"Learn 101 NEW BLUES HARMONICA licks for killer improvising!" |
"Thanks to Tom at Blue Moon Harmonicas for the lovely title photo!Come and learn some more Blues Licks and boost your improvising.Totally different to my book/course '101 blues riffs' no crossover between the two.There are licks written for the 'one' chord, the 'four' chord, and the 'five' chord. Not only that but we have intro riffs, ending riffs, turnarounds and transition riffs. You will become more inventive, more fluid and more fun to listen to - get out of the Blues rut, enjoy your playing again now.The more of these you learn the better player you will become.This is like a phrasebook; it gives you loads of ideas to make your own.If you have a tune or subject that you would like me to teach please message me.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)The Library of Congress broadly give the same view.(5) Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.Any recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music."
Price: 99.99 |
"Social Media Analytics - Mtricas en redes sociales" |
"Eres ms de letras que de nmeros? No ests solo, compartes el mismo miedo con muchos otros community managers y responsables de comunicacin. En esta Master Class vers que los nmeros pueden convertirse en tus mejores amigos y en una herramienta para comprobar la efectividad de tu plan de comunicacin.Nos enfocaremos en lo importante: qu medir, dnde encontrar los datos, cmo interpretarlos y, sobre todo, veremos casos prcticos que te mostrarn todo lo que puedes hacer con esos datos para generar una mayor interactividad en tu comunidad, llegar a ms gente y crecer."
Price: 24.99 |
"Estrategia de comunicacin." |
"Este curso parte de la inquietud decmo ayudar a las empresas a crear un plan de comunicacin que les ayudeyse estructura en6 pasosdondetrabajaremos metodologay veremosejemplos prcticosque ilustren cada punto de la estrategia. En caso de que quieras analizar algn ejemplo en concreto, por favor, deja el nombre de la empresa / sector en las opiniones del curso para poder utilizarla como referencias.TEMARIO DEL CURSO:Diagnstico: Antes de nada, qu tal si construimos un buen briefing?Objetivos de comunicacin:Qu es notoriedad?Cmo se mide? Y la Conexin? Es la conexin emocional un objetivo o una estrategia? Y la venta? Es un objetivo en s mismo?Estrategias de comunicacin: Conoces el Modelo de Notoriedad vs Credibilidad? Cmo se construye una marca autntica? Y otra rpida? Estrategia de marca: Cmo definimos la construccin de marcas en el tiempo? Cules son los factores clave? Cmo se definen los atributos de la marca? Cul es su modelo de representacin?Puntos de contacto:Cmo se construye un plan de medios? Cmo se define la presencia en canales digitales? Tienen sentido los planes 360? Qu es eso de narrativas transmedia?KPI's:Cmo medimos todo esto? Cmo se hace un cuadro de mando?Al finalizar el curso, los asistentes tendrn una presentacin con pasos a seguir para poder aplicar lo aprendido al da siguiente en sus empresas."
Price: 24.99 |
"Reinventarse profesionalmente" |
"El actual mercado profesional evoluciona de forma radialmente diferente a la de hace dcadas. La pregunta ""por qu es necesario reinventarse?'"" tiene una respuesta que impulsa a la accin desde ya. Y este curso te xplcia cmo:Por qu es necesario reinventarse:Un reciente estudio de acadmicos de la Universidad de Oxford sugiere que el47% de los empleos actuales sern automatizadosen las dos prximas dcadas. Los empleos intelectuales complejos sern simplificados y divididos en pequeas tareas susceptibles de ser automatizadas bajo el prisma del Big Data o la inteligencia artificial. La creatividad ser importante, pero slo en tareas clave. Donde ahora trabajan 100 abogados, mdicos u oficinistas puede que en el futuro slo sean necesarios 10.Cmo reinventarse:Conocer cmo evoluciona el mercado profesional y saber leer tendencias es la clave para estar preparado. Existen reglas para ser ms adaptable y recursos que ayudan a innovar de forma constante el talento de las personas. En este taller aprenders cules son."
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduccin a C++" |
"El lenguaje C++ es uno de los lenguajes ms exitosos y utilizados actualmente. Muchos otros lenguajes como Java, C#, Objective C estn basados en su sintaxis y potencia. C++ es un lenguaje de programacin basado en el lenguaje C, originalmente desarrollado por Dennis Ritchie entre 1969 y 1972 en los Laboratorios Bell. C++ es un lenguaje de programacin diseado por Bjarne Stroustrup con la intencin de aadirle a C la programacin orientada a objetos. Este curso est orientado a los programadores que deseen introducirse en los principios del lenguaje C++. Nuestros objetivos son:Aprender los tipos de datos y el uso de variables en C++Crear diferentes tipos de expresiones utilizando operadores, operandos y literales.Aprender las diferentes estructuras condicionales dentro del lenguaje C++Aplicar las estructura cclica como do..while, while y for, as como el operador condicional.Aprender a crear, llamar y pasar parmetros por valor o por referencia.Aprender las funciones estndar de las libreras ANSI CAprender a crear y poblar estructuras y a utilizar los apuntadores en el Lenguaje C++Crear y modificar los apuntadores o punteros en el lenguaje C++Crear las clases y sus constructores en la programacin orientada a objetos en el lenguaje C++Poder crear funciones amigas, funciones amigas en otras clases, crear clases amigas, crear y usar getters y setters, crear funciones en lnea, funciones constantes.Crear clases derivadas con constructores, crear destructores de la jerarqua de clases, funciones que se relacionen entre clases heredadas, sobreescribir funciones en las clases heredadas.Crear funciones y clases por medio de plantillas.Para tomar este curso debes tener una computadora con Windows 7 o superior, conexin a internet y un editor de cdigo como SublimeText, Brackets, Dreamweaver, etc.Contars con los archivos fuentes terminados en cada una de las secciones, los apuntes de cada seccin al final de la misma y el eBook del curso."
