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"Bash Shell Scripting: Crash Course For Beginners"
"You can finally understand Shell Scripting.This course will give you a clear understanding of how to write Shell Scripts.In this courseeverything is explained at aslow pace and thoroughly to make sure you can follow everything.Even ifyou never used the command line,the first 2 Sectionswill teach you all the tools necessary to use the command line andstart writing your shell scripts, nothing is left out.Moreover after walking you through all the fundamentals of Shell Scripting, the last 2Sections are project based, there we will combine everything you have learned in the course to create a script that solve s real world problem.By the end of the course you'll be writing your ownShell Scripts, in particular you will learn how to:Use the command lineAutomate tasks using Shell ScriptsCreate and use variables in your scriptsMake decisions by using if-else statementsMake decision based on strings, variables or filesUse arithmetic expressionsLoop through files and folders with ""for"" and ""while"" loopsUse functionsDeal with variables scopeCreateShell Scripts that solvesreal world problemsand much more..."
Price: 124.99

"Dating Deliberately To Attract Love"
"""Dina's course is focused, enjoyable to walk through and really helps someone who wants to know how to apply clarity and direction to focusing their dating life know how to do it! To learn from past relationship mistakes and move on. Changing mindsets in any area of life is HUGE and Dina helps you take it step by step so you can see where you have power in any given dating situation instead of thinking it is all by chance."" Holli, course studentGo from single to attracting real, soulmate love in this 3 module course designed to guide you on your dating experience so you can stop wasting time with the wrong people,attract the love you really want, and learn to enjoy the process of dating.In Module 1 you will learn exercises that will help you becomecrystalclear and focused on the loverelationship you would like attract and begin to visualize your future life with your soulmate together. After this section you will be able to envision your soulmate love.In Module 2 you will be guided through exercises that will help youovercome any limiting beliefs or fears you may have about dating,love and relationshipswith some simple and powerful exercises. You will know how to use the Law of Attraction correctly andconfidently and believe you will be with your soulmate after this section.In Module 3 you will learn how to begindatingdeliberately and create an action plan for making the love of your life a reality. After this section you will have an actionable plan and your next steps for meeting your soulmate love in person.Soulmate relationships should feel supportive and fulfilling...By the end of thiscourse youwill have tools and exercises to help youfeel clear, focused, confident, and excited aboutdatingto attract your soulmate love."
Price: 44.99

"Confidence For Women"
"""Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."" Henry David ThoreauConfidence For Women: Inner Radiance ForLiving Your Purpose""Great exercises in a concise course. Nice delivery and visually appealing."" Alexis""Beautiful pictures accompanying the whole course strengthen the theme. Very kind approach of Dina with clear understanding the ""students "" challenges."" TatianaNaturally and effectively improve your personal and professionalconfidence and self-esteem with the simple,yetpowerful, exercises in this course.These techniques teach you to use your imagination to change your mindset and creatively apply the methods of a confident, self-loving, andsuccessful woman -so the results are effective and noticeable.This journey to confidence is in 3 sections:Your Vision of Confidence - Clarifying and visualizingwhatbeing a confident woman ideallymeans to you and embodying the qualities of a woman you most admire. Including practical, coachingexercises and a guided meditation.Creating Confident and Loving Self-Talk - Improving self-esteem and self-worthby transmuting negative self-talk and replacing it with empowering beliefs about yourselfyour unique purpose in life to create confidence that begins on the inside. Learn to really believe and know your value in this section.Living Confidently - Taking simple andpowerfulsteps in your daily life that will improve your mindset and quality of life - and allow youto stop playing small and live with confidence. Begin living the life you dream about now.Whether you want to go after your dreams, nail a job interview, start a business, or date with purpose and joy to attract the relationship you desire - by the end of this course you will have an action plan for pursuing your life's purposeand the confidence to do it!"
Price: 39.99

