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"Portrait Pro 18: dalle Basi ad un utilizzo Professionale"
"Portrait Professional il programma leader mondiale da anni per il ritocco veloce di ritratto, permette a neofiti di ottenere ritocchi professionali ed a professionisti di snellire del 900% il loro flusso di lavoro.Lo utilizzo da svariati anni e pur riuscendo ad ottenere risultati simili in Photoshop ti posso assicurare che Portrait Pro garantisce gli stessi risultati, in meno tempo e con una incredibile maggiore semplicit.Il corso della durata di oltre 3h ti guida dalle basi di installazione, ti suggerisce un percorso ordinato tra i vari strumenti e non necessita che tu abbia mai aperto il programma prima d'ora. Se non hai mai aperto Portrait Professional ti guider dalle basi, con un approccio molto semplice passo passo, ad un utilizzo professionale.Se sai gi utilizzare Portrait Pro questo corso ti pu dare molteplici suggerimenti e trucchi che ho imparato nel corso di diversi anni di utilizzo professionale per i miei lavori di ritratto e migliorerai il tuo flusso di lavoro.Alle fine di questo corso sarai in grado di utilizzare tutti gli strumenti che il software ti mette a disposizione e potrai ottenere una  post produzione completa, veloce e professionale direttamente sulle tue foto.Puoi scaricare tutti i file di esercizio sia RAW, JPG che le sessioni salvate durante la didattica per iniziare subito a praticare durante lo svolgimento del corso.Hai la possibilit di accedere al corso quante volte vuoi e se non sei soddisfatto entro 30gg dall'acquisto puoi richiederne il rimborso completo.Ti aspetto alla prima lezioneMaui"
Price: 199.99

"Emotional Nude: oltre la bellezza del corpo (Ultra HD 4K)"
"Hai sempre desiderato ricavare emozionalit da un soggetto?Non ti fermi alla sola bellezza del corpo ma vuoi davvero ottenere qualcosa che lasci il segno?Magari con la possibilit di monetizzare e vendere i tuoi scatti?Questo il Corso che fa per te, ti guida dal primo approccio con la modella, dalla prima intervista in mattinata dove puoi capire su quali leve lavorare per ottenere una connessione mentale per realizzare questo genere di set emozionale.Dalla voce della modella capirai quali sono i primi ingranaggi da muovere, ti porter poi sul set insieme a me, all'interno di una location su campo dove useremo luce artificiale con e senza modificatori. Tutto ti sar chiaro e spiegato semplice, anche grazie agli approfondimenti in debriefing.In questo corso otterrai le soluzioni pratiche non solo tecniche ma anche di gestione soggetto per avere il massimo da un set di questo tipo, qualsiasi tipo di soggetto andrai a fotografare potrai avere il massimo dell'emozionalit seguendo passo passo le strategie che imparerai alla fine del corso.Non vedo l'ora di condividere con te i miei segreti di scena, di farti conoscere Ana e tramite le diverse interviste farti capire tutto ma davvero tutto quello che c' dietro un set di questo tipo!Io sono gi li che ti aspetto in classe!A presto_Mau"
Price: 199.99

"SnapSeed : la Guida Definitiva per Foto da Smartphone"
"E' il primo ed unico corso al mondo cos completo su Snapseed!Ti sei mai chiesto come mai le foto da Smartphone non avessero il mordente che volevi?I ritratti erano ""mosci"" ed il bianco e nero ""scialbo"" ?Bene, sappi che alla fine del corso assisterai ad una rinascita delle tue foto da telefonino, scoprirai come raddrizzare foto, ridimensionarla in modo tale che la composizione sia perfetta, saprai creare contrasti ed aumentare l'atmosfera delle immagini.Proprio come nelle immagini che vedi nel trailer (clicca e guarda i prima e dopo!) potrai anche tu realizzare foto con lo smartphone e, come successo a me, venderle immediatamente o portarti a casa nuovi lavori usandole come biglietto da visita.Ho usato praticamente solo foto create dal mio telefonino in tutto il corso, le stesse foto puoi scaricarle come esercizio sia in originale che post prodotte, vedrai ogni singolo passaggio con semplicit ed alla fine del corso sarai in grado di creare la magia anche con il tuo telefonino!Ti prometto che tutto spiegato in modo semplice, chiaro, passo passo come sono solito fare ed il corso interamente registrato proprio dal mio telefonino.Se poi vuoi usare questa App da PC c' un trucco per farlo e te l'ho spiegato nella sezione del software gratuito che ti spiego come fare ad installare.Che aspetti? Vuoi ancora andare avanti ad avere in tasca una bomba atomica fotografica e non usarla?Inizia gi da oggi a sfruttare le complete potenzialit del tuo smartphone, iscriviti con tranquillit coperto dalla formula soddisfatto o rimborsato e fai come altre centinaia di studenti che lo stanno gi prendendo al lancio!Ti aspetto in classe_Maui"
Price: 199.99

