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"Making Strategy Happen with the Balanced Scorecard"
"About: This course will introduce you to the basics of the strategy execution world,, helping you to take a first step towards developing your Strategy Map, defining your Balanced Scorecard and providing you with best practices. Unique Value Proposition: Real World Learnings and Extensive Know-How: Learn directly from practitioners who have implement and develop Balanced Scorecard projects across the world, with many years of experience on their portfolio. Live Interaction - Receive Feedback: This is not a static course, you can receive feedback on your work. Develop a first draft of a Strategy Map and BSC, and receive comments on the areas of improvement."
Price: 69.99

"Liderazgo Sensorial: Desarrolla el Lder que Llevas Dentro."
"Qu dicen los estudiantes:""La experiencia ha sido buena, haba cierta informacin que desconoca que puede resultar til a la hora de resolver ciertos problemas,siguiendo los ""consejos"" de este modelo de Liderazgo que inspira ms confianza siendo una buena base para conseguir logros y que se beneficien ambas partes (Lder y seguidores)"". Mara Yolanda Gonzlez Puerto.""Recomiendo mucho por la experiencia y profesionalismo que muestra el instructor. Pondr en prctica todo lo aprendido"". Julieta Luna Mercado Objetivo principal del curso El objetivo principal del curso de Liderazgo Sensorial es ayudar a las personas y a las organizaciones a desarrollar su mximo potencial mediante un incremento en el nivel de sus lderes, partiendo de la consigna de que slo aumentando el nivel de liderazgo es posible optimizar la eficiencia de la organizacin. Mejorar a un lder no slo impacta en su vida, sino tambin en la de sus seguidores.El lder sensorial es:Una persona capaz de escuchar a los dems.Alguien capaz de generar Empata.Que sabe comunicar correctamente sus objetivos.Tiene la habilidad de reconocer el talento y tener visin.Es muy creativo.Sumamente intuitivo.Totalmente confiable y admirado por todos.Ese es el tipo de lder que este curso ensea a forjar. Porque, al fin y al cabo, una sola persona (junto con la fuerza de su legado) es suficiente para iniciar un cambio en una organizacin, un gobierno o en el mundo.El InstructorMi nombre es N.C. Kurt, soy autor de seis libros y me dedico al estudio del potencial humano. Uno de mis libros es El Lder Sensorial, un nuevo modelo de liderazgo que actualmente se encuentra como objeto de estudio en las principales universidades de Amrica Latina. Adems de escribir, soy profesor de Liderazgo, Oratoria y Negociacin en distintos organismos tanto pblicos como privados y ensear es mi pasin.El comienzo del viajePreprate, estas a punto de iniciar un viaje de auto-descubrimiento, que te va a mostrar en detalle tus fortalezas y debilidades, porque para liderar a otras personas primero hay que conocerse y liderarse a si mismo. No puede haber un gran liderazgo sin un profundo auto-conocimiento. En este sentido encontrars en el curso no solo la ms moderna teora sino tambin una gran cantidad de ejercicios prcticos para poner en accin tus nuevas habilidades en la vida real.Desde el principiante hasta el lder ms avanzadoDurante el transcurso del curso veremos desde los principios y conceptos ms bsicos del liderazgo hasta temticas sumamente avanzadas para que puedas profundizar a medida que avances en el estudio. Si eres un gran lder, este curso te llevar al siguiente nivel y si aun no le eres, estas iniciando el camino correcto para convertirte en tu mejor versin como persona y como lder."
Price: 39.99

"Mster en Negociacin: de Principiante a Experto."
"Este curso de negociacin, contiene el desarrollo de los temas principales para lograr acuerdos de la mejor calidad posibles y poniendo el foco en mejorar las relaciones a largo plazo entre las partes.En sus clases el estudiante encontrar todos los aspectos de la negociacin y resolucin de conflictos, desde el planteo correcto de la situacin hasta la conformacin de las bases para un acuerdo exitoso para todos los involucrados.Dentro de las unidades temticas se estudiar la negociacin, el conflicto, su entendimiento, las variables que deben manejarse antes de negociar, los elementos predominantes en la instancia de negociacin y las bases para la conformacin del acuerdo. Tambin lo que se debe y lo que no se debe hacer luego de finalizada la negociacin.El desarrollo del curso est pensado para que el estudiante obtenga no solo un marco terico conceptual, sino tambin prctico, gracias al estudio y anlisis de casos de la vida real que ayudaran al estudiante a desarrollar su propio estilo de negociacin.Bienvenido al curso de negociacin, y juntos iniciemos el viaje que cambiar para siempre las relaciones interpersonales en el trabajo, en el hogar y en la vida."
Price: 39.99

