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Price: 24000.00

"Deep Learning: Visual Exploration"
"Visual introduction to Deep Learning based on simple deep neural network. Take this course if you want to understand the magic behind deep neural networks and to get a excellent visualintuition on what is happening under the hood when data is travelling through the network and ends up as a prediction at it's output.In this course we will fully demystify such concepts asweights, biases and activation functions. You will visuallysee whatexactlythey are doing and how neural network uses these components to come up with accurate predictions."
Price: 24.99

"Vitamin English: Business Topics for Our Times"
"In this course, we explore and discuss a variety of relevant business topics. Each section addresses a new business topic and contains nine lessons. The focus for each of the nine lessons is as follows: 1. Warm-up Questions 2. Introduction 3. Vocabulary Practice 4. Reading of News Article 5. Conversation Reading 6. Conversation Comprehension 7. Speaking Practice I 8. Speaking Practice II 9. Section AssessmentThe lessons are interactive requiring the student to repeat, respond and think critically. By the end of each section, students will have increased their knowledge about the selected topic and will have improved their ability to speak naturally and fluently about that topic. The ultimate goal of the course is to allow students to speak fluently about an ever increasing number of business relevant topics."
Price: 19.99

"Vitamin English: Vocabulary to Impress and Succeed"
"This course is intended for English language learners. In this course, student learn intermediate to advanced vocabulary. The vocabulary taught in this course was taken from study materials for the following tests: TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, TOEIC and SAT. While this course is not intended as a study guide for any of these tests, the vocabulary taught is academic and would aid in study for these tests, as well as, help with being successful in an academic or professional environment. Vocabulary words are grouped together topically according to usage. Each lesson introduces a target vocabulary word, gives examples, and provides the student with interactive exercises to master the vocabulary word. Each unit concludes with a review lesson to facilitate mastery."
Price: 19.99

"Vitamin English: Add a Smile to your Conversation"
"This course teaches humorous, useful phrases to English language learners. Speaking a foreign language can sometimes be awkward and uncomfortable. By learning and using these phrases, students can break that initial awkwardness and bring a smile totheir conversation. Also, through learning these phrases, students will become more familiar with the associated vocabulary and grammar patterns, while gainingcultural insights into native English speakers."
Price: 19.99

"Modern Vocabulary for the Contemporary Learner"
"In this course, you will learn contemporary vocabulary--vocabulary that has come into common use over the past ten years. (This course is short. Additional lessons will be added based on student response and feedback. Please take some time to review the course review the course, so I can if I should add more lessons.)Much of this vocabulary has arisendue to advances in technology, social media proliferation, and our need to correctly describe an ever changing world.Each lesson is interactive. You will be asked to pause the video throughout lessons to respond to prompts and questions.The course provides speaking andlisteningpractice to fully immerse you in the target language, allowing you toeasily transition your new knowledge and skillsinto a real life situation."
Price: 19.99

"Fulfillment And Happiness In Your Work With Mindfulness"
"Many people say that they do unfulfilling work. But how do you know what will truly fulfill you?In this course, you will learn how to be more mindful and pay more attention, and explore your inner life so you more accurately understand what exactly will fulfill you, and pursue it.You will also learn about hormones that motivate you, which can be a little mental trick that your mind plays on you. Once you will know how to identify that, you won't fall prey to distractions like that.The goal of this course is to get you headed in the most accurate and correct direction for your life and to choose the work that is most fulfilling and rewarding. And that should significantly boost your feelings of happiness and satisfaction.In Eastern philosophy, the key to happiness is a lack of desire. But if you are doing the wrong work in your life, it can take away from your feeling of content and add dissatisfaction and frustration. This course will help you head in the right direction. INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 15+ years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 100,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and I would love to help you.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe fulfillment through mindfulness course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 29.99

