"Body building : guideline to build bigger muscles&burn fat 2" |
"Have you ever wanted to loss fat? But fear that after fat lossed there are stretch marks and skin loose on your bellyOr you do want to loss weight but uncomfortable to calculate calories in each dayAnd have you ever been to lossed fat but your muscles mass decreased as wellAll of these problems will be gone with me Lersan Sumalee bodybuilding instructorActually when mention about losing weight everyone May thought it about just stop eating starch and fat completely.And do cardio for long time but the truth is. The fat come from every food you eaten it not necessary to eat only starch and fat in the other hand your body will be accumulate fat better because you made it shocked by dont eat fat and starch at all so what you need to know is how. whatand when. to decreaseSo. In order to loss only fatand keep your muscles mass that you have been endeavor as much as possible but still enjoy with the food you like.Anyway this course is not the same as the internet orany websites.More then that. What youwill learn in this coursestep by step. Its8weeks healthy dieting systemMindset and the treat after dietMetabolic stimulationThe typical of fat lossNatural testosterone sourcesSupplements secretDetox formulaResting day supplements ingestionBasic supplements listIntensity conceptBefore and after training ingestion timingBody builder planLow cost muscles increase eating programMuscles stimulatBoost up techniqueExtreme stretching technique forenlarge muscles from upper body to lower bodyBody building routesBody weight exercise routesThis course I designed to make you easy to followwhether at the gym or at home by your self without trainer orhelperAndall the technique are worked and have been proven by myself and I think I should be spread to the worldBecause there are many people have not achieved in weight loss and building musclesAnd why you need to control weight and build muscles??Because of proper weight control and muscles building its apart of healthy as wellMany people try to work hard and dont care for theirs health. Leave it as a doctors job in healthcareThe money that you have been work for whole life have gone with the cost of treatment.There are many people who wassucceed in life but have health problems often said.If they can choose. They would choose to have good health again no matter whats the dealAnd How about you what doyou think about itEven if I was said a thousand words will not leave so deep and impressions as one deedAnywayLets enjoy my preview and hit the enroll bottom. I cant wait to see you"
Price: 199.99 |
"python for beginners, starting from scratch" |
"Working on python 3 basics, includes coding examples.This course is about Basics of Python programming language, Includes setting up code editor, concepts building, understanding of concepts like loops, conditionals, variables, operators, functions like range(), set, Lists and many more. There are coding examples and tasks for students so that they can have better understanding.Basics of python course is for students who want to learn programming specially using Python, but most of the concepts explained in this course are used in other languages as well and by taking this course students will have strong base of programming.For a good programming start this course on Basic of python 3 is best to start with."
Price: 19.99 |
"Data Structures and Algorithms using c++" |
"This course Data Structures and Algorithmsfocus on building concepts of students in this domain.Data Structures like Trees,Linked list and others are explained in depth so that students have better understanding of these topics and coding lectures are helpful in getting depth understanding.Coding lectures beside graphical explanation in this coursemake it easier to understand things.Algorithms are explained and coded so that students learn better.So this course is for students who want to learn in fun and easy way, and get understanding of things in Data Structures and Algorithms."
Price: 104.99 |
"Data Structures and Algorithms in java" |
"This course data Structures and Algorithms using java includes explanation of various data structures with coding examples, provided with detail explanation of code side by side with concept building.Most importantData Structures likeLinked List, Binary Search Tree, stack, Queue are explained in detail with concepts made easy to understand.Algorithms likeSelection Sort, Insertion Sort are part of this course.This course is for students who want good understanding of data structures and algorithms and want to understand code.By taking this course students will be able to use these skills to write or understand data structures in other languages as well, because concepts build from this course are very generic regarding Data structures and Algorithms."
Price: 49.99 |
"Data Structures and Algorithms in python" |
"This course Data Structures and Algorithms in python includes explanation of various data structures with coding examples, provided with detail explanation of code side by side with concept building.Most importantData Structures likeLinked List, Binary Search Tree, stack are explained in detail with concepts made easy to understand. Algorithms likeSelection Sort, Insertion Sort are part of this course.This course is for students who want good understanding of data structures and algorithms and want to understand code. By taking this course students will be able to use these skills to write and understand data structures in other languages as well, because concepts build from this course are very generic regarding Datastructures and Algorithms.Students can get this course to understand Algorithms and Data structures.This course is not only about writing code but there are more above code that is ""Explanation of working of Algorithms"", when you understand how its working then its easy to get grip over Algorithms and Data Structures.Data Structures and Algorithms in python."