"Il Tuo Corso Base di Fotografia con Smartphone"
"Corso di Fotografia Base per Smartphone nasce come un corso destinato ai telefonini, ma sia che ti dico?Che alla fine mi uscito un corso che pu andare bene a tutti coloro si avvicinano alla fotografia per impararne le basi, perch essendo ripreso tutto sul display del mio telefonino, mentre ti spiego le tecniche, vedi esattamente cosa inquadra la mia fotocamera.Nessun corso di fotografia esistente ti offre questo grande plus, perch nessuna reflex permette questo screen-capture: proprio come essere li a fianco a me ad osservare tutto quello che faccio.E' breve, veloce, rapido ed efficace: ho ridotto le lezioni all'osso, pochi minuti per ogni tecnica ed alla fine del corso, gi solo delle basi in meno di mezz'ora ti prometto che le tue foto non saranno pi quelle di prima.Il telefono smartphone uno strumento molto potente che tutti possiediamo, ma pochi si sono fermati a studiare quelle minime basi di fotografia che ti permetteranno di fare davvero la differenza: nessuna spesa aggiuntiva, nessun ""super telefono"", puoi ottenere questi vantaggi anche dagli smartphone modello base.Alla fine del corso saprai padroneggiare a menadito queste tecniche:+ messa a fuoco dove desideri, per un maggior controllo del soggetto+ esposizione automatica e manuale, per dare il giusto tocco di luce all'immagine+ messa a fuoco ravvicinata, per ottenere uno sfocato morbido+ esercizi ed applicazioni dal vivo, per dimostrarti dal vero come in maniera semplice puoi ottenere il risultatoIl telefonino pu essere uno strumento molto potente, per creare divertimento, archiviare immagini di vacanza ma anche per fare business e vendere le tue immagini pubblicandole sui social dei potenziali clienti.Una soluzione a portata di mano, nel vero senso della parola, che gi possiedi e sei solo a mezz'ora di distanza dal tuo successo.Iscriviti ora, non fare passare altro tempo e scopri cosa, tu, con gli strumenti che hai, puoi ottenere: sono sicuro sar qualcosa di grandioso!Ti aspetto in classe_Maui"
Price: 19.99

"Personal Trainer Boudoir: ritrai la sensualit in casa sua"
"Hai mai sognato di fotografare una ragazza, una modella, direttamente a casa sua?Bene, ti posso assicurare che grazie a questo corso imparerai a farlo con semplicit e potrai ottenere risultati professionali tra le mura domestiche, senza alcun particolare da ""studio"" aggiunto!Cosa ti serve?Una reflex, qualsiasi tipo di luce strobist e questo corso naturalmente!Avrai accesso ad una serie di informazioni che ti permetteranno, alla fine del corso, di ottenere:Scatti emozionali glamour & boudoirNudo artistico originale ed equilibratoImpari a gestire al meglio un soggetto femminile nelle mura domesticheUna infinit di consigli che non posso elencarteli tutti qui...Ti stupirai nell'apprendere quanto possibile creare in una casa qualsiasi, trovare spunti da una finestra, un divano oppure una cucina.Ti aspetto in classeUn saluto _Maui"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Arduino Programming"
"Lets learn programming for Arduino. I'm not going to teach where to plug a wire into the board to make a light come on.I'm going to teach you ""C"" Programming and how the Arduino works with the Arduino IDE. I will show you to load the platform and connect a board then show you how to program with the ""C"" Programming Language to include fundamental programming concepts needed to create an Arduino program. I'll show you how to ""Burn"" the program to the board and how to verify the programming is running with advanced debugging techniques other then watching an LED flash. I will build on programming concepts and show you more and more features before we talk about the hardware itself.When we get into the hardware Iwill show you how to interface to digital devices and get input and send output.We will conclude this Basic class with a simple program to turn on and off a 110 volt light using a SAFE and UL approved hardware interface that the Arduino can control with 5 Volts DC."
Price: 24.99

