"How to Draw Manga Faces and Hair" |
"Hey, a friend of mine asked me to teach him how to draw manga or anime. I told him the best place to get started is with manga faces and hair, as this is the most different aspect of manga from comics. That spawned this awesome course just waiting for you to check out. The first few lessons are free, so you can see if you like the teaching style, and to see if you learn anything. I'm sure you will not only learn something but love the free preview lessons enough to buy the course to learn the rest. Once finished, in about five hours, you will fully understand how to draw manga or anime faces and hair, from eyes, to noses, to mouths, and even expressions/emotions. So, if like my friend, you have a passion to learn how to draw manga or anime, then check out the free preview lessons. The course is structured with video lessons that actually teach you methods for drawing manga faces and hair and emotions. This isn't your typical type of drawing tutorials you might find elsewhere. These lessons will actually teach you and improve your skills. You will learn to draw manga faces, guaranteed or your money back. You can take the whole course with just pencil and paper, although, I mostly draw on a Wacom Cintiq with Manga Studio 5. However, this is not required. Just watch the first few videos and it will make perfect sense why you only need a pencil and paper, and perhaps an eraser. :)"
Price: 64.99 |
"Facebook Application Development from Scratch" |
"Facebook App Development From Scratch The world's largest social network. Over a billion users. Around 550 million of them using apps. Is your app one of them?Not every one needs an app. Not every app needs to be social. But Facebook just provided a lot more motivation for marketers to include a social hook in any app made for Facebook and mobile devices. Facebook and Facebook's app ecosystem does not need any introduction. Companies and brands whose target market falls in the typical Facebook user demographic have stuck gold with well designed Facebook apps. Beyond likes and shares, Facebook apps can help you get more engaged users, increased traffic to your own website and spikes in revenue. But designing Facebook apps is not the same as designing a mobile app or a site. There are a number of factors in play here. You have to Be sure you are not violating Facebook's ever changing legal and policy positions Adopt to Facebook's unpredictable changes in user interface Figure out a business model that does not run afoul of Facebook's goals Facebook will soon generate a billion social actions every hour. The boost has to do with changes to Open Graph. It is time to take your idea or business to a social networking level. Developing a Facebook application is no easy task and should be considered with the same depth as a new website (or more). Why Facebook Apps? There are many reasons why you may want to consider using Facebook apps. They can provide communication between your customers and your customer service team, allow people to sign up for and receive your newsletter or provide your customers with special rewards. Each of these uses can help you create a deeper relationship with your customers and foster brand loyalty. If you use a fangate to conceal the content on strategic app tabs from non-fans, you can also increase the number of likes your Page is getting. Keep Customers in the Know Reach Customer Support Make Appointments and Reservations Promote Special Events and Occasions Reward Fans Collect Customer Feedback Why this course? Developing from Scratch (From Setting up the environment to Publishing Application) Straight to the module without any wasting any time. Source Code available for download."
Price: 19.99 |
"CFA Level 1 2014 Ethics & Professional Standards" |
"This program is a Support Tool & Guide to prepare for the CFA Level 1 Examination to held in June & December 2014. This program covers the First and Most important topic - 'Ethics & Professional Standards' (also known as 'ETHICS' module) carrying almost 15% weight in the 6-hour Exam covering a total of 240 questions [120 questions each in Morning session (9 am to 12 noon) and Afternoon session (2 to 5 pm)]. Many candidates find that they performed or scored very well in other topics but fared poorly in Ethics and as a result could not clear Level 1. Keeping this in consideration, AFT has developed this module with about 3 hours of video lectures to make this topic easier for Candidates to grasp and understand the concepts using relevant examples at varied standards. We hope that you will find this program extremely useful. Required CFA Institute Disclaimer: "CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA institute. CFA Institute (formerly the Association for Investment Management And Research) does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products or services offer by Academy of Financial Training."
