"Aprende a usar el servicio rest en Drupal8" |
"Aprende y domina como usar el servicio Rest en Drupal 8 de manera rpida y sencilla.Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el uso del servicio Rest en drupal 8, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar en el mundo del desarrollo de Drupal8.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Sabr como registrarun usuario.Sabr crear uninicio desesin.Sabr Cerrar una sesin de usuario.Podr Crear, editar, eliminar y leernodos.Podr Crear, editar, eliminar y leer comentarios.Podr Crear editar, eliminar yleer taxonoma.Podr Creareditar, eliminar yleer usuarios.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro?1. Porque este curso es muy prctico. 2. Porque no hay un curso parecido.3. Porque este curso es muy completo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende Drupal 7 Creando un Sistema de Noticias" |
"Bienvenido a este curso Aprende Drupal 7 creando un Sistema de noticias, en el cual vamos a ver muchas cosas interesantes.Este curso se divide en dos reas:1) Aprender para que se usa cada seccin de Drupal. Conocer los mdulos mas importantes y la configuracin de ella. 2) Aprender a crear un sistema de noticias completo.El estudiante al finalizar el curso podr realizar lo siguiente: Instalar Drupal7 en inglesQu hay que tener en cuenta antes de realizar una actualizacin de Drupal.Crear un duplicado del proyecto que tenemos para actualizar tanto el core de Drupal como un mduloCrear una copia de la base de datos desde PHPMYADMIN.Aprender a conectar el duplicado del proyecto a la base de datos de copia.Actualizar el core de Drupal de una versin anterior a la versin actualActualizar un mdulo de Drupal de una versin anterior a la versin actualAdministrar los contenidos.Crear contenidos de tipo pgina bsica y de artculo.Crear bloques personalizadosSaber las regiones de un tema donde poner un bloque.Crear y administrar menCrear y administrar vocabularios y trminos (taxonomas)Crear tipos de contenidosCrear campos personalizados en un tipo de contenido.Saber instalar temas.Ponerel tema como predeterminado.Poner un tema para la parte administrativa.Crear perfiles de usuario.Crear una vista de bienvenida personalizada por usuario a travs del filtro contextual.Traducir mdulos faltantes.Crear un men para los digitadores.Crear una vista llamada Mis NoticiasCrear una vista de tipo pginaCrear una vista de tipo de bloque.Cambiar visibilidad de un bloque.Crear perfil Editores y configurar permisos.Agregar filtros a la vista mis noticias.Agregar filtros expuestos a la vista mis noticias.Creando campos de fechasCreando campos de referencia a usuarioOrdenar enlaces de men.Consejos para solicitar al cliente lo que quiere que desarrollemos.Crear un bloque a travs de una vista (Ultimas Noticias)Agregar clases cssAgregar javascriptCambiar visibilidad del logo en el page tpl phpCambiar visibilidad del nombre del sitio en el page tpl phpCambiar bloques de lugar."
Price: 19.99 |
"Creacin de una tienda virtual con Drupal8" |
"Aprende a crear una tienda virtual con Drupal 8con este completo curso.Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el desarrollo de tiendas onlineen Drupal8, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar en el mundo del desarrollo de tiendas virtuales en Drupal.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Instalar Drupal8Instalar Mdulos y Temas en DrupalCrear un subtema y personalizarloCrear VistasConfigurar la tiendaConfigurar productosCrear campos personalizadosCrear Cupones de DescuentosCrear promocionesCrear atributos de productosCrear categoras con taxonomasConfigurar el carrito de comprasCambiar el icono del CarritoCrear lista de deseosModificar FormulariosCrear mdulos personalizados.Crear galeras de imagenesCrear Zoom a la imagen principalCrear calificaciones de productosForma correcta de agregar css y js a nuestros temas y mdulosCrear Hooksy muchas cosas mas.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro?1. Porque este curso es muy prctico.2. Porque este curso utiliza la documentacin oficial de Drupal8.3. Porque este curso es muy completo.4. Porque al finalizar el curso crears cualquier tipo de tienda online con Drupal."
