"Skillshare Business 5: Increase Minutes with Serial Watchers" |
"As Skillshare Instructors: We Move Forward tapping into NEW Strategies to Increase our Royalty with more and more minutes watched.Here's My Secret: Turn Your Premium Students into Serial Watchers. Keep Feeding themPut your buffet of classes in front of themLet them see everthing in ONE Flash!Show them where they can find ALL your classesThey will definitely watch your classes one after another!This isnotthe time to quit Skillshare.This is just TRANSITIONtime, just like when Udemy changed the course prices, like all businesses, Skillshare is making slight changes to make the platform better for both instructors & students learning.TAKE heart. Move Forward with Skillshare!Learn new strategiesto proceed so that you don't miss out on the 4 figure income you can easily get from Skillshare every month. In all businesses, we need to work on NEW strategies to pick up NEW Tips to move forward with momentum and this is what I show you in this class!Strategies & Tips:1. Must Teach A COMPLETE skill in each class.2. Learn Creative Way to Plan Your Classes in Series.3. Must ORGANIZE your classes in such a way that students know what you have.4. Imagine you have 84 classes, where are they going to find you? SS does not have a profile page where students can see your classes readily.5. Get your images done POWERFULLY that SPEAKS so that students will go from one class to another. LEARN this TRICK! You want to lead them on and on....6. Get your classes in the RELATED Classes so students see your series in ONE Glance7. ORGANIZE all your CLASS in Series Links8. HAVE all your Class Links on ONE Page!9. Finally Rosa's SECRET TIP: Get all your Classes, and for me there are 84 classes all on ONE Page EZ to scroll.Enroll and join us. We are going to have a lot of fun together!-----------------------Rosa's Online School: Teaching 24 Courseson Business Successes - Udemy, Kindle, Skillshare! Teaching 93 Courseson Music & Piano Courses! OVER 74,000Successful students have already taken my online courses since July 2014 with many 5 Star Reviews ----------------- About Rosa's online course at Udemy: Over 74,000 very happy students already in my Udemy classesSee the 5 Star Reviews from VERY satisfied studentsYou get free lifetime accessAll videos are at your finger tips to watch anytime & anywhereAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee and that's my personal promise to your success!Join this happy family of students Enroll into the course and I will see you inside, Rosa"
Price: 194.99 |
"Aplicativos iOS para iPhone e iPad - Crie um App Completo" |
"Conheam tudo sobre oDesenvolvimentodeAplicativospara oiPhone e iPad!Criao de um Aplicativo Completo para Tocar Videos do YouTubeDominar as TableViewsModelo MVC e Arquitetura de Dados do AppPadro de Arquivos JSONSerializar um JSON de um URLSalvar e Carregar Dados no AppRecurso de Favoritar VideosCriao de um Menu Lateral para a AplicaoAssistam os Vdeos que esto em aberto aqui na pgina do curso, para conhecerem mais sobre o projeto que iremos criar.* O Curso foi gravado com as verses Xcode9, Swift4 e iOS10, porm no houveram alteraes significativas na ferramenta desde ento.** Na ltima aula, encontra-se o projeto finalizado, atualizado para Xcode 10 / Swift 5 / iOS12"
Price: 39.99 |
"Programao em Scratch para Crianas! Crie 9 Jogos Completos" |
"O Scratch foi criado tanto para ensinar conceitos de programao para os jovens, quanto para permiti-los a criar seus games, animaes e apresentaes interativas. Voc no precisa ficar escrevendo aquele monte de cdigos, o que complica um pouco o aprendizado no estgio inicial. No Scratch criamos a programao atravs de Blocos de Montar, porm utiliza-se o mesmo mtodo e regras utilizadas para escrever os algoritmos em forma de cdigo. Isso nos faz enxergar e aprender programao de forma muito mais fcil, clara e intuitiva.Vamos sair do zero, e criar passo-a-passo nossos 9 Primeiros Games que podem ser compartilhados atravs da internet. Aprenda carregar animaes, controlar o personagem no jogo, colocar interatividade do teclado, mouse e at do microfone, e ainda trabalhar com todos os conceitos de programao como condies, loops de repetio e at funes matemticas.Confiram meu perfil na pgina do Scratch (link nas aulas em aberto), os 9 Projetos que criaremos no curso, l voc pode examinar o projeto do game e ainda jogar o resultado final.Se voc no entende nada de lgica ou programao, no se preocupe, o Scratch e este cursos esto aqui para fazer voc se apaixonar pela criao de jogos e aplicaes para computadores e celulares.Se voc professor de programao para crianas, ou pai e deseja ensinar programao com propriedade para seu filho, este curso ideal para voc fazer as lies e depois replicar para os baixinhos.Aprender programao precocemente pode trazer benefcios vida da criana. Num mundo onde tudo controlado por Aplicativos, Internet e Robs, saber programar ser uma habilidade necessria nos prximos anos para qualquer rea de atuao e ainda far com que a criana se distraia menos com os eletrnicos e enxergue mais o potencial das ferramentas de criao."
