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"Colorimetria per tutti"
"Non richiesta nessuna conoscenza preliminare! Il videocorso "colorimetria per tutti" aiuta a comprendere in maniera facile i problemi della riproduzione colore dall'originale al video sino alla stampa. 14 lezioni video per la durata complessiva di 90 minuti. All'interno di ogni lezione inserito un pdf scaricabile con tutte le schermate della lezione stessa. Sono presenti pure 4 sezioni quiz per aiutarVi a valutare il Vostro grado di apprendimento. Il videocorso "colorimetria per tutti" nasce dall'esperienza di un lungo periodo di formazione e attivit pratica in aziende, scuole ed enti. Lo scopo principale del videocorso "colorimetria per tutti" di far conoscere e comprendere in maniera facile e completa i problemi della riproduzione del colore dall'originale al video sino alla stampa, anche a principianti che lavorano nel mondo della grafica, della fotografia e in tutti gli ambiti dove si usa il colore. Molti di questi principi sono le basi fondamentali per poter operare nel settore della grafica, fotografia, design, architettura, web, moda... senza incorrere in gravi errori che vanno a scapito del lavoro finale e della Vostra professionalit. Imparerete a valutare le differenze tra il monitor e la stampa e molto altro ancora prima di imbattervi in spiacevoli sorprese. Se avete qualche dimenticanza, nessun problema: potete rivedere il video della lezione o rileggere le schermate del pdf."
Price: 79.99

"Enrichment analysis: interpret gene lists like a pro"
"Gene enrichment analysis is the most popular systematic approach to assign ontologies, pathways, and transcription factors to gene lists usually resulted from high throughput experiments. This short course introduces the two most frequently applied methods to locate the common features of large gene lists, and provide opportunities to practice this analysis in the most common research scenarios using GeneTrail (for gene set enrichment analysis) and WebGestalt (for over-representation analysis), the two web tools used most often in the field. You get written material, video explanations for the background, and prepared example data files for practices. You are provided with (almost) real life discussions between a wet-lab biologist and a bioinformatician to clarify the most common misunderstandings related to this analysis. You are led step by step by two experts of the field, both active researchers; and in the meantime, you are challenged to proof your knowledge in quizzes. If you have a solid background in molecular biology research, you will be able to expert these methods in a maximum of 8-10 active course hours, but if you have only a general idea of the field, you will get a plenty of background material to learn and practice all in a few days. We recommend to cover all the provided material approximately in a week to maximize the efficiency of your learning. As you know, bionformatics and data analysis skills are highly demanded among molecular biology and pharma researchers. Why not equip yourself with these easy but very useful tools to extend your future potential as a researcher?"
Price: 44.99

"NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Maths Term 2 (SA2)"
"NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Maths Term2 (SA2) is a self-paced course is designed to help CBSE/ NCERT students to understand concepts and application through videos. You can view these classes as many times as you want to clear the concepts. The comprehensive nature of this course will help you be prepared for CBSE board exams, competitive exams and in engineering entrance examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Maths has particularly been created with the view to give students to explore mathematics and develop the abilities to reason mathematically. Topics like Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry and probability have been presented by linking them with their introductory parts studied in earlier classes. Key Features: Each question is explained with concepts. Notes, Formulas, Definitions, Key points are included in the videos, while explaining each question. While explaining each solutions, we have added small anecdotes, pictures which you would find interesting. How to get most from this video course: Schedule time and watch videos. Take Notes as we solve each exercise. We recommend you solve each question on your own before going through video explanation. Practice NCERT solutions every day. Teach it to someone (anyone). Second Term: SA-II (October to March) Units Topics Marks 1. Algebra (Contd.) Quadratic Equations. Arithmetic Progressions. 23 2. Geometry (Contd.) Circles. Constructions. 17 3. Trigonometry (Contd.) Heights and Distances. 08 4. Probability Probability 08 5. Coordinate geometry Lines(In two-dimensions) 11 6. Mensuration Area related to circles. Surface areas and volumes. 23"
Price: 19.99

"NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Maths Term 2 (SA2)"
"NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Maths Term2 (SA2) is a self-paced course is designed to help CBSE/ NCERT students to understand concepts and application through videos. You can view these classes as many times as you want to clear the concepts. The comprehensive nature of this course will help you be prepared for CBSE board exams, competitive exams and in engineering entrance examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Maths has particularly been created with the view to give students to explore mathematics and develop the abilities to reason mathematically. Key Features: Each question is explained with concepts. Notes, Formulas, Definitions, Key points are included in the videos, while explaining each question. While explaining each solutions, we have added small anecdotes, pictures which you would find interesting. How to get most from this video course: Schedule time and watch videos. Take Notes as we solve each exercise. We recommend you solve each question on your own before going through video explanation. Practice NCERT solutions every day. Teach it to someone (anyone). Second Term: SA-II (October to March) Units Topics Marks 1. Algebra Linear equations in two variables. 16 2. Geometry (Contd.) Quadrilaterals. Area. Circles. Constructions. 38 3. Mensuration (Contd.) Surface area & volumes 18 4. Statistics and Probability Statistics. Probability. 18"
Price: 19.99

"Mercadeo Oportuno para Emprendedores"
"Este curso est dirigido a cualquier persona que quiera utilizar Internet para atraer clientes y fortalecer las relaciones con clientes actuales. Mercadeo Oportuno es una filosofa que define un camino claro para entender mejor al cliente y ayudarlo en sus problemas para construir relaciones estables y duraderas. Cada da hay ms gente conectada a Internet. Tus amigos, familiares, clientes y proveedores estn usando Internet para conseguir nuevas empresas, adquirir productos y decidir dnde gastar su dinero. Cada vez que tenemos una necesidad hacemos una bsqueda. Y con la telefona celular no tenemos que esperar a llegar al computador. Tus clientes estn conectados a Internet y si no sabes como conectarte con ellos, otra empresa los va a atender. En este curso aprenders cmo: Convertirte en un Experto para tus clientes Utilizar la Pgina Web como centro de tu estrategia Conocer cmo funcionan los buscadores Entender como usar las Redes Sociales Atraer las personas ms interesadas Acompaar a los prospectos en su decisin Mejorar el servicio que ofreces a tus clientes Aprenderemos a usar herramientas gratuitas o de muy bajo costo disponibles en Internet. Evitando las complicaciones tcnicas nos centraremos en los objetivos importantes para tu negocio. Slo hace falta que tengas una conexin a Internet y que sepas como navegar en Internet. Todo lo dems te lo explicamos de una forma sencilla y amena. La mayor parte del curso son vdeos con explicaciones y casos prcticos. Tambin se incluye un diccionario con todos los trminos utilizados para que no te pierdas de nada. Todo el tiempo se est agregando enlaces a materiales interesantes, as como libros electrnicos en formato PDF. La filosofa de Mercadeo Oportuno te muestra el camino para atraer personas interesadas, y que stas personas te recomienden nuevos clientes usando las Redes Sociales. Es una filosofa fcil de entender y con unas indicaciones claras de cmo utilizarla. Es el resultado de aos de experiencia manteniendo un negocio en Internet. Est orientada especficamente a emprendedores que quieran mejorar su negocio y llevarlo a niveles ms altos. Este curso no te ofrece ninguna receta mgica, sino que te muestra un camino claro, comprobado, con sentido comn, para que puedas adaptarte y triunfar en el mundo moderno. Como las cosas importantes de la vida, requiere dedicacin, talento y constancia de tu parte. Yo recomiendo tomar todo el curso en 4 semanas para que te d tiempo de hacer los ejercicios y asimilar todo el conocimiento. Aunque si tienes el tiempo y la dedicacin puedes completarlo en 5 das."
Price: 49.99

