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"Portal de Noticias - PHP MVC e Mysqli"
"O curso de criao de Portal de Notcias com PHP MVC e banco de dados mysqli possui 57 aulas, este o primeiro mdulo da montagem completa do sistema, neste mdulo focamos na criao do projeto, estrutura, template e montagem do sistema de login com cdastro dos usurios e ativao deles dentro do portal, este um curso avanado, aconselhvel o aluno j ter conhecimento em PHP 7 e Mysqli"
Price: 39.99

"Portal de Notcias com PHP MVC - Fruns"
"O curso de criao de Portal de Notcias com PHP MVC e banco de dados mysqli possui 60 aulas, este o segundo mdulo da montagem completa do sistema, neste mdulo focamos na criao da parte de categorias, fruns, recuperao de senha do usurio e outras funciconalidades do portal, totalmente aconselhvel o usurio acompanhar antes o mdulo 01 com a estrutura do portal e a parte de login."
Price: 39.99

"Portal de Notcias PHP MVC - Gesto de Usurios"
"O curso de criao de Portal de Notcias com PHP 7 MVC e banco de dados mysqli possui 65 aulas, este o terceiro mdulo da montagem completa do site, neste mdulo focamos na criao da parte de temas, relacionamentos com os fruns feitos no mdulo anterior e gesto de usurios do sistema com nveis de permisso e muito mais, totalmente aconselhvel acompanhar antes os mdulos 01 e 02 se tiver interesse em montar todo portal, caso tenha interesse apenas no contedo deste curso pode acompanhar apenas este, so enviados todos os fontes e arquivos usados na montagem do portal."
Price: 54.99

"Portal de Notcias PHP 7 MVC - Sistema de Mensagens"
"O curso de criao de Portal de Notcias com PHP 7 MVC e banco de dados mysqli possui 61 aulas, este o quarto e ltimo mdulo da montagem completa do site, neste mdulo focamos na criao da parte de mensagens e comentrios, onde estruturamos toda parte de finalizao do portal juntamente com os temas e seus relacionamentos, neste mdulo tambm hospedamos o portal e seu banco de dados mysql, adquira j o curso e receba tambm todos os fontes completos do portal."
Price: 54.99

"Sistema de Chat com PHP 7 e Mysqli"
"curso de criao de Chat com PHP 7 e banco de dados mysqli possui 23 aulas, este um pequeno curso onde ensino o passo a passo de como criar um chat para sites e sistemas web com php, mostrado tambm como implementar o chat em qualquer outro projeto que tenha feito em php 7, adquira j o curso e receba os arquivos fontes junto para facilitar no estudo."
Price: 39.99

"Loja Virtual com PHP 7 e Mysqli - Mdulo 01"
"O curso de criao de Loja Virtual com PHP7 e mysqli possui 62 aulas, este o primeiro mdulo da criao de um projeto bem grande que ser a montagem de uma loja virtual completa, neste primeiro mdulo focamos na estruturao do site usando mvc e orientao a objetos, neste mdulo montada a parte estrutural com o template e todas as classes para conexo e acesso ao banco de dados, deixando um projeto completamente bem estruturado que pode ser aplicado em qualquer outro tipo de site ou sistema web, adquira j o curso e receba todas as aulas + os fontes e arquivos usados."
Price: 54.99

"Loja Virtual com PHP 7 - Carrinho de Compras"
"O curso de criao de Loja Virtual com PHP7 e mysqli possui 60 aulas, este o segundo mdulo da criao de um projeto bem grande que ser a montagem de uma loja virtual completa, neste mdulo criamos a parte do carrinho de compras e damos sequncia na estruturao da loja com paginao e diversos outros recursos, totalmente aconselhvel que para a montagem da loja virtual o aluno acompanhe os mdulos na sequncia correta, se for apenas de seu interesse a parte do carrinho de compras pode iniciar diretamente por este, todos os mdulos acompanham os fontes."
Price: 39.99

"Loja Virtual com PHP 7 - Sistema de Pedidos"
"O curso de criao de Loja Virtual com PHP7 e mysqli possui 60 aulas, este o terceiro mdulo da criao de um projeto bem grande que ser a montagem de uma loja virtual completa, neste mdulo criamos a parte de pedidos, com o gerenciamento de login dos clientes, painl dos clientes, frete e fechamento do pedido, se for apenas de seu interesse a parte de pedidos e frete pode iniciar diretamente por este, todos os mdulos acompanham os fontes."
Price: 54.99

"Loja Virtual com PHP 7 - Gerenciamento de Clientes"
"O curso de criao de Loja Virtual com PHP7 e mysqli possui 60 aulas, este o quarto mdulo da criao de um projeto bem grande que ser a montagem de uma loja virtual completa, neste mdulo criamos a parte de gerenciamento de clientes, com a concluso do painl do cliente, listagem de pedidos e itens dos pedidos, recuperao de senhas, inicializao do painl do administrador e upload de imagens, se for apenas de seu interesse o contedo deste mdulo pode iniciar diretamente por este curso, todos os mdulos acompanham os fontes."
Price: 54.99

"Loja Virtual com PHP 7 - Painel Administrativo"
"O curso de criao de Loja Virtual com PHP7 e mysqli possui 84 aulas, este o quinto e ltimo mdulo da criao de um projeto bem grande que foi este da montagem de uma loja virtual completa, neste mdulo criamos a parte de painl administrativo, busca de produtos e pagamentos, todos os mdulos acompanham os fontes."
Price: 84.99

"Programao WEB - Criando meu Primeiro Site"
"O curso de Programao WEB possui 54 aulas, ele indicado para quem quer entrar nessa rea de desenvolvimento de sites e ainda no tem conhecimento nas linguagens usadas para desenvolver, voc vai aprender a criar um site completo e responsivo usando html 5, css3 e javascript, dou uma boa esplanada sobre as linguagens e mostro o passo a passo do desenvolvimento, adquira j o curso e entre com tudo nessa que uma das reas que mais cresce no mercado."
Price: 39.99

"Programao WEB - Site Responsivo com Bootstrap e Jquery"
"O curso de Programao WEB mdulo 02 possui 50 aulas, ele indicado para quem quer entrar nessa rea de desenvolvimento de sites e ainda no tem conhecimento nas linguagens usadas para desenvolver, voc vai aprender a criar um site completo e responsivo usando php 7, bootstrap, jquery, mysqli e toda parte de hospedagem e publicao do site, totalmente aconselhvel ter acompanhado antes o mdulo 01, onde ensino a criar toda estrutura do site com html5 e css3."
Price: 54.99

