"Ask Better Questions - Build Better Relationships" |
"Relationships: we all want better professional and personal relationships. Improving your questioning skills is a powerful way to build stronger, better relationships. That's why, according to Anthony Robbins, successful people ask better questions.Asking questions is a critical communication skill that most of us pay little attention to. It is the linchpin to building stronger relationships, both professionally and personally. Learn to understand others before making, and acting on, inaccurate judgments that end up making things worse rather than better.Ask better questions and you will develop:open, more trusting relationshipsa deeper understanding of others and their perspectivesa way to stop judging and start listeningdecisions based on information rather then assumptionreduced levels of tension and conflict1575+ students have recognized the positive difference strong questioning skills will make to their relationships.***** Even asking question is an art. It's short and concise and I've learned a lot. Thanks for the course - Chris Tamin *****You will learn:To stop judging people and start listening to others. Key questions types and their uses Common question traps we fall into everyday How to sequence questions to fully understand What to listen for and why it is critical to success Explore the different types of questions and the impact they have on your conversations. Eliminate problem questions from your repertoire and replace them with questions that build rapport and help you gain a deeper understanding of the other person. Avoid the everyday traps that most of us don't even realize we are making. Learn what to listen for as people answer your questions and how to keep the conversation focused on the important issues. Develop better questioning skills and you'll be amazed at the impact it has and the positive responses you get. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and lifetime access to course material, including updates and additions. You will receive a certificate of completion on finishing the course. Courses can be accessed on computers, iOS devices and Android making it easy to learn anytime in any place."
Price: 84.99 |
"Recruitment Interviewing Essentials: Interviewing Made Easy" |
"Business is all about people, and hiring the right people makes a massive difference to the performance of any business or team.Start hiring confidently, skilfully and professionally. Make right decisions first time; avoid costly hiring mistakes The recruitment & selection interview is still by far the most widely used method of hiring new talent to fill a job vacancy. Recruiting a new member to your team or business is an important decision. Get it right and the benefits are enormous. Get it wrong and you live with the consequences for a long time. Recruitment training can make a real difference to you and your business.A poor recruitment & selection decision can quickly have a very negative effect on performance: not only for the individual concerned, but also the whole team. Tackling the problem of the wrong hiringdecision will take an incredible amount of time and effort. Far better to learn how to interview somebody for a job professionally and get it right first time.WHAT DO EXISTING STUDENTS SAY?'It is a wonderful course. I learned a lot of skills to help in the hiring process'. - Emily Tillis'I really recommend this course. It is to the point, with practical examples and it gives you all the basics to be able to prepare for a good HR interviewer'. - Urska Cepin'The course was really helpful for revising and reviewing the major topics in recruitment. Richard Locks presentation is great and easy to understand. What I liked is that Richard draws attention to how easily we can succumb to the biases and prejudices at each stage of the recruitment interviewing. And these are traps we must avoid! The course examines all stages of recruitment and gives us ideas and some hands-on tools on how to improve interviewing. I would recommend this to anyone interested in HR and Recruitment! Big Thanks to Richard Lock for the fantastic insights! ' - Rafaela Rafailova'This course is presented in a clear & logical way. I find Richard's voice & tone easy to listen to & even though I'm already an experienced recruiter it was a great refresher. This would be a really good course for anyone with recruitment responsibilities'. - Kate CartlidgeTransform your interviewing skills and boost your career prospects. Recruitment Interviewing Made Easy takes away the worry of the recruitment decision. It leads you step by step through the recruitment process, showing you best practice interview tips, ideas and approaches to build your interview skills and identify the right person for your role and avoid making costly mistakes.You will learn:The key stages of the recruitment processThe role of the job descriptionHow to clearly specify your candidate requirementsHow to attract suitable candidatesHow to shortlist quickly with laser like focusHow to structure the interviewHow to conduct an interviewHow to control the interviewInterview questions to ask for successful evidence collectionHow to avoid the key question trapsWhat to listen out forHow to make the right decisionHow to feel confident in your interview skillsMany other interview tipsThe course uses video and downloadable material to really engage learners. You will be given assignments, activities and exercises to practice and hone your skills, and be supported by an expert trainer along with fellow students.There is a vast resource of material and support available online to candidates in their search for a job. Ironically, there is far less opportunity for the person who is conducting the interview. Frequently, the candidate is far better trained than the interviewer. This often results in the 'tail wagging the dog' - the candidate being in control of the interview. No wonder so many recruitment & selection interviewers feel under great pressure and stress when asked to conduct a job interview to fill a vacancy. They are not confident in their interview skills.It doesn't matter whether you are a first time recruitment & selection interviewer or you are looking to hone your hiring and interview skills to a more professional level. This course has something for you.This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee and lifetime access to course material, including updates and additions. You will receive a certificate of completion on finishing the course. Courses can be accessed on computers, iOS devices and Android."
Price: 109.99 |
"Si eres nuevo en Photoshop...Este es tu curso N1" |
"El curso 1 que he diseado para ti, te ensear a utilizar con soltura las herramientas bsicas para comenzar a usar Photoshop adecuadamente. Est indicado para gente que no ha utilizado el programa con anterioridad. El curso est compuesto por 20 vdeos explicativos de aproximadamente 10 minutos cada uno (aproximadamente unas 2h en total) donde se dota al alumno del manejo bsico de las herramientas principales del programa y la posibilidad de comenzar a editar fotos de una manera correcta y adecuada. Este curso es ms que un grupo de tutoriales que podamos encontrar en la Red, puesto que detrs de ellos siempre est la figura del Profesor para resolver tus dudas y poder consultarle cualquier problema que se nos plantee. El profesor te guiar con diferentes ejercicios para resolver y evaluar tus progresos. En cualquier momento podrs interactuar con l y conversar con los dems compaeros del curso para cotejar si tus dudas se asemejan a las de los dems. Aunque los vdeos ocupan unas 2h en total, despus de cada vdeo es aconsejable que practiques con tu Adobe Photoshop en casa, y as poco a poco irs comprendiendo la utilidad de estas herramientas y podrs ir utilizando el programa de una manera adecuada. El curso est estructurado en tres secciones principales: Presentacin del curso Presentacin del Programa Uso de las herramientas: (Aqu aparece el temario del curso donde aprenderemos herramientas como los pinceles, y sus diferentes tipos y posibilidades, los borradores, normales, de fondos y mgicos, los diferentes tipos de selecciones y sus caractersticas, el sistema de capas (el cual es bsico para la comprensin de cmo trabaja Photoshop), el desenfoque y el enfoque, el cuentagotas, entre otras muchas) Te invito a realizar el curso que cuidadosamente he realizado para ti. Si no sabes manejar Photoshop...Este es tu curso!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Laravel 4, framework php rapido, potente y divertido." |
"La tecnologa avanza cada vez ms rpido, y cada vez contamos con menos tiempo para hacer las cosas. Laravel framework de PHP, nos permite ahora desarrollar aplicaciones potentes en menos pasos y con muchas menos lneas de cdigo que si realizaremos las mismas actividades sin emplear alguno o si empleamos otros framework que no son tan verstiles como este. Laravel, es el framework PHP de mayor aceptacin actualmente para este lenguaje, y su simplicidad en la sintaxis, su elegancia a en la escritura, su motor de plantillas incorporado, la potencia de composer y de artisan para su manejo y los complementos con los que cuentan, hacen que PHP que para muchos estaba empezando a quedarse en el olvido, vuelva a ser rescatado y sea ahora un lenguaje moderno, rpido, eficiente y profesional trabajado desde Laravel. Con este curso a travez de los tutoriales, aprenders a realizar aplicaciones completas en Laravel 4, sacando lo mejor del framework php, al final notars que son horas y horas que puedes ahorrar y aprovecharlas con los amigos y la familia"
Price: 19.99 |
"Drive Responsibly" |
"This is a 4-hour defensive driving course. Our class has been quoted as fun, easy, and informative. So Relax, not only will you learn a lot and have the training to meet all state or court requirements, you might just enjoy yourself as well. This course has been broken up into 4 major components and each component is segmented into four parts. Take it all at once or break it up. Either way, get ready to learn what it means to drive responsibly. *MAKE SURE THIS COURSE IS ACCEPTABLE FROM YOUR JUDGE OR STATE *CHECK WITH YOUR INSURANCE CARRIER TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR A DISCOUNT BY TAKING THIS COURSE *This course is approved by the Tennessee Department of Safety"
Price: 44.99 |
"Russian in Dialogues Made Easy and Fun. Part 1." |
"Ive created this course for those who want to learn Russian without too much effort and time. It consists of 24 lessons. Mind that this is just Part 1 and there are more parts to come. What is in it for you as a beginner? Well, first, you will learn basics using general and most useful vocabulary. Second, the material you will use is presented in a simple and comprehensible way. Third, your study will be enjoyable and fun. And finally, some content is free."