"Build Your Own Web Site"
"This course teaches how to make a simple web site, no programming involved. It includes some theory and a Step-by-Step guide to producing a functional web site. The student will understand the fundamentals of a web site, of the Internet, the server and uploading files via FTP. The outcome will be an operational web site available on the Internet. All the necessary components are included at no extra cost. No additional software required or other complexities. This course is suitable for novice developers wanting to create their first web site successfully. The entire process should take between 3 - 8 hours. A weekend venture to get you up and running with a web site on the Internet."
Price: 29.99

"Photo Education for Outdoor Enthusiasts - JUMPSTART"
"Paul's motivational JUMPSTART into the world of outdoor photography is a unique blend of practical hands-on lecture, ideas for creative inspiration, and Q and A from a live audience who asks the questions you want to know. Count on having a lot of fun learning from Paul's vibrant teaching style, and then get outside on your next adventure taking great photos! This is an ongoing photography course, and you have lifetime access. New illustrations and assignments will be added to this course as it becomes available or as needed for explanation. If you have something you want to see, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am here to launch you as far as I can into this wonderful world of wilderness photography! For those of you who don't have 6-weeks to sit in a boring classroom, we'll do it all in ONE DAY! This course is for beginners who are serious about learning it right and in a tangible way the first time. This is not for casual shooters who just want to take a better snapshot of their family. This is for those who want to really be artists with their camera. You will need to have your camera out in front of you. Be prepared to practice, practice, practice as the course progresses. I deliver this time-tested Jumpstart course in three sections; CAMERA CLASS, PHOTOGRAPHY, and PROBLEM SOLVING. - CAMERA CLASS: You have to learn this gadget before you can create those artistic masterpieces of this wild planet. Look forward to getting off of that pesky green Auto setting forever after this morning session. - PHOTOGRAPHY: It's all about the Light, baby! - PROBLEM SOLVING: After this section, When you're photographing on your own, and there's no one to look over your shoulder and critique, you can basically teach yourself."" This is a one-day intensive course. Although, you can break it into two days to allow more time for everything to digest. Either way, most importantly, TRY everything we cover on YOUR OWN CAMERA as you progress through the course. Don't take tons of notes JUST TRY IT! Join Paul in this LIVELY ongoing classroom experience. The flame of passion you currently have for photography will be fanned into a blazing inferno."
Price: 199.99

"Tesis: cmo plantear el proyecto?"
"Este curso no es slo eso, es tambin la posibilidad para que -por fin- te amigues con el desarrollo de tu tesis y puedas recibirte. Te propongo un curso de metodologa prctica al 100%, sin laberintos tericos. Las clases estn armadas para que puedas cumplimentar, de modo eficaz, cada uno de los requisitos del proyecto de tu tesis.Te acompaar en este proceso, y responder a todas tus consultas. Podrs realizar tus consultas podrsutilizar el foro o enviarme un mail personal.Cmo est estructurado el este curso?Como dicen: ""todos los temas, son un tema posible para la tesis"". Entonces, pens un recorrido que abarca desde planteo de la idea hasta el modo en el que debe redactarse el documento de la tesis y lo estructur en cuatro momentos:1) De la idea al tema;2) Del tema al problema;3) Del problema a la estructura y4) De la estructura a la redaccin.Pero, como hay tantos recorridos metodolgicos como investigadores en el mundo, podes seguir tu propia estructura en funcin a tus necesidades e ir realizando la clase que quieras, ms all del orden de mi propuesta. Te encontrars con 21 clases prcticas en video (ms material complementario) que te ayudarn a cumplimentar tu proyecto en el tiempo que te lo propongas. La propuesta es ideal para estudiantes del rea de las Ciencias Sociales, carreras como: Comunicacin, Diseo, Relaciones Pblicas, Psicologa, Publicidad, Profesorados, entre tantas otras. Si tu intencin es recibirte y sents que necesitas ayuda; sin dudar puedo afirmarte que: este es tu curso! ;)"
Price: 54.99

"CREAtividad: 4 tcnicas infalibles! Adis a los bloqueos"
"Quienes culminen el curso obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. Para obtener el certificado, cada participante debe haber cumplimentado el curso (100%). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hace casi dos aosque este curso est en lnea, y ya cuenta con ms de1800entusiastas en busca de potenciar su creatividad. El promedio de su calificacin esde 4 estrellas. Quienes hicieron el curso dijeron:""ExcelenteEs un curso que te permite desarrollar tu creatividad. y te pone sumamente activa."" por Shirleyann Williams Smith""Una tcnica interesanteme sorprendi la novedad de esta tcnica, creo que entrega la informacin bsica necesaria para comenzar con los ejercicios creativos."" por Cristina Rojas""Todo sirve!Muy til y ademas aplicable en todo!"" por Nora Prez Barrio""Estimulacin creativaEs bueno, como un recurso para generar la creatividad en pocas de crisis para la innovacin."" por Leonardo LopezMe encanta actualizar los contenidos de mis cursos;esta nueva versin para activar tu pensamiento creativo te enfrentar a nuevos desafos que podrs resolver y sumar las herramientas necesarias a tu vida diaria. Ahora bajo el ttulo ""CREAtividad: 4 tcnicas infalibles"", descubrirs mucho ms sobre ti y tu capacidad creativa.Si bien el concepto de creatividad no termina de tener una definicin unificada, para la mayora de los autores la creatividad no es ms que la resolucin de problemas. Por lo tanto, todos somos creativos. El tema es cmo potenciamos nuestro pensamiento creativo para llegar a nuevas ideas, sortear los bloqueos y mantener la motivacin.CREAtividad: 4 tcnicas infalibles, es un curso online que te permitir activar tu pensamiento creativo, y a pura prctica!!!La creatividad es una cualidad que todos poseemos, pero que no todos la potenciamos. El talento creativo de los seres humanos se ha constituido en el corazn y en el ncleo bsico de los procesos de desarrollo, los cuales son el resultado de nuestra capacidad para imaginar, administrar, resolver problemas y hacer cientos de cosas que han contribuido al progreso del individuo y de la humanidad en general.Por suerte, a estas alturas se ha llegado a la conclusin de que la creatividad dej de asociarse exclusivamente con el campo artstico y esttico, y se convierte en una capacidad y en una facultad fundamental para el desarrollo personal y social.Sobre la actitud que debemos adoptar en tiempos tan cambiantes como los que vivimos, Guilford (psiclogo norteamericano) aos atrs ya haba anunciado que: para enfrentar el mundo de hoy necesitamos ms de un comportamiento que creativo que de un comportamiento inteligente. La flexibilidad como condicin de adaptabilidad parece ser una de las claves para desarrollar la creatividad. Y uno de los modos de alcanzarla es activando el pensamiento creativo.Activa tu pensamiento creativo, apuntate ahora!***Para obtener el cupn de descuento enva un mensaje privado"
Price: 49.99

