"The Ultimate Excel VBA Arrays Course" |
"Arrays are present in many programming languages, but most people dont take the time to master them and can get frustrated when their code seems sloppy, difficult to read, and often can take a long time to run. Arrays are often a subject of confusion or irritation - it doesnt make much sense when trying to understand using a huge blog post or cryptic book. What you need is a visual explanation of these concepts in bite sized pieces something to make it REAL! With over three hours of over the shoulder, real-world training, this course will show you how to increase the speed of your VBA applications, build code that is easier to read and maintain - using less lines of code than you ever imagined! Ill show you the easiest way to understand this highly convoluted topic and once you understand the power of arrays, youll be able to: Glean information from and Manipulate text like never before Store MULTIPLE pieces of information in a single cell to keep your tables tidy MASSIVELY speed up your macros that deal with worksheets or cells! Understand multiple ways to put Array data onto worksheets Create your own functions that return more than one result!! Store Data in Hidden Locations, Where only you can find and Manipulate it... Master Populating, Looping through and Manipulating Arrays for greater efficiency Learn special built-in Array functions as well as custom ones Included in the course Best methods of Sorting Array data And much more! Youll receive 100% of the source code, downloadable materials and course workbooks instantly, yours to keep FOREVER. In addition, youll receive LIFETIME ACCESS to the course videos, including updates, BONUS videos and lectures as they come out and any future source code and workbooks Yours to keep FREE. All students will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to ask me any questions about the materials in the FORUM section as well as chat with other students and help each other. As always, this is backed by a 30 day 100% No questions asked refund as well. So Join today and increase your Excel Mastery and Ill see you in the FORUMS!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Complete Web Automation with Excel VBA" |
"Using a website has become part of everyday life in both work and play. Many of us spend hours a day scouring the web or filling out tedious forms online for work!But what if we can automate these processes that steal our precious time away from us? Introducing Complete Web Automation with Excel VBA course. In this jam-packed, progressive course, I share over eight hours of secrets to using the popular website testing program called Selenium, ( previously only available using complicated web languages such as JavaScript or PHP). This free tool is now available to all Microsoft Excel users, but theres very little documentation for how to use it unless you are a web developer.Throughout the course, I take you through all the undocumented processes, enabling you to locate and interact with any element on a webpage using a variety of strategies, from basic text & attribute searches to Advanced strategies such as XPath, CSS Selectors, and Regular Expression (RegEx) functionalities.Youll learn how to fill out web forms dynamically, navigate web pages intuitively, and extract and manipulate data to increase efficiency.Once you understand how to find an element (or group of elements), you'll learn to evaluate whether elements are hidden, enabled or disabled, visible, selected, checked or unchecked, and then we'll show you how to completely control mouse and keyboard commands and positioning. Then well learn how and when to trigger macros with precision using ""Timeouts and Waits""!In addition to basic navigation, I'll show you how to Open, Access and Toggle multiple tab Windows, how to resize, re-position and auto-scroll your browser window as well as use login techniques with set credentials. You'll be able to deal with pop-ups, alerts, notifications and Frames like an expert. I'll even show you the secrets of controlling the clipboard, saving screenshots to your Excel file or even taking all or parts of online tables into your spreadsheets automatically. Finally, I'll take you through drop down menus and working with list boxes to complete your WebDriver mastery.The course comes loaded with several examples in each section, including several engaging and challenging exercises to help you solidify what you've learned (with solution videos immediately following).Youll receive 100% of the source code, downloadable materials and course workbooks instantly, yours to keep FOREVER. In addition, youll receive LIFETIME ACCESS to the course videos, including updates, BONUS videos and lectures as they come out and any future source code and workbooks Yours to keep FREE.All students will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to ask me any questions about the materials in the FORUM section as well as chat with other students and help each other. As always, this is backed by a 30 day 100% No questions asked refund as well.So Stop wasting your time with tedious online tasks when you can automate your online workflow Today!Order Complete Web Automation with Excel VBA course Now!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Excel VBA Formulas, Functions, UDFs + Create Your Own AddIn!" |
"The last thing you want to do is waste your own time! Unfortunately, most Excel users find themselves creating humongous formulas that are prone to errors, nested if statements that will drive you nuts and generally looking for more efficient ways to perform routine tasks or look up data. Microsoft Excel has some amazing built-in formulas, but they don't always have the special customizations that you need. [Enter custom functions and formulas.] With this course, you're going to master creating your own customized formulas using Excel VBA, the hidden programming language behind Microsoft Excel. You'll learn the ins and outs of using VBA to supercharge your productivity in Excel. Regardless of programming experience, if you're ready to step up your game and increase productivity and efficiency in your Excel usage, this course is for you. We'll show you: How To use parameters to allow users to specify how they want to use your functions as well as Show you multiple examples of real-life uses of user-defined functions. We'll also show you Special built in functions that are only available in the Visual Basic editor as well as How you can use regular worksheet functions in your VBA code. We'll also review Troubleshooting tips for advanced functions like VLookup and HLookup, String manipulation & Randomization techniques and much more! We'll also show you Three distinct methods of sharing your functions and macros with coworkers, friends and family Including How to create your very own Excel Add-In that will make your formulas available to others. Take the next step in your Excel mastery and grab your lifetime access for Excel VBA formulas functions and UDF's-and create your own ad in today!Take the next step in your Excel mastery and grab your lifetime access pass for ""Excel VBA Formulas, Functions & UDFs - and create your own Add-In today!"
Price: 104.99 |
"Monitoreo de Software y Hardware con Software Libre" |
"Este curso est pensado para obtener, con un conjunto de soluciones 100% libres (y gratuitas), informacin til para la toma de decisiones y una plataforma escalable y slida que permita conocer, casi al instante, cualquier inconveniente en equipos y servicios.A lo largo del curso desarrollamos algunas herramientas (Dude, Nagios, Zabbix, etc.) y se trabaja mostrando activamente configuraciones -de baja y media complejidad-, que permiten, fcilmente, configurar un dashboard con informacin suficiente para cualquier tipo de intervencin.En lo personal utilizo cada una de estas herramientas, algunas mas y otras menos, dependiendo de lo que deba ser monitoreado y la criticidad del equipo/servicio que se est monitoreando.Desde lo profesional uso y recomiendo comenzar con herramientas 100% gratuitas y luego, bajo demanda, ir adquiriendo licenciamiento que permita mayores funcionalidades y simplifique las tareas de configuracin y mantenimiento."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to create a winning TV Pilot Proposal" |
"How to create a winning TV pilot proposal: This course is about learning, knowing and understanding what key elements to cover in your written proposal. Have you shot a TV pilot, sizzle reel or presentation tape and ready to pitch? Are you ready to shoot a visual presentation but don't know how? Do you have a show concept but don't know where to start? If your answer is YES... then this course is for you! Many spend hundreds and thousands of dollars creating beautiful pitching presentations: Television Pilots Sizzle Reels Presentation Tapes But most forget about the paperwork. When pitching a show concept it is vital to have both written and visual presentations. You want a complete package to help tell and sell your story. The paperwork proposal is like the engine inside of a car. Yes, the car looks great but how does it run? How does it get from place to place? Where do you park it? Network executives and investors will ask lots of questions before and after they see your visual presentation. This course will prepare you for most of those questions. In this course I will use my original pitching package that earn a 24 hour green-light from a television network executive and went on to become a hit celebrity talk show on a top tier cable network. I will utilize videos and power point slides to dissect the written proposal and showcase some of the original TV pilot. Footage from the TV pilot will be used as examples to drive home certain key elements needed in a written proposal. This course was designed to be "On Demand" & "Time" friendly . All videos and lessons are up for a lifetime. You can complete the course in one day, one week or one month it's totally up to you. After you complete the course there will be a special gift waiting for you! A downloadable PDF of this winning proposal will be provided at the end of the course as a "Thank You" gift from me to you."