Price: 39.99 |
"HTML and CSS Crash Course for Beginners" |
"During this Learn HTML and CSS Crash course, youll discover necessary elements behind becoming a web developer. The objective of this crash course is to take someone who is a mouse and keyboard user and teach them the essentials of web development by teaching HTML, CSS and some HTML5.This is a fundamental course for learning HTML and it does not assume that participants have prior knowledge. By the end of the HTML and CSS Crash Course, you will know the essentials for creating your first website. Included: Demo files An optional quiz to test what youve learned Certificate of completionWhat People Are Saying: Simple instructions to follow. Very good for people who a fast introduction to HTML and CSS. -Andreas Gosch Very informative. It was the correct way to invest my time and money. Thank you for the great course. -Yamen Suliman In conjunction with other courses this provides great support for understanding of the HTML and CSS concepts. I'll take the opportunity to go through this again. -James Scott Course material and presentation are focused, well organized and appropriately targeted to the beginner. Presentation rate starts slow and is very thorough in establishing a consistent presentation of new material. Course progressively increases in presentation rate, detail and inter-connectivity of material. This course has clearly been designed and presented by someone who has mastered the ability to teach which is a rare and valuable skill. The course definitely delivers and the instructor is outstanding. Don Ricardo Starts at a basic introductory level and slowly works its way up to advanced HTML and CSS concepts using clear examples. The instructor speaks in a very understandable and straightforward tone. If you have no HTML experience or even if you already have basic HTML skills, this course will reinforce your HTML knowledge and give you an excellent tutorial on CSS. I recommend it highly. -Mario Chiara"
Price: 74.99 |
"Permaculture Design for Conserving Water" |
"This course introduces the ecological design approach known as permaculture and shows how it can be used to create water-wise landscapes in dry climates.Permaculture combines concepts and principles derived from nature with research from ecology and sustainability fields to help design healthy landscapes, homes, and communities that reduce resource use, are low-maintenance, and are self-renewing. You will learn about specific techniques that work in a dry climate, and gain a general understanding of permaculture design and application.Toby is well-known for his skill at taking technical, scientific information and making it readily available to everyone, regardless of science background. In this course, Toby offers 8, very clear strategies for achieving a water-wise garden. He covers a variety of techniques to help you carry-out each strategy. In addition, he introduces the many benefits, besides water conservation, that come with implementing each water-wise strategy.By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge necessary to begin implementing water conservation techniques in your garden. Water is a precious resource. Toby gives you no excuse not to embrace water-wise gardening. So dig in and enjoy!This course was created from Tobys keynote address at Rethinking Idaho Landscapes, a forum presented by the Idaho Botanical Garden and the University of Idaho on February 22, 2014 in Boise, Idaho.About Toby HemenwayToby Hemenway is the author of Gaias Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, which was awarded the Nautilus Gold Medal in 2011, was named by the Washington Post as one of the ten best gardening books of 2010, and for the last eight years has been the best-selling permaculture book in the world. Toby has been an adjunct professor at Portland State University, Scholar-in-Residence at Pacific University, and has taught over sixty 72-hour permaculture design courses. He has presented lectures and workshops at major sustainability conferences such as Bioneers, SolFest, and EcoFarm, and at Duke University, Tufts University, University of Minnesota, University of Delaware and many other educational venues. His writing has appeared in magazines such as Natural Home, Whole Earth Review, and American Gardener. He has contributed book chapters for WorldWatch Institute and to several publications on ecological design. After obtaining a degree in biology from Tufts University, Toby worked for many years as a researcher in genetics and immunology, first in academic laboratories including Harvard and the University of Washington in Seattle, and then at Immunex, a major medical biotech company. At about the time he was growing dissatisfied with the direction biotechnology was taking, he discovered permaculture, a design approach based on ecological principles that creates sustainable landscapes, homes, and workplaces. A career change followed, and Toby and his wife, Kiel, spent ten years creating a rural permaculture site in southern Oregon. He was the editor of Permaculture Activist, a journal of ecological design and sustainable culture, from 1999 to 2004. He moved to Portland, Oregon in 2004, and spent six years developing urban sustainability resources there. Toby and his wife now live in Sebastopol, California."
Price: 19.99 |
"Reasonable Teaching: The 13x4 to Master The Art of Teaching" |
"This course is a framework for developing the characteristics of exceptional teaching, through focusing on one thing at a time, using a customised version of the 13x4 for education, the 9x4. It's part of Tom Cassidy's Reason-Ability series. Meta studies of the characteristics of exceptional teaching point to a number of key qualities that these teachers possess. My own research on the impact of teaching on student outcomes, from 2005-2012 using the 4Matrix system, supports these findings and I have now extended these conclusions into an actionable framework. 2. How does it work? There are 9 broad characteristics of exceptional teaching, each representing either something teachers believe or something they do. In order to develop these characteristics, you concentrate on just one aspect at a time, on a weekly basis until you have covered all 9. This takes 9 weeks. At that point, you repeat the cycle and continue to repeat it until you have completed the cycle 4 times. This takes 36 weeks which corresponds with the length of the academic year, hence The 9x4. The idea of One thing at a time as a developmental tool is not new. It was first turned into a system by Benjamin Franklin who used it to master the skills he required to develop his character. It has often been referred to as the Franklin 13, or Franklins Thirteen virtues, since he was working on the full 52 weeks in a year and 13x4 = 52."