"Coaching de vida: lleva tu negocio al siguiente nivel!"
"Quienes culminen el curso obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. Para obtener el certificado, cada participante debe haber completado el 100% del curso.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Te sientes bloqueado?, temeroso?, sientes ansiedad?, te notas frustrado? Estas son algunas de las emociones que aparecen en el camino de todo emprendedor. Si la aventura de emprender es tu objetivo pero te sientes estancado y el miedo no te deja asumir los riesgos que implica salirte de tu zona de confort, entonces este es tu curso.Emprende xito te propone un recorrido prctico para que puedas salvar los bloqueos por los que puedas estar pasando en este momento de tu vida. Bajo la perspectiva del coaching de vida, con una mirada transpersonal, logrars liberarte de toda frustracin.Te parece increble? Espera a ver la informacin valiosa que descubrirs:Caractersticas de los emprendimientos actualesLas cualidades e los emprendedoresCreencias limitantesLa relacin con el dinero y la riquezaIdentidad, campo relacional y BioDataAnlisis del sistema familiarObjetivos de calidadEste no es un curso ms para emprendedores, es el curso que te ayudar emprender xito, y mantenerlo en el tiempo.Emprende xito te propone un recorrido prctico para que puedas fluir con tu propuesta de negocio y disfrutar de la vida que tanto quieres tener. A lo largo de sus clases, aprenders la manera de descubrir la va de la informacin que te hace falta para lograr todo lo que imaginas.**Pide tu cupn descuento por mensaje privado"
Price: 74.99

"Po-Folks Guide To Stock Trading Easy Language Daily Income"
"The Ultimate Home Based Business - Many people are looking for a way to make extra income from home. There is a very good business most people don't even think about or don't even know about. This business has a scary name "" Stock orCommodities market. In this course you will hear my story how Igot started from Y'all Street to Wall Street. And step by step how you can do the same. FAQ. That it possible to make a daily living trading? YES That it does not take a lot of money to start? NO That you do not need a college degree? NO That you can work full or part time and be successful at trading? YES These are the exciting thing you will learn in your new journey. People will say you can't learn this . Because they are afraid! I am livingproof.YES YOU CAN!!!!."
Price: 24.99

"How to set up an automated membership website machine"
"Did you know that the easiest and quickest way to create an automated online business that produces consistent and reliable recurring income is to start your own paid membership site? A membership site is any site that contains material that can be accessed only by its members. With membership sites, your customer gets well acquainted with who you are and the quality of the information and content you put out. So, as long as you provide great content, loyal fans will always return for more products. Fixed-term membership sites run in a manner where youve setup X amount of weeks or months of products in advance. Thus, when a customer comes to your site, they buy and the system youve setup delivers everything automatically. In other words theres less technical setup, and less maintenance. How would you like that? With my videos, you will learn how to setup the system, but there is a lot less technical setup than traditional membership sites. Once they are setup, they are hands free and can run on autopilot. You will need to answer your support emails, but if done correctly you can lower them too. In the end, you have a higher converting list of customers who, most importantly, trust you. With that said, you can put it all in action and start creating your profit-pulling automated membership machine today, and avoid the mistakes that cost me thousands of dollars and hours of time just by watching this video series. The course has 10 videos with a total of 1.5 hours of content. I would suggest you watch all the videos before attempting to follow step by step."
Price: 19.99

"Playwrights Practice: Playwriting Made Easy"
"Playwrights Practice: Playwriting Made Easy ""The act of playwriting feeds the soul unlike anything else in the theatre arts."" ~Unknown This is a comprehensive course designed to teach aspiring playwrights the methods and skills necessary to create their own short stage plays from idea inception through polished final draft execution. Seasoned writers will benefit from the online table reading component as well as the lectures, allowing a chance to review technique as well as hear and garner constructive criticism of short works. We will reference and study theatrical masterpieces as examples. Playwriting is about the journey of the play. That journey offers you the chance to change your life through examination. It enables you to take a problem and look at it in ways you may never have considered before. This can, in turn, present previously unseen options to you. Herein, I offer to you the shortcuts, methodologies and creative insights taught to me during the first semester of MFA-level playwriting in Carnegie Mellon University's Dramatic Writing program. These fuzzy memories have been married to a myriad of professional tips, tricks and secrets I've learned through the experiments, successes and failures of both myself and fellow alum during our journey into the businesses of theater, film and television. If you follow this course through from beginning to end and execute all of the readings and exercises, you will be armed with the tools necessary to transform yourself into a short-form playwright of note while becoming a better writer and a more thoughtful human being. You will learn about short play structure, writing formulas, various types and levels of dialogue creation, managing character expectations, managing audience expectations, rising tension, avoiding cliche, and proper stage play format ... and in the process of practicing you will develop your own personal writing style and flare. If you complete the instruction provided along with the assignments and optional online table reading, you will complete this course with a minimum of: 1) one ten-minute play with feedback via workshop, and 2) the foundation necessary to prepare you to write your first full length stage play for the purpose of winning notoriety, influencing people, mastering advanced structure, applying for a possible residency, or submission to short-form playwriting competitions. This course is dedicated to the memory of my playwriting mentor, Milan Stitt, February 9, 1941 to March 12, 2009 (The Runner Stumbles)."
Price: 49.99

