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"1Z0-242 Exam: PeopleSoft Application Developer II"
"Actual Exam Details:Duration:120 MinutesNo of questions:85Passing score:65%Format:Multiple ChoiceExam Price:$245Exam Topics:PeopleCodeUsing PeopleCode Development ToolsDebug PeopleCode programs using Debug, trace, and Message BoxUsing PeopleCode VariablesConfigure variable prompt tablesInstantiate, populate, and access arraysReferencing Data in the Component BufferTraverse the data buffer to reference multiple occurs levelsCreating Custom Objects with Application ClassesUse the Application Class Editor to create and modify application classesConvert existing PeopleCode programs to application classesUsing Data Buffer MethodsUse standalone rowsetsExecuting SQL in PeopleCodeRead and modify data tables using the SQL class and Record objectsIncorporate meta-SQL in PeopleCode and SQLTesting and DebuggingUse Process Monitor to monitor App Engine programsTrace Application Engine programsDebug App Engine programsUse Restart in App Engine programsUsing the Do Select ActionUse Do SelectUse RestartableIncorporating Conditional ProcessingDefine Do actions and explain Do action program flowCreate conditional statements using SQLUse Application Engine librariesUsing PeopleCode with Application EngineInsert PeopleCode into an Application Engine programUse dynamic callsUsing Set ProcessingModify a program to use set processingUsing Temporary TablesImplement parallel processingExplain run time allocationExecuting Application Engine ProgramsConfigure a push button to execute an App Engine programExecute an Application Engine program with a command scriptCreating Process Definitions for Application EngineConfigure Process Scheduler to run Application Engine processesUsing PSDAEMONCreate and implement PSDAEMON programsMeasuring Application Engine PerformanceTrace Application Engine programsTuning Application Engine ProgramsPerformance tune Application Engine programsIntegration ToolsIntroducing PeopleSoft Integration Broker ArchitectureDescribe the components of the PeopleSoft Integration GatewayConfiguring PeopleSoft Integration BrokerConfigure PeopleSoft Integration BrokerCreate and configure nodesCreating MessagesDefine service configurationCreate rowset and non-rowset based messagesUse message parts.Creating Service OperationsAdd and secure service operationsCreate and configure queuesAdd routingsSending and Receiving Service OperationsPublish Service Operations using rowsetsCreate Handlers for asynchronous service operationsCreate handlers for synchronous service operationsAdd handlersMonitoring Service OperationsMonitor asynchronous servicesMonitor synchronous servicesAdminister service operationsMonitor service operation performance and archive monitor dataUsing Service UtilitiesAdminister servicesUse the Handler TesterUsing the Oracle XSL MapperInstall and configure JDeveloperCreate an application engine transform programTest transform programsVersion and logically transform service operationsApplying Translations and FilteringCreate code sets for data translationWrite a transformation program for data translationTesting Connector and Messages Using Send MasterUse Sendmaster to test service operationCreating and Testing Component InterfacesDescribe the elements of a component interface definitionCreate component interfacesSet component interface security and testImplementing Component InterfacesAdd component interface PeopleCode to an applicationWorking with Component Interface CollectionsWrite PeopleCode for component interface collectionsEnabling Component Interfaces as ServicesUse component interfaces as web servicesProviding and Consuming Web ServicesProvide web servicesConsume web servicesSecure web servicesUsing the Excel to Component Interface UtilityCreate an application using Excel to Component Interface UtilityImporting Data into the PeopleSoft System Using Flat FilesCreate file layout definitionsImport data using file layoutsWriting Data to Flat FilesCreate application engine programs to export data to flat filesCreate multilevel file layouts including segments"
Price: 99.99

"1Z0-434 Test: Oracle SOA Suite 12c Essentials"
"Actual Exam Details:Duration:120No of questions: 78Passing Score:73%Exam Price:$ 245Exam Topics:FundamentalsExplain basic SOA concepts and how they map to implementationsDescribe the components and architecture of SOA SuiteDescribe SOA Suite's role in cloud integration and mobile applicationsUse the right components to implement common integration patternsAnalyze XPath expressions to retrieve elements in an XML documentDescribe Oracles SOA governance capabilitiesDescribe how B2B capabilities enable trading partner relationshipsDescribe the main features of the Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS)BPEL ModelingUse the BPEL Editor to create synchronous and asynchronous processesUse WSDL partner link types and BPEL partner link elements to interact with servicesUse the assign activity to manipulate data in BPEL variablesModel conditional branching, looping, and parallel processingImplement exception handling, compensating transactions and correlationCreate and configure BPEL and composite sensorsUse the BPEL DebuggerAdaptersDescribe the role adapters play in a SOA composite applicationDescribe the adapter architectureUse the file, database, and JMS adaptersConfigure adapters at design-time and run-timeDescribe cloud-related adaptersBusiness RulesCreate if/then rules with Rules DesignerCreate decision table rules with Rules DesignerIntegrate a rule into a BPEL processDescribe how rules are used with mediator and human task componentsHuman Task ServicesDesign a human taskInvoke a human task from a BPEL processGenerate Application Development Framework (ADF) task forms for human tasksInteract with the Worklist application to act on tasksService MediationDifferentiate between when to use Mediator and Service BusExplain the role of Service Bus and the benefits it providesCreate and configure Service Bus proxies, pipelines, and business servicesUse throttling, endpoint management, and caching to scale business services in Service BusConfigure a service as RESTful and access it using the REST approachEvent ProcessingExplain event-driven architecture and the support provided by Event Delivery Network (EDN)Use components to publish and consume eventsExplain Complex Event Processing (CEP) and how it is supported by Oracle Event Processing (OEP)Explain Event Processing Network (EPN) and how it relates to OEPExplain how various OEP CQL data cartridges enhance the capabilities of the CQL engineBusiness Activity Monitoring (BAM)Describe the role of BAMUse activity monitors, counters, business indicators and interval monitoring objectsCreate alert rules to launch alertsBuild an executive dashboardSecuring ServicesDescribe the role and features of Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM)Describe identity propagationAttach security policies to end points at design-time and run-timeDeployment and TroubleshootingDeploy and undeploy components to SOA SuiteDiscuss the role Maven and Hudson playCreate test cases to initiate inbound messages and to emulate outbound, fault and callback messagesMonitor components deployed to SOA SuiteDescribe how SOA Suite applications scale to large-scale productionTroubleshoot a deployed SOA Suite applicationInstallation and ConfigurationInstall and configure SOA SuiteUpgrade a production application from SOA Suite 11gInstall and configure Oracle Event Processing (OEP)"
Price: 99.99

