"Ultimate Audio Compression Guide" |
"Over the years, we found that compression is one of the most difficult things to learn when it comes to mixing. This is why we finally took the lead and partnered with Bob Horn, one of the most loved engineers by the Pro Studio Live audience and developed this Ultimate Guide on Compression. Learn from the hands of a professional engineer who is already mixing for some of the biggest records you hear out there. After watching this class you will be able to understand and master compression like never before. Bob will not only explain what the controls are and how to use them, but you will develop your skills on What to Hear and How, so you can start applying these techniques to your mixes right away."
Price: 94.99 |
"Mixing Heavy Rock" |
"Music Producer and engineer Aidan will show you all the steps to get a Heavy Rock mix to a final mix stage. Check out many before and after comparisons with and without plugins, that way you can understand not only how but why he did those moves to achieve a great sound.In this Episode:-See how Aidan configures his Mixing template-Aidan processing chain to achieve a great sound for: Drums, Bass, Guitars, and Vocals- How he virtually gets rid of any bleed that is happening on the drum mics.- A wide variety of Plug-ins he chooses to use to achieve such a great sounding mix- How and why he sets up and organizes his Stereo Master Busses- Shows some of his favorite Plug-in choices, and why he thinks you dont have to spend hundreds of Dollars to find good plug-ins"
Price: 44.99 |
"Jazz Ensemble with Vocalist" |
"In this class, Mario is going to guide you through the essential knowledge that is more particular to mixing Jazz, and why this genre requieres a distinct approach. Mario is a session trumpet player and audio engineer with a great deal of experience working these genres, and he will guide you so you can truly understand the concepts behind the WHY, and not just the HOW. The musical style of a Jazz ensemble requires a delicate process and a particular taste, which has to be approached under a mindset far different from that of someone who is mixing Rock or Pop records. Watch this tutorial and gain the necessary abilities to mix in this genre, understand the best situations in terms of panning and balance between wind instruments that form part of the band. You can then download the multitrack files and create your own mix by applying the concepts already shown, fueling your creativity and professionalism.In this video you will watch:- 1 General overview of the session- 2 Processing on the Piano- 3 Processing on the main vocals- 4 Kick- 5 Snare- 6 Overheads and Toms- 7 Bass- 8 Brass (Balance and processing the entire ensemble of instruments that pertain to Brass)- 9 Reverbs (Discover how to use different types of reverb to add tall and wide spaces.)- 10 Automation (How to work with the entire session to create a cohesive end result)"
Price: 29.99 |
"Bitcoin: Special Wallets and other tricks!" |
"So you think you know bitcoin eh? Well, maybe not these tricks!From vanity addresses (address that have your name in them)to brain wallets, its there. Knowing these trickswill help you keep your bitcoin safe. These tricks can be used on other cryptocurrencies as well. So apply these tricks to litecoin, dogecoin, whatever else coin you can think of."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Start a Corporate Video Production Business" |
"In this course, you will learn the business skills to start andrun a profitable corporate video production business, either as a full-time business or a part-time venture. This is an entrepreneurship course designed specifically for corporate videography business.I will walk you through the business start-up process, including the basic services you need for your business. You will learn about online and offline marketing methods that actually work. I will point you to the money by identifying the types of video which companies frequently need, and why so. You will learn how to establish your credibility, sell your services, know where and how to get customers, how to contact them to explore opportunities, what to prepare for a client meeting, how to lead a discussion to build your creative brief, how to handle questions and objections, draft a contract, price your fee, scale up your business, and more. As your mentor, my goal is to get you up to speed quickly - from zero to hero. I want to help you make good money and avoid making mistakes. I've packed the knowledgeyou needin a clear and concise course. You will pick up nuggets of wisdom along the way. Get ready to learn the trade!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Curso Especialista en Neuromarketing" |
"Cmo toman decisiones los consumidores? A qu hacemos caso, y cmo nuestras respuestas iniciales predicen nuestras decisiones finales? Hasta qu punto son estos procesos inconscientes? Este taller le proporcionar una introduccin a algunos de los mtodos ms bsicos en los campos emergentes de la neurociencia del consumidor y el neuromarketing.Objetivo generalAprender de un modo prctico qu es el neuromarketing y cmo construir estrategias comerciales ganadoras que acerquen a los clientes a su negocio.Objetivos especficosConocer y entender qu es el neuromarketing.Conocer modernas tcnicas de comunicacin corporativa: neuromarketing, marketing sensorial, psicomarketing.Algunos de los temas tratados en este curso: Qu es Neuromarketing. El por qu de las cosas. Cmo funciona el cerebro. Tres niveles cerebrales. Las emociones en la toma de decisiones. El crculo de oro. Los colores, los olores y los sonidos. El 95% de nuestras decisiones. Creando fidelidad del consumidor. Apelando a las emociones. Apelando a los sentimientos. Neuromarketing en la web. Aplicando Neuromarketing a mi estrategia de marketing digital. Lenguaje no verbal. El comportamiento humano. Aplicaciones del neuromarketing."