"Aprende Spring MVC de cero a experto."
"Porqu SpringMVC? SpringMVC es el framework lder en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en el mundo Java y una de las profesiones ms solicitadas en el mundo empresarial. Aunque el acercamiento al mundo de Spring puede resultar complejo en un primer momento, hay que diferenciar Springframework de SpringMVC, que aunque son de la misma familia, SpringMVC est orientado a proyectos web. Podr seguir el curso? Trabajamos con Java desde el ao 1995 y hemos visto todas las tecnologas asociadas y nos hemos centrado el desarrollos de Spring desde el ao 2005 y llevamos ms de 10 aos formando equipos de todas las caractersticas, por lo que hemos desarrollado una buena metodologa para lograr la mxima audiencia y entendimiento de nuestras clases. Casi la totalidad del curso consta de videotutoriales en HD explicando en sencillos pasos cada uno de los detalles que puedes ver una y otra vez con buena resolucin. Qu diferencia hay con otros cursos? La mayora de los cursos sobre Spring son generalistas y hablan de muchos aspectos superficialmente. Estn muy bien para adquirir cultura sobre Springframework, pero no para trabajar en un proyecto serio. Nosotros presentamos cursos especializados que abordan muchos temas en profundidad que no son contados en otros cursos. Adems proporcionamos una mejora en la calidad. No tendrs que ampliar la pantalla para ver el cdigo. Usamos herramientas que permiten seguir todo el proceso visual que est ocurriendo en los tutoriales. Nos centramos en el alumno que ve el curso y no solamente en hacer la demostracin. Qu voy a necesitar? Todo est recogido en el curso, aprenders dnde descargar las herramientas necesarias y configurarlas para que todo funcione bien desde el primer momento. Todo lo que precisas es opensource por lo que no tendrs gastos extra de licencias. Necesito alguna plataforma especfica? SpringMVC es lenguage Java, as que no necesitars un sistema operativo especfico, Windows, Mac o Linux funcionarn bien. No obstante te recomendamos que tengas instalado un JDK 1.7 Qu metodologa se sigue? Tras muchos aos de experiencia hemos visto que lo que mejor se adapta a los cursos IT es el aprendizaje por repeticin, as que podrs seguir paso a paso lo mismo que mostramos, junto a explicaciones de porqu ocurre y posibles variaciones, alternativas o errores. Qu versin de Spring cubre? Cubrimos varios aspectos, somos conscientes de que Spring evoluciona muy rpido y as tambin SpringMVC. Tambin somos conscientes de que no todo el mundo puede usar las ltimas versiones, por lo que explicamos cubre desde la ltima versin 4.x hasta versiones no inferiores a la 3.0. Contenidos Instalacin y configuracin Controladores Explicacin del protocolo HTTP Manejo de peticiones Controladores Multiaccin Manejo de respuestas Paso de parmetros Servicios REST Conversin de tipos Conversin de mensajes Resolucin de vistas Manejo de Formularios Validacin Internacionalizacin Estilos y Themes Errores y Excepciones Buenas prcticas Y mucho ms..."
Price: 144.99

"Amazon Affiliates: Easily Create Your Own Amazon eStores Now"
"**UPDATED JANUARY 2018** New lecture on how to create a holding page that helps manage customer expectation and presents a more professional imagewhile your site is being built. Keep your eyes open for more updates this year**UPDATED JANUARY 2018** New lecture on how to add an email capture form to the holding page and how then to connect the form to MailChimp, giving you the powerful option of marketingyour siteto your signed up customers**UPDATED JANUARY2017**Showing you how to update your affiliate plugin to keep it up-to-date with any majorchanges that may occur either at Amazon or within WordPress**UPDATED AUGUST 2016**Added lecture on how to qualify your product choices using Google Keywords**UPDATED DECEMBER 2015** Added lecture to expand on product categories**UPDATED DECEMBER 2015** Added lecture on how to source profitable products easily on AmazonUPDATED LECTURES TO KEEP YOUR LEARNING RELEVANT AND IN KEEPING WITH CHANGES TO WORKING PRACTICES===================================BECOME AN EXPERT WITH AMAZON AFFILIATESVIEW MY EARNINGS IN THE INTRO VIDEO AND SEE HOW YOU TOO CAN EARN HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS A MONTH ON AUTOPILOT!LEARN THE SIMPLE STEPS I SHOW YOU, TO CREATE YOUR SITE WITH ALL THE TECHNICAL WORK DONE FOR YOU - NO CODING!LEARN MUCHMORETHAN HOW TO SET UP YOUR AFFILIATE SITES - THE SKILLS YOU LEARN WILL BROADEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND HELP YOU UNDERSTAND HOW TO USE THE WEB TO YOUR ADVANTAGE WHEN BUILDING AN ONLINE BUSINESSDON'T WASTE TIME! SEE YOUR PRODUCTS FLOW INTO YOUR SITE WHEN YOU CLICK JUST ONE BUTTON! (A MASSIVE TIME SAVER!)WITH MILLIONS OF PRODUCT IDEAS ON OFFER, SET UP AS MANY SITES AS YOU WANT THAT GIVE YOU GREAT INCOME ALL YEAR ROUNDKEEP BUILDING MORE SITES TO INCREASE YOUR MONTHLY INCOME - TAKE THIS COURSE NOW AND KICKSTART YOUR EARNINGSYOU HAVE A FULL 30 DAYS TO TRY OUT THIS COURSE. MY PERSONAL UDEMY BACKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE NO QUESTIONS ASKED In this step-by-step course you will learn how to build a profitable Amazon Affiliate E-commerce store that I show you how to create, literally in less than one day - complete with all your products in place! These stores are very quick to create and set you up to be able to earn 100s of dollars a month as I do - watch the intro video where I show you how much I earn on just ONE of my stores. I show you every step and help you build your store as you follow along with the 51 videos in this course. A course for all levels of skill. Beginners are very welcome No technical knowledge or coding skills required at all! Create your stores without having to write even one line of code Choose your products from millions of quality merchandise Automatically add your products to your website, without having to write a description, without having to take or edit product photos, or spend hours populating and updating your store! Cover any niche or trend you like (e.g Christmas, birthdays, clothes, shoes, electrical goods etc) There are literally millions of products in almost every conceivable category Over 7 hours of video showing you in minute detail and explaining WHY as well as how This course aims to leave no stone unturned when it comes to setting up your e-commerce store. It's important you understand every option and every decision that is made. So I make sure I explain WHY you have to take each step, because understanding the reason helps your brain recall how to do the step the second time around. This course is uncompromising in its detail. Many courses skip over common points of failure, but here I not only point them out, you will learn how to easily by pass them as well. This is important so you know exactly how to tackle issues if they arise. Have you ever thought about earning a passive income from a relatively small amount of work? My sites make me money every month without me having to touch them once they're set up. This course is not a get-rich-quick scheme, neither can it make any promises on earnings, but by the end of it you will have your own Amazon affiliate store with products of your choosing, published live on the internet - and this alone gives you a great base upon which you can build, as creating these stores can take less than a day and I give you blue print to create as many stores as you wish. What will you learn in this course?This course is for beginners as well as seasoned website professionals so we start right at the beginning:How and where to purchase a domain nameHow and where to purchase website hostingHow to connect your domain name to your web hosting and why it's important to keep them separateHow to install WordPress using a simple point and click process that takes less than 5 minutesWhere to find the BEST quality themes on the internet to date (over 15000 themes - all hosted in one place!) designed and created by industry professionals and made available for everyone to useHow to choose the correct theme for your e-storeHow to install your new E-commerce theme into WordPressIMPORTANT! Learn how to get accepted as an Amazon Affiliate quickly and easily Even if you don't have a website! (many tutors don't teach this step because it's hard to get accepted - unless you follow what I show you!)How to Automatically bring in your chosen Amazon Affiliate products, direct from Amazon with the click of a button (it's amazing to watch!)How to change and adapt the design of your new e-commerce store to reflect your chosen productsHow to simply create an effective logo, using a free websiteHow to create your store so that it works on every device, from smart phones to desktop computersHow to secure your website against malicious attacksHow to rinse and repeat the process, so you can go on and create as many sites as you like. Set out over 50+ videos, and just over 7 hours, this course can be completed at your leisure or as quickly as you like. I show you the way to build your Amazon Affiliate e-commerce store in less than a day. However, you have free life-time access to this course and you can take as long as you like to digest the material and build your site. I've also supplied additional material that can be downloaded from the 'Downloadable Materials' section for certain video tutorials. This information comes in the form of downloadable PDFs with links to helpful resources and also additional bonus resources that will aid in speeding up the process of developing your e-store. I reference the downloadable material in the relevant videos. If you have any questions regarding the course, please write them in the provided area and I will strive to answer them as soon as I possibly can. I'm a helpful person by nature and offer my support without reservation. I hope you enjoy taking this course and the end results it yields."
Price: 74.99