"How to Design Website using Bootstrap in Dreamweaver CC 2018"
"Hi - my name is Ahmad and Ill be leading you through this course on how to Make money building afriendly websites using Dreamweaver.I built this course for the visual person, the right brained person. We won't hide from code but we'll use all the visual tools that makes Dreamweaver so amazing.These are the skills youll need to become a professional web designer. Youll learn how to make responsive websites in Dreamweaver as well as learning what to charge and how to manage a website project.We cover everything you need to build your first website. From creating your first page through to uploading your website to the internet. During the course well create a website for a mock creative agency - creating mobile and desktop versions."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Android App Expert: NO CODING required"
"Apps are here to stay Most people nowadays have smart phones, and are always on the search for apps that can improve their day to day live and make them more productive.Why not get your foot on the ladder and start exploring app development today, by taking this course you will be given the foundation you need order to enter into the fun and very lucrative world of app development.I will teach you step by step by step how to build Android Apps with a free web based application called App Inventor 2. This is the perfect way for beginners to learn app development because there is no programming involved.By eliminating the need to learn a programming language App Inventor 2 has made the world of app development obtainable to all levels of app developers from very beginners right through to the more advances there is so much that can be built on the platform.If you have a PC or laptop with internet access and a desire to make your own apps then this course is for you. You don't even need an Android device because there is a build in emulator to test your apps on."
Price: 19.99

"Crez une application de Chat iOS avec Firebase et Swift 4"
"De nos jours, de plus en plus d'applications interagissent avec unebas de donne pour pouvoir permettre aux utilisateurs de communiquer entre eux.Dans ce cours, vous crerez pas pas une application de chat en temps rel et apprendrez utiliser la base de donne de Google: FirebaseVous pourrez ainsi:Identifier un utilisateurCrer un compte utilisateur avec mail et mot de passeChanger les informations de profilUtiliser le stockage de Firebase pour stocker des imagesObserver les changements de donnesCrer des bulles de chat qui s'adaptent la taille du texte et de l'imageObserver si un utilisateur est en ligneVoirsi votre partenaire est en train de vous crireMettre jour le dernier message de chaque utilisateur"
Price: 99.99

"iOS: Crez un clone d'Instagram avec Swift 4 et Firebase"
"De nos jours, de plus en plus d'applications interagissent avec unebase de donnes pour pouvoir permettre aux utilisateurs de communiquer entre eux.Dans ce cours, vous crerez pas pas un clone d'instagram,application de type rseau social de partage de photosen temps rel et apprendrez utiliser la base de donne de Google: FirebaseVous pourrez ainsi:Identifier un utilisateurCrer un compte utilisateur avec mail et mot de passeChanger les informations de profilUtiliser le stockage de Firebase pour stocker des imagesObserver les changements de donnesGrer les hashtags dans un texteAjouter un postUtiliser l'appareil photo de diffrentes faonsAjouter des filtres vos imagesRedimensionner une imageSuivre et ne plus suivre un utilisateurCrer des notifications inAppLaisser des commentaires sur une photo"
Price: 199.99

"iOS: Guide de l'authentification Firebase avec Swift 4"
"Dans ce cours, iOS: Guide de l'authentification Firebase avec Swift 4, vous serez guid pas pas dans l'apprentissage de l'intgration de l'authentification via les rseaux sociaux votre application.Nous ferons tout d'abord un tour de Firebase, puis nous crerons une application simple avec des boutons pour gnrer la connexion.Puis nous apprendrons:L'authentification avec email et mot de passeL'authentification avec gmailL'authentification avec Facebook et sa mise en placeL'authentification avec Twitter et sa mise en placeEn plus de cela, nous verrons comment crer un utilisateur dans la base de donnes de Firebase. Nous verrons ainsi comment obtenir les informations d'utilisateur lors de l'authentification et comment les ajouter la base de donnes."
Price: 49.99

