"DJI Mavic Drone Time to Create Stunning Travel Videos" |
"In the DJIMavic Drone course you're going to learn to make amazing aerial videos especially Travel Videos from around the world with your drone. The DJI Mavic Videographer course is taught by Canadian Travel Videographer Greg Hung, an experienced drone photographer and teacher who has spent more than 5 years shooting epic aerial footage in Asia. Greg has flown since the Phantom 1, and released the Phantom 3 aerial photography course and flown around the world. Since I've been living abroad and traveling with a drone for 4 years you can expect travel gems throughout the course.This course is designed for first time drone pilots as well as existing Phantom Pilots making the transition to DJI Mavic drone series. In addition to the basics aspiring travel videographers will learn about destinationsthey can travel to and fly their MavicThe Basics: How to fly, operate the camera, create amazing video and photos, a deep dive into the app and intelligent modesAdvanced tips for getting great footage: Night Videography, Finding great destinations to fly, Cinematic footage,I will also share my workflow for Creating a Video with my drone footage and for Aerial photosIntro to the Stock footage Business Mode to earn a nice passive income using your Aerial footage Tips on Traveling and filming with the drone around the world"
Price: 39.99 |
"360 Videos: The Complete Guide to Creating 360 Video" |
"This course features 2 great instructors that will introduce you to the world of 360 Video using leading consumer 360 camera's. This course will get you started creating 360 Videos, time-lapses, and photos with popular 360 consumer camera's on the market like the Gopro Fusion, Samsung Gear 360, and the 360 Fly 4k. Lead American Instructor Al Caudullo will introduce us to the world of 360 Video with his 25 years of experience in the industry using the Gopro Fusion 360 Camera.Travel Videographer Greg will teach you how to sift through the complexity so you can start sharing 360 videos on social media with your friends using the Samsung gear 360 camera and 360 fly 4k.We will cover full workflow from in the field to processing your footage to publishing your first 360 Video.As a bonus you will also get an introduction to how you can apply your new skills and begin monetizing on your 360 Video footage using the Stock Footage business model"
Price: 149.99 |
"Post MBA - Learn how to get the most out your MBA program" |
"An MBA program takes is expensive, time consuming and hard work. If you're considering an MBA program this class will walk you through the experience of the entire program. I completed the Technology Management program at SFU Beedie School of Business, a well recognized school in Vancouver Canada. I've condensed some of the most important lessons from academics, extra-curricular events, to what I did after the program"
Price: 74.99 |
"Selling Into Retail Stores - a proven process for success" |
"Very few retail sales professionals receive structured sales training to help themsell into retail. They'reoften trained in generalsales techniques:how to overcome objectionsand how toclose. But very few are trained in thedisciplined, productive and logical steps necessaryto maximise sales of their productsinto and out of retail.This course carefully and simply takes both new and seasonedsales professionals through these proven steps for successful sales to retailers. Three areas are covered: the steps to a classic sales and buying call - a call where you are talking to a retail buyer; the steps to a corporate retail store call - a call where the store is not in a position to buy directly from you but where you can influence the retailer to sell-through more ofyour products; the final area covered is a call that gives you structure around how to overcome the5 key objections retailersraise when buying products from you.Following thesestepswillgivethe tools toconfidently and calmly improve your retail sales and boost your relationships with the retailers you deal with. It will also give you a structure and toolsto help youbuild your reputation as a trusted advisor and shopper marketing expert in the eyes of your retail customers."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso Bsico de Maquillaje Para el Da" |
"Hola! Bienvenidos a Pleisi. Aqu podrs aprender cursos de pastelera, belleza, costura y tejidos, todo desde la comodidad de tu casa, y con disponibilidad las 24 horas del da.En ste ""Curso Bsico de Maquillaje"" podrs aprender a realizar looks bsicos de maquillaje cotidiano para el da. Aqu podrs aprender las tcnicas bsicas de maquillaje, podrs aprender a diferenciar los tipos de rostro para diferentes tipos de maquillaje, y los trucos necesarios para realzar tu belleza.Adems, te ensearemos la tcnica de combinacin de colores, para que puedas aprender a combinar tonalidades y diferentes tipos de maquillaje.De manera adicional, podrs aprender con nosotros, tcnicas bsicas para la utilizacin de las brochas, pinceles, pinzas y los instrumentos mnimos necesarios para realizar el mejor maquillaje para tu rostro.Finalmente, te ensaamos las mejores tcnicas de limpieza del rostro antes y despus de la aplicacin del maquillaje.Bienvenidos a Pleisi! y esperamos que con ste curso, podamos ayudarte a desarrollar tus mejores capacidades para la utilizacin, aplicacin y limpieza del maquillaje.Palabras clave: Maquillaje, da, tcnicas, belleza, cosmticos."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Patchwork Avanzado Nivel 1" |
