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"Business Set Up for Creative Entrepreneurs"
"In this course you learn how to set up your creative business. No matter what you sell - we cover it all. You learn how to set up your own website, add a store to your site, do the ""right"" content marketing by adding the content your audience needs, wants and searches for. You learn how to market your creative and digital products on various sites. Beside that I've included a part about pricing your products, content marketing and social media marketing - from Twitter over Facebook to Pinterest. Beside that, even if you just decided you want to become a digital designer - this course is yours because I have also included a complete guide on Gimp. You learn everything, from the first steps to creating digital items to setting up your own websites. If you go through this you know at the end how to make a banner and images for your marketing, how to apply and use styles and create various elements and textures. This course is a big one because it is meant as a digital, self-paced tutor which guides you from the very beginning to becoming an expert in your niche. There is no behind in this course, this course will be your companion answering all your business problems from the very first lesson to doing social media marketing. If you want to set up your own website you of course need webhosting and adomain but beside that all you need to do is installing the free image editing program Gimp. We start with a business foundation, you learn about the features of a good business name, you learn how to package your products and set up your store and website. We will also include a newsletter on your website and learn why this is important. Then we learn how to create images with Gimp you'll need for your website. We will close our course by doing content and social media marketing. Please check out the supplementary material section for downloadable resources/PDF."
Price: 99.99

"Mac OS Tipps fr Anfnger"
"Wer berlegt, von einem Windows Computer auf einen Mac umzusteigen, bereits umgestiegen ist, aber noch nicht alle Funktionen und Programme des Mac beherrscht und selbst alle, die schon lnger mit dem Mac arbeiten, sind herzlich willkommen, neues zu lernen und ihren Mac neu zu entdecken In kurzen Lektionen zeigen wir Euch, wie man z.B. ein Time Machine Backup erstellt, das Bootcamp richtig einsetzt oder die Dateien besser sortiert. Mac Tipps gibt es viele aber das, was Ihr wirklich braucht, schnell und bersichtlich dargestellt und alle Neuerungen das Betriebssystem Mac OS X Yosemite gibt es nur bei uns. Hinzu kommt, dass Ihr alles unterhaltsam in einem vllig neuen und gar nicht trockenen Unterrichtsstil kennen lernt. Wir haben den Kurs in verschiedene Abschnitte unterteilt. So knnt Ihr den Kurs als Nachschlagewerk nutzen oder wirklich Schritt fr Schritt nachvollziehen, was alles an Eurem Mac mglich ist. Im Abschnitt Finder findet Ihr alles rund um die Verwaltung Eurer Dateien, der Funktionen von Spotlight und auch ganz praktische Tipps, wie man z.B., die Aktiven Ecken erstellt oder die Autokorrektur endlich los wird. Unter ""Mac & iPhone"" zeigen wir Euch, wie der Mac und weitere Gerte wie iPhone und iPad langsam mehr und mehr verschmelzen. Ihr knnt nicht nur Anrufe auf dem Mac annehmen sondern auch das iPhone oder iPad auf dem Mac steuern. Wer mobil unterwegs ist, kann auch das iPhone als Instant Hotspot nutzen, um einen Internetzugang zu haben. Im Abschnitt ""Mac Programme"" gucken wir uns an, was der Mac noch so alles zu bieten hat - vom Time Machine Backup zu Airdrop bis Bootcamp und den Programmen Erinnerungen und Notizen ist alles dabei. Dabei knnt Ihr ganz neue Funktionen entdecken wie z.B. die Mglichkeit, sich in der Nhe des Supermarkts daran erinnern zu lassen, dass man z.B. noch Brot einkaufen muss. Auch das Mail Programm werden wir genauer erkunden, die Lokalen Ordner in die Cloud verschieben, Kontakte aus Emails erstellen und eine eigene Signatur anlegen. Bei uns wird aber auch Safari nicht zu kurz kommen sowie das Thema Sicherheit. Wir zeigen Euch die Einstellungen, die Ihr vornehmen msst, um Euren Mac sicherer zu machen."
Price: 19.99

"Mac OS Quicktips"
"If you just switched from Windows to Mac or even if you have your Mac for quiet some time now - you know it is great. You can handle it easily and you get everything you need from the Mac App Store if the software you already comes with your Mac is not enough. But you have the feeling that you do not really get to work with all the features and functions your Mac has to offer. And here the Mac OS X Yosemite Quicktips come into play! We put together a fantastic collection of all the things you need to make you work smarter, not harder. In 50 videos we get into the deeper functions and features of your Mac computer. All our Mac OS X Quicktips are highly actionable. You can try them out right away and you'll see how much of a time save your Mac becomes. We will not just show you how to handle and sort your files better, how to search your files easier with Spotlight and how to use all the different views for your files the Finder has to offer but we will go deeper: We will show you how to make your Mac more secure, how to use parental control and how to use all the every day Apps such as Reminders and Notes effectively. But in 50 Mac OS X Yosemite Tips we have much more for you! Learn more about all the hidden gems of the Mac OS and learn how to implement your Mac into your work and your every day life. You can use your Mac for more things than you can imagine! All our tips are really short so you can learn on the go and even use the course as your own personal video dictionary. You do not need to watch them all at once to get more knowledge of your Mac but, of course, you can do so if you want to learn more about a particular section. We also keep it simple for you. We leave out all the techie stuff and just get to the basics. Learn what you can do to improve your workflow right away with not much time you need to spend on the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Videobearbeitung mit Screenflow fr Internet Marketer"
"YouTube ist mittlerweile die zweitgrte Suchmaschine - neben Google. Videos ranken auch auf Google und das schneller und hher als Texte. Daher ist natrlich immer noch Content King aber Video der Kaiser des Internets. Aus diesem Grunde sollte jeder, der eine Webseite sein eigenen nennt oder auch sein Geschft ber das Internet vermarkten will, einmal berlegen, ob und wie er Videomarketing integrieren kann. Richtig eingesetzt ist Videomarketing der Motor fr Eure Webseite, der Euch immerwhrend kostenlosen Trafik bringt. Im Kurs ""Videobearbeitung fr Internet Marketer"" geben wir Euch zunchst einen berblick darber, warum Internet Marketing die Zukunft fr kostenlosen Trafik ist und zeigen Euch dann, wie Ihr mit einfachen Mitteln Euer Videomaterial so aufbereiten knnt, dass Eure Zuschauer schon auf das nchste Video warten. Wir zeigen Euch auch, wie man die Videos dann schlielich auf die eigene Webseite einfgt. Dabei beleuchten wir im Kurs zum einen die verschiedenen Aspekte des Internet Marketings, zum anderen gehen wir auf die technischen Details ein, so dass Ihr am Ende des Kurses einfache und effektive Videos erstellen knnt, die auch auf YouTube und Co. gefunden werden und Euch viel kostenlosen Trafik bringen."
Price: 19.99

