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"Adobe Audition CC"
"Tradicional e Poderoso programa da Adobe , para gravao, composio e ajustes de sons. Curso completo designado para a gravao, edio com efeitos, mixagem de sons, diferenas em formatos de arquivos de som, taxa de Bit Depth, Sample Rate, e exportar em diversos formatos.Essa poderosa estao de udio foi desenvolvida para acelerar os fluxos de trabalho de produo de vdeo e finalizao de udio, bem como fornecer uma mixagem refinada com som puro. Encontre a melhor ferramenta de limpeza, restaurao e edio precisa de udio para design de efeitos sonoros, vdeo e podcasting."
Price: 129.99

"TechSmith Camtasia Editor 9"
"Existem diversas ferramentas pra edio de vdeo, tanto programas para editar no celular, como programas profissionais para desktop, usados por produtoras de vdeos e emissoras de televiso. Dentre todos, alguns so mais limitados e outros muito profissionais e difceis de se aprender, mas temos o Camtasia Editor 9. Um excelente e poderoso conjunto de ferramentas especialmente desenhado para aqueles que adoram editar os seus prprios vdeos de forma rpida e profissional. O programa permite ao usurio que logo aps salve o vdeo, edite-o. Tambm pode transformar vdeos paraAlta definio(HD) na janela Editing Dimensions(Edio de Dimenses, em portugus). Curso completo designado a edio profissional de vdeos e fotos, mixando musicas e udio atravs da TimeLine. O Aluno tambm vai aprender a colocar efeitos de vdeo, efeitos de cor, filtros de cor, textos animados, efeitos de sons, grave sua prpria voz dentro do Camtasia, recorte em CROMAKEY, retirando o fundo do vdeo, deixando a produo ainda mais profissional. Com esse poderoso editor de vdeos, tudo fica mais fcil e didtico, pois, com suas ferramentas e o modo arraste e solte, em pouco tempo voc se tornar um profissional na edio de vdeos para o youtube e vdeos comerciais. Depois de finalizado, ainda poder exportar diretamente para o youtube ou formatos de vdeo como .MP4, .WMV e .AVI, em diversas resolues(Tamanhos). Explore todas as opes em edio de vdeo para o youtube. Crie, Edite, Divirta-se com o Camtasia Editor 9. O Editor de vdeos fcil e rpido da TechSmith."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Windows 10"
"Microsoft Windows uma famlia de sistemas operacionais desenvolvidos, comercializados e vendidos pela Microsoft.curso completo, mostrando todos os aspectos e conceitos do novo sistema operacional da Microsoft, bem como: Desktop, Atalhos, cones, Barra de acesso rpido, Programas do menu Iniciar, alterar data/hora, Painel de Controle, Contas de Usurios, Criar Atalhos, desinstalar aplicativos, Gerenciador de arquivos, copiar, colar, criar pastas e arquivos, utilizar formatar pendrive, etc. Windows 10 umsistema operacionaldaMicrosoft, sua primeira verso de testes pblica foi lanada a1 de outubrode2014e apresentou uma srie de mudanas em relao ao seu predecessor, oWindows 8.1. Entre elas, esto a volta do menu Iniciar, mltiplos ambientes de trabalho, novo navegador (Microsoft Edge), aplicativos renovados (Foto, Vdeo, Msica, Loja, Outlook, Office Mobile e at oPrompt de Comando) e da unio das mltiplas plataformas (inclusive o app Xbox).Alm das mudanas, a Microsoft anunciou que disponibilizar a nova verso do Windows tanto para quem utiliza o original tanto para quem utiliza o pirata. Porm, os utilizadores com o sistema pirata no tero direito a suporte da marca.Este sistema operacional o NT 10.0, saltando do 6.3 do Windows 8.1."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Word 2016"
"OMicrosoft Word umprocessador de textoproduzido pelaMicrosoft. Foi criado porRichard Brodiepara computadoresIBM PCcom o sistema operacionalDOSem1983. Mais tarde foram criadas verses para oApple Macintosh(1984),SCO UNIXeMicrosoft Windows(1989). Faz parte do conjunto de aplicativosMicrosoft Office. Utiliza atualmente como extenso padro dos arquivos de texto: "".docx"". Ele possui interface intuitiva,layout bonito e possui ferramentas poderosas paraedio dos seus documentos. muito fcil usar o programa e aproveitar todos os recursos que ele disponibiliza, o que agrada bastante. Personalize seu documento da forma que desejar com ferramentas poderosas de formatao que permitem que voc crie documentos eficazes com mais facilidade. O Word oferece os recursos de design de documento para atender s suas necessidades especficas."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Excel 2016"
"OMicrosoft Office Excel um editor de planilhas produzido pelaMicrosoftpara computadores que utilizam osistema operacionalMicrosoft Windows, alm de computadores MacintoshdaApple Inc.e dispositivos mveis como oWindows Phone,Androidou oiOS. Seus recursos incluem uma interface intuitiva e capacitadas ferramentas de clculo e de construo de grficos que, juntamente com marketing agressivo, tornaram o Excel um dos mais populares aplicativos de computador at hoje. , com grande vantagem, o aplicativo deplanilha electrnicadominante, disponvel para essas plataformas e o tem sido desde a verso 5 em1993e sua incluso como parte doMicrosoft Office. Utiliza atualmente como extenso padro dos arquivos de texto: "".xlsx"".Ele possui interface intuitiva,layout bonito e possui ferramentas poderosas paraa criao de suas planilhas. um programa poderoso utilizado tanto para planilhas de oramentos domsticos, como grandes planilhas financeiras de empresas.Personalize sua planilha da forma que desejar com ferramentas poderosas de formatao que permitem que voc crie planilhas e frmulas sempre atualizadas. O Microsoft Excel 2016 oferece os recursos de design, formulas, tabelas, recursos nicos que tornam o Excel o melhor software de planilhas do mundo.O Excel tambm est presente no Google Drive, como componente do pacote nuvem."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Excel Avanado 2016"
"OMicrosoft Office ExcelAvanado, vem oferecer recursos mais avanados para os que j trabalham e conhecem o Microsoft Excel. Neste curso voc vai se aprofundar ainda mais nesta poderosa ferramenta.Alm de revisarmos funes e conceitos bsicos do programa, vamos aprender muito mais recursos como: Entender mais sobre os tipos de mscaras das clulas, onde vamos deixar valores negativos em vermelho; Vamos criar e resumir tabelas com os filtros avanados e tabelas dinmicas; Vamos aprofundar os conhecimentos com as frmulas CONTSE, SOMASE, FUNO E e FUNO OU, funo CONTVALORES, REPT, MOD. Funes de texto como a funo TEXTO, e o suplemento funo EXTENSO, e demais frmulas avanadas. Vamos criar grficos simples, grficos de 2 eixos, grficos dinmicos e vamos construir um belo e objetivo grfico de caracteres; Vamos renomear, mover, copiar planilhas, e ainda, importar dados externos para dentro do Excel; Vamos aprender a trabalhar com painis e estrutura de tpicos, deixando nossas planilhas mais organizadas e limpas. Veremos tambm como utilizar formatao condicional utilizando frmulas; Como mostrar e utilizar o menu Desenvolvedor para trabalharmos com os botes de controle, aperfeioando nossa planilha; Criar lista de dados com validao de Dados, permitindo apenas que sejam inseridos dados que voc permita. Vamos criar uma planilha de estacionamento, para aprender a trabalhar com horas; Vamos utilizar recursos de Atingir Metas e como trabalhar com CENRIOS, para colocar em dia nossas planilhas domsticas; Vamos criar um recibo de texto, dentro do EXCEL, utilizando dados de outra planilha, e configurando modos avanados de impresso. Vamos criar um controle de cheques completo, com frmulas avanadas para voc usar no seu empreendimento, ou ainda, poder auxiliar algum. Um controle de cheques simples, mas poderoso. Vamos aprender a criar e executar Macros e programao Visual Basic Application (VBA). O Curso de Excel Avanado envolve muito mais contedo para voc tirar de letra os trabalhos do dia-a-dia."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft PowerPoint 2016"
"O Microsoft PowerPoint um programa utilizado para criao/edio e exibio de apresentaes grficas, originalmente escrito para o sistema operacional Windows e portado para a plataforma Mac OS X. A verso para Windows tambm funciona no Linux atravs da camada de compatibilidade Wine. H ainda uma verso mobile para smartphones que rodam o sistema Windows Phone.O PowerPoint usado em apresentaes, cujo objetivo informar sobre um determinado tema, podendo usar: imagens, sons, textos e vdeos que podem ser animados de diferentes maneiras. O PowerPoint tem suporte a objetos OLE e inclui uma ferramenta especial de formatao de texto (WordArt), modelos de apresentao pr-definidos, galeria de objetos grficos e uma gama de efeitos de animao e composio de slides. O formato nativo do PowerPoint o PPTX, para arquivos de apresentaes, e o PPSX, para apresentaes diretas. A partir da verso 2007 do programa, a Microsoft introduziu o formato .PPTX. Neste curso o aluno vai aprender como criar Slides, formas de layout desse slide. Vai ver como mudar cores, formas e texturas desse Slide. Vamos ensinar como criar Slides baseado em Templates(modelos prontos). Como utilizar o Slide Mestre. Como inserir comentrios Salvar e Abrir Apresentaes Inserir imagens Inserir Tabelas Inserir Formas geomtricas(desenhos) Inserir Tabelas Inserir Sons e Msicas Inserir Vdeos - Animar Objetos e Slides Transies de Slides Inserir Textos Caixa de Texto WordArt Inserir Diagramas e Organogramas Inserir Links e Hiperlinks Criar Jogos etc."
Price: 129.99