"iOS 11 et Swift 4, de zro hros: Le cours complet"
"Bienvenue dans le cours iOS 11 et Swift 4, de zro hros: Le cours complet,Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez travers plus de 24 heures de vidos dvelopper des applications pour iPhone et iPad, en partant de zro pour arriver crer la fin du cours des applications complexes comme par exemple une application de rseau social.Mme si vous n'avez jamais crit une ligne de code de votre vie, vous serez guid tout au long du processus pour pouvoir vous permettre de crer l'app de vos rves ou qui sait changer de carrire professionnelle.Voici ce que vous apprendrez tout au long de ce cours:Prise en main de Xcode, le logiciel de programmationd'Apple.Swift 4, le langage d'Apple.L'auto layout et la gestion de la rotation.La programmation orient objet.L'enregistrement de donnes avec UserDefaults.Le tlchargement de donnes depuis internet.La lecture de vidos sur votre application.Les UITableView et UICollectionView.l'architecture MVC pour de meilleures applications.La gestion de l'appareil photo.La gestion des cartes avec MapKit, et la localisation de l'utilisateur.La cration de donnes persistantes avec CoreData.L'utilisation d'API.L'utilisation de Cocoapods.La cration de jeu avec SpriteKit.Le machine learning avec CoreML.La gestion de base de donnes avec bien plus encore...Pour apprendre d'une faon efficace et motivante, vous vous crerez un portfolio d'application que vous serez fiers de montrer votre entourage avec les applications suivantes:Codabeille: Cration d'une animation.Morpion: un jeu intemporel.Chifoumi: Pourrez vous battre votre iPhone pierre feuilles ciseaux.Lecteur Youtube. Pour voir vos vidos favorites.Quizz Drapeaux: Etes-vous cal en gographie?Restaurant du monde: quel est votre menu prfr?Moments: Le plus beau du monde en photosMoments partager: Partagez vos photos.Rpertoire d'entreprise: Crez votre propre liste de contacts.Codabee mto: crez votre propre application mto.ColorBee: Votre clone de color switch.Intro CoreML: votre iPhone reconnait les objets pris en photo:CodaBook: Crez votre propre rseau social.Qu'attendez vous pour nous rejoindre?"
Price: 199.99

"CoreML - Maitrisez le machine learning sur iOS"
"De l'avis de nombreux spcialistes du dveloppement informatique, le machine learning est considr comme le futur et est un champd'apprentissage trs recherch dans le monde des nouvelles technologies.Ne laissez pas passer le train de l'innovation et maitrisez vous aussi le machine learning sur iOS.Grce ce cours vous pourrez crer des applications intelligentes avec CoreML, Vision, Swift mais aussi Python et Anaconda.Voicice que vous allez apprendre:Introduction CoreML et au machine learningApprentissage du frameworkVision pour la dtection de visages.Cration d'une application avec les modles CoreML pr-entrainsIntroduction Python, vous connaitrez ainsi les bases d'un autre langage de programmation.Cration d'un modle CoreML avec le dataset Iris et ScitKit-learn.Cration d'un modle de Rseau neuronal convolutif (CNN) avec Fashion-mnist et Keras.Cration d'un modle de Classification avec IBM Watson Services.Prt vous plonger dans le machine learning et CoreML?"
Price: 199.99

"Flutter & Dart: Crez des applications pour iOS et Android"
"Connaissez vous Flutter?C'est le SDK (ou Kit de dveloppement en franais) de Google. Il permet de crer des applications la fois pour Android et iOS.Connaissez vous Dart?C'est un langage de programmation orient objet dvelopp par Google. Il est facile comprendre et prendre en main et se rapproche de langages tels que Java ou Swift par exemple.Dans ce cours nous allons ensemble apprendre dvelopper des applications la fois pour iOS et Android avec Flutter et Dart. Nous partirons des bases pour crer au fil du cours des applications de plus en plus volues.Pour bien mettre en pratique vos nouvelles comptences, vous aurez des challenges faire tout au long du cours, comme par exemple crer une application de calcul de calories.Voici ce que vous allez apprendre durant ce cours:La prise en main d'Android Studio, le logiciel qui vous servira durant votre apprentissage.Les bases de Dart.La programmation orientLes Widgets basiquesCration d'un lecteur audioLes Widgets PopCration d'un quizzLes Widgets InteractifsCration d'un calculateur de caloriesAdapter les Widgets selon la plateforme(Android ou iOS)Les ListesLes GrillesCration d'un Flux RSSLes MenusLa GeolocalisationUtiliser une APICration d'une application mto.Et bien plus encore...Alors vous tes prts vous lancer? Je vous attends dans le cours."
Price: 199.99

"Laziness! No More!"
"Killing laziness, improve productivity, relationships, happiness and speed. Laziness looks ignorable but it is the one which decides our fate. We need to pay attention to the laziness attitude and implement working techniques to resolve them. Laziness is a symptom and is not the problem itself. So let us kill laziness."
Price: 19.99

"Mantra Meditation Science(108+ Mantras for various benefits)"
"Mantra meditation science, Mantras for health, wealth, physical beauty, overall wellbeing, tantra, attaining powers, Bija Mantras, graha mantras, mantras for various diseases. Japa Meditation or Mantra Meditation or Chanting is a powerful technique for sadhana. Japa Meditation involves less efforts and more benefits. Best form of meditation is Mantra Meditation as told by Sri Paripoornananda Swami . It involves bhakti or devotion and meditation at a time. This makes Mantra Meditation the most powerful. Free meditation video gift."
Price: 19.99

