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"Self-Massage to Improve Blood Circulation"
"This is a full course of Self-Massage to Improve Blood Circulation. This course is contains 16 lectures and 32 minutes of video.The main objective of this course is to teach that you can help prevent many diseases and ailments yourself.This Self-Massage technique can be combined with other cosmetic procedures and other massage techniques: can be combined with abdominal massage and can be used as part of the Massage Treatments for Cellulite massage.Massage does not require anything, you will only need to use your hands.This the Self-Massage course is easily understood by beginners. This Self-Massage can be done by everyone for themselves and does not have any negative effects.After these courses, you can significantly improve your blood circulation. You will feel much better, will look more beautiful. You will be able to avoid bad illnesses and diseases."
Price: 19.99

"Neo4j : Learn Leading NoSQL Graph Database from Scratch"
"Learn everythig you need to master the most popular NoSQL Graph Database Neo4j and start developing apps using Neo4j. Lean how tostructure and query datausing graph database, Neo4j and how toptechnology driven comapanies are using this Graph Database to gain insight from the huge amount of data generating every day.In this course, you will learnthe fundamentals of usingNeo4j,the World's leading Graph Database, withits query language Cypher, and then we will move to cover the most advance topics. This is be the most comprehensive course available on the Neo4j covering most of the concepts you need to know to get started with the actual development project. Be assured about the topics covered as this course will be updated frequently with updates so that you never miss anything on this Graph Database Neo4j.This course designedfor beginners to help them understand the basics of Neo4j and then slowly move toadvanced concepts of Graph database Neo4j.At the end of thiscourse, you will be have knowledge and hands-on experience tobuild queries, design, and develop graph databases from scratch, and so you will be able to make progress in your career and if you are a student, you will be able to get a good career options andwhere you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.For more information on the what are the topics covered, please have a look at the curriculum section."
Price: 54.99

"Elasticsearch 6.0: Learn Elasticsearch, Kibana from Scratch"
"Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed and open source full-text search and analytics engine based on Luceneandused in Single Page Applicationprojects. Elasticsearch is open source licensed under the Apache anddeveloped in Java. Elasticsearch is the most used Big Data technology after Hadoop and many believe that it would be surpassing Hadoop very soon and Elasticsearch is becoming popular since NoSQL tech space is also growing rapidly.In this course we will learn about Elasticsearch and Kibana.Elasticsearch, along with Kibana and Logstash forms the Elastic Stack or ELK Stack. Kibana isan analytics and visualisation platform and Logstach isa data-collection and log-parsing engine.Knowledge and experiecne of working with Elasticsearch and Kibana could be very useful in Big Data related job searches and the projects you get to work in your career. Elastic Stack is considered to be the most sought after Big Data Technology in coming years.This course will help you getknowledge and working knowledge ofElasticSearch & Kibana so that you can run and operate your own Elasticsearch cluster."
Price: 49.99