Price: 270.00 |
"Learn How to Use Adobe Lightroom Classic CC in 4-Steps" |
"Welcome to Learn How to Use Adobe Lightroom Classic CCin 4-Steps!I'm ChristineLee Smith, a 13-year commercial photographer, and I'll be your instructor.In this courseI walk you through lessons that give you a visual hands-on learning experience covering:What Lightroom catalogs are and how to use them effectivelyHow to download and import your images into LightroomTools and tips for quickly sorting through your images to find the best onesHow to edit your photos using the basic editing tools, plus lens corrections and transform Exporting your photos so you can share with othersBy the end of this course you'll be able to confidently use the fundamental functions of Lightroom to import, cull, edit, and export your photos. Additionally, you'll be able to setup a workflow system that works for you, to help you process your photos more efficiently."
Price: 49.99 |
"Start Using Google Tag Manager" |
"If you're paying money to drive traffic to your website, you'll want to know what these website visitors are doing on your website to know if you're advertising is working.Learn about Google Tag Manager and how to use it to manage all the JavaScript code you're given by Facebook, Google, and other websites across the internet to track visitors from Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and more."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Freelancing Course-Upwork Fiverr Home Business" |
"Freelancing done right creates the ultimate in employment and career stability. You can be your own boss. And you can be a well-paid freelancer with full benefits, IF you build your freelancing business right. From the ground up.It doesn't matter whether you are creating or running a copywriting business or a web design business. It doesn't matter if you are a home business or on the road constantly. If you want a successful freelancing career, you must follow core business fundamentals that position you to soar! This course will teach you how.Being a successful freelancer in today's gig economy isn't just about having slick copywriting for your offer on Fiverr and Upwork (though that isn't a bad start), it is about a long-term positioning and strategy that allows you to build financial as well as intellectual capital. To some, freelancing means instability and low wages. To you, after taking this course, freelancing will mean high income, career stability, industry influence, and the power to call your own shots.This course will teach you how to establish a strong foundation for your freelancing career so that you can continually grow, increase fees, attract better customers and clients, and command respect from all you deal with. Whether you are an accidental freelancer or one entering the field on purpose, this course will provide you with shortcuts to success. Nothing good happens overnight, but you don't have to go through a multi-year, trial-and-error process before coming up with a system that works for you and your lifestyle. Freelancing done poorly can make you end up feeling like an over-tired, stressed, impoverished indentured servant. Freelancing done the right way can give you a lifestyle of creative and professional control coupled with financial freedom. Message from the instructor ""I've been a full-time freelancer for the last 25 years. The freelancing existence has led to the lifestyle of my dreams. I've traveled the world, worked from home, been paid handsomely and generated profits that paid for all I could ever want. It wasn't easy at first, but I can teach you the fastest way to position yourself for both short-term long-term success."" TJ WalkerYou can get clients to call you and ask for your availabilityYou can get clients to realize the full value of your experience and expertiseYou can give yourself a raise every year.You can give yourself full benefitsYou can give yourself vacationsYou can create long-term economic stability without fear of ever getting fired"
Price: 199.99 |
"Potencia tu marca: menos posicionamiento y ms posicin" |
"La crisis nos demuestra que muchas formas de hacer de los marketeros deberan cambiar. Muchas de las prcticas que hasta hace poco daban buenos resultados, hoy no son sostenibles porque han dejado de ser rentables.Muchas de estas prcticas tienen que ver con laconstruccin de la Identidad de marca. La gran aceleracin en el crecimiento que han experimentado las marcas de la distribucin se debe, en parte, a que las estrategias de marca de muchos anunciantes han quedado desfasadas.Lalgica del cursoser la siguiente:Reflexin sobre las propuestas de valor basadas en modelos clsicos de identidad de marca.Reflexin sobre el mercado y las tendencias de consumo.Reflexin sobre casos de xito de marca que toman posicin y postura.Exposicin de herramientas para modernizar la identidad de nuestras marcas y para empezar su reconstruccin desde la comunicacin, off y on.Al final del curso el alumno podr responder mejor preguntas como estas:Mi arquitectura de marcas est siendo eficiente en la construccin de valor teniendo en cuenta los cambios del entorno?Qu puede incorporar mi marca a sus significados, y por lo tanto a sus mensajes y acciones, para ser ms relevante?Cmo puedo modificar mis herramientas de trabajo para conseguir evolucionar mi marca en trminos de posicin y postura?"
