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"Merch By Amazon Masterclass"
"Are you ready to create an online business that requires no startup costs, no ongoing operational costs with no marketing required?Welcome totheMerchBy Amazon Masterclass where you will learn how you begin earning passive income online today simply by making t-shirt designs.MerchBy Amazon (MBA)is a Print On Demand Service that will print out a customer's shirt only when they order it. This has exploded in popularity over the last few years allowing anyone to create and sell their own shirts. MBAwill then pay you for every shirt that you sell with your own design!From this you can earn asubstantialincome on the side with little investment. Whether you have 10 minutes a day, 1 hour a day, even all day you can do this in your spare time.So if you want to make some shirts in your spare time and earn money while you do it this is the course for you!"
Price: 89.99

"Novatos en e-Learning: Crea tu proyecto educativo on-line"
"Aprende a crear tu primer proyecto e-Learning como todo un profesional Te aseguro que este curso te ser de mucho provecho, adems ahorrars muchsimo tiempo, pues yo ya he invertido cientos de horas en examinar con detalle las herramientas y plataformas que te presento en este curso y as poder obtener los mejores resultados. As que no puedes dejar pasar esta oportunidad de aprender de una sola vez y en un slo lugar, lo que yo ya he aprendido en ms de una dcada. He seleccionado para ti las mejores y ms accesibles herramientas para desarrollo e-Learning, de manera que puedas empezar hoy mismo a trabajar en tu proyecto con cero inversin inicial. iSpring Free: de PowerPoint a Flash y HTML5 Te ensear como instalar y utilizar un software totalmente gratuito que te permitir convertir tus PowerPoint a Flash y HTML5. iSpring Free QuizMaker: Creacin de Evaluaciones Te ensear como crear atractivas y sencillas evaluaciones y como se registran los resultados en una playaforma e-Learning. Publicacin en Internet Te ensaar como publicar en Internet tus contenidos multimedia de manera sencilla y totalmente gratis."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Vedic Maths - Fasten your daily calculations"
"- Do you want to write any 2 digit table in just 20 seconds?- Do you want to perform square of any 2 digit number in just 3 seconds?- Do you want to speed up your overall mental calculations?If answer is yes then this is the right course for you. This course contains various methods on- Addition/Subtraction- Multiplication- Square/Cube- Square root/Cube root- Tables from 1 to 100So enjoy this learning and never forget to leave your valuable feedback"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing 101: How To Be Seen, Get Heard, & Make An Impact!"
"So, you want to be a marketing genius.You want to build a growing base of ravings fans who love you, your product, or your service.Awesome!There are a couple ways to go about reaching that goal.We could spend our time together discussing how to specifically do it for Facebook, YouTube, email, blogging, or some other platform.Butyou want to be a marketing genius- and to be a marketing genius, you need to learn more than marketing tips and tricks that have a limited application.You want to learn principles, which are key ideas that explain how virtually everything about marketing works.The beauty about learning marketing principles is that once you understand how they work, you can apply them to any type of marketing you do, on any platform.That's powerful!Hi, my name is Derek Franklin, and in this course, I'm going to teach you the top 7 core principles of marketing.I've studied and used these 7 principles with a lot of success over the past 15 years, so I know how they work, and I know that when you use them, they produce some pretty incredible results.With each principle, we're going to discuss 3 aspects about it:What it isWhy it mattersHow to use itThis course is:VisualIt contains examples that explain how everything worksAnd I give you practical action steps to start using what you learn right away!Join me, and let's get started."
Price: 94.99

"YOU 2.0: How To Instantly Upgrade Your Life"
"Welcome to:YOU 2.0 - How To Instantly Upgrade Your LifeI'm sure you would agree that a happy, successful life is based on the simple pursuit of becoming a better version of yourself tomorrow, than you were today.I call this upgrading your life!There are a ton of ways to upgrade your life to achieve some pretty amazing results.You can:Look and feel betterby upgrading how you eat or how you move?Be more productiveby upgrading how you manage and use your time?Be a more charismatic teacher, speaker, or leaderby upgrading your communication skills?Be fearlessby upgrading your beliefs and actions?If you're ready to upgrade your life in these ways (and more), and you're tired of books and courses that make you feel good, but don't provide real, practical steps for getting from where you are to where you want to be, then you're going to love this class.Because within it, you're going to learn12 simple, time-tested strategies for improvingany area of your lifein significant ways.You pick an area of your life to upgrade, and I'll show youstep-by-step how to do it!Once you learn the simple process and strategies I'm going to teach you, you'll have a system for upgrading any area of your life - any time you want!This course uses a lot of illustrations to explain ideas, examples to show you how they're used, and practical action steps to help you use them.I really look forward to sharing a ton of great content with you in this course.Click to enroll in this course, and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 99.99