"Living from the Inside Out"
"In this groundbreaking course, internationally renowned transformative coach Michael Neill shares an extraordinary new understanding of how life works that turns traditional psychology on its head. This revolutionary approach is built around three simple principles that explain where our feelings come from and how our experience of life can transform for the better in a matter of moments.Over the course of twelve simple to understand but surprisingly impactful lessons, you'll learn these principles for yourself and gain insight into why some days you feel on top of the world while other days you feel like the world is on top of you. Follow along with Michael as he guides youover the edge of your world and into a space of infinite potential and infinite possibilities.Understanding these principles allows you to tap into the deeper intelligence behind life, access your natural wisdom and guidance, and unleash your limitless creative power. You'll be able to live with less stress, greater ease, and a sense of connection to the larger unfolding of life.Welcome to the space where miracles happen...Are you ready to begin?"
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Training Completion)"
"AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam Study PrepAWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is an entry level certification with questions that test knowledge of AWS services, architectures and use cases. Candidates must have the skills required to select, deploy, integrate and maintain cloud solutions. There are four practice tests with 260 authentic exam questions designed to verify your knowledge and exam readiness. The simulation tests are based on current exam guidelines with detailed explanations. Practice tests are an essential part of your learning and training strategy for passing any certification exam. Certification testing include updated test format, scoring review, performance analysis and explanations to learn cloud fundamentals.  You will be tested on your knowledge of the advantages and differences between similar solutions. There are some subtle differences that exist between services, architectures and features. For example why would you select a classic load balancer instead of an application load balancer?"
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn Marketing para Empresas, Ventas B2B y Autnomos"
"Este curso intensivo de LinkedIn Marketing es todo lo que una persona necesita para poner en marcha una estrategia digital que incluya esta red social. No importa si se trata de impulsar una marca personal o si pretende usar LinkedIn para empresas, este curso te ayudar a aprovechar al mximo esta plataforma.El curso est diseado de tal manera que puedas estudiarlo tanto si tienes conocimientos en la plataforma y requieres estrategias ms avanzadas, como si desconoces completamente el funcionamiento y herramientas que ofrece LinkedIn y necesitas empezar de cero.Son muchos los aspectos puntuales que se deben tener en cuenta para empezar a hacer LinkedIn marketing, o mejor dicho, son muchos si lo que quieres es trabajar en esta red social de manera adecuada. Este curso se enfoca principalmente en cuatro aspectos de los cuales se desprenden toda una serie de estrategias y tcnicas de marketing para LinkedIn.Objetivos y campaasOptimizacin de perfil de LinkedIn y redContactos y bases de datosTop of MindEstos son los principales aspectos que te llevarn al xito usando LinkedIn marketing, Tras aprender a manejar a la perfeccin estos aspectos por medio de tcnicas y estrategias probadas logrars incrementar las estadsticas de tu empresa segn el tipo de campaa iniciada.En el transcurso de las diferentes lecciones vas a aprender a realizar una clara planeacin de tus campaas, teniendo claro qu es un objetivo de campaa y cmo establecer tus objetivos prioritarios segn el tipo de empresa o negocio, presupuesto y oportunidades en LinkedIn.El curso se centra en llevar al estudiante por todo tipo de herramientas, tcnicas y trucos que puedan ayudarlo a conseguir sus objetivos, para ello optimizar el perfil de LinkedIn es fundamental. No importa si usars tu perfil para realizar campaas de branding o tu objetivo es implementar tcnicas de venta en lnea usando tu cuenta en esta red social, lo cierto es que tu perfil y la percepcin que transmitas a travs de l, resultarn decisivas.No importa si tu negocio se enfoca en productos o servicios, lo cierto es que necesitas Contactos y LinkedIn es una red social de negocios, es decir, buenos contactos. Sobre todo si tu negocio trabaja con modelos B2B o si prestas servicios como freelancer.Por otro lado, si tu negocio se enfoca en productos de alto precio o de venta masiva es posible que agradezcas aprender en este curso cmo recopilar legalmente bases de datos especializadas que aumenten tus ventas. Algunos negocios que se han visto beneficiados enormemente por LinkedIn son:Venta de segurosVenta de software en empresasVenta de servicios B2BNegocios de importacin Exportacin a pequea y mediana escalaCoachingServicios Freelancing o freelancer de todo tipo: Diseo, redaccin edicin, programacin, asesoras, etc.Este curso de LinkedIn para empresas adems te ensear todo tipo de estrategias de de LinkedIn para ayudarte a aumentar tus ventas mediante tcnicas de venta basadas en el posicionamiento y la reputacin de tu marca a travs de tu perfil en esta plataforma.LinkedIn es una red social de negocios perfecta para ganar reputacin, el trabajo realizado en este sentido representar a tu marca en el mundo digital de los negocios, Aprende cmo ponerte en el top de tus contactos y ganar reputacin y confiabilidad a medida que aumentas tus ventas por medio de tcnicas de prospeccin en LinkedIn probadas por expertos.Este curso de LinkedIn Marketing es perfecto si realizas actividad comercial en tu negocio a travs de ventas por telfono, ya que te permitir combinar este mtodo clsico con las bases de datos especializadas generadas desde LinkedIn. Lo que te ayudar a transformar esas llamadas en fro a llamadas tibias. Lo cual incrementar en gran medida tus posibilidades de lograr un cierre de venta efectivo gracias a las tcnicas y herramientas que aprenders en el curso.Lo mejor es que el curso se encuentra disponible 100% en cortas sesiones de vdeo, por lo que puedes realizarlo a tu propio ritmo y sin tener que hacer mayor esfuerzo. De hecho, puedes realizar cada leccin en unos cuantos minutos y terminar el curso de LinkedIn para vender ms, en un par de semanas, quedando preparado para pasar a la implementacin.Al momento de seguir el curso tendrs disponible material extra y ejercicios prcticos que podrs implementar en tiempo real en la plataforma de LinkedIn y de este modo podrs beneficiarte del curso incluso mucho antes de llegar al final del mismo.Con este curso de LinkedIn Marketing te convertirs en un experto implementando campaas serias y realistas en LinkedIn tanto tipo branding como campaas de ventas. Lo nico que necesitas para ello es tener la conviccin de que puedes hacerlo y toda tu disposicin y constancia para terminar el curso. As que dale clic a iniciar y vamos all."
Price: 89.99

