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"Swift basico. Programacin para aplicaciones iPhone"
"Si quieres saber programar en el nuevo lenguaje de Apple que reemplaza a Objective-C, ste es el momento perfecto para adelantarte al resto de la comunidad de desarrolladores iOS. Aprende ahora Swift, el lenguaje que marcar una poca incuestionable en el mundo Apple. El lenguaje Swift nace como alternativa a Objective-C para desarrollar aplicaciones en plataformas iOS y OSX. Este curso es una oportunidad de conocer rpidamente todo lo relacionado con Swift, de una manera amena y estructurada, sin tener que digerir el manual en ingls de Apple. Vas a aprender lo bsico necesario para iniciarte en el desarrollo de apps para iPhone con Swift, desde los llamados de funciones bsicos hasta desarrollar una app sencilla. Experiencia del profesor: Carlos Leal, ingeniero en Informtica, Centrado su especializacin en el campo de las aplicaciones mviles, y de manera especial en iOS, IDE Xcode, android y mucho mas.. Posee tambin una licenciatura, dos masters y es formador en diferentes tipos de cursos de diferentes lenguajes y sistemas, charlas, ponencias, colaboraciones con diversos portales especializados. Un verdadero maestro de la programacin mvil. Incluye TODOS los archivos fuentes usados en este Curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Origami paso a paso y aplcalo a tus iPhone apps"
"La mayora de los diseadores y creadores de apps para iPhone, crean mockups o imgenes estticas de sus diseo y de las ideas que tienen para su app; pero a medida que pasa el tiempo vemos que las apps son todo menos estticas, lo que significa que los diseadores y desarrolladores necesitan una mejor herramienta para crear la interaccin de sus apps. Origami Engine es una plataforma de publicacin del iPad que te permite disear, crear prototipos y publicar interesantes publicaciones iPad interactivas sin escribir una sola lnea de cdigo. Utilice el iPad como su portavoz para conectar con la gente en formas que no podemos con cualquier otro medio. Con el motor Origami, puede utilizar el poder de la tecnologa tctil para contar su historia - ya sea un libro, una revista, un informe, o algo completamente nuevo. Experiencia del profesor: Carlos Leal, ingeniero en Informtica, Centrado su especializacin en el campo de las aplicaciones mviles, y de manera especial en iOS, IDE Xcode, android y mucho mas.. Posee tambin una licenciatura, dos masters y es formador en diferentes tipos de cursos de diferentes lenguajes y sistemas, charlas, ponencias, colaboraciones con diversos portales especializados. Un verdadero maestro de la programacin mvil."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a crear un juego como Candy Crush para iPhone"
"Vas a aprender paso a paso como crear un juego completo como Candy Crush y como usar este tipo de funcionalidades y opciones en tus propias aplicaciones. Construiremos paso a paso la logica de este maravilloso juego, herramientas, escenarios, animaciones del tablero, jugabilidad, entre otras cosas mas! Experiencia del profesor: Carlos Leal, ingeniero en Informtica, Centrado su especializacin en el campo de las aplicaciones mviles, y de manera especial en iOS, IDE Xcode, android y mucho mas.. Posee tambin una licenciatura, dos masters y es formador en diferentes tipos de cursos de diferentes lenguajes y sistemas, charlas, ponencias, colaboraciones con diversos portales especializados. Un verdadero maestro de la programacin mvil. 100% Recomendado! Hazte un experto en Apps Profesionales y lo mejor de todo, incluye TODAS las fuentes usadas en este Curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Edita y crea audios profesionales con Adobe Audition CS6"
"Adobe Audition (anteriormente conocido como Cool Edit Pro) es un editor de audio multiplataforma comnmente utilizado en produccin de vdeo, audio, msica y juegos. Los usuarios pueden trabajar en modo Multipista para construir elaboradas estructuras de audio, o en la interfaz de Forma de onda para aplicar mltiples efectos, editar y mezclar pistas, ajustar proyectos y llevar a cabo restauracin de audio. Audition CS6, la ms reciente versin al momento de esta descripcin, incluye nuevas caractersticas como el estiramiento de clips en tiempo real, alineacin automtica de voz y automatizacin de parmetro. Est disponible como producto individual, como parte de CS6 Production Premium, o a travs de Adobe Creative Cloud. En este curso de Audition CS6 vers todas las caractersticas necesarias de este programa y podrs editar sonido de forma profesional, corregir audios, sea msica, dilogos, u otros efectos de sonido. Iniciaremos cubriendo cmo importar, registrar y administrar los archivos de audio, desde la extraccin de audio y la importacin de vdeo, a la creacin de una nueva sesin multi pista desde cero. Luego nos sumergimos profundamente en la edicin, reparacin y limpieza de archivos de audio, utilizando la forma de onda y editores multi pista, adems de la frecuencia espectral."
Price: 19.99