"Yatrm ve Teknik Analiz Yntemleri"
"For the English version of this tutorial in UDEMY: Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock MarketsGnmzde insanlar paralarn daha iyi deerlendirmek amacyla trl sektrlerde yatrmlar yapyor. stiyor ki param oalsn, ykselen enflasyona yenik dmesin. Fakat yatrm yaparken genellikle bilinsiz bir ekilde yaplyor. Sosyal medyada grdkleri ile ya da bakkalda-kasapta duyduklar ile yatrm yapanlar oluyor.Bu yatrmlarn bir ou da ne yazk ki zarar ile karlayor. nk hi bir analize, hi bir bilime bal olmadan yatrm enstrman satn alnyor. Bu eitim setinde uzman yatrmc nasl olunur bunu reneceksiniz. Ne zaman alm yaplmal ne zaman satlmal ne zaman beklenilmeli gibi tm kritik kararlar kendiniz verebileceksiniz. Hi kimseye muhta olmadan kendi kararlarnz ile yatrm yapacaksnz.Bu eitim seti size yatrm tavsiyesi vermemektedir. Yani bitcoin aln, ASELSAN satn, altna hcum gibi fikirler sunmayacaktr. Bu eitim setinin amac; yatrm psikolojilerini anlamak ve bir yatrm enstrmannn gemi verilerine bakarak gnmzdeki yatrmc davranlar ile gelecekteki fiyat tahmin edebilmektir. Bu sette, dier eitim setlerinde ki gibi 5-10 indikatr , 3-5 formayon bulunmamaktadr. 70'e yakn indikatr ve 20'ye yakn formasyon ile uzman analist olabilirsiniz.Teknik analiz, global bir bilimdir. Bilim diyorum nk arka planda yksek matematik, istatistiksel metotlar ve yatrmc psikolojisinin barndrr. Bizler bu eitim setinde in matematiine ve istatistiine fazla girmeden direk yorumlanmasn sizlere sunduk. nk teknik analiz aralarn bizim iin otomatik hesaplayan cretli/cretsiz platformlar var. Bu platformlar sayesinde izimleri yapacaz. Bize sadece yorumlamak kalacaktr. Teknik analiz, BIST100 gibi Trk Borsalarnda, global borsalarda, altn-dolar-euro gibi yatrmlarda, kripto paralarda, forexte ksaca tm yatrm enstrmanlarnda kullanlmaktadr. Bu eitim seti sizi global bir yatrmc yapaca iin tm alanlardan rnekler ile retilen konular desteklenmitir. lkemizdeki kripto paralar ve blockChain teknolojindeki yanl bilgiler ve deerlendirmeler nedeniyle bu setin kk bir blm bu alana ayrlmtr.Bu eitim setini mobil cihazlarnza (telefon, tablet vb.) indirebilir ve sonrasndainternet gerektirmeden izleyebilirsiniz.Burada anlatlanlaryatrm tavsiyesi deil,yatrmlarnz deerlendirirken kullanacanz aralar ve yntemlerdir"
Price: 159.99

"Learn to Play the Guitar - (for beginners)"
"This is a practical oriented course with a little bit of theory too. Online assistance could be arranged at request. I hope to personally guide you and assist you until you learn to progress on your own. I am available from 7.00am to 9.00pm Sri Lanka time (GMT/UTC +5hrs). Please let me know a convenient time for ameeting. I will send a link to join the meeting.Contents:IntroductionStrings and Notes - String names and string numbersGuitar Tabs - How to play a melody (tune)Tuning the Guitar - ""On your marks, Get set....""Guitar Chords - How to play chords for a songRhythm - Different rhythms for different songsAnother Chord, another Song - When you know more chords, you can play more songsScales - If you knowDo, Re, Mi, Fa ....., you will go very farGuitar Chords - A lot of chords inIllustrated form - for self learningSongs - 1)Country Roads 2) Hallelujah"
Price: 24.99

"Volume II: permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012"
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le deuximepartie de cette formation(Volume II)contient:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Partage et configuration des imprimantes sous Windows Server 2012Vous pouvez voir ou revoir la premire partie de la formation (Volume I) intitule:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99