Price: 24.99 |
"iOS 9 y Swift 2 Curso Completo y Desde Cero" |
"IMPORTANTE: Te recomiendo que te suscribas al curso actualizado de iOS con Swift, para ver la versin nueva del curso puedes ir a mi biografa dando click al nombre ""Juan Villalvazo"" en esta misma pgina (en la seccin de instructor).Muchas gracias : )Con ms de 150 video lecciones en HD.Con una comunidad de ms de 4000 estudiantes ayudndonos mutuamente.Algunas de las ms de 600 revisiones de alumnos hacia este curso:- Nando Camarillo: (Excelente curso)El curso esta muy bien, empieza con lo bsico y poco a poco va subiendo el nivel, el instructor es muy atento, las preguntas que le hacen las responde muy rpido y el curso est en constante actualizacin, lo recomiendo ampliamente !! :D. - Joaquin Gil Silva: (Genial, un profesor excelente, y un curso muy actualizado) Explicaciones muy claras, se tocan todos los aspectos y la preocupacin del profesor por los alumnos a la hora de ayudar en todo lo que pueda es espectacular. Muchas gracias. - J. David Guerra: (Excelente!!!!!) Curso muy ameno por lo general. Se resaltan cosas prcticas que todo programador debe saber cuando se inicia en un nuevo lenguaje de programacin (o plataforma). Yo (programador web/desktop con 12 aos de experiencia) lo recomiendo 100%. Desde luego es la mejor inversin que he hecho en formacin. Muchas Gracias por tu gran esfuerzo Juan. Lo que obtendrs:Tendrs el mejor y primer curso de programacin iOS 9 con Swift 2 en Espaol publicado en internet y en Udemy (Agosto de 2014).Ms de 150 lecciones actualmente, divididas en ms de 12 secciones y ms de 15 horas de videos HD donde aprenders el lenguaje Swift y a crear apps para iPhone, pasando por temas bsicos hasta temas intermedio y avanzados.Todo esto al mejor precio y con una excelente atencin a los alumnos via mensaje privado y grupo de ayuda.Si piensas que lo anterior esta dentro de tus necesidades de inversin para el futuro, da clic en el botn de ""toma este curso"" y forma parte de esta comunidad de ms de 3800 estudiantes. Recuerde que aprender a desarrollar apps iOS ahora, es una excelente inversin para su futuro. Muchas gracias : )Este curso cuenta con Garanta del 100% de devolucin de su inversin por 30 das!, da clic en tomar el curso ahora mismo y si no es lo que esperabas Udemy te devuelve tu inversin."
Price: 19.99 |
"Core Data en iOS y Swift La Mejor Introduccin" |
"IMPORTANTE: Te recomiendo que te suscribas al curso actualizado de iOS con Swift, para ver la versin nueva del curso puedes ir a mi biografa dando click al nombre ""Juan Villalvazo"" en esta misma pgina (en la seccin de instructor).Necesitas aprender a guardar datos de manera persistente en iOS con Core Data? y te has hecho las siguientes preguntas:Es Core Data una base de datos ? Es Core Data , SQLite para iOS ?Core Data es muy difcil?Si en el pasado te has formulado alguna de estas preguntas, quiero decirte que te comprendo! ya que personalmente batalle mucho al momento en que se me asigno un proyecto donde se requera usar Core Data en iOS y no sabia ni por donde comenzar.El curso fue creado con el propsito de ayudar a todo aquel que va iniciando en el mundo de iOS con Swift y que requiere de usar tecnologas como Core Data para guardar datos de manera persistente en las apps.Recuerda que:Este curso cuenta con Garanta del 100% de devolucin de tu inversin por 30 das!, da clic en tomar el curso ahora mismo y si no es lo que esperabas Udemy te devuelve tu dinero.Este curso no es para personas que nunca han programado, este curso es para personas que tienen bases en programacin con Swift y buscan aprender a usar tecnologas de persistencia de datos en iOS.Muchas gracias : )"
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprende Efectos CSS3" |
"En este videocurso sobre efectos CSS3 para tu sitio web vers cmo desarrollar desde cero una gran gama de efectos que logran en tus proyectos un aspecto ms llamativo destacando del resto de pginas web. No necesitas tener grande conocimientos de html ni de css, todo lo que es necesario se analiza en el curso, solo tienes que contar con algn editor de texto y... !! ganas de practicar !! Vers que es muy sencillo y a la vez necesario. Durante todo el curso veremos cmo cambiar el aspecto de un elemento jugando con sus pseudo-elementos (after y before) y sus pseudo-clases (principalmente hover), as que en cada ocasin daremos diseo a propiedades diferentes, pero en todos los casos el patrn ser el mismo, fcil de aprender. Si te dedicas al desarrollo web, o quieres hacerlo, tendrs que saber que el tiempo de permanencia en un sitio web es muy importante, y algo que hace que ste aumente es el aspecto visual del contenido, y cun agradable sea la experiencia de usuario cuando interactua en tu pgina. Por eso, saber combinar bien estos efectos e integrarlos junto con el resto de elementos dar ms fuerza a tu web. Es algo similar a decorar un buen plato, no es que vaya a estar ms rico, pero s tendr mejor aspecto, llamar ms la atencin, recibir ms visitas y t tendrs ms fama de buen "cocinero" web. Aprenders entre otras cosas: Tcnicas de camuflaje sobre los efectos. Uso de pseudo-elementos Uso de pseudo-clases Qu tener en cuenta para elegir los colores de algunos efectos Efectos en Sombras Efectos en Bordes Este curso sienta las bases fundamentales de la animacin con CSS, algo ms avanzado, por eso ste es el curso ideal para iniciarse en los efectos CSS, y por eso quiero que sea gratis, para que pruebes qu te parece este rea del desarrollo web antes de decidir si quieres dar un salto adelante con animaciones keyframes u otros temas. Seguro que tras este curso sers capaz de crear tus propios efectos :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Desarrollo de Juegos con JavaScript" |
