"Agile Business Analysis: Getting / Writing Lean Requirements" |
"Meeting the Agile, Lean, and DevOps Requirements ChallengeProblem solvers are in demand in every organization, large and small, from a Mom and Pop shop to the federal government. Increase your value to yourself and to your group or organization by improving your ability to extract, express, and analyze business needs in formats that are supported by Agile, Lean, and DevOpsphilosophies.The single largest challenge facing organizations around the world is how to leverage their Information Technology to gain competitive advantage. This is not about how to program the devices,it is determining what the devices should do. The skills required to identify and define the best IT solutions are invaluable for every role in the organization. These skills can propel you from the mail room to the boardroom by making your organization more effective and more profitable.An Agile Approach for Getting from Visions and Requirements to Test ScenariosIn this course, you will learn how the concepts of Agile, Lean, and Continuous Delivery software development philosophies influence the discovery, expression, and analysis of business needs. You will learn how to express those needs in user story format, as features or requirement statements, and ultimately as Given-When-Then structures. This is the language that allows developers to deliver the IT solutions the organization needs. This exercise-rich, interactive requirements discoveryworkshop provides a proven set of core business analysis techniques, methods and tricks. The presented content willhelp agile and lean software development teams, business analysts, product owners, test developers, and subject matter experts discover, capture, clarify, and confirm the kind of IT requirements that solution providers need to deliver the right information technology solutions for the business."
Price: 199.99 |
"Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types" |
"Dealing with your own quirks and traits can be challenging by itself at times, but life generally gets a lot more challenging when you are dealing with other people. Why do people react so differently to similar situations? What makes each of us so unique?Human Design identifies 5 distinct energy types and knowing your type is a starting point formaking the right decisions in life. Knowing your partner's or friend's energy type can give you considerably greater insight into and empathy fortheir motivations and reactions.This course explains each of the 5 types and describes:their role in lifethe recommendedstrategy most likely to succeedThe consequences of not following the success strategytips for dealing with the type which can help you accept and appreciate yourself orothers in your life"
Price: 69.99 |
"Three Emerging Careers in Digital Business Analysis" |
"The purpose of business analysis is supposedly to define a future that will allow an organization to achieve specific goals and objectives. In reality, the purpose of business analysis can be anything from mindlessly scribbling down requirements to predicting the future of the known universe.Although often married to IT (Information Technology), business analysis is a fundamental business process regardless which organizational unit performs it. Because it defines the interface between people and technology, it is by nature complex. Based on experience gained in working with hundreds of organizations of various sizes world-wide, we identify distinct differences in business analysis as practiced at three levels. In a nutshell,Strategic Business Analysis identifies opportunities for improvementTactical Business Analysis flushes out the details of defined projects or initiativesOperational Business Analysis deals with the evolving daily changes in the life of any change process These three different careers or levels of business analysis share a great deal of common techniques. As the business analyst, you need to be aware of the level at which you are working to adaptappropriate business analysistechniques to your situationfor maximum returns.In this brief overview, you will learn the differences between strategic, tactical, and operational business analysis audiences, how-to's, and results. Furthermore, the author presents his view onthe future of the Business Analyst profession."
Price: 39.99 |
"Lean / Agile Business Analysis: Writing BUSINESS Use Cases" |
"Agile/Lean Use Cases Help You Manage ComplexityUse Case Models are well suited to build a product backlog. They are the ideal tool for representatives of the business community to identify, clarify, and organize functional software requirements for a digital solution.Use Cases define the interactions between people and technology. They enable business users to talk to Information Technology (IT) professionals about what the business needs in a manner both parties can understand. Use Cases also enable IT professionals to talk about technology to the business community without using technical jargon.User Stories and other forms of textual requirements are phenomenal ways of expressing business needs but they often lack context. That leads to ambiguous and subjective interpretations creating software that does not meet the business needs. Use Case Models, however, provide this context and are easily understandable by all stakeholders (customers, users, managers, developers, and testers). Creating and distributing Use Cases significantly decreases miscommunication that causes incorrect implementation of requirements. The time spent up front drastically reduces the overall time required to develop a viable product that meets the business needs. Use Cases are essential for Agile Teams that are not co-located!Lean Use Cases are becoming the de facto standard for defining and communicating functional requirements in Lean and Agile environments. Applying the Lean philosophy of waste reduction to the Use Case concept creates a powerful tool for communication to and within a Lean or Agile Software Development team.Writing a Lean Use Case is a skill that anyone in an organization can easily acquire. Learning how to write and manage Lean Use Cases at varying levels of detail is a major step in getting your IT applications to do what you want them to do. Knowing why you need a Lean Use Case, when to create one (especially in a lean environment), and where to put what information is critical to creating high-quality functional requirements.Learn How Lean Use Cases Improve Communication in a Lean / Agile SettingThis exercise and example-rich business analysis training course explains the who, what, when, where, how and why of Lean Use Case models. Learn how Use Cases augment Lean and Agile software development by providing just enough detail at every point in the Agile development process.To easily discover Use Cases, we include a section on Event-Response Analysis, Vision Statement Analysis, and Example- or Scenario-based Use Case Identification.After finishing this course, you can write high-quality Use Cases defining actors, pre-conditions, post-conditions, main paths, alternate paths, exception paths and more."