"Curso de Delphi 10"
"O curso de Delphi 10.2 Berlin contm 53 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, este um curso indicado para iniciantes na programao, usada a nova plataforma do delphi 10 podendo tambm ser acompanhado em qualquer delphi a partir da verso XE7, se voc pretende se tornar um programador e quer se ingressar nessa rea adquira j nosso curso e se torne um programador completo."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Delphi 10 Avanado"
"O curso de Delphi 10.2 Berlin contm 61 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, neste curso focamos nos usos dos componentes e propriedades do delphi, vem como a programao e estruturao de sistemas, aconselhvel acompanhar antes o curso de delphi 10 para iniciantes ou j ter um conhecimento prvio em delphi."
Price: 54.99

"Delphi 10 com Banco de Dados"
"O curso de Delphi 10.2 contm 65 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, neste curso focamos na parte de banco de dados ensinando os alunos a conectarem a seus sistemas delphi banco de dados access, sql e mysql, mostrando as funcionalidade e aplicaes de cada um bem como a hospedagem do banco em servidores web para que vrios usurios possam consumir o mesmo banco de dados ao mesmo tempo, aconselhvel acompanhar antes os outros dois cursos de delphi 10 caso o aluno no tenha conhecimento em programao e nem na plataforma delphi, adquira j o curso e se torne um desenvolvedor profissional."
Price: 54.99

"Sistema de Gerenciamento de Clientes com Delphi"
"O curso de Sistema de Gernciamento de Clientes com Delphi 10.2 contm 65 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, neste curso montamos um sistema completo de gerenciamento de clientes com cadastros, consultas, relatrios e muito mais usando banco de dados mysql, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sistemas usando delphi, aconselhvel o aluno acompanhar antes os cursos de delphi introdutrio ou ter um conhecimento prvio em programao antes de acompanhar este."
Price: 54.99

"Aplicativo de Clientes com Delphi 10 Mobile"
"O curso de Aplicativo de Clientes com Delphi 10.2 e banco de dados SQLite contm 40 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, neste curso criamos um aplicativo simples para cadastro de clientes usando os recursos do delphi para mobile e banco de dados sqlite, este curso aconselhvel para quem j programa ou pretende programar em delphi para desktop e deseja montar aplicativos usando esta mesma plataforma, adquira j o curso e se ingresse nessa que uma das reas que mais crescem hoje me dia no mercado."
Price: 54.99

"Curso de Animate CC 2017"
"O curso de Animate CC 2017 contm 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a trabalhar com o animate para desenvolver animaes, nele mostrado os recursos e ferramentas existentes no animate, este software a continuao do adobe flash, o software mais usado atualmente para desenvolvimento de animaes em geral, adquira j o curso e comece a vender suas animaes."
Price: 39.99

"Animate CC 2017 - Projetos na Prtica"
"O curso de Projetos Prticos com Animate CC 2017 contm 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a criar projetos de forma prtica usando o animate, este o segundo curso que temos de animate, aconselhvel o aluno acompanhar antes o curso introdutrio caso no conhea a ferramenta, neste curso o aluno ir criar projetos interativos, banners web, animaes, vetorizaes, criao de personagens, banners publicitrios, introduo a programao de botes e muito mais, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus projetos."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Animate CC com HTML5 Canvas"
"O curso de Animate CC 2017 com Canvas HTML5 contm 56 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a criar projetos para web com o animate, iniciamos com a programao javascript dentro do animate onde criamos um site completo, banners rotativos, slideshow, galeria de imagens, pginas animadas, etc, criamos tambm um quiz interativo de perguntas e respostas para aprofuncar mais na linguagem javascript contida dentro do animate, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus projetos."
Price: 39.99

"Sistema Escolar com Visual Basic 2018"
"O curso de Sistema Escolar com Visual Basic possui 60 aulas, neste curso usamos o visual studio 2017 para desenvolver um sistema de gesto escolar, a partir do contedo aprendido neste sistema o aluno poder criar diversos outros tipos de sistemas, usamos o banco de dados SQL Server onde o banco de dados pode ficar local ou hospedado em um servidor para que vrios computadores compartilhem do mesmo banco, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sistemas."
Price: 579.99

"Curso de IONIC 3 Desenvolvendo Aplicativos"
"O curso de Ionic 3 possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a desenvolver aplicativos mobile usando o ionic com linguagens web como html, css, javascript, angular, entre outras, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus aplicativos para android e ios de forma simples e prtica, atualmente ionic a linguagem mobile que mais cresce no mercado, torne-se um desenvolvedor mobile e comece a lucrar desenvolvendo seus aplicativos."
Price: 549.99

"Ionic3 com Banco de Dados"
"O curso de Ionic 3 com banco de dados possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a trabalhar com banco de dados nativo storage, banco local SQLite e banco Mysql para que seu aplicativo possa armazenar em rede, mostramos tudo sobre as comunicaes com o banco e criao do Crud para comunicar os apps com os banco de dados, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus aplicativos com ionic para diversos tipos de plataformas como android, ios, windows phone e outras."
Price: 489.99