Price: 49.99 |
"Curso MySQL desde 123 hasta el Infinito" |
"Aprende MySQL .Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia manejando bases de Datos e inclusive usando MySQL, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar a manejar este motor de bases de datos, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo mas avanzado. Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Diferentes programas para poner su computadora en un servidor.Conceptos importantes relacionados con MySQL.Conectarse a MySQL a travs de PHPMYADMINConectarse a MySQL a travs de MySQL WorkBenchConectarse a MySQL a travs de la consola (Terminal o CMD)Crear Base de datos va SQLCrear tablas va SQLAlterar Tablas va SQLCrear campos va SQLMostrar tablas va SQLDiferencia de los comandos CHANGE y MODIFYEntiendo el comando USE DATABASEUso del comando desc o describeUso de comentariosUso del comando renameCrear ndiceUso de If exists e If not existsUso de Insert/Delete/Update/SelectUso de TruncateAprender a usar Claves ForaneasExportar e Importar Base de datos de varias manerasUso de operadoresUso de funciones de tipo alfanumricoUso de funciones numricasUso de Funciones de FechaUniones entre tablasUso de Variables avanzadosCrear vistasCrear SubconsultasAdministracin de usuariosCrear triggersCrear funcionesCrear procedimientos almacenadosy mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Metasploit From Scratch" |
"Learn Metasploit From Scratch is a course designed in such a way that it takes you from absolute beginner to a Metasploit Professional. This course covers everything that is required to become a Metasploit Professional.Learn Metasploit From Scratch covers the following topics:IntroductionInstallation of Kali 2.0Updating KaliDirectory Structure ExplainedDatabaseMsfconsoleMetasploit Payloads and ExploitsMeterpreterFootprintingScanningAttacksMaintaining AccessDoing more with""Metasploit""By the end of the course, you will be able to perform Vulnerability Assessment for any size of Organizations.NOTE: Udemy provides you 30 Day Refund Policy, So what else you need. ENROLLNOW!!!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Begin Your Acting Career like a Boss" |
"Acting Business 101 is a 7 video series that will help actors who are either new to Hollywood or considering a move to Hollywood in the future. You will better understand how the acting industry is set up in LA. You will avoid needless false starts because you either don't know what to do, or you are listening to the wrong people. You will know exactly what is needed to get your acting business off the ground and how all of the professional players fit together.The course is divided into 7 sections. Each one ranging from 2-7 minutes. Although I simplify the information, I make sure that all of the important details are included to make the most sense. You will know why you are being asked to take certain actions by your representation. You will have a clear understanding of the casting process. And you will begin to understand how to raise your value. "
Price: 39.99 |
"Mining Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin for Best Profit" |
"2017 and 2018 will be the year of cryptocurrencies. Many people have found that investing in Bitcoin and Altcoins (coins that are not Bitcoin) is one of the most profitable ways to secure an early retirement.In some cases the return is more than 1000 times more than the initial investmentWe will teach you how to work with cryptocurrencies and the most efficient way to mine them and how to convert them to Bitcoin;how to choose the hardware for the job and how to set it up for maximum profit per cost of electricity.AttentionTo all of our students, we will periodically send emails with what is new/trendy in mining, what new mining software isbetter and which altcoins we expectto have a good profit.Bonus!You will learn how to trade your mined cryptocurrency for Bitcoin or fiat money (traditional money)How NOTTO lose money to ICOs(Initial Coin Offerings) that try to scam youHow to recognize a potential good coin to mineAnyone can mine Altcoins as long as they have a computer and a more recent graphicscard.This is a domain that rewards early adopters! Start it the SMARTWAY with this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pythagoras Theorem" |
"""Pythagoras Theorem"" is a visually stunning and easy-to-understand training series on Secondary level (High School) Geometry that focuses on the age-old concept: a2 + b2 = c2***** I really enjoyed the course. Everything was clear and made much more sense after watching. *****- Tarin Camarena (Cinematographer)Do you feel maths is difficult, way over your head? Most people have trouble learning and understanding Mathematics. During this course we will show, explain and ""drill in"" how to solve questions requiring the use of Pythagoras Theorem.Watch as we solve problems and explain in great detail what is happening.We also take time to explain why things are done in a certain way. Only when you understand the reasons behind the calculation, you will be able to apply these concepts in other assignments. If you are preparing for your Secondary level exams, want a head start in your studies or are looking for clearer explanations, ""Pythagoras Theorem"" is for you!This course is intended for anyone wanting to learn about Pythagoras Theorem, but especially for secondary level students (ages 13 - 15).Today's technological world revolves increasingly around Mathematics!The truth of the matter is that almost everything in society relies in one way or an other on Mathematics. Think about Architecture, App Development,3D Printing, Machine Learning, etc. This is why it is essential and crucial that you gain a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and theorems as early as possible. Learn to understand maths, not just to pass exams!In addition to Pythagoras Theorem you will learn about Trigonometric functions, the concept of Similar Triangles, the importance of giving proof for assumptions, converting decimals into minutes and seconds, as well as many other important topics.Watch the Intro and join the course!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Beginner's Guide to Linux" |