"Volume VI: Les GPO sous Windows Server 2012"
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le monde.Le siximevolume de cette formation (Volume VI) contient:Cration et gestion des GPOLier un GPO un domaine ou une unit d'organisationExercices sur le mappage des lecteurs et redirection des dossiersConfiguration des stratgies de scuritVous pouvez voir aussi les 5premires parties de la formations Windows Server:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:LA Virtualisation Hyperv sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux,DHCP et DNS sous Windows Server 2012Volume V: Active Directory sous Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99

"Volume IV: Les rseaux, DHCP et DNS sous Windows Server 2012"
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le monde.Le quatrime volume de cette formation (Volume IV) contient:Dfinition et subdivision des rseaux via la mthode CIDRTransition de l'IPV4 l'IPV6Dploiement et configuration du DHCPDploiement et configuration du DNSVous pouvez voir aussi les 3 premires parties de la formations Windows Server:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:LA Virtualisation Hyperv sous Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99

"Volume V: Active Directory sous Windows Server 2012"
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le monde.Le cinquimevolume de cette formation (Volume V) contient:Dploiement de L'Active Directory domain Service et de son Contrleurde domaineDploiement du RODCAjout et gestion des utilisateurs et ordinateurs dans un domaine AD DSAjout et gestion des groupes dans un domaine AD DSGestion des partages et permissions de scurit dans un domaineADDSVous pouvez voir aussi les 4premires parties de la formations Windows Server:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:LA Virtualisation Hyperv sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux,DHCP et DNS sous Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99

"Apple Numbers Eitim Tm Konular"
"Bu eitim kursu ile allmn dna kyoruz. Excel'e alm olup Numbers'da zorlananlar ya da tm apple cihazlarda ilerini kolaylatrmak iin Numbers kullanmak isteyen herkes bu eitim programna dahil olmaldr. Yeni bir dnya kefetmeyeceiz !Excel'de yaptklarnzn aynsn yaparak daha grsel ve kaliteli sonular elde etmek istiyorsanz NUMBERS yeterli.!Bunun iin tek artmz herhangi bir Apple Cihaz..*** Eitimler Mac Numbers zerinden anlatlmaktadr. Dier Apple cihazlar iinde zellikler ayndr."
Price: 49.99

"Experto en PHP MySQL y AJAX haciendo 3 sistemas prcticos"
"Un excelente curso para todo aquel desarrollador o amante de codear y seguir aprendiendo cosas nuevas, en este curso vas a dominar y aprender a realizar peticiones asncronas con AJAX, para crear funcionalidades que le den ms dinamismo a todos tus proyectos. Vamos a utilizar jQuery, Ajax, MySQL, PHP, HTML5, Bootstrap 4 y SASS para realizar 3 proyectos, el primero un arrito de compras totalmente funcional, el segundo una plataforma o librera de videojuegos con bases de datos y el tercero aprenders a usar lo bsico de composer adems de varios plugins de jQuery gratuitos. Curso 99%prctico, entretenido y didctico."
Price: 2970.00

"Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop 1 JCCD Studio 2003KFSSilbird"
Price: 114.99

"Adobe Photoshop"
"Adobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop 2003KFSSilbird"
Price: 13800.00

"Pro Trader Network Traders Workshop"
"A you a Struggling Trader looking for answers to create and execute a successful Trade Plan?Do you lack the essential Processes and Psychology to consistently win in the markets?Find out what you've been missing with clear, focused direction on how to fill in the gaps and get back on track.Organized and to the point, you'll want to pay close attention to this simple and rich training offering solutions for the pitfalls encountered by most traders. This Traders Workshop contains the required wisdom and know-how to tackle and overcome the challenges of Traders at all Levels.Here's what you get:Part 1 - Getting Back to Basics - Your chance to reboot your Trading Perspective.Part 2 - The Skill of Trading - What it Really Takes to become a Professional.Part 3 - A Solid Foundation - Starting with the End in MindPart 4 - The Trading Business - How to Compete and Win in ForexPart 5 - Process and Outcome - Staying Consistent and FocusedPart 6 - Building a Trading System - Creating and Executing a Trading SystemPart 7 - Mind over Markets - Developing and Keeping a Trading MindsetPart 8 - Biology of Beliefs - How to Make Winning a HabitPart 9 - Profitable Trading - Calculating a Positive ResultLike all Pro Trader Network Courses, this one All Killer and No Filler!DON'T FORGET - For a Complete, Turn-Key, Professional Trading Education, check out the PRO TRADER NETWORK EXCEL COURSE 2.0! Watch the Preview and Create Your Trading Legacy!"
Price: 19.99

