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"Curso completo ""Lleva tu negocio a Internet"""
"Si quieres tener un negocio onlineoya tienes un negocio fsico y lo quieres llevar a Internet, con este curso podrs tener una exitosatienda en lnea, bien posicionada y generando ingresos todos los das,siguiendo estos 4 pasos:Disea un plan de marketing estableciendolos objetivos comerciales online de unnegocio y las estrategias a seguir para alcanzarlos.Crea una tienda en lneautilizando los plugins, los widgets y las modernas y profesionales plantillas que te ofrece WordPress.Posiciona tu sitio web para aparecer en los primeros lugares de los resultados de Googleconociendo las herramientas y tcnicas necesarias para desarrollar eficientes campaas de posicionamiento orgnico.Analiza tu sitio weby vende ms mejorando tus resultados definiendo losobjetivos cuantificablesyutiliza las mtricas necesarias para mejorar su consecucin y establecer el anlisis adecuado de un sitio web.En resumen, crea oexpande tu negocio creando un sitio web en el que promociones tus productos o servicios a clientes de todo el mundo, posicionndolo en los primeros lugares de Google y midiendo los resultados de tu estrategia."
Price: 199.99

"Curso completo Posiciona tu Sitio Web"
"Si tienes un blog, un sitio web o una e-commerce y lo quieres posicionar en las primeras posiciones de los resultados de una bsqueda, con este curso podrs crear exitosas campaas de posicionamiento orgnico y de paga (en AdWords, Bing, Mercado Clic, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads y LinkedIn Ads) y lograr los mejores resultados siguiendo estos 3 pasos:Posiciona tu sitio webpara aparecer en los primeros lugares de los resultados de Googleconociendo las herramientas y tcnicas necesarias para desarrollar eficientes campaas de posicionamiento orgnico. Publicidad Onlinepara desarrollar, gestionar y medir campaas de publicidad digital en las 6 plataformas ms importantes: Google AdWords, Bing, Mercado Clics, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads y LinkedIn Ads. Analiza tu sitio weby vende ms mejorando tus resultados al definirobjetivos cuantificables,utiliza las mtricas necesarias para mejorar su consecucin y establece el anlisis adecuado de un sitio web. En resumen, domina la publicidad online en Google Adwords, Bing, Mercado Clics, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads y LinkedIn Ads, posiciona tu sitio web en los primeros resultados de Googley analizalos resultados de tu estrategia para maximizar tu ROI."
Price: 199.99