"Video Editing with Screenflow for Internet Marketers"
"YouTube has become the second largest search engine in the world and, beside Google, the place to rank if you want traffic for your website. Videos also usually rank higher than texts. Therefore anyone who owns a Blog, Website or E-Commerce Shop should think about video marketing - in the end, content is king but video is the emperor! Done correctly, video marketing is the engine for your website that will give you evergreen free traffic right now and in future and yourself an expert status with your audience. In the course ""Video Editing for Internet Marketers"" I will give you an overview why Video Marketing is the future for free traffic. Then I will show you how you can prepare your video material with the easiest funds in a way that your audience will look out for your newest video every time you publish one! I also show you how to add the video to your website and will show you the secrets about video optimisation for your website and external sites such as YouTube. We will also look at the technical details and make sure that, at the end of the course, you can create effective videos which will give you tons of free traffic!"
Price: 19.99

"Vereinfache dein digitales Leben, endlich Ordnung auf dem PC"
"Vereinfache dein digitales Leben ist ein Kurs, der Euch helfen wird, endlich Ordnung in Eure Dateien zu bringen. Aber wir gehen noch einen Schritt weiter - wir schauen uns nicht nur an, wie Ihr eine Ordnerstruktur anlegt und Eure Dokumente einsortiert, wir bringen auch Ordnung ins Bilder-, Musik- und Videochaos und sorgen dafr, dass Ihr nicht nur einen berblick habt sondern auch Eure tglichen Aufgaben - egal, ob bei der Arbeit oder Privat - viel schneller erledigen knnt. Vereinfache dein digitales Leben sorgt dafr, dass du bis zu 100% produktiver bist, deine Aufgaben schneller erledigst und endlich weit, wo welche Datei auf deinem Computer zu finden ist. Auerdem haben wir uns noch die iCloud vorgenommen, um Euch zu zeigen, wie ntzlich die sein kann, wenn Ihr zum Beispiel auf mehreren Computern arbeitet. Ein effektives Dateimanagement sorgt dafr, dass der Computer nur noch ein Hilfsmittel ist, strategisch gnstig zu arbeiten. Mit der richtigen Struktur und den onboard Mitteln von Apple knnt Ihr dies aber auf jedem Computer tun - und so richtig viel Zeit sparen. Im Wesentlichen bentigt Ihr, um diesen Kurs richtig nutzen zu knnen, nur Euren Mac und seine Programme. Wir haben allerdings noch einige weitere Programme wie Songgenie, Covergenie und iFlicks eingefgt, die Euch helfen, Eure Dateien besser zu organisieren. Diese msst Ihr nicht haben, sind aber von Vorteil, wenn Ihr z.B. Eure Videos mit Titeln oder Eure Songs mit den richtigen Covern versehen wollt. Der Kurs hat ber 40 Lektionen und ist eher etwas, dass Ihr immer mal wieder ansehen knnt. So ist es eine gute Idee eine Lektion anzusehen, das gelernte umzusetzen und dann zur nchsten zu schreiten. Am Ende werdet Ihr von einem Computer mit einem Dateisystem profitieren, der Euch viel Freude bereiten wird und Euch Aufgaben viel schneller erledigen lsst. Vereinfache dein digitales Leben verhilft Euch zu mehr Produktivitt im Alltag und Beruf."
Price: 19.99

"Simplify your Digital Life"
"Do you sometimes arrive at your office or settle down on your home computer and feel totally overwhelmed by the amount of unanswered emails, files to sort through, jobs to be done and media files to be managed? Would you love to be sorted and start your day exactly with what you need to get done in a productive and fast way? Well, then this course is for you! Let's get rid of all the clutter on your computer, let's understand file management as well as image processing and how to sort your videos, music, TV-shows and much more. We get to all of that and just de-cluttered to make you 100% more productive. What about this scenario? You get to your computer in the morning, your inbox is already sorted for you by the rules you set and the files you need are handy and in the right folders. This course will do all this and more for you because we actually want to make you more productive living your life with more free-time. For the course we use all already onboard tools from the Mac OS X we can. However, if you want to get into more detail and get done even more faster you can get some helpers from the App Store (not required)."
Price: 39.99

"Mac fr Business - So arbeiten Sie effektiver"
"Es ist wieder so weit: Da hat man gestern noch bis spt in die Nacht Rechnungen geschrieben, dringende Mails bearbeitet und die Steuern gemacht und nun kann es eigentlich wieder von vorne losgehen kaum das man an seinem Schreibtisch sitzt. Aber was wre, wenn man die einzelnen Aufgaben einfach schneller und effektiver abarbeiten knnte? Oder viele Dinge schon whrend des Kundentermins erledigen knnte? Was wre, wenn man spter einfach eine PDF Datei htte, die die bentigten Informationen fr die Steuern schon bereit hlt? Richtig - eine immense Zeitersparnis! Wenn man jeden Tag nur eine halbe Stunde einspart, sind das in einer Woche bereits 2,5 Stunden. Mit unserem Kurs Mac fr Business ist aber mehr drin! Wir haben Programme ausgewhlt, die Euch nicht nur das Leben erleichtern und Euch helfen, Euer Geschft perfekt im Blick zu behalten, sondern auch jede Menge Zeit sparen. Wenn Ihr schon beim Kunden die Rechnung erstellen, ihm zuschicken und gleich kassieren knnt (per EC-oder Kreditkarte) spart Ihr Zeit, viel Zeit. Wenn gleich nebenbei auch noch die Buchhaltung erledigt wird - perfekt. Auerdem wisst ihr mit einem Klick wie es um Euer Geschft steht, wie viel Zeit Ihr bei Eurem Kunden verbracht habt und wie Ihr auch dies schnell und einfach abrechnet. In unserem Kurs Mac fr Business geben wir Euch darber den perfekten berblick. Denn nur so wird Euer Geschft nicht zur Lebensaufgabe. Schlielich ist es dafr gedacht, Euren Lebensunterhalt zu sichern und Euch die Arbeit so angenehm wie mglich zu machen - und wir zeigen Euch wie. Wir schauen uns Programme wie Debitoor, iZettle, Outbank, Lieferung, Maildesigner, Navigon und Timesheet an, damit Ihr wirklich mit wenigen Klicks alles erledigen knnt. Von der Akquise neuer Kunden bis hin zur Erfassung Eurer Arbeitszeit. Der Kurs ist so zusammen gestellt, dass Ihr genau das habt, was Ihr bentigt. Denn selber seit Jahren selbstndig wissen wir genau, wovon wir reden. Vereinfache dein Leben mit unserem Kurs Mac fr Business."
Price: 19.99