Price: 199.99 |
"Sketch von A bis Z: Werde App-Designer" |
"Sketch hat die Welt des mobilen Anwendungsdesigns revolutioniert, indem es Dir die Tools zur Verfgung stellt, mit denen Du dich innerhalb weniger Stunden in einen professionellen App-Designer verwandeln kannst. In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du mitSketch 5dynamische, entwicklungsfhige UI fr mobile Apps entwirfst, die Kunden beeindrucken und Nutzer ansprechen.Lernemit den leistungsstarken Tools und dem reibungslosen Workflow von Sketch eine schne, qualitativ hochwertige Benutzeroberflche fr mobile Anwendungen zu entwickeln.Beherrsche die wesentlichen Prinzipien und Werkzeuge von Sketch.EntdeckeDesigntechniken, die Dein kreatives Potenzial steigern.Lerneund implementiereUI Best Practices, um Qualitt und Benutzerfreundlichkeit sicherzustellen.Reisevom Konzept bis zur Fertigstellung, indem Sie eine mobile Beispielanwendung erstellen.Findeheraus, warum Google, Apple und Facebook Designer Sketch verwenden.Viele der am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen im Silicon Valley setzen auf Sketch, wenn sie UIs fr mobile Anwendungen entwickeln, weil sie schnell und intuitiv sind und atemberaubende Endprodukte produzieren.Eine Besonderheit von Sketch sind die booleschenVektoroperationen, mit denen Dukomplexe Formen und Ebenenstile erstellen kannst. In diesem Kurs lernst Dudie Grundlagen der Booleschen Operationen sowie viele andere in Sketch verfgbare fortgeschrittene Designtechniken kennen.Inhalt und berblickEgal, ob Du ein Anfnger oder ein erfahrener Designer mit Erfahrung in Photoshop und Illustrator bist, Du wirst diesen Kurs so wertvoll finden, dass er Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungen mit praktischen, anpassbaren bungen kombiniert:Mobiles App-Design von A bis Z: Mit ber 5 Stunden Inhalt deckt dieser Kurs alles von Layern, Shapes und Styling ber Textbearbeitung bis hin zum Export von fertigen Projekten ab.Die besten Tools: Du lernst die besten Tools fr professionelles App Design zu benutzen und es Entwicklern so einfach wie mglich zu machen, deine App zu programmieren.Interaktives Design-Projekt: Zusammen mit dem Lehrer erstellstDu eine Beispiel-Benutzeroberflche fr eine Fitness-Mobility-App. Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses wirst Duverstehen, wie Du mithilfe von Sketch eine qualitativ hochwertige Benutzeroberflche fr mobile Anwendungen entwirfstund auf die Anforderungen deinerKunden und Entwickler besser vorbereitet bist."
Price: 149.99 |
"Multidisciplinary Ideation/Brainstorming Mastery Course" |
"IMPORTANTNOTE:There is a new version of this course, join the new version searching for the course titled:""Create innovative ideas quickly using technology""Innovative ideas are quickly becoming the most valuable currency. Create new ideas quickly for any kind of professional or personal challenge, ideas that are more innovative, original and creative.Use the powerful tool T4I to simultaneously manage challenges and solutions, and to brainstorm new ideas in a multidisciplinary way.Combinemultiple disciplines and senses (visual, verbal, acoustic, emotional, etc), and the powerful Torch Innovation Methodology to exerciseyour entire potential.Train your creative muscles to keep them fit and ready to perform and generate useful ideas anytime.You will learn to accelerate the process of coming up with new solutions to all kinds of challenges, and to collaborate with others to innovate on projects, get feedback and manage the process to come up with new solutions.At the same time you will be better prepared to reduce stress and other side effects of too much analytical thinking, by reaching a better balance between your creative and your analytical muscles."
