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"Learn the basics of Norwegian language"
"Do you want to learn Norwegian? Or at least to be able to say some phrases convincingly? This course gives you the basics for communication. In the course you will find more than an hour of video-material, where special attention is paid to pronunciation through my technique of using body language to demonstrate pronunciation and by using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription of all words and phrases. Moreover, I will lateradd some useful text files with additional explanations and hints about the structure of the Norwegian language, and some quizzes so you can check up upon your progress. Without any previous knowledge of Norwegian you will probably watch the videos several times. How much time it will take to acquire the course will depend on your previous language learning experience, but roughly you might need three-four hours of study to acquire solid basics. The course has some introductory remarks on Norwegian language and some remarks about how I teach pronunciation in the course. This is followed by a part on greetings and exchange of personal information, then a part on meta-language, e.g. how you ask what something means, and then some useful words like numbers and weekdays. You should take this course if you want to learn the basics of Norwegian communication properly in a fun way."
Price: 29.99

"Love Your Life - Why Settle? Be Happy - Dream Builder Course"
"STUDENTS PRAISE COURSE IN REVIEWS: If you do the activities in this course, it is powerful. This is The Secret on steroids. It is action oriented. You are not just asked to visualize, you are asked to do. I love the instructors voice. Easy to understand and soothing. I now have a clear vision and will take action to making all my dreams come true. Thank you for allowing me to dream big! Heather, you know who (how) to inspire people and make sure they reach for the best dream possible. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge and look forward to future classes. Good course to get the vision for your life Just in time for New Year's Resolutions that you will actually ACCOMPLISH to rock 2015! Wouldn't you love to wake up every morning grateful? focused? smiling? confident? energetic? stress free? The material is based on the Law of Attraction, and the movie The Secret, but it also covers those other secrets that you have to figure out if just believing and thinking positive have not helped you in the past. I have followed these concepts and worked on them daily for the last three years, and they have turned my life around! They can change your life too. This is the first course in a series that will set you on the road to your Dream Life that you will Love. The course is based on the teachings of Mary Marin Morrissey of the Life Mastery institute. I am a Certified Dream Builder Coach, taught by Mary herself over the past three years. I also am working on my doctorate in higher education, and have taught adults for over 30 years.. Are you at a crossroads in your life because you have just graduated? or got divorced? or are having financial hardship? or decided on a new career? or retired? Now is when you need to create a clear vision of what the life you would love would look like, so you know what direction to go in to get there. After all, as the Cheshire Cat said in "Alice in Wonderland", if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. If you follow along with me in all the lessons and really think through and feel the emotions related to the exercises, I guarantee you will move ahead towards a life you love. The course has over 12 Lectures and covers about an hour, but your exercises and thinking will take you at least another hour of your time if you give the effort you need. The content of the course includes your searching for your purpose in life (your why am I here?) your vision (what would I love?) a start on overcoming your fears and paradigms (current conditions) that stop fo from living the life you love, a background on Transformational Philosophies that much of this material is based on, and building a belief that your dream can emerge from within you and become reality. You have a complete 30 day money back guarantee, so there is no risk in investing in your future... Enroll in this course and take the first steps towards happiness. You will feel a difference in your heart. I guarantee it!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Automatically Backup Your Photos Online for Beginners"
"Have you ever had those Kodak moments or funny home videos that you were so excited to immortalize? Most of us figure saving these precious moments on our computers will keep them with us forever. Nobody ever thinks that one day that hard drive could crash. This is a surprisingly common occurrence. Did you know 20% of hard drives fail in the first 4 years, and that this percentage steadily increases every year? All hard drives fail at some point, usually with little or no warning. In an instant, you can lose years of memories that you can never share with the next generation. You know you're supposed to backup your hard drive, and you've heard about the unlimited storage space available on the cloud, but where do you start? With this beginner's course, saving all your priceless memories on the cloud couldn't be more easy. This course helps you to backup all of your photos and videos to the cloud in a few easy steps, so that no matter what happens to your computer or even your home, your memories will be safe and easily accessible. I have been in the computer industry for over 10 years. I have seen people lose thousands of photos and videos needlessly. You don't have to be one of those unfortunate souls. Sign up for this beginner's course and learn the quick steps you can take to save the memories that are dear to you. Backing up videos and photos is as easy as A-B-C. Take this course and let me show you how to save a ton of money by doing this yourself. The course is packed with detailed steps on how to use Google+ Auto Backup, and how to automatically backup your photos and videos. It is a course that will have value for generations. Google will give you free, secure cloud backup and unlimited storage for your photos and videos. So, why bother paying for this course, when the program you use is free? Well, not everyone is techno-savvy, and that's OK. With this beginner's course you can save the time and frustration of trying to pin down kids who don't have the time or patience to teach you. Your videos and photos are priceless, why depend on someone else to back them up for you? Plus, the problem solving skills you learn can be applied to other computer issues. With this course you will: Get the answer to the most daunting of questions: What is The Cloud?" Learn how to backup your photos and videos online. Learn how to restore your photos and videos back onto your computer after a crash. Learn the process for both Mac and Windows PCs. Set up your photos to be backed-up once, and forget it is even there! This course comes with a 50 page eTextbook in PDF format that covers all the steps in detail. This eTextbook also explains the jargon and answers frequently asked questions. Additionally, you have 100% money back guarantee for 30 days after you buy this course, which I'm confident you won't need. An added bonus is you'll be done with this course in an hour. Please Note: This is a course for beginners. While everyone can benefit from it, it is designed for beginning and intermediate level computer users."
Price: 19.99

"Eat Yourself Happy - Help your Anxiety, Stress & Depression"
"Do you suffer from anxiety, stress or depression? Would you like to know what to eat and what not to eat to lessen the symptoms of these conditions? Then this course is for you. I will cover the main areas where diet has been known to affect mental health in a simple and easy to follow way. I will discuss ways to make changes in diet easier and give plenty of information to enable you to look further into the relationship between diet and health. This course is packed with information covering two main areas, what you should eat (vitamins and minerals, fruit and vegetables etc) and what you shouldn't eat (sugar, caffeine etc). It summarises the research and gives guidance for making changes in your diet. As well as the videos, this course includes a transcript and many references for further research."
Price: 29.99