"Hola!, Bienvenidos a Pleisi. La Academia de Manualidades.Te presentamos nuestro curso de "" Patchwork Bsico"" donde podrsaprender las tcnicas bsicas para emprender proyectos bajo la tcnica del patchwork. Aprenders tcnicas esenciales como la seleccin de telas, el manejo de materiales y los tips necesarios para hacer costura. Adems aprenders: 1. Manejo de Figuras, 2. Cortes de figuras. 3. Realizacin de efectos visuales con las telas, y mucho ms.Adems, aprenders estampados bsicos como: La Escalera de Jacobo, Apliques de Botones y Rosas, Apliques con Mariposas, y muchos ms.De manera adicional, te vamos a ensear a manejar la tcnica de ""Papel Adhesivo"", y ""Papel Transfer"".As que comienza ya con ste innovador curso que te promete convertirte en una profesional del mundo de Patchwork. y sus tcnicas bsicas.Adems aprenders: Corte bsico de telas. manejo y transferencia de figuras, corte y manejo de estampados bsicos y mucho ms.Nuestro curso maneja gran diversidad de proyectos los cuales podrs unidor en proyectos como ""Cubrecamas"", ""Juegos de Cortinas"" , ""Juego de Cocina"" , ""Manteles"" y muchas piezas adicionales.Palabras Clave:Patchwork, Tcnicas Bsicas, Cortes en Patchwork, Telas en Patchwork."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Patchwork Avanzado Nivel 2" |
"En ste curso aprenders diversas tcnicas intermedias en Patchwork, que te permitirn realizar proyectos como: Individuales de mesa, colchas infantiles, elementos decorativos y muchas sorpresas ms.Sorprende con la gran cantidad de tcnicas que puedes desarrollar o mejorar en poco tiempo, ejecutando stos maravillosos e inigualables proyectos.Al final del curso podrs crear diversos proyectos en patchwork, y a disear los tuyos propios, tomando en cuenta tu excelente gusto y grandes habilidades."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tcnica del Patchwork: Bolso con Estilo" |
"En ste curso aprenders a realizar dos diseos exclusivos de bolsos bajo la tcnica del patchwork. Aprenders las tcnicas del corte, moldeado, unin, costura, planchado y final composicin para poder dar forma a stos dos hermosos bolsos. Adems te enseamos las mejores tcnicas para dar forma y disear tu bolso de acuerdo a tu estilo y gusto.Podrs avanzar de acuerdo a tu gusto y tiempo, y podrs pausar y avanzar las veces que consideres necesario.No tienes que tener conocimientos previos, te enseamos paso a paso para que puedas realizar los proyectos como toda una profesional"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Navidad: Cubre-sillas Navideos." |
"Hola!, bienvenidos a Pleisi. Aqu aprenders cursos de pastelera, costura y manualidades en general.A travs de ste curso nos vamos a concentrar en 6 hermosos proyectos en ""Pao LencyNavideo"", para que puedas hacer de tu ""Mesa Navidea"" un lugar especial y hermoso, hecho con tus propias manos.En ste curso vamos a aprender a realizar figuras en pao lency, que son conmemorativos del tiempo de ""Navidad""Los usuarios aprendern a realizar 6 hermosos cubre-sillas navideos, con figuras que le permitirn desarrollar tcnicas de costura en pao lency, y a desarrollar diversas tcnicas de decoracin navidea .Les permitir aprender a desarrollar grficas de decoracin en Pao Lency en figuras como:*Oso Navideo.*Mueco de Nieve.*Duende Navideo.*Pap Noel.*Mam Noel.*Reno Navideo.Luego del curso, tendrs la capacidad de poder desarrollar figuras en costura con motivos navideos, manejando la tcnica del Pao Lency, as como generar decoracin conmemorativa y prctica para tu mesa navidea.Bienvenidos a Pleisi, La Academia de los Manualistas!."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cupcakes Temticos: Hamburguesas" |
"Hola! Bienvenidos a Pleisi.Aqu podrs acceder a cursos de pastelera, belleza, costura y decoracin donde podrs aprender a tu propio ritmo, con disponibilidad las 24 horas del da y desde la comodidad de tu casa.En ste curso aprenders a preparar brownies con la mejor contextura y sabor a chocolate. Adems aprenders a preparar cupcakes con ajonjol para hacerlos parte del cupcake temticos de hamburguesas.Tambin vas a aprender tcnicas bsicas de pastillaje, para crear elementos decorativos impresionantes. Entre los elementos decorativos que aprenders en fondant est: la textura para queso y los elementos corrugados como la lechuga para ste espectacular proyecto.Como bono adicional, te enseamos a preparar la famosa jalea real, la cual sirve en cualquier elemento decorativo para simular salsas, y hacer elementos decorativos varios.Ven ya a Pleisi! y convirtete en una pastelera profesional ejecutando nuestros cursos.Palabras Clave: Cupcakes temticos, Hamburguesa, Pastelera."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Pintura: Paisaje Rpido" |