"Sales Funnel Mastery: The Bridge Page Sales Funnel"
"The Bridge Page:Take a FREEBIEemail optin from the ""free-free-free mindset"" to ""I'm ready to buy"" injust 1-2 minutes.This course is going to take you on a journey very similar to the one I take my studentsand theirteams on. Itll help you understand how to structure your sales funnel and each page therein(even if you're an affiliate) in a way thatll allow you to make two to three times more money from the same exact traffic that you are getting right now. And when you follow these steps, you will open these floodgates, allowing you to spend more money to get a lot more new customers; which translates into exponential growth.This coursewill show you how to communicate and socially connect with your customers in a way that makes them, quite naturally, want to ascend up your Value Ladder where you can offer more valuable services in return for more money. You will be creating aculture of buyers for your company with these methods.The entire idea is to make your products, services, and ideas so easy to buy that people almost unconsciously go through your entire catalogue of products by the time they hit the exit button in their browser; which makes me recall all the times Ive heard Mark sayMake your product easier to buy than yourcompetition, or you will find your customersbuying from them, not you. Mark CubanWhen you implement each secret, youll transform your business and website from a flattened, two-dimensional company into a three-dimensional marketing and sales machine that allows you to finally outspend competitors, acquire an almost unlimited number of customers, make more money, and most importantly, reach more people than ever before.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Asales funnelis the path that a customer is taken through to purchase a product.If you are making money through affiliate marketing or network marketing and you DO NOT have a website, then you WILL want to AT LEAST have a sales funnel.There is no ifs, buts, whys or maybes.It is simply a must!If you do already have a sales funnel, but you are not getting the sales that you want, then you may want to consider adding a bridge page.What Is A Bridge Page?A bridge page is webpage that comes aftera capture page, but before the sales page.It is a powerful conversion booster that every good marketer must use in his or her online marketing efforts.Before I used a bridge page, my sales funnel would take the prospect from the capture page, straight to the sales page.What this did, was that it did not pre-frame the prospect with what they were going to expect when they landed on the sales page.However after I included a bridge page in my sales funnel, it gave me the opportunity to talk to the prospect one on one.What you need to understand, when doing affiliate marketing and network marketing, it is all about building a relationship with the prospect.A bridge page will help you to do that.So you may want to explain what the offer is to your prospect before they visit your sales page.This way they geta better understanding of the offer from someone who has already used it.It also gives you the opportunity to offer your visitors bonus content. You really want to stand out from the rest!What To Include On Your Bridge Page?Now a bridge page should not be a distraction so keep it very simple.The only purpose a bridge page serves, is to introduce yourself and your offer/product to the prospect.The bucket loads of texts and imagesis not necessary.Again, K.I.S.S! (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and no, you are not at all stupid. LOL#1 Introduce YourselfIf you are in network marketing or affiliate marketing and you have to build a team, then introducing yourself to the prospect would be a great starting point.Tell your story on this page. Video is best but if you are afraid of video, then text.Honestly for best results, I would recommend video.The Entrepreneur, said it best inDid Video Kill Text Content Marketing?By introducing yourself you are:Allowing the visitor to get to see who they will be working with.It also gives them a chance to see if you are genuine. Most times a video can tell A LOT about a person.You can tell whether the person is speaking from a script or whether they are speaking from the heart.You want to be as confident as you can. Even if you know nothing about your industry or you are a beginner, you want to act like you know what you are talking about.You will also give the visitor the chance to know you. People like to join others who they can resonate with.Be as truthful as you can!Speak about where you came from, your struggles, what you did before you bought the product or joined the opportunity.Transferring trust from the video to the visitor. Essentially breaking the ice. This helps to MASSIVELY increase sales in your business.#2 Make An OfferAnother good point is to make an irresistible offer to your visitor. Why should they buy from you of all people?Remember, this prospect has probably seen many capture pages before yours.Give them a reason to want to take out their credit card and buy from YOU.This is what singles you out, because you took that step to show them something which the other hundred marketers did not.Your offer could be:Free trainingA free report related to the nicheA free complimentary product to help themA free 30 minute on-boarding call#3 Do A ReviewIf you have a product to sell then you may want to include a demonstration or review of the product.Do not just buy the product and review it.Use the product and speak about the benefits of it, how it affected you and what type of results you got.You obviously want to be positive in your remarks but giving some constructive criticism on the product can boost your credibility.It shows that you are not particularly biased to the product and are willing to carefully scrutinise it for your audience so they can make an informed decision as to whether the product is for them.When you do a review you have amuch higher chance of closing the sale.#4 Add TestimonialsTestimonials are another good thing to add to your bridge page.Whilst the sales page may have its own testimonials, it helps to reinforce to the buyer what other people are saying about the offer or product with your own testimonials. Too many testimonials cant hurt right?According toInternet Marketing Ninjasyour prospects see testimonials as recommendations from friends.If a product is great enough for a bunch of people, who the prospect knows nothing about, then surely it can be good for them.Anything that you can use to persuade the visitor to become an instant buyer is always a great thing to implement.Adding a bridge page can help model the visitors opinions of the offer or product and assist them in making up their mind whether they will become a buyer.So if you are an affiliate marketer or a network marketer and there seems to be a slump in your sales, the first thing you want to do is:Use a marketing system to build your sales funnel. My recommended choices areClickfunnelsorLeadPages.Design a sales funnel with your product or offer in mind.Include a bridge page within your sales. It goes between the capture page and the sales page.Launch your sales funnel and monitor your conversions.For more details,lets meet inside !"
Price: 39.99