"Wordpress Blog Kotlin Android App"
"Android, GBEAPI, WordPress, Kotlin, Volley, HTML, CSS, JS, retrofit2, Gson, Okhttp, Picasso, Ahbottomnavigation, Wordpress and Firebase Notifications :kotlin volley, retrofit2, gson, okhttp, picasso, ahbottomnavigation android,gradle dependenciesRetrofit OkHttp Volley gson A Java serialization/deserialization library picasso ahbottomnavigation"
Price: 19.99

"Android Kotlin PHP & MySQL Development with REST API"
"Android And PHP MYSQL APIS Development, CRUD, Volley, Wordpress and Firebase Notifications :Volley, Retrofit2, Gson,JsonObject, okhttp, picasso, ahbottomnavigation androidCreate Records with Android and PHP &Mysql Update Records with Android andPHP &Mysql ReadRecords with Android and PHP &Mysql Delete Records with Android andPHP &Mysql PhpMyAdmin and Mysql connection Wordpress GBEAPIS and Authentication Read Categories Read Posts Load Images Load HTMLContent Firebase Notifications"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Practicante de Sanacin Angelical"
"Sanacin Angelical -  Conctate con los ngeles Aprovecha el verano y regstrate en este extenso curso de capacitacin profesionalmente reconocido que te permitir convertirte en un practicante de sanacin angelical. El curso es muy completo y cubre las funciones del Reino Anglical en nuestras vidas, tambin te muestra cmo conectarte y trabajar con los ngeles. Ellos estn aqu ahora en este momento para ayudar a la humanidad a cambiar su frecuencia, ya que ahora hemos entrado en la Era de Acuario. Cada vez ms trabajadores de la luz se estn despertando y el reino angelical quiere mostrarnos formas poderosas de trabajar con ellos.Se nos mostr esta modalidad de sanacin como una forma de lograr nuevamente esa conexin nica y poderosa con la luz; es nuestro derecho divino caminar en la luz como seres compasivos plenamente facultados.Una vez que des el paso para convertirte en un trabajador de la luz, el reino angelical tomar nota, es como un foco de luz que se enciende en los reinos celestiales y entonces recibes apoyo en tu viaje mientras elijas ser parte de l.El Reino Angelical no puede intervenir a menos que se lo pidan, por lo tanto, los Angeles han estado esperando pacientemente que personas como t decidan hacer una diferencia en las vidas de los dems. Por eso te honran.Disfruta el viaje y cuando hayas calificado tendrs un apoyo constante de nosotros.NamasteTania y Myriam   "
Price: 164.99

"Curso de Practicante de Sanacin con Cristales"
"Aprovecha ahora en el 2019 este hermoso curso que ha sido diseado para que puedas ofrecer sanaciones pagadas como practicante de sanacin con cristales.  Lo creamos para que puedas ser parte de una misin universal mayor para trabajar con la red cristalina de la Tierra, el reino de los cristales y la estructura de energa cristalina del cuerpo, para elevar la frecuencia y asistir en la sanacin de la humanidad.En este curso obtendrs una amplia gama de informacin sobre el reino de cristal, la historia de sanacn con cristales, cmo funciona la sanacin de cristal, las vibraciones del color, sanacin de los chakras y mucho ms. Incluso podrs conocer a las poderosas hadas de cristal y conocer formas en las que ellas te permiten tener acceso al conocimiento y a los poderes de los cristales que protegen.Aprende 9 Sanaciones diferentes con cristales que puedes ofrecer, cada sanacin se demuestra con fotos paso a paso para que puedas ver exactamente lo que tienes que hacer.Tambin descubrirs cmo crear un botinqun de cristales de primeros auxilios para el hogar y encontrars sugerencias sobre cmo se pueden usar y mucho, mucho ms!Tristemente tendrs que ir de compras por cristales !!!!!!Estamos aqu, durante todo el curso, para cualquier ayuda o consejo y no dudes en ponerte en contacto con cualquiera de nosotras si tienes alguna pregunta.Tuyas en la luz,Tania y Myriam"
Price: 164.99