Price: 39.99 |
"3D Studio Max e Unity - Realidade Aumentada do Zero" |
"Neste curso ensino do zero passo a passo a criar uma aplicao de Realidade Aumentada utilizando o software de modelagem e animao 3D Studio Max 2016, onde fao a modelagem, configurao dos materiais, animao, exportao do modelo 3D para a engine Unity, onde iremos construir nossa aplicao de Realidade Aumentada que posteriormente pode ser executada nos sistemasiOS e Android e publicadas na AppStore e Google Play.Depois vamos utilizar a extenso Vuforia SDK para o Unity3D para trabalhar a integrao com a cmera e o marcador cilndrico ou cnico (recurso especfico da Vuforia para trackear objetos com este formato, no caso do curso, iremos utilizar um objeto que uma caneca com uma determinada estampa, vejam no video de demonstrao do curso).Ao final do tutorial, o aluno ter desenvolvido uma aplicao completa de Realidade Aumentada, com o marcador cilindrico da Vuforia.Esta sequencia de aulas pode ser feita por qualquer nvel de aluno, do mais iniciante ao mais experiente tanto em Unity quanto em 3D Studio Max, pois ensino passo a passo como se deve fazer toda a modelagem, explicando as ferramentas do Editable Poly at a parte de animao, e posteriormente montando e configurando todo o projeto com a Unity e Vuforia.Prepare-se para a nova onda das Cmeras 3D, SmartGlasses, CardBoards. e VR-Sets, pois o futuro da tecnologia est na Viso Artificial e Realidade Aumentada. No futuro tudo vai funcionar com base em cmeras, gestos e reconhecimentos de imagens e padres de movimento.Esquea o teclado, o lance o reconhecimento de rosto e voz, aprenda agora a dominar estas tecnologias para utiliz-las bem no futuro e sair na frente desde j.A Realidade Aumentada uma das 10 tecnologias mais promissoras do planeta, o futuro claro e as possibilidades so infinitas.Vamos trabalhar!"
Price: 39.99 |
"After Effects & Photoshop Scripting" |
"*** PROMOO BLACK FRIDAY 2018 ***Compre 3 Cursos do Professor Tito Petri e ganhe o 4 GRATUITAMENTE!* leia o regulamento ao final desta descrio!...Quem j usa com o Photoshop ou o AfterEffects sabeque o trabalho pode se tornar repetitivo e automtico em determinadas situaes.Justamente por isso, criou-se uma Linguagem de Programao prpriapara os Softwares da plataforma Adobe, o Adobe Script.Programar Scripts e automatizar tarefas pode ser uma tima idiapara profissionais que precisam trabalhar com grandes volumes de arquivos,realizar tarefas repetitivas, ou utilizar matemticapara criar efeitos de cores e movimentos para animaes.Vejam o que aprenderemos neste Treinamento:(PARTE 1 - AFTER EFFECTS SCRIPTING) - AULAS 1 A 113+Adobe After Effects Bsicoprimeiros passos no programaprincipais ferramentas, janelas e interface+Lgica de Programaoprimeiros passos da programao utilizando o JavaScriptcriar rotinas, ferramentas e pluginsAdobeScript e do IDE ExtendScript Toolkit.+Programao no After Effectsprincipais recursos da programao aplicados ao fluxo de trabalho no After,como identificar os footages,criar e manipular composies,trabalhar com as propriedades dos objetos,componentes de texto,efeitossadas de render+Objetos de Dados e Arquivos JSONcomo manipular objetos de dados complexos (ou Dicionrios)como se cria, l e manipula os arquivos de dados do tipo JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).+Criar 6 Projetos de Animao Utilizando Scripts e Expresses+Cartela Automtica de Vdeos.(PARTE 2 - PHOTOSHOP SCRIPTING) - AULAS 114 A 202+Lgica e Automao no PhotoshopVamos rever a parte introdutria de lgica aplicado ao Script do Photoshop.+Projeto do Carto de Natal do Felpudoautomatizar processoscomo se manipula um arquivo PSD atravs da programao.+Slides do FelpudoVamos automatizar a produo de slides com textos e imagens.+Arquivos JSONestrutura de dados JSON para inserir contedo no arquivo do PS.+ Slides com JSONexportador Automtico de Slides ondecontedo lido de dentro de um arquivo de texto..Conhecimento ideal para quem trabalha com grande volume de grficos ouvdeos,para que otimizem seu tempo de trabalho,salvem tempo para fazer coisas mais importantes,isto aumentar sua produtividade ao longo da carreira.Eu indicaria este curso principalmente para quem trabalha com e-Learning,possui canais de vdeos no YouTube, ou simplesmente gosta de aprender maissobre programao e engines grficas de animao ou CG.Visitem a pgina do curso e confiram a lista completa de aulase os videos abertos com os projetos que iremos desenvolver.Espero que este material contribua para o seu aprendizadoe seja til para que voc alcance seu maior sonhos e objetivo.Um Grande Abrao!Tito Petri***PROMOO BLACK FRIDAY 2018 - Regulamento.Matricule-se em 3 Cursos do Professor Tito Petri e escolha o 4 Gratuitamente!Durante todo o ms de Novembro de 2018, ao adquirir 3 Cursos do Professor Tito Petri aqui na plataforma Udemy, voc poder escolher o 4 Curso Gratuitamente.Basta inscrever-se em 3 Cursos e mandar uma mensagem por inbox para o instrutor Tito Petri dizendo qual o 4 Curso que voc deseja fazer! Lembre-se de indicar o nome do curso escolhido.Depois, basta aguardar nosso retorno com um link que te direcionar para a inscrio do curso escolhido. Obs.: A promoo s vlida para cursos adquiridos entre os dias 22/08/2017 e 22/09/2017 e todos (inclusive o gratuito) devem possuir o Professor Tito Petricomo um dos instrutores.Consulte o perfil de Instrutor do Professor Tito Petri para conhecer todos os seus cursos publicados na Udemy."