"Mster en Creatividad e Innovacin - Rompiendo Lmites."
"Master Habilidades Blandas 2019Las habilidades blandas o Soft Skills (en ingles) son todos los atributos o capacidades que le permiten a una persona desempearse en su trabajo de manera efectiva. Estas habilidades apuntan al lado emocional, interpersonal y a cmo se desenvuelve el personal en una empresa. En este plano entran temticas como: trabajo en equipo, resolucin de problemas, gestin efectiva del tiempo, gestin del cambio, manejo del stress, liderazgo, comunicacin efectiva, entre otros. Por eso, las habilidades blandas han adquirido gran importancia y valor en el mundo de los negocios, ya que sirven para resolver inconvenientes y enfrentar de manera correcta la jornada laboral.El desarrollo de las habilidades blandas son percibidas por la jefatura como cualidades positivas en un empleado, especialmente cuando existe un mercado tan competitivo como el actual, en el que hay alta rotacin laboral y en el que las empresas necesitan trabajadores productivos y alineados al crecimiento de la empresa.En este curso trataremos una habilidad especfica por mdulo. Este primer mdulo es dedicado enteramente a una de las habilidades ms valoradas por las empresas: la creatividad y su derivado la innovacin.Mdulo I: CreatividadEs indudable que el proceso de innovacin es una actividad cerebral que involucra creatividad y debemos aprender a identificar aquellos hbitos que nos obstaculizan la generacin de nuevas ideas.N.C. KURT sostiene que cualquiera puede despertar su Creatividad, aprender a pensar mejor es decir, ms creativa y productivamente. Dice que cualquiera puede llegar con seguridad a ideas y soluciones frescas.El derribar prejuicios, el luchar hasta lograr las metas propuestas, el saber comenzar y saber finalizar una propuesta son partes esenciales de una mente creativa. Este curso es un compendio de meditaciones en primera persona sobre la creatividad, que el autor N.C. KURT transmite a manera de enseanzas para mantenerse fresco en un mundo dinmico y complejo como el actual.Este curso, sugiere muchos modos para desarrollar el pensamiento con el lado derecho del cerebro. El resultado es un curso novedoso y con mltiples aplicaciones prcticas para desarrollar al mximo tu creatividad y lograr la innovacin constante."
Price: 39.99

"Sper Emociones: Inteligencia Emocional, la Clave del xito."
"La Inteligencia Emocional es, sin dudas, una de las Habilidades Blandas ms importantes en la actualidad. En este curso aprenders a comprender, experimentar y gestionar tu propia carga emocional del da a da y mejorar tu calidad de vida.En las distintas clases podrs adentrarte en diferentes tcnicas y herramientas que te ayudarn a conectar contigo mismo, regular tus emociones, reducir el estrs y lograr el equilibrio emocional que necesitas para gozar de una mejor salud psicolgica.La Inteligencia Emocional es ms importante que el coeficiente intelectual, o acaso, no conocemos personas muy inteligentes que no han logrado nada en la vida y por el contrario personas con una inteligencia promedio que ha obtenido logros increbles.Aprender sobre nuestras emociones y como convivir mejor con ellas es sinnimo de estar mejor preparado para la incursin en el mundo empresarial y en la vida.La Inteligencia Emocional tiene un efecto positivo sobre la autoestima y sobre la confianza en uno mismo en distintas situaciones cotidianas. Tambin permite que las personas evalen su sistema de valores y sus creencias, ayuda a detectar los puntos fuertes y dbiles para poder superarse y es necesario para tomar decisiones correctas en la vida.Gestionar tus emociones es tan importante que resulta crucial para las empresas, por lo que se busca cada vez ms personas emocionalmente estables por encima de sus capacidades tcnicas.La Inteligencia Emocional es determinante para mantener relaciones interpersonales sanas. Conocer y entender las propias emociones y la de los dems, ayuda a llevar mejor los conflictos, algo que puede ser inevitable cuando convivimos con otras personas.La Inteligencia Emocional es una competencia imprescindible de los lderes. El propio auto-control emocional del lder o el saber entender a los dems son una buena demostracin de las habilidades de liderazgo. De hecho muchos lderes carismticos, los que poseen una Inteligencia Emocional elevada, como por ejemplo el lder transformacional, han demostrado ser los lderes ms eficientes en muchas investigaciones, pues motivan y aumentan la productividad y la eficiencia del grupo.Varios estudios han demostrado que la Inteligencia Emocional es sumamente importante a la hora de conseguir nuestros objetivos, y, de hecho, la Inteligencia Emocional nos protege en situaciones difciles, porque nos puede mantener a flote, incluso cuando queremos abandonar. Por ejemplo, si detectamos y sabemos que los sentimientos de frustracin son parte de la vida, es posible que sigamos adelante aunque no todo haya salido como desebamos.Gestionando nuestras emociones de la manera adecuada, aceptando nuestras emociones negativas, entendiendo las emociones de los dems y regulando nuestro comportamiento, nos convertiremos en personas mucho ms interesantes y atractivas para las empresas de hoy."
Price: 39.99