"Hola! Bienvenidos a PleisiEn ste curso vamos a aprender tcnicas de pintura al oleo, haciendo un enfoque hacia la tcnica de pintura de paisajes.Tambin hacemos nfasis en la profundizacin de la teora del color.Luego de completar ste curso, tendrs la habilidad para poder ejecutar hermosos paisajes, ya que te ensearemos a pintar objetos de la naturaleza, as como a pintar efectos de la luz del sol en el horizonte, y muchos otros detalles.Tambin tendrs la habilidad de dar un efecto natural y real a elementos de la naturaleza, como rboles, hojas y flores.No esperes ms y ven a Pleisi, y culmina con xito ste curso de pintura, y s una profesional de la pintura, desarrollando proyectos que puedas vender, exhibir o regalar.Palabras clave: Curso, pintura, paisajismo, paisaje, oleo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Web Application Hack for Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to find vulnerabilities in a website in a real life situation. I kept this course as minimal as possible so you will not be bored by unimportant details. I tried to demonstrate attack types on real life example as much as possible and I will add more demonstration regularly. This type of learning make you ready for web application hacking/finding vulnerabilities in a short period of time."
Price: 39.99 |
"Clip Studio Paint Pro/Ex (Manga Studio 5)" |
"In this course you will learn drawing and painting using Clip Studio Paint Pro or Ex (formerly Manga Studio 5), the most powerful illustration, manga and comic book software available today. Using my simplified techniques, you will learn to draw and paint like you never thought possible. All the way from sketching a basic concept through production and distribution of your finished work, this course will teach you everything you need to know to realize your full artistic potential.Master Clip Studio Paint, drawing and painting techniques and the digital illustration workflow simply and easily and all in a single course:o Learn to draw quick and sloppy sketches using a tablet and styluso Use 3D pose-able reference models to draw scenes containing human figureso Ink your drawing flawlessly using modifiable direct draw vector lineso Color flat your illustration with the simple click of a mouseo Add color to increase the realism of your illustrationo Shade and Highlight your artwork to add form and dimension while staying with the lineso Create simple gradient backgroundso Draw complex 3D architecture using perspective rulerso Letter, bubble and tail your work with easeo Produce and distribute your work for free or for sale on Amazono Learn how to format and publish comic booksGain experience with Clip Studio Paint's most useful features while learning the fundamental drawing and painting techniques most critical for beginner success.This course manages to remain all inclusive while focusing on the software features and drawing techniques you need to know to become a superior digital artist. It is intended to teach those new to digital art everything they need to know to produce stunning results within hours.At the same time, this course is easy to digest and provides a structured learning experience to insure speedy results. Section workshops and projects are provided to demonstrate each technique taught and offer you an opportunity to perform each technique yourself to demonstrate your proficiency with the subject.I designed this digital art course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. That said, after completing the course you will be fully proficient with Clip Studio Paint and digital art and fully conversant in digital art tools and techniques.All this sounds expensive, doesn't it? But it's not. Clip Studio Paint can be had for a free 30-day trial ($29 on sale) and an inexpensive drawing tablet is optional. This course supplies the knowledge at a reasonable price.In this course students will learn the fundamentals of digital art using Clip Studio Paint. Short cuts and simplified techniques are used to streamline the illustration workflow while retaining the quality of your work.After taking this course you will be a better artist.So, enroll now to get started. Remember that Udemy provides a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee that makes your decision a no-brainer.I hope to see you in the classroom soon,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Google/Amazon/YouTube/Unofficial Udemy Long Tail Keyword SEO" |
"In this course you'll learn to perform on page SEOby including the keywords you'd like to rank for in a search in the description content of your Internet product. You'll learn to choose long tail keywords in preference to highly competitive keywords and where to place those keywords to optimize your search completion results.Rather than just teaching you how to rank in Google search results, this course will also show you how to rank in Amazon, Youtube and Udemy search results using the same techniques.What specifically will you be learning?1)Use search completion strings to gather long tail keywords for on page SEO.2)For Google searches, expand your keyword list using the Adwords Keyword Tool.3) Evaluate the competition for your keywords using a manual process or SEOQuake or KDSpy as appropriate.4)Use the same technique to select 2 Amazon categories for your book.5)Apply your keywords using on page SEOaugmented with Yoast SEOin the cast of Wordpress posts or pages.The course will conclude with a brief description of off page SEO, or backlink building, but otherwise, that's it!If you don't have on page SEOusing long tail keywords nailed then its time to do so.Please join me in discovering this exciting topic.See you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner ProShow Gold/Producer Slideshows: ProShow Slideshow" |