"Crea prototipos para experiencia de usuario con InDesign"
"Adobe InDesign (ID) es una aplicacin para la composicin digital de pginas desarrollada por la compaa Adobe Systems y dirigida a diseadores grficos y maquetadores profesionales. Presentada en 1999, su objetivo era constituirse en la alternativa a QuarkXPress. Este curso es impartido por Victoria Vzquez, tcnico en Diseo grfico y en Infografa, curs mster en 3D y animacin digital. Qu voy a aprender? Aprenders a utilizar Adobe InDesign para la creacin de prototipos de experiencia de usuario, agregndoles interactividad y movimiento a tus diseos, mientras aprendes a utilizar las herramientas y opciones que te ofrece InDesign para este propsito, como la utilizacin de guas, cuadriculas, estilos, junto con la creacin de figuras vectoriales, y muchas cosas ms. A quin va dirigido? Este curso va dirigido tanto a diseadores, como a usuarios que deseen crear prototipos de experiencia de usuario con alta fidelidad. Impartido por Carlos Uzctegui, Graduado en el ao 1990 del Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, en Estados Unidos, Jos M. Ramos ha ejercido su vocacin como profesional creativo por ms de 20 aos. Es experto certificado en Adobe InDesign, InCopy, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat Pro y Dreamweaver. Adems desde el 2009 es miembro activo del programa Adobe Community Professionals."
Price: 29.99

"Trabaja desde tu casa. Aprende como ser un freelance exitoso"
"Qu voy a aprender? Vas a aprender como planificar tu como freelancer, esto incluye los recursos necesarios, la satisfaccin de necesidades, manejo de dinero, como obtener clientes y gestionar tu tiempo. Este curso trata de trabajar independientemente de su servicio a los dems sin gastar dinero. Usted descubrir cmo iniciar su propio imperio freelance. Se le presentaran algunos excelentes pasos y las herramientas para desarrollarte como un profesional independiente excepcional y muy bien pagados. No hay nombre de dominio, hosting o tasas de respuesta automtica involucrados, a menos que desee. Se le mostrar consejos para aprovechar los sitios de trabajo. Usted tambin aprender cmo aprovechar diversas tcnicas de marketing para la promocin de su experiencia y generar un buen ingreso. Cules son los requisitos? Ganas de emprender y de ofrecer tus servicios en todo el mundo. A quin va dirigido? A emprendedores y personas que quieran trabajar de forma independiente. 100% Recomendado!"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de SCRUM, metodologa gil gestin de proyectos"
"SCRUM es una de las metodologas giles ms conocidas para la gestin de proyectos. Las metodologas giles se centran es aspectos como la flexibilidad en la introduccin de cambios y nuevos requisitos durante el proyecto, el factor humano, el producto final, la colaboracin con el cliente y el desarrollo incremental como formas de asegurar los buenos resultados en proyectos con requisitos muy cambiantes o cuando se exige, como es habitual, reducir los tiempos de desarrollo manteniendo una alta calidad. A quin va dirigido? Este curso va dirigido a emprendedores, empresarios y a lideres de equipo que deseen agilizar sus desarrollos y procesos usando el framework SCRUM, sin embargo esta no es una limitante pues, puede ser aplicado en proyectos personales e individuales. Obtendr el conocimiento combinado de metodologas giles y prcticas de scrum. Metodologas giles son los enfoques ms populares en el desarrollo de software, mientras que las prcticas de scrum incluyen desarrollo de software por equipos multi-funcionales y de autogestin, la produccin de cdigo de trabajo al final de cada iteracin o Sprint. Agile Scrum demuestra la capacidad de un profesional para implementar herramientas de scrum a los empleadores globales."
Price: 19.99

"IGCSE Physics Chapter 5 Waves (Cambridge CIE)"
"*This Course is about Extended Cambridge (0625) IGCSE Physics Chapter 5: Waves, *This course covers all the points in the syllabus that are related to Waves, *The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech, * If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos, * The average video duration is 3 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later, * The full course duration is about 1 hours and 43 mins * Past papers samples with mark scheme answers are included at the end of each lesson, * This course includes six lessons: Lesson1: Water Waves, Lesson2: Sound Waves, Lesson3: Light Reflection, Lesson4: Light Refraction, Lesson5: light Despersion, Lesson6: Converging Lenses This course is arranged so that it covers all the three kinds of waves, starting with water waves the simplest kind of waves to study, then sound waves, and then the last four lessons which are related to light waves, this course mainly covers the theoretical parts that puts the basics that will help you answer all past paper questions related to waves in paper 1 ( the multiple choice), paper 3 (structured questions), and paper 6 ( the alternative to practical), Lesson1 water waves: you will study the properties and behaviour of water waves like reflection, refraction and diffraction, Lesson 2 sound waves: is a short part of the course that includes properties and behaviour of sound waves in addition to the sound pitch and loudness with some experiments to find the speed of sound, Lesson 3 Light reflection: including plane mirrors, Lesson 4 Light refraction: this also includes the phenomenon of total internal reflection and a brief study of the critical angle, Lesson 5: Light Dispersion: the seven spectrum colors and other invisible forms of light, Lesson 6 Lenses: the converging lenses and the formation of real and virtual images by the lenses"
Price: 19.99

