"ALEKS: Pre Algebra - Video Explanations by Topic" |
"ALEKS has changed the face of math education. What is ALEKS? It is a revolutionary online math curriculum that allows students to work through math concepts and practice problems at an individual pace. The program is smart, moving students through topics by constantly assessing mastery via a complex web of responsive practice problems and ""knowledge checks.""After using this amazing program with dozens of my students, I noticed that the only missing piece of the curriculum was solid video explanations. This is why I built this course. When used in tandem with the ALEKS pre-algebra curriculum, students can truly learn with complete autonomy through nearly 550 topics.The reason why I made these videos is because I believe that my expertise as a math teacher, tutor, and educational content creator make me the perfect source to build powerful explanation videos. Translation: I know how to teach math effectively. If you are already traversing the ALEKS pre-algebra curriculum, or are looking to use ALEKS as a supplemental tool for independent study, I encourage you to check out my course and see how far you can push your potential in mathematics."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cmo mantener tu Motivacin cuando ests a Dieta" |
"Si has hecho 1000 dietas y las abandonas a los pocos das, este es tu curso. Si crees que tu objetivo de perder peso es difcil, no tires la toalla. Vamos a encontrar un nuevo camino para llegar a l. Este curso est especialmente diseado para ayudarte a mantener tu motivacin durante una dieta de adelgazamiento. Aprenders a comprender tus emociones relacionadas con la comida, y a canalizarlas adecuadamente. Te mostraremos adems las tcnicas ms efectivas para que logres controlar lo que comes. En 40 vdeos de entre 3 y 15 minutos, Miriam Magalln, psicloga experta en motivacin para adelgazar, te dar las pautas para que tu prximo plan de adelgazamiento sea un xito, y puedas mantener unos hbitos saludables para siempre. Junto a los videos encontrars fichas de apoyo en las que podrs ir anotando todo lo que te surja para que contines trabajando y consigas tus objetivos. Este completo curso est dirigido por el equipo de Medicadiet, una prestigiosa empresa espaola especializada en adelgazamiento y nutricin saludables. Sus ms de 9.000 pacientes satisfechos avalan su amplia experiencia en cambio de hbitos nutricionales. Miriam Magalln, ofrece apoyo psicolgico en los centros Medicadiet. Ella ayuda a los pacientes a conseguir sus objetivos con sencillas tcnicas para mantenerse motivados durante el plan de adelgazamiento."
Price: 99.99 |
"Working Remotely: How To Succeed In The New Workplace" |
"In a recent survey, 43% of US workers reported working remotely in 2016. What's more, today's companies and their employees are increasingly recognising the benefits of remote working - whether it's lower operating costs or happier, more productive teams. In other words, the remote working trend is here to stay - and is only set to rise. Working Remotely: How To Succeed In The New Workplace is your short, sharp introduction to this new and exciting way of working. It's designed to give you the confidence to make the leap into remote working if you've not done so already. And if you're already working remotely, you'll pick up powerful tips and techniques for making your daily work more productive, fulfilling and suited to your personal work style. Learn from someone who's 'been there, done that' Im Dr Clare Lynch, founder and director of Doris and Bertie, a London-based consultancy with a particular expertise in helping teams communicate more effectively. This experience matters because - as you'll discover in the course - being able to communicate effectively with your colleagues is one of the most crucial factors for happy, successful remote teams. In my decades-long career, Ive worked with executives at a wide range of global organisations - from tech start-ups to global banks to national and international regulatory bodies. As a tutor at the University of Cambridge, and a Udemy instructor since March 2015, Ive taught over 18,000 students how to communicate more effectively. But above all, as director of my own company, I've worked remotely for over 15 years. And in that time, I've discovered the hard way all the perils and pitfalls of working remotely - such as:feelings of isolation and cabin fever when you're not going into an office every daythe risk of being 'out of the loop' on key projectsfailing to establish clear boundaries between work and home - and so feeling constantly 'on call'feeling demotivated by a lack of a daily regimeBut in that time, I've also learned the most effective ways to work remotely in order to reap its life-changing rewards! Rewards such as:increased autonomy during the working daymore variety in when and where to workgreater scope to pursue creatively satisfying projectsa massive reduction in work-related stressspending less on day-to-day travel, food and clothingsaying 'Goodbye' to the soul-destroying commute What youll learn in this course Working Remotely: How To Succeed In The New Workplace, covers the key things you need to know if you're considering - or are already - working remotely. By the end of this course, youll have a deeper understanding of remote working - why it's on the up, its many benefits and the pitfalls to watch out for. I'll also be exposing some of the myths that surround remote working and remote workers - like the idea that remote working is the easy option for slackers and slouchers (nothing could be further from the truth!)Become an expert communicatorEarly on in the course, you'll be armed with techniques for communicating and collaborating more effectively with your colleagues (and clients), so everyone's pulling together on a day to day basis. You'll also learn ideas and techniques for recreating those 'water cooler moments' that are so essential for bonding with your colleagues, even when you're not going into an office each day. Armed with these tips, you'll have a clearer understanding of how to stave off the feelings of isolation that are always a risk when you're working remotely.In this part of the course, you'll also learn how to build a support group of fellow remote workers and expand your network by 'working out loud'.Skyrocket your productivityThe autonomy that comes with remote working can be utterly liberating. But the flipside of that autonomy is the strong self-discipline you need to maintain your focus even when you don't have a boss breathing down your neck. So a section of the course is devoted to productivity and motivation. In this part of the course, you'll learn how to beat procrastination and get tons more done - so you don't end up spending all those hours you've saved on commuting trying to catch up.Achieve the perfect work-life balanceOne of the dangers of working remotely is that the distinction between work and home life can become blurred - leading you to feel like you're always 'on call'. The final part of the course, addresses this danger head on - by considering boundaries and work life balance. In this part of the course, you'll learn how to carve out a working life that makes you happy, productive and fulfilled - without having your work overtake your life. You'll also gain a framework for identifying the times and places where you'll feel most inspired and energised. By the end of this course, youll be able to: Enjoy the benefits of remote working - while avoiding its perils and pitfallsBanish any feelings of isolation and 'cabin fever' when working remotelyAdopt the most effective and appropriate ways to stay in touch with your team when you're working remotelyParticipate in online discussions and video conferences with clarity and confidenceBeat procrastination, maintain motivation and get more done when working remotelyChoose the right kit for effective remote workingProtect your work when working remotely, by following best-practice standards of securityIdentify the types of workspaces that will make you happiest and most productive - from coffee shops to co-working spaces and moreCreate - and stick to - an effective morning regime to kickstart your day and set you up for maximum productivityCrush those feelings of cabin fever that can set in when you're working from homeEstablish - and maintain - an evening ritual that will allow you to wind down effectively at the end of the dayHands-on practiceThroughout the course, youll get opportunities to put theory into practice with exercises and assignments designed to set you up for more effective remote working - from setting your communication goals to reflecting on your work style to creating a timetable for building in everything from deep work to down time.Enroll now!By the end of this course, you'll be armed with a slew of tips and techniques for being a happy, productive remote worker. So join me on the remote working adventure today - I can't wait to see you inside the course!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Stress Management for Life" |
"Hello and welcome! I want to congratulate you for taking the first step to becoming a calmer and more peaceful YOU. I am a certified stress management coach, and my greatest personal satisfaction is helping others to improve their overall health and quality of life. When the stress exceeds our tolerance level we get overwhelmed and suffer the side effects of stress such as anger, anxiety, compulsive eating, sexual problems, addictions (smoke, alcohol, drugs) and more So, I created this stress management course to help you find balance between your mind and body, and enjoy a beautiful life where you learn how to manage stress forever.Namaste!"
