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"Learn Complete Testing (Manual+SQL+Unix+Rally+JIRA+AGILE)"
"This course is specially designedfor Testing profile studentswho wanted to build there career into Testing Arena in Real World. So I have designed this course so they can start workingwith Manual, SQL, Unix, Linux, Shell, Rally, JIRAand Agilein completetesting. All the users who are working or looking their careerin QA profile and wanted to move into Testing domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials which has advance knowledge.I have included the material which is needed for big data testing profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning Manual,SQL, Unix, Linux, Shell, Rally, JIRAand Agilein completetesting.It will give the detailed information for different Manual,SQL, Unix, Linux, Shell, Rally, JIRAand Agilein completetestingqueries/commandswhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. ManualTesting or Automation TestingThis course is well structured with all elements of different Manual,SQL, Unix, Linux, Shell, Rally, JIRAand Agilein completetestingwith advancecommandsin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn Manual,SQL, Unix, Linux, Shell, Rally, JIRAand Agilein completetestingfrom scratch."
Price: 69.99

"Learn Big Data : Complete Hadoop Ecosystem with Practicals"
"This course is specially designedfor All profile students i.e. developers and testerswho wanted to build their career into Big DataArena in Real World. So I have designed this course so they can start workingwith All Big Data Related Tools and technologiesi.e.Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HBASE,CASSANDRA,MONGODB,REDISin complete Big Data. All the users who are working or looking their careerin Big Dataprofile in Big Dataand wanted to move into Testing domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials which hasbeginnertoadvance knowledge.I have included the material which is needed for big data testing profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning All Big Data Related Tools and technologies like Hadoop and Hive with different big data databases i.e.HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB + Redis in completeBig Data environment.It will give the detailed information for differentCommands and Queries which are used in development andtesting All Big Data Related Tools and technologiesincluding different databases applicationsin completequeries/commandswhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Data EcosystemsEnvironment.This course is well structured with all elements of different All Big Data Related Tools and technologiesdatabases i.e. Haoop , Hive , HBase + Cassandra + MongoDB + Redis in completebig datawith advancecommandsin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn End to End Big Data Ecosystem Technologies including different databasesin complete big datafrom scratch."
Price: 89.99

"10 Steps To Job Interviewing 1.0"
"Discover the #1 Skill that will make you Successful on the Job Interview!Do you want to know the one skill that will make you more successful on job interviews? What about the one skill that will make you more successful in life? That one skill is the art of persuasion. Persuasion is the one skill that might be holding you back from getting the job offer and building the career you want. Researchers have found that only 1% of people who apply for jobs get the job offer. They also discovered the 90 Second Rule, which states that 1/3 of hiring managers know within 90 seconds of job interview if they want to hire you or not. Researchers also have conducted a study on the Top Reasons why people dont get hired. Some of these reasons include: Feeling they can wing the interview without preparation (53%) Not sufficiently differentiating themselves from others (67%) Not asking enough, or the right, questions (41%) Failure to successfully transfer past experience to the current job opportunity (64%) The truth is most successful people are just one skill away from great wealth. And If you are like me, you want to grow your career and earning potential. Think about Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffet. Students asked Warren Buffet whats the key to success? He responded in saying that he owes most of his success to his investment in a public speaking course taught by Dale Carnegie. He even went further to state without this course he would have never proposed to his wife! I am a Corporate Recruiter and each year I have a chance to work with several hiring managers and speak with hundreds of candidates. The number #1 reason why most candidates fail to get the job offer is they are not persuasive enough on the interview. In other words, they fail to sell themselves. So, I decided to create a course called 10 Steps to Job Interviewing. In this course I will teach you how to use psychology and persuasion to get the job offer. The real reason I created this course is because for 2 years after graduation I struggled to get hired and start growing my career. I did everything right, or at least what I thought was right at the time. I went to my universitys Career Service Center and tried to take advantage of everything they had to offer. I attended career fairs, networking events, conducted mock interviews with employers, studied behavior based interviews questions, looked at the questions provided on Glass Door, studied companies LinkedIn profiles, and went on dozens of information interviews. Yet despite my efforts I was not able to convince someone to hire me. After much heartache and sleepless nights, I started to understand why I was not receiving any job offers. I was not persuasive on the job interviews. Once I started to understand this I got hired within 2 months. In just 3 years I went from making $8.25/hour part-time to close to six figures without going back to school for an advanced degree. I did this by applying the techniques I am teaching in this program. For the last year or so I have tested these concepts by hosting workshops at universities, test groups, and doing one-on-one sessions with job seekers and candidates. By the End of the Course You Will be Able to: Use these 10 Steps to Guide You Step by Step through the entire Interview Process Use the 25 Cognitive Biases to Influence Hiring Managers to Hire You (cover 3-5) Learn the Truth About the Hiring Process and How the Game is Played Learn the Key Factors to Negotiating the Best Salary Gauge if The Hiring Manager Wants to Hire You or Not What You Will Get: Instant Access to 10 video Modules walking you through the various stages of the interview process Over 2 hours of Content that will walk you step-by-step on how to use persuasion techniques Supplemental Materials to help you master each concept Recommended Readings that will give you cutting edge insights about job interviewing Recently, I coached 4 candidates and walked them through just 1 or 2 of the 10 steps that I teach in this program and 3 out of 4 received the job offer! These steps are so powerful that I only gave them 1 or 2 steps and they saw results, imagine the results you will have with access to all 10 Steps! As you go through each step and start mastering these techniques you will start to see how easy it is to influence hiring managers to hire you over other qualified candidates. Imagine the feeling of receiving that phone call or email from a company congratulating you, offering your dream job, and setting up your start date. With this program you no longer need to only imagine it, you can make it your reality. How would getting a better job change your life? For some of you, having a better job may help you to be healthier- allowing you to be able to afford to buy better foods; some of you may want to travel the world, take care of your love ones, buy a new car, move into your own place, set your own rules, be more independent, or even get married and start a family like Warren Buffet did. Its not important that you take my course, but it is important to find a mentor, teacher, or another person to share this information with you, so you will succeed in your career and in life. Ive already done the work for you. I have done all the research and designed this 10 Step program to help you succeed on job interviews and help you grow your career. I 100% guarantee that you will see results. Now, it may not work for everybody, but I am 100% sure it will work for most people. I have no doubt that this is the best program for my students. I believe so strongly in this program that I am willing give you an 100% refund (within 30 days) if you do not see the results. If you want to learn how to be more persuasive on job interviews, get companies to hire you over other candidates, and start growing your career to six-figures sign up to start the 10 Step to Job Interviewing Test Group NOW and receive these amazing BONUSES! 11 Step Bonus Video Power of The Sample. Corporations use this technique to make millions and billions of dollars every year. I will teach you how to use this same technique on the job interview. To access this video send me an email at with Subject line 10 Steps to Job Interview: Power of The Sample. 30-day Money Back Guarantee. No Risk. If you take the course and decide it did not add any value to you will be fully refunded all your money within 30 days. Bonus Recommended Supplemental Readings on Job Interviewing. Sign up TODAY! I look forward to seeing you in the Test Group!"
Price: 49.99