Price: 194.99 |
"Mobirise 4 - Crie um site responsivo em poucas horas" |
"O curso de Mobirise 4 para voc que sempre desejou ter um site para divulgar seutalento, suashabilidades artsticas, seus trabalhos e apresentaesuniversitriasou o seuprprionegcio, loja, comrcio e etc.Se voc no tem presena na internet atravs deum bom site, com certeza, voc est perdendo muitos clientes e dinheiro.Vamos criar juntos um site completo, do zero at o momento dele ser publicado na internet e poder seracessvel atodos, e em todos os meios, tanto celular, tablet e etc...A ferramenta que iremos usar completamente visual, onde no ser necessrio conhecimento em nenhuma linguagem de programao. Porm, caso voc tenha conhecimento em HTML, pode lhe ajudar a compreender melhoralguns conceito tericos."
Price: 84.99 |
"Bootstrap Studio - Criando Sites Responsivos" |
"Nesse curso os alunos estaro aprendendo a como desenvolver um web site no framework Bootstrap Studio passando pela;* Instalao e configurao do Bootstrap Studio*Configurao de pginas web* Criao de pginas web responsivas* Criao de pgina devendas de produtos com integrao do PagSeguro, Paypal,Moip e Mercado Pago.* Configurao de Layouts e CSS no Bootstrap Studio* Instalar e desinstalar componentes onlinedo Bootstrap Studio*Editar cdigo HTML no Sublime Text"
Price: 19.99 |
"Codez vos propres Jeux & Logiciels en Java avec JavaFX" |
"Programmer votre propre logiciel ou votre jeu vido vous fait envie ? Vous savez programmer en Java mais toujours pas comment faire une interface graphique ? Ou vous souhaitez connaitre une librairie graphique Java trs facile d'utilisation ? Ce cours est fait pour vous !JavaFX c'est une libraire intgre Java, et donc pas besoin d'installer quoi que ce soit. Cette technologie permet la ralisation d'interfaces graphiques, bref, des fentres. Et le tout trs facilement et en permettant une grande souplesse. De plus, la personnalisation des couleurs et des effets est trs facile.Vous pourrez avec JavaFX galement grer les contrlesutilisateur via le clavier ou la souris et raliser des animations trs complexes. Alors vous pourrez coder votre propre jeu par exemple, et mme un jeu en 3D !"
Price: 199.99 |
"Easy Italian to survive" |
"Have you ever found yourself wanting to learn italian but never actually do so? Start now! Youve heard its a difficult language? Dont believe everything that they tell you. Italian is easy and fun language. This is a practical, fast and easy course. With it, you will immediately be able to have a basic conversation.Youll start by discovering the main sentences that can use on various occasions; then, youll learn the grammar too. This way, youll be able to express yourself in Italian and meet new Italian friends. In this course, you will learn and repeat all the sentences with Marta; useful sheets will help you to better remember words and will explain several curiosities. Furthermore, youll have access to the free youtube channel where you can expand your knowledge. Are you ready? We are waiting for you!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Rapidly Build 12 iPhone/Android Augmented Reality (AR) Apps" |
"IMPORTANT: (1) There are several compatibility issues with Unity 2018, so, please download this version of Unity: 2017.2.0f3(2) The 3D models used in the course will eventually get updated/deleted at the Unity Asset store but there will always be new models to use, so, use your imagination and go wild!Augmented Reality is the futureAugmented reality (AR) is the real-time use of information in the form of 3D models, text, graphics, audio and other virtual enhancements integrated with real-world objects. It is this real world element that differentiates AR from virtual reality. AR integrates and adds value to the users interaction with the real world, versus a simulation. Augmented reality starts with a camera-equipped devicesuch as a smartphone, a tablet, or smart glassesloaded with AR software. When a user points the device and looks at an object, the software recognizes it through computer vision technology, which analyzes the video stream.Pioneering organizations, including GE, Mayo Clinic, and the U.S. Navy, are using AR to improve productivity, quality, and training. By combining the strengths of humans and machines, AR will dramatically increase value creation. Though still in its infancy, AR is poised to enter the mainstream; according to one estimate, spending on AR technology will hit $60 billion in 2020. What Will I Learn?Create 12 Next-Gen Augmented Reality Apps for iOS/Android Knowledge of Programming or coding is not required, a willingness to learn is all that is requiredAt the end of the course, you should be able to create an AR app in under 10min or even 5min!Create your own AR App business by