"Professional Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner Course"
"This course is the next level following the Angelic Practitioner Course  and  you will need to have completed that training first before doing this level for it to make sense. In this next level of training we will attune to the 7 main archangels, visit the archangelic realm of Lyra, learn about the golden angelic ray of healing, work with the soul star chakra, Venus, ancient symbols and learn 9 procedures to guide you through running a complete Advanced Level Angelic Healing on yourself and clients. There are step by step live demos of your healing procedures so that you can be confident when you are doing them yourselves.  You will learn everything you need to set up in business as an Advanced Level Angelic Healer and as an Advanced Level Angelic Healer you will be able to charge more for your healings.  Blessings in the lightTania xx"
Price: 184.99

"Professional Aromatherapy Course - Aromatherapy for All"
"This course is designed to introduce you to Aromatherapy and the wonderful, magical healing properties of plants, flowers, trees, and seeds. This is the Level 1 Course and there are 3 more levels should you wish to grow your knowledge and skills.Aromatherapy is thousands of years old and is our original mediciine, it is said that for every illness that exists that there is a cure to be found in the plant kingdom. Learn the science of Aromatherapy and how using essential oils can support you physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually. Essential oils lift our vibrational frequency by a process called ""entrainment"", they are magical !The course covers a very thorough working knowledge of aromatherapy techniques using the 2 main methods of use - topical application and inhalation.You will learn everything you need to know to practise aromatherapy on your friends, family and yourself. You will be guided through every step of the course and there are live demos of the 4 aromatherapy massage techniques that you will learn and also live demos of how to make beautiful organic aromatherapy products for the home. Enjoy the wonderful world of essential oils.kindest wishesTania"
Price: 189.99

"Angel Oracle Card Reader Course; Become the Oracle"
"All Card Images Uniquely Designed For Us,  Are Provided For FREE In This Course You Do Not Need To Buy AnythingIn this enlightening course you will learn everything you need to know to give yourself, family and friends an Angel Oracle Card reading. In ancient times an Oracle was a wise Priestess who would be consulted by Kings because of her spiritual connections to the Gods, it was said that the Gods spoke through her to man. So, in the same way that people travelled to consult the Oracle, YOU will learn to be the Oracle yourself, you will learn to connect your energy with the energy of the oracle cards and you will become a conduit for spiritual guidance, wisdom and knowledge. In this course you will connect with 22 different angels and archangels and you will meet them all individually so that you can make a special heart connection with them.  More importantly, each angel will connect you with an aspect of Christ consciousness also called Buddha consciousness, to support you in your journey of enlightenment and your growth of your spiritual gifts and talents. As well as meeting the 22 angels you will learn 9 different types of card readings, you will learn an invocation/prayer for each one so that you can connect at any time to the energy of that angel and much much more. I am joined on this course by the amazing Alexandra Gabriel, whose unique connection to the angelic realm means she brings amazing insight from these realms. Alexandra channels the angelic realms through her voice, if you have taken my previous angel courses you will have been touched by her music.  Both of us will give our individual channellings on these angels and you will learn to recognise these angels and their energy with some unique perspectives. The card designs provided exclusively for this course have been channelled by myself and Alexandra and they are breathtaking, you will be able to use them for your own use. The 22 card images are provided for you to download for personal use as cards.The course content is channelled by us from a unique perspective and if you want to know the source of the information it is the Universe, so dont expect references to it ! If another source is referred to apart from us then it is acknowledged with permission. Featured Review""Oh my goodness! I have to THANK YOU! 1) for this angel healing course I'm absolutely devouring. But also 2) for referring me to Alexandra Gabriel. This year has been a WHIRLWIND as I would imagine most spiritual awakenings are...yes? Or is it just me? Haha. Anyway, Kuan Yin (who I'd never even HEARD of before comes in for me so strong with such beautiful messages that she makes me cry happy tears of joy)! Just this morning I had an ego-based fear thought - ""What if I'm just making this all up and I'm kinda nuts?"" And then you mention Alexandra, so I look her up and Google takes me to an interview on YouTube where the very first song the interviewer plays is The Heart of Quan Yin!"" I almost fell out of my chair!! For a few reasons. One, her voice is INCREDIBLE, two, there's Quan Yin popping up again, three I've been collecting musical instruments (crystal singing bowls and a metal drum thingy I'm not quite sure what you call it) and wondering how this is all going to come together. I was born singing I think. LOVE it. But that part of me has been hibernating. I wasn't sure how to bring this all together UNTIL Alexandra. SO thank you dear Tania! I can't wait to get through the rest of this course and move on to the next ones which I've already purchased :D""This course is a labour of love and we hope you feel the angels and our love behind it.yours in the lightTania and Alexandra"
Price: 189.99

