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"Practical Music Theory 101 For Guitar"
"Do you want to understand the fretboard?Would you like to know how to build any chord?How about being able to play in any key?If you answered YES to these questions, then you're in the right place! My name is Henry Olsen, and I've been teaching guitar for eight years. I've taught thousands of students online and one-on-one, and have a 4.5 average rating after almost 3000 reviews on Udemy! Now it's time for me to show you basic, everyday, music theory and how it applies to the guitar. This course is full of practical, everyday examples and explanations that will turn YOU into a guitar wizard. You will:- Learn the musical alphabet and how to master it the easy way and save years of frustration and confusion-Learn to understand and build any chord with ease-Learn secret formulas and shortcuts that will save you months of confusion -Play and understand intervals in any key flawlessly-Instantly master and visualize the entire fretboard-Learn to develop and locate triads and ""triad islands"" all over the neck-Learn and understand all of the musical keys all over the neck with ease-Understand relative major/minor keys and how to use them-Learn sus2, sus4, 7th, minor 7th, 9th,11th, 13, diminished, augmented and many more types of chords-Learn and understand chord inversions and effective ways of using them-Master the major & minor scale in any key-Learn how the notes from the major scale are used to build chords within a key-Learn how to play and visualize the major & minor scale on any string-Learn how intervals relate to chords and their colorThe course also comes with ""in-video"" scales and charts, so it's easy to follow.Of course, you also get all of the files as a downloadable PDF so that you can learn anytime and anywhere!I've been testing and refining this course on real beta students for the past month, and their results have been off the charts! That's why I'm very confident that this course will be an incredible asset in your guitar journey.Imagine the next time someone asks you to pick up the guitar at a family gathering and NOW you can play songs everyone knows and enjoys with ease and confidence. You'll be the star at the party, and everyone will love you for it! After you join this course, you won't need to imagine anymore. I take you step-by-step and note-by-note through all the elements necessary to make this a reality in a short amount of time!!!The course also comes with a 42-page picture chord book, so you'll have an easy time following along with all the lessons.This method has WORKED on thousands of students, and I know it will work for you!Become the guitar player you've always dreamed of being and JOIN NOW!!!You won't regret it!Here are what some of my students have said in the past!""Just amazing, Can't ask for more simple and easy step by step learning. The good thing is I'm learning, and the instructor is proving to be the best. GladI found this course! Thank You, sir!""""I have just completed this course and would comment accordingly. Extremely well-constructed, laid out and balanced course, targeting all the key areas of guitars and gear. The information and advice provided by Henry Olsen gives the student a sound grounding and preparesthem for their journey ahead. I found the lectures most informative andstimulating and has further invigorated me to explore some new aspectsof my playing too. Highly recommended, and I would urge anyone, certainly a beginner, to work through this course. Thank you, Will.""See you inside!Henry"
Price: 199.99

"GraphQL by Example"
"More and more teams are choosing GraphQL instead of (or along with) REST for their web APIs. GraphQL queries give clients great flexibility in the way they request data from the server, preventing issues such overfetching or underfetching of data, and allowing multiple resources to be retrieved in a single request.In this course you'll learn how to use GraphQL both on the server side and in client applications through practical examples in the form of full-stack JavaScript applications. You will be introduced to all the main GraphQL concepts like schema definition, Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions, as well as to solution to common requirements such as handling authentication/authorization and client-side caching.The examples use Apollo Server with Node.js and Express on the backend, and Apollo Client with React on the frontend. The aim however is not just to cover specific GraphQL libraries, but to give you a more general understanding of the underlying concepts. For instance, Apollo Client is only introduced after learning how to write a simple client ""by hand"" to make sure you understand the GraphQL over HTTP format.That said, there is also a React-specific section at the end covering the latest Apollo Client with React Hooks integration library.This course assumes good knowledge of modern JavaScript, and ideally some familiarity with Node.js/Express and React."
Price: 49.99

"Modern Marketing with Seth Godin"
"Serve your customers, grow your business, make a difference.This is a course about getting the word to spread, engaging with the market and most of all, understanding how modern marketing can transform your project for the better.Seth Godin writes the most popular marketing blog in the world, is the author of the bestselling marketing books of our generation, and is known for his live talks and online teaching. For the first time ever, highlights fromhis fourmonths' long groupSeminar are now available as a self-paced solo course.There are plenty of people who can teach you shortcuts and fast tactics. This is a course for people who are truly willing to understand instead. A course for people who would rather do it right than hustle and hassle people. Once you work your way through the more than 45lessons, your strategy will become more clear, your empathy will deepenand you'll begin to see the market as it is, instead of merely wishing it to be what you want. This video-highlights course includes all the lessons, but not the case studies or discussions.More than 5,000 people have worked together learning from Godin's Marketing Seminar, but you might prefer the solitude and adjustablepace of a solo course. If that's what you're looking for, this is a great place to begin.Here's what marketing legend Jay Levinson had to say about Seth:Take Leo Burnett, David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach and Mark Twain. Combine their brains and shave their heads. What's left? Seth Godin.Isn't it time you did it right the first time?"
Price: 199.99

"Stress Management: Easy ways to deal with stress"
"Stress is one of the main creators of physical and emotional ill-health.Knowing how to prevent and resolve stress is vital to living a happy life.Many pain symptoms are created by stress and by the repression of stressful emotions.One of the best ways to overcome and prevent stress is to acquire and use the correct set of positive life-skills.This course will provide you with the life skills you need, and guide you throughout your life, no matter what age you are, so that you will always have a life filled with joy and happiness.If you follow the course and the suggested steps, no matter what your current life situation is, it will be changed in a positive way.The extent of the life changes that happen, are totally up to you.Chronic stress not only impairs our brain functions whilst we are stressed, but more importantly, it does lasting damage to our brain, as it kills braincells in our hippocampus. this means that, even we were not stressed anymore, the damage will still be there.Luckily, there is a lot we can do, as we will see in this course.First we will analyze stress. where it comes from, what it does, the different types of stress, etcAfter that, we will go over the different types of dealing with stress. I call them 'relief strategies' For each of them I will give concrete examples of what we can do to activate the benefits of that strategy. The Science behind the course...This highly practical course has been thoroughly researched to bring you the best in brain insights regarding stress.From brain structures to stress hormones, over survival instincts. We will dive deep in the reasons behind stress and the mechanics at handMore importantly, we will look at the different strategies to deal with stress, explaining the effectiveness of each and the reason why it works.Based on research from the UCLA and the NYU, there will be surprising, counter-intuitive insights, which will help you look at stress and how to deal with it, from a completely new perspective.Manage stress- before it manages you...Use cognitive relief strategies- and explore the power of your mindUse physical relief strategies- and let your body speakUse sensory relief strategies- and fight pain with pleasureUse emotional relief strategies- and walk a different path to beat stressAnd So Much More...such as survival instincts, hormones, brain structures, and so on ...Who is the target audience?Anybody interested in keeping their stress levels under controlAnybody with a keen interest in human behavior This Stress Management Courseis for you if:You have clients whoare overwhelmed by stress and want natural ways to deal with stressYou Have clients who areare looking for a proven stress management program that gets to the root cause of stressYou have clients who areare overwhelmed with anxiety and want natural ways to relieve anxietyYou have clients who areare looking for ways to balance your work and life so you enjoy life moreThis Self empowered stress management program shows you:How to go from stressed to success so you can love your work and lifeToday you will feel more in control of your stress and anxiety.Tomorrow you will get into action because the course gives you an incentive for applying what you learned.Next week things start to happen because you have a plan in the right order that guides you step-by-step. How willthis Stress Management Course Benefit You?I know you are busy and I have meticulously created this course with your success in mind. This training is no-fluff essential information you need to reduce stress and anxiety easily and quickly.Let me show you exactly how to manage stress by giving you a stress management plan like no other.You get insights and step-by-step instruction that show you how to reduce stress and anxiety and enjoy life sooner rather than later.You get the inside track on what you need to do plus the exact plan to make it happen in the right order.If that's something you would like to achieve, you have selected the right course to take. If you complete this entire course and implement everything you learn you will have a good solid foundation to build upon.Remember, it doesn't matter what stage you are at, I can show you how to reduce stress and anxiety and enjoy life."
Price: 34.99