"Believe it or not, Linuxis the most widely used Operating System in the world. It is deeply integrated in our daily lives, and yet most of us have never even realizedhow many devices run on Linux. From supercomputers and Smart devices to Air traffic control systems and Japan's Bullet Train, Linux is at the core of our day-to-day lives. It makes sense therefore, to learn more about this ""mysterious"" and powerful Operating System. Though Linux isn't the common choice for Desktop and Laptop computers, there is no reason why it shouldn't be._________________________________________________________Read what our students are saying about this course:***** Great course! Highly recommended! *****- Nandan Desai_________________________________________________________The Linux Switchblade - MultiBoot USB offers the perfect solution for you who want to learn and try out Linux, but aren't ready to migrate from your existing Operating System. If you are already a Linux user, you will benefit from the knowledge of how to create a multiboot pendrive, as you can carry your favorite Linux distributions with you anywhere and everywhere. Whether you have any prior experience with Linux or not, you can count on this course to get you started with some of the basics as well as some advanced topics.You will learn:How to download and install programs on WindowsHow to reliably scan downloaded files for viruses and malwareHow to partition a USB drive and what things totake note of during partitioningHow to create virtual machines for testing Linux distributionsHow to install Linux distributions onto a USB driveHow to change BIOS / UEFI settings to enable booting into LinuxUsing Third Party software for creating amultiboot USBdriveAdvanced lessons:Basic Linux Command Line (Terminal) operations such as changing file permissions and installing packagesUnderstanding the Linux boot processInstalling Linux MintPartitioning a USB drive in Linux using GpartedHow to create a Persistent file manually for Parrot Security OSUnderstanding, customizing and configuring the GRUB2 boot loaderTroubleshooting boot problemsLinux has many advantages over Windows and Mac!Linux isn't plagued by malware and viruses in the same way as Windows. Less than 5% of computers (desktops & laptops) run on Linux. This makes Linux a much less targeted platform because it just isn't as profitable. Low-level user privileges, software repositories and the open source nature of Linux addextra levels of security to the Operating System. Linux also respects your privacy unlike Windows! These reasons make Linux an excellent choice for Online Banking and Shopping as well as accessing private information such as emails and chats.Linux is more stable and does not usually slow down over time. Most distributions are capable of running on very low hardware resources making Linux a light weight alternative to Windows and Mac. Portability is another key factor. Linux distributions, on average, come in less than 2GB ISO files (some distros are much smaller than 2GB).The Command Line (Terminal)interface and BASH scripting are among the most powerful features in Linux. If you are fond of customization, Linux provides ample room to play around. It was created to be customizable based on users' needs.This course is a good introduction to Linux. It also provides you the opportunity to try out Linux for yourself and gives you sufficient knowledge to get started. Enroll now and start learning the smart way!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Tout ce qui concerne l'conomie" |
"Bonjour tout le monde, ce cours est spcialement prpar pour les gens qui veulent comprendre l'conomie en gnral, ce n'est pas ncessaire que vous avez tudi l'conomie avant, il faut juste que vous pouvez comprendre la langue franaise pour commencer ce cours. Dans ce cours j'ai rsum tout ce qui concerne l'conomie gnrale pour vous permettre de commencer vos pas dans ce domaine vague, et bien sur ce cours est destin galement aux gens qui ont dj tudi l'conomie et qui veulent bien assimiler ses notions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Business in three languages: English, French, Arabic" |
"This course is a special one, because I presented it in three languages, French, Arabic and English, that will afford you the opportunity to learn business, and languages too in the same time.Ce cours est special, parce que j'ai le presenteen trois langues, Francais, arabe et Anglais, cela peut vous donner l'opportunite pour apprendre les affaires, et les langues aussi au meme temps. ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn the art of Hand Embroidery" |
"Hello everybody,this course will be reaaaally special, because it helps you to learn a special art which is the hand embroidery, I know that technology makes it very easy to get your embroidery in a few minutes but trust me the hand one is really great, I know that there is a part of people wo like traditional stuff, so wearing some clothes with your hand embroidery makes them special, another thing is that learning this art can help you to stand your own business in your country.so good luck in your learning, don't forget to leave your comments andyour messages, I will be happy to give you more ressources of that great special art."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence" |
"In this course, you will be able to identify your strengths,weaknesses and how to move forward towards achieving your goals. By understand where you position yourself, you will be able to receive well, rephrase your approach and react accordingly. Emotional intelligence is one of the most important aspect in human being life. EI is more important than IQ due to its involvements with people that will support your plans and dreams.Emotional Intelligence will allow you to gain more money (be wealthy), be healthy, position yourself among influencers and gain followers. In this course, you will be talking about effectiveness of EI and you can upscale your current thoughts, behaviors and practices to the next level. Keep in mind that you will need to investment in your self too beside of taking the necessary steps to amend or change the way your think or behave.For the ones who complete their assignment and share it with me, they will receive a FREE coaching session for 20 minutes via Skype as an appreciation of your hard work of completing the course and assignment. The course will be on discounted price for limited period and will be revise to higher rate due to its complexity and requirements. So, hurry up and utilize this unique opportunity.In case if you have any further details or clarifications required, feel free to contact me. Looking forward to enroll and don't forget to Share, Rate High and Subscribe."