"Professional Crystal Healing Course With The Crystal Fairies"
"Step into the magic and become a Professional Crystal Fairy Healing Practitioner and Crystal Fairy Card Reader, this is 2 courses combined in 1 !.  In this course you will learn everything you need to know to give yourself, family, friends and clients a Crystal Healing with the Crystal Fairies and give paid for Crystal Fairy Card readings.The Crystal Healing  Course with the Crystal Fairies is a step to reconnect with those elemental beings that you used to dance with as children, whose magic you felt when you played in the woods and watched the lights sparkle off the water! Do you remember? They remember you and though they still skip around you and exist with you, so many of us have forgotten how to connect with them. In this course we will reawaken your connection with the Crystal Fairy beings who exist as an aspect of kingdom of the Fae and the Crystal Kingdom. The knowledge contained in each crystal is accessed only through the permission of the crystal fairy who lives within.  In this course you will connect with 24 different Crystals and their Crystal Fairies and 4 Master Elemental beings  you will meet them all individually so that you can connect with their individual frequency and make a special heart connection with them. Each crystal fairy image and their wisdom has been channeled both in the artwork and in the reading. These powerful beings, though called Fairys are not just twinkling around the sky with magic wands, they work with the very core of our being and our planet, they influence the elements themselves and by that very connection can support us with all aspects of our growth and development whether that is as a spiritual worker looking to open your psyche on a path to enlightenment or whether you are just curious about their world and want to connect with them.  You will learn techniques to use the Crystals and Crystal Fairy Cards to support healing and for prophecy, how to make a deeper connection with them in your daily life, how to create fairy circles, fairy crystal grids, how to give card readings and much, much more.  All Card Images Uniquely Designed For Us,  Are Provided For FREE In This Course You Do Not Need To Buy AnythingI am joined on this course by Alexandra Gabriel, who like me has lived between the world of the physical and the world of spirit our whole lives. Nothing brings us greater happiness to support you to reconnect to the magical world of the Fae through this Crystal Healing with the Crystal Fairies Course. If you could see the fairies you would see they are dancing with excitement too!Twinkle, twinkle !! with loveTania and Alexandra"
Price: 199.99

"Blender Character Rigging For Beginners HD"
"Blender Character Rigging For Beginners HD is aseries by Riven Phoenix that takes the art student through a step-by-step process in rigging a high quality 3D humancharacter from scratch using blender's powerful rigging features. This course is considered volume two of ""Blender Character Modeling for Beginners HD"" Course where you learned to model a realistic human figure from scratch without any referenceusinga formula based system.You however will get to download the 3Dcharacter to use in this courseas a starting point or simply use the character you already built using volume one or your own character.The art student will start by placing the required bones onto a realistic human figure model and learnat the same timehow to develop it into an advance rigging system.Riven Phoenix will explain in detail manyaspects of riggingstep-by-step and show the student how to understand and build anadvance knowledge of blender's internalrigging system for human character motion. Students will with this course become very intimate with blender's complex riggingsystem which they can apply to any 3D character. This course is designed to teach art students how to use blender's rigging system from the ground up and become more confident with it to develop their own rigging systems from scratch. Each step is explained clearly so the student can follow along with ease.Blender's rigging system is avery complex subject to understandso Riven Phoenix will explain in detail how to understand and use the rigging system for students who are completelynew to this subject. Great care has been taken to explain in detail this complex subject matter."
Price: 44.99