"Como fazer com que seus filhos cooperem"
"""Desde que comecei o curso j consegui observar varias vezes meus filhos escutarem o que eu digosemresistncia"" -Depoimento de uma me. ""Oi Robin,eu aprendi a primeira tcnica em menos de 20 minutos ede imediato j foi funcionando, isso incrvel!Este curso est sendo aplicado com sucesso em diversos lugares do mundo como:Europa,sia,fricae agoratotalmente traduzidoe dublado para Lngua Portuguesa.Este curso usado em mais de 280 escolas nafricado Sul como parte dos programas de treinamento de professores! Voc j se perguntou se existeuma frmula secreta para que seus filhos ouam e cooperem com voc?Voc gostaria de conhecermelhoro que se passa dentro da mente de seus filhos oucomo seus filhos se sentem? Como alguns paisconseguemque seus filhos fiquem felizes e cooperativos de modofcil? Que tal conhecer a frmula que ir economizarmais de 80 minutos por dia,todos os dias? (Sem truques, sem subornos, semameaas,sembater).Agora esses segredos e essafrmulaso reveladospasso a passo em um curso fcil deassimilar! Sevocno quer depender s deesperana, mas de maneira respeitosa quer ser responsvel pela mudana do seu filho, conscientemente aprendendo como usar a chave que lhe permite ter domnio nas lutas pelo controle da situao, ao passo que seu filho permanece com sorriso no rosto, ento esse curso paravoc!Basta assistir e ouvir os segredos que transformaram os pais comuns em mes e pais habilidosos que esto obtendo excelentes resultados todos os dias! De forma bem objetiva, sem atalhos, sem perda de tempo e sem falhas.Apenas passos simples, comprovados e incrivelmente eficazes para determinao de limites e comosucesso, um sorriso no rosto de seu filho!D a chance de um recomeo,inscrevendo-se neste curso que pode significar a mudana na sua vida e na suafamlia,entono espere mais tempo einscreva-se agora mesmo,cada momento adiado, no s vocperde, mas tambm o futuro sucesso do seu filho.Todas as atualizaes futuras deste curso so gratuitas O valor uma taxa nica que voc nunca mais precisarpagar e ter acesso vitalcio aocurso. Se dentro de 30 dias, voc no se sentir satisfeito, voc poder facilmente conseguir a devoluo total do seu dinheiro, sem qualquer obstculo. extremamente importante para mim que voc alcance o sucesso. Esta a minha promessa pessoal para voc e seus filhos! Voc realmente no tem nada a perder! Na verdade, estou to confiante daquilo que ensino, posso at dizer que dentro dos primeiros 20 minutos, voc j aprender uma tcnica que lhe permitir economizar 20 minutos por dia, todos os dias."
Price: 99.99

"Wireshark ve A Adli Biliim Snav"
"Wireshark,TCP-IP ve A Adli Biliim konularnda kendisini gelitirmek isteyen arkadalara 100 soruluk bir kaynak hazrladm. Bu sorular zerken hem Wireshark hem Network Forensic konularnda deneyim kazanacaksnz.Bu snav zmeden nce Wireshark ve Network Forensic , Wireshark ile Network Trafik Analizi kurslarma bakmanz tavsiye ederim.Saldrganlar ve zararl yazlmlara ait ipular bulun.Kendi network trafiinizi rahata analiz edin."
Price: 49.99

"HOW TO DRAW EVERYTHING: From the beginner to PRO"
"""HOW TO DRAW EVERYTHING: From the beginner to PRO"" is an intensive training course for people who dream to learn how to draw. This course is designed so that anyone can get or improve their drawing skills and gain an understanding of what the drawing is made of. And most importantly - this course is suitable, both for people without any experience of drawing, and for those who are already actively studying drawing and want to improve their skills."
Price: 19.99