"Online Marketing: The Best Selling Author Sales Funnel"
"Take this new marketing tool for authorsand use itto build credibility and DOUBLEYOURINCOME!You have a book you wish to create OR areon your way to creating it. But what are you going to do oncethe book is complete? You don't know how to market it or how to use it for business so you can live the lifestyle that you desire, right?Well inside you'll learn the tools necessary to maximize the vast work you put into your book and explode your income!Use tools like websites, opt ins, landing pages, one time offers, upsells and moreto promote your book.Do you create an ebook, a workbook, a paperback. Either option will work for this sales funnel!You will learn all of these tools in this course!Stop building someone else's dream and start living the dream you want to live!Register today!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------Whether youre an author, a marketer at a publishing house, a publicist, or anyone else looking to sell books, theres a wide array of book marketing tactics you can use to amplify a books exposure and reach more readers.Some of these ideas can help directly increase book sales, while others may help expand your platform, which can lead to future sales. Not all of these ideas will be applicable all the time, and we encourage you to consider the impact each might have before deciding where to invest your time.Identify a target audienceSurvey your target audience. Ask questions about demographics, psychographics, and online behavior so you can better understand where to market to readers and what messaging theyll respond to. Survey your existing audience and fans of comparable authors and books.Conduct reader interviews. Learn how your readers find new books to read and make their purchasing decisions. This will add qualitative color that can help you understand the quantitative survey data you analyze in spreadsheets.Write reader personas. Write a short paragraph that describes each core group of readers youre targeting. Refer back to it whenever youre creating an ad, designing a cover, writing a tweet, or want a refresh on your audiences motives.Create a list of target keywords. Compile a list of of search queries that your target audience is using to search for books. Use tools like Google Trends and Google AdWords Keyword tool to see which relevant queries are frequently used.Create a plan to reach a targeted audience. Compile a list of platforms and marketing tools that will let you reach a specific target audience. For example, BookBub has 42 categories and millions of power readers, whom you can target with BookBub Ads or Featured Deals. There are also plenty of genre-specific blogs and publications you could target for promotions!Build an author platformCreate an author website. Your site should be a marketing tool that serves as the hub of all your online activity, from blogging to selling books to emailing a newsletter to participating in social media. Use a platform like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix to easily build a site.Set up a blog on your site. Provide a behind the scenes look for readers by blogging once or twice a month. Fans will love the insight into your personality and writing process, and anything you post is fodder for your next email to subscribers.Link to your published books. Create a site page linking to your books to make it easy for readers to discover all the titles youve written. Include cover images, brief elevator pitches, and links to multiple retailers so readers can purchase your books wherever they shop.Build a mailing list on your site. Include a simple form on your homepage, website pages, and/or blogs sidebar asking for visitors email addresses. Collecting email addresses lets you build relationships with people who want to hear from you.Welcome subscribers with an email autoresponse. When people subscribe to updates from you via your website, send them a welcome email including either a link to a permafree ebook, sample chapters, or some sort of freebie as a thank you for signing up.Claim your BookBub Author Profile. Make sure your BookBub Author Profile is up to date so fans and potential readers can learn more about you and your books.Get more BookBub followers. The more followers you have, the more people will receive dedicated emails from BookBub notifying them about your new releases and price promotions. And once you get 1K followers, you can also send BookBub Preorder Alerts!Add a BookBub follow button to your site. Make sure website visitors can find your BookBub Author Profile by adding a follow button or icon to your site, wherever it fits best into the site design.Claim your social media profiles. Grab your username on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+, LinkedIn. Even if you dont have active profiles on each site, at least claim your name and direct people who visit to your most active social media profile instead.Link to your website and BookBub Author Profile. Once youve created a website and claimed your BookBub Author Profile, make sure that people can find these assets by linking to them on your email signature and bio sections on your social media profiles.Create a video blog. Upload videos to YouTube and embed each video in a blog post. In these videos, you can answer fan questions, partner with another author to interview each other, list book recommendations, or do a short reading from an upcoming new release. Experiment with a few simple videos to see if youre comfortable vlogging before focusing on production quality.Design a books coverHire a cover designer. A great cover design can have a major impact on your sales numbers. For example, romance writer R.L. Mathewson went from selling five or six copies per day of her novel, Playing for Keeps, to over 1,000 per day by updating her cover design. Its usually worth hiring a professional to create a polished cover that appeals to readers in your genre.Test cover variations with your audience. Have your cover designer create multiple variations and use data to choose your cover design. Test two variations against each other using tools like PickFu, UsabilityHub, or Playbuzz.Unify cover designs in a series. Create consistent branding between books in a series to make purchasing decisions easy for readers. A unified cover and title style often helps readers recognize connected titles and encourages them to purchase subsequent books.Re-launch a book with a new cover. Redesigning a book cover can be a great way to invigorate book sales. It gives you the opportunity to re-launch the book according to the ever-evolving tastes of genre readers.Add a blurb to the cover. If youve managed to secure a blurb from a well-known author, consider including it on the book cover design. Try to use a short blurb so its easy to read and you dont clutter the design.Optimize a book for effective promotionsMake book samples end on a cliffhanger. For example, on Amazon, users can download the first 10% of a book for free or read it on-site via the Look Inside feature. This gives you the opportunity to score a sale if the reader wants to continue after the sample.Cross-promote books in the back matter. Include a list of all your titles in each of your books back matter. Update this back matter whenever you launch a new release. If you have the time, create a version of each book for each retailer with retailer-specific links to each book.Include an excerpt in the back matter. Authors who include an excerpt see the highest increase in sales of their promoted book. Immediately after the acknowledgements, include the first chapter of the book youre promoting. Bookend the excerpt with links to purchase that book.Link to your mailing list in the back matter. On your About the Author page, encourage readers to sign up for your mailing list. If they sign up, youll be able to contact them any time you want to promote your backlist titles, new releases, giveaways, price promotions, etc.Optimize your book description. BookBub A/B testing shows that descriptions that include quotes from authors, awards, and language that caters to your audience (e.g. If you love thrillers, dont miss this action-packed read!) have higher engagement rates.Include target keywords on product pages. Narrow down a list of 5-7 keywords your audience typically searches for, then incorporate these words into the description headline, description copy, and keyword sections on each retailer product page.Choose relevant subcategories on retailer sites. This can increase your chances of being on the retailer bestseller charts for a specific category, which could drive higher sales volume. Youll also avoid disappointing readers who were expecting something different.Tie different versions of a book together. Different authors and platforms use different systems, but find a way to connect a print edition with the ebook, audiobook, and international editions. This ensures that visitors to the product page can easily purchase the format they prefer.Link series books by name. If youve published a book series, create a master name for the series and add it to the products title on retailer sites. This will help retailer sites make automated recommendations within the series, and help readers find more books in the series to read.Make books available globally. With growing book sales and millions of readers, international markets can be attractive targets for authors and publishers looking to expand their potential readership. Optimize the cover design for each region and reach out to relevant local bloggers who can help spread the word.Prepare your book marketing assetsWrite a killer elevator pitch. Write a concise, snappy elevator pitch that shows what the book is about, what kind of world readers will be immersed in, why readers should care, and what accolades the book and author have received. A strong elevator pitch will make a book more enticing to readers deciding whether or not to purchase.Test copy variations by polling readers. Use polling software like PickFu to test variations of description or marketing copy and see which your audience likes better. Always test and optimize to discover what copy will resonate best with readers.A/B test marketing copy. Unlike polling, A/B tests give you quantitative data (i.e., the number of clicks). Use your email service provider to run A/B test emails and see which copy has the highest click-through rate, or use ad platforms like BookBub Ads and Facebook to A/B test your copy.Get blurbs from reputable authors in your genre. Blurbs can catch readers attention, especially if theyre familiar with the quoting author or publication. Our tests showed that book descriptions including blurbs got an average of 22.6% higher click-through rates than those without blurbs.Create images for teasers and quotes. You can easily turn book quotes into vibrant images using free apps like Canva or Designfeed. Publish these teasers to your website and social media accounts in the weeks and months prior to a books release.Run a preorder campaignMake books available for preorder. Driving preorder sales can help a book hit various bestseller lists, since many retailers count all preorders as launch day sales. They also help build buzz and momentum for a new book, which can help lead to word-of-mouth sales later.Announce a title reveal. Create buzz for an upcoming book by announcing the books title. Some authors get creative by posting a video announcing a books title or publishing a texting conversation between characters about the books title.Post a cover reveal on a popular blog. Partner with a blog or website thats popular amongst readers in your genre to host a cover reveal. If you can arrange to have a book available for preorder in time for its cover reveal, linking to a page where readers can preorder their copy can be a great way to jump-start pre order sales.Link to a preorder in previous books back matter. This lets readers order it as soon as they finish the previous book, without having to remember to buy the new book when its available for download. Include an excerpt of the upcoming book in the back matter, even if its unedited, to provide a sneak-peek.Send a BookBub Preorder Alert. A Preorder Alert is a dedicated email to an authors BookBub followers announcing that one of the authors books is available for preorder. Theyre highly targeted since theyre only sent to an authors followers, and at only $0.02 per eligible follower, theyre a cost effective way to promote a preorder!Run BookBub Ads for a preorder. BookBub Ads let advertisers market any book at any time to BookBub millions of power readers including pre orders, new releases, and full-priced books! Many authors and publishers have promoted pre order books on this platform.Offer free swag in exchange for preordering. This gives readers an extra incentive; they may need an additional nudge since they cant get the instant gratification of reading the book right away. In these promotions, have readers email a copy, screenshot, or picture of their receipt to receive the swag.Send a digital gift pack to readers who preorder. Sending swag packs via mail can get expensive, so digital gift packs can be a great alternative. This could include exclusive content like short stories, author commentary, deleted scenes, or high-resolution posters.Get more book reviewsProvide advanced reader copies to relevant bloggers. Start getting reviews before the book launches. You can use tools like NetGalley or Edelweiss to find early reviewers, or reach out to relevant bloggers with a pitch on the book. While they cant review books on retailer sites until release day, they can post the reviews to their websites, blogs, or Goodreads.Offer free copies to Amazon top reviewers. Reach out to Amazon users with a Top Reviewer badge whove reviewed books similar to yours. Theyve proven themselves to be experienced reviewers they know what makes a good review, theyre willing to take the time to write a truly helpful review, and they will likely have a quick turnaround on reading and reviewing.Run book giveaways. Book giveaways can take various forms, including blog tours or contests on your blog or Facebook page. Providing free copies to your most loyal fans in exchange for an honest review can help a new book get traction, plus it rewards them for their loyalty.Ask readers to review a book in the back matter. A high number of reviews makes a book more enticing to potential readers. We found that when a book has at least 150 five-star reviews on Amazon or Goodreads, including the number of five-star reviews in the copy increased clicks an average of 14.1%.Submit a book for relevant editorial reviews. Many genres have publications like RT Book Reviews Where authors can submit their books for editorial reviews. Some of these publications require submitting your book months before publication, so plan early!For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 49.99