"Descubre 30 Estrategias Poderosas Para Persuadir Tus Ventas"
"Estimado amigo(a), Cuando tena seis aos de edad me pas algo que an me persigue hasta el da de hoy. Yo estaba en el patio de la casa jugando con unos amigos alrededor de la barbacoa de mis padres, cuando llegu a la brillante idea de sentarme en ella ya que vi todo apagado. (as es el fuego estaba apagado pero las brasas haban mantenido caliente el metal de la barbacoa) . Como te podrs imaginar, eso no era una buena idea . Las varas metlicas quedaron marcadas en mis piernitas, y me lastime severamente . Ca al suelo,y de inmediato salte y corr gritando hacia la casa. Mi mam estaba mirando desde la ventana de la cocina mientras ella estaba lavando los platos. Le gustara saber su respuesta? Ella sigui lavando los platos. Ella no pareca tan preocupada por lo que me haba pasado, incluso viendo que la sangregoteaba de mi boca y de las lgrimas de mis ojos. Cuando entr en la casa y me pare frente a ella, simplemente dijo: dame un pao de cocina, cario. Entonces ella volvi la cabeza hacia la sala de estar donde mi padre estaba viendo la televisin. Nestor. se quemo las piernas con la barbacoa. Est severamente quemado. Probablemente deberamos hacer algo al respecto. Mi padre, que es mucho ms sensible que mi mam, le grit: Lo haremos, tan pronto como termine escuchar mi pieza favorita . Es uno de mis canciones favoritas! Mi hermano pequeo estaba realmente entusiasmado con el prximo viaje al hospital . Sorpresas, sorpresas!, Dijo. "Podemos parar por un helado camino al hospital? No sera te parece absurdo que jugara de esa manera? Lo que en realidad sucedi fue lo siguiente ... Mi mam al instante sali corriendo de la casa para agarrarme con pnico en sus ojos. Ella grit por mi pap que de inmediato nos meti en el coche. Mi hermana se qued muda de espanto. Nos fuimos directo al hospital, y llegamos a la sala de emergencia en cuestin de segundos . Haba una Respuesta Urgente Por Lo Ocurrido! Afortunadamente, despus de pasar algn tiempo en la sala de emergencias vendado, me dijeron que estara bien. Aprend una valiosa leccin: nunca sentarme en una fogn caliente! En realidad, aprend otra leccin ese da: hay cosas que desencadenan una respuesta inmediata . Soy un vendedor del Internet a tiempo completoy esta leccin me ha funcionado con mis ofertas y las ofertas de los dems una y otra vez. Hay cosas que puedes hacer con el fin de aumentar tu tasa de Ventas. No estoy hablando sobre trucos de falsificacin o tcnicas no ticas. Estoy hablando de la elaboracin de tu oferta de una manera quepuedas crear "urgencia" sin sacrificar tu" integridad ". Como he dicho: hay cosas que tu puedes hacer para aumentar la tasa de compra de tus ofertas. Te gustara conocerlas? Ests de suerte, porque he puesto ms de dos docenas de estas ideas en un nuevo informe especial ... 30 Formas De Crear Urgencia En Tus Ventas Hoy! Hay dos preguntas que necesitas hacerte : Por qu la gente se va sin comprar? Cmo se puede convencer (al menos algunos) de los que se van para que compren? La primera pregunta tiene una respuesta fcil - el hecho que no haga clic en el botn de compra, y entren sus datos bancarios para finalizar la transaccin tiene sus razones. Tal vez ellos no necesitaban la oferta. Tal vez no les gust la oferta. Tal vez ellos no podan permitirse la oferta. Tal vez tenan la intencin de volver ms tarde. Hay docenas de variables. Algunos simplemente NUNCA compran. Pero ... Algunos si estn en el borde de tomar una decisin. Algunos tienen un fuerte "tal vez si". Algunos han levantado la mano para decir: "Estoy interesado ... dime qu debo comprar "? Es por estas personas que tu necesitas saber la respuesta a la segunda pregunta. TurboVentas te dar 30 maneras de convencer (al menos algunos) de los que no estaban seguros de hacerlo. Ninguna de estas estrategias son un secreto, ni mucho menos mgicas. Ellas son simplemente verdaderas estrategias de marketing que han sido probadas durante aos en los procesos de venta, para lograr persuadir la gente a comprar de inmediato. Tal vez ya conozcas algunos de estos ... pero es probable que haya un montn queno conozcas! De verdad quieres ignorar esta oferta y siempre preguntarte, "Qu haba en el informe? Qu pasara si encuentro solo UNA nueva idea que me consiguiera ms gente que me compre? Cunto dinero ms me hara cada mes? " PRUEBA esto por ti mismo : Esto es lo que quiero que hagas. Compra una copia de TurboVentas aqu abajo e implementa inmediatamente la estrategia # 17. Te funciono en el da de hoy, no? Quiero decir, esto es exactamente lo que estoy haciendo ahora mismo. Estoy usando la estrategia # 17 contigo. Te voy a dar un "bono de estrategia" en este momento, sin costo alguno. El uso de la "curiosidad" es una excelente manera de llegar a la gente a tomar una decisin de compra. En serio, no quieres saber lo que dice la estrategia # 17? No te gustara saber cmo la estoy usando en este momento y la forma en que cada vez un mayor nmero de gente comprar por yo haberla utilizado? Piense en ello de esta manera: Qu significara para tu negocio en los prximos 12 meses si pudieras implementar las estrategias de TurboVentas y obtener ms compras de tus visitantes a tus sitios web? El promedio es alrededor del 2%, es decir, 98 de cada 100 personas que ven tu oferta no va a comprar. Qu pasara si tu pudieras conseguir que slo algunas de estas personasque te visitan te compraran antes de irse? Eso sera enorme, no?! Ahora Descarga tu curso e implementa estas ideas inmediatamente."
Price: 49.99

"Descubre 24 Formas De Duplicar Tus Ventas"
"Bienvenido! Solo por curiosidad, alguna vez has escuchado la pregunta: "Te gustara agregar papas fritas?" Probablemente no hay una sola persona que viva en una ciudad y no haya estado expuesta a esta pregunta. "Te gustara agregar papas fritas?" Si hay un McDonald's en cualquier lugar cerca de ti, entonces has estado expuesto a la idea que vamos a estar hablando hoy. Pides una hamburguesa y te responden, "Te gustara papas fritas con eso?" Y, sin ms, aumentan sus ganancias por cada venta cuando la mayora de la gente responde: "Claro". Esta Tcnica de Ventas se llama, "UpSelling o Venta Adicional". Y no es slo hamburguesas y papas fritas, prcticamente todos los mbitos de la vida empresarial ofrecen un "Upselling o Venta Adicional". Automviles tienen opciones adicionales disponibles. Los programas de software tienen caractersticas adicionales, Las habitaciones de hoteles disponen de comodidades adicionales, Papeles de impresin tienen grados de calidad extra, y Los jugadores de videojuegos tienen accesorios adicionales Slo para nombrar unos pocos. Hay una opcin para actualizar productos que van desde 25 centavos a 25 millones de dlares. Eso es lo que vamos a hablar hoy - Como hacer ms ventas adicionales (Upselling) Cmo conseguir que tus clientes gasten ms dinero contigo hoy. Vamos a dividir las cosas en 3 secciones: Cmo configurar tu oferta para aumentar las ventas. Cinco maneras de convencer a tus clientes a comprar esta venta adicional. 24 tipos diferentes de ventas adicionales que puedes ofrecer a tus clientes."
Price: 49.99