Price: 19.99 |
"WordPress nternet Sitesi Kurmak: Blog, E-Ticaret, Kurumsal" |
"ENGLISH BELOWKendi internet siteni kurmak iin buradasn yle deil mi? WordPress, hibir kodlama ya da web tasarm deneyimi olmayanlarn bile inanlmaz internet siteleri yapmalarn salayan cretsiz bir ierik ynetim sistemidir. Yapmak istediin; blog amak, kiisel site kurmak, firmann kurumsal sitesini yapmak ya da E-ticaret sitesi kurmak olabilir. Balamak iin doru yerdesin! Bu kapsaml WordPress kursu; bu konuda hi deneyimi olmayanlarn anlayabilecei ve adm adm ilerleyerek kendi sitelerini hayata geirebilecekleri ekilde tasarland.Senin gibi ilk kez WordPress renecek onlarca kiiye 2014 ylndan beri birebir eitimler verip kendi internet sitelerini nasl yapacaklarn onlara rettim. Hangi problemlerle karlaacan ve bunlar hangi yntemlerle zeceini ok iyi biliyorum ve eitimin her dersini bunlar dikkate alarak hazrladm.Bu kursla; kendi alan adn alp (domain almak) internet siteni yaynlayabileceksin. Dilersen cretsiz bir ekilde kendi bilgisayarna WordPress kurup nasl pratikler yapabileceini eitimde bulacaksn.Sadece sayfalar, menler ve teknik konular renmeyeceksin ""Kendini okutan ilgi ekici sayfalar"" hazrlamay, Google'da st sralara kmak iin gerekli olan WordPress SEO aralarn etkin ekilde kullanmay ve ihtiyacn olan dier WordPress eklentilerini kendi bana seip kullanmay da reneceksin.RENCLERMDEN YORUMLAR:Bu eitim sayesinde kendime yeni bir ek i saladm ve 4 tane site yaptm emeinize salk hocam. nternet sitesi yapp para kazanmak isteyenlere tavsiye ederim.Teekkrler. - Bayram Karaaslan (IT Uzman)Anlatm son derece ak ve bilgilendirici. lem sras, ayrntlar ve bilgilendirmeler son derece faydal. - Simge Ekici (evirmen)Amatr olarak yazmaya baladm blogumu artk profesyonel olarak ynetiyorum. - znur akrak (Bankac)Wordpress okulu sayesinde, kendime ait bir web sitem oldu. ok teekkrler! - Il Kayagl (Gezgin)Sper bir eitimdi benim iin. Fikret Hocamzn ders anlatm stili ve becerisi ok etkili oldu. ok teekkr ederim! - Onur Zengin (Giriimci)Sadece Wordpress deil web dnyas ile ilgili birok yeni ey rendim. Teekkrler. - Mutlu Aldam (Mimar)Wordpress eitiminden sonra rnlerimiz ile ilgili siteleri kendim yapyorum. Artk ilgisiz webmasterlarla vakit harcamyorum! - Hseyin Avc (rn Mdr)Uzun zaman sonra okulda bile olmad kadar ilgiyle dinledim ve olduka verim aldm. Hocamza bize WordPress dnyasn kefettirdii iin teekkrler. - Gamze Bykergene (renci)WORDPRESS KURS ER:Kendi k ve profesyonel internet siteni WordPress ile nasl yapacan reneceksinBir internet sitesini WordPress ile nasl hayata geireceini reneceksinWordPress'i, yapacan ie gre nasl zelletirebileceini reneceksin.E-ticaret iin gerekli aralar kurup ayarlamay ve sitende rn satp para kazanmay reneceksin.ine uygun cretsiz temalar nasl bulacan reneceksin.Alan adn (domain) ve siteni yaynlamak iin gerekli olan hosting'i en uygun ve gvenilir ekilde nasl alacan reneceksin.Sayfalar hazrlamay, menlerle, bileenlerle (widgets), almay ve profesyonel grnml web siteler yapmay reneceksin.Temalarla almay ve ihtiyacna uygun temalar kurup kullanmay reneceksin.Eklentilerle (Plugins) almay ve ihtiyacna uygun eklentileri kurup kullanmay reneceksin.Sitenin gvenliini nasl salayacan ve hackerlardan nasl korunacan reneceksin.Sitenin yedeklerini almay ve geri yklemeyi reneceksin.Sitenin Google, Yandex, Bing gibi arama motorlarnda bulunabilmesi iin neler yapman gerektiini reneceksin. ( WordPress SEO )Sitene gelen ziyareti raporlarn Google Analytics kullanarak nasl grntleyeceini reneceksin.letiim formlar hazrlayp kullanmay reneceksin.Sitene sosyal medya paylam butonlarn nasl koyacan reneceksin.Sosyal medya ieriklerini sitende nasl yaynlayacan reneceksin.Siteni nasl hzlandrabileceini reneceksin.cretli tema satn almay ve cretli temalarla gelimi zellikleri nasl kullanacan reneceksin.Yapm aamasnda sayfasn nasl hazrlayacan reneceksin.Grsellerini basit ekilde nasl dzenleyebileceini reneceksin.Photoshop bilmeden muhteem grseller hazrlamay reneceksin.Grsel galeriler yapmay reneceksin.WordPress Yapm aamasnda sayfas yapmay reneceksin.FTP balants yapmay reneceksinKendi alan adnla biten eposta adresi amay reneceksin.RENECEN WordPress EKLENTLERNDEN BAZILARI:Yoast SEOGoogle Analytics DashboardBackUp WordPresWP Super CacheContact Form 7Pirate FormsWordFence SecurityRecent Posts Widget ExtendedCustom Share ButtonsBetter Font AwesomeWP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)ve dierleriBu WordPress kursu kimler iin?Kendi kurumsal sitesini kurmak isteyenlerKendi e-ticaret sitesini kurmak isteyenlerKendi blogunu portfolyosunu kurmak isteyenlerDaha nceden hi internet sitesi kurmam ve sfrdan balayanlarWix, Weebly gibi platformlarda sitesi olup daha profesyonel siteler yapmak isteyenlerMevcut bir WordPress sitesi olup kendisi ynetmek isteyenlerWordPress renerek hzl ve pratik ekilde web siteleri kurup kendi iini yapmak isteyenlerOrta derecede WordPress bilip bu konuda daha ok uzmanlamak isteyenler.============================== ENGLISH ==============================You're here to build your own website, aren't you?WordPress is a free content management system that lets even those who do not have any coding or web design experience create amazing websites.What you want to do; blogging, setting up a personal site, building a company's corporate site, or building an e-commerce site.You're in the right place to start! This comprehensive WordPress course; it is designed so that those who have no experience in this field can understand and move forward step by step to implement their own sites.Since 2014, I have taught dozens of people who will learn WordPress for the first time and taught them how to build their own websites. I know very well which problems you will encounter and how you can solve them, and I have prepared every lesson of the training taking these into account.With this course; take your own domain name (domain) will be able to publish your website. You can learn how to install WordPress on your computer for free and practice.You will not only learn pages, menus and technical issues, but also learn how to create ""interesting pages that make you read"", use the WordPress SEO tools that are needed to move up the top of Google, and select and use the other WordPress plugins you need.WORDPRESS COURSE CONTENT:You will learn how to make your own stylish and professional website with WordPressYou will learn how to implement a website with WordPressYou will learn how to customize WordPress according to the job you are going to do.You'll learn how to set up and set up the tools for e-commerce and sell products on your site and make money.You will learn how to find free themes for your business.You will learn how to get the domain and hosting required to publish your site in the most convenient and reliable way.You will learn how to create pages, menus, components (widgets), work and build professional-looking websites.You will learn to work with themes and build and use themes that fit your needs.You will learn how to work with plugins and install and use plugins that fit your needs.You will learn how to secure the site and how to protect it from hackers.You will learn how to make and restore backups of the site.You will learn what you need to do in order for the site to be found in search engines like Google, Yandex, Bing. (WordPress SEO)You'll learn how to view visitor reports to your site using Google Analytics.You will learn to prepare and use contact forms.You will learn how to put social media sharing buttons on your site.You will learn how to publish social media content on your site.You will learn how to speed up your site.You will learn how to buy paid themes and how to use paid features and advanced features.Under construction you will learn how to prepare your page.You will learn how to edit your images in a simple way.You will learn how to create great visuals without knowing Photoshop.You will learn how to make visual galleries.WordPress Under construction you will learn to make the page.You will learn how to make FTP connectionsYou will learn to open an email address that ends with your own domain name.Some of the WordPress add-ons you will learn:Yoast SEOWooCommerceGoogle Analytics DashboardBackUp WordPresWP Super CacheContact Form 7Pirate FormsWordFence SecurityWidget ExtendedCustom Share ButtonsBetter Font AwesomeWP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)and othersWho is this WordPress course for?People who want to set up their own corporate sitePeople who want to build their own e-commerce sitePeople who want to build their own blog portfolioNever set up a website before and start from scratchWix, Weebly platforms and more professional sites who want to make sitesAn existing WordPress site for those who want to manageThose who want to build their own web sites quickly and practically by learning WordPressThose who want to know moderate WordPress and specialize in this field."