Price: 179.99 |
"Retoma el control de tu correo electrnico con Airmail" |
"El email es un mtodo de comunicacin que trae de cabeza a todos aquellos que buscan ser ms productivos en sus vidas y en su trabajo, y aunque es algo que no ha evolucionado prcticamente desde sus comienzos, si que lo han hecho las herramientas que hay a su alrededor.Airmail es mi gestor favorito y predefinido a la hora de alcanzar inbox zero de una manera rpida y efectiva, y as poder tener tiempo para cosas ms importantes (como la creacin de este curso)En este curso te ensear a exprimir cada una de sus funcionalidades para que t puedas conseguir lo mismo.Existen decenas, o incluso cientos de alternativas en el mercado que pueden ayudarte a procesar tu bandeja de entrada de una manera ms inteligente, pero debido a su falta de funcionalidades, y sobre todo, a su falta de integraciones con otros servicios, nunca terminan de ser la solucin definitiva a mis exigencias de gestin.Sin embargo Airmail es diferente.Y no tienes por qu fiarte de mi palabra, Federico Viticci ha catalogado la aplicacin como la mejor aplicacin del ao 2016, Life Hacker La aplicacin de email ms potente en iPhone, y Mike Schmitz (Asian Efficiency) como su gestor favorito en macOS.Como ves, no es solo fama lo que rodea a Airmail."
Price: 19.99 |
"Camtasia 2018 Graba, edita y exporta tus propios cursos" |
"Formacin que te ensear a grabar, editar y exportar videos para tus cursos o canal de YouTubeCamtasia es la aplicacin estrella entre usuarios de Windows (tambin disponible para Mac) que te permitir grabar la pantalla de tu equipo de sobremesa o porttil, e incluso de dispositivos mviles como iPhone o iPad (solo disponible en la versin para Mac)Podrs editar esas grabaciones de manera profesional, aadiendo transiciones o efectos de movimiento, y exportar el resultado final a mltiples formatos, o incluso publicarlo directamente en plataformas como Youtube o Vimeo.Este curso incluyeCasi 2 horas de video bajo demanda, puedes verlo cuando quierasSoporte en los comentarios de las lecciones, no aprenders soloAcceso de por vida al contenido,refresca lo aprendido cuando quierasAcceso disponible desde smartphone o tablet, aprende desde el sofCertificado de finalizacin, utilzalo para aumentar tu autoridadQu voy a aprender en este curso?Si aun no tienes una copia de Camtasia te ensear como comprar una licencia e instalarla.Comprenders los conceptos ms bsicos de Camtasia 2018 y de la edicin de vdeo, las resoluciones y framerates dejarn de ser un misterio para ti.Aprenders a grabar vdeos de la pantalla de tu equipo y de tus dispositivos iOS como iPhone o iPad (solo disponible en Mac!).Descubrirs cmo editar tus vdeos como un autntico profesional, creando animaciones de todo tipo que dejarn a tu audiencia boquiabierta.Te ensear a utilizar filtros de vdeo para que puedas, por ejemplo, deshacerte del fondo verde de tu Croma con un simple click, y filtros de audio para que puedas eliminar el molesto ruido de fondo que existe en la mayora de las grabaciones.Vers cmo aadir callouts, subttulos, y dems anotaciones visuales para que tu audiencia no se pierda durante tus explicaciones.Te mostrar cmo puedes exportar tus creaciones.Por qu necesitas este cursoEl formato vdeo, adems de una poderosa herramientas de marketing y promocin, es una de las mejores maneras de distribuir tu conocimiento en la actualidad, y lo seguir siendo durante muchos aos.Las personas recuerdan mucho mejor una imagen que un simple audio o un texto que han ledo, pero si sigues creando los clsicos vdeos de pantalla esttica no estars ofreciendo la mejor experiencia a tu audiencia.Es esta formacin para ti?Si tu perfil encaja con uno de los siguientes, y ests buscando una herramienta profesional de grabacin y edicin de vdeo, entonces este curso es para ti.Formadores onlineque quieren ensear en remoto en su propia plataforma o en servicios de terceros.Bloggers o Youtubersque quiere crear contenido ms atractivo para hacer crecer su audiencia.Profesores de escuela o de universidadque quiere mejorar su enseanza.Marketersque quieren crear contenido para promocionar su marca o producto.Personasque simplemente quieren iniciarse en la creacin de vdeo.Cules son los requerimientos?Adems de una conexin a Internet para visualizar las lecciones, para poder seguir este curso necesitars:El Software de Camtasia, al menos la versin de prueba.Un buen micrfonoser de gran ayuda para darle mejor voz a tus vdeos, pero es algoopcional.No son necesarios conocimientos previosde ningn tipo ya que en el curso enseo desde los conceptos ms bsicos a las funciones ms avanzadas."
Price: 29.99 |
"Java Android rnek Uygulamalar + Firebase" |
"Bu kurs,Java ile Android uygulama gelitirmek isteyenleriin hayati neme sahip bilgiler ve teknolojiler iermektedir. Teknolojiler diyorum nk bu kursta reneceiniz teknolojiler ile vizyonunuzu gelitirme garantisi veriyorum. Bu kursu izleyip, bilgileri aldktan sonra aklnzdaki fikirlerin bir ounu pe atarak yerlerine daha usta ii fikirler bulmak isteyeceinize eminim. rnein bulut tabanl uygulamalar gelitirme konusunda bir ounuzun teknik bilgi konusunda yetersiz olduunuzu biliyorum. Bunu benimle iletiime geen, bende yardm isteyen rencilerden ve bana gelen i tekliflerinden biliyorum. Btn bu eksiklikleri zerinde uzun bir zaman dnlm ve tasarlanm olan bu kurs ile giderebileceinizi bir eitmen heyecanyla paylamak istiyorum."