"Creating a Digital Story with Adobe Spark Page"
"This course is designed to help educators, creative professionals, small business owners, students, and design enthusiast get started using Adobe Spark Page to create a digital story.The course will walk the students through the elements necessary to create the story, as well as provide a good understanding of the tools within the software. Upon completing this course students will be able to:Set up an Adobe Spark AccountUnderstand the key elements of a digital storyCreate a Digital story using Adobe Spark PageEnhance an Adobe Spark Page with multi-media elementsPublish, share and update their digital story"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Completo JAVA - Lambdas, Streams, Interfaces Grficas"
"Este curso para quem j sabe programar em JAVA e deseja aprofundar os seus conhecimentos com as seguintes recursos: Pacotes, Tratamento de Excees, Genricos, Collections, Lambdas, Streams e Interfaces Grficas. Caso voc ainda no saiba programar e deseja aprender, conhea o meu Curso Completo de Programao para Iniciantes em JAVA 10 e o Curso Completo de JAVA para Iniciantes.  Neste curso voc tem 437 slides do que h de mais moderno em metodologia de ensino, com 67 videoaulas gravadas em FULL HD e muito amor na arte de ensinar :-)Aprenda com quem j treinou mais de 2 mil alunos somente no Udemy com uma excelente avaliao! Aps a concluso deste curso, que tal se transformar em um DESENVOLVEDOR DE SOFTWARE JAVA PARA WEB COMPLETO?Convido voc a conhecer os nossos outros 02 cursos: Curso Completo JAVA - Banco de Dados, JDBC, Hibernate e JPACurso Completo JAVA WEB - Servlets, JSP e Oramentao APFBons estudos :-)"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Completo JAVA - Banco de Dados, JDBC, Hibernate e JPA"
"Este curso para quem j sabe programar em JAVA e deseja aprofundar os seus conhecimentos na criao de aplicaes em JAVA que fazem acesso aos Bancos de Dados com a tecnologia JDBC. Os frameworks de persistncia Hibernate e JPA tambm so ensinados. Caso voc ainda no saiba programar e deseja aprender, conhea o meu Curso Completo de Programao para Iniciantes em JAVA 10 e o Curso Completo de JAVA para Iniciantes.  Neste curso voc tem 334 slides do que h de mais moderno em metodologia de ensino, com 48 videoaulas gravadas em FULL HD e muito amor na arte de ensinar :-)Aprenda com quem j treinou mais de 3 mil alunos somente no Udemy com uma excelente avaliao! Aps a concluso deste curso, que tal se transformar em um DESENVOLVEDOR DE SOFTWARE JAVA PARA WEB COMPLETO?Convido voc a conhecer o nossos outro curso: JAVA WEB - Servlets, JSP e Oramentao APF. Bons estudos :-)"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Completo JAVA WEB - Servlets, JSP e Oramentao APF"
"Este curso para quem j sabe programar em JAVA e deseja aprofundar os seus conhecimentos na criao de aplicaes em JAVA para WEB com acesso a Banco de Dados. Uma aplicao completa construda (Sistema de Gerenciamento de Cursos) e o seu oramento calculado com a metodologia APF (Anlise de Pontos de Funo). Caso voc ainda no saiba programar e deseja aprender, conhea o meu Curso Completo de Programao para Iniciantes em JAVA 10 e o Curso Completo de JAVA para Iniciantes.   Neste curso voc tem 397 slides do que h de mais moderno em metodologia de ensino, com 58 videoaulas gravadas em FULL HD e muito amor na arte de ensinar :-)Bons estudos :-)"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Completo Programao para Iniciantes em JAVA 10"
"Voc sabia que o mercado de desenvolvimento de software imune a crises? Que no falta emprego para profissionais qualificados? Que o salrio de um programador iniciante parte de 03 salrios mnimos?Pois , o que est faltando para voc aprender a programar?Este curso para qualquer pessoa, de qualquer idade, de qualquer rea de formao, que queira aprender a fazer programas (softwares)!Voc sabe o que tem por trs das tecnologias UBER, Google, Google Maps, NETFLIX, E-COMMERCE e NISSAN PROPILOT? Pois , descubra neste curso o que so Algoritmos, o que so Linguagens de Programao e construa do Zero mais de 50 programas! So 423 slides do que h de mais moderno em metodologia de ensino, com 86 videoaulas gravadas em FULL HD, som streo e muito amor na arte de ensinar :-)Aprenda com quem j treinou mais de 3 mil alunos somente no Udemy com uma excelente avaliao!  Caso voc j saiba programar, que tal se transformar em um DESENVOLVEDOR DE SOFTWARE JAVA PARA WEB COMPLETO?Convido voc a conhecer os nossos outros 04 cursos: Curso Completo JAVA para IniciantesCurso Completa JAVA - Lambdas, Streams, Interfaces GrficasCurso Completo JAVA - Banco de Dados, JDBC, Hibernate e JPACurso Completo JAVA WEB - Servlets, JSP e Oramentao APFBons estudos :-)"
Price: 99.99

