"After Effects: Create Publishable Motion Graphic Templates" |
"Hi! Welcome to this course. There are lots of online training available over the internet on After Effects, but this is a brand new course for creating publishable motion graphic templates in After Effects which is very comprehensive & effective on the market. Here are some solid bullet points:Course is created by the instructor who has several years of experience in creating motion graphics & publishing real time templates.This is only full stack course on After Effects which coversbrand new & very hot topic i.e. how to create a publishable motion graphic template and also teach you step by step how to create awesome motion graphic.Course is arranged in such way that students will get from A to Z learning experience that means we start from learning expressions, then controls & we build real life projects.Everything we cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's competitive market. We have approached project based learning. We build 4+ expression driven info-graphic, then we create real time motion graphic template which is ready to sell on any platform. No other course walks you through the creation of such a substantial motion graphic.The course isconstantly updatedwith new content, projects, and modules. So it will be like a subscription of never ending supply of animation training.We understand your requirements. You need such a course which will guide you thoroughly. So keeping that in mind, we have designed this course in which we will teach you valuable tips for animating objects, create awesome motion graphic in front of you and in this process we'll setup controls & organize the template. The most important thing is we do not use any third party plugins. We just learn built in features in the following series:Using ExpressionsVarious ControlsBuilding Info-graphicCreating Organized Motion Graphic TemplateThis course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many courses are just focused on a particular stuff like 'watch me as I animate', with long videos. This course is different. We've incorporated everything which our instructor learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging.If you have any question, feel free to contact us. We will be always with you in your journey."
Price: 39.99 |
"Outils numriques pour enseigner et motiver sa classe" |
"Connatre et matriser des outils numriques performants et gratuits pour mieux enseigner et motiver vos apprenants?Bienvenue dans cette formationqui va vous aider comprendre et matriserdes outils numriques efficaces, prparer et mettre en place des squences d'enseignement ludiques et ducatives!Vous voulez remotiver vos lves et leur offrir des moments ludiques et ducatifs en classe?Vous voulez renouveler certaines de vos mthodes d'enseignement et y introduire plus d'interactivit et de spontanit?Vous pensez que les outils numriques sont difficiles mettre en place dans votre classe?Dtrompez-vous: en utilisant internet, un cran de projection reli votre ordinateur et lessmartphones des vos apprenants, c'est tout fait ralisable!Cette formation va vous donner de solides connaissances et des outils numriques simples pour ""rinventer"" tout ou partie de votre enseignement...Nous sommesCristina & Olivier Rebire, un couple d'auteurs et de formateurs.Nous avons des milliers d'tudiants et de lecteursdans le monde entier qui apprcient nos livres numriques en plusieurs langues(e-books) ainsi que nos formations vido en ligne (e-learning).Nous avons mis au point etmen de nombreuses formationspour des adultes et des jeunes:Nous avons form des professeurs et porteurs de projet aux techniques du management de projet, notamment pour Erasmus+ dans le cadre du Rectorat de la MartiniqueNous avons enseign en collge et lyce: franais, conomie, gestion, anglais euroNous avons enseign en BTS: droit, conomie, management, marketingNous avons cr une entreprise de team buildinget facilit des dizaines dvnements avec des centaines de participants simultanmentNous avons fond, construit et exploit le premier parc daventuresde Roumanie o nous avons accueilli des milliers denfants et dadultes et form nos quipes l'accueil, la scurit, l'hygine alimentaireAlorsnous connaissons certaines devos difficultset allons vous aider les rgler sans prise de tte!Prparez-vous acqurir de nouvelles comptences utiles!Dans cette formation, nous allons vous exposerdes solutions qui existent sur internet, des outils numriques gratuits efficaces qui vont faire voluer votre enseignement et, nous l'esprons, mettre en avant le plaisir d'enseigner et d'apprendre durant vos leons.Vous allez notamment aborder:Les outils numriques gratuits: Kahoot!, ClassroomScreen, Google formulaires, et d'autres qui s'ajouteront l'avenir au contenu de cette formation...Quelques trucs et astuces: pour faire accepter son autorit,mettre ses apprenants en confiance et se sentir mieux pour enseignerQuelle est la terminologie utilise?Dans cette formation nous allons parler entre autre de: outils numriques, crativit, smartphone, ordinateur, Environnement Numrique de Travail (ENT),proactivit, agenda, Google Apps, MindMup, faire le point, partager, collaborer, quipe,motiver,communiquer, diffuser, prenniser...Qu'allez-vous obtenir de cette formation sur la motivation de votre classe?des leons vido de grande qualitun certificat de compltion de la formation lorsque vous l'aurez termineLien vers le programme de formation officiel contenant toutes les ressources utilises dans le coursLien vers un fichier zipp des signets de la formation pour cliquer facilement vers les ressources en utilisant votre navigateur internet prfrde nombreux outils numriques gratuits en ressourceszone de discussion pour changer directement avec nousl'accs la communaut des Formateurs & Auteurs Numriques En LigneCe que d'autres personnes disent de nos formations(+ de 6500 tudiants):Excellent cours avec beaucoup de ressources utiles. Dynamique et facile suivre. Sauve temps et argent tous ceux qui ont un projet grer.Dr. Nathalie Campeau,MDIl sagit dun cours structur et intressant, utile pour tous ceux qui souhaitent grer des projets dune manire plus efficace. Trs bien fait!Gerfried Reis""J'avais juste besoin de cours en gestion de projet et il faut juste dire que ce cours ce distingue par sa clart sa simplicit et voila j'ai ador!!!""-Lamine Badji""J'ai trouv cela trs intressant, ce pourrait tre une progression proposer aux porteurs de projets. C'est trs complet et cela propose de nombreuses pistes...""-Philippe Rousseau""des cours simples qui nous donnent des pistes de russite de le montage de nos projets""-Kouadio Kouakou Djaban Desire""Contenus pertinents et bien organiss""[...] -UO-FWB Universit Ouverte de la Fdration Wallonie - BruxellesAlors, tes-vous prt(e) pour la formation?! Oui?Alors on dmarre!Cristina & Olivier Rebiere"