"OpenToonz 101: drawing tools demystified"
"Do you want to draw in animation software that is used by professionals and it's absolutely free to use? You areatright place! In this course you will learn all the drawing tools OpenToonz has to offer. They are explained in a clear way onsimple examples, and after that you can participate in demonstration videosand try them in practice on more complicated examples.After watching this courseyou will be up and ready to make your own art in this powerful freedrawing and animation software."
Price: 59.99

"Portrait Photography for Beginners"
"Welcome to the completePortrait Photography for Beginnerscourse!We are so excited to help you take better portraits. If you're a relatively new photographer, this is the perfect portrait photography course to help you with this new skill!You'll learn everything you need to know to take better portraits with any camera - DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone, or point-and-shoot.WHATWILLYOULEARN:Start with our 6 tips to photographing better portraits:Choose a better background and compose your shotLighting your portraitsProperly and creatively expose your photoPlay with depth of fieldThink about colorsInteracting and posing your subjectYou'll learn portrait photographywith real world demonstrations!JoinWill Carnahan, professional photographer and instructor, in a full demonstration to see how you can use our 6 tips in real life.Learn how to edit your portraits to look even better!Use free and professional photo editing apps on your phone, tablet, or computer. You'll learn how to use different apps to professionally make your portraits look even better.Share your photos on social media!Get modern tips for sharing your photos on Instagram and Facebook. Use these tips to advance your professional photography career -if that's what your goal is!COURSEBONUSES:Downloadable photos to practice editing withTips for how to shoot weddings, headshots, and family portraitsPremium support from your instructorsWHYTAKETHISCOURESFROMUS:So, why should take this course from us? There are plenty of portrait photography courses to choose from. But we believe that we've created a course that can truly help you take better portraits in less time.Video School Online has created some of the best selling online photography courses, and we always strive to help you learn new skills in a fun and engaging way!Lastly,we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee!Try out this course, and see if you like it. There's absolutely no risk!We can't wait to see you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

"Algebra 1 (Semester 1): A High School Curriculum"
"Thiscourse is an intricately-designed, completeAlgebra 1 Semester 1curriculum. Itincorporates all aspects of a traditional Algebra 1 first semestercourse and also includesa unit on basicstatistics and probability. There are 9 units in this course (listed below), which cover one semester of Algebra 1. 10 more units are provided in the Algebra 1 Semester 2 course (purchased separately)for a total of 19 units.Whilethis course was designed to cater to high school Algebra 1students, adulteducation learners who are studying for High School Equivalency exams can alsobenefit from the information provided in this course.Similarly,teachers who would like supplemental material for their Algebra 1classroomshould take this course. If you are a teacher, feel free to download anduse these PDFs in your own classrooms.The units provided in this course are as follows:1.) Real Numbers2.)Fractions, Decimals, and Percents3.)Algebra Basics4.) Matrices5.)Properties6.)Solving Equations7.)Formulas8.)Ratios, Rates, and Proportions9.)Statistics and Probability"
Price: 19.99