"Master your brain: Neuroscience for personal development"
"Congratulations! You just found the N1 bestselling course aboutBrain Science on Udemy!Discover the NeuroCognitive and Behavioral Approach. Learn how 4 brainstructures run our lives and how to take control The NBA (or Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach) is a fascinating, innovative and multi-disciplinary approach born out of 25 years of scientific research. It combines the fields of neurosciences, social psychology, behavioral sciences and many more to come up with one overlaying, comprehensive theory which gives unique insights in our complex human nature. It was originally developed by the French scientist J. Fradin. As the director of the Institute of Neurocognitivism I had the chance to work with Dr Fradin and become an expert in his groundbreaking approach. I've developed this course as to make his work accessible to all, regardless of background or prior knowledge. I'm much more a communicator than a scientist myself. And that's exactly my contribution to his work: explaining complex matters in a comprehensive and entertaining way. Over 14.000 students enrolled. Raving 5 star reviews: ""...Every lecture is packed with information that is presented very clearly. The lectures offer both insight and techniques to improve personal development."" ...quality is top. It was a joy to watch this course. Recommended."" ... the best part about the course is its intention to disseminate how you can benefit from applying the knowledge learned in real life situations, not just learning the information for learning's sake. Highly recommended!"" This course is so much more than a pile of recorded lectures.It's really almost a living, breathing entity,a work in progress,thatcontinues to evolve over time. What to expect: 30 day full money back guarantee, no questions asked High instructor availability: Ianswer any questions you may have in a short time frame. I always answer within 24 hours, but usually much faster than that.Weekly educational announcements, mostly blog posts, onhow our brain works and its impact in our daily life. This is brand new content, exciting insights, that I'll be sending your way on a weekly basis Based on student's questions, I'll be adding new content on a regular basis The content stays up to date, based on new scientific research and studies Tools and insights for personal development and authentic relationships Expect to develop a revolutionary new framework, based on our active brain structure. Look at the world with new eyes and recognize the underlying patterns that govern our lives and that of those around us. Expect exercises, homework, putting theory into practice in a fun and entertaining way. You will also gain access to our Facebook group where you will be able to exchange your experiences with the NBA and learn from others as well.So what are you waiting for? Join now!"
Price: 199.99

"The Science of Leadership"
"This course has recently been featured in Entrepreneur magazineIf you are a manager or entrepreneur in charge of a team, this course is for  you.This course has the ambition to build a bridge between a century of science and 21st century managers. A bridge between how our brain works and how to use that knowledge to improve our communication and leadership abilities.To understand how and why Leadership works, we first need to understand what triggers us. Well be diving deep into our subconscious motivational processes. Well have a look at our brain, call it our hardware and the subconscious programs running in it, thats basically our software.So expect tools, concrete and simple tools that you will be able to use right away with your team and colleagues. In the end, the aim of this course is to open the way for a new understanding of motivation and communication, towards a new, highly effective and sustainable model for leadership in this 21st century.But most of all, by the end of this course, my aim is that you, as a manager, as a leader, will have understood what a crucial role you play in your team and in its success. And that you will be able to leverage that knowledge and guide your team to a new level of collaboration and engagement.The Science behind the course...I will provide a framework based on the latest insights in cognitive psychology and related fields. Within this framework I will present you studies, research and experiments on human behavior and I will show you how they apply to leadership and team management. Behavioral sciences have gained an increased understanding of who we are as a species, what motivates us, what de-motivates us. Why we follow some people, and why we seemingly contradict ourselves so often.The insights gained through social psychology, ethology, cognitive sciences and more recently the rapid breakthroughs in neurosciences thanks to MRIs and advances in neuro-imagery, have given science a whole new understanding of who we are as human beings.But then, when we look at the corporate world and management styles, theres like this huge gap between both worlds.Now this course, the Science of Leadership, aims to build a bridge between both. Giving managers the understanding of what drives their teams, and the tools to act upon it.Discover a groundbreaking model - and manage yourself and othersConnect with your team - and discover what truly motivates themImprove your coaching skills - through powerful communication toolsFire up engagement in your team - by using two secret ingredientsGenerate trust - and boost performanceBoost loyalty - and stop your people from going to your competitorsAnd So Much More... such as genetics, cognitive biases, subconscious belief systems, hiring protocols, sexism, bullying, change processes, brainstorming, meetings  and so on ... "
Price: 199.99