"Power Persuasion with Cognitive Biases"
"Power Persuasion with Cognitive BiasesWhat is power persuasion?Imagine a scenario, people come in contact with you they magically get persuaded for no apparent reason. You don't even try to persuade them but still, their choices and actions are influenced by you.It sounds like a superpower I wanna possess!!Damn straight, who doesn't?Do you know what I call this power?Power persuasion.Just imagine the things you could achieve and the kind of clever steps you can take in business and relationships.Do you want an upper hand? Done.Do you want freedom? Done.Do you want to be respected? Done.Do you want more money? Done.Whatever you want, consider it done if you know how to exploit the cognitive biases.Oh man, this is so good.It all happens when you begin learning the cognitive biases. A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that affects the decisions and judgments that people make. Some of these biases are related to memory. The way you remember an event may be biased for a number of reasons and that in turn can lead to biased thinking and decision-making.When you understand these biases, you see what everybody cannot see. You have access to the subconscious minds of people. That means you think 10 steps ahead of them. You know their game before they execute.I say that ""Cognitive bias is the oxygen of persuasion and only with persuasion you can get what you want in life"" and this is THE TRUTH.1000s of people who have learned to master and take advantage of cognitive biases are living an unimaginable life.Yes I know that's crazy because learning cognitive biases is no less than having all the 6 infinity stones in your hand. (Avengers Reference!)It doesn't matter what you gain from this course. What matters is what you don't lose."
Price: 199.99

"Understanding Dynamics of Relationships"
"Good relationships arent about clear communicationtheyre about small moments of attachment and intimacy.Psychological Dynamics of Relationships - 3 Principles to make a relationship workThis is a powerful step by step program to help you:1. Understand the relationship dynamics2. Manage extreme conflicts3. Understand the psychology of both sexes4. What is harmful and what is helpful in a relationship 5. The basic mechanism of what keeps partners committed In this course, I intend to share the story of my parents' unsuccessful relationship. I put forward my perspective on what makes or breaks a relationship. This course is based on a book I had written a few years ago. I share with you my observations and deep understandings of the relationship game. From a child's perspective, who always saw his parents abusing each other.Take this course as a case study to get a better insight into the mechanics of relationships. I have taken an inventory of the specific behaviors that poisoned the relationship for 20 years.Below is the outline of lecturesPrinciple 1: Ignorance The Mind of RelationshipsWhat is the Truth? What is Ignorance? What is Wisdom? The testThe resistance factor How to drop ignorance? The Psychology of the sexes Releasing the selfish perspective Clarity of your vision Principle 2: Chemistry The Soul of RelationshipsRole of Charisma Emotional Groundedness Role of Attraction Role of Confidence Role of Self-worth Rapport Principle 3: Foundations The Body of Relationships Attitude Unwholesome Habits Emotional Slavery"
Price: 199.99

"Best Entrepreneurship Practices"
"In this short course I show you mindsets, strategies and tool that are absolutely fundamental to x1000 your speed to learning business or life.This will make you smarter and wealther faster than your current speed of progressing. Come on, you too want more wisdom and money in less time right?!Here is the deal, if you progress and work at the same pace like the 90%population, you'll reach the same life that they are living.We entrepreneurs want more. We want more in less time so that we can live our dream life more. For that to happen we need speed. Speed of learning and earning. We cannot waste years in learning everything ourselves. If you agree to this, this course is for you.This course gives you simple but difficult to persever on strategies to Accelerate your learning speed by x10000.I'll see you inside."
Price: 109.99

"SQL Server : Configuration et modification d'une BDD sur SQL"
"Savez vous qu'un mauvais choix de votre AUTOGROWde votre BDD, peut faire baisser vos performances sur votre serveur?Et oui ce n'est pas un mythe :)Dans ce cours nous allons voir qu'il est possible d'activer une myriade d'options lors de la cration d'une BDDsur SQLserver.Ce cours a pour but en premier lieu, de vous faire dcouvrir ces options, et ensuite vous aider a viter les piges lors de l'activation de certaines options.Alors pourquoi regarder mon cours?Parce que vous ne verrez pas dansd'autres cours en franaisces sujets abords :Changer le parallelisme (MAXDOP) d'une BDDLa cration, configuration etmodification d'une BDD(Crer une BDD en attachant un fichier etc...)Apprendre l'utilit et l'activation du Query StoreApprendre l'utilit et l'activation du service BROKERL'impact que peut avoir leChangementd'unpropritaire d'une BDDQu'est ce que le TARGET RECOVERY Time ?Etc...Pourquoi se lancer dans l'administration SQL?SQL est une des comptences trs activement recherches sur le march de l'emploi.Administrer un serveurSQLaujourd'hui, c'est s'assurer avoir un job a plein temps.De plus SQL Server par sa simplicit, permet assez rapidement a monter en comptence sur des sujets assez pointus. Vous tes Tech Lead, developpeurs, futur DBA, ou autre mtier qui va s'attaquer a SQL, alors ce cours estfait pour vous :)J'ai tenu aussi a que lesvidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes,pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)Et surtout n'hsitez pas a mecontacter pour diverses questions.Enjoy !!!!"
Price: 99.99