"Professionell visualisieren mit Redshift in Cinema 4D"
"Der erste deutsche Kurs zu Redshift fr Cinema 4D ! Sei dabei !Mich hat Redshift von der ersten Minute an begeistert und habe diese Renderengine in meinen Berufsalltag integriert. Diese Begeisterung mchte ich nun mit Dir teilen und Dir alles zeigen, was Du fr den Einstieg in Redshift fr C4D brauchst.Dieser Kurs wird Dir ber die ersten Hrden bei der Arbeit mit diesem Plugin helfen. Ich werde Dir zeigen wie Du mit einfachen MItteln fotoreale Ergebnisse rendern kannst ohne Dich mit vielen Settings zu beschftigen. Eine der Strken von Redshift ist das ""Unified Sampling"". Ich werde Dir zeigen wie Du mit den Parametern umgehst damit Du Deine Renderzeiten optimieren kannst. Auch der Umgang mit Masken, Multipasses und Alphakanlen werde ich Dir zeigen, damit Du Deinen bisherigen Workflow schnell und einfach an Redshift anpassen kannst.Und weil es viel zu Redshift erzhlen gibt, habe ich diesen Kurs so entwickelt, dass der Einstieg richtig Spa machen wird, ohne mit tausend Parametern erschlagen zu werden:Und hier jetzt ein grober berblick was Du alles lernen wirst:Unified Sampling mit seinen Parametern richtig verstehen.Masken rendernUmgang mit MultipassesBeleuchten mit dem Arealight und Infinite LightSampleeinstellungen der Lichter verstehenGlobal Illumination richtig anwenden.Umgang mit der GI Methode Brute Force und Irradiance CacheBucket- und Progressive Rendering richtig anwendenDie Materialkanle in RedshiftTiefenunschrfe rendernCinema 4D vs Redshift KameraDu wirst im gesamten Kurs viele Mglichkeiten haben das gelernte Wissen anzuwenden. Es gibt Workshops, bungsaufgaben und zu jedem Kapitel ein Quiz und alle bentigen Dateien und Modelle liegen fr die bungen als Download bei.Du wirst nach dem Kurs merken, wie einfach es ist in Redshift tolle Bilder zu rendern.Und wenn Dir der Kurs nicht gefllt, kannst Du innerhalb von 30 Tagen Dein Geld zurck erhalten.Wenn Du mglichst schnell in Redshift fr C4D einsteigen mchtest, ist das jetzt Deine Chance.------------Folgende Steps sind in Planung:Step 2: Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt bei der Arbeit mit Nodes im Grapheditor. Es werden die ersten Nodes im Bereich Texturing erklrt, z.B. wie man Texturen miteinander vermischt, mit Bumps arbeitet, oder allgemein mit Texturen in Redshift arbeitet. Weitere Lichtquellen, die Global Illumination und weitere Setting werden angesprochen. Anschlieend ist man in der Lage mit Texturen fotoreale Bilder zu erstellen. Auch hier handelt es sich um einen abgeschlossenen Kurs.Step 3: Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt in fortgeschritteneren Nodes zur Materialerstellung. Es wird die Arbeitsweise fr Interiorbeleuchtung behandelt. Der Irradiance Cache wird weiter behandelt, rendern von Caustics, forgeschrittenere Settings von Redshift werden besprochen. Nach diesem Step ist man in der Lage professionelle Interiorbilder zu erstellen.Step 4: Hier werden einige Spezialthemen behandelt. Z.B. Subsurface Scattering, Proxies, Renderoptimierungen, anspruchsvollere Einstellungen (System und Memory Settings), Volumenlichter, speziellere Nodes wie UserData, Rayswitch, Shaderswitch, Fresnel, Triplanar kommen auch nicht zu kurz. Weitere Shader werden behandelt, wie CarPaint, Hair und Particles. CameraMapping und dazu gibt's noch ein paar Tipps und Tricks. Der letzte Step gibt dem kompletten Kurs noch das letzte ""I-Pnktchen""."
Price: 59.99

"Planificacin de Rutas de Logstica con Excel"
"Descripcin:La eficiencia en Rutas de logstica se mide por varios factores:-La distancia y tiempo entre puntos debe de ser uniforme. Para la planificacin se puede utilizar la herramienta de ST Mtricas con Google Maps que dice la distancia y el tiempo aproximado de recorrido. En curso se explicar cmo utilizarla.-El espacio y volumen aprovechados en cada transporte. Evitar que los transportes tengan espacios vacos.-Identificar los clientes que demandan el uso de Logstica y determinar si es rentable cada envo.-Los productos que ms se envan por Logstica.-Determinar el costo-beneficio por kilmetro recorrido por cliente, producto y transporte.En este curso usted aprender y practicar con el libro de Excel includo a tomar los datos claves para el anlisis de Rutas de Logstica. Ejemplo: origen, destino, distancia, tiempo de recorrido, hora llegada y partida, clientes, productos y volumen-peso envado.Usted podr investigar los horarios ptimos para el reparto a distintos puntos. Adems de saber la rentabilidad del envo de productos a los clientes."
Price: 24.99

"Tableau:Business Analysis->Geo Maps,Trend Lines,Clusters"
"Tableau is a Business Intelligence tool to explore the factors that need to be attended to get more revenue and marketing strategies. This course will teach you how to use Tableau to identify the Products-Clients-Locations that get your business highest revenue. Also the edges where you need to improve a marketing strategy to level the sales and earnings.Tableau Geo Maps are key to show charts of the locations that need more promotion. Will help you to identify what are the different groups of data automatically. For example: Automatic visualization of groups of Products and Locations classified by Gross Revenue.You will learn to play scenarios in a movie that will show your partners how the results change according to different dates and criteria.The course also will teach about advanced trending charts to see what would be the near future of our results.The version of Tableau used is 10.5"
Price: 24.99