Price: 19.99 |
"Start Your Career in HR" |
"In this course, you will SAVE years of chasing experience and knowledge besides of SAVING a lot of money just to gain the necessary knowledge. In this course, I'm bringing to you over 7 years of corporate experience into 1.5 hour in an easy and simple way. In here, I will show case the real life scenarios and practical of HR department and its operations to have better understanding how employee affairs function perform at anyorganization.At this course, you will be able to understand where you stand and how can you choice the right career within HR that you are looking for. We will be covering the main functions, operations and responsibilitiesof HR department to ensure you understand the over all and little diving deep into its operations.More courses will be publish soon with regards to several initiatives, programs and other assignments that HR are responsible of such as: Talent Management, Nationalization, Employee Engagement, Training, Return of Investment (ROI) on Learning and Development and much more.I usually deliver this course for not less than USD 900/- however and for limited period, it will be at the set price mentioned. So, hurry up and grap this unique opportunity as it is for limited period. Don;t hesitate to contact me for any further details or clarifications required.Don't forget to Rate High, Share, Like and Subscribe too :)Thanks and best regardsFahad Khalaf"
Price: 19.99 |
"Hotjar Hero Masterclass" |
"Are you looking to improve your website? Are you running an online store and unsure why your customers are not converting? Do you work as an SEO Guru or Digital Marketer and want to grow your skillset? This powerful course is designed to give you a cutting edge view of the amazing Hotjar toolset.Developed in conjunction with industry professionals and consultants, this course assumesno prior knowledge of Hotjar, web development or user analyticsknow-how. We keep it simple with theultimate aim of growing your businessand giving you a firm foundation to betterunderstand your customers. We talk in plain English, guiding you through the background, installation and use of Hotjar. Before you know it, you'll be a Hotjar Hero and ready to advance to the next era of user analytics.What Is In This CourseAn Introduction &Overview of HotjarThe Installation of Hotjar on WordPressThe Set Up,Configuration and Case Studyof Every Hotjar ToolReview of Hotjar Accounts, Hierarchy, Security & PrivacyBonus Worksheets &QuizzesWhat Our CourseTesters Said""Really insightful. I now spend time each day watching my Hotjar recordings and improving my site"" - Adam B.""Hotjar is a must-have for any person making a living online"" - Louise K.""Boosted my sales when it matter most. Invaluable"" - Sebastin A"
Price: 19.99 |
"After Effects CC: Advanced Animation Techniques" |
"RequirementsYou will need a basic understanding of the After Effects interface.You will need a working copy of Adobe After Effects (You can download a free trial from the Adobe website)After receiving excellent feedback from my YouTube Channel (where i teach Adobe After Effects) which you can find on my profile,I decided to come to Udemy to properly turn my spare time into a teaching platform.Below is some of the feedback that I have received.Excellent and clear! Nice tutorial and reminder of best workflow. Thank you! Geo TotsGreat tutorial! Helped me a lot! CookPiggyThanks for these amazing Tutorials, great work as always! Never stop Posting cause these are all amazing help for beginners like myself! -Danny MVery useful, thank you MusicManThis needs more views- thanks for making the time to put this up Blake SullivanCourse DescriptionThis course enables you to transform your motion graphics skills from basic to advanced usind Adobe After Effects. By following along in these easy to follow lessons you will be turning out professional animations in no time at all!Motion Graphics is a fantastic medium for communicating information, however your work will never stand out from the crowd unless you really know what your doing.By completing this course you will build your skills up and make your work stand out from the crowd.This course is structured through bitesize teaching followed by an assignment you must complete. This ensures that as well as getting taught how to create more polished animations, you re also encouraged to put these skills into practice. This means that instead of using the skills after being shown, you are also given the opportunity to go and utilise these skills for yourself.There is an extensive amount of project files provided with this course and these are the assets you will be working with and animating. Included in this course is also many PDF handouts which walk you through certain steps and also provide more theoretical animation knowledge.The first half of the course looks at using and implementing After Effects complex animation tools. The second half of the course looks at the 12 animation principles and how we can incorporate some of hem into our motion graphicsto make it a stronger more organic piece.There is also 2 bonus lectures the end of the course as a special thank you for purchasing this course.If you are purchasing this course I do strongly encourage you to use the Q+A board if needed and also to tweet your final animations to me on twitter or share them in my facebook group. This is an extra way you can get feedback from myself and other on how to further improve and progress your skills.Main Key Points-Introduction to Graph Editor in Adobe After Effects-Advanced use of speed graph and manipulation of Bezier curves-Thorough explanation and use of keyframe Interpolation-Advanced walkthrough of sequence layers (linear and exponential)-Use and eplantion of roving keyframes-Thorugh explanation of 12 Principles of animation-Introduction to the ue of squash and stretch-Thoruh walkthrough of Secondary Action-Custom pths for animation-Ease of movement-Contextualisation of skills through specifically designed assignmentsGiven my background in teaching this course has been designed with you, the learner, in mind. There are plenty of resources made available to you throughout this course so if you are someone who leanrs by reading, you are covered. If you learn better by doing, the assignments in this course willhave you covered. If you learn better by watching, then you are also covered! This course is inclusive of all types of learning to give you the best possible education in Adobe After Effects.Target AudienceThis course is aimed at people who have done basic animation in after effects before and want to develop their skills further.If you are tired of spending hours on an animation only for it to look too robotic and not catchy enough then this course is definitely for you. By theend of this course you will:- Be able to create higher quality animations- Be able to utilise the complex animation systems of After Effects- Be able to work with any given brief to create high quality content"
Price: 199.99 |
"Photoshop CC: The complete beginners guide" |