Price: 74.99 |
"La mthode ultime pour perdre du poids en 12 semaines" |
"Cette formation de coaching minceur va vous permettre de perdre du poids naturellement sans rgime, ce programme est bas sur 12 semaines, avec diffrents modules abordant des sujets simples et complets, concernant la nutrition, le bien-tre, la cuisine, le sport. l'issue de ce programme vous aurez toutes les cls en mains pour changer vos habitudes alimentaires, amliorer votre sant et retrouver la forme."
Price: 194.99 |
Kraftdreikampf |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die 3 Wettkampfdisziplinen des Kraftdreikampfs:KniebeugeBankdrckenKreuzhebenAuerdem erhltst du bungen, um deine Mobilitt in den Bewegungen zu erhhen.Zustzlich erhltst du Trainingsplne, mit denen du strker wirst.Da es sich bei diesem Kurs nur um die Entwicklung der Kraft und nicht der Optik handelt, werden keine Tipps zu Ernhrung und Bodybuilding gegeben. Allerdings sind Kurse, die diese Bereiche abdecken, geplant."
Price: 49.99 |
JavaSE8 |
"Java8Java8Java Programmer SE 8 Java8JavaJava8Java8Java8Java8Java8Java8Java8SE8"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Amazon Affiliates Mastermind: Build Authority Sites" |
"Hi, this is Akshay Hallur. I'm a professional blogger and a digital marketer from 2012. If you are in the blogging industry for quite a while, you certainly know that Amazon affiliates is the best way to earn passive money online, even better than Google Adwords.In this course I'll guide you with some of the proven strategies that I've implemented on my sites to get quality content, boost rankings, and also maximizing the sales I get out of my traffic. This source will be a one-stop destination for all your Amazon affiliate site needs.This course covers intermediate to expert levels of content. I won't really suggest this course if you are a beginner with no knowledge of how domain andhosting works. You also need to have a basicWordPress and SEO knowledge to make the most of this course.Important of all, you need to be ready to implement the strategies I present you in this course."
Price: 39.99 |
"About bitcoins" |
"In this course you will know everything about bitcoin. What is bitcoin, What is bitcoin transaction, How long does it take to conform the bitcoin transaction, What is bitcoin mining pool, Important facts about bitcoin etc...This video is divided into three parts, each part consists of valuable information about bitcoin.After watching this video you will be able to answer all the question about bitcoin."
Price: 4160.00 |
"Complete Russian Language course for Beginners A1" |
"Want to go from no previous Russian knowledge - overwhelmed and confused about where to even start - to speaking Russian on anadvanced level, able to seamlessly form complex sentences with great confidence?You wouldnt be reading this otherwise. Heres the great newsYou have just stumbled upon the most complete, in-depth beginner to advanced Russian Language course online. These comprehensive lectures cover everything you will ever need.Whether you want to:- start speaking Russian- prepare yourself for a trip to Russia- expand your set of useful skills- become a polyglot- do business with Russians... this complete Russian Language Course is exactly what you need, and more.(You'll even get a Certificate of Completion to add to your arsenal).See what your fellow students have to say:I like that the course has a lot of examples, which are applicable in real life. This is very importantbecause after language course, you can use your Russian inpractice, so that's why I love Siaso Russian Courses :) Definitely recommend it to everyone, who needs practical Russian. - Benedetta Trinco, Ljubljana, SloveniaRelevant and clear explanation, a lot of good practical examples. I think it is really good. Looking forward to the continuation :) - John Smith,Edinburgh, UKEach lecture is well explained and at the same time Alina managed to keep it fun and chilled :) Nicely done! - MaxBauer, Stuttgart, GermanyWhyis this course so great? It covers everything you to need to speak Russian in no time:Russian AlphabetHow to introduce yourselfRussian ethics & traditionsOften used Russian phrasesNumbers&TimeDays, Months &SeasonsFamily & ProfessionsCountries, Capitals & LanguagesColorsLOTSOFUSEFULNOUNS,VERBS & ADJECTIVESRussian CuisineHobbies & SportRussian CasesTransportHow to survive at theairport & in thehotelGo frombasic to complex conversationsThis Russian languagecourse includes:45 lectures45 grammar summaries45 exercises4.5 hours of video contentcertificate of completionlife-time accessStart learning today and let's speak in Russian."