"SAP Lumira: Business Analyst-Stories-Geomaps-Charts"
"This course will teach youSAP Lumira Discovery from a Business Analysis point of view. Doing a practical research of the products and clients that generate the most gross revenue compared with the Total Invoiced. Use Geo Maps to see where are the cities and states with best sales and profits. Master-Detail tables are everyday use like invoicing. In this course, you will learn how to use LUMIRA Discovery to buid a relation of tables using primary and foreign keys."
Price: 24.99

"Qlik Sense: Find new Sales and Revenue segments"
"Traditional Business Intelligence answer questions like: Whatare the top selling products on X region for A,B,C clientsandhow are the salesperson for the first quarter of the year.QlikAssociative Technology is the new approach to find new SalesSegmentsgiving information of what regions are not buying the Topsellingproducts and what are the clients that are not part of this revenue.In this course, you will learn to explore this GRAY areas of dataand improve your target market strategies to get more revenue."
Price: 24.99

"Passive Income Investing And Side-Gig Mastery!"
"Passive income is money we earn automatically with very little effort.With advances in technology there are now more ways than ever to generate multiple streams of income that can make a significant difference in people's lives.Unfortunately, many are not aware of the various opportunities that exist or if they do not how to effectively execute with them and they end up not maximizing their income or even worse losing money.THIS COMPLETE COURSE WILL TEACH YOU ALL ABOUT HOW TO GENERATE PASSIVE INCOME FROM CLASSIC INVESTMENTS TO NEW AND EXCITING SIDE-GIG OPPORTUNITIESNot boring theory or a get rich quick scheme just practical instruction on how to maximize today's opportunitiesand protect yourself from losses.RegularPassive Income can be generated by anyone without leaving your current job or even getting a part-time job. The goal is passive income automatically generated with very little effort not adding a tremendous amount of work, research, or a part-time job.In this course you will learn all about:Concepts + Opportunities + Leveraging TechnologyPeer-To-Peer Lending (P2P)Master Limited Partnerships (MLP)Rental PropertiesReal Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)Home Sharing (Airbnb/VRBO)Real Estate Crowd-sourcingDividend StocksBondsCashAnnuitiesSide-Gig Passive incomePrivate Equity & Crowd-sourcingNext Steps to implement what you have learned.Plus Much Much More!!!This is an awesome flagship course which means you get:Hours and hoursof video based HDlessons.Screen-Cast Demosthat walk you through concepts step by step.Lifetime accessto the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzesthat will test and confirm your knowledge.Ask questions directly of the instructorand every one of those will also be answered.Supporting Linkswith more information to deepen your learning.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investment or side-gig but an educational exploration of the opportunities so you can make the best choice that meats your financial goals.No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click thebutton in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99

"Investing In Blockchain Stocks (NEW)"
"Like the early daysof the internet, wehave an opportunity to invest in company stocks who areleveraging the potentially pervasive and disruptive power of Blockchaintechnology of which Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is just the first and early recognizable outcome of the application of this technology that will be very disruptive and pervasive acrossmany industries.As investors, getting in early on key trendsis critical to our success and investing in companies who are early adopters and developing the Blockchain can be very advantageous. Plus, much less risk involved that investing in Cryptocurrencycoins like Bitcoin and Ethereum as investing in the stock market is much more established, easier to do,and less volatile.THIS COMPLETECOURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL INVESTING IN STOCKS WHO ARE LEVERAGINGTHE BLOCKCHAIN TO GROW THEIR BUSINESS AND THEIR STOCK PRICE.Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who is a long-time successful investor and a top Udemy instructor that you can replicate and apply to your own financial and investing goals.In this course you will learn all about:""Have we seen this before? and Linkage to Early Internet InvestingBlockchain OverviewWhere Do These Stocks Fit In A PortfoiloGrowth & Income Stocks Both Have Options To Invest InBlockchain Stock Sectors such as Technology and BankingExamples of Companies Using Blockchain TodayHow to Narrow Down Investment ChoicesKey Ratios To Evaluate Blockchain Related StocksEmerging Area Of Blockchain Related Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)Evaluating Mutual Funds & ETFImpact Of Government RegulationFuture Predictionsand Much Much More!Next Steps so you can implement what you have learned immediately.Complete course with:Hours and hours of video based lessons and screen-cast demonstrations.Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzes that will test and confirm your knowledge.Ask questions directly of the instructor and every one of those will also be answered.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund as only you know what is right for your portfolio and your comfort with risk and volatility. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.Investing in stocks can be fun and really fun when you do it well and investing in emerging technology can be very exciting.No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99

"Create Animated Explainer Videos with PowToon"
"If you are looking to start creating your OWN Animated Explainer Videos, rather than paying someone else to do it, youve come to the right place! Explainer videos are proven to engage audiences and increase retention. These videos are great for business commercials, startup advertisements, presentations, and even lessons for students created by teachers.You can have little to no video production or animation knowledge to get started! The goal is to learn the basics of how to use PowToon, advanced techniques within the program, find out about valuable royalty free resources,and finally to approach the designing of explainer animations with a more artistic eye.I have over 7 years of experience working as a freelance video producer & designer, and am also a Certified PowToon Ambassador. I hope my experience, knowledge and advice can help you create explainer videos that inform & captivate your audiences attention!"
Price: 19.99

"Internet Cyber Security und Privacy Spezialist"
"Erlernen Sie Methoden der Bekmpfung von Online-Bedrohungen wie z.B. durch Hacker, Malware, Exploits, Viren und anderen kriminellen Personen, welche es auf Ihre Daten abgesehen haben. Werden Sie selbst zum IT-Sicherheitsexperten  auch ""Cyber Security Spezialist"" genannt  mit diesem leicht verstndlichen Kurs, geeignet fr Anfnger bis Fortgeschrittene. Dieser Kurs deckt viele grundlegende Methoden ab, wie z.B. die Bedrohungserkennung und Risikobewertung. Wir gehen auf die wichtigsten Betriebssysteme ein, wie Windows 10, MacOS und Linux. Dazu sehen wir uns auch noch weitere spezielle Linux-Distributionen an, welche sich der Anonymitt im Internet und der Anwendungsisolierung widmen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen der Betriebssystemsicherheit, Datenschutzfunktionalitt und welche Probleme und Gefahren das neueste Windows 10 mit sich bringt, zu verstehen. Des weiteren sensibilisiere ich Sie und zeige Ihnen, welche Mglichkeiten die Regierungen und Geheimdienste mittlerweile haben, um sie auszuforschen und an Ihre Daten heranzukommen. Wir besprechen die Grundlagen der Verschlsselung, wie eine Verschlsselung funktioniert und welche Verschlsselungsarten derzeit existieren. Sie werden Methoden kennenlernen, um geflschte E-Mails zu erkennen und wie man sich vor Betrug schtzen kann. Sie wissen nach Abschluss dieses Kurses mehr ber die IT-Sicherheit als 99% der Bevlkerung. "
Price: 149.99