"HSE/GED/TASC/HiSET Prep: A Complete Mathematics Curriculum"
"This course is an intricately-designed, completeHSE Preparatorycurriculum. It will prepare students to take any of the three HSEproficiency exams:the GED, TASC, or HiSET.The units, in order, are: Arithmetic Word Problems Negative Numbers Fractions Fractions, Decimals, &PercentsExpressions Matrices Properties Solving Equations Ratios, Rates, &Proportions Formulas Statistics &ProbabilityThese 12units incorporate all the topics you will see on your HSEexam.While this course was designed to cater to adult education learners who are studying for High School Equivalency exams, other high school studentscan also benefit from the information provided in this course.Similarly, teachers who would like supplemental material for their HSE classroom should take this course. If you are a teacher, feel free to download and use these PDFs in your own classrooms."
Price: 29.99

"Pre-Algebra: A Complete Middle School/High School Curriculum"
"This course is an intricately-designed, completePre-Algebra curriculum. It will prepare students for middle school or high school Pre-Algebra.The units, in order, are: Real Numbers Introduction toFractions Fractions, Decimals, Percents, &Absolute Value Expressions MatricesProperties Solving Equations Ratios, Rates, &Proportions Formulas Introduction to Functions Graphing Linear Functions Graphing Systems of Equations &Inequalities Statistics &ProbabilityThese 13units incorporate all the topics you will seein pre-algebra.While this course was designed to cater to pre-algebra students, those studying for theHigh School Equivalency exam (GED, HiSET, or TASC)can also benefit from the information provided in this course.Similarly, teachers who would like supplemental material for their pre-algebraclassroom should take this course. If you are a teacher, feel free to download and use these PDFs in your own classrooms."
Price: 29.99

"How to publish a book: Idea to book in Kindle and Paperback"
"Ever wanted to be a published author? Well here is you chance, with today's technology and collaboration with others you can make this a reality. I have 4 published books that I was able to publish in both Kindle and Paperback format using the same process that I share with you in this course.What tool do I need? To follow my exact steps you will need:Mindly (alternative is a just pen and paper) - $5 app on your phoneScrivener (alternative is to hire people to give you the properly formatted files) - $45 software programCamtasia Studio (alternative is to write your book or invest in a cheaper microphone not intended for Udemy courses) - $200-300 software for recording and editing videosWhat will I learn?Coming up with a book topic.Speaking your book into a microphone.Using Fiverr to find the exact helpers needed to make this process a breeze.Using Scrivener for organizing, formatting and generating the exact file types needed by Amazon.Uploading files to Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback format.Promoting yourself and your books.Why should you take the class?You will walk away with a proven process for getting your ideas into your very own books. An easy to follow set of steps to help you get your own ideas out to share with others in the world."
Price: 199.99