"Mac App with Swift 3 and XCode 8"
"If you are a programmer who wants to learn how to get started with developingan app for Mac, then you are at the right place.In this course I will take you through a fun ride, where you will learn to code a simple but complete app from scratch.Here are some salients point of the Course:You will get the complete source code of the app at the end of the course.You will be able to get started with the Xcode.You will be able to utilise some of the basic user interface controls like buttons,labels,textfields.You will learn how implement the tables, and the basic coding behind.You will also learn basics of validation and showing error messages.I hope you will enjoy the fun ride as much as I enjoyed making this course for you. Do put up some queries you have in the discussion forum. I will try to help you out."
Price: 39.99

"Healing Relationships with EFT"
"You found the person you always wanted to be with. Unfortunately after the 'Honeymoon' period, feelings change. Conflicts arise. Needs are not met. And the specter of disappointment raises its head...Often, we bring into our relationships the past and all its failures.What if we can leave the past in the past?What if we could leave all the subconscious programming that consistently sabotages our relationships behind. And do it in a gentle, easy way?In this dynamic, fast-acting course, Joan Kaylor shows you how you can use EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique)to do just that.We start with a foundational section on EFT and how to use it effectively. If you know EFt you can skip over this section, but we strongly recommend you take this opportunity to review EFTand practise.The meat of the course and where you do your work and experience light-speed growth in your skills to navigate the turbulent waters of Love is in Section 3. Here you will work directly on dealing with relationship poisons like:Anger and RageFearInsecuritiesControlLack ofTrustNeedinessHaving to be RightAnd much more!The course is interactive and participatory to a degree you may not be used to. We go thru proven EFTprocesses and you can follow right along. Joan has been working with clients for over 20 years, so she has seen it all. Joan uses her vast experience to bring you cutting-edge EFT methods to help you clear out everything that stops you from experiencing long-lasting relationships full of joy and love.Don't delay!Register today!"
Price: 19.99

"The Secret to Happiness"
"Happiness and Resiliency NOW has been created to help you Complete your past, step into your power, experience happiness and manifest your dream future starting right now! This course is for you to start loving your life again, and feel empowered, despite the many challenges you have faced. You get to reframe your life story from victim to victor and find the blessings in the mess.As a survivor of rape, cancer, abuse and serious depression, I will go over the Survive and Thrive methods that you can use, just as I did, to survive, heal, thrive and shineeven in the face of extreme adversity. Your present will be a happier place, your past will stay in the past, and the future will be within your power to design and create.In this course you will discoverhow you have been holding yourself back and ACTUALLY creating everything that you DO NOT WANTjust how powerful you really are and how much what you think becomes realsimple tools to bust you out of your rutshow easy it can be to manifest what you want start dreamcasting TONIGHT to begin manifesting your ideal life and pull it closer towards youthe secret formula to raising your vibration for up to 8 hours a dayhow to Feel more positive RIGHT NOW learn tools to instantly shift your energy around your pain or stress, so that it no longer burdens youhow to start feeling relief and make headway on gaining closure from your past a shift of perspective that empowers you and frees you from limiting beliefs about what happened to you and what it meansthat it is truly possible to handle ALL thingsUltimately, you will be more excited about your future and more satisfied with your life.Register now!"
Price: 144.99

"Chakra Healing Secrets Level 2"
"In this experiential video course, you will work through your subconscious blocks and barriers with Joan's guidance by clearing the emotional traumas of your life.The Chakras covered in this course are:The Root ChakraThe SacralChakraThe SolarChakraThe Heart ChakraThe 3rd EyeChakraThe Crown ChakraThis course covers what each chakra does and how to release the problem associated with the chakra.Benefits: Becoming grounded, releasing core beliefs that do not work. Installing beliefs that you want and energizing or calming down a particular chakra.Due to the nature of video courses, you will only be working on a 'global' scale, not diving as deeply as would bepossible with an experience practitioner, however this course will put you solidly on your way to clearing deeper and deeper issues and removing deep seated belief systems that have blocked you since early childhood.While this course is an advanced level course for graduates of Chakra Healing, it is set up so anyone with good intentions can benefit from it.Register today!"
Price: 194.99