"Excel im Bro-Alltag - Individualisieren und Organisation"
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen, die beruflich viel mit Office-Programmen zu tun haben und den besseren Umgang mit Excelerlernen wollen.Lernen Sie effizienter mit Excel zu arbeiten und Ihre Tabellen besser zu nutzen.Unter anderem lernen Sie folgendewichtigePunkte fr den Bro-Alltag:IndividuellesArbeiten und Einrichten mit ExcelExcel als Kalender fr die Organisation zu nutzenErstellen von wiederverwendbaren Vorlagen um schneller zu arbeitenStundenberechnung fr die ArbeitszeiterfassungLieferdatum berechnen und bercksichtigen von geschlossenen TagenExcel-Tabellenin Wordeinbinden und diese als RechnungerstellenBeschdigte Excel-Mappen zu reparierenBedingte Formatierungen anzuwenden um spezielle Ereignisse hervorzuhebenTipps & Tricks fr effizientes Organisieren"
Price: 69.99

"Zum Excel-Profi Daten-Management, Eingabe & Produktlisten"
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Personen, die beruflich viel mit Office-Programmen zu tun haben und den besseren Umgang mit Excelerlernen wollen.Lernen Sie Daten-Management, Arbeiten mit Produkten und Zahlen in Excel im beruflichen Umfeld mit vielen ntzlichen Tipps&Tricks.Unter anderem lernen Sie folgendewichtigePunkte fr den Bro-Alltag:Dateineingabeeffizient steuernAktuelle Wechselkurseaus dem Web in Excel importierenDatenberprfung fr ZellenRollen-Funktion nutzenDoppelte Werte hervorheben und verhindernArbeiten und Umrechnenmit Maeinheitenwie Quadrat-, Kubikmeter undHhen- und LngenmaenVersandkosten berechnen anhand von Gewichten oder PreisenArbeiten mit sehr groen, negativen ZahlenRangreihenfolge,die hchsten und kleinsten Werte ermittelnSVERWEISE mit INDEX und VERGLEICHMatrixfunktionen nutzen undmit multiplen SVERWEISEerweitern ber mehrere SpaltenWeitereTipps & Tricks freffizientesOrganisieren"
Price: 69.99

"Out Of Depression, FAST."
"Be relieved from the DEPRESSION KILLER PAINFUL thoughts and emotions? From the FIRST day NOT after 10 to 40 session of traditional therapy. Just FAST, PROVEN and effective simple steps. TIRED OF Pains AND Fears Tired of the depression horrifying black thoughts, and so painful emotions? Feel slipped to the bottom of a dark, inescapable place? Locked in a room with no light, windows or door? Feel like your mind is changed by something else that makes you feel and see yourself worthless? Not and will not be loved? Filled with fears, and always ask endless what if? Numb to life sad all the time? Living in the fog all the time in a world without colors? Feel noting is enjoyable? Tired of being switched to depression by minor things you dont even recognize? Tried many things to be relieved and have a bit of, like have therapy or doing some fitness, and think yes this works, Im a little bit better and you may even have some fun and good times, then the depression hits again, and may hit harder? If you just continue to deal with depression in the same traditional way for just 1 year from now, HOW MUCH of UNBEARABLE PAIN in your HEART, MIND, and SOUL will you suffer?? And if you think of suicide it is the ETERNAL SUFFER. ME too: This is ME 7 years earlier, in the bottom of the black dark prison with no hope, because of series of losses, pass over of my dad and my mom, diagnosed with CANCER and had about 25 I.V sessions and 2 months oral chemotherapy and 37 sessions of radiotherapy over 6 months, and thank God Im free for 5 years now. In this 5 years I dig deep inside myself and inside 5 branches of traditional and nontraditional psychology, and after A LOT of prototypes and improvements, I have now a blueprint that worked excellent on myself and my clients that can: SOLUTIONS TO RELIEF YOU - Break your depression cycle wherever and whenever you need, and you tasted A TINY piece of in the webinars you attended, I will give you the scientifically PROVEN KNOW-HOW so whenever you are in the beginning of depression you can break it before you slept down deeper. measure your PAIN before and after applying this 2 minutes process and see yourself, MANY of my clients TOTALLY forgot what they were complaining about when they did this 2 minutes process by their hearts and minds - Enjoy relieving and enlightening journey where youll Dive deep inside yourself, and start to expose the hidden causes of depression that led you to that evil believes that youre not worthy or not loved, this is never used before, and will let you expose it ONCE and then we will ELIMINATE all these evil stuff. Measure your PAIN before and after applying this and see yourself - Dive deeper inside yourself, and use a cutting-edge enlightening tool- never used before- that will let you expose all the rest deep berried roots of depression from your childhood and from every other piece of your life that can trigger depression. Measure your PAIN before and after applying this and see yourself. - Start to CLEAR and CURE all of that to be RELIEVED like never before - Start your way to build your happiness, by discovering yourself like never before, discover how to thrive for success and happiness, even if you think now no way, you will discover after removing ALL the pain roots form your life HOW TO THRIVE FOR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS - Continue your way to build your happiness by improving the 5 areas of your life proved to BOOST happiness into your life, presented in the easiest and most inspiring easy steps - How to boost your happiness using the so powerful tool, which is the therapeutic guided meditation many times during the course-never used before- which is the second level up of therapy, to give you the benefit of most advanced therapy sessions delivered into a deeply relaxing meditation Can I ask you? - HOW MUCH DID depression COST YOU? PRICELESS PAIN and MISERY, MODERATE performance or even failure in work? Ruin your relationship? .. Depression is the most painful and coasty disorder ever! -HOW MUCH does 10 therapy sessions costs you? 500$ to 3500$ and you may need to complete 40 sessions of at least 10000! And you have SOME relief, and when any trigger pops up, you have depression attack again! What if you now can RELIEF yourself like NEVER BEFORE, form all the HIDDEN CAUSES of depression that NEVER EXPOSED before + BUILD and ENJOY your happiness + having PRICELESS BOUNCES PRICELESS BOUNCES (EXTRA BENEFITS) - HOW to do a 5 minutes end of day THERAPY for yourself in the easiest efficient way- typical to that of therapist- which I and all therapist usually use to clear ANY depression triggers from your daily life, to keep yourself relieved and happy, to prevent formation of the first part of the iceberg of depression (AT LEAST 4000$) - MEGA THERAPEUTIC GUIDED MEDITATION sessions to heal and clear and to build your happiness, and you tasted in the webinar my MINI therapeutic guided meditation session, what about having 4 MEGA ones, you will have them ONE by one!! If the traditional ways of therapy are effective you must be happy and free from depression SO you supposed to be happy and not depressed?? So you have to be elsewhere! Be relieved then be happy like never before By exposing and eliminating all the hidden causes that never reviled Then build your happiness by proven easy steps From the FIRST day NOT after 10 to 40 session of traditional therapy IN BRIEF, YOU WILL HAVE - Be RELIEVED by breaking depression whenever and wherever you need with simple proven ways, measure your PAIN before and after applying this 2 minutes process and see your self - Be RELIEVED and enlightened through our diving journey deep inside yourself to expose the hidden causes of depression that led you to that evil believes that youre not worthy or not loved. Measure your PAIN before and after applying this mini-journey and see your self - Be RELIEVED and enlightened through our diving deeper to expose ALL the other berried causes of depression like never before. Measure your PAIN before and after applying this and see yourself. - Be RELIEVED through unique clear and heal journey and at the end use the one of king MEGA therapeutic guided meditation - Start your way to build your happiness, by discovering yourself like never before, discover HOW TO THRIVE FOR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS, even if you think now no way! - Boost your happiness by improving the 5 areas of your life PROVED to bring you happiness, presented in the easiest and most inspiring way. - How to boost your happiness using the so powerful therapeutic guided meditation which is the second level up of therapy, to give you the benefit of most advanced therapy sessions delivered into a deeply relaxing meditation - PRICELESS BOUNCE 1: HOW to do a 5 minutes end of day THERAPY for yourself in the easiest efficient way (AT LEAST 4000$ cost yearly) - PRICELESS BOUNCE 3: MEGA THERAPEUTIC GUIDED MEDITATION sessions to heal and clear and to build your happiness. Enough, be relieved then be happy like never before NOW By exposing and eliminating all the hidden causes that never reviled Then build your happiness by proven easy steps From the FIRST day NOT after 10 to 40 session of traditional therapy"
Price: 199.99