"Fast and Easy Spanish: How to Conjugate Regular Verbs"
"En este curso aprenders a conjugar verbos regulares en: presente simple, pretrito y futuro. En las conjugaciones no incluir la conjugacin con el pronombre ""vosotros"" en lugar de este pronombre usar ""Ustedes"".In this course you will learn to conjugate regular verbs in: the present simple, the preterite simple and future. In the conjugations I will not include the conjugation with the pronoun ""vosotros"" instead of this pronoun I'll use ""ustedes""."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Banner Design Learn Graphic Design!"
"Social Media Banner Design Learn Graphic Design!Learn Graphic Design For Social Media - Design Many Practical Projects, Including: YouTube, Tumblr & Etsy Banner DesignYou Will DesignAll Of The Following:Social Media Banner Projects Including:YouTube Channel BannerEtsy Shop BannerLinkedin BannerTwitch TV BannerTumblr BannerAnd More!Extra Projects Including:Desktop Wallpaper DesignFacebook AdDesignEmail Header Designs& More!A Powerful Skill To HaveLearning the basics and advanced skillsof Canva puts a powerful and very useful tool at your Reach. Canva is free andeasy to learn so why don't you start now.Jobs in Graphics Design are consistent and in high-demand, the average graphics designer salary is $50,000/40,000 OR you can choose to be a freelancer and work for yourself at home.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for beginners or professionals,there are over 15 lectures &2hours of content, youll learn all of the Graphics Design basics/fundamentals and you will builda strong portfolio with the designs that you make in this course. Each Section has manynew projects for you to follow along to and at the end you should be able to design any Social Media Banner or anyrelated projects for yourself or a client.Starting with abasic overviewof the Canva Dashboard, this course will take you through how to become a professional Graphics Designer as we work through all of the real world Social Media Banner projects.Students completing the course will have the skills to be able to design anything they may need to design for Social Mediaincluding : YouTube, Linkedin, Etsy Shop, TumblrBannersAnd Many More!Completing thiscourse will grant youa FREEcertificate of completion. You will work onmany projects which you may put into your portfolio to boost the startofyour freelance or professional career.Don't Hesitate To Enroll Now As There Is A FREE 30 Day Money Back Guarantee If The Course Is Not Suitable For You."
Price: 199.99

"Aspen Plus - Physical Properties"
"This is course on Process Simulationwill show youhow to model, manipulate and report thermodynamic, transport, physicaland chemical properties of substances.You will learn about:PhysicalProperty EnvironmentPhysical Property Method &Method AssistantFluid and Property PackagesPhysical property input, modeling,estimation andregressionThermodynamic Properties (Material/Energybalances and Thermodynamic Processes)Transport Properties for (Mass/Heat/Momentum Transfer)Equilibrium Properties (Vapor-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid, etc...)Getting Results (Plots, Graphs, Tables)This is an excellent way to get started with Aspen Plus. Understanding the physical property environment will definitively help you in the simulation andflowsheet creation!This is a ""workshop-based"" course, there is about50%theory and about 50% practice!"
Price: 199.99

"Final Cut Pro X Master Class"
"Updated for the newest version of FCPX -10.4.7!This course is designed to do more than introduce you to FCP X. It was created to give you an in depth look at all the power Final Cut has to offer. You will go beyond the drag and drop method of editing and really get into the different tools you can use to fine-tune your edit.  You will learn slipping, sliding, trimming, 'L' and 'J' cuts, and much more. This is a Master Class in the editing tools found in Final Cut and how to use them to enhance your storytelling. This course comes with a full set of practice footage! I've included over 80 clips that were shot for a short film called ""Dales' Date."" Throughout this course you'll create a rough cut of Dale's story based on a short script, then you'll revisit that rough-cut as you learn to apply filters, effects, transitions and even color grades. You will learn about audio and video filters and effects, editing (and shooting) green screen footage, using markers, color correction, multi-cam editing & more! Storytelling with video can be very satisfying and rewarding...IF you can get past the frustration of learning new software. This course aims to help you, not only feel comfortable with FCP X, but to command it. Make it work for you! Learning keyboard shortcuts, and the tools that make the editing process faster and easier will help you spend more time with the creative side of content creation and storytelling."
Price: 49.99