"IGCSE Physics Ch 3 Electricity (Part 1 of 3) - Cambridge CIE"
"*This Course is about Extended Cambridge (0625) IGCSE Physics Chapter 3: Electricity, * This chapter is divided into three courses Part1: Basic Electricity, Part 2: Electromagnetism, Part 3: Electronics, This course is only part 1 Basic Electricity, other parts will be in other courses, *This course covers all the points in the syllabus that are related to Electricity (Part1), *The course is directed to the point and restricted to the syllabus nothing less and nothing more, so you will not waste your time, with invaluable speech, * If you know exactly your syllabus you will appreciate these videos, * The average video duration is 3 mins so you will not get bored with the course and you can find reasonable points to pause and complete later, * The full course duration is about 1 hours and 43 mins * This course includes four lessons: Lesson 1: Magnetism, Lesson 2: Electrostatics, Lesson 3: Electric current (Equations and Theoriticls) Lesson 4: Home Installation, This course is arranged so that it covers all points about basic electricity, This course mainly covers the theoretical parts that puts the basics that will help you answer all past paper questions related to Basic Electricity in paper 1 ( the multiple choice), paper 3 (structured questions), and paper 6 ( the alternative to practical), Lesson 1 Magnetism, this includes bar magnets, magnetic fields, magnetization and demagnetization methods, Lesson 2 Electrostatics, includes charged bodies, methods of charging, electric field and electric forces Lesson 3 Electric current is separated into two parts, the first part is the equations, this includes all the equations related to electric current and electric circuits, also explaining the concepts of voltage, current intensity and electric resistance, after that comes the theoretical part which includes definitions, proving ohm's law, the variable resistor, the potentiometer, and electric symbols, Lesson 4 Home installation, how electricity reaches our homes, some sources of dangers and safety precautions,"
Price: 19.99

"70 IGCSE Electricity question you can never miss before Exam"
"This course is one course of a complete package of courses that is specialized in answering (Cambridge IGCSE Physics past papers) The course is continuously growing, started with 50 questions, and adding more questions as much as we can, The package also includes other courses: IGCSE Mechanics past papers questions IGCSE Thermal Physics past papers questions IGCSE Atomic Physics past papers questions IGCSE Waves past papers questions I can never imagine a Cambridge IGCSE Physics student who did not: 1-Answer these past papers questions, 2-Understand how to read the mark scheme of these questions, 3-Know how to write a full understandable scientific answer for these questions, 4-Know the marks distribution among the full answer according to the mark scheme, There are many differences between watching science for fun or general knowledge, and studying science for an exam, If you are aiming for an A* or A, reading the books and watching videos to explain the syllabus, are not enough, You must understand those people who will correct your paper, Sometimes you understand things, but you are unable to express and explain what is in your mind, That is why understanding your syllabus perfectly and strongly is not enough, This is only 40% of the road to the A*, You must communicate with the minds of the examiners through answering past papers, understanding mark schemes which include the answer they would love to hear from you, This is 60% of the road, You must choose the courses that are related to your syllabus, not just (physics syllabus), Most of videos on the internet may include what you need in your syllabus, but they also include a lot of thing that you do not need, From 9 to 12 courses, realized this fact, That is why their courses are specialized in answering past papers for each specific syllabus and not general past papers, Each question will be answered in the following steps: 1-The teacher reads the question with loud and clear voice, 2-3 seconds chance to pause the video so you read it again carefully and try can answer the question yourself in your notebook if you want- 3-If you did not pause the video, the countdown ends and the teacher starts to explain the question, giving a quick express revision on the points related to this question in an average of 1 minute, 4-The teacher gives you the final answer, 5-The mark scheme is displayed on the screen, and the teacher starts to explain the mark scheme and gives any other possible answers, 6-The teacher compares the mark scheme with his answer and shows you what are the marks of the question given for and how his answer gets the full mark of the question, 7-All these steps for each question take an average duration of 2 minute for each question. Again whether you take them with us or in any other place I can never imagine a Cambridge IGCSE Physics student who goes to the final exam without understanding these questions, I hope you enjoy and benefit."
Price: 19.99

"Effective Academic Writing: Write Papers that Get Results"
"**Update 1/4/2018: This course now has captions. I have personally reviewed and edited them to make sure they are clear and reflected the content! Cheers, NadineLearn to write an academic paper that is clear, effective, that makes you look good, and that is well-received. Academic writing is not about grammar. It's not about fancy words. It's not about memorizing information or showing off new fonts. It's about effectively communicating a complex idea, and backing that idea up with facts and compelling arguments. ""But I have good ideas!"", you protest. ""But I still don't get good grades!!"" That's because you haven't learned how to package and sell your ideas to your reader. I was a straight A student before becoming a professional editor. I have spent the past 10 years mastering the art of academic writing. I know how to get good grades, I know what you need to do to get them too. And in this course, I show you. ""I am a graduate student,"" you sigh. ""I don't need some class talking to me about grammar. I need someone who knows that I have ideas that need to get through."" I understand about ideas needing to get through. I am a published researcher, and professional scientific editor. I have edited 100s of manuscripts at every level in the fields of psychology, social science, linguistics, engineering, education... I know what this kind of writing is about. And I know how to make it ""sell"". Academic writing is a strict, rules-based form of communication. In this course, I take you behind the scenes and into the mind of your professor (or TA) or referee board. I give you the tips and tricks that I have gained through my years of experience and that work. I have jam-packed the information you need into a series of lectures, course notes, and quizzes. This course is compact: I give you the information you need to excel, no time-wasters. The lectures, course notes, and quizzes are complimentary and contain all the information you need to take your academic writing to the next level. Students who will benefit most: 1) college students/undergraduates who need to boost grades, 2) grad students who need to take their writing to the next level (i.e., finish dissertation and get published!) This course is NOT a grammar course. If you are looking for a course to take you through the basics of English grammar and style, I don't do that here. If you are looking for a course to help you kick some academic butt, enroll right now. There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you are not 100% satisfied, Udemy will give you a full refund, no questions asked. I love this topic, and I am excited to help you. You have access to me for your questions or specific issues. If you have been looking for a writing course that helps you get your message across, this is the writing course for you. Enroll now!"
Price: 24.99