Price: 199.99 |
"How Do you Get Rich?" |
"This course is about how money works. We look at the fundamentals of money and how it works. Have you ever wondered how the rich got 'rich'? What is it that they do all day long? Do you think they're working harder than the poor people? Do you think they even have a job? Note: This isn't 'get rich quick' or anything of that nature. The course tutor (Bookkeeping entrepreneur Lisa Newton BA MSc) breaks down the fundamentals of how money works. We explore what is really going on today, how wealth is created, where it is hiding, how to get your piece of it and where most people are going wrong! The chances are, you never got taught this stuff at school.... yet you should have been taught it! Selling your time for money isn't the answer because there are only 24 hours in a day... and when those hours are finished, what happens then? Then you are tired!We look at where the money is going, and we discuss 7 principles to live by ... so this is a very positive course, as it's not just discussing the issue... we also look at how normal ordinary everyday people can also improve their situation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tax Demystified" |
"This course explains the basics of 4 types of UK taxes: VAT (Value Added Tax), Corporation Tax, Personal Tax and Self Assessment. We cover who needs to register, by when, deadlines, filing penalties, how to register, rates of tax and also National Insurance.For VAT we look at the different VAT schemes available, which services are vatable, the VAT threshold, the different rates of VAT, how VAT is filed, where you go to register for VAT and when etc.,For corporation tax - we look at who is affected by it, the rate, where to go to register, the filing deadlines and penalties, the obligations and the relationship between HMRC and Companies House. etc.,For Self Assessment - we look at who is affected, late filing penalties, where to register, what records to keep and for how long etc., For employed people - we cover the tax rates and National Insurance Rates - and the different types of classes of National Insurance, that exist, when they apply and when they don't."
Price: 19.99 |
"Handling difficult conversations" |
"Are you a teacher ? or a classroom assistant? or in a working environment with people with a wide diverse section of the community? Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where a topic of conversation has arose and you weren't sure how to handle it? Looking back, do you feel it could've been handled better? Is there something that keeps coming up that you are refusing to address? Do you want to learn some techniques and strategies to handle difficult conversations?This course is primarily aimed at those who are in a classroom setting - it could be a school, college, university... it could be young learners, pre teens, teenagers, young adults or senior citizens. People come together to learn, for a whole range of reasons, however in this day and age - people can be from a very wide range of life, and thus disagreements, can arise and misunderstandings can occur due to culture clashes, insensitivity, basic lack of knowledge and awareness. If your role is to be a teacher, lecturer, facilitator, co-ordinator in such an enviroment, any form of disruption like this can lead to loss of valuable teaching time, and it can reoccur if you don't have the skills and techniques to prevent a reoccurance.Take this course if you want to know how to handle difficult conversations. Effective ways to respond, and how to even pre empt the conversation, by bringing up the topic, so that you are not caught off guard again. It could be an election result, a sexist comment, a racist remark - these things cannot go continuously unchallenged in a classroom as silence is the equivalent to agreeing with whatever has been said. Sometimes, it may not be so much a comment, but an incidet that has taken place. Maybe a murder or a suicide and the students are talking about it anyway. Learn how to take control of these instances. Regain the trust and respect of student by being a moderator, an influencer, someone who allows everyone to genuinely have their say, without taking sides or passing judgement, and allowing an issue to be aired.The course takes about 1 hour to complete, but can make all the difference in the teaching environment, the experience for the student, and for you yourself who has to handle all of this - as well as do your job!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Quickbooks Desktop Payroll to Quickbooks Online Payroll" |
"Are you using Quickbooks Desktop to run your payroll? Are you using Quickbooks Online to do your bookkeeping? Would you like to move your Quickbooks Desktop payroll data online? There are huge benefits to simplifying and streamlining your accounting systems and processes. There is less duplication of effort, a lot of time is saved, errors are reduced, and the efficiency savings gained means cost benefits and less time wasted on 'administration' (which is non income-generating) and more time spent on actually running and doing your business.Payroll has got easier over the years and Quickbooks Payroll is very simple and easy to use. This course shows you how and where to extract the data from your desktop. and where to put it, in your online system. On this course we run a payroll, we set up the employees, we process a leaver and we show you what to do, to 'rerun' the payroll should you have got it wrong the first time. Mistakes can be corrected very easily.Perhaps the accountant or payroll bureau is running your payroll and its a task that you'd like to bring in-house? Maybe you only have 1 or 2 people to pay, and you want to keep everything in one place - it makes sense. There is definitely a cost saving and time saving benefit to using the same system to both do your books and run your payroll.Note - this course does NOT cover the intricacies of 'payroll' such as tax codes and P11d's etc,. There is another course - Payroll Management for that. This course is purely on how to take your data from your existing payroll (at any point in the year - you don't have to wait until April / the start of the financial year), where to find the correct figures to transfer and where to enter them in the new system. And then we run the payroll on QBO so that you can see how easy it is.The course tutor has been using Quickbooks as a software since 2003, and the online version for over 5 years. She is a certified Advanced Quickbooks Online advisor and the author of Quickbooks Online The Handbook."