"ISO31000 Integrating Risk Management into Decision Making"
"Risk management should not only help companies to achieve minimum legal compliance requirements but also contribute to the demonstrable achievement of objectives, linking risks with performance. According to ISO31000 standard, integrating risk management into an organization is a dynamic and iterative process, and should be customized to the organizations needs and culture. Risk management should be a part of, and not separate from, the organizational governance, leadership, strategy, operations and performance management.Alex Sidorenko, known for his risk management blog, has created a 25-step program to integrate risk management into decision making, core business processes and the overall culture of the organization. This course covers practical steps to design, implement and measure effectiveness of risk management. This course will help you answer the following questions: Do key stakeholders believe risk management is aligned with strategy, objectives and culture and helps the organization achieve its objectives?Is there a risk management statement or policy?Does management show commitment to the integration of risk management into all processes or decision types, giving risk team sufficient resources and responsibility?Is responsibility for risk management as part of business activities and decision making regularly communicated by top management to management and staff?Are oversight bodies confident that risks have been adequately considered when setting the organizations objectives?Is information about risks and their management presented in the reports that oversight bodies receive and included in any significant decisions they have to make?Are results of independent risk management effectiveness assessments presented to the oversight bodies on a regular basis?Is risk management effort consistent with internal and external environment (meeting both regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations)?Have risk management principles been integrated into existing policies and procedures instead of just having a single aggregated risk management framework document?Has the responsibility for risk identification and analysis been documented in the committee charters, policies, procedures and job descriptions?Does risk management team have the necessary resources to effectively integrate risk management into business activities and decision making?Is information about risks and their management integrated in existing financial and management reporting?Does an organization have a plan to implement risk management into all activities throughout the organization, including decision-making?Are significant decisions and approvals made by the management only after analysing the risks associated with these decisions?Is risk management integrated into planning, budgeting, motivation and performance management processes instead of having a standalone risk management process?Are strategic goals, objectives and key performance indicators set based on the results of the risk analysis?Is risk management integrated in core operational processes, risks are analysed on an ongoing basis within operating activities?Are key supporting (back-office) processes organized in such a way, that risks and their treatments are considered?Is risk-based decision making consistently applied across subsidiaries, key suppliers and supply chains?Are risk management competences developed in all key departments?Are risk management competences integrated in the training and development program for employees, is there regular risk management training for different levels of management?Are risk management competences an important attribute when applying for jobs in the organization?Do you consider organization has a strong culture dedicated to risk-based decision making and risk management?The content of the course is 100% aligned with the structure and principles of the ISO31000:2018. This course will be immensely valuable for risk managers, risk consultants, auditors and everyone who want to learn more about risk management 2."
Price: 199.99

"Sauce Labs Masterclass: Advanced Test Automation"
"The world's first and only course on Sauce Labs, the world's most advanced Selenium Grid!Are you struggling to expand your test automation? Is it simply taking too long to run and maintain your own Selenium Grid?The answer to all scaling problems in automation is Sauce Labs.With this course, you will learn all of the major features of this world class Selenium Grid.You will learn how to sign up for a free trial...And finish with the ability to run endless tests in parallel across multiple browser and operating systems at the same time.Along the way, I will teach you all of the major features of this wonderful technology.You will leave this course with the ability to run tests in parallel and cross-browser.You will be able to drastically speed up your test suite execution time and maintenance times."
Price: 149.99

"WordPress Gutenberg blocks development"
"The release of WordPress 5.0 officially introduced Gutenberg as the default content editor, users can now create more complex pages with just a few clicks. This new approach uses technologies like ReactJS and advanced JavaScript that end up by scaring some users who are not used to code on such frameworks, myself included.Since I like challenges I decided to take the quest to understand how this Gutenberg block construction really works. After reading several tutorials, watch hour of videos and days of practice I came up with the content for this course. The goal of this course is to clearly explain to you how the new Gutenberg Blocks work, best practices and how you can code your own without wasting hours or days searching for snippets all hover the internet and reading dozens of tutorials.I have been coding daily for WordPress hover the latest years, released plugins that are on the Wordpress oficial repo and designed / coded somes themes.With this course you will be able to use the new Gutenberg editor, understand how Gutenberg blocks work, are coded and be aware of the best practices  available today.Gutenberg doesn't have to be black magic and at the end of this course you'll be able to understand and use it to best suit your needs, start your journey today.You can find a demo of the Gutenberg blocks that are developed in the course here: will also have access to a WordPress custom website were you can test your plugins and share it with the rest of the world."
Price: 49.99