Price: 34.99 |
"Mastering iPhone Programming" |
"You can now avoid all the frustration and disappointment that comes when trying to learn iPhone programming . The interactive learning pedagogy is based on the "concept and problem mechanism" which provides a systematic approach for all candidates. Our experienced team of developers and tutors have created and refined the course based on a proven system that works and is recognized in the industry. On completion of the course you will be able to Understand the entire iPhone Apps Development Cycle from start to finish. Develop and Publish your own iPhone Apps and Games on the App Store! See which type of Apps are making money and why and how you can do the same. Bid for the mushrooming number of iPhone App Projects on sites such as Elance, oDesk, WorkExchange etc. If you work at a job - you can expect a pay raise with your newly acquired cutting edge skill set Setup your own Independant iPhone Development Studio, and join the other studios that are successfully making money in this hot niche. Visit our website www.edumobile.org to know more in detail"
Price: 74.99 |
"Curso Hipoterapia y Rehabilitacion Ecuestre Online" |
"La Rehabilitacin Ecuestre engloba las actividades que utilizan como herramienta teraputica el caballo, suentorno y las connotaciones culturales y simblicas que le subyacen, para el proceso de recuperacinbiopsicosocial de una persona en situacin de discapacidad.De acuerdo a los requerimientos especiales y al grado de funcionalidad y desenvolvimiento de los usuarios,se pueden establecer algunas categoras que componen la rehabilitacin ecuestre y que van desde elmbito estrictamente Teraputico como la Hipoterapia o la psicoterapia asistida con equinos a otrosprogramas que transcienden la dinmica en rehabilitacin y que vislumbran acciones desde lo recreativocon la monta teraputica o lo deportivo en programas de equitacin teraputica; dejando abiertas lasposibilidades a los profesionales del equipo de trabajo, con la incursin incluso en los componentespedaggicos, vocacionales o de estimulacin a infantes en pro del beneficio progresivo del usuario, acordesa sus avances y sumado a nuevos intereses y expectativas. De est manera, el curso pretende brindar lasbases epistemolgicas, etolgicas, biomecnicas, fsicas y psicosociales que enmarcan el trabajo conequinos, para que se combine con las herramientas profesionales de cada Terapeuta y se plasmen endiferentes proyectos y programas, diseados y ejecutados, de acuerdo a las necesidades especiales de lapoblacin objetivo.La estrategia metodolgica para conseguir este propsito reside en la incorporacin losaspectos tericos proporcionados en las sesiones magistrales, as como al compromiso de los participantesen la auto-formacin por medio de la lectura del material asignado y el complemento personal.En el curso se retomaran aspectos generales de las terapias asistidas por animales, que es el componentemacro, en el que se inscribe la rehabilitacin ecuestre, haciendo nfasis en las organizaciones mundialesque las lideran y el panorama mundial que la circunscribe. Se retomaran aspectos bsicos de los equinos,como la anatoma, la fisiologa, la biomecnica, la etologa, correlacionando la accin de estos elementos,con las disciplinas teraputicas Ocupacionales, Psicolgicas, Fonoaudiolgicas y Fsicas que hacen de laRehabilitacin ecuestre un proceso teraputico, para finalmente dilucidar las aplicaciones especficas deltratamiento, en diferentes tipos de problemticas, con ejercicios de diseo, planeacin y ejecucin desesiones de hipoterapia, equitacin teraputica y monta teraputica."
Price: 99.99 |
"25 errores comunes que todos cometemos en Ingls" |
"Algunos de vosotros ya conocis mis cursos de idiomas. Mi nombre es Ana y soy profesora de idiomas por videoconferencia, adems de estudiante de chino. Fruto de mi experiencia como profesora de ingls me he dado cuenta de que, a pesar de que mis alumnos se encuentren en muy distintos lugares de la geografa mundial, tienen en comn un punto de partida para enfrentarse al idioma, ya que todos hablan espaol. Por eso, es muy habitual que mis alumnos me planteen con frecuencia las mismas preguntas. Y para tratar de resolver esas dudas frecuentes cre mi blog que ofrece informacin gratuita muy valiosa para todos los estudiantes de idiomas. Unas de las entradas ms comunes del blog son las tituladas ""5 common mistakes"". Hoy en este curso vamos un paso ms all y recopilo para vosotros y en forma de video ""25 common mistakes"". Espero que os resulten de gran utilidad."