"El mundo de los juegos es enorme y fascinante, hay muchas tecnologas y posiblidades para crearlos y una de la ms potentes es JavaScript, para que tus juegos puedan estar en la web, accesibles a todo el mundo desde dispositivos tan extendidos como tablets, smartphones o los clsicos PCs. Por ello en este curso aprenderas a programar con JavaScript diferentes rutinas y funciones enfocadas al desarrollo de un juego, aunque tales conocimientos igualmente puedes orientarlos a otros objetivos. En este completo videocurso online vas a aprender diferentes facetas que son la base de cualquier juego de dos dimensiones. Entre otras cosas aprenders a: Administrar el entorno de juego Administracin de Cronmetro Situaciones aleatorias Control de movimientos Restriccin de movimientos Casillas Bonus Creacin de niveles Mensajes PopUp Temporizador de Mensajes Botones de twitter dinmicos y personalizados Usaremos conceptos de programacin como variables de uso global, llamadas a funciones, invocacin a diferentes scripts, bucles anidados, matrices y arrays, manipulacin del DOM desde javascript o cambio de diseo css desde javascript entre otros, va desde cero, pero no es un curso bsico. Adems se ven varios factores en un juego que, no estando tan relacionados con la programacin, s ayudan a que se difunda para que tenga ms exito, como por ejemplo la difusin por redes sociales personalizada con los resultados de las partidas. El juego que aprenders a desarrollar es real, est publicado en la web y cada da es visitado por muchos usuarios, adems es de cdigo abierto por lo que t mismo podras hacer cambios en el diseo o los patrones del juego si accedes a l en github. El enlace tanto al sitio web del juego como al proyecto github lo tendrs dentro del curso. Todos los pasos estan explicados desde cero, y podrs comprobar la secuencia a seguir en la estructuracin de un juego complejo. Seguro que tras este curso, t mismo podras desarrollar algn tipo de entretenimiento muy interesante y pasar de jugador y espectador a creador de juegos. Atrvete !!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Java Persistence: Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals" |
"If youre a Java programmer who wants to learn the fundamentals and some of the advanced topics of Java persistence with Hibernate, then youre the one this course is designed for. We'll be working with Hibernate 4.3.5.Final (and applicable updates for Hibernate 5.0), and using Hibernate as a JPA provider for the most part of this course. You'll be learning the fundamentals and some of the advanced JPA features for object/relational mapping, querying, caching,performance and concurrency. Everything important that you're going to experience when you're persisting Java objects with Hibernate is covered during the lectures itself, with the help of animations and stepping through the code. It will allow you to focus more on the concept and the events happening at runtime at the very same time when you're learning a concept, rather than waiting for me go through lengths of coding first before I could show you the same result. And then you practice the same concept with all the source code provided to you after each session that has a lab exercise. Having said that, I will be first taking you to the level where you feel comfortable enough to start programming with Hibernate. We'll be starting everything from scratch, do the required installations, set up the development environment and learn how to configure logging, for you to be able to see and understand the events taking place at runtime. We'll also learn how to step through our code at runtime, for you to be able to see the behind-the-scene story of Java persistence with Hibernate. And only after that I'll ask you to start coding yourself. So don't you worry even if you know absolutely nothing about persisting Java objects with Hibernate. If you're asking that what does persisting objects really mean? Don't you worry, we're going to cover even that. So, all you need to learn, enjoy and have a good experience with this course is the basic understanding of Java. That's it, I promise. So, whether you're a beginner or already have some experience with Hibernate, we're going to cover all the grounds for you to be a confident and competent Hibernate programmer by the end of this course. Everything we're going to learn in this course, we'll be doing it with examples. And we'll also be discussing the best practices to keep in mind when you're working on real world projects. And if you're already good at Hibernate and JPA, you'll probably find this course to be useful for filling the gaps in your Hibernate and JPA knowledge. Please drop me a message, in case you need me for anything to get the best out of this course for you. And I might add more lectures to this course to make this course even better for you. So I'll appreciate your feedback, on how to improve this course for you. And yes, to get the best out of this course, especially if you're a beginner, please don't jump through the lectures and complete the Lab Exercise of the previous lecture, before moving on to the next one. And all the video lectures/sessions are in 16:9 HD, so please watch them in HD."
Price: 49.99 |
"You Can Improve Your English Proficiency Level" |
"This specially formulated course helps English language learners prepare for the international English proficiency exam, the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) as well as other English language proficiency exams (IELTS, TOEFL, iTEP, TELC, TSE, TWE and others). It is also beneficial for any ESL (English as a second language) student that wants to improve their English language skills. Highlights of this course: Focus on English speaking, reading, listening and writing skills Special sections on pronunciation and common problem areas for learners Taught by a TEFL/TESOL certified English instructor Based on real English as a second language teaching experiences Includes the following: Instructor video lectures Test taking tips Skill building exercises Quizzes Detailed explanations of the exam Supplemental written materials Study schedule Interactive practice sessions This comprehensive course can be taken at the pace of the student. It requires a basic understanding and communication ability in the English language."
Price: 44.99 |
"Vocabulary Power 100" |
"Forget the boring memorization of vocabulary! Memorizing lists and definitions of words will not really help you. To really learn new words and use them, it takes getting new vocabulary words into your brain's internal word bank. By using an intuitive methodology, this special course can help you improve the way you speak, read and write English. You will learn how to internalize new words. Better vocabulary is essential for students wishing to improve their SAT exam scores, professionals that need to communicate, and anyone that would like a better command of the English language. Not only will this premium course teach you 100 new words (and more!) that every English speaker needs know, it will help you to train your brain to continue to learn new words. This course will: Guide you to understand why good usage of vocabulary is important Improve your vocabulary-based exam scores Help you learn quick and easy ways to learn and remember words Teach you 100 important words in 10 exercises Teach you how to learn more new words Expand your practical word usage Test and asses your word knowledge with interactive quizzes Knowledge is power, so learn how improving your vocabulary can make a difference in the way speak, read and write."