"Requirements In order to take this course you will need the following: -A computer or Mac -A working copy of Adobe Photoshop (You can download a 7 day trial from the Adobe Website) -An attitude to learn simple techniques to help you progress and learn Photoshop!After receiving excellent feedback and five star ratings from my first Udemy course in after effects, I have decided to widen my audience and reach out to some Photoshop users. This course is all about helping beginners in photoshop start off correctly by learning the essentials. Below is some student feedback that I have received on my Udemy courses: Ive needed a course like this! My animations have been looking too rigid but looking at some of the lessons Im so excited for the outcome! Im learning fast but with time to practice all the skills Ive learnt with the assignments. Thank for creating this! Timothy Stone (UDEMY) So looking forward to this course after watching your YouTube tutorials! Good value with so many resources! Josh Bright (UDEMY) Really easy to understand. Joe Lee (UDEMY) Thanks for these amazing Tutorials, great work as always! Never stop posting cause these are all amazing help for beginners like myself! Danny M (YOUTUBE) Course Description Photoshop CC: The complete beginners guide is built around getting new users and students familiar with Photoshop and its capabilities. There are many different uses for Photoshop and this course breezes over them with skill building lessons and then an assignment after each section. I have been teaching this software professionally for many years and I have seen student make the same mistakes over and over again, this course is built on ensuring you do not make these mistakes. As I come from a teaching background I believe in skilling up students and then letting student out their skills to the test, so as I said above, each section has an assignment and this it to ensure that you arent just copying my video tutorials but you are actually taking the skills learnt and putting them into practice on a live brief lie you would have to in industry. Upon completion of the assignments please send them to us via the Discussion board or our Twitter/Facebook (Details can be found in my profile). This course covers the following areas: -Intro -Photoshop Interface -Brush tools -Layers -Filters and adjustment -Retouching -Shapes -Outro The course has a couple PDF Handouts along the way which explain the assignments so please feel free to download these. There are also some images uploaded which I use in my screencasts, again feel free to use these. If you have signed up to this course I strongly advise you to use the Q+A board if needed and you can also tweet any feedback to me via my twitter, which is found on my profile. It would also be useful if you could leave a review/rating on the course. These are just some ways that I can get feedback of you to further improve my courses in the future! Main Key Points-Adobe Photoshop for beginners tailored on my teaching experience-Advanced use of layer styles-Creative assignment based upon student learning-Practice task at the end of the course-PDF handoutsTarget Audience This course is aimed at anyone who wishes to learn Photoshop and avoid the rookie mistakes along the way! Course Goals-After taking this course, students will be confident in using Photoshop-After taking this course, students will be able to perform basic retouch work on photos-After taking this course, students will be able to create their own content in Photoshop without photos-After taking this course, students will be able to edit and colour correct photos with easeI really hope you enjoy this free course and get a lot of valuable information from it."
Price: 149.99 |
"Adobe After Effects CC: Create a space scene" |
"RequirementsIn order to take this course you will need the following: -A computer or Mac-A working copy of Adobe After Effects (You can download a 7 day trial from the Adobe Website)-An attitude to learn the techniques to create and animate an environment that is out of this world!After receiving excellent feedback and five star ratings from my Udemy courses and YouTube Channel, I have decided to widen my audience and reach out to some more of you guys on Udemy. In doing so I have come up with a crazy cool course where I will demonstrate loads of techniques to you guys in assembling a space environment based off the shot of the Planet Morag from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol1! This course is built around helping budding visual Effects artists build up their skills in digital compositing and matte painting.Below is some student feedback that I have received on my Udemy courses:Ive needed a course like this! My animations have been looking too rigid but looking at some of the lessons Im so excited for the outcome! Im learning fast but with time to practice all the skills Ive learnt with the assignments. Thank for creating this! Timothy Stone (UDEMY)So looking forward to this course after watching your YouTube tutorials! Good value with so many resources! Josh Bright (UDEMY)Really easy to understand. Joe Lee (UDEMY)Thanks for these amazing Tutorials, great work as always! Never stop posting cause these are all amazing help for beginners like myself! Danny M (YOUTUBE)Course DescriptionAdobe After Effects CC: Create a space scene is built around helping Adobe After Effects users and students learn the skills needed to for Digital Matte Painting and Digital compositing. There are many different uses for After Effects which can be covered but this course is focused primarily on Compositing multiple assets together to create a photo-realistic environment.There are many different effects that I teach you through this course, one of the most interesting is where we will be creating our own Hi-Pass filter to add depth and dimension to the planet surface and clouds!As I come from a teaching background (teaching visual effects and motion graphics is my day job) I believe in equipping students with the skills needed and then letting student put their skills to the test, so as I say in some of the final videos, once you have created your scene, feel free to share your work with me in the question room or on social media and then I can provide feedback and help you further! (Details of Creative Tap's social media can be found in my profile).This course covers the following areas:-Intro-Creating the Planet surface-Creating the Planet Clouds-Compositing an atmosphere and atmospheric Haze-Compositing BG elements into our scene-Adding and animating a lens flare and a camera move-Creating and animating Guardians of the Galaxy style text-Hi-Pass Filter creation-Colour adjustment and matching techniques-OutroThis course comes with a PDF Handout uploaded a with various lessons along the way which links you guys to where you can get the project files from so please feel free to download these. If you have signed up to this course I strongly advise you to use the Q+A board if needed and you can also tweet any feedback to me via my twitter, which is found on my profile. It would also be useful if you could leave a review/rating on the course. These are just some ways that I can get feedback of you to further improve my courses in the future!Main Key Points-Adobe After Effects Environment Design-Advanced use of Compositiong-Creating a futuristic realistic environment-PDF handoutTarget AudienceThis course is aimed at anyone who wishes to learn how to create 'out of this world' photo-realistic environments in Adobe After Effects!-After taking this course student will be able to generate and animate complex scenes-After taking this course students will be able to create surreal space scapes in Adobe After Effects-After taking this course students will be able to develop further ideas on where they can use the skills they have learnt-After taking this course students will be able to create stunning visual effects shotsI really hope you enjoy this free course and get a lot of valuable information from it."