"Creating Social Media Content in Adobe Photoshop"
"Update 12/28/2014: Added copyright lecture + new quiz Trending topics are all over the place on social media nowadays. And while they seem trivial, trends are actually opportunities in disguise for individuals and organisations. They can get your message heard, drive traffic to your website or blog, increase followers and even better: sales. To accomplish this Ive created a well rounded and easy to follow course for creating attention grabbing content in the king of all graphics-editing software: Photoshop. In this course well be discussing the ingredients for creating effective content for Twitter and Facebook and youll learn tools and techniques to create great images in Photoshop. And when you're done with the final chapter, you'll be an expert in saving your creations for the web. Made for Mac and Windows users and infused with a plethora of time-saving keyboard shortcuts, this course is your best entry in the fast growing field of social media marketing. This course is taught by an Adobe Certified Expert and freelance trainer with years of training experience and will be updated and supported through time. Your faith in this course is an investment in your own growth and one that will only become more and more valuable as time passes. A list of some of the topics: learn the ingredients for creating effective social media images understand how to create brush patterns, an advanced technique get to know smart objects and why they will change your workflow get comfortable with saving images for the web two projects, created for this course and explained from A to Z and much more! Whether you're a startup, a non-profit organisation or a seasoned business, this course will teach you skills in image editing, content creation and social media marketing that will take your venture(s) to the world of web 2.0. This course includes the exercise files you need to follow along, and it targets people that are novice/beginners in the topic of social media marketing and use of Adobe Photoshop. It is structured in such a way that we'll begin slow and add some complexity as we go through the different lessons. So, are you ready to start learning? Lets go."
Price: 29.99

"Como Crear Un Webinario Exitoso Para Tu Negocio Por Internet"
"Los Expertos En Marketing Te Han MENTIDO! Descubre Los Secretos Que Los Grandes Expertos Del Marketing Utilizan Hoy En Sus Negocios Por Internet Aqu Esta La Manera Ms Fcil Y Rpida Para Vender Tus Productos Y Servicios Por Internet Hola Emprendedor (a), Recuerdas cmo te sentiste la ltima vez que intentaste vender tus productos o servicios a tus potenciales prospectos? De una vez, deseaste salir corriendo y esconderte bajo una roca. Recuerdas cmo se sinti que ellos ni siquiera vieran para que servan tus ofertas? La buena noticia es que no tiene que ser siempre as. Estara bien para ti poder ganar credibilidad y confianza en ti y tu negocio a un mnimo costo? Tener la habilidad de alcanzar el nivel de experto en menos de 7 das? Si te parece bien toma un minuto de tu valioso tiempo para leer esta carta..Te prometo NO te arrepentiras. La Mayora de los Gurs alla afuera estan haciendo una fortuna siguiendo algunos de los principios que estoy apunto de compartir contigo. Lo mejor de todo es que puedes empezar desde la comodidad de tu casa! Estara bien si te digo como?, entonces sigue leyendo La mayora de la gente que inicia su negocio por internet gasta una fortuna en publicidad y muchos de ellos no logran ganar dinero y menos recuperar su inversin. Imagina que puedas vender tus producto y servicios sin la necesidad de tener que gastar en publicidad, correr tras tus potenciales clientes y mucho menos rogar por que compren tus productos o servicios. Porque comparto esta informacin contigo a travs de estos cursos? Mi programa VIP de Consultora Personal es de aproximadamente $10,000 por cliente y muchos no pueden sufragar estos costos. Asi que tome la decisin de compartir contigo a traves de mas de 20 cursos publicados, todo lo que se y enseo en mis programas de consultora. Imagina ahora todo esta valiosa informacin a tu disposicin por menos del 1% de su costo. Bien dejemos de echarnos flores y vayamos al grano. Lo que he hecho es recopilar a travs de este curso Mi Poderosa Frmula De 3 Pasos Para Crear Un Webinario Exitoso Que Vende. Ahora, antes de empezar con esta informacin increblemente rentable, vamos a hacer un alto por un momento y definir lo que un webinario significa ... "Webinario" es un seminario en la Web que permite a varias personas en lugares remotos ver y escuchar una presentacin por internet. Mientras que los webinarios se pueden utilizar para una variedad de propsitos - desde demostraciones de productos hasta inclusive para la atencin al cliente y tambin para seminarios pagados - el foco de este curso es sobre el uso de seminarios web para promocionar tus servicios o productos (ya sean tus propios producto o como afiliado usando el producto de otros). Con este fin, vas a Descubrir Mi Poderosa Frmula De 3 Pasos Para Crear Un Webinario Exitoso Que Vende. He aqu un resumen de la frmula: Paso No.1 - PLATAFORMA: Aqu descubrir cmo elegir la mejor plataforma o herramienta para hacer webinarios que se ajusten a tus necesidades y servicios. Adems podrs obtener instrucciones sencillas paso a paso que te muestren cmo poner en marcha todo el proceso en cuestin de minutos! Paso No.2 - PRESENTADORES: Una presentacin lenta, torpe y aburrida no llenaran tu cuenta bancaria con dinero en efectivo. Aqu descubrirs cmo dar un webinario pulido - incluso si tu eres un principiante sin experiencia y odias hablar en pblico! Paso No.3 - PROMOVER: Por ltimo, aqu es donde tu aprendes cmo aprovechar los beneficios en cada seminario que haces para promover tu evento y tus productos o servicios! Imagina. Poder acceder a una poderosa herramienta que te permita romper el hielo rpidamente con tus potenciales clientes. Poder apalancar tus esfuerzos de una manera 100% automatizada, sin necesidad de gastar una fortuna en publicidad. Poder venderles a una mltiple cantidad de potenciales clientes de una sola vez. Si ests preguntando cunto dinero puedes hacer? La respuesta es sencilla No Lo Se y esta es la pura verdad. Cualquier otro marketero o vendedor que te diga que puedes hacer cierta cantidad de dinero cada mes esta MINTIENDO sobre su producto para que tu lo compres. Yo no te prometo nada. La buena noticia es que si desarrollas la habilidades necesarias y tomar accin inmediata puedes lograr esa libertad financiera que tanto anhelas. Si te preguntas ahora como lo vas hacer.. Dejame decirte que todo el mundo - inclusive un nio de 10 aos - puede hacer un webinario desde la comodidad del hogar en menos de 7 das. No importa en qu industria te encuentres (Ventas, Musica, Salud, Coaching, Actores, Marketing, Speaking, etc.) todos pueden hacer dinero desde internet usando los webinarios para monetizar aquello que ms te gusta o tienes experiencia. Si te preguntas que necesitas para empezar Te vas a quedar sorprendido por esta respuesta, pero lo unico que necesitaras son: Tu presencia o la de un experto Tu Mensaje Tu Programa o plataforma por internet Qu aprenders Como automatizar y configurar tus webinarios para mxima productividad Como transformar tu webinario en otros productos que puedas tambin venderles a tus clientes Como crear un contenido valioso que tus asistentes deseen. Como escoger un tema rentable que atraiga ms clientes y ms ventas. Y muchos otros secretos ms En pocas palabras, ahora tienes una gua paso a paso para aplicar desde hoy mismo en tus negocios por internet sin necesidad de perder el tiempo en lo que te aleja del xito y la riqueza. As que el siguiente paso es fcil: tomar ACCIN! y empieza a ganar ms dinero con estos poderoso principios hoy. Saludos y exito en tus negocios, Nubia Vallester Autora y Co-Fundadora de la Academia Internacional de Expertos P.D. Tengo una buena historia para ti. Los Webinarios son la forma ms rpida y fcil de conseguir ms clientes, para tu negocio por internet sin necesidad de gastar una fortuna en publicidad. Recuerda Yo asumo todo el riesgo dndote una garanta del 100% tu dinero de vuelta, asi que estas esperando...Empieza tu curso Hoy."
Price: 49.99