"Practical GDPR implementation"
"By now you probably already heard about GDPR, it's technical implications and new rules that must be applied to any company that operates in european union (EU) soil or processes it's citizens data.With these rules comes new implications and webmasters / system administrators must be aware in order to avoid legal actions.The goal of this course is to explain you the most relevant articles, how to make your website GDPR compliant and apply anonymization techniques to your databases. At the end of this course you'll be able to make almost any given digital scenario GDPR compliant by securing users data and apply GDPR compliance rules.This course is Udemy's exclusive."
Price: 94.99

"How To Start a Profitable Social Media Marketing Agency"
"How would you like to start your very own profitable Social Media Marketing Agency from scratch even if you have no prior marketing experience?Over my 3+ years of running a successful marketing agency I've learned a lot about what it takes to work with clients and get paid $1,000's every month to provide clients marketing services.In this course Iwalk you through step-by-step exactly how to start and build a profitable marketing agency that will allow you to work from anywhere in the world!"
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Facebook Ads Marketing Blueprint"
"Discover exactly how to set up simple Facebook ads campaigns that generate customers on demand!If you literally sell anything online or offline this course is for you! That is because you need leads to make sales, and you need targeted traffic to obtain customers. We all know this, but the problem is that until now learning how to do paid traffic was extremely difficult, costly, and frustrating! That is where The Ultimate Facebook Ads Marketing Blueprint literally saves the day! Armed with the knowledge found in this simple to follow course you will be able to create and drive traffic on demand! This is traffic you control. If you control the traffic, you control the future of your business. Affiliate marketers, ecommerce store owners, digital marketers, infopreneurs, solopreneurs, offline marketers, and more! No matter what your business model is, and no matter what your niche is, The Ultimate Facebook Ads Marketing Blueprint is going to help you succeed!"
Price: 149.99

"The Ultimate WordPress for Beginners Step-by-Step Blueprint"
"Discover how easy it is to build amazingly beautiful WordPress websites within a matter of minutes!This course is for students interested in building high-quality WordPress websites without needing any coding or design experience. You will be taken step-by-step through the process of setting up your own WordPress site, customizing its appearance, and filling it with content.Best of all, you do not need any special software or equipment to utilize the skills taught in this course. As long as youve got an internet-connected computer and a desire to create your own website, youre ready to go!If you build it, they will come. Youve likely heard the expression once or twice before, but its not always the case. You're going to learn exactly how to easily get found on Google by SEO optimizing your WordPress website so you can get a flood of leads and sales."
Price: 149.99

"The #1 LinkedIn Marketing & Sales Lead Generation Blueprint"
"If you're a Business Owner, Consultant, Coach, Entrepreneur or Executive that's struggling to get more leads and sales then this course is for you! Discover how to easily start generating leads on demand with this simple 3-Step LinkedIn Sales Funnel Blueprint!This step-by-step training course will take you by the hand and teach you how to build a profitable LinkedIn network of highly targeted prospects. Armed with the knowledge found in this simple to follow course you will be able to easily generate more leads and sales for your business."
Price: 199.99

"How To Easily Create Highly Profitable Sales Funnels"
"How would you like to Easily Create Highly PROFITABLE Sales Funnels in as little as 60 seconds? In this Sales Funnel Blueprint Course you're going to learn the steps that successful businesses, entrepreneurs and brands use to convert visitors into customers and how you can easily create simple highly PROFITABLE sales funnels even if you have ZERO technical or design skills.This course will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so you can get results as soon as you finish watching the videos!Sales funnels allow you to build trust, credibility, and rapport with your potential customers. With a sales funnel youre not focusing on selling every single time but instead getting their contact information, then gradually increasing their engagement and moving them along your sales funnel so you can sell them high ticket products and services."
Price: 129.99