learning how to build practical Augmented Reality Apps including AR Business cards (with multiple video players), Drag/Drop AR object Apps (E.g. Furniture), AR books, AR animated cut scenes, AR greeting cards, User Defined Target AR Apps (Markeless), AR jump scare horror Apps and many more! Learn how to use the latest stable versions of Unity (2017.2 with integrated Vuforia Editor) and Vuforia (6.5) for building out of this world AR Apps. High quality presentation with over 3 hours of HD video tutorials on key aspects related to Augmented Reality Applications. RequirementsA Windows or Mac PC/Laptop with internet (A MAC is required for building iPhone/iOS Apps) Android Smartphone or an iPhone (An iPhone is required for testing iPhone/iOS Apps)A willingness to become absolutely awesome Target AudienceIndividuals who are absolute beginners (Non-Coders) who prefer to spend time creating rather than writing code! Individuals who are interested in starting an AR App building business by learning how to make practical and popular AR apps. Professionals looking to expand their portfolio by offering services for production of Amazing AR Apps. Individuals who are keen to learn how to use the latest versions of Unity 3D (2017.2) and Vuforia (6.5) in order to create amazing Augmented Reality experiences with Visual/Sound FX and animated cut scenes. DescriptionIf you are a busy individual who wants to learn how to rapidly create next-Gen Augmented Reality Apps in the shortest period of time without having to learn coding, this is the perfect course for you!On Completion, you will go from being a Total Beginner To A Professional who can make money by building Augmented Reality Apps for clients.This course will provide you with the following comprehensive training:How to create commercially viable Apps which could be used to set up your own AR App building business. How to use the latest iteration of Unity (2017.2) to create several Next-Gen Augmented Reality Apps. How to use Vuforias AR capabilities to your advantage and push App creation to its creative limits. How to add touch gestures to youre the AR objects in your Apps; this will open up a myriad of creative possibilities as far as App creation is concerned. How to add various Visual Effects such as explosions, fog, snow, ocean water, fire, gunfire and more.How to add 3D text, sound effects and music to your AR Apps. How to build a story narrative by creating animated AR cut scenes. How to create user defined target Apps which does not require a pre-defined marker. List of Augmented Reality (AR) Apps You Will Create1. Drag and Drop AR AppWith this AR App, you can manipulate AR objects by using touch gestures; we will create an AR App which could be used to move, scale and rotate 3D furniture in your room.2. Augmented Reality Business CardAn interactive and dynamic AR business card with multiple video players (with pause button) which may be used to showcase your companys capabilities.3. User Defined Target - Markerless Augmented Reality AppThis App does not require a pre-defined marker to generate an AR object and the user is free to choose any target close to him/her. This provides a lot of flexibility and significantly improves the user-friendliness of your AR Apps.4. Augmented Reality BookLearn how to create AR books which come alive with animated characters, animals and objects. AR books are becoming extremely popular and it is great time to learn how to build them.5. Augmented Reality Minimalist Christmas CardWe will create a stylish and cool Minimalist AR Christmas card with animated snow, 3D text and music. After creating this AR card, you will be able to create virtually any type of AR greeting cards.6. Augmented Reality Animated Cut SceneYou will learn how to create a full-fledged cut scene with animated characters. This will enable you to create computer generated (CG) animations for computer games, advertising and films.7. Augmented Reality Horror AppThis App will create an amazing jump scare by animating a Nightbeast which attacks the users point of View camera. Although, this is just for fun, this App gives rise to various filmic and animation possibilities for a budding filmmaker.8. Multiple AR ObjectsYou will learn to create AR Apps with multiple objects being tracked at the same time. This creates a multitude of possibilities with respect to generating different kinds of commercial Apps.9. Animated Jet With Visual/Sound FX And Visible TerrainI will show how to create AR Apps with multiple objects being tracked at the same time. This creates a multitude of possibilities with respect to generating different kinds of commercial Apps.10. Animated AsteroidWe will create an animated asteroid that will hurtle towards the AR users point of view camera.11. Ship floating on waterWe will take advantage of various Particle Systems to create a realistic water effect and create an AR App comprised of a ship floating on an ocean.12. 10 min Challenge - Animated IguanaWe will conclude the course with a challenge try to create an AR App in under 10 minutes. Im confident that you will be able to create one in under 5 minutes!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende rabe #1 El Alfabeto" |