"Etsy Makeover Challenge (5 Days)"
"Do you plan to open an Etsy Store or do you already have one but it is just not taking off? Are you desperately in need for some advice how to make sales on Etsy? Then this class is just right for you!I've been in your shoes. I was teaching in my private lessons agency and I just had the hope that - one day - my Internet Business would take off and I could quit that job. Not that I don't love teaching - I definitely do! - but I'm an early bird and my work started every day at 2 pm until late in the evening so it was definitely not the job I hoped to do forever.In this class you'll learn some tips to get you started and make your store a bestselling one! After a few years of trial and error I finally figured there were more than just a few components to get right and make money online while I was sleeping (and work hard during wake hours ;-) ).Just to make this clear upfront: There isNO shortcut and NO way to get rich quick! It's plain hard work. If you are willing to do the work you are at the right place. Well, if not, have a look but you are most probably waisting your time. Unfortunately, this is not easy - but which job is?After all - we all need to work hard to get money for what we do, no matter what it is.After this class you'll know how to set up your products correctly and which platforms you can leverage to make some extra advertising. If you get a few things right when you set up your store you are much more likely toset yourself up for success.I show you what you can do when your sales are slow and also what you can do to make your product description much better. This is a first important step into Etsy SEO. But that's not all! in five videos I'll give you a lot of tips and tricks you can apply immediately to make more sales.In the Etsy Makeover Challenge you'll learn:How to make a professional first impressionHow to give your Product Description a brush upWhat to do when sales are slowHow to price your handmade ProductsWhat the best Ways are to market your Etsy ProductsI've also added a Bonus Video for you with a little surprise.There is just one video for each day with instructions what you need to do for that day. It might take a bit longer on one day and much less on the other - it depends e.g. on how many products you have in store or how well you are already set up. Beside that, you can always go back, your Etsy Makeover Challenge will always be there, waiting for you apply the things I show you step by step.If you ask me if I'm the super hero on Etsy - I'm sorry, I'm not. There will always be people who make more sales or may have figured the one or other thing before I do. But be sure I'm here and help you along the way find your success on Etsy. No, I'm not selling on Etsy for 10+ years. But I'm selling my products online for longer than that time. That's why I've learned the one or other thing along the way and know what works and what doesn't.Please note:I have three different Etsy Stores and also my digital scrapbooking store at Digidesignresort. The store I use here as an example is asuper new storeI'm building in this and in the ""Etsy Marketing and SEO Mastery"" Course from scratch. Please be aware of that, at the time you join this class the store might not have made 1000s of sales but it will serve as a guinea pig.After all success is different for each of us."
Price: 19.99

"Etsy Makeover Challenge 5 Tage (Deutsch)"
"Planst du einen Etsy Shop zu erffnen oder hast du bereits einen und der kommt einfach nicht richtig in Schwung? Suchst du verzweifelt nach Ideen, wie du auf Etsy mehr verkaufen kannst? Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich genau richtig!Ich habe ebenfalls in deinen Schuhen gesteckt. Ich hatte eine Nachhilfeagentur und die Hoffnung, dass, eines Tages mein Internet Geschft einfach so viel abwerfen wrde, dass ich meinen Job aufgeben konnte. Nicht, dass ich nicht gerne Lehre, das tue ich wirklich! - Aber Ich bin ein ""Frhervogel"" und ich habe wirklich nicht gerne jeden Tag erst um 14 Uhr mit der Arbeit angefangen und dann den Rest des Tages, bis spt abends, im Bro verbracht.In diesem Kurs bekommst du einige Tipps, damit du mit deinen Shop zu einem erfolgreichen Shop auf Etsy machen kannst. Nach einigen Jahren ""Trial and Error"" habe ich letztlich einige Dinge herausgefunden, die ich einfach ""richtig"" machen musste, um wirklich online Geld zu verdienen, whrend ich schlief (und auch nicht zu hart zu arbeiten, whrend ich wach war).Aber noch einmal ganz deutlich, bevor du dich in den Kurs einschreibst:Es gibt keinen ""kurzen Weg"" und auch keinen, um schnell reich zu werden!Das ist einfach harte Arbeit. Wenn du aber bereit bist, diese Arbeit zu investieren, bist du am richtigen Ort. Wenn nicht, nun, schau dir den Kurs an aber dann verschwendest du sehr wahrscheinlich deine Zeit. Leider ist dies nicht einfach - aber welcher Job ist das schon?Am Ende mssen wir alle hart arbeiten, um unser Geld zu verdienen, ganz egal, in welchem Job wir arbeiten.Nach diesem Kurs weit du, wie du deine Produkte bei Etsy so einstellst, dass sie auch gefunden werden und welche Plattformen du nutzen kannst, um mehr Werbung zu machen. Wenn du einige Dinge sofort richtig machst, wenn du deinen Shop erstellst,dann ist es sehr viel wahrscheinlicher, dass dein Etsy Shop erfolgreich wird!Ich zeige dir, was du machen kannst, wenn deine Verkufe nur schleppend sind und was du machen kannst, um deine Produktbeschreibung so zu gestalten, damit deine Produkte auch gefunden werden. Das sind erste wichtige Schritte, um mit dem Etsy SEO vertraut zu werden. Aber das ist nicht alles! In den fnf Videos gebe ich dir viele Tipps und Tricks, die du sofort anwenden kannst, um mehr Verkufe zu erzielen.In der Etsy Makeover Challenge lernst du:Wie du einen professionellen ersten Eindruck hinterlsstWie du deine Produktbeschreibung aufpolierstWas du tun kannst, wenn deine Verkufe nur schleppend sindWie du einen Preis fr deine handgemachten Produkte festlegstWas die besten Wege sind deine Etsy Produkte zu bewerbenIch habe auch noch ein Bonus Video und eine kleine berraschung hinzugefgt.Es gibt fr jeden Tag ein Video mit Anweisungen, was du an dem Tag fr deinen Etsy Shop machen kannst. Das kann natrlich an einem Tag ein wenig lnger dauern, dafr am nchsten weniger lange - das hngt unter anderem davon ab, wieviel Produkte du in deinem Shop hast und wie gut diese bereits optimiert sind. Abgesehen davon, kannst du natrlich auch ein Video immer noch einmal ansehen, deine Etsy Makeover Challenge wird immer darauf warten, dass du die Dinge anwendest, die ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeige.Wenn du mich fragst, ob ich der absolute Etsy Experte bin, muss ich das leider verneinen. Es wird immer Etsy Verkufer geben, die mehr Verkufe erzielen oder die bereits den neusten Marketingtrick herausgefunden haben, bevor ich es tue. Aber sei dir sicher, dass ich hier bin und dich auf dem Weg zu deinem Erfolg begleiten werde. Nein, ich verkaufe (noch) nicht seit ber 10 Jahren auf Etsy. Aber ich verkaufe meine Produkte schon lnger online. Aus diesem Grund habe ich schon die ein oder andere Sache gelernt und wei, was funktioniert und was nicht.Bitte beachte:Ich habe drei verschiedene Etsy Shops und auerdem meinen digitalen scrapbooking Shop auf Digidesignresort. Der Shop, den ich hier zur Demonstration nutze, ist ein ganz neuer Shop, den ich in dem Kurs ""Etsy Marketing und SEO Mastery"" live erstelle, flle und aufbaue. Behalte also bitte im Hinterkopf, dass zu der Zeit, in der du dich fr diesen Kurs einschreibst, dieser vielleicht noch nicht 1000de von Verkufen hat, er dient mehr als ""Versuchskaninchen"".Abgesehen davon: Jeder von uns definiert Erfolg anders."
Price: 19.99