Price: 49.99 |
"Autobiography into Fiction" |
"Are you a writer? Are you working on your book (or thinking of writing a book) and are wondering how to 'fictionalise' some of the real life things that have actually happened to you? Where do you start? What do you say? Do you change the names to 'protect the innocent'? Make bits of it up? or recount it exactly as you remember it happening?This course is all about developing your writing skills and exploring techniques for transforming personal stories into written narratives - realistic or fantastical.Have you ever read a piece of work and thought... hmmm I wonder if they really happened? Some stories are so 'real' that the author must either have a wild imagination, either that, or they've done their research. There is nothing wrong with using material from what you 'know' because you were there ... it happened to you, and perhaps you can even remember the dialogue in your head! This can save time. You don't have to 'make it up'... you already remember it! Your characters already came with their own lines... but you have to be careful. Not everyone wants to be written into your next book. It could've been a personal conversation that you had with someone - one which (for the sake of the friendship) needs to stay that way! Confidential!On this course, we cover:How to fictionalise your life, including: how to start, how to focus, and find a story-line and theme Recasting and changing elements of the original true story including fictionalising people and eventsUsing different voicesExploring dreams and fantasy as a way to fictionaliseHow to use journalsYour dreams can be a huge source of material! Some people astral project and have been shown things that they want to write into a book because should they ever identify themselves as to where the true source came from... they'd probably be accused of mental instability! So we look at different scenarios and examples of great work.Its one thing to talk about it. Quite another to read and experience it!Whether you've been a drug addict in a previous life, had a hard life, was a prostitute, grew up in care, escaped an abusive relationship, nearly died, experienced heaven or hell... we all have a great story to tell!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Winning At Webinars" |
"Webinars are on the increase because they are convenient. You can set up and host a webinar on the same day! A live event takes more money, more lead time and a lot more planning.There are many benefits to running a webinar: Worldwide audienceNo limit to the number of attendeesEducateSell your productsUse it to build a listPossible opportunities to JV with major players in your nicheOn this course we look at why you should use webinars and how you can make them part of your marketing strategy. There are many uses to a webinar, and you've probably not considered them all - so no effort is ever wasted.There are different types of webinars - we cover what these are and you can determine which one(s) are the best for you. But it doesn't stop there. There is a 'winning formula' for a webinar and we break this down and take you through each step. If you've ever attended a webinar, maybe it's been good, maybe not so good, but if your objective is to sell your products (even to sell your udemy courses!) then an webinar can be an extremely good platform to achieve this.We cover:Why you should use webinarsDifferent types of webinarsHow to set tup a webinarMonetization of webinarsMonitoring and improving webinar resultsHow to get viewers to turn up and pay attention!The special winning formula content to cover, timing, what to include and whyHow to make greater sales from the webinar as a strategyEven if you've ran a webinar before, did you get the sales outcome that you would have liked? Did you get the audience to turn up? This course is about WINNING at webinars... not just running a webinar, but how to actually make them work and create a PASSIVE INCOME from them."
Price: 44.99 |
"Identify Theft Prevention" |
"This course is all about how to stay safe online. How to keep your details safe, how to identify potential dangers, what to do, what not to do and what to look out for when browsing, when opening emails, when surfing online.These days the risk of fraudulent activity and identity theft are at an all time high because people are so lose and open with their personal information! If you are on social media platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn and you have your entire 'CV' and life on there... if a security question was 'name your first school' and that is on your profile - it doesn't take much to piece things together to build up a profile on you!The creator of this course was a victim of a $2,400 facebook fraud and fortunately the money was reimbursed, but it still caused financial hardship because the credit card company had already taken the full direct debit payment from the bank! They refunded the card - but thats no good, if the CASH has already been taken from your account and they've just issued a credit note! And you have bills and staff and suppliers to pay!This course covers:The dangers of ID theft The Do's and Donts of the internet Search engines and URL security How to stay safe when using a public network Removing cookies, Internet browse history & temporary internet Files Disabling Ad-ons 10 rules to keep safe onlineIt's not to 'frighten' you but just to make you aware of some of the dangers. Everything can be combated with some knowledge and awareness and that is what this course aims to provide."
Price: 19.99 |
"Payroll Management" |
"This Payrollcourse is all aboutpayroll management, how to calculate the payroll andgeneral overall understanding about what payroll is and the legal requirements in place, the forms, the deadlines, the process and procedures. We look at different software so that you can understand the functionality - and how to perform calculations. We give you the overall picturethat you as aPayroll Managerwould need to know, in order to be proficient in doing the payroll.There is a practical scenario assignment. There are various tasks to complete. You are given the task to do and have a go at, and then the video answer is available. It is suggested that you:Read the taskWatch the videoHave a go at it yourself on your own system (we give you the links to access the payroll software for free)Rewatch the video (if necessary) - to reinforce the learningYou'll learn how to become an employer, how toset up anew starter (employee),how to enter opening balances if they've given you a p45 from a previous employer, how to run payroll for various time slots - weekly,fortnightly, 4 weekly or monthly, how to calculate the net and gross, various terminology such as gross, net, NI, PAYE, cut off days, wages, salary, attachmentof earnings, pension.We cover the rules of being an employer, how to set up to become an employer and the various governing bodies that you should be aware of - particularly the HMRC, the Student Loans company and the Pensions Regular. We look at when and how everyone should be paid and the penalties for missing deadlines.The various forms to fill in and what type of information you should collect from everyone upon starting with your organisation and what to give them when they leave. We look at how to integrate the payroll with other functions - such as your accounting software, the reports to run and keep, the journal entries and what is going on behind the scenes and the true cost of employing peopleamongst over things.We look at regular payments such as wages, and discretionary payments such as bonuses and commissions. We look at how to calculate sick pay and the difference between gross pay, net pay, take home pay, and employers national insurance NIand employees NI and employers pension contribution vs employee pension contribution. This is a useful course if:You are thinking of employing peopleYou are going to take responsibility for getting the wages rightYou are going for jobs which have a requirement for you to be able to know payroll and use payroll softwareYou want to put this skill on your CVYou are a bookkeeper or accountant and will be offering payroll servicesYou run your own business and want to know how to run the payroll for yourself.You will need access tothe various payroll software that we use and demonstrate. We give you the link to access the FREE online version. This will be sufficient. We will look at: Bright Pay,The course materials includes:the handout of the assignment taskshow you how to access the software for freeSuccessful completion of the course is the equivalent to being at the level of having a level 2 certificate in computerised payroll.The course will take about 5hours to complete.No previous knowledge is required or presumed. We start right from the very start - as to how to register to be an employer and set up a payroll for your business, to running basic payrolls with just an annual salary, to running payroll with absences (so including deductions), pensions set up and how to pay what is due to the relevant authority and by when, how to account for this in your accounts and what to do when someone leaves and the year end process. You will learn something new."