"Childhood Trauma Fast Relief."
"Relieve childhood traumas (emotional, physical, sexual) FAST. With new innovative fast efficient 4 steps therapeutic technique. WITHOUT medications, blah blah or weird stuff! Just FAST, PROVEN and effective simple steps. Are you suffering from anxiety or panic attacks? Suffering from a chronic or ongoing depression? Unexplained or irrational fears of people, places, or things, so you AVOID people or specific situations, with no clue why you do that? A feeling of SHAME, you are BAD, WORTHLESS, or NOT WORTHY to be loved? Flashbacks during your daily life, and nightmares about it during sleep? Feelings of detachment, you are dissociated from what happen around you? Suicidal thoughts are about to fire? Do you know past childhood traumas have dramatic effects in spoiling your current relationships as adult? (please watch the free 2 lectures) Tried many things to be relieved and have a bit of, like have therapy and think yes this works, Im a little bit better and you may even have some fun and good times, then the traumatic so painful memories hit again from nowhere? If you just continue to deal with past traumatic events in the same traditional way, or just NEGLECT IT as usual, for just 1 year from now, HOW MUCH of UNBEARABLE PAIN in your HEART, MIND, and SOUL will you suffer?? And if you think of suicide it is the ETERNAL SUFFER. As a therapist, live coach plus unique expertise in nontraditional psychology, I reinvented a new innovative easy 4 steps therapeutic technique that will help you so much in relieving past childhood traumas ( you can review my other unique courses on depression) You will master: What keeps trauma alive beneath and hard to be relieved? and how to eliminate it? What things keep you stuck in trauma? and you will challenge and beat it. The 4 steps easy therapeutic technique to address, access and finally process traumas for good. Do a practical life example how to beat emotional and sexual traumas! Challenge and beat the evil negative believes and stuff like, Im not worthy to be loved, and my eternal destiny is shame and humiliation! Then I will lead you to find your way to happiness and succes. Can I ask you? - HOW MUCH did neglecting past childhood traumas COST YOU? PRICELESS PAIN and MISERY, MODERATE performance or even failure in work? Ruin your relationship? -HOW MUCH does 10 therapy sessions cost you? 500$ to 3500$ and you may need to complete 40 sessions of at least 10000! And you have SOME relief, and when any trigger pops up, you have traumatic memories attack again! What if you now can RELIEVE yourself from past childhood traumas like NEVER BEFORE? In the PRIVACY and comfort of your home + BUILD and ENJOY your happiness? I cant promise to do magical changes, but I can promise if you take a decision to relieve yourself or just give it a shot- that you will relieve any past childhood trauma like never before, and then will start to find your way to true happiness and success Enough, be relieved from childhood traumas (emotional, physical, sexual) FAST With new innovative fast efficient 4 steps therapeutic technique. WITHOUT medications, blah blah or weird stuff, Just FAST, PROVEN and effective simple steps."
Price: 199.99

"Life Coach yourself to Success (Life&Relationship)."
"Want to achieve extraordinary success in life and relationships? By using cutting edge scientifically proved mental hacks? With least amount of anxiety and exhaustion. By using cutting-edge 4 easy steps life coaching program. Whatever your state now, you can enjoy achieving REAL success in life and relationships in general, using these cutting edge 4 easy steps life coaching program.Tired of searching for success in life and relationships? Tired of trying your best and get limited or no success? Tired of setting goals in life, and yes, you may have some results, but cant achieve a great success as we all aim for? How to dream about achieving great success in life and relationships, If you just continue to deal with your life in the same way, that brought you POOR results? Sure you have to use more advanced techniques.I help many people who want to transform their lives using the best cutting-edge mental hacks, as a therapist, life coach and from the unique experience in positive psychology, NLP. I formulated all of that into a 4 so easy steps or mini-challenges, that will lead you to achieve real success in career and relationships, but really, its the result of augmenting and merging many mental and psychological techniques, into that so easy 4 steps challenge. In this course, youll master Instead of tons of complicated researches and talks, you will master just so efficient 4 steps formula of 1-What is bigger than a life goal that all the superstars have in common? And why many people may set a life goal and fail? How to avoid that? Then you will know How to shift your mind to set what is bigger than life goals, in life, career, and relationships in the best way effortlessly? 2- How to prepare yourself to achieve that extraordinary success in career and relationship, in the best possible way with least amount of ANXIETY. 3-How and where to get a huge extraordinary help? MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, and EMOTIONALLY, to GRAB that extraordinary success, to stand out from the crowd, and this is so advanced mind technique you will never find elsewhere? 4-How to work and achieve that extraordinary success in career and relationship, with least problems, How to turn all of that into a HABIT OF SUCCESS PLUS you will get a bonus of how to find and eliminate negative devilish thoughts and beliefs in the easiest way, that hold many people back, and may cause failure Can I ask you? -How can you wait for a big success from a poor results methods? -HOW MUCH does 1 life coaching session cost you? And you may need to achieve big success in life and relationships? What if you can now have a complete life coaching program maximally simplified into 4 steps mini challenges? To help you achieve a real big success in life and relationships?Enjoy achieving a real big success in life and relationships. With least amount of anxiety and exhaustion By using cutting edge 4 easy steps life coaching program"
Price: 199.99