Price: 24.99 |
photography-masterclass-learn-photography-chinese |
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Program Arduino for SCADA HMI Communications via OPC" |
"The Arduino is being used more and more every day for small scale SCADA and Automation projects, due to it's low cost and ease of connecting with various types of I/O devices. In many projects there is a need to connect the controller to a SCADA Human Machine Interface (HMI) application for the purposes of data visualization. OPC has become the essential de-facto standard for HMI communications with controllers from different vendors. It becomes quite useful, therefore, for an Arduino to be able to communicate with a SCADA HMI application via OPC. That is what this course teaches you to do! In this course, you will learn ...1. How to download and install a FREE OPC server designed for the Arduino. 2. How to program the Arduino so that it is able to communicate with an OPC server via serial and network media. 3. How to use a simple OPC client to test OPC communication with the Arduino via the OPC server.4. How to configure a simple SCADA HMI to read data from and write data to the Arduino via OPC. The course has ready-to-go code that you can download as well as detailed wiring diagrams that you can use to build your own automation projects."
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Lightroom Classic CC Made Easy Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Adobe Lightroom Classic CC with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Lightroom Classic Made Easy features 158 video lessons and over 8 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual (288 pages).Whether you are completely new to Lightroom Classic or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs."
Price: 19.99 |
"Produce a 1980's Electro Funk Track in Ableton Live 9 & 10" |
"This Ableton Live course focuses on the genre of the mid 1980's which was a combination of Electronic Soul and Funk, with a Dance feel to it.Here you will learn the concepts of this genre by installing the correct VST synths at no extra cost, and learn how to select the right combination of sounds and effects in order to produce a 1980's Electronic Funk record.Using the Drum machine sounds you will program in beat patterns and also learn and perform certain chord progressions and lead lines and melodies to get the actual feel for this track that sounds like it could have been recorded in 1985.From the very start you will take advantage of the techniques I have applied in quick and easy to follow tutorials. You will also learn a wide variety of skills from using effects and automating these to further your production skills.You will gain experience in arrangement and in equalising and mixing your song for a polished version that will be ready for mastering. The whole idea is to give you the skills and the techniques to then go ahead and produce your own track in this style by using these plug ins and drum machine sounds.Lessons are broken down into short tutorials and will focus on the following.1. installing VST Synths and selecting the correct sounds.2. programming Drum beats.3. Creating an intro.4. Arrangement skills.5. Learn how to play chords and melodies6. Program additional drum patterns for a solo.7. Use automation and effect plug ins to create authenticity.8. Mixing and equalising your track."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Train the Trainer Bootcamp - Beginners-Advanced" |
"Train the Trainer. In this train-the-trainer course youll learn everything you need to know for any stage in your training career. You will learn everything about entering the training profession, how to advance as a beginner, intermediate or even an advanced level trainer.If you are looking for true value, you have come to the right place. this course is longer than any other train-the-trainer course on this platform. It has more lectures than any other course and more hours (23+) than any other train the trainer course. You will not need another train the trainer course after enrolling in this one. Live, in person training is still the dominant mode of professional training in the training business. But this course also covers every aspect of virtual training, including online training, on demand courses, and live training through forums like Skype and WebEx and Zoom.Are you looking to become a versatile trainer who is highly respected and compensated in your field? Then this course is designed for trainers and aspiring trainers like you. Message from the trainer: ""I have personally conducted trainings around the world in more than 30 countries. Ive trained more than 10,000 executives and leaders in small and large in-person training workshops and train-the-trainer workshops. In this course, I share with you everything Ive learned over the last 30 years. I hold nothing back. I've designed this course to be a complete reference tool and training guide that you can use for years to come."" TJ WalkerIn this unique train the trainer program, each student receives personal training video critiques from the instructor. If you feel like your training career is not about to soar after attending this course, youre entitled to a 100% refund.The training industry is going through dramatic changes in this current digital era. Just showing up for a day, standing in front of people and reading a few bullet points will no longer cut it. Today, trainers must know every aspect of how to conduct a blended learning system, create video and multimedia content, and run a flipped classroom.There are plenty of good trainers in the world but there are few highly skilled at training other trainers. TJ Walker is one of the premier trainers in the world over the last two decades. He shares his wisdom gained in the trenches with every single student.You may currently be an excellent subject matter expert, but that doesnt mean you know how to train. Training is a highly specific skill, just as writing is a skill or reading. Unfortunately, few people are ever taught in school or the corporate world how to be a successful and skilled trainers. Now, this is your opportunity to leapfrog over competitors and other trainers In your organization and industry.Train the Trainer -Imagine yourself training small and large groups of people how to do what you do best. How to Be a Trainer In this ""Train theTrainer"" course you will learn how to conduct training sessions to help people build new skills or develop new areas of expertise. A good trainer mush be a good teacher, coach, public speaker and consultant. This course will teach you various aspects of the profession with special emphasis on how to conduct training sessions. The number one blunder most beginning trainers is dumping too much data in a boring manner to their students or trainees. A good trainer focuses on measurable results in terms of new skills and competences displayed by the trainees, not by how many boxes of content that can be checked off during a day. TJ Walker is the founding trainer of Media Training Worldwide. He is often brought into corporations to conduct Train the Trainer programs in the field of communications.Walker has conducted thousands of media training, crisis communications training and public speaking training workshops all over the globe for 30 years. Trainers, this is an all-u-can-eat feast of training wisdom and sights. You will not want to miss out on this courseEnroll in this Train the Trainer course today.There is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this course. And the instructor also provides an enhanced guarantee.What others say:TJ Walker's single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media."" Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg TelevisionTJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world."" Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer(TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) The world's leading presentation and media training firm.""Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel AnchorNote: Trainers communicate primarily by speaking. This train-the-trainer course consists primarily of the instructor, TJ Walker, demonstrating best practices by speaking directly with your throughout the course. If you are looking for a course with lots of animation, special effects, and music, then this is not the course for you."