Price: 349.99 |
"How to Buy houses on a Lease Option" |
"Welcome tomy Lease Option Course where you will learn how tocontrolhouses and make money with beautiful houses without every taking ownership of a property. You never have to qualify for a loan. You never have to complete a credit application and yet be able to make a nice 6 figure income each year.Most real estate investor's that utilize this technique make a minimum of $5K per deal. How's would you feel about doing 1 a month and making more than most peopledo on theirJOB? Also, imagine moving into you own house, assuming you don't already have one. How exciting would that be?Enroll in this highly sought after course and you will learnStep by step process of acquiring the deed on beautiful houses in gorgeous neighborhoodsWhat you need to do businessWhat you'll need to knowSetting up your team of professionalsHow to locate Motivated SellersWhat are Target PropertiesWhy it pays to work on higher price housesHow to avoid risks and protect yourselfHow to Market to and pre-screen buyers quicklyWhat documents to useWhy you should use a Real Estate Attorney to close your dealsHow to make $10K a month using just this techniqueWhy it may be helpfulto outsource 90% of your workIn the past this information was included in high priced seminars. This absolutely qualifies as potentially life changing information in the way you can increase your income and even move into a house of your very own!Join Us"
Price: 199.99 |
"JavaScript and Ruby on Rails with React, Angular, and Vue" |
"Build web apps with JavaScript, the wildly popular React JS, AngularJS, Vue JS frameworks, and Ruby on Rails 5. These are the top on-demand and highest paying web technologies in the world today. This course will teach you each of these technologies and how to apply them as you build amazing web apps. No prior experience in any of them necessary to take this course!Among many other features, you will learn how to master even the most complex parts of JavaScript, and make Ruby on Rails web apps that work with React,AngularJS, and Vue.js as their front-ends, utilizing Yarn &Webpack, and styled with the Semantic UI, Bootstap, and Materialize frameworks.You will also learn the following:How to buildAPIs for front end single page applicationsLearn the basics of JavaScript programming and progress to advanced topicsGet an in-depth introduction to Ruby and building web applications with Ruby on RailsHow to take existing features and make them more engaging for your usersStarting with a standalone single page application and integrating it into a full stack web applicationCommunicating between the front end and back end using RESTAPIsDifferent approaches to managing front end libraries in your applicationGet real insights into application development from experienced industry professionalsDeploy your apps and back up your code to the cloudIf you find yourself in any of the categories below, this course was built for you:Anyone looking for an introduction to JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, Ruby and Ruby on RailsAnyone who wants to learn JavaScript for building web applications and dynamic web sitesFront end developers looking to expand their back end knowledgeBack end developers looking to learn front end skillsAnyone who wants to be a well-roundedweb app developer and know how to build solutions containing front end and back end appsAnyone who wants to learn the most popular front-end frameworks - Vue JS, AngularJS and ReactAnyone who wants to excite their customers with dynamic and engaging functionalityAnyone who wants to bring their own ideas to life on the webAnyone who wants to take their marketability to the next level by adding JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Vue JSand AngularJSto their skillsetWith engaging video, challengingquizzes,detailed text explanations with directions and allthe code shown in the videos, coding exercises and additional resources -this course will give you the skills you have been waiting for."
Price: 199.99 |
"JAVA - Tpicos Avanados" |
"A linguagem Java tem mais de 20 anos, e tem sido utilizada por milhes de desenvolvedores e bilhes de dispositivos em todo mundo at os dias atuais. A cada release do Java, novas caractersticas e funcionalidades so introduzidas na linguagem, como tambm, na sua JVM.Este curso aborda de forma prtica e objetiva os novos recursos da linguagem Java, a partir do JDK 8. Trata-se de um curso avanado destinado a programadores Java ou para aqueles que j tm bons conhecimentos na linguagem e querem se aperfeioar.Este curso extremante evolutivo, ou seja, a cada lanamento de uma nova verso do Java, os novos recursos (new features) sero acrescentados s vdeo aulas. Ento voc estar sempre atualizado e por dentro das mudanas do Java."