"Yin Yoga for Flexibility & Stress Relief"
"Are you ready to go on a journey of self-discovery and rid yourself of stress by releasing the tension in your connective tissue?Just imagine. Settling down from a stressful day and melting the tension in your body as you relax into a meditative Yin Yoga session. This easy practice is designed to invigorate your body and open it to feelings you've never experienced before. Feelings of complete relaxation.Yin Yoga provides an opportunity to heal the mind and body by diving deep into the roots of your tension, stress and unease. What's more, it's the perfect counterpoint to an active yoga practice. Each pose is held for 3-5 minutes allowing you to target the deep connective tissue. It's great for those who live a stressful lifestyle who would like to improve flexibility, joint health, and mental focus.Just picture the peace of mind you'll feel as you settle into the serene, gentle and contemplative practice of Yin Yoga. It's a great way to get to the meditative roots of yogic practice. While it might not be as difficult as other forms of yoga, it offers its own unique set of challenges and rewards.This course is designed for all levels including beginners, intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners. Kassandra walks you step-by-step through each of the poses. Her detailed instructions allow you to follow along without having to keep your eyes glued to the screen. You can practice at your own pace in the comfort of your home, and you'll get the feeling of being in the studio. It won't feel like you're missing out"" on anything. You'll also find it's more time and cost effective than a regular class.Benefits You Can Get From This Course:Soften the upper body and melt the tension in your neck and shoulders by focusing on the scalene, trapezius and deltoid muscles Relieve lower back pain as you open the front and back of your body through focusing on stretching the pectorals, latissimus dorsi and rhomboids Eliminate daily stress and emotional trauma by diving deep into your lower body and opening tight areas by doing poses that target the glutes, psoas, hamstrings and rectus femoris Relax completely and deeply, and rid yourself of stress and unacknowledged emotions as you experience peace and self-reflection And finally, bring positive changes to your mental and physical well-being.Here's What a Few Students Have to Say ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is an excellent course and since purchasing it, I have made it part of my daily exercise routine. I have tried different styles of yoga over the years, but I am finding that Yin yoga is best suited for me. The long extended poses work muscles and joints in a deep, yet safe fashion and allows a restorative meditation to soothe the nerves and release tension. Kassandra is a wonderful teacher. She explains the poses with a relaxing voice and says just enough. I find instructors who speak all the time quite distracting. I recommend this course highly and I expect to continue using it in the months to come."" -- Tom DaddesioSuper easy to follow instruction - Great relaxing voice and music - Awesome poses that are really effective and easy to do - Duration of the videos are perfect! (In person classes here are 1hr 15 which is wayyy too long for me. I love that this is shorter.) I couldn't be happier. Thanks so much for putting this course together!!! You've done an amazing job."" -- Max Imus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Downloadable Content and Free Bonus IncludedEach video lesson is downloadable so you can put them on your tablet or smart phone. Watch them anywhere! What's more, you'll also receive a FREE BONUS Yoga at Home 100 Yoga Poses"". In this eBook you'll see illustrated pictures of Kassandra's favorite 100 yoga poses with complete instructions.Included is a Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee. If for ANY reason you aren't satisfied within 30 days, we'll happily refund every penny. In fact, go ahead and TRY the course out right now. See for yourself. If it's not everything and more get your money back promptly.This course has already impacted many people. You don't have to be flexible or strong to receive the benefits of Yin Yoga. As long as you're willing to give it a chance and practice consistently your life will change.Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandra's negligence."
Price: 34.99

"Yoga for Insomnia - Beginner Friendly Yoga for Sleep"
"You've heard the line, ""you spend one third of your life sleeping."" And you wish that were true for you. It probably feels like you've done everything possible to improve your sleep quality. You've bought the best mattress. Ordered all those products advertised on the shopping network while you lay awake on the couch in the middle of the night. And yet you still can't get to sleep--let alone stay asleep for that highly coveted 8 hours. The good news is that proven rest relief is on the way with this powerful sleep program. Forget about the countless external sleep gimmicks--it's time to turn inwards.With this powerful course, you'll be guided through some of the best ways to use yoga to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep. Over 10 days, you'll learn to use movement, stillness, breath and mindfulness to lull yourself to bed. You'll discover how to quiet your mind, find stillness, and finally rid your body of aches and pains with the best techniques to finally get a restful night.With this course, you will:Put your issues with sleep to bed, and put yourself to bed peacefully, too.Learn yoga sequences, breathing techniques, and meditations to facilitate a full night's rest.Get tried and true methods for better sleep, which are suitable for all skill levels, and simple practices to help you relax your mind and body at any time.Apply these techniques to your daily life and see a significant decrease in the time it takes to fall asleep, and an increase in the length and quality of sleep."
Price: 49.99

"Delete Pain - Wickes Way"
"When you are stuck in negativity and destructive emotions you can break out of them using principles coming from Psychology, Chinese Medicine, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Yoga. Reduce and remove anxiety and fear.. empower and take charge of your life Increase your personal contact to unconditional love. In the course you will learn theory and concepts: You learn about Energy. The principles of returning to source. How to treat difficult problems Find a new connection to self-love and self healing"
Price: 44.99