Price: 74.99 |
"iOS and Firebase - Create a live status application" |
"In this course we are going to build an iOS and Firebase application using Xcode IDE. We will store users posts in Firebasethen query them and populate in a tableview. We also populate user images alongside the status update. Users can manage their profile by updating their photo and/or username.A user can only edit their profile and not another user's. We will get images from iPhone gallery and upload it to Firebase.Users can logout and log back in or create a new account if they do not have one.There is more to learn so Join now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"America's Presidents: Washington to Lincoln" |
"What does the President do?How has the officeshaped the United States? Which President was the best? Which was the worst?This course is designed to familiarize you with some of the men who have occupied the office of President of the United States. The personalities, careers, achievements, and legacy of each will be analyzed to ensure you come away with a good understanding of each president, their life, and times.You'll learn about how each of them has left their mark on the United States, for better or for worse, and come away with a better understanding of this nation, its people, and it's history."
Price: 19.99 |
"Everyday Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" |
"This course is designed to teach you all you would want to know on how to get started with using essential oils to enhance your life and theoverall well-being of you, your family andyour pets. This is astep by step course that will teach the whats, the hows, the whens,the wheres and for the who's of essential oils. It is fun and easy. It is a green, clean and healthy way of life. This class is quick and simple. Designed for anyone and everyone interested in Essential Oils. EvenMORE Bonuses, recipes and ideas."
Price: 79.99 |
"Pursuing IT" |
"Learn The Secrets to finding the right technology career! Many professionals wander in and out of careers. In Pursuing IT: A Practical Guide for Discovering Your Future Technical Job, you will learn how to discover the perfect technical job.Assess where you are in your technology career path.Learn how to search for new opportunities and tools to use.Learn how to ace the Technical Interviews.Prepare for a smooth transition into this great new job.Check it out today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"7 Day Morning Yoga Challenge" |
"Your life-changing journey begins here!Practicing yoga in the morning is one of the best things you can do for your physical, emotional and mental health!This 7 day morning yoga series will give you a daily yoga class for every day of the week! As a bonus, you'll also get an evening yoga class to help you wind down so that if you do miss a morning session, you'll still have the opportunity to do a great flow!This challenge is suitable for all experience levels and includes classes that range from 20-45 minutes so you can easily fit them into your busy schedules. We'll practice different styles of yoga such as hatha, vinyasa and yin for a comprehensive program that will help you get stronger, calmer and more flexible.Key benefits of a regular Yoga practice:Improved flexibilityReduced stress and anxietyBetter circulationImproved flexibilityGreater joint mobilityBetter quality of sleepGreater awareness of tense areas in the bodyMental clarity and focusPracticing yoga first thing in the morning is also an amazing way to turbocharge your metabolism and energize you for the rest of the day, making you more productive and alert without being frazzled.So what are you waiting for?Let's get started!!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Escreva e publique livros para editoras ou independente" |
"Este curso um guia prtico para quem deseja escrever e publicar livros em editoras. E tambm de forma independente, sem passar por editoras, como o Amazon e lojas de aplicativos como o Google Play e Apple Store.Conhecendo melhor a o mercado editorial e as possibilidades de publicao de sua obra, desde de editoras ao independente, voc pode avaliar o que melhor deseja e se adequar s suas ambies como autor de livros e voc poderprevenir de alguns problemas encontrados no mercado editorial. dado um guia de como fazer o planejamento de seu livro, passo a passo e, aps o seu planejamento, executar com dicas de quem j autor de livros no mercado.Como encontrar a sua editora certa, a forma correta de enviar seus originais, como preparar os originais para aprovao e ps assinatura de contrato com a editora. Como fazer a comunicao entre escritor-editor-diagramador de seu livro, atravs de seus originais. Dicas de como melhor escrever e utilizar algumas ferramentas e tcnicas de produtividade e planejamento para o processo de escrita deseu livro.Caso deseje a produo independente, aprender a registrar sua obra na biblioteca nacional obtendo seu ISBN e protegendo sua propriedade intelectual, como diagramar seu livro para plataformas digitais como o Amazon, o Google Play e Apple Store e como publicar nestas plataformas.Indo alm dos direitos autorais: hoje na internet h diversos programas de afiliados e recomendaes de produtos e servios que voc conhece e acredita, podem ser fonte de renda extra aos direitos autorais pagos aos escritores. Iremos tratar deste tema e os cuidados ao serem utilizados.Os conceitos apresentados no curso so seguidos deexemplos de fcil compreensoe com a utilizao de ferramentas que o auxiliaro desde o processo de escrita de sua obra, passando pelo processo de procura de editoras, editorao mostrando como utilizar passo a passo.Alm do contedo em vdeos, o aluno ter acesso tambm aum documento contendo todas as referncias apresentadas no curso, acesso direto ao professor,links para acesso online a livros, textos complementares e muito mais.Um plano de divulgao de seu livro antes de ser publicado, durante o processo de publicao e depois do lanamento. Garantindo maior sucesso de sua obra.Faa sua inscrio, tenha seu livro publicado e uma comunidade de escritores para ajudar voc a divulgar seus livros. Inclusive com a ajuda do autor deste curso."