Price: 149.99 |
"Ecossistema Educacional Sustentvel no Ensino Superior" |
"Esse um curso que prepara omindsetpara discutir a nova dinmica de mercado educacional: a GESTO DO CONHECIMENTO dentro das METODOLOGIAS ATIVAS. Ele voltado paraprofissionais que desejamsairdo pensamento linear e querempassara uma viso exponencial, orgnica, funcional, interativa e multifacetada da Educao Superior e do mercado de trabalho do sculo XXI.Os contedos oferecidos so essenciais para aqueles que querem se reposicionar na carreira do Magistrio Superior e agregar valor, prestando consultorias/assessorias na rea de gesto universitria e coordenao de cursos.Por isso, o curso feitosob medida tambm paraps-graduandos que se preparam para prestar concursos pblicos para a carreira do Magistrio Superior, trazendo umaviso moderna e atualizada sobre os novos rumos da gesto do Ensino Superior, para os prximos 5 anos.Para ensinar a traar estratgias de gesto sustentvel do conhecimento, o curso passeia prticas de aprendizagem, na sala de aula, aos muitos e diferentes mecanismos de se produzir, reproduzir, compartilhar, engajar e publicizar a cincia e o conhecimento em um curso superior. Por docentes, discentes, programas e servios de extenso comunidade e por mdias espontneas. Ele mostra - e prope - prticas integrativas para a gesto do conhecimento, intra e intercursos superiores de uma IES, partindo das foras e transversalidades intrainstitucionais como elementos potenciais para gerar aes e solues criativas na otimizao de recursos e planejamentos. O curso ensina, ainda, como analisar criticamente - no formato de PERCIA TCNICA - a matriz curricular e o PPC de um curso superior (assim como fazem especialistas em comisses do MEC) e como usar ferramentas que migraram da Administrao para melhorar o diagnstico pericial e estabelecer metas para planos de ao. Na SEO BNUS do curso voc tem 2 vdeos exclusivos sobre MINDSET DOCENTE. Eu converso com voc e discuto, passo a passo, a prtica de levar os Desenhos Educacionais para a sala de aula de forma prtica, e sobre como alcanar o engajamento dos estudantes, para movimentar todo esse painel de Ecossistema Educacional Sustentvel.Um curso com a qualidade e a experincia prtica de quem atua h mais de 3 dcadas na Educao Superior pblica e particular, numa parceria da Rede Innovares de Conhecimento com o Departamento de Design Educacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Fisioterapia (SBF Educacional).Aproveite essa oportunidade nica, e seja bem-vindo!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Taxonomia de Bloom em Planos de Ensino Inovadores" |
"Decidir e definir objetivos de aprendizagem (e no de contedo) significa estruturar o processo formativo, oportunizando mudanas de pensamentos, aes e condutas. Essa estruturao resultado de um planejamento diretamente relacionado seleo de contedos, de procedimentos, de atividades, de recursos disponveis, estratgias, instrumentos e formatos de avaliao, alm da prpria metodologia que ser adotada, na disciplina, durante um perodo de tempo (semestre ou ano letivo). Essa OFICINA ONLINE aplica a sistematizao proposta por Bloom et al. (1956) como instrumento na delimitao por FOCOS DE APRENDIZAGEM e ESTRATGIAS DIDTICAS, com o objetivo de redigir Planos de Ensino mais efetivos e inovadores, para disciplinas do Ensino Superior.Ao longo dos ltimos 20 anos, capacitar professores e gestores, participar de bancas e concursos para a carreira docente do magistrio superior, e fazer parte de equipes de processos regulatrios do Ministrio da Educao - sempre na rea da Sade - me deu a certeza de que, ns professores, somos heroicos idealistas nas salas de aula. Para aqueles que, como eu, no possui formao nas licenciaturas, a atuao como docentes veio como um desafio e uma paixo. Pois bem, essa experincia me mostrou que um dos nossos desafios o de no conhecer instrumentos mais prticos, que sejam capazes de transportar-nos de um ponto A para um ponto B, melhor, mais bem-sucedido e com maior aproveitamento na aprendizagem dos nossos estudantes. Ns simplesmente reproduzimos os modelos que conhecemos, e eles esto superados!A Taxonomia