"Servicios profesionales: Claves para tener xito"
"Hay tantas cosas a gestionar que no podemos saberlas o anticiparlas todas cuando iniciamos por primera vez un negocio propio de servicios profesionales. Cuando me refiero servicios profesionales quiero decir aquellos que venden sus conocimientos y experiencias a sus clientes, como p.e. consultores, coaches, asesores, diseadores, auditores, economistas, fisioterapeutas, consejeros, abogados, etc. Personas que aconsejan a sus clientes o hacen el trabajo por sus clientes. Normalmente son profesionales que trabajan solo o con pocos colaboradores. En mi experiencia, al iniciar un negocio propio, como he visto en muchos de mis clientes, hay muchas cosas que no sabemos, no podemos prever y que nadie nos ha dicho. Algunas cosas nos las podra indicar el sentido comn, pero normalmente no le hacemos caso (porque se llamar sentido comn si es el menos comn de los sentidos). No inicies un negocio a ciegas. Suelo pensar que, quizs no habra deseado saber todo antes de empezar mi propio negocio. Posiblemente no hubiera iniciado el negocio si hubiera sabido previamente todo lo que implicaba. Sin embargo, con aos de experiencia, mi actual punto de vista es que hubiera deseado absolutamente haber sabido todas esas cosas antes de iniciar mi negocio. Si lo hubiera hecho habra Estado mejor preparado Disfrutado mas de mi negocio Evitado errores Eliminado fallos Y evitado mucha frustracin, pena y angustias Ese es el motivo que me llevo a crear este curso. El curso consta de videos, donde se explican cada uno de los factores que debes considerar, y una hoja de Trabajo para confeccionar el plan de accin. Utilzala a medida que avanzas en el curso y al finalizarlo, tendrs un plan de accin para aplicar lo aprendido a tu negocio. Bien sea que ests pensando iniciar un negocio de servicios profesionales, acabas de comenzarlo, o llevas aos con el negocio pero las cosas no van como esperabas, aprender lo que comparto contigo en este curso te ayudar. No, no es una pldora mgica. No es una frmula de xito secreta. Esas cosas no existen. Este curso te ayudar a estar mejor preparado para lo que venga. A manejar tus expectativas. A tener ms xito y, probablemente, llegar ms rpido y con menos errores. Tambin te ayudar a estar seguro que ests configurando tu negocio para que sea sostenible a largo plazo, rentable y del que disfrutes. No hay ninguna razn para que tengas que descubrir estas cosas por la va difcil. Considera este curso como un adelanto de lo que necesitars hacer para tener un negocio exitoso de servicios profesionales. Tienes la oportunidad de aprender de alguien que lo ha hecho y que lo comparte contigo."
Price: 19.99

"A beginners guide to mindfulness meditation"
""A Beginner's Guide to Mindful Meditation" provides an introductory, progressive, structured course in mindfulness and mindful meditation technique. Primarily practical in nature, the course aims to enable those new to mindful meditation to experience and reflect on one of the key techniques (awareness of breath) and its benefits. You are introduced to the concept of mindfulness, given an overview of evidence into the effectiveness of mindful meditation as a technique, prior to undertaking a series of three mindful meditation exercises focussing on the breath. The meditations are progressive in nature, beginning with a fully guided meditation and moving to an unguided meditation as you improve your meditation technique and practice. The course features six meditation audios in three pairs (each with and without a background seascape) - two fully guided, two partially guided and two unguided. At the end of each meditation you will be given the opportunity to reflect on your experience of the technique, as well as being offered guidance on common questions surrounding their practice. The course makes use of a variety of audio, visual and kinaesthetic tools to enhance the achievement of your course aims, whilst providing opportunity to reflect and develop your ability as you move towards unguided mindfulness meditation. By the end of the course you will be able to meditate (unguided), reflect on your own practice of this technique and understand its benefits, including the workings and tendencies of your own mind (increased awareness)."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 - Beginning & Intermediate"
"This course is taught by a professional corporate trainer in a friendly, step by step method so that you can follow along and do the steps with the instructor. If you prefer to watch and listen, that works great too! This course is designed to give you complete confidence in your knowledge of Excel. You will learn core features that you will use and build on throughout the course as we increase our knowledge of key features. We start with a blank workbook and will build out multiple sheets from entering values to calculations and functions, all the way to building charts and updating data series. This course is titled Beginning Excel but actually covers intermediate topics, too! Can you answer these questions? 1. What is the difference between workbooks, spreadsheets, templates, sheets, file? 2. What is the difference between labels and values and why is that important? 3. Can you confidently use and modify calculations and average, sum, min and max formulas? 5. When should you convert your data to a table range and what are the pro's and con's? 6. How do I sort and filter my data by multiple criteria? 7. How do I add a series to a data range and have a chart automatically update? If you answered ""no"" to any of these questions, then this course is for you! We will answer all of these questions and much more! Come on in and join us! We look forward to having you!"
Price: 29.99