"Get 7-9 in IELTS Speaking: IELTS Speaking Masterclass"
"Do you need Band 7, 7.5, 8 or higher in the IELTS Speaking test? Most universities and immigration departments require a score of Band 7 or higher. Yet according to official IELTS statistics, the average score around the world is less than 6.5.But you can do better than the average candidate. And you don't need a long time. The IELTS Speaking Masterclass course will teach you essential language skills and preparation methods to help you achieve your target band. Faster than you think.In the course, you will: Study some effective strategies.Learn special words, phrases and structures to impress the examiner.Observe a model candidate putting everything into practice.Many students have achieved their target band with the help of this course. And you can too. Just read some of the reviews below.Besides the lectures, the course includes:20 model answers for Part 2 of the test. 5 videos that teach and show you how to use synonyms to improve your speaking.Bonus materialIn Lecture 47, you also get a free 70-page ebook: Correct your English: Learn to Speak More Like a Native (worth $12.99 on Amazon!).The Masterclass lectures will improve your speaking confidence and listening skills for life. So even after you take the IELTS test, you will understand English speakers better. And you will be able to express yourself more like a native speaker.  Join over 8000 students! Take this course today and start improving your band."
Price: 159.99

"Investing: How I Consistently Beat The Stock Market"
"Latest: Course Last Update: June 2017Join 1996 (almost 2000! :-) )Delighted Students Already Enrolled In This Course! - If you want to learn more about the stock market and effective ways to start investing in it, - If you are looking for ways to consistently beat the stock market, - If you are looking for ways to consistently beat the stock market, while putting in a minimum amount of effort, This course will be perfect for you. This course aims to teach you the investment insights needed to identify extraordinary businesses and invest in them, not from a speculative point of view, but from a business like one. This course aims to show you how you can outsource most of the effort by relying on all kinds of costless web-based platforms, tools, analysis, and much more. The same ones that I use myself. The goal of this course is to make you a better investor, to provide you with a thorough & practical understanding of how to search for, analyze and buy great companies' shares. This course is about teaching you how to protect your initial investment principal while laying out a good investment strategy for the years to come. This course is for investors with a mid to long term mindset. Note that there is a guaranteed 30 days refund, in case the course would not live up to your expectations. However, I have put in a lot of effort into creating the numerous lectures and I truly wish for you to become a better investor. So do not hesitate to give me your feedback if you have identified improvement points. Are you ready to become a better investor, realizing higher gains at lower risk? Are you ready to learn how to decrease your effort in doing the necessary due diligence? This course will help you in just a couple of hours!"
Price: 199.99