Price: 69.99 |
"Lead Pages Made Quick And Easy" |
"This course is for:those who want to (or are thinking about) improving / starting their internet marketing activity. One of the key things EVERY BUSINESS should have is a lead page. A lead page is also known as a landing page, an opt-in page or a squeeze page.On this course we start right from the beginning and we take you to a higher-intermediate level. This is very practical learning. We show you how to make a lead page (no programming skills are needed), this is step-by-step and from having this landing page, you can then use it to build a list and this list can be a great source of sales in your business. We show you exactly how... step-by-step.Once upon a time having a website was the done thing. These days, things have evolved a bit, and having a squeeze page is a must. These pages aren't new - they have been around for a long time but they used to cost hundreds of dollars to make. Now, you can make them yourself and sack your designer! Make a quality, high converting squeeze page and start generating leads for your business. It is very simple. No previous programming or coding skills or knowledge is needed or expected.We also cover how to make a free gift and what makes a good free gift (because it's good practice to GIVE away something for free), in exchange for the email address and contact details of the person who fills out the lead page. The course tutor is an internet marketer and has several lead pages and uses everything taught personally. Follow step-by-step how she builds a lead page."
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Use Deal Sites To Increase Your Marketing Efforts" |
"You may be aware of popular deal sites such as Groupon or Living Social or Go Groopie - they have millions on their database and maybe you are one of those people who receive a 'deal of the day' in their inbox ... but have you ever thought about using the site to promote and sell your own business offer?Your course tutor has ran several deals across a number of platforms and can share the highs and lows with you in this course. We consider the major benefits of deal sites when it comes to marketing your product / service and we particularly look at how to prepare for the deal, and particularly how to amend your wordpress website to be ready to handle a deal - handy widgets and plug ins. Running a deal can certainly give your website a boost with the flood of traffic, but you need to be ready for this! Are there any reviews of your business online and are they positive?One deal made with such a site could be a real cash injection into your business, especially if the delivery is online or quite low cost.but, sellers need to be aware - a badly structured deal could literally ruin your business and we look at where this was the case. If you handle the process badly customers have no qualms these days with taking to Twitter or Facebook to rant, but likewise, if they like your deal offer they may share it and this could bring new customers and interest to you aswell. You just need to be ready if you're going to out yourself in the spotlight.If you have ever wondered what is takes to be featured and the opportunity potential available - then this is the course for you. The key thing is that your site MUST be ready because it'll be the first thing that the deal site will look on, and they do want to see your offer being sold at the original sales price. Some will even ask you for current sales at that price, so you need to be aware of this and have that information ready.You have to think about how much to discount the offer to make the deal, because in addition to the '50%' off, of the sale price remaining - you will only get a percentage of that because you'll have to split the sale price with the deal site, so these are all things for consideration.The course will take approx 1-2 hours to take. Just being able to run ONE good deal - could change the course of your business life forever!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Create a Lead Magnet (Free Gift) for your Opt In Page" |
"In this course we cover how to create a professional looking quality ebook quickly and easily. The ebook can the be given away for free on a lead page / squeeze page / landing page. You may have seen an opt-in page. Normally, there is a space to leave your name and email, and it's normally in exchange for some sort of information. This 'information' is normally in the form of a free gift - and it could be an ebook, a report - some sort of downloadable, printable PDF. This course show you how you can create something like this, from start to finish, with absolutely no experience in under one hour.We'll show you how to create a professional looking quality ebook graphic that can be 3D, be standing up or piled up. A great image for your lead magnet page will vastly improve upon conversions (the numbers of people who sign up to get your free gift). If you already have a free gift, and very few people sign up to get it ... it could be because your gift offer is wrong. We look at great niches, and good things to offer as a free gift, and where and how you can get the content / material to include, and how to put it all together, so that you have a completed book in under one hour.If you don't yet have a landing page - don't worry about that just yet. Your number 1 concern needs to be to have something to offer the potential customer when they land there. We also have a course for creating a landing page. Your course tutor is an internet marketeer and has used the lead magnet strategy to grow her list from nil to thousands. Everyone likes to get something for free. But no-one is really willing to give you their email address for nothing. It's all in the consumer psychology. Once someone has gone for your free gift, in effect they've 'opted in' to your list, and from that point onwards, you can begin tocommunicate with them, and massage them... giving them good information, making offers and making sales. But it all starts with ""permission marketing"".... getting their permission to contact them. And there's no better way, than to offer a free gift, in exchange.This course will take approx 1 hour to take."