Price: 39.99 |
"Realidade Aumentada e Games 3D com ARKit e SceneKit" |
"Bem vindos ao curso de ARKit, a recm-lanada ferramenta da Apple para criar aplicativos de Realidade Aumentada para os dispositivos iOS.Neste curso vamos aprender a criar jogos e aplicativos em RA utilizando o framework nativo do iOS, o Xcode e a linguagem de programao oficial da Apple, o Swift.Augmented Reality, o tipo de aplicao que envolve o uso de uma cmera, onde atravs de algoritmos de reconhecimento de formas e padres, criam-se sobreposies de grficos camada da cmera, misturando-se a realidade elementos virtuais.Com a ARKit, possvel se criar facilmente aplicaes de AR em 2D e 3D, integrando a ferramenta aos j conhecidos frameworks grficos da Apple como o SceneKit, SpriteKit e Metal.Neste curso vamos aprender do zero a utilizar tanto o ARKit, como o SpriteKit e o SceneKit. E vamos criar jogos e aplicativos bem interessantes misturando todas estas ferramentas e tecnologias.Sabe-se que a Realidade Aumentada uma das maiores tendncias tecnolgicas do mundo. Em alguns anos, os smartphones iro sumir, e dar espao aos dispositivos de vestir (wearables) como culos e relgios. Estes dispositivos por sua vez, no tero mais telas com teclados ou mouses, ento toda interatividade ser realidada atravs do reconhecimento de imagens pela cmera.Sabendo disso, a nada esperta Apple, adquiriu recentemente vrias companias gigantes que estudavam e desenvolviam solues em torno de AR, e o ARKit o primeiro resultado do trabalho destes profissionais.Quando trabalhamos com tecnologia, devemos olhar sempre frente e entender o que estar sendo feito nos prximos anos. Entendam estas idias e dominem agora as tecnologias que mandaro no mundo de amanh."
Price: 39.99 |
"3D Studio Max 2019 - Mapeamento UVW e Textura do Personagem" |
"Neste curso ensino todoo processo de Abertura de Malha de uma geometria de um personagem etambm o processo de Texturizao de um Personagem Completo, utilizando apenas o 3D Studio Max e mais nenhum Software!Iremos primeiro aprender as ferramentas necessrias para se fazer o mapeamento UVW (os Modificadores UVW Map e Unwrap UVW do Autodesk 3D Studio Max) e na sequncia fazer todo o mapeamento de um personagem completo.Durante o processo mostro as melhores maneiras de otimizar o trabalho de abertura de malha de um personagem, para economizar tempo e obter o melhor resultado possvel no processo.Tambm ensino a Ferramenta de Pintura do 3D Studio Max e faremos juntos a textura de um personagem para ser utilizado em aplicaes real-time deJogos e Realidade Virtual 3D.Este curso destinado aos alunos que j tm algum contato com o 3D Max (ou alguma ferramenta de Modelagem e Animao 3D) e pretendem aprender mais sobre o processo de Criao de Personagens 3D para Jogos e Filmes de Animao."
Price: 39.99 |
"3D Studio Max Character Studio e Skin para Rig de Personagem" |
"Neste curso vamos aprender em menos de 2 Horas a fazer todo o processo de Rigging do Personagem, para posteriormente ser utilizado em Animaes para Jogos e Filmes.Vamos aprende utilizar o Sistema de Animao de Personagens do 3D Studio Max, o Character Studio e o deformador Skin para deixar o modelo do personagem prontinho para receber os movimentos da animao.Este processo pode parecer complicado e tedioso para muitos alunos principalmente aos primeiros contatos com a ferramenta. Atravs deste curso eu quero te mostrar que configurar o personagem para animao, um processo simples se for feito com mtodo e dando ateno pequenas observaes que muitos tutoriais ou cursos esquecem de ressaltar.Os alunos que terminarem este curso tero a grande habilidade de fazer um rigging de um personagem para games ou Filmes em pouco tempo, inclusive ajustando com preciso o Skin do modelo para que o resultado final da Animao 3D fique muito mais preciso e legal!"
Price: 39.99 |
"3D Studio Max - Ferramentas de Animao" |
"Neste curso vou te ensinar em poucas horas, todas as Principais Ferramentas para se fazer animao no Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2019.Antes de partir para os complexos e avanados setups de mquinas e personagens, recomendo que voc entenda metdicamente todas as ferramentas de animao que o programa possui. isto inclui:Sistema de Animao e KeyFramesEditor de Curvas e seus Principais RecursosPrincpios da Animao TradicionalConstraints e Controles de MovimentosHierarquias e Sistema de BonesControles de Movimento Inverso (Inverse Kinematics - IKs)Space Warps e Deformaes de GeometriasExpresses MatemticasEditor de Parmetros e Wire ParametersMaxScript BsicoSe voc pretende desenvolver a parte de Animao para Jogos e Filmes, Efeitos Especiais ou Animao de Personagens, no deixe de assistir este curso, onde voc aprender os fundamentos de todas estas ferramentas....* O Curso Intermedirio e para absorver bem o contedo, o aluno j deve ter algum contato com o programa. Para quem ainda no conhece NADAsobre o Autodesk 3D Studio Max, recomendo que assista antes o meu Curso Bsico de 3D Studio Max, disponvel GRATUITAMENTEaqui na plataforma Udemy.Bons Estudos!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Modelagem do Meu Primeiro Personagem com 3D Studio Max 2018" |
"Saber criar Modelos e Animaes Tridimensionais, hoje uma grande habilidade que pode ser facilmente aplicada na rea de produo de jogos e filmes digitais, desenvolvimento de apps para celular, impresso 3D, robtica, realidade virtual e realidade aumentada e outros diversos segmentos de educao, entretenimento, sade, publicidade e treinamento corporativo.Sou o Tito Petrie ensino o 3D Max h mais de 10 Anos e j treinei milhares de alunos presencialmente e online para mexer com o programa.Criei este curso buscando uma soluo mais eficiente para as pessoas que desejam iniciar os estudos em Animao 3D, mas no tm acesso, disponibilidade ou dinheiro para fazer um curso.Seguindo estas video aulas, em menos de 2 horas voc ter desenvolvido o modelo do seu Primeiro Personagem em 3D, utilizando o Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2019.As aulas enfocam sempre a maneira mais prtica e eficiente para se trabalhar com o 3D Studio Max e vamos aprender muito sobre como utilizar corretamente os atalhos e recursos do programa para assim iniciar do zero, e ter domnio do software da maneira mais rpida,proveitosa e divertida possvel.Ento faa o download da Verso Educacional Gratuita do Autodesk 3DStudio Max, e junte-se (tambm gratuitamente) a este curso para adquirir mais uma grande habilidade para sua vida.Espero que este treinamento te ajude na busca do seu Grande Sonho e Objetivo."