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Use Proven Ways to Heal, Feel Better & Release Stress" |
"One day I was thinking that out of all the 1000 classes I've attended and help create for major super stars and Fortune 500 companies, which classes actually worked?What classes created lasting change?What classes made people feel better, release their anxiety, depression, pain, or insomnia?The answer may surprise you.Since we're all unique, what works for one person at a certain time in their life, will not work for another.That's why I took the most successful classes, and put them into mini classes here to give you tastes of what's worked the most.Why is this extremely important to discover these methods?Did you know the latest science reveals that your emotions and body's energy can play a role in your health and dis-ease?Here are quick ""tools"" to help bring you back to center, feel better, and transform you and your loved ones too. Pick one or several that resonates with you.Or, if you're in the alternative health field as a practitioner or health coach, this would definitely help you out by giving you tastes of many different therapies. Just like a handy man needs all types of tools for various jobs, you'll have ""tools"" of different ways to help others for their various issues.These are completely new, proven ways to think about healing from the top healers in the world.Ive spent decades researching all types of energy medicines, or complementary approaches to well-being. I've gathered together the top alternative health experts in the world for this course so you have various, effective things to do to help you feel better. So you can try them all and then choose which ones you liked the best.See and experience: A Reconnective Healer with a teaching how to use energy healing A faith healer Info on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) - Tapping and an exercise to practice it. Quick exercise in reflexology to bring you quickly to balanceI have the latest, science-based information that has been proven to give people hope and safe things to try to help physically, mentally, and emotionally. This goes beyond Reiki. (I'm a certified Reiki practitioner.)My goal is to get you ""fluent"" in numerous ways to heal, delivered from the top energy experts in the world. For each, you'll learn a quick overview, then do the healing exercises.The approach. My teaching method use: The top, proven techniques (Over 1000 classes that I've witnessed) over decades of learningFast paced and fun videosExercises so you learn each method discussed in prior video I take a science based approach to influence. These aren't tricks or gimmicks. They are steps based on years of research out of academic institutions and peer-reviewed journals. Although I have a lot of science, I have a cheeky sense of humor. So I promise, the course will surprise and entertain you. I kept this course concise, compact and actionable because you're busy and you want change NOW! I got you. You are probably busy, and could use some help right away. Who has time to sit and practice for example, meditation for months, if not years. You need results now.Its presented like, here are things to try, lets try them, and see how you feel. Some youll like more than others. There are also many ideas most people havent heard of. My course brings numerous, new, proven, quick ideas to feeling better. Its definitely not the usual stuff people teach, but it's not ""woo-woo"" either. I have decades of knowledge from some of the top teachers / healers in the world. Many who give their wisdom to change your life for the better in this course.How This Course Will Change Your Life: Itll blow your mind whats possible. What if you expanded your notions of how healing and happiness can come in many ways? You'll receive new PROVEN tools that you can use for the rest of your life to help you and your loved ones. A variety is great to have since some techniques work better on some people than other techniques. Youll understand how much power you have to help your health and well-being. You'll have ways to help your loved ones heal. You'll master your emotions by using the tools to deal with your emotionsgetting to the cause so they are healed, rather than masking them with pills that you constantly have to take and never get to the root of the issues. Your outlook and health creates your life. When you feel better, your life changes for the better.This compilation of experts can have a profound impact on your life. Welcome to a new transformation.As a health expert Ive been interviewed onCNN Headlines News, quoted inForbes, Chicago Tribune, Womens World, to name a few. Ive lived in California half my life, and have experienced the latest healing modalities. Ive also studied with healers, Zen masters, professors, intuitives, and more. So, I'm bringing you the best of the best."