"A Complete Guide to Lean Controllers in iOS"
"Are you interested in taking your iOS skills to the next level?Does your view controller consists of hundreds or thousands of lines of code?The answer to your headaches is ""Lean Controllers"".And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using Swift,Creating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3 and Mastering Sever Side Swift Using Vapor.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present Iam afull time iOS Instructor at The Iron Yardwhere I teach users how to create amazing iOS applications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""This course explains everything I wanted to know about Server Swift Development. It is really a benefit to my skills, that are now improved. Thank you very much.It's a great course, especially if you are an beginner and don't know where to start from. It gives you the start to build your own backend in Swift rather than learning a new language just to save some data in DB. Many thanks to the author and hope many others will start using Vapor and Swift on server :D It's amazing!!!Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, Iam using Xcode 8.2with Swift 3.0 with this course. Iwill show you how to build real apps that uses the principles of lean development. You will learn the techniques on how to write cleaner, leaner code by separating the concerns into multiple classes and components.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""t's a great course, especially if you are an beginner and don't know where to start from. It gives you the start to build your own backend in Swift rather than learning a new language just to save some data in DB. Many thanks to the author and hope many others will start using Vapor and Swift on server :D It's amazing!!!WhyLean Controllers?Controller'sjob is toorchestratethe flow of the application, yet it always end up with hundreds and sometimes even thousands of lines of code. This course discusses the best practices of iOS development which results in Learn Controllers.By creating reusable iOS components we can quickly build our application without copy pasting code into multiple places. The amazing techniques discussed in this course can setup your path from intermediate to advanced developer.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Lean controllers enforces best practices in iOS development and make your code easy to maintain for future iterations. Tired of writing thousands of lines of code in your view controllers. Tired of copy and pasting code all over the place in your application.Implementing your code using the best practices of Lean Controllers helps you deal with the above problems. You will learn to create reusable custom controls. You will implement generic data providers capable of fetching and persisting models of any type. You will create generic data sources which can be plugged with any UITableViewController.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 8 or above and Swift 3.0Good understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about converting your massive controllers into lean controllers.What am I going to get from this course?Take your skills to the next level by learning the advanced techniques used by iOS professionals.Learn the principles behind creating Lean Controllers.Write more maintainable and reusable code.Become a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperApply the lean principles and climb the cooperate ladder from junior developer to senior developer.Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages, Server Side Swiftand Swift 2.0courses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Lean Controllers allows you to write more maintainable, reusablecode. Your journey towards greatness starts right NOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Modern Web Development Using React"
"Are you interested in learning how to write a modern web applications using React?React by Facebook is the future of web development. And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using Swift, Mastering Server Side Development Using Vapor andCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3.Ihave been developing web applications since 2002 and have been awarded the prestigious Microsoft MVPaward 5 years in a row.I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead web developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present Iam afull timeInstructor at The Iron Yardwhere I teach users how to create amazing applications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""The lessons are concise and to the point. The instructor is great. I'm enjoying the topics. I hope that this program is extended and added to as Vapor continues to gain functionality and popularity.Very important topic that is rarely discussed in other tutorials, and training videos.The instructors style is very clear, concise and engaging. I'm already beginning to use the concepts in demo apps!Very valuable, a lot of good stuff in this course. Recommend ++++++Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Iwill show you how to build real web applications using React framework. You will also learn how to setup a development environment when working with React applications.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""This course explains everything I wanted to know about Server Swift Development. It is really a benefit to my skills, that are now improved. Thank you very much.It's a great course, especially if you are an beginner and don't know where to start from. It gives you the start to build your own backend in Swift rather than learning a new language just to save some data in DB. Many thanks to the author and hope many others will start using Vapor and Swift on server :D It's amazing!!!Why learn React?React has taken the world of web development by storm. It is one of the most fastest growing UI frameworksavailable. React enables you to write highly optimized component oriented code which can be easily reused at multiple places.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their web development skills to the next level. This course teaches you how to use React to build modern web applications which are easy to maintain. This course is for developers who wants to learn the modern way of developing web applications. React has been embraced by the community and React developers usually get a salary offer of over $95K dollars. Don't miss this opportunity to learn React and take your career to the next level.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the web development and iOScommunity with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education. Ireceived the Microsoft most prestigious award ASP.NET MVP5 times in a row.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future web applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputer or a PCAny code editorBasic understanding of the HTML, CSS and Javascript- I'll teach you everything you need to know about developing modern web applications using React.What am I going to get from this course?Create modern web applications using ReactLearn to separate your code into reusable componentsImplement a build engine to convert JSX to JavascriptIncrease web application performance by using virtual DOM and synthetic events in ReactBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as aReact developerMake over $95K annual salary as a React developerWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be a web developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages, Server Side Swift and Swift 2.0courses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: React is the future and the future is rightNOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Server Side Swift Using Kitura"
"Are you interested in learning how to write a complete backend API using Swift?Swift on the server is the future of iOS development. And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses including Mastering MapKit in iOS Using Swift and Creating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3.I have created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present I am a full time iOS Instructor at The Iron Yard where I teach users how to create amazing iOS applications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4 hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""""Great course!! This is a great introduction to MapKit and the CoreLocation Framework for newbies like me.""""I never used any server-side Swift before but watching this videos have made me realise how easy it was to setup and run server-side Swift. Brilliant! thanks Mohammad Azam for creating such a brilliant course!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, I am using Xcode 8.2with Swift 3.0 with this course. I will show you how to build real apps that consume the Kitura backend service. You will also learn how to use the templating engine of Kitura to create websites.""Very Good instructor and quick to answer questions. Enjoyed the lectures.""The course is accompanied with all the code sample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. I am very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn Server Side Swift?Swift has taken the world of programming by storm. It is one of the most fastest growing languages available. Cloud computing is changing the world everyday and now you can use the power and the simplicity of the Swift language to create Cloud enabled applications.Kitura will allow you to create backend services which can be consumed by iOS, Android, Windows and Web Applications.By using server side Swift using Kitura you will have complete control over your deployment process and strategy.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Server side Swift is a new technology and companies will be jumping on it in the future to create their backend systems. Server side Swift can also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete backend from scratch. Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then I urge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. I am a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. I do a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?-A Mac Computer-Xcode 8 or above and Swift 3.0-Basic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK - I'll teach you everything you need to know about server side Swift using KituraWhat am I going to get from this course?Create backend services and API using server side Kitura frameworkRemove the dependency on third party frameworks and non-iOS technologiesBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOS developerWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages and Swift courses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Server side Swift is the future and the future is right NOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Firebase for iOS Using Swift Language"
"Firebaseis Google's mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business. Firebase provides tons of tools to help developers quickly create iOS/Android and Web applications.My name is Mohammad Azam and Iam thecreator of many popular online courses including:Mastering ARKit for iOSBlockchain Programming in iOS Using SwiftMastering Core ML for iOSServer Side Swift Using VaporBlockchain Programming Using JavaScriptMastering Micro Services Using Java Spring BootThe Complete Guide to Lean Controllers in iOSIhave alsocreated over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds.At present I work as a lead instructor for DigitalCrafts where I teach Full Stack Web Development. Before joining DigitalCrafts, Iworked full time with The Iron Yard as an iOS and Full Stack instructor. I also run a very successful YouTube channel with over 5000 subscribers.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 8hours.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""This is amazingly good and makes me really excited. I appreciated Mohammad for creating this course. This 3 hours already worth than 20 hours!!I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this course to anyone, but make sure you have a basic understanding of JavaScript FIRST; otherwise, it will all sound foreign to you. If you want to learn Blockchain development using one of (if not the most widely used) languages in the world - JavaScript - then invest in this course. Thank you, Mr. Azam! I will definitely buy more blockchain courses from you.Buy this course today and this is what youll get.You will learn the concepts behind Firebase and how you can integrate it in your iOS applications. I am going to teach you different featuresof Firebase platform by giving you very practical real lifeexamples. We will work on multiple real world projects, utilizing different features availableby Firebase platform.*Each lecture in the course is accompanied with complete code sample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and Imake sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $199?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn Firebase?Firebase is a complete backend as a service platform from Google, which allows to integrate many different services to your iPhone/Android/Web app.Firebase allows you to use your existing iOS skills to create a complete application with real time database, notifications, storage and much much more.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Firebase is a very powerful framework which can allow you to create highly maintainable and performance efficient application in less time. Each year Google adds more features to the Firebase platform making it more relatable and easier to use by developers. Stop spending your time in creating your own service layer and use Firebase to write your application.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 9.3 or aboveUnderstanding of iOS framework is requiredBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about Firebase.What am I going to get from this course?Learn the concepts behind Firebase technology.Implement Firebase real time databaseCreate multiple real world applications Take your existing iOS skills to the next levelBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloper"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering ARKit for iOS"
"Are you interested in learning how to write Augmented Reality Apps?Augmented Reality is the future of digital transformation.And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering Micro ServicesUsing JPA, Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor and more.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Iwill show you how to build real and amazing augmented reality apps using ARKit. I will start from the very beginning covering the basics of AR and how to setup your AR project. Next we will dive into advanced concepts of plane detection, physics and collision detection. I will also show you how you can load models from Google 3D Warehouse using SketchUp.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn ARKit?ARKit is the next step towards the future of apps. AR is going to allow users to enter fourth transformation and consume information more seamlessly.ARKit allows iOS developers to use their existing skills to create amazing augmented reality experiences.Augmented Reality will play an important role in education. Take advantage of ARKit and create attractive and intuitive experiences.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. ARKit is a new technology and companies will be jumping on it to create their future app experiences. Augmented Reality Using ARKitcan also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete app which deals with placing virtual objects in the real world.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 10 or abovePhysical iPhone 6Sor better running iOS11 or aboveBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about ARKit.What am I going to get from this course?Create amazing Augmented Reality Apps Using ARKit Using SwiftBuild apps for the fourth transformation by placing virtual objects in the real worldLearn SceneKit framework through the use of ARKitBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages and Swiftcourses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Augmented Realityis the future and the future is rightNOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning in iOS Using Swift"
"Are you interested in learning how to integrate machine learning in your apps?Machine Learning is the future of digital transformation.And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam and Iam the creator ofmany popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering Micro ServicesUsing JPA, Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor, Mastering ARKit for iOSand more.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours. In fact if you think that the course fell short on delivering topics then we will give you your MONEY BACK.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Iwill show you how to build real and amazing augmented reality apps using CoreML. I will start from the very beginning covering the basics of machine learningand how to setup your CoreML project. Next we will dive into advanced concepts of Vision requests, C, physics and collision detection. I will also show you how you can load models from Google 3D Warehouse using SketchUp.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $195?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn CoreML?CoreML is the next step towards the future of apps. CoreML is going to allow users to enter fourth transformation and consume information more seamlessly.CoreML allows iOS developers to use their existing skills to integrate machine learning into their iOS applications.CoreML will play an important role in the future of mobile applications. Using CoreML your applications will be able to learn as the user uses the app and the updated models are provided.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. CoreML is a new technology and companies will be jumping on it to create their future app experiences. Machine Learning Using CoreML can also help you to earn higher salary since now you know how to write a complete app which deals with placing virtual objects in the real world.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.If you are not satisfied with the course then I offer a 100% REFUND. I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 9 or Xcode 9 Betaor abovePhysical iPhone 6Sor better running iOS11 or iOS 11 BetaBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about CoreML.What am I going to get from this course?Getting started with CoreMLCreate amazing CoreML applications using Swift programming languageBuild apps for the fourth transformation by creating intelligent apps that can learnBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the worldBored with the same old, same old? Apply for a new job in a software company as an iOSdeveloperWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages, ARKitand Swiftcourses.Anyone who wants to learn to code. Machine learning isthe future and the future is rightNOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 194.99