"Mster de Publicidad Online - 6 cursos en 1"
"Domina la gestin enfocada a creacin de anuncios en Internet en las 6principales plataformas (Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Mercado Clisde Mercado Libre, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads y LinkedIn Ads), para difundir el mensaje deuna marca, producto o servicio con las estrategias y herramientas que debeconocer un especialista.Aprenders qu es Google AdWords, a quines les sirve, lo que debes saber antes de iniciar una campaa, cules son las polticas de Google AdWords y algunos casos de xito. Tambin aprenders cundo no utilizar AdWords, la importancia del nivel de calidad en los anuncios, los factores que influyen en el nivel de calidad y cmo mejorar la calidad. Aprenders qu es el ranking de un anuncio, cmo mejorar el ranking, qu es la red de bsqueda y la red de display de Google AdWords y cmo ser parte de la red de Display.Aprenders qu son las palabras clave en Google AdWords y los tipos de palabras que existen, conocers la diferencia entre palabras clave y trminos de bsqueda. Tambin conocers qu son los anuncios de texto de Google AdWords y algunas recomendaciones para hacer anuncios de texto ms efectivos, qu son los anuncios grficos y recomendaciones para hacer anuncios grficos ms efectivos y qu son los anuncios de video, los tipos de anuncios TrueView que existen y recomendaciones para hacer anuncios de video ms efectivos. Aprenders qu son las extensiones de anuncios, los tipos de extensiones que existen, las ventajas de utilizar las extensiones de anuncios, conocers cules son los elementos de una cuenta de Google AdWords, la importancia de la estructura de cuentas y ejemplos prcticos de estructuracin de cuentas.Aprenders a crear una cuenta en Google AdWords y a configurarla, qu es la investigacin de palabras clave, qu es la intencin de bsqueda, los tipos de concordancia de palabras clave y herramientas para investigarlas. Tambin conocers el planificador de palabras clave de Google AdWords, qu es y para qu sirve Google Trends y el uso de hojas de clculo para segmentar y organizar las palabras clave.Conocers la importancia de utilizar buenos anuncios en AdWords, consejos para redactar anuncios efectivos y ejemplos de buenos y malos anuncios en Google AdWords.Aprenders qu es el editor de AdWords y conocers su interfaz, aprenders a crear una campaa en la red de bsqueda y a asignar presupuesto a los anuncios. Tambin conocers la orientacin de red en Google AdWords, as como la orientacin geogrfica, de idioma y otras opciones adicionales de configuracin. Aprenders a publicar una campaa, la importancia del seguimiento y optimizacin de campaas, la importancia de las mtricas, cules son las mtricas principales y a plantear objetivos en una campaa de Google AdWords.Aprenders qu son las conversiones en Google AdWords, a implementar su seguimiento y ejemplos prcticos de seguimiento de conversiones. Tambin aprenders a analizar el trmino de bsqueda, el rendimiento por ubicacin geogrfica, por hora del da y por da de la semana. Conocers la importancia de la optimizacin de las pujas, los criterios para optimizarlas y una rutina de optimizacin.Conocers qu es la red de display, cmo es el nivel de calidad, qu es la orientacin contextual, qu son las ubicaciones gestionadas y que son los intereses y el remarketing. Tambin conocers los tipos de anuncios, el planificador de la red de display, la galera de anuncios, cmo hacer una investigacin de palabras clave para la campaa contextual, cmo crear una campaa y cmo agregar palabras clave a la campaa. Aprenders a crear una campaa de ubicaciones gestionadas, a agregar ubicaciones y conocers qu son las categoras de intereses, cmo crear una campaa de intereses y cmo agregar intereses.Aprenders qu es el remarketing, qu son las listas de remarketing y cmo crear una, las combinaciones de remarketing que existen, cmo implementar el remarketing, cmo crear una campaa de remarketing y cmo asignar listas de remarketing. Tambin aprenders por qu publicar en mviles, conocers consejos para campaas mviles y cmo investigar palabras clave para mviles. Aprenders a combinar mtodos de orientacin, qu son los anuncios de bsqueda dinmica, cmo crear una campaa de bsqueda dinmica y qu es la orientacin automtica en Google AdWords.Aprenders qu es Bing Ads, cmo crear una cuenta, conocers la interfaz de la plataforma y cmo importar campaas de AdWords. Tambin aprenders a configurar la cuenta de Bing Ads, la forma de pago, a crear una campaa y un anuncio y a mejorar la posicin de un anuncio en la pgina de resultados de Bing. Aprenders qu son y para qu sirven las extensiones de anuncios, las opciones de presupuesto que existen, aprenders a usar Bing Ads Editor y Bing Ads Intelligence. Aprenders a llegar al pblico objetivo y cmo medir los resultados.Conocers qu es Mercado Clics, cmo funciona, los requisitos para anunciarse, cmo crear una cuanta tanto en Mercado Libre como en Mercado Clics, cmo crear una campaa publicitaria, cmo realizar los pagos por concepto de publicidad y unos consejos para tener xito con la publicidad de Mercado Clics.Tambin aprenders qu es Facebook Ads, los tipos de anuncios que se pueden utilizar, cmo crear una cuenta publicitaria con Facebook Ads, cmo es la estructura de los anuncios, cmo crear un pixel de seguimiento y aprenders a crear anuncios para: atraer personas a tu sitio web, promover tu negocio local, promover tu pgina de Facebook, promover tus publicaciones, aprenders a editar un anuncio activo y a analizar los reportes de publicidad.Conocers la plataforma de Twitter Ads, cmo configurar una cuenta, los tipos de campaas disponibles y cmo aadir un mtodo de pago. Tambin aprenders a crear una campaa para obtener seguidores, clics en el sitio web, interacciones en el tweet, reproducciones de video y aprenders a interpretar las estadsticas de las campaas.Por ltimo aprenders que es LinkedIn Ads, los tipos de anuncios disponibles, a crear un anuncio de empleo y a crear un anuncio o patrocinar tus actualizaciones."
Price: 199.99

"BK Training Series"
"A nation-wide free program, the Amputee Walking School has helped thousands of amputeesworldwide achieve their own personal goals of mobility. Throughout the course, Dennis andTodd will guide amputees through a series of fun exercises in a casual environment to help withincreased flexibility and strength to achieve the best performance from their prosthesis.For over 29 years, Paralympic Gold Medalists, Dennis Oehler and Todd Schaffhauser havehelped over 25,000 amputees world-wide with this 100% free program, helping them optimizethe use of their prosthesis. Whether you have been an amputee for years, a brand newamputee, or even contemplating amputation, the Amputee Walking School is a fun, casualatmosphere filled with inspirational stories and strength-training exercises.Dennis and Todd take a hands-on approach to training physical therapists at the WalkingSchool, encouraging the therapists to work one-on-one with the amputees. The AmputeeWalking School is also perfect for students, occupational therapists, physicians, restorativenurses, wound care specialists, case managers/social workers, discharge planners, and diabeticcounselors."
Price: 19.99