Price: 19.99 |
"Develop Responsive Websites with Bootstrap 3" |
"Use the powerful platform of Bootstrap 3 to build and design your own responsive website.In the Develop Responsive Websites with Bootstrap 3 course, we will walk you through the popular Bootstrap HTML and CSS framework. Bootstrap helps build websites that look beautiful on mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers. Develop Responsive Websites with Bootstrap 3 covers a wide range of use cases from simple marketing websites, to web application UI's to dynamic websites using a CSS pre-processor that builds Bootstrap on the fly. What You Will Learn In the course, you will learn about various stylized components of Bootstrap 3 including Navbars, Buttons, Panels, Images, Accordions, Modal dialog boxes and the like, while building two demonstration web sites. You will also learn about the underlying architecture including the layout grid, responsive techniques, typography, and utility functions for layout, hardcopy print and screen readers. Projects By the end of this course you will have created a beautifully designed responsive website for your portfolio. After taking the course and creating the project website, you will be able to take what you've learned and create virtually any other type of website on the web today. You will also create your own custom web application UI. Bootstrap Customization Customization of Bootstrap is introduced in simple CSS overrides, expanded upon with 3rd-party Javascript functions (for high-resolution Retina images), and developed finally in the creation of your own Bootstrap template. You will also learn about CSS debugging techniques which are helpful in customizing Bootstrap with its CSS pre-processor language LESS. In the last two lessons, you will create a dynamic version of one of the demo websites with a NodeJS server and on-demand compiled Bootstrap LESS. Example code is provided for each lesson. Pre-Requsites Pre-requisites are some HTML and CSS familiarity, and basic web concepts. Javascript knowledge is helpful."
Price: 74.99 |
"Learn MySQL From Scratch" |
"If you're new to web development, MySQL is the most popular database technology out there. This free technology is used to create the majority of database dependent websites (which most are). This course will start at the very beginning, with lessons on what MySQL is and how it works, to installing MySQL, then moving on to all the basic skills you'll need to use MySQL in the real world. You will also learn the popular new MySQLi framework. MySQLi is the next generation of MySQL, and if you know this now you will be ahead of the competition for a long time to come. Projects This course also includes two real life projects. After you've gained an understanding of how MySQL works, you'll learn how this technology is used on real websites."
Price: 74.99 |
"HTML5 Essentials for Beginners" |
"If you are unaware of the new the features and tags that HTML5 offers, HTML5 Essentials for Beginners is a course intended for you. This insightful and fast paced overview will help you quickly discover exactly what makes HTML5, the 5th revision of HTML, such an important standard to learn. This course will assist you to: Discover the differences between HTML4 and HTML5, as your trainer makes revealing side-by-side comparisons. Find out the different elements and attributes of the tags used in HTML5 Learn about the support HTML5 offers for the latest multimedia. Tutorials include the new <video>, <audio> and <canvas> elements, as well as the integration of scalable vector graphics (SVG) content and MathML for mathematical formulas. HTML5 Essentials for Beginners includes demo files to help you practice and learn. What People Are Saying: This tutorial really gave me a good overview of HTML5 and helped me understand the major changes from HTML4. The only knock I would give it is that it does not cover web storage, web workers and some other new features of HTML5. For this course being free though and only taking an hour of your time you can't beat the information you get. I think this course will be most beneficial to those already proficient in HTML4. Anthony Martin Clear, easy to understand and informative course. Will take more Simon Sez It courses. -Mike Felker Just the facts in a very concise way and the explanations were clear. Great Job. -Eric Belardo I really like this course because I learned so much in a so little time, please beware that this is not a learn by doing course, it is an course that will explain the use of the commands in HTML5 and compare them with HTML4. Keep the good work Simon! -Cinthia Ramrez Rufino This was a very basic lesson. However, it taught me a lot of things I wasn't aware of. I am a beginner, but some of the other classes I have taken didn't cover some of the fundamentals / basics like this course. I definitely recommend this course to ALL beginners if you're serious about web development. -John Acosta"
Price: 74.99 |
"SASS Prensipleri ve Visual Studio" |
"SASS (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheet) dosyalarnn kodlanmas, derlenmesi ve CSS ktlarna dntrlmesi hakknda bilgi edinebileceiniz bir kurs. Bu kursta, Visual Studio zerinde gerekli extension'larla nasl SASS dosyalar ile alabileceimizi sizlere gstereceim. Ayrca Koala App (ve benzer uygulamalar mevcut) ile visual studio olmadan da nasl SASS dosyalarn derleyebileceimizi ve CSS ktlar oluturabileceimizi sizlere gsteriyor olacam. Bu kurs sonunda CSS dosyalarn artk eski tarzda oluturmayacaksnz. Eminim ki, SASS szdizimi aracl ile daha az kodla daha kullanl ve standartlatrlm CSS dosyalar oluturacaksnz."