"Neuroscience for parents: How to raise amazing kids"
"Congratulations! You just found the N1 course on parenting on Udemy. With over 27.000 students and raving reviews, you can't go wrong with this one...Thanks to this course I've been asked for countless interviews, podcasts and conferences. I've even been asked to collaborate on a UNICEF backed project to help parents in the education of their kids.This is the real deal. My expertise is in Brain Science. This is what I do for a living: sharing my passion for the brain with you. And with this course, you're in for a treat...Amazing kids...How to raise amazing kids... I'm not saying that your kids will become amazing with this course. I'm saying they already are and this course will help you raise them. It's as much about you, as it is about them. This course contains information that every parent should knowWe all know parenting can be hard sometimes. The thing is, kids aren't adults and their brains are different as well. They react differently, and need different things. Some activities are helpful, others not so much. we will go from the newborn baby to the young adult. I will give you the keys to understand why your child is behaving in a certain way, and more importantly, how to react to it. I will help you grow their self esteem, develop a stable world view, foster their natural talents, help them deal with bullying and peer pressure. We will cover some fascinating studies about parenting, some do's and don'ts, some tips and tricks, and we will be busting some common myths about parenting as well. You'll learn when to stay firm and when to be lenient, how to stay calm when you're about to loose it, and much more. The course is packed with concrete real life information. I'm a father of two myself, and my two kids are an endless source of inspiration and anecdotes that I'll share with you,The Neuroscience behind the course...Neuroscience for Parents is based on the NBA - the Neurocognitive and Behavioral Approach. Basically, what the NBA does, is studying how the brain works and its impact on human behaviorThe NBA was developed in France, over a period of 25 years, by Dr Jacques Fradin, at the institute of environmental medicine. It is a fascinating, innovative and multi-disciplinary approach. It combines the fields of neurosciences, social psychology, behavioral sciences and many more to come up with one overlaying, comprehensive theory which gives unique insights in our complex human nature.As the director of the Institute of Neurocognitivism I had the chance to work with Dr Fradin and become an expert in his groundbreaking approach. I've developed this course to translate his work into useful insights and tools for parents. Being a parent is probably the most beautiful, ungrateful and difficult task in the world. Also probably the most important one. Therefore, all help is welcome. I know first hand, as I said, I'm a dad myself.A dynamic course...Now all this neuroscience and scientific studies could come across as complex or even boring. But the truth is, I'm more a communicator than a scientist myself. I'm a strong believer of edu-tainment, and that is exactly what you'll get in this course.But there's more to the course than just the recorded lectures. You see, first of all, I'll answer any question you may have within 24 hours (but usually much faster than that). This leads to the comments and questions section being packed with great additional info you can freely go through. On top of that, several times a month, you'll receive educational announcements from me, posts from my blog, with additional insights about parenting. and finally, the course itself will grow over time, as I add more lectures to it.A lot of people already told me every parent should be taking this course. And who am I to disagree... But don't take my word for it, just go over to the reviews and look at what some of the students had to say. It has been praised by pediatricians and parents alike (and if for any reason you don't agree with them, there's always your 30 day money back guarantee).Join now, and get the best out of your amazing kids!"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Healing/ABC's of Energy"
"This course will provide a definition and examples of energy; how we experience multiple exchanges of energy everyday in every part of your life. It's important that we all have an understanding of how we affect it and it affects us. We will also discuss the impact that we can have on other people and how our energy is reflected upon others. Of course we cant help but discuss energy without discussing Energy Vampires. What are they? Well join me and find out. Following the energy discussion we will transition into energy healing. What is it? How does it help? What types of tools do energy healers use? In addition, this class will specifically discuss identify and define Aura's, the importance of Balance and Chakras or the ABCs of Energy. These may be words you have heard ether inside or outside your circles but dont really have a solid understanding of what they are and how they interact within the body. I will explain each of the ABCs and provide an example of how they interact that you can relate to in your everyday life. During the Balance lecture I walk you through a grounding exercise that you can use again when you feel out of sorts. In addition, it will provide an introduction to some of the many healing modalities used and resources to begin your investigative journey. I have covered 6 of the major modalities that are available across most parts of the country. This will give you a jump start into investigating your own potential healing career or simply peak your interests. Toward the end of the course, I have provided some websites as reference regarding these covered modalities for you to do further research if you desire. There are several lectures separated into various topics so you can proceed at your own pace. The entire course should be approximately 35 minutes. At the end of the class, be sure to take the quiz to test your knowledge of the topics discussed."
Price: 19.99

"How to Survive in The Open Workspace Environment"
"This course tackles the relatively new office structure known as the "collaborative work environment". These are open area work spaces (no walls) and rows of cubicles that leave employees feeling their privacy and power have been taken from them. My 20 years of corporate experience and training as an energy practitioner lends new insight and methods that assist with reducing stress associated with this new phenomenon. I combine a blend of corporate politics with energy balancing leaving students with the ability to concentrate on work tasks not the confines of their current physical environment. Included in this course is a 4 step method known as C.A.S.E. to walk you through a process which has helped me withstand the day to day struggles working within the collaboration workspace. I will remind you of the thoughts behind why these spaces are being constructed in this manner but the actual result being noticed by workers operating under these conditions. Most importantly, what you can do about it and how to improve the overall "feeling" or energy of the space. Not only we can control our behavior and emotions, I can give you some tactics and reminders that will assist with the management of your work environment so you can take back your own power. Lets face it with the push to cut costs and overhead these type of work structures won't be disappearing overnight. So lets hit the issue head on, deal with it and move on..."
Price: 24.99

"Increase Sales Through Segmented Marketing & 3 Easy Tools"
"INCREASE YOUR SALES STARTING TOMORROW! NOW WITH NEW BONUS CONTENT! COURSE UPDATED NOVEMBER 2014! ================================================================ Would you like to learn how to predict the success of your marketing campaign before you even run it? THAT is the promise of this course. You will learn something in the first 30 minutes of the course that you can apply tomorrow to your marketing efforts. NO MORE GUESSING WITH YOUR MARKETING! Had it with marketing courses that tell you how to use certain marketing tools, but don't tell you how to be successful? Market With Numbers isn't just another marketing course. It's a 3-step approach to marketing success. Here's what you get: Marketing Personalities Tool: a guide to segment your audience so you can customize your messages to them and place prospects into stages as they get to know you and your business. Loyalty Ladder Tool: a guide to create a series of campaigns designed to be successful - touching every need in your audience and leading them gently from one to the next. Marketing Performance Tool: a guide to measure the potential profitability of your campaign ... before you even launch. You can actually know if your plan has a chance of working. Marketing is like working with Lego blocks. Without a step-by-step approach, there are just a bunch of them spread out on the table. Other marketing courses might show you the red ones or the blue ones, but to put them all together, you're on your own. Market With Numbers gives you the instruction manual on putting those blocks together. After you learn the Market With Numbers, you'll know exactly what to do to speak to each different member of your prospect audience. Three steps. That's all it takes. Here's what you'll learn: How your prospect and customer audience is divided into segments, what they are thinking, and what motivates them. How you should respond to each of these segments - both in a group and separately. How to connect marketing campaigns together to help your audience learn more about your business and choose you. How to create ad and marketing content - both on- and offline - to speak to each of your audience segments. How to test if your marketing campaign will work - before you even launch it! Which marketing metrics you should track and how you know your campaign is working. How to structure your business and resources to make your campaign work well. We've got hours of video training based on the best practices of the largest corporations out there - all tailored to small business owners like you. NO RISK FOR YOU! You have a 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you don't like the course, you can get your money back."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Scratch 2.0 for Kids"
"M.I.T. created Scratch 2.0 to be a programming language for kids aged 8-17. This course, Learn Scratch 2.0 for kids will teach your kids how to program in Scratch. It will take things slow by showing specific examples that they can recreate for themselves. Scratch 2.0 is a beginning level programming language course that anyone can take and learn. While there is no "real" coding involved it does teach the basics of what is needed in a "real" programming language. Plus it is a good foundation for those who want to learn to program for the mobile phones. The terminology in this course would be similar to what students would find in their normal coursework. No materials are included or needed except for the software which you can download for free. While this course could easily be finished in a week, this course should be taken over at least a month to get the most out of it. It is expected that you should try to replicate everything you have learned in the lectures plus do all the quizzes. It is also expected that you should experiment. Try your own programs using what you just learned. While this course is mainly for kids 8-17, anyone can take this course. This course would also be good for stay at home moms as well as grandparents who want to stay involved with their grand-kids. The course is structured as a series of videos explaining many of the "functions" of Scratch. Why should you take this course? That is an excellent question and there are many reasons. Computer Programming is one of the only jobs you can get a high salary in without going to college. In fact many businesses would rather have a high school student with many years experience than a graduate student with a Masters or PhD in Computer Science but little practical experience. Many of the big names like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college and became famous for their programming skills. Example: You can't be a Nuclear Engineer without going to college because you can't have your own personal nuclear power plant at home but you can be a computer programmer. Scratch is an excellent start at becoming a computer programmer because it introduces you to so many new concepts instead of trying to jump into the deep end of the lake. Example: You will learn what to do when two objects hit each other. What to do when your object hits a wall or reaches a certain point. These are all basic things that every programmer needs to know and understand. Scratch teaches these basic things and then from there they can go on to more robust languages. So, if you want your child to get a good start at programming, then Scratch 2.0 is the right choice."
Price: 39.99