Price: 199.99 |
"Master en Excel-De novato a profesional" |
"Pequeas lecciones en video en HD, ejemplos de cada caso y su solucin. Iremos avanzando poco a poco en todas las opciones que el Excel nos ofrece.Este curso es para ti si ests trabajando y quieres mejorar tu nivel, eres estudiante y quieres estar preparado para resolver cualquier duda o si quieresempezar a usar este maravilloso programa.Todas las lecciones con ejemplos resueltos y tareas para que vayas comprobando tu avance, cualquier duda estar encantado de resolverla.OPINIONES REALESDEALUMNOS:""La forma de ensear el contenido es muy interesante: Cada tema cuenta con unos videos cortos donde el profesor ensea el uso de Excel y se propone una actividad prctica de unos 5 - 10 minutos, donde tras acabarla vers el vdeo de la solucin del profesor. Adems hay un cuestionario corto terico sobre lo aprendido en el tema. Muy recomendado!!!"" Yone Moreno Jimenez""Todo muy claro y detallado"" Paloma Redonnet""Muy bien explicado y con todo detalle. Obviando la parte de programacin VBA, que es introductoria, del resto explica hasta la ltima de las funciones del programa y sus frmulas/aplicaciones ms usadas en el mundo laboral. Adems, no da nada por supuesto y an as se hace ameno, rpido y entretenido. Es ideal para usuarios principiantes/intermedios, en especial por cmo est organizada la progresin del curso, gracias a ello puedes ir formando una base suficientemente slida sin perderte y asimilando bien los conceptos. Estara bien un curso ms avanzado de VBA, si sale lo pagar sin duda. Un saludo."" Alex Alex"
Price: 19.99 |
"Pardot Specialist Certification Practice Tests" |
"In this test course, I willprepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Pardot Specialist Certification Exam. With 2 practice exams, both timed at 90 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test.I have followed the official Pardot Exam Guide from Salesforce, along with theknowledge areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual Pardot Specialist Certification Exam with confidence.Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This is the only Salesforce Pardot Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback. Don't be fooled by non-certifiedinstructors who are simply copying exam dumps they have found online and passing them off as their work.You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. I also provide links for additional study and reference.Iupdate this course to stay current with the latest release of Pardot."
Price: 34.99 |
"Pardot Consultant Certification Practice Tests" |
"In this test course, I willprepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Pardot Consultant Certification Exam. With 2 practice exams, both timed at 90 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test.I have followed the official Pardot Exam Guide from Salesforce, along with theknowledge areas and corresponding weighting for each, so you can approach the actual Pardot Consultant Certification Exam with confidence.Improve your odds of passing with the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees by enrolling in this course today. You will receive your total final score, along with Section Level Feedback, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This is the only Salesforce Pardot Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback. Don't be fooled by non-certifiedinstructors who are simply copying exam dumps they have found online and passing them off as their work.You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. I also provide links for additional study and reference.Iupdate this course to stay current with the latest release of Pardot."