Price: 39.99 |
"Controle seu Personagem no Unity 2018" |
"Se voc est estudando o desenvolvimento de games 3D, e deseja saber como fazer a programao completa de um personagem se movimentando no game, para utilizar em jogos de aventura ou terceira pessoa, voc deve seriamente assistir as aulas deste curso.Nesta sequencia eu mostro todo o processo para se exportar um Personagem 3D do 3D Studio Max para o Unity e programar todo o set de animaes, movimentos e controle do personagem dentro do Unity para que ele funcione em um Jogo de Aventura ou Plataforma em 3D.Atravs destas aulas voc vai entender a fundo as principais ferramentas necessrias para fazer o personagem se movimentar, correr pular e disparar aes e animaes.Animation ControllerTrabalhar com Clipes de AnimaoControlar as Animaes por ScriptUtilizar o Character Controller para Movimentar o PersonagemNormalizar as Direes do Controle para Jogos de Aventura ou MobileImplementar o Joystick Virtual no Unity 2018Atravs deste material, voc vai adquirir o conhecimento de criar um personagem e port-lo perfeitamente para dentro do seu Game 3D de Plataforma ou Aventura feito com o Unity 2018."
Price: 39.99 |
"Mobile Penetration Testing of Android Applications" |
"You already know some computer and network ethical hacking? What about moving forward and applying it to mobile apps as well? This course is for the beginners and may be useful for some advanced users as well.Android Hacking and Penetration Testing course is a hands-on video course. The course will focus on the tools and techniques for testing the Security of Android Mobile applications.Android, the Google operating system thatson 80% of the worlds smartphones. In extreme cases, hackers with malicious intent can do much more than send premium text messages. In this video you will learn howto hack Android applications.In this course you will apply webhacking techniques you already know on Android environment. Furthermore, we are going to explore OWASP Top Ten Mobile and Web most common vulnerabilities.This is anintermediate level course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Blockchain i Bitcoin pe nelesul tuturor - ghid pas cu pas" |
"Acest curs te va ajuta sintri in lumea criptomonezilor ia tehnologiei bitcoin.Poi previzualiza gratuit cteva din video-urile acestui curs! ACESTCURSESTE PENTRU NCEPTORI!Acesta este un destinat nceptorilor in Bitcoin i criptovalut. E clar c acesta este viitorul i te voi ajuta s peti in aceasta lume. Pentru a nelege de ce criptomonezile sunt att de speciale, este nevoie mai nti s intelegi cum funcioneaz la nivel tehnic. i voi rspunde la cele mai comune ntrebri, cum ar fi:cum funcioneaz Bitcoin, criptomonezile n general si tehnologia blockchaince face criptomonezile sa fie atat de diferitect de sigure sunt acesteace determina pretul criptomonezilorcum se mineazace urmeaza in viitorDup acest curs, vei tii s difereniezi realitatea de ficiune i zvonuri in lumea cripto. Vei avea conceptele fundamentale necesare s incepi sa minezi, s i creezi propriul portofel is tranzacionezi. Vei nva despre contractele inteligente (smart contracts) i cum poti folosi tehnologia blockchain n alte arii dect criptomonezile.PS. Odat ce devii familiar cu blockchain i bitcoin, este extrem de uor sa tranzacionezi alte monezi, cum ar fi Ethereum, Ripple, Neo, Monero i aa mai departe."
Price: 59.99 |
"[Romana] Ethical Hacking si Penetration Testing pentru toti" |
"Pentru a te proteja de hackeri, este nevoie sa gandesti ca unul.In acest curs vei invata unelte de hacking, metodologii si tehnici. Un curs practic, explicat pas cu pas. Acest curs are o abordare practica cu situatii care se intalnesc zi de zi in viata unui penetration tester. Vor fi furnizate masini virtuale pentru laborator. Obiectivul cursului este sa te ajute sa gandesti ca un hacker si sa actionezi ca unul. Vom porni la drum intelegand ce inseamna un proiect de penetration testing, care sunt pasii acestuia, care sunt avantajele, si vom trece prin urmatoarele videouri:Introducere in pentetration testingPregatirea laboratorului (Kali + Nessus, Windoes, Metasploitable)Strangerea de informatii, OSINT (Open Source Inteligence)Enumerarea serviciilor Enumerarea directoarelor din serverul web. Spidering vs brute forcing directoareScanarea pentru vulnerabilitati de sistem si servicii Scanarea pentru vulnerabilitati ale serverului webCautare manuala pentru vulnerabilitati - baze de date de exploituriPrezentarea framework-ului de exploatare MetasploitExploatearea ftp serverului folosind metasploitExploatarea smb folosind MetasploitPost Exploatare manuala vs automatDemo armitageSpargerea parolelor online - crearea unui dictionar propriu personalizatSpargerea hashurilor de parole offlineInterceptarea pachetelor - Man in the Middle. Introducere in Cain si Abel, Ethereal. HTTP si HTTPS (sslstrip)Cross site scripting - Interceptarea sesiunilor webStored XSS - Demo beef si social engieeringVulnerabilitati Web - file upload, local file inclusion, web backdoorsCSRF demo - vulnerabilitati webCommand Execution - vulnerabilitati webIntroducere in Burp Suite: Proxy, Spidering, Import CA certificat, Extensii, Repeater moduleSQL Injection - vulnerabilitati webBrute force pe aplicatii web Backdoors de windows, androidAlte atacuri de tip Social EngineeringDemo wifi - Mana ToolkitDemo Backdoors and Social Engineering - Empire and Rubber DuckyDemo phising - SocialPhish"
Price: 99.99 |
"How To Start Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing Intro" |
"How To Start Affiliate MarketingAffiliate marketing has such a bad name as a 'scammy' 'get rich quick scheme'. For a long time I have avoided even creating a course on the topic for that specific reason. Yes, it is possible to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing just like with most online business opportunities. However, it will take time and it will take a few simple marketing and business strategies of which I will speak about throughout the duration of this course. I am not guaranteeing that this course will make you an over night millionaire because it probably will not! However, the principles in this course will help you to build a sustainable affiliate marketing business over time with hard work and commitment. As a digital marketing consultant, I explain a few basic digital marketing strategies of which you can easily adopt and apply to your affiliate marketing business to help you to start making commissions. A lot of people know that affiliate marketing has the ability to make them money but they have no idea how to start affiliate marketing. This course is aimed mainly at those of you who are yet to make your first affiliate sale online. By the end of this course you will know how to:Chose the right affiliate program for you Identify who your target market is and how to sell to themBuild a list of prospects most likely to buy your offer Make your first affiliate commission and rinse and repeat the process"