Price: 99.99 |
"Quantitative Finance & Algorithmic Trading II - Time Series" |
"This course is about time series analyses. You will use R as theprogramming language and RStudio as the integrated development environment.IMPORTANT: only take this course, if you are interested in statistics and mathematics!!!The aim of the course is to construct a model capable of forecasting future stock prices. You will learn about the most important time series related concepts:white noisemoving average modelautoregressive modelconditional heteroskedastic modelsIn the last chapter you will implement a model (combining ARIMA and GARCH models) from scratch that is able to outperform the buy&hold (so long term investing) strategy!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Artificial Intelligence III - Deep Learning in Java" |
"This course is about deep learning fundamentals and convolutional neural networks. Convolutional neural networks are one of the most successful deep learning approaches: self-driving cars relyheavily on this algorithm. First you will learn aboutdensly connected neural networks and its problems. The next chapter are about convolutional neural networks: theory as well as implementation in Java with thedeeplearning4j library. The last chapters are about recurrent neural networks and the applications!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Artificial Intelligence IV - Reinforcement Learning in Java" |
"This course is about Reinforcement Learning. The first step is to talk about the mathematical background: we can use aMarkov Decision Processasa model forreinforcement learning. We can solve the problem 3 ways: value-iteration, policy-iteration and Q-learning. Q-learning is a model free approach so it is state-of-the-art approach. It learns the optimal policy by interacting with the environment. So these are the topics:Markov Decision Processesvalue-iteration and policy-iterationQ-learning fundamentalspathfinding algorithms with Q-learningQ-learning with neural networks"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Blockchain Technology & Cryptocurrency in Java" |
"In this course you will learn about the basics of blockchain technology. Theory as well as the implementation in Java!Chapter 1:the basics of blockchain technologySHA256 hashingcentralized and decentralized ledgerminingconsensus and thebyzantine generals problemproof of workChapter 2: how to implement a blockchain in JavaChapter 3:mining in cryptocurrenciesmempoolsunspent transaction outputs (UTXOs)wallet51% attackChapter 4: how to implement a cryptocurrency in JavaYou should take this course, if you are interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency technology."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Cryptography Basics in Python and Java" |
"In this course you will learn about cryptography. In this part of the series you will consider most of the private key cryptosystems such as Caesar cipher, Vigenere cipher,Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The cryptosystems are implemented in Python as well as in Java.Chapter 1:cryptography fundamentalsprivate key and public key cryptosystemsChapter 2:Caesar cipher theoryCaesar cipher implementationhow to crack Caesar cipherfrequency analysis and language detectionChapter 3:Vigenere cipher theory and implementationhow to crack Vigenere cipher with Kasiski-algorithmChapter 4:random and pseudo-random numbersone time pad theory and implementationpseudo-random number generators (middle square method and LCG)Chapter 5:Data Encryption Standard (DES)theory and implementationcryptoanalysis techniquesChapter 6:Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) theory and implementationChapter 7:symmetric cryptosystemsmodular arithmeticChapter 8:Diffie-Hellman key exchangehow to crack the Diffie-Hellman cryptosystemChapter 9:RSA cryptosystemThanks for joining my course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Advanced SAP ABAP Programming" |
"Database access is the important thing in every programming language ,but we have to be careful when doing database update .Because wrong way selected can lead to inconsistencies of data .We have to comply with ""All or Nothing"" principle when doing database update .In this course we will learn how to comply with All or Nothing principle in SAP ABAP when doing database update .there are 3 techniques of database update : Direct Update .Delayed subroutineUpdate ModuleIn this course we will learn all of them .And then After complying with all or nothing principle to do database update , there is on thingagain we have to concern, it is managing concurrent access to the same database table record .We can do this by using lock object . In this course we will learn how to create lock object in SAP ABAP ,using the lock object and then using different parameters when setting lock .After completing this course you will able to create SAP ABAP program or SAP enhancementwith robust database access ."
Price: 104.99 |
"Apple Mac OS - The Complete Course" |
"This course is designed with Apple Mac OSbeginners in mind. It is designed to take you from beginner to advanced so that you will be able to get the most out of your Apple Mac. The course can be used as an Introduction to Mac OS, it can also be used as a refresher course to get you back up to speed on Mac OS. Anyone coming from Windows and are new to Mac OSwill find this course beneficial. The course focuses on the main areas of Mac Os:DesktopSystems PreferencesInstalling ProgramsUsing and getting the most out of your MacBook or iMac.All this is included along with some great hints and tips to make you into a Mac super user."
Price: 49.99 |
"Paint an Eye: An Intro to Digital Painting" |
"When we see a new environment, the first thing we look at are the eyes in the scene. Whether it be animals or people, we all communicate with eyes first. So imagine how important it is for art and illustration to draw your eyes well!This coursedemonstrates the drawing and painting of a human eye using the free digital graphics software GIMP, although you may follow the course with any software. The goal of the course isto understand the fundamentals of creating a good digital painting while also covering fundamental drawing techniques, and with emphasis on understanding how to portray eyes well. This course will givebeginning artists an excellent start path, and give intermediate artists a deeper understanding of the aforementioned topics.You can follow this course using any raster graphics software, such as: GIMP, Photoshop, Corel, SAI, etc. As long as the software has brushes and layers it should be fine. You can also follow along with your favorite traditional medium: Pencil Drawing, Color Pencil, Watercolor, Painting, or other. We will start with a simple sketch and work our way through layers to build up the resulting image."
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Sing #3 - Learn To Sing Harmonies" |
"""How ToLearn and sing harmonies"" (Even if you DON'T read music) Learn to sing harmonies easily; Create your own harmonies from scratch; Learn how to vocal blend in a group or duo._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________""Great information. With these tips the learner can now improve the harmonies more quickly"" Rafael""I did take How to Sing # 1 and # 2. Once more, she amazes me by her skills, energy, and her way to make you understand and learn in a so easy and applicable way. She is really AMAZING!"" Jackson""Great course for learning harmonies! Explanations are clear and practical! Thank you so much!"" Phillip""Fantastic - so informative, practical, and totally makes sense. I am looking forward to the rest of the course and will probably be revisiting sections to process more deeply. I have already recommended to my church song leaders, choir, and backup singers."" Calvin_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you want visualize harmonies and map them out, hear harmonies using aural exercises that will help you create your own, or even if you just want to Learn my Top 11 basic tips for singing harmonies like a pro, then this is the course for you!My name is Roma Waterman and I am a professional vocal coach, singer/songwriter, author, and founder of the Melbourne Gospel Choir. I have been singing since I was 4, and professionally since I was 17. In my work with choirs, working on television and co-ordinating big gospel groups for TV and studio recordings, I have learned these tips over 20 years and want to pass them on to you.This course is going to give you everything you need to become a pro at learning, singing and creating your own harmonies. It's simple, quick and to the point to give you the most easy to implement tips and tricks that I still use after years of being a professional singer. But don't be fooled - learning how to sing harmonies is not easy - it will take time...and practice - but you will find all the tools you need in this course to help you learn in the best way possible.Act now so that at your next rehearsal you are prepared to not only sing, but teach others with your new found knowledge. Would you believe 9 out of 10 singers never get taught the basics of singing harmonies effortlessly, which is why I created this course.Save money on expensive vocal lessons and learn by trying out your new skills at rehearsals, in performances and in the studio;You'll skip past obstacles that stop most singers from learning harmonies and go right through the process all from home;You'll know exactly how to approach difficult harmonies as you begin to grasp the simple tricks taught in this course - and I'm also here if you need help!You'll have a TON more resources to draw from when you try out this course and the methods explained in each module. When you learn to sing harmonies with these proven methods, you will feel confident to perform in public and rehearse with others (and maybe you will be teaching them a new thing or too yourself!) When you begin to put in to practice these techniques, think about how much easier it's going to be to perform any song with harmonies, even ones you have just learned. See yourself knowing vocal parts confidently and being able to teach them to others.So Here's The Bottom Line With HowTo Sing #3 - Learn To Sing Harmonies...You will get downloadable PDFs, video training, MP3s, lyric sheets and some backing tracks as I walk you step by step through the entire process from start to finish. You get all the insiders-only instruction on how to learn and create harmonies in a group or as a duo to get you polished fast. You get the exact blueprint you need to succeed at being an amazing harmony singer!I will also be adding to this course regularly as I get your feedback on what else you would like to learn.Take action now and get those harmonies rocking for your next performance!This course is also great for worship teams and choirs.Here's to your singing success.... I would be honoured to teach you! Roma Waterman XX"