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 1" |
"After creating more than a dozen courses on Microsoft Access databases and programming in VBA, many students have contacted me with discussions on specific problems and scenarios. From these discussions, Ihave created videos reviewing the details of the most useful techniques that everyone will eventually need. I have made sure that every detail of these techniques is recorded in the videos! BUT you should be somewhat familiar with VBA since there are lots of coding examples in the course.There are MANYtips and tricks in this course that you will not find an ANYof my other courses!I also include a specific design challenge from a student and go over the details of how I would create the database.If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could easily be much more productive with MicrosoftAccessin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to create Microsoft Access databases and use VBA. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 69.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 2" |
"After creating more than a dozen courses on Microsoft Access databases and programming in VBA, many students have contacted me with discussions on specific problems and scenarios. From these discussions, Ihave created videos reviewing the details of the most useful techniques that everyone will eventually need. I have made sure that every detail of these techniques is recorded in the videos! BUT you should be somewhat familiar with VBA since there are lots of coding examples in the course.There are MANYtips and tricks in this course that you will not find an ANYof my other courses!I also include a specific design challenge from a student and then go over the details of how I would handle it.If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could easily be much more productive with MicrosoftAccessin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to create Microsoft Access databases and use VBA. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 69.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 3" |
"After creating more than a dozen courses on Microsoft Access databases and programming in VBA, many students have contacted me with discussions on specific problems and scenarios. From these discussions, Ihave created videos reviewing the details of the most useful techniques that everyone will eventually need. I have made sure that every detail of these techniques is recorded in the videos! BUT you should be somewhat familiar with VBA since there are lots of coding examples in the course.There are MANYtips and tricks in this course that you will not find an ANYof my other courses!I also include a specific design challenge from a student and then go over the details of how I would handle it.If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could easily be much more productive with MicrosoftAccessin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to create Microsoft Access databases and use VBA. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 69.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 4" |
"After creating more than a dozen courses on Microsoft Access databases and programming in VBA, many students have contacted me with discussions on specific problems and scenarios. From these discussions, Ihave created videos reviewing the details of the most useful techniques that everyone will eventually need. I have made sure that every detail of these techniques is recorded in the videos! BUT you should be somewhat familiar with VBA since there are lots of coding examples in the course.There are MANYtips and tricks in this course that you will not find an ANYof my other courses!I also include a specific databasedesign challenge from a student and then go over the details of how I would handle it.If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could easily be much more productive with MicrosoftAccessin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to create Microsoft Access databases and use VBA. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 69.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA: Automating Import of Excel Files" |
"Many students have contacted me with requests on how to handle the periodic import of Excel files. Typically an Excel file is received weekly or monthly and needs to be imported and used to update and/or add to a main data table. This course will show you how to reduce this process to nothing more than selecting the import file. The rest of the steps are handled automatcially in seconds!Even if you never need to import Excel files, there are several VBA techniques in this course that have not been covered in any of my other courses! Topics like using the Immediate Window, using theOffice File Dialog box to select files and how to use ""Late Binding"" to make sure your VBA code works with any version of Access!The program we will build together doesn't only import the Excel file, it also analyzes the data for errors and createsa reportshowing the details of what needs to be corrected! If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could completely eliminate the headache of having toperiodically importExcel files!This course is ""hands on"" and we completelybuild the databasestep by step in the course lectures. The course is built so that you can watch the steps then pause the lecture anddothem yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to doMicrosoft Access projects like this one. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems and demonstrate that you have the skill to save huge amounts of time! Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 99.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 5" |