"Do you possess images that evoke memories you'd like to retain... maybe even immortalize?Family? Friends? Vacations? Marriages? Births? Even deaths?What about photo albums? Event announcements? Or corporate advertisements?ProShow is the bestWindows based software tool for producing professional quality image and video slideshows.For fun or for profit, in this one hour training course I will...First, I'll demonstrate how to create a wedding video slideshow in just 6 minutes using ProShow themes to handle all the details.Then, after showing you the finished wedding slideshow, I'll explain in detail just how I managed to create that slideshow in just 6 minutes using only 4 steps:I. Select Your Slideshow Theme Using the WizardII. Organize and Select Your ArtIII. Select and Time Your MusicIV. Produce Your Finished Slideshow VideoIn the first course project, you'll be guided through the process of creating your own ProShow theme based slideshow in just 6 minutes.Additional video instruction explains how to upload your slideshow video to Youtube and share it in the Q&A section of this course (or Facebook).Then we dig a little deeper:I. Free Images and File OrganizationII. Add Images to the Slide ListIII. Apply a Style to Each SlideIV. Add Slide CaptionsV. Configure Transitions and TimingVI. Add Music and Adjust Total TimingVII. Produce Your Finished Sideshow VideoFollowed by a second, more detailed course project.1.5 hours2 Sections2 Projects.And you're outta here! Honestly, that's all Iask of you.By the end of this course you'll be a (relative) ProShow expert but stillwanting more...I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Amazon Self-publishing: Self-publish a Kindle/Paperback Book" |
"Have you written a fantasticmanuscript but now you're unsure what to do with it?Please allow me to make a suggestion...This is a course that advocates self-publishing over traditional publishing. At the same time it takes a potentiallycontroversial stand by suggestingthat you should be publishing exclusively with Amazon companies.This class also serves as an introduction and guide to publishing on Amazon KDP.But before getting all tangledup with a whole course, the first four lecturesin this coursecover short but important topics that need to be nailed down before we can proceed:Why You Should Self-publish Your BookWhy You Should Self-publish on AmazonWhy You Should Enter the Kindle Select ProgramWhy You Should Publish a CreateSpace POD PaperbackWhy You Should Watch the Rest of the Amazon Self-publishing SeriesThe next section inthe course is wherethe rubber hits the road...In the second section you'll learn how to format your manuscript using Microsoft Word for publication on Amazon Kindle. This is the first of a pair of sectionsto dealing with publishing on Amazon Kindle, the second being how to actually publish your book through the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) web based interface.I'd recommend that you pause the course after each lesson in order to perform the task just described using your own manuscript. By the time you finish the class you'll have a formatted manuscript.In the third section you become a published author...In the fourth and final section, you'll learn how to price your book at the sweet spot to be sold and to name your book using keywords so that it can be found. These two steps are probably the most crucial in marketing your Kindle book.The two topics addressed in the final sectionare:Price Your Book to SellName Your Book to Be FoundBe sure to watch the entire course if you're interested in self-publishing.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Camtasia Screencasting: Camtasia Studio 8 w/PowerPoint 2016" |
"Would you like to become a Udemyinstructor?In the initial sectionfor budding instructors, you'll learn to record a screencast, a presentation and awebcam using the Camtasia Studio 8 Recorder.In this section we'll cover the following topics:How Camtasia Studio 8 WorksRecord a ScreencastRecord a PowerPoint PresentationRecord a WebcamHow I Record LessonsIn subsequent sections you'll learn to edit your videos using the Camtasia Studio 8 video editor and upload your videos to Udemy.Record a Screencast and/or WebcamVideo Editor Basics & ProductionSimple PowerPoint PresentationCreate a Udemy CourseCreate a Udemy Course Promotional VideoI'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner Moho Pro/Anime Studio: 2D Illustration-Animation" |