Price: 69.99 |
"Everyday Mind Mastery" |
"Welcome to Everyday Mind Mastery, the leading personal development course on Udemy. Over 75,000 students CURRENTLY enrolled! So, you might ask - what's the fuss all about? Well, there are two reasons people seem to like it: 1. Students who do this course end up feeling better instantly, and start creating change in their lives instantly, just by applying the simplest of everyday algorithms in their everyday lives. (In 10 minutes you will know what I mean.) 2. Students immediately start applying the power of one thing at a time to tackle the mastery of any goal; incrementally, marginally, successively. You want to become better at parenting? This course can help you. You want to become a better leader? This course can help you. You want to have a more successful business? It helps with that too. Why? How? Really? Yes, and it's all about making it as easy as possible, (but no easier!) So, do you ever ask yourself, ""I KNOW I could be doing more with my life, but HOW?"" Let's face it. You have a busy life with a zillion distractions... and this can lead to a loss of focus, and not getting what you want out of life. You join the gym in January but by the end of February... The guitar you bought is in the spare room gathering dust... You've got a copy of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' on your bookshelf, you know it's a great book yet you haven't opened it since 1995... You decided to learn French, and after 3 weeks you've not got very far and so you decide that maybe Spanish would be better...and 3 years later you're still just speaking loud English whenever you go abroad... Sound familiar? You're not alone. Most of the population is in the same boat as you. It's pretty normal. Only a tiny percentage of the people on the planet have the self-discipline of an Olympic athlete. And I for one, am certainly not in that group. I don't have an iron will. I don't even have a tin will. My will is probably more like cardboard if I'm honest. Therefore the standard approach to achieving your goals just doesn't really appeal to me, since the standard approach involves ME having to change. The standard approach is basically just 'have more self-discipline', just 'get better'. That's why I created a different approach. One that works for me, for (almost) all of us. And I didn't even have to do that much as the great Benjamin Franklin had already done most of the work. I just added a few tweaks, made it even more accessible and added a few thought algorithms to make it even easier to implement. This approach is to use a system that gets the job done with minimum willpower, this approach involves not having to change. So, you have two options: 1. Change 2. Be yourself + Use a System Choose easy. Choose Option 2. Make the smart choice. Take the red pill. So, instead of increasing our willpower, let's use a system that works with a minimum amount of will. We're still going to have to do the work, it's just that we won't have to use up any of our energy forcing ourselves to do the work. I'm not afraid of work. In fact, none of us are really afraid of work. We're afraid that we won't stick at things because that's what we've done in the past. We're afraid that if we try we might fail, and so after a while, we'd rather not try. We're afraid we're not good enough. We're afraid we don't have enough willpower. We're not afraid of doing the work, we're afraid that our work won't work! So, the big question is what's going to be easier for you? Carrying on the same way, making resolutions, getting disappointed, giving up on yourself, starting to wonder if you're ever going to get what you want out of life? Or using a system that gets it done with minimum willpower. Get involved - enrol in the course and join nearly 80,000 students who are already finding that there just might be a better way... ________________ Oxford Physicist, Internationally Published Author and 'Thought Engineer', Tom Cassidy, has created a system for helping people crack the deepest issues of their lives: self-worth, self-belief, goal-achieving, feeling good, achieving sustainable health and deeply fulfilling relationships. Tom has combined the wisdom of hundreds of years of the study of global philosophies, human effectiveness, modern findings of behavioural science, recent breakthroughs in the understanding of brain physiology and even the results of quantum mechanics into a practical system for getting things done. The system takes 'One thing at a time' to a new level: it's monotasking-on-steroids. And best of all, it requires the least willpower of anything you've ever tried. Other than sitting on the couch, of course! It's basically the shizzle is what I'm saying..."
Price: 34.99 |
"Publisher 2016" |
"This course is designed to help students become comfortable with the tools of Microsoft Publisher, a desktop publishing application, and allow them to create professional-looking flyers, posters, catalogs, newsletters, and more. The course will focus on structuring documents, modifying text, working with shapes and images, and formatting and finalizing documents."