"Help! I'm A Native Speaker But No One Understands My English"
"Are you a native speakerof English but foreigners find your English difficult to understand?Do thepeople you work with say they understand you when they clearly don't?Do you feel you and your non-native colleagues are on a completely different wavelength?Then this course is for you.In this course, weHighlight the reasons why native speakers of English have problems communicating effectivelywith coworkers and customerswho are from a different culture.Helpyou to understand intercultural dynamics and how to deal with them constructively while, at the same time, respecting othercultures.Look at why two people can have a completely different interpretation of the same sentence.Discover that even native speakers from different countries don't understand each other!Discuss the need for both sides of the conversation to speak ""better"" English.Once we haveidentifiedthe issues that interfere with intercultural communication,we focus on the simple but effective solutions you can implement.Solutionssuch as:Accent reduction (for native speakers!!)Grading your languageConcept checkingSo, if you are a native speaker of English and need help because your colleagues or customers don't understand your English, check out this course now."
Price: 199.99

"DIGITAL NOMAD MASTERY - How to Travel The World for Free"
"Everyone's dream is to travel the world.Unfortunately, there are always reasons why they don't. Not enough money. No time. Other obligations. Terrorist attacks. Bad weather. No one to go with. It's not safe. Our kids are too young.Today. Not next year (which never comes).No matter the size of your bank account, or the age of your children, whether you are a single traveler, like Scott Paton, or are happilymarried with three children,like Ricky Shetty,this course will show you how you can create your own adventures anywhere in the world you want to go.Ricky Shetty and Scott Paton will show you how you can travel the world. Ricky went from Vancouver, Canada, to South-EastAsia, the Middle East, andSouth Africabefore exploring South America and Central America. Scott left Vancouver and went the opposite direction, to Morocco, Sicily, Greece and Turkey, before exploring more of Europe.Ricky took his family, including three very young children. Scott traveledalone.Together, theyshare:How to get your accommodation sponsoredHow to get your accommodationfreeHow to get your transportation sponsoredHow to get your sightseeing sponsoredWhy a Travel blog is crucialHow to turn your blog into a profit centreThe proper mindset for travelingAnd much more!Ricky and Scott met in 2014 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, where they both live. This course was created while Scott was in Turkey and Ricky was in Brazil.Life is too short and the world too amazing to sit at home. Now is the best time to visit beautiful, exotic places.Enjoy us on the adventure of a lifetime!Enroll today."
Price: 194.99

"Local Business Marketing & Website Traffic Growth Strategies"
"Discover how to drive massive numbers of hot buyers to your local business's web site. In this course, you will learn how to build a proven planfor marketingyour unique business.Scott Paton and SorinConstantin share their decades of marketing experience as they show you how you can, with consistent effort, dominate your local area. How much extra business would you receive each year, if your site was ranking number one on Google, Yahoo and Bing? If searches for your industry resulted in excited buyers watching your sales videos, not your competitors?This is a high level Strategic Mastermind where we go over the planning for your local marketing. This course does not get into the 'How To' of what is discussed. The implementation of the plan is up to your webmaster and outsourcers or your ITand Marketing departments.In the course we discuss the main pillars for a successful online presence. We do not go into the ""How to's"", that is up to your marketing team or oursourcers.We strongly believe that as the business owner, your job is to delegate and set goals, which your team fifigures out ways to meet. The problem with online marketing of your business is that rarely does the business owner understand what is happening or what they can do. This course is designed to help small business owners (and even large ones) understand what can be done so that they know what they want to discuss with their marketing departments.You will learn about:The impact the massive growth in smartphones has on your business and how to ride the waveWhy Google is your friendThe basic strategies of SEOWhy you have to be making videosSocial Media is here to stay. How to get the most out of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google Plus?Maps?Business page-Why Reviews and Testimonials are crucial to driving online traffic to your doorwayIf you know you have been leaving money on the table that your competition has been scooping up, now is the best time ever to reverse the situation and charge ahead of your competitors.Don't wait! Register today!"
Price: 194.99