de Bloom um dos melhores instrumentos para sistematizao das prticas docentes, porque tem o potencial de oferecer uma viso ampla, porm detalhada, sobre como converter o velho Plano de Ensino em um mapa engajador da aprendizagem estudantil.Conduzido por vdeos que apresentam um material testado em sala de aula, e ajustado a partir dos resultados que proporcionou, esse curso traz o planejamento de uma disciplina passo a passo, considerando as categorias de complexidade de cada Domnio de Aprendizagem proposto por Bloom et al. Para cada categoria, seguem as sugestes de FOCO a ser desenvolvido, bem como de CENRIOS/CONTEXTOS alinhados para conduzir formao de competncias especficas.So 3 domnios, 17 categorias e mais de 51 dicas, entre definies aplicadas, focos de trabalho do docente e competncias profissionais que se alinham. Para dar suporte a esse trabalho de reposicionamento profissional voc encontra uma apostila que resume cada videoaula e aponta os destaques de cada tpico, alm de artigos cientficos nessa rea.Alm disso, o curso conecta voc ao mundo: links relevantes para a visualizao prtica de alguns dos elementos do cursos levam voc para fora da plataforma, ilustrando seu uso em contextos e cenrios diversos, convidando-o para uma viagem de expanso complementar do ambiente de aprendizagem.A novidade so os 3 mapas exclusivos, desenvolvidos a partir da modelagem por Design Thinking, onde a personalizao das turmas, a orientao sobre as 3 clusulas bsicas de um contrato didtico (sim, a gente vai levar esse Plano de Ensino muito a srio, quanto ao seu potencial de r-e-s-u-l-t-a-d-o-s!) e a aplicao da Taxonomia de Bloom esto organizados de modo a facilitar sua iniciao a essa nova forma de pensar o Plano de Ensino.Minha misso nesse curso otimizar cada um dos novos passos que voc quer dar, em direo inovao das suas prticas docentes, com mapas e modelos que ajudem nesse desafio de assumir um novo papel no Ensino Superior: o de Designer Educacional.Vou ajud-lo nessa jornada e esse curso s o comeo.Bem-vindo muita mo-na-massa!"
Price: 84.99 |
"CA CPT - Fundamentals of Accounting - Practice Papers Set 1" |
"We have solved 3practice papers each for Fundamentals of Accounting as part of this course. We aim to help you prepare for your exams by solving the problems using shortcuts which will help you in saving time during your exams. Use these questions to practice and prepare for your exams."
Price: 1280.00 |
"CA CPT - Quantitative Aptitude - Practice Papers Set 1" |
"We have solved 3practice papers each for Quantitative Aptitude as part of this course. We aim to help you prepare for your exams by solving the problems using shortcuts which will help you in saving time during your exams. Use these questions to practice and prepare for your exams."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Dropshipping VS Amazon FBA que choisir quand on dbute ?" |
"Beaucoup de gens me posentcette question, Amazon ou Dropshipping ? Du coup j'ai dcid de rpondre tout le monde avec un cours gratuit sur le sujet.Le cours se droulera sur 10 sessions.IntroductionLes principes du dropshippingLes principes d'Amazon FBALes points forts du dropshippingLes points forts d'Amazon FBALes points faibles du dropshippingLes points faibles d'Amazon FBALa vlocit des deux businessInvestissement de dpartVedictJespre sincrement que ce cours gratuit vous aidera mieux choisir votre future projet"
Price: 34.99 |
"Mes secrets pour russir mes boutiques Shopify Dropshipping" |
"Salut toi et bienvenu dans ce cours !J'ai prpar ce cours pour aider toutes personnes dsirant russir son site e-commerce avec Shopify, cependant je ne l'ai pas crcomme untuto, ici je te proposeune vraie formationavec une vraie expertise. Mon but est de te faire gagner du temps et des connaissances forte valeurs ajoutes !Ce cours se droule en plusieurs modules que voici:Comprendre Shopify.Les Erreurs les plus communes sur Shopify.Crer une vraie identit visuelle forte.Crer un super logo en moins de 10 minutes.Mes 4 conseils importants.Jespre que cette formation te plaira. Nhsite pas me laiss une valuation et une petit commentaire si tu as apprci ."