Price: 39.99 |
"Music Entrepreneurship COMPLETE: Parts 1, 2, and 3" |
"** UDEMY BEST SELLER **Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Entrepreneurship Guide!This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and turn it into a business. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.In this course, we will use the real-world experiences of the award-winning instructor and university music business professor Dr. Jason Allen. But don't be worried - Dr. Allen is best known around campus for keeping things simple, accessible, and useful.Dr. Allen is the founder of a number of successful businesses, and is a top-rated Udemy instructor. In 2017 Star Tribune Business featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Getting your career off the ground as a professional musician can be a long and scary task. It requires a lot of work and dedication. But with this course, I want to simplify that process for you. We will draw on my experience both as a professional musician and as a University Professor in the music industry. I'll walk through all the steps that the professionals take to setup their career as a business.MUSIC BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURSHIP: PARTS, 1, 2 AND 3 is three courses in one: It includes my three top Music Entrepreneurship courses Monetizing Your Music, Funding Your Business, and Music Business Plans.In this course, we will focus the entire course on the steps to start a career in the music business. First, we will focus on the advantages and concerns of new businesses, specifically in the arts. Next, we will walk through the different types of businesses - from corporations, to family businesses, to nonprofit organizations. Most importantly, we will learn what is best for your business, and walk through the step-by-step process to setup and register your business. Last, we will walk through the steps needed to create your most essential founding document: the operating agreement. By the end of this course, if you follow along, you will have your business officially created and ready to open the doors for business.Also included in this course is a comprehensive plan to build a professional business plan - including text template pages, Xcel spreadsheets, and more.Some of the step-by-step guides in this course will be:The steps to take to start your music careerThe 4 business objectsDeciding on your business typeFiling your legal formsThe steps to writing an operating agreementThe 7 steps to building a budget for your music careerThe top techniques for finding fundingThe secrets to using crowdfundingThe 8 parts of the business planThe course is a roadmap to launching your career in the music business.All the tools you need to prepare, organize, and start your career are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music business course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get obsorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts to all future classes in the series. "
Price: 64.99 |
"Curso Experto en Gestin de Equipos" |
"Bienvenido/a al Curso Experto en Gestin de Equipos!Est a punto de comenzar una experiencia muy enriquecedora para ti a nivel profesional, tanto si ya ests al frente de un equipo como lder como si esperas poder desempear un rol de liderazgo en un futuro prximo.En el Curso Experto en Gestin de Equipos aprenders a conducir a un equipo desde su fase evolutiva actual (incluso desde su ms temprana fase de creacin) hasta un estado de Alto Rendimiento, que es el nivel mximo que alcanzan slo algunos equipos excepcionalmente excelentes.Conocers la evolucin de los equipos, cmo se comportan en cada una de sus fases y cmo t, desde un rol de lder (formal o espontneo) puedes ayudarlos a evolucionar, fase tras fase, hasta el pleno rendimiento. Adquirirs competencias fundamentales del liderazgo, reflexionars y ejercitars tus habilidades de forma constante e interactiva.A lo largo del programa, aprenders a aplicar diferentes tcnicas, dinmicas y estrategias de trabajo con equipos en funcin de las necesidades concretas de tu equipo en un momento dado. Conocers el modo de remolcar a cualquier equipo fuera del enorme agujero improductivo que es la fase de conflictos, sers capaz de reiniciar a equipos que se encuentran en un momento inefectivo y desmotivador y convertirlos en equipos consolidados que funcionen desde la excelencia.Trabajaremos las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para impulsar la motivacin y el rendimiento en cualquier equipo y tendrs infinidad de oportunidades de poner en prctica todo lo aprendido.Espero verte al otro lado, trabajando mano a mano conmigo en tu desarrollo como lder de equipos!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Facebook Marketing: Master Posts and Profit with FB Groups" |
"Facebook Marketing Growth Strategies 2019Ever wonder why some Facebook Posts goes viral while others fail?Want to create a great, engaged and profitable community with Facebook Groups?While Facebook Algorithm is Secret there are a series of techniques you can learn from the pro's to maximise your results and reach ever growing number of people WITHOUTadvertising.At Oxford Learning Lab we worked with Consultants for Companies and Politicians to bring you the course you need to Master the art of Writing The Perfect Post & Create Engaging Groups.The Top Five Reasons to Learn from Our Course:The Secret Sauce of Super Viral PostsReach the right people with NO AdsNo previous knowledge neededUnderstand how Facebook secret algorithm worksHave lifetime access with frequent updatesEffective Facebook Communication is a skill you cannot miss if you want to work on Digital and Social Media Marketing!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Change Management: How To Drive And Adapt" |
"Look, I'll cut through all the fluff and hype.This course is for those that want to change something for the better.Be it the way you communicate with your team, speeding up production, improving customer lifetime value or any goal that you can track and measure, this course can help you.It covers everything you need as far as change management goes. Starts out with covering the foundational concepts like, WHYCHANGE? and WHATISCHANGE to you?Then goes over the essential skill to lasting change, effective communication.Continues with the actual framework to implement change. A practical guideline that you can apply and see results not 1 year from now, not 6 months, but in days of watching this course.And since I am committed to this being a practical course I even talk about the main problem with successfully implementing change, dealing with adversity.Because we all know what needs to be done. Yet we don't do it.So the problem is not lack of know-how, but rather one of follow through.The format is not ""I talk, you listen.' It's I share insight, you apply that insight to your own goals and take action.The course is filled with practical exercises that will help improve the way you currently do things.Once again, I want to emphasize the fact that this is not a ""learn some formal concepts about change management"" course or something that applies to 500+ employee organizations only.This course will allow you to change something as simple as your daily routine to increase personal productivity while at the same time helping you better manage entire departments of people.So if you're struggling in your business or professional life, change is the answer.Either from desperation or inspiration, we all need CHANGE if we are to outgrow ourselves, if we are to go outside our comfort zone, if we are to achieve something bigger than ourselves.And this course, takes the guesswork out of change management.I'm looking forward to see you on the inside."