Price: 19.99 |
"Drum Programming Masterclass, Part 2: Samplers & Sequencing" |
"** Udemy Top Seller ** Courses by this instructor are consistently listed in Top Selling Music Courses.This is a class designed for music producers who are ready to get serious about drum programming. The art of programming drums on a MIDIgrid, in drum machines, or with audio files can be tricky to master but when you finish this class, your tracks will have the extra energy that comes from professional drum tracks.Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017the Star Tribune featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes.I'll be using Ableton Live and some Logic in this course, but it will be easy to following along on whatever program you are most comfortable with. We will start the class off with explanation of working with samplers, and working on the MIDIgrid. Then we will learn to adapt that pattern to work for a number of different styles, including Drum and Bass, Trap, and Dubstep.DRUM PROGRAMMING MASTERCLASS, PART 2:SAMPLERS &SEQUENCING is a comprehensive class - that means there are three (3!) different classes that together make the complete sequence. This is Part 2. Also in the class we will be doing a number of analysis projects. That just means we will load up some tracks, and re-construct the beat in the track. Doing this will help us to see how those beats are built, and guide us in making our own beats. Topics include:Tools of the tradeWhere to find good, free, samples (My favorite sites!)Tools of the tradeWhy work with samplers?How samplers workThe classic hardware samplers:The Roland 808Note On, Note Off IssuesVelocity Drum and Bass patterns""Playing It In""Quantization SettingsControllersRecording ControllersUsing Ableton's Groove SettingsDubstep PatternsUsing Effects in a Drum PatternFilteringDelay EffectsReversed SoundsPitch ShiftingElements of TrapProgramming Trap BeatsDynamic EffectsGhost NotesNoise RisersHumanism... And much more!!!Analysis Tracks:John B:Up All NightSub Focus:X-RayKonflict:The BeckoningSkrillex:Scary Monsters and Nice SpritesFlux Pavillion:ICan't StopGent and Jawns:Turn UpBro Safari:The DropYou will not have another opportunity to learn Beat Programming in a more comprehensive way that this. Start here.The course is a roadmap to MAKING STUNNING TRACKS with better drums.All the tools you need to produce great drum tracks are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course""button so you can start making better beats today.** Iguarantee that this course is the most thorough drum programming course available ANYWHEREon the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee, as per Udemy Terms) **-------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen:""It seems like every little detail is being covered in anextremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier.""-M.Shah""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. Ibought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far..""- Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations!No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERYCOOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now Idon't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" -Jeffrey Koury""I am learning LOTS!And I really like having the worksheets!"" -A. Deichsel""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!""- J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts to all future classes in the series."
Price: 24.99 |
"Create a business that you love" |
"Create a business doing what you love, are good at, which the world needs and you will get paid forDo you have an entrepreneurial soul? Do you yearn to have a business that brings you fulfilment and profit?The heart of every business has purpose and it provides value to its customers beyond products and services.The ethos behind this course is help you find what it really is that you love, are good at, what the world needs and what you can get paid for. When you have a business that you love, every day is pay day.Through a series of simple steps you will find your 'thing' from your ideas and create a vision which you will want to act on.From here you can move onto business planning and building your personal brand.You will find your core message that helps you to find connection with your ideal customer. When you find your voice you can communicate with confidence, clarity and purpose. Your customers will learn to trust that you will deliver value to them because they will get why they want to work with you.As you progress through this course you will find yourself fully understanding what this business needs to be.This course takes you through a powerful process which starts with exploring ideas, getting clarity and onto a vision. When you have a vision, you can start the planning process."
Price: 49.99 |
"Read & Understand The Hebrew Bible" |
"Hello,if you want to read the Old Testament in it's origin language, you came to the right place.In this course I will teach you how to read Biblical Hebrew, and you don't need any former experience / knowledge.Recognise and pronounce all the Hebrew Alphabet shown in the Bible.Recognise all the different Biblical Vowel Signs, enabling you to read.Read full sentences(verses) in Hebrew from the Bible. Understand many recurring nouns, adjectives, verbs and a lot more in Biblical Hebrew.Be able to navigate in the Hebrew Bible, by counting in Biblical Hebrew.Read & Understand most of the Hebrew bible.Have tools to practice and develop yourself."