"After creating more than a dozen courses on Microsoft Access databases and programming in VBA, many students have contacted me with discussions on specific problems and scenarios. From these discussions, Ihave created videos reviewing the details of the most useful techniques that everyone will eventually need. I have made sure that every detail of these techniques is recorded in the videos! BUT you should be somewhat familiar with VBA since there are lots of coding examples in the course.There are MANYtips and tricks in this course that you will not find an ANYof my other courses!I also include a specific databasedesign challenge from a student and then go over the details of how I would handle it.If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could easily be much more productive with MicrosoftAccessin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to create Microsoft Access databases and use VBA. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 69.99 |
"Microsoft Access VBA, Design and Advanced Methods Workshop 6" |
"After creating more than a dozen courses on Microsoft Access databases and programming in VBA, many students have contacted me with discussions on specific problems and scenarios. From these discussions, Ihave created videos reviewing the details of the most useful techniques that everyone will eventually need. I have made sure that every detail of these techniques is recorded in the videos! BUT you should be somewhat familiar with VBA since there are lots of coding examples in the course.There are MANYtips and tricks in this workshop that you will not find an ANYof my other courses!I also include a specific databasedesign challenge from a student and then go over the details of how I would handle it.If you are willing to take the time to go through this course you could easily be much more productive with MicrosoftAccessin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people whoREALLYknowhow to create Microsoft Access databases and use VBA. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to create effective systems. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use AccessMUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do mybest to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...you could become the goto person forMicrosoft Access VBA!See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 69.99 |
"Forex Trading Strategy - Advanced Trend Trading Crash Course" |
"Aren't you just tired of being on the side of the losing team of forex traders who barely manage to earn a decent profit through trading foreign currencies within the spot forex market only to end up losing whatever littleprofits you manageearned along with a huge chunk of your hard earned money to the smart forex traders over and over again...?Don't you just hate it when the market's price actiontriggers your stop loss prematurelyonly to move on ahead and fly past your projected profit target by leaps and bounds beyond your wildest imagination while you simplydo nothing butsit behind your forextrading terminal helplessly nursing your humiliation and frustration in utter disgust?Well, guess what?If you've been desperately searching for an honest, genuine and time - tested forex trading strategy which is going to guide you through the exact steps you to need to take in order to finally start earning a decent amount of profits through trading currencies within the spot forex markets then this Advanced Trend Trading Crash Course is going to knock you off your feet, Guaranteed!Have you ever been in a profitable trade trying to squeeze out all the profits it has to offer, milking it for all its worth only to gradually watch all of your profits gradually dwindle away to nothing, so that you end up losing what would have otherwisebeen aprofitable forextrading position?Doesn't that feeling justsuck?Have you ever found yourself unable to pull the trigger after all the conditions of your forex trading strategy have been met simply because you fear taking yet another tradingloss after doing everything you've been toldto do by the So - Called Gurus yet again?Then you're going to love thisAdvanced Trend Trading Crash Course!I created this crashcourse to teach rookie andintermediate forex traderswho're struggling to make money through spot forex trading just like you,howto become profitable forextraders using a super low risk, high probability trend trading strategy.Wouldn't you just love to transform into profitable foreign currency exchange trader and change your gradually deteriorating forex trading performance for good?Then click 'Enroll Now' and register for the Advanced Trend Trading Crash Course today!Your purchase willbe backed by a 30 - Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.So what are youwaiting for?Invest in your future by clickingon the 'Enroll Now'buttonright this minute to get unlimited lifetimeaccess to theAdvancedTrend Trading StrategyCrash Coursetoday!See you in class!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Swing Trading Strategy - Complete Trend Trading Crash Course" |