Price: 69.99 |
"Seu TCC em livro publicado em editoras = Currculo Excelente" |
"Este curso um guia prtico para quem deseja transformar seu TCC em um livro epublicar livros em editoras. Assim comode forma independente, sem passar por editoras, como oAmazone lojas de aplicativos como oGoogle Play e Apple Store.No deixe seu TCC (Trabalho de Concluso de Curso) apenas como uma forma de se formar. Transforme e publique como um livro, incremente seu currculo com um livro publicado, seja referncia de verdadee tenha uma renda extra de direitos autorais.Conhecendo melhor o mercado editorial e as possibilidades de publicao de sua obra, desde de editoras ao independente, voc pode avaliar o que melhor deseja e se adequar s suas ambies como autor de livros evoc poderprevenir de alguns problemas encontrados no mercado editorial. dado um guia de como fazer o planejamento de seu livro, passo a passo e, aps o seu planejamento, executar com dicas de quem j autor de livros no mercado. Tambm como transformar seu TCC em algo mais acessvel para um maior nmero de pessoas, aps a apresentao e aprovao da banca.Como encontrar a sua editora certa, a forma correta de enviar seus originais, como preparar os originais para aprovao e ps assinatura de contrato com a editora. Como fazer a comunicao entre escritor-editor-diagramador de seu livro, atravs de seus originais. Dicas de como melhor escrever e utilizar algumas ferramentas e tcnicas de produtividade e planejamento para o processo de escrita deseu livro.Caso deseje a produo independente, aprender a registrar sua obra na biblioteca nacional obtendoseu ISBNe protegendo sua propriedade intelectual,como diagramarseu livro para plataformas digitais como oAmazon, oGoogle Play e Apple Storee como publicar nestas plataformas.Indo alm dos direitos autorais:hoje na internet h diversos programas de afiliados e recomendaes de produtos e servios que voc conhece e acredita, podem ser fonte de renda extra aos direitos autorais pagos aos escritores. Iremos tratar deste tema eos cuidados ao serem utilizados.Os conceitos apresentados no curso so seguidos deexemplos de fcil compreensoe com a utilizao de ferramentas que o auxiliaro desde o processo de escrita de sua obra, passando pelo processo de procura de editoras, editorao mostrando como utilizar passo a passo.Alm do contedo em vdeos, o aluno ter acesso tambm aum documento contendo todas as referncias apresentadas no curso, acesso diretoao professor,links para acesso online a livros, textos complementares e muito mais.Um plano de divulgao de seu livroantes de ser publicado, durante o processo de publicao e depois do lanamento. Garantindomaior sucessode sua obra.Faa sua inscrio, tenha seu livro publicado e uma comunidade de escritores para ajudar voc a divulgar seus livros. Inclusive com a ajuda do autor deste curso."
Price: 84.99 |
"Code a personal splash page in 1 hour" |
"This course will take you 1 hour to complete and is for people with no-prior technical experience who want to learn HTML & CSS. Unlike other courses for people with no experience this is entirely hands-on material and by the end of the course you will have built a beautiful splash page that showcases why you are awesome. If you want to have a sneak-peak at what you'll be building, it will look like this (but you'll be able to incorporate your own creative energy to give the page a look and feel that you think showcases your personality).The course is perfect for someone with no prior experience coding, but who wants to start learning about web technologies. After the course is done, you will have built an awesome looking page using HTML, CSS and also have setup your computer to have the tools you need to build web pages, so you'll be able to continue to build other web pages after the course is over."
Price: 19.99 |
"Increase Energy for Your Life: Be More Positive Daily" |
"When your personal energy levels are high, you can get things done, will feel good, sleep well, and it's easier to stay healthy. When your energy levels are low, you probably want to nap, find a rock to crawl under, will lose your car keys, and may even chronically struggle to get things done. Worse, you'll wonder what happened to your life. And your family life and relationships will also suffer. If your energy levels are low more often than you'd like, you're not alone. Over 80% of people tell their doctors that they are often tired. You may even be one of them. That's why there's already over 820 students who have already signed up for this course. Yes, you can improve the food you eat, make lifestyle and career changes. You may even stop hanging out with people who pull you down. But it's not until you decide to change what you think about and how you feel that you are going to be able to increase your energy on an ongoing basis. In this course, you're going to find out how to use small blocks of time over the course of your average day so that you can re-train the way you think and feel. You will discover how you can actually stay positive for longer and longer periods of time. The best part is that you will be able to reduce the amount of time that you might spend being negative. And all you have to do is change your mind and decide to be happy more often. Increase Energy for Your Life gives you practical, useful tools to change the quality of your feelings and thoughts so that you can recharge your personal battery. It only takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes each time to change and improve your personal energy patterns, vibes, and your resulting energy levels. This course covers: Why your current thoughts and emotions may cause you to 'leak' energy. What you can do to 'pivot' and upshift from negative mental chatter to a positive mindset in 3 to 60 seconds. How to stop stealing your own energy from yourself. This course helps you get into the habit of self-generating more positive thoughts and feelings. And you will discover how to ask yourself the right questions to get positive answers so you can get your energy moving again. Increase Energy's simple tips will help you remember to: Use positive self-talk to raise your vibes (a.k.a. vibratory frequency). Increase the number of positive 'now' moments you have daily. And be able to stay in your personal paradise -- the one conveniently located in the 7-inch space between your ears -- more often. Increase Energy for Your Life was developed on the principles covered in my best selling book, Energy for Your Life. My courses have already helped thousands of people in North America and Europe. Some people used the materials to stop being tired. Others improved their health. Most decided to use the insights they learned about themselves and the way they use their personal energy to improve their relationships. I've even coached and consulted with elite athletes and a few CEO's and billionaires so they would get the results they wanted. In your own life, you'll be able to improve your energy in small, manageable blocks of time. You'll never get overwhelmed. You don't ever have to get down on yourself because you 'forgot' one day. Or became too busy one week. You'll always be able to find time to do this because it is now only simple but life changing - in a good way. Every time you can improve the quality of your thoughts, you win. Your family, friends, people you work and your community also win. And you get to decide when, where, how and how much you can and will do. So you never need to feel any pressure. And here's why I know you will be able to remember how and what to do: You'll only need to remember three words to start to get yourself into a positive vibe. You already know the 5W's that Socrates used -- who, what, when, where why and how. I'll simply give you a new spin on an old technique that will help lift you up and let you move your life forward in positive ways. You'll be able to get out of a negative situation whenever you want so you can create and live the life you want instead. Any and every day you want, you'll be able to use and benefit from this course and the supporting materials. Plus, I'm here to answer your questions. Plus, if you are ready to be more positive, you'll find out how to: Use and stay in your now moments more often to access high octane, positively-charged energy. Stop wasting as much time living in your past. Stop thinking about your future and not doing anything about it. Become and stay happy for longer periods of time. Your desire to do this course is your only prerequisite. You only need your computer, tablet or a mobile phone. I recommend you keep a journal when you first start this course. Sometimes, being able to write down what we did to release a negative thought or feeling can help us understand why we were having those experiences in the first place. The course has two parts: the lectures that you'll do online. Then, you get to apply what you'll explore here so you can experience 30 positive moments daily. If you need to, you can access any one of the reminder lectures on your mobile phone. What happened to me after doing this is that I've been able to emotionally bounce back faster after a rough meeting. If someone was rude or upset me, I could get out of their vibe and back into my own faster. I was also be able to stay calm when dealing with people who were not very calm or kind. It's also helped me stay in a good mood - even if things didn't work out as I'd hoped. You'll spend 20 seconds to one minute to two minutes spread out over your entire day. You won't have to 'squeeze' in the time to do this course. You can do it during most of the activities that you already do. I've done what I'll share with you in this course: at my desk, during meetings, while walking, even while being on hold on the phone. curing commercial breaks at home, while washing dishes, waiting for buses, and even standing in line waiting for my coffee or at baggage check. You can feel more positive at any time during your day. And you'll gain a usable way to shift your personal energy use habits so that you will feel good about what you can do in your life. You'll want to take this course if you: feel tired more often than you'd like. are still tired after you've gone on vacation. feel like you're stuck in negative patterns. you don't like how you feel and the vibes you're experiencing in your life. know that there's a better way to live and are ready to enjoy a new way of thinking and being."