"Build REST API using Laravel 5 and TDD tests"
"This course was made for every developper. We will create a RESTful API usingLaravel 5and Test Driven Development.Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:Understand the concept of theTest Driven Development (TDD)Create test for the application and the APICreate Migrations and ModelsCreate API Controllers that deal with HTTP requests properlyTest using Postman"
Price: 29.99

"YouTube SEO: The Ultimate Guide For 2018"
"Take Your YouTubeVideos And YouTube Channel To The Next Level With These Ninja MovesYouTube is quickly becoming the KEY for people creating their dream lives and dream jobs. Imagine having 100,000'sof people watching your videos each and every day...Your subscribers growing in the hundreds each and every day...What would that do for your life?Welcome to my course, my name is Charlie and I've spent years on YouTube discovering what works and what doesn't. I myself have taken courses, I've research, I've perfected and I've learnt from the best. Now with all my experience and knowledge it's my turn to give it back to those who are wanting similar results, who are wanting to grow their YouTube channel beyond their wildest dreams.In this course ""YouTube SEO: The Ultimate Guide for 2018"" it's my job to show you exactly how to do that.What You Will LearnGet views without subscribersTurn viewers into subscribersPost and optimize your video with great titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnailsGrow your brand through YouTube videosSocial Media reachDiscover secrets that hardly anyone knows to put you ahead of the gameUnderstand the YouTube algorithm in more depthImprove your channel by using analyticsUse best practices for creating and growing a YouTube channelBecome a YouTube ninjaMost people know it's important to have a good thumbnail, to have good content, but that's often about it. In this course I'm going to take you deep into the YouTube world, the underworld, so you can discover mysteries, techniques and tools to use in order to give you a HUGEadvantage over others.Allow me to be your guide, to show you around this often untapped world so you too can become an expert, so you to can becomes proficient at YouTube. When you begin to use these techniques you will be surprised as to how well they work.Youtube Marketing Secrets, Gain Subscribers, Video Views, SEO, Audience Growth, & Learn How to Rank Your Videos #1What is needed to take this course?Awillingness to learnA YouTube accountThe time necessary to implement these technique to reap the rewards"
Price: 124.99

"Cmo definir y cumplir tus Propsitos de Ao Nuevo"
"Otro ao ms que se ha pasado. Haces recuento de lo que ha sucedido y.... s, han pasado cosas, buenas y malas. Pero, en resumen, ms de lo mismo. Otro ao casi fotocopiado a los anteriores. Dnde quedaron tus propsitos de Ao Nuevo? Te acuerdas de cules eran? Qu sientes cuando te das cuenta de que siempre pasa igual, ao tras ao tras ao tras ao?No. No es imposible. Claro que puedes cambiar tu vida. Claro que puedes decidir que el 2018 sea diferente, sea mejor, que t seas MEJOR. nicamente es necesario que sepas cmo. Cmo plantearte tus Propsitos de Ao Nuevo y cmo mantener la voluntad, la disciplina y la ilusin para llevarlos a cabo.Qu te voy a ensear?: A encontrar tus verdaderos Propsitos, los que te motivan y son importantes para ti. A definir CORRECTAMENTE esos Propsitos. A desarrollar un Plan de Accin realista para lograr tus objetivos. A vencer las tentaciones y los momentos de debilidad, que van a aparecer. A fortalecer tu disciplina. Aprenders el mtodo kaizen y comprenders su poder.Y qu te llevars?: Tu Propsito definido y claro (no, decir ""quiero aprender ingls"" o ""quiero bajar de peso"" no son propsitos definidos y claros, te lo demostrar). Tu plan de accin con todos los pasos del proceso. Tcnicas para sobreponerte a los momentos de debilidad (en los que sueles abandonar tus Propsitos de Ao Nuevo). Tcnicas para fortalecer tu motivacin y disciplina."
Price: 19.99

