"Building Better Guitar Solos" |
"Frustrated with your guitar solo skills?Are you just playing up and down pentatonic scales hoping that one day they'll become a solo?Are you tired of guessing what to play and want some solid answers?Do you find yourself playing the same solo in every song?Want a simple method explained clearly without music theory and jargon?Then you're in the right place! This course will teach you a bulletproof method for creating beautiful, richly melodic solos over any chords, in any key and any genre.No scale shapesNo guessing or fumblingSimple method""You were a fantastic conduit and guide. I know i'm a solid guitar player but have always lacked the organic feel of someone who can move around the fretboard."" B.V. Shaar""Great videos, by far the most comprehensive breakdown I've ever seen""Buddy T.B.Become a great lead guitarist using this simple method. Get started today!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Present like a management consultant" |
"Presentation and communication skills are more important than ever in todays business world. Scores of studies show that communications skills are at the top of the most desired skills for new hires. PowerPoint is the default method of communication in business, and yet, almost no one excels at communicating in PowerPoint. No one, except for management consultants that is. Consultants at the top three firms McKinsey, BCG, and Bain are experts at making complicated ideas understandable and driving business leaders towards making changes and implementing solutions. They have developed a system for how to do this, a system I can teach you. Believe it or not, their system relies on impactful presentationsin PowerPoint. I will teach you the same techniques that I learned as a consultant at BCG. These techniques helped me convince clients to implement ideas delivering hundreds of millions of dollars of annual impact. I moved into business development post consulting, and the same techniques apply to selling clients and convincing them thatyour proposal is their best option. In this course we will cover the entire presentation development cycle and learn how to: Determine your key message Lay out your argument with the pyramid principle Develop supporting arguments that are MECE Arrange your presentation into a compelling storyline Create attractive slides that are effective Utilize titles to avoid confusion Make good charts that support your key message Tailor your presentation to your audience Portray executive presence when speaking Present over the phone Sound smart Save time with tips and tricks in PowerPoint We will review the concepts and principles we discuss by looking at some actual McKinsey, BCG, and Bain slides to see how they used them. The work that consulting firms do is difficult, but the system they use to present their results is not. I can teach you how, and the difference it will make in your career can be trans-formative. I know it will be, it was for me. I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Java Game With Processing Library" |
"This course benefits anyone who wants to make 2D games. Iwill use Java with Processing library to cover basic game development. Youshould be able to writeJava at the basic level.Section 1: BasicsInstall ProcessingDraw a rectangleShow how toanimate objectsDetect mouse and keyboard inputsMake a clickable buttonAdd image and soundCreate Actor classSection 2: GameCreate PlayerDetect collision between objectsAdd score systemPublish thegame"
Price: 19.99 |
"Investire in bitcoin 2017: conosci il futuro!" |
"Capiremo insieme cosa il bitcoin e perch il suo valore sta crescendo, come funziona e come si usa. L'investimento in bitcoin pu avere dei rischi? Dove si comprano? Come si conservano al sicuro? Come posso spenderli nel mondo reale? E' un corso pensato per chi parte da zero e vuole padroneggiare il mondo bitcoin e gli strumenti fondamentali per investire. Il docente rester a disposizione sulla piattaforma per eventuali domande."