"Quantitative Management"
"We're in the 21st Century, but many business still run their operations like it's the start of the 20th Century. This course shows you how to leverage a tool you already own, Microsoft Excel, to improve the operation of your business. If you want get an edge over your competition and increase revenue, while decreasing cost, this is the course for you. Don't let the word quantitative scare you off. While these solutions are math based, they're more about measuring and tracking. This course includes: 18 video-based, case-oriented lectures, that are between 5 and 10 minutes In most cases, an Excel template is provided for you to download so you don't have to start from scratch! Though straightforward, the information is fairly dense so, while the length of time to complete will largely depend on the individual. Since the course is designed to be "hands-on" it will require more time than just watching the videos You should take this course, because -- if properly applied -- these techniques can save you substantial time and money."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To DJ Fast Using Traktor Pro 2 (And Really Own It)"
"Traktor 2 is arguably the ultimate DJ software to learn how to DJ. The great thing being, for this amazing tutorial series all you will need is: 1) A copy of Traktor 2 (even the demo version will be cool for this) 2) Some speakers or headphones 3) A laptop, tablet or desktop 4) An internet connection ...and in seconds you can be taking this incredibly extensive course which covers a whopping 2 hours of HD video tutorials and will easily take you from beginner DJ to 'gig ready' in a matter of weeks. Even if you are a seasoned veteran and wish to expand your skill set, you will still benefit greatly from the course. The course does not mess around like many others - it gets straight to the point in an easy to understand manner, unlike other DJ courses. Check out Ultimate DJ Academy for more video tutorials. Here is everything you will learn during this Traktor 2 course.. An essential 'over the shoulder' introduction and overview on how Traktor 2 works An in-depth review of the top Traktor DJ Controllers of 2014 How to use the Traktor decks and mixer in just a few steps How to create beat grids to automatically 'sync' your track for easy mixing Properly organizing your tracks so you can find anything in seconds How to easily loop in Traktor Pro 2 (Including some top secret tips) Setting cue points and recalling them easily each and every time Using FX in Traktor Pro 2 to maximize your DJ sets How to perform a DJ mix in Traktor Pro 2 easily and seamlessly How to record your DJ sets so you can listen back to them Enjoy the course and feel free to message me with any questions you may have."
Price: 19.99

"The Boobie-Weiner Game: Body Science for Big Kids"
"Developed by a PhD in psychology and human sexuality, this animated course introduces the early reader to the proper scientific terms for genitals and other body parts. It also discusses privacy and private parts on the body, as well as a discussion on inappropriate touch, trusted adults and reporting. The course is specifically designed for children: It's short - 12 minutes long; It has two presentation formats. One with voice audio and background music and the other without voice audio; It can be paused for slower readers; And it's upbeat, nonthreatening, energetic and kinetic. View the promo video for a more complete list of the terms to be defined and discussed. What kids are saying about Dr. Claire: "She makes it funny." Boy, age 6 "That was the best comedy show ever." Girl, age 7 "I thought it would be weird, but she made it cool." Girl, age 6 "Dr. Claire rocks." Boy, age 8 "Dr. Claire makes it like science." Girl, age 5 "I wish I knew this last year." Boy, age 6 "Body science is the best." Boy, age 5 "I was nervous, but Dr. Claire made it fun." Girl, age 8 What adults are saying about Dr. Claire: Dr. Claire has a wonderful approach to an often tricky subject. She uses humour and compassion to make a meaningul connection to students." Teacher "The kids LOVE her. She has an amazing way of connecting to the kids so they listen and learn from her." Teacher "Im a big fan of Dr Claire and think she does a wonderful and important job." Parent "Dr. Claires genuine and research-based approach engages students in an honest and meaningful way." Parent"
Price: 24.99

"Facelift to Go - No Botox or Dangerous Surgery"
"Be Ever-young - the Natural Non-Surgical Face-Lift was designed for the busy person. It was developed by a Medical Hypnotherapist, Acu-point Specialist and International Speaker on Holistic Medicine.. It is quick and easy and fun to learn and do while moving through your day. It's a FACE-LIFT TO GO. The program blends western physiology and eastern energetics. In other words, it is a complete program with powerful elements that work your facial muscles, unstick energy blockages and relax your mind. Smooth away unsightly wrinkles, reduce puffiness, release ugly tension lines, and lift up your face from the inside out. This is a fun and fascinating course. Here are just some of the things students learn: How to use Facial Renewal Exercises to defy gravity. What Your Face Says About You (Visual Diagnosis) The face reflects the state of inner health. Learn what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners can tell by just looking at the face. How to use Acu-Point Therapy (Acupressure) to reduce puffiness, tone underlying tissues, alleviate headaches, TMJ, teeth clenching and grinding and sinus problems. How to RELAX and to become EMPOWERED letting beauty and confidence shine from the inside out. This course includes audio guided imagery sessions and affirmations to download and take with you to feel calm, centered, secure and beautiful all day long. Be Ever-Young Face-Lift to Go is the perfect portable program to get you moving toward a look of youthful radiance. It is quick, it's easy, it's FUN."
Price: 54.99