"Liferay 7.0 CE and CMS Fundamentals - Crash Course"
"Hello Everyone,This is Uurcan etin, from Turkey. I am a really simplesoftware developer working in one of the most beautiful city of Europe, Budapest. Ihave been working about 1.5 year in Liferay Budapest as Software Engineer.For such an amazing portal Liferay DXP, there is no course in Udemy which is up-to-date. I could not stand this anymore and decided to create one for you to see how you can build highly complex systems with latest product of Liferay. It is an open source project, therefore you can reach the source of Community Edition product in Github, get a CEbundle for free.We are going to discover the portal with simple and easy steps to make it sure you get the most solid basics. You are going to master one of the most important in any kind of web applications for this modern age. User, Content and Permission triangle is the key that I am talking about. For any kind of big projects, no one can avoid this triangle and with Liferay DXP, you won't need to worry about this at all. Building sites with tons of side technologies has never been that easy but now.Hope to see you in the course!!!Cheers"
Price: 119.99

"Pratik Yol ile ngilizce - Versiyon 1.0"
"Herkese Merhabalar,Profilime baktnzda u anda Budapete ilinde yazlm mhendisi olarak alan bir kardeiniz olduumu grebilirsiniz. niversite yllarndan bu yana ders vermekte olduum ngilizce Dil Eitimini online bir platforma tayarak hepinizin hizmetine sunmak istedim.Kurs hakknda sylenecek ilk ey, bu kurs tamamen sizlere ngilizce'yi konuturabilmek ve yazdrabilmek iin odaklanm bir kurstur. Dil bilgisi kurallar her ne kadar renilmek zorunda olsa da, bu ii gereksiz detaylarda boulmadan yapmak dil renirken yapacanz en mantkl i olacaktr. Ben de burada sizlere ncelikle bir dili konuabilmek iin olmazsa olmaz bir ka dil bilgisi kuraln rettikten sonra tamamen pratie odaklanarak hazrlanm bir ngilizce kursu sunmaktaym.Asl niyetim tamamen sizlere faydal olmak olduu iin bu kurs dahilinde olan veya olmayan btn ngilizce sorularnz iin ak olacam ve elimden gelen en ksa zamanda sorularnz yantlandrmaya alacam. ngilizce dnyann en basit dillerinden bir tanesi de olsa, yardm eli uzatlmad zaman zorlaabilmektedir. Ben bu blmde devreye girerek sizlere elimden gelen yardm yapacama sz veriyorum.Faydal olmas dileiyle,Kursta grmek zere :)"
Price: 179.99

"Full Stack Web Development - Crash Course"
"Hello Everyone,This is Uurcan etin, from Turkey. I am a really simplesoftware developer working in one of the most beautiful city of Europe, Budapest. Ihave been working about 3yearsas Software Engineer.The reason that Icreate such a course while there are a lot of similar contents out there is I would like to take you on a action based technology introduction. We are going to build a Blog Web Site with fully functional and you are going to discover these technologies in action with me.Iwill be always here to help you, so never hesitate to get in touch with me. Iam quite sure that you will be able to build your own web sites in the end of this course. This is a really good chance for you to have a great project with solid understanding of web application technologies.Hope to see you in the course!!!Cheers"
Price: 144.99

"Watercolor painting with Master step-by-step: Poppy field"
"Learn professional watercolor techniques easy and fast!This video courseWatercolor trip to France: Poppy field is a step-by-step tutorial made by Ukrainian watercolorists: Andrej Gerasimyuk (ranked in TOP20 worlds watercolorists) and Vitaly Dets (finalist TOYP 2014).The tutorial shows how just in a 3steps you can learn painting poppy fieldwith watercolor. The authors share their expertise and secrets of watercolor techniques in the form of step-by-step interactive lessons. Video-course includes different techniques:wet-in-wet, dry, splattering, masking etc. It is one of 16 lessons extracted from the book ""Watercolor trip to Italy"". So if you have the book, you can paint directly in it.!This master-class from the Andrej Gerasimyuk appears in internet for the first time. All his 30 years experience in watercolor painting will be used for creating this course!Shortly about structure:1. You make draftdrawing on watercolor paper. Sketch is attached to the lection.2. Applying mask.Making first layer wet-in-wet. Checking this step.3. Taking out the mask. Painting house and the field.Checking this step.4. Finishing all details.Checking this step.Short history.Before creating a book and a video-course, artists traveled together several times to get the best authentic views from France. They properly selected most expressive locations to include in the book. Then, they painted more than 50 watercolors and among them, they have chosen the most suitable for a tutorial. Carefully prepared instructions have been included in the last version of the book. About authors:Andrej Gerasimyuk (born in 1970) famous Ukrainian watercolor painter, which is ranked in the worlds TOP20 according to Kuzema ranking. He is several times finalist in the competition of the Artists Magazine in 2008 and 2009 and finalist in the XXI Century Watercolor Open Competition organized by the Royal Watercolor Society etc. In TOP100 among 16000 participants. He was also the artist of the month in the USA.Vitali Dets (born in 1981) Ukrainian artist, who invented his own method to learn painting within one day. He is the first to have started it in Ukraine. Since 2005, more than 5000 amateur artists created their own paintings within one day in his studio. Vitali implemented his method in the book Watercolor trip to Italy to simplify learning."
Price: 19.99