"TRAVEL MASTERY - How to become a Successful Digital Nomad"
"Scott Paton and Ricky Shetty are traveling the world. Scott left Vancouver, BC, Canada in January, 2017, and flew east alone. Ricky left Vancouver on December 2016 with his wife and three children under six, and flew west.As they traveled they met interesting Digital Nomads, who use many different strategies to extend their travels. We interview these Nomads and uncover their secrets.Discover how they used:House SittingVolunteeringOnline BusinessesBloggingWritingPhotographyTeaching EnglishAnd much more to travel the worldThis course will be constantly updated as we discover new ideas from the globe trotting Digital Nomads of the world!Register today!"
Price: 194.99

"INTERNET MARKETING MASTERY - Learn how to Earn Money Online"
"Traveling the world is the dream for many people. There are thousands of exotic places to visit and we are constantly inundated with magazines full of amazing photographs of incredible scenery.The problem is Time and Money.In this course, Scott Paton and Ricky Shetty teach you the options you have for making location independent careers and businesses. Imagine cruising down the NIle River in Egypt, while working on a pet project for a well-paying client.Today, you embark on the first stage of that journey, deciding what area of business you will be an expert in. After this course, you will have a starting point for either using the skills you already have or deciding on Skills and talents to develop as you prepare for a new lifestyle:Digital Nomad!Don't wait! Register today!"
Price: 199.99

"European Yoga Practice for Health and Fitness"
"Marin G Vayu shares theYogaposes incorporating Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Love. In this course, you will be able to follow along and do the Yoga along with Marin Vayu andNatali Podner.Human being has five levels. Many neglected some of the levels because they ""fed"" only one Element that made them the stronger or the one that dominates the character. The key to ""work"" on ourselves is to balance all 5 aspects thru specific Yogic postures and poses.Marin teaches you which poses are related to which Aspect, so you can easily put together sessions that balance all five.The Philosophy and origin of theElements teaching are given in another course which is being produced and will be available soon."
Price: 194.99

"Applied Kinesiology for Love, Joy and Wealth!"
"Do you find that you make poor decisions?Do you feel indecisive? Are you second guessing yourself?Magical Muscle Testing viaApplied Kinesiology.Listen to your body!Your body does not lie. Unfortunately,we rarely listen to it. Our Egos are dominant to the point that our subconscious (your body)rebels. There is an old saying:""Ihave met the Enemy and it is I."" Many times our poor results, our crises, our challenges in life come from decisions and actions we take and not some foreign, faceless enemy.In this course, Joan Kaylor teaches you Not one, not two, not even three, but fourpowerful techniques to put you back in touch with your subconscious mind and making decisions congruent with your life purpose and a better life.Easy to do in seconds, these ancient, proven techniques will change your life... if you listen.Stop making poor decisions. Register today!"
Price: 194.99

"YouTube Podcast Marketing For Natural Health Practitioners"
"Are you a Massage Therapist?Naturopath? Energy Worker?Healer?EFTPractitioner? Yoga Instructor?Acupuncturist? Reiki Master?Homeopathy Healer?Do you wonder how you can leverage yourself to teach more people how they can live fuller, healthier lives?Do you think:""If only more people knew what Ido and how much other people have been helped by my practice...""?Then this course is for you.Tim Cooper and Scott Paton will lay out a proven plan for you to reach hundreds and thousands more prospectsthan you do today. It takes some work to start, like watching and participating in the course.Whatyou will discover is how to use whatyou do everyday to bring in a lot more prospects that are excited to be your client.People communicate four waysby Watching, Listening, Being Face-to-Face and Reading. Face-to-Face is the most effective, but the highest time commitment. So when you are with a prospect, you want to be sure that person is ""Hot"" and very interested in what you have to share.In this course, you will learn how toMake an effective plan to grow your businessLeverage YouTube, Facebook and Podcasts to educate andattract more prospectsWhy a book may open manydoors tonew clientsUse other people's time to save your own valuabletimeEasily create the content that you will useMake your content once and repurpose it for viewers, listeners and readersAnd much more!Truly successful practitioners know that it is easier to grow their business when they are positioned as the 'Obvious Expert' in their area.This course starts you quickly on the path to becoming the obvious choice in your city.Enroll today!"
Price: 144.99