"SQL server : Le Transact SQL pour les dveloppeurs"
"Avez vous entendu parler de ROWS /RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, ou encore OFFSET et FECTH NEXT ROWS en TSQL?Si vous voulez vraiment monter en comptence en TSQL, franchement vous ne trouverez pas ailleurs un cours aussi approfondi que celui ci...Suivez ce cours, vous aideravous dmarquer techniquement de vos collgues, ou lors d'un entretien d'embauche.Dbutant ou confirm, atravers ce coursnous allons monter en comptence petit petit.On commencera en tout premier lieu a : Dcouvrir le TSQL pour les (grands) dbutants (SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,LIKE,DISTINCT etc...1h45 de cours).Ensuite une fois que vous aurez acquis les bases du TSQL nous allons voir :Lesjointures(INNERJOIN,LEFT/RIGHT JOINFULLOUTERJOINetc...)Les fonctions de RANKING ( ROW_NUMBER, NTILE,ROWS/RANGEUNBOUNDEDPRECEDING etc...)Apprendre le CTE(common table expression)Les fonctions de type chane (TRIM,SUBSTRING,UPPER etc..)Les fonctions de type DATE(DATEPART,DATEADD etc..)Les fonctions logiques (CHOOSE,IIF)Amliorer les performances sur l'criture de requete SQL (SARGABLE etc...)Une fois ce cours termine, croyez moi quevous serez bougrement plus l'aiseavec le langage TSQL.J'ai tenu aussi a que lesvidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes,pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)Si vous voulez progresser rejoignez moi :)"
Price: 99.99

"SQL server : Le cours complet sur les BACKUP et les RESTORE"
"Vous voulez dcouvrir toutes les subtilits des BACKUPet des RESTORE? alors suivez moi :)Pourquoi regarder mon cours?Vous ne verrez pas dansd'autres cours en franaisces sujets abords :Les backup et les RESTOREclassique?Les diffrents modes de recuperation d'une BDDQu'est ce que le CHECKPOINT?BACKUP et RESTORE des logsRestauration avec point d'arret dans le tempsRestore avec l'option STANDBYBackup et RESTORE DifferentielleLa compression active t elle le CHECKSUM ?RESTORE d'une page de donne (en cas de corruption)Etc ...Pourquoi se lancer dans l'administration SQL?SQL est une des comptences trs activement recherches sur le march de l'emploi.Administrer un serveurSQLaujourd'hui, c'est s'assurer avoir un job a plein temps.De plus SQL Server par sa simplicit, permet assez rapidement a monter en comptence sur des sujets assez pointus. Vous tes Tech Lead, developpeurs, futur DBA, ou autre mtier qui va s'attaquer a SQL, alors ce cours estfait pour vous :)Une fois ce cours termine, vous serez bougrement plus l'aise avec l'administration d'un serveur SQL.J'ai tenu aussi a que lesvidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes,pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)Et surtout n'hsitez pas a mecontacter pour diverses questions.Enjoy !!!!"
Price: 99.99

"SQL Server : Le cours complet de A Z (cours de 21 heures)."
"Je vous mets au dfi de trouver un autre cours en e-learning, en franais et qui dure 21 heures regroupant ces 3 thmes:L'administration complet d'un Serveur SQL.Comment amliorer vos performances sur votre serveur SQL de production. Le Transact SQL du (grand)dbutant au confirm.Ce cours couvre toutes les versions SQL Server, mme SQL Server 2019 !Cette formation est un condens de tous mes (8) autres cours qui sont : SQL Server pour les (grands) dbutants. L'administration SQL Server partie 1.Configuration et modification d'une Base de donne.Le cours complet sur les BACKUP et les RESTORE.Le Transact SQL pour les dveloppeurs.Amliorez vos performances grce aux index.Dtecter et rparer les BDD Corrompues.Partons ensemble dans le Cloud avec SQL Azure.Note moyenne de mes 8 cours :  4,6 sur 5 (Je pense qu'ils sont de bonne qualit :) Cette formation en ligne c'est 20 heures de dmo et 1 heure de thorie. La thorie c'est dans les classes, pas dans ce cours :)La formation se dcoupe en trois thmes qui sont dans l'ordre:Le Transact SQL de A  Z (7 heures de cours).L'administration SQL Server (9 heures de cours).La performance sur SQL Server (5 heures de cours).Rejoignez mon cours , qui a pour but de devenir le cours de rfrence sur SQL Server en franais. L'autre point fort de ce cours, c'est qu'il sera tout le temps enrichi de nouveaux cours, et bien sur cela sera gratuit si vous avez dj achet ce cours auparavant :)Suivre ce cours, vous aidera  vous dmarquer techniquement de vos collgues, ou lors d'un entretien d'embauche.Dbutant ou confirm, a travers ce cours nous allons monter en comptence petit petit. J'ai tenu aussi a que les vidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes, pour que ce ne soit pas trop soporifique :)Ce cours dans le futur, arrivera a un total de 30 40 heures, donc achetez malin :).Voulez vous (vraiment) devenir  un expert sur SQL server ? Rien de plus simple, alors suivez moi :)"
Price: 199.99