Price: 124.99 |
"Develop Your Spiritual Creativity God's Way" |
"If you have a Christian Faith and you are wanting to learn more about how to be creative from a spiritual perspective, you will find tools in this course that will encourage and motivate you to release authentic expressions of art.If your'e checking out this course, I'm guessing you have a passion for releasing authentic expressions of art that brings glory to our Heavenly Father. You might be a worship leader, sing in a worship team, a songwriter, a painter, a dancer, a poet.But maybe you're a little stuck.Maybe you know you have a gift, that God has called you, maybe you have a wealth of ideas and you don't know where its start, or maybe you have writers block and your'e simply, well.stuck.Like a lot of creative people, you may have even experienced rejection and feel broken, and just not sure how to pull yourself out of that space to move forward because your afraid of being hurt again.Well I have good news for you...It's time for you to rise up and be all God has destined you to be.There's only one you - and what you have to release is unique and The Lord wants you to release what he placed inside of you.I know how you feel..I have been there too, I know what its like to feel stuck for whatever reason, but I also know the healing power of Jesus that has transformed the way I not only minister and create, but the whole way I do life.It's been rewarding, fulfilling, filled with purpose and excitement.and I want the same for you too! Why? Because I believe that worship leaders, artists, painters, dancers {insert your gift here}...We have the potential to transform nations with the presence of Jesus through our artistic expressions.Maybe that seems too grand for you, but I want to tell you something - It's happened across the centuries with so many artists, so why can't it also happen to you? Why can't you be the one to release something that releases the atmosphere of Heaven over peoples lives?As a minister who trains and teaches creatives across the globe, I also see so many of us stuck in the same patterns - for example, really gifted people however they have no plan or map or even an idea of how God wants to use you and what gifts he has placed inside of you.You don't have to live like that. God is giving you an invitation to live your best life, and I would be honoured to be a part of that journey.This online course is jam packed not just with information but tools - I want to give you a tool belt. I want to give you an action plan, I want to help release you into all God has for you.So what's in the course?How you can create with impact & release God's presence through your worship/art; How to Hear from God for your future dreams; Deal with rejection, brokenness & how to receive healing;Goal setting & Direction - tools to dream your future with an action plan to get there;Activation exercises to help you get to the core of what you were born for;Your secret weapon in times of discouragement and fear;I've also included a PDF of impacting identity statements you can use to drive out some of those negative thought processes that can plague your success;And finally there are also a prayer you can print out that will help you overcome the root of rejection and dissapointment, as well as a daily prayer you can pray based on the Lords Prayer in scripture - but I've tailored especially for artists.I'm excited about what we can achieve together when we have vision, passion, and healing in our lives.I would love you to join me as we explore together how to overcome obstacles so that you can be the God Artist God has destined you to be. I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Photoshop, From Beginner To Expert! The Ultimate Guide" |
"** Kept Up To Date With The Latest Photoshop Version 2018 **This course will take you from a total Photoshop beginner to having a solid understanding of all the key Photoshop tools and techniques. At the end of this course you'll be ready to tackle any Photoshop challenge. - Taught in fun project based lessons - Example course PSD files for all major lessonsThe Best Way To Learn Photoshop - While You Have Fun!All the lessons in this course are designed after real world Photoshop use cases, and you can expect to repeat many of these tasks in the everyday world of Photoshop as a designer, photographer or hobbyist. I've done my very best to keep the lessons fun and project based and you can expect to see you content added to the course on a fortnightly basis. What will I learn in Photoshop?Understanding the Photoshop InterfaceSetting up new files in PhotoshopRemoving unwanted objects from photos Adding custom T-Shirt graphicsWorking with type layers Retouching portraits and lifestyle imageManipulate and repair photosLearn to master the pen toolMove, edit and select layersWay, way more!What sets this course apart from the rest?Really fun challenges and lessonsGreat project files so you can see all my workQuality sound and video in HDAll the content is straight to the point - there is no fluff!Email and chat support for any and all your questionsWe start with the basics - you won't get over your head Who is teaching the course?Throughout the final year of my Photography study and to this day, I work on many retouching projects and have worked with many clients over the last decade as their professional retoucher. This includes lifestyle retouching campaigns for companies like Kathmandu to fashion editorials for Remix magazine. I've done beauty retouching for Swedens Next Top Model, edited full weddings, created dozens of logos, worked of hundreds of brochures and more. All utilising Photoshop."
Price: 99.99 |
"Data Science Career Guide - Interview Preparation" |
"According to Glassdoor, a career as a Data Scientist is the best job in America! With an average base salary of over $120,000, not only do Data Scientists earn fantastic compensation, but they also get to work on some of the world's most interesting problems! Data Scientist positions are also rated as having some of the best work-life balances by Glassdoor. Companies are in dire need of filling out this unique role, and you can use this course to help you rock your Data Scientist Interview!This course is designed to be the ultimate resource for getting a career as a Data Scientist.We'll start off with an general overview of the field and discuss multiple career paths, including Product Analyst, Data Engineering, Data Scientist, and many more. You'll understand the various opportunities available and the best way to pursue each of them.The coursetouches upon a wide variety of topics, including questions on probability, statistics, machine learning, product metrics, example data sets, A/B testing, market analysis, and much more!The course will be full of real questions sourced from employees working at some of the world's top technology companies, including Amazon, Square, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, AirBnb and more!The course containsreal questions with fully detailed explanations and solutions. Not only is the course designed for candidates to achieve a full understanding of possible interview questions, but also for recruiters to learn about what to look for in each question response.For questions requiring coded solutions, fully commented code examples will be shown for both Python and R. This way you can focus on understanding the code in a programming language you're already familiar with, instead of worrying about syntax!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask!" |