"No necesitan conocimientos previos! Este curso es para principiantes, iniciamos desde cero. Y aun as te prometo que si estudias como lo describe el programa; en menos de un mes a partir de ahora y podras ser capaz de leer y entender esto: Qu te parece? Te gustaria? Inscribete ahora a este primer curso de rabe introductorio donde aprendemos el alfabeto rabe con la correcta pronunciacin de cada letra.Como un PLUS tambin vamos a aprender palabras nuevas en cada leccin en vdeo y a avanzar poco a poco, de forma que al finalizar el curso cada letra haya quedado bien grabada en nuestra memoria. Paciencia, perseverancia y entusiasmo es lo nico que se necesita para tener xito en este curso. Es rpido y sencillo, siempre y cuando se estudie todos los das! Con optimismo y entusiasmo.El rabe NO es un idioma difcil y aqu lo vamos a comprobar todos juntos que si se puede APRENDER RABE MENOS DE UN MES. Inscribete HOY mismo!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende Arabe HOY" |
"Aprender rabe en menos de un mes es posible! Comprubalo!No necesitan conocimientos previos! Este curso es para principiantes, iniciamos desde cero. Y aun as te prometo que si estudias como lo describe el programa; en menos de un mes a partir de ahora y podras ser capaz de leer y entender esto: Inscribete HOY mismo!!Paciencia, perseverancia y entusiasmo es lo nico que se necesita para tener xito en este curso. Es rpido y sencillo, siempre y cuando se estudie todos los das! Con optimismo y entusiasmo.El rabe NO es un idioma difcil y aqu lo vamos a comprobar todos juntos que: si se puede APRENDER RABE MENOS DE UN MES. Como un PLUS tambin vamos a aprender palabras nuevas en cada leccin en vdeo y a avanzar poco a poco, de forma que al finalizar el curso cada letra haya quedado bien grabada en nuestra memoria. Al terminar este curso el estudiante ser capaz leer y escribir en idioma rabe con fluidez bsica.Estudiantes musulmanes podran leer el Qur'an en su idioma original y recitar de forma correcta."
Price: 199.99 |
"Clinical Research for beginners" |
"Welcome to this course on Clincal Research Methodology. I have designed this course so that even beginners can learn how to do reserch in a methodical way and publish impactful papers. You will come across examples from real research topics invarious modules to grasp the subject better. I recommend that you try the ""Practice test"" before starting the lectures and take the test again after finishing the course to know how much you have imbibed from the lecturesIn the Overview module, we will learn the advantages of doing good scientific research and publications and you will see glimpses of my journey from being a medicalstudent tocoming of age as a researcher. I believe that If I could do it, then so can you.In the module on Literature review, we will go through how to utilize and customize PubMed in the best possible manner for your individual requirements, how to get fresh ideas for research topics and nuances of study designs.In the Biostatistics module, we will build up concepts from the very basics such as ""What is a variable"" till basic understanding of advanced statistics. You will get exposed to topics like ""How to make an effective Excel sheet"" and ""How to communicate with a biostatistician""Manuscript writing can be daunting. In the module on Manuscript writing, you will learn to use some templates that will simplify your job and make the writing process enjoyable.Each 10-minute lectureis packed with information in a very lucid manner enabling you to grasp concepts while enjoying the learning process. Learn on the go and access lectures on your device anytime anywhere. Lectures feature myself on screen speaking with you directly as well as intermittent slides to enhance the learning experience. It willfeel like a LIVE one - on - one lecture.Ihope that this will be a fruitful and exciting learning experience for you and Ilook forward to having you here.At the end,you will be able to design studies including randomizedclinical trials, do a good literature search, understand relavant biostatistics and write meaningful manuscripts that can be published in high impact journals. Additionally, you will also be able to interpret the merits of published literature and apply knowledge to improve patient care."