"Xamarin Forms: Disea ms rpido con Gorilla Player"
"Bienvenido a este curso, eres desarrollador de Xamarin Forms, y estas cansado de tener que compilar tu proyecto y tener de desplegarlo en el dispositivo, emulador o simulador una y otra vez para poder ver tus cambios? Djame decirte que existe una mejor forma de hacerlo, Con Gorilla Player, puedes previsualizar controles nativos del framework,imgenes que utilizars una vez desplegado tu proyecto, estilos locales y globales,listas normales ylistas agrupadas.He escuchado a mucha gente que utiliza Gorilla Player, decir que no funciona porque no previsualiza los controles desarrollados por ellos mismos. Te cuento que esto no es verdad, ya que Gorilla Player, nos permite extender su funcionalidad a travs de la enseanza de ""nuevos trucos"" para previsualizar.Dicho esto, te invito a que me acompaes en este nuevo curso, que te ahorrar muchsimas horas de escritura de cdigo."
Price: 270.00

"Curso avanzado en temas selectos de Xamarin Forms"
"Hola! Me da gusto saludarte, soy Hctor Prez, instructor del curso ""Curso avanzado en temas selectos de Xamarin Forms"", curso que me ha tomado bastante ms del tiempo previsto, pero con la confianza de que he hecho un curso sencillo de seguir, aprendiendo conceptos complejos como Custom Renderers.Alguna vez has sentido que cuando lees el cdigo de un proyecto Xamarin Forms de otra persona, en un repositorio de Github por ejemplo, no entiendes todo el cdigo que est ah? Tal vez te has topado con el trmino Bindable Property pero en realidad no sabes para qu sirve en Xamarin Forms? tal vez has escuchado el trmino Custom Renderer, pero no sabes con qu se come?Djame decirte, que este curso es el primero en su tipo. Te lo digo con entera confianza, ya que he analizado libros, cursos y dems, y he notado que hay conceptos que algunos autores ni siquiera tocan, y que son fundamentales para poder explotar al mximo Xamarin Forms. Es por dicha razn, por la cual he decidido crear este curso, como una gua de referencia para aquellos que tienen experiencia bsica - intermedia desarrollando en Xamarin Forms, y que deseen mejorar sus habilidades.El temario est compuesto por:- Animaciones- Attached Properties y Attached Behaviors- Behaviors- Bindable Properties- Custom Renderers- Effects- Espacios de nombres XAML- La Clase Device- Markup Extensions- Transformaciones- TriggersAunado a un par de temas que he dejado en el tintero, y que agregar en los prximos das.Espero te animes a tomar el curso para explotar an ms tu potencial!"
Price: 1545.00

"Crea una ASP NET Core Web API bsica desde una base de datos"
"A travs de este curso, se pretende dar al estudiante las herramientas necesarias para dar sus primeros pasos para crear su propia Web Api, y exponer su informacin a travs de una web API.Dicha Web Api, puede ser consumida posteriormente, por desarrolladores en distintas tecnologas, desde Android, iOS UWP, incluso desde tecnologas multiplataforma como lo es Xamarin.A lo largo del curso, empezamos creando el proyecto, Completamente desde cero! Sin utilizar plantillas ni nada por el estilo, con el fin de que el alumno aprenda los conceptos fundamentales de un proyecto tipo ASP NET Web Api. Posteriormente, creamos un repositorio con el fin de poder exponer informacin ficticia, y as poder probar que nuestra API funciona correctamente.Por ltimo, llevamos a cabo la creacin de las entidades que interactuarn con la base de datos, reemplazando el repositorio de pruebas por un repositorio real. Al final, tenemos una api que puede ser consumida desde diferentes aplicaciones."
Price: 420.00

"Gua Definitiva: 70-532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions"
"Microsoft Azure es un conjunto en constante expansin de servicios en la nube. Esto significa, que la misma plataforma de Azure, est en constante evolucin para brindar soluciones a los responsables del rea tecnolgica, de la ms alta calidad. Cada da, se suman al mundo del cmputo en la nube, cientos de empresas de tecnologa, ya que hospedar soluciones web, backends, bases de datos y dems servicios en la nube, es mucho ms rentable que hospedarlos en servidores propios. Esta decisin es tomada en base a parmetros como la seguridad, la capacidad de escalamiento, replicacin, entre otros parmetros.Es por ello, que si quieres dar un plus a tu carrera, y quieres sobresalir de entre elresto de los desarrolladores enfocados en la nube, Tienes que certificarte! Los nmeros muestran que cada da las empresas buscan ms gente capacitada para dar soluciones que cumplan sus demandas, sabiendo configurar correctamente las funcionalidades en la nube. Es un hecho, que si demuestras sobre tu conocimiento en Azure a travs de un examen de certificacin, y lo expones en tu CV en tu perfil de LinkedIn, tendrs a muchos reclutadores tras de t, ofrecindote vacantes que muchas veces no pueden llenar debido a la falta de gente especializada.Basado en el temario oficial, este es el primer curso completamente en espaol que trata los requerimientos del examen 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions. A diferencia de otros cursos que podrs encontrar, en este curso se trata a detalle cada uno de los sub objetivos del temario, adems de una infinidad de enlaces a los recursos oficiales donde podrs encontrar ms informacin al respecto.En dado caso de que no conozcas mucho sobre Azure, en este curso aprenders los temas de una forma sencilla, prctica y rpida. Por el contrario, si eres ms experimentado, puedes ver nicamente los videos secciones que desconozcas.En definitiva, este es el mejor curso de Microsoft Azure para desarrolladores, e inclusive puede servirte si an no te has decidido a realizar el examen, y nicamente quieres aprender ms sobre la plataforma.* Microsoft, Windows y Microsoft Azure son marcas registradas. Este curso no es un curso certificado, acreditado y/ afiliado por Microsoft Corporation."
Price: 2220.00

"Web-based Face detection using OpenCV"
"In this course, student will able to develop face detection website using OpenCV concepts and techniques. Step wise implementation along with helping material is provided so that student can build face detection website and design it easily. At the end of this course complete website along with source code is provided. you can use this material to develop real time applications."
Price: 149.99

"ANSYS CFD for Turbulent Aerodynamics Flows"
"In this course you will learn about the CFDof external aerodynamics. In this course first we will create geometry of airfoil in ICEMCFD and then we will create high quality hexa mesh. After that we will solve this case in Fluent. You will run case at angle of attack zero and angle of attack 10 and compare results with NASA data for Cp, lift coefficient and drag coefficient. In future we will introduce more complex problems. Hope to see you soon on course."
Price: 69.99