"How To Start a Profitable Consulting Business"
"How would your life change if you could start an online consulting business and could easily land several high-ticket Consulting Clients whod be happy to pay you $1,000 to $10,000 or more for your consulting services?In this course I walk you through step-by-step exactly how to start and build a profitable Consulting Business that will allow you to work from anywhere in the world!I walk you step by step how you can make more money with less clients instead of working with LOW paying clients which make you work harder than you need to."
Price: 149.99

"How To Start A Profitable Coaching Business"
"How would your life change if you could start an online coaching business and could easily land several high-ticket coaching clients whod be happy to pay you $1,000 to $10,000 or more for your coaching services?In this course I walk you through step-by-step exactly how to start and build a profitable Coaching Business that will allow you to work from anywhere in the world!I walk you step by step how you can make more money with less clients instead of working with LOW paying clients which make you work harder than you need to."
Price: 149.99

"How To Start A Profitable Web Design Business"
"How would you like to Sell Amazingly Beautiful Websites and have someone else do all the work?In this course I walk you through step-by-step exactly how to start a Highly Profitable Web Design Agency Business and start getting paid for amazingly beautiful websites that you don't even need to build yourself.If you're looking for a way to start an online business that you can run from anywhere in the world from your laptop then this is the course for you!"
Price: 149.99

"The Ultimate Sales Training Blueprint: How To Master Sales"
"Theres a time-tested, proven process you can implement to shorten your sales cycle, increase your sales conversion rates, and sell at higher prices... all with more confidence.Just imagine how different the selling experience is when youre your process, in the system Ill give you, in the value you bring to your customers. Not only will you be able to close more deals quickly and easily, youll sleep better at night knowing that youre using proven methods and best practices the most successful sales professionals employ in their own businesses.Most importantly, you will have closed the door forever on anxiety and frustration in your selling efforts, and youll have the know-how to succeed in sales conversations wherever you go, whatever the circumstances, whomever youre talking to.Youre going to learn and use powerful and practical strategies and tools for communicating and helping buyers make confident buying decisions or take confident actions to address their problems, opportunities, wants, or needs...not just in business, but in any important relationship. This is habit-changing, life-altering material.Youll never again feel pressured to be a high-pressure, pitch kind of sales professional...instead, Ill show you how and why collaborative selling helps you build strong relationships quickly so you close bigger deals more often.If you want to learn how to master sales and easily close deals then get your hands on this simple 4 step system and take your sales game to the next level! "
Price: 149.99