"Automating ETL - Complete 5 ETL Projects"
"This course covers a guide to automating ETL through automation techniques, intended for business owners, freelancers or employees seeking to jump ahead of the competition and seeking to minimize data disasters. With the demand for ETL developers increasing (per the Bureau of Labor Statisticsand the opportunity to become a data provider (for business owners or freelancers), I highlight methods and architecture to minimize the work that must be done for ETL, so that you can spend more time working on enhancing skills. I offer a ton of free content on my YouTube channel, and suggest students to become familiar with the basics of SQL Server and MongoDB, covered at the below, free playlists: SQL In Six Minutes (YouTube)The MongoDB 103 (YouTube) This course covers: Understanding the extract process and constructing architecture to automate it.Understanding the load process, when change is necessary with loading, and how to automate it.Understanding different issues we may face in transform, how to minimize re-facing them with re-usable solutions.Understanding advanced techniques in ETL, the theory behind these, and applications with them.Understanding the basic logic, functions, operators and advanced use of PowerShell so beginners and mid-level developers can advance quickly with it.Completing a large assignment that will have you import over 200K of records.Reviewing case studies of applied ETL techniques, especially useful for freelancers adding credibility to their business.Course features extra ETLcontent with MongoDB and SSIS/SQLServer Data Tools - though neither of these are required for this course. To provide maximum learning for students wanting to master ETL skills, whether for business opportunity or employment, the course provides the following material: Focused video lectures with demonstrations of ETL processes in action, the code/script used to make the process occur, and no distracting facial or background movements.Dynamic syllabus with extra content, such as links to articles and videosto enhance and increase your learning, as well as links to specific recruiters in desperate need for ETL developers (students wanting to become employees) and ways to uncover possible data providing opportunities for business owners.Scripts/code that are used in the video lectures, as well as additional tools that students can learn as they construct their own ETL architecture.Course material that we use in the course, such as files we import during the series.Course projects that you complete as well as your own project to develop.Feedback session for students who meet the requirements where you practice answering questions and presenting your own project. Understanding, manipulating and transforming data will only become more important in the future. Those who can master this through automation will have an advantage over all their competition because when we see the results of our measurement, only then can we make the appropriate changes; this course shows you how to automate those steps. Companies seeking ETL talent. If you are a company seeking junior to senior ETLdevelopers, you can get in touch with me, as Ihave metrics on students who completed exceptional work in this course and have expressed interest in working with a firm. In addition, with some of these students, I've had feedback sessions where I've assessed their skills, helping you identify who may be solid candidates. You can find my contact information on my YouTube about page, or on my LinkedIn profile."
Price: 89.99

"PMP Exam: Math Prep PMBOK 6th ed."
"This is a very clear and easy to understand course. The course covers allareas of math in PMBOK 6th ed. and has over120 practice questions! After I published this course others have tried to imitate it. This is the original course with extremely valuable scenario based questions which are used in the PMP exam. Lesson 1: Course Overview and Financial MeasuresLesson 2:Cost and Schedule Estimating Lesson 3: Expected Value Lesson 4: Critical Path Lesson 5: Earned Value Management Lesson 6: Reading an S CurveLesson 7:EVM Variance at Completion (ETC, ETC andVAC)Lesson 8:Forecasting Final project Costs***BONUS*** The best 50 question EVM practice quiz. From very easy to very difficult questions and the ability to learn from each answer.This course is essential for anyone planning to write the PMP exam regardless of any other course you take. It provides incredible value and was updated for PMBOK 6th editionso it contains the most current material. Enroll now! You need this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Marketing: Grow Your Business with Facebook"
"- Are you struggling with your social media marketing efforts? - Are you spending too much time on social media and not getting the results you desire? - Do you want to learn how to easily grab a hold of the 1 billion Facebook users for pennies on the dollar? If so, then you've come to the right place! In this course, not only will you learn how to get tons of targeted traffic using Facebook but you will also learn how to convert it into loyal buyers. You will learn how to create high quality squeeze pages using Facebook's very own platform that will leave your visitors wanting more and how to get truckloads of highly targeted Facebook visitors for little to no cost. This course is laid out in 7 in-depth videos which will guide you through the process step by step. It will be accompanied by a 72 page pdf that you can read and download which will share all these top Facebook marketing secrets with you in an easy to read format. There is also a cheat sheet at the end of the course so you have everything summed up and easy to access whenever you need a very quick refresher. That's not all folks!! Students are also able to ask me questions in each lecture of the course if they need help or need something explained. You can make notes in each lecture as well to help you keep organized with all the useful information you're going to learn. All videos as well as the pdf and cheat sheet are downloadable so you can have them on the go anytime. Hope to see you inside!! Corey Bennett"
Price: 19.99

"Rubik's cube Inside 3 Minutes"
"My Dad died in January this year, and I found his cube - the original one I gave him in 1979. Thirty-five years later, this is my tribute to one of the best Dads anyone's ever had. The course is to teach you how you can solve Rubik's cube every time, in a systematic process. You'll get over an hour of close-up HD video, teaching the 10 Steps in slow motion - accompanied by downloadable notes in PDF format. The course outline is shown below. Please check out the Free Previews - Lectures 5 and 14, and the sub-2-minute Demo at Lecture 17 - to see the quality of the great close-up videos. One man took 26 years to solve Rubik's cube. With this course, you can learn to do it in under 3 minutes. Enjoy!"
Price: 94.99

