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"Songwriting (the creative process for beginners)"
"A video tutorial on how to help and inspire the beginner songwriter. The course will explain and identify the elements involved with a starting idea, lyrical and (or) musical, and how to expand that idea (or seed as I like to call it) into a song. The process is a creative journey full of twists and turns. That is what makes songwriting so interesting and magical. The marriage of music and lyrics."
Price: 49.99

"Home Automation using a Vera and ZWave"
"Advancements to Home automation have made it affordable and easy enough that everyone can do it! In this course you will learn how to make your house smart. When someone thinks of a smart home they usually just think of being able to control it via their mobile device. While you will learn that, this course takes home automation to the next level. This course will show you how to actually make your house smart. Your house will learn how to use inputs such as temperature, movement, weather, scheduling, geo-fencing, and so much more to control Lights, HVAC, Blinds, TVs, almost anything. This course provides step-by-step instructions from basic setup to advanced examples. It includes theoretical information and step-by-step videos for setting up and using devices. There are also step-by-step videos for using automation, triggers, and program logic to perform actions. Code examples are provided and explained anywhere code is used. No coding experience necessary. You will learn how to: Setup a Vera Lite of Vera3 How to add and use devices How to use Scenes How to use Triggers How to use LUUP code How to use Mobile Applications How to Troubleshoot issues. You will also learn how to add and use: Z-Wave Devices IR Devices IP Devices Light/Dimmer Switches On/Off Swithces Motion Sensors Heat Sensors Light Sensors Humidity Sensors Thermostats IR Devices (TV, Stereo, Portable Air Conditioner, etc) Motorized Blinds"
Price: 84.99

"Become a WordPress Developer"
"This course is for all beginner WordPress Developers who want to improve their career and jump from a novice level to an intermediate one.What if you don't need to go through 10 or more tutorials just to create a feature, plugin or theme in WordPress?Tried developing with WordPress, but you have a hard time to start? Too much information out there?Get ready for a course that will teach you how to install a WordPress locally, where to look for information on functions, classes etc.Are you ready to develop a plugin and a theme? Ou yeah. We are going into that adventure together! We will build a plugin and we will also create a theme.Maybe you're not satisfied with that?Sure, we will also go into some advanced topics.Some of the stuff you'll learn in this course:JavaScript &WordPressAJAX with WordPressHTML to WordPressDeveloping Custom ThemesDeveloping Custom Plugins"
Price: 99.99

"3ds Max + Vray: Advanced Architectural Exteriors"
"If your architectural rendering projects are ready for that next leap in realism and drama, this is the course for you. Perhaps you already have a good knowledge of arch viz in 3ds Max + Vray, or maybe you have even taken one of my earlier courses, but know you are ready to take on more advanced techniques, tools and workflows?This course will introduce you to the tools you need to take your Vray renderings from basic to brilliant.The course will begin with a basic model that is provided for download. From there, the instructor will guide you through the process of making it much more interesting and dramatic, using advanced techniques and tools.Students will go through:Advanced Modelling ConsiderationsAdvanced Lighting WorkflowsAdvanced Material CreationAdvanced Camera Settings and Composition - Blur, Atmospherics, Etc.Advanced V-Ray Render Settings (V-Ray Next and below)Advanced Compositing in PhotoshopThe instructor will also introduce new professional tools, not discussed in previous courses. They include, but are not limited to:Quixel MegascansForest Pack PRO / LiteSubstance DesignerQuixel MixerSubstance MaterialsPBR materialsand more...Join now if you are ready to work like the pros, and make stunning architectural renderings.See you in class!"
Price: 99.99