"Calculus I - Introduction to Derivatives"
"Are you struggling to grasp the concept of derivatives in Calculus I?  Struggle no more!  This course will teach you how to use all of those rules and formulas, including:The Constant Multiple RuleThe Sum and Difference RulesThe Power RuleThe Product RuleThe Quotient RuleThe Infamous Chain RuleCommonly used derivative formulasYou'll learn how to use all of the above by watching thoroughly explained examples and working through over 30 practice exercises.  Every single practice exercise comes with a solution!  And by solution I don't mean just a final answer.  I mean they all come with explanations of how to actually get the answers.You'll also learn how to find derivatives using the limit definition, how to find derivatives using the alternate limit definition, how to find tangent lines and normal lines, and how to find higher order derivatives.So if you're tired of not understanding derivatives in Calculus I, or if you just need a refresher or a little bit of help, or even if you just want to learn something new, enroll now!"
Price: 49.99

"Instant Pot Master Course: Guide To Pressure Cooking"
"Welcome to an exciting new way of cooking that will transform you and your family into leading a healthful, tasty and an environmentally conscious lifestyle.I'm Jyoti Sawant, Cookbook author and Culinary Instructor, creator of best-selling cooking courses. Id like to present this unique Instant Pot Master Course, the first of its kind on becoming an expert in cooking with the Instant Pot. Instant Pot, the most popular bestselling electric pressure cooker, is buzzing on social media. It is no surprise that Instant Pot cookbooks are flooding the market. But even the worlds best cookbook is not enough to explore the fullest potential of this beautiful and versatile gadget. So here is a course that will unleash the secrets to mastering your Instant Pot by showing you the nuances of how it works.Your Instant Pot is still in the box? overwhelmed with all the buttons that you see? worried about the safety of pressure cooking? wondering if it was worth your investment? In this course I will show you in a fun and visual way, how to use every function and program, making you a master of this fine cooking instrument.You will learn everything about your gadget from start to finish. I will step you through from cooking something as simple as boiling eggs to complex desserts such as cheesecake. And all this by just using pre-programmed functions on the Instant pot. Completing this course, in just a few hours, will leave you feeling confident about using your Instant pot daily and excited about having fun in the kitchen again. Wondering just what to do with all the hours you get back in your busy schedule? Join a community of millions of enthusiastic Instant Pot owners and start sharing your love with them.This course is just the beginning. My other Instant Pot courses are coming soon, to take you deep into the wonderful world of Instant Pot recipes.Buy this course now and lets get started!Note - this course does not imply any affiliation or endorsement by the makers of the Instant Pot electric pressure cookers. The InstantPot brand is owned by Instant Brands Inc."
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)"
"Life Cycle Assessment (a.k.a. Life Cycle Analysis)is commonly abbreviated to LCA and is an International Standard. LCAis amethodologyused in environmentally-conscious manufacturing and supports the analysis of environmental burden accumulated during the product life cycle, with the intention of driving improvement programmes. There are several benefits of LCA which are discussed throughout the course but they essentiallyboil down to theimprovement of environmental performance of products, systems and the related processes.One key innovation offered bythis course is that all the learning of the fundamentals of LCA is done through a powerful visual knowledge model. A visual knowledge model is a formidableasset that logically describes subject matter andit, therefore,captures all the main concepts and theirrelationships in order to explainthe context ofLCA. This visual knowledge model is made available for you to download in this course.The curriculum is split into a number of sections starting with the introductory section, followed byan explanation of how to interpret the visual knowledge model, through to the elaboration of the various phases of the LCA methodology.These phases are:goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and life cycle interpretation. The course also sheds lighton the approaches that promote improved environmental performance such as eco-design.Consequently, this course is targetedat individuals who are aspiring to become product engineers, manufacturing engineers, industrial designers, etc., or any technology or engineering-related field. The course is also aimed at professionals who work in product-oriented functions like supply chain, buying and merchandising, etc., wishing to learn about LCA as a discipline in product development and improvement. The course can also be taken if youworkas project manager, change champion, programme manager, etc., but have no prior knowledge of LCA. Additionally, even if you are not a technical individual, you may take this course if, for example, you wouldlike to learn about a great tool to apply in the context of corporate social responsibility, from an environmental standpoint.The bottomline is: if you careabout the topicsofsustainability and sustainableproduct engineering, then this is the onecourse you would not want to miss out on!"
Price: 64.99

"Music Theory Made Simple"
"YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO READ MUSIC TO TAKE THIS COURSE!This course is a comprehensive music theory course dedicated to all musicians of any level or instrument. It will start at the very beginning and go all the way to advanced levels. Its focused on Scales, Chords, Chord Progressions, Arpeggios, Ear Training, and much more. This course is for those who have never learned anything about music theory, all the way up to advanced professionals who just need to brush up on their knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete jQuery Course - Beginner to Professional"
"This course has everything you need to use add jQuery to your skills as a web developer!Loaded with FULLpractice exercises to help you learn with ALLSOURCECODEINCLUDEDWith over 12 hours of training, exercises and challenges, it's the most comprehensive jQuery course available on Udemy!You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level and your instructor will complete each project with you step by step on screen with source code provided.Inside the course, you'll build a color guessing game, form exercise, YouTube API AJAX data application, combo lock game and much much more!You'll learn how to:Adding jQueryTraversing and selecting elements with jQueryPage manipulations and DOM interactionEvent triggers page trigger and moreClass and styling with jQueryForms with jQueryjQuery Page animationsAJAX and JSON with jQueryYou'll get friendly support in the Q&A area and all the source code available for download.This Offer Won't Last ForeverYou will be amazed at how easy it can be to do some much. Best of all jQuery syntax just makes sense!Go ahead and hit that ""take this course"" button to start learning the jQuery Today.jQuery is still the most popular JavaScript library available, in fact over 19 Million websites use it and its used in almost 5000 libraries. jQuery Knowledge should be part of any front end developers skill set and its a natural choice for anyone who is familiar with CSS and JavaScript. jQuery provides web developers and easy way to create interactions with web pages.Basic understanding of the JavaScript Document Object Model and CSS is suggested as a prerequisite to this course. this course covers everything you need to know in order to start creating amazing web applications using jQuery.Course covers how to do cool things with jQuerySetup and start using jQuerySimple element manipulationMaking selections of elementsGetting and setting element attributesLooping and multiple item selectionSelecting by Order odd evenTraversing the tree structure for better selectionClick events and how to apply them to elementsMaking element interactive and dynamicFiltering of selectionsAdvanced traversing of the DOM treeWorking with forms and getting dataEvent listeners and optionsHiding showing elementsUpdating element content, appending and prepending of contentChecking for classesPage content manipulations text html and moreGetting properties of elementsAnimations and amazing effects with jQueryjQuery utilitiesAJAX JSON and working with DataNext steps of jQuery UI and pluginsTaught by an instructor with over 19 years of web development experience ready to answer your questions and help you learn jQueryWhat are you waiting for join now and start creating your own amazing applications."
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript for beginners - Quick JavaScript Fundamentals"
"JavaScript is the technology that makes things happen online. Learn how to create Dynamic and Interactive web pages applying JavaScript. This course covers all the core fundamental concepts like variables, arrays, objects, functions, loops, conditions, Document Object Model Basics and more.JavaScript isFast and Responsive relatively easy language to get started with. All you need is a browser and you are ready to create JavaScript. LearnJavaScript to HTML web pages works across browser.JavaScript is powerful extending the functionality of web pages.Executed on the front-endThis course covers the core fundamentals of JavaScript, so that you can get started or refresh your knowledge of how JavaScript work quickly. Designed as a fast paced informative course that guides you to learn and practice JavaScript.Learn how to create variables, objects and ArraysExplore functions how local and global scope work and how to return values and pass arguments into functionsSee how to apply logic with conditions and ternary statementsSave time with loops do while and for loopsInteract with your web elements connect via the Document Object ModelTaught by an instructor with over 19 years of web development experience, ready to help your learn more about JavaScript."
Price: 99.99