"Conociendo ZOHO CRM"
"En este curso aprenders como manejar correctamente ZOHO CRM para poder sacar el msivo provecho del mismo si ya lo usa, o bien adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para empezarlo a usar. Son mas 70 clases donde podrs aprender desde lo mas sencillo, hasta conceptos mas complicados como manejo de oportunidades, dashboards e informes."
Price: 49.99

"Mobile App Development with Titanium Studio by Jason Foster"
"With mobile application development steadily on the rise, the ability to create native apps for multiple platforms using a single code base is certainly advantageous, if not essential. Titanium Studio is an IDE that allows developers to do just that. This course offers in-depth instruction of how to effectively use Titanium Studio, as well as multiple hands-on projects, ensuring students can create apps for Android, Blackberry, iOS, and MobileWeb with a single code base using JavaScript. Learn and Master Titanium Studio in this Comprehensive Course Create new projects using JavaScript Build mobile applications that utilize web services Gain understanding of event listeners, layouts, and views Become proficient in UI controls Learn advanced app navigation and effective data display Gain tips and tricks to assist in app design Learn methods for quicker app development and plan for complicated projects A Lucrative Tool For New and Experienced Mobile Developers Alike Whether you are looking to work in the mobile development field, or want your apps to appeal to a wider mobile-audience, this course is for you. No longer do you have to choose to market to Android or iOS, or spend valuable time developing your app for both platforms. With less time spent developing and higher profits from an expanded market, this lucrative skill set is an asset to new and experienced developers alike. Content and Overview Comprised of more than thirty lectures and over four hours of content with multiple hands-on projects, this course offers in-depth instruction, covering everything from how to create a new project to using event listeners, layouts, and views. Students will learn to effectively use UI controls, such as image views, labels, text fields, text areas, switches, alert dialogues, activity indicators, web views, scroll views, scrollable views, and buttons. Using the classic framework, students will build three apps, taking advantage of the tools provided in Titanium Studio. These projects are designed to maximize hands-on learning, with the final project being all-encompassing, tying together all course material and providing an excellent reference tool for future projects. Substantial sample code is provided in a format that is easy to follow. Upon completion of the course, students will be proficient in Titanium Studio and have the knowledge and confidence to create functional, real-life apps."
Price: 19.99

"Stencyl - Jogos para iOS e Android sem usar Cdigo"
"Neste curso, vamos aprender a utilizar os conceitos bsicos da Stencyl 3.1 e desenvolver do zero um pequeno game (com a mesma mecnica do clssico FlappyBird). Este game apesar de simples, aborda quase todas as tcnicas utilizadas no desenvolvimento de um jogo (trabalhar com animaes, fsica, coliso de objetos, textos, pontuao) As aulas abordam: - Instalar e Configurar a Stencyl Game Engine para comecar o nosso projeto. - Criar o projeto do jogo do zero. - Importar os objetos e atores que vao compor nosso jogo - Configurar o sistema de fisica e colisao do jogo - Criar o sistema de controle pontuacao e gameOver - Trabalhar com sons e musica - Exportar o jogo para jogar em celulares Android e iOS - Publicar o jogo na internet e atraves das lojas de aplicativos (AppStore e Google PLAY) As aulas so rpidas e objetivas, editadas e sem erros e utilizando-se uma linguagem clara sem muitos termos tcnicos, aonde at as pessoas que nunca programaram conseguiro entender as idias principais e o que esta sendo desenvolvido."
Price: 579.99

"Flappy Bird 3D em Realidade Aumentada"
"O mundo est prestes a presenciar a exploso do uso das novas tecnologias de vestir ( Wearable Devices ) que so os smart culos relgios e pulseiras como o Google Glass e o Apple Watch. Em vista disso o uso de Viso Artificial ( Computer Vision ) e Realidade Aumentada ( Augmented Reality ) em aplicativos vai crescer muito gerando uma alta demanda de necessidade deste tipo de desenvolvimento. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar do zero o seu primeiro aplicativo em Realidade Aumentada usando a Unity3D, a engine de jogos mais popular do mundo, desenvolvendo a lgica do jogo com a linguagem de programao C# e usando a ferramenta de AR mais popular do mundo, a Vuforia da empresa Qualcomm. Alm de gratuita para distribuio, o melhor custo benefcio em relao s outras concorrentes. Possui vrios tipos de recursos como Mltiplos Marcadores, Marcadores Cilndricos / Cbicos, Reconhecimento de Texto, Video Player e o novo recurso de Tracking de Objetos. Iremos abordar todos estes temas da Vuforia em aulas e exemplos isolados.** O curso ir abordar tambm a execuo do aplicativo nos aparelhos iOS (iPhone e iPad) e Android e como publicar seu aplicativo na AppStore e Google Play.** Os alunos no precisam ter nenhum conhecimento preliminar de programao ou criao de jogos, pois o curso desenvolvido com uma linguagem clara e sem o uso excessivo de termos tcnicos. As instrues so dadas passo a passo em videos e os exemplos so fornecidos para download junto as aulas O aluno tambm poder contar com a ajuda do professor e tirar suas dvidas no frum."
Price: 99.99