"Sales Video Masterclass: Discover How To Close More Sales"
"Would you like to master the skill of creating highly-effective sales videos that bring sales? Would you like to learn how to write sales scripts that grab attention, arouse interest, evoke desire and ultimately get visitors to buy from you? Would you like to learn plug-and-play copywriting frameworks and formulas that would eliminate writers block forever and help you write sales scripts quickly and easily every time? If youve answered YES to even one of these questions than this online course, will knock your socks off.... and before I tell you way, Id like to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Vladimir Raykov. Ive sold over 20000 digital products ranging from $7 up to $997. Ive been able to achieve these results by using carefully crafted sales videos that anyone can learn how to create. I teach over 50000 students and my areas of expertise are marketing psychology and copywriting.WHAT DO STUDENTS SAY ABOUT VLADIMIR'S WORK?-----""Vladimir is an awesome instructor! I have taken many courses here on Udemy and Vladimir is by far one of the best business instructors out there. He doesn't give you any fluff, you get right down into the raw material. He also presents the material in a really clear and concise manner."" - Anthony Guttadauro -----""Vladimir is very experienced in marketing and I think he is the go-to for powerful internet marketing strategies. I finally can breathe easy that I can take classes online from a highly experienced mentor in this field at an affordable price!"" - Eric Anderson -----HOW IS THE COURSE ORGANIZED?This is a project based course that consists of 3 main sections. The first two deal with the elements of your sales video and the third one would help you record and produce your video for free.By the end of the course, you will be able to create highly-effective sales videos. To make the process easy for you, Ive created a project guide that goes with the course. Inside the project guide, you will see a copywriting framework with 13 elements. So basically, I explain to you each of the elements, I give you examples from sales videos that have proven to be extremely effective in terms of return on investment and once you have a perfect understanding on what you have to do, you sit down and write the sales script for your sales video, element by element. Once your script is ready, you will learn how to record it and make a sales video out of it. The demonstration videos Ive created for you will be quite useful as I show you the whole process as if Im creating a real sales video. WHAT WILL I LEARN?How To Apply Scarcity Marketing In Your Sales VideoHow To Apply Social Proof In Your Sales VideoHow To Use Bonuses To Increase The Value Of Your OfferHow To Eliminate Risk So You Close More SalesHow To Control The Mind Of Your ProspectsTop Copywriting Frameworks For Sales VideosHow To Grab And Hold Your Prospects AttentionHow To Introduce Yourself So You Dont Decrease ConversionsThe Most Effective Way To Arouse InterestHow To Create Desire And Apply Future-PacingHow To Remove Objections So More People Buy From YouHow To Make The Prospect Feel SpecialHow To Apply The Detailed Call To Action (DCTA)Guidelines On How Long Your Sales Video Should Be (Follow Them!)Discover The Logic Behind The Elements Your Sales VideoThe Tools You Will Need To Record & Produce Your Sales VideoThe 6-Step Method To Produce Your Sales VideoHow To Record And Edit Your Voice-Over With Audacity.How To Create The Presentation For Your Sales VideoHow To Record & Edit Your Screen With Camtasia StudioA Little-Known Website For Unlimited Free Video Footage For Your Sales VideoAnd much, much more...WHO IS IT FOR?I designed this program for current and would-be online business owners and entrepreneurs who sell digital products and services. For people who would like to utilize the power of sales videos and increase their sales as a result. If this is something you want, go ahead and click the Add to Cart button right now. DO I GET A GUARANTEE?This course comes with a 30-days money back guarantee. That means zero risk for you. If for some reason you are not satisfied, requesting a refund is virtually one-click away! However, I highly doubt you would do that because once you experience the marketing power that course holds, you will want to have it in your library and go over it before each upcoming marketing project of yours. WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?So, stop over-thinking and hit the ""Add To Cart""button now and I will see you inside.My name is Vladimir and remember - Stay Purposeful!"
Price: 199.99

"Watercolor paint CHICKENS. Loose shapes, poses & plumage.FUN"
"Chickens seem to be a popular painting subject. I say that because I posted a YouTube video one year ago and it now has 13,000 views (April 2019). Along with such things as greeting cards and mugs etc with them on, I thought I would do a course.So I have got a selection of photos together and I will show you how to start off by making simple shapes to create the chicken, then to make it look more believable, step by step.I'll show you the colours to use, keeping it simple and then we'll go onto painting individuals and groups, finishing off with a portrait in a more defined style.BUTMOSTIMPORTANT.This course will really build your confidence. Why? Because you will be using a lot of water and you will not sketch prior to painting.So what are you waiting for?Every lecture is supported by resources where indicated and if you have any questions, just get in touch.Why choose one of my courses?Because, as a self taught artist I understand how a lot of people feel about their creative work, sometimes anxious, sometimes overwhelmed and often that it's not 'good enough'. I will hold your hand as you overcome these fears as I offer a friendly, relaxed and sensitive teaching style.I also have years of experience of teaching people of all levels both in person and via the internet.Do one of my courses and you will feel as if I am in the room with you every step of the way.Enjoy your painting, love NicolaPS thanks to Cindy Cates for suggesting this subject and providing some photos"
Price: 49.99