"Aren't you just tired of being on the side of the losing team of forex traders who barely manage to earn a decent profit through trading foreign currencies within the spot forex market only to end up losing whatever littleprofits you manageearned along with a huge chunk of your hard earned money to the smart forex traders over and over again...?Don't you just hate it when the market's price actiontriggers your stop loss prematurelyonly to move on ahead and fly past your projected profit target by leaps and bounds beyond your wildest imagination while you simplydo nothing butsit behind your forextrading terminal helplessly nursing your humiliation and frustration in utter disgust?Well, guess what?If you've been desperately searching for an honest, genuine and time - testedswing trading strategywhich is going to guide you through the exact steps you to need to take in order to finally start currencies successfully through the spot forex markets then this Advanced Trend Trading Crash Course is going to knock you off your feet,Guaranteed!Have you ever been in a profitable trade trying to squeeze out all the profits it has to offer, milking it for all its worth only to gradually watch all of your profits gradually dwindle away to nothing, so that you end up losing what would have otherwisebeen aprofitable forextrading position?Doesn't that feeling justsuck?Have you ever found yourself unable to pull the trigger after all the conditions of your forex trading strategy have been met simply because you fear taking yet another tradingloss after doing everything you've been toldto do by the So - Called Gurus yet again?Then you're going to love thisAdvanced Trend Trading Crash Course!I created this crashcourse to teach rookie andintermediate forex traderswho're struggling to make money throughspot forex tradingjust like you,howto become profitable forextraders using a super low risk, high probability trend trading strategy.Wouldn't you just love to transform into profitable foreign currency exchange trader and change your gradually deteriorating forex trading performance for good?Then click'Enroll Now'and register for the Advanced Trend Trading Crash Course today!Your purchase willbe backed by a30 - Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.So what are you waiting for?Invest in your future by clickingon the'Enroll Now'buttonright this minute to get unlimited lifetimeaccess to theAdvancedTrend Trading StrategyCrash Coursetoday!See you in class!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Forex Trading For Beginners - Learn How To Trade Like A Boss" |
"Do you want to learn how to start earning profits throughtrading foreigncurrencieswithinthe global spotforex market?Look no further!This course is designed to teachcompletely clueless newbies the crucial basics whichthey'llneed to learn in order to start trading the spot forex marketlike the professional hedge funds and institutionaltraders.Here's what you're going to learn in this Forex Trading For Beginners Course;How the forces ofDemand and Supply affect the price oftradable instruments both on and off the internet.How to Identify Profitable Trends within the forglobalspot forex market.How to know when itsthe right time to buy or sell any particular forex currency pair using a proven andtime tested spot forex trading strategy in apractical manner.And a whole lot more.Your purchase is backed by an iron clad30 - day money back guarantee, so what are you waiting for?Go ahead and click on the enroll now button to embark on an exciting journey which will transform your financial situation for good today!See you on the inside..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende a desarrollar Juegos y Apps con Action Script 3.0" |
"Una de las formas ms apasionantes de aprender un lenguaje de programacin es desarrollando juegos. Este curso introductor te ensea de forma amable, amena y eficiente el desarrollo de juegos y apps utilizando los mtodos ms recomendados para su creacin utilizando el framework de Adobe Flash. Estas entrando de lleno en el corazn de las nuevas tecnologas, ya que el mercado mundial de los juegos para dispositivos mviles no deja de aumentar y es un sector que mueve ms millones que la industria del cine y la msica juntos. Accedes a un sector con una demanda de profesionales en constante crecimiento.Al final del curso tendrs la base necesaria para iniciarte en el desarrollo de juegos y apps utilizando la tecnologa AIR y el lenguaje de programacin orientado a objetos de Adobe Flash, el ActionScript 3.0. Pondrs en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del curso realizando dos juegos y una app, y tendrs contenido extra que te ayudar a mejorar tus creaciones. Podrs empezar a formar un portafolio slido para comenzar tu carrera en desarrollo para dispositivos mviles.Principalmente veremos:Programacin en AS3 desde cero hasta un nivel avanzado.Aprenderemos tcnicas de programacin orientada a juegos.Programacin orientada en objetos en AS3.Estructura del cdigo AS3 para juegos y apps.Utilizacin de clasesReproduccin de sonidos.Deteccin de colisiones,Entre otro contenido no menos importante"
Price: 19.99 |
"Deliver Powerful, Painless Feedback to Motivate vs Frustrate" |
"Do you avoid feedback like day-old sushi?Do you feel sick giving or getting feedback?Learn how togive feedbackandleaveothers hungry for more.Why? Because this painless, simple and easy to follow, 4-step feedbackprocess empowers youand the people around youto change behaviorand toget results quickly whilefeeling good about it vs. frustrated by it.The reasons people don't like to giveorget feedbackis embedded in the worditself. See if you can find it. We'll explain that powerful secret to transform feedback into positive change.In this course you'll learn how to diffuse negativeemotionaltriggers andlink feedback to motivators thatlift performance.You'll learnto recognize an individual's strengths and give them feedback that supports their success.You'll identify problems and opportunities for development and practice skills that impact behavior and delivers results.You'll learn to applythe just-in-timePainlessand Easy Feedbackprocess, as simpleas theABCs.You'll also learn the 6 Ps of a formal feedback process for performance enhancement and talentdevelopment even inchallenging situations.You'll master a mission critical leadershipskillthat makes giving just-in-timefeedback meaningful and motivational.This little process is the ""swiss army knife"" of giving feedback.It's not that people hate to change, its that they don't know how. Now, everyonecan do it.Feedbackservesothersbytransformingproblemsintosolutions &drivesmeasurableresults.These simpleto use and easy to rememberfeedback steps will deepen your relationships with others, build trust and increase your influence. You will becomean influencer and leader in your organization, company, community, on the playing field and yes, even at home. So let's put feedback where it belongs ...into practice and see the resultsfor yourself.Click nowto join me on your feedback transformation journeywith 4 easysteps to Painless, EffectiveFeedback."