"Webinar Marketing Mastery: Beginner to Pro Overnight"
"How this course will DOUBLEYOURBUSINESS!Give a meaningful, seamless webcast that persuades, motivates and gets your online audience to do what you want. People serious about making money take this course because they have to deliver a make-or-break webinar to:Deliver a product pitchConvince a big clientNeed help getting more salesGet any audience to do what they wantSo many webinars are boring and ""pitchy""... learn how to avoid these costly mistakes.Do you like to listen to the boring elevator pitches of other people? Of course not. So, why would others want to hear yours?What WILL help you is to ensure that you have a true value proposition that's interesting, provocative, and shows your audience what's in it for them.This course will show you how to make what you say online valuable so you can persuade and motivate others to act on it. I will personally model the exact techniques and specific skills you need to do just that in your next webinar. You'll learn dozens of techniques you've never seen before to getYOURaudience to do what you want.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is Webinar Marketing?Webinar marketing is using an online seminar to connect with a wider audience and promote your business. The term webinar comes from the words web seminar.Most marketing webinars are lead generation tools that provide free, valuable information in the hope that participants will see the need to upgrade to paid products or services offered by that company.Webinars are a different kind of lead magnet, with the potential to offer even more value and better leads than a downloadable checklist or ebook.Webinars usually consist of a presentation followed by a Q&A session. Because they are a visual medium, webinars can help presenters connect quickly with participants. Most people will also grasp the information faster than if its just written down.Companies use webinar marketing to:Demonstrate products and servicesExpand on content published in a blog postShowcase their expertiseWebinars can also get attendees interested in buying products and services. But if youre planning to use webinars for lead generation, theres one point we have to emphasize: a webinar is not a sales pitch. Its not about you; its about providing value for the participants.However, showing that value is also the reason why webinars provide the perfect opportunity to sell.If the idea of selling without a sales pitch leaves you scratching your head,look into the course.Webinar Marketing StatisticsBefore we dive in, lets take a look at some statistics that show the benefits of webinar marketing for your business.For example, did you know that, according to the Content Marketing Institute, 58% of marketers use webinars for promotion? And about 32% of them think webinar marketing will be critical to their success this year.When you dig down into the webinar marketing statistics theres even more data to show just how effective marketing with webinars can be:Webinars retain 40% of viewers attention, according to Make Social Media Sell.Between 20% and 40% of those who attend a webinar become qualified leads, says ReadyTalk.Between 2% and 5% of webinar attendees will buy something from you, says the Branded Solopreneur.Only around half of the people who register for a webinar actually attend.Still, the results of using webinars speak for themselves:Jeff Molander of MakeSocialMediaSell got a 29% close rate from a single webinar.Scott Britton made $11,286 from his course using a webinar.Ilean Harris has a 20% conversion rate from her webinarsAs well being great for making sales and lead generation, other important features of webinars include:They provide an easy way to handle pre-sales objections face-to-face.They are excellent for boosting traffic, brand awareness, authority and your list.As the Branded Solopreneur points out, they speed up the sales cycle by reaching people wherever they are in your sales funnel.How to Find a Webinar TopicOne of the first things you need to do to start a webinar marketing campaign is come up with a suitable topic. You can do this by:Mining your blog for popular topics that might make good webinars. If people ask questions and make comments, that can suggest that they might be interested in a related webinar.Checking your social media profiles and asking your customer service team to find out if there are questions you keep getting.Seeing what other webinars are out there and picking one that you can do better.Finally, write a catchy title. Like all content marketing, webinars rely on their titles to pique peoples interest. A great title will be interesting and informative.Here are some examples of webinar titles that caught our eye.The image on the Snap webinar is striking, and gets attention even if youre not immediately sure how it relates to the topic:How to Create a WebinarRemember when we said earlier that webinars are the perfect place to sell, but without a sales pitch? Keep that in mind as you start to create your webinar.When planning a webinar, its important to know what product or service you want attendees to buy or what action you want them to take next. That will help you to target your webinar so buying the desired product or service is the next logical action.Thats worth repeating: make sure that what youre offering is the ultimate solution to the problem you are helping your customers with via the webinar. However, keep the self-promo to a minimum and focus on being helpful. You can always say how great you are on one of the slides.Most webinars are around 60 minutes long, broken down into 45 minutes for your presentation and 15 minutes for attendees to ask questions.Ideally, when creating a webinar, you will focus on a single topic of immediate relevance to your audience. Or, as MakeSocialMediaSell puts it, youll concentrate on the 4 Us, making your webinar useful, urgent, unique and ultra-specific.Think carefully about the timing of your webinar. If most of your customers are in the Eastern time zone, theres no point in holding it in the evening, Pacific time. Set your webinar time for when most of the people you want to reach will be able to attend.For more details,Let's meet inside !"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate ClickFunnels Super Affiliate Training"
"In the end, you're going to learn how to make it soClickFunnelsWILLPAYFORITSELFormake it soClickFunnelsWILLPAYYOUTOUSETHEIRSOFTWARE. Inside this course I'll be showing you what it takes to become a ClickFunnels affiliate and join the program.Getting people to understand how powerful building a sales funnel in minutes can be, is as easy as 1-2-3. Anyone who deals with traffic, conversions or tries to make money online will be ALLEARS when you start talking about giving them your sales funnel that converts at 50%+!!!---Now, you probably already know that ClickFunnels is an amazing tool.And that hundreds of people are using it to make thousands of dollars each month.But, what you might not know is that you can actually make quite a bit of passive residual income each month by simply promoting and recommending ClickFunnels, and all of the other products they offer, to others.ClickFunnels has a very generous affiliate program and they pay weekly.And the great thing about ClickFunnels and a lot of the upsells and other products they have is that many are subscriptions, meaning if you refer someone and they remain a paying get paid each and every month.And ALL of these strategies are super simple and very inexpensive to implement.Also, one of the things I pride myself in is being able to deliver highly actionable content in very concise way.Which means, you'll be able to consume the entire content of this course in less than a day...And can start taking action and getting results almost right away!So, if you've been searching for a way to create a solid passive income online for yourself, promoting products that you can wholeheartedly stand behind and feel good about recommending to others...I encourage to enroll in this course immediately so that you can begin building your ClickFunnels passive income snowball today!---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------One of the most common questions asked by clients is, ""What's the most effective marketing technique which will get me leads?"" Unfortunately, the question is impossible to answer. It assumes that there is one technique that will turn someone who has never heard of your business into a paying customer. I wish it was that easy!Even if you spend thousands of dollars to drive qualified traffic to your website, it's unlikely that these visitors will be ready to buy your product or service right away. Rather than looking for the one marketing technique that will get you customers, insteadthink about how your marketing and sales effortscan work together to put your prospects on the right path. A sales funnel can accomplish just that.What is a sales funnel?Simply put, a sales funnel illustrates the ideal journey that your prospects go through on their way to becoming customers. While you may market your products or services to thousands of people, only a small percentagewill provide contact information and become leads.Of those leads, only a fraction will become clients.By now you might have guessed why it's called a salesfunnel. You have to funnel prospects down in order to getthat amazing new client.To break this down evenfurther, let's separate the funnel into stages.Attract:Marketing and advertising which bring visitors to your website.Convert:Offers that inspire visitors to share their contactinformation.Close:Efforts which encourage leads to close and become paying customers.Delight:Quality service that keeps your customers happy and inspires referrals.What is ClickFunnels?Clickfunnels is an online sales funnel builder that helps businesses market, sell, and deliver their products online. This tool simplifies online marketing, selling, and delivery of their products and services by providing users with funnel options that are pre-built for a specific business, product, or service.With Clickfunnels, it is easy to create a marketing and sales funnel from the ground up as it incorporates all the core elements needed to have a functional and effective sales funnel. Traditional online funneling means you need to deal with website hosting, landing pages, email autoresponders, and more and have them all work in unison. Its all hard work but traditional sales funnels are time intensive and very expensive.Clickfunnels incorporates all these and more, offering them in a comprehensive, unified package so you wont have to deal with them one by one. As long as you have a business, Clickfunnels has that special funnel that is just right for you.Overview of ClickFunnels Benefits:ClickFunnels is a popular sales funnel tool that simplifies the whole sales and marketing funnels for all types of businesses. There are various types of sales funnels and each one needs to be designed and organized in a way that attracts its intended client. There are funnels for webinars, sales, membership sites, and subscriber list and each one are quite different from the other. The good news is that ClickFunnels has you covered.With ClickFunnels, users are treated to a a variety of pre-built sales funnels and all they have to do is choose the one that matches their business requirements. Selling a subscription and peddling an e-book may be similar in terms of them trying to make a sale, but they need to be handled differently. ClickFunnels saves you the time and effort to start organizing your sales funnels from scratch and speeds up your sales funnel setup.Once you have selected your funnel, you need to have a template. With ClickFunnels, you are treated to a variety of templates and all of them are tested and proven to work. With a throng of proven and tested templates at your disposal, ClickFunnels accelerates your A/B testing phase because you dont have to weed out templates that are not performing.With a user-friendly interface, you can easily integrate animation, clocks, videos, and other elements to your templates and then perform your A/B testing on them to see what works and what doesnt. There is no learning curve to deal with at all.Overview of ClickFunnels Features: Custom DomainsA/B Split TestsEmail IntegrationsOptin FunnelsClickPopsClickOptinAll Advanced FunnelsSales FunnelsMembership FunnelsAuto Webinar FunnelsWebinar FunnelsHangout FunnelsOrder PagesUpsell PagesDownsale PagesShare Your FunnelsPriority SupportPriority Template RequestsFor more details, let's meet inside !"
Price: 109.99