"Business English"
"BUSINESS ENGLISH focuses on essential knowledge you need, for improved communication, using the English Language at your work. It is an ESL course for those who want to improve their English in the business scenario and speak English professionally at work. COURSE HIGHLIGHTS: This course will guide you through various situations at work- you will learn English grammar, public speaking, listening, writing and vocabulary. You will learn from extensive course materials like list of business english vocabulary, example sentences from real business situations, phrasal verbs, idioms, slang expressions, writing emails, giving feedback and more. Whether you want to improve your English language skills for your current job or you're looking for a new job that requires Business English, this course will be a great help! This course focuses on examples from the American business environment, so if you want to find a job in the US or if you work for a multinational company, then this course can be very helpful. It will take a around 3 hours to complete this course. The detailed lectures with tips and examples will improve your communication skills in any professional scenario in English speaking countries."
Price: 29.99

"Relationships And Sex: How To Satisfy Your Secret Desires"
"Is your personal life not working out? Do you want to be desired by others? Any woman or man can use this course to connect with people and improve sex life fast, and without the need to invest a lot of energy. Whether you are a man or a woman, gorgeous or ugly, rich or poor - you can use the practical information provided in this course! It reveals proven recipes of seduction. Once you apply them and indulge in immediate results, you will become happier and healthier automatically. Why? Because a healthy sex life is one of the requirements for healthy functioning of human psycho-physiology. Allow yourself to try the information provided and make your sex life as intended by Nature. No one is there to forbid you! Discover the sexual factor & hidden desires of 120 million people: usable seduction recipes behavior, preferences, desires, sexual orientation, fantasies, dislikes, etc. frequency of sexual activity, attitude towards monogamy and polygamy, etc. All information and recipes are based on proven scientific studies."
Price: 29.99

"Idea Machine: How to Generate Hundreds of New Ideas"
"Welcome to Idea Machine! In this course, you will learn how to rediscover your creativity and generate tons (perhaps even hundreds) of new ideas in business and life. The reason why I say "rediscover" is because the belief here is that we were all born with innate powers of creativity and imagination. Over time, due to a number of reasons that I will go over during the course, many of us lose our creative touch and confidence. And in a world were challenges are becoming increasingly complex and ambiguous, our creativity can lead the way to more clarity and poise in our quest for success. The need to be creative has never been more real. This course is focused mostly on idea generation, not idea evaluation, though I do provide a couple of quick ways you can evaluate your ideas, too. Another way to think of it is as a problem solving guide. The course is split up into 6 sections: Section 1: Introduction An overview of what you will learn Section 2: Building Creative Confidence Start on your journey on how to gain confidence in your creative abilities again Section 3: The Principles of Creativity Learn about the multiple aspects of creativity that are utilized in the three main stages of Idea Generation: 1) Focus, 2) Explore, and 3) Move (these categorizations are my own, based on the works of other experts in the field) Section 4: Idea Generation Mostly adapted from Michael Michalko's book Thinkertoys, this section provides 5 techniques you can immediately use to start looking at problems in new perspectives and coming up loads of new ideas. Section 5: Idea Evaluation Here, you'll learn a couple of quick techniques to help you sift through and evaluate the ideas that you have generated. Section 6: A New Beginning Some parting thoughts. Please don't skip this lecture. It contains some important takeaways that I want you to take with you. What is included in the course: Lifetime access to 2+ hours of content Tips and tricks from creativity experts such as David and Tom Kelley, Michael Michalko, Roger von Oech, Edward de Bono, Tina Seelig, Thomas Edison, and more TONS of exercises! You can't learn how to ride a bicycle just by reading a manual. The same is with creativity. You're going to get your hands (and brains) busy in this course A collection of slides, video lectures from experts, audio clippings, images and some home-made animations. I can shamelessly say this was a labour of love! Access to me. I will promise to respond to you within 48 hours, pending personal emergencies Above all, I hope you have lots of fun and learn tons along the way!"
Price: 19.99

"Accent Reduction: English Pronunciation Mastery"
"This Accent Artisan: English Pronunciation Mastery course - is an online English speaking training program that will transform the way you experience language learning - just a few minutes at a time. Together we will target the sounds that are more difficult for you and tackle them separately and in a context of whole words and sentences. We will turn your hesitation into excitement and doubts into confidence. These videos & training exercises teach you how to produce all of the sounds of English, approach particularly difficult items and leverage the simplification of a task to achieve great results. They train your ear, tongue, lips etc. to master the physicality of English pronunciation. You will have the confidence to speak up, present your ideas and fully participate in conversations. Are you ready to take the next step towards your English mastery?"
Price: 24.99