"Batan Sona Asp Net Core Mvc Kursu"
"Asp net core mvc dersleri ile sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar bir web programcnn bilmesi gereken tm konularn yer ald, piyasadaki en kapsaml ve en gncel Core Mvc kursu olduunu bilmenizi isterim.Core Mvc 2.2, Microsoft 'un yeni nesil  ak kaynak kodlu web programlama aracdr. Asp .Net Framework 'nn batan aa yenilenerek yeniden yazld en son srm olan core mvc 2.2, ayrntl bir ekilde sfrdan ileri seviyeye anlatlmtr.Peki neden Core Mvc Kursuna htiya Duyalm ;Statik ierikli sadece tasarm ieren tantm tarz web sitelerini dinamik hale evirebilmek i potansiyeli asndan ok daha nemlidir.Ciddi i potansiyeline sahip olan bu alanda kendinizi gelitirip iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.Freelancer olarak alp kendi mterilerinize hizmet sunabilirsiniz.Kurumsal bir firmada iyi bir cret karlnda alabilirsiniz.Hayal ettiiniz projeleri gerekletirme frsatna sahip olabilirsiniz.Kurs program temel dzeyde web tasarmlar yapabilen ve artk web sitelerini dinamik hale evirip site ieriklerini bir ynetim paneliyle ynetmek isteyen kiileri gz nne alarak zenle bilmesi gereken tm konular sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar yaln bir dil kullanarak anlatlmtr.Web programcs olmak aslna bakarsak zor deil ancak kaynak sknts gerekten ou zaman sknt oluyor ve aslnda kolay olan bu sreci gerekten ok zormu gibi gsteriyor.Kaynak sknts ; aslnda neyi renmemiz gerektii , renme srecinde birbirinin edeeri konular ya da yazlm aralarnn neler olduu , en son kan teknolojiler neler gibi konularn bilinmedii zerinedir. Bu gibi skntlar renme srecini uzatp ou zamanda bu iten vazgeilmesine neden olmaktadr.Bize snrsz bilgi sunan nternet ile kaynaa ulama srecimiz ok abuk ve kolay olmaktadr ancak bu bata gzel gzkse de binlerce kaynak iinden neyi renmemiz gerektiini semek gerekten zor oluyor.Dolaysyla ou zaman birbirine edeer ou yazlm trleri ya da aralaryla bou bouna aylarca urayoruz.Kurs Sonunda ;Her sektre hitap eden dinamik web uygulamasn Blog tarzndaki dinamik ierik reten web siteleriniSitelerinizin ynetim paneliniEn temel kurallar ieren bir E-ticaret sitesiniyapabiliyor olacaksnz.Zaman kaybetmeden bu kursa dahil olup bir web programcsnn bilmesi gereken en gncel konular planl bir ekilde renin...!"
Price: 409.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Modern Javascript Dersleri (ES7+) 2020"
"Sizleri Javascript dnyasna hazrlayacak ve iin temelini modern javascript teknikleriyle (ES6/ES7+) retecek Modern Javascript kursumuza ho geldiniz.Web gelitirme ile ilgilenmi herkesin az ok bildii Javascript, 2015 ylndan itibaren kendini modern javascript teknikleriyle (ES6 & ES7+) olduka gelitirdi ve geldiimiz u noktada mutlaka her yazlmcnn iyi bir ekilde Modern Javascript biliyor olmas gerekiyor. nk Javascript' in kullanm alan olduka artt.Peki Javascript ile neler yapabilirim?Nodejs ile birlikte Javascript bir backend programlama dili haline geldi. Artk Javascript' i dinamik bir web uygulamasn gelitirirken kullanabiliriz. Angular, React ve VueJs ktphaneleri kullanarak mobile uygulama gibi alan web uygulamalarn yapabilirsiniz. (Single Page Application-SPA)Javascript ile Restful Servis Apilerinden kolaylkla veri okuyarak uygulama gelitirebilirsiniz.Javascript ile Android ve IOS uygulamalar gelitirebilirsiniz.Javascript ile Cross Platform Masast uygulamalarn gelitirebilirsiniz.Salam bir modern Javascript bilgisine sahip olmak son zamanlarda yazlm adna yapmamz gereken en nemli admdr. Modern Javascript kursumuzda modern javascript tekniklerini javascript dersleri ile iyi bir ekilde renerek nodejs, angular, react ve vuejs iin gzel bir temel oluturacaz. Kurs Planmnz;Javascript Temelleri: 1.Seviye (Deikenler,Operatrler,Objeler,Diziler)Javascript Temelleri: 2.Seviye (Koul fadeleri,Dngler,Fonksiyonlar)Javascript Dom ManipulasyonuJavascript EventsProje #1 - Todo Uygulamas - DomProje #2 - Slider Uygulamas - DomJavascript Nesne Tabanl Programlama Javascript leri Seviye FonksiyonlarProje #3 - Nesne Tabanl Programlama ile Quiz UygulamasModern Javascript Teknikleri: ES6 / ES7+Proje #4 - Kurslar Uygulamas - ES6 Class KullanmAsekron Programlama & AJAX (Json,Restful Api, Callback, Promise, Fetch Api, Async & Await )Proje #5 - Profil Arama Projesi - Api ProjesiJavascript PatternsProje #5 - rn Katalog Projesi- Modller ile Proje GelitirmeNodejs & NpmWebpack, Babel & ES6 ModuleTypeScriptZaman kaybetmeden Javascript dnyasna katln ve Modern Javascript' in getirdii gzellikleri modern javascript dersleri ile hep beraber tanmaya balayalm."
Price: 409.99