"No Effort Weight Loss - Top Tips of a Master Hypnotherapist"
"Weight loss by feeling good? Is it possible? ABSOLUTELY! Complete this course and follow what you learned for 30 days and if not completely satisfied simply utilize the 30 day money back guarantee. LOSE WEIGHT - SECRETS OF A FEMALE MASTER HYPNOTHERAPIST - A WEIGHT LOSS INTENSIVE DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR WOMEN Why just for women? Because our minds are wired differently from men. What works for them doesn't necessarily work for us. Discover what does work for you. My name is Patricia Gilmore and let me tell you, this course is very different. I am going to be teaching you my powerful secrets for helping people make permanent and lasting change in their lives. My students and clients have incredible success with my PLEASURE PROGRAMMING/FEEL GOOD methods. I am a woman, my clients are women, so I know women. I know what works for them and what doesn't work for them, what motivates to the core and what doesn't resonate. As a Clinical Master and Medical Hypnotherapist and International Speaker I have literally taught thousands of people how to change their internal programming to get what they want. Now you too can learn my secrets. When you enroll for this course you will learn how to identify your true core motivation for desiring to lose weight and why knowing it is so important. Discover your core seed and you are more than halfway to your goal. how masculine pain programming (THE OUCH FACTOR) is effective but not the best way to get what you want. Pleasure (THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR) simply works better for women. Nurturing and support is the language we understand not programs using motivational "yelling". We often shut our ears and zone out in the presence of shouting. Learn a better way. how the mind works and how to bypass that devil on your shoulder that keeps you from making weight loss progress. Defeat that guy by going in the side door of your mind. Learn how. how to find your own personal "channel" and how to tune into it to access the part of your mind that can help you lose weight faster and more effectively. how to eliminate overeating and switch your desires to healthy foods and lifestyle practices by simply changing your internal program. how to de-emphasize the word "exercise" (if it represents something you don't like) and fall in love with moving your body. how to hire a professional hypnotherapist. Learn what to look for so as to get the best quality for your money and your time. how to create your own customized programs. Learn all the do's and don'ts to tap into your subconscious mind faster, better and safely. In addition to over 25 lectures and supplemental materials in this course there are four separate 20 minute self-hypnosis/guided imagery sessions to download to your computer, phone or listening/viewing device. Utilize them daily and speed along your effortless weight loss. The titles of the sessions are FEELING GOOD THE END TO OVEREATING EXERCISE AND ENERGIZE THE CRYSTAL BALL - YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE Dive on in the warm love tub of PLEASURE PROGRAMMING. LOSE WEIGHT by FEELING GOOD! BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT! ENROLL TODAY! NOTE: This course does not include a diet or exercise program. For that you will need a different course. This course is about changing behaviors and beliefs by utilizing the power of your subconscious mind."
Price: 54.99

"Step-By-Step Product Creation Blueprint"
"Creating your very own information product is certainly a worthwhile endeavor. This course explains exactly what you need to do to be successful. It give you the tools to start from scratch and build your informational empire. It sets you up with the information the other 98% of internet marketers who failed DIDN'T HAVE! YOU CAN START MAKING MONEY WITHIN TWO WEEKS WITH MY COURSE! In this course you are getting: OVER 3.5 HOURS of ORIGINAL VIDEO CONTENT to start making money immediately. 27 videos all broken down and easy to understand. A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to my WEBSITE: With 6 HOURS OF VIDEO BONUS CONTENT Also Included in my membership is: Free Email Swipes training videos affiliate tools Download ready-made headlines that you can use on squeeze pages, sales pages, and any other marketing page! Coaching Videos Graphics & Special Offers only available inside my site. EXACT Step-By-Step instructions how to set up Everything! Having your own product is often one of the easiest ways to not only make money online, but it can help you to build and establish a brand, build valuable partnerships and create your very own team of affiliate marketers who are willing to promote the products for you! As you might imagine, you can see far greater results through the efforts of a large group of affiliates than you ever could on your own, thus your time is much better spent creating your own products than simply promoting others. Of course, many people think creating a product of their own is expensive, time consuming and difficult. The truth is, creating a high quality information product isnt all that hard to do, especially when you follow my step-by-step product creation blueprint. This course explains exactly how to create your own course and be fully operational in a short amount of time."
Price: 19.99

"Java e Orientao a Objetos"
"Voc aprender os conceitos bsicos dessa linguagem orientada objeto que utilizado por milhes de programadores de computadores pelo Mundo. Disponibilizaremos vdeos, cdigo fonte de exemplo, uma apostila completa cobrindo todos os assuntos aqui discutidos, exerccios resolvidos e links para o nosso Blog: Alm de todo esse material voc pode estudar no seu tempo. Como todo material est disponvel na internet voc pode acess-lo de qualquer computador ou equipamento com acesso rede mundial de computadores quando desejar. Conceitos bsico de Java; Orientao a Objetos; Temas como: Collections, ferramentas e produtividade; Manipulao de arquivos, acesso a Banco de Dados; Uso do Eclipse a principal IDE para Java do mercado; Este curso para quem deseja bem um bom programador Java;"
Price: 19.99