"Mastering Siri Shortcuts in iOS"
"Are you interested in learning how to write Siri Shortcuts using iOS 12?Siri Shortcuts is a new feature of iOS 12 which allows you to streamline your tasks. And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering ARKit for iOS, Blockchain Programming Using Swift in iOS and many more.Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present Iam afull timeInstructor at DigitalCraftswhere I teach users how to create amazingapplications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, Iam using Xcode 10with Swift 4.2for this course. Iwill show you how to integrate Siri Shortcuts with real iOS applications.The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $199?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn Siri Shortcuts?Siri Shortcuts introduced in iOS 12 allows users to chain different Siri actions together. This means you can order coffee without even opening the app.Siri Shortcuts also provides easy way customize custom responses. This makes your app more intimate and transparent.By introducing Siri Shortcuts Apple has first time opened the doors to customize Siri. This is a very big opportunity for developers to create smart Siri Shortcuts.Siri Shortcuts is a new feature, if your app provides Siri Shortcuts then it has better chance of being featured on the App Store.Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Siri Shortcuts is a new featureand developers will be jumping on it in the future to integrate with their existing apps.Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 10or above and Swift 4.2Basic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about Siri ShortcutsWhat am I going to get from this course?Create Siri Shortcuts using NSUserActivityDevelop Siri Shortcuts Using IntentsCustomize the User Interface of Siri ShortcutsImplement Custom ResponsesDelete DonationsIntegrate Siri Voice Shortcut with your iOS AppWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages and Swiftcourses.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Siri Shortcuts is the future and the future is rightNOW.Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering MapKit for iOS"
"Are you interested in learning MapKit for iOS? MapKit is an amazing framework for iOS that allows you to build map enabled applications. This means you can create apps like Google Maps, Apple Maps and more. My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering ARKit for iOSBlockchain Programming Using Swift in iOSMastering Siri Shortcuts for iOS Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor 3 and many more.I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead mobile developer and helped them grow their business. At present Iam afull timeInstructor at DigitalCraftswhere I teach users how to create amazingapplications.Whats stopping you from signing up to today?You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours.Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:""His course is AWESOME very detail instructions.""""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""""Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!""Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, Iam using the latest released version of Xcode and Swift, Iwill show you how to learn and integrate MapKit in your iOS application. You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $199?""Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class""Why learn MapKit?Map applications are one of the most downloaded and used apps in the App Store. Google Maps, Apple Maps as well as Waze has been downloaded by more than a million users. Integrating your app with MapKit can enhance the overall experience of your app. Learning MapKit will allow you to make apps like Uber, Lyft and other transportation apps. Who is this for?This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. MapKit framework is an integral part of the iOS architecture and it will become essential in the GPSenabled modern apps. Is this course right for me?Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the mobile community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.What are the requirements?A MacComputerXcode 9.3 or aboveBasic understanding of the any Swift language- I'll teach you everything you need to know about MapKitWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn to implement MapKt applicationsBuild apps like Uber, NearMe, Lyft, Google Maps Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my iMessages, ARKit, Kotlin, Vapor and Swiftcourses.Anyone who wants to learn to integrate MapKit in their iOS application. MapKit is the future of mapping apps and the future is right NOW. Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world."
Price: 19.99