"Batan Sona Entity Framework Core Dersleri"
"Microsoft'un yeni nesil ak kaynak ve cross platform veri eriim ktphanesi Entity Framework Core 2.0 ' ksa zamanda core mvc projeleri ile renin.Detayl Entity Framework Core 2.0 kursumuzda bilmediimiz bir ok konuyu daha detayl bir ekilde renme frsat yakalyoruz.Kurs sonunda ;Oluturulan LINQ sorgularnn temelde nasl yorumlandn detayl bir ekilde inceliyoruz.Gereksiz onca sorgunun nne geerek daha performansl uygulama hazrlama imkanna sahip oluyoruz.Repository Pattern ilenasluygulamann gelitirileceini reniyoruz.Change Tracking Kavramn inceliyoruz.Migrations ile database ema gncellemelerini etkin bir ekilde ynetebiliyoruz.Entity Framework Core ile tm iliki tiplerinin nasl oluturulacan reniyoruz.Cascade Delete kavramn reniyoruzlikili tablolar ile nasl iletiim kuracamz ayrntl bir ekilde reniyoruzVar olan bir database ileyani Database First kavramn nasl kullanacamz reniyoruzVar olan bir database 'in bir blm ile nasl alabiliyoruzData Annotations ve Fluent Api ile database emalarna daha etkin bir ekilde mdahale edebilirizKlasik SQL sorgularn Entity Framework Core yaps ile nasl yazabildiimizi reniyoruz.Stored Procedure ile nasl alabilirizDatabase Provider lar nedir ve nasl kullanrz ?SQLite Provider'ini projemize ekleyip kullanabiliriz,Transactions ve daha bir ok konuyudetayl bir ekilde bu kurs ile renebiliriz."
Price: 379.99

"Crypto Trading 101: Buy Sell Trade Cryptocurrency for Profit"
"**********  Join over 90,000 happy Sharper Trades students around the world  **********Cryptocurrency Trading Course. Learn how to:Read chart correctlyTrade cryptocurrencies successfullyProfit from day and swing trading bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies effectivelyThis Udemy cryptocurrency trading course will help you understand how the cryptocurrency market works This course will teach you how to trade bitcoin, ethereum, ripple, litecoin and other cryptocurrencies using a unique combination of day trading and swing trading techniques used by professional traders in the market every day.You will learn how to correctly read charts using candlestick analysis, technical analysis, and volume analysis to time your entry and exit strategies precisely.The information contained in this course is geared toward cryptocurrencies, but it can be utilized for day trading and swing trading any type of equity: stocks, options, commodities, EFTs, forex, currencies... increase your cryptocurrency trading success by using a unique trading method used by the pros of Wall Street. How to make money in cryptocurrency trading.Crypto Trading 101: How to Trade Cryptocurrencies for Profit is a trading course designed to teach the visual power of technical patterns, Japanese candlestick patterns and volume analysis to trade in the market effective every single day.Whether you are trading cryptocurrencies, forex, stocks, commodities, options, ETFs... this course will give you a glimpse of the competitive edge that Japanese candlesticks, technical analysis and volume active give.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We look at different trading charts and specific cryptocurrencies (bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, ripple...) to understand the advantage that the visual illustrations of candlestick chart, technical patterns and volume activity has over more popular but less effective trading techniques.This course is the gateway to your trading success in the cryptocurrency trading world. New lectures will be added to the course regularly - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow. Take this course now and learn from our 5+ years of experience. Avoid the most common pitfalls that catch 90% of traders! Too often beginner traders enter the market without the necessary knowledge and practice needed. As a result they take excessive, expensive and unnecessary risks hoping for higher returns. This course will teach you a very effective way to trade in the market successfully and with confidence.This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!Over 90,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our Sharper Trades courses come with:30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeUnlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!"
Price: 199.99

"Day Trading 102: How To Find Winning Stocks to Day Trade"
"**********  Join over 90,000 happy Sharper Trades students around the world  **********Trading and Investing: Do you want to Learn how to find winning stocks to day trade?Know what sites to visit to get news and information on stocks that are moving on that day?Know what type of news to pay attention to that can actually affect price movement?Learn how to establish a healthy pre-market and after hour market routine to analyze charts and find potential trades to take?Learn how to scan the market and create a watch list?This course is part 2 of our Day Trading series.This Udemy day trading course will show you where and how to find trading opportunities to day trade and occasionally swing trade every day. It will show you sites to visit to get information and read news affecting stock price movements. You will also learn how to using a unique indicator to scan the market right at the opening and through our the trading session.This course is part 2 of our best selling day trade series Day Trading 101: How To Day Trade Stocks for Passive IncomeStop exposing your capital to overnight risk. Learn everything you need to know to start day trading in the stock market today! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day Trading 102: How To Find Winning Stocks to Day Trade is a course designed to teach you a simple step-by-step method to find stocks to day trade.This course will teach you where to find stocks that have the potential to make a big move that same day, what news to read that matters and how to build a focused and refined watch list.In this course you will learn:a unique method of scanning the market to find winning tradeswhat sites to visit to identify potential winners for that daywhere to the get news and information for freehow to benefit from price/volume spikes and dropswhat type of news to focus on that can actually affect price move, and what type of news not to pay attention to establish a healthy pre-market and after hour market routine, in order to analyze charts and find potential trades to takehow to create a watch list of five-ten stocks to focus on that dayWe will talk in detail about scanning the market, volume activity, news feed and reason behind price movement, chart analysis and so much more!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading charts, recognizing pattern formations, understanding price action, and anticipating future price movements is the goal of the trader. Finding the right stocks to trade and putting your trading skills at work, is the next step. This course will teach you that!Successful day traders identify stocks that have the potential to make big price movement for that day, and position themselves early in the game, before the crowds get in.They know how to take advantage of huge price and volume activity, and how to cash in large profits in just a few hours.Technical analysis, candlestick analysis and volume activity is a powerful combination, that will give you the confidence to know when to enter a trade, and when it is time to get out of the trade and protect your profits. This is what you learned from Day Trading 101: How to Day Trade for Passive Income. This course Day Trading 102: How to Find Winning Stocks to Day Trade with teach you the next step: where to find those hidden treasures every single day.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In this day trading series we reveal all the hidden secrets about day trading.New lectures will be added to the course regularly - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow. Take this course now and learn from my 5+ years of experience. Avoid the most common pitfalls that catch 90% of traders! Too often beginner traders enter the market without the necessary knowledge and practice needed. As a result they take excessive, expensive and unnecessary risks hoping for higher returns. This course will teach you a very effective way to trade in the market successfully and with confidence. This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful! Enroll in this course and start trading successfully!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All our Sharper Trades courses come with:30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeUnlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over 90,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!"
Price: 199.99