Price: 29.99 |
"Blockchain, bitcoin e criptovalute: corso pratico completo!" |
"Vuoi imparare la pratica di come comprare e conservare le criptovalute? Vuoi capire cosa la blockchain e quali opportunit di business offre nel concreto?Vuoi scoprire come nel 2017 le ICO abbiano reso milionari alcuni investitori?Vuoi imparare a creare la TUA criptovaluta personale in pochi minuti?Dietro le parole Blockchain e Criptovalute si nasconde una delle pi grandi opportunit mai concepite a memoria d'uomo. Tutta l'economia mondiale si sta interessando alla tecnologia blockchain, anche detta ""a registro distribuito"", poich permette un accesso pi economico e sicuro ai servizi digitali su scala globale. Conoscere l'economia dei servizi in blockchain e la finanza delle criptovalute pu rappresentare una opportunit irripetibile per chi volesse specializzarsi e intraprendere su questi temi.Questo corso un solido punto di inizio per esplorare questo mondo affascinante e sfidante, cominciando anche da una conoscenza pressoch nulla degli argomenti trattati. Lo studente acquisir passo passo una elevata cultura tecnica e competenza pratica sulle differenti applicazioni a registro distribuito, verr messo in guardia dalle numerose insidie e truffe esistenti, sar accompagnato nella manipolazione e nel trasferimento delle criptovalute.E' una innovazione paragonabile alla esplosione del web negli anni '90, resta da scegliere se viverla da spettatore o da protagonista!*Al termine del corso sarai indirizzato alla pagina Facebook del docente per scambiare opinioni e consigli con altri appassionati del tema, inoltre verr rilasciato un certificato di frequenza del corso.>>L'istruttore Edmond B., ingegnere e business developer, tiene seminari sul tema Blockchain e Criptovalute in varie Universit e coordina un gruppo di ricerca sul tema. Questo team ha sviluppato un gestionale per biblioteche su network Ethereum oltre che dei bot Telegram con segnali per il trading di criptovalute. <<"
Price: 199.99 |
"COM Marketing Essentials Course" |
"To get the results to propel your business forward with strength, consistency and profits every business needs marketing.With the online world constantly changing, a lot of fitness business owners are unsure of what is the best way to market their fitness business. Sometimes it can be easier just to place it into the too hard basket rather than learn the new age of marketing however it doesnt have to be this way. With our Step by Step Marketing Essentials Course, you will walk away feeling empowered, confident and gain clarity about Marketing Your Fitness Business.In the marketing essentials course, you will:Find Your Position of Power:Play from a place of strengths this year. Pick your position of power by showcasing your own unique strengths and discover your biggest advantage. The reason most businesses fail is because they are waiting to see what the industry trends are without understanding what their own position of strength is. Find out your position of power and how you can leverage it in your business and marketing.Target The Clients You Want:You probably started your fitness business to help create positive change to increase a healthier community. So, why not target through your marketing the exact clients you want with. Discover the tools and tactics of how to find your target market and work with them.Start Connecting:Understand the importance of creating a company manifesto which assists with connection to your current and future clients. Learn how to create a manifesto, outlining your vision, mission and values for your fitness business.Discover how to position your business as one of power and strength. Businesses in a position of power will be looked at as the leader in your industry and chosen as the best person or business when it comes to achieving the best results for YOUR clients.You'll find you will attract the most dedicated clients and have them lining upto train with you and equally provide you with the best profits that you've seen. When you discover this position of your own UNIQUENESS you will be the not only be the most sought after fitness, wellness expert but clients will stay for life.What's Included In The Marketing Essentials Program?Module 1:Find Your Position of PowerThe person who has the best position will always be seen as the leader the industry and will be looked to as the person who can provide the best results. When you define your position in your business you will be able to pick the position of strength where YOUcan be seen as the frontrunner in your industry.Module 2:Target The Clients You WantWithout having anyone to sell your services to is like saying ""all the gear no idea."" You can understand your position of strength but it means nothing if you can't enlist a new army of clients that believe in your position and that you will be the one to lead them to the ultimate results.Module 3:Start ConnectingIt's time to talk. We have the right position, we have the right targeting - now time to lead and never follow again. People buy with emotion. That is why the biggest brands spend missions on getting their clients to buy into what they believe in. They know that all purchases are all from how we will feel when we do it.What will it do to drive us. It's like starting a workout and knowing that it is hard at the start buy when you get into it you love it and you walk out feeling amazing.Module 4:Sales &Marketing FunnelWelcome to the COMfunnel! Through understanding this key part your sales and marketing process, you will open yourself up to create more clients that are eager to pay for your services now as well as those who may not be ready today, but will run to your business in the future."
Price: 29.99 |
"Make your own Olive Shea Butter Soap" |
"This is a very practical guide to home soapmaking for anyone who wants to make natural olive soap for himself, family and friends.Together we will prepare a kilogram of Olive soap, using a hotprocess method.I will show you all my tips and tricks in hotprocess soap preparing and you will have your ready to use soap bars same evening or next morning, depending on when you started.Course consists of 6 lessons plus bonus - detoxifying body scrub preparing lesson with recipe calculation and step by step process demonstration. PDF instructions and descriptions are also included.You will have to view the basic ingredients and equipment list, which is available in a free access. After you gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment, you may plan 3 to 4 hours of your freetime, during which, with my instructions, you will prepare your Olive Soap."