"Design Patterns in iOS Using Swift"
"Software design patterns help developers adopt best practices when writing code. Design patterns are platform agnostic, thus can be used in any software environment. In this course you will learn how to implement design patterns in iOS using Swift language. My name is Mohammad Azam and I am one of the top mobile instructors on Udemy. I have authored 19 courses and have close to 35000 students. I have worked as a lead mobile developer for many fortune 500 companies including AIG, Valic, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, The Home Depot and At present I am serving as a lead instructor for a coding bootcamp, DigitalCrafts. Whats stopping you from enrolling in this course today? I have designed this course specifically for you! Each section is accompanied with exercise files and tackle real life practical scenarios. Check out some of the reviews from my students below: ""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""I fully recommend this course to anybody who is learning Swift and wants to learn more about the mapKit framework. The instructor is superb and is very experienced. This course is ideal for beginners, intermediate and even experienced iOS developers. There is something new to learn for everybody about mapKit. I rate this course 10 out of 10. Mohammad Azam is a world class teacher and it was a pleasure following his lessons.As testament to his work ethic and passion, Mohammad immediately prepared a series of videos covering the specific scenario I mention below. Ultimately, this is a fantastic foundation for anyone looking to explore the new capabilities of the Codable protocols within Swift 4. Buy this course and what will you get?I am using the latest version of Xcode 10 for this course along with Swift 4.2. This means you will be working with the brand new technology and language features. I also provide unlimited support on Udemy forums. I love my students and I want to see them succeed and that is why I provide excellent customer service. Why learn design patterns?Design patterns can make you a better developer. You will be able to locate patterns in programming much quickly and apply the design patterns to solve the problems. Learning design patterns can earn you more money. Since, you will locate the patterns in software much quickly, you will be able to solve issues much quickly. This means saving the company time and money. Who is this course for?This course is for intermediate and advanced developers who wants to learn more about applying design patterns in iOS development. Developers who wants to enhance their existing skills. Is this course right for me?Look: If you are still not convinced then check out my 5 star rating on Udemy. I am very active on Udemy forums and I try my best to answer every single question from my students. I also provide lifetime updates for my course and keep a regular schedule for updating the course with new, educational material. Thank you very much and I am sure you will enjoy the course! Azam"
Price: 19.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift"
"Data Structures and Algorithms in SwiftData structures and algorithms are the building blocks of programming. Algorithms and data structures are taught in universities and are often asked during a programming job interview. This course is dedicated to teach you the concepts behind the most common data structures and algorithms, implemented in Swift language. My name is Mohammad Azam and I am one of the top mobile instructors on Udemy. I have authored 20+ courses and have close to 35000 students. Some of my popular courses include: Mastering ARKit for iOS Blockchain Programming in iOS Mastering MapKit for iOS Server Side Swift Using Vapor 3 A Complete Guide to Lean Controllers in iOS I have worked as a lead mobile developer for many fortune 500 companies including AIG, Valic, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, The Home Depot and At present I am serving as a lead instructor for a coding bootcamp, DigitalCrafts. Whats stopping you from enrolling in this course today? I have designed this course specifically for you! Each section is accompanied with exercise files and explain the concept in detail. Check out some of the reviews from my students below: ""Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses.""I fully recommend this course to anybody who is learning Swift and wants to learn more about the mapKit framework. The instructor is superb and is very experienced. This course is ideal for beginners, intermediate and even experienced iOS developers. There is something new to learn for everybody about mapKit. I rate this course 10 out of 10. Mohammad Azam is a world class teacher and it was a pleasure following his lessons.As testament to his work ethic and passion, Mohammad immediately prepared a series of videos covering the specific scenario I mention below. Ultimately, this is a fantastic foundation for anyone looking to explore the new capabilities of the Codable protocols within Swift 4. Buy this course and what will you get?I am using the latest version of Xcode 10 for this course along with Swift 4.2. This means you will be working with the brand new technology and language features. I also provide unlimited support on Udemy forums. I love my students and I want to see them succeed and that is why I provide excellent customer service. Can you believe this course is just $199? Learning and applying data structures and algorithms can help you land your dream job. Most of the programming interviews revolves around the questions related to data structures and algorithms. All of the information regarding design patterns is available to you for only $199. This is a extremely good deal and you should definitely make use of this deal. Why learn data structures and algorithms?Data structures and algorithms can land you your dream job since it is asked quite often during programming job interviews. By learning data structures and algorithms you can become a better developer. Data structures and algorithms can make you a better developer. You will know how things work behind the scenes and what is the cost of writing a particular piece of code. Who is this course for?This course is for intermediate and advanced developers who wants to learn more about data structures and algorithms using Swift language. Developers who wants to enhance their existing skills. Is this course right for me?Look: If you are still not convinced then check out my 5 star rating on Udemy. I am very active on Udemy forums and I try my best to answer every single question from my students. I also provide lifetime updates for my course and keep a regular schedule for updating the course with new, educational material."
Price: 19.99

"Elasticsearch 5 and Elastic Stack - In Depth and Hands On!"
"NOTE:A NEW VERSION OF THIS COURSE FOR ELASTICSEARCH 7 IS AVAILABLE. You should only enroll in this if you need to learn Elasticsearch 5 specifically. If that's you, read on!Elasticsearch is a powerful tool not only for powering search on big websites, but also for analyzing big data sets in a matter of milliseconds! It's an increasingly popular technology, and a valuable skill to have in today's job market. This comprehensive course covers it all, from installation to operations, with 60 lectures including 8 hours of video.We'll cover setting up search indices on an Elasticsearch 5 cluster (if you need Elasticsearch 6 - we have another course on that), and querying that data in many different ways. Fuzzy searches, partial matches, search-as-you-type, pagination, sorting - you name it. And it's not just theory, every lesson has hands-on examples where you'll practice each skill using a virtual machine running Elasticsearchon your own PC.We cover, in depth, the often-overlooked problem of importing data into an Elasticsearch index. Whether it's via raw RESTful queries, scripts using Elasticsearch API's, or integration with other ""big data"" systems like Spark and Kafka - you'll see many ways to get Elasticsearch started from large, existing data sets at scale. We'll also stream data into Elasticsearch using Logstash and Filebeat - commonly referred to as the ""ELKStack"" (Elasticsearch / Logstash / Kibana) or the ""Elastic Stack"".Elasticsearch isn't just for search anymore - it has powerful aggregation capabilities for structured data. We'll bucket and analyze data using Elasticsearch, and visualize it using the Elastic Stack's web UI, Kibana.You'll learn how to manage operations on your Elastic Stack, using X-Pack to monitor your cluster's health, and how to perform operational tasks like scaling up your cluster, and doing rolling restarts. We'll also spin up Elasticsearch clusters in the cloud using Amazon ElasticsearchService and the Elastic Cloud.Elasticsearch is positioning itself to be a much faster alternative to Hadoop, Spark, and Flink for many common data analysis requirements. It's an important tool to understand, and it's easy to use! Dive in with me and I'll show you what it's all about."
Price: 149.99

"Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning and Computer Vision in Python"
"Autonomous Cars: Computer Vision and Deep Learning The automotive industry is experiencing a paradigm shift from conventional, human-driven vehicles into self-driving, artificial intelligence-powered vehicles. Self-driving vehicles offer a safe, efficient, and cost effective solution that will dramatically redefine the future of human mobility. Self-driving cars are expected to save over half a million lives and generate enormous economic opportunities in excess of $1 trillion dollars by 2035. The automotive industry is on a billion-dollar quest to deploy the most technologically advanced vehicles on the road. As the world advances towards a driverless future, the need for experienced engineers and researchers in this emerging new field has never been more crucial.The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of design and development of self-driving vehicles. The course provides students with practical experience in various self-driving vehicles concepts such as machine learning and computer vision. Concepts such as lane detection, traffic sign classification, vehicle/object detection, artificial intelligence, and deep learning will be presented. The course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of self-driving vehicles control. Basic knowledge of programming is recommended. However, these topics will be extensively covered during early course lectures; therefore, the course has no prerequisites, and is open to any student with basic programming knowledge. Students who enroll in this self-driving car course will master driverless car technologies that are going to reshape the future of transportation.Tools and algorithms we'll cover include:OpenCVDeep Learning and Artificial Neural NetworksConvolutional Neural Networks Template matchingHOGfeature extractionSIFT, SURF,FAST, and ORBTensorflow and KerasLinear regression and logistic regressionDecision TreesSupport Vector MachinesNaive BayesYour instructors are Dr. Ryan Ahmed with a PhD in engineering focusing on electric vehicle control systems, and Frank Kane, who spent 9 years at Amazon specializing in machine learning. Together, Frank and Dr.Ahmed have taught over 200,000 students around the world on Udemy alone.Students of our popular course, ""Data Science, Deep Learning, andMachine Learning with Python"" may find some of the topics to be a review of what was covered there, seen through the lens of self-driving cars. But, most of the course focuses on topics we've never covered before, specific to computer vision techniques used in autonomous vehicles. There are plenty of new, valuable skills to be learned here!"
Price: 89.99