"ASP.NET Gridview Eitim Videosu Serisi"
"Bu eitim videosu serisindetamamen Gridview kontrolne odaklanp,verinin farkl formatlarda ve tekniklerlegrntlenmesi almalar yapyoruz. Eitim serisi boyunca ilerledikce, uygulama gelitirmenin keyfine varacaksnz. Eitimin grsel adan'da memnuniyet seviyesini yukar ekmek iin, teorik konular slayt zerinden anlatp sonrasnda uygulama aamasna geiyoruz. Bylelikle teorik ve pratik eitim aralarn i ie kullanarak renme halkasnn stres blounu ortadan kaldrm oluyoruz.Yazlmc (Aday) arkadalarmbu eitimin sonunda, kurumsal dnyada kullanclardan gelebilecek bir ok talebezm retebilecek seviyeye geleceklerdir. Zira sonkullancgznde,verinin(data) doru ve hzl bir ekilde ekrana yansmasnemli olanyegne ey..Kurs ieriinde greceimiz konulardan bazlar u ekildedir: e Gridview KullanmTm Deklaratif Veri KaynaklarGridview SayfalamaRepeater KontrolGridview'de oklu Satr Silme (JQuery ile)Concurreny Problemlerinin zmFaydal olmas temennisi ile.."
Price: 299.99

"C# Eitim Videosu Serisi"
"C# EitimiBu eitim videosu serisi gerektentitiz bir ekilde hazrlanmtr..Eitim serisini bitiren kiilerin, C# diline btnyle hakim olup, hzl ve doru bir ekilde kod yazmas kanlmazdr. Tkettiiniz her blm sonrasnda zgveniniz artacak ve birsonraki blm izlemek iin sabrszlanacaksnz.Bu kursda ileyeceimiz konu balklarndan bazlar aadaki gibidir:* Object-Oriented Programlama'nn temelleri* Veri Tipleri* Dngler* Delegeler* Interface Kavram* Hata Ynetiminemli Not: Yeni videolarn yklenmesi halen devam ediyor..Faydal olmas temennisi ile.."
Price: 389.99

"ASP.NET Webform Eitim Videosu Serisi"
"ASP.NET WebformEitimiBu eitim videosu serisi gerektentitiz bir ekilde hazrlanmtr..Eitim serisini bitiren kiilerin, ASP.NET teknolojisinebtnyle hakim olup, hzl ve doru bir ekilde kod yazmas kanlmazdr. Tkettiiniz her blm sonrasnda zgveniniz artacak ve birsonraki blm izlemek iin sabrszlanacaksnz.Bu kursda ileyeceimiz konu balklarndan bazlar aadaki gibidir:* ASP.NET Temelleri ve Bir Web Uygulamasnn alma Mant* IIS Kurulumu* ASP.NET erisinde Bulunan Kontrollere ve Sayfaya Ait Event'ler* Cookies Ynetimi ve Etkilerinemli Not: Yeni videolarn yklenmesi halen devam ediyor..Faydal olmas temennisi ile.."
Price: 369.99

"SQL Server Eitim Videosu Serisi"
"SQL Nedir?SQL, verilerikolaylkla ynetebilmeniz iin kullanabileceiniz bir veritaban sistemidir. Bir ksaltma olan SQLin alm Structured Query Languagedir. Trke olarak evirirsek de buYaplandrlm Sorgulama Diliolacaktr.SQLbilinenin aksine bir programlama dili deildir.SQLbir alt dil olarak veri tabanlar ierisinde istediiniz ilemleri yapmanza olanak salar.SQLfikri ortaya ilk atldnda matematiksel bir yapya sahipmi. Fakat sonralar insanlar bunlar anlamakta ve kullanmakta zorlanabilir diye dier birok dilde de olduu gibi ngilizce belirtelerin olduu bir yapya evrilmitir.SQL Nerelerde Kullanlr?SQLin ana kullanm yeri veritabanlardr. Bu sebeple de ilk ortaya kt zamandan bugne deierek bu alanda daha ok etkili olmas iin uralmtr.Veritabankonusunda her soruna ve istee zm olarak gelitirilen bu dil genel geer anlamda ok iyi bir yerde deildi. Yeni durum ise yllar ierisinde firmalarn deitirdii ve gelitirdiiveritabanlarile ortaya kmtr.SQL Ne e Yarar?SQLinana amac veritabanlar zerinde ilemler yapabilmektedir.SQL ne ie yarardiye soran kiiler iin aadaki her ilemi rahatlkla yapabileceklerini belirtebilirim;Snrsz saydaki veri arasndan istediinizveriyibulabilmek,Snrsz saydaki veri arasnda istediiniz hersorguyuyapabilmek,Veritabannayeni veri kaydetmek,Veritabannda var olan verileri ekmek,dzenlemek, gncellemek ve silmek,Veritaban iinde yenitablooluturmak,Yeniveritabaneklemek ya da var olan deitirmek.SQL Server Nedir?SQL Server, Microsoftun gelitirdii bir veritaban ynetim sistemi olarak bilinmektedir. Buveritaban sistemiRDBMS yani likisel veritaban sistemi olarak adlandrlmtr. Bunun sebebi de sistemde yer alanveri tabanlarierisindeki verilerin tablolarda bulunmas ve bu tablolarn da birbirleri ile baz balantlarnn bulunmasdr.T-SQL Nedir?SQLServer'lardaki verilerin saysnn artmas ve istemcilerin de oalmas sonucunda buveri transferlerinin ve sorgulamalarn daha gvenli bir ortamda yaplmas gereklilii ortaya kt. Bu durum karsnda da firmalar kendilerine zg zmler rettiler.Microsofttarafndan retilenTransact-SQLyani ksa ad ileT-SQLdebunlardan birisidir. Busorgulama diliserver ile istemci arasnda almaktadr ve normalde kullanlan sorgulama dilinden ok daha st seviyededir.T-SQLdngler ya da ilemler iin herhangi bir derleyici ihtiyac duymaz ve bu sebeple de ok daha hzl ve etkili bir ilem olana sunar. Busorgulama dilini kullanabilmek iinMicrosoftun Management Studioprogramn kullanman gerekmektedir.NormaldeSQL veritabanlarzerinde ne yapmak istiyorsanz ok daha hzl ve gvenli bir ekilde bu program ve dil yardm ile bunu yapmanz mmkndr.alma AlanlarGnmzde veri taban sistemleri, bankaclktan otomotiv sanayisine, salk bilgi sistemlerinden irket ynetimine, iletiim sistemlerinden hava tamaclna kadar geni bir yelpazede kullanlan bilgisayar sistemlerinin veri alt yapsn oluturur. Bu verilerin dzenlenmesi, tasarlanmas ve gvenli bir ekilde saklanmas gerekir. Bu balamda veri taban yneticilii ve veri taban programcl kavramlar ortaya kmtr.Eitime Genel BakBu kursun amac, rencilere yada sektrde yer alan alanlara, tm SQL Server ile ilgili disiplinler (Veritaban Ynetimi, Veritaban Gelitirme ve Zekas) tarafndan kullanlan Transact-SQL dili hakknda iyi bir eitim vermektir. Ayrca, bir Microsoft SQL Server veritaban gelitirmek iin bilgi ve beceriler kazandrmaktadr. Kurs, bir veritabann gelitirme ile ilgili SQL Server rn zelliklerini ve aralarn nasl kullanacaklarn retmeye odaklanmaktadr."
Price: 389.99