"jQuery Practice Project for Beginners Lock Combo Guesser"
"One of the best ways to learn is to work on a project, this course is perfect for anyone looking to practice jQuery by building out an interactive mini game. The game itself includes an interface with 3 numbers that the users needs to guess. Once the user updates the number they can make a guess at the combination, the return shows if the number guess is low or high or if the number has been guessed. All the logic and interactivity is compliments of jQuery and JavaScript.Source Code is included so you to can build the application or a similar or an even better one :)As much as possible of the application is jQuery even going out of our way to apply styling all done via jQuery. Why not its good practice and focused on teaching and demonstrating jQuery in action.Build dynamic and interactive applications with ease using jQuery. This course will show you how.This course requires knowledge of jQuery, JavaScript DOM, CSS, and HTML. Its designed to walk through building a web application from scratch focused on practicing the use of jQuery. We use jQuery for everything including the CSS, at the end of the course we produce a fully functional mini application. Work along side the lessons and try the code, source code is included.Taught by an instructor with over 19 years of web development experience ready to answer your questions and help you learn more about jQuery.Join me in the fun project: practice and learn more about jQuery!!!"
Price: 199.99

"jQuery Practice Game Project for Beginners Color Guesser"
"Course is designed to practice using jQuery in this unique mini project that builds from scratch a color guessing game. The lessons walk students through setup of the game play area using HTML. Then building out the game board using jQuery and JavaScript. Applying logic via JavaScript and getting values manipulating page elements all done in jQuery.Core focus is on jQuery and how to make amazing applications from scratch using jQuery.This course requires knowledge of jQuery, JavaScript DOM, CSS, and HTML. Its designed to walk through and practice using jQuery in a min project designed with jQuery. This course demonstrates using jQuery to build a fully functional application. Focus is on jQuery and using it were possible within the application. Work along side the lessons and try the code, source code is included.This course is taught by an instructor with over 19 years of web development experience, ready to help you learn jQuery and answer any questions you may have.Join now and start practicing using jQuery today see what you can build."
Price: 199.99

"jQuery API Exercise Youtube Data WebSite"
"Get DATA from YouTube and use it in your own web applicationsPerfect course to practice and learn more about jQuery AJAX and JSON.Become more familiar with jQuery and working with what AJAX is and how you can use it to get JSON data. In this project we show you how to connect to the YouTube Developer API and pull in video data and information. This API is perfect to practice and get more comfortable with APIs. There is so much data and its fun to work with.Source Code is included to get you started quickly.Please note this course is focused on an EXERCISE building an application from scratch using jQuery. Prerequisites for this course include HTML, CSS, JavaScript DOM and jQuery.The objective is to allow students to practice and explore what can be doneCourse is taught by an instructor who is passionate about jQuery and ready to help you learn more about using jQuery.Join now and see the amazing applications you can build with jQuery.By the end of the course you will have the knowledge to build your own version of the application and make even better ones ;)"
Price: 199.99

"JSON Checklist Practice Exercise Learn JSON"
"Learn to use JSON within your application.JSON is the most common format for data transfer between programming languages online today. Learning to use JSON and how to manipulate the data, make use of the data is essential for any web developer. This course will help you learn more about data simulate how a project is built from start to finish.***** Please note there are prerequisites to this course such as JavaScript and HTML! *********** JavaScript and HTML will only be covered as necessaryand the course is not designed to teach all aspects of JavaScript only those relating tousing JSON data asJavaScript objects.The scope of the course is focused strictly on JSON and working with JavaScript objects. We guide you through building and use of simple JSON structured data, and then rebuild the JSON structure to make the data more flexible.This course is designed to get you more familiar with JSONhow you can get the object data and use it within your JavaScript. Your instructorwill complete each step of the processwith you,on screen with source code provided.You'll learn how to:Structure information in JSON formatWhat JSON is and how to use it within JavaScriptHow to loop through dataHow to Output the JSON data contents into your HTMLHow to rethink your data structure to be more dynamic and versitileBuild dynamic elements in JavaScript that have event listenersUpdate your HTML using JavaScriptSave a JavaScript object as JSONConvert a string to a JavaScript Object and then back againGet data via HTTP XML request objectPractice JSON and enjoy building out this task list from scratch - source code is included to get you started quicklyYou'll get friendly support in the Q&A area!This Offer Won't Last ForeverPerfect course to learn more about JSON and have an opportunity to practice with full explanation."
Price: 199.99