Price: 34.99 |
"Blogger 2017: Essential Knowledge To Get Fast Results" |
"This Blogging course is for those who are right at the beginning stage of starting a blog (we start right from scratch) - how to set up a blog, how to design it so that it looks good... and we take it right up to higher intermediate level - where we look at how to monetise the blog, how to add an opt in (landing page) to it so that we can collect visitor names and emails and how to write blog posts quickly and easily in under '10' minutes a day!If you are new to blogging, you'll find this course useful. If you've been blogging a while but you'd like to improve your results and make your life easier by spending less time on it, but getting a better return, then you too will find this course useful because just a few small tweaks to your strategy could make all the difference to your end result.No previous experience is assumed or needed for this course. This course will take approx 3 hours to complete. Your tutor is an internet marketer who uses blogging as part of a strategy to build her list and to drive traffic to her website and to a host of affiliate products that are promoted. On this course you will follow along step by step as we show you exactly what to do to build up your blog to make it an asset to your business.Many people think they 'ought' to do a blog, and indeed many people may have began a blog, but then lost interest and failed to keep up with it as they allowed life and other things to get in their way. Discover how to write blog posts quickly and easily, how to structure your blog to make it less of a hassle and how to find content for it.If you are running a business, building a business, thinking of starting internet marketing as a passive income stream or would want to build yourself into a branded figure and the go-to person in your niche, a blog site should be on your 'must have' list. You'd be amazed at the opportunities it can bring in, with just a little bit of effort on a regular basis.These proven blogging strategies which we guide you through step by step can help you to promote your content, for free (more or less) and are very effective for everything from selling courses, to selling books to finding clients for service based businesses."
Price: 39.99 |
"YouTube Video Marketing" |
"We cover how to get more YouTube Likes, how to increase your Youtube views, and how to improve user engagement on you tube. If you are brand new to YouTube - don't worry - we start right from the beginning - how to create a YouTube account, how to design it to make it look good and to get the maximum value from it - regardless of the device that our viewers may be using (mobile, desktop or tablet).We look at how to upload videos, how to optimise the video on YouTube so that we're positioning ourselve to be ranked highly, in our targeted specific niche. But do be aware that not all niches are useful, and we look at how to find good niches, how to name and describe the videos and how to make it more searchable and relevant.We look briefly at different types of videos available to us, video editing software packages which will make our life easier and time saving techniques - because it can get overwhelming.If you already have an existing channel, but your videos are performing poorly and you want to know where you are going wrong, and how you might be able to 'fix' this issue, then this course is for your too. YouTube has been around for several years, but most people are not using YouTube to it's full potential. If you are not ranking at the top of the search for your video topic, then there is always room for improvement. Do not think that you know everything. Youtube is constantly evolving and since it has been purchased by Google, a few distinct changes have taken place, and video marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site, and to fly up the google search engines.Video Marketing is such a new 'tool' that even paid for advertising is eye-wateringly low, and so if you can master what it takes to do well on this platform, then you will be way ahead of your competition for pennies. It is a well known fact, that many people like to use YouTube to learn how to do something. Most people would rather see the online demo than try to read a manual. Your course tutor is an internet marketer who doesn't hide the fact that she learned how to make an omlette watching YouTube! No oil, no mess!What could you be teaching your audience? How would increasing your Youtube channel views by a few hundred per month (by using a few tweaks which are little known), benefit your business? Would this make the phone ring? The emails come in? Generate a flood of enquiries? And what could that do for your business over the course of a year?This is a very practical course, which shows you step by step exactly what to do, from starting out on your channel - to showing you how you can improve your performance and even increase sales - all costing you nothing, just investing some time and applying yourself.There are teenagers right now on YouTube getting tens of millions of hits! They are becoming YouTube superstars. Now, whilst that isn't promised with this course, learning some tools and techniques and applying them - will certainly improve your YouTube performance over the course of the next few months."
Price: 54.99 |
Hashtags |
"This course is for those who have a social media account such as Twitter or Instagram and are confused with the usage of hashtags. On this course we cover what hashtags are, where they came from, ways to use them, how to register them, how to measure their impact and how to use them effectively when writing your own social media posts.This is a practical course and learners will have the knowledge to go off and apply this material immediately. We look at examples of some very effective hashtag uses, which we hope will give you inspiration to apply to your own social media accounts.This is a useful course if: You have a social media account such as Twitter or Instagram and you want to improve the effectiveness and visibility of your postsYou have always wondered what the hashtag was for and don't understand their use or why they're helpfulYou want to know which hashtags to use / what is trendingYou want to know how to register a hashtag The course materials includes the handout of the assignment task. The course will take about 1-2 hours to complete."
Price: 29.99 |
"Email Marketing Using Aweber to Build Your List" |
"You may be in business or you may be thinking of starting out as an internet marketer or an affiliate marketer. The key thing in any online business is to have a list and / or build a list of interested prospects / potential customers and to communicate with that list on a regular basis. It's all very well have 'likes' and 'followers' or even 'subscribers' to your channel - but if you want to 'make sure' that a message is delivered to your target customers - you need to communicate with them directly ... straight into their inbox! Email marketing remains THE most effective way to make money online. Having one millon likes on your fanpage is useless, if you have no idea who those people are or how to get in touch with them at the click of a button!The thing you should always remember is that 'the money is in the list'!! And your list, is your list. People who are associates on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, are not 'yours'... they belong to Facebook or Instagram. The key is to get them to opt into your list, and to encourage them to want to hear from you... which means giving them things of perceived value and to nuture your list carefully.Email marketing fell out of fashion for a while, but its made a resurgance as internet marketers experiemented with other methods, but soon realised that email is the most effective way to build your online business. One name on your list is said to be worth approx one dollar in terms of potential sales that can be made with the right emailing technique, so a database of 20,000 names could potentially be worth $20,000 in annual sales to you - when you know how to treat the list right.On this course we bust popular myths. We look at email content and frequency... we cover what types of emails to send and when and how... everything is step by step. No previous knowledge is assumed.This course covers how to export your contacts list from wherever they might be now, so that you can start building a list (you don't have to start from NIL)! The more names you have, the more your list is worth. We show you how to compare and contrast the popular email responders out there - what to look for and how to effectively compare prices. We'll show you how to get a free trial of the email software we look at, so that you can copy exactly what you are shown.In an internet marketers toolkit, an email software is a necessary item. It's not a 'nice to have' but an essential. It's what your entire business model is based around, so if you are interested in making money online, becoming an affiliate marketers or just learning more about internet marketing, then this is the course for you."