Price: 149.99 |
"How to Start and Grow Your Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse on How to Start and Grow Your Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existing entrepreneurs seeking practical advice on how to start and grow a new business venture.By the end of the course, you will be able to think as an entrepreneur, generate and validate a new business idea, organize yourself properly and benefit from5 practical methods on developing your business.Course starts by looking at what you should know before you start a new business venture. Then, we walk through the process of generating and validating a business idea. Wecontinue by looking at how to get your priorities right as well as how to manage time and stress.We complete the course by presenting 5 growth strategies that are great for accelerating businesses that are already in motion.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing entrepreneur that wants to start a new business, launch a new product or service, grow an existing business, or evena full-time employee looking to start a business career.There are no requirements necessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Start a Business as a Young Entrepreneur Under 22" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start aBusiness as a Young Entrepreneur Under 22 Years Old.This course isdesignedfor young entrepreneurs looking to start a newbusiness career.By the end of the course, you will:-be able to understand entrepreneurship,-grasp 4 ideal business options for young entrepreneurs, you will benefit from more than 30 online resources available for young entrepreneurs,-get practical advice on how to write a business plan,- learnhow to register andfinanceyour business, and- understandhow to get additional advice either locally or online through mentors or online resources.Course starts by providing an overview of what are the fundamentals for success for successful entrepreneurs. Then, we walk through thebusiness options that are ideal for young entrepreneursincluding online business, home based business, freelance work and franchising. Course continues by providing practical tips on what should be included in the business plan, how to finance and how to register legally your business. At the end, we look at practical advice on how to get a local mentor and anonline mentor as well as how to access valuable online resources available for young entrepreneurs that are provided in this course.The ideal student for this course is ayoung entrepreneurlooking to start anewbusiness career,full-time employee or full-timestudent looking to create their first business. Course is also relevant for anynew or existing entrepreneurthat wants to start anew business, launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee looking to make a career move from a full-time job to being their own boss.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready to take some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates provided for preparation of Business Planand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. He has coached more than 200 startups and has trained more than 10,000 people including top level executives, managers and business owners. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Start and Grow a Family Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start and Grow a Family Business.This course isdesignedfornew or existingentrepreneurslooking to start anew familybusiness or are currentlyinvolvedin a family business.By the end of the course, you will:- learn how to organize better a family business,-grasp the issues involved with Governance and Ownership of a Family Business,-get practical advice on how to manage shareholder arrangements,- learn practical tips to improve communication in a family business,- get advise on how to manage conflicts,- receive suggestions on how to celebrate success,- understand the importance of managing kids effectivelyin a family business,- learn how to handle a family crisis.Course starts by providing an overview on how to organize a family business by setting expectations and defining roles as well as differentiating between business and family life. Then, we walk through the Governance and Ownership issues including how to set business controls and how to manage shareholder arrangements. Course continues by providing practical tips for success in a family business including effective communications, managing conflicts and celebration of success. Course is completed by providing suggestions on overcoming challenges including managing kids and handling family crisis.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurlooking to start or growafamilybusiness. Also, this course is great for others who are currently involved in a family business or looking to setup a familybusiness.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies. He has worked in family businesses of various kinds and has coached many others.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Start and Grow a Consulting Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start and Grow a Consulting Business.This course isdesignedfornew or existingconsultantslooking to get practical advice on howto start and grow a consultingbusiness.By the end of the course, you will:- understand better the consulting business,- learn the strategic approach to consulting,- improve your knowledge for marketing consulting services,- learn from practical tips on how to start and grow a consulting business.Course starts by providing an overview of the consulting business, presenting the strategic approach to consulting and practical methods to market the consulting services. Course continues by presenting 10 practical tips on how to start a consulting business. Course is completed by providing 10 practical tips on how to grow a consulting business.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing consultantlooking to start a newconsultingbusinessor looking to provide a new consulting service. Also, this course is great for full-time employees or full-time consultants looking to start their first consulting business.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies including a consulting company. He has worked in delivering consulting services to more than 200 client organizations in many areas. In addition, hehas trained more than10,000 peopleincluding top level executives, managers and business owners. Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Start and Grow a Digital Marketing Agency" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Start and Grow a Digital Marketing Agency.This course isdesignedfornew or existing marketing professionalslooking to start anew digital marketing agency.By the end of the course, you will:- How digital marketing agency works,- What kind of services are provided by a digital marketing agency,- How agencies work with their clients,- Learn 20 practical steps on how to establish a digital marketing agency within a month,- Learn 20 practical tips on how to grow an already created digital marketing agency.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing digital marketing professionallooking to start or growa digital marketing agency. Also, this course is great for full time students or full time employees looking to start their business career with their own digital marketing agency.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies. He has manageddigital marketing projects in the past 5 years for various client organizations.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"Financing Options for Small Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onFinancing Options for Small Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking financing to start or grow their small business or startup.By the end of the course, you will:- Learn how to determine your financing needs,- Learn how to estimate startup costs,- Understand the difference between debt and equity financing,- Understand the difference between short-term and long-term financing,- Learn different financing options available for startups and small businesses,- Learn aboutLoans, micro-loans and credit cards, as a form of debt financing,- Learn aboutGrants, as a form of debt financing,- Learn aboutVenture Capital, as a form of equity financing,- Learn aboutAngel Investors, as a form of equity financing,- Learn aboutCrowdfunding,- Learn aboutOnline loans, as a form of debt financing, and- Learn aboutFamily and friends, as a form of equity or debtfinancing.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat is looking for financing for their small business or startup, or an individual looking to launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee or student looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.Check out the course description and we look forward to seeing you enroll in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Find and Attract Investors for Your Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Find and Attract Investors for Your Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking financing to start or grow their small business or startup.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the outside financing world,- Graspthe challenge of financing your business,- Learnhow to estimate your financing needs,- Understandthe difference between debt and equity financing,- Understand how investors think andwhat kind of investors are out there,- Improve your skills onhow to find investorsand how to convince them to invest in your business,- Will learn the investment process, how long it takes andwhat are the investor expectations,- Benefit fromthe7 types of online resources where to find investors,- Receive suggestions aboutparticipation on local networking events in your city.The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat is looking for financing for their small business or startup, or an individual looking to launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee or student looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.Check out the course description and we look forward to seeing you enroll in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Write a Business Plan" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Write a Business Plan. This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice on how to write abusiness plan. By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Business Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Business Plan,- Learnwhy you need to write one for your business,- Know what are the 6 main components of the business plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each maincomponent of a Business Planincluding Executive Summary, Company Description, Marketing Analysis, Description of Products and Services, Marketing and Sales, and Financial Projections.- Benefit from10 online resources and templates to help you write a business plan in a week,The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat wants to write a business plan, to start anew business, launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students.---------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Testimonials: ""I learned concrete knowledge on how to create a business plan, this course was a great equalizer it helped me realize the importance of this whole idea, i didnt know writing a plan before you start up something is that critical and that it can decisively affect your level of success.. I recommend this course to any one who wants to pursue business seriously."" - Kyle J. Green ""Great course with very practical knowledge to get promising results. Highly Recommended."" - Harish ""A short course. But to a point. I just listened to it and I think it gave me the insight I needed to start with. Obviously, I cannot compare it with other courses, since I haven't tried them, so I do no regret paying for this course."" - Marin Ruzicka ""Although the teacher is not a native English speaker, the narrative is perfectly understandable, especially clear and formal, (something I like). These facts are good reminders that the real-life business environment in which you are to coexist are not homogeneous, but diverse. And there is always something new to learn with diversity. The presentation is divided into well-defined points with clear and concise descriptions. It is a course that certainly is a good vade-mecum to keep you focused on the task of creating your new business, (and future, start-ups if needed,) and for evolving it to new conditions it will have to operate, such as growth and expansions. A good tool and reference."" - Nelson Semino"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Write a Marketing Plan" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Write a MarketingPlan.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice on how to write a marketingplan.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what is a Marketing Plan,- Know how to prepare yourself to write a Marketing Plan,- Know what is the purpose of a Marketing Plan,- Learnwhy you need to write one for your business,- Know what are the 5main components of the marketing plan,- Learn practical skills on how to write each maincomponent of a Marketing Planincluding Situation Analysis, Marketing Objectives, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Activities and Marketing Budget.