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Become a Profitable Freelance Writer (90 Day Plan)" |
"Hello, my name is James Burchill and for more than 30 years now, I've been making a significant part of my annual income from my freelance writing and in this course you will discover how you can do that too.Being a freelance writer is not as hard as you might believe. In fact in this course I'm going to help you ""cheat"" your way into our business. How? With cut-n-paste resources and some ""insider intelligence"" on a few of our dirty little secrets. Like the truth about portfolios and whether or not you need pre-existing work to show new clients. I'll also teach you a quick way to price your services and show you how to get paid before you even write a word.Finding clients isn't all that tough either when you follow my simple approach outlined in the videos. And as a currently active freelance writer who now gets paid over $10,000 for select writing projects, Ican assure you the notion of being a ""starving artist"" could not be farther from the truth. In fact, I now work part-time hours and make a full-time income doing what Ilove.Included in this course is a 90 day plan of action and links to sites currently seeking freelance writers and a resource library where I've begun to copy some of my best materials you can copy-n-paste to jump start your freelance writing career.Lastly, when you become part of our freelance writing community you will be joining an elite group of people fortunate enough to chart their days and determine their future!I look forward to connecting with you in the course discussion areas, and remember I'm here for you if you have questions. Go on, enrol today ... you could be landing your first writing client before you know it!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Bootstrap 4 For Everyone" |
"There's a reason why Bootstrap is the MOSTpopular CSS Framework in the world, used by millions of websites all over the world!The reason...it's easy! Bootstrap 4 allows you to build amazing looking websites quickly and easily, sometimes as easy as drag and drop! HTMLand CSSare the fundamental building block of the Internet. Using a frontend web framework like Bootstrap can cut your web development time down drastically! In this course I'll show you how to use Bootstrap 4.1.1 from start to finish. You don't need any special skills or knowledge to start building great looking websites in minutes.We'll start out learning how to install and start using Bootstrap. Then we'll learn about all of the Bootstrap Components. After that we'll learn how to position things on a webpage using the Bootstrap grid system. Then we'll learn how to use the Bootstrap Utilities.Finally, we'll build three websites using free templates that come with bootstrap. The first is a cool photo album website, the second is a simple one page landing page site, and the last one is a cool blog/business website template. Aimed at the absolute beginner, this course is great for front end developers, back end developers, or even just hobbyists who want to learn to build cool websites!See you inside!-John ElderCEOCodemy. com"
Price: 199.99 |
"Cosmos DB" |
"If you are a web developer then the understanding of cloud platforms has become a necessity.Azure Cosmos DB gives you the edge when it comes to NoSQL Databases on CloudIn this course we will be exploring the nitty gritty of Cosmos DBIn this course we will learn1. What is Cosmos DB2. How to Create Cosmos DB Database3. How to do Data Import4. How to to Data Manipulation5. How to Update Collections6. How to do Querying7. Deleting a Collection/Item8. IndexingSo let's start learning Cosmos DB"
Price: 49.99 |
"Git ve GitHub Kullanmak ve Visual Studio" |
"Bu eitim ierii YEN ETMM LE YENLENMTR ve KAPSAMI GENLETLMTR!! Gerek GitHub web sitesinde olan yenilikler gerekse Visual Studio IDE ve Visual Studio Code ile gelen zellikler ile zamanla ierik deitiinden daha aklayc ve detayl olan yeni eitimim ""Visual Studio ve Visual Studio Code ile Git, GitHub, BitBucket ve TFS Kursu Yaynda!!"" !!! En gncel teknolojiler ile bu konuyu renmek iin yeni eitimimi izlemenizi neririm !!!Git Nedir? Git bir versiyon kontrol sistemidir. SCM olarak da adlandrlan bir sistemdir. SCM (Software Configuration Management) ifadesinin ksaltlm halidir. Peki bir SCM sistemi olan Git ne ie yarar? diyebilirsiniz.. Bir dosya zerinde tek banza ya da ekip olarak altnz dnn. Siz ya da ekibiniz kk veya byk fark etmez, ayn dosya ile almak ve hzla ilerlemek zorundasnzdr. Bu almanzda en fazla sknt veren durum ekipteki kiilerin yapt dzenlemelerin, yine ekipteki birisinin yaptklaryla akmasdr. Sizin yaptnz btn deiiklikler, dier ekip yesinde var olmayaca iin o dosyay farknda olmadan sizin yaptklarnzn zerine atar ve bir anda tm yaptklarnz ezilir, kaybolur. Ayn ekilde tek banza alyor da olabilirsiniz. Mutlaka banza gelmitir. altnz dosya da bir deiiklik yapp kaydettiinizde ve sonrasnda o deiiklie ihtiyacnz olduunda geri dnememeniz ve o verinin kaybolmas da ayn durumdur. Bu sebeple Git gibi versiyon kontrol sistemleri de bu skntlar gidermek iin oluturulmutur. Her ekip yesinin yapt deiiklikler ayr ayr ele alnarak, st ste gelmeyen(akmayan) deiiklikler(rnein ayn satrda yaplm deiiklikler) yoksa kolayca birletiriliyor. Eer st ste gelen(akan) satrlar varsa bu konuda yardmc olarak kolayca birletirmemize yardmc oluyor. Fakat dosya zerinde yaplan tm deiiklikleri, saklayarak ta istenildiinde grlebilmesini ve istenilen revizyona geri dnlebilmesini de salyor. Ksaca yazlmclar iin olduu kadar bir belge zerinde srekli revizyon yapanlar iinde gemie ynelik revizyonlar tutan bir sistemdir. Yazlmclar iin kodlamada yaptnz bir deiiklii sonradan tekrar geri almak istediinizde ya da nceki hali ile olan farkn grmek istediinizde bunu sizin iin yneten harika bir sistemdir. Peki GitHub nedir? Github versiyon kontrol sistemleri iin(rnein Git) uzak bir depo(repository)dur. Uzak depo demek, bir havuz olarak da dnlebilir. Birok yazlmcnn bir araya geldii, bir projenin kopyas zerinde alarak projenin alt srmlerini kard ya da eitli ihtiyalarn giderdii ve yapt deiiklii havuza gnderdii bir sosyal kodlama alandr. GitHub zerinde yaplm bir projenin bir kopyasn alp, bilgisayarnzda alp yaptnz deiiklikleri proje sahibine GitHub sitesi zerinden gnderebileceiniz gibi, sizde bir hesap oluturarak GitHub zerinde proje oluturabilirsiniz. Github kullanabilmek iin sitesinden hesap oluturmanz gerekiyor. Baz terimleri de bilmemiz gerekiyor. Repository, branch ve fork gibi. Respository dediimiz, GitHub zerinde bulunan her bir projemizdir. Branch , repositorylerimizin(projelerimizin) farkl modlleri olarak dnebiliriz. Fork etmek demek ise, bakasnn oluturduu bir repositoryi, kendi repositoryimiz olarak kopyalamak (ayrca bilgisayarmza da klon etmeye hazr hale getirmek) demektir. "
Price: 49.99 |
"Portrait Photography: Creative Tips & Ideas for Great Images" |