"Create a Personalized Learning Plan"
"A personal learning plan is developed by individuals as a method to help them achieve short- and long-term learning goals. It guides a person through life by categorizing and listing effective learning strategies. Students will learn the essential components of a personalized learning plan and how this plan aids in the learning process to raise GPA, learning efficiency and develops attributes of the lifelong learner. Students will be familiarized with several learning theories and develop their personalized learning plan which will guide them throughout life in their personal, academic and professional lives."
Price: 54.99

"Plan Your Career"
"Creating a plan for your career is the basis to the start of achieving professional aspirations, formulating a strategy to be a guide and as a resource to aid in the beginning of a career. These steps are built upon a solid foundation of a professional portfolio, resumes, networking, developing professional relationships and setting up a LinkedIn profile. Students will become familiar with each of these essential components in setting the groundwork for a successful career.Course Objectives Identify needed steps to plan a career. Explore and develop strategies to build professional relationships. Understand the value and steps to setting up a LinkedIn profile. Develop individualized approaches for career development. Organize and start a professional portfolio. Understand methods to increase work satisfaction. Understand and make personal career choices."
Price: 44.99

"Using MBTI to Develop and Choose Careers"
"Understanding the correlation between ones personality and career choice is the basis to the start of achieving professional aspirations, formulating a strategy to be a guide and as a resource to aid in the beginning of a career. These steps are built upon a solid foundation of an understanding MBTI personality type, functioning pairs and the careers associated with each of the sixteen personality types. Students will become familiar with MBTI career theory, MBTI personalities, how to increase job satisfaction within ones career, assessing preferences and how to make a career choice. Course Objectives Identify needed steps to plan a career. Explore and develop strategies to identify a valid career choice. Understand the value and steps to exploring personality impact on careers. Develop individualized approaches for career development. Understand methods to increase work satisfaction. Understand and make personal career choices. Recognize the value MBTI within the realm of ones professional life."
Price: 94.99

"Choosing a Career to Match Personal Skills and Abilities"
"Choosing a career is a vital aspect of ones life based on an individuals interests, abilities and skills. Matching these attributes to a career choice enhances the over 90,000 hours one will spend working in a lifetime. Students will be armed with strategies and knowledge to make a career choice through an introduction to the Holland Code, O*Net online, career testing and personality types in addition to increasing work satisfaction. Students will be familiarized with career development theories to support this vital decision. Course Objectives Know the foundations of career choice and career development. Learn the value of resources built on a foundation of data provided by the US Department of Labor. Explore and develop skills to make an individualized career choice. Investigate viable career options relating to personal strengths. Understand the role of professionalism. Organize strategies and tips for career development. Understand the relationship between career theories and career choice/development."
Price: 44.99

"The Art of Learning Journals"
"Daily learning can be an art as it promotes a desire toward lifelong learning. The role of writing ones learning experiences, facts and interesting information promotes the added benefit of reflection, a key to scaffolding new knowledge into existing schemas. The learning journal can be as intricate as notes with the added benefit of an art journal or as simple as pieces of information. Students will learn the benefits of the learning journal and the role of reflection in the learning process. They will be familiarized with goals, intellectual challenges, structure, purpose of and what the experts say about the importance of a learning journal.Course Objectives Identify the reflection process in relation to learning Explore and develop strategies to aid in the development of a personalized learning journal Understand the value of integrating or scaffolding new knowledge into existing intellectual schemas Develop an individualized approach to the learning journal Understand how to cite sources for later recall Recognize where information and new knowledge for ones learning journal can be found"
Price: 44.99

"Be Super Smart"
"Every individual possesses each of Gardners multiple intelligences:musical-rhythmic visual-spatial verbal-linguistic logical-mathematical bodily-kinesthetic interpersonal intrapersonal naturalistic existential Each of the nine intelligences will be investigated, discussed and correlated with effective means to understand, explore and even develop each one. Additional, specific methodologies will be shared. Individuals will gain an understanding of themselves as individuals in relation to the multiple intelligences, identifying preferred intelligences and less preferred intelligences. Other topics explored include: introducing IQ, awakening intelligences, strengthening weaker, non-preferred intelligences and using intelligences within learning environments, relationship and even career development. Course Objectives Develop an understanding of the value of multiple in personal, educational and professional arenas. Identify intellectual styles and personalize development strategies. Explore and develop environments and strategies which support each of the multiple intelligences. Create the foundations of understanding to meet ones individual learning needs. Gain a deeper understanding of oneself."
Price: 79.99