Price: 39.99 |
"Beginner's Guide to Gardening with a Raised Bed Garden" |
"This course covers allaspects of building and growing abeautiful,productiveraised bed garden. Designed for beginners curious about gardening, this course also has insights that a seasoned gardener would appreciate. There is a thoroughwalk through of constructing ademonstration raised bed, and how best to adapt it to suit yourpreferences.The raised bed is designed to be built with minimal materials, lowcost(less than $10USD), andbasicequipment. No special vehicles orpower tools are required to procure and work with the materials.The course also goes through maintaining a raised bed garden with modules on planting, watering, and so forth. Total video runtime is 30 minutes.One of the keylearning outcomes for this course is to have youtake away a core set of foundational horticultural and light carpentry concepts that can be adapted and scaled to yourparticular context. Because of the many benefits a raised bed garden can bring about, our hope is that you're inspired and encouragedtostarta raised bed garden of your own. Music provided by bensound."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Achieve FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early" |
"This life-changing course will help jumpstart your journey to financial independence and retiring early. It covers three main topics: maintaining a monthly budget, getting out of debt (including paying off a mortgage early), and investing for the future. We've taken the key concepts of personal finance and presented them in a fun and easy-to-follow manner. We know that your time is limited, so we've made this course possible to consume in a lunch hour. This course is accessible to anybody regardless of age, background, or financial state. Whether you're new to personal finances or a veteran, we're sure you'll learn something practical and valuable. Why are we so confident? Because we ourselves retired from our fast-paced careers in management consulting before the age of 40 by using the principals in this course. The path to a debt free life, financial independence, and early retirement is just a step away. We hope you join us by enrolling in this course. (Music from bensound)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel 2016 para Mac - Completo" |
"Com este curso voc aprender a trabalhar de forma produtiva explorando ao mximo os recursos disponveis na verso 2016 do Excel para Mac. Vocque ama os computadores da Apple descobrir as inmeras possibilidades que o novo Excel 2016para Mac oferece, com interface muito mais moderna e amigvel, e agora comsuporte ao idioma portugus.Somos a PRIMEIRA eNICA empresa no Brasil a oferecer o curso de Excel para Mac, tanto presencial quanto ONLINE!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Working Effectively From Home" |
"Having the abilityto work from home comes withmany benefits, namely flexibility, independence, and comfort,but with these benefitsalso come a few difficulties. There are numerouschallenges unique to working from a home office that can make successfullynavigating this work set-up a struggle. How do you get started? How do you create your own structure from thin air? How do you prevent burnout from all the responsibility?This courseanswers all these questions and more. Itprovides concrete tools and insight to allow at home workers of any experience level to set themselves up for success and improve daily functioning and output. By taking this courseyou will walk away with a working knowledge of how to make working from home work for you.You will learn:How to set healthy work/life boundariesHow to schedule your workdayHow to create and organize your home office or workspaceHow to navigate distractions in the homeHow to increase yourproductivity and workefficiencyTools forprioritizing and goal settingWays to maintain motivation while working from homeThe importance of self-care as related to working from homeIf being an efficient, productive, healthy, and effective home worker is your goal, now is the time to enroll."
Price: 34.99 |
"How to Find and Develop a Great Business Idea" |
"Are you looking for a business idea? This is the perfect course for you!This course will teach you how to find the best business idea for you and build a solid foundation for your successful business.From coming up with your business idea to differentiating your business and naming it, this course includes everything you need to nail down the first critical steps of starting a business.Here is what this course will teach you:- The step-by-step process to select the best business idea for you- 300 proven and practical business ideas you can start- How to come up with an endless stream of business ideas-How to validate your business idea without spending money- How to find your ideal target market- How to differentiate your business from the competition- How to develop a unique selling proposition for your business- How to come up with the perfect name for your business"
Price: 149.99 |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles con iOS y Firebase 1" |
"En ste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones para iOS de forma nativa con Swift 4 y Firebase desde cero! (Incluso si no sabes ningn lenguaje de programacin!)El curso completo est compuesto por 3 partes, de la cual, sta es la primera de ellas y en la cual aprenderemos:Un poco de historia de iOS y SwiftXCode 9Preparacin del ambientepara el desarrolloSwift 4Principios bsicos de programacin en Swift(tipos de datos, comentarios, etc.)Strings y caracteresOpcionalesColeccionesControl de flujo (ciclos, condicionales, etc.)Funciones y closuresClases, estructuras, propiedades, mtodos y constructores.Herencia y extensionesInterfaces de usuarioStoryboardsUIView's, UIColor y IBOutletsNavigation Controller'sVistas modalesUILabel'sTodo esto explicado de una manera sencilla y en tu propio idioma!NOS VEMOS EN CLASE!"