Price: 34.99 |
"Start-up Tool Box" |
"There are several key steps an entrepreneur must go through to correctly and legally set up anew business. This course covers all of the basic requirements for new businesses to get upand running. It answers the questions about the nuts and bolts of getting a business launchedthat most entrepreneurship courses overlook. Topics ranging from finding a lawyer, to making your business legal, to onboarding your first employee are covered. After completing this course you will be empowered with a check-list to ensure your start-up is ready for success!"
Price: 74.99 |
"Capturing Passion: Interviewing to Engage Any Audience" |
"Originally designed for those conducting video interviews, this course is finding favour also with those interviewing on audio (podcasts, radio) and for text (articles, blogs etc). The lessons you learn here can be applied across all these formats.Did you know that interviewingis one of the easiest and most powerful ways to rapidly create quality content that will boost your business in multiple ways?Whether it be on camera, podcast or for blogging? JOIN OVER 2400STUDENTS ALREADY TAKING THIS COURSE!Be taught by a proven expert Start doing fantasticinterviews, with no outlay and no experience whatsoever. Become an accomplishedinterviewer rapidly and easily by following this course.""Thorough explanation of interviewing for video, covering all the essentials, pleasantly explained at a pace that is just right for most people.""This course wasdesigned primarily for video interviews - the hardest form to master - yet will give you the skills to apply across any medium. Video, audio or text. When you can do it for video, you can easily for it for the other mediums. Plus - you can re-purpose video content into the other mediums.Once you know the key techniques and approaches, interviewing is a very effective way to generate fresh and original content that can punch through the multitude of dross out there.It's a key tool for you to boost your brand, reputation and business! If you're looking for greatinterviews without some study and effort, please don't take this course. You'll need to study the course, step-by-step and implement its teaching to enjoy success. All you need to get started is the time to follow the course, a pen and paper and willingness to learn.""I have learned so much that I can and will apply to my craft. Thank You!"" NOW includes step-by-step slidesto help you progress rapidly! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ About this course: Over 2000 happy students! No previous experience, equipment or anything else is required Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee-that's a personal promise from me to you of your success! Now includes full set of slides to help you quickly follow the lectures""Although I'm only training for having interviews in my podcast, Paul's course is a great help. He provided me a lot of helpful details, especially in the ""Interviewing is an Art"" section. Especially the lessons about preparation and how to raise questions were extremely supportive.""SEE HOW I GET: Outstanding interviews every time that help build my brand, reputation and income Interviews that attract audiences and positive reviews around the world Excellent relationships and interviews with leading personalities in politics, business and the online world""Now much more confident to get out there and interview relevant people. An interview, well done, will add immensely to my product as well as provide valuable insights to my niche. Thank you :)""You won't need any prior experience or specialist equipment to get started with this. I show you how to approach, plan, conduct, edit and distributeinterviews of whatever length. I go step-by-step, and hold nothing back.I give concrete examples of how to plan and conduct greatinterviews. You are not only getting a coursein this essential skill, you're gettinginsights into how a professional film director thinks, plans and executes his work. Regardless of whether you have experience in filmmaking andinterviewing already, this course will help you hugely to advance your skills to immediately start creating outstanding content for your blogs, social media, videos and films and elsewhere.""I was really impressed not only at Paul's knowledge of every aspect of video interviewing, but also at his easy way of talking me through it. He has clearly thought through some of the subtler issues, like video's capacity for conveying emotion better than other media can. This is a really thoughtfully designed course that will help people who need or want to learn all the ins and outs of video interviewing."" You'll learn: What is a greatinterview Why do greatinterviews How to useinterviews How to plan the interviews How to think about the three key choices with video interviews How to choose the interviewee How to choose locations An insider technique called magic hour"" Why time planning matters The art"" of video interviewing How to structure and plan an interview Why emotional intelligence"" is crucial for success What kinds of questions to ask and why How to get the gold in video interviewing How to achieve technical perfection with your video interviews How to save time and money when editing video interviews How to become a star interviewer and use this to enhance your reputation and brand And much more!"