"Personal Development: Destroy Overwhelm, Double Productivity"
"300 New Students In The First 4 Hours Of Launch! Eliminate Information Overload, Get More Done By Getting Clear, Getting Motivated And Focused And Save Boatloads Of Time While Doing The Things You Love. As a brand new entrepreneur, I remember wanting to learn everything I possibly could because I was afraid of making mistakes. I didn't want lose money, yet I didn't know what it took to be successful. So what was the first thing I did? I started to follow many of the so called "experts". These experts not only promised to make me loads of cash, but I would never need any other system to make money online than "theirs". While there were some legitimate experts out there, I discovered they rarely gave you to complete scoop on how to be successful. So I had to find more information. I had to find more experts and often times, it lead to more confusion and indecision on my part. This course isn't about whether they were successful at helping me achieve my financial success, it is about how easy it was to become distracted by the many marketing messages I often received. How many mailing lists are you on? How often do you receive marketing promotions to your inbox? 10? 30? 50? I was receiving over 40 because I was following everyone. I wanted to make sure I didn't lose out on anything. The problem with my strategy is that I suffered from information overload and 3 years later, I still didn't have a profitable business. By that point, I spent 10's of thousands of dollars with little to no result. Once I got clear, I was motivated and instantly, I took action. The day that happened, I had my first $1,000 day. I don't know what your specific needs are.... Do you need to increase traffic to your website? Do you need to create more and better products? Do you need to find more affiliates to promote your products? Do you need to finally get focused and make you money? Do you need more income to replace your job? Do you simply need a little vacation money for the family? If you are suffering from information overload, inaction, indecisiveness and are stuck, then this course is for you. Introducing: Get Clear. Get Motivated. Take Action. We both know, your productivity is your number one asset as an entrepreneur! Nothing affects your success like your ability to apply clear and focused action to the things you do. In the course, you'll learn how to deal with and eliminate information overload. You'll learn that by getting clear, you will become instantly motivated, focused and will start taking dramatic action immediately. Here's what you will learn: You'll learn the #1 reason why entrepreneurs suffer from entrepreneurial A.D.D You discover the most dangerous categories of "Wannapreneurs" are. The 1 simple mindset shift that was a game changer. You'll learn the perfect "antidote" of information overload. How to trick yourself into taking action and never feel overwhelmed again. You'll learn what the worst thing you can do when it comes to learning. You get the complete cure to fix it all. You'll discover why 97% of entrepreneurs fail at this. Why being productive and focused is not ________________. Get the truth about why we let resistance control our lives. Learn why ________ is actually action. Why you should sweat the small things...not kidding! How to make things happen NOW. Why this type of "tasking" will instantly work for you. Why multitasking is a complete fraud. You'll learn a simple instant system for eliminating all your distractions. The one FREE tool I use to keep me on task Combine ____________ and ______________ to double your productivity in 1 hour. Learn why adding this short review process will get you clear. Learn why 1 to 1 ____________will improve your productivity, but 1 to 2 ____________will thrust your business light years ahead of your competition. The secret to managing distraction forever. What not to do with email. How to laugh at long-term goals. The simple method for breaking down your goals How to get so focused, your work just flows to completion. The truth about speed and money and why they are connected. Why ___________ building will make you financially free. Discover the truth behind "P.I.F" and how it eliminates all the "noise" from everything around you. The 3 steps to success that get you clear, motivated to take action. Putting this off can cost a lot There's nothing worse than doing the same thing everyday, yet expecting a different result. Look, Get Clear. Get Motivated. Take Action is about make simple changes that result in long-term success. I know this system will work for you. In fact, I guarantee it will. Your No-Questions-Asked Promise! I know youve seen no questions asked guarantees before. And maybe they didnt ask questions, but they sure made you jump through a lot of hoops to get your money back. Heres the thing: If youre not completely satisfied with this product for any reason, youll get your money back guaranteed. No hassle, no hoops and no questions. Fair enough? Take 30 days to test drive it! Whatever it is that you need to take your business to the next level and see your online income take off, focus & action will help you get there sooner! Theres only one thing left for you to do: Click here to find out what 293 new entrepreneurs know about getting clear, getting motivated and taking action. And remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed Getting more productive by using a reliable, repeatable and simple system can be the one thing that makes all the difference! Register NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Spanish Grammar: The Subjunctive"
"Advanced Spanish Grammar is a course designed for non-Spanish speakers with some Spanish background that want to go deeper as far as grammar in concerned. The course will explore "The Subjunctive mood" in its diverse ways to use it. We will explore grammar theory along with communicative examples that explain how to use it and when to use it. Similarly, we will provide assessment moments and evaluations in order to check your understanding of the topic. As for the terminology used in the course, we use simple and easy vocabulary in order that you understand definitions fast with real examples that ease the comprehension and facilitate the language acquisition process. You will find Videos, Articles, Grammar Charts and Links in order to understand the topic perfectly. Also, we have two sources to interact with your teachers and classmates. These platforms are Voxopop and Coursebase. We will let you know how to sign in and when to develop tests, quizzes, assessment activities and voice tasks. The teachers in charge will provide feedback in order to clarify and support the learning process. The course will take 4 weeks to be completed and it is structured in 22 modules of academic content divided in relevant grammar topics. By the end of the course you will be able to understand and speak with "The Subjunctive" in a natural and easy manner. It is crucial to take the course since we explore topics that are explained by native teachers in a professional and interactive way. Also, we use diverse technological tools that ease the topic explanation and development. Besides, we are native speakers that have experience teaching Spanish as a Second language; so the course is designed to meet our students needs. Finally, if necessary, we will be in contact with our students by mail or twitter to clarify doubts or just to interact in Spanish."
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Advanced Training - Master Google Analytics"
"In this course, you will learn how to use Google Analytics to measure the performance of your website and marketing programs. We'll cover advanced reports in this course.What You will learnOver view of Reports and NavigationConnect with a Demo Account - eCommerce site - those who don't have Google Analytics can get all GA functionality in this demo accountMetrics and DimensionsCreating GoalsCampaign TrackingSegmentationAttributionsSecondary DimensionsOverview of Google Tag Manager and how to use it for some advanced trackingTrack Events in Google Analytics (non-page view actions)  - Learn example of YouTube video tracking with Google Tag ManagerCross-Device user trackingCustom DimensionsImport offline data such as CRM data into Google AnalyticsCalculated MetricsCustom Metrics Content GroupingAlerts and AnnotationsThis course assumes that you have basic understanding of Google Analytics and are familiar with the interface and standard reports.This course also has a crash course in Google Tag Manager as a lot cool functionality is easily enabled with Google Tag Manager.I have worked with Google Analytics since it's first version and taught the classes since then.  I teach in a way that even a beginner (with no background) can understand and lead the content to to more advanced level content.Note: This is a beginners course and meant for those who want to learn Google Analytics. This course applies to everybody from individual running their blogs to people working in the corporations.  If you are looking to start a career in Digital Marketing or Analytics, this course is a must fro you. You will learn the skills you need to analyze your website performance and visitors.Note: This course will keep evolving for nest few weeks based on the feedback I get from students. So stay tuned for messages from me and send me your questions. My goal is to provide you the best experience and learning! Why you should learn from me?I have been in Digital Marketing and Analytics for over 15 years. I have trained people from diverse backgrounds and have converted them into high performing Digital Marketers and Analysts.  I understand both the technology and marketing side of business.  I have dealt with many analytics technologies way before Google Tag manager existed and know the inner working of Digital Analytics. In addition, I have developed various course and taught students from all over the world. I am online instructor for University of British Columbia (Canada), University of Washington (USA), Bellevue College (USA) and Digital Analytics Association.I have an engineering degrees and an MBA."
Price: 199.99