"Complete JSON AJAX API Course - Beginner to Professional"
"Prefect course for beginners to learn AJAX and JSON!!! Step by step learning with all steps includedLoaded full of examples and code snippets that can be used to build upon, practice and get comfortable with AJAX. Top developer resources, helpful tips and many many open APIs to practice with all included. Source Code also included so you can jump right in and start building applications.JSON is the preferred format for data being transferred between coding languages. Its easy to read, create and work with. Learn about JSON how it works and how you can use it within your own applications.AJAX provides the ability for your JavaScript code to make http requests to get data and update your page content with the new data. The data is commonly in JSON format which makes it ideal for use within JavaScript applications.Together AJAX and JSON are used everywhere and go hand in hand powering many of the top web applications and providing users what they expect from modern websites.Technologies used within this course : JavaScript, HTML, CSS,Nodejs, AJAX, jQuery, SQLite, plus several npm packagesJSON - JavaScript Object NotationA lightweight data-interchange format which is easy for humans to read and writeLearn what JSON is and how to use it with JavaScript.Explore how to read and write JSON objects.Iterate thru JSON data and output data contents into your web page HTML elements. Build JSON in a dynamic format for better versatility and management.Event Triggers : How to trigger event listeners to use JSON data within JavaScript. Saving JavaScript data as JSON formatted content. JSON objects and Strings in JavaScript, conversion and manipulation.Getting JSON using HTTP XML request object.Exercise : practice JSON by building out several mini projects including a task list from scratch which stores content into local storage and retrieves local string content converted back in usable JavaScript objects.AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLAJAX for building web based interactive applications that process user requests immediately. No page reload bring data into your application. Explore how AJAX works and how it is used in web applicationsSee what Fetch and XHR are and how they work to get dataConnect to external content and data, load it into you application and output the data for the user.Exercise : Using AJAX to connect to a web API and retrieve random user information.Learn how to use AJAX to get a txt file contentExercise : Use AJAX to retrieve jokes from an API and output the response data into your website.Find out how to use Fetch and make AJAX requests using FetchExercise : Simple POST and GET to server using Fetch and xHR AJAX. Posting form data to a server using FetchAJAX made easy with LibrariesExplore AJAX using two of the most popular libraries online. They solve the problem of cross browser differences in XHR requests and provide a seamless easy to apply experience when using AJAXUsing jQuery or Axios for AJAXThe easy way to AJAX with optionsjQuery AJAX and shorthand ajax methods.Exercise : Connect to various web APIs using jQuery and Axios - Build simple AJAX mini applicationsjQuery Explore how you can use this most popular JavaScript library to do more with less coding.Lightweight library option : Axios provides a seamless AJAX approach that works off promises.JSON Server for AJAX practice LocallyOften when using AJAX locally we run into CORS errors or others, JSON server provides the perfect resource to easy setup and practice running a local JSON ready server. Send POST and GET requests and a whole lot more.Learn how to set JSON server locallyTop resources to practice AJAX requests during development like PostmanExercise : Create a front end application to connect to your JSON server and send data. JavaScript and HTML to setup user interfacePractice making an AJAX request to the local server. Posting to JSON server using JavaScript AJAXExercise : Practice exercise to build interactive application driven by local json DB data.Add more options and even search the local database. Amazing easy to use JSON server options like searchExercise : Mini application to store user info into the database.Google Sheets as a data source for AJAX requestsExplore using Google Script along with Google Sheets to output data from your sheet. Learn how to connect that data to your applications. Apps Script is a scripting language for light-weight application development in the G Suite platformStep by step instruction on how to setup Google Sheets with a web app outputting data as JSONUse AJAX from your web application to get that data into your JavaScript code.Extend this even further using Google Apps Script. GET and POST to the Google Script web app adding and retrieving data in JSON format.Exercise : Send and retrieve data from Google Sheets. Create a user list as Google Sheets used as a data source.Exercise : Connect to a web API for user data and add it easily into your form to send to your Google Sheet.AJAX using xHR request, Fetch, jQuery and AxiosDifferent options for AJAX requests are explored and presented for comparison. Step by step lessons to help you learn AJAX.Explore the various ways to make AJAX request while building and learning about the 4 different methods presented within the course.Exercise : fully functional mini tester application where you can input a URI and make AJAX requests. AJAX retrieving JSON data from popular end pointsUsing AJAX request data for your applications from popular APIs like YouTube and Wikipedia. Learn how to navigate web APIs and use the data within your projects.Exercise : Connecting to Wikipedia API and exporting response data from APIExercise : Connecting to YouTube and Wikipedia using search to query and return JSON data to use within your webpage.JavaScript AJAX based trivia application exercise Explore using popular APIs to build interactive and dynamic applications.Exercise : Connecting to trivia API and sorting response dataExercise : Using response JSON to output and build dynamic content for users to interact with.RESTful API setup and developmentUsing Node, jQuery, JavaScript, SQLite, learn how to setup and connect a database to a RESTful API.Explore how to setup a Restful API! GET, POST, PUT, DELETEExplore how the terminal can be used to setup a backend server using Node.js. Command line interface simple commands will be used to navigate and seutp folders.Learn how to setup an http server using node ready for localhostUsing web resources like postman test your routes and endpoint responses. API web resources Postman CRUDSetup your routes for a Restful API GET POST PUT DELETEUpdating with adding a SQLite Database to hold dataExercise : Mini application to send and retrieve user information from server database.RealTime Push messaging ExerciseUsing pusher setup a real time messaging application that pushes data to open pages. Send and retrieve data in real time instantly.Explore how to integrate web services into applications.Use AJAX requests to send data to web servicesExercise : Build a simple real time messaging application from scratchAJAX fetchrequest API ExerciseExplore how to builda simple Crypto Currency web application from scratch. Perfect exercise to learn more and practice different request options as well as explore how to customize data for frontend output.Setup a local server using Express and practice AJAX requests locallyAvoid local CORS errors and sending requests from the backendUserequest to connect to web APIsMultiple ways to make AJAX requests including fetch and jQueryExplore retrieving and updating API data on the backend before it comes to the frontendExercise : Build a custom Crypto currency information applicationAJAX Twitter API ExerciseExplore the Twitter Developer API connect from your local machine. Use AJAX JavaScript and Node to setup twitter search.Learn to setup a local server request web contentConnect to the Twitter API return MASSIVEamounts of data Search and exploreAccess Tweet objects and get JSON data to your webpagePOSTto Twitter from your webpageGETtweet objectsExercise : Build a mini application to search tweets and post to twitter.This course covers everything you need to learn about JSON and AJAX, including practice exercises, loads of examples, source code and step by step training. Along with friendly support in the Q&A to help you learn and answer any questions you may have.Try it now you have nothing to lose, comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. See what you can build with AJAX and JSON!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"AJAX JavaScript XHR and Fetch"
"Welcome to our introductory course for using AJAX -Asynchronous JavaScript And XMLAJAXallows web pages to request small chunks of data (such as HTML, XML, JSON, or plain text) and display them only when needed. This is achieved by using APIs like XMLHttpRequest or Fetch API. These technologies allow web pages to directly handle making HTTP requests for specific resourcesTypically when a user goes to a website the user has to wait for the server to respond with the data. This is not the case as with AJAX we have the option to load the data when the user is already on the page making the user really happy.This course covers making AJAX requests using the XMLHttpRequest as well as the newer fetch. Use JavaScript to send requests, receive response content and use the response data to output into the html. JavaScript is at the center of it all connecting the web page content to the server data and doing all the work in between.Course CoversHow to setup a localhostWhat Fetch and XHR are and how they workHow to load an external files into the JavaScriptHow to connect to web apis and load dataUsing JavaScript to read response content and make use of itExercise to build a random user loaderUsing AJAX to get a txt file contentExercise Getting Random Jokes to output on a websiteUsing FetchExercise Posting form data to a server using FetchPractice AJAXSource Code is includedFriendly support in the Q&AsectionTaught by an instructor with many years real worldweb development experience ready to answer your questions and help you learn AJAX.What are you waiting for take the first step start learning AJAX and experience the amazing things YOUcan build with AJAX?"
Price: 199.99