"Home-Based Business on a Budget: Build a Free Website & More"
"**Note** This course has not been updated in a while and some of the information is outdated, but still relevant. New modules will not be added. This course is a click-by-click, step-by-step setup of a website and back office to help entrepreneurs and anyone else looking to save money on costs when running a business or selling a product. **Get your lifetime access at this super-low price now! Review from Chakib CM: Great course for people with low budget ! ""Great course that show how to set-up a complete business online without spending a dime with a great free resources, thank you very much"" Review from Vincent Harris: Outstanding!!! ""I feel like I was taken by the hand into building a website! Concise, informative, and practical. The techniques on how to save money are priceless!"" No matter what your business is, whether it's a service-based business or you have a hundred products to sell, you'll be able to benefit from the lessons in this course and tweak it to work for you and your business. In it we'll learn: How to set up a website using Wix; a super simple, user-friendly platform (I'll tell you why I use this particular one in a later lecture) How to set your website up with your own online store, completely free How to set up payment buttons with options, a shopping cart, subscriptions, and you can even track inventory How to get a business telephone number completely free, that rings up to 6 lines. You can schedule the times it rings to specific lines! How to set up simple email marketing and newsletter How to create forms/polls/questionnaires with results sent directly to a spreadsheet and how to bring it into your website. (you'd be surprised how useful this is!) How to create a calendar/schedule with registration (perfect for events, meetings and even restaurant seating!) How to create webinars/virtual conferencing and even broadcast a show LIVE! (This comes in handy for remote meetings/collaborations, video marketing and training sessions) I'll show you how to link these resources together so keep your back office running smoothly at no cost I'll also show you how to create a simple text logo for your business as an added bonus. Now, there will be a few other things we'll get into, but these are the major points we focus on in this course. I've personally seen this system and these resources work for all types of business in all types of markets: Gyms and personal trainers, event planners, beauty supply store, martial arts studio, food truck pre-ordering system, hair/nail stylists and even a major insurance marketing agency...this list continues to grow! You'll watch a series of screencasts that will walk with you through every step from beginning to end. I'm sure you'll pick up some great ideas for your business along the way! You'll be able to watch, follow along and then do it yourself before moving on to the next section/lecture. Each phase is divided into small, manageable lectures so that if you need to refer back to something you can find it quickly and easily. This isn't a course that hands out general information in hopes that you go purchase a more comprehensive course that contains 'the real' information you need. I'm not telling you what you should do, I'm simply providing the information and resources you need to get it done. By the end of this course, you'll be able to completely set up and manage your back office and website without having to shell out your hard-earned money on services that can cost nothing but a little elbow grease. Go ahead and click the blue 'Take This Course' button on this page and let's get your back office built!"
Price: 19.99

"MegaCurso PHP"
"A vuestra disposicin ms de 80 vdeos con aproximadamente 5 horas y cuarto de durada para que me permitis ensearos uno de los programas orientado a objetos (POO) ms usado a nivel mundial. Empezaremos desde CERO, hasta llegar al nivel del tipo:Ficheros PDFHerenciasSeguridadPolimorfismosClasesMktimeetc...Te entrego calidad en el contenido a aprender y sobre todo en la organizacin, para evitar perderse en el transcurso de este megacurso en PHP que he preparado.Un total de 85 vdeos (de curso) con exactamente 5 horas 07 minutos y 28 segundos aprovechados al mximo, fluido y perfectamente entendible. Hay ms vdeos, pero no los he contado ya que son ""intros"" para cada apartado.Cada uno de los vdeos empieza con una breve introduccin para poner al corriente de lo que posteriormente se editar en cuanto a cdigo, viendo finalmente un ejemplo real de lo explicado.Hay dos partes, PHP Bsico (a) y PHP Avanzado (b). Al final de cada una, veris 3 ejercicios para poner en prctica lo aprendido, cada ejercicio con su respectiva solucin (2 ejercicios de Pregunta-Respuesta y uno, tipo test por cada una de las partes a y b ). Dentro del archivo .rar de descarga, en el que se encuentran los ejercicios, de regalo podris encontrar:Lecturas de inters Enlaces de intersFAQ (Preguntas frecuentes)"
Price: 19.99

"Key Account Management Program (KAM)"
"As you know, in enterprise market, 80 % of revenue comes from 20% of companys customers. So the company should allocate its resources according this percentage. (People-investment-marketing-) In some cases, like telecom or energy sector, one customer generate 90 % of the revenue. This means, an account manager or a team with managers should be very senior end experienced to manage this account. What do you think? Do you need a key account program in your company? Do you need a key account manager in your company? If yes you should take this course."
Price: 24.99