"Create A Simple Daily Success Routine To Transform Your Life"
"In this courseI'm going to teach you what I call,The Amazing Routine.What in the world isThe Amazing Routine?Simply put: It's a daily success routine that's designed to help you upgrade your thoughts, feelings, and actions, so you can:Connect with the vision you have of what you want to be, do, and haveFeel happier and more satisfied in lifeLearn new ideas and put them into actionBecome more creativeAdopt good habits, to become more productive, a better communicator, healthier, and moreEliminate bad habits in any area of your lifeAnd a lot more...This class is unique for 3 specific reasons:It's highly visual- I teach ideas using tons of graphics, illustrations, and pictures, which engages your brain in the learning experience at a much deeper level than most courses you've taken in the pastIt's printable- You get printable reference sheets of every single lesson in the course. Each sheet - which I call a LifeMap - contains the graphics used in the slides for that lesson, as well as a summary of the main ideas of the lecture and the related action steps, so you can immediately put into action what you learnIt's doable- Throughout the course, I give you specific steps and tips for putting what you learn into action - this is a complete road map for creating and practicing the perfect daily success routine... and it's simple to do!There's a 4th way this course is unique and different from than any other personal development course out there - I call itThe Amazing Routine'sSecret Weapon.This secret weapon is two things:A power you've always had but you probably never knew you hadThe foundation of what makes this routine so amazing and effectiveOnce you learn what it is, and how it works, you'll know exactly what I mean.So, what is that secret weapon? Well, it's a secret, so it's something I explain in detail in the course. :-)Aristotle once said:We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.The Amazing Routineis that daily habit that will help you achieve excellence in your life and business.Join me, and let's begin your journey to excellence, startingright now!Be amazing!Derek"
Price: 99.99

"Python-Entwicklung fr Einsteiger"
"Du mchtest gernePython-Entwicklerwerden? Mit Beispielen lernen? Das Wissen auch wirklich anwenden? Dann ist dieses Trainingsprogrammder perfekte Einstieg!Unsere Gesellschaft erlebt einen unglaublichen Wandel. Zuhause oder von berall auf der Welt (mit Internetanschluss) arbeiten? Aus Deiner Leidenschaft eine gut bezahlte Karriere machen?Als Python-Entwickler kein Problem.Der praxisorientierte Einstieg in Python-EntwicklungPython wird in vielen Bereichen eingesetzt. In diesem Trainingsprogramm lernst Du die Grundlagen und kannst spter in zukunfstweisendeSpezialisierungen einsteigen:Data Science (z.B. mit Apache Spark)Webentwicklung (z.B. mit Django)Analyse von Webinhalten (Webscraping)Machine Learning / Deep LearningWissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung (SciPy)Arbeit mit DatenbankenAutomatisierung und DatenverarbeitungBackends / APIs fr Web und Co.uvm.In diesem Onlinetraining lernst Du die Grundlagen. Dazu bekommst Du leicht nachvollziehbare Beispiele. Mit den praxisnahen Projekten erarbeitest Du Dir Stck fr Stck Erfahrung mit Python.berblick ber Python und die BibliothekDu lernst nicht nur etwas Syntax kennen, Du wendest das Wissen wirklich an. In Projekten und bungsaufgaben lernst Du Python wirklich zu nutzen. Mit dem Modulen zur Standardbibliothek lernst Du gleichzeitig realistische Einsatzzwecke von Python kennen.Auch mit wenig Zeit geeignetDie Plattform ist speziell fr Studenten mit wenig Zeit gestaltet. Du bekommst kleine verdauliche Lektionen. Das Gesamtziel ist in Module unterteilt. Dein Fortschritt wird genau festgehalten. Deshalb ist der Lernfortschritt auch mit kleinen Lerneinheiten von nur 15 Minuten immer wieder sprbar.Mit bungsaufgaben Wissen vertiefenDu kannst in jedem Modul Dein Wissen mit bungsaufgaben vertiefen und Dich anschlieend mit der Musterlsung selbst kontrollieren."
Price: 149.99