"iPad Music production iPad - no music knowledge required"
"Quickly develop new sounds and musical background patterns for your mobile videos that match your signature style and vision.No musical expertise requiredCraft original beats for your social videosScore music for your mobile films10 Exercises to build your first songLearn the quick and easy way and to make royalty-free and copyright-freemusic for your videos.Step-by-step tutorial walk you through every step of the process!You got this!The lesson concepts for music production are similar to the building of a visual narrative structure that we teach in all the Smart Films School courses.We use a provenapproach that can quickly build confidence and even show you the apps that can be tuned to prevent you from even hitting wrong notes!The course begins with making mobile music with free apps that can be used for background music tracks for social videos. The course then builds on this foundation to show the pathways to scaling up these projects in Logic Pro X for film scoring.The example used in film scoring module started out as simple 8-bar GarageBand sketch on an iPad that was then airdropped into LogicPro X where it could be mixed while viewing the scene - just like they do in Hollywood.The key in this course to start simple and make each project to build on previous skills. You will find that making original music is fun and you will quickly get results that that please your ears.What are you waiting for?Enroll now and get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Intermittent Fasting - Feel Amazing with this Easy Plan"
"Intermittent fasting is a great way to burn fat, lose weight and get healthier. And since there is no special equipment, no supplement, no books and no particular foods to buy, its also one of the easiest and least expensive ways to lose weight and get healthier. All you need to get started with intermittent fasting is a clock on and a tiny little bit of willpower. I promise it wont be hard and it is something you can easily do. The beauty of intermittent fasting is that it is very flexible. You can do it anywhere, anytime for as long as youd like.In this course you will learnWhy intermittent fasting is a more natural state for us to be inHow to start an intermittent fasting planHow fats can help you lose fat and keep you in a state of ketosisHow to incorporate exercise into your programWhat a day of intermittent fasting can look likeTips for a successful fasting programTasty recipes to help keep you on track"
Price: 49.99

"Freedom From Anxiety"
"Everyone has anxiety from time to time and sometimes it can spiral out of control. If you can relate then this course will give you body mindtools to help balance stress and anxiety to help you live a happier life.My goal in this course is to inform you aboutwhat causes anxietywhat happens to your body and your mind when you get anxiousand most importantly what you can do to reduce your anxietyThe bulk of this course will be spent in anxiety reduction and I encourage you to follow along and give each tip and idea a tryThis course is not intended to diagnose or treat depression or severe anxiety. It is for educational purposes only. Please seek professional support if you experience severe anxiety and depression."
Price: 49.99

"Mindful Meditation"
"Why are people turning to meditation to improve their daily lives? The easy answer is, meditation works. The more complex answer is that today, we are suffering from information overload and stress more than previous generations. Some peoplewant to reduce stress and enjoy greater peace. Others seek more awareness to create a more purposeful life. Still others want to gain greater awareness and align their thoughts with their actions. Mindful meditation is useful for all of these purposes. What is true for everyone, however, is that the more you know about your thinking, the more you are in control of your life.Stress is one of the biggest culprits to depression and physical illness. A lot of this stress is either fear of the unknown that is created in our minds.Mindful meditation can help quiet those thoughts and lead to a happier, more fulfilling life to enhance both your emotional and physical wellness.This course will teach you tools that you can easily implement to lead a more balanced life and help you deal with the stress in your life.If you wantHealthier relationshipsMore success in your lifeTo learn how to spark your creativityIncrease productivityStress lessBe happierThen this is the course for you."
Price: 49.99

"The Best of You! How to be the Best Version of Yourself"
"The Best of YOU program: How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself. A proven system to make positive changes in any area of your life. Designed to help clarify your goals, focus your energy and radically change your life. All you have to do is just be open to learning and you must be willing to break out of your routines, habits and mindset. In this course we will learnHow to define your Big Picture of how you would like your life to look.WE will learn how to set goals and define what success means to you, we will address procrastination and how it can be destructive to your goal setting effortsI will give you tips on how to overcome Self Sabotage so you can move forward to be the Best Version of you.This course is for those wanting to move forward into the life they dream about. I hope you join me on this journey to The Best of You!"
Price: 49.99

"ACCA Financial Management (FM)"
"This course helps students get prepared to ACCA Financial Management (FM/F9) exam effectively. In general, any individual can learn a great deal of financial management from the content of this course.The course follows the standard curriculum set by ACCA Global and is based on an approved tuition provider - BPP books.Full theory coverage and practical references help students succeed in their ACCA Financial Management (FM) exams.Your questions are always answered by your instructor who has been an ACCA member since 2013 and has recently been named a Fellow Member of the ACCA."
Price: 74.99

"Unit Testing for C# Developers"
"Picture this: you make a simple change to the code and suddenly realize that you created a dozen unexpected bugs. Sound familiar? Youre not alone!Good news is, unit testing can make this a thing of the past.Maybe youve heard of automated or unit testing before and youre keen to learn more.Or perhaps youve tried to learn it and got a bit lost or ended up with fat and fragile tests that got in the way and slowed you down.Either way, what you need is a course that will teach you all you need to know about this essential skill - from the basics, right through to mastery level.What is unit testing?In a nutshell: its the practice of writing code to test your code and then run those tests in an automated fashion.Why learn unit testing?Why write extra code? Wouldnt that take extra time to write? Would that slow you down? Why not just run the application and test it like an end user?Thinking like this is the mistake lots of people make. I used to make it myself. Ive had to learn the hard way!I learned pretty fast that if youre building a complex application or working on a legacy app, manually testing all the various functions is tedious and takes a significant amount of time.As your application grows, the cost of manual testing grows exponentially. And youre never 100% sure if youve fully tested all the edge cases. Youre never confident that your code really works until you release your software and get a call from your boss or an end user!Several studies have shown that the later a bug is caught in the software development lifecycle, the more costly it is to the business.Automated tests help you to catch bugs earlier in the software development lifecycle, right when youre coding. These tests are repeatable. Write them once and run them over and over.The benefits of using unit tests are:help you to catch and fix bugs earlier, before releasing your app into productionhelp you to write better code with less bugshelp you to produce software with better design - extensible and loosely-coupledgive you rapid feedback and tell you if your code *really* worksforce you to think of edge cases that you didnt realize existedtest your code much fastertell if you have broken any functionality as you write new codeallow you to refactor your code with confidenceact as documentation about what your code doessave you both time and moneyA valuable skill for senior developersMore and more companies are recognizing the advantages of automated testing, thats why its a must-have for senior coders. If youre looking to reach the higher levels in your coding career, this course can help.You dont need any prior knowledge of automated testing. You only need 3 months of experience programming in C#.With this course youll learn:senior coder secrets - best practices to write great unit teststips and tricks to keep your tests clean, trustworthy and maintainablethe pitfalls to avoid anti-patternshow to refactor legacy, untestable code into loosely-coupled and testable codeall about dependency injection the one thing every coder needs to knowthe power of mocks when and how to use them and when to avoidYoull get:6 hours of HD videotutorials and guidance from a senior coder with 15+ years experienceexercises with step-by-step solutiondownloadable source codelifetime accessaccess online or offline at any time on any devicecertificate of completion to present to your current or prospective employer"
Price: 174.99

"Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018)"
"What is Node.js?Node.js, or Node, is a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. It is ideal for building highly-scalable, data-intensive backend services (APIs) that power your clients apps (web or mobile apps). Why learn Node?Node is great for prototyping and agile development as well as building super fast and highly scalable apps; Companies like Uber and PayPal use Node in production to build applications because it requires fewer people and less code. Plus, Node has the largest ecosystem of open-source library, so you dont have to build everything from scratch. A step-by-step, A to Z courseWhat youll get when you sign up for this course:15 hours of HD videos, complete with exercises and solutionsA real-world project: you'll build the back-end for a video rental application, not a dummy to-do app! No more wasted time on lengthy courses or out-of-date tutorialsUp-to-date and practical information and solutions (no fluff!)The opportunity to learn at your own pace - lifetime access - so take your time if you preferExpert tips to become a Node rockstar The best practices and common pitfalls to avoidWatch on any device, online or offline - mobile friendly and downloadable lessonsCertificate of completion to present to your employerYoull learn to: Confidently build RESTful services (APIs) using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDBEmploy the best practices for Node.jsAvoid common mistakesWhat well cover:Node module systemNode Package Manager (NPM)Asynchronous JavaScript Useful ES6+ features Implementing CRUD operationsStoring complex data in MongoDBData ValidationAuthentication and authorizationHandling and logging errors the right way Unit and integration testingTest-driven development (TDD)DeploymentThis course is for you if:Youre a back-end developer who is used to working with frameworks like ASP.NET, Rails, Django, etc. You want to add Node.js to your toolbox. Youre a front-end developer and want to transition to full-stack development. Youve tried other Node.js tutorials and found them to be too slow, out-of-date, and boring! Having Node.js on your resume helps you find more jobs and make more money. And here is what other students say:""Absolutely the best! Highly recommended if you want to get started on Node.js from zero.I have learned what Node is and what itcan do. Truly comprehensive. Perfect rating!Mosh knows his stuff and he deserves your support. On a side note, my current company uses Mosh'scourses as a huge resource and reference when training / refreshing knowledge. I just want to saythank you! Please don't stop teaching. You were born with the talent to teach."" -Eugene John Arellano""Mosh is one of the top 3 instructors for modern web development. He explains difficult concepts with ease. I recommend all of his courses because of the amount of detail and his style of teaching."" -Warren Isaac""What I like most about the course is Mosh's methodology and the way how he explains the things. Very well structured course with high quality of presentation as well.""-Omar AmraniWho is your instructor?Hi! My name is Mosh Hamedani and I help ambitious developers take their coding skills to the next level. I'm a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience and I've taught over 200,000 students through my online courses. My YouTube channel, Programming with Mosh, has been watched more than 6M times. My students describe my teaching as clear, concise, and fun, without any fluff. Do you want to become a Node rockstar? Enroll in the course and get started."
Price: 179.99

"Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript"
"What is Object-oriented Programming (OOP)?Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a popular programming paradigm or style of programming. Its been around since 70s, but unlike tools and frameworks that come and go, OOP is still very relevant today. Thats because its not a programming language or a tool. Its a style of programming.Why learn OOP?OOP helps you manage and reduce complexity in software by building re-usable building blocks (objects). Properly designed objects provide a simple interface and hide the unnecessary complexity from the outside, just like a DVD player! A DVD player has a complex logic board on the inside and a few buttons on the outside. When you press the play button, you dont care how all those microchips talk to each other.Object-oriented programming helps you:Manage and reduce complexityEliminate redundant codeBuild re-usable building blocksWrite cleaner codeAn essential skills for every developerOOP comes up in many technical interviews. So if you really want to be a serious developer, you need to understand object-orientedprogramming. As a technical interviewer myself, if I see a candidate with OOP on their resume, that candidate stands out to me.It may interest you to know that many of the popular frameworks out there that you might be using are actually designed with OOP concepts in mind. Angular is an example of such frameworks!A Step-by-Step, A to Z courseWhat you'll get when you sign up for this course:Learn all about object-oriented programming in JavaScriptNo more wasting time on disjointed tutorialsLearn at your own pace - lifetime access - so take your time if you preferWatch on any device, online or offlineSolidify your understanding of JavaScriptPrepare for technical interviewsConfidently build applications with Node, Angular, React, Vue and other JavaScript librariesLearn the best practices and common pitfalls to avoidCertificate of completion to present to your employerYou'll learnThe core principles of OOP: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphismHow to implement OOP concepts in JavaScriptAll about objects, their properties, property descriptors, getters and settersDifference between factory and constructor functionsHow ""this"" works in JavaScriptPrototypes and prototypical inheritance: one of the confusing parts of JavaScriptES6+ features used in object-oriented programmingThis course is for you if:Youre a developer who already knows OOP principles but want to learn how to implement them in JavaScript.Youre a developers who is not familiar with OOP, perhaps you just know the basics of JavaScript and want to solidify your understanding of JS and prepare for technical interviews.Having OOP and JS on your resume helps youfind more jobs and make more money.Are you ready to take your JavaScript skills to the next level?Enroll in the course and get started."
Price: 49.99

"Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro 2018 for Beginners"
"We've gather so much experience over the past 10 years and bundled this into the best Premiere Pro class any beginner is looking for.You are here to start editing and that's what we'll make you do! We've down-scaled the theory lessons to afundamental basis, to give more time to the creative tasks.Class ObjectiveYou'll learn a solid basis of Premiere Pro which allows you to do the following:Organizing and starting a Premiere Pro projectPerform basic edits, arranging clips and working in multiple layersPerform advanced edits using the toolbox, masks and blending techniquesApplying and adjusting video/audio effectsCreate custom graphics and textsMaking custom templates and using third party templatesCreate custom animations and understand its mechanicsMixing audio from speech, music and sound effectsExporting a video with the proper settingsInstructor Jordy VandeputI'm a full-time trainer in both video editing and film production. I've grown a company by the nameCinecomin which we train people from around the world in an entertaining way.My purpose in life is help developcreativity as much as possible. Seeing people learning new skills gives me so much fulfillment."
Price: 99.99