"BLOG MASTERY - How to Make, Market, and Monetize your Blog"
"""Travel the world!"" is a dream we all have. But how to do it and make a living?In this course Ricky Shetty, Daddy Blogger, and Scott Paton, The Dean of Blogonomics, teach you how to set up your Blog, drive interested prospects to it and get them to make your Blog profitable.In this comprehensive course, you will learn:A) BRANDING (Make Your Blog)1) Why Should You Start A Blog2) Choose a Theme and Topic for your Blog3) Picking the Right Niche to Focus On4) How to Choose a Wordpress Theme5) How to Choose a Domain Name & URL6) How to Build a Brand around your Blog7) Creating your Blog Mission, Vision, and ValuesB) MARKETING (Market your Blog)1) Email Marketing2) Social Media Marketing3) Video Marketing4) Guest Blog Posting5) Interviews6) Mainstream Media / Press7) Contest Giveaways8) Speaking9) Networking Events10) SEO / Search Engine OptimizationC) MONETIZING (Monetize your Blog)1) Creating & Selling your own Products & Services2) Affiliate Marketing3) Sponsorships & AdvertisingAnd much more!Between them, Ricky and Scott have visited over 114 countries (some duplicates, we are sure, like Canada and the USA). They are excited to share with you how they do in this one in our series of Digital Nomads courses.We hope this inspires you to live your dream and visit some of the amazing places on our beautiful planet.Register Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Your Guide To Health"
"Do you ache all day every day?Do you find that your energy levels are always on empty?Do you suffer from pain all over or in specific places?Are you tired of hearing:""It's all in your head""?Then this course will change your life. Martin Pytela, Life Enthusiast Health Coach, and Co-instructor, Scott Paton, share the foundational causes of your chronic illnesses, the impact they have on your body and finally proven steps to deal with your health challenges.You'll discover how these factor into the downward spiral of your health:Micro-BiomeHeavy MetalsToxic AirDead WaterHollow FoodsTraumaWith over thirty years helping people just like you overcome toxic damage to their bodies, Martin Pytela sets out a comprehensive plan to reverse your decreasing health and lack of energy.Restoring health to you and the planet.Register today and take control of your destiny."
Price: 194.99

"EFT Your Fear of Public Speaking"
"This course covers what the RELIEF methods are and how to use it.It is taught through course lectures teaching energy healing treatments of Chakra balancing, Emotional Freedom Techniques, andthe Blue Diamond method. Benefits: Speaking with ease and confidence anywhere in front of anyone.Learn a new method ofeliminating yourfear of public speaking!In this course, you will work with:MeridiansChakrasBiofieldBreathing for groundingUnconscious beliefsBrain balancingEFTAnd muchmore!You will discover that public speaking does not have to be as fearful as you thought.Enroll today!"
Price: 194.99