"Google Maps SEO: The 4 Pillars to Rank Your Website Page 1"
"Discover what you need to doto RankPage 1 inGoogle Maps.Google Maps is the next revolution inGoogle. It's taken a backseat to YouTubefor years, but 2018 is The Year of TheMaps!With new changes and the ability to drive INSANE AMOUNTSOFTRAFFICto your website consistently, it's become one of my favorite tools for local businesses.What's that? You say you have a Mobile Business, are aReal Estate Agent, or owna Home Business? That's OK, you can still list your businesson Google Maps, Increase your business today, and get a free local website provided by Google. I don't just leave you there, I also added 10 directories you can use to list your business without an address. This is a way to start your business on a ZEROBUDGET.70% of mobile users rely on Google maps to find a service/business that can serve their needs, driving calls and text SMS to your home basedbusiness.I will guide you through this process and explain what you need to have a fully optimized, Service based listing on google without all of the hassle of having a retail shop.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------To get the full benefits of Google Maps, its not just about how to get your business on Google Maps, but how to get it ranking higher on Google Maps and Google My Business. Ranking refers to how high your business appears in the list of search results when someone makes a search using Google Maps. Thefirst page of a GoogleMaps listing is a very coveted place to be, as users are unlikely to search farther than the first page of search results. Google Maps Ranking FactorsWhile Google Maps ranking used to be based on such things as proximity and industry categories, Google is now including other factors into its calculation of rankings. This is good news for small and medium-sized businesses whose listings may otherwise be overshadowed by large corporations and chain companies. There are several things you can to increaseyour ranking and market your business on Google Maps. 1. Verify your Google My BusinessInformationThe more Google knows about your business, the better it will be able to correctly display your business listing online. Make sure that your listing is complete and accurate, including:Contact information and website.Include all possible contact information including your name, address, telephone number, and website so that Google can provide as much information as possible.Business hours.Google Maps tells users if a business is open or closed and if its opening or closing soon. Adding business hours to your listing can give potential customers the impetus to use your business.No duplicate pieces of information.Google will discredit businesses with multiple phone numbers or locations listed for one actual business. Weed out the superfluous and make sure all written information is accurate.Make sure your Google My Business name includes keywords as well that relate to your business. While this may affect the consistent appearance of your GMB profile, it will help to reach more customers searching for the services your business offers.2. Get Google ReviewsUser reviews add another dimension of trustworthiness to a business, and Google has recognized that fact by ranking businesses with a high volume of good reviews higher on Google Maps. Keep in mind that, once you open up your business for reviews, there is no turning back. Like other sites like Yelp, you will not have control over what people say, so your reviews may be both good and bad. However, its not all doom and gloom. Unless your service is truly atrocious, bad reviews, statistically speaking, tend to be far and few in-between. To get started, copy your Google review link. Go to your Google map listing, click more information and copy the direct link you find there. Share this link over your social media channels to encourage reviews. You can also create a landing page on your website that leads directly to your Google Maps listing review form.To give yourself a boost, ask a handful of trusted, loyal customers (ones who you know will leave you a positive review) to write a review for you. Just a few positive reviews will be enough to instantly rev up your rankings.3. Properly Categorize Your BusinessWhen you firstcreate a Google Maps listing, you have the option of adding a primary industry category, or keyword to describe your business.What many business owners dont know is that you can addup to five additional categories. You should make use of all five of these. Your primary category should be the main classification for your business (ex: realtor, restaurant), while the remaining five categories should incorporatelocal SEO keywordsthat act as additional descriptors (ex: Dallas realtor, Paradise Heights restaurant).4. Embed a Google Map on Your WebsiteAnother way to rank higher on Google Maps is to embed a Google Map on your website. Most businesses place a map on the contact page of their site. Embedding a Google Map is just another way to telling Google that your business is located where your listings says it is. Use the same address that you have on your Google My Business listing.To embed a Google Map on your website, search for your business name in Google Maps. Click on the three lines next to your business name and click Share or Embed Map. Copy and paste the link on your businesss contact page.5. Optimize Your Listing DescriptionYour Google Maps listing has a character limit, but instead of putting a superfluous description, you should include local SEO keywordsthat describe your business. For example, instead of great realtor offering exemplary customer service write Dallas realtor with best rates or something similar. 6. Use a Local Telephone NumberGoogle looks down upon toll-free (800 and 877) numbers because these types of numbers are frequently used for spam. Local telephone numbers show that your business is a brick and mortar location in the area.For this reason you should be using a local telephone number with an area code that matches your location. Its ok to have a toll free number on your website, but if you want to have a higher Google Maps ranking, use a local number for your Google listing.7. Add Photos to the ListingOne of the easiest ways to stand out on Google Maps is to add a photo to your Google My Business listing. Choose a good photo of your business thats on your website or highlights your business. You can add more than one photo so choose ones that will entice customers to come to your business. To add a photo to your Google Maps listing, you simply edit youroriginal listing on Google My Business.If you have a Google listing, check to make sure that you have all of these things in order to get Google putting your business on the first page of Google Maps."
Price: 199.99

