apple Watch developer. Entrepreneurs who have an idea for an app. Don't pay somebody thousands to build your app. Do it yourself. Having the ability to create something you can think of is extremely powerful. Career development professionals who want to earn money professionally via contract work, consulting, full-time employment, and so forth"
Price: 49.99 |
"Mastering Django Part 1 - AJAX, Class Based Views, Forms" |
"Welcome to the Mastering Django Series! Learn time saving and advanced techniques to be come a better developer.In this course, we'll be learning 8 new skills while creating ""Hall of Fame Vidz"". A website where users can create their own personal hall of fame videos and share them with family and friends. To get a better idea of what we'll be creating, go watch the promo video for the course. While creating this site, you will learn the following 8 skills:Pipenv - Learn why this tool is so much better than pip and virtualenv separatelyPre-made AuthenticationViews - Get your site up and running quickly with these awesome built in viewsClass Based Views - When working with models, these views can't be beat. HUGE time saversDjango Forms - Rather then creating painstaking html forms, let Django handle the heavy workUsing other sites APIs - Learn to connect with the YouTube API for dataAJAX - I've had so many requests to cover this. Learn how to fetch data without reloading the pageSeed Data - Learn how to create a starting point for any databaseHeroku Deployment - Heroku makes deploying your project simple and fast. I'll show you howIt's time to up your Django skills. See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Swift 5 Programming For Beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to try out programming but didn't know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Swift but got fed up with incomplete YouTube videos and poorly written tutorials? Or are you looking to move your code from Swift 4 to 5?THEN THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!In my Swift 5 course, I will walk you through all the essential information you need to write Swift code. I'm a self-taught programmer so I know what it feels like to start from scratch. I care about your learning, but even more importantly... I care about you! What is Swift?Swift is a programming language that allows you to write software for iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, Apple TVs, desktops, servers, or anything else that runs code! Swift is great for new programmers because it is very intuitive, it continues to evolve as Apple adds new features, it is relatively easy to catch software bugs compared to other languages, and you can see your results immediately by running code in a Playground.In 2014, Apple announced Swift, along with a 500-page manual explaining how this brand-new language worked. So I immediately jumped into that manual and within three days I created the internet's first Swift course! Since then, Swift has always been my favorite language to teach and I love how it keeps evolving! I have now taught over 120,000 students how to code with Swift, and I'm excited to have you join us. It's going to be a lot of fun :) Also, Swift is open source and so you can now take this course even if you are on a Linux or Windows computer!Come learn what's new in Swift 5 and gain a new skill! See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Forex Harmonic Pattern Trading- With Multiple Chart Examples" |
"*** Join this course and get a chance to win a share of a $2000 in our Demo trading account Competition for students competition check inbox after signing up for info**What Is Forex Harmonic Pattern Trading?This isone of the most powerful and easy to learn Forex trading techniques.Harmonic PatternTradingis a methodology that utilizes the recognition of specific price patterns and the alignment of exact Fibonacci ratios to determine highly probable reversal points in the financial markets.How much can I make with ForexHarmonic PatternTrading?In this Forex course you will see and examples of manytrades I have taken, wealsotook a trade onthe night of the US election using harmonic patterns making over 5k when everyone was scared!Many traders around the world have found success with harmonic pattern trading however it is extremely important that you learn from an experience Forex trader so you can learn the tips and tricks.How Fast Can I learn and Apply this technique?After completingthis Forex course in a matter of days you will be able to apply the techniques you have learned and start trading on your own. This technique has proven to be the best for new traders because of how easy it is to understand and practice.What is the win ratio for this technique?This technique involvesseveral patterns each with different win ratios, some patterns have been tested and found tohave over 80% win ratio.However the average winning ratio I have found from using this technique is 60- 75% which is very good!Forex harmonic pattern trading allows you to take trades based on observable proven patterns, which have been traded for years by thousands of Forex and Stock traders, the first Harmonic pattern was discovered over 80 year ago and is still effective!So if you'rea beginner or advance Forex trader looking for a proven Forex tradingtechnique that has stand the test of time, a Forex trading technique that provides good risk to reward ratios and is easy to learn then,take this course"
Price: 134.99 |
"Elliott Wave -Forex Trading With The Elliott Wave Theory" |