"ADO.NET Eitim Videosu Serisi"
"ADO.NET, Microsoftun .NET platformunda ok nemli bir yere sahip, .NET uygulamalarndan, hertrl veri kaynana eriim iin gerekli hazr tipleri olan, COM destei gerektirmeyen, XML standard zerinekurulmu ve en nemlisi de .NET Frameworkn imkanlarn kullanabilen, ADOnun gelimi bir versiyonuolmaktan ok, yeni bir teknoloji olarak karmza kmaktadr. ADO.NET, .NET Framework n bir paras olarak 1.0dan itibaren, .NETin tm versiyonlarnda yeralmaktadr. Ayrca veri ilemlerini ok kolaylatran ve nesneye ynelik programlama (Object OrientedProgramming) modeline uygun yaps nedeniyle son derece kullanl bir platformdur."
Price: 319.99

"Addiction & Mental Health (Dual Diagnosis) Integrative 12hrs"
"Hi, thank you for your interest in our Self Paced 12 hour S.A.M.H.I. Advanced Dual Diagnosis Training (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Interventions), which is the next level after our 2 hour S.A.M.H.I. Chemically Speaking Two (Brief Intervention) training program.This training is also tax deductible as a work related expense and enables people to maintain professional development and upskilling.If people want a certificate of attendance and also qualify for 12 points of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for their professional peak body (APS, ACA, AASW, CPA, PACFA, ACWA etc), they need to complete the full intensive training. If people obtain the promotional rate from Udemy, then they receive a certificate from Udemy at the completion of this course. If your peak body requires a certificate from the Optimal Health Group instead, participants need to pay the normal fee of $145 from the link on our website (dualdiagnosistraining . com . au);If you need a certificate from Optimal Health Group, please contact us on to enrol and pay the difference between the promotional rate and the normal $145.This advanced training covers all of the current evidence based, best practice in the Alcohol & Other Drugs (AOD) and Mental Health from an integrated, holistic framework. In June 2018, S.A.M.H.I. launched its 6 module, 12 hour course on Dual Diagnosis Training ( This training will equip workers to be able to deliver brief & early interventions to people struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues, as well as advanced psychotherapeutic skills. This is the same as the comprehensive 2 day advanced training that is being delivered live across Australia and explained on our Dual Diagnosis Training Australian website;The reason why S.A.M.H.I Dual Diagnosis Training has gone online is to expand the coverage of the highly acclaimed, comprehensive 2 day advanced Dual Diagnosis Training designed and presented by George Patriki. George and many of his staff will be still conducting live training under the banner of Dual Diagnosis Training in conjunction with the online adapted S.A.M.H.I course. We have very specifically and deliberately made this course very affordable at $145. This is half price. Join with us to address the alarming substance abuse and the co-morbid mental health issues that are rising in our communities across Australia and overseas.Module 1. Drugs & EffectsCycle of AddictionAlcoholDrink & Drug DrivingTobaccoCannabisStimulants (Speed, Ice, Ecstasy, Cocaine)Inhalants (volatile substances)Module 2. Addictions & Mental HealthDual DiagnosisIntegrative Holistic ModelNeeds & Underlying Issues that drive addictionsModule 3. Harm Minimisation & Optimal HealthPharmacotherapiesOrthomolecular Science, Functional Medicine & Optimal HealthModule 4. Neuropharmacology & Neurophysiology (Brain Works)NeuroplasticityNeurotransmittersPsychosis vs DissociationPsychospiritualityModule 5. Trauma model & Keys to TreatmentGuilt vs ShameDealing with ambivalenceModule 6. Brief & Early Intervention and Tripod of SupportStages of ChangeCosts vs Benefits  doing a brief interventionThis course is Self Paced and will also help people to run family support groups and receive updated skills in evidence base best practice from an integrative holistic approach."
Price: 204.99