"Davud Hoca ile PHP ile Nesne Ynelimli Programlama"
"Bu yeni eitim setimizdede PHP'de OOP'nin ne olduu ve temel OOP Kavramlar rneklerle anlatlmaktadr. Nesne ynelimli programlama iin hazrlanm en yeni eitim setidir. rnekler ile kavramlar aklanmaya allmtr. Umarz PHP renen arkadalara faydal olur. Temel PHP Eitimi isteyen arkadalar bizimle irtibata geebilir veya Bu yeni eitim setimizdede PHP'de OOP'nin ne olduu ve temel OOP Kavramlar rneklerle anlatlmaktadr.Nesne ynelimli programlama iin hazrlanm en yeni eitim setidir. rnekler ile kavramlar aklanmaya allmtr.Umarz PHP renen arkadalara faydal olur.Temel PHP Eitimi isteyen arkadalar bizimle irtibata geebilir veya"
Price: 19.99

"Davud Hoca ile Laravel"
"PHPile web tasarm yapmak olduka kolaydr, Bunun iin yapmanz gereken bir XAMP program indirmek ve Sizin iin sunucular kurmasn salamaktr. Daha sonra htdocs dizininde oluturacanz .php uzants ieren bir dosya ile PHP kodlar yazabilir ve bu dosyas altrarak PHPile alabilirsiniz.PHP'ye balamak byle kolay olunca, klasik renme ve kodlama metodlar herkesin ilk heyecanla yapt tarz oluyor ve bundan kurtulmas kolay olmuyor. Bir ok projeyi kii klasik programlama metodlar ile yapm oluyor.Laravel'de ise bizler iin daha nceden hazrlanan Symphony gibi bir ok ktphane bir araya getiriliyor ve bizlere farkl bir programlama tarz sunuluyor. Bu tarzn ad ""MVC - Model View Controller"" dr. MVC tarznda web sitesinin grnen ksm view dosyalarnda, veritaban ile ilgili kodlar model dosyalarnda, kullanc etkileimi ve view-model arasndaki etkileim ise Controller tarafndan yaplmaktadr.MVCyaps olduka kolay ve konforlu olmasna ramen, MCVanlatan kiiler iin zn tam anlamatamadklar iin bir ok kii MVC'yi tam renemeyip, eski bildii klasik programlamaya dnmektedir.Biz bu Laravel Framework kursunda size MVCyi tam olarak retmeyi ve bir daha eski metodlarla kodlama yapmanz salamay hedefliyoruz.Bugne kadar tm eitim hedeflerimizi baardmz gibi bunuda birlikte baaracaz.O zaman ""Davud Hoca ile Laravel"" kursunda bulualm."
Price: 19.99

"Master Twitter Marketing From Scratch"
"Start from absolute 0 and learn everything you need to create an impact on Twitter. This course begins from the basics, familiarizes you with all the key features of Twitter and teaches you the most important Twitter marketing strategies to grow your Twitter presence.By the end of the course you will be able to successful create growth-strategies for your and your clients' Twitter profiles.You'll also learn to put in place long-term Twitter marketing strategies that get you continuous growth.This course will also familiarize you with important tools that will help make Twitter marketing easier for you."
Price: 109.99

"Amazon Marketing Masterclass"
"This powerful course will guide you through the basics and turn you into an Amazon marketing master. Learn how to get started and answer your basic questions like finding niches, sourcing products, getting traffic, managing logistics. We assume you come with no knowledge and start out with the basics.Join in and get going with the most exciting online selling opportunity of our times."
Price: 194.99

"Email Marketing - Total Mastery"
"This complete course starts you from 0 and teaches you everything you need to know to do Email marketing profitably.From the basics, to the technical setup, to the warnings and pitfalls, this course covers everything. It'll also teach you how to get started with Email marketing. Leading you by hand into the world of forms, autoresponders, lists, and more.Perfect for beginners who are serious about making profits from Email marketing."
Price: 64.99

"Beginner's Guide to Outsourcing"
"In this course you'll learn the basics of outsourcing so that you can leverage other people's time in order to grow your business.You'll learnThe Outsourcing MindsetWhat To OutsourceHow to OutsourceWhere to Find OutsourcersHow to Track Outsourcers So You Aren't Losing MoneyI will be updating the course as time goes on and more people have questions, so this will be an ever evolving resource for you."
Price: 19.99