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Sell Products Online - The Guide To Online Selling" |
"Helping you Sell Products Online With EaseIn this course I am going to uncover some of the hidden secrets to selling your products online. The internet creates such a great opportunity for your to generate online sales effectively for your products and big brands such as Amazon and eBay are using these methods and strategies every single day to generate millions of dollars in revenue. The big question is, how are they doing it and how can you adopt similar strategies to enable you to start selling your products online too?Imagine being able to create a website that not only attracts your target customers but also entices them to make a purchase and then up-sells them to additional products on your website. How much would this impact your overall business?Even if this is only able to generate a 5% increase in your online sales (and it will probably do a lot more than that). Then this course is well worth you spending time looking into. Up-selling online is often overlooked and few people understand how to truly do it effectively. Be one of the few online sellers that actually understands the principles to creating consistent online sales and learn exactly how to sell your products online profitably."
Price: 199.99 |
"Your Social Media Marketing Plan Social Media Marketing" |
"Your Social Media Marketing Plan Discover the secrets to creating a social media marketing plan bound to have your target customers knocking at your door consistently. Most entrepreneurs understand the importance of social media, very few understand to to use social media marketing as a way yo effectively drive leads and sales to their business and in this course I unveil some of the best kept secrets in digital marketing that you can implement within your business to help you generate online sales. Discover how to: Attract your target customers on social media Create an irresistible offer as a 'lead magnet' to help you build your database of potential clients Build a social media following that people know, like and trustTransfer online followers into actual leads and sales for your business"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Host Files with Amazon S3 Whilst Saving Money" |
"This video course will enable you to understand how Amazon S3 works saving you time and money going forward.As website owners, we encounter many challenges when it comes to hosting our blogs, websites, and online businesses in general.We most rely purely on web hosting companies to support all of our online assets and this is not always the best way of doing things.What happens when you get bigger, in terms of receiving lots of visitors?What happens when you launch a product or service and you get a flood of traffic that will crash your server?What usually happens is that your website slows down, and your user experience becomes painful and visitors just leave.Or worse, your web hosting company decides to terminate your account because youre using too many server resources, or they ask you to pay for a dedicated server which can cost you $150-$300 extra per month.You cannot afford to lose money due to a minor oversight that wouldve taken just a few hours of your time.To prevent this from happening, you typically want to host your files on an external server. However, the problem with this is that those costs will add up fast and youll simply run into the same situation.So, in other words, I recommend that you host your images, large video, audio files, or other files on Amazon S3.Amazon S3 allows you to host very large files and utilize their global reach and super-fast speeds for a very low cost.The problem with this though is that if you read their technical documentation, it is very difficult to understand for someone who is just getting started.So, if you don't have hours to spend wading through the text, we've decided to create a video course that will allow you to understand how to do all of this in less than a couple of hours.Soon you will be on your way to hosting your big files and protecting them.Introducing Video #1: Introduction and Quick OverviewAs always you will be given a quick introduction to how everything works and a quick overview of what's inside this video course.Video #2: Calculating Your CostsEver wanted to know how much it would cost to host these large files on Amazon? The great thing is that you pay as you go, and if you are used to paying hundreds of dollars per month then this is going to be a lot cheaper. But with that said, it's very important to have an idea of how much you are potentially going to pay in the future, and you will learn how to do this.Video #3: What You NeedBefore we jump right in I am going to cover exactly what you need to have in hand before we get started.Video #4: Recommended Software and WhyThere are several pieces of software that you can use to upload your files, both paid and free, and we'll discuss why we have recommended these.Video #5: Connect to S3While there is a range of software that we recommend, we will be focusing on one because it is super easy to use.Video #6: Buckets and FoldersWe'll see how to create Amazon buckets and folders so that you can get ready to upload your files.Video #7: Prevent Unauthorized AccessIf you want to know how to protect your Amazon bucket from unauthorized access, I'll show you how to create an Amazon policy to achieve this. You'll prevent people that aren't supposed to access it from costing you money. Video #8: Transferring Files PC to AmazonWhen youve set everything up, you're going to see how easy it is to upload files from your PC or Mac to your Amazon account.Video #9: Getting URL to Each FileOnce your files have been uploaded it's time to get the direct URL to each file so you can place them on your website for people to download.Grab this video course today and access it immediately after your purchase. No waiting in line, and even if it is 4am in the morning, youll have instant access to this course in no time at all."