"So, you like taking portraits, thats great, but how happy are you with the results and could you do better? In this course youll learn many of the tips and tricks that professional photographers use for creating stunning portraits, and in a varying assortment of environments, both inside and outside. At the end of the course youll be armed with so many ideas, that youll no longer need to worry about freezing up, or wondering what to do next with your subjects. Learn the fundamentals of portrait lighting and lighting patterns Discover new ways of taking photos of individuals on location in live sessions Learn my relaxed methods for taking photos of families and children in live sessions Laugh at my 17 tips for getting great expressions from families and children Learn how I pose people to make them look relaxed Watch and learn from my live maternity sessions with an 8 month pregnant mum-to-be. Discover some specialist ideas for amazing portraitsContent and Overview Suitable for beginners, intermediates and even advanced photographers, youl learn the fundamentals of portrait photography along with many tips and ideas for adding drama and creativity to your portraits.Rather than just using paid models, this course also has live sessions with friends, and families with their children. Some of these are typical location sessions where we just walk around in parks taking photos.This is an extremely varied course demonstrating both natural light and off-camera flash portraits, with some specialist ideas that you can easily replicate, plus many tips on composition Youll see how I interact with people to make them feel more comfortable, which in turn helps to get better expressions.All videos on this course are downloadableOn completing this course youll have the knowledge, know how and confidence to tackle many portrait scenarios."
Price: 39.99 |
"Relentless Optimism! The Secrets of Goal Setting Mastery" |
"Have you ever had that pang of jealousy watching someone achieve their dreams - sharing their vision effortlessly - jumping over every perceived obstacle along the way?You might think, They make it look so EASY, so why the heck cant I do it too?! Whats stopping me?!If youve landed on this page, then something inside of you is tired of your procrastination, sick of your hesitation and READY to finally GO FOR YOUR DREAMS! You have this one precious life and you deserve success, happiness and a deep sense of contentment so you can finally live the life you imagine for yourself. Its time for you to connect to your purpose, set achievable goals and learn how to stay motivated along the way, and I can show you how.Maybe your desire is to build your own online course.Or finally lose those nagging ten pounds (again).Or put yourself out there - on video - so you can share your vision with the world.If youre tired of watching others achieve success while you seem to stay stuck in the same old patterns, then this is the course for you. Im Alexa Im a best-selling Udemy instructor. Ive taught tens of thousands of students to speak with confidence - on camera, at work, on stage and IN LIFE. As a former actress on hit TV shows like Lie to Me, NCIS and Bones, I have honed a methodology to help people connect with their inner light - something I call their 1000 watt presence - to light up a room and light up your life.Ive shared my expertise on The Today Show and have been featured in publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur and Thrive Global. With over 2,000 five star reviews, my students have shared the impact my insights have made in their life.The teacher is brilliant and the lessons are truly motivational! I am so thankful for this course. It changes your life. - Luciola Zamprogna, Udemy studentIn this master class, I breakdown the teaching into three primary areasFINDING YOUR PURPOSEIDENTIFYING YOUR GOALSSTAYING MOTIVATEDEach section addresses the critical steps for discovering deep insights into exactly what you have secretly wishing to achieve and whats stopped you in the past. Next, you learn specific exercises to take those insights and put them into action so you finally achieve those lasting results you have always wanted.Each lesson is short, inspirational, and specific - with guided exercises every step of the way. In addition to the video lectures, a 70+ page workbook is available with worksheets provided with every lesson. In this master class, I cover:FINDING YOUR PURPOSE: Helping you identify the work that matters to you.Making Meaning: Why Finding Your Purpose MattersGaining Perspective: How the Messages You've Received Shaped YouFinding Focus: Dig Deep and Start DiscoveringTaking Action: Your Path to ProgressIDENTIFYING YOUR GOALSDefine It: The Power of ClaritySneaky Thoughts: How to Release NegativityName It: Your BIG AWESOME GoalBreaking It Down: Small Steps Create Massive ResultsSTAYING MOTIVATEDThe Attitude of SuccessLearn From Others: Seek Advice + InspirationBest Practices For Staying on TrackPep Talks on Demand (Ill lift you up when you feel down!)Each section includes additional video Question + Answers and Im always connected to my students as they have questions and comments along the way! Curious to see more, please check out the preview lectures available and see for yourself.One Udemy employee shared that she always watches one of my videos when she feels stuck or overwhelmed to help her go from thinking that she cant to I can. That one comment was the inspiration for this course! It was time that I shared my personal tools and techniques to help my students make their big dreams come true.This is your time, my friend. You can do it. In fact, the only regret you will ever have in life is never trying.See you in class!!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Protractor with CucumberJS BDD on a Live Project" |
"Protractor with CucumberJS BDD, one of the hottest and most demanding topic, Learn and Master the Advance concepts of CucumberJS and Integration with Protractor automation tool.Cucumber tool is based on BDD i.e. Behaviour Driven Development approach and supports Gherkin language which is written in plain English, Here in this course you will learn all basics till advance concepts of CucumberJS and integration with Protractor including many other utilities which are require to form up a very strong Automation framework for Angular and Non-Angular apps.Along with the same we will focus on Assertions using CHAI and CHAI as promised NPM packages and generate very interactive reports that will support Parallel testing on multiple browsers"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn to build progressive web apps using JavaScript" |
"A quick guide for JavaScript developers to start building progressive web apps. This no nonsense course will take you straight to the concepts you need to get started on progressive app development. The course will teach you to build a real world PWA and will cover topics such as Service workers, Cache, Light house and Notifications.Start now and learn to build your first PWA."