"Curso creativo de Final Cut Pro X: efectos, animacin, etc"
"Final Cut Pro X no es la mejor opcin a la hora de crear efectos complejos, animaciones de texto, cabeceras, etc. En estos casos, tenemos que recurrir a programas como Motion 5 o comprar plugins de otras empresas.Sin embargo, con habilidad e imaginacin, podemos llevar a cabo muchos de estas tareas de composicin y motion graphics con excelentes resultados y sin recurrir a plugins de otras empresas.As, en este curso de 8 horas y media de duracin aprenders a:Efectos complejos y composiciones en el programa: Para ello, veremos usaremos distintos filtros, animaremos mediante fotogramas clave, aplicaremos mscaras, etc.Ttulos animados y secuencias de texto atractivas y dinmicas: Logrars exprimir las herramientas de Final Cut Pro X de una manera sorprendente.Transiciones personalizadas entre distintos clips de video: Para lograr efectos espectaculares imposibles de lograr con las transiciones del programa.Cabeceras y outros para tus proyectos: Descubrirs que no es necesario pasar por Motion o After Effects para crear una intro atractiva.Adems el curso incluye algunos extras como efectos, ttulos, generadores, etc... que podrs descargar e instalar en tu equipo."
Price: 199.99

"Game Math and Physics Basics in 2D"
"1. Friends, please take the time to review the curriculum carefully before buying so you can see exactly whether this is the right course for you. Please do not join until you have completed this step. 2. Please watch the free preview videos so you can see whether the presentation style works for you. Please remember Iam just one person, and Imake my videos often after Ihave been working for many hours already. Please do not join until you have completed this step. 3. If something needs fixing, please let me know. Again, I'm just one person and not a big team of people. Iwill try to fix it as quickly as possible. Thank you.Course Overview:1. This course is for those who already know how to make a simple 2D project in unity. I'm assuming you can figure out how to do this. Please remember, however, that using Unity is NOT the main objective of this course. 2. This course focuses only on two dimensional math and physics concepts related to game programming. 3. In some of the videos you see how to use unity. 4. In some of the videos Iuse physical demonstrations to illustrate mathematical concepts related to game development. 5. In some of the videos Iwrite by hand on paper because this is faster than writing on the computer screen.6. You should be mentally prepared to work with square roots, vectors and units of various kinds like m/s and m/s^2 and kg.7. Idraw a lot in this course to illustrate various vector concepts. In other words, Iuse a variety of teaching methods. 8. There are a variety of exercises placed throughout the videos. Please try to complete every exercise. Practice, of the right kind, counts!:) 9. These videos focus primarily on understanding the concepts of vectors, distances, angles, transformations, speeds, velocities, accelerations, forces, and related concepts. 10. You should already be able to solve basic linear equations like 2+4+x=10 and you should understand how to compare numbers with ratios, as in 10kg/2kg. I do, however, still explain these too. 11. Please be sure to read the curriculum with meticulous care before enrolling so you can be sure this is truly the right course for you. 12. If you are already a great physics/math expert, please do not join this course. It will not help you. 13. For the hearing-impaired, closed-captions are added automatically. Ido not have control over those, so they might not be perfect. 14. Thank you for reading, and see you inside!"
Price: 54.99

"Quran Level 1 - Qaida Nuraniyah - Adults Edition 2019"
"A journey from Nuraniyahto Quran witha 5 years oldSumayyah. Nuraniyyah is the:EASIEST and the FASTEST method of learning Quran reading.A SYSTEMATIC curriculum:Arabic Letters - HuroofArabic Vowels - HarakatLong Vowels - MaddResting Sound - SukoonEmphasis - ShaddahRules of Noon100% PRACTICAL lessons with exercises and practical testsLearn with a SMILEAttain CONFIDENCE in reading Arabic and reciting Quran with TajweedLearning to read the Quran is so easy that even a five years old child can learn it."
Price: 39.99