"*** Join this course and get a chance to win a share of a $2000 in our Demo trading account Competition for students competition check inbox after signing up for info**RalphElliott developed theElliott Wave Theoryin the late 1920s by discovering that stockmarkets, thought to behave in a somewhat chaotic manner, in fact traded in repetitivecycles.Take this course if you're interested inlearning an advance way of trading the Forex or StockMarkets. Less than 5percent of Forex and stockTraders knowabout the Elliott Wave theory and way less understand it.What is the win ratio for this technique?This technique provides a general means of analyzing the market, once you understand this technique then you can takecountless trades based on the rules. I have found that trading wave 4 alone gives about a 70% win ratio, but you must know how to trade it.Live Forex Trade example over 400 pipsWhen you take this course you will see a live example of a trade I took using Elliott wave making over 400 pips, I also explain how and why I took the trade.After taking this course you will learn the rules and guide lines to trading the Elliott Wave Theory, you will see how effective this technique is in predicting short term and long term price movements.**You will see how extremelypredictable themarket can behave at times,once you understand this technique**This is a trading technique that has been proven through the test of time, hassuccessfully predicted several Bull and Bear markets andseveral market crashes including the 1987 crash.So if you are ready for advance Forex Trading or advance stock trading take this course"
Price: 89.99 |
"Forex Trading- Making A Living Online Trading Forex" |
"""In 1995 I had 7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things, I was broke as hell and 1 day I won't be"" - Dwayne ""The Rock"" Johnson*** Join this course and get a chance to win a share of a $2000 in our Demo trading account Competition for students competition check inbox after signing up for info*****Why this course is unique***Unlike other Forexcourses that teaches basic Forex trading everyday strategies, this Forexcourse teaches a method of tradingused by less than 1% of Forex traders world wide!This method of Forex trading willseparate you from the crowdBe your own boss, this course is for anyone who is interested in making money online whether from home or from work.If you're tired of getting up to work for someone else, then take this courseLearn a method of reading the market that less than 1% of traders knowWhen you buy this course you will also get access to 4 Step System book one of mybest selling Forex books on Amazon valued at $13.49 completely free!******Limited time offertake this Forex course now, before the price is back at $150*********Why you should take this Forexcourse***Forex trading can take very longto master especially if all you knowis the conventional methods of trading that you can find anywhere online. This Forexcourse will give you an edge, this will save you from hoursof failure because this methods enables you to read the market using volumes a methodology that changed my life and how I viewed the market.***How this Forex course will help you to win at Forex***The real truth is that the Forex market is manipulated, that is why so many Forex traders fail. Now imagine if you could identify when the market is being manipulated, this would give you an edge right?This course helps you to identify market manipulation, you will learn the signs. This Forex course can be completed in 1 day, take this Forex course now- ""A year from now you will wish you had started today"""
Price: 199.99 |
"Apple Swift step by step: create apps for iOS, watchOS, MacOS" |
"# last update oct 5th 2014 Welcome to Swift, the brand new programming language from Apple. If you approached iOS development and always felt that Objective-C was a bit too complicated, then Swift will make your life a lot easier. According to Wired "it will instantly remake computer programming" and it will be the core of iOS8 programming and further. Even if you already know Objectve-C you will find great productivity advantages in starting to use Swift. The only pre-requisite is to have familiarity with basic programming concepts (i.e. what is a variable, what is a control structure, etc.); we'll take care of the rest along the course. More sophisticated concepts related to object-oriented programming will be dealt with in the curriculum. The course will keep growing along time with new topics added. As new more advanced topics are added, the price will increase; so the sooner you enroll, the less you pay ! You will get all future updates at no extra cost. The plan is to keep adding two new topics per month; these could be real app examples or explanations of Cocoa frameworks. After a few months of beta testing Swift has finally reached version 1.0: this means you can develop and submit real apps to the App Store. After studying the language basics, it will be time to learn dealing with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch APIs; finally you will be introduced to building real apps using Xcode. For a Flappy Bird alike game is used to get into the inner workings of Sprite Kit. Almost every language module is conceived as two parts: an introductory and theoretical session with slides, followed by practical programming examples. Of course we need and we appreciate your feedback to improve the course. And if you feel like we missed some topics or you'd like some explained, just let us know !"