"How To Motivate Children"
"Low reading scores. Fighting. Yelling. Inappropriate outbursts. Getting out of one's seat. Incomplete work. Interrupting others. Lack of interest. All of these behaviors are disturbing to parents, teachers and administrators; but when they occur repeatedly, it drives teachers and parents to want to simply quit. These behaviors are not just frustrating and disturbing to adults but lead to self-defeating attributes for the child, limiting their progression in the attainment of lifelong learning characteristics. To deter these undesired behaviors, a more productive atmosphere can be created based on behavior modification, value foundations, effective learning communities and increasing personal behaviors. Course Objectives Understand behavior is influenced by consequences. Identify consequences to develop student motivation. Recognize positive and negative reinforcers. Create a plan to bring extinction to undesirable behaviors. Develop an understanding for prompt reinforcement. Using reinforcement to embed desired behaviors."
Price: 99.99

"Rescue Your Failing Child"
"Learn and recognize strategies to aid your child academically. Understand the value of knowing your childs individual strengths in relations to their learning environment. Students will acquire knowledge and skills to assist in the development of their childs academic life, investigating the role of reflection and understanding learning theories. Students will know the role of goal setting, time management and open communication in providing intellectual first aid to the academically challenged child.Course Objectives Understand the value of learning theories in aiding the learning process. Identify personal learning preferences. Recognize essential academic tools. Create a personalized learning plan. Develop pan academic plan to guide student learning. Use goal setting and reflection as foundation aspects for academic success. Evaluate the possibility of learning challenges."
Price: 79.99

"Examining MBTI through a Leadership Lens"
"Understanding the correlation between one's personality and leadership style is the basis to the start of achieving professional aspirations, formulating a strategy to be a guide and as a resource to aid in the development of both effective and reliable leadership skills. These steps are built upon a solid foundation for an understanding of MBTIpersonality type, leadership theories and the associated leadership preferences with each of the sixteen personality types. Students will become familiar with MBTI theory, personalities, popular leadership styles, leadership techniques and methodologies to develop oneself and others.Course Objectives:Explore and develop strategies to identify a personal leadership style.Understand the value and steps to exploring personality impact on leadership.Develop individual approaches for leadership development.Understand methods to increase effective leadership skills.Understand and make personal choices to develop oneself into a servant leader.Recognize the value of MBTI within the realm of one's professional life."
Price: 64.99

"SketchUp Architect Pro Tips for Layout to Autocad and more"
"In this course we will go over practical applications of SketchUp in TodaysArchitectural world. We will go over creating and editing materials, exporting our model to autocad and layout for construction documents, How to change our scale in layout, how to add dimensions,how to create and edit visual styles in SketchUp, how to export high quality images and how to export CD's from Layout."
Price: 199.99

"Sketchup Architect Rendering with Lumion 7.5"
"In this course you will learn how to prepare a sketchup file before importing into lumion. you will also learn how to edit materials, add lighting, edit terrain, add people, updating models references and many other functions in Lumion. You will also learn how to save images videos and how to animate objects. Lumion isa great program that allows you to create rendered images with little to no wait time."
Price: 199.99

"Sketchup Architect How to design a Kitchen"
"In this course you will learn how to design a modern style kitchen from start to finish. You will learn a workflow system that will allow you to build a kitchen in a short time and contain all the necessary elements for construction. You will also learn how to render your design using the free sketchup plugin Twilight Render.Students who take this course will be able to design theirown kitchen and alsodesign kitchens for others. Get started Today and learn this valuable new skill."
Price: 199.99

"Sketchup Architect Mastering Roofs"
"Do you want to learn how to build a roof in sketchup in just a few minutes? In my career I have drawn thousands of roofs in sketchup.After years of modeling i've learned a quick and easy way of creating roofs without over complicating the process. In this course you will learn my techniques of creating groups and roof profiles thathave allowed me to create simple to complex roofs in just a few minutes. We will go through my workflow and thought process as we createhip roofs, gable roofs, tile roofs, metal roofs and details such as gutters, downspouts, cornices. We will also go over a very useful plugin call ""instant roof"" that allows you to create roofs even faster!After taking this course you will be able to create a great lookingroof in your sketchup modelin just a matter of minutes. Lets get started today!"
Price: 179.99