Price: 19.99 |
"Catch Your Dreams! How to Kickstart Your Business" |
"Course Summary: What Youll Learn in DreamCatchers DreamCatchers is a basic startup 101business course for people whod like to start their own business, but dont know where to start. Don't let your dreamslip away -- catch it now!Well help you turn your dreams into a successful business you love -- no matter what your passion is. Even if you're a seasoned pro at what you do, organizing the initial framework for a business can be overwhelming. This course will step you through the basic process so that you dont leave out a critical step that might be costly to correct later. Along with instruction, youll find many suggestions for free or low-cost services to help you manage your business. DreamCatchers includes instruction on: Instruction Level:This course will take you from a beginner to an intermediate level. Time Requirements Each module, or lecture, will take two to four hours to address the tasks that are taught. You might find that some will require less work, and some will require that you start the task, and finish it later. You can take your time, but we urge you to make appointments and set deadlines for yourself so that you meet your goals. Most important, schedule your time to do the work! You can proceed at your own pace, but if you want to see success in 30 days, follow the schedule by accessing a new module every three days. Bonus Material The6-Figure Resource List -Keep this list in the Bonus Material handy (you might want to favorite it to keep on your browser tool bar, or save it on your desktopor wherever you keep your often-used documents). Well be referring to this often, and its chock-full of cant live without services and links. Professional Business Plan If you think youll need to borrow money from a bank or investors to start your business, the Professional Business Plan template and instructions will help you create an in-depth business plan. (For this course, most learners will use the easier Fast-Start Business Plan.) Heres What Youll Learn: MODULE 1: PLAN FOR SUCCESS Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toorganize a work-plan and create a system for accountability to achieve goals. 1. How to organize your plan for success 2. How to create accountability 3. How to commit to decision-making MODULE 2: WHAT TO SELL Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able todetermine what products and services you will sell by using a visual mind-mapping tool. 1. How to design products and services around what you're naturally good at doing 2. How to brainstorm and create a visual map for sales and services 3. How to prioritize and decide which one to start first 4. How to determine who your customers are and what their emotional keys are MODULE 3: FAST-START BUSINESS PLAN Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able tocreate a short-form business plan and decide on a business structure. 1. How to write a Fast-Start Business Plan 2. How to choose a business structure MODULE 4: GOALS & TASKS Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toset goals and create a plan to achieve them. 1. How to set Primary Goals 2. How to identify Action Steps 3. How to divide Action Steps into Tasks MODULE 5: FINANCES Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toset up your business financial house, including bookkeeping, banking, and cash flow. 1. How to find and engage a bookkeeper or do it yourself 2. How to open a business bank account 3. How to set up a form to manage cash flow 4. How to determine if licenses or permits are needed MODULE 6: WEBSITE Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toestablish an online presence for your business, and create a blog or Coming Soon page. 1. How to buy a web domain name 2. How to create a blog or Coming Soon page 3. How to create a posting calendar MODULE 7: SOCIAL MEDIA Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able tocreate and brand a social media plan. 1. How to set up social media accounts 2. How to brand your social media network MODULE 8: AUTOMATIC SALES Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able touse email marketing to build a customer lead list and generate sales. 1. How to collect email address using an email service provider 2. How to create and offer free sign-up offers 3. How to measure conversions What This Course Includes: Course Summary: What Youll Learn in DreamCatchers DreamCatchers is a basic startup business course for people whod like to start their own business, but dont know where to start. Well help you turn your dreams into a successful business you love -- no matter what your passion is. Even if you're a seasoned pro at what you do, organizing the initial framework for a business can be overwhelming. This course will step you through the basic process so that you dont leave out a critical step that might be costly to correct later. Along with instruction, youll find many suggestions for free or low-cost services to help you manage your business. DreamCatchers includes instruction on: Instruction Level:This course will take you from a beginner to an intermediate level. Time Requirements Each module, or lecture, will take two to four hours to address the tasks that are taught. You might find that some will require less work, and some will require that you start the task, and finish it later. You can take your time, but we urge you to make appointments and set deadlines for yourself so that you meet your goals. Most important, schedule your time to do the work! You can proceed at your own pace, but if you want to see success in 30 days, follow the schedule by accessing a new module every three days. Bonus Material The6-Figure Resource List -Keep this list in the Bonus Material handy (you might want to favorite it to keep on your browser tool bar, or save it on your desktopor wherever you keep your often-used documents). Well be referring to this often, and its chock-full of cant live without services and links. Professional Business Plan If you think youll need to borrow money from a bank or investors to start your business, the Professional Business Plan template and instructions will help you create an in-depth business plan. (For this course, most learners will use the easier Fast-Start Business Plan.) Heres What Youll Learn: MODULE 1: PLAN FOR SUCCESS Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toorganize a work-plan and create a system for accountability to achieve goals. 1. How to organize your plan for success 2. How to create accountability 3. How to commit to decision-making MODULE 2: WHAT TO SELL Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able todetermine what products and services you will sell by using a visual mind-mapping tool. 1. How to design products and services around what you're naturally good at doing 2. How to brainstorm and create a visual map for sales and services 3. How to prioritize and decide which one to start first 4. How to determine who your customers are and what their emotional keys are MODULE 3: FAST-START BUSINESS PLAN Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able tocreate a short-form business plan and decide on a business structure. 1. How to write a Fast-Start Business Plan 2. How to choose a business structure MODULE 4: GOALS & TASKS Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toset goals and create a plan to achieve them. 1. How to set Primary Goals 2. How to identify Action Steps 3. How to divide Action Steps into Tasks MODULE 5: FINANCES Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toset up your business financial house, including bookkeeping, banking, and cash flow. 1. How to find and engage a bookkeeper or do it yourself 2. How to open a business bank account 3. How to set up a form to manage cash flow 4. How to determine if licenses or permits are needed MODULE 6: WEBSITE Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able toestablish an online presence for your business, and create a blog or Coming Soon page. 1. How to buy a web domain name 2. How to create a blog or Coming Soon page 3. How to create a posting calendar MODULE 7: SOCIAL MEDIA Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able tocreate and brand a social media plan. 1. How to set up social media accounts 2. How to brand your social media network MODULE 8: AUTOMATIC SALES Objective:By the end of this module, you will be able touse email marketing to build a customer lead list and generate sales. 1. How to collect email address using an email service provider 2. How to create and offer free sign-up offers 3. How to measure conversions What This Course Includes: This course includes 8 modules with 12 videos and more than three hours of instruction. There are 27 worksheets and handouts. Each module includes a handout of the video slides and transcribed notes. Each module includes worksheets in a PDF format. The Bonus Material includes a 6-Figure Resource List. This course includes 8 modules with 12 videos and more than three hours of instruction. There are 27 worksheets and handouts. Each module includes a handout of the video slides and transcribed notes. Each module includes worksheets in a PDF format. The Bonus Material includes a 6-Figure Resource List."