"The Fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)"
"Welcome to the Fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This Achology endorsed NLP training course is designed for the newcomer to Neuro-Linguistic Programming who is looking for a more in-depth experience than the average NLP introduction course.Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a popular and practical approach to personal development and growth. NLP is practical, pragmatic and behaviour based technique which makes it relatively simple to understand and easy to immediately put into practice. The core ideas can be used as a tool for improving the quality of people lives by anyone who appreciates them.This excellent 8hr-long program will let you discover how to apply NLP in various aspects of your life. You will learn fundamental principles that will enable you to become more effective in realising your goals, being more effective in your communication and overcoming the common 'belief' hurdles that limit the choices people have in life.Neuro-Linguistic Programming is especially beneficial to those on the journey of personal development and growth. Due to the reliable, practical basis for its effectiveness, NLP has become the synergistic modality of choice for many of today's most common goal-orientated challenges.This course focuses on the way we think and process our thoughts (Neuro), communicate with other people (Linguistic) and understand how easily we are conditioned by our upbringing, education and society (Programming).NLP isn't a 'thing' but rather an ever-expanding body of ideas, practices, principles, models and methods that can help us better understand our thought processes and behaviours. Putting these NLP principles into practice can create rapid personal transformation in the lives of those who embrace the presuppositions and other main ideas.Qu) What will I be able to do upon completion of this course?As you apply what you learn to yourself through the modules, you will learn how to:Generate more of the positive results that you desire in life.Understand the unconscious mind and how to self-regulate.Identify the origin of any unhelpful (or unfavourable) emotions.Realise the connection between your head, heart and intuition.Apply wisdom based principles in relevant aspects of your life.Connect with others in a more authentic and associated way.Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming principles to enrich your relationships.Communicate with more confidence and connect more meaningfully with other people.And much, much more ...This unique course outlines the insights you will need to influence others into more self-aware states, and maximise your own conscious wellbeing through the process. This is a thought-provoking training which may prove to be hard-hitting and transformative for some people.Our Fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming course is for you if you are an absolute beginner to NLP and are considering advancing to study further and become an Achology certified NLP practitioner.For over 45+ years, NLP has been respected as a useful tool for inter-personal change, therapeutic work, and is also used by corporate organisations to create new expressions of personal and organisational success.This Fundamentals of NLP course will show how you can maximise the quality of your personal, professional and social relationships. A range of simple (yet powerful) NLP exercises are included in the course so that you can try and experience them at home for yourself.This Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming course contains elements from all the leading schools of psychological thought and is also included within the Achology core curriculum.Full Money Back Guarantee: We know you'll love this course, and to show how confident we are, we offer a full money-back guarantee with no questions asked should it not meet your needs."
Price: 74.99

"Jira 7 Guide for Administrators and Developers"
"This course will show you how to use and manage your Atlassian JIRA instance. It will begin with the basics of JIRA and show how JIRA can be customized to suit the needs of your organization. This updated edition will cover all major components of JIRA 7, which includes JIRA Software, JIRA Core, and JIRA Service Works. We cover everything you need to know to set up a fully-functional implementation. Finally, we will also go over the newly added features in Jira 7.10.About the AuthorRavi Sagar is an Atlassian Consultant and Drupal expert with several years' experience in web development and business analysis. He has worked extensively at implementing and customizing big Jira instances for project tracking, test management, support tickets, and Agile tracking.Ravi founded Sparxsys Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in 2010. This company provides consultancy and training services on Atlassian tools and Drupal. He has a keen interest in building accessible websites adhering to WCAG guidelines. Ravi's areas of interest include project management and Agile methodologies.Along with this, he has also authored several books for Packt. They are: Mastering JIRA 7 - Second Edition Mastering JIRA. Your Definitive Guide To Building a Fantastic Blog in DrupaHis certifications also include: Atlassian Certified Professional Jira Administrator. Atlassian Certified in Agile Development with Jira Software."
Price: 124.99

"Meditao Ativa em Casa"
"A mente divaga, muitas vezes, para o que est nos preocupando -- uma causa essencial da angstia cotidiana. Pesquisadores da Havard pediram a milhares de pessoas para relatar seu foco mental e humor em momentos aleatrios do dia, a concluso foi de que uma mente que divaga uma mente infeliz. Neste curso, a instrutora May Irineu aborda de forma bem direta e descontrada a prtica da meditao ativa. Na introduo, vamos descobrir um pouco sobre a origem da meditao, seus benefcios para a sade fsica e psicolgica. J na seo prtica, que a principal parte do curso, May demonstra de forma clara e objetiva as tcnicas para um bom procedimento da meditao ativa, do incio ao fim. Todas as tcnicas so demonstradas em detalhes pela instrutora e reproduzidas pelos nossos convidados.Alm disso os alunos recebero gratuitamente udios para meditao guiada, entre outras dicas e informaes.A meditao ativa uma ferramenta poderosa de cura e terapia, alm de ser um hbito muito saudvel que pode ser exercido em qualquer ambiente. Com certeza no h melhor lugar para comear do que na nossa prpria casa. Obrigado pela ateno e tenha uma tima jornada de aprendizado!"
Price: 39.99