"SEO Keyword Research Made Easy + FREE Research Software"
"SEO Keyword Research:Do you want to find the leastcompetitive keywords for your website?Want to rank higher in the search engines and get explosive amounts of traffic?Are you searching for a STRATEGY to performkeyword research?If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you are at the right place.I guarantee you'llfind the answer to these questions and more in this course.I have astep-by-step blueprint for you to follow andperform your ownkeyword research. I have also discussed about lot of ways to do the research,so that you can choose your own path.This course containsall my keyword researchtechniques for you to be able to start ranking your website higher in Google.Above all I'm also providing you the long tail keyword software totally free with the course.This software will help you get your long tail keywords and it will also help you find out the competition for each keywords.So what are you waiting for, I'll also provide you 100% Money back guarantee if this course doesn't satisfy you.I'm confident that this course will be a great help for you..give a try on the are also going to get my software worth 67$ 100% Free with the course. Enroll to my course today and use the keyword research techniques to find hot competitive keywords to your website.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------What is keyword research?Keyword research is a core SEO task that involves identifying popular words and phrases people enter into search engines -make in an attempt to figure out what to rank for. Researching keywords gives marketers a better understanding of how high the demand is for certain keywords and how hard it would be to compete for those terms in the organic search results, offering some direction to optimization efforts.Keyword research isn'tjust about verifying how many searches a particular keyword has it's also about exploring the many varied ways that people use language to research an idea or topic. As such, researching popular keywords isn't just a big part of search engine optimization, it's also a major element of content marketing as a whole. Why? Because it can help you find ideas for your next blog post, learn more about the needs of your audience, and keep up to date with the lingo of the ever-changing search landscape. Ultimately, by researching the words people type into search engines and using this research to create targeted content, you can drive the right traffic to your site traffic that is more likely to convert.How often should I do keyword research?Keyword research isn't just a one-off task. Your website's foundation is built on keywords, so precisely what building blocks you use requires regular re-evaluation and maintenance. Search language shifts constantly, new keywords are being formed all the time, and your audience's needs develop and grow. As a result, keyword research is a job worth doing whenever you're looking to create new website content. This includes when you're looking at starting a new website, if you're writing a new blog post for an existing site, when you're deciding whether to promote a particular product or service, and beyond. It's also rather handy if you're restructuring your existing site and consolidating your content.Your website content should serve to fulfill the needs of your audience. By regularly assessing the ways in which people search and by identifying not just the most popular searches but also the specific and ever-changing ways that people search for content within your niche of the internet, you can continue to create content your audience will enjoy and share.How to do keyword research?All keyword research starts with a topic, idea, or head keyword, also called a ""seed."" This seed can come from your industry knowledge, from being an active member in related online forums and groups, or from the products and services you provide. Make sure you have a spreadsheet or notepad where you can jot these terms down as you journey through the labyrinth of websites and social networks to discover variations on those keywords.Once you've got a good list, you'll want to determine how popular each keyword is and how difficult it would be to rank for them on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is where a keyword tool comes in handy. Start by entering a seed into a research tool like Keyword Explorer. You'll be presented with details on how popular the search is and how difficult it is to rank well for that keyword.Seed terms don't just lead to metrics like search volume; they also open the door to the bounty of related keyword suggestions that you may not have thought of yet. You can see how a simple seed word you picked up through a Facebook group or from a conversation with a customer can grow into a useful tree of keywords brimming with ideas for your pages or next blog post.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 74.99