"Mlakatlar Teknikleri"
"Bu eitim setinde i mlakatna girmeden nce yapmanz gerekenler, mlakat srasnda yapmanz gerekenler, sylenecekler ve sylenmeyecekler nelerdir, bunlar gstereceiz. Bildiiniz gibi zgemiiniz, deneyiminiz ve eitiminiz ne kadar iyi olursa olsun, mlakatta kendinizi yeteri kadar ifade edip tantamazsanz, ii alamazsnz. Bu eitim tamamen video ve grsellerle anlatlmaktadr. Yaklak 45 dakikanz alacaktr. Bu eitim setinde u konular ayrntl olarak inceleyeceiz: Mlakat ncesi CV hazrlarken dikkat edilmesi gerekenler irket Hakknda aratrma Mlakat hazrl Kyafet ve aksesuar seimi kiisel imaj Mlakat srasnda yaplacaklar Kapan ve geri besleme Bu eitim sonrasnda mlakatlarda daha baarl olacanza eminim. yi seyirler dilerim"
Price: 19.99

"7 keys, to have successful conversation with anyone, anytime"
"This course is designed from many surveys and workshops, so that you can talk and behave like a politician when you meet people.Leil Lowndes, Dale Carnegie, have many inputs in this course, and our study with Microsoft and South California University surveys, helped us to develop body language measures. During our workshops with many students in Altinbas University in Istanbul, and various enterprise employee, we developed this course's outline."
Price: 34.99

"Kiisel Mutluluk Atlyesi"
"Gnmzde insanlar mutluluk aryor, bazlar buluyor bazlar ise peinde komasna ramen bulamyor. Bu eitim setinde bu konuda yaplan baz aratrmalarn sonularn da sizle paylaacaz.Mutluluk sadece iinde olduunuz evre ve ortamdan m ortaya kyor, genlerinizden mi bu miras alyorsunuz, yoksa siz mi mutlu olmay baaryorsunuz konularna aklk getireceiz ve size kiisel mutluluunuzu arttrmak iin on tane teknik sunacaz."
Price: 19.99

"Modern Piano Lessons For Beginners"
"The easiest method to learn Hip Hop and R&B on piano. Within a few weeks you will be playing popular songs from the pioneers of modern music. Start Playing Popular Songs Today Do you want to understand the chords of popular artists and play your favorite tunes? Well wait no longer as Virtually Smooth Piano is offering a fantastic course for pianists that want to learn popular tunes in a quick and effective manner! The Virtually Smooth Piano course is geared towards beginners and will have them playing romantic, passionate, and elegant songs for piano within mere minutes. Prior experience with piano isn't necessary to take this course as all that is needed to succeed is a desire to learn! You will also learn all the scales and chords in every key signature! Save time and money by learning remotely rather than travel to traditional music instruction A pressure-free approach to playing music, no judgment or stress involved with your musical journey. Take 20 minutes a day and watch your progress grow! Keyboard or a piano is all you will need to get started. Remote tutoring exists well past the course time. Do the lessons on your own time and adjust them according to your personal schedule. To learn piano, one will only need a will and desire to practice and most importantly, have fun. The only physical requirements needed to finish this course would be: piano/electric keyboard, computer, and a printer. The visual method of this course will allow you to quickly ascertain music theory, piano fingerings, rhythm, cadences, and chord structures within a very short amount of time. Pace yourself and enjoy the musical journey as you will be exposed to 30 great years of popular piano! Pianist, James Gaither provides a detailed, chord-based, and relaxed music course that will span well over 3 hours of concise and detailed instruction. Class and coursework will be enjoyable as his teaching style is stress-free and is oriented to have users learn at their own pace. The supplementary materials in this course will be pdf-formatted chord charts, transcription paper for exercises, and sheet music to accompany each lesson. A mere 20 minutes a day will have you playing like a professional in no time!"
Price: 99.99

"Electronic Dance Music Production: How To Do Mashups & Edits"
"In this course you will learn How To Do Mashups and Edits, and that is the best way to start to understand how Electronic Music Production works. The course works also as an introduction to Music Production techniques, so even if you dont know how to work with the software you own, this course gives you the first ideas about what music softwares can do. Mashups and Edits, are somehow easy to do, but many people do it wrong, not on the beat and with hard transitions. At the end of this course you will be able to do them perfectly, on the beat and with smooth transitions, plus you will learn some introductory tips about EQ, Limiter, Reverb, Pitch, Filter, Automation and BPM Change, that are useful to do quality Mashups and Edits. I run the course on Logic Pro, but if you do use any other music software/DAW you can follow the course easily by using the similar plug-ins and techniques I use on Logic Pro on your software. During the course I use different Logic Pro built-in plug-ins and some third party plug-ins, so you can familiarize already with some different plug-ins and how they work (dont be afraid about the third-party plug-ins, you dont need to buy them, it's mainly to show you the added value of them comparing to some of the Logic ones. The Mashup and Edit I chose for this course are the ones I used already live in the clubs, so they were tested live, with an awesome reaction by the crowd, and supported by many DJs and Producers. As a bonus, at the last lecture, I give for download the final result of the course, that is the mashup, the edit and the Logic Pro Template that I use for Mashups and Edits. If it is the case, thanks for watching!"
Price: 19.99