Price: 74.99 |
"WordPress for Beginners Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog" |
"""WordPress for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog with WordPress"" Have you ever wanted to start a blog, but the thought of coding and html intimidates you and has always prevented you from getting started? If so, then I know exactly how you feel. There's nothing worse than watching all the pro bloggers making thousands of dollars in the comfort of their home, while you're stuck at work at that 9-to-5 job, working to the bone, and never feeling appreciated for all your hard work. And to make matters worse, as your bills start piling up, your wife is always asking you when your going to get that next raise? You can see the doubt in her eyes and you can tell from the tone of her voice that her patience is wearing thin. You end up feeling frustrated because you're trying to figure out a way to bring in some extra income and nothing seems appealing... Until now the only thing that inspires you is to create a blog so that you can make passive income and work at home in your PJ's. The big problem is that most web designers charge you at least $2,500+ to build a custom website. So even if you created one you would spend hundreds of dollars to have them maintain it for you. That's why today, I'm thrilled to be able to share with you the ""WordPress for Beginners"" - Ultimate Guide to Starting A WordPress Blog. My name is Anthony Tran and I've coached thousands of people just like you how to create a blog and make money online. In this WordPress training course, I reveal the exact steps you need to follow in order to start your very first blog. Whether you're planning to blog as a hobby or you want to create a profitable online business, the ""WordPress Access Pass"" gives you the pieces of the puzzle you need to finally make your dreams a reality. Now what makes this course different to any other program out there, is that this isn't just a collection of ideas or principles. It's a simple, STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE. All you need to do is watch these short videos, apply what you learned and YOU WILL start blogging today. Let me explain to you exactly how the ""WordPress Access Pass"" course is laid out. Once you purchase the course, you will get access to the first module that will walk you through the basics of a blog website. Next I'll show you how to buy a domain web address. After that I'll show you how to get a web hosting account and how to set it all up. I also show you how to install WordPress with a few simple clicks, and show you how to setup your blog so that it is ready to go. You'll learn how to customize the look and feel of your blog with theme templates so that your blog looks professional and fun. After you have customized the appearance of your blog I will show you how to start building pages on your website like an email contact page and a navigation menu. Once that is complete I will then show you how you can create a custom logo for your website for as little as $5. Here is the best part! You will learn step-by-step how to write your first blog post, edit the content, add pictures, videos, and links so that it is completely engaging to your readers. To put things into perspective after you finish this course you would have saved hours of frustration, time and thousands of dollars. Here's what people are saying about the ""Ultimate Guide to Starting A Blog With WordPress"" ----- Amber Hurdle said, Some people have a gift to teach and Anthony Tran is among them. He was able to educate an online marketing beginner like me about the ways of WordPress and beyond, explaining in simple, non-tech language how my website could actually work for me through generating traffic and leads. I am officially enlightened! ----- Andres Zuleta said, ""Anthony can take complex, convoluted concepts, and explain them in an easy-to-understand and most importantly actionable way. He has a knack for distilling the essentials, and has helped me tremendously with regard to my understanding of search engine marketing. He is earnest, kind and honest, and I am thrilled to know him! ----- By now you're probably wondering how much the ""WordPress Access Pass"" will be. And that's a fair question when you consider that a single personal coaching session with me can cost up to $250 an hour. However, the reason I created ""WordPress Access Pass"" is that I understand that a lot of people just can't afford to fork out hundreds of dollars to hire a professional web designer or internet marketing coach. And so for a small investment you can start learning how to create a blog today with ""WordPress Access Pass"" for only $20. So if you're ready to make a change and finally get your online business up and running, just click the ""Add To Cart"" button on this page. Look, if you're serious about starting a blog and generating a passive income for you and your family, you need to take action and get in the game. The good news is that ""WordPress for Beginners"" course gives you a proven step-by-step plan to start from ground zero and build a website blog with virtually no technical experience. Just imagine waking up in the morning, opening your email inbox, and getting a notification that you earned an affiliate commission from your blog website. You laugh out loud as you realize that you now made money while you sleep rather then spending your days in that 9-to-5 job that you dislike so much. You've built a real, profitable online business AND won the respect of those who doubted you. So start your training with ""WordPress for Beginners"" coursenow, and let's get you blogging today."
Price: 19.99 |
"Create Kindle eBook Covers with PowerPoint" |
"Create Kindle eBook Covers with PowerPoint takes the mystery away from designing and producing a virtual cover for a Kindle eBook. It is important to have a cover image, or ""catalogue cover"" as this is what prospective purchasers will see. To make your book stand out you need a graphical image that can be read when squished into a thumbnail size on the Kindle store, and this course will show you how using software you may already have. The course is split into sections covering setting up PowerPoint, adding and editing images, searching for royalty-free and stock images and putting it all together. There is a bonus walkthrough video at the end for consolidating all the material covered in the course. The course comprises video lectures, PowerPoint template files and PDF documents and should take between 3 and 5 hours to complete. PowerPoint has been included with every version of Microsoft Office for years. I have chosen it because it will be familiar to most people and is very easy to learn. If you use Microsoft Windows you probably already have it installed on your computer. If not, you can pick up a copy very cheaply forWindowscomputers.N.B.Thiscourse is unsuitable for the Mac OS as the interface is different."