"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Google Analytics"
"There are several tools in the market for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Some are free and some are paid. Google Analytics is one such tool, which is free.In this course, I will teach you how you can use Google Analytics to get better at Search Engine Optimization (SEO).Google Analytics provide lots of valuable information that you can use to your advantage and have higher ranking sites on Google, Bing etc.I also give you an overview of Google Webmaster Tools also called Search Console and show you how you can get that data into Google Analytics.What will you learn:Understand which Google Analytics reports to use to get insights to improve SEOGet insight into (not provided) keywords that show up in Google Analytics keyword report.Get a quick overview of Google Web Master Tools (Google Search Console) and connect it to Google AnalyticsUnderstand and use Landing Pages, Devices, Countries and Keyword reports from Google Search ConsoleLearn how to compare various traffic drivers showing up in Google Analytics reports.Segment Organic traffic in your reports.Get a free SEO Custom Dashboard template that you can use to develop your own dashboard and use it right away and wow your boss."
Price: 199.99

"Essential Excel Features & Functions for Marketing Analytics"
"Excel is one of the most used tool for data analysis by marketers, marketing analysts, web, SEO and digital analysts.In this course we will learn about some awesome Excel features and functions and see several practical examples of how to use them for your analysis. Not only do I teach excel functions and features useful for Marketing, Digital and Web Analytics but also you will get cool ideas about what data you can analyze.What youll learnUnderstand various types of errors Excel throws and how to fix themHow to suppress the error or replace them with more meaningful dataLearn different ways of combining data from multiple columnsUnderstand different types of cell references.Bulk delete blank rows to clean your excel sheet dataFind duplicate rows of data, highlight them and/or bulk delete themLearn how to use VLOOKUP - Uses search engine (SEO) keyword data as an example.Learn Pivot Tables - Example:  Digital Marketing Campaign AnalysisFind Optimal Campaign Budget Allocation with Excel Add-In Solver - This will change the way you allocate your marketing budgets.Course requirements or prerequisites?You should be familiar with the basics of Excel.Who this course is for: Anybody who wants to learn about some key features in Excel how to apply them to common data issues.Marketing AnalystsDigital & Web AnalystsSEO analysts"
Price: 199.99

"Vocal Vibrations from the Heart"
"All sound comes from Vibrations or waves transmitted and heard within our body.. I believe if we approach our vocal instrument in that manner we can allow our instincts to come forth. Learning to feel the sound throughout our bodies or be the sound. All humans have music instincts from the heart and the brain. For example we are born with the rhythm of our heartbeat and then the imagination from the brain can stimulate our emotions in song. The Audio keyboard as well as the vibrations of our body can help us find exactly where those vibrations of sound are coming from then with the physical, mental and technical information we are able to put that knowledge together and go back to that place within our bodies always to repeat a wonderful vocal sound and gain more confidence. Practice and self motivation will allow you to remember exactly where that physical, emotional and audio point of sound was placed in you vocal cavity. I have included vocal exercises for you to help tap into that physical space. The videos take you step by step into the physical and mental side of singing. .After I learned the technical side I started to rely more on what I was feeling the vibrations of sound and how the breath and the shapes I was making with my vocal cavity, lips, tongue and jaw affected the sound I was producing. Also my state of mind. Music changes your state of mind. I then began to measure the sound vibrations diagnosing where it came from. I learned to balance the breath stream with the point of contact in my vocal cavity, hard palate to repeat the sound over and over again. These sound vibrations began to tell me who I was as a singer, all the colors of my voice and how I could adjust them as needed. I feel the student who takes this course will want to sing technically and instinctively to become more intelligent as a singer and begin to rely more on their own body instincts and emotions. I believe they can discover more of their own voice and bring more of the inner voice out."
Price: 34.99

"Master Lightroom and Photoshop in one week."
"This is an intensive course that combines several courses in one, Lightroom, Photoshop and Digital Blending, this course will take you from being a beginner to an advanced user in Lightroom and the Digital Blending. You will learn the basics of Photoshop and all the information required to understand Digital Blending. This course is meant for beginners who wants to start editing their photos and have them look like professional images. You will master Lightroom after this course and learn the best work flow to organize all your images. You will be able to do post processing of your images in a very short time after knowing how to use the Lightroom efficiently. Get an idea on the most useful tools in Photoshop and all whats needed as a photographer. Have an idea about HDR but you will learn the professional way called Digital Blending. Start creating images using the digital blending technique and have your images looks like posters in the magazines. 30 day money back guarantee!"
Price: 194.99

"Escritura Productiva, escribe y socializa tus sentimientos"
"Me encanta escribir. Si supiera escribir bien lo hara ms a menudo. Son frases habituales del entorno de la escritura. Siempre has pensado que escribas, pero que todo quedaba ah, en las hojas donde apuntas tus ideas?, o ests pasando por un momento personal delicado y quieres superarlo? Aprender a escribir puede ser la solucin. Cul es la diferencia entre escribir para uno mismo y hacerlo para los dems? Que la experiencia personal se convierte en literatura. Escribir es un acto de confidencia que saca a la luz la intimidad del autor, persiguiendo un objetivo concreto: que la escritura le haga libre. Este es el objetivo de Escritura productiva, empezar a escribir desde el primer momento. Aqu aprenders a convertir tus ideas en texto, a corregirlo y a valorar su alcance en el lector. Adems observars la diferencia entre escribir un texto literario y una carta, o entre una carta personal y una profesional. Sabrs crear contenido de blog, Twitter, medios escritos, con la tcnica ms sencilla posible: la escritura espontnea. Si escribes, te gusta escribir, pero nunca nadie te ha dicho si est bien lo que escribes o nadie te seala el camino a seguir para publicar lo que escribes, no debes perderte este curso. Adems, todos los alumnos de este curso publicarn sus textos en el blog Inters productivo, que tiene, al lanzamiento de este curso, cerca de 300.000 visitas."
Price: 19.99