Price: 49.99 |
"Winning Negotiation: Essential Business & Life Skills" |
"Conduct win-win negotiations and generate successfulagreements by creating value for all stakeholders at the table vs. compromising andleaving value.One size negotiationdoes not fit all.By preparing foreach ofthe 4 stagesand confidently implementing a3-step process you can solve, scale and succeed in negotiations byinnovating andcreating value for all stakeholders.Identify root causes of stakeholders' positions and identify interests topowerpastimpasses and succeed even in challengingnegotiations.Align competing demands, re-position stakeholderinterestsand developcollaboration to fuel successful and sustainableoutcomes and results.Learn exactlyhowtocreate value vs. compete for value.Failed Negotiationscosts business $ millions in litigation annually, destroying productive enterprises and leaving owners and employees in the dustbin.Remove the pain and uncertainty of negotiation and turn itinto an innovation engine.Deliver Results and Sustainable Stakeholder Satisfaction with successful agreements.Top 10 Benefits Prepare youranalytical tools tomake $ millions from knowing your numbers fuelingsuccessful agreementsUse your IQ and EQ to engage stakeholders and get them saying yesCreate collaborators out ofadversariesPractice confidence and competence in each of the four critical stagesofnegotiationPrepareeach of the three steps to make winners out of all stakeholdersCreate innovation, value, options and alternatives in the bargaining process Mitigate negative negotiation tactics Learn to ask betterquestionsSustainlong term relationships for recurring success and recurring revenue from your negotiating stakeholders. Deliver agreements andresultsthat exceed expectations. A manwalks into a bank and hands the teller a note to turn over the money or he'll blow up the bank...What happens next will really surprise you ...This story demonstrates justone of the manykey lessons crucial to successfulnegotiating."
Price: 74.99 |
"Digital Diversity/Cyber-Citizen/Cross Cultural Communication" |
"Successful cultural communication in a globalized and digitized world is more urgent and important than ever for business, corporate and organizational performance.Acceleratingcyber connectivity creates an ever-shrinking world overubiquitous platformsexpanding access to emergingtalent24/7 beyond borders,time zones, languages, generations, countries, cultures,and corporate behaviors.How will you capture your share of the global communications currency?How willyou become fluent in this borderless world and connect tothis global community that knows no boundaries and demands more and expects no less than excellence, innovation,access to foreign talent pools?Join us now and become a member of this global movement of cyber citizens and global cross cultural community!Don't miss out. Take this on-ramp to the global highway connecting you to the world. Get connected and become fluent in cross cultural communications."
Price: 24.99 |
"Linux Command Line Tutorial (Learn Linux Basics)" |
"Are you Curious about Linux, but not sure where to start ? Start here: Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners"" will teach you everything you need to know about Linux Command Line in easy-to-understand language.The command line, also referred to as the shell, can be quite easy to learn and use, and its value soon becomes apparent after a little practice. Even a basic familiarity with it can make computers easier to use and facilitate performing tasks that might be difficult or impossible with a GUI. Such familiarity can also lead to an improved understanding of how computers actually work.Get to know the Linux Commands watching these videos . Every video shows how to perform one task, in a practical and concise approach. By the end of it you will be familiar with most of the common Commands we normally use on computers. It is intended for the absolute beginner in a GNU/Linux environment. The series is thought and build with the end user in mind: we don't assume you know anything, we try to be as practical as possible, building up from the most basic stuff up to the more fancy configurations. We hope you will enjoy watching them! ...So lets start wave your neurons with Ubuntu Linux."
Price: 94.99 |
"JavaFx Tutorial For Beginners" |
"The JavaFX is a new framework intended to support desktop applications and web browsers. It is generally a Java platform for creating rich internet applications that can run on a large variety of devices. Since this is a framework for Java, the code written is not machine dependent. The current release provides support for desktop applications running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or any other operating system on which Java can be installed.The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of JavaFx GUI applications. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing JavaFx on variety of IDE's e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Netbeans etc on different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linux.Next,We will learn how to createour first JavaFxproject. Then we will Learn How tobuilt-in use differentJavaFX UI controls like Label, Button, Radio Button, Toggle Button, Checkbox, Choice Box, Text Field, Password Field, Scroll Bar, Scroll Pane, List View, Table View, Tree View, Tree Table View, Combo Box, Separator, Slider, Progress Bar and Progress Indicator, Hyperlink, Tooltip, HTML Editor, Titled Pane and Accordion, Menu, Color Picker, Date Picker, File Chooser.In the later half of the video Iwill also show , How sqlite database canbe used with JavaFx.So Let's get started !!!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners" |
"Linux has a variety of different shells LikeBourne shell (sh), C shell (csh), Korn shell (ksh), TC shell (tcsh), Bourne Again shell (bash). Certainlythe most popular shell is bash. Bash is ansh-compatibleshell thatincorporates useful features from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh). bash is not only anexcellent command line shell, but ascripting languagein itself. Shell scripting allows us to use the shell's abilities and toautomate a lot of tasksthat would otherwise require a lot of commands.Bash scripting willhelp you automate routine tasks and save valuable time, whether you're a sys admin, Linux useror software developer.Shell script is much quicker than programming in any other languages.The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Bash scripting. We'll start with the basics, starting from creating our firstBash script and running it. Next you will learn about the bash environment, local variables, conditional statements,functions, loops, case statements, string operations, and coprocesses."