Price: 29.99 |
"Cmo Proyectar y Construir Chimeneas de Lea" |
"Aprende paso a paso todos los secretos de las Chimeneas de Lea. Con este video curso se acabaron los problemas con las Chimeneas, nunca ms tendrs dudas Y por supuesto, tendrs la seguridad que tu chimenea va a funcionar correctamente, pero no slo eso, sino que aprenders a mejorar su rendimiento. Si te identificas con alguna de las siguientes situaciones, ste es tu video curso: - Te exigen que en tu proyecto figuren los croquis y detalles de la chimenea a ejecutar y no sabes por dnde empezar. - Tu cliente te exige una chimenea de lea que funcione correctamente y con garantas. - Tu obra va con retraso, y no puedes permitirte el lujo de que la chimenea no funcione, menos an de repararla o repararlas si es que es una promocin de varias viviendas? - Has tenido muchos problemas con las chimeneas de lea, y por nada del mundo te arriesgaras a otro ms Prefieres intentar que tu cliente cambie de opinin, an a riesgo de disgustarle. - Necesitas proyectar una chimenea de lea, y no tienes tiempo de investigar y estudiar el tema hasta convertirte en un experto? - Tienes dudas sobre la instalacin de tiro para que la chimenea funcione correctamente? - Ya has llevado a cabo la construccin de una chimenea, y en aquella ocasin funcion correctamente, aunque no ests seguro de si volver a funcionar. - El tiro de tu chimenea no puede salir recto hasta la cubierta, y no sabes qu decisiones sern las ms adecuadas para solucionarlo. - Tienes miedo de que el humo entre la estancia? - Tienes que supervisar la obra en todas las fases de ejecucin de la chimenea, y no sabes si lo que se est llevando a cabo es correcto o no. - Has contratado a una empresa especialista en chimeneas, con la que nunca habas trabajado antes, y te gustara saber si lo que estn llevando a cabo es correcto o no - Tu cliente ha elegido materiales de un alto valor, y por nada del mundo, te gustara tener problemas con la chimenea - Te ha tocado replantear la chimenea y en el Proyecto no se definen los detalles para ello. - Tienes que lanzar el pedido de los materiales, y no sabes muy bien cules sern los ms adecuados. - Aparte del tiro y del hogar Sabras indicar aparte de stas, 4 partes importantes en el funcionamiento de una Chimenea de Lea? - Te han contratado para solucionar las patologas de una chimenea y no sabes cul es el problema ni cmo solucionarlo? - Sabes que las chimeneas se calculan en funcin de los m3 a calefactar, y que sus dimensiones guardan relacin entre ellas. Sabras calcularlas? - Tienes claro cul es la mejor ubicacin de tu chimenea dentro de la estancia? - Qu seccin deber tener el tiro de tu chimenea? Qu hueco debemos dejar previsto en el forjado? - Llevas bastante tiempo y dinero gastado intentando solucionar la entrada de humo de esa chimenea. Ests DESESPERADO y a punto de tirar la toalla y cambiarla por una prefabricada o un insert. - Te ha ocurrido alguna vez que despus de hacer un gran trabajo en el resto de la obra, resulta que la chimenea de lea no tira, y tu trabajo ha quedado completamente deslucido. - Te ha llamado tu cliente, quejndose que las paredes del hogar de la chimenea se ha agrietado, y no sabes explicarle la causa y peor an, no sabes solucionarlo - La chimenea no funciona, slo cuando se abre la puerta de la calle - Crees que un dimetro mejor constituye un mejor tiro? La respuesta es que NO. Si te sientes identificado con alguno de estos enunciados, entonces ests en el lugar indicado, porque yo te ensear cmo lograr todas estas cosas y muchas ms que ms adelante te cuento, pero permteme antes comentarte cmo est estructurado este Video curso para facilitar tu aprendizaje: 1.MDULO 1. CONCEPTOS BSICOS. Lo primero que vamos a hacer es conocer exactamente cmo funciona una chimenea por dentro, si sabemos cmo se comporta el humo por su interior, tendremos gran parte del camino recorrido. Te lo explico adems de una forma muy sencilla e intuitiva, nada de formulaciones, ni teoras farragosas, vamos al grano directamente! 2.MDULO 2: Cmo Proyectar una chimenea de lea. Antes de lanzarnos a disear y proyectar nuestra chimenea, tenemos que tomar una serie de decisiones, tenerlas en cuenta pues son importantes, en este segundo Mdulo daremos un recorrido por esas cuestiones, e iremos definindolas...Tanto para garantizar su buen funcionamiento, como para mejorar su rendimiento. Y s, tambin calcularemos nuestra chimenea, de una forma fcil y rpida. Ahora con la total tranquilidad de saber que va a funcionar correctamente, Es momento de que tu creatividad se ponga en marcha y disees esa chimenea Qu sensacin de serenidad y satisfaccin, no te parece? Sobre todo, si tienes en cuenta que no slo tu chimenea va a funcionar correctamente, sino que le sacars el mximo rendimiento posible Djame que te cuente que hay muchas chimeneas que funcionan bien, pero se les est sacando su mximo rendimiento? 3.MDULO 3: CMO CONSTRUIR UNA CHIMENEA DE LEA El primer gran paso ya lo hemos dado, pero ahora toca poner el broche de oro, haciendo las cosas bien en obra. Te contar las tcnicas constructivas a aplicar en las Chimeneas de lea, te hablar de los materiales adecuados, a cada parte Mejora de Rendimiento, y evitando patologas, aumentando su durabilidad Y si el Proyecto que tienes, no define la Chimenea como hubieras querido, no te preocupes: con este video curso saldrs airoso del reto. Te lo garantizo, y si no lo consigo, te devuelvo el dinero sin hacerte ninguna pregunta!!! 4.MDULO 4: MANTENIMIENTO. Seguimos sumando valor a nuestro trabajo, y hablamos de Mantenimiento, es importante que sepamos asesorar al usuario sobre cmo debe realizar el primer encendido, el mantenimiento que debe llevar a cabo, las precauciones y hbitos que debe adquirir para evitar situaciones de riesgo y/o accidentes domsticos, los utensilios en su manejo y mantenimiento, y por supuesto, hablemos tambin del tipo de lea que mejor rendimiento nos va a dar, qu grado de humedad debe tener y cmo va a afectar ste al rendimiento de la chimenea. 5.MDULO 5: ANLISIS DE PATOLOGAS. Y para los que no contaron con este video curso cuando ejecutaron la chimenea, repasaremos las Patologas ms comunes, y sobre todo qu las ha causado y cmo se pueden arreglar. Aunque ya adelanto que en lo que a Chimeneas de Lea se refiere, la subsanacin de la patologa pasa por rectificar la parte inadecuada, y esto en la mayora de las ocasiones, significa demoler esa parte, que lleva consigo la demolicin de otras para facilitar su acceso. Pero tranquilos!!, en nuestra chimenea esto no se va a dar, porque la habremos ejecutado correctamente. Sin embargo, a lo largo de nuestra carrera tendremos que ayudar a otros quienes no tuvieron la suerte de contar con este video curso, pero como digo al principio del prrafo, a nosotros nos servir de repaso a todo lo aprendido, o bien, si ya estamos embarcados ayudando a otros, pues nos servir para identificar la causa de esa PATOLOGIA. Todo el video curso est desarrollado en vdeos, incluso el CLCULO DE CHIMENEAS donde adems, podrs descargarte la tablaque utilizamos y el croquis tipo para identificar cada elemento de dicha tabla, y que es la base del clculo de una Chimenea de un solo frente. Estoy segura de que te va a servir de gran ayuda, adems de ser uno de los secretos mejor guardados, y que tantos quebraderos de cabeza ocasiona a los profesionales de la construccin. Toda la inversin en material didctico, y sobre todo, en tiempo que he usado para llegar a adquirir estos conocimientos, te la resumo, lo cual tambin me ha llevado mucho tiempo de estructuracin y preparacin Y te lo resumo, por dos grandes motivos: a) Soy consciente de que el tiempo es oro, y actualmente, todos deseamos disfrutar de ms tiempo libre; b) Si podemos dedicarle un determinado tiempo a aprender algo, por qu dedicarle el doble o ms sin adems perjudicar ni a la calidad, ni a la cantidad de los conocimientos que adquirirs TAN SLO TENDRS QUE DEDICARLE 5 HORAS,y te convertirs en un experto, no habr problema con tu chimenea en la obra que no puedas resolver. Creme este video curso cobra doble valor:el valor que aportars, a tu cliente, empresa, y/o a compaeros, con los conocimientos adquiridos, dedicndole el tiempo necesario y ni un minuto ms, salvo que sea sa tu decisin.Y dos, el tiempo que te ahorrars en la bsqueda de respuestas concretas a tus dudas, y de soluciones a tus problemas"