Price: 1170.00 |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase 2" |
"En ste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones web Movile first con MEAN Stack y Firebase desde cero! (Incluso si no sabes ningn lenguaje de programacin!)El desarrollo de aplicaciones Web involucra la configuracin y desarrollo del backend (todos los elementos del lado del servidor) y el desarrollo del frontend (todos los elementos del lado del cliente). En este segundo curso de la serie de tres: Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase, veremos el lado del servidor.El desarrollo de aplicaciones Web involucra la configuracin y desarrollo del backend (todos los elementos del lado del servidor) y el desarrollo del frontend (todos los elementos del lado del cliente). En este curso de una serie de tres de Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase, veremos el lado del cliente.El curso completo est compuesto por 3 partes, de las cuales, sta es la primera de ellas. El curso completo incluye todo lo necesario para desarrollar y publicar tus proyectos, desde la instalacin, los conceptos y lo que debes hacer para contar con una infraestructura pblica, segura y elstica (la cual tiene una capa gratuita, muy amplia!):Introduccin al Stack de desarrollo: Angular 4, Node + Espress, Firebase, Firestore.Angular 4: Instalacin, configuracin, TypeScript, Directivas, Mltiples componentes y Hooks, Servicios, MaterialAngular, Servicios, Routing, InMemory, HTTP, LocalStorage y SessionStorage.Node + Espress: Instalacin, configuracin, Creacin API (get y post), Consumo de API - Postman.Firebase: Base de datos en tiempo real, storage, hosting y Firestore.Durante todo el curso hay ejercicios, tareas y lecturas complementarias que te sern muy tiles.Todo esto explicado de una manera sencilla y en tu propio idioma!NOS VEMOS EN CLASE!"
Price: 1020.00 |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles con iOS y Firebase 2" |
"En ste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones para iOS de forma nativa con Swift 4 y Firebase desde cero! (Incluso si no sabes ningn lenguaje de programacin!)El curso completo est compuesto por 3 partes, de la cual, sta es laSEGUNDAde ellas y en la cual aprenderemos:Interfaces de usuarioUIButton's y IBAction'sUITextField'sUIImageView'sPersonalizacin de componentesAutolayout y animaciones sencillasUIScrollView'sCreacin y uso de protocolos y delegadosUITableView's - Celdas predefinidas, celdas personalizadas, DataSource's y delegados de tablas.Alertas - Alert's, ActionSheet's y alerts con campos de texto.Todo esto explicado de una manera sencilla y en tu propio idioma!NOS VEMOS EN CLASE!"
Price: 1170.00 |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles con iOS y Firebase 3" |
"En ste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones para iOS de forma nativa con Swift 4 y Firebase desde cero! (Incluso si no sabes ningn lenguaje de programacin!)El curso completo est compuesto por 3 partes, de la cual, sta es laTercerade ellas y en la cual aprenderemos:CocoaPodsAprenderemos sobre esta poderosa herramienta para la administracin de dependencias en Swift y agregaremos algunas de las libreras mas utilizadas a nuestro proyecto.Acceso a cmara y librera multimediaAccederemos a la cmara para tomar fotografas o las importaremos desde la librera para usarlas en nuestras apps.MapKitAgregaremos mapas a nuestras aplicaciones y les aadiremos anotaciones sobre puntos de inters ademas de solicitar la ubicacin actual del usuario.FirebaseAutenticacin con email/password y FacebookFirebase StorageFirestoreNotificaciones y distribucin de aplicaciones beta y AppStoreTodo esto explicado de una manera sencilla y en tu propio idioma!NOS VEMOS EN CLASE!"
Price: 1170.00 |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase 1" |
"En ste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones web Movile first con MEAN Stack y Firebase desde cero! (Incluso si no sabes ningn lenguaje de programacin!)El desarrollo de aplicaciones Web involucra la configuracin y desarrollo del backend (todos los elementos del lado del servidor) y el desarrollo del frontend (todos los elementos del lado del cliente). En este curso de la serie Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase, veremos el lado delcliente.El desarrollo de aplicaciones Web involucra la configuracin y desarrollo del backend (todos los elementos del lado del servidor) y el desarrollo del frontend (todos los elementos del lado del cliente). En este curso de una serie de tres de Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase, veremos el lado del cliente.El curso completo est compuesto por 3 partes, de las cuales, sta es la primera de ellas. El curso completo incluye todo lo necesario para desarrollar y publicar tus proyectos, desde la instalacin, los conceptos y lo que debes hacer para contar con una infraestructura pblica, segura y elstica (la cual tiene una capa gratuita, muy amplia):Introduccin al Stack de desarrollo: Angular 4, Node + Espress, Firebase, Firestore.Angular 4: Instalacin, configuracin, TypeScript, Directivas, Mltiples componentes y Hooks, Servicios, MaterialAngular, Servicios, Routing, InMemory, HTTP, LocalStorage y SessionStorage.Node + Espress: Instalacin, configuracin, Creacin API (get y post), Consumo de API - Postman.Firebase: Base de datos en tiempo real, storage, hosting y Firestore.Durante todo el curso hay ejercicios, tareas y lecturas complementarias que te sern muy tiles.Todo esto explicado de una manera sencilla y en tu propio idioma!NOS VEMOS EN CLASE!"