Price: 99.99 |
"Complete Beginners Java Tutorial -Java, JavaFx,Maven,Jenkins" |
"JavaJava is a widely used robust technology. According to Estimates , 3 billion devices run java.This Java Tutorial course is aimed at complete beginners to the subject. For those who have no programming experience or those who have limited knowledge of Java. This Courseget you up and running and will give you the skills you need to master the Java programming language.The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Javaapplications. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing Javaon different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linuxon variety of IDE's e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Netbeans etc. Then we will learn all the basic concepts in Java Programming Like Variables, Data Types and Operators,Control Statements Types, Classes, objects, constructors, initialization blocks, type of variables, methods and Garbage collection, Object Oriented Programming Concepts: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Ploymorphism and Abstraction, Access specifier, String, StringBuilder and Wrapper classes, Exception, Enumeration.JavaFX(GUI) ProgrammingThe JavaFX is a new framework intended to support desktop applications and web browsers. It is generally a Java platform for creating rich internet applications that can run on a large variety of devices. Since this is a framework for Java, the code written is not machine dependent. The current release provides support for desktop applications running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or any other operating system on which Java can be installed.We'll start with the basics, starting from installing JavaFx on variety of IDE's e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Netbeans etc on different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linux.Next,We will learn how to createour first JavaFxproject. Then we will Learn How tobuilt-in use differentJavaFX UI controls like Label, Button, Radio Button, Toggle Button, Checkbox, Choice Box, Text Field, Password Field, Scroll Bar, Scroll Pane, List View, Table View, Tree View, Tree Table View, Combo Box, Separator, Slider, Progress Bar and Progress Indicator, Hyperlink, Tooltip, HTML Editor, Titled Pane and Accordion, Menu, Color Picker, Date Picker, File Chooser.In the later half of the video Iwill also show , How sqlite database canbe used with JavaFx.MavenIn this video series we will learn Maven tutorial for beginners .Learn Apache Maven in simple and easy steps starting from Environment Setup, Build Life Cycle, Build profiles, Repositories, POM, Plug-ins, Eclispe IDE, Creating Project, Build & Test Project, External Dependencies, Project Documents, Project Templates, Build Automation, Dependency Management, Deployment Automation, Web Application NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA.JenkinsThis course Jenkins Tutorial is For Beginners, DevOps and Software Developers. Learn how to use continuous integration with Jenkins. Take your DevOps skills. Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. Jenkins detects changes in Subversion/GIT..., performs tasks, repeatedly such as Build, Test, Deploy, Package, Integrate.. Jenkins is A fork of the original Hudson project an is Under development since 2005. Jenkins plugins extensibility makes Jenkins to adapt to many systems. Jenkins provides everything for a robust continuous integration system which helps a lot for team that practice Agile Jenkins continuously providing access to the working copies of software which supports the Agile principle. The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Jenkins CI (continuous integration) tool. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing Scalaon different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linux.I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a tool works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. That's how this course is built, with the goal to help you both learn and understand Jenkins .Java Swing (GUI) ProgrammingSwing is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) that can be used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The swing classes are in the Java package javax.swing .Here we divide the swing elements into four categories:In the first main category we treat the windows and dialogues . These contain all other elements and provide the basic framework for the graphical user interface.In the second category you will get to know the menus . Menus are used for program control. Using menus, you can select any function with further dialogs. In addition to the menus for window and dialog control, there are also the context menus, which also provide different functionalities depending on the user interface."
Price: 194.99 |
"Scala Tutorial For Absolute Beginners" |
"This ScalaTutorial course is aimed at complete beginners to the subject. For those who have no programming experience or those who have limited knowledge of Scala. This Courseget you up and running and will give you the skills you need to master the Scalaprogramming language.- Scala is an acronym for Scalable Language - Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way.- Scala is written by Martin Odersky at EPFL. - Scala is Statically Typed- Scala Runs on JVM, full inter-op with Java.- Scala is Object Oriented- Scala is Functional- Scala has Dynamic Features- Scala is Scala blends object-oriented and functional programming in a statically typed language.The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Scalaapplications. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing Scalaon different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linuxon variety of IDE's e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ Idea, Netbeans etc. Then we will learn all the basic concepts in ScalaProgramming with examples including Scala Syntax Object Oriented Language, Traits, Methods, Pattern Matching, Tuples, Annotations, Designators, Overview, Environment Setup, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Variables, Classes & Objects, Access Modifiers, Operators, IF ELSE, Loop Statements, Functions, Closures, Strings, Arrays, Collections, Regular Expressions, Exception Handling, Extractors, Files I/O.I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a tool works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. That's how this course is built, with the goal to help you both learn and understand Scala."