"BIM Revit Insight: Anlisis energtico de edificios"
"Aprende a aprovechar el granpotencial de los modelos BIM de edificios con REVIT para analizar sucomportamiento energtico.Gracias a AUTODESK INSIGHT yano es necesario hacer complejos anlisis energticos una vezterminado el diseo del edificio, momento en el cual es complicado ycostoso introducir modificaciones si no se han conseguido losobjetivos deseados.ConINSIGHT, partiendo slo de la geometra bsica y el emplazamiento,podrs evaluar qu factores van a influir ms en el consumoenergtico y te ayudar a tomar decisiones en el proceso de diseo.Si tienes el edificio definido en detalle, podrs analizarqu posibilidades de mejora tienes ycompararlo con edificios de referencia diseados con los estndaresASHRAE 90.1 y ARQUITECTURE 2030.Ytodo esto de una manera fcil y sin necesitar profundosconocimientos tcnicos gracias a la facilidad de introducir datos,la interface grfica presentacin de resultados y a la extensa basede datos que incorpora con datos climticos, propiedades demateriales, tipos de edificios etc.El curso es eminentementeprctico y se basa en el desarrollo del proyecto de un edificio.Dispondrs de archivos descargables de los ejemplos tratados en lasclases y de documentacin con informacin complementaria.Lo que dicen estudiantes que ya han hecho el curso:""Excelente experiencia con el profesor, un muy buen instructor y muy comprometido con lo realiza, responde de forma rpida y tiene una excelente disposicin para ayudar, nada que decir. Muy buen curso y profesor"". Camilo Yaez Cuevas""Valoro mucho la temtica del curso. Me saco varias dudas que tenia. Me gusto la velocidad de la explicacin del curso"". Yalmar Snchez"
Price: 34.99

"Iluminacin natural en edificios con REVIT INSIGHT"
"Un correcto diseo de los edificios va a influir de forma importante en el aprovechamiento de la luz natural o diurna, lo cual incrementar elconfort de sus ocupantes y disminuirel consumo energtico. Por esto, varios tipos de certificaciones de sostenibilidad de edificios valoran muy positivamente una adecuada iluminacin natural.Autodeskha desarrollado para REVIT el Plugin Insight, que te lo puedes instalar gratuitamente.Aprovechando que mucha informacin necesaria ya la tienes implementada en tu modelo de REVIT,puedes complementarla con informacin detallada, como caractersticas de los vidrios y materiales de las habitaciones, para realizar hasta 5 tipos diferentes de anlisis de aprovechamiento de luz natural:- Iluminancia en las habitacionesen el da y hora del ao que elijas, para diferentes tipos de cielo (claro, nublado, intermedio, uniforme y modelo Perez).- Factor solar de las habitaciones.- Autonoma de luz solar.- Cumplimiento de criterios de sostenibilidad LEED.- Acceso solar.Tambin podrs configurar la salida de resultados tanto de forma grfica (con esquema de colores) como numrica (en tablas).El curso es eminentemente prctico y se basa en el desarrollo de un ejemplo de un edificio. Dispondrs de archivos descargables de los ejemplos tratados en las clases y de documentacin con informacin complementaria."
Price: 34.99

"REVIT INSIGHT Generacin de electricidad con energa solar"
"Cada vez hay mayor inters por construir edificios que generan parte de la energa que consumen. Esto es debido, principalmente, por el aprovechamiento de las energas renovables, reduccin del consumo energtico, disminucin de los costes de la instalaciones fotovoltaicas y al incremento del coste de la energa.De hecho, AUTODESK ha desarrollado para REVIT un Plugin, que lo puedes instalar de forma gratuita, que te ayuda a evaluar cuales son las mejores zonas de la cubierta o muros de tu edificio para instalar paneles fotovoltaicos y la cantidad de energa elctrica que se puede generar.En este curso se describe cmo funcionan las instalaciones fotovoltaicas para generacin de electricidad en edificios, las partes principales que lo forman y diferentes configuraciones posibles en funcin del uso que se har de la energa generada.Como herramienta de clculo se usar el Plugin Insight de REVIT que aprovecha que gran parte de la informacin necesaria ya la tienes incorporada en tu modelo del edificio en REVIT.El curso es eminentemente prctico y se basa en el desarrollo de un ejemplo de un edificio. Dispondrs de archivos descargables de los ejemplos tratados en las clases y de documentacin con informacin complementaria.Se pueden utilizar las versiones de REVIT 2018, 2019 o 2020, si bien los ejemplos estn hechos en la versin 2018."
Price: 34.99

"Gmail 2.0: Gestiona eficazmente tu correo electrnico!"
"Gmailes, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los mejores gestores de correos que existen. Todo el mundo sabe mandar un correo, para eso no hace falta hacer un curso.Pero en el caso de queGmail seauna herramienta que utilizas en tu da a da, aprender amanejarlo con eficacia y aprovechar todas sus utilidades puede ser muy clave para tu productividad personal y laboral.En este cursoabordaremos desde cerotodas las opciones que nos brindaesta maravillosa herramienta,siguiendo unametodologamuy eficaz y fcil de entender. El curso se desarrollar a travs de vdeo-tutoriales en la misma aplicacin para facilitar la comprensin y asimilacin de los distintos conceptos que iremos viendo.Veremoscmo crear copias ocultas, cmo configurar tu bandeja de entrada segn tus necesidades, cmo crear un tema personalizado con nuestra identidad corporativa, cmo manejar eficientemente las etiquetas y los filtros, veremos qu es el IMAP y el POP,qu diferencia hay entre ellos y cmo utilizarlos, aprenderemos a incluir pruebas experimentales, chatear en Gmail, importar ydelegar cuentas, veremos cmo utilizar GTD, descubriremos las mejores extensiones para usar con Gmail, descubriremos configuraciones escondidas de las que nadie se percata, botones que nadie sabe para qu se usan yte dars cuenta de que,a base de ahorrar segundos, ahorrarsdas :)En definitiva,si quieres aprender a gestionar tus correos conGmailde forma eficiente este es tu curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprueba Fcil : Aprende las mejores tcnicas de estudio!"
"Curso completo sobre las mejores tcnicas de estudio para memorizar de forma eficaz, estudiar ms rpido y aprobar exmenes con menos esfuerzo.Este curso se basa en mi metodologa personal de estudio. El SODE, o, Sistema Optimizador de Estudio. Veremos en detalle todos los pasos que debemos seguir para optimizar al mximo tu forma de estudiar.Aprenders a establecer un hbito adecuado de estudio con todas las condiciones que se deben reunir. Descubrirs las mejores tcnicas de motivacin, eliminars tu pereza al estudiar, aprenders a tomar apuntes de la forma correcta, crears mapas mentales de forma sencilla, podrs recordar datos numricos con asociaciones inverosmiles, sabrs por qu tienes nervios en los exmenes y cmo vencerlos y muchas cosas ms que veremos durante las clases.En resumen, al finalizar este curso contars con todas las herramientas necesarias para ser eficaz estudiando. Te lo aseguro! :)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________""El mejor curso que hay sobre tcnicas de estudio en espaol."" -Sebastin Buzeta (estudiante de Udemy)""Un curso excelente con muchas estrategias e informacin. Muy completo y extremadamente agradable. Extraordinaria inversin."" -Gianni Paolo (estudiante de Udemy)"
Price: 34.99