"Pro Trader Network Skill Builder Series"
"We don't always needlong lectures tofortify our approach to the markets and keep us in tune.This Skill Builders Course uses a quick, shotgun style to address Trading Topics and Issues Traders encounter everyday.It is designed to refresh your Trading Mindset and overcome the burnout, confusion and ""noise"" that can cloud decision making.The content is delivered from a Coaching Perspectiveto reinforce things you may already know, but often get lost in the daily clutter.Highlights include:We identify and review the Skills every trader needs to develop a solid Trading Plan and profitableTrading Business.We cover a multitude of topics from ""Why Markets Move"" to ""Making a Living Trading"" and everything in between.Short and to the point, each video containsTips and Training thatwill keep you focused and improve your Trading I.Q.Filled with facts and actionable ideas, this information can help fast track your Trading Learning Curve and Steady Your Concentration."
Price: 19.99

"Python ---"
"Udemy30 PythonPython-TensorFlowPythonPython --- PythonPython --Windows 10PythonAnaconda,SpiderJupyter NotebookTensorFlow+Keras Python ,PythonPythonPythonTensorFlow+Keras CNNTensorFlowCNNTensorFlowTensorboard.TensorFlowVisualization23.....106...PythonPythonPythonSVM,,,PCA,LDAPythonSQLServer 2017.PythonPythonPythonPython Python--Python Python Python--Python Python Python Python1.Python1-1.MacPythonpip install pip install pip uninstall pip listAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibMacLaunchpadAnaconda NavigatorMacSpiderjupyter notebook1-2.Window 10PythonWindow 10PythonWindow 10Python,C:ProgramsWindow 10PythonPythonShellwin,pythonpythonpythonexit()Windows 10AnacondaAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibPython 3.6condaSpiderJupyter Notebook1-3PyCharmMacPyCharmPython,PycharmPythonJupyter notebookPycharmWindows 10PycharmCommunity2.PythonMac/usr/local/binWindowsC:python36set path=%path%;C:python36utf-8-*-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#python$ python+-*/,,,=,3.tuple,settuple,()tuple,{}Set{:}4.,TrueFalseifwhileWhile.ifif:if : 1else: 2while,for:for in range(,):TrueFalseandTrueFalseorTrueFasleFalsenotTruenotFalseFalsenotTrueifif : if5:if (1):1elif (2):2elif (3):3elif (4):4else (5):5forPythonfor(statement)whileifwhile5.,,.,,.pass.,6.init__(self,..),self__init__(self), __del__(self)7.class (1,2,3,..): 1 2 (inheritance) (attribute) (method) :getEngine()8.raise,fp=open(,)9.matplotlibMatplotlib.pyplot.pyplot10.Python tuplesetScipynumpyPandasMatplotlib11.tuplesetScipytuple,()tuple,{}SetScipy12.numpynumpyreshape()np.zeros((10,3))10*313.Pandaspip installpandasPandascsvcsv,big5SeriespandasDataFramePandaslambda14.Matplotlib2Matplotlibplt.plot([1,2,3,4])X# r','bs','g^'scatter()meshgrid()15. EntropyInformation GainID3K-nearestKNN16.Python k-meansk-meansnKk-means:k,00,1,,.,DBSCAN:,,,.,,.,.:17.Logistic(Naive Bayes Classifiers)P(AB)BAPCAPCAPCAnmW,m<<nLDA18SVMSVMLagrange,CRBFPythonRBF,,,,Support Vector Regression 19.Python TensorflowKerasMNIST20.Python Python Perceptron21._15022.classifier23.Python _,Python24.Adaline,W25.26.J(w)27.SQL Server 2017 Python SQL SERVER 2017SQL SERVER 2017SQL Server 2017_SQL Server"
Price: 7000.00

"Learn to play ""Limbo"" on the Steel Drum!"
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99

"Learn to Play TEQUILA on the Steel Drum!"
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99

"Learn to play ""Red Red Wine"" on the Steel Drum!"
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99

"Learn to play ""Here Comes the Bride"" on the Steel Drum"
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99