"10+1 Facebook Marketing Steps to Increase Sales"
"Are you looking for a step by step professional training to increase sales doing Facebook Marketing? You are on the right spot! ;) The 10+1 Facebook Marketing Steps to Increase Sales training will guide you through the same path my successful customers followed to make 42 Million Euros revenues over the past 5 years working on Facebook! This training unveils +8 years professional experience as Digital Marketing Manager working with over 200 companies across Australia, Italy and Turkey! I call it The Thomas' Scheme! The training is designed as an 11 Steps journey to make you maximize results using Facebook as a Pro! Each step is divided into a theory section and daily practical exercises, so you will put into action what you will learn from day 1! Like you, I believe in action, because what drove my customers to success is DOING, not just LEARNING. By the end of this training you will be capable of: - Finding new customers! - Engage your audience effectively! - Turn fans into buying customers! If you are a young entrepreneur, a business owner or a professional this is the training for you! If you are not...NO STRESS! ;) If you love achieving amazing results, you are determined in increasing your sales using Facebook and you love your job you are also on the right spot! Moreover you won't be alone while training! This training comes with full Facebook, WhatsApp and Email based Student Support to help you achieve the results your business deserves! I bet you are ready to begin! See you on Day1! ;) Thomas Carb - Your Digital Marketing Expert"
Price: 39.99

"How to Heal Your Brain and Life from Sexual Addiction"
"This course is for individuals who struggle with addiction as well as the family or partners of those who struggle with sexual addiction or similar compulsive behaviors. It is designed to give the basic platform for understanding addiction, how it got started and how to heal from it. It is the designed as a first step in the healing journey from an addiction that affects more than 1/3 of all marriages and 50% of American Households. This introductory series will take about 2 - 3 hours to complete. There are lectures and small quizzes along with a helpful handout to aid in recovery. This course does not take the place of therapy. However it does provide an excellent starting point for recovery to begin.Do not delay healing any longer. Enroll today."
Price: 49.99

"The Art of Lockpicking: A Complete Guide"
"Do you want to learn how to pick locks? If you've seen someone pick a lock before, it almost seems like magic. Our promise to you is that at the end of this course you will be able to replicate this "magic", and have the people around you astonished by your skills. Pick Almost Any Lock in Minutes The course concentrates on the most common type of locks that you encounter on a daily basis. The locks on your apartment or house, master keys, mailboxes etc. The principles and methods you learn in the course allow you pick all of these locks in a matter of minutes, and even seconds after you become a more seasoned lockpicker. Powerful Skill At Your Hands Lock picking is a handy skill at the end of the day. In addition to helping your friends and neighbors when they get locked out, and lock picking for fun, you'l have a much better understanding at how locks work, and be able to make sure your home will be more secure. By trying out your newly acquired skills on your own property, you'l be able to determine how secure your lock is, and consider changing it if you find it very easy to pick. What You Will Learn The Ultimate Guide To Lockpicking is the most comprehensive lock picking course on the market, showing the art of lock picking in an easy to learn step by step system. The course covers the theory of how locks work, and then shows you a few different methods of lock picking: Using standard pick tools (the ones you see in the movies) Using a pick-gun Using a bump key - a type of master key (and also how to create one from scratch) Who This Course is For Literally anyone who is interested to learn how to pick locks. The course requires zero prior knowledge about locks and lock picking, and it is our guarantee to you that you'll be successful at lock picking, or you get your money back."
Price: 79.99

"Entrepreneur Success: Establish Your Own Business from Home"
"*** Proven Track Record of ZERO Failures for Nearly a Decade*** That's Right. No One... has Failed... Why? To Put it Simply... This Stuff Really Works! WARNING THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE This Course is NOT FOR You If: You Still Believe in Magic Pills, Push-Button Systems, Loopholes or any other System that Ninja Tactics have to Take You There You are Lazy! Seriously, if You Honestly Think You can Build a Business and Do Nothing You will Turn and Run Away from Fear or Situations You Don't Feel Comfortable With You will NOT Ask Us for Help if You Need It! In 10 Years, We've Never had a Failure. We Will NOT Start Now. Now That I've Gotten The Dreamers and the Tire-Kickers Out... This Course is FOR You If: You are Finally Ready to Join a Team of Successful Entrepreneurs who will LITERALLY Guarantee Your Success You are Willing to Follow a Simple System in Order to Get EVERYTHING You Want out of Life You are Determined to Succeed and Failure is JUST NOT an Option You Are Capable of Asking for Help when You Need It! Once You Join, You're a Part of a Team. What You Will Get From This Course: Ongoing Support from Two Seasoned Veterans in the Business Your Own Product Launched within 30 Days - With SALES Continued Support to Re-Launch Your Product, Increase Sales, Improve Conversions and literally ANYTHING ELSE You Could Possibly Think Of Over $100,000 Worth of Knowledge and Experience Valuable, Monthly Additions to the Course All the Training and the Knowledge You Need to Succeed Online Our ""No One Left Behind"" Mentality - We Don't Stop Until You Succeed! James Holland, also known as ""Coach Comeback"", and John Kirby, also known as the ""Copy Coach"", combined have been responsible for over $1,000,000 worth of new revenue from working with entrepreneurs, online and offline businesses. This course will allow you to partner with a duo team that leaves no one behind. We value our reputation and we treat all of our students as equal partners. If you aren't successful, then we certainly can't be. Both of your new coaches and partners have been to the lowest of lows and have climbed our way back! James has been divorced once and broke twice, and John has been divorced twice and broke one! We understand that people just want things to work out, and most of the excuses we hear aren't half-as bad as what we came from. If you want partners who can relate to you, take you by the hand and pull you out of whatever slump you're in... then TAKE THIS COURSE now! Every minute you waste is a minute you could be climbing your way up!"
Price: 19.99