Price: 24.99 |
"Kotlin ile Sfrdan Instagram Android Uygulamas Yapalm" |
"Bu kurs ile kotlin dilini ve Firebase bulut servisini kullanarak instagramn android uygulamasn yapacaz.Amacmz instagram yapmak gibi gzkse de aslnda sadece bir ara. Burdaki asl amacmz bu uygulamay yaparken kotlin, android ve firebase bilgilerimizi en etkin ekilde kullanmay ve de byk bir proje gerekletirirken nasl yol almamz gerektiini renmektir.Elimden geldiince aklamalara dikkat edeceim ama bu kursu baarl bir ekilde tamamlamanz iin nceden kotlin, android ve firebase bilginizin olmas gerekmektedir. Aksi taktirde zorlanabilirsiniz ama yeni eyler renme konusunda hevesliyseniz de bu kursa katlabilirsiniz.Bu kursa katldnzda genel olarak aadaki konularda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz :Activity ve fragmentlerin kullanmlar ve ilikileriMaterial design eleriAndroid dosya ilemleri ( dosya listeleme, oluturma ve sktrma )Resim ve Video lemleri,Asynctask, Service KullanmlarEventbus ile Kolay Veri AlveriiAndroid alma An zin Ynetimi3. parti ktphanelerin kullanmlar (en az 10 tane ktphane aktif olarak kullanlmtr)Recyclerview kullanm, kiiselletirilmesi (en az 10 tane recyclerview oluturulmutur, farkl layout trleri ve veri kayna hazrlama gsterilmitir)Firebase Phone ve Email AuthenticationFirebase Realtime Database ve verileri okumak iin tm Listener trleri kullanlmtrFirebase Storage lemleriFirebase Cloud Messaging ile bildirim hizmetleriFirebase Cloud Functions kullanmSosyal medya uygulamas alma mantCanl sohbet, okundu bilgisi ve yazyor(typing) bilgisi alma mantListelerde sayfalama yapm ve liste sonuna gelindiinde yeni elerin yklenmesiTakip, Beenme ve Yorum Yapma OlaylarAlgolia ile Firebase Veri tabanndaki Verileri FiltrelemekTm bu konular renirken kotlin, android ve firebase konularnda uzmanlaacak, byk bir proje gerekletirirken dikkat etmeniz gereken pf noktalar renecek ve de artk aklnzdaki projeyi kolay bir ekilde gerekletirebileceksiniz.Bu kurs; bundan sonra yapacanz uygulamalar iin bavurup kullanabileceiniz, pek ok farkl konu ve kavram barndran mkemmel bir yardmc olacak."
Price: 299.99 |
"How To Get YouTube Views and Subscribers Fast With Reddit" |
"Reddit Marketing has never been easy.Reddit is a tight group of people who are quick to kick you out of any subreddit for doing self promotion of any kind.This is why indirect reddit social media marketing is the key to your success.Also...Never buy youtube views. It can destroy your channel and YouTube KNOWS.""Buying Views""violates the YouTube TOS and if you do it...YouTubewill putyour channel in ""The Upside Down""Meaning Your youtube videosWont show up in searchWont show up in the recommended videosWont show up in related videosAnd your channel will be dead (no more organic views).I learned this the hard way.I bought youtube views when I was first starting with youtube marketing.I ended up with youtube channels that no longer got any views at all.This is why I now only focus on safe quality traffic strategiesthat get free youtube views for life.One safe way for howto get views on youtube is with YouTube SEO.Setting up your youtube videos with good search engine optimization will help you get safe long term traffic without making YouTube mad at your channel.The only problem with SEO is that it's really SLOW.It can take 2 - 3 months before your channel starts growing organically.Its still important but I was looking for a fasterand safeway of getting more views and more youtube subscribers.Reddit seems to be the best answer.I had been noticing people talking about how they have been able to get traffic and sales with Reddit.Its one of the top 6sites in the world.In fact, 2days ago on May 31st, 2018...Reddit just overtook Facebook as the third most popular website in the U.S.Youtube and Google are the only sites beating it.Currently Reddit gets over 1.5 billion unique visitors each month according to the siteStatista.The growth is incredible.But I had tried some digital marketing in the pastwith Reddit and it wasnt really working for me.I posted links to videos with clever headlines and nobody cared.I would only get like 3 up votes or nothing at all.The big challenge with Reddit that has been pushing many marketersaway from using it as part of their marketing strategy isRedditors are picky.They have been spammed with so many links by marketers that they now have zero tolerance for outsiders with selfish intentions.Its a deep club and they wont let just anyone in.After feeling likeI was not welcome at all in RedditI decided to try and be super aware of how sensitive the platform is.I realized its a tight community. Even more so than YouTube.I found appropriate subreddits with enough members for it to be worth my while but not too many where my posts would get covered up fast.Then I tried a mass market postthat worked.I got over 5,000 up votes and over 120 comments on my first post using this strategy.The Redditors were actually happy with my post and sending me messages thanking me.The coolest thing was that I saw a boost in sales in my rap program and a boost in my views and subscribers on youtube.You can also do affiliate marketing redditposts by combining reddit and youtube with this strategy. Ive now done this method with a few other videos with great results as well.I plan on doing this method with all of my videos because its safe and gets traffic flowing a lot faster than waiting for youtube seo to kick in.I created this simple course to share this method with you as quickly as possible.In the course I focus on exactly what you need to know to get fast and safe traffic to your youtube videos by using Reddit.I give you examples and share my real Reddit posts that you can model for your own youtube traffic.As a bonus Ive created a Facebook group just for members of this course.Its where you can get extra support from me and other people using this strategy.I have personally used this strategy to help grow my Youtube channel to over 10,000 subscribers.So if you have a YouTube channel, I highly recommend you try out the strategy laid out for you in this course as well.Thanks for checking out my Youtube x Reddit traffic course and I hope you use this method on your youtube videos ASAP as I know it will really help your channel.Pat"
Price: 44.99 |
"JavaScript Moderno Gua Definitiva Construye +15 Proyectos" |