"Conquer English Verb Tenses And Speak Better English Now ESL"
"The main goal of this English course is to improve your English fluency by mastering all 12 verb tenses faster and easier than most students do by learning them one at a time, and most importantly to implement them into your fluency by yourself, naturally, with lots of interactive writing and spontaneous speaking exercises.Is it possible to improve your fluency by yourself?Yes, the fluency sections in this course help you do just that. These are interactive spontaneous speaking exercises based on short stories using only the verb tenses that were explained in the previous section.First you read, listen to, and watch a video of a funny short story.Second you speak and answer questions about the short story, spontaneously, using complete sentences.Third, its your turn to write a short story using the verb tenses explained in the previous section.These fluency sections work very well. Many of my students have had great results in their fluency using this system.Do you need a college degree to understand the course content?No. This course is very easy to follow.A simple is sophisticated teaching style is used, which means its very user friendly.This English verb tense course goes step-by-step and has lots of hands-on exercises so you can immediately put into practice what youve just learned.Do you have to do all of the exercises?No. The exercises are optional.They are made specifically to reinforce to most important parts of the previous video, give you a chance to practice what youve just learned, and help you memorize.If you have any questions during the courseJust post your question(s) in the Q&A section. I always answer questions as soon as possible.And RememberYou have a 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about.Start this course and improve your English fluency today!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Ingls - Domine Tempos Verbais e Fale Melhor Agora!"
"O objetivo principal deste curso de ingls desenvolver sua fluncia, dominando todos os 12 tempos verbais de uma maneira mais rpida e fcil do que a maioria dos alunos, aprende-los um de cada vez e, o mais importante, implement-los em sua fluncia, naturalmente, com vrios exerccios interativos de escrita e conversao espontnea. possvel melhorar sua fluncia sozinho?Sim, as sees de fluncia neste curso o ajudam a fazer exatamente isso. Estes so exerccios interativos de fala espontnea, baseados em contos curtos, usando apenas os tempos verbais que foram explicados na seo anterior.Primeiro voc l, ouve e assiste a um vdeo de um conto curto.Segundo, voc fala e responde perguntas sobre o conto, espontaneamente, usando frases completas.Terceiro, sua vez de escrever um conto curto usando os tempos verbais explicados na seo anterior.Essas sees de fluncia funcionam muito bem. Muitos dos meus alunos tiveram timos resultados em sua fluncia usando este sistema.Voc precisa de um diploma universitrio para entender o contedo do curso?No. Este curso muito fcil de acompanhar. usado um estilo de ensino ""simples e sofisticado"", o que significa que muito user friendly.Este curso de ingls vai passo a passo e tem muitos exerccios para que voc possa colocar em prtica imediatamente o que acabou de aprender.Voc tem que fazer todos os exerccios?No. Os exerccios so opcionais.Eles so feitos especificamente para reforar as partes mais importantes do vdeo anterior, dar a voc a chance de praticar o que acabou de aprender e ajud-lo a memorizar.Se voc tiver alguma dvida durante o curso...Basta postar suas perguntas na seo de perguntas e respostas. Eu sempre respondo as perguntas o mais rpido possvel.E lembre-seVoc tem a garantia de 30 dias da Udemy, portanto no tem absolutamente nada com o que se preocupar.Comece este curso e melhore sua fluncia em ingls hoje mesmo!"
Price: 199.99