Price: 99.99 |
"100 clients par jour avec 3 Growth hacking en Dropshipping" |
"Salut !J'ai ralis ce cours dans le but d'aider un maximum de gens comprendre que la publicit n'est pas toujours le meilleur levier pour attirer des acheteurs sur son site ecommerce dropshipping. Le growth hacking est pour moi un levier tout aussi important que la publicit car elle permet galement de travailler son image de marque et sa relation avec ses clients. Mieux vos avoir 20clients FANS de votre site que 100 clients touristes qui achtent par opportunit.Dans ce cours je vais vous enseign 3stratgies de Growth hacking pour ecommerce dropshipping, mais pas seulement, vous pourrez les utilis pour d'autre produits comme les produits numriques, du coaching, du consulting, peut importe en ralit !Le cours aura 7 modules !Plan du coursMa PrsentationComprendre le Growth HackingGrowth Hacking N1Growth Hacking N2Growth Hacking N3Le But d'un Growth Hacking.Jespre que ce cours vous plaira et que vous y apprendrez pleins de choses qui vous serviront russir vos business en ecommerce dropshipping ou autres d'ailleursNhsitez pas me laiss une valuation si vous avez aim le cours, cela serait trs sympa de votre part !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Crer une marque en dropshipping grce la PrintOnDemand" |
"Salut toi !Bienvenu sur mon cours pour dbutant en PrintOnDemandAujourd'hui j'aimerais vous partager mon exprience dans le domaine de la PrintOnDemand et vous montrez comment de nos jours il est facile de ce lanc sur internet en crant votre propre marque avec votre propre identit.Rappelez vous il y a quelques annes la difficult et toutes les barrieres l'entre qu'il fallait surmont pour crer une marque de vtement, de basket, d'accessoires de maison, de tableaux etc.. etc.. c'etait trs difficile, du design, de la production, les cots financier, la prise de risque, l'importation, la fiscalit... Bref c'tait juste un travail norme !!!Aujourd'hui de chez vous, vous tes capable de vous crer une vraie boutique en ligne qui vend vos produits, vos crations avecune vraie communaut fidle qui va vous soutenir dans votre futur dveloppement. Oui Oui c'est possible je l'ai fait et bien d'autre dans le monde le font aussi..Cette formation n'a pas pour but de vous fournir un tutoriel mais plutt un vrai cours pour russir votre premire boutique en PrintOnDemand.Vous y trouverez donc:INTRODUCTIONUne introduction sur le contenu du cours.COMPRENDRELAPRINTONDEMANDNous allons voir ensemble comment comprendre la PrintOnDemand et c'est diffrence avec le Dropshipping.Nous allons voir comment marche la PrintOnDemand.La stratgie en PrintOnDemand.Les outils indispensablesQuel site pour vendre en PrintOnDemand.Les Apps ou plateformes connaitre.Trouver ou raliser sespropres designsRecap & Mes recommandations.BONUSMes 4 conseils pour russir en PrintOnDemandVoila ce cours sera super intressant et vous y apprendrez plein de choses pour russir votre boutique !Je vous dis tout de suite dans le cours !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Dropshipping Shopify: Google Trafic Gratuit et Illimit" |
"Bonjour toije m'appel Amiret je te souhaite labienvenue ce cours !Je suis vraiment heureux de te recevoir ici et de pouvoir te partager toutes mes connaissances sur un sujet intressant mais surtout trs important ! Il est primordial, voire vital pour toi de savoir comment gnrer du trafic NON PAYANT sur ta boutique Shopify. J'ai pens ce cours pour toutepersonnequi aimerait apprendre raliser des ventes sans aucuneplateforme de publicit. Je ne remets pas en cause les publicits j'explique surtout qu'il est encore plus ncessaire d'avoir du trafic naturel pour prenniser ton business ecommerce.Tout d'abord dans ce cours nous allons commenceren douceur en revisitant les bases, puis dans undeuxime temps nous rentrerons dans des spcificits plus techniques avec une stratgiepour acqurir du trafic gratuit et illimit avec google.Le cours se droulera en 7modules:IntroductionPrsentationTrafic Payant VS Trafic GratuitQu'est-ce que leSEO8 Moyens pour gnrer du trafic gratuitement sur internetLa stratgie Google Trafic Gratuit et illimitConclusionJespre que ce cours te plaira et que tu y apprendras pleinde choses qui te feront explosertes rsultats en ecommerce !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Gnre des milliers de clients grce la pub Facebook Ads" |
"Bonjour toi et bienvenue sur ce cours !Ici je ne te parlerais pasde techniques, de target oucopyrighting. Je te parlerais avant tout de stratgie, de mthode et de logique commercial. Comprendre ta cible, tre diffrent, crer desaimants client, l est le vrai secretpour russir une publicit.La publicit n'est qu'un levier que tu utilises. Elle rend un produit pas connu en produit connu et ton succs dpend surtout de ta qualit utiliser les bonnes stratgies avec les bonnes personnes pour vendre.Dans ce cours nous verrons donc:IntroductionComment comprendre rellement facebookPourquoi 90% des gens chouent avec la pub facebookComment vendre sur facebookLes 3phases pour russir une publicit facebookMes 4 conseils pour russir mes pubs facebookConclusion et finVoiljespre que ce cours te plaira et t'apprendra plein de choses pour t'aider toi aussi russir tes publicits facebook."
Price: 99.99 |
"Play by Ear Piano Fundamental" |
"Either skilled player or beginner..you can learn and develop your pianoskill and understanding itwith this course.Play by Ear is the new way of learning piano. You will be able to create your own piano style, and you will be able to play any songs in the world in your own way. This ultimatecourse contains 9 hours of perfect designed lessons with completed series of exercises in each lessons.Your music, your style..Play by Ear............................................................................................................................................................................................... Play by Ear + 6 ! 9 !!!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Play by Ear Piano Accompaniment" |
"PBE accompaniment Piano Accompaniment online . (kanomroo) / cover YoutubePBE accompaniment"
Price: 24.99 |