"Aprende el lenguaje ms popular! JavaScript!El curso incluye ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9 y ES10Tambin el curso incluye webpack, node.js, express, mongodb, react, electron y mucho ms!En este curso aprenders JavaScript desde los fundamentos hasta temas ms avanzados como Prototypes, Delegation, Classes, Ajax, Promises, Generadores, Orientado a Objetos, Fetch API, Async Await, Async JS, Objetos, as como consumir REST APIs entre muchos ms.Si estos temas no son de tu conocimiento, estas en el curso adecuado para aprenderlos!La mejor forma de aprender es desarrollando algo, en este curso crearemos bastantes proyectos que te llevaran desde el nivel bsico hasta avanzado!Los Proyectos desarrollados incluyen:Formulario para guardar a Local StorageCotizador de Seguros de AutoSimulador de Envio de EmailsGenerador de Nombres desde una REST APICotizador de Criptomonedas desde una REST API ( Ms de 100 incluidas)Eventos en tu ciudad con Event Brite y REST APICarrito de Compras con Local StorageGasto Semanal Agenda de Pacientes de VeterinariaBuscador de Letras de CancionesMostrar Establecimientos con Mapas (Leaflet) desde una API ExternaBuscador y Filtro de Automoviles con Higher Order Functions Cotizador de Prestamos con Intereses a pagar (Desarrollado en React)Sitio web para una Agencia de Viajes (Desarrollado con NodeJS y Sequelize)FullStack JavaScript con React, Express, MongoDB, Node y ElectronTodos los proyectos utilizan tcnicas distintas, por lo cual te servirn para conocer distintas formas de realizar estos proyectos.LOS PROYECTOS ESTN HABILITADOS PARA VERSE DE FORMA GRATUITAJavaScript es el lenguaje ms popular para web hoy en da, y puede utilizarse en el cliente o Servidor, en este curso aprenders todo lo necesario y es una excelente introduccin si quieres aprender libreras nuevas como VueJS, React, Angular o NodeJS"
Price: 199.99 |
"Modern JavaScript The Complete Course - Build +15 Projects" |
"Learn Modern JavaScript &ECMAScript with this Course!JavaScript Versions included in this Course:ES6, ES7, ES8 ==='Modern JavaScript'; Just Added a ReactJS Introduction By Building a Project and a NodeJS Introduction with Pug, Sequelize, Express & Bootstrap The most complete JavaScript course on Udemy, learn by building Projects!In this course you're going to learn JavaScript, from the fundamentals to Intermediate and Advanced Topics such as Prototypes, Delegation, Classes, Ajax, Promises, Generators, OOP, Fetch API, Async Await, Async JS, Objects, how to consume REST API's and more!Before we Jump into the projects, i'm going to explain the Fundamentals of JavaScript, so if you don't have any previous experience, you're in the right course!if you are unfamiliar with this topics, you're in the right course because you're going to learn all of this and BUILDAMAZING PROJECTSThe best way to learn something new in programming is by building projects, in this course we're going to build several projects from beginnerto advanced level.Included projects in this course:Save from Form into Local StorageSimulate Email Sending AppGenerate Names from a REST APICryptocurrencies rate from a REST API (more than 100 cryptocurrencies included)Events in your city with EventBrite and REST APIShopping Cart with Local StorageCar Insurance Live QuotationMy Weekly Budget APPPet Appointment Manager with IndexedDBSearch Lyrics OnlinePerfectCocktail - A Drink Recipes APP More Projects are added every month, have an idea?send me a message!HERE'S A LIST AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTS!PROJECT: Save into local storage from HTML FormIn this project you will learn how to read the values from a HTML Form and Inputs, then the data is going to be saved into LocalStorage so even if you close the tab or reload the window the info is going to be there thanks to this amazing JavaScript feature.PROJECT: Adding Courses into the Shopping CartThis project will help you a lot to understand DOM Scripting and how to traverse in all the HTML of your website.DOM Scripting is one of the most important topics when learning JavaScript, this project will help you a lot!PROJECT: Simulate Email Sending with FormAnother really nice project, in this one i'm gonna show you how to validate a form, so every value should be filled before we simulate the sending of an emailAlso we will show some nice graphics when the email is sent, this project is very similar to a project that any company will ask you to develop when you try to get a JavaScript job!PROJECT: Car Insurance Quotation from a FORMIn this project you will learn how to do some math operations in JavaScript with a real world project!Also, you will learn how to read different values from a Form, validate the form, do some operations and finally print the resultsAnother really nice project to continue learning JavaScript!PROJECT: Weekly Budget APPThis is one of my favorite projects, you will enter a Budget for the week, and then you start adding expenses, once you pass 50%of the budget, the remaining budget will change the color to yellow, and once you reach the final 25%of the budget the content will change to Red.PROJECT: Name Generator with AJAX & Rest API (Fetch API Included)AJAX is a legacy technology, but as a JavaScript developer is something that you should learnAnd learning what's and how to use a REST API is also another really important topic, REST API is how you get data from other servers or websites, something that any JavaScript developer must knowAs i said before, Ajax is a legacy technology, the new one is Fetch, so i'm gonna show you how switch from AJAX to Fetch API in the upcoming chapters.PROJECT: Cryptocurrencies RatesThis is also one of my favorite projectsWe will use a REST API that displays more than 100 different Cryptocurrencies and we will display the latest rateThis is going to be another project that you can add into your JavaScript portfolio!PROJECT: Display Events with the EventBrite APIFor this chapter we will use the EventBrite API to display and fetch events in our websiteInstead of adding the events manually to your site, you can consume this EventBrite API to display events in your site using JavaScriptPROJECT: PerfectCocktail - A Drinks Recipes APPThis is the most complete project in the course, we will consume a REST API with several different EndpointsAlso we will save the favorite recipes into Local Storage, one of the most advanced projects in the whole JavaScript CodePROJECT: Lyrics Search Engine with ModulesIn this project we will use the new JavaScript Modules that was added in the latest versions, also we will query a REST API!IndexedDB - Building a Complete Project (Appointment Management)In JavaScript you can also create a database, in this project im gonna show you how to create, read, save the records in the IndexedDB database !BONUS!What's webpack and how to create a webpack project - 25 videos about webpack just added into the course, you will learn what's a bundle, how to install dependencies, integrate webpack with other tools such as NPM or BabelAll this projects are developed using different techniques:classes, prototypes, fetch api, ajax, async await, arrow functions, promises &more!THE VIDEOS WITH THE MAIN PROJECTS ARE ENABLED TO WATCH FOR FREE!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Desarrollo de Plugins para WordPress con PHP, JS, CSS y HTML" |