"Optionals in Swift, der umfassende Kurs"
"Du arbeitest mit Swift? Mchtest Apps fr iOS, macOS, watchOS oder tvOS entwickeln? Vielleicht tust Du das auch bereits? Dann musst Du unbedingt Optionals genau verstehen. Das Konzept zieht sich quer durch Apples neue Sprache.Worum geht es?Optionals lsen ein Problem, das in vielen Programmiersprachen existiert. Variablen haben manchmal keinen Wert. Vor dem Zugriff ist dann eine Prfung zwingend notwendig. Ansonsten kommt es zu Fehlern. Diese notwendige Prfung wird allerdings nirgendwo erzwungen. Genau dort setzt Swift mit den Optionals an. Und eben um die geht es in diesem Kurs.Um Optionals zu verstehen lernst Du zuerst den Hintergrund kennen. Welches Problem lsen sie eigentlich genau? Weiter geht es direkt mit wichtigen Grundlagen: Wie werden sie definiert? Wie erfolgt der Zugriff? Welche grundlegenden Techniken gibt es?Anschlieend lernst Du den stilvollen Umgang mit Optionals kennen. Alle Stellen an denen Optionals eine Rolle spielen, werden behandelt. Du startest mit dem Optional-Binding, lernst den Early-Exit mittels guard kennen und findest heraus welcher Weg der bessere ist.In den weiteren Kapiteln fgst Du Deinem Swift-KungFu Techniken wie Optional-Chaining, den Nil-Coalescing Operator, Failable Initializer hinzu. Auerdem lernst Du wie Optionals in Schleifen behandelt werden knnen, wie Du Reference-Cycles lsen kannst und wie Du optimal mit Optionals bei Funktionstypen umgehst. Den handwerklichen Abschluss bildet das Downcasting von Objekten.Im letzten Abschnitt geht es schlielich um ein tieferes Verstndnis. Wie wurden Optionals in Swift umgesetzt? Um das herauszufinden, implementierst Du eine eigene Lsung mit der Hilfe von Enumerations, ermglichst mit Operator-Methoden sogar Forced Unwrapping und lernst mit dem Sonderwert nil zu arbeiten. Auch eigene Vergleiche mehrerer Optionals werden ermglicht.Mchtest Du genau verstehen wie Du sauber mit Optionals in Swift umgehst? Herausfinden wo sie berall genutzt werden? Dann ist dieses Training fr Dich geschaffen.BonusDu bekommst als Bonus ein eBook dazu, das alle Inhalte noch einmal zusammenfasst. Die perfekte Ergnzung und optimale Referenz. Es steht als PDF, ePub und Mobi-Format zum Download bereit."
Price: 99.99

"Cum s creti Copii de Succes ntr-o lume negativist."
"TREBUIE S NELEGEM, COPIII SUNTEXTREMDESENSIBILI LAMODUL N CARE ADULII SE COMPORT N PREAJMALOR I CU EIPrimii ani din viaa copilului tu sunt cei mai importani i cruciali totodat pentru fericirea, sntatea i prosperitatea lui viitoare!Afl cine, cum exact i de ce, cu sau fr voie, l poate ndeprta de fericire, sntate i prosperitate - fr ca tu s observi asta!Atenie! Copilul tau s-a nscut perfect - exact aa cum este; s-a nscut fericit i bogat - NU lsa ignorana ta i netiina s l ndeprteze de aceste bogii primite la natere!Mergi la coal pentru a nva cum s scrii corect, s citeti i s vorbeti; mergi la scoal s nvei cum s conduci corect maina i mergi la tot felul de coli pentru job i expertize - DAR nu mergi la cea mai important coal - coala prinilor, ca s nvei cum s protejezi fericirea i bogia cu care s-a nscut copilul tu! ncepe acum, aici!4 MOTIVE PENTRU CARE VREI S I CUMPERI I S STUDIEZI ACUM CURSUL VIDEO""Cum s crestem copii de succes (fericii) ntr-o lume negativist i Cum s i foloseti mintea pentru a obine tot ce i doreti n via"" exact de ce, adulii i mediul n care se nate crete i se dezvolt copilul tu ialtereaz fericireaincrederea n sine, istabilesc limitelei ce rezultate va ficapabil s obinn viaa sa!2.aflde cecopilul tu, pn la 7 ani, nu estecapabil s aleag ce s nvee i ce s aleag cicopiaz absolut totce vede, aude i simte de la adulii din jurul sui de la mediul i cultura n care triete, informaii cei influeneaz major viitorul!3.nva care sunt cele 6 nevoi de baz ale oricrei fiine umane icare sunt nevoile care i controleaz copilul i comportamentul acestuian funcie de vrsta pe care o are!4.dacnu te nelegi cu copilultu, nu te ascult iface lucruri care i sunt duntoarei distructive n prezent i viitor - afl care sunt cele5 canalele de comunicareale omului i ce canale de comunicare are deschise pentru ca tu scomunici eficient cu copilul tui s i transmii nvturile i experiena ta!"
Price: 64.99