Price: 74.99 |
"Time Management: How to Build a System of Success" |
"================================================================Want MORE time in your day? Build a time management SYSTEM that works. ================================================================ In 90 minutes, you'll learn how to build a personalized, repeatable Time Management System, one that positions you for LONG TERM SUCCESS. ================================================================ With a personal 30-day money-back guarantee, in this course you'll learn. The Four Pillars of Time Management- Organization the framework for your System of Success Prioritization the process of identifying and categorizing important tasks Action tips & tricks to turn theory into action and jump-start"" your productivity Review a simple method to keep yourself on track"" ================================================================With our simple, step-by-step lessons, you'll complete and be able to use... Five Specific Time Management Tools and their corresponding Action Steps, including: Your Vision of You create a personal goal that details where you want to go The Personal Contract develop a written structure for your efforts A To-Do List prioritize items and get the most important items done first The Action List achieve more by identifying Top-2"" and Not-Today"" tasks The Activity Log track your progress and see all that you accomplish! ================================================================ Also included in our course you will find AWESOME bonuses like: A 16-page course outline with notes and key points from each section. A personalized worksheet for each action step. A series of Excel Templates to help optimize your personal productivity. Instant email access to BOTH instructors. Community of 1000+ students from all around the world, eager to learn and grow! ================================================================= So... What are you waiting for?Click to enroll, and start building your own Time Management Productivity System today! See you in class! Cheers, Ryan & TolanCo-Founders of Splativity ================================================================="
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML Simplified, Learning Web Development" |
"In this course you will be introduced to all of the HTML tags and elements used in web development and you will develop the skills to create a basic website with images, text, links, forms, tables and etc. This course is the first part of two courses in a web development series, the second one being CSS. HTML is the basic language used in coding a website, whilst CSS is what designs this HTML code and website, helping it appear more appealing to the everyday user. This course teaches through examples and walk-throughs of all the different tags and elements in HTML. Also if you have any difficulties following along, then you can always download the files yourself and take a second look on the HTML code written in the videos"
Price: 19.99 |
"Diagnosis Evolution: The ICD-9 to ICD-10 Transition" |
"This is the ultimate course on the ICD-9 to ICD-10 transition. If you don't know what ICD-10 is and you're practicing medicine, you need to learn this before October 15, 2014 when it goes into mandated effect or you could lose money! In this course, you'll find out all about how ICD-10 affects your practice, your billing, your diagnosis and how may need to write them differently, and more. Everything about the ICD-10 structure is explained in easy detail, so that you can learn what you need and get back to making money. You'll also see the quick way to memorize different sections that are applicable to you by seeing how ICD-10 is divided up. Along with some great exercises you can do in your practice to make it so that you are ready for the transition!"
Price: 74.99 |
"Nail C# programming in six sessions" |
"Get the C# basics under your belt. C# programming is not as difficult as many people think. Its quite easy, straightforward and fun to learn. This course will take you through all the basic stuff you need to get started. It will show you how to download the free tools and get started with coding in C#. I will guide you step-by-step on how to use Visual Studio Express. This is a free product. You will learn the basic tenets of C# from ground up. Any person with absolutely no programming background can benefit from this course. The course is structures in 6 easy to follow lectures. Each lectures covers a key point while starting with C# programming. If you always wanted to learn C# programming but never got round to start it, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Nail WPF in less than an hour" |
"Get the WPF basics under your belt. WPF or Windows Presentation Foundation is a fun technology to learn. It is the flagship technology from Microsoft and uses .NET platform. This course will help you hit the ground running in no time. It will give you very good foundation on what WPF is and how you can get started writing application in WPF in no time! It will show you how to download the free tools and get started with coding in WPF. I will guide you step-by-step on how to use Visual Studio Express. This is a free product. You will learn the basic tenets of WPF from ground up. Any person with absolutely no programming background can benefit from this course. The course is structures in 6 easy to follow lectures. Each lectures covers a key point while starting with WPF. If you always wanted to learn WPF programming but never got round to start it, this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Parenting To Potential: Awaken To Your Parent Power" |
"Awaken to Your Parent Power is first of a series of four playshops produced by Parenting to Potential designed to help parents cultivate child-rearing practices that foster a positive, empowering, and life enhancing experience for the whole family. Awaken helps you take that first all-important step to realize and embrace your own powerful place in your child's world. Explore how to not overpower but to empower. Wise use of your power helps your child evolve into an authentic, creative, and courageous human being that genuinely enjoys his or her own life, and naturally moves to contribute to the wellbeing of the world. This playshop is self-paced, yet designed to take about 2 weeks. It includes thought-provoking reading, inspiring music, engaging audio visuals, and creative and experiential exercises to help you to integrate this material. The Parenting to Potential courses are designed to expand and strengthen your parenting skills without taking a lot of time away from your work and family life. This particular course, Awaken to Your Parent Power, will lay the groundwork for sound parenting, while providing a basis for the deeper learning available in the next three playshops. Though parenting is an ongoing process, this playshop will jumpstart your ability to make the changes called for to help your child become who they really are, while doing the same for yourself."