"Wordpress Fcil y Prctico 2019"
"Nuevo!Nuevas clases sobre el editor de bloques de Wordpress y su convivencia con DIVI.Nueva seccin a cerca del constructor visual DIVI Builder. Descubre el funcionamiento del maquetador ms vendido del mundo y preprate para crear las pginas web ms elegantes en cuestin de horas.Lo que opinan los estudiantes:""Excelente curso! Se ve que tiene mucha experiencia en esto del wordpress Es muy fcil, sencillo y bien especifico el contenido y los temas. Me gusto ya que desde el inicio se maneja cuestiones prcticas y necesarias como conectar y usar hosting y dominio, ya que as estamos aplicndolo a cuestiones reales o por ejemplo del protocolo FTP y el modo se copiar o mover contenido. Por lo dems es adecuado y muy bien explicado."" -- Carlos Alberto.""Esta bien explicado. La experiencia visual a modo de tutorial facilita mucho su comprensin."" -- Juan Melvin""Es muy completo y est bien explicado. Es la primera vez que me acerco a este tipo de editores y me esta siendo fcil de entender- Gracias"" -- Juan Galn""Porque he logrado inslatar wordpress de una manera muy sencilla y lo haba intentado varias veces antes, sin xito"" --VictoriaEn este curso de voy a ensear a utilizar Wordpress, el gestor de contenidos ms usado del mundo, ya con ms de un 35% de la cuota de mercado.Con Wordpress puedes crear elegantesblogs,tiendas virtuales o hasta una red social, sin a penas esfuerzo, tiempo y sin saber programar.Por qu te puedo ensear sobre esto?Profesordesde 2010.Ingeniero Tcnico enInformtica.Mster en Formacin del Profesorado especialidad en InformticaFreelance desde hace varios aos, en los que he entregado proyectos web a gran cantidad de clientes satisfechos.La verdad es que el trabajo en la nueva web ha quedado genial, hemos quedado muy contentos con la nueva imagen, los detalles, el diseo y la facilidad de funcionamiento.Muy buen profesional, totalmente recomendable, sobre todo serio en cuanto a cumpliendo con los plazos y diseos previamente acordados.Gracias !! --Julin, director de OntimeshopTambin soy un poco nmada he impartido cursos de Wordpressen gran cantidad decentros de formacin y en diversos lugares de Espaa como Gran Canaria, El Hierro, Valdepeas, Ciudad Real oMadrid.Qu vas a obtener?En este curso no slo te voy a ensear paso a paso cmo crear sitios web con Wordpress, sino adems como funciona el mundillo y todo lo que necesitas para publicar tu proyecto. Dominios, hosting, copias de seguridad...Todo ello aderezado con un montn de trucos que he aprendido con mi experiencia en proyectos reales y de las dudas que mis alumnos presenciales me han planteado."
Price: 24.99

"UNITY 2018 - Crer et prparer un personnage pour Unity"
"Derniere version: 7 Novembre 2017. Last Update: 7th November 2017.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comment Crer et prparer un personnage pour Unity et L'utiliser pour l'animation? How to create and export a character to Unity and animate it?IllustratorComment vectoriser un dessin dans Illustrator - How to vector a Drawing in?Choisir des couleurs et epaisseurs des traits de contour. Choose Color and Stroke widthExporter son personne vers Unity. Export to UnityUnityComment Utiliser le Sprite Editor? How to use the sprite Editor?Decouper le personnage. Cut the characterAssembler le personnage pour Animation. Organize the character for AnimationAnimer le personnage. Animate the Character+ Fichier Source(Package) a importer dans Unity. File(Package) to import in Unity.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION FRANCAISE - French VersionPouvoir exporter une image de plusieurs images comme un PRO de Illustrator vers Unity?Vous voulez approfondir vos connaissances avec Unity et Illustrator ? Vous tes nouveau et voulez savoir comment exporter correctement une image et l'utiliser dans Unity?Je vous explique comment exporter votre personnage d'Illustrator vers Unity, j'ajoute des conseils afin d'amliorer vos competences dans l illustration dans personnage dans Illustrator, et comment utiliser ce personnage dans Unity.Ce cours comporte 1 Fichier source a telecharger et importer dans Unity. Vous allez pouvoir tester les animations du personnage de ce cours.A quoi me sert ce cours?Comment Prparer un personnage pour animer plus facilementComment mettre en couleur son personnageComprendre le fonctionnement du Sprite EditorAmliorer mes connaissances et comptences en AnimationComprendre le fonctionnement de l assemblage du personnageComment vectoriser un personnageComment exporter un personnage de 2 manieres differentesCOPYRIGHTTous contenus GRAPHIQUES au sein de mes fichiers sources que je vous donne en telechargement, sontsous Droits D auteurs. Merci de ne pas reutiliser ce contenu a des fins commerciales.Vous pouvez cependant les reutiliser pour des exercices ou pour vos jeux a but non commercials sans oublier d inscrire GioGASPARETTO ou HECOPAGNIE dans les credits. Merci."
Price: 19.99