"Have you triedto learn Moho but gottenstuck? Well, you're not the onlyone -- I've been where you are now.Maybe youtriedpiecingtogether YouTube videos but couldn't findwhere to begin or theorder in whichto watch themMaybe youtried other online video courses but found they wereoutdated (no longer matched your version of the software), were too specific orwaytoo advancedMaybe you tried an introductory course which was nicebut it was too shortI created this course to specifically address these issues. They arewhat I viewed as a gaping holein the previously available body of Moho knowledge; namely, a decent introduction.This course provides a detailed, easy to follow introduction to the latest version ofMoho Debut and Pro, version 12(notAnime Studio 11, 10, 9...). This introduction is 8 hours in length (not onehour) because itaddressesall the phases of 2D developmentusing Moho (not justone phase) including:IllustrationRiggingAnimationIt even includes a lengthy section on lip syncing a character manually and using a semi-automated process based on the freePapagayo product from Smith Micro.Though this course is for beginners it delves into advanced topics such as:Smart BonesReference LayersTarget BonesAfter completing this course, you'll know Moho very well. You'll certainly be able to tackle more advanced YouTube lectures to honeyour skills to perfection.Don't forget the Udemy 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee. If you're not happy with this course, justreturn it. That makes yourdecision to enroll a no-brainer, doesn't it?Click on the Enroll button in the upper right to begin learning the most powerful 2D illustration and animation software in the world: Moho Debut/Pro.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Moho Pro/Anime Studio 2D Illustration-Animation" |
"I designed a challenge for myself: createan introduction to Moho that would teach illustration, rigging and animation allin under 3 hours. During the course, create a human character and provide an animation demonstration. Welcome to myintroduction toMoho Debut/Pro 12 (formerly Anime Studio). Moho is a 2D vector illustration, rigging and animation package all in one. You can use it to create easy to professional 2D animation (e.g. cartoons and promos).To meet my challenge Ihad to:Address only the most fundamental and important topicsBe extremely organized in my presentationKeep moving!The core topics addressed include:Build Solid BoneStructureUnderstandingPose, Proportion, Perspective, Joints and ConstraintsDesigning an Optimal Skeletal Structure for YourCharacterIllustrationConstructing Perfect Knee and Elbow JointsDrawing Your Character TorsoTracing Your Character Head and FaceCartoon Eyes Option Using Layer MasksRiggingBinding Bones to YourCharacterSwitch Layers and Smart Bone DialsAnimationWalk CycleLip SyncingCamera and Background AnimationThis course is the first in a series of Moho courses that includes:Introduction toMoho Pro Illustration, Rigging and AnimationBeginner Moho Pro Illustration, Rigging and AnimationDon't forget the Udemy 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee. If you're not happy with this course, just return it. That makes your decision to enroll a no-brainer, doesn't it?Click on the Enroll button in the upper right to begin learning the most powerful 2D illustration and animation software in the world: Moho.I'll see you in the classroom,---Brian"
Price: 19.99 |
"Beginner's Guide To Infographic Design Using Canva" |
"Welcome to the Infographic Design course, where I will teach you tocreate infographics using Canva, afree online tool,so that you can get your message out there in a bigger way and make more of an impact.This course was designed to be the fastest and easiest video training course for beginner's to learn how to create a professional-looking infographic in under one hour.The video training provided in this course is the result of our hands-on experiencedeveloping infographics professionally for our customers.After years of creating 1000's of infographics, we've created, documented, and recorded a uniquetime-testedprocess that is repeatable by anyone possessing basic computer and Internet search skills. Each lesson takes you through the details and inner workings of the infographic design method that we'vedeveloped and use every day in our business.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Check if you can answer ""Yes"" to any of these questions:Are you a beginner andcurious about creating Infographics?Would you like to see some tips, tricks,and secrets we have about Infographic Design?Want to be able to create your own Infographics in less than 15mins using free tools?Can you follow simple step-by-step directions?If you can answer ""Yes"" to any of those questions, then this course might bejust the thing for you and your future. So if you're a person that wants to create a beautiful infographic, then this is the place to start. It's okay if you don't have a creative flair, because we'll share some secrets that anyone can use for creating magical infographics.WHAT WILL YOU LEARNAfter completing this course, you'll possess the knowledge and skill set toduplicate exactly what we do for our clients, andyou'll be able to create amazing Infographics in under 15 minutes!MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEWe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course. If you're not happy with it, you can return it for a full refund. You can't lose!HURRY AND GET STARTED NOW!Enroll in this course and get immediate lifetimeaccess to this course and begin changing your life today."