"Personal Finance for Beginners"
"*Course Created January 2018*If you've made it to this course, chances are that youwant to learn strategies to:Make, Budget, Save &Investmoney. Is that right? If so, you're not alone. See, we go to high school and college and have some of the best years of our life! While there, we are required to take courses in Math, Science, English and many other subjects, some of which we will never use again! Why is it that Personal Finance, which is arguably the most important subject that we will ever need to know, is rarely taught to us in school?In this course, through entertaining stories and examples, you will be guided through important lessons thatSchool Didn't Teach Us About Personal Finance. The ultimate goal of this course is to teach you practical lessons that will allow you to Earn, Save and Budget yourmoney!This Course You Will Find: Proven methods toimprove your Credit Score! Ways that you can use your passion and talent to generateextra income. How to create a Budget that will help you togrow your wealthwithout sacrificing your quality of life. A step-by-step guide foropening an Investment accountand making your first Stock purchase. Tips onpurchasing your first homeand navigating through the home buying process. And a whole lot more!Whether you want to learn how to Earn Additional Income, Budget, Save, Invest, Buy a Home, Buy Stocks, Increase your Credit Score, Pay Down Student Loans or find out more about a Retirement plan, this course is for you! Enroll in this course now to get started. With Udemy's money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Looking forward to the opportunity to interact with you and to help you make, budget, save and invest more money in your life!Join uson this adventure today! Ill see you inside the course."
Price: 199.99

"Geometria para os Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental"
"Sero abordados aspectos pedaggicos e de contedo especfico para aconstruo do conhecimento geomtrico envolvendo as relaes espao-plano e plano-espao,Reconhecimento e caracterizao das figuras geomtricas.Fundamentos sobre rea de figuras planas. rea do crculo e comprimento da circunferncia. GeometriaEspacial: estudos dos Poliedros, rea, volume e aplicaes de Prismas, Pirmides,Cilindro, Cone e Esfera.Desenvolver o raciocnio geomtrico ea preparao dos licenciandos para lidar com os problemas geomtricos econsequentemente, buscar uma formao global e crtica de transformao da realidade ecapacit-los para o exerccio da cidadania."
Price: 19.99

"Come addestrare il tuo cane"
"IlcorsoCome addestrareil tuo cane stato pensato come un video-manuale di facile consultazioneche sia in grado di aiutartia risolvere tutti i problemi pi comuni che puoi trovare in tutte le fasi della vita con il tuo cane.Sia che tu non abbia iniziato un percorso educativo con il tuo cane presso un centro cinofilo, sia che tu lo abbia gi intrapreso, questo corso ha come obiettivo quello di trasmetterti delle nozioni e di esserti da supporto per il lavoro di istruzione che devi fare a casa con il tuo cane.Abbiamo strutturato questo corso in modo che possa essere un supporto valido per il percorso di crescita, ma all' interno potrai trovare anche dei validi e pratici suggerimenti per risolvereproblemicomportamentali (ansia da separazione, liti fra cani, difficolt nella passeggiata, difficolt nel richiamo, scappare dal cancello ecc.)che a volte rendono difficilela convivenza con il proprio cane.Probabilmente ti chiederai :ma un Videocorso on line sar realmente in grado di aiutarmi con il mio cane come desidero ?La mia risposta SI per tre motivi:1) Affronteremo tutti i problemi sulleducazione del cane.Ho raggruppato in 15 anni di attivit tutti i problemi e le preoccupazioni pi comuni con il proprio caneche i proprietari mi portano a conoscenza ogni giornoe ho ideato questa serie di videoche trattassero nel dettaglio problemie soluzioni pratiche subito a disposizione.2) Il Videocorso un vero e proprio manuale sulla vita del cane.Potrai quindi consultarlo sempre , a seconda delle tue necessit e scaricare il materiale PDF che ti mettoa disposizione. In ogni momento potrai riguardare i video e consultare le dispense.3) Non sarai mai solo in questo percorso !Il Videocorso ti da accesso immediato alla nostra Community del gruppo di Facebook Come addestrare il tuo cane. Allinterno della Community organizzer settimanalmente delle chat di gruppo per parlare di dubbi, chiarimenti, aiuti , per poterci confrontare e conoscere.Sar quindi il modo pi immediato per avermi sempre a disposizione per altri 4 mesi con tutto il supporto che ti serve per risolvere velocemente i problemi con il tuo cane.4)Avrai accesso agli incontri che organizziamo presso la sede del nostro Centro Cinofilo NI.FE settimanalmente a Vicenza, in modo da poter mettere in pratica dal vivo quello che hai imparato nel corso .5) A fine corso, ti verr rilasciato un DIPLOMA e un ATTESTATO DI PARTECIPAZIONEdella nostra Scuola riconosciuta CONI."
Price: 24.99

"Dog Care Guide to train an happy pet"
"It happens sometimes thatthe initial enthusiasm for taking a puppy in the house with you, it's soon replaced by the fear of not succeeding, not to be suitable for this task so daunting.Maybe because you are full of doubts, maybe because it's your first dog.. but the questions in your head are many and the answers are few...So the idea of this Dog Care Guide.My purpose wasto create a manual for the owner thatcould have been useful during the entire life of hisdog. Ive collected many of the questions that the owners askme every day and made a video for each of them, giving pratical solutions to problems.This coursewill offer simple solutions for the most common dog behavior and training problems, :-housesoiling-destructive chewing-excessive barking andhome-alone problems (and separation anxiety),-leash problems-not coming when called- aggressionIn this course, you will find, in addition to all the behavioral notions about the puppy,building a good relationship, also a very important part on dog behavioral problems and obedience.We will guide you into the world seen by adog, helping you understand how to deal and solve the problems helping your dog to becomea good friend. You will also find an important part on First Aid Vet to learn how to deal with emergency like CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation). To keep us in contact, I also created a group of this course called Udemy Dog Care group where you can make questions, exchange opinions, and enjoy the valuable content posted every day only for you . Dont forget to join it !"
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda Animao de Personagem 2D com Blender"
"Voc vai aprender como preparar um personagem 2D no Blender para anim-lo, utilizando Bones, troca de imagens com Drivers, uma tcnica para lipsync rpido, Alm de receber 3 Templates de personagens e cenas animadas para estudar e reutilizar, sob a licena GPL3.Eu desenhei este curso para voc, que busca uma soluo em animao de personagem 2D para qualquer tipo de mdia final e propsito. Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a preparar e animar um personagem 2D, utilizar lipsync rpido, e renderizar sua animao para vdeo, web e como sprites de jogos."
Price: 144.99