Price: 1020.00 |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase 3" |
"En ste curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones web Movile first con MEAN Stack y Firebase desde cero! (Incluso si no sabes ningn lenguaje de programacin!)El desarrollo de aplicaciones Web involucra la configuracin y desarrollo del backend (todos los elementos del lado del servidor) y el desarrollo del frontend (todos los elementos del lado del cliente). En este curso de una serie de tres de Desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con MEAN Stack y Firebase, veremos la integracin de ambos lados: el del servidor y el del cliente.El curso completo est compuesto por 3 partes, de las cuales, sta es la tercera de ellas. El curso completo incluye todo lo necesario para desarrollar y publicar tus proyectos, desde la instalacin, los conceptos y lo que debes hacer para contar con una infraestructura pblica, segura y elstica (la cual tiene una capa gratuita, muy amplia):Introduccin al Stack de desarrollo: Angular 4, Node + Espress, Firebase, Firestore.Angular 4: Instalacin, configuracin, TypeScript, Directivas, Mltiples componentes y Hooks, Servicios, MaterialAngular, Servicios, Routing, InMemory, HTTP, LocalStorage y SessionStorage.Node + Espress: Instalacin, configuracin, Creacin API (get y post), Consumo de API - Postman.Firebase: Base de datos en tiempo real, storage, hosting y Firestore.Durante todo el curso hay ejercicios, tareas y lecturas complementarias que te sern muy tiles.Todo esto explicado de una manera sencilla y en tu propio idioma!NOS VEMOS EN CLASE!"
Price: 1020.00 |
hrbukphg |
Price: 2400.00 |
"Management Consultant Toolkit: Master the Art of Consultancy" |
"Imagine you could learn the techniques taught by the worlds top consulting firms such as McKinsey and BCG without ever working at a firm! What if you could put yourself in a position to earn a six-figure salary, not to mention maximize the efficiency of any business interests you have, all from the comfort of your own home? You will learn to: improve your day to day operations, develop your career and yourself utilize powerful consulting skills learn techniques and tool kits used in the management consulting industry Management consulting involves identifying and suggesting important changes to what a company does and how they do itdeveloping a working strategic plan and guiding its execution with optimum effectiveness. A management consultant learns everything about the product or service a company sells for profit and then finds more efficient and more profitable ways to sell that product or service. College graduates with management consulting degrees receive offers from top firms with compensation approaching or exceeding $90,000 in their first year alone. Experienced management consultants can earn well over six figures plus bonuses. These techniques even work in your personal life. Topics include: Basic Level Problem Solving Communication Skills Project management Interpersonal Skills Professional Level Industry and market analysis Company analysis Product strategy Process improvement Act now! Management Consulting Skills Basics, gives you unlimited access to over 40 training videos you can view on any device! You will receive step-by-step guides to marketing analysis, product strategy, process improvement, and company analysis. You will access in-depth case studies, templates, tool kits, and methodologies. In addition to 40+ training videos, read and refer back to our all-inclusive, 200-page powerpoint presentation. Lets create your success story together! Enroll right away to become the best consultant ever. Click on the link above."