Price: 29.99 |
"Beginner's Guide To Product Sourcing For Online Arbitrage" |
"Join A Community OfOVER 1,500Students WorldwideThat Are Enrolled In This Course !This course was designed to be the fastest and easiest video training course for beginner's to learn more about the Simple Online Arbitrage method we developedwhile using Craigslist forproduct sourcing. Because the profit of an itemis made during the acquisition, this course is focused on thebuying activity.This course is all about finding profitable items.Itdoes notprovide guidance on flipping the product through of the various online outlets such as eBay or Amazon FBA.The video training provided in this course is the result of our research into developing asimple method of online arbitrage. After years of testing and fine-tuning, we've created, documented, and recorded a patentable uniqueprocess that is repeatable by anyone possessing basic computer and Internet search skills. Each lesson takes you through the details and inner workings of the Simple Arbitrage method that I developed over time.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?Check if you can answer ""Yes"" to any of these questions:Are you a beginner andcurious about Online Arbitrage?Want to know someinsider details about Online Arbitrage and how you can get started?Would you like to see the tips, tricks, hints, and secrets we have about Online Arbitrage?Can you follow simple step-by-step directions?If you can answer ""Yes"" to any of those questions, then this course might just be the thing for you and your future.WHAT WILL YOU LEARNAfter completing this course, you'll possess the knowledge and skill set toduplicate exactly what we've done for ourselves to build a business based upon theonline arbitrage techniques we teach.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEWe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course. If you're not happy with it, you can return it for a full refund. You can't lose!HURRY AND GET STARTED NOW!Enroll in this course and get immediate lifetimeaccess to this course and begin changing your life today."
Price: 29.99 |
"Blockchain Technology 101 - Beginner's Guide" |
"Welcome to the beginner'scourse, to Blockchain Technology,where I will teach you the fundamentals in less than one hour. This course was designed to be the fastest and easiest video training course for beginner's to learn:What Is A Block And ABlockchain?How Is A Block Built AndHow Does A Blockchain Work?What Is Asymmetric Cryptography And Why Does It Matter For A Blockchain?How IsDecentralized Data Implemented And Why Do I Care?What Is The ""Magical"" Mathematical Fingerprint? How Is It Used In ABlockchain?Why Is A Blockchain Considered Highly Secured?This course reveals the answers to these questions and a lotmore.The video training provided in this course is the result of our hands-on experiencedeveloping infographics professionally for our customers.After years of creating 1000's of infographics, we've created, documented, and recorded a uniquetime-testedprocess that is repeatable by anyone possessing basic computer and Internet search skills. Each lesson takes you through the details and inner workings of the infographic design method that we'vedeveloped and use every day in our business.DOES ONE OF THESE MATCH YOUR SITUATION?Check if any of the following describe you:You don't know anything aboutblockchain technology, but you wantto learn the essentials quickly and easilyYou're in a hurry to learn the basic fundamentals ofa blockchain andhow it worksCan you watch animated videos andfollow simple step-by-step explanations?If you can answer ""Yes"" to any of those questions, then this course might bejust the thing for you and your future. So if you're a person that wants to create a beautiful infographic, then this is the place to start. It's okay if you don't have a creative flair, because we'll share some secrets that anyone can use for creating magical infographics.WHAT WILL YOU LEARNAfter completing this course, you'll possess the basic knowledge and rudimentary understanding of Blockchain Technology so that you can begin your journey into the next disruptive technology since the Internet.MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEWe offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for this course. If you're not happy with it, you can return it for a full refund. You can't lose!HURRY AND GET STARTED NOW!Enroll in this course and get immediate lifetimeaccess to this course and begin changing your life today."