"The Ultimate LongTail Pro Platinum Keyword Research Training"
"If you want to besuccessfulwithSEOandranking in Google,you NEEDthis course! You will learn theprinciplesandstrategiesthat we have used tofind 1000's of long tail keywords that we (and our clients) now RANK for in Google search!Join this course today to master Keyword Research with LongTail Pro Platinum (and now desktop versions)and start profiting from organic search engine traffic!Do you want to partake in a CONSTANTLY updated Keyword Research course that teaches you everything required to improve SEO, ranking for keywords (short and long tail keywords), and understanding Long Tail Pro from A to Z?!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantlyas updates roll out).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Master the platform Long Tail Pro and learn the keyword research strategies I implement for clients daily! This course will also layout how to optimize your keyword usage and build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your website, store, blog, or social media profile! We love Long Tail Pro because it is aONE STOP SHOPfor everything related to keyword research... so you can get back to what you do best, running your business!In this course, you will learnKeyword Researchfrom beginner level to advanced with LongTailPro!You will be able to be optimize web pages, blogs, meta descriptions, title, headings, social media bios, and MORE with the PERFECT keywords that will drive traffic to your content! You will be able to create endless seed keywords for content creation,ranking in Google ORGANICALLY! Learn how to take your brand, product or service to the next level with LongTailProKeyword Research!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR BUSINESS/BRAND AND LEARN HOW KEYWORD RESEARCH WILL MAKE YOU A HOUSEHOLD NAME! ENROLL NOW!***NOTE*** Long Tail Pro is a paid monthly membership service. Feel free to watch the entire course, THEN decide if you want to buy their service or not.BUT you can use these keyword research and content creation techniques with almostANY keyword research software.I just loveLTP.---------------------------------------About the Topic---------------------------------------SEOLongTailPro Review- The Best Keyword Research Tool?29th Nov, 2017 Harsh Agrawal 13 CommentsReview of: LongTailPlatinumPrice:$37/monthReviewed by: Harsh AgrawalRating:4.5On January 15, 2017Last modified:November 29, 2017Summary:This is an incredibly powerful tool which can grow your online business substantially with a few simple steps. Highly Recommended.Free Trial for 10 daysAre you looking for an automated system to provide you with profitable niche keywords?In an earlier post on a micro-niche case study, I talked about the LongTailPremium tool that Ive been using for a long time. A full review of LongTailPro was overdue.Today, I will share a detailed LongTailPro review and will also show you how to use it to find the perfect keywords for your blog or niche or review sites.When you are working on a micro-niche blog, one of the biggest challenges is finding the right keywords which can drive traffic, are easy to rank, and will generate great amounts of revenue for you.Earlier I shared a trick using SEMRUSH to find long tail, high CPC keywords, but LongTailPro can do more than that.So, without wasting anymore time, lets look at the full LongTailPro review and find out how it can help you.LongTailPro Review and Features:LongTailPro is a desktop keyword research tool which runs on Adobe Air (works on Windows & Mac).Its a premium tool which costs $47/month ($30 discount with special link at the bottom). But you can also test-drive it for $1 using this link for the next 10 days.I suggest that you signup for their trial, so that you can try it yourself while reading this review and tutorial.One great thing about LongTailPro is that you dont have to be an SEO master to use this tool. The user interface is simple and straightforward. You will get used to it very quickly.But is it worth the hype?This SEO tool is more than just a keyword research tool, as its packed with tons of features. Here are a few of those features which will make you want try it right away:Create multiple projects. (You can have different campaigns for different sites. This will help you stay organized.)Generate keywords based on your seed keyword. (Learn to use this feature after the review below.)Export keywords in Excel spreadsheet.Import keywords into LongTailPro.Find long-tail high-CPC keywords (great for increasing AdSense revenue).Find available domain names. (If you are creating a micro-niche blog, you can use LongTailPro to suggest available, keyword-rich domain names).Check the Google, Yahoo, and Bing ranking for your keywords.Keyword competition checker.Favorite your best keywords.For more details,let's meet inside !"
Price: 99.99