"Become a Wedding Officiant - A Complete Guide"
"Easily start a career as a Wedding Officiant with this step by step course! I will share proven methods that I used to create my own successful officiant business in 2009. By following these guidelines, you will be prepared to book ceremonies and start making money in no time! With many couples veering away from traditional church weddings, the market for wedding officiants is quickly growing! The freedom to choose when and where you work, and to adjust your own prices is a huge advantage over a typical 9-5 job. Apply this course for an occasional part time income, or book yourself solid for an even larger cash flow. It is all up to you! Some of you may want to perform weddings for the sheer pleasure of conducting a ceremony, and some may want to officiate weddings as a business. *The information in this course is directed towards residents of the United States, as the laws in other countries vary greatly. In this course you will learn how to: Obtain your credentials, so you can legally perform weddings in the USA Take the necessary steps to get your business up and running You will also learn: How to obtain clients What to do at a client meeting Key points to a successful rehearsal How to correctly read a ceremony Tips for the big day Printable Information Included: Samples of religious and non-religious wedding ceremonies Readings to include in your ceremonies Unity ceremonies that can be added for a special touch Sample contract Client questionnaire BONUS CONTENT: Printable Marriage and Commitment Certificates Same Sex Marriage/Union Ceremony (added 2-27-15) So what are you waiting for? Enroll now, and start ""Marrying for Money!"""
Price: 24.99

"Product Management: Career Preparation for Success"
"Product Manager salaries start at $69,000 and can go as high as $140,000 with the national US average of $104,000. Product Management jobs will grow at a rate of 12% over the next decade. 2,300+ future product managers have already enrolled - and have left over 30 full 5 star ecstatic reviews. Course fully updated for March 2016 Obliterate the ""What if I can't get the job?"" fear Destroy the fear that you won't qualify for the job Demolish the feeling that you lack experience You've spent hours finding, collecting and analyzing opinions and advice on product management from all over the Internet, but you have this uneasy feeling that you don't have the complete picture and you don't know how to go from where you are today to landing your first product management job. What if within a few hours, you can have a complete picture of product management and know the exact steps to take to launch your product management career. ""After going through this course and seeing what interview questions to expect and how to answer them I feel much more confident and prepared for getting and performing well during the interview."" - Chris Parsons, Student In just 3 hours, you will learn... What the day-to-day job is like (from actual Product Managers) How to present yourself as the ideal candidate What tools and apps product managers use and how they use it so you can list them on your resume How to flow right into the job by learning the entire product management process How to show that you can add value to the company on Day 1 The product manager job description from interviews with actual product managers How to ace the product management interview with the most commonly asked product management interview questions And more: You'll also get my personal product management resume template and learn about the critical 'resume killer' to make you shine as the ideal product management candidate. Once you're complete the course, you won't be left to fend for yourself. Instead, you will get the checklist of things you can start doing immediately based on what you've learned in the course so you can begin your product management career. You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! This course will be updated frequently and all future updates are absolutely FREE (the price of the course will go up, but you'll always get updates for free) Access to all future interviews with product managers (new interview every month) You always get a 30-day FULL-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself the best chance at getting your first product managment job. ""This course has done the work to gather all the resources you need to learn everything you need to to land your first product manager job including actual common interview questions. Interviewing is no longer a black box and I understand how I should prepare."" - Strife Lim, Student Every day you delay is slowing you down from achieving your dreams of becoming a Product Manager Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Hot Trading Investing Strategy: ETF and Futures"
"Do you want to start making money in the stock market with a simple and robust trading strategy? We are sharing our hot and most profitable strategyfor you to learn. It continues to generate returns in 2018.This course was offeredfor $249.00 last year, but due to the recent Udemy policy, it has been lowered to $29. It is a great deal for everyone to learn.This is a ridiculous offer for a strategy that can generate 300 X initial education investment in a year. Please take advantage today as we can take down this course anytime from Udemy. The recent returns on this strategy:2018: 112% up to Q22017: 175% based on $5,000 futures margin.2016: Up to 12/31/2016: 156% based on $5,000 futures margin.2015: Up to 12/31/2015: 212% based on $5,000 futures margin.2014: 327% based on $5,000 futures margin.This result is achieved with minimum unit and position size. Performance can be multiplied easily using bigger size. The strategy is scalable as account equity grows. This course is intended to all-level of traders and investors. Explained with easy-to-understand lectures and documentation. Even if you never learn how to trade before, this course will be clear, concise and simple enough to learn for you.Can achieve much larger return with compounded return and position sizing. (Will teach in the course how to do so).Trade less but high win percentage. Typically 1 to 4 trades a week. No need to watch the market all day. This is great for busy people. You can place alerts, buy/sell orders and leave them. Well-defined stops and targets. We always limit our loss and manage risk properly.Less trading means less commission fees you paid and prevent overtrading, which is the top issue with retail and regular traders. Strategy trades Emini S&P500 futures or S&P500 ETF that can be traded like regular stocks. It can be applied to other index ETFs, as well. Easy to learn in less than an hour and can start applying the strategy in live market.Course is priced low as an introduction compared to $499 price at our website. Less than 50% of typical winning trade. It may go up as demands get larger. We can also pull this course anytime to limit the exposure of this proprietary system. The course is designed from the scratch with beginners in mind. Here is what you will get: Learn the same Psychology of Trading and Risk Management training that are taught to traders at top investment banks. This lecture itself could be worth the entire admission price.Everything you need to know about futures and ETF (Exchange Traded Funds)How to trade futures and ETFs. They can be traded with normal brokerage accounts. (Extra: how to choose the right brokers for the purpose)Learn how to use the stock chart for our strategy.The EXACT step-by-step instructions how to apply the proprietary strategy in the market. We will literally hand-hold you in the course what to do. No ambiguity and no confusion. No information overload. We teach the most important parts of trading the markets that we use regularly as senior traders in investment banks. The strategy is so simple that a 12-year-old can trade it. We apologize for the analogy, but it is true. Why simple is good? After trading professionally for many years, we came to conclusion that simple strategies are the best in performance. Using multiple indicators, multiple moving averages, fundamental data, and other signals is typically a curve-fitting strategy and mostly will not work well in real-time trading in live markets. Depending on your knowledge levels, the course can be completed quickly. However, we suggest to repeat and repeat again until you understand. Practice on the simulation or live market is recommended and should be done as often as possible. If you are one of the traders, market participants, or enthusiasts as follows, then you will greatly benefit from the course: Has studied many trading books, seminars, or hours worth of courses and is still not sure how to trade the markets. This strategy is a concrete 1-2-3 strategy that will help you make money right away. Has attempted to trade, but inconsistent. This strategy will give you a consistent result and make you a better trader.Frequently blew out accounts. This course will help you how to manage risks.Beginners who never traded or traded a bit before and want to learn a good method to trade. This course can help you to start and make money right away. Hopefully, this course and strategy can help the community to trade better and beat the markets. Please take the course and help yourself to be a better trader. Trade well. Disclaimer: All information provided herein is published for educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. No profitability nor performance claims of any kind are being made. Trading is a high-risk, speculative activity. Consult with a registered investment advisor prior to making trading and/or investment decisions. For full disclaimer, please watch the promo video."
Price: 29.99