"AngularJS para aplicaciones web y mviles desde 0"
"AngularJS se ha convertido en el framework javascript ms potente y usado para aplicaciones web y mviles que dependen fuertemente en el frontend. Hoy en da, conocer AngularJS es obligatorio para un programador web y mvil Senior. En este curso aprenders: Introduccin de AngularJS dentro de los frameworks javascript mvc del mercado Controladores Directivas Filtros Servicios Enrutamiento Introduccin al desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles con AngularJS Este curso est dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales que desean aprender desde 0 como dominar este framework tan potente. Leer la documentacin de Angular desde la pgina web es bastante intimidante, puede llevarte das e incluso semanas entender el framework. Este curso est organizado y preparado para que aprender Angular sea tan sencillo que al terminarlo, tengas la nocin de que es muy fcil. Vers lo rpido que es poner en marcha tu primera Single Page Application. Te convertirs en un amante de Angular como yo. Enfoque del curso: Contenido estructurado desde la visin de un Freelance en activo Al final del curso tendrs las herramientas necesarias para programar en AngularJS Aporte personal del formador con ejemplos prcticos del mundo real"
Price: 19.99

"Forget Google; Bing Pay-Per-Click Advertising Traffic Course"
"So you're in business and you need more sales? Who doesn't?! ;) Regardless if you're in business for yourself or you're a commission-based agent selling someone else's products or services, you need people looking at what you have to offer. And lots of it. Especially people who are already looking for a solution. Stop paying Google an arm or a leg. If you haven't already tried Google, know that you'll likely pay through your nose for any decent amount of traffic. Chances are, you'll bleed to death even before you turn a profit! The good news is, you can still get high quality, laser targeted traffic on demand ... at a fraction of the cost ... with BING! You're in good hands. In this step-by-simple-step Bing Advertising Training, I'll show you how you can set up highly effective ads, place them in front of your ideal customer, and have non-stop automated traffic come knocking on YOUR door. Say goodbye to expensive, Google ads ... and say hello to hungry, ready-to-buy customers!"
Price: 89.99

"[NEW] YouTube ATM - Building An Unstoppable Traffic Machine"
"How to not just watch YouTube videos, but actually start making money from themYouTube is THE No.2 site in the whole darn world ... second only to Google.Billions of visitors every single day, watching a bazillion hours of videos.If you're only one of the viewers, you're missing out on a GOLDMINE.Time to sit on the other sideYes, watching videos is fun. But once you get a taste of getting paid for the videos you create, you'll never look at YouTube the same way again.Nope, you don't need a degree in videography, or a masters in creatives.Heck, you don't even need a professional camera! Whip out your smartphone, get your laptop ready; it's time to turn YouTube into YOUR money making machine.You're in good handsIn this step-by-simple-step beginners' YouTube Mastery Training, I'll show you exactly how you can publish simple videos on YouTube and convert all those views into cold, hard cash.Stop letting Ryan eat the whole pie. It's time to get your share."
Price: 89.99

"How to fundraise during the end of the year like a pro"
"        My first year fundraising I was petrified. The pressure was on to deliver and I had never done anything like fundraising before. One night I saw an email had a statistic that changed everything for me. The statistic was simple - 24% of all donations for the year happen in December, and most of those occur in the last week of the year.          I read this two weeks before the end of the year - I had to act fast. That week I put together a communications campaign that raised over $10,000 during that last week. I tried the campaign again, and raised $30,000 in one day!          This year, consumers will donate an estimated $48 billion dollars between November and December this year. You have the same opportunity right now to raise some serious cash.            This class will teach you, step-by-step, how to develop a strategic plan to reaching and motivating donors so that they donate. I will also include the exact campaign I used to raise that $30,000.          Did you know that non-profits who develop a strategic plan and refine it every year can experience up to 70 percent growth in year-end giving? Let's make sure your cause gets the funding you need.          Now, here are some things to consider:  If all this course did was teach you how to organize your communications tools so that they work together, would it be worth the investment? YES!If all this course did was teach you how to talk to your donors so that they respond and want to donate, would it be worth the investment? YES!If all this course did was double your investment, would it be worth it? YES!         This is the time of year to get your donors motivated, so what are you waiting for?! Let's get started. "
Price: 19.99

"Digitale Kameras verstehen - Digitale Fotografie lernen"
"Teilnehmer am Kurs "Digitale Kameras verstehen - Digitale Fotografie lernen" besitzen bereits eine digitale Kamera oder mchten sich eine Kamera zulegen. Neueinsteiger erhalten einen berblick ber die verfgbaren Kamerasysteme von Kompakt bis Spiegelreflex. Diese Informationen dienen als Grundlage fr eine vernnftige Kaufentscheidung. Anhand des technischen berblicks erfahren die Kursteilnehmer, welche Vor- und Nachteile verschiedene Kamerasysteme haben. Digitalkameras besitzen eine Vielzahl an Funktionen, die nicht auf den ersten Blick verstndlich sind. Deshalb wird vor allem drauflos geknipst, ohne zu wissen, wie man seine Ergebnisse verbessern kann. Man erhlt halbwegs gute Bilder, wei aber auch, dass die Kamera eigentlich viel mehr Potential hat. Die Kursteilnehmer haben nur wenig Fachwissen und Praxiserfahrung in der Digitalfotografie. Aber sie mchten das Potential der Digitalfotografie im Allgemeinen und der Kamera im Speziellen kennenlernen und sich weiterentwickeln. Der Kurs beinhaltet ca. 105 Minuten an Lehrvideos in 10 Hauptkapiteln. In den einzelnen Lektionen werden neben den Schulungsvideos vor allem Abbildungen und Fotografien gezeigt, welche einerseits die technischen Details, Schalter und Knpfe einer Kamera zeigen, andererseits als praktische Fotobeispiele zu sehen sind."
Price: 29.99

"Forex Trading Profitably"
"Don't think it's possible to make money from the Forex Markets? Learn about a short-term way to trade the markets, with a high win-rate with the potential to earn $1000s a day. "That's Right, $1000s a day" You are interested in this course, for 1 simple reason: Money. Simple. No Ifs. No Buts. Well the secret to making more money is simply to get started. There are an increasing breed of people who make their living just by trading the markets. You see it is because the markets are an level-playing field where an amateur can go up against a pro and still enjoy success. You simply cant do this in other fields. It is very very possible to go from rags to riches very quickly. "Anyone can be a trader" - It just takes a winning mindset and spotting the right opportunities. It is normal to fear losses, but at the same time if You Dont Risk, You Dont Get. How to set yourself up for success: Learn to Spot Winning Opportunities Develop Winning Habits Thinking long term "Question 1: Will this work in my country?" Sure, the Forex Market is a 4 trillion dollar industry. Forex Brokers are available in every country. "Question 2: How will I know this will work?" I have been trading the forex markets successfully for the last 10 years, applying the very techniques you will learn in this course. I keep a blog of all my trades, so you can see what I am looking for. "Question 3: Do I need a lot of money to get started?" No. That's what makes the Forex Market so accessible. You can start off trading from as little as $25. Alternately, you can hone your skills on a demo account for absolutely free. "Question 4: I've tried and failed at Forex Trading before, What's different this time?" There are a lot of hurdles for a would-be forex trader to overcome. My course will give you a fresh perspective on Forex Trading. Click the "Take This Course" button on the top right, because the faster you learn this method, the quicker you can profit from it. Hit the "Take This Course" Now!"
Price: 19.99