"Welcome to the best online resource for learning how to create websites with Python and Flask!I'm Jose Portilla and I've created this course to help you develop a true understanding of the ins and outs of creating amazing websites with the latest technologies in Python and Flask!I teach over 500,000 students online and I'm happy to get the chance to help others learn the amazing power of programming!This course will be your complete definitive guide for developing fully functional websites with the Flask web framework. We'll start with crash courses in the basic front end technologies for HTML, CSS, and Boostrap 4. Once you have a good understanding of the basics of these front end technologies, we'll begin our journey with Python and Flask. The course includes a complete Python refresher that starts with the very basics and quickly takes you through the advanced features, including functions, decorators, object oriented programming, and more!Once we understand HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, andPython we're ready to tackle Flask and learn about all the amazing features it has! We'll create basic landing pages with Flask and Python, then show you how to connect templates to Flask do you can connect your Flask Application to HTML,CSS, and Bootstrap based templates. We'll also cover how to use theJinja template engine to directly connect your flask application to your front end files to customize your websites.Then we'll learn how to create forms to accept user information, how to save that information to a SQLdatabase, and relay it back to the user.This course includes afully complete Social Network project that includes, User Logins, Followers, Authentication, Blueprints, Templates, SQLDatabases, and more!In this course we'll cover everything you need to know, including:Crash Course on HTMLCrash Course on CSSCrash Course on Bootstrap 4CompleteOverview of Python 3Utilizing Flask BasicsCreating Templates with Flask and JinjaCreating Forms with Flask and WTFormsCreating Databases with SQL and connecting them to FlaskStructuring Large Flask Applications with BlueprintsCreating User Login, Registration, andAuthenticationCreating Full Applications, including a Social Network ProjectRESTAPIs with FlaskAccepting Payments with Stripeand much more!So what are you waiting for?Sign up today and begin your journey to creating amazing websites with the power of programming with Flask and Python!I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp [Updated: December 2019]" |
"Get a Real In-Depth Understanding of Go and its Internal Mechanisms by:Ultra-detailed, entertaining, intuitive, and easy to understand animations.Learn by doing:Write a log parser, file scanner, spam masker and more.Solve 1000+ hands-on exercises.Learn a lot of tips and tricks that you can't find easily anywhere else.What's included?Go OOP: Interfaces and MethodsInternals of Methods and InterfacesFunctions and Pointers: Program design, pass by value, and addressability.Implicit interface satisfactionType assertion and Type SwitchEmpty interface: []interface{} vs interface{}Value, Pointer, and Nil ReceiversPromoted MethodsFamous InterfacesTips about when to use interfacesfmt.Stringer, sort.Sort, json.Marshaler, json.Unmarshaler, and so on.Composite Types: Arrays, Slices, Maps, and StructsInternals of Slices and MapsBacking array, slice header, capacity, and map headerJSON encoding and decoding, field tags, embeddingMake, copy, full Slice expressions and append mechanicsUTF-8 encoding and decodingGo Type System MechanicsType inference, underlying, predeclared, and unnamed types.Untyped constants and iota.Blank Identifier, short declaration, redeclaration, scopes, naming conventionsI/OProcess Command-Line Arguments, printf, working with files, bufio.Scanner, ...How to create your own Go packagesHow to run multiple Go files, and how to use third-party packagesGo toolsDebugging Go code, go doc, and others....and more.Why Go?Go is one of the most desired, easy to learn, and the highest paying programming languages. There are 1+ million Go programmers around the world, and the number is increasing each day exponentially. It's been used by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, and many others.Go is Efficient like C, C++, and Java, and Easy to use like Python and Javascript. It's Open-Source, Simple, Powerful, Efficient, Cross-Platform (OS X, Windows, Linux, ...), Compiled, Garbage-Collected, and Concurrent. Go is best for Command-line Tools, Web APIs, Distributed Network Applications like Microservices, Database Engines, Big-Data Processing Pipelines, and so on.Go has been designed by one of the most influential people in the industry:Unix: Ken ThompsonUTF-8, Plan 9: Rob PikeHotspot JVM (Java Virtual Machine): Robert Griesemer"
Price: 199.99 |
"Interactive Python Dashboards with Plotly and Dash" |
"Welcome to Python Visualization Dashboards with Plotly's Dash Library!This course will teach your everything you need to know to use Python to create interactive dashboard's with Plotly's new Dash library! Have you ever wanted to take your Python skills to the next level in data visualization? With this course you will be able to create fully customization, interactive dashboards with the open source libraries of Plotly and Dash.Dash instructional courses from Plotly usually cost more than $1000, but now you can get the bootcamp experience for a fraction of that price in this self-paced course that includes example code, explanatory videos, student support in our chat channels, Question and Answer Forums, and interactive exercises.We'll start off by teaching you enough Numpy and Pandas that you feel comfortable working and generating data in our quick crash course. Then we'll continue by teaching you about basic data visualization with Plotly, including scatter plots, line charts, bar charts, bubble charts, box plots, histograms, distribution plots, heat maps, and more! We'll also give you an intuition of when to use each plot type.After this and at the end of each section you'll be given exercise tasks to test and evaluate your new skills, a feature no other Plotly Dash training offers!Once you have a grasp on Plotly basics we'll move on to the bulk of the course which is utilizing the Dash library to leverage the power of plotly plots to create interactive dashboards. We'll discuss how to create layouts for dashboards, how to have interactive callbacks, dealing with multiple inputs and outputs, creating interactive components, and more!We'll finish off the course by going over live updating dashboards that automatically update in real timeand even show you how you can deploy your dashboards live to the web with the Heroku service.By taking this course you will be learning the bleeding edge of data visualization technology with Python and gain a valuable new skill to show your colleagues or potential employers. After completing the course you will have a certification you can post to your LinkedIn profile and a portfolio of dashboard projects you can share as well.All of this comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so what are you waiting for? Enroll today and we'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Deep Learning Grundlagen mit TensorFlow und Python" |
"Willkommen zu TensorFlow fr Deep Learning mit Python!Dieser Kurs richtet sich sowohl an Anfnger, die zum ersten Mal mit Deep Learning in Berhrung kommen, als auch an erfahrene Entwickler, die ihr Portfolio um Fhigkeiten in Richtung Deep Learning und TensorFlow ausbauen wollen!Dieser Grundlagenkurs fhrt dich durch den Einsatz des TensorFlow-Frameworks von Google, um knstliche neuronale Netzwerke fr Deep Learning zu erstellen. Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, dir einen leicht verstndlichen Leitfaden ber die Komplexitt des TensorFlow-Frameworks von Google zu geben. Dennoch sollte einem die Komplexitt dieses Themas bewusst sein. Andere Kurse und Tutorials tendieren dazu, sich von reinem Tensorflow fernzuhalten und stattdessen Abstraktionen zu verwenden, die dem Benutzer weniger Kontrolle geben. Hier stellen wir dir einen Kurs vor, der dir schlielich als vollstndige Anleitung zur bestimmungsgemen Verwendung des TensorFlow-Frameworks dient und dir die neuesten Techniken des Deep Learning zeigt.Dieser Deep Learning Kurs wurde entwickelt, um Theorie und praktische Umsetzung in Einklang zu bringen, mit kompletten Jupyter-Notebook-Handbchern und leicht verstndlichen Folien und Notizen. Wir haben auch viele bungen mit echten Daten, um deine neuen Fhigkeiten zu testen.Dieser Kurs deckt eine Vielzahl von Themen ab, darunterGrundlagen des Neuronalen NetzesTensorFlow GrundlagenKnstliche Neuronale NetzwerkeDicht verbundene Netzwerke (eng. Densely Connected Networks)Faltungsneuronale Netze (eng. Convolutional Neural Networks)Wiederkehrende Neuronale Netzwerke (eng. Recurrent Neural Networks)AutoEncoderReinforcement LearningOpenAI Gymund vieles mehr!Es gibt viele Deep Learning Frameworks, warum also TensorFlow?TensorFlow ist eine Open-Source-Softwarebibliothek zur numerischen Berechnung mit Datenflussgraphen. Knoten in einem Graphen stellen mathematische Operationen dar, whrend die Graphenkanten die zwischen ihnen kommunizierten multidimensionalen Datenarrays (Tensoren) darstellen. Die flexible Architektur ermglicht die Bereitstellung von Berechnungen auf einer oder mehreren CPUs oder GPUs in einem Desktop, Server oder mobilen Gert mit einer einzigen API. TensorFlow wurde ursprnglich von Forschern und Ingenieuren entwickelt, die im Google Brain Team innerhalb der Machine Intelligence Forschungsorganisation von Google arbeiten, um maschinelles Lernen und Forschung an tiefen neuronalen Netzen durchzufhren, aber das System ist allgemein genug, um auch in einer Vielzahl anderer Bereiche einsetzbar zu sein.Es wird von groen Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt verwendet, darunter Airbnb, Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, Uber, SAP, Qualcomm, IBM, Intel und natrlich Google!Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugang zu allen Lektionen und den passenden Notebooks zu den Lektionen!Zustzlich bietet dir dieser Kurs eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn du in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest, erhltst du dein Geld zurck. Und du darfst alle Notebooks als Dankeschn fr das Ausprobieren dieses Kurses behalten!Werde noch heute ein Maschine Learning Experte! Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Probability and Statistics for Business and Data Science" |