Price: 99.99 |
"C Language for Beginners" |
"This course is meant to teach how to write programs to beginners of programming. It teaches how to get started with programming using C Language. It covers the following topics of C language:Language ElementsControl statements - if and switchLoopsArraysChars and StringsUser-defined FunctionsPointersArrays vs. PointersStructuresText and Binary file handlingPre-processor DirectivesCommand-line ArgumentsDynamic Memory AllocationThis course lays a strong foundation for future languages such as C++, Java, C# etc."
Price: 1600.00 |
"Oracle Database For Beginners" |
"Learn how to use Oracle Database to store, manipulate and query data. It takes you from fundamentals of databases to creating program units to implement business logic and rules using PL/SQL. The following are major topics covered:What is DBMS and RDBMSHow to get started with Oracle Database 18c XE and Oracle SQL DeveloperHow to use SQL to retrieve, manipulate and create dataHow to group data using GROUP BY and HAVING clausesHow to use different types of joins to get data from multiple tablesHow to use subquery and correlated subquery to write complex queriesWhat is a view, advantages of view and how to manipulate base table through viewWhat is index and how index improves performance Implementing object-level security using object privileges How to create and use regular expressionsWriting PL/SQL blocks to process data Various control structures in PL/SQLHandling exceptionsExplicit and Implicit cursorsCreating procedures and functions to implement business logicCreating database triggers to implement business rulesDynamic SQL and collections"
Price: 2880.00 |
lp_works |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Audition CC" |
"Adobe Audition CCAudition CCAudition CCPremiere Pro"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After EffectsAfter Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Adobe MuseWeb" |
"Adobe MuseWebWebPhotoshopMuseWeb"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Audition CC" |
"Audition CC"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Audition CC" |
"Audition CC Auditon CCAudition CC"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"PhotoshopIllustrator WebAfter EffectsWebAfter Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After Effects3DWeb"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After EffectsTattoo3Dmocha for After Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After EffectsPhotoshop"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"WebAfter Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After Effects8"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"After Effects After Effects"
Price: 24000.00 |
"After Effects" |
"Premiere ProAfter EffectsAfter Effects10"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Lego Mindstorms EV3 ile Uygulamal Robotik Kodlama Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta Lego Mindstorms EV3 ile robotik ve kodlama renmi olacaksnz. renciler iin kodlamay ve robot yapmay elenceli hale getiren Lego markasnn tak kar rnlerini sensr, motor ve kontrol nitesi ileprogramlanabilir hale getirdii Lego Mindstorms EV3 seti ile byk kk herkes mhendislik almalarn ok basit bir ekilde yapabilir hale gelecektir.Bu kursumuzda sfrdan hi bir ey bilmeden,Uzaktan kumanda ile kontrol edilebilen robotarpmadan giden araba, izgi izleyen arabaLabirentten kan robotKzltesi sensr ile bir nesneyi izleyen robotDenge sensr ile arl deien tahteravalliyi srekli dengede tutan robotve hatta Zeka kp zen robot gibi uygulamalar kendi banza yapabiliyor olacaksnz.Yaparken elenecek, elenirken reneceksiniz.Ayrca setin iinde gelen birbirinden gzel zellikleri bulunan robotlar da yapabiliyor hale geleceksiniz.Kursun devamnda bu temeller zerine robotumuzu yapay zeka ve grnt ileme teknikleri ile kontrol etme uygulamalar da eklenecektir."