"Aprende a Crear Plugins para WordPress con PHP, JavaScript, HTML y CSSAdems en este curso aprenders distintas tcnicas para crear tus plugins y recomendaciones para poder obtener ganancias y vender tus plugins.Aprenders a:Crear Custom Post TypesAgregar archivos JS y CSS a tu PluginAadir MetaboxesTrabajar con HooksCrear nuevos roles y capabilities para tu pluginAgregar ShortcodesCrear versiones bsicas y premium de tu PluginCrear cdigo PHP que se comunique con WordPressBuenas prcticas a la hora de crear cdigo PHP para WordPressy mucho ms!estaremos elaborando varios ejemplos de Plugins a lo largo de este curso as que estars practicando y aprendiendo distintas tcnicas"
Price: 199.99 |
"CSS Grid y Flexbox, La Gua Definitiva, Crea + 10 Proyectos" |
"Aprende el nuevo estndar para crear layouts de tus sitios web con Flexbox y CSS Grid.En este curso aprenders desde lo bsico de ambas tecnologas.Que es el Flex y Grid ContainerComo alinear elementos con FlexboxPosicionar tus columnas dentro de CSS Grid.Trminos y funciones clave de CSS Grid como repeat(), minmax() auto-fit y otros.Crear sitios web responsive fcilmente.Aprende creando Proyectos, este curso incluye:Re-creando el Home de AirBNBRe-creando el Home de UdemyDiseo Holy GrailDiseo de BlogCreando un panel de administracinSitio Web para Freelancers.Blog de Recetas en CSS GridSitio de Bienes RaicesY muchos msAdems, aprende como incorporar otras tecnologas nuevas a tu trabajo con Flexbox y Grid, tales como:NPMGulpSASSVariables CSSJavaScriptFetch API &JSON"
Price: 199.99 |
"Guida ai Big Data con Spark 2. 0 e R" |
"Se lanalisi di grossi quantitativi di dati sta diventando sempre di pi una necessit, non solo nel campo del marketing, ma anche di settori come la medicina e la diagnostica, da alcuni anni ci si sta ponendo il problema di quali siano le metodologie migliori per trarre quanta pi informazione utile possibile dai grandi dataset che possono essere reperiti in vari modi su internet (ad esempio nel caso di analisi di social media) o fanno parte del patrimonio di unazienda.Viviamo infatti nellera dei cosiddetti Big Data. Questo termine, coniato attorno al 2001, nasce per indicare enormi dataset che possono essere analizzati per estrarre informazione finora difficilmente accessibile e difficilmente processabile da un solo computer, per quanto potente, ma per analizzare i quali necessario utilizzare pi computer connessi in qualche modo tra loro in maniera coordinata.Di conseguenza, anche dal lato dell'organizzazione dei dati sono nati dei framework particolari per la gestione di queste grosse quantit di dati, il pi recente dei quali Spark.Spark, come vedremo, pu essere utilizzato con molti linguaggi di programmazione, dei quali R il pi recente. Per questa ragione non tutte le possibili analisi dati possono venire implementate tramite i due pacchetti per la gestione di Spark in linguaggio R, che sono SparkR e sparklyr.Dopo una parte introduttiva sui Big Data e sui framework che sono stati nel corso degli ultimi anni per gestirli, ci occuperemo quindi di vari argomenti e implementazione di esempi di codice per ognuna di queste due librerie. In particolare vedremo come implementare i pi comuni algoritmi di machine learning: regressione, Support Vector Machines, Alberi di decisione, metodi Ensemble e Kmeans, oltre alla manipolazione dati e al calcolo delle statistiche di base"
Price: 169.99 |
"Matrisez votre DSLR et Mirrorless en mode vido" |
"Vous tes photographe et avez envie de tourner le bouton de votre appareil photo sur le mode vido ? Vous avez peut-tre envie de commencer faire de la vido plus srieusement ? De raliser des reportages de mariage, des corporates et films dentreprise ou encore, des clip vido dartistes?Cette formation est faite pour vous ! Je suis photographe depuis plus de 20 ans, et ds que le premier appareil photo nous permis de filmer, je me suis lanc dans laventure. Je partagerai donc avec vous ici, mon exprience, et dmystifierai pour vous toutes les notions spcifiques la vido. Quest-ce que la cadence denregistrement ? La rsolution en vido ? Le bitrate ? La compression Long GOP, IPB ou ALL-I ? Quest ce quun profil dimages plat ou flat profile en anglais ? Quels accessoires utiliser en vido ? La vido a ses spcificits et nous verrons tout cela ensemble. Toutes ces notions et bien dautres encore seront passes en revue dans cette formation, et toutes ces notions vous suivront encore longtemps avec lappareil photo que vous utilisez aujourdhui ou celui que vous aurez dans un an, ou cinq ans. Un groupe Facebook ferm, rserv aux apprenants ayant suivis cette formation sera ouvert, nous pourrons nous y retrouver pour y discuter, changer des ides, poser des questions prcises sur des projets que vous pourriez avoir, poster nos vidos bref, aller plus loin, ensemble."
Price: 119.99 |
"Portraits en studio" |
"Cette formation ou vous me suivrez en studio pour une prise de vues de portraits.Ce sera l une trs belle occasion pour revoir un peu ensemble la notion d'exposition et d'apprendre a adapt la puissance des flashs pour obtenir un rsultat trs prcis.J'observe souvent chez les dbutants, qui s'essaient la photo de studio, la fcheuse tendance utiliser une dbauche de lumire, de grand parapluie ou softbox pleine puissance.En dfinitive ils obtiennent une image souvent trop ou mal expose.Ne matrise pas du tout la lumire et ne souligne en rien les courbes et le model d'un visage.Je vous invite donc me rejoindre ici dans une vision plus dlicate de l'exercice de portrait en studio.Au travers d'exemple simple et d'tape bien dcompose, vous pourrez me suivre et rpter l'exercice chez vous. l'issue de cette formation, vous porterez trs certainement un regard fort diffrent de la manire dont vous abordez vos prises de vues de portrait en studio."
Price: 109.99 |
"Nu artistique en studio" |
"Rejoignez-moi en studio.Dans cette formation vous me suivrez pas pas dans une prise de vues de nu artistique.A l'origine ces images ont t ralises pour un projet d'exposition.Toutes les coulisses ont t filmes et je partagerai donc avec vous tout cela dans cette formation.Les capsules vido de coulisse seront systmatiquement ponctues par des vidos en face camra ou je m'adresserai vous pour comment ce que vous allez voire et vous donnerez chaque fois de nombreuses prcisions.Comment diriger son modle, coordonner l'quipe autour de votre intention artistique, bref je partage avec vous tous mes trucs et astuces de pro.Rejoignez-moi sans tarder."