Price: 199.99 |
"tiny little videos: Make Amazing Trailer Videos Today" |
"Want to make trailervideos that really catch attention and praise?This online Trailer Video Course will teach you how to make beautiful trailervideos using free software and resources.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of professional film and video makingby showing youthe art and craftof making trailer videosby showing you how to plan and structure them. While there are plenty ofcourses about making video, it's hard to find acourse that gives you a step-by-step insight into making videos that really punch through the noise.This is the course for you, taught by a professionaldocumentary and trailer film director.Learn what makes great shotsAccess free software and resources to make your trailer videosLearn how to use the principles and psychology of filmmaking to tell video storiesVoice your trailer videos using proven professional techniquesBecome a professional trailer video makerwith tips on how to design a highly effective workflowMake money making trailer videosImprove Your Trailer Video Creation with This Complete CourseWhat makes mequalified to teach you?I'm Paul, aprofessional documentary and trailer film director with over 40 credits to my name. Plus, I'm the creator ofpopular video and filmmakingcourses - with over16,000 students and hundreds of 5-star reviews.Regardless of your budget or experience level - you can make beautiful videos. Learn professional techniques that I useto make outstandingtrailer videos.If you want to learn how to make great trailervideos and makemoney doing so, this is the course for you.My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on howto shoot make amazingtrailervideos. So if there is any way Ican improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen.Dive Right InThis course dives right into making great trailer videos with immediate examples of where they are found and how they are used. You'll learn what makes great shots, so that you can choose the Gold each and every time. Next, you'll learn how to structure and string those shots together to tell a powerful and emotionally engaging video story.Learnwhere to find the right shots and music for your trailer videos.Learnhow established filmmaking principles and techniques can be used to amplify the impact of your trailers.Learnhow to voice your trailer videos, so that you can either do a great job yourself or know how to outsource this to professional voiceover artists.Learnhow to use the right workflow so that you save time,money and energy.Learnhow to use your trailer videos online and offline.Start making amazingtrailervideos today!With our 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Paul"
Price: 194.99 |
"Voice Over Pro: How to Perform & Record Standout Voice Overs" |
"Want to make voice oversthat really catch attention and praise?This online Voice OverCourse will teach you how to make great voice oversusing proven techniques and approaches.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of professional voice oversby showing youthe art and craftof making voice oversby showing you how to plan,design and performthem. While there are plenty ofcourses about making voice overs, it's hard to find acourse that gives you a step-by-step insight into making voice overs that really punch through the noise.This is the course for you, taught by a professionalfilmmaker who has personally done hundreds of voice overs.Learn what makes great voice oversAccess free software and resources to helpmake your voice overs shineLearn how to use the principles and psychology of the voice to do outstanding voice oversVoice yourvideos using proven professional techniquesBecome a professional voice over artist with tips on how to design a highly effective workflowMake money making voice oversImprove Your Voice Overs with This Complete CourseWhat makes mequalified to teach you?I'm Paul, aprofessional documentary film director with over 40 credits to my name. Plus, I'm the creator ofpopular video and filmmakingcourses - with over16,000 students and hundreds of 5-star reviews. In the course of the past 20 years, I've done literally hundreds of voice overs for films and videos.Regardless of your budget or experience level - you can do great voice overs. Learn professional techniques that I useagain and again.If you want to learn how to make great voice oversand makemoney doing so, this is the course for you.My Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on howto do amazing voice overs. So if there is any way Ican improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen.Dive Right InThis course dives right into making great voice overs with immediate examples of where they are found and how they are used. You'll learn what makes great voice overs, so that you can choose how to pitch your voiceeach and every time. Next, you'll learn how to structure,design and deliverthose voice oversto tell powerful and emotionally engagingstories.Learnwhere to position yourself relative to your microphone and your room.Learnhow established filmmaking principles and techniques can be used to amplify the impact of your voice overs.Learnhow to match your voice overs to your videos, so that you can either do a great job yourself or know how to outsource this to professional voiceover artists.Learnhow to use the right workflow so that you save time,money and energy.Learnhow to use your voice over craftonline and offline.Start making amazing voice overstoday!With our 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Paul"
Price: 144.99 |
"Curso OnLine de Adobe Photoshop e Lightroom Completos" |
"O Curso de Adobe Photoshop e Lightroom abrangem o programa desde a verso CS6 at a CC 2018.Como possvel ser visto o curso tem sido atualizado de forma constante e atualmente um dos mais completos na rede mundial de computadores, oferecido como um pacote profissional que aborda o software na verso Ingls e Portugus.O curso ministrado por 3 professores especialistas adobe, o que enriquece muito o aprendizado do aluno. Em alguns momentos os professores podem reprisar um mesmo ponto sobre perspectiva didtica diferente para enriquecer a perspectiva de aprendizado do aluno, em muitos dos demais momentos os professores iro trazer contedos e dicas exclusivas de suas experincias profissionais, acadmicas ou de seus estudos e pesquisas.O aluno ir aprender desde o bsico da plataforma, tratamento de imagem, ajustes de ambincia, recursos de montagem de fotos, modelagem e recursos 3D e a abordagem de diversas verses da ferramenta deixa o aluno mais apto para atender qualquer demanda do mercado de trabalho ou iniciativa empreendedora.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 124.99 |
"Inteligncia Emocional por Parbolas" |
"Parbolas ou Fbulasso histrias que trazem grandes reflexes.Nesse curso iremos trazer de forma animada, as mais belas parbolas e/ou fbulas com sucinto debate sobre os possveis aprendizados sobre as mesmas.Venha fazer parte de um grupo seleto de pessoas que buscam a evoluo pessoal no sentido mais amplo pela dedicao de tempo em estudar e conhecer histrias de grandes pensadores, que trazem grandes reflexes de vida.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 34.99 |
"Curso OnLine de Web Design para Ecommerce com Magento" |
"OCurso de Web Design para Ecommerce com a plataforma CMS (sistema de gerenciamento de contedo) do Magento em sua verso 1.9 especial, pois alm de uma poderosa ferramenta de vendas online tambm uma plataforma de gesto de produtos fantstica.Ao final do curso o aluno ser capaz de montar uma loja virtual e vender na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 99.99 |
"Curso OnLine de Edio de Vdeo com Adobe Premiere Pr CC" |
"Esse um curso bem objetivo sobre as funcionalidades bsicas do Adobe Premiere Pr CC e atualizao da verso 2018.Todas as vdeo aulas possuem animao para dar enfase a questes didticas que so importantes para o aprendizado do aluno, as vdeo aulas esto no formato HD.Aps anos de experincia desenvolvendo treinamentos para Educao a Distncia me sinto a vontade e confiante que as dicas que irei passar so muito significativas para o aluno.Um mdulo resumido sobre os recursos de edio de vdeo com Adobe Premiere que ir ajudar o aluno ou profissional a desenvolver material multimdia de forma plena com a plataforma.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 49.99 |