"Video Editing With Hitfilm Express For Beginners"
"Updated - March 2019 The video tutorials are based on HitFilm Express version 12.This course is about using Hitfilm Express to edit your video. It is a full featured and free video editing software.Video is getting more and more popular these days as a powerful communication tool. Many are using videos to promote their product, or service, share ideas or even create social change. Off course, you can also create videos for your family or just for fun. Creating a video is more than just simply recording it with your camera. Editing your videos makes them a lot more interesting to watch, and effective in getting the result you want. This course will teach you the basics of using Hitfilm Express to edit videos. You will the learn how to:-import media, cut and join videos clips, add transitions, create titles and text,adding music,how to create simple visual effects, and more advanced features.This course is designed so that you can start making your video in a short time even if you are new to video editing. Topics are broken into bite size lessons so you can return to any lesson if you need to repeat it.Even if you've never created videos before, this course will be able to help you get started with the basic and to more intermediate techniques.There are also more advanced lessons to cover multi track editing, chromakey, and motion trackingIf you have any questions about this course, feel free to contact me. I look forward to see you in the course."
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a Unreal Engine 4: crea videojuegos desde cero"
"Aprende a crear tus propios videojuegos en el popular motorUnreal Engine 4. Aprendeconstruyendo juegos reales.Unreal Engine es un motor de juego de PC y consolas creados por la compaa Epic Games. Implementado inicialmente en el shooter en primera persona Unreal en 1998, siendo la base de juegos como Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, Turok, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, America's Army, Red Steel, Gears of War, BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, Star Wars Republic Commando, Batman: Arkham Asylum, SMITE o Mass Effect. Tambin se ha utilizado en otros gneros como el rol y juegos de perspectiva en tercera persona. La versin actual est programada en C++ y es compatible tanto con OpenGL como DirectX 11 y 12, siendo compatible con varias plataformas como PC (Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux), Apple Macintosh (Mac OS X) y la mayora de consolas (Xbox One y PlayStation 4). Unreal Engine tambin ofrece varias herramientas de gran ayuda para diseadores y artistas facilitando la visualizacin de entornos o de construcciones.Aprendea crear videojuegoscon Unreal Engine 4, la plataforma de desarrollo de juegos de uso gratuito utilizada por los estudios AAA y los desarrolladores independientes de todo el mundo.Empezamos desde ceropor lo que no necesitas ninguna experiencia previa de Unreal o programacin! Ya vers qu fcil es empezar a programar y a hacer juegos! Vamos a construir juntos varios juegos, incluyendo un juego de naves espaciales, oun shooter en primera persona.Tendrsacceso a un foro en el que podrs discutir temas sobre una base amplia. En elforo de discusin le ayudar a aprender y compartir ideas con otros estudiantes.Usted aprender C + +, el lenguaje estndar de la industria de gran alcance desde cero. Al final del curso estars muy confiado en lo bsico de codificacin y desarrollo de juegos, y con hambre para aprender ms.""Cualquier programador de videojuegosserio necesita conocer C ++"" Jason Gregory, programador principal de Naughty Dog (creadores de los aclamados juegos AAA Uncharted & The Last of Us)Cualquier persona que quiera aprender a crear videojuegos: Unreal Engine es una plataforma fantstica quepermite hacer juegos de calidad AAA. Tambin estos juegos se pueden exportar para ser jugados enWindows, consolas, MacOS, iOS, Android y Web desde una sola fuente!Si eres un principiante, aprenderstodos los principios de programaciny diseo de juegos que necesitas. Si eresun artista, aprenders a hacer que tus assetscobren vida. Si eres programador, aprenderslos principios del mundo de diseo de videojuegos.Este curso est basado en proyectos para que noaprendasun montn de prcticas de programacinintiles. Al final de este curso tendrs videojuegos del mundo real para utilizar en tu propio portfolio. Sin duda alguna el aprendizaje basado en construirproyectos es la mejor manera de iniciarte en el mundo de la creacin de videojuegos. Al hacer este curso aprenders habilidades prcticas y que podrs utilizar deinmediato en tus propios proyectos.Puedes utilizar los proyectos que has creado en este curso para agregar a tu perfil de LinkedIn y demostrar que vales a futuras empresas que te contraten.Aprender a codificar es una gran manera de saltar en una nueva carrera o mejorar su carrera actual. La codificacin es la nueva matemtica y aprender a codificar lo impulsar hacia adelante para cualquier situacin. Aprndalo hoy y consigue una ventaja para maana. La gente que puede dominar la tecnologa gobernar el futuro.Obtendrs acceso completo a la vida de este curso por un precio muy pequeo. Juan Gabrielha creado muchos juegos, aplicaciones y cursos de formacin por lo que est muy cualificado para ensearle a dominar la tecnologa. Este es un instructor que no slo ensea, sino que produce aplicaciones. Esto significa que obtendr la informacin ms relevante sobre cmo codificar. La mayora de los cursos no muestran habilidades prcticas y ejemplos del mundo real.Qu me hace un buen maestro?He lanzado ms de 40 juegos y aplicaciones que funcionan muybien en las tienda de aplicaciones para mvil.Dirijouna empresa llamada Frogamespor lo que estoy activamente en el campo de creacin de aplicaciones y ganar dineroLlevo 2aos enseando tanto en el mundo online como en la Universidad de las Islas Baleares y diversos centros de formacin de MallorcaPersonalmente, me encanta aprender onliney mi vida es mucho mejor porque he aprendido a travs de cursos online las habilidades que me han ayudado a ganarme la vida en el da a daSoy uno de losprincipales maestros de Udemy en el mercado de habla hispana desde 2015, con ms de 12.000 estudiantes en la plataforma y 20 cursos publicadosMe aseguro de que la gente aprenda y doy feedback en los foros de mis cursos online."
Price: 199.99

"Master avanzado en desarrollo iOS y Swift: s un profesional"
"En este curso veremos:Ejercicios prcticos para aprender a resolver problemas tpicos que un desarrollador se suele preguntar en varias etapas del desarrollo, incluyendo ejercicios sobre:La clase String y los cmputos con cadenas de caracteresLa clase Number y operaciones tpicasLa gestin de colecciones dedatos en arrays con tcnicas como elmap, filter y reduceLos closures, su sintaxis y su correcto uso para facilitarnos el trabajo y hacer una programacin eficiente.Traduccin y localizacin de una app a mltiples idiomas sin tener que reescribir todo el cdigoLocalizacin de StoryboardFicheros de configuracin y property listspor idiomaEl diseo de interfcies con los delegados de la clase UIAppearence, incluyendoCmo cambiar la apariencia de todos los elementos deUIKit de una app con pocas lneas de cdigoPersonalizar la apariencia de una app sin tener que ir controlador por controladorLas tareas de delegacin y edicin de elementos de UI por cdigoLa programacin funcional e introduccin al Big Datay cmo nos ayuda a programar de forma ms estructuradas gracias aClosures, los bloques de completacin de Apple que pueden usarse como variablesLas tcnicas de Map, Filter y Reduce para recorrer y trabajar con Arrays y DiccionariosMejores prcticas de programacin para convertirnos en unos expertos desarrolladoresEnvo de push notifications haciendo uso del servidor de Google Firebase, incluyendoCmo funciona una push notification con APNsCmo configurar una cuenta de FirebaseUso de cocoapods para aadir libreras a iOSCmo generar los certificados y claves de seguridad de Apple y subirlos a FirebaseEnviar push notifications desde el servidor de FirebaseLas compras integradas con StoreKit de Apple en un clon de UdemyLa gua de los 7 pasos para dar de alta una In App Purchase, desde su creacin en iTunes Connect hasta su compra en XcodeConsejos para monetizar tu appImplementacin de Apple Pay en un fantstico clon de Amazon:Consejos para usar Apple PayUso de animaciones con confeti para celebrar la compra del usuarioEjemplos de providers para envo de productos fsicos y cmo integrarlos en SwiftUso completo del framework de PassKit incluyendo factores adicionales como datos de usuarios, gastos de envo y configuracin de tarjetas de crditoAh!Y por si fuera poco, tendrs TOOOOODO el cdigo fuente para descargar de todos y cada uno de los ejercicios prcticos que realices en la primera parte con Mar Cardona, y el cdigo fuente de todos los proyectos que realices en la segunda parte conmigo. Vamos, que si quieres incorporar las In App Purchases a tu app o juego, puedes implementarlo siguiendo el curso o bien ir directo a descargarlo en la seccin pertinente y as te ahorras mi rollo (aunque no sera tan divertido, verdad?)Lo dicho, espero que disfrutes tanto del curso como Mar y yo mismo hemos disfrutado de crearlos.Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 199.99