Price: 114.99 |
"Prise de vues de voiture" |
"Vous me suivrez dans les coulisses d'une prise de vues de la Lamborghini Aventador.Vous verrez donc comment je m'y prends pour clairer cette voiture 360 avec un seul flash ! Je vous donnerai tous les trucs et astuces qui vous permettront d'obtenir un rsultat tout fait identique, avec la voiture de votre choix.Le reste de la formation ce passera dans lightroom et dans Photoshop, pour les tudes de postproduction ou, au travers de cette formation, vous apprendrez sans doute de nouvelles choses au sujet des calques de fusions dans Photoshop, un outil super puissant et tout fait indiqu pour ce type de rendu."
Price: 109.99 |
"The Ultimate Tkinter Course: GUI for Python projects" |
"TOP RATED, WORLD CLASS TKINTER FUNDAMENTALS COURSE - GUI for PythonMaster practical Tkinter concepts and fundamentals using pythonMy course provides exactly what the title describes in a simple, practical andrelatable way. I help you to grasp the fundamentals of Tkinter with live coding, practical examples, projects and quizzes, moving step by step through beginner and intointermediate concepts - getting you to the point where you are able to confidently create your own GUIs,to apply the foundations of python into real life projects that users can fullyinteract with.Why you need this courseComing to grips with Tkinter isn't easy without the right resources. On your learning to create your first GUIcan be quite confusing, difficult and frustrating. I've been through the process myself, and with a significant investment of time, energy and learning from my mistakes I havebecome a proficient Tkinter developer.I want to share all I've learnedwith my fellow Tkinter aspirers. My inspiration comes from believing that, if taught effectively in a carefully planned and considered way, the vast majority of people will be able to master this important tool ofpython..that's why I've created this course.What you will get out of this courseI will give you straightforward examples,instructions, advice, insights and resources for you to take simple steps to start coding your own programs, solving problems that inspire you and instilling the 'developer's mindset' of problem solving into you.I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need at a pace that works for youand then help you stroll through to the finish line. Studies have shown that to learn effectively from online courses tutorials should last around ten minutes each. Therefore to maximise your learning experienceall of the lectures in this course have been created around this amount of time or less.My course integrates all of the aspects required to get you on the roadbecoming a successful Tkinter developer. I teach and I preach, with live, practical exercises and walkthroughsat the end of each section.Why this price?As a professional AI developer Ihave over five years in Senior positions in software development and technology entrepreneurship, with extensive experience in tutoring and creating online courses, catering to thousands of students. I've been trained at Cambridge University and the prestigious Pi School of Artificial Intelligence in Rome. Face to face I charge a minimum of$50 per hour for a student. To complete the curriculum that Iofferit would cost them over$3000+To reach more people than I could face to face I decided to create this course. As I add more content I intend to raise the price but for now I've decided on this price- the cost of less thanthree lessons.By paying a small cost for this course I believe you will get your value back, with a lot more by the time you have completed it.Ask yourself - how much is mastering Tkinterworth to you?How long will it take?Although everyone is different, on average it has taken existing students between 4 - 6 weeks to complete the course, whilst developing their skills and knowledge along the way. It's best not to speed through the content, and instead go through a handful of lectures, try out the concepts by coding, yourself, and move on once you feel you've grasped the basics of those lectures.Who this is not forThis course is not for anyone looking for a one-click fix. Although I provide you with a path walked enough times that it can be a smooth journey it still requires time and effort from you to make it happen. If you're not interested in putting in your energy to truly better yours skills in python GUIthen this may not be the right course for you.Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?Absolutely. I am confident that my course will bring you more value than you spend on the course. As one of thetop featured Udemy Instructors my motto is 'your success is my success'. If within the first 30 days you feel my course is not going to help you to achieve your goals in python GUIprogrammingthen you get ano questions asked, full discount.What materials are included?The majority of my lectures I have chosen to be as videoso that you can hear meand see my workingswhen we're going through each and every area of the course.I will be constantly adding more content and resources to the course as time goes by. Keep checking back here if you're not sure right now and feel free to send me a message with any questions or requests you may have.So go ahead and click the 'Enroll' button when you feel readyonyour screen.I look forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Adobe illustrator Full Practical course Video Training" |
"The worlds leading vector illustration software, Adobe Illustrator is unmatchable program to accomplish versatile design tasks. Staple image creation software for professional designers, this program allows users to access multiple artboards, live paint and trace, logos and graphics for print and the web. This Adobe Illustrator training course will make you build a strong foundation, exploring selection tools, photo-tracing, modifying paths and shapes, transformations, and type tools.The course is perfectly designed for those who are seeking career success in digital marketing, graphic designing, web designing and artworks. The tutorials, impressive demonstrations and illustrations will help to you to have a deep and thorough insight in the features of the software suite and master you to paint and design your own imagination on the canvass of illustrator. You will no longer be dependent on copying the images and contents of the other graphics in creating your own masterpieces. Our excellent demonstrators desire to exceptionally train each course participant and believe in an outstanding distant learning approach. Therefore, all the participants are advised to have good command on basic computer, file management and keyboard skills. Prior knowledge of illustrator is not necessary but will be welcomed. The adobe illustrator training tutorials teach all the core concepts and techniques that can be applied to any workflow. The course is perfect for artists, graphic designers, aspiring field artists and beginners to embark on the Adobe illustrator creativity. This practical hands-on training course for users of all levels will demonstrate all the aspects to create their own stunning graphic designs, pictures and icons. Existing illustrator users and beginners can up-skill to a career in the contemporary and competitive fields of digital marketing, social media and production designing, videos and animations, and web designing. Adobe Illustrator training will equip students with all creative industry terminologies and a comprehensive understanding of vector graphics. At the end of the course, students will have a complete grip on designing and creating illustrator artworks from scratch. This training course will make students to stand out in competitive market of creating info-graphic elements, icons, and logos and will provide ample opportunities to work with images, layout pages for poster, fliers and ads. Students will also have a complete command on creating charts and graphs and indesign linking. The complete hand-on-illustrator training will empower the students to point of sale signage, and the understanding of maps and plans. The course topics include the complete introduction of the illustrator, the workspace, and panels and palettes. Curriculum topics comprising the complete understanding of file formats, resolution, color modes, navigating the documents, zooming and panning, and pasteboard also help the students to get foundation on the program. Students are also shown how to get around the basic drawing objects, grouping and isolation modes, use of pathfinder and shape making. Fundamentals of all basic tools, introduction to layers, stacking order, the pen tools, adding, editing, deleting, basic curves, and drawing from the scratch are also demonstrated during the course by the top-notch instructors. Many additional tools consisting of vector graphics, simple effects, cutting tools, gradients and blends, and introduction of text are also discussed during this practical teaching course. Our best experts in the subject area use creative and intrusting demonstration techniques for the students to master them in all the fundamentals and provide complete hands-on illustration training with the creation of a full-length illustrator artwork. Not only this, the illustrator training also includes tutorials to saving the files and artworks, color swatches and libraries, incorporation of the advanced text and an overview of the use of every tool. After mastering all the fundamentals of the illustrator, students are made familiar with advanced options in illustrator interface and are given step-by-step training. The progressive introduction to illustrator workspace will lead to the use of art boards, editing, adding, and deleting the graphics, saving the vector graphics in PDF format and export of this to other formats. Next the students get hands on how to work with versatile images, linking and embedding features of the software, clipping masks, forming the page layouts, rulers and guides on the import of texts, working in columns, linking of text frames, and text wrapping. Once the students are equipped with all the essentials of illustrator, they are trained in image tracing and the use of symbols. Following these powerful editing tools, they are also taught the making of icons and judging the stocks and info-graphics in a very interesting way. Following the recap hands-on exercises for the students to refresh all the tools, they are mastered in graphs and charts, conversion of linked files to in-design, and creating maps and plans for future practices. All these tutorials end up with amazing brain-storming exercises and equip the students with self-sufficient knowledge of the illustrator."