"Meditation for busy people - Calm the Mind in 1 minute! -"
"Meditation For Busy People!This meditation practice was designed for busy people, who often do not have time on their hands to meditate for long periods of time, but at the same time want to experience the calming benefits of meditation.Although this meditation is only 1 minute long, it will allow you to cease all thoughts within so that you can experience deeper peace - A truly powerful and unique technique!=====Testimonials=====""This course is very easy, and I found the practice taught within to be effective from the first use! I highly recommend this course!"" - Robert Kirk""It really works!"" -Michael Thompson""Jonny John Liu is a good instructor and it is a pleasure listening to his courses. All his courses are recommendable!!!!!"" - Dr. Hatchik Manoukian M.D.==================Meditation That Works With The Mind!!It's hard to stop the mind from thinking, from worrying about problems in life, from dwelling in negativities or needless inner conversations.Whenever we try to go against the mind, it will prove futile!This Meditation is unique in that it works with the mind. Used by thousands of people with great results. Try it and experience the peace within!Also learn how to create your own quick and easy meditation to silence the busy mind!*****If you wish to experience a deeper meditation technique, you can try my 5 Present Breaths course, a 20 minute guided meditation into the Present Moment*****I have 8 + other courses which you can find by clicking on my profile icon. Transform Your Mind, Transform your life The Creator's Meditation - 22 Day meditation course The Creator's Absorption - Transform Your Anger Into Happinessetc."
Price: 54.99

"Really Easy Yoga"
"This course is gradually being updated and refilmedHow do you start your day? Are you able to sleep soundly at night? Do you experience aches and pains? Does your body feel stiff, tense and tight? Or does it feel relaxed and flexible? Do you suffer migraines, headaches and indigestion or other stress responses? We live such busy lives; hectic and hurried and often we have no time to release the tension from our body and our mind this causes energetic blockages and disconnects us from our inner and outer Divine. This course will help you develop a deeper sense of inner divinity and assist in your spiritual growth as tension, pressure and stress releases and gently falls away. Build your confidence and self esteem gently and naturally as you open your energy channels and release blocked energy.And this course, Really Easy Yoga, aims to help you to take time to start your day and end your day through the application of easy practices that are ancient but have proven benefits; these benefits are observed in the yogis and yoginis who apply these methods every day all of their lives - just look at how healthy they are. With your instructor, Deborah, to share with you what she has learned you will cover five key areas of yoga; Breathing practicesand we take a brief look at air purifying plants too!Mudras and MantrasReally easy yoga poses andEye mudrasMorning and Evening meditation.So join the course, and have lifetime access to the practices that will help you to start and end your day the most peaceful and blissful way... and of course you will gain automatic access to all updates and additions...Support is available in the Q and A section and there is a friendly Facebook group that you can join if you wish to share more healing and spiritual growth...We so look forward to seeing you on the other side...Bonus section:Meet Goddess Kali, the goddess of death and destruction to aid life transformation!"
Price: 49.99

"Hopi Ear Candling; a comprehensive course"
"Hopi Ear Candling is a therapy that is applied to the ears using hollow, lighted candles.  The warmth of the candle helps to relax the ear, and offers many benefits.  The therapy includes a brief facial procedure; cleansing the skin and then after the Hopi treatment providing facial massage that helps to drain the sinuses and lymph fluid.  This helps to reduce puffiness to the skin but also relax the mind, ease the body and restore balance.  Ear candling is also know as Thermo Auricular therapy and there are various conditions that are contra-indicated to this method.  In this course the...Topics covered:Introduction to your training providerProfessional standardsAnatomy and physiologyMassage techniquesMassage mediumsHistory of therapyEquipment and treatment areaHealth, safety and consultation etcDemonstrations of therapyLearn about case studies and practice theseCase study - due to the courses being for educational purposes only the case study optional students require 6 case studies = 6 clients receive 6 treatments each = 36 hours practical experience.Each course is currently being updated to reflect this new information.Why take this courseLearn from a seasoned professional and qualified therapistThis course has received Udemy verificationAccess to support through the Q and A area of the platformThis course is comprehensive and included demonstration videosLearn natural approaches to improve and maintain health and well-beingShare the experience with loved ones, family and friendsThis course can supplement in person, live training at colleges or institutesThis course is a useful aid to in person trainingStudents access the platform where support can be gained however this is not an instantaneous service and it may take a few days to respond.  Deborah works UK time and office hours apply."
Price: 169.99