"The Successful Entrepreneurial Mindset"
"This course is a must have framework for any entrepreneur who is working to find clarity and build momentum around their product, service, or big idea.Erik Stafford has been an entrepreneur for more than half his life, and dealt with the ups, downs, and pivots that come along with it. He is uniquely qualified to speak on topics ranging from dealing with overwhelm to understanding the value you bring to the marketplace.In this course, Erik breaks away from his whiteboard and walks students through exercises and frameworks that create clarity by defining focused paths and plans around clearly defined goals.The course is delivered via video.Discover the three-sided Clarity Triangle to cuts right through overwhelm and gets you focused on your goals as fast as possible! I'll take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step through the entire process...Learn the 3 types of time blocks we use to stay happy while also working less and achieving moreRevealed: Our secret method for creating the IT factor that makes our clients noticeable, memorable, and irresistible!Get the exact process we used to reverse-engineer our $50k/month dream businessAnd much more!Enroll today!"
Price: 194.99

"Yoga Sutras of Patajali: Ashtanga Yoga, Asanas, Pranayama"
"The Yoga Stras of Patajali are 196 Indian sutras (aphorisms). The Yoga Sutras were compiled prior to 400 CE by Sage Patanjali, taking materials about yoga from older traditions. The Yoga Stras of Patajali was the most translated ancient Indian text in the medieval era, having been translated into about forty Indian languages and two non-Indian languages: Old Javanese and Arabic. The text fell into obscurity for nearly 700 years from the 12th to 19th century, and began to regain popularity in late 19th century due to the efforts of Swami Vivekananda, the Theosophical Society and others. It gained prominence again as a comeback classic in the 20th century.Before the 20th century, history indicates the Indian yoga scene was dominated by the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Vasistha, texts attributed to Yajnavalkya and Hiranyagarbha, as well as literature on hatha yoga, tantric yoga and pashupata yoga rather than the Yoga Stras of Patajali. In the 20th century the western practitioners of yoga elevated the Yoga Sutras to a status it never knew previously.Scholars consider the Yoga Stras of Patajali formulations to be one of the foundations of classical Yoga philosophy of Hinduism.In this course, R. Alexander Medin shares his interpretation of theYoga Stras of Patajali. He translated the Sanskrit writings into Norwegian many years ago.You will uncover the meanings of many Yoga principles including:YamaNiyamaAsanaPranayamaPratyaharaAbhysaKleishasVrttisIshvaraNiyamasAntarayas and much more...With this new knowledge you will embark on a new voyage of discovery, discipline and connection.Additionally, you will learn about Norway's number one Yoga Retreat center, how to make some delicious smoothies, and our thoughts on Love, connecting and Ashtanga Yoga.Enroll today."
Price: 194.99

"Stop Being Lonely. Find the Love of Your Life with EFT"
"This course covers what Emotional Freedom Techniques are and how to use to release the reasons you are in an unhappy relationship or lonely.You will learn:How to release fearWhy you pick jerks over gentlemen.Elevate your self-esteem.Forgive and move on.Set boundaries.Have standards vs being too picky and rigid.Let go of control.Let the relationship grow and change.Setting goals together.The four unconscious resistances to healing and change.How to have warm, loving, tender satisfying sex."
Price: 144.99

"Solve Your Cash Flow Problems With A Proven 6-Step Blueprint"
"Imagine knowing why you always have a cash flow problemand how to quickly remedy it with asimple yet powerful 6-Step Blueprint. Find out where you are stuck in the blueprint and what specificactions willjump start your business' growth.This blueprint is the same one nature uses to recover from major hurricanes to severe droughts. Nothing stops it fromalways bloomingsuccessfully year after year. This course will show you how you can do the same!Have you ever had a successful month followed by a slump? What would happen to your business bottom line if you knew how to repeat that successful month over and over again? Thiscourse will teach you the 6-Step Blueprintto start solving your cash flow problem and startgrowing your business now without sabotaging this success.This will be specific for your business and is not a cookie cutter solution.Also a bonus will be given to you about another discovery Dr Agrios found regardinghow to find your sabotaging trait and the One Sentence Solution so you can be unstuck immediately.Learn how this trait has stopped your success in the past and how it is stopping you right now and in the future.So if you are willing to stop being stagnant and embrace your excellence, then this is the course for you.Enroll today!"
Price: 194.99