Price: 99.99 |
"Premiere Pro CC" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro8131Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018VSO10PremierePhilip Ebiner Video School Online 2011Top102015VSO50Pr - Jeff Gilbert- Tim Clark - Jerilson Duarte"
Price: 29.99 |
"After Effects CC" |
"Ae- Louis Matarazzo, After Effects 2018Adobe After Effects CCAfter Effects CCCCCS6CS5PhilAfter Effects400000Phil EbinerAfter Effects 2018.- Cavett Robert- Dragan VukicevicPhil.- Patrick GilmourAdobe After EffectsAfter Effects CCAfter Effects CCrotoscopingAfter Effects CC301"
Price: 29.99 |
wedding-photography-course-chinese |
"VSO15William Carnahan 2006 20082010LMU2011ESPN2013Will Call CinematicPhilip Ebiner Video School Online 2011Top102015VSO50- Gergana Tzoncheva - Peter Dee - Aubrey KvasnickaLrPs"
Price: 29.99 |
"Azure Machine Learning in the cloud without coding" |
"Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Cloud Computing (Azure, AWS, Google Cloud,...) have become Buzzwords in the media. And there are good reasons for this.These topics will shape the world of tomorrow and will tremendously influence our future working environment. So it is up to all of us to start diving into these subjects(Machine Learning, AI, Cloud) and understand what they mean and how to use them. This will be a key factor and open up new and better job opportunities.The big question is how? How can we dive into these topics? What if you can't code or do not like to do it? What if you are not a mathematician or data scientist? Is there still an option?Short Answer. Absolutely! Were there is a will, there is a way! And this way is exactly what I would like to show you here. Together we will learn a high level understanding of important machine learning concepts and create our own machine learning experiments in the cloud.We will learn to use both technologies together and create own machine learning experiments. The best of allNo coding requiredNo addtional fees - we will use the cloud for freeexited? I really hope so.Let's get into it! I see you in the first lecture"
Price: 119.99 |
"The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting" |
"The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & PresentingImagine yourself with the storytelling ability to captivate every audience. You can become a captivating speaker and presenter after you earn the techniques of expert storytelling.Becoming good at storytelling is not a difficult art reserved for the highly talented and gifted. Speaking expert TJ Walker breaks down all the steps needed to become comfortable and skilled at storytelling.This comprehensive storytelling course is the longest and most through of any on this platform. The course will not only serve you well in the short term but provide a handy reference for you on every aspect of storytelling for years to come.Attention: TJ Walker will personally critique your storytelling abilities. Each student is asked to post several video of themselves delivering stories. This is the most meaningful and helpful part of the storytelling course.***Please note: this is a course on how to tell stories while presenting and delivering speeches. The instructor demonstrates and teaches this storytelling skill by speaking directly to you, the student. If you are looking for a course with lots of graphics, edits, sound effects, and other distractions, this course is not for you."