"The Ultimate Addiction and Recovery Plan"
"This Ultimate Addiction and Recovery course will teach you how to kick your addiction without having to go to leave your family, friends, pets, or work.The Sobriety Success Method works as hundreds of Live Rehab students have been able to successfully obtain a recovery. In todays busy world, its becoming harder and harder to kick an addiction when its often implied the only way to do so is to check into an in patient or outpatient program. Unlike the Sobriety Success Method, these programs do not tailor to the individual needs and certainly dont offer a holistic approach that addressed the physical body, psychological impact, social relationships and addiction specific concepts. This is why the Sobriety Success Method works, you dont have to worry about letting people down or putting your own dreams and aspirations to the side just because youre trying to overcome an addiction. Instead, you get to work the program from home and will be given the tools you need to address situations that will come about throughout your recovery.This course begins by talking about the stages of change so that you know exactly where you are in your recovery. You will then take inventory and you will be on your way to work through each section.This course might be the most significant investment you will ever make and it wont break the bank! The Sobriety Success Method provides the foundation you will need to succeed.If you are motivated and intend to break your addiction, then you are in the right place. This course will walk you through every step, from before detox all the way through to achieving a full recovery. You will learn how to implement physical components such as good nutrition, fitness and sleep as well as psychological components including your mental health, spirituality and how to live intentionally. The social aspect of recovery will be discussed from family, friends and professional relationships and you will also learn how to detox, set a quit date and manage your triggers.Once enrolled, you will have lifetime access, ongoing instructor support via the Q&A and monthly email tips. You will also be given the option to join our closed Facebook group. You don't have to do this alone but you can do this from the comfort of home. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who struggle with addiction?A: While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or substance abuse counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting an addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn."
Price: 149.99

"MongoDB for Beginners - Fast track"
"In this course, you will learn all the fundamentals of MongoDB plus the most popular advanced features. You can follow this course along with the documentation and compliment your learning. MongoDB is one of the top database solutions out there right now. Every developer needs to know how to use this tool to take advantage of many nice features. I've built this course with a beginner's mindset but at the same with the busy developer in mind. I put myself in a beginner's shoes and designed this course in a very easy to digest manner. Technology moves really quick and there is no time to spend years learning something now-days. We simply do not have the luxury of time to take years to learn something new, especially a tool like MongoDB. Learning a new language well can take several years but a tool like MongoDB should be learned fast so that we can integrate it with our favorite languages or tools. MongoDB has a large API that can be used to plug it into any popular language out there, so there is no excuse not to learn it."
Price: 99.99

"Digital Journalism 101 : get published in online media"
"Getting published in a high authority publication can transform your career and massively boost your earnings. But with thousands of writers competing for the privilege, competition is fierce.The Perfect Pitch is an easy to learn system for finding, formatting and pitching stories that will massively increase your chances of breaking into high authority publicationsThis course will give you an insider look at how to pitch and publish at high authority level, from a 15 year veteran with bylines includingThe Guardian, BBC, Wired, Independent, Buzzfeed, Aeonand many more high authority publications.Whats the REAL business of high authority publications? Knowing this changes everything.Learn the 3 pillars of making the perfect pitch: Community, Story and Angle.Understand the key formats that high authority publications use to tell stories.Mine online resources like Reddit to find killer angles.Lever the power of social media to find editors and grow your network.How to negotiate pay effectively, and turn a one off gig into a long-term job."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Microservices With Java"
"In this course you'll learn how to create a simple microserviceusing Java programming language and Dropwizard.Dropwizardisa popular framework to build RESTful APIs and microservices. The course begins with a brief introduction to microservices VS monolitharchitecturalstyles and microservices designprinciples.In this course, you will build a locations microservice which will host a predefined list of locations like Amazon FBA locations, this will be done by creating a REST API'sfor CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete), and you will learn how to connect our microservice with mysql database locally, and also how to configure phpmyadmin in order to interact with locations database.(FULL REPOSITORY CODE EXIST THROUGH SECTIONS!)After that you will learn how to decorize you microservice with dockerand create a docker image of locations microservices, and you will learn how deploy the microservice to docker environment and how to create applications containers and connect them with each other.Also, you will learn about kubernetes (k8s), and how to configure k8s on your local machine, and create deployment descriptors (YAML) files, in order to deploy the microservice to local k8s cluster.And finally, you'll learn how to create a google cloud account and configure google kubernete engine, google cloud sql, cloud sql credentials, push docker images to google container registry, Thendeploy your microservice there.In this course we will depend on gradle build tool, in order to automate our development process and save our time!The goal of this course is to serve as a practical guide through the dropwizard framework, so you can see how it'sused to implement microservice based architecture.By the time you finish this course, you will have gained the ability to articulate what the Microservices architectural style is all about, including its advantages and disadvantages, docker and kubernetes.You will gain familiarity with dropwizard, and you'll see how to use it to build microservices, REST API's.Is This For You?Do you want to build useful microservices?Are you afraid of not being able to create good microservices?Do you think you will feel proud creating the microservices that will be used every day and help others to work more effectively?Then this course will definitely help you.The course currently consists of 54 lectures and 7 hours of video. After taking this course you'll be able tostart developingmicroservices. So let's get started!"
Price: 159.99