"Welcome to Probability and Statistics for Business andData Science!In this course we cover what you need to know about probability and statistics to succeed in business and the data science field!This practical course will go over theory and implementation of statistics to real world problems. Each section has example problems, in course quizzes, and assessment tests. Well start by talking about the basics of data, understanding how to examine it with measurements of central tendency, dispersion, and also building an understanding of how bivariate data sources can relate to each other.Afterwards well dive into probability , learning about combinations and permutations, as well as conditional probability and how to apply bayes theorem.Then well move on to discussing the most common distributions found in statistics, creating a solid foundation of understanding how to work with uniform, binomial, poisson, and normal distributions.Up next well talk about statistics, applying what weve learned so far to real world business cases, including hypothesis testing and the student's T distribution.Well end the course with 3 sections on advanced topics, such as ANOVA (analysis of variance), understanding regression analysis, and finally performing chi squared analysis.The sections are modular and organized by topic, so you can reference what you need and jump right in!Our course includes HDVideo with clear explanations and high quality animations, we also include extensive case studies to show you how to apply this knowledge to the real world.We'll cover everything you need to know about statistics and probability to clearly tackle real world business and data science problems!Including:Measurements of DataMean, Median, and ModeVariance and Standard DeviationCo-variance and CorrelationPermutations andCombinationsUnions and IntersectionsConditional ProbabilityBayes TheoremBinomial DistributionPoisson DistributionNormal DistributionSamplingCentral Limit TheoremHypothesis TestingT-Distribution TestingRegression AnalysisANOVAChi Squaredand much more!Not only do you get great technical content, but youll also have access to our online QA forums as well as our student chat channel. Where the TAs and myself are happy to help out with any questions you encounter! Upon finishing this course youll receive a certificate of completion you can post on your linkedin profile to show off to your colleagues, or even potential employers!All of this content comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so you can try out the course risk free!So what are you waiting for? Enroll today and we'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Kingdom Finance & Multiple Streams of Income" |
"Kingdom Finance & Multiple Streams of Incomewill train students for multiple streams of income, financial wealth, and secondary income. Students will learn how to make money using a variety of platforms including internet sales/marketing, mentoring/coaching, stock trading, real estate and more.The training offered in this course is potentially life changing, covering subjects such as Multiple Ways of Making Money, Training for Internet Income, Real Estate Investment for Beginners and much more. Students will learn how to sell on eBay, Amazon, and Fiverr; flipping in real estate, stock market riches and so much more. Upon completion of this course, students will be more confident for effective, multiple streams of income and entrepreneurship. God wants us to be wealthy and wise with our money and this course is meant to be a training ground to step out of the rat-race and into the fast-track of financial independence. Lessons: eBaytraining in multiple areas Amazonriches made from home Start your ownCoaching/Mentorshipprogram with intellectual property that you already obtain and that others are willing to pay you to know Stock Marketmillions can be made How to start flipping inReal Estate Cryptocurrencyand theForex Website building and YouTube richesA somewhat secret website that has everyone enamored to make money in resales About this course: Thousands of happy students Comes with workbook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God! Full, free lifetime access And of course, we stand behind the30-day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown with this easy to understand and easy to grasp course. The information provided in this course and accompanying material is for informational purposes only.It should not be considered legal or financial advice. Im not a certified financial planner/advisor nor a certified financial analyst nor an economist nor a CPA nor an accountant nor a lawyer. Im not a finance professional through formal education. I do not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using the content. By taking this course, you agree to hold me harmless from any ramifications, financial or otherwise, that occur to you as a result of acting on information contained in this course. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence."
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprende MongoDB - La mejor Base de Datos NoSQL desde cero" |
"MongoDB es la base de datos ms popular para el desarrollo de aplicaciones modernas, es la base de datos NoSQL - No Relacional, con mayor uso en el mercado, y en este curso aprendrs desde lo ms bsico a trabajar con ella. MongoDB es la solucin de base de datos ms sofisticada en el mundo de la tecnologa en este momento, capaz de impulsar desde cualquier proyecto personal en crecimiento hasta una infraestructura empresarial.Este curso te ayudar a dominar una de las bases de datos NoSQL ms populares, MongoDB. Este curso est diseado para proporcionar conocimiento y habilidades prcticas para que puedas convertirte en un experto de MongoDB.**************** Este Curso se actualiza de forma peridica ********************Este curso te ayudar a conocer y a dominar una de las bases de datos NoSQL ms populares. Este curso est diseado para proporcionar conocimiento y habilidades prcticas para convertirse en poco tiempo en un experto de MongoDB.Comenzaremos por aprender los conceptos bsicos de MongoDB, el proceso de instalacin, crear bases de datos, colecciones, operaciones CRUD, Consultas, Agregaciones e indexacin.Habr pequeos cuestionarios despus de cada seccin para poner a prueba nuestra comprensin y tambin para revisar los conceptos.Al final de este curso conocers esta base de datos NoSQL y adems como integrar el desarrollo de aplicaciones basado en MongoDB utilizando Robo3T como interfaz de gestin de MongoDB.Aprenda cmo trabajar con la Shell de MongoDB. Vamos a discutir y explorar el motor de JavaScript que se utiliza en MongoDB.Estudie los tipos de datos principales de MongoDB: cadenas, nmeros, matrices, objetos, fechas, etc. Hablaremos sobre los tipos de datos JSON y BSON, y discutiremos la diferencia entre ellos.Objetivos del curso:Conocer el manejo de MongoDB.Actualizacin a la versin de MongoDB 4.x.Nuevas formas de ingreso de datos de la ltima versin.Decidir dnde y cundo usar MongoDB en el desarrollo de su aplicacin.Disear una base de datos MongoDB de principio a fin.Diferenciar entre bases de datos Relacional y una base de datos NoSQL.Conocer las principales caractersticas y ventajas de la base de datos NoSQL MongoDB sobre las bases de datos Relacionales.Realizar las operaciones CRUD en MongoDB.Conocer los tipos de datos en MongoDB.Realizar las diferentes operaciones de consultas y operadores.Conocer las operaciones con los Framework de Agregacin.Manejo de ndices en MongoDB.Tareas administrativas, usuarios y roles, copia de seguridad, importacin y exportacin de datos en MongoDB.Recuerda que tienes la garanta de Udemy de 30 das, as que toma la decisin de aprender MongoDB, no tienes nada que perder."
Price: 149.99 |
"Aprende CSS3 - Conoce lo Nuevo que Trae est Versin de CSS" |
"En este curso vas a aprender sobre las novedades de CSS en su versin 3 - CSS3 y su aplicacin sencilla, sus nuevas propiedades que te van a permitir crear los mejores estilos y efectos para tu sitio web.Cuando creamos un sitio web muy atractivo y con una interfaz muy limpia es gracias a CSS3, el desarrollo de un sitio web no termina al maquetar el sitio utilizando HTML5, las hojas de estilos juegan un rol muy importanto en lo atractivo, y en lo que a diseo del sitio se refiere.CSS3 es la ltima evolucin de las hojas de estilo en cascadas, trae consigo nuevas novedades esperadas como las esquinas redondeadas de una caja, la aplicacin sencilla de las nuevas propiedades sin la neesidad de escribir tanto cdigo en las hojas de estilos.En este curso vas a ir conociendo diversas caractersticas aparecidas en la ltima versin de CSS, con lecciones puntuales y cada una con su respectivo ejemplo de aplicacin.El curso se divide en 2 secciones en donde vamos a tocar los siguientes temas en general:Novedades de CSS3.CSS3 Selectores.Propiedades de CSS3.Lecciones que son ms que tutoriales.Para llevar el curso se requiere un conocimiento bsico de HTML5 y CSS, el mismo que puedes conseguir siguiendo el curso ""Diseo Web - Aprende creando un sitio web"", que es totalmente GRATIS.Espero te anims y verte dentro del curso, recuerda que cualquier duda estamos para apoyarte por medio de la seccin de preguntas y respuestas, y recuerda adems que tienes 30 das de garanta para la devolucin de tu dinero, siempre y cuando no estes satisfecho con el curso."