"Self Confidence: A Quick Guide for Every Entrepreneur"
"One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was fear of failureand the lack of self-confidence that I needed to overcome that fear.Its something we all face, to some degree, I think. The key question: how do you overcome that fear?By working on your self-confidence and self-esteem. Without really thinking of it in those terms, thats what Ive been doing over the years, and thats what helped me finally overcome my fears, and finally pursue my dreams.Self-confidence is an essential part of entrepreneur. A person with self-confidence generally likes themselves, is willing to take risks to achieve their personal and professional goals, and thinks positively about the future. Someone who lacks self-confidence, however, is less likely to feel that they can achieve their goals, and tends to have a negative perspective about themselves and what they hope to gain in life.The good news is that self-confidence is something you can improve! Building self-confidence requires you to cultivate a positive attitude about yourself and your social interactions, while also learning to deal with any negative emotions that arise and practicing greater self-care. You should learn to set goals and take risks, as well, since meeting challenges can further improve your self-confidence.Don't let low self confidence stop you from achieving your dreams and living your life."
Price: 24.99

"Become an Influencer and Increase Sales"
"Have you ever asked yourself why people who have the same qualifications and experience achieve totally different results in life? Some of them climb the career ladder effortlessly and accomplish their goals, while others struggle on grow. Every one around you uses the power of influence to communicate. But at different levels. Some people know how to use it and they become socially successful & get what they want while other people struggle socially.Learning to influence & persuade people will give you personal power over other people.Develop a structure and strategy for influencing othersExceed at business and social interactionsGet people to say ""yes"" more oftenDevelop influencing skills with ease and use them in commercial and social settings.We all know that sales and a healthy sales pipeline is the lifeblood of all businesses. Have you ever considered just how that sales message is handled within your organization? We do not mean the specific sales actions or activities that your teams engage in on a day-to day basis - those types of sales skills are trainable. We mean, the underlying message that the company embodies. That underlying mantra is what the sales teams should be reinforcing when they communicate.Is that what is currently happening? See, sales is about activating three specific feelings in your clients. The sense of trust in the relationship, the sense of confidence that they will be guided to their goal and the sense of faith that your product or service offering can deliver with a high return on investment. Imagine a course that is geared towards unifying your entire team. This powerful, engaging and interactive course will empower you to invoke these 3 feelings in your teams and your clients and create a unified sales process within your organization.This course is designed for entrepreneurs who want to take their power of charisma to the next level by influencing people and increasing sales"
Price: 19.99

"How to Turn Your Best Knowledge into Passive Income"
"If you are a natural medicine practitioner, healer or yoga teacher...If you are looking to level-up your business and design a lifestyle with more income and freedom...If you want tolearn how package your valuable knowledge & skills intoonline coursesor books...Then this course is for you.Here's why...This course will show you how to produce, package and sell your knowledge so that you can live a life with more free time, earn passive incomewhile you travel around the world,and become arecognisedleader inyour industry.Now is the best time to get out of the 9-5 system and live the life you have always dreamed of...How to Turn Your Best Knowledge into Passive Income will get you there.Using this system, I have managed to generate over $15,000 in sales and enrol over 20,000 students into my online courses (and it grows every day)!Iwish Ihad this knowledge when Istarted out.This processtook me 5+ solidyears, $1000's of dollars,countless books, workshops and courses to work out how to turn myknowledge and experienceinto passive, online income.With this course, you can learn how Idid it, and how you can do it too,in less than a week!ITWORKEDFORME AND ITWILLWORKFORYOUTOO!Who Should Grab This Deal?This course is designed for therapists, healers, yoga teachers and conscious small business ownerswho want to:- Make video courses & sell them online- Make more money- Reach more people and have a bigger impact- Learn how to organize their ideas into valuable content- Learn how to ""digitize"" their knowledge & skills- Take their business to the next level- Generate (mostly) passive income streams- Produce better quality courses & booksHere Is What You Will Get!A Step-by-Step SystemThat Will Help You to Produce Video Courses & Content Fast!A Definitive Way to Sell Your Courses Online toCreate (Mostly) Passive Income StreamsTips, Tricks & Demonstrations That Will Save You Days, Weeks or Even Monthsof Your Precious Time and Energy (How much is that worth??)Immediate Accessto Over 1.5 hours of Training Videos, Handouts and Extra ResourcesPLUS: You'll AlsoGet These FREE BonusesA quick method that willhelp you write a valuable book in just 7 days!FREE book: The 14 Principles of Wealth Consciousnessby Michael Hetherington (Worth $9)30 Day Money Back GuaranteeLifetime AccessHere is what some of my students have been saying about my online courses:""Nice, clear & crisp explanation andintroductionof a complex subject.""~ Elamaran K""Simple, straightforward and practical. It really has no fluff. And no religious bias, so anyone, from any creed, can benefit from it.""~ Alexandre De Castro""Great content. Impressive results.""~ Darnell N""Wonderful! Thank you so much. Love his wisdom and teaching style.""~ Becca Davis~Now It's Your Turn To Take Inspired Action ~You can either continue what you've been doing (or worse, do nothing) or, you can enroltoday and start building a lifestyle you've always dreamed of.** And you are 100% safe to try this out. Just try it for 30 days to see if it works for you. If it does, youll be delighted. If for some reason youre not delighted with the course, then just let Udemy know - and you get all your money back."
Price: 99.99