Price: 49.99 |
"Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners (DevOps and Developers)" |
"This course Jenkins Tutorial is For Beginners, DevOps and Software Developers. Learn how to use continuous integration with Jenkins. Take your DevOps skills. Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. Jenkins detects changes in Subversion/GIT..., performs tasks, repeatedly such as Build, Test, Deploy, Package, Integrate.. Jenkins is A fork of the original Hudson project an is Under development since 2005. Jenkins plugins extensibility makes Jenkins to adapt to many systems. Jenkins provides everything for a robust continuous integration system which helps a lot for team that practice Agile Jenkins continuously providing access to the working copies of software which supports the Agile principle. The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Jenkins CI (continuous integration) tool. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing Scalaon different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linux.I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a tool works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. That's how this course is built, with the goal to help you both learn and understand Jenkins ."
Price: 49.99 |
"Complete Python Tutorial for Beginners" |
"Feel the real power of Python and programming! The course offers you a unique approach of learning how to code by solving real world problems. Throughout the course we will be understanding how to identify and formulate the problems, what is the key to a great app, we will learn how to efficiently adopt the problem for the computer and the most important that you will be writing a lot of code! The course is structured in a way that lectures are like labs where we study the material, do the quizzes, write programs and test them! The most important that you will be involved into work a lot in order to get the best experience!Python is one of top 5 programming languages today. If you want to pursue a career, this language is a must for you.This course has been created for beginners.You will start the training from the ground up and will get to know the python language and its potential in and out.In this Python for Beginners course, Instructor will teach you how to quickly write your first program in Python! You will also learn how to create custom modules and librariesTake this course now online Python course and master your skill!ENROLL NOW"
Price: 194.99 |
"Build Cross Platform Augmented Reality Apps with Thingworx" |
"Welcome to Augmented Reality, your curiosity has brought you to the right place. We all have heard ofPokemon Go andyes, Augmented Reality willhave a huge impact in the Industrial, Education, Consumer, Retail,Healthcare and many other verticals. Augmented reality willplay a major role in the convergence of the digital and the physical worlds. Which in turn opens new venues to vastly enhance theend user experience. This new innovation will create major opportunities for developers and companies to helpbusiness of all kinds to build Apps and Augmented Reality services.The goal of this course is to get you started inthis direction with minimum barriers and maximum impact. To get you excited of the countless possibilities and innovation you can bring to your customers, clients, your business and yourself.AR is relativelynew and some of the big tech giants already have some solutions in place. We have chosen Thingworx for 3major reasons.- It offers AR technology which works both on iOS and Android systems.- It has an mature award winningIOTfoundation server fully integrated.- It's IDE is browser based,well designed and easy to use.All the above make it a good choice to start your ARjourney. They have a trail version which is quite long and there isalmost no barrier of entry to get started. Since this technology is platform agnostic, it will greatly increase our learning curve and you will get to see the final outcome in multiple OS's.What Will you learn.....Be confident aboutAugmented Reality and its ImpactBuild cross platformAugmented Reality Apps from scratchBuild Augmented Reality Apps with2D, 3D and Animated SequencesBuild Augmented Reality Apps withExternal IOT dataBe comfortable with theThingworx AR StudioThis course is focused on both the enterprise and developer communities. designed to jump start design and rapid development of Augment Reality for your customers, end users. Its a great opportunity for freelancers as most businesses will need an AR App at some point and a perfect way to enter the market for new crew.The course comes with all required resources and all necessary steps are covered keeping in mind both beginners and experts. We have many quizzes to help you asses your learning. We will be right here to help you , answer your questions and support in your Augmented Reality journey.What are you waiting for, Take the leap ahead, Start your AR journey.Copyright for Thingworx studio,IOTplatform and Creois with PTC, Inc.and its subsidiaries and affiliates."
Price: 144.99 |
"Hands-on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(AI)" |
"Welcome to this exciting and eye opening course on Artificial Intelligence(Part 1) . We believe that AI will touch everybody in some level, whether you are a technical or a non technical person and also that you can excel in many roles in AI with just a functional understanding of coding.We will start from the basics , break myths, clarify your understanding as to what is this mysterious term AI, (many are surprised to know that it encompasses, Machine Learning, NLP,Computer Vision, IOT, Robotics and more). We will also understand the current state of AI and its positive and negative impact in the near future.Then we will apply the concepts we learnt with zero to little coding Involved.- Machine learning (Supervised and Unsupervised) with IBM Watson - Natural Language Processing (NLP) with IBM Watson- Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) with Tensor Flow Simulator- Convolutional Neural Networks with (CNN) with IBM Watson- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Mathworks AI brings tremendous opportunity like higher economic growth, productivity and prosperity but the picture is not all rosy. lets look at some data points from the renowned Mckinsey&Company."" 250 million new jobs are likely to be created by 2030""*"" In the midpoint adoption scenario 400 million Jobs are likely to be lost by 2030""*"" In the midpoint adoption scenario 75 million will need change occupational categories by 2030""*AI is the top priority for Companies, governments and institutions alike. AI surpasses a certain product, or vertical, or function, or a specific industry , it encompasses everything. It is all prevalent.Based on the report there will be considerable shortages in the IT sector and companies are looking to fill these gaps by retraining, hiring, redeploying, contracting and even hiring from non traditional sources. Technological skill is the TOP skill that will be required during this time and by one research they will need 250,000 data scientists by 2030. If you develop these skills and knowledge , you can take advantage of this revolution irrespective of your role, company or Industry you belong to. So if you are ""AI ready then you are future ready""AI is here to stay and the ones who get on board fast and adapt to it will be in a much better position to face the exciting but uncertain future.Choose Success , make yourself invaluable and irreplaceable. I will see ""YOU"" on the inside.God Speed."