"OneNote fr die Praxis: Notizen digital im Griff (deutsch)"
"Meistern Sie Ihre Notizen digital mit Microsoft OneNote 2010/2013: Ideen und Ziele, Besprechungsprotokolle mit Folgeaktivitten, Checklisten, Telefonnotizen, "Merkzettel", Ablaufplne, Entwrfe fr Prsentationen und alles, was Sie bisher auf Haftnotizen, Ihre Schreibtischunterlage und in Notizbcher aus Papier geschrieben oder vergeblich in auf der Festplatte verstreuten Dokumenten oder E-Mails gesucht haben. In diesem Videokurs entdecken Sie, was alles in OneNote steckt, wie Sie damit Papiernotizen ersetzen und alle Daten jederzeit fr Kollegen exportieren oder direkt zugnglich machen erhalten Sie die wichtigsten Profi-Tipps + Tricks zu OneNote von einem OneNote-Anwender der ersten Stunde, der fr Sie die Praxiserfahrungen aus ber hundert OneNote-Schulungen mitbringt und selber seit ber zehn Jahren internationale Buchprojekte, Videokurse sowie seine gesamte Firma mit OneNote verwaltet."
Price: 49.99

"Outlook Crashkurs - die wichtigsten Tipps & Tricks (Deutsch)"
"Sie nutzen Outlook beruflich im Bro oder unterwegs auf dem Laptop? Dieser Kurs zeigt Ihnen die wichtigsten Tipps & Tricks in knapp einer Stunde: Nicht jeden Klick, nicht jedes Men und keine ausfhrlichen Hintergrundinfos, sondern schnell die wichtigsten Funktionen von Outlook, die Ihnen wirklich bei der Arbeit helfen, garniert mit Zeit sparenden Tipps & Tricks. Sie lernen z.B., wie Sie: mit Tastenkombinationen schnell durch die nchsten Wochen im Kalender blttern, am Mittwoch auf die restlichen 3 Tage der aktuellen Woche zoomen und sofort zu einem bestimmten Datum springen sich die Kalenderansicht nach Ihren Bedrfnissen anpassen, z.B. 2 Monate zum schnellen Auswhlen mit einem Klick im Datumsnavigator, Aufgaben unter Ihren Terminen und alle Dienstage im Dezember gleichzeitig nebeneinander wie in einer Arbeitswochenansicht anzeigen Kalenderwochen und die Feiertage (auch fr andere Lnder) einblenden und Dokumente + Notizen in Termine einfgen Aufgaben eingeben, einem Projekt zuordnen und schnell zwischen verschiedenen Ansichten wechseln z.B. nur alle Aufgaben anzeigen, die heute fllig sind, alle erledigten Aufgaben nach Tag geordnet oder nur alle Aufgaben fr ein bestimmtes Projekt (bersicht was in den nchsten Monaten noch ansteht und was bereits fertig ist) Kontakte schnell aus einer E-Mail erstellen und nervige, durch einen Wechstabenverbuchler in die AutoVervollstndigen-Liste fr E-Mail-Adressen gerutschte Fehler endlich wieder aus der Liste mit Adressvorschlgen entfernen die Suche auf mehrere Unterordner oder alle E-Mail-Ordner erweitern bzw. bei zu vielen Treffern auf bestimmte Kriterien z.B.- nach Zeit, Betreff und Absender eingrenzen, damit Sie endlich auch die E-Mail finden, nach der Sie Suchen alle E-Mails, Kontakte, Termine und Aufgaben zu einem Projekt/Thema als zusammen gehrend markieren und mit der Suche als eine Liste mit allen diesen Outlook-Eintrgen zusammen untereinander anzeigen sowie nach verschiedenen Kriterien sortieren und direkt aus der Lsite jede einzelne Aufgabe, E-Mail und jeden zum Thema gehrenden Kontakt/Termin direkt mit Doppelklick ffnen und bearbeiten knnen Dieser Kurs hilft Ihnen, Ihre alltgliche Arbeit in Outlook schneller, einfacher und bersichtlicher zu erledigen. Sie lernen die wichtigsten Funktionen sowie Tipps & Tricks in knapp einer Stunde, so dass Sie mit nur 5-8 Minuten Lernen pro Arbeitstag in zwei Wochen oder den ganzen Kurs komplett an einem halben Vormittag absolvieren knnen. So haben Sie mit minimalem Zeiteinsatz maximalen Nutzen in Outlook ausgewhlt wurden die Tipps vom Outlook-Profi Holger Wltje, der mehrere Bestseller-Bcher und Videokurse zu Outlook verfasst und in den letzten 12 Jahren ber 15.000 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern in Seminaren, Vortrgen und Workshops beigebracht hat, Outlook effektiver zu nutzen."
Price: 24.99