Price: 199.99 |
"Functional Programming using Elixir - The Complete Course" |
"Elixir is a programming language used by application developers of all kinds and it is best for building scalable and maintainable applications. There are lot of people that are jumping on board with Elixir because it sort of has elegance. Elixir is a functional language and it runs on the top of Erlang virtual machine, which implies it is also inherently concurrent and distributed, whereas the syntax is very straight forward, its unlike any other functional languages. The emphasizing reasons why people typically get excited is because, it is fun to read and write, and it has lots of built-in features for building reliable systems. Our course is designed keeping newbies and freshers in mind, the course separates language into simple bits and pieces that enables you grasp the language easily and furthermore help you to start programming quickly. In this course we are going to start with basics of functional programming which is for example quite different from object oriented programming. We will even dive deep in the basics of Elixir and how it is different from other popular language with all the specifications. How it work with the processes and makes its stand apart. In the next section we will see what is node, tasks, and agents. You will also learn how to work with GenServer i.e. the part of OTP framework that comes from Erlang with the applications in Elixir with all the dependencies. What are supervisors and how they can ensure for the tool runs. Thats not all, you will also see what is Mix tools that comes with Elixir along with the Metaprogramming concepts. We have designed this course for newbies, everything is packed in this course that a developer need. We can say that Elixir is not only a great programming language that allows you to build powerful applications, but also because it has all the goodness provided by Erlang, it has many tools under the belt which makes it very easy for newcomers to built complex systems. You don't need any third party solutions to go through all the processes, or to introduce all the parallel execution of the code, to store your data in the memory, because there is even a separate database management system that is available for Erlang in Elixir. We really encourage you to try Elixir because while alluring this language you will have the possibility to look at the process of programming from a different angle. All these new concepts will allow you to think a bit differently. With our simple to learn course, you won't just take in the nuts and bolts but will advance further to more complex functional programming ideas. So, what are you waiting for? Lets get started."
Price: 49.99 |
"How To Install Ruby On Rails On Windows" |
"Have you ever tried to install Ruby on Rails on a Windows computer?Tough, isn't it!! Most Ruby on Rails courses assume you already have Rails installed. Chances are, that's not the case! And Rails is one of the harder web frameworks to install; it's easy to get messed up!In this course I'll walk you through it step by step.We'll install all the software you need such as Node.js, Git, Git Bash, and the Heroku Toolbelt.I'll also show you how to set up version control, and how to push your version control up to Github.Finally, I'll walk you through deploying your app on Heroku, a professional web hosting service (we'll use the free version).If you've ever tried to install Rails and failed, this is the course for you!See you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99 |
"Start a Profitable Tutoring Home Business Complete Course" |
"Start a Profitable Tutoring Home Business Complete CourseHow to create a profitable home tutoring & coaching business with little to no experience necessary. In this class you will learn how you can create your first online and offline business as a tutor. I will start with the basics, my background and how I got into this business then show you how you can do exactly that. We will explore all the websites where you can teach online even if you have little to no experience. Find topics that you are good at and how to eventually start your own profitable coaching business. Finally a business you can start fast easy and simple without any experience necessary and even having internet access is optional helpful but is not required. You can start this business online or in your local area I will show you every possible way to increase this business and take it to the next level. Why should you listen to me? I have been doing exactly that and I am still doing it. This is one of the easiest and most flexible business you can get into and everyone can do this.Course Focus...* Explore teaching websites* Began a Consulting business* Start Tutoring & Coaching business* What niche, price and get organize * Creating business cards & Website* Work online or locally* Where to applyTo sum it up this course will teach you how to get your first online job. How do I know this and why do I teach it? It is because those are exactly the same websites I applied when I first started teaching online and some of those sites are those that accepted me to them on them. Best of all no qualification is needed to teach on many of them. What are you waiting for see you on the inside. To your success see you on the inside.Your Instructor,Sergey Kasimov************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 109.99 |
"EIGRP Comprehensive Labs Course" |
"In this course, students will learn advance knowledge on EIGRP for Real World & certification purposes.It will help students practice EIGRP with several comprehensive labs that are included here to help drill down the knowledge necessary for a work environment.This will also help those that are ready to take the CCNA and/or CCENT (ICND1) or ICND2 certification exam."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Node.js REST API Masterclass" |
"This course will introduce you to Express the most popular Web Application Framework used in conjunction with Node.js runtime. Master the basics of webapp folder structures and Express Middlewares, and build your own RESTAPIs, securing them with JSONWeb Tokens (JWTs).You will begin learning all about Express, including:Obtaining query parameters and parts of the URLReading a POST form submission in the serverRendering a view in the server, and understanding loops and conditional statementsHow to create a hard-coded login screenFrom here, you'll build a simple RESTAPI, where you will: Build a simple get/post APIDevelop and authentication flow using RESTUnderstand the different REST types and more."
Price: 199.99 |
"Managing Employee Performance" |
"This program is part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical approach to managing the performance of employees in a way that will achieve organizational results while enhancing the development and engagement of employees. Our performance management process is designed to get past the traditional annual performance plan and presents tools, templates and skills that reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Learners will complete each stage of the process, understand the management skills required to put it into practice as well as identify future opportunities for development.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.50 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99 |