"Clear Your Fear of Heights in Just 3 Days (with EFT)"
"If you suffer from the fear of heights...If you feel like your fear of heights is holding you back...Then this course is for you...Here's why:In this course, Iwill show you how to clear out the stress triggersin your systemso that you can experiencemore freedom, joy and relaxation whenever you come into contact withheights (as well as other things).This method is quick, simple, powerful andeffective!Over a 3 day program you will learn:How energy psychology and EFTworks to clear trauma andstress from your systemHow to use Acupoint tapping to clear memories of stressThe best sequence you canuse to completely free yourself from any fear trigger!How to better master your emotions and feelings>> This has worked for me, it has worked for hundreds of other people and it will work for you too! <<The benefits from this 3 day training can also helpwith:Reducingsocial anxietyRelievingstress and worryEnhancing relaxationClearingdepressionAnd many more..Ifyou are ready to experience more freedom, relaxation and emotional mastery, enrol today!"
Price: 29.99

"Breathwork - Master Your Mind & Emotions in 21 Days"
"How to get Rid of Social Anxiety, Depression and Sleep ProblemsFor Good!If you suffer from crippling social anxiety and a heart rate that feels like it's bursting out of your chest... if you find it difficult to get going in the mornings .. if you experience constant states offear,worry or depression... This course is for you.Here's why...This course will show you how toreduce your respiratory rate and bring your mind and emotions under your control so you can live an empoweredlife with greaterconfidence, focus,relaxationand flow. You have to realise there is a cost if you don't deal with this today.ItWill Just Get Worse...Most people when faced with these issues, either:Use anti-anxiety and sleeping medicationsGet addicted to caffeine and energy drinks Ignore it,yet feel increased tension and bitterness building insideBut most of us know that these methods don't work for any great length of time, because...Anti anxiety &sleeping medications mayhelp, however there benefit tends to be short termCaffeiene and energy drinks drain our internal energy supplies over timeAnd by ignoring it, itonly compounds the problem whichcan lead to more complicated physical and psychologicalproblems later on...WeHave a Method That Works!After 10+years of yoga training, yoga teaching and self-development courses, we have put togetherthe bestbreathing methodstohelprapidly shift your nervous system andgenerate an immense sense ofcalm, relaxation and confidence so that you can perform at your best!ITHASWORKEDFORUS, ITHASWORKEDFORHUNDREDSOFOTHERPEOPLEANDITWILLWORKFORYOUTOO!When you enrol in the course today, you will get the keys to:- Unlocking Enhanced Creativity, Focus and Energy- Powerful BreathingMethodsThat WillRapidly Calm Your Nervous System in Just5 Minutes!- A21 Day System, That Will Massively Reduce Mental Noise and Emotional Turbulence- ANatural and Healthy Way to Manage Your Mind and Calm Your Emotions, In ANY Situation!- ASuper FastWay to Access Meditational States of ConsciousnessIt all comes as part of thisonline course!PLUS -This course comes with:AFull30 DayMoney Back Guarantee!Lifetime AccessYou are 100%safe to try this out.That's all we are suggesting. Just try it for 30 days to see if it works for you. If it does, you'll be delighted!If for some reason you are not delighted with being more calm, relaxed and confident in your daily life, just let Udemy know and youwill get all your money back!~It's Decision Time ~So, you can dowhat you've been doingor....TAKEANEWACTIONANDGETANEWRESULT.Which do you really want for yourself?Enrol in the course today.*Medical disclaimer:The contents of this course is not intended to replace advice from your medical doctor."
Price: 29.99

"Intro to Pulsing Massage: Using Rhythm to Relax and Expand"
"Pulsing massage is a power yet gentle way to release tension throughout the entirebody BECAUSEit helps to calm emotions and balance internal chemistry allowing for enhanced relaxation and expanded awareness.Anyone can practice pulsing massage and this course will provide you with the basics soyou can begin practicing right away!> If you are looking for massage skills to help heal and relax your friends, family or clients...> If you want a massage technique that is simple, gentle and powerful...>If you want to be able to release stiff necks, shoulders, backs or necks with ease...Then this course is for you!Pulsing massage is a revolutionary method thatcan help with:- Improving digestion- Release tight neck and shoulders in less than 10 minutes!- Improving range of motion through joints of the body so you can move with less pain and more ease- Relaxation and meditation- Releasing trauma and emotions from the body tissues- Lubricate the joints for greater function- Hydration and assimilation of nutrientsThis technique has worked for thousands of people and it will work for you too!Enrol today and experience the magic of pulsing massage."
Price: 39.99

"T-Shirt Design Workshop 3: Using Photos and Type"
"Improving your t-shirt designs is the single best way to build your brand and improve your design career, as well as your sales to clients and customers.Stand apart from the crowd.This course will show you how tobuild a unique photo & type-based t-shirtdesignto represent your brand.In this course well cover:How to find and apply inspirationThe various analog and digitaltools you will need to create t-shirt designs.How to move seamlessly between Photoshop, Illustrator, and the ProcreateApp for iPadso your designs come out as good or better than you had initially imaginedType layout using Adobe Typekit fonts in IllustratorHow to incorporate hand-drawn effects into a computer-based designAs a bonus you will also receive:All working Photoshop and Illustrator files demonstrated in this classA Photoshop texture brushfor you to use with your designsA custom Procreate App brush for you to use with your designs"
Price: 24.99

"Project Management Professional (PMP) PMBOK6 - 35 Hours"
"Welcome to our Project Management Professional - 35 Contact Hours full course collection.Now that you have enrolled in this course the following suite of courses will help prepare you become a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). These courses teach the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for and pass the certification exam. Whether you are looking to pass the CAPM, the PMP, or already experienced project manager, you are also eligible to submit any and all of your well-earned contact hours required to earn and maintain your project management certification with the Project Manager Institute.The sections and lectures listed below in our PMP table align with PMI's A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,PMBOK Guide -SixthEdition.Knowledge areas and are displayed by the 11 knowledge areas and topic order. These courses can be taken in any order, as a review of a concept or knowledge area. However, if you are just becoming familiar with project management and the Project Management Institute, it is recommended that you view the courses sequentially. To meet the PMP requirements you must complete ALL the courses. To meet the CAPM requirements you only need to take the 3 PMP Essentialcourses and at least 1 lecture from each of the 11 knowledge areas.With this course completion:You will learn the skills you need to be an effective project managerGain the full knowledge necessary to pass the CAPM and/or PMP certification exam.Register your hours spent in studying to PMI as 35 contact hours to meet PMIrequirement to take the PMP examYou will be eligible to print your Certification of Completion for submission to PMI.PMP and CAPMare registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99