"Senior Portrait Workflow for Lightroom"
"Learn how to process your images fast and easy using our Lightroom-only Senior Portrait Workflow online training course. Youll start by importing images and organizing them using collections. From there, well choose our favorite images and start processing. Youll learn how to... Crop for impact. Use adjustment brushes to enhance the eyes and smooth the skin. Best use of the spot removal tool to quickly remove blemishes. Use the new radial gradient tool to add the finishing touches. Bonus Video: Installing Lightroom Presets Our step by step videos along with exercise files will have you organizing and editing senior portraits in no time. All this, fast and easy without leaving Lightroom. What use to take hours in Photoshop now takes only a few minutes in Lightroom! If you are looking to start photographing Seniors for extra money or want to learn how to improve any portrait, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Goal Setting Ultimate Guide"
"OVER 1000 SATISFIED STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE (Verified)OVER TWO-DOZEN POSITIVE STAR REVIEWS30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (NO QUESTIONS ASKED)Closed captioning enabled--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two groups of people in the world. One group spends most of their lives struggling to earn a living, and the second much smaller group seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, they are working at building and enjoying a fortune. Everything just seems to work out for them. And here sits the much larger group, wondering how life can be so unfair, so complicated and unjust. What's the major difference between the little group with so much and the larger group with so little? Despite all of the factors that affect our lives; the country we were born in, the schools we attended, the amount of support we got from our family, none has as much potential power for affecting our futures as our ability to set clearly defined goals In order to fully utilize the powers in setting goals, you must first truly understand the purpose of a goal and the mechanism that gives a goal such a great pull on our future. This course will teach you the ancient truth of goal setting. Why and how it works. Understanding of the knowledge of goal setting will unleash a creative force that will enable you design the life you have always dreamed of. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What people say about thiscourse""I am now totally focused on what I actually want to get done and I know why I want it done and in which order... Having that alone makes this course invaluable!""-Roy Mulchand""One of the most important thing that I love about this course is the practicability of the content."" -Ikechukwu Okeke""The material was presented in a clear and concise manner, the quality of the content was fantastic - The workshops were engaging and allowed for an interactive element that really helps drill in the message.The instructors passion and heart felt delivery of the material made this already wonderful lecture, even that more engaging and infectious!"" -Hely Gabriela Schumann"
Price: 49.99

"Success in sales: Building your book of business"
"Welcome To Success In Sales Course Selling is the most basic and fundamental skill required to be a successful entrepreneur. Success in sales however and building that million dollar book of business has more to do with your philosophy as a person than your ability to sell. It is these philosophical ideas in addition to the right attitude and the right action steps that lead to great success in sales. These are the things that this course teaches. Our sales business can be compared to a sail boat. Its not the blowing of the wind that determines our destination. It is the set of our sail that determines our destination. You must realize that the same life wind, blows on us all; the wind of opportunity, the wind of difficulties, the wind of expansion, and the wind of recession and an ancient script says: there is a set time for everything under the face of the earth. However it is the set of your sail that will determine where you arrive in 3years or 5years in your sales business. This course was developed to help you set a better sail for your sales future, correcting the errors of the past and establishing the correct thinking pattern to take you to your Eldorado Whatever that represents for you. ------------------------------------ Success in Sales - Join this course NOW! ------------------------------------"
Price: 29.99

"How to Establish a Business Tinting Car Windows from Home"
"LATEST: Course Updated Again On 31stof August 2018> We added a full section on tinting Doors! 9 Videos are inthisnew section. Are you a car lover? A Hands-On kind of guy..or gal? Grab this training today right here on Udemy and watch as this seasoned pro, guides you through the process of how to tint car windows. You will learn what tools you need - and the expensive ones that you don't.Discover what brands of film that are most user friendly for beginners.You'll learn the simple techniques, that you can practice to perfection as you start your journey towards a new and exciting career. Work in a industry, where as long as the sun keeps on shining - you will have customers looking for what you offer. Start from your own garage at home, keeping overheads low and profits high. You will get up-close and personal with these professionally produced videos. With a systematic approach that's designed to build your confidence. These simplified teaching methods break down the techniques you will need to practice and master to capitalise on the massive business opportunity that awaits the victorious! What Have Udemy Users Been Saying About This Course? ""Well delivered course by a very knowledgeable tutor"" The course was highly informative, very interesting and the information was put across in an excellent manner thank you Nick Roberts! - 5 Stars (Michelle - Udemy student) ""Nick obviously is an expert in this - AND he's a natural teacher. He shows real tricks of the trade and his lessons help avoid pitfalls and costly mistakes."" 5 Stars Rob A. - Amsterdam ( Udemy student) ""Fantastic window tinting course""This course is exactly what I needed to get started in tinting windows. The list of tools and materials and where to buy them was such a great help. All of the lectures really give attention to detail of each phase of cutting, fitting and applying the film. I also really appreciate the section on what could go wrong. After viewing the course in its entirety, I am beyond confident that I can successfully tint windows as a profession - from Harley SitnerAmazingly good and clearly explainedI'm a car wrap guy and have never done window tinting. Guess i'm now complete ! Everything to start and practice by yourself is very well explained. Can't wait for the upcoming videos though ;) - Maurice Nguyen WHO SHOULD SIGN UP FOR THIS TRAINING? Anyone who wants to make money using their own skills English speaking people from any country People of any age or ability with a natural aptitude for ""Hands-On' work. This course is probably not for you if you want instant success! You must take this course seriously if you want to hit your goal. Course Updated Again On 13th of August 2016"
Price: 144.99