"Aprende los secretos del Maquillaje de zombie FX con latex"
"Este curso te permite de realizar maquillajes FX de efectos especiales (zombie special make up effects)con especial enfoque a los zombies, con tcnica de latex.Aprenders a realizar texturascon latexen todos los detalles, una coloracin en capas de varios tonos y el uso de la sangre artificial liquida y densa. El curso, divididos en captulos, de manera sencilla ensea:- los materiales requeridos- como preparar la piel- aplicacin de texturas de latex- sellar el material- aplicar maquillajes en crema para colorear la piel de la manera deseada- aplicar la sangre liquida y densa para el acabado finalCada paso seve muyde cerca, en detalle yen tiempo real. No te quedes con ninguna duda de como realizar este maquillaje muy impactante!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende los secretos del Maquillaje Especial FX para cine"
"Este curso te permite de realizar maquillajes FX de efectos especialessangrientos(blood special make up effects)con realismo cinematogrfico. Aprenders a realizar contusiones, golpes, moretones, heridas y balazos, realistas en todos los detalles, desde la forma, la textura y la coloracin. El curso, divididos en captulos, de manera sencilla ensea:- los materiales requeridos- como preparar la piel- uso de colores base alcohol para piel y FX (efectos especiales)- uso de Bondo (material paraefectos especiales)- aplicar la sangre liquida y densa para el acabado finalCada paso se ve muy de cerca, en detalle yen tiempo real. No te quedes con ninguna duda de como realizar este maquillaje muy impactante!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das!"
Price: 29.99

"Dibujo con lpiz fcil y profesional"
"Carlos Angoa es un reconocido ilustrador y dibujante mexicano, y docente de facultad de Artes Visuales enla universidad de Puebla.Ademas de su trabajo personal como artista visual, ha colaborado con un sin numero de publicaciones y revistas ilustrando con un realismo exquisito los temas mas variados. Adems see ocupa de diseo de textiles, colaborando con marcas nacionales e internacionales.En esta ocasin Angoa colabora con el proyecto FDB Academia de arte para la produccin de un curso claro, sencillo y didactico acerca de la ilustracin.El curso ensea acerca de materiales y tecnicas para realizar ilustraciones en grafito (lpiz) de forma profesional y realista. A lo largo de las clases, Carlos explica de forma clara tecnicas para dibujar como un profesionista, desde el uso de referencias fotograficas, la composicin, el boceto,el uso (opcional) de la computadora), las proporciones correctas del rostro humanoAngoa ensea atrabajaren detalles finos y arealizar dibujos con combinaciones variadas: despus una serie de ejercicios, utiles para dominar las herramientas y el sustrato,Carlos realizar el mismo, paso a paso, un dibujo donde combina anatoma humana con flores,Al final del curso el estudiante tendr herramientas y capacidad para elaborar diferentes tipos de trabajos con grafito.Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn sculpture"
"MORE THAN 700 STUDENTS IN THE SPANISH VERSION!Learn to make a sculpture modeled in traditional plasticine (oilclay): the course guides you step by step in the creation of structures, volumes and surface of the piece, to the final details.Have you ever had the curiosity to make a sculpture? Are you a student of fine arts and want a clear course that explains simply modeling techniques? Do you want to perfect your sculptural technique and learn more about materials?In a few hours this video guides you from the realization of a light structure to the creation of volumes, until the final finishes. Each method and each material is clearly explained so that you can use it in the best way.Do not miss the advice and techniques of a professional!remember: you have a 30 days money back guarantee :D"
Price: 69.99

"Aprende a esculpir la figura humana masculina"
"MAS QUE 100 ESTUDIANTES EN ESTA CLASE!Aprende a realizar la escultura del un cuerpo masculino modelada en plastilina tradicional: el curso los guia paso a paso en la creacin de estructuras, volmenes y superficie de la pieza, hasta los acabados finales.- vers como hacer una estructura en alambre con las correctas proporciones, basandonos en referencias fotogrficas reales para mayor fidelidad.- conocers la estructura del cuerpo, en sus detalles anatmicos- aprenders a realizar volmenes generales del cuerpo y sus detalles mas finosNos inspiraremos al David de Miguel Angel!Has alguna ves tenido la inquietud o curiosidad de hacer una escultura? Eres estudiante de artes plsticas y quieres un curso claro que te explique sencillamente tcnicas de modelado? Quieres perfeccionar tu tcnica escultrica y conocer mas de materiales?Recuerda que cuentas con una garanta de 30 das !!Atrvete a ser creativo!!APRENDE LOS SECRETOS DE HACER ESTRUCTURAS LIGERAS, MODELAR VOLUMENES Y DAR ACABADOS COMO UN ESCULTOR PROFESIONALFrancesca, escultora profesionista italiana, realiza en frente de la cmara una escultura inspirada al david de Miguel Angel, explicando detalle por detalle todo lo que hace y porque, poniendo acento sobre todas las etapas que permiten llevar a cabo un proyecto escultorico, el uso de herramientas y de los diferentes materiales a disposicin. Se empieza por el utilizo de referencias fotogrficas adecuadas, para luego realizar una estructura que rige toda la pieza, para construir los volmenes generales con materiales ligeros y resistentes. Conocers el uso de los herramientas para escultor, las diferentes plastilinas,  vers diferentes maneras de realizar superficies lisas o texturizadas, el uso de solventes y mucho mas. Vers como crear manos, caras y cuerpos con correctas proporciones.Incluye Fotos de referencia descargables!En pocas horas este video te guia desde la realizacin de una estructura facil y ligera, la creacin de volmenes, hasta los acabados finales. Cada mtodo y cada material es explicado de manera clara para que puedas utilizarlo de la mejor manera.No te pierdas los consejos y las tcnicas de una profesionista!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das! "
Price: 79.99