"Derniere version: 10 Decembre 2017.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creer un Jeu Telephone pour Noel ?Vous vous tes souvent demand comment on cre un jeu tlphone? Est bien avec ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir tout le processus de la cration d'un jeu tlphone. A la fin de ce cours, vous serez apte crer votre propre jeu tlphone et gagner des sous avec.Le jeu cr dans ce cours est BoardyChristmas est Tlchargeable sur Android et IOS.A quoi me sert ce cours?Comprendre le processus de cration d'un jeu tlphoneL'utilisation de 3 logiciels(Illustrator, Unity et Premiere)La Cration graphique grce Adobe IllustratorApprendre mettre en place des lments et coder des scripts dans UnityCrer des Sons/bruitages grce Adobe PremiereCOPYRIGHTTous contenus GRAPHIQUES au sein de mes fichiers sources que je vous donne en telechargement, sontsous Droits D auteurs. Merci de ne pas reutiliser ce contenu a des fins commerciales.Vous pouvez cependant les reutiliser pour des exercices ou pour vos jeux a but non commercials sans oublier d inscrire GioGASPARETTO ou HECOPAGNIE dans les credits. Merci."
Price: 19.99

"UNITY 2018 - Learn to create your character and animate it"
"Full Course Package about How To Create and Design a Character Inside Illustrator and How to Animate this Character inside UNITY 2017.You can download the Package this course.Some of the things you will learn in the course:ILLUSTRATORWorkshop SettingsUse ReferencesVectorized a drawingWork with LayersSave the fileExport our Character for UnityUNITYWorkshop SettingsImport FilesUse the Sprite EditorSetup our CharacterLearn to use the Animation PanelLearn to make an Acting AnimationLearn to make an Cycle AnimationLearn to make an Animation with FXLearn to use the Animator PanelWork with TransitionsPlay Animation from C#"
Price: 19.99

"Organiser ses Cours, son Blog, ses Projets avec TRELLO 2018"
"Trello est un outil gratuit, ce n est pas un logiciel mais un service que l on trouve sur internet.Cet outil nous permet facilement d organiser des projets.Si vous aviez l'habitude d utiliser des post its ou Word pour organiser vos projets, vous pouvez arreter des maintenants.Je vous presente TRELLO dans ce cours."
Price: 19.99

"UNITY 2018 - Comment installer Unity et coder son jeu?"
"UNITY 2018 - Unity pour les dbutants - Explication Complte - INSTALLATION - REGLAGLES - FONCTIONNEMENT - COMPILATION#######################################################################L'installation de Unity est rapide mais il y a des elements a integrer en place sans quoi il vous sera impossible d'exporter vos jeux, ce qui serait bien dommage car ce Logiciel est Genial!Dans ce cours je vous explique comment installer Unity et comment lui ajouter des reglages pour l'utiliser. Nous allons decouvrir les differents modules dans Unity et a quoi servent-ils. L'installation de Microsoft Studio sera explique. Puis nous allons voir comment coder en Csharp et comment Visual Studio et Unity communique entre eux. Vous allez decouvrir comment importer et exporter des Packages Unity et importer des images. Si vous vous demandez, comment exporter votre jeu vers votre Smartphone, il y a une section qui vous l'explique.#######################################################################8 Chapitres:Les tapes de Unity Connatre pour commencer, c'est rapide mais importantA propos du Logiciel pour le codePrsentation des Module dans UnityCompiler son jeu et le TesterMais qu'est-ce donc l'utilit des Tags et superposer les lments?Quels lments peut on trouver dans Unity et quoi servent-ils?Les components sont des lments importants de UnityCurieux de connatre les Bases du fonctionnement Des Scripts C########################################################################+ En prime dans la section BONUS, vous pouvez telecharger les Ebooks concernant chaque Chapitre de ce cours pour l`imprimer ou l`utiliser sur Ordinateur ou votre Smartphone.#######################################################################"
Price: 19.99