Price: 29.99 |
"Content Marketing for Brands, Businesses and Blogs" |
"On the age of information, content is king. But the problem is... everyone want to be the king... every marketeris fighting for attention.So, how do you differentiate yourself from others and actually get your content seen?Content marketing is indeed the most effective way toreach more people.Every step of the purchasing journey, from visitor to raving fan, content is there to supply every content need.On this short course you'll learn all the content marketing fundamentals, from how to set your content's goal to actually how to create content that spreads itself.On this course we cover:Elements of great contentContent marketing strategyBrand awarenessThought leadershipCustomer AcquisitionCustomer retentionEngagementSocial sharesThough theoretical knowledge and practical examples, you'll see what industry leaders are doing withtheir content marketing strategies and you'll learn how to apply them yourself regardless of the niche you're in.This course is suitable for every type of marketer.Whether you have your own product, are an affiliate marketer or own your own start-up, you'll be able to nurture yourself with the lectures presented on this course.Take this course if you want totake your content marketing to the next level,effectively communicateyourmessage and squeeze even the last drop out of your content."
Price: 119.99 |
"Landing Page Optimization & Design for Digital Marketing" |
"Did you know the human attention span is shorter than a goldfishs? Goldfish = 9 seconds Humans= 7 seconds Your landing pages has a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. With attention span shorter than a goldfish, its a must that you capture your visitors interest in the first few seconds.On this course we'll break down hundreds of the top performing landing pages online right now and see what they are doing (or failing to do).With over100+ Real Landing Pages Analyzed,we will see the strategies and design elements they use to retain people's attention, inspire action and boost conversions.You'll also learn how to optimize your landing page designs for maximum conversions by increasing the effectiveness of individual elements like:HeadlinesCall-to-actionsBackgroundsImagesand more!Every landing page needs to have a clear and focused goal as well. By having a particular action in mind, like a button or an email form, you will be able to guide your visitors into taking a specific action, whether it's a purchase or an email subscription, that's entirely up to you.So, take this course now and let's start designing stunningly effective landing pages!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Google Analytics for Beginners" |
"Hello, my name is Grigor Yovov.I am Certified Google Analytics Expert. I'd love to help beginners in Google Analytics 2018 to properly set up their accounts.I have more than 10 years of experience in managing google analytics accounts in variety of niches. Greate course, easy to follow and very practical oriented! -Zlatan Ivanov A useful and understandable course for Google Analytics. Thank you! - Elitsa Kaloyanova Perfect explanation of basic thing needed for GA - Grigor NikolovI create this Google Analytics for Beginners course because I find a lot of people suffering from missing or incorrect google analytics major settings.As an example, do you know how to restore yours google analytics data if exigently create a wrong filter or other mistake?Let me help you you cant!Yes, you heard me right!Google analytics data is one-way ticket and if you damage it. You cannot turn it back!And there is no automated backup, so you need to create one as soon as possible to protect your data.In this course Ill show you how to create such a backup.Other example are the signals!Do you know that you dont need to open google analytics every day to track important information, if you adjust signals in your account?They will save you a thon of time and will alarm you if important event occurs.There are bunch of other important settings you need to properly adjust for yours google analytics account if you are a beginner.Like:How to link google analytics with adwords?How to create signals and goals?How to create email reports and remarketing lists?And many others.The course is structured precisely to be really actionable for beginners in Google Analytics!Every lesson is divided to introduce you what well do.Why it is important.And how to make it click by click.The idea of the course is to let you open yours google analytics account and just repeat the proper settings.At the end of the day you will have fully functioning google analytics account.You will be able to properly monitor your website visitors and analyses the correct data in this Google Analytics for Beginners course.Enroll today and boost yours google analytics!"