"How to sculpt the male body"
"More than 200 students in the Spanish version!Learn to make the sculpture of a masculine body modeled on traditional clay: the course guides them step by step in the creation of structures, volumes and surface of the piece, up to the final finishes.We will be inspired byMichelangelo's David!Have you ever had the restlessness or curiosity to make a sculpture? Are you a student of plastic arts and want a clear course that simply explains modeling techniques? Do you want to perfect your sculptural technique and know more about materials?LEARN THE SECRETS OF MAKING LIGHT STRUCTURES, MODELING VOLUMES AND GIVING FINISHES LIKE A PROFESSIONAL SCULPTORFrancesca, Italian professional sculptor, performs in front of the camera a sculpture inspired by Michelangelo's David, explaining in detail everything he does and why, putting emphasis on all the stages that allow to carry out a sculptural project, the use of tools and the different materials available. It starts with the use of appropriate photographic references, to then make a structure that governs the entire piece, to build the volumes with lightweight and resistant materials. You will know the use of the sculptor styles, the different plasticine, you will see different ways of making smooth or textured surfaces, the use of solvents and much more. You will see how to create hands, faces and bodies with correct proportions.Includes Downloadable Reference Photos!In a few hours this video guides you from the realization of an easy and light structure, the creation of volumes, to the final finishes. Each method and each material is explained clearly so you can use it in the best way.Do not miss the advice and techniques of a professional!Remember that you have a 30 day guarantee!"
Price: 79.99

"How to mold and cast in resin the human figure (sculpture)"
"More than 100 students in the Spanish versionThis course allows you to learn how to make three-dimensional pieces of full and solid resin from an original anatomical sculpture: it can be a piece of your creationor simply a piece that you love.To achieve this, we will carry out the entire process step by step: we will create a silicone rubber mold with fiberglass and resin shelland we will make the ""casting"" of solid resin (the final result).Once you make a silicon rubber mold, you can make numerous pieces from these: just repeat the process of ""casting"" as many times as you want, all will be identical to the original object.IT IS A DIFFERENT TECHNIQUE RESPECT TO THE OTHER COURSE OF MOLDS ANDFIBERGLASSTHAT I TEACHYou can create replicas of your own modeling in clay, epoxy, ceramics etc or replicate other pieces of rigid material.This technique allows youto create more than one piece from the original modeling. The final piece can be filled resin without fiberglass (as in this video), resin and fiberglass, plaster or cement, any other materialThis technique is the premise for- the technique of lost wax in bronze. From this same mold can be made waxes that in the foundry are used to create the final bronzes- in the ART TOYS industry to create identical models that you can then customize, modify and intervene.Know the most indicated and professional materials and the creative process step by step.Make your own piece thanks to simple and clear instructions.IMPORTANT: this course teaches a different technique regarding the course ""Silicon molds and replicas in fiberglass"". In what way are they different?1)the keys are of another type and the silicon occupies the same width of the resin)2) we will make full pieces (more suitable for small pieces)Remember that you have a 30 day guarantee!"
Price: 54.99

"Aprende escultura bsica y ensala a tus nios"
"Eres pap, maestro o educador, y quieres una actividad creativa y entretenida para tus pequeos? Te gustara una actividad divertida que puedas hacer con tus nios, creando sus personajes favoritos y estimulando su imaginacin?Este curso est enfocado a quien quiera ensear pequeas manualidades a nios.Permite adquirir los conocimientos bsicos para el uso de un material muy noble y verstil: la arcilla polimrica.Arcilla polimrica: fina masilla moldeable que endurece cocindola en un horno.Las ventajas de la Arcilla Polimerica:- Obtienes una figura final que puedas tocar, manipular y con la cual puedas jugar!- no seca hasta que se hornea: da todo el tiempo para modelar y moldear las figuras- no es toxica- es apta para nios (con la supervision de un adulto durante la fase del horneado)- viene de muchos colores brillantes - se puede usar para bisutera, dijes, aretes, imanes para refri, pequeos personajes, y mucho mas- puede ser trabajada desde un nivel bsico a un nivel profesional (dependiendo de tus capacidades de modelar)Si buscas un curso entretenido y sencillo para hacer tus manualidades, ac encontrars muchos tips, recomendaciones y trucos.No te pierdas los consejos y las tcnicas de una profesionista!Recuerda que gozas de una garanta de 30 das! "
Price: 39.99