Price: 199.99 |
"Pinterest Marketing Tips To Increase Online Profitability" |
"Pinterest marketing is huge and has the potential to help you to drive massive sales back to your website. Are you using Pinterest in a way that will drive quality traffic back to your website consistently? If you are not then this course will show you exactly what you need to change in order to do so effectively. Discover how to:Get found on Pinterest and build a fanbaseDrive product sales up using a simple to follow process How to create pins that attract Pinterest users How to best use Pinterest for traffic"
Price: 59.99 |
"How To Start An Online Business That Attracts Customers" |
"In this course I explain how you can start an online business from scratch and create an additional income stream for yourself. This is by no means a 'get rich quick' online course. This course explains the fundamental principles to starting an online business by creating a trustworthy brand that your customers will love. In this course you will discover how to: Create a brand that your customers will love Generate sales online with a simple to follow sales process Create a website that competes in the search engines and converts visitors into paying customers Making money online is not as complex as you may think. You can get paid for the things you already have a lot of knowledge in and in this course I want to show you how you can turn your ideas into profit with a few simple tips and tricks."
Price: 59.99 |
"How To Dominate the Search Engines With Wordpress SEO" |
"Dominate the Search Engines With Wordpress SEO!Congratulations! You are already using one of the most powerful CRM systems for SEO, Wordpress. Wordpress allows you to adjust so many SEO features that you must be aware of in oder to make proper use of them all. In this course I want to demonstrate exactly how quick and easy Wordpress SEO actually is an how you can utilise it effectively for your website. I will explain:Why you are currently frustrated with your Google rankings and how you can fix this with a few simple to implement Wordpress seo strategiesHow to stand out in the search engines above your competition How to perform both on-page and off-page SEO for your wordpress site How to create a robust Wordpress SEO strategy for your website"
Price: 54.99 |
"Java Web Services Part 2" |
"The ONLY course that covers the SOAP and REST web services Security Comprehensively!---Sample of the reviews:I have done or finished both the courses on Web Services By Bharath and it is so knowledgeable and give me a real time experience,I can even use the same examples in my company.Now I am planning to do the course on Create REST APIs using Spring Data REST by Bharath. Friends go for the course and don't waste your time on thinking too much - Vivek Kumar GuptaReally good course and really good instructor with deep knowledges and very pleasant teaching manner. I was interested in security issues. Among a number of different courses that I have taken Bharath gives the best clear explanations about this really difficult issue. All details are described in depth very simple and clear, no white spaces. Thanks him a lot.- Kirill ChokparovThe course is very informative and practical. My skills en web services was enhanced - KARANGWA Jean Paul---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----This course is a continuation of my ""Java Web Services"" course which is the most popular course on that topic on UDemy as well as on the internet.Are you interested in learning and implementing advanced Web Services concepts such as Security ? Then this course is for you.This is a incremental course.I will adding several new topics such as OAuth,Async Communication and more relevant topics that are not covered in the Java Web Service course.Do you want to learn the four key security areas and address them in your SOAP Web Services?This course will simplify things with concepts and step by step implementations . By the end of it you will:1. Understand the four key security areas2. Use the WS-Security standard to secure your services3. Implement Authentication4. Understand what Encryption is and why it is required5. Learn how to use the java keytool to generate security key pairs6. Implement Encryption and Decryption both on the web service client and web service provider7. Learn what , why and how to sign soap messages 8. Prevent replay attacks by enabling Timestamps9. And many more advanced SOAP and REST web services topics in the near future"
Price: 19.99 |
"Create REST APIs using Spring Data REST" |
"The ONLY course that covers Spring Data REST Comprehensively!---Sample of the reviews:Excellent course! This course covers everything you need to know to get started with Spring Data Rest . Using this architecture simplifies the creation of a REST API - Renato SantosExcellent course. Interesting, practical, hands-on, relevant and engaging. The instructor makes Spring-Data-REST easy to learn and use - Glyn DaviesI am fully satisfied with your lecture.Outstanding.You are simply Awesome - Prasad Palla---All source code is available for downloadResponsive Instructor - All questions answered within 24 hoursProfessional video and audio recordings (check the free previews)----Do you have a lot of data that you'd like to expose via RESTful web services? Are you a java spring developer interested in learning the Springs powerful and easy to use REST framework.Are you an experienced Java web developer who wants to create Microservices RESTful APIs in minutes.Then this course is for you.It is a complete hand's on course with quizzes and assignments.Spring is the most widely used framework in the industry today.REST web services have become the number one means for application integration on the web.REST is also the defacto technology for Microservices to communicate. REST defines that a system consists of resources that clients interact with. These resources are implemented in a hypermedia driven way. Spring MVC allows building these kinds of services. But implementing even the simplest of REST web services for a domain model can be quite tedious and result in a lot of boilerplate code every time.Spring Data REST builds on top of Spring Data repositories and automatically exports those as REST resources. It leverages hypermedia to allow clients to find functionality exposed by the repositories and integrates these resources into related hypermedia based functionality automatically.The goal of this course is to help you master the