"WordPress WooCommerce Complete, Themes+Plugins Bundle"
"This course takes you step-by-step through the process of adding a shopping cart to your WordPress website and collecting money for your  products or services -- no prior ecommerce experience is necessary.  The  course is designed as a quick-start (about 60 minutes) introduction to  the best WordPress shopping cart software, and covers about 90% of WooCommerce out-of-the-box functionality.Updated March/2019: Bonus themes and plugins!We are now including two powerful themes / theme frameworks (Elegant Themes Divi and StudioPress Genesis + 40 child themes, plus all the Divi Layout packs via a provided temporary license key) along with about $1000 worth of commercial (GPL-licensed) WooCommerce plugins.  These are the same themes and plugins that we use on our own client sites, and which are also included in our other course, WooCommerce Membership Site with Marketing Automation. In addition to a standard shop site, you can create a membership or digital-download site as well, hooked up to a newsletter and payment gateway.Here is what you will learn:Shopping carts overview: WooCommerce may not be the best solution for you.  We review some other optionsWooCommerce Review: we tour the software, developer documentation and available extensions Installing WooCommerceProducts, Product Categories, and Product ImagesWooCommerce settings, shortcodes, and Shop page layoutsPayPal configuration and checkout processDigital DownloadsFlat-rate shippingWooCommerce product types, upsells, cross-sells, grouped productsProduct attributes and variationsAdvanced shipping methodsTaxes and tax classesCoupons, Order Management, Inventory ManagementProduct reviews, user roles, and moreThis is the best WooCommerce course on UdemyIf you are interested in learning THE most popular ecommerce software on the planet, which is also FREE. your search ends here. Our attitude here at WP Academy, is NOT to give you 20 hours of video to watch, but to give you essential instructions in 1-2 hours from which you will have the necessary background to learn on your own, whatever else you need. Feel free, as well, to post your questions to the forums! I typically review these daily."
Price: 19.99

"Sophos XG Firewall rnek Topoloji almas"
"Bu kursumuzda Sophos XG Firewall ile rnek bir topoloji almas yaplmtr. Kursumuzdaki rnek topoloji Virtual Box ve GNS3 yazlm kullanlarak oluturulmutur. rnek topolojimiz de 3 ayr blge bulunmaktadr. LAN, DMZ ve Misafir . Bu rnek almamz da sizlere firewall zerinde yeni vlanlar oluturulmasn, vlanlar aras kurallar yazlmasn, port ynlendirme ilemlerinin nasl yapldn , web ve uygulama kstlama ilemlerinin nasl yapldn anlatacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Sophos XG Firewall Eitimi"
"Duyuru: Kurslarm ile ilgili indirim , duyuru ve haberler iin web sitemi ve sosyal medya hesablarm takip edebilirsiniz.nemli Not :Bu eitim Sophos Resmi Eitimine gre hazrlanmtr. Sadece basit rnekler vardr. Detayl rnek talepleriniz iin iletiim kurmanz halinde yardmc olabilirim.Sophos XG Firewall Eitimi ile sfrdan firewall kurulumu,yaplandrmas ve ynetimi konusunda bilgi sahibi olacaklar. Bu kursumuz da renciler bir i yeri iin gerekli olan temel gvenlik duvar ayarlarn, temel a ayarlarn, trafik ekillendirme, kotalar, web filtreleme, uygulama kontrol, gvenli kablosuz eriim, VPN, RED, dorulama,loglama,raporlama ve sorun giderme gibi zellikleri renecekler ve uygulayabileceklerdir. Bu eitim ile birlikte renciler kk iletmelerden byk yaplara kadar tm irketler iin Sophos XG Firewall cihazn yaplandrabilir konuma gelecekler."
Price: 49.99