"C Programming Language Refresher Course"
"This is a course that respects the smartness in you. If you don't like the course, there is always the 30-day money-back guarantee.Noteworthy comments by learners:I really liked the fact that this course is not as slow as most programming courses which get boring after a little while...All in all it was a fun and awesome course, I will for sure be following other courses from the same teacher --Alessandro BassiA good Place to learn C basics...course gives huge opportunity to know ones weakness in C programming. A consecutive lecture and quiz series gives one consolidated approach -- Akash Saxena Thiscourse introduces several components of basic C programming that you will apply in your real-world projects. It focuses purely on traditional C language without any OS specific dependencies. So, this course can be followed by any Windows, Mac OS, or Linux user. This course is designed to teach C programming through small classroom projects, in an informal way. Both the basic and advanced topics including the difficult ones like string handling, files, structures, pointers, linked lists, and command-line arguments are covered. There are also over a 100 questions grouped into 37 quizzes to reinforce the concepts. Course Highlights Focus towards the way a C program is written in a real-world project.Slightly fast paced and rigorous, yet easily doable.Cover as many concepts as possible in a single yet simple program.Almost each lecture is clubbed with questions to reinforce basic concepts.Constant additions and updates to content Course Objectives Make the student capable of writing a new C program from scratch on his own.Make the student comfortable in dealing with difficult concepts like pointers and linked lists.Familiarize the student with as many basic features of C as possible.Make the student get comfortable referring to the C Programming Language book by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. The book is popularly known as the Bible of C.Make the student feel happy, self-confident, and accomplished. This is an evolving course. Future additions to the course could be based on the what the students want to learn next, apart from more additions to the fundamental concepts. Learning C is a life-changing experience. After you learn C thoroughly, you can never ever become a bad or mediocre programmer in your career."
Price: 104.99

"Learn Step by Step Network Hacking and Penetration Testing"
"In order to protect yourself from hackers, you must think as one.In this course, you will start as abeginnerwith no previous knowledge about penetration testing orhacking.You will learn hacking tools, methodologies and techniques. This is a both practical and theoretical step-by-step course.This course is focused on thepractical side ofpenetrationtesting without neglecting the theory behind each attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, youwill first learn how toset up a lab and install needed softwareto practice penetration testing on your own machine.Below are the main topics, both theoretical and practical, of this course: Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Footprinting and Reconnaissance This section will teach you how to gather information about your target server, you will learn how to discover the DNS server used, open ports and services, un-published directories, sensitive files. This information is very important asit increases the chances of being able to successfully gain access to the target website.Scanning Networks, Enumeration and Vulnerabilities and System Hacking In this section you will learn how todiscover and exploita large number of vulnerabilities, this section is divided into a number of sub-sections, each covering a specific vulnerability, firstly you will learnwhat is that vulnerability, then you will learn how toexploit this vulnerability.Sniffing Learn how to capture encrypted and unencrypted data, passwords and such (HTTP, telnet, HTTPS, etc)Metasploit Use This framework to exploit numerous vulnerabilities and crate backdoorsTrojans, Backdoors, Viruses and Worms Cryptography Penetration testing on Wireless NetworksPenetration TestingNOTE: This course is created only for educational purposes andall the attacks are launched in an isolated lab environment."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Linux, Web and WordPress Security With BitNinja"
"There are a lot of courses out here about offensive security and penetration testing. They are extremely useful. But even if you are a penetration tester, security consultant, a linux administrator or a developer, you should also have to know how to fix your security. How to protect actively (so in real time) and reactively your linux servers. And this is not an easy task, believe me, I hack websites and servers for living. And at the end of the audit, I have to give a report about how I did it and how to protect against attacks like mine. So wouldn't be easy if you would really on an actively working Web Application Firewall, Firewall and Intrusion Prevention System. To have an all in one product easily manageable, that would know the attacks and prevent them from being successful?This course is all about this. It is about protecting your server. You will witness different attacks and you will see a product like this in action. This product is called BitNinja and it is an All in one security for Linux Servers. So you can see the attacks but also you will see how to protect against them. It's very important to know that BitNinja is a commercial, subscription-based product. Hovewer, for this training, you will have an extended free trial so you can test it in your lab environment or even in production. This is a hands-on training based on demos. So a basic knowledge of Linux would be very useful.How BitNinja WorksEasy setup - Enjoy immediate protection on your server. BitNinja is designed to install and work with as little human interaction as possible. Run one line of code and your server is protected from 99% of attacks.All-in-one protection - BitNinja combines the most powerful server security software in one easy-to-use protection suite. You get full-stack protection against XSS, DDoS, malware, scans, script injection, enumeration, brute force and other automated attacks on all major protocols, not only HTTP(S).Machine learning - Servers protected by BitNinja learn from each attack and inform each other about malicious IPs. This result is a global defense network that counteracts botnet attacks with a shield of protection for all servers running BitNinja, while also reducing the number of false positives each server encounters."
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Hacking and Hardening in Simple Steps"
"Just launched!!When it comes to WordPress security, there are a lot of things you can do to lock down your site to prevent hackers and vulnerabilities from affecting your ecommerce site or blog. The last thing you want to happen is to wake up one morning to discover your site in shambles.This course is a quick step by step guide for beginners to secure WordPress Website using mostly FREE tools.When it comes to WordPress security, there are a lot of things you can do to lock down your site to prevent hackers.Did you know that more than 73 million web sites in the world run on the WordPress publishing platform? This makes WordPress more popular than Microsoft SharePoint, Blogger, or Drupal. It also means that WordPress is a large target for hackers.Half of the WordPress sites out there are self-hosted, which means that the WordPress administrator carries the lion's share of responsibility for a secure installation. Out of the box, there are several ways that WordPress security can be tightened down, but only a fraction of sites actually do so. This makes WordPress an even more popular target for hackers.The strategies that you will learn in this course can help any WordPress installation become significantly more secure, and raise awareness of the types of vulnerabilities to defend against."
Price: 99.99