Price: 19.99 |
"Develop professional apps for Android and iOS using Livecode" |
"### Update on dec 27th with two new apps; more are on the way. ### A new section called Livecode cookbook is coming very early next year: there you will find a set of recipes to solve everyday programming problems that don't require a full sample app but still can create non trivial challenges to your everyday livecoding. If you have any particular topic that you would like to see in this section just get in touch: we'll see if it can be covered ! ________________________________________________________________________ This course will teach you how to develop apps for iOS and Android using Livecode. Learn app development for iOS and Android using Livecode's natural language Learn how to download and set up Livecode's free version Create a fast and efficient Android device simulator that really works Learn how to adapt your apps to any screen resolution with just 1 line command 6 complete apps built step by step and fully explained Develop apps for iOS and Android in 1/10th of the time needed using traditional SDKs These are the main benefits of developing apps with Livecode: Easy-to-use English-like programming language; accessible to anybody Code once and deliver on iOS and Android Apps can be adapted to any screen size with one command Development time is a fraction compared to traditional SDKs Apps are not slow html: they are fast and native compiled apps Free Livecode version is available for learning Livecode is a unique platform that allows to develop apps for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android using a very simple, yet sophisticated, programming language: English. By learning one language you will be able to develop apps for all the major operating systems and devices on the market, hence the motto "one language to rule them all". However, this course is focused on developing apps for mobile devices Forget Java or Objective-C's intricacies: Livecode's programming language has been designed to be as close as possible to the English language. For example to display the word "hello" on screen you would write put "hello" into field "display". We have computers that recognize fingerprints and human voice, so why shouldn't we be able to create apps using our natural language ? Apps developed with Livecode can automatically adapt to any screen size and rescale with just one line command: this alone is huge bonus for mobile developers who are often confronted with a plethora of screen sizes and proportion. Actually Livecode is a fully integrated development environment (IDE) that contains all the tools you need to develop professional apps in a fraction of the time that would normally be required using traditional programming languages and SDKs. No previous programming experience is required, the course starts from the very beginning and takes you till the development of real apps that can be tested on software simulators or installed on physical devices. The course will lead you through the development of 6 real apps for Android and iOS devices. At the moment you can see only Finger Catch in the curricilum, but the other ones will come by the end of November (Currency Conversion, Tic Tac Toe, RSS Reader, Countdown Timer, Tripmaster and Portable Movie Player); just Udemy dosn't allow sections with "upcoming" lectures so I had to remove them from the curriculum. Also, you will learn how to set up a working and efficient Android device simulator that really works for testing (if anybody tried to use Google's simulator you know what the issues are). This simulator will work smoothly also with other development tools, not just Livecode and could be worth the course by itself ! One more thing: Livecode and the simulator can be downloaded for free, so you can learn and save money. You'll need Livecode's paying version only later, if you wish to lock and compile your apps for App Store distribution. If you're still uncertain and want to have a peek at Livecode's possibilities before enrolling this course you can enroll my free Livecode entry-level course; you'll create a clone of the Flappy Bird game in less than the duration of a football match ! Finally, with your support and feedback this course will have the chance to be extended and cover the most advanced Livecode features like sql databases and Cocoa interaction. Once you enroll the course it's yours forever, so you'll have access also to every new topic at no additional cost. Yes, app development can bring you additional income but can also be fun !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Write, Publish and Sell Your Book With Lightning Speed" |
"I have spent thousands of dollars learning how to write books, publish and use publicity to market my books. Now it is time for me to transfer what I have learned to others. Too many people have a passion to write a book, but never get it done because they don't have the plan of action and concrete skills they need. That is why I developed this course. My passion is to help aspiring authors to finally get their book done and get it into the hands readers who need the wisdom they have to offer. This course is designed for individuals who desire to write a book and get it published. In this comprehensive 3.5 hour course we will cover: How to get an agent How to write a query letter How to write a book proposal Choosing which publishing approach is right for you How to use a focus group to help you write your book quickly Developing a platform and marketing plan to sell books Creative ways to market your book How to use media publicity to market your book How to pitch the media for interviews Creative ways to sell your book This course includes 13 videos and keynote slides. If you have a passion to write a book but need someone to guide you through the process and give a clear plan of action how to finally get your book done, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 |