Price: 194.99 |
"The Ultimate Goal Setting Blueprint" |
"Do you have big goals you like to achieve, but you feel like something is holding you back? Have you ever tried to achieve a big goal but you fell flat on your face? Or have you lacked motivation or inspiration to even start achieving your goals? If you answered yes to another of those questions, then this course is going to be perfect for you.Here's just a fraction of what you're going to discover in this blueprint.First and foremost you're going to discover the 10 commandments for goal setting that are crucial to your success. This is the number 1 reason why people fail to achieve these goals, because not only do they not know about these, they also don't implement them. Next I'm going to walk you through the 4 big steps when it comes to turning your dreams into reality. You'll discover things like how to figure out exactly what you want. How to create your own road map for getting you from point A to point B in the quickest amount of time.How to guarantee you're taking the best steps to achieving your goals. How to eliminate distractions and get laser like focus. And so much more!So if you're looking to finally achieve your goals and get your life moving in the right direction, then you need to enroll in this course right now. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Online Business Cheat Sheet Collection - 5 Courses In 1" |
"If you're looking to get the shortcut to your online business, then The Online Business Cheat Sheet Collection is going to be the best collection of courses for you. Backed by many years of experience, these video slideshow presentations will focus in the most CRUCIALaspects of success and give you various examples to help guide you as your business builds and grows.Consider this like the unfair advantage for your online business.Do you want to know how to get started even on a shoestring budget? Consider it done! All you have to do is make sure you're following the cheat sheet which will give you multiple ideas for getting started without breaking the bank.Do you want to know how to create the highest converting lead capture page in your niche? Consider that done, too. All you have to do is simply follow the important steps and get ready to really increase your optin rate. After all, if you double your optin percentage, you potentially double your business.Ever thought about making email marketing and product launches work for you too? No problem! Once again, all you need to do is follow the crucial checkpoints on the cheat sheet to maximize your success. Lastly, you'll also be getting the popular Instagram Marketing Cheat Sheet as a bonus for being an awesome costumer. With that, you'll be able to leverage Instagram for more traffic, leads, and sales.With 5 courses packed into one, you just simply can't miss out on this. So be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Sales Funnel Cheat Sheet Collection - 4 Courses In 1" |
"If you're looking to get the shortcut when it comes to putting an online sales funnel together,then The Sales FunnelCheat Sheet Collection is going to be the best collection of courses for you. Backed by many years of experience, these video slideshow presentations will focus in the most CRUCIALaspects of sales funnelsuccess and give you various examples to help you along when building a profitable sales funnel.Consider this the unfair advantage for creating online sales funnels.First we'll start off with one of the most important aspects of a sales funnel: the sales letter. Follow along as I walk you through a template of checkpoints you can use to sale anything, regardless of your niche. Next, you'll discover how to increase your sales sevenfold with the ultimate upsell cheat sheet. All you have to do is copy the steps I reveal and use them with any offer that compliments a customers original purchase. After that, we will move onto the ultimate back end sales funnel as I'll reveal many little known spots for increasing customer satisfaction while increasing your revenue at the same time. Last but not least, you'll also be getting a bonus course where you can watch over my shoulder as Iquicklycomplete a full sales letter in one sitting.With 4 courses packed into one, you just simply can't miss out on this. So be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Create Engaging Instagram Posts Without Spending A Dime" |
"If you've ever wondered how to create those jaw-dropping posts that you see onInstagram that get thousands upon thousands of likes, then this short course is perfect for you.Did you know that having low quality posts is the number one reason why Instagram users don't grow their following? I mean think about it for a second, how is anyone going to see your posts if there isn't any good engagement on it? Here's just a few of the big benefits you're going to discover after completing this course.How to create highly engaging Instagram posts that will allow you to grow your following...And how to create them without even spending a dime.The #1 free tool used to create these high engaging posts (even if you have zero graphic design skills).How to get thousands of free pictures that you can use for your Instagram posts...And how to never run out of them either!The best strategy for discovering what types of posts you should create.My favorite free app for identifying the best posts from some of the biggest Instagram influencer accounts.And a bunch more!Face it, if you want to get better engagement and more followers on Instagram, then something needs to change quickly. So be sure to enroll now and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Do Affiliate Marketing For Instagram" |
"If you've ever wanted to leverage Instagram to send targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing offers, then this quick course is going to be perfect for you. Here's just a fraction of what you're going to discover in this step by step system.The anatomy of a high converting profile and how to set it up for maximum effectiveness and optimization.The ONE thing you need to focus on when quickly putting your profile together.3 types of Instagram profiles and how to accurately choose which profile is going to be best for YOU.4 red hot proven niches that you can use to shortcut your results.Swipe my template used for picture perfect posting and maximum engagement.Where to find the hottest affiliate offers and how to get accepted into affiliate networks.The rapid setup used to get your affiliate link ready to receive targeted traffic.Watch over my shoulder as Ishow you the simple steps used to send traffic to your affiliate link.The BIGGEST mistake many Instagram marketers make and why you should avoid it at all costs.And so much more!So if you're newer to Instagram, you have less then a few thousand followers, or you haven't made that many affiliate commissions, then this course is going to be perfect for you.Be sure to enroll right now, and I will see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99 |