Price: 24.99 |
"Como Fotografar Bebs com Iphone" |
"O que uma vez precisou de ser uma cmera profissional de 3.000 agora pode ser alcanado com a cmera do seu telefone ... e a melhor coisa sobre essa cmera que ela est sempre consigo! MAS ... a realidade para a maioria das pessoas que elasno esto aobteros melhores resultados com o telefone, principalmente porque lhesesto a faltaralgumas dicas e truques importantes. Esse o objetivo destecurso!Ento -quer tirarmelhoresfotos com seu telefone? Estecurso para si. Quer tenha o novo iPhoneou outro telemvel com cmara, estecursoir desbloquear o seu potencial para criar fotografias fantsticas. Em concreto, estecursoaborda:Usodaluz natural para capturar retratos dentro de casaPosies simples e serenaspara crianasTcnicas para capturar em contra luzTruques simples para suavizar o contraste das suas imagensVai utilizarapenas os adereosque tem em suacasaCaptar imagens usandoo ambiente de casaFazercom que assuas fotos fiquem timas com dicas simples de ps-produo, filtros e ferramentas do iPhone... e materiais bnusE quem melhor para ensinar estecursodo que Jos Cruz. Jos amplamente reconhecido como um dos fotgrafos mais influentes da ltima dcada e h muito tempo pioneiro na fotografia de bebs recm-nascidos, onde criou o seu projeto de formao WakeUp Fotografia de Recm-Nascidos. Atravs doseu estilo realista, o Josoferece a quantidade certa de instrues para ajud-lo a capturar retratos incrveis, fotos em casa, edio das imagens e a APP que utiliza para criar um design profissional com as suas imagens. Estecursopassa por vrios cenrios da vida real que, em ltima instncia, faro com que qualquer pessoa com um telemvel tire fotos que estejam fantsticas para partilhar."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Psychology Of The Ultimate Entrepreneur" |
"If you have a startup but things arent going so well, chances are you have a mindset problem. According to Business Insider over 50% of businesses fail by the 5thyear they are in business and over 70% fail by the 10thyear. The reasons for failures can be grouped in two.First, what I call external reasons, cash flow problems, competition, no market need for the product, etc. And the second group is what I call internal reasons these are the mindsets, believes and understandings of the entrepreneurs running the startup. This program focuses on the second group of reasons as they are more important and harder to master. Its not by chance, Tony Robbins said: Success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. because come to think of it, if you are not in the right mindset, it doesnt matter how good of a strategy you have, because your execution will be poor. Psychology can work for you or against you. The main purpose of this program is to provide you with the right mindsets and help you install the psychology of the winner within you! How am I going to do that? You are asking. Well, Ive spent the last several months studying and researching the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet. Out of hundreds of entrepreneurs, I picked 17 brilliant people to present and analyze their opinion on the most important mindsets an entrepreneur should possess. In addition to that, I share personal stories from my businesses and more importantly what are the mindsets that have been working for me throughout my entrepreneurial journey. WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR?I designed this program for current and would-be entrepreneurs who want to build profitable businesses that will last by adapting the proven-to-be-successful mindsets and philosophies. This program is about a mental shift.Its about the psychology of the stellar entrepreneur. Well be discussing topics such asFearPassionMoneyValueTimeActionLearningOpportunitiesOn the other hand, we wont be discussing topics such as venture capital, pitching, angel investors and so on. Again, the focus will be on the psychology not the strategy. WHO IS THE INSTRUCTOR?My name is Vladimir Raykov and Im a direct response marketer. And basically what I do is I help people sell their products. I teach around 50000 students from 172 countries improve their marketing and business processes but the number of students is growing fast. In my life as an entrepreneur Ive managed to build a successful information product business but on the other hand, I have a few unsuccessful startups.And well have a chance to talk about that throughout the program as I analyze myself and the mistakes I made. This I believe will be quite valuable to you as it will prevent you from doing the same mistakes that cost me tens of thousands of dollars. Yes, this is what happened when I ignored a critically important principle you will learn about in this program. Ive been studying management of innovation and business development in one of the best business schools in Europe Copenhagen Business School. Im also the author of How To Build Your Successful Online Teaching Business (Online Entrepreneurship Book 1) And if you believe as an entrepreneur, you need to constantly look for ways to elevate your skills, mindsets and philosophies to the next level, then I invite you to join this program. SOLID GUARANTEEGo take this course and if for some reason you dont like it, you have30 days, unconditional money-back guarantee. No questions asked, No hassle. No hard feelings.Click the Buy Now button right now!Im waiting for you inside the course! Weve got a lot to cover.There isno riskwhatsoever.So, lets get started!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Dog Training - Stop fear of Fireworks + Loud sounds" |
"Welcome to Brave pet academy, we are online therapy program designed to help your pet over come their fears of loud sounds, such as fireworks, thunder storms, hovers, city traffic and many more. Our program is designed to educate you on how to help your pet over come there phobias. You will learn how to identify and desensitise you pet to these sounds by using our specially designed audio therapy program. Don't worry you don't need to be an expert! We will teach you everything you need to know using our short video and optional additional reading. At the end of each section you will have a quick quiz to ensure you have learned everything you need to know. After completing learning program you will be able to select a number of audio resources to start your pet's therapy. So what you waiting for sign your pet up today at Brave pet academy."
Price: 74.99 |