"Make Professional Looking Marketing Videos"
"This course is all about preforming in a high production environment where the one man crew team has to shoot hours of video every week, edit them, and export them. The course is made of 18 different videos and more then 3 hours of training. The videos format is a kind of over the shoulder format were I take you along with me and show you all the how tos, tips and tricks that every editor needs to know to be able to produce a weekly video or show. Everything I cover in the course is the direct result of experience and making mistakes. This course is going to show you everything you need to know to be able to produce a high quality, audience engaging video that you can then use on your website or any social network to help you drive clients without working too hard. If you want to learn to produce great videos this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Adobe Premiere Pro Video Editing Course!"
"Want to learn how to edit your family or vacation videos? Feel confused about everything Premiere Pro has to offer and dont know where to begin? This course will cover everything you need to know so you can start and edit your videos using Premiere Pro.For the past 14 years I have been working as a video producer, I produced, shot and edited thousands of hours of video. from DIY projects, to Online commercials and global events, you name it, chances are I've done it.My course is built around the assumption that you, as a beginner:Want to know only the tools you would useDont want to learn all the windows and buttons premiere pro has to offer because you will not use them.Dont care about fancy terminologyand last but not least: the best way to learn something is seeing how it is done. not just talking about it theoretically.That is why I built my course around a real life example, and I take you through all the steps I take in real time and explain everything to you. everything is highly practical! no theory!In fact, if you read all the reviews of my course they are actually saying the exact same thing. it concentrates on the practical side of how edit using Premiere Pro. In this video editing course, I will take you through the basic skills you need to know for using Adobe Premiere Pro. You will learn: Adobe Premiere Pro OverviewHow to Start a new ProjectHow to Organize your videosWhat Is the Timeline?Editing Audio in Premiere ProBasic Video Editing ToolsColor correction and gradingAdding TitlesExportingand much much more! And all the Basic & Pro Editing Tools you need to know to start video editing!So, if you like how this sounds, get the course, and start learning how to edit video like a pro using Adobe Premiere Pro! ***** ""Very simple to understand, I loved how you explained everything it made it very simple and quick. It's all you need to make a video..."" - Joseph Grenon, Student review Please Let me know if you have any questions"
Price: 94.99

"Create 3D Intro Using Adobe After Effects & Element 3D"
"Almost every professional course, video or youtube channel has some short (5-10 second) logo animation of the video's creator. These video intros are brand strengthening, they allow the watcher to quickly recognize the video's creator, and in the long term they help the video maker to be more publicly recognized and build his brand. Every video maker (youtube channel, video course maker, and even companies with "success stories" videos) should have a video intro. An intro is so easy and simple to make! You dont need to pay a lot of money to someone else to do it for you. you can make professional 3d logo intro in less than 2 hours! This course will teach you everything you need to know (A-Z) for making your own professional 3d video intro with your logo. In this course I used Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe Illustrator, Element 3D. If you dont have Adobe After Effects CC or Adobe Illustrator you can download them for 30 days trial. The element 3D software will allow you to make & use 3d object (like your logo) without the need to learn complex 3d software. Topics Covered: Convert your logo to a 3D object Animating 3D objects Add Amazing Light Effects Create Depth of Field Working with Optical Flares Make your 3d object look more realistic Adding sound track Exporting your Video Intro Let me know if you have any more questions. I will be glad to see you in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Trello Project Management: Complete Course"
"This basic course will cover everything you need to know so you can start and work with Trello and boost your productivity.Student review:***** ""Terrific Tips on Trello. I have to admit I've had this project management app for a few months now and never really understood the full functionality. I can't think of any other questions I would have after this thorough course. Great, quick, succinct. - Naketa Thigpe, Student review***** ""A Great Way To Get Up And Running Quickly With Trello. I've looked at Trello a few times over the past year, but never really had the time to spend to get to grips with it. This course, is just the right length and has enabled me to finally start using Trello and working more efficiently. - Chris O'Connor, Student review If you were looking for a solution to help you manage and speed up the progress of your projects, or you're running several projects with people based in different locations and you want to be able to keep tab of everything going on, or you just want to increase the productivity of your business - you've reached the right place. If you ever worked as part of a Team, you know that collaboration and synchronisation are the key factors for the activity to be a success or a total failure! Everyone needs to know what everyone else is doing, when each action starts and stops. and sometimes the activity looks so complex that you don't even see the whole picture and can really get confused. Meet Trello! Trello is a web based Free application that can boost your output dramatically. companies like Adobe, Tumblr, Trip Advisor and the New York Times are using Trello to manage their projects. Trello is an amazing application, that improves your personal productivity. Use it to manage and track your own tasks or use it with your team to improve collaboration. With Trello you can build your projects, assign tasks to different users, assign each task a due date, build checklists, transfer files, interact with your team regarding the tasks and be informed of everything that's going on, and do all that while your team members aren't even in the same continent! In this course I'm going to show you everything you need to know to get up and running with Trello. in just a little over an hour you'll be able to set up your account, build your projects, assign tasks and be able to manage an effective team, increase your productivity and as a direct result you will have more time to start a new project, or maybe ,just maybe, a little bit more R&R (Rest and Relaxation) time. If you are ready to learn how to use Trello to make your project more efficient, less time consuming and have more free time - this course is for you. I'll see you there!"
Price: 44.99