Price: 49.99 |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate - Practical Guide [15H]" |
"[NOTE: This course will be constantly updated & improved as per your feedback.All questions will get answered and the course author (Matthew) will be very present to guide you.]This course was built by Matthew Martinez (AWS Certified expert) and Eduonix Learning Solutions with a simple idea in mind: teach you AWS practically, so that you can take and pass the test easily.Most certification courses do the mistake of teaching you *just enough*, so that you can take and pass the test. That's a mistake and definitely not the same as truly *understanding* the materials.If you're only taught how to add 1+1 and you're asked to add 2+2 on the test, you may not necessarily know how to. But if you're taught how to add any numbers together, the test will suddenly appear much easier! Check the course's curriculum, and you'll see that all the crucial parts of the AWS Developer Associate certification were included in the course. Each chapter has its own practical cases, and there will never be a moment where you'll feel lost! In any case, Matthew will be here for you and answer any questions you may have, and he'll constantly update and improve the course's content. The goal is to make your learning a very interactive process.So, what are you waiting?!Get the course NOW and become an AWS Certified Developer Associate!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Salesforce Certified Admin - Practical Test Guide [15 Hours]" |
"Hi Everyone!I am very excited to introduce to you the Salesforce Certified Admin: Practical Test Guide! This course is monstrous, maybe the biggest online course you will find on this subject!I have produced 15 hours of on demand videos that are designed to prepare you for real life scenarios while covering all topics tested on the Salesforce Admin (ADM201) certification exam.I forgot to mention! Most of the course is taught in the Lightning Interface - the new, component based UI. So If you're not use to the UI, you will be after this course!After the course, you'll be able to:Set up a Developer SandboxNavigate the Admin Setup MenuExplain the differences between Lightning and Classic InterfaceImplement Security Model using profiles, roles, and sharing settingsDesign and Build Custom ApplicationsUnderstand field data typesExplain the Salesforce Data Model and understand object relationshipsCreate and Modify User Interface, using page layouts, record types, compact layouts, and Lightning PagesExplain how Sales and Service Cloud works, and what they encompassAutomate complex business scenarios using Workflow, Process Builder, Cloud Flow Designer, and Approval ProcessesManage Data by learning how to Import and Export Data using Data Import Wizard and Data LoaderReport and Analyze! Give your business users the metrics they need by building Reports and DashboardsManage and Understand the way your users communicate with customers with Activity ManagementMost certification courses do the mistake of teaching you *just enough*, so that you can take and pass the test. That's a mistake and definitely not the same as truly *understanding* the materials.If you're only taught how to add 1+1 and you're asked to add 2+2 on the test, you may not necessarily know how to. But if you're taught how to add any numbers together, the test will suddenly appear much easier! And of course, Never hesitate to reach out to me, the course creator if you have any questions! I want to make sure you get value out of this course and I will be here to help!So, what are you waiting?!Get the course NOW and become a Salesforce Certified Admin!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Photoshop Smart Objects from A-Z" |
"""Smart Objects are a game-changer!"" ""Smart Objects have changed my life!"" These are just a couple of the comments I've received from Photoshop users who've learned the benefits of using Smart Objects. In this course you'll learn all about Smart Objects:why they are useful, how to create and edit them, Camera Raw Smart Objects, Vector Smart Objects, Smart Filters, creating templates and more. You'll also see 3 example projects that take advantage of Smart Objects - and use the downloadable exercise files to follow along with a project.Using Smart Objects not only lets you change your mind more easily, but also can save you time and let your creative juices flow:as I always say, using Smart Objects is almost like having unlimited undos!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Make Basic Electronic Measurement with Digital Meter" |
"This is a must-have knowledge-skills and competence driven course to master and utilize an electric measurement tool such as the analog or digital multi-meter. The course covers the theory of operation of most common types of analog and digital multi meters whether a home version or a lab version meter.You will learn the proper and safe procedures to set up a DMM in order to analyze electrical quantities on electronic components or circuits.You will utilize a DMM to take measurements of electrical resistance on a component or circuit.You will know-how to test low voltage live power supplies or circuits under voltage.You will perform electrical current readings from live circuits or components."
Price: 19.99 |