Price: 129.99 |
"Treinamento Mental - Visualizao Criativa - Brainwave" |
"Treinamento Mental com Tecnologia de Ondas Cerebrais para VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA=> Treinar sua mente para ter VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA te faz realizar seus sonhos=> a VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA um mecanismo para voc projetar todos os seus desejos => Depois do Filme o Segredo ter uma visualizao criativa se tornou fundamental para atingir suas metas => Voc vai treinar a sua mente para adquirir VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA e alcanar todos os seus objetivos This product is a mental training - this training should be used during sleep - Uses brainwave technology Esse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a ter VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para VISUALIZAO CRIATIVA Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 |
"Treinamento Mental para Atrair Sorte- Brainwave" |
"Treinamento Mental com Tecnologia de Ondas Cerebrais para ATRAIR SORTE=> Treinar sua mente para ATRAIR SORTE levar voc a se sentir mais merecedor nessa vida=> ATRAIR SORTE necessrio para aquelas pessoas que tem a crena limitante de ser um azarado => Depois do Filme o Segredo ATRAIR SORTE virou uma energia poderosa de realizao => Voc vai treinar a sua mente para ATRAIR SORTE em sua vida, aumentar sua auto confiana e motivao, se sentindo merecedor de vrias conquistas This product is a mental training - this training should be used during sleep - Uses brainwave technology Esse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a ATRAIR SORTE Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. ATRAIR SORTE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para ATRAIR SORTE Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 |
"Treinamento Mental para Ter Amor Prprio - Brainwave" |
"Treinamento Mental com Tecnologia de Ondas Cerebrais paraAMOR PRPRIO=> Vocvai adquirir a habilidade de sentir amor prprio aumentando a sua auto estima=>TERAMOR PRPRIOvai melhorar a sua vida e a forma de se colocar diante ao mundo, sabendo que a pessoa mais importante para sua vida=>Algumaspessoas tem dificuldades em sentir por si mesmo um amor incondicional e se perdoarem, seguirem seus caminhos superandoas dificuldades, voc precisa semprese auto valorizar=> Vocvai treinar a sua mente paraterAMOR PRPRIOe ter uma relao mais saudvel consigo mesmo, aprendendo a se valorizar e a acreditar no seu potencial.This product is a mental training - this trainingshould be usedduring sleep - Uses brainwave technologyEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar aTERAMOR PRPRIOEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas deauto-hipnoseno sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondasthetasque induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a TecnologiaBrainwavecom ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.AMOR PRPRIO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental paraTERAMOR PRPRIOVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 |
"025 - Treinamento Mental para SER PERSISTENTE - Brainwave" |
"Treinamento Mental com Tecnologia de Ondas Cerebrais paraSER PERSISTENTE=> Vocvai adquirir a habilidadedeSer Persistentee caminhar para o sucesso pessoal=>SER PERSISTENTEvai te tornar uma pessoa mais forte, capaz de enfrentar todos os obstculos que possam surgir no seu caminho=>Algumaspessoas tem dificuldades emalcanar o sucesso e superar as suas dificuldades a persistncia uma habilidade fundamental para que essas pessoas possam desenvolver=> Vocvai treinar a sua mente paraSER PERSISTENTEe perceber que o impossvel no existe e vai se tornar naturalmente persistente e forteThis product is a mental training - this trainingshould be usedduring sleep - Uses brainwave technologyEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar aSER PERSISTENTEEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas deauto-hipnoseno sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondasthetasque induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a TecnologiaBrainwavecom ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.SER PERSISTENTE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental paraSER PERSISTENTEVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 |
"043 - Treinamento Mental VENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICO" |
"Treinamento Mental com Tecnologia de Ondas Cerebrais paraVENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICO=> Vocvai adquirir a habilidadedeVencer o medo de Falar em Pblicoestar mais confiante em sua oratria=>VENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICOvai te ensinara ser um orador para grandes multides=>Algumaspessoas senteminibidos e desmotivados ao falar em pblico e acabamperdendo a habilidade de se tornar um grande orador por medo=> Vocvai treinar a sua mente paraVENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICOprincipalmente se voc precisa dessa habilidade na sua vida, se tornar um orador confiante e feliz capaz de encantar multidesThis product is a mental training - this trainingshould be usedduring sleep - Uses brainwave technologyEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar aVENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICOEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas deauto-hipnoseno sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondasthetasque induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a TecnologiaBrainwavecom ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.VENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental paraVENCER O MEDO DE FALAR EM PBLICOVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99 |