"Build a Creative Portfolio That Gets You Clients"
"Are you a creative freelancer? If so, then you know that having a GREAT portfolio of your BEST work is essential to getting the types of clients you want. But, how do you actually build one? What should go in it? How do you organize the work? What can you do to make your portfolio one that stands out from all of the rest? This course answers these--and many other questions.During this course, here's what you'll be learning:How many pieces of work you should include so that your portfolio is attention-getting rather than snooze-worthy.What types of work your portfolio should feature and why. (This is important!)What potential clients are actually looking for when they review your work.How to organize your portfolio in a way that creates a positive and engaging experience for potential clients.The pros and cons of print and digital portfolios--and what to look for in each.How to create a mini case study for each piece of work so that potential clients can understand each piece in your portfolio--even if you're not there presenting it.The importance of keeping your portfolio ""fresh.""How to sell yourself to potential clients so that they'll be more likely to pick YOU instead of one of your competitors. (And there are a LOT of competitors.)Having a strong portfolio is essential to building your creative freelance business--whether you're a writer, graphic designer, videographer, photographer, or any other type of creative professional. In How to Build a Creative Portfolio That Gets You Clients, you'll learn what it takes to present your work in a way that makes potential clients sit up and take notice."
Price: 24.99

"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics"
"Search Engine Optimization SEO Basics Being up to date on marketing your business online is essential to your success. There are so many ways to do this including SEO. This is the process and tactics of organically ranking higher on Google and other Search Engines. This can be done for many different types of organizations. You will learn specific tips that you can start using right after the course! What attendees will learn What are Keywords and how to choose them Using links across the web to increase rankings The importance of directories. Matching efforts up with social media Recent Testimonials! Simply brilliant! Chris has made SEO sound less like the monster from our childhood nightmares but, rather, given us the confidence to try and tame it, and the resources to look under the hood of search engines. Love it! Very Nice That Good Cours And I Hope To get More .... i like This Cours ... Thank You Bro."
Price: 49.99

"C Programming for Beginners"
"*** No Previous Programming Experience Necessary *** This programming course is for beginners who are new to programming. This course also lays the foundation for fundamental concepts in programming for any future programmer planning to learn C++, Java or Android programming.This course will help you learn on of the most popular programming languages used today to develop embedded software for the latest gadgets in home automation, mobile devices, robotic systems, radar systems or analyzing security vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel for the latest Android devices. In this course you will learn how to become a programmer by learning the following topics with Hands-On Video Lectures that will show you with real examples in real-time on how to write programs. C Language Basics: Intro. to Programming in C Installation of a C Compiler Variables Arrays Constants Arithmetic Operators Value Assignments Control Structures For loops, While loops Dowhile loops, Switch & break statements. Functions Advanced C Topics Structures Unions Pointers Data Retrieval Pointers to Arrays Arrays of Pointers Pointers to Functions File I/O Copying Files Creating Files Deleting Files"
Price: 199.99

"C++ Object-Oriented Programming for Beginners"
"In this course you will learn how to become a C++ Object-Oriented programmer by learning to do programming hands-on. This course is easy to understand and will take you from not knowing any C++ Object-Oriented Programming to becoming proficient in the C++ language. The terminology is simply to understand and taught in easy to understand plain English. You will walk through c++ source code, compile and run the examples to get a full understanding of the topics. This course is expected to take about a week (40 hours) to complete if you go through the entire examples. The lectures are structures in a step-by-step fashion to make the concept easily understandable with solid examples. You should take this course to help you learn one of the hottest programming languages in use today in industry. Topics Covered: C++ Object-Oriented Programming: Classes Objects Inheritance PolymorphismIntro. to Programming in C Installation of a C Compiler Variables Arrays Vectors Constants Arithmetic Operators Value Assignments Control Structures For loops, While loops Dowhile loops, Switch & break statements. Functions"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Farsi (Dari) Conversation in Easy Steps for Beginners"
"This course is a great course in learning Farsi (Dari) conversation. We will cover the following topics: Basic Conversation Getting Around Ordering Food Going to Entertainment/Tourist Venues Making Conversation Exchanging Pleasantries Doing Business Transactions Finding Real-Estate Buying Groceries Finding Services (Doctor, Tailor, Fuel Pump etc.) Booking Travel Making Friends No prior experience in Farsi (Dari) conversation is required."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Basic Hindi for Travelling to India"
"Namaste! Ever wanted to travel to India - the cradle of civilization - and talk to the largest population of people in the world? Ever wanted to visit one of the seven wonders of the world: The Taj Mahal, order food and go sight seeing while speaking with the natives of India in the Hindi language? Ever had to visit India for business and felt that you would be much more productive if you had only known conversational Hindi? Ever had to work in a high-tech company and worked with people from India and wanted to bridge the communication gap? In this course you will embark on the beautiful and exotic journey of learning Conversational Hindi. With this course you'll be able to learn to converse in Hindi to do the followings:Have basic Hindi conversationLearn to getting around in India using HindiOrder food in HindiAsk for directions in Hindi to Entertainment/Tourist VenuesExchange pleasantries in HindiDo Business transactions in HindiFind Real-Estate using HindiBuy groceries using HindiFind services such as (Doctor, Tailor, Fuel Pump etc.) using HindiBook travel in India using HindiMake friends using Hindi conversationNo prior experience in Hindi is Required. So come with an open mind and you will do great. Best of Luck!"
Price: 199.99

"Grow a successful eBay business within the next 30 days"
"JOIN 240+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO ARE ALREADY UDERTAKING THIS COURSE Updated: Course has been updated as of 1st May 2015! In this course you will learn the fundamentals to creating the kinds of eBay listings that attract the most amount of attention and convert the most amount of visitors into sales. Even if you have never made a single penny on eBay before I will walk you through the process of how to create a profitable eBay business that generates a passive income for you. Around 17 million unique visitors log in to eBay each month which is equivalent to one in two online buyers in the UK alone. This creates a huge business opportunity for entrepreneurs who are willing to learn the fundamentals to effectively marketing their products to online customers who are desperately trying to find reliable eBay sellers. #################################### About this course: A community of 240 and counting students already taking this course No experience required You can make your first sale before you have even had to spend a penny Any questions you can pop me over a question on Udemy and I will help you out Course is often updated with the most relevant information You will learn how to: Make your products reach customers from all across the globe Ensure that your listing attracts the most amount of customers Sell an item on eBay for the most amount of money possible Never get scammed by wholesalers on eBay You can start using this method instantly to create a passive income on eBay that you can upscale and even turn into your own website. Sir Alan sugar (Star of the UK's apprentice) started his multi-million pound business by selling goods on a market stall in the UK. With eBay now at our fingertips we are no longer limited to only selling within our locality and you can literally start a successful international business from the comfort of our home with a few strokes of a keyboard. It really is that simple, but it will require hard work, determination and the right education. If you are looking to get rich overnight then I would strongly recommend looking elsewhere. However, if you are the type of person who is willing to learn, grow and put in the time required then this course is defiantly for you.I will be walking you step by step through the process of how to skyrocket your eBay business and stay ahead of your competition. So what are you waiting for? Purchase today and I will see you inside. Sam Dey"
Price: 199.99