"Fortigate Firewall rnek Topoloji almas"
"Bu kursumuzda Fortigate Firewall ile rnek bir topoloji almas yaplmtr. Kursumuzdaki rnek topoloji Virtual Box Vmware workstation ve GNS3 yazlm kullanlarak oluturulmutur. rnek topolojimiz de 3 ayr blge bulunmaktadr. LAN, DMZ ve Misafir . Vlanlar oluturulmasn, vlanlar aras kurallar yazlmasn, port ynlendirme ilemlerinin nasl yapldn , web ve uygulama kstlama ilemlerinin nasl yapldn anlatacaz."
Price: 49.99

"Fortigate Firewall Eitimi - 2020"
"Duyuru:Kurslarm ile ilgili indirim , duyuru ve haberler iin web sitemi ve sosyal medya hesablarm takip edebilirsiniz. Eitim indirimi iin irtibata gemeniz halinde indirim kuponu iletebilirim.nemli Not : Bu eitim Fortigate Firewall Cihazn yeni kullananlara ynelik bir eitimdir. Bu eitimde temel rnekler vardr. Zamanla rnekler eklenmeye devam edecektir. Sormak istediiniz konularda mesaj yolu ile iletiime geebilirisiniz. Fortigate Firewall Eitimiile sfrdan firewall kurulumu,yaplandrmas ve ynetimi konusunda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz. Bu kursumuz da Temel kurulum ve kullanm, fortiview yapsn, a ayarlarn, sistem ayarlarn, politika ve nesneleri kullanmay, gvenlik profillerini, vpn ayarlarn, kullanc ve cihaz ayarlarn, wifi ve switch ynetimini, loglama raporlama ve izleme zelliklerini reneceksiniz. Bu eitim ile birlikte renciler kk iletmelerden byk yaplara kadar tm irketler iin Fortigate Firewall cihazn yaplandrabilir konuma gelecekler."
Price: 49.99

"Herkes in Network Eitimi"
"Bugn evremizdeki her cihazn, her eyin bir an paras olduu veya nternet'e balandn gryoruz. Alar gn getike byyor. A kavramnn ne olduunu renmek ve alar hakknda temel bilgiler edinmek istiyorsanz bu kursa kayt olmalsnz.Bu kurs, Yerel Alan Alar (LAN), OSI modelini kullanarak a tanm, kablolu ve kablosuz alar, Internet Protokol (IP), komut satrnda TCP / IP komutlarn kullanma, a servisleri, geni alan alar (WAN) ve ok daha fazlasn anlatr.1 Yerel Alan Alarn Anlama,A aygtlar, veri aktarm ve LAN trleri dahil olmak zere  yerel alar (LAN) hakknda bilgi edinin. Ethernet standartlar dahil olmak zere a topolojilerini ve eriim yntemlerini kefedin. Eler aras ve istemci / sunucu a modellerini karlatrn.2 OSI Modeli ile Alar Tanmlama OSI modelini tanyn ve OSI ve TCP / IP modellerinde bulunan katmanlara genel bir bak ve farkl trlerde anahtarlarn gzden geirilmesi dahil olmak zere anahtarlar kefedin.3 Kablolu ve Kablosuz Alar AnlamaBkml ift ve fiber optik kablolara genel bak da dahil olmak zere,  ortam trlerini kefedin. Kablosuz aygtlara ve kablosuz a standartlarna genel bak da dahil olmak zere kablosuz aa gz atn.4 nternet Protokoln AnlamakA Temelleri snavnda IPv4 ve IPv6'y tanyn. IPv4 adres kategorilerini, varsaylan a geitlerini, DNS sunucularn, alt alar ve Snfsz Etki Alanlar Aras Ynlendirmeyi (CIDR) inceleyin.5 TCP / IP'yi Komut Satrna UygulamaKomut isteminin bir incelemesini ieren TCP / IP'yi anlayn ve temel ve gelimi TCP / IP komutlarnn gsterimlerine bakn.6 A ServisleriA servislerini anlama ve ad zmlemesi ile ilgili konulara bakn. Yaygn a servislerine ve farkl ad zmleme tekniklerine bakn.7 Geni Alan Alarn AnlamakWAN'lar kefedin. Verilerin statik veya dinamik olarak nasl ynlendirilebilecei de dahil olmak zere ynlendiricilerin nasl altn grn ve WAN'larn nasl balandn renin.8 nternet Kavramlarnternetin kavramlar hakknda bilgi edinin."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering Pivot Tables To Analyze Business Data in Excel"
"This course is designed for people familiar with Excel and who want to learn how to analyze data within Excel. We will use the in-built Pivot Table tool, and show how to use the tool, and how to go beyond the basics, to more advanced functionality to analyze data, performing complex calculations, and be able to turn data into actionable information easily. It is meant for the data warriors to learn the Advanced Excel techniques of Pivot Tables to make sense of huge amount of data in Excel, and be able to create simple management reports which compare data as Percentages, perform year or year, quarter on quarter comparisons etc."
Price: 49.99