concepts of micro services, rest and build an end to end application while exploring the various features of spring data rest.By the time you finish this course, you will have gained the understanding of Microservices, REST, HATEOAS and Spring Data Rest.We'll look at how you can use Spring Data REST to easily take your data from your data access layer to consumable JSON by a front-end framework.What Will I Learn?Master the concepts of Microservices , REST and Spring Data RESTCreate a simple RESTful API using Spring Data RESTBuild an end to end RestFul API application from scratchTest your REST APIs using Postman REST ClientImplement Paging and Sorting support for your REST APICustomize the JSON ResponsesImplement Custom search APIs using Spring DataImplement business logic into your REST Services using custom controllersProvide different views of the data in your application using projections and excerptsEnable HAL browser support for your ApplicatoinSecure your REST API using Authentication as well as authorizationAll in simple and easy steps"
Price: 29.99 |
"PowerPoint 2010 - Curso Completo con Profesor Certificado" |
"Descubre todas las funcionalidades de PowerPoint de la mano de un profesor certificado por Microsoft como Microsoft Office Master Specialist. Este curso te ayudar a dar un paso adelante y hacer que tus presentaciones sean profesionales, dinmicas e impactantes. Conseguirs captar la atencin de tu pblico de principio a fin sacndole el mximo jugo a todas las opciones de la herramienta. Mejorars tus presentaciones integrando elementos grficos, video y audio, les dars vida con animaciones y transiciones, tomars el control organizando el contenido en secciones y fijars los tiempos de la presentacin para mostrar tu dominio y conocimientos a tu audiencia. En definitiva, esta herramienta te permitir mostrar todo el potencial de tu trabajo captando el inters de tu audiencia e impactarles con una presentacin llamativa, con vida y sobretodo profesional. Toma este curso ahora y aumenta tu valor dentro del mercado laboral! PRESENTACIN CON POWERPOINT 2010 I. La interfaz de PowerPoint 2010 Parte superior de la interfaz Parte inferior de la interfaz Parte central de la interfaz La vista Backstage Las opciones de PowerPoint Personalizar la cinta de opciones Personalizar la barra de herramientas de acceso rpido II. Abrir y guardar una presentacin Abrir una presentacin existente Guardar y Guardar Como Guardar y Enviar Comprobar la compatibilidad de mi presentacin Autoguardado III. Las vistas Las vistas de presentacin Opciones de Zoom Mostrar mltiples ventanas Cambiar el tamao de los paneles IV. Las diapositivas Iniciar la creacin de una presentacin Tamao y Orientacin de las diapositivas Insertar diapositivas Volver a usar diapositivas Diapositivas del esquema Organizar las diapositivas Eliminar y Ocultar diapositivas El tema Estilo de fondo El pie de diapositiva Crear secciones Patrones de diapositivas V. Introducir y editar texto Vietas y numeracin Mover el texto Editar el texto Copiar el formato Crear cuadros de texto Editar el formato del cuadro de texto Editar el tamao de un cuadro de texto Editar formas especificas Organizar los cuadros de texto Ajustar el texto en el cuadro Ms opciones para la edicin de texto VI. Insertar elementos grficos y multimedia Dar formato a los elementos grficos Orden de apilamiento Hipervnculos Imgenes Quitar el fondo de una imagen Crear y modificar lbumes de fotos WordArt Formas Imgenes prediseadas Copia de pantalla Insertar un SmartArt Editar un SmartArt Convertir un texto a SmartArt Insertar audio Insertar vdeo VII. Tablas Insertar una tabla Insertar una hoja de clculo Excel Editar una tabla de Excel Herramientas de tabla - Presentacin Herramientas de tabla - Diseo VIII. Grficos Insertar un grfico Modificar los datos de un grfico Cambiar el formato de un grfico El cuadro de dilogo IX. Transiciones y animaciones Aplicar efectos de animacin a un elemento Agregar y copiar una animacin Trayectorias Trabajar con animaciones Ms opciones Transiciones X. Revisar, Proteger y Compartir Opciones de revisin Revisar la presentacin El panel de referencia Buscar y reemplazar Trabajar con comentarios Comparar y combinar presentaciones Inspeccionar elemento Establecer contraseas Marcar como final Aadir una firma digital Compartir presentaciones XI. Realizar y grabar presentaciones Herramientas de presentacin Configuraciones de presentacin Crear presentaciones personalizadas Fijar los tiempos de la presentacin Ensayar Grabar presentaciones XII. Imprimir presentaciones Imprimir presentaciones Imprimir notas Imprimir documentos"
Price: 199.99 |
"Email Marketing con MailChimp" |
"El canal Email debe ocupar un lugarmuy importante en tu estrategia de Marketing Digital.En este curso aprenders todolo que debes saber sobre Email Marketing y enfocar la estrategia de email marketing para conseguir los mejores resultados.Al finalizar este curso dominars la plataforma Mailchimp, referente a nivel mundial como herramienta de email marketing, para disear y ejecutar campaas de Email Marketing altamente eficaces.Consigue llegar a los clientes por medio de uno de los canales de comunicacin ms rentables del Marketing Digital!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Curso de Google Tag Manager" |
"Google Tag Manager, que se ha convertido rpidamente en uno de los sistemas de administracin de etiquetas ms usados del mercado.Con este curso podrs controlar qu etiquetas se agregan a los contenedores a travs de una interfaz web simple.Evitars la necesidad de usar los servicios de un webmaster yimplementarsetiquetas en tu sitio web con rapidez:Google AdWords, Google Analytics, ...Convirteteen un especialista enGoogle Tag Manager y alcanza todos tus objetivos de medicin y analtica web con esteCurso deGoogle Tag Manager"
Price: 119.99 |
"Optimizar el SEO con Google Search Console" |
"Google Search Consolees una herramienta gratuita que Google pone a nuestra disposicin y que s o si tienes que tener controlada si tienes una web.Dominar esta herramienta, a travsde la cual el mismo Google teaportainformacin sobre el estado de tu web, tepermitir mejorar el rendimiento de tuweb y tu posicionamiento orgnico.En este curso, iremos viendo paso a paso toda la informacin que te aporta Search Console y aprenders averificar que el rendimiento de tu sitio web es el adecuado, detectar posibles problemas que estn afectando a tu sitio web, conocer cmo Google encuentra yvalora el estado de tu sitio web o analizar el rendimiento de tu trfico orgnico."