"Business Development & Sales Mastery For B2B Businesses"
"Imagine having your calendar booked solid for weeks with prospects that are ready to buy your product or service. What would that do for your business or startup company?What if you could have access to email templates that get you meetings with key decision makers at fortune 500 companies?How would you like to have sales scripts and sales presentations templates that you can use to easily close more deals with less effort on your part?In this course I share some of my best kept secrets on how to generate leads, build strategic partnerships and easily close more sales using a simple 4 step sales process.If you're looking for the best business development and sales strategy to grow your startup or existing business then this course is for you!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete YouTube Course by YouTubers with 100mn+ Views"
"Welcome to the COMPLETE YouTube Course, which will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to be successful on YouTube from scratch (for personal or for business use; more than 200 lectures and includes a 400+ page book/exercise guide as well). We guarantee that this is THE most thorough YouTube  course available ANYWHERE on the market or your money back. This course and the many exercises in this course are for beginner or advanced users in any country!About the 2 Authors: Sacha Stevenson has been a full-time YouTuber since 2013. She has well over 100,000,000 YouTube views on her channels. Sacha has been profiled on many talk shows, in Cosmopolitan and many other magazines and newspapers given her incredible success on YouTube! Chris Haroun vlogs every day and he holds a weekly YouTube live call for his students. Chris is also an Award Winning MBA professor who is a top selling online business teacher, top selling author, former Goldman Sachs employee, Columbia MBA and venture capitalist who has invested in and sat on the boards of many companies. He is also the author of the #1 best selling business course on Udemy.  Here are some of the many topics covered in this comprehensive YouTube course:    Create incredible YouTube videosCreate amazing thumbnail images using Photoshop, Gimp and other applications (no prior experience required)!Create the best titlesOptimize your delivery on cameraHow to get more subscribersMake money with your videosLearn the basics of how to create amazing YouTube videos using many types of cameras (DSLRs, Mirrorless Cameras, GoPros, Drones, Webcams, High End Cinema Cameras and much more)How the YouTube search engine worksUnderstand YouTube AnalyticsSet up a YouTube Live WebcastDesign your YouTube strategyHow to edit videos using Adobe Premiere on Windows and on a MacHow to edit videos using Final Cut Pro Editing tips to improve videosDealing with issues with videosProtect yourself (follow the rules)How to use audio equipmentAccessories to improve videos...and MUCH more! There is also a 400+ page book / exercise version of the course attached to the first lecture in PDF and in Microsoft Word formats.This course and the included downloadable files is a roadmap for your success on YouTube.All the tools you need to create INCREDIBLE YouTube videos from scratch are included in this course and the entire course is based on real life Practical Knowledge & Experience and not based on theory.Please click the take this course button so you can take your career/business/personal life to the next level. *** We guarantee that this is THE most thorough YouTube  course available ANYWHERE on the market or your money back (30 day money back guarantee).***Thanks,  Chris Haroun and Sacha StevensonClosed Captions have been added to every lecture in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Traders Money Management Course, Scale Up Reverse Martingale"
"Money Management Course for All TraderThis is not your usual money management course.It is not about risking 2%, 3%, 5%per trade. That is risk management and it is important but not the focus of this courseWhat this course is aboutHow to exponentially grow your account faster without taking too much riskThis is not a course that teach you a trading method. Rather it is a compliment if you already have a good working trading methodology and have a positive expectancy.Your win rate of the trading system has to be at least 50%(higher will be better)Your risk reward should ideally be 1 to 1. If you are risking 2 to make 1 and your system has better than 67%it will work as well.Consider a scenarioTrading 1 contract for every $10,000Mr Rich has $100,000 and is trading 10 contract. Assuming the trade win $1000 for each contract. Mr Rich now has $110,000 and is able to trade 11 contractMr Poor has $10,000 using the same system, he make $1000 on his first trade and his account is at $11,000, he still can only trade 1 contract because his account will need to have $20,000 before he can trade 2 contract.The course is focusing on how to make Mr Poor to speed up his growth so he can join Mr Rich faster without taking extra risk.Learn about Martingale and Reverse Martingale (focus of the course)Martingale system is a popular betting strategy in gambling and forex when you keep doubling up your losses until you win. Learn why it appeal to gambler and even thou it is a disaster way of going burst. Many trader and gambler are still using this strategyReverse Martingale is exactly the opposite of the Martingale strategy in which you double up after a Win. You are using your profit to double up your bet. But why isn't more trader using it?Learn it in this courseThis Course is for youIf you already have a profitable system. You want to grow your capitalThis money management strategy will work in a casino tooStill interest? Then .... ....Enroll Now and join me in this journey"
Price: 199.99