"Smart Photoshop Tips and Tricks"
"This course covers fundamental Photoshop skills that will allow you to branch your skills out further for more flexibility and speed. If it has been a long time since you have used Photoshop this is great as a refresher course. After successfully completing the course remember it is practice that will make you fluent. To help with this further, high resolution images have been provided for you to practice your new skills. This course consists of in-depth video lessons to leave you with specific skill sets that will allow you to confidently practice on your own initiative. This is a slow paced course deliberately designed to cater for all learning abilities. For those of you that already have a fairly good understanding of Photoshop you may find this course a little slow as I cover every single detail and also give examples of how it should not be done."
Price: 19.99

"Discover Your Dream Job"
"This course is for anyone who wishes to have a happier and more fulfilled life! Discover Your Dream Job is the most thorough job discovery course out there!! It consists of: 93 time-tested, dynamic, fun, creative, engaging, and insightful VIDEO TUTORIALS; approximately 14 hours of information. 1 inspirational & interactive 300 page E-WORKBOOK that will keep you fully captivated and engaged 100% of the time. Participation with other like-minded Dream Job Explorers on Facebook. E-mail support from David. Free monthly newsletter. Discounts off private coaching sessions with David! Discounts off future courses!"
Price: 19.99

"Dreamweaver CC com HTML5"
"O Curso de Dreamweaver CC com HTML5 tem por objetivo ensinar as tcnicas de HTML5, CSS3 , Imagens , Tabelas, Formulrios, Efeitos de jQuery , Vdeo, Menu Responsivo, Layout Responsivo e animao Edge Animate . O material do curso compe : Vdeo-aulas com explicao passo a passo e a soluo dos exerccios ."
Price: 19.99

"Launch Your Venture: Creating Your Entrepreneur Story"
"Launch Your Venture is a Capture Your Flag course focusing on the emotional journey of entrepreneurship. We have found that there are plenty of courses on the logistics of entrepreneurship, but very few about the personal challenges that the entrepreneur goes through. This course covers those challenges that are faced not only by not by entrepreneurs but also by innovators inside companies, individuals starting charities, or anyone about to embark on a new venture. Through Capture Your Flag, Erik Michielsen has interviewed 75 near-peer exemplars over the course of the past five years. These exemplars have been experiencing the challenges of mid-career: starting ventures, having families, caring for parents, working for promotions, quitting jobs, impacting communities and realizing their potential. The magic of the near-peer exemplar is that they have just been through the challenges that you are facing now. Their story is your story, but a few years ahead. The power of longitudinal interviews filmed over a series of years is that you are able to follow their story rather than just getting a snapshot of their experience. Through examining hundreds of hours of video, we have seen a common thread in the entrepreneur's journey. The Launch Your Venture course will take you through this journey by sharing the stories of some of our near-peer exemplars. It will inspire you to reflect on your experience, see where you are in your journey, and learn how to advance to the next steps."
Price: 19.99

"Website Conversion Factors Demystified"
"This course covers the factors that will help ANY web site increase the conversion rate beyond anything you currently hoped for. This video set breaks into the 6 critical pieces you need to influence to max out your conversion rates. However, the reality is, almost every website is missing on at least 3 or 4 of these factors, and a lot of them need help on every factor. It's not rocket science, but this is actually very clear, confirmed aspects of every site, or better yet service or product, that must be considered when a web site is put together. Each aspect requires a serious look from you, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your website(s). Now, do you have to focus on all 6 elements to make a site improve? The answer is no. There is no reason that a site that converts at all can't keep rolling while you carefully evaluate each one of these elements. You see, as you effect each one you will start to see that changes occur in your results. We've written a LOT of copy over the last 10 years. During that time we have discovered and learned a lot about a myriad of businesses concepts and types of people. Here is a list of some clients and brands we worked with over the years, the work we did all based on the 6 factors we demystified in this course: Bayer The Body Shop HONESTe Online SnapTotes FGI Research 7 Mile Advisors Instancy Brand Fuel Carver Yachts Nightingale Contant and a lot more... Again, this is not rocket science but rather a guided change in thought through which we are going to take you. This is very precise material that will help you walk through many facets of success with your web site."
Price: 19.99

"Those Who Can, Teach Their Children"
"This course was developed to help all teachers improve upon their craft. It is designed to be useful to all stages of teaching whether you are in the beginning or a veteran. We have examined what has and hasnt worked in our 15+ years of teaching and 10 years of homeschooling. We compiled our experience and resources to create a course that teaches you all the things that good teachers do, and how they do them. In the course, we look at everything from examining your motives and objectives in teaching, classroom management skills, creation of tests & evaluative questioning techniques, record keeping, to lesson planning. We show you how to understand your learners via their learning styles. We start by discovering which styles they have and then teach you how to develop strategies that best work with an individuals strengths and weakness. Then we work on how to transform a learner's weakness into a strength. We look into activating students brains for optimal learning. We do this by learning about the regions of the brain that different learning styles reside in. We teach you how to reach a developing mind creating long term memory recall. All of this is designed to help you, the parent teacher, to create a zest for exuberant lifelong learning in your children."
Price: 19.99