"Floral Design -- Not Just Flower Arranging"
"Created for up-and-coming floral artists and anyone who enjoys playing with flowers, this course is packed with things you never knew about floral design. Sandys high energy and positive encouragement will leave you ready to explore the field of professional floral design. This course introduces the basic concepts of floral design in lectures targeted to illustrate the connection between many aspects including an array of tools of the trade, color combinations, and visual balance. Led by an instructor with a lifetime of experience and a knack for teaching, topics zone in on the key components that set floral design above mere flower arranging. Each section includes a video or illustrated audio lecture to explain how the topic relates to the foundational instruction. Summary text, Checkpoint Challenges, and brief quizzes help make sure the big concepts stick as you begin applying your new skills. The discussion forum is a great place to exchange ideas with other burgeoning entrepreneurs. And Sandy is always responsive to messages sent from the class interface. Savvy shoppers will appreciate the budget conscious recommendations for the array of tools professional designers use and where to find them. Insider quick-tips including flower preservation and scissor sharpening using products already in your home. Participants learn the importance of the dozens of choices made to create a single arrangement. Samples are effortlessly assembled before your eyes while essential information is presented regarding color, balance, containers, and supplementals. Encouragement to "break the rules" and mix artificial with fresh florals to create memorable designs will anchor the course through inspirational examples. Insider industry secrets put you on the fast track to generating another stream of income or developing a new career path. Creative spirits looking for memorable floral gifts ideas for friends, family, or profit will find a wealth of information to spark success in this course."
Price: 24.99

"12 Microsoft Excel Examples Everyone Can Use"
"Excel is the number one program employers ask for by name in job descriptions. This extremely powerful program may not feel as intuitive as other Microsoft products to you. As a computer instructor for 14 years I know how to help you jumpstart learning. Join me for a tour of the key features you need to master to become Excel-lent! Each session of this course includes a workbook for you to download and practice right along with me. Save yourself hours of frustration knowing that there must be a better way to accomplish these common tasks in Excel. Check out the course curriculum. I bet there's at least one task that you struggle with. Join me for a fun and painless learning experience."
Price: 19.99

"Developing an Information Architecture with Card Sorting"
"Good information architecture is key to creating engaging, easy-to-use and intuitive websites. This online course, comprising 10 easy-to-follow lectures, will walk you through the card sorting process. Card sorting is a professional exercise undertaken with participants that determines the best navigational structure (formally called information architecture) for your site. Card sorting can be carried out face-to-face, or online using a software program called OptimalSort. In this course, you will learn how to master both methods. Developing an Information Architecture with Card Sorting also comes with resources, such as a moderation guide and research templates, created and used by the U1 Group consultancy team. The benefits of card sorting Carrying out card sorting prior to web design and development enables you to: See how users map out relationships between your content Figure out where users think content should (or shouldnt) sit Observe what navigation paths dont make sense to users and why Learn the language that users label categories of information with. Through this research, you gain insight on how to create the most intuitive Information Architecture possible. The result is a user-friendly website structure that you can rest assured people will want to come back to, again and again. Youll hear comments like: Wow! I can actually find the content I need! Youll start seeing an increase in conversion rates Youll lower incoming phone and email queries Youll improve the overall customer experience, which builds advocacy. just by understanding how to best present content on your website, thanks to card sorting. To get started, download our course now!"
Price: 94.99

"Web Accessibility: Learn Best Practices, Tools & Techniques"
"As website designers/developers and UX designers, website accessibility is often something that is pushed to the bottom of the pile. The guidelines can be tricky, clients don't always appreciate the reasons behind it, and, to be honest, in the absence of an informed argument other competing factors always win out.But what if you could stand out from the crowd? UX, and more specifically, accessibility is becoming more and more important, and in some industries it's a legislative requirement.We've created a simple and easy to follow course which holds your hand through the accessibility process. During 2003 the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that one in five people had a disability. Can you really risk marginalising up to 20% of your website's visitors with an inaccessible website?Why this course?U1 Group's unparalleled accessibility expertise and face-to-face teaching experience not only demystifies website accessibility, but allows you to put it into practice on your website.You'll see how we practically apply guidelines to many common aspects of websites, which dramatically benefits your learning process.After completing this course you will hold a competitive advantage over other designers and will be able to add tremendous value to your clients. What will I learn?This course comprises of 12 modules, 10 downloadable 'cheat sheets', and will provide you with meaningful tools which will allow you to confidently develop accessible websites. Topics covered in this course include: A crash course in to accessibility.Ensuring your website is navigable by all users.Creating accessible text content.How to apply accessibility techniques to multimedia content.How to optimise the use of colour to enhance accessibility.How you can create more accessible forms.Guidelines for creating accessible images and non-text elements.How to design and implement accessible HTML tables.How to enhance the accessibility of dynamic and rich internet content, andGuidance on selecting an accessible content management system (CMS) If you have any involvement in UX design or website development, then this course is for you. Without this knowledge you run the risk of losing work to more qualified professionals, or worse yet, leaving your clients open to litigation due to having an inaccessible website."
Price: 174.99

"Sayezz Pilates Self-Practice Guide to Mat FUNdamentals"
"Looking for a simple way to integrate fitness into your every day and to build strength, flexibility, balance and flow into all that you do? This FUNdamentals Pilates course is designed to give you the tools to begin your fitness goals the fun, effective Pilates way.What's included in this course:Over 2 hours of HD video workouts and lectures.A Wellness & Self-Care manual to get you started.An Action Plan to help you sustain your Pilates habit after you finish the course.A detailed Sayezz Workbook explaining Pilates history, principles, basic anatomy and outlining the FUNdamental exercises.Mastering the FUNdamentals is key to opening up the world of Pilates to your mind, body and spirit, and when you are finished here, there is another course in this series, the Level 1 & 2 Self-Practice Guide to Mat. I look forward to joining you on your journey to integrating strength, balance, awareness and flow into your every day."
Price: 24.99