"Escultura en Plastilina Epoxica + Pintura de Piezas"
"Aprende a realizar todo tipo de escultura y artesanas con un producto econmico y verstil, sin moldes, sin complicaciones, paso a paso desde la estructura hasta los acabados de pintura!!La masilla o plastilna epxica es un producto bicomponente que, al mezclar las dos mitades, indurece al aire y permite crear infinitos tipos de modelados tridimensionales, hasta los mas complejos, en tamao chico o mediano (aunque yo la haya usado hasta para tamao de 170 cm!!)No requiere que sepas de escultura, ni de moldes. Es perfecto para objetos pequeos, es una masilla bastante fina y terminando se puede lijar, fresar, taladrar y darle mas acabado.Se deja trabajar con esptulas y puntas de metal, plstico, madera etc.En este curso enseo como crear piezas desde simples estructuras de alambres (para que la escultura sea estable), hasta los acabados finales de textura.Tambin hay una seccin sobre como pintar las piezas para que luzcan fenomenales!Las piezas que enseo como demostraciones son:- un conejo- un pjaro con acabados fantasticos- una cabecita- unas decoraciones para una jaula de pjaro- un dije o collar- unas decoraciones para lapicesCada demo quiere justamente demostrar las diferentes posibilidades de este magnifico material, para que cada estudiante pueda crear sus propios objetos y esculturas!!"
Price: 74.99

"Digital Business with APIs"
"We believe that APIs are the building blocks of digital transformation. We believe thatdigital business meansbusiness with and through APIs.This is why we created thiscourse. To help you succeed in a digital world.In this course we teach you how to design businesses with APIs. APIs are the technical core of your digital business. In fact, APIs can be used to improve every aspect of your existing business. And in some situations, APIs enable completely new businesses, businesses that would not have been possible without APIs.You cannot see the APIs from the outside. But they make all things digitalpossible under the hood. So APIs come from the IT and technology side. But quite recently APIs have evolved from ""something that the techies do"" to a product with serious business value. The IPOs of API-based companies, such as Twilio, are examples of that mind shift.In this course you will learn to model and think about a business with a powerful tool: the Business Model Canvas. While there are many books and courses explaining theBusiness Model Canvas, we show how to use this tool to model digital transformation.In this course you will learn how to leverage APIs in your strategy. APIs are the digital building blocks, which you can leverage to pick the low hanging digital fruits.Let me ask you a coupleofquestions:Are you a founder of a digital venture?Are you working for an existing corporation with a digital strategy?Are you creating APIs andeveryone tells you that you can make business with APIs and earn money with APIs?If any of the above questions rings true, then this course is madefor you."
Price: 134.99

"Navigating Office Politics: Get What You Want at Work"
"Office politics. The very phrase typically garners a visceral reaction, everything from a subtle tensing of the shoulders to an eye roll, to an outspoken declaration that they will NEVER engage in political wrangling. Here's the bad news: Office politics is not something you can opt out of. You are in it whether you like it or not. The good news is that if you choose to engage in it, office politics can be navigated in a way that is ethical and above board. Even better, when you learn to play the game, you can become a change agent in your organization. At its core, the workplace is a social environment. Learning to thrive in that environment is contingent on building effective working relationships so that you can excerpt influence across your organization, regardless of where you happen to rank on the organizational chart. That's what this course will teach you."
Price: 94.99

"Prezi for Educators"
"Learn how to create stunning Prezi presentations quickly. Use powerpoint all the time? Sounds boring! Spice up your presentations and bolster them with creativity. Allow your students to create mind boggling presentations. Prezi is for everyone. Prezi can be intimidating for first time users. However, it is really easy to master. This course will teach you fundamentals of Prezi with Educators and Teachers in mind."
Price: 19.99