"Die Produktivitts-Formel"
"Jede Aufgabe oder Prfung - obSchule,Unioder Beruf- die in Deinem Kalender stehst, ist Dir ein Dorn im Auge?Du drckst Dich jetzt schon, Wochen vorheroder weit einfach nicht, wie Du es noch schaffen sollst, all dies in so wenigen Tagen zu erledigen?Du wnscht Dir einfach, einSystemzu haben, mit dessen HilfeDu die ntige Arbeit schneller schaffst, besser kalkulieren kannst und am Ende sogar nochmehr schaffst?Vielen Menschen geht es genauso eigentlich wollen sie sich nichtjedes Mal zwingen mssen, sich hinzusetzen,doch sie wissen einfach nicht, wo sie starten sollen. Die Ratgeber aus der Buchhandlung haben es auch nicht wirklich in sich. Und seien wir mal ehrlich.Wenn ich ein Projekt habemuss, das in 2 Wochen fllig ist, mchte ich nicht vorher ein Buch lesen mssen, fr das ichmindestens doppelt so viel Zeitbentige.Diesen Video-Kurs kannst Duin einer Stundeanschauen.Das sind gerade mal 4% Deines Tages. Du bekommst Materialien in Form vonPDFs, die Duzu jeder Lektion herunterladenkannst. Und das immer und von berall."
Price: 79.99

"Die Motivations-Formel"
"Hast Du oft das Gefhl, Du hast dieses Projekt oder die Aufgabe, fr die Du brennst Du kannst Dich nur einfach nicht aufraffen?Du hast in Deinem Job, der Schule oder derUnischon Momentum aufgebaut, mchtest gerne mehr machen, aber schlagartig fehlt Dir die Motivation?Deine Batterien sind aufgebraucht. Egal was Du Dir vornimmst, Du kannst einfach nicht anfangen?Gerade heutzutage wird es immer schwieriger, langfristig die Motivation fr etwas aufrecht zu erhalten.Ein Blick aufs Smartphone, die Bestellung wird abgeschickt und am nchsten Tag kommt die Lieferung. Wie viel Geld es kostet ist dabeiegal, da wir eh kein Bargeld mehr nutzen.Serien schaut man mittlerweileauf einen Schlag. Das Ganze hat eine Schatten-Seite: Wir haben keinerlei Geduld mehr undMotivation fr langfristige Ziele ist quasi unmglich. Die Menschen leiden an Burn-Out, ihr Motivations-Tank ist aufgebraucht, sie hassen ihren Job und schleppen sich trotzdem zur Arbeit bis sie umkippen. Konzentration und Fokus auf die Sachen, die wir wirklich wollen, ist Geschichte, sobald unser Smartphone blinkt. Das Gefhl, nichts auf die Reihe zu bekommen wchst in uns.In diesem Kurs beschftigen wir uns damit, warum der Unterschied zwischen Motivation und Inspiration so wichtig ist und wieso wir uns so festgefahren fhlen.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet viele praxisnahe bungen, die wir zusammen durchfhren. Es handelt sich nicht einfach um einen normalen On-Demand Videokurs.Zu jeder Lektion bekommst Du PDF-Dateien, die Du zur Bearbeitung der bungen bentigst. Am Ende hast Du ein ganzesWorkbook bearbeitet.Entfache noch heute ungeahnte Motivation!"
Price: 79.99

"How to Create a WordPress Website - 2018"
"DO YOU WANT LEARN WORDPRESS FROM SCRATCH?Make Your Own Professional Website Easily?Using theMost Popular CMS in theWorld?! Used by millions of users and famous websites!!JOIN THIS COURSE AND CREATE YOUR OWNINCREDIBLEONLINE WEBSITE WITHWORDPRESS!Learn How To MakeA Website Using WordPress...A Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners!Why Take This Course?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 2HoursThe Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)I have got 3+ Years experience of working with WordPressIalwaysrespond to my students questions!I Will Share A Coupon Which Gets Your First Month Hosting For 1 Penny!Learn To Create A Logo For Free!Using Most Up To Date Version of WordPressAll Lectures Are DownloadableThere are a total of 20Lectures. This seems like very little time, but believe me when I say that its MORE than enough time to create a website using WordPress!!Don't worry if all you have you used your computer for so far is sending and receiving emails... by following this course I can almostguaranteethat you will be able to create a website using WordPress.So go ahead and enroll today and let's make a WordPress Website together.What are the requirements?If you can use your computer to send an email... you will easily be able to create a website with WordPress!Create a fully functional and PHENOMENALlooking website using WordPress and leave with the skills to add more content and change the content you have already added.Contact me if they have any questions about creating their new WordPress website!;)What is the target audience?This course is NOT for people who want to learn HTML or CSS codingThis course is for people who want to create a fully functional website within an hour or twoThis course is for people looking to learn the basics of WordPressThis course is for small business ownersThis course is for online marketersThis course is for studentsThis course is for affiliate marketersThis course is for almost ANYONE!"
Price: 19.99