"QuickBooks Tips Volume 1, 2, 3, & 4"
"Learn some tips about QuickBooks Desktop with this courseThis course is a collection of 47 concise training videosEach training video is easy to follow and understandLearn some of the neat features QuickBooks offersMake your QuickBooks experience more efficientA great skill at your fingertipsIf you're new to QuickBooks, enroll in this course! QuickBooks is a great software with many, many options. These options can be utilized to make your QuickBooks experience more enjoyable, more efficient, and more productive. I created these training videos because in my experience, some new QuickBooks users don't know these options exist. The ideal student for this course is anyone new to using QuickBooks Desktop software. Additionally, if you've used QuickBooks before, you might consider giving this course a look as it's free and contains some very valuable information (check out the topics below).Content and OverviewThis course is 100% video and features 4 main sections (Volume 1, 2, 3, & 4). See the topic lists below.QuickBooks Tips Volume 1Change the Color SchemeAdd Colored Icon ButtonsDe-clutter the Top Icon BarAdd or Remove the Transaction BeepAdd a PasswordChange a PasswordAdd a Footer to a ReportAdjust Columns on the Open Invoice Report (Part 1)Adjust Columns on the Open Invoice Report (Part 2)Display Negative Numbers in Red Parentheses on a Report (Part 1)Display Negative Numbers in Red Parentheses on a Report (Part 2)QuickBooks Tips Volume 2How to Add a New CustomerHow to Add a New VendorHow to Create an EstimateHow to Create an Invoice from an EstimateHow to Make an Estimate InactiveHow to Create and Memorize an InvoiceHow to Create and Memorize a CheckHow to Create and Memorize a BillHow to Edit a Memorized TransactionHow to Remove Memorized TransactionsHow to Create a Report for a Single Account (Part 1)How to Create a Report for a Single Account (Part 2)QuickBooks Tips Volume 3How to Display the Open Window ListHow to Print an InvoiceHow to Print a Batch of InvoicesHow to Remove the Paid Stamp from a Paid InvoiceHow to Adjust Columns on a Quick Report (Part 1)How to Adjust Columns on a Quick Report (Part 2)How to Change the Bank Account for a CheckHow to Set the Report Basis to Cash or AccrualHow to Merge Customer RecordsHow to Merge Vendor RecordsHow to put a Logo on an Invoice TemplateHow to Export & Import a Vendor ListQuickBooks Tips Volume 4How to Select and Pay All Open Bills for One VendorHow to Set a Vendor to be Eligible for a 1099How to Set the Default Payment Terms for a VendorHow to Set the Default Payment Terms for a CustomerHow to Turn Spell Checker On / OffHow to Remove a Misspelled Word from the DictionaryHow to Print Multiple Reports at OnceHow to Adjust Date WarningsHow to Organize Bank Accounts by ColorHow to do Basic Math FunctionsHow to Create a Check Detail ReportHow to Create a Sales Receipt"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Effective HTML in No Time!"
"HTML is the very first language every web developer should master. It is the very basis that everything else builds off. Since web sites are comprised of several coding languages , many instructors tend to rush through HTML as fast as possible to get to the more exciting material this is a costly mistake for new developers! In this course, we give HTML the sole attention that it deserves.What you can expect to learnHTML's Role: I will teach you where HTML fits in the scheme of things.HTML Essentials: I will show you the fundamental parts of HTML that are practiced the vast majority of the time.HTML Concepts: Not only will I teach you what to do, but I will also explain why.Best Practices: I will teach you effective techniques that carry over into real-world applicationsPitfalls: I will illustrate common pitfalls and how to avoid them.We will learn HTML the proper way-- starting from the basics and moving on up.The course will start out with what HTML is and isn't and where it fits in the scope of things. We will then go over each of the principal features of HTML. By the end of the program, you will have a solid understanding of HTML and be able to create bulletproof HTML code."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Nuxt.js 2.4+ Course"
"As an enhanced version of Vue, Nuxt has more functionalities and is also easier to configure. With Nuxt, you can code less but do more.You dont have to be a Vue expert to study Nuxt. Just basic Vue knowledge is enough.In the first section, we will create a Vue app using Vue CLI 3.The file structure created by Vue CLI 3 is very similar to the one used in Nuxt. They even have the same mechanism of generating pages.We will recreate the same app using Nuxt and show you the similarities between Vue and Nuxt.Your previous Vue knowledge can help you quickly understand the working mechanism of Nuxt. Once you have understood how Nuxt works, you can master it in no time.Our official Nuxt study includes five sections.1. Nuxt basics2. Nuxt plugins and modules3. Nuxt routing system4. Nuxt context5. Data exchange with the backend program (Express.js)At the end of each section, there will be an infographic article to help you review everything you just learned.Each review is followed by a practice session where you will practice and apply everything you have learned by creating a real app. You will also learn many new skills in this process, including how to handle cookies and create a membership system."
Price: 149.99