"Achieving Your Dreams With No Fear"
"Have you ever wanted to travel abroad, start a new career or just ask that guy you see as perfect out on a date but fear grabbed you and stopped you in your tracks? This course is designed to help you not only recognize your fears but overcome them. The course puts a spotlight on the various types of fear and offers fear crushing exercises that will help you recognize the type of fear you are dealing with and then help you overcome so that you can achieve the life of your dreams.It is natural to have fear, it is a protection mechanism that helps keep us safe but at times, it is also the very thing that keeps us bound to a life of mediocrity when we really want more. Busting through those fear barriers is often difficult if you are not accustomed to the feeling of stepping outside of your comfort zone. This course helps you take the necessary steps to overcome."
Price: 94.99

"Building Your Mental Strength for More Success"
"Do you find making snap decisions difficult? Does dealing with difficult situations in your life cause you anguish and delay? Much of what we deal with in life comes from various challenges. Knowing how to deal with these issues decisively and with suretyExercising your mental strength is like exercising any other muscle. Preparing for the challenges that life brings before they show up helps with making decisions quickly, helps with weighing out situations and coping through the tough things that naturally happen in life. Some don't take the timeto learn how to deal with these potential issues but if you learn to practice working on various aspects of your mental strength, when tough situations and decisions come about, you will be more than prepared to take on the task.Successful people deal with stress, they make decisions quickly and they handle the worst things that happen in life with such ease that they look as if they were born just to handle these sort of things."
Price: 44.99

"Practical Communication"
"Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success ~ Paul J. MeyerIf you don't have a single marketable job skill aside from stellar communication skills, you can find a job. Communication is the foundation of every business enterprise and oftentimes the root cause of many issues that come up in the workplace. Being able to effectively communicate in the workplace will immediately set you apart from your peers as someone who just ""makes sense"" to everyone else. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place ~ George Bernard ShawIn this course you will learn how to communicate from a very practical standpoint. We will take you through different forms of verbal and non verbal communication to make you an effective and articulate communicator in just a few hours. To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others ~ Tony RobbinsThe lectures included in this course are:Communication FoundationsEffective EmailVerbal CommunicationThe 4 Communication StylesConflict ManagementEgo and CommunicationListening and UnderstandingCooperation and OpennessBy the end of this course, you will be an invaluable resource in any and sound like an articulate employee to many managers or employees. Knowing is half the battle. If you know how to communicate, you'll already be ahead. Language exerts hidden power, like the moon on the tides ~ Rita Mae BrownCommunication spans beyond internal business affairs and touches nearly every aspect of our modern world. Interviewing for a job, selling a new customer, constructing a new brand narrative, writing an article... the list goes on. No matter what you need to do, communication is a skill that you need to have. No prerequisites or outside materials are required. Course is lecture and quiz based."
Price: 19.99

"How to Create Drop Down Lists in Excel"
"Create Drop Down Lists in ExcelIn this course you will learn how to create drop down lists in Excel. Why should I explore about Drop Down List inExcel?Let me share my personal story:When I started out one of the things Ilearn was Drop Down Lists. This skills was not only essential but fun. A drop down list opens up many new possibilities. Because now instead of making 'boring' spreadsheets you start building a real dashboard or almost a system. User can now just click and select an option. That pretty trick is uncommon in Excel. The moment you understand this a whole new world of possibilities opens up. Being able to connect formula`s with a drop down list is so much fun. Is this course suitable for me?This course is designed by doing. This means you will really have to follow along with the course and take action. Next, my courses are designed with an Action Exercise at the end of each part. When I started out to create courses I did that from the very beginning. One of the things I always love to hear is that the students like the challenging exercises. The challenge forces you the make practical use of your learning so far. Finally, it is build upon each other. Every section is connected in a way that you need the knowledge from each. This ensures that you really learn everything from top to bottom. And once you know this you can see how you can do even more with drop down lists by connect new formula`s and functions. It is a fun skill to learn. Are you ready to start? If you envision yourself making more advance Excel templates where users will have a nice and easy UI the drop down list skill is part of it. Then take action and let`s start!"
Price: 74.99

"ChartJS Legend"
"ChartJS Legend Course, examples and explanations. Learn how to create legends with ChartJS fast. ChartJS 2 is really an interesting topic. However, maybe you notice it as well. ChartJS 2 legends can be complicated and understanding how it works is a big challenge. When I learn this I was really challenged. It is hard to understand and the amount of explanation if limited and not clear. After many weeks of trail and errorI finally started to understand it. Now I can finally create it with ease and understand how to read it as well. Once you know this you will notice that the ChartJS 2 documentation becomes easier to understand as well. ChartJS documentation is a struggle and does not really cover all the aspects of it. There are so many nice and useful functions and things to do. In this course you will learn and explore these functions and you will create your own HTML legend the right way. We will be handling this step by step and explain all the codes as we go along. Once you really understand the key concepts you will be able to create it yourself quickly. Hope you are ready and excited to join this journey to ChartJS 2 Legend. Let`s begin!"
Price: 74.99