- Benefit from10 online resources and templates to help you write a marketingplan in a week,The ideal student for this course is anew or existing entrepreneurthat wants to write a marketing plan, to start anew business, launch anew product or service, grow anexisting business, or evena full-time employee looking to start abusiness career.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Gain Competitive Advantage for Your Startup" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Gain Competitive Advantage for Your Startup.This course isdesignedforstartup foundersand others who seekpractical adviceon how to improve yourcustomer service efforts.By the end of the course, you will:- Learn how to build a strong brand,- Learn how to analyze the competition,- Improve your skills for analyzing the customers,- Improve your strategic approach to competitive advantage,- Identify and learn how to implementstrategies for gaining competitive advantage,- Benefit from practical tips for Startups on how to gain competitive advantage,- Understand what are the competitive advantages of Startups in the marketplace.The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants toimprove competitiveefforts of their startup. Also,newentrepreneurs and marketing studentscan benefit from this course.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"Social Media Marketing for Startups" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onSocial Media Marketing for Startups.This course isdesignedforstartup foundersand others who seekpractical adviceon how to improve yoursocial media marketingefforts.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the benefits of using social media for your startup,- Understand the advantages of different platforms including Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest,- Be able to determine in which platforms to build your presence,- Learn how to prepare and implement a social media marketing plan,- Benefit from practical tips on how implement social media campaigns that bring you results and achieve your marketing objectives,- Receiveadvice and online templates for preparing and implementing a social media marketing plan,The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants to improve social media marketing efforts of their startup. Also, new entrepreneurs and marketing students can benefit from this course.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"Effective Customer Service for Startups" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onEffective Customer Service for Startups.This course isdesignedfor startup founders and others who seek practical advice on how to improve your customer service efforts.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand what iscustomer service,- Learn best practices of customer service,- Understand thebenefits of good customer service,- Learn how to improve different aspects of customer service,- Improve your knowledge on customer service aspects offirst impressions, effective communication, relationship building and dealing with customer complaints,- Benefit frompractical tips on how to train employees, build social media presences and establish loyalty programs.The ideal student for this course is astartup founderthat wants to improve customer service efforts of their startup. Also, new entrepreneurs and marketing students can benefit from this course.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Buy an Existing Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Buy an Existing Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice on how to buy an existing business.By the end of the course, you will:- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business,- Learn about the decision making process of buying a business,- Know how to determine the value of the business,- Learn about Due Diligence,- Understand the steps involved in buying a business,- Learn about closing and transitioning phases of the process ofbuying a business.The ideal student for this course is a business professionalwho isseekingpractical advice on how to buy an existing business.Also, this course is good for any other people interested in buying an existing business.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Sell Your Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Sell YourBusiness.This course isdesignedfor new or existingentrepreneursseeking practical advice onhow to sell their business.By the end of the course, you will:- Determine your readiness to sell your business,- Learn how to determine the value of your business,- Know how to prepare for the sale of your business,- Understand how to find the right buyer,- Improve your skills on negotiating the sale of your business,- Learn how to prepare a sales agreement,- Learn what is required to ensure a successful transition.The ideal student for this course is abusiness professionalwho isseekingpractical advice onhow to sell their business.Also, this course is good for any other people interested inselling theirbusiness.There areno technicalrequirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Design with Low Poly in Illustrator" |
"Welcome to How to Design with Low Poly in Illustrator course, where you will learn how to turn any image into a low poly illustration.The low poly look has it's roots in 3D animationand games, and has become very popular in illustration.My name is Ergon and I'll be leading you through the course. Ihave more than 25years of experience in design and illustration, working with clients and creating my own products.I've designed this course for anyone wishing to learn how to create low poly illustrations. By the end of the course you'll be able to create your own low poly designs.I'll be teachinghow to pickthe rightimage for low poly design, create the low poly structure, and color it. We'll end by creating a background and shadows for added realism. I will show the process step by step in detailand ina veryefficient way. You'll be able tofollow the process easily andlearn rapidly without wasting valuable time.The ideal student for this course is someone interested in illustration and design,with basic knowledge in Adobe Illustrator. There are no otherrequirements to enroll. Ionly ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.Feel free to look through the course description and preview videos, and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 19.99 |