"Adobe Lightroom Master en Revelado Digital COMPLETO"
"LA FOTOGRAFIA TRADICIONAL TAL Y COMO LA CONOCEMOS HA MUERTO. Actualmente gran parte del xito de una fotografa reside dentro del proceso de revelado y Adobe Lightroom Classic CC es uno de los culpablesPor nuestros cursos han pasado ms de 50.000 personas que ya han podido aprender nuevas tcnicas o profesionalizar las que ya tenan!En este curso aprenders cmo puedes sacar el mximo partido a esta nueva forma de hacer fotografa en la que estamos inmersos. Seguro que has investigado muchos fotgrafos por instagram y sus fotografas son ciertamente alucinantes. Pues djame contarte un secreto, esas fotografas se han hecho en apenas unos minutos con software como Adobe Lightroom y tu puedes realizarlas tambin con muy poco esfuerzo y apenas un poco de prctica.Que aprenders:Aprenders la nueva forma de fotografiarControlars todo el proceso de revelado digital como un profesionalSabrs como catalogar y organizarteSabrs como exprimir al mximo las posibilidades de un RAWSabrs editar fotos como un verdadero profesionalSabrs desenvolverte con Lightroom bajo cualquier circunstanciaQu vas a aprender?Este curso esta creado desde el cario y la humildad para que cualquier persona amante de la fotografa tenga o no conocimiento de la misma pueda desarrollar sus habilidades y hacer que sus fotografas lleguen al siguiente nivel. La fotografa tal y como la conocamos ha muerto, no encontraras ninguna fotografa por internet que no haya pasado antes por software como Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.Soy de los que piensan que gran parte del xito de una fotografa, concretamente mas del 60%, es gracias al revelado digital y el procesado que le hacemos a la misma. Un secreto bien guardado? Te dira que si, pero dentro de este curso los secretos no van a existir y te lo pienso contar TODO.Quiero que te conviertas en el mejor y juntos dentro de este curso lo vamos a conseguir.Nuestra felicidad garantizada ...Tenemos una garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero de 30 das, por lo que si no est satisfecho con su compra, le reembolsaremos su curso, sin preguntas!Quin es el instructor?lvaro Prez es un fotgrafo profesional que ha dedicado ms de la mitad de su vida a captar las mejores fotografas y a compartir cada uno de sus conocimientos por todo el mundo. Con apenas 24 aos de edad ha liderado equipos de 15 personas, fotografiado por medio mundo y rodado spot y pelculas cinematogrficas. Ademas, es el creador del proyecto Felinu Academy con mas de 50.000 alumnos y 12.000 suscriptores en YouTube.No dejes que la luz te controle!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Build a Website for your Business using Wordpress"
"This course is designed for small business owners with little to no experience with building websites. During this course you will learn the steps required to create and customize a website from scratch using Wordpress. During the course you will work along with me as I, install Worpdres, setup a template for my website, add features to my website, add products to sell on my website. At the end of this course you will have a website that has been tailored for your business, and the skills to build as many new websites as you want in the future. If you would like to get your business online but don't have the budget to hire a professional web design agency, then this course is right for you."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing de Afiliados - Trabalhe como Afiliado Profissional"
"Aprenda com quem tem anos de experincia no ""campo de batalha"". Nada de teoria, tudo prtica j validada que traz resultado real.Sem enrolao voc vai entender como funciona o mercado de afiliados profissional. Ter acesso s tcnicas de fcil implementao para criar uma estrutura que vai gerar ganhos at mesmo quando voc est dormindo.Indicado para quem gosta de internet e deseja criar uma renda extra nas horas vagas. Com o tempo poder tornar a principal fonte de receita."
Price: 189.99

"Aprenda a Investir na Bolsa de Valores para Gerar Renda"
"Uma linguagem simples e totalmente prtica para voc aprender o essencial e aplicar rpido.A partir de um investimento nico de R$30 qualquer pessoa j pode comear a gerar receita na Bolsa de Valores.No perca seu tempo estudando com os analistas tcnicos cheio de teorias que vo te enlouquecer.Aprenda com quem aplica na prtica e tem resultados reais investindo em aes, ttulos pblicos e fundos imobilirios que geram proventos recorrentes."
Price: 84.99

"Unity 2D Random Dungeon Generator for a Roguelike Video Game"
"This is a course intended for beginner to intermediate Unity / C# video game developers who have an interest in the classic rogue-like video game genre. We'll be borrowing old familiar pixel art graphics to generate our 2D grid-based environments, characters and enemies. This course is not a complete game. It's purpose is to explore a couple of simple random dungeon generation tactics and get you started in the world of procedural level generation. You'll also learn how to apply a rounded edge around all of the walls of your random dungeon to break up the repeating patterns and give the environment a more organic look.As an added bonus, I've included a section to demonstrate a simplified method for enemy path finding. This method uses a flood fill approach to find the shortest path between an enemy and the player. Your enemies will be able to patrol in random directions, chase the player using a flood fill path finding approach as well as engage with the player to begin attacking."
Price: 34.99