Price: 99.99 |
"VPS Linux en DigitalOcean: Tu Gua creando Proyectos Reales" |
"Conoce, crea y aprende a implementar tu propio servidor VPS en la nube de DigitalOcean para varios sitios web, incluyendo uno con WordPress.Ms que un curso de como implamentar tu VPS, una experiencia con dos proyectos reales, al finalizar el curso tendrs los conocimientos necesarios para brindar este tipo de soluciones y un sitio web funcionando para empezar a recibir visitas.Que hablan los estudiantes de nuestro curso:""Felicidades! En verdad un GRAN curso, fcil de seguir, de entender. Las prcticas muy bien realizadas. No tuve ningn problema, y ya tengo mi wordpress corriendo en un ""droplet"" de Digital Ocean. Gracias!"" - Fernando Barajas.""El mejor curso sin duda, gracias por compartir tus conocimientos"" - Frank Lopez.""El curso esta genial! Explica lo que muchos buscamos en la web para poder iniciar con nuestros proyectos con wordpress, ya sea una pagina web, una landing page o en mi caso una e-commerce con woocomerce :'). Mas que satisfecho con su contenido y muy buena didctica! :D"" - Kevin Toribio.""Excelente, un paso a paso muy bien explicado, ya tengo mi propio VPS tan slo siguiendo est gua."" - Carlos GutierrezLo que vas a aprender:Un Servidor Virtual Privado (VPS - Virtual Private Server), ya no es algo nuevo, es una tecnologa muy utilizada en la actualidad, y con mucho futuro, abri las puertas a lo que hoy conocemos como el Cloud o la Nube. Un VPS te permite gestionar tus propios recursos para implementar soluciones escalables.WordPress es uno de los CMS ms utilizados por Bloggers, emprendedores y empresas para implementar un sitio web, haz que tu pgina tenga el rendimiento deseado con las visitas que recibe, consigue el posicionamiento en buscadores, siendo la optimizacin del sitio un factor muy importante.En este curso vas a aprender paso a paso a crear tu propio servidor para implementar un sitio web desde cero, para ello vamos a crear todo el entorno necesario para un sitio web basado en WordPress, siendo este uno de los manejadores de contenidos ms utilizado en la web por muchos blogs y sitios de Internet.Para crear todo tu propio entorno, vamos a utilizar la Nube de DigitalOcean para crear un VPS bajo el Sistema Operativo Ubuntu Linux, dentro de tu propio servidor aprenders a instalar el servidor web NgInx, el gestor de base de datos MySQL, instalar PHP, y finalmente instalar el Manejador de contenido WordPress ,para que tengas tu propio Blog o pgina de emprendimiento, tambin vamos explicar el proceso de alojar un segundo sitio en el mismo servidor VPS.A continuacin detallamos algunos temas especficos que vamos a revisar en el curso:Introduccin a los VPS y porqu utilizarlos.Qu es un Droplet en DigitalOcean.Acceder a tu servidor va SSH para su administracin.Instalar y configurar NgInx.Instalar y crear una base de datos MySQL.Instalar PHP e integrarlos con el servidor Web.Manejo de paquetes en Linux.Comandos bsicos de Linux.Descargar e instalar WordPress en tu VPS.Manejo de permisos en Linux.Configurar un Dominio para acceder a tu sitio web.Configurar un certificado Let's Encrypt, para asegurar el sitio.Configurar un segundo sitio en el VPS.Recuerda que todos nuestros cursos tienen constante actualizacin, a los mismos que tendrs acceso de por vida. Siempre estaremos pendiente para brindarte el apoyo necesario en cada una de las lecciones en las que tengas dudas. Adems tienes la Garanta de Udemy de la devolucin de tu dinero durante los primeros 30 das.Vamos, aprende a implementar un VPS con Ubuntu Linux de forma rpida!!, y empieza a publicar tus propios proyectos o emprendimiento. Espero verte dentro del curso."
Price: 99.99 |
"Vue JS - Aprende a Crear Aplicaciones Web Modernas con Vue" |
"Vue JS, es uno de los Frameworks de desarrollo web muy utilizado en la actualidad, con el vas a poder crear sitios web modernos que cubran todas las necesidades que un desarrollador web pueda imaginar.Bienvenido a nuestro curso de Vue JS en su versin 2, tambin llamado VueJS 2, este curso esta orientado para que lo empieces desde cero, vamos a empezar a conocer Vue JS desde sus conceptos bsicos, hasta empezar a crear pequeas pero funcionales aplicaciones, en donde podrs notar la funcionalidad que puedes conseguir con este poderoso Framework.No importa donde lo bsques (Google, GitHub, Tendencias) ni como lo mires, Vue JS se est convirtiendo rpidamente en la estrella del desarrollo web utilizando un Framework de JavaScript.El desarrollo reactivo se est volviendo muy popular, ya que brindan una mejor experiencia a los usuarios, y esto lo vemos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles, pero hoy en da gracias a los Frameworks o marcos de trabajao desarrollados, en JavaScript, podemos llevar esa reactividad a los navegadores. VueJS ya es tendencia y como tal se requiere cada da de personas con este conocimiento.Estoy seguro que muchos conocen o escucharon hablar de Angular o ReactJS, ambos muy buenos y con sus caractersticas propias que hacen que el desarrollo web sea como un juego, VueJS une o combina la mejor de ambos Frameworks, y hace que el desarrollo de aplicaciones web de todo nivel sea an ms divertido y funcional. Y si no escuchaste de los dos Frameworks o tampoco conoces algo de ellos, no te preocupes, que no necesitas de esos conocimientos para aprender VueJS, lo iremos aprendiendo durante el desarrollo del curso.Lo que vas a aprender en el curso:Qus es Vue JS y porqu deberas utilizarlo?Crear tu entorno de trabajo para empezar con VueJS.Todos los tipos de Uniones o Datan Bindings.Uso de las diferentes Directivas de Vue JS.Uso de los Filtros.Creacin de Componentes Web.Como implementar tu aplicacin en produccin.Comunicacin entre componentes.Varias Apps, incluyendo carrito de compras.Integrar Bootstrap a tus proyectos con Vue.Vue CLI 3.Vue Router o rutas en Vue JS.Fomularios con Vue JS.Validaciones.En cada una de las secciones te acompaaran pequeos ejercicios, y evaluaciones para reforzar tus conocimientos, nuestra misin es que no solo veas cdigo, sino que tambin lo practiques.Para firnalizar recuerda que todos nuestros cursos tienen actualizaciones peridicas, eso garantiza que siempre tendrs un curso actualizado, tambin no olvides que tienes la garanta de devolucin de tu dinero por parte de UDEMY. Espero verte dentro."
Price: 149.99 |