"Chart JS Titles"
"Chart JS TitlesIn this course you will learn how to create, design and adjust chart titles in Chart JS 2. Chart titles are usually items that people forget about when creating charts. Everyone is very busy in creating charts and all kind of designs for the chart. However, once you create the chart you realize that you also want to improve the title. Something that is usually forgotten and considered as last. This course will help you explore some of the items the ChartJS documentation does not cover in detail. It will help you to get better with ChartJS and set you on a higher level of mastery. Are you ready to begin? Let's go!"
Price: 49.99

"Chart Js with MySQL Database Data"
"How to create charts in Chart Js with MySQL Database Data?This is truly a topic that I really love. Perhaps you are just like me that in the very beginning you do not know how to do this. I`ve been there and eventually I decided to truly learn this wonderful skill. It took a really long time because this topic is not commonly discussed and secondly the skills are what you can call multi disciplinair. This means that you are not only dependent on one single programming language. You need to know a bunch of them all together and combine it in a way that is really challenging. However, one thing I still remember and this is what truly makes know thing this wonderful. It was the feeling of being able to do this, and making charts and dashboards in a way I always dreamed of. This course is a challenge, however, I describe it all in detail. It is in bite sizes and very easily done. If you follow you will get results and be able to do it yourself. However, do not neglect what you learn here. It took me truly months to understand all of these items and put them together as I did. This course is deeper then you would expect.Since the topic is far more expensive then you could imagine you will notice that I will discuss it from every angle I possible can imagine. Ever heard of a planned and unplanned database?Well, so many options are possible and this creates a real challenge. Your database might not be build for Charts but you are not able to change it and must work with what you`ve got. I get it and this is also what I learned to do. You might have a different structure and want to combine it all together in a database. Well, I understand this as well. When I created this course I focused on the database connection but in reality that is just the tip of the iceberg. The connection is one part, having the right database structure is the second, and making it dynamic is a completely different level. I`m talking about AJAX and JSfunctions (if you are experienced) you will know what I'm referring to. And of course knowing how to connect everything with the updating function of Chart JS. Well be ready!Items in this course will be sometimes repetitive. I really did this on purpose because this is how I learned this well. If you create 10 different charts with all kind of connection structure you will be really good. Because the experience you gain from doing this is really worth it. After that you basically could dream it. Although the challenge of this is really different every single time. ChartJSis really fascinating and somehow I truly love to see how those charts come to life and start to tell a story with numbers. I sincerely hope you enjoy this course as well. One of the things that always give me a spark of joy is seeing a chart in action the moment it is connected. It might sound weird but seeing your chart change by a click of a button or connected with a database is very similar to seeing seed becoming a plant. It is fascinating how it can grow. Not because of the growth but once you know this, you see yourself growing and all the new possibilities you can do with a chart. I hope I can transfer some passion charts into you and I sincerely hope it gives your the inspiration to truly take this course. Not for me,... but for yourself. See how your new gained intelligence will make your skills bloom even further then you can imagine. I ask you to try it to explore how far you can blossom!"
Price: 99.99

"Build your first game with RPG Maker MV"
"Have you always wanted to build a game, but never knew where to start? Maybe the thought of programming scares you, you don't know how to share or sell your games, you want to be able to publish your games to different platforms. This course is for you! In this course you don't need any programming experience at all. You won't need to hunt down resources to build your maps, characters, music, etc. All the tools that you need are build right into the software that we will be using. Have custom music, sounds, graphics? Not a problem, we will go over that too! Have a Windows machine, a Apple, Linux? Good news, RPG Maker works with all platforms. Do you want to build a game that's not a RPG? Again, not a problem, RPG Maker is more than a RPG builder, it is a powerful, flexible tool that is capable of creating various games.In this course we will be going through building a game from scratch, start to finish. We will go over tips and tricks, how to export your game to various formats, and how to publish you game(s) for free or get paid. We will be going through step by step in a easy to follow instructions. If you have any questions or issues during the course? Contact me and I will do my best to help you out. Just because you buy the course, doesn't mean the support ends there.Don't stop yourself from realizing your dreams of building and publishing your game. Grab the course, get the software (demo or full) and build your first game!"
Price: 49.99

"Email phishing"
"In this course we will be taking a look into phishing and spear phishing from both an attacker point of view and also from the receiving end. We will be looking at real life fishing emails, best practices, some phishing software, link attacks, setting up your own phishing campaign and more. I hope that you will take a look at the course and learn about this dangerous attack vector. As always students who take the course feel free to message me during or after you finish if you have any questions.Thanks for looking!"
Price: 49.99