Price: 119.99 |
"Google Analytics, Curso completo con Profesor Certificado" |
"La Analtica Web es una de las disciplinas ms demandadas del sector onlineyGoogle Analytics es una potente herramienta de analtica web que te permite analizar con detalle el trfico que llega a una determinada web.Gracias a este cursos podrsadquirirun conocimiento slido en analtica web,determinar qu tipo de trfico llega a tuweb y cmo mejorar la conversin detusitio web.El otroobjetivodel curso esque puedas obtenerelexamen de certificacin oficial IQ de Google Analyticsque certifica de manera oficial el dominio por parte del alumno de la herramienta Google Analytics.Este curso deGoogle Analytics estaorientadoal desarrollo de tus propios proyectos de marketing online y al crecimiento de tu negocio."
Price: 149.99 |
"How to Lower Blood Pressure and Overcome Hypertension" |
"Hypertension is a serious condition that can lead to coronary artery disease,stroke,heart failure,atrial fibrillation,peripheral vascular disease,vision loss,chronic kidney disease, anddementia. Clinical physicians try to control blood pressure with prescription medication and lifestyle changes (diet & exercises). Modern research shows that clinical physicians are years behind cutting edge medical research. When you visit a physicians, you think that you are getting medical advice based on most recent knowledge & data. Unfortunately, this is not true! [See reference 1 below] . Physicians simply do not have time to keep up to date with current science. There are two types of research: - Pharmacological research: investigates effects of medications - Non-pharmacological research: investigates effect of non-pharmaceutical interventionsPharma companies invest millions of dollars into marketing novel pharmaceuticals to the clinicians. Within the past 15 years, science has seen tremendous level of non-pharmacological research that can benefit patients. Unfortunately, scientists do not have millions of dollars to market their discoveries to the clinicians. As a result your treatment is heavily biased towards medications that bring tremendously negative side effects.At SOMASYSTEMCLINICwe use cutting edge scientific research to create treatment programs relying on non-pharmacological methods. In this course, ""How to Lower Blood Pressure and Overcome Hypertension"", you will learn how to control and lower your blood pressure without using medications. Standard clinical protocols for hypertension treatment include lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. We go beyond diet and exercise!Modern research unequivocally demonstrates that hyper activation of your sympathetic nervous system plays a paramount role in genesis and maintenance of high blood pressure. [2-4].Instead of developing methods to down-regulate sympathetic nervous system, pharma companies develop drugs that aim to prevent effect of the hyper-activated nervous system on the your blood pressure, heart and the cardiovascular system.What if we could depress activity of the sympathetic nervous system?In fact, modern research shows that we can do this without using drugs. This requires learning, understanding and changing all factors that over activate sympathetic nervous system, such as: - Poor quality sleep and insufficient sleep - Abdominal fat, poor nutrition & insulin resistance - Muscle Pain & Tension - Loneliness and lack of authentic and warm relationships - Lack of purpose in life - Lack positive emotions - Depression & Anxiety - Sedentary physiology As you can see these factors span all major systems:physiology, psychological and emotional factors, social factors, exercise and many others. To lower your blood pressure, you need to learn to work with your entire BodyMind and this is exactly what you will learn in this course. References:[1] Morris, Zo Slote, Steven Wooding, and Jonathan Grant. ""The answer is 17 years, what is the question: understanding time lags in translational research.""Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine104, no. 12 (2011): 510-520. [2] Esler M, Lambert E, Schlaich M. Point: counterpoint. Chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system is the dominant contributor to systemic hypertension. J Appl Physiol. 2010;109;19961998.[3] Esler, Murray. ""Sympathetic nervous system moves toward center stage in cardiovascular medicine: from Thomas Willis to resistant hypertension."" Hypertension 63, no. 3 (2014): e25-e32. [4] Huggett RJ, Burns J, Mackintosh AF, Mary DA. Sympathetic neural activation in nondiabetic metabolic syndrome and its further augmentation by hypertension. Hypertension. 2004;44:847852."
Price: 154.99 |
"Fiverr A to Z 2017 : Ultimate Freelancing Success Guide" |
"Course OverviewWelcome to my course landing page if you are reading this, It means you are bit interested for sure. This is the course of How to start your career and business with FiverrIt's really simple to get started from basics to advance with growth hacking and you are able to sell any type of skills on Fiverr. I have provided all simple steps how you can take your skills sets to next level and reach to more buyer.Here in this course, you can get easily everything because all stuff is online even you can check everything so no bluff. And get everything that I told in the intro. From A to Z.Who can join?Everyone can join this course who are willing to take action and stand out from others. It's no trick to get quick rich but it's for business who believe to work hard, And the long lasting business with good sales all the time.Beginner: Join and start and give a Fresh start in this business.Intermediate: Expand to next level.Advanced: What things you need to improve and how to hack growthSo It's for all and who don't have skill sets they also can join. Start with research section and get dive into the market.Why take this course?Right now If you don't have any extra resource of income then this course for you It has many branches even you don't think about it that things which you can sell here. (i.e. Write person name at the unique place or object and sale that photo, You read that right. ) It's course for all the people who want to get more buyer/client and customer so It'll lead to conversion and get more sales.This course is very useful for everyone and learns new skill which leads to selling more on Fiverr and some tricks to get more sales if you have already an account.This course not just to create an account it's all about how to grow from zero to the hero and I can say A to Z.Course MaterialIn this course, I have covered all major area of Fiverrwhich is necessary for the seller who wants to use as a business platform. Don't wait to join and dive into great content which will help to craft your career easily and fulfil your dream.All the best."
Price: 49.99 |