Price: 199.99 |
"8051 Microcontroller - Embedded C and Assembly Language" |
"Learn 8051 micro-controller programming in detail using Embedded C and assembly languageThe course focus on learning through a hands-on approachGet Source code and simulation files on every program discussed.Learn software Programming software - KEIL IDE Simulation Software - PROTEUS Program downloading software - FLASH MagicLearn 8051 microcontroller interfacing with LEDs LCD 7 segments Switches Relays Buzzer DC motor Stepper Motor Analog to Digital Converter (ADC 0809) Temperature Sensor LM35 Bluetooth Module HC-05Learn 8051 microcontroller programming of I/O Ports Timer Counter Serial Communication (UART) InterruptsProject 1: Speed control of DC motor and LED dimming using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique. Project 2: Wireless control of LEDs using a Smartphone. Test what you learned by solving MCQs after videos.Interview Questions and AnswersExtra Learning material provided for an absolute beginner. Number System Binary LogicsStraight to the point explanation. Bonus LecturesJoin the group of 3555+ students. Get Certification of completionNote: use headphones/headset for better voice quality.Latest Updates:14/10/2019 update: Added 3 videos on Analog to Digital Converter05/10/2019 update: Added 5 videos on the stepper motor30/03/2019 update: Added Article 1. Working of Buzzer and it's interfacing with 8051 micro-controller (with downloadable resources)05/01/2019 update: Added Article 1. Interview Questions and Answers23/11/18 update: Added Bonus Lectures 1. Bit Masking in Embedded C 2. Bit Extracting in Embedded C 3. Bit Monitoring in Embedded C11/11/18 update: Added 1 video 1. Embedded C program structure9/11/18 update: Added 2 videos to help an absolute beginner. 1. Number systems 2. Binary LogicThis course is intended to give you complete details of the hardware and software requirements of 8051 microcontroller programming. This course will help you to understand the working of I/O ports, timer, counter, interrupt and serial communication (UART) in the microcontroller. You will be able to program 8051 microcontroller using assembly and embedded c language. The course will explain the interfacing of LED, switch, LCD, 7 segments with 8051 microcontrollers. This course will also help you to understand the process of burning the program into 8051 microcontroller and related terms hence will make you ready to create your own application project using 8051 microcontrollers. In the end, of course, you will be doing two application projects on 8051, one is a generation of PWM wave to control the speed of DC motor and second is wireless control of the device using your smartphone and 8051. The course makes it so easy to learn 8051 microcontroller programming, you will be building and testing out your own programs in no time. The course is delivered in such a way that anyone who takes the course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all the topics discussed. This course is packed full of practical step by step examples so that you are coding 8051 from day one. The same practical example is discussed in both Embedded C and Assembly language.I believe that doing practically without knowing the theory is half learning. Hence In this course, he will cover all necessary theories related to 8051 before start doing the practical session. I know your time is precious and hence delivers information straight to the point. The complexity of projects will gradually increase hence it advised to watch videos the way they are arranged. In this course, all the features of basic 8051 microcontrollers are discussed. The code used in this course can run on any advanced 8051 microcontroller device. The number of timers, serial, interrupts, I/O port and crystal frequency may vary depending on a microcontroller.I personally believe that if anyone wants to learn microcontroller or microprocessor programming then one should start with 8051 microcontrollers because it's easy to understand and program. Knowledge of 8051 microcontroller programming with assembly language and embedded C language will make you future ready and you can learn any complex microcontroller and microprocessor very quickly. "
Price: 2560.00 |
"SAP Smart Forms for beginners" |
"Course features1. Course focus on learning through a hands-on approach2. Straight to the point explanation.3. Get Source code on every program discussed5. Get certification of completion.6. Full lifetime accessTo make the best of this course Get access to an ABAP system and practice on itFollow the order in which lectures are arrangeBased on the title, feel free to skip certain partsUse given code for fast and correct resultsThis training course will give you a thorough insight into how the SAP Smart Forms works. The course makes it so easy to learn SAP SmartForms, you will be building and testing out you own SmartForms and driver programs in no time. The course is delivered in such a way that any functional consultant and technical consultant, who takes the course will have absolutely no problem in understanding all the topics discussed. This course focuses on learning through a hands-on approach and is packed full of practical step by step examples so that you are building SmartForms from day one.The instructor believes that doing practically without knowing the theory is half learning. Hence In this course, he will cover all necessary theory related to SmartForm before start doing the hands-on session.You will learn by watching the author actually perform the operation he is instructing on, as he explains step by step how to create smart forms and driver programs.Instructor knows your time is precious and hence delivers information straight to the point. The complexity of projects will gradually increase hence it advised to watch videos the way they are arranged. This course covers 8 theory sessions and 17 practical projects.You will be provided with the presentations of all topics covered in this course and driver program codes as study material.In this course you will find answers to the questions like what is SmartForm, its architecture and how it works. Then in the hands-on session, you will learn step by step about SAP form builder, style builder, table painter etc. This course covers hand on session on working of all node in SmartForms such as form Interface, pages, windows, loop, table, command, folder and many others. In this course you will also learn to write driver program/report program/application program to call SmartForm, barcode printing, printing several forms in one print request and saving SmartForm in PDF format etc. After completion of this course, you will be able to work with SmartForms on commercial projects."
Price: 19.99 |