"Adm Adm Packet Tracer Uygulamalar 35 Gnde 35 Uygulama"
"Cisco CCNA snavna hazrlanrken Lab denilen uygulama sorularn baarabilmek iin ok daha fazla pratik yapmanz gerekir. te Adm Adm Packet Tracer Uygulamalar 35 Gnde 35 Uygulama eitiminde her gn farkl bir lab uygulamas ile daha fazla pratik yapma olanana kavuacaksnz. 35 gnde 35 uygulamay tamamlamak hedefiniz olsun.Eitim boyunca topolojileri sfrdan beraber ina edeceiz. Bu nedenle herhangi bir Packet Tracer dosyas paylamayacam. Bylelikle adm adm batan sona tm ilemleri kendiniz baaracaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"SEO Marketing Hero"
"Search is the best way to find highly targeted customers without spending money day after day.Dominate search, and you will have an endless supply of free leads and customers and yes, it's not as hard as it seems. This course starts from the absolute basics without any assumptions, and leads you step by step into true expertise. Each chapter builds upon the former, introduces new concepts while strengthening old ones.This training can also be used as a reference. You can learn what you feel you still need to know, and solidify your SEO concepts. With over 70 lessons, this is the most comprehensive SEO course you've seen and it will teach you everything that you need to know about SEO today. Taught by real world experts and marketers, this course gives you the real, on-the-street principles that you can apply immediately and see results.Get started on a wonderful journey of Internet marketing and SEO success today. Join this course!"
Price: 109.99

"The Character Design Course 2019"
"Hello and welcome! Do you love to draw characters but feel frustrated at your progress? In this course I will show you:One really easy technique  called the Isometric Arrow that will help you to draw a perfect 3D box every single time! How to turn a flat rectangle into a 3D tube (this will boost your arm and leg drawing skills!) One easy method that can help you to draw your character in multiple directions without reference!! How using shapes can 3x speed your drawing skills A warm up method to boost your hand eye co ordination immediately! That sometimes thinking too much can hinder the creativity process How to quickly and confidently create 20 characters in 5 minutes! What a silhouette is and how it can drastically improve your drawings! How guide lines can help with the direction of your character! One neat trick on how to draw a solid looking mouth!and plenty more!"
Price: 19.99

"Guia de Empreendedorismo para Professores na Era Digital"
"O comrcio do conhecimento movimenta bilhes antes mesmo da internet por meio de pessoas que vo todos os meses as bancas, comprar acima de tudo informao, ou seja, conhecimento.A internet abriu espao para professores e produtores de contedo de forma ampla e no decorrer desse curso iremos apresentar essas vantagens e debater questes que podem lhe ajudar a alcanar o seu potencial mximo, ganhar um dinheiro extra com a produo de cursos online e em muitos casos viver exclusivamente dessa iniciativa.Os vdeos so separados em mdulos com objetivo didtico de expor o contedo numa sequencia lgica que otimiza as perspectivas de aprendizado, o aluno ainda tem tarefas para reforar o que aprendeu.Entenda diferentes oportunidades que nascem para o professor na era digital e confira exemplos prticos de ganhos no segmento.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade. Nos vemos no curso"
Price: 149.99

"Mentalidade de Sucesso"
"A inteno deste curso analisar posturas, atitudes, vises de mundo, crenas - que chamaremos aqui de mentalidades - examinar os resultados positivos ou negativos resultantes de mentalidades diferentes, e propor mudanas que proporcionem realizao pessoal e sucesso.Sua postura mental estagnante ou de crescimento? Voc d mais ateno sua autoestima ou  sua autoeficcia?  Como fazer para no congelar diante de um desafio? Utilizando conceitos de psicologia e neurocincia, este curso prope uma reflexo sobre atitudes para alavancar seu sucesso. Voc vai adquirir o autoconhecimento necessrio para vencer os desafios da vida."
Price: 189.99