Price: 19.99 |
"Poloi Matematiku 2 na iduem roku!Ne gubi vrijeme uei sam" |
"Potpuni postupak rjeavanja zadatka za 1. kolokvij MATEMATIKE 2 za studente Rudarsko Naftnog Fakulteta u Zagrebu. Ovo su zadaci za vjebu sa RGN-a U ovim online instrukcijama se nalaze detaljni postupci 53 rjeena zadataka: 6 zadataka iz odreenih integrala 13 zadataka iz povrina likova putem integrala 3 zadatka iz povrine likova zadanih u parametarskom obliku 6 zadataka iz povrine likova zadanih u polarnim koordinatama 14 zadataka iz duljine luka krivulja (kartezijeve koordinate, parametarski, polarne krivulje) 3 zadatka iz pravca i ravnine u prostoru 7 zadataka iz raunanja volumena rotacionog tijela 2 zadataka iz vektora, povrina paralelograma i trokuta, volumen paralelopipeda, kut izmeu vektora, komplanarnost, linearna kombinacija Prikljuite se u online kurs i rasturite kolokvij ili ispit! P.S. Unutar teaja se nalaze tablice integrala i derivacija te formule koje studenti RGN-a smiju imati na ispitu Objanjavam kako koristiti stranicu WolframAlpha za crtanje grafova i rjeavanje zadataka Objanjavam kako koristiti digitron CASIO 991ES za bre rjeavanje zadataka Ako elite dogovoriti privatne Skype instrukcije, javite se porukom preko Udemyja"
Price: 19.99 |
"Poloi Matematiku 2 na iduem roku! Lake je nego to misli" |
"U teaju trenutno sudjeluje 59 studenata iz raznih gradova Potpuni postupak rjeavanja zadatka za 2. kolokvij MATEMATIKE 2. Ovo su zadaci za vjebu sa RGN-a, ali se takvi zadaci pojavljuju na svih tehnikim fakultetima. U ovim online instrukcijama se nalaze detaljni postupci 45 rjeena zadataka: 30 zadataka iz diferencijalnih jednadzbi 5 zadataka iz dvostrukih integrala 5 zadataka iz parcijalnih derivacija 4 zadatka iz ekstrema funkcija dviju varijabli f(x,y) Redovito stavljam nove zadatke u teaj. Ako imate neki zadatak koji fali, slobodno mi poaljite poruku preko poruke na Udemyju ili na Facebook profil Ivan Livi Instrukcije Kupite sada online teaj i rasturite kolokvij ili ispit! P.S. Unutar teaja se nalaze tablice integrala i derivacija te formule koje studenti RGN-a smiju imati na ispitu Objanjavam kako koristiti stranicu WolframAlpha za crtanje grafova i rjeavanje zadataka Objanjavam kako koristiti digitron CASIO 991ES za bre rjeavanje zadataka Ako elite dogovoriti privatne skype instrukcije, javite se porukom preko Udemyja Ukljui se u teaj, postavljaj pitanja, alji zadatke i uspjeno poloi kolokvij ili ispit!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Matematika 1 >> Rijeeni ispiti. Poloi ispit iz prve" |
"U ovaj teaju u stavljati detaljno rjeene zadatke iz Matematike 1. Slobodno mi aljite zadatke koje elite vidjeti rijeene. U ovom teaju se nalaze detaljni postupci zadataka: 2 x limesi pomou L'Hospitalovog pravila Matrica - Gauss-Jordanova metoda Neodreeni integral Odreivanje domene funkcije Prikljuite se u online kurs i rasturite kolokvij ili ispit! P.S. Unutar teaja se nalaze tablice integrala i derivacija te formule koje studenti RGN-a smiju imati na ispitu Objanjavam kako koristiti stranicu WolframAlpha za crtanje grafova i rjeavanje zadataka Objanjavam kako koristiti digitron CASIO 991ES za bre rjeavanje zadataka Ako elite dogovoriti privatne skype instrukcije, javite se porukom preko Udemyja"
Price: 19.99 |
"Osnove Elektrotehnike - metode rjeavanja strujnih krugova" |
"Gradivo pokriveno se odnosi na tehnike srednje kole i fakultete. U ovim video instrukcijama u objasniti kako rjeavati strujne krugove pomou sljedeih metoda: Nortonov teorem Theveninov teorem Metoda superpozicije Metoda konturnih struja Metoda potencijala vorova Direktna primjena Kirchhoffovih zakona Millmanov teorem Ovdje ete nai detaljno rijeene zadatke iz svih ovih metoda s istosmjernim (DC) i izmjeninim veliinama (AC)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Create a Beautiful Online Store with Shopify - Fast & Easy" |
"Join over 3,000 students who have taken this course! In this course, I'll show you step-by-step, how to create your own beautiful online store with Shopify so that you can start selling online and making money! Fast & easy... Whether you want to sell physical products (such as T-shirts, electronics or accessories) or digital products (such as ebooks), Shopify will make your online store stand out from the competition. We all want to have amazing online stores, because we know the impact it can have on a potential customer. But unfortunately a lot of people think they have to pay web designers a fortune to make this happen. The good news is that you don't even have to hire a web designer... You can do it yourself. And I'll show you how in this course. By the end of this course you'll be able to: Choose a beautiful design for your store and customize it Set up your store's payment options Set up your store's shipping options Customize your store's checkout page Create and manage a blog for your online store (very important for SEO) Set up taxes Add and manage products in your store Create and manage product categories Manage the orders placed by your customers Offer your customers discounts Add more functionality using the Shopify app store And much more Take this course, and start your very own online store! Note: there's a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 194.99 |
"Google Classroom" |
"Are you a teacher in a Google Apps for Education district? If not, will you be going Google soon? If so, take advantage of this course on the Google Classroom. Teachers of all levels; elementary, secondary, post-secondary will benefit from using Google Classroom as an online learning platform. This is a comprehensive course covering topics from the basics of classroom, to how you can use it with your students, to lessons to teach your students how to use the application to a final side-by-side view of the teacher and student platforms. The course is broken down into 8 sections, the introductory section, followed by 6 learning modules, and ending with an overview and wrap-up of the course. Each of the 6 learning modules will contain a video lecture, ranging from 45 seconds to 10 minutes and a handout with each lecture explaining the step-by-step process on paper. Each module will end with a multiple-choice question quiz to test your understanding of the topic. Modules 1-4 will contain challenge activities to try what you learned on your own. Finally, at the end of the course you will receive PDF files of the instructions for each module that you can download and use if you forget the material later. With nearly 2 hours of video showing step-by-step processes you are sure to become a successful online educator with Google Classroom. Use a little less paper in your classroom by starting the course today."
Price: 39.99 |
"Power in your PowerPoint presentations: it can be a breeze!" |
"Improve your presentation skills with or without PowerPoint! Would you like to increase your influence, credibility, and personal and professional success? Do you want to save time, improve efficiency, and increase your effectiveness for creating powerful presentation with slides? Would you like to stand out, feel more confidence, and have more fun creating a presentation and connecting with your audience? Yes? Then this course is designed for you! While these worthy desires may seem like high expectations, you can achieve them more easily than you might expect. In fact, the guidance provided in this program is exactly what will help you do just that. What is it? Power in your PowerPoint Presentations, is a video course based on the book and workshop and narrated personally by the author, Nick Elliott (thats me). In this course, you or your staff will learn the vital concepts, best practices, and principles. Youll also take away a proven, time-saving, and easy-to-follow system for preparing effective presentations with slides, and even without slides. This is not a technical course about slide software (although youll gain some great tips). It is, instead, a program designed to help you take the software youre likely (at least a little) familiar with and harness it for its true purpose to support you when you present. But more than that, its about making the process of creating a presentation that is well-structured, engaging, and has the power to make an impact, easier. It can be a breeze! Whether you are a: Trainer teaching a class Manager or leader motivating staff Subject-matter-expert presenting at a conference break-out session Consultant providing feedback and recommendations Business representative persuading clients Student delivering a report to the class doing an outstanding job with your presentation has unlimited value! This course will provide you with the power! Here is just some of what youll get: 4.5+ hours of information packed videos 21 common mistakes to avoid The # 1 reason for the wrong types of slides, and how to avoid it 14 key considerations that will help you finally get it 7 principles that will make slide design intuitive Basic design principles that can easily improve your slides 11 essential slide styles to make things easy The Breezentations System! Simple, step-by-step processes for easily: Creating powerful content Designing powerful slides Practicing for a powerful delivery Lifetime access to the entire program A workbook, templates, checklists and other valuable job-aids Access to me, personally. Have questions, just email me! I am here to make presentations easier for you."
Price: 199.99 |