Price: 219.99 |
"Utan Uca SQL Server Eitimi" |
"nemli Not:Aada bu kursla alakal aklama var ancak genelde kartrlyor. Bu kurs SQL dili kursu deil. SQL Server ynetimi kursu. Eer SQL Dilini renmek istiyorsanz ve bu yzden bu kursu almak istiyorsanz, ltfen ""Uygulamalarla SQL reniyorum"" kursuna bir bakn.Byk verilerle ve bol bol uygulamalarla SQL Server' utan uca kefetmeye ve renmeye hazr msn?Bu eitim SQL Server zerinde kendini gelitirmek isteyenler iin sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar planlanm bir eitimdir.Eitimin en nemli zellii temel felsefe ezberden uzak, renme odakl olmasdr. Bunun iin bolca grafikler ve bolca uygulamalar ile teorik bilginin dnda zengin bir ierik barndrmaktadr.Eitim sizlerden gelen talep ve neriler dorultusunda ierik olarak zenginlemeye devam edecektir.Katlmclar eitim sonunda,SQL Server' doru ekilde kurma.SQL Server servislerini tanma,kurma ve konfigre etmeSQL Server sistem databaselerini tanmaOLTP Sistemlerin alma sistematiini renmeSQL Server da veritaban oluturmaSQL Server veri tiplerini renmeTablo oluturma ve ynetmeView oluturma ve ynetmeStored Procedure oluturma ve ynetmeFonksiyon oluturma ve ynetmeTrigger oluturma ve ynetmeIndex yaps hakknda bilgi sahibi olma ve doru indexleri oluturmay renmeTSQL komutlarna bir yere kadar hakim olmaSistem backup restore operasyonlarn ynetmeSQL Server profiler ile sistemi izlemePerformans sorunlarn tespit etme ve zmeSQL Server gvenlik risklerini tespit etme ve nlem almaSQL Server agent ile periyodik ilemler gerekletirmeSistem bakm planlar oluturmaSQL Server mail konfigrasyonu yapmaSQL Server log okumaKullanc yetkilendirmeFailover cluster altyaps renmeFelaket senaryolarna kar nlem gelitirme ve uygulamaByk veriler ile alma (1 milyar satrlk tablolar) gibi bilgi ve becerilere sahip olacaktr."
Price: 219.99 |
"Kurs tworzenia planw i wizualizacji nieruchomoci" |
"Jeste porednikiem nieruchomoci i chcesz przygotowywa oferty z profesjonalnie wygldajcym planem i rzutem mieszkania?Chciaby zaaranowa wasne mieszkanie i nie jeste pewien, jakie wymiary powinny mie meble, aby byy odpowiednie do kadego z pomieszcze?Chciaby podzieli mieszkanie na wiksz ilo pokoi?Chcesz wirtualnie przespacerowa si po mieszkaniu, ktre dopiero jest budowane?Chcesz zaplanowa home staging nieruchomoci?Dziki kursowi tworzenia planw i wizualizacji dowiesz si, jak w krtkim czasie przygotowa wszystkie powysze materiay!Czego dowiesz si z kursu?jak, od zupenych podstaw, stworzy plan nieruchomoci i jej okolicy;zaprojektowa wasn nieruchomo;zaaranowa wntrze;zaplanowa home staging;wprowadzi zmiany funkcjonalne w nieruchomoci;przygotowa wizualizacje wntrz;stworzy film video z wizualizacji;przygotowa wirtualny spacer po projektowanej nieruchomoci;opublikowa wirtualny spacer w mediach spoecznociowych."
Price: 84.99 |
"Kurs Astronomii dla pocztkujcych" |
"Kiedy rozmawiamy z przyjacimi na temat astronomii, bardzo czsto przekraczamy granice nauki, pynnie przechodzc w sfer psychologii czy religii. Bo jak w racjonalny sposb wytumaczy zjawisko nieskoczonoci, czy wielkoci wszechwiata. Na dzie dzisiejszy pojcia takie wykraczaj poza moliwoci poznania czowieka, ale przez to prowokuj do niezwykle ciekawych dyskusji i rozwaa.Z drugiej strony, dua cz wiedzy na temat planet, gwiazd, galaktyk, a nawet pocztku znanego nam wszechwiata, jest ju dostpna dla wikszoci osb. Teleskop, ktremu znaczn cz ycia powieci Galileusz, jest dzisiaj osigalny za kilkaset zotych, a posiada parametry optyczne, o ktrych odkrywca ksiycw jowiszowych nawet nie marzy. Przez to, astronomia staa si dla jednych dziedzin wiedzy, a dla innych hobby. To czsto ci wanie hobbyci w lokalnych spoecznociach wsplnie odkrywaj wszechwiat.Do takiej niesamowitej przygody chciabym Ci dzisiaj zaprosi. W kursie astronomii video z wykorzystaniem bezpatnego programu Stellarium dowiesz si, jak od zupenych podstaw, rozpocz eksploracj nieba. Bez wzgldu na pogod i sprzt obserwacyjny jaki posiadasz, poka Ci zaktki nieba, ktre od dzisiaj stan si dla Ciebie bardziej zrozumiae i bliskie."
Price: 69.99 |