"Create Your WebBrowser: Learn C# Fundamentals Practically"
"Have you ever want to build your own windows GUI program? Whether you are a novice wanting to create your own GUI application, or a professional looking to convey your ideas through software prototyping, this course is for you. This course is specially designed for you to quickly and easily gain all the fundamental skills to create your own windows application, regardless of your background. This hand-ons class uses practical approach to teach C# programming, meaning we will walk you through in creating your own application, from simple console to GUI, while explaining the important theory you should know. No unnecessary theory is included to bore you off, and you will walk away with your own web browser by the end of the course. Topics Covered in a Practical Way: While writing your own Console Calculator Application, we will discuss about all the C# coding basics, including conditional statements (IF... Else, Switch...Case), Loops (for loops, while loops), variables, arrays, methods and etc. Class and Objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism, the essentials of Object Oriented Programming, will also be discussed while you enhance your console calculator application. Learn interface design and event handling for creating beautiful GUI application, while you build your own web browser. and more... Programming is a form of language, hence, to master it, you must read and write your own coding. Practical approach in learning C# programming will no doubt help you in mastering C# programming, but simultaneously have a better insight on how the theory can be applied in real time to solve problems. In case you are worried about having to buy Microsoft Visual Studio, we assured you that we will be using the open source Sharp Develop IDE, which is very similar to visual studio, but more importantly, it is FREE. Come, join the fun, join us to learn C# programming in a practical way, you will receive a free ebook and walk away with your own web browser program. This course is based on my ebooks, aka course materials,at SVBook."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Machine Learning with Weka"
"This is the bite size course to learn Weka and Machine Learning. You will learn Machine Learning which is the Model and Evaluation of CRISP Data Mining Process. You will learn Linear Regression, Kmeans Clustering, Agglomeration Clustering, KNN, Naive Bayes, Neural Network in this course. ContentGetting StartedGetting Started 2Data Mining ProcessSimple Linear RegressionRegression in WekaKMeans ClusteringKMeans Clustering in WekaAgglomeration ClusteringAgglomeration Clustering in WekaDecision Tree: ID3 AlgorithmDecision Tree in WekaKNNClassiifcationKNN in WekaNaive BayesNaive Bayes in WekaWhat Algorithm to use?Model EvaluationWeka Advanced Attribute SelectionWeka Advanced Data VisualizationsWeka Model Selection and Deployment"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning with R"
"This is the bite size course to learn R Programming for Machine Learning and Statistical Learning. In CRISP DM data mining process, machine learning is at the modeling and evaluation stage. You will need to know some Rprogramming, and you can learn Rprogramming from my ""Create Your Calculator: Learn R Programming Basics Fast"" course. You will learn R Programming for machine learning and you will be able to train your own prediction models with naive bayes, decision tree, knn, neural network, linear regression, and evaluate your models very soon after learning the course. You can take the course as follows, and you can take a exam at EMHAcademy to get SVBook Certified Data Miner using R certificate :- Create Your Calculator: Learn R Programming Basics Fast (R Basics)- Applied Statistics using R with Data Processing (Data Understanding and Data Preparation)- Advanced Data Visualizations using R with Data Processing (Data Understanding and Data Preparation, in future)- Machine Learning with R (Modeling and Evaluation)ContentGetting StartedGetting Started 2Getting Started 3Data Mining ProcessDownload Data setRead Data setSome ExplanationsSimple Linear RegressionBuild Linear Regression ModelsPredict Linear Regression ModelsKMeans ClusteringKMeans Clustering in RAgglomeration ClusteringAgglomeration Clustering in RDecision Tree ID3 ALgorithmDecision Tree in R:Split train and test setDecision Tree in R:Train Decision TreeDecision Tree in R:Predict Decision TreeKNNClassificationTrain KNN in RPredict KNN in RNaive Bayes ClassificationNaive Bayes in RNeural Network ClassificationNeural Network in RWhat Algorithm to Use?Model EvaluationModel Evaluation using R for ClassificationModel Evaluation using R for Regression"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning with Python"
"This is the bite size course to learn Python Programming for Machine Learning and Statistical Learning. In CRISP DM data mining process, machine learning is at the modeling and evaluation stage. You will need to know some Python programming, and you can learn Pythonprogramming from my ""Create Your Calculator: Learn Python Programming Basics Fast"" course. You will learn Python Programming for machine learning and you will be able to train your own prediction models with naive bayes, decision tree, knn, neural network, linear regression, and evaluate your models very soon after learning the course. I will create Applied statistics using Python for data understanding stage and advanced data visualizations for data understanding stage and includes some data processing for data preparation stage in future. ContentGetting StartedGetting Started 2Getting Started 3Getting Started 4Data Mining ProcessDownload Data setRead Data setSimple Linear RegressionBuild Linear Regression Modela: Train and Test setBuild and Predict Linear Regression ModelsKMeans ClusteringKMeans Clustering in PythonAgglomeration ClusteringAgglomeration Clustering in PythonDecision Tree ID3 ALgorithmDecision Tree in PythonKNNClassificationKNN in PythonNaive Bayes ClassificationNaive Bayes in PythonNeural Network ClassificationNeural Network in PythonWhat Algorithm to Use?Model EvaluationModel Evaluation using Python for ClassificationModel Evaluation using Python for Regression"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning with Java and Weka"
"This is the bite size course to learn Java Programming for Machine Learning and Statistical Learning with Weka library. In CRISP DM data mining process, machine learning is at the modeling and evaluation stage. You will need to know some Javaprogramming, and you can learn Javaprogramming from my ""Create Your Calculator: Learn Java Programming Basics Fast"" course. You will learn Java Programming for machine learning and you will be able to train your own prediction models with naive bayes, decision tree, knn, neural network, linear regression, and evaluate your models very soon after learning the course. ContentIntroductionGetting StartedGetting Started 2Getting Started 3Data Mining ProcessData setSplit Training and Testing datasetCReate Java Application using Netbeans with Weka JarSimple Linear RegressionLInear Regression using Weka and JavaLInear Regression using Weka and Java 2LInear Regression using Weka and Java 3KMeans ClusteringKMeans Clustering in Weka and JavaAgglomeration ClusteringAgglomeration Clustering in Weka and JavaDecision Tree ID3 ALgorithmDecision Tree in Weka and JavaKNNClassificationKNN in Weka and JavaNaive Bayes ClassificationNaive Bayes in Weka and JavaNeural Network ClassificationNeural Network in Weka and JavaWhat Algorithm to Use?Model EvaluationModel Evaluation in Weka and JavaCReate a Data Mining SoftwareCReate a Data Mining Software 2"
Price: 199.99

"Learn MySQL Basics for Data Science"
"This is the bite size course to learn MySQL for Data Science. You will learn the select, insert, update, delete, order by, group by statements in SQL language. You will learn some data warehouse, star schema, use MySQL Workbench to create Star Schema, and data mining process, and OLAPRollup. ContentINstall MySQLUninstall MySQLUninstall MySQL 2DatabaseCreate Tables from ERD in MySQL WorkbenchSelect StatementSelect DistinctSelect using OPerators and ConditionsAnd Or NotOrder ByInsert StatementCheck whether have null valuesUpdate StatementsDelete StatementsMIn MaxCount Sum AverageLIkeGroup ByJOin Two TablesJOin Two Tables 2Get Frequency Table with Join and Group ByJoin and Group By advanced Join 3 TablesJoin 3 Tables 2Star Schema BasicsData Warehouse